W. B. Doty
Winfield 1874. W. B. Doty, 32; spouse, Florence, 25.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Wm. Doty 31 m w New York Ohio
Florence Doty 26 f w Indiana Wisconsin
Leila Doty 8 f w Kansas
Mary Doty 6 f w Kansas
Lulu Doty 3 f w Kansas
Nettie Doty 1 f w Kansas
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
A CALL. Soldiers Reunion. We, the undersigned, late Soldiers of the Union Army, take this method of calling a meeting of the Soldiers of Cowley and adjoining counties to meet at Winfield, October 18th, 1873, for the purpose of getting acquainted and having a good social time. W. B. Doty, Co. F, 2 Kan. Cav.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
The following ladies and gentlemen were appointed as committees to make preparation for the Oyster supper to be given by the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church on New Year’s eve.
COMMITTEE ON DISHES, ETC. Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Darrah, Mr. Maris, W. Doty.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.
Ye Editor went to Arkansas City last Monday. Here is what he says. “In company with W. M. Boyer, Esq., we borrowed one of Darrah & Doty’s splendid rigs and went on a flying trip to Arkansas City. Of course, we called on C. M. Scott of the Traveler, and found that gentleman in one of the finest furnished offices we have seen anywhere; we concluded that C. M. was making money, and that his patrons were that kind of men that make a city. . . .”
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
New signs are all the rage now. We notice one on the St. Nicholas restaurant, and one upon Darrah & Doty’s Livery stable
Paper shows “Lela” rather than “Leila” Doty, daughter of W. B. Doty...
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.
Report of Winfield Graded School for the month commencing April 27th, and ending May 22nd, 1874. Intermediate Department. No. of pupils enrolled during the month: 48. Average daily attendance: 30. No. cases of tardiness: 30. Average time lost by tardiness: 5 minutes. Names of scholars neither absent nor tardy: Oliver Newland, Jordan McDonald, Mary Davis, Sylvia Darrah, Katy Davis, Lela Doty, Jennie Hulshopple, Alice Hill, Jennie Weathers. MRS. T. A. WILKINSON, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
Darrah & Doty have the contract for sprinkling main street during the season.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
City Treasurer’s Report. The City of Winfield in account with M. L. Robinson, Treasurer, June 15th, 1874. Receipts. June 6. By Darrah & Doty, license livery stable: $5.00.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
RUNAWAY. Day before yesterday a team belonging to Darrah & Doty and attached to a buggy in which were Mrs. Darrah and child, and Mrs. Hewins and two children, became frightened and started to run. Mrs. Darrah, who was driving, had almost gained control of the team when a lot of more than useless dogs ran out and frightened them with their barking. In turning the corner at the Lagonda House, the buggy was upset and they were thrown to the ground. Mrs. Darrah was picked up insensible and for a time it was thought she was dangerously hurt, but a careful examination disclosed the fact that no bones were broken. She is at this writing doing well, and will be around in a short time. Mrs. Hewins and the children escaped with a few external bruises.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.
Last Tuesday was about as lively a day as we have seen since the fourth of July. We were first startled by seeing crowds of men and boys dashing up the street and disappearing in Curns & Manser’s office, and, not wishing to mourn alone, we soon found ourselves standing on a chair in the aforesaid office gazing at the struggle of two of our prominent lawyers, who were trying their wind and muscle in a scuffle, in which neither had an occasion to crow over the victory, they being about equally matched. The only one we felt sorry for was Justice Boyer, who adjourned court about a minute too soon to fine them for contempt.
The crowd next gathered at Darrah & Doty’s livery stable where a couple of our citizens were trying the effect of chairs and fists upon each other’s heads. They were separated before either was hurt.
Before the crowd had yet dispersed from the scene of this mill, they were startled by the news that the prisoners were escaping from the jail, and off they hurried to see what could be seen. Bozark, the fellow who was caught with Hill’s horse in Independence, and put in quod the day before, had been at work at one of the windows, and had so far succeeded that it is acknowledged that if he had been allowed to work another hour, he would have been able to walk out without any trouble; he had taken off the casing of one of the windows by some means and pried the bars nearly out of it.
We next sauntered into the courthouse, where the delegates to the convention which met yesterday were chosen, which being over, we quietly returned to our respective business. We were expecting that the excitement of the day would finish with a fire, but were fortunately mistaken.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
For Sale or Trade. THE WELL KNOWN HORSE, “Young Wellington,” will sell for cash or exchange for stock or land. The horse will stand at Darrah & Doty’s livery stable, in Winfield, from Sept. 1st to Sept. 5th.
Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.
Bob Drummond, a late employee of Darrah & Doty’s, has sold his house and lot in Menor’s Addition to Burt Covert, and gone back to Illinois.
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
The Morris Bros., and Darrah & Doty have each fitted up a snow scow, which they denominate by the name of sleigh, and let to boys by the hour so that they might all take a sleigh-ride while the snow lasts.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Business Directory.
DARRAH & DOTY. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Good stock and vehicles always on hand. Transient patronage solicited.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
We have ample stable room to accommodate a large patronage, and we endeavor to give satisfaction in charges and care of stock. We keep the best of buggy and carriage teams, with light convenient vehicles. Stable on Main Street. WINFIELD KANSAS.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Messrs. Darrah & Doty, livery men, advertise their stables. This is one of the oldest livery firms in the city, and do a prosperous business. They have good teams, buggies, carriages, etc., and those who patronize them will learn that they have dealt with gentlemen.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
Strayed or Stolen. From the pasture of Wm. Wright, seven miles south of Winfield, on the Walnut River, on the night of the 22nd inst., three Indian ponies, described as follows: One black mare about 7 years old, white star in forehead, shod smooth in front and heavy plate corks behind; one black horse about 8 years old, brand, figure 1 inside a circle, on shoulder, shod same as mare; one bay mare two years old without shoes. A liberal reward will be paid for the ponies or any information which shall lead to the recovery, left at the stable of Darrah & Doty, in this city, or with Mr. Wright.
Lela Doty...
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
A report was given relative to pupils attending grammar and intermediate departments of Winfield schools by W. C. Robinson. “The efficiency of our schools is much hindered by tardiness and irregular attendance. Parents will oblige us by aiding in overcoming this difficulty.” Students in different departments were listed.
Intermediate Department.
Georgie Black, Grant Bodwell, Oscar Cochran, Charley Dever, Willie Ferguson, Frank Freeland, Robert Hudson, Joseph Hudson, Willie Leffingwell, John Likowski, Richie Mansfield, Bennie Manning, Georgia McDonald, Willie Prescott, Frank Robinson, Willie Tarrant, Alfred Tarrant, Willie Walker, Charlie Weathers, Robert Hubbard, Hattie Andrews, Mary Bodwell, Cora Bullene, Ida Black, Anna Bishop, Winnie Barnard, Luella Cowen, Sylvia Darrah, Ida Dressel, Julia Deming, Katy Davis, Lela Doty, Annie Hunt, Emma Howland, Alice Hill, Sarah Hudson, Ida Johnson, Edith Kennedy, Josie McMasters, Nannie McGee, Amy McQuiston, Lutie Newman, Minnie Stewart, Jennie Weathers, Effie White, Lillie Lappan, Mary Knowles, Emma Knowles, Leona Corkins, Iola Corkins, Martha Copple.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.
L. J. Webb, Burt Covert, A. D. Speed, and Will Doty started last Monday for Kansas City to attend a trial of Speed’s in regard to some Texas cattle. They went in a spring wagon across the country, emigrant style.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.
Lost. Mrs. W. B. Doty lost a nice summer shawl last Thursday night one week ago at the festival held at the Courthouse. It is evident that some other lady took it by mistake, as she left one in place of it. The shawl may be left at the livery stable of Darrah & Doty, or at this office, where the owner can get it.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
Mr. A. G. Wilson, late of Elk Falls, has bought out Mr. Doty’s interest in the livery stable of Darrah & Doty. Mr. Wilson comes well recommended as a first-class liveryman, and we know that Sam. Darrah has few superiors in that line. They have now one of the largest and most complete livery establishments south of Emporia, and all who patronize them will be fairly and liberally dealt with.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.
Capt. J. S. Hunt has sold his right to the Johnson farm to Will. Doty, who will cut and put up about three hundred tons of hay.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Will. Doty is growing fifty acres of rye for winter pasture on the Johnson farm North of town.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
CIVIL DOCKET. FIFTH DAY. Mary J. Triplett vs. W. B. Doty et al.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Probate Judge’s Office. During the past week Judge Gans has ordered partnership estate of Darrah and Doty to prorate $700 to creditors, which pays 42 cents on the dollar.