J. H. Doty
[Son of Levi Doty.]
Winfield 1874. Levi Doty, 45; spouse, Irena, 36.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Levi Doty 48 m w Indiana Illinois
Arena? Doty 38 f w Illinois Illinois
George P. Doty 19 m w Illinois Illinois
Sarah J. Doty 17 f w Kansas
John H. Doty 16 m w Kansas
Charles F. Doty 15 m w Kansas
Joseph E. Doty 12 m w Kansas
Isabell Doty 11 f w Kansas
Andrew Doty 9 m w Kansas
Richard Doty 6 m w Kansas
Rosella Doty 2 f w Kansas
Walnut Township 1881.
Levi Doty, 53; spouse, A. Doty, 44.
C. F. Doty, 21. No spouse listed.
G. P. Doty, 25. No spouse listed.
J. H. Doty, 23. No spouse listed.
Walnut Township 1882.
Levi Doty, 54; spouse, Arena, 36.
C. F. Doty, 23. No spouse listed.
G. P. Doty, 27. No spouse listed.
J. H. Doty, 24. No spouse listed.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
UNCLE BILLY RODGERS and LEVI DOTY have gone to take a squint at the yellow dirt in the Black Hills country.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. J. H. Doty has purchased the Hoenscheidt property on Millington street.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. J. H. Doty has opened an exclusive cigar and tobacco store on Main street in Mrs. Harris’ old stand.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
J. H. Doty, tobacco and cigar dealer on Main street, is about to dispose of his interest in the business. He has been made a liberal offer as engineer on an eastern road by his former employers.
Mrs. (?) Doty, who lives near Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Dr. T. T. Davis of Marion, Kansas, has been visiting our town for the last year as a specialist in the treatment of chronic diseases, in connection with Dr. Wells of our city, as an assistant, extirpated a large cancerous tumor from the breast of one Mrs. Doty, who resides near Winfield. The operation was well borne, and up to the present time she is doing well.
Mrs. (?) Doty...
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
DIED. A little child of a Mr. Rutherford, staying at Mrs. Doty’s, died of diphtheria last week and was buried on Thursday, and the third this week. The family recently arrived here and one child was down with the disease when they came. Care is taken that it shall not spread.
Mrs. (?) Doty, who lives near Winfield...
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
A Few Ideas and Cases of a Winfield Physician.
Dr. T. T. Davis, the specialist in the treatment of chronic diseases, has been absent from his office in Winfield for the last four or five weeks visiting patients in other counties, but has now returned and can be found at his office with Dr. Wells of this city, where he can be consulted by all who may desire his assistance in his line of specialty. The Doctor makes the following report of two cases of cancer successfully treated while gone. Mr. Richard Cook, of Belle Plaine, Sumner County, Kansas, came under his treatment December 6th for what his former physicians called and treated as Epithelioma cancer, which had involved one side of his nose and cheek. Nine days from the commencement of his treatment, the cancer came out, and in 26 days he was perfectly healed, with a sound cicatrix. Also Mr. David Holder of Florence, Kansas, took treatment for an Epithelioma cancer of the mouth. Three of his front teeth were removed and the lingual gland from under the tongue, which had become contaminated with cancerous deposits, was also removed. This case healed rapidly and was well in 21 days after the operation, and the dentist now has his order for new teeth. I seldom resort to the knife in the treatment of these cases, but there are extreme cases which demand its use. It was my painful duty a few weeks ago to have to amputate the mammary gland for a Mrs. Doty, who resides near Winfield. I was called by telegram to her relief. I found her laboring under, as it were, the sentence of death. No hope could be gleaned from the fruitful mind of her learned medical counsel. To let this malignant conglomeration remain was sure death, and to remove it by amputation, she could not survive the shock. This was the dilemma in which this lady was left by her medical attendants, as I am informed. Any surgeon can easily imagine the fitness of this lady’s nervous system for a surgical operation. I found her discouraged, worn down, and very despondent, with almost a complete loss of nervous force. I was compelled to postpone the operation for 24 hours in order to bring about reaction of the nervous system essential to the operation. Then, assisted by my friend, Dr. Wells of Winfield, I very carefully removed the malignant mass from the breast by excision. Th operation was well borne. Right here, if you will notice, the fallacy of human prediction was unveiled. I left her in the care of Dr. Wells. I am bound to say I never say anyone get along better than she has, and at this writing only six weeks of time has elapsed, and the wound has almost healed. There is no evidence of glandular deposits, as is often a sequel to this operation. Everything is hopeful in her case so far, and I am here to say that old Aesculapius himself does not know but what this lady will yet make a good recovery in spite of the former ordeals she has passed through, medically and therapeutically considered. I again say that this operation is a painful one to perform by any surgeon who has any feeling or sympathy for the female sex. I believe that we as surgeons would never have this barbarous act to perform if our subjects were properly diagnosed and therapeutically treated when they should be. I can give many cases in reference to the support of this assertion. A display of professional style will not disperse a mammary tumor, nor will the copious display of instruments and wise looks do it. A little good sense, well cultivated and possessed by an humble practitioner, is the best medicine. It will always win. I am aware of the fact that old superannuated medical books will stand contrary to me in this article, as well as some doctors, but my response to this is: dear authors and doctors, this is a progressive age in which we live. DR. T. T. DAVIS.
Turned out that the lady who had cancer was the wife of Levi Doty. By 1883 this family was living in Tisdale Township according to the next item...
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
DIED. Mrs. Doty, wife of Levi Doty, of Tisdale Township, died from the effects of cancer Monday. She was buried on Tuesday in the Winfield Cemetery.
Levi Doty moves to Winfield...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
How We Boom! From the books of H. G. Fuller & Co., we copy the following sales of city and county property made by the firm between the 6th and 18th of this month. It is a wonderful record in real estate movement.
WINFIELD CITY PROPERTY. C. S. Shue to Levi Doty, house and 3 lots: $500.00.
Charles F. Doty...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Judge Gans has invested the following parties with authority to commit matrimony during the past week: Chas. Doty and Sarah Mounts.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Married, at the Baptist parsonage, on the 1st inst., by Rev. J. H. Reider, Chas. F. Doty, and Sarah G. Mounts, both of Cowley County, Kansas.
Levi Doty...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
The petition of J. N. Harter and ten others for sidewalk on north side of blocks 188, 208, 228, and 248; sidewalk petition of Levi Doty and fourteen others, for walk on west side of blocks 192 and 193; petition of L. H. Webb and fifteen others, for walk on east side of lots 5 and 6 in block 134 and on east side of lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in block 135; petition of V. E. Bartlett and 18 others for walk on north side of block 202, and on east side of the property on Andrews street between Fifth avenue and Fourth street were referred to the proper committee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Juror’s fee: Levi Doty, $2.00.