William Frank Dickinson
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The Bolton Township census of 1873 lists W. F. Dickinson, age 61, unmarried.
The Bolton Township census of 1880 lists W. F. Dickinson, age 68, and his wife L. B. Dickinson, age 23.
Traveler, December 13, 1876.
W. H. Dickinson, the earliest resident of Bolton, is adding greatly to the appearance of his farm. Mr. Dickinson has the best selection of fruit and forest trees, grape vines, and evergreens in the county. Take it all in all, "Dixie" is the most desirable place in the Southwest.
Traveler, March 13, 1878.
"Uncle Frank" Dickinson is contemplating building an addition to his mansion in Dixie. "Uncle Frank" says he has apricots in full bloom. He understands horticulture and makes it his business; therefore, he will haul fruit as early as the earliest.
Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Mr. W. F. Dickinson, for many years one of Bolton township's best farmers, is now in California. While en route he thus writes from Los Angeles, Calf. "I fetched up in this beautiful city, of 15,000 inhabitants, where all is life and energy and business carried on on a large scale. All that is most beautiful here is artificial. The mountains are bare, bleak, and scraggy, and the valleys are not so pleasant as Kansas valleys."
Traveler, April, 12, 1882.
W. F. Dickenson is expected back from California sometime this month.
Traveler, May 24, 1882. W. F. Dickinson, one of the oldest settlers in Bolton Township, returned to his first love, from California, yesterday. We think he has come to stay this time, and commend him therefor, for he owns one of the best improved places in the township.
Traveler, August 29, 1883. The land sales of last week were of some magnitude, and a boom seems to be setting in that will amost double the price of real estate. Mr. W. F. Dickinson’s fine fruit farm brought $9,500; and Mr. Joseph Bossi sold his farm for $3,500.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883. Obituary. DIED, at the residence of Mr. O. Stevenson, in this city, of consumption, on Thursday, September 13, 1883, in the 72nd year of his age, Wm. F. Dickenson, of Bolton Township, Cowley County, Kansas. The funeral took place the following day when the remains were laid to their long rest in the Mercer Cemetery. The deceased was born in New York state on Oct. 11, 1811, but moved with his parents to Iowa when but a child and afterwards made his home in Bloomington, of which he was for many years a resident and one of its earliest citizens. In the memorable gold excitement of 1849, the deceased crossed the plains, and returning, subsequently made several trips to the Golden State, where he resided for seven years. About twelve years since he came to Cowley County, locating, in Bolton Township, where he lived till his decease, at which time he owned one of the best fruit farms in the county. His last hours were soothed by the presence of his nephew, Mr. R. S. Light, of Mercer County, Missouri, who was summoned by telegram to the bedside of his dying relative. In the death of W. F. Dickenson, we lose one of our oldest and best farmers, and an honest and upright citizen.
Traveler, September 19, 1883. A Card. The relatives and friends of the late W. F. Dickenson desire to express their thanks to the parties who so kindly ministered to him in his last sickness and can assure them that their kind offices will ever be held in grateful remembrance.