Disser Family


Joseph Disser.
Creswell Township March 1, 1875, Census.
Joseph Disser, age 31, Place of birth: Indiana. Where From: Indiana.
Reference to two shoemakers...believe this was to Disser and Horn...
Emporia News, February 17, 1871.
The Traveler says of Arkansas City:
“There are now eight dry goods and grocery stores, one drug store, one hardware store, one bakery, two hotels, three boarding houses, one billiard hall, one blacksmith, two shoemakers, two land agencies, two milliners, two saw mills, two meat markets, three physicians, ten carpenters, two tinners, one stone cutter, two masons, and lumber yard, in Arkansas City. Besides these, there are two religious denominations (Methodist and Presbyterian), one primary school, Good Templars Lodge, Literary Society, Anti-Tobacco Society, Singing School, Dancing Club, and various other societies and institutions.”
Disser or Horn...Believe this refers to Disser!
Walnut Valley Times, February 2, 1872.
[From the Winfield MESSENGER.]
TISDALE. This enterprising little town has voted $1,300 bonds to build a good school- house. They certainly mean business out that way, and they feel proud of their section of the coun­try. They have two stores there at present, a shoemaker and a blacksmith shop. Persons desiring good claims can find them by going to this young town and making inquiries. The people are accommodating and will do all they can to assist you to a new house.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
JOSEPH DISSER has arranged a new shoe shop one door south of J. I. Mitchell’s, where he will be glad to have his old customers call, and new ones come in to try him.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
JOE DISSER has a jour.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1877.
MARRIED. At Winfield, on Thursday, April 26th, by Rev. Platter, Mr. JOSEPH DISSER and Miss KATIE BIRDZELL, both of this county. The lonely and dismal surroundings of a bachelor’s life were too much for the genial and lively disposition of Joseph, and hence he has acted upon the wise and noble example of his forefathers, and taken unto himself a partner for life. Keeping “batch,” mending breeches, and living alone no longer is
Not for Joe, Oh, no, no,
If he knows it, not for Joseph.
Excerpt from Winfield Correspondent, called “L”...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
Jo. Disser stopped with his bride at the Central Hotel Sunday night. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1877.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following are the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge during the months of April and May.
Joseph Disser and Katy Birdzell.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
JOE DISSER will open a shoe shop in town this winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
BIRTH. A happy man is Joseph Disser. Tuesday evening of last week dates the birth of his first-born: a daughter.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
BORN. On Sunday last June 17th, 1883, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Disser, a daughter.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1884.
DIED. Died at her home in north Creswell Township, on Wednesday, May 21, Katie, wife of Joseph Disser, after an illness of several months. The deceased leaves a husband and several children to mourn a wife’s and mother’s love and to them in this their hour of sorrow, we tender our sincerest sympathy.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s parents at Flag Station, June 20, by Rev. Fleming, Jos. Disser, Esq., and Miss Emma Morton.
[Flag Station??? That is a new one to me.]
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.
D. W. Burns, who is working Joseph Disser’s farm, on Saturday brought in some specimens of his potato culture. The varieties were Irish Cap [Cup?], Peachblow, and Mammoth Beauty. Our friend Burns is from Irish and Dutch stock, but his skill as a potato miner shows that the Irish element predominates.

I was plumb amazed at the limited amount of items relative to Joseph Disser. In the very early days, at any rate, he really kept his name out of the newspapers.