Dunn Families-Miscellaneous
[I cannot tell how they are related.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Wm. Dunn 42 m w Indiana Indiana
Sarah C. Dunn 37 f w Indiana Indiana
Ephraim? Dunn 14 m w Indiana Indiana
Lucinda Dunn 12 f w Indiana Indiana
Chas. D. Dunn 9 m w Indiana Indiana
Wm. T. Dunn 7 m w Indiana Indiana
John Dunn 6 m w Indiana Indiana
George Dunn 1 m w Kansas
Thos. Dunn 34 m w Indiana Indiana
Martha A. Dunn 34 f w Indiana Indiana
Lucinda Dunn 15 f w Kansas Indiana
[Tom/Lem??] Dunn 11 m w Indiana Indiana
Effy Dunn 7 f w Kansas
Josie Dunn 3 f w Kansas
George Dunn, 34; spouse, Emma, 26.
G. W. Dunn, 36; spouse, E. H. Dunn, 28.
G. W. Dunn, 38; spouse, E. H., 31.
C. M. Dunn, 53; spouse, M., 30. Also listed: Dunn, Ada, 25.
Jno. M. Dunn, 53; spouse, Martha, 53. Also listed: (female) M. W. Dunn, 23.
W. R. Dunn, 43; spouse, Laura, 37.
G. M. Dunn, 34; spouse, Cordelia, 34.
E. L. Dunn, 21. No spouse listed.
Thomas Dunn, 32; spouse, Martha, 30.
Thomas C. Dunn, 37 spouse, Martha A., 34.
Thomas Dunn, 40; spouse, M. A., 38.
F. M. Dunn, 24; spouse, Mary E., 24. Also mentioned, Cheristie Dunn, 60.
Dunn F M, carpenter, res 1603 Fuller
Dunn W H, stock driller, res 517 Maris
Dunn Wm., Tunnel mills
Dunn [no first name or initials given]...
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
While fires are raging all over the country and destroying lives by the hundreds and property by the millions, it is not strange that we are called upon to chronicle some of the fire demon’s work in our county. Last Saturday the country between the Walnut and Arkansas rivers was burned over; the loss of property was great, in many instances, the hard working farmer losing all he had except the clothes he wore, and himself and family barely escaping with their lives. We give below a list of these losses so far as we have been able to learn them.
Mr. Spangler lost 60 tons of hay, Mr. Brown 20 tons, Mr. Meeks 90 tons, J. S. Wooley a stable and 10 tons, Mr. Road five tons and a stable valued at $300, H. Hickman lost his house, S. Pennington 6 tons of hay, Mr. Hunt lost a house and 10 tons of hay, Walker lost house, hay, and fencing, Gleason 6 tons of hay, Paul 10 tons, Dunn 20 tons and stable, Dr. Headrick 20 tons, Copple lost house, clothing, and money—all he had; Sargent lost house and clothing. a great many others suffered losses but we have been unable to learn their names and the amount of damages they sustained. This fire is said to have started from a steam saw mill on the Arkansas; the wind was blowing very hard and although most of the farmers had either burned or plowed around their farms as protection against fire, the wind was so high that the flames swept through the tall, dry grass at a fearful rate, and the narrow strips of breaking and ground which had been burned over were no bar to them.
Fires are now burning in every direction and we have no doubt but that the losses given above are a small part of those sustained.
W. Dunn...
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in Co. Clerk’s office in Winfield July 1st, 1872. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer. The following bills were acted upon.
Bill of W. Dunn and others road viewers $15.00.
T. C. Dunn...
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
Lot Ten—Grades and All Other Breeds—Twelve Entries.
Premiums to James Foos, John H. Davis, B. H. Lacy, T. C. Dunn, J. D. Cochran.
Mr. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 22, 1873.
We are located about 16 miles northeast from Winfield, on the upper part of Big Dutch. Most all the land is claimed. There are a few quite good quarter sections in this vicinity that are not settled upon. Our soil is good; and in fact there is little of any other kind in Cowley County. We have excellent water both in our springs and wells; and an abundance of stock water in our many streams. The health is good. Plenty of rain for the last few days.
Some of our farmers, who are keeping a few head of cattle, complain of the unjustness of the herd law.
Mr. Dunn came here last July and bought a claim on the creek. He came from Jackson County, Kansas. He will soon have the wild prairie turned into a productive farm. He is accustomed to frontier life and knows how to succeed.
John N. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
T. H. Pryor vs. John N. Dunn et al.
Thos. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
For delegates to the Republican convention of the 88th Representative district: N. C. McCulloch, J. H. Hill, G. S. Manser, J. S. Hunt, W. D. Roberts, Chas. Love, W. G. Graham,
J. M. Baer, G. W. Arnold, E. G. Sheridan. Alternates: I. W. Randall, W. E. Christie, Perry Hill, J. H. Curfman, A. B. Lemmon, Z. B. Myers, A. Howland, J. J. Plank, E. P. Hickok, and Thos. Dunn.
Wm. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates.
Winfield: J. W. McDonald, J. B. Lynn, J. D. Cochran, J. W. Curns, N. W. Holmes, C. C. Black, A. J. Thompson, Wm. Dunn, T. B. Ross, G. W. Yount.
W. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Unprecedented Fall of Rain.
High Water — Great Damages.
Winfield and vicinity was visited yesterday morning by one of the greatest storms ever known to this vicinity. It commenced raining about fifteen minutes after 12 o’clock a.m., and continued until about 4 o’clock—nearly four hours. The amount of water which fell during that time is unprecedented. Every vessel standing right side up out of doors which was not more than two feet deep filled with water. Several barrels standing alone received a depth of over 24 inches of water each. The total fall of water could not have been less than 25 inches. The wind blew very strongly from several different directions during the storm. Four small houses in this city were moved from their foundations and turned partly around, and many outbuildings were blown down. The rain seemed to come down in sheets, and the whole county around seemed one vast sheet of water.
Lightning struck the house of J. E. Allen, in the south part of town, splitting open his chimney and stove pipe and stunning his wife. It also struck another house in the north part of town, doing very little damage. The rain was forced through roofs and every crack and cranny of the buildings; and there is scarcely a house in town in which the contents escaped all damage from wet. Many cellars received considerable water. In that of Lynn & Gillelen, stored with merchandise, the damage will be at least $100. Baird Bros. suffered from water and kerosene damage in their cellar of at least $800. Others are damaged lightly.
As we write, 10 o’clock a.m., Wednesday, the whole bottom north of town on both sides of Timber Creek is one vast lake extending into the city limits. This sheet of water is the overflow of Timber Creek.
An immense quantity of wheat sheaves are floating down the Walnut River, having been swept out of the Timber Creek Valley. Many farmers have lost their entire crop. J. F. Graham not only lost his wheat, but thinks 24 hogs have gone down the river. It is probable that much other damage is done in this valley; but we are now unable to learn the extent.
The water in Timber Creek is slowly subsiding; but in the Walnut it is still rising. At Bliss’s mill it is up to within 16 inches of the bridge and as high as ever known before. The rise at this point is already 28 feet. Bliss had a large quantity of flour in sacks in his mill, and the hands set to work moving it into the upper story; but the rise was so rapid that about 10,000 pounds of flour was caught on the main floor, and is of course a loss.
We just learn that the rise of Beaver Creek, in Beaver Township, surrounded the house of David W. Frew, who carried his wife to dry land; and while returning for his two children, the house was carried away with the children, who are probably drowned. Dr. Holland’s house is surrounded by water up to the windows; but at this writing, no one had reached the house.
It is impossible at present to learn the extent of the storm and of the damage. It is evident that both are immense.
In town a new stable was blown down; Terrill lost a lot of valuable pictures, the churches were damaged to some extent, a large lot of plastering fell and enveloped one of our druggists, Mr. Giles; many trees were broken down and much fruit shaken off.
Black Crook, two miles east of town, rose 20 feet, carrying off a stone wall and Dunn’s crop of wheat.
LATER. The water is subsiding in the Walnut.
The Great Storm.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
On Black Crook: W. Dunn lost 60 acres of wheat; Joe Mack 20; others lost a considerable.
Geo. W. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Robert Craig and wife to Geo. W. Dunn, lots 6 and 7, 34, 34, 41; 80 acres.
S. H. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Mr. S. H. Dunn is one of the wide-awake, active young men who have cast their lots in Winfield. He brings his young wife and small children and settles down in Winfield to stay. He is from Bloomington, Indiana; an experienced and eminently successful teacher and an attorney at law. We welcome him and his, and hope he will more than realize his hopes and expectations in our midst.
Dunn & Co...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
The Caldwell Post states that there are 40,000 head of cattle west of the Chisholm trail in the Indian Territory. The following herds, held east of the trail, south and west of Arkansas City, will swell the number to 60,000.
Dunn & Co., on Deer creek: 700
J. W. Dunn...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
J. W. Dunn vs. W. M. Null.
John Dunn...
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
Ike Wood, John Dunn, and one of the McCarsons are erecting new residences, I understand.
John Dunn...
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Vernon never has shown greater signs of real permanent prosperity than those to be observed at present. Many fine residences have been erected, costing from six to fifteen hundred dollars. Among those who have built a residence are Mr. Jackson, Mr. John Dunn, Mr. Isaac Wood, Mr. Corson, Mr. H. H. Martin, A. J. Worden, Albert Hawkins, T. Thompson. Mr. Ed Allen and Mr. M. Croco have built themselves nice little barns.
John Dunn...
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: In the quiet and peaceful community of Vernon, there seems to be but few happenings worthy of record. Our citizens are of a sociable, home-loving class, therefore frequently pursue happiness in social gatherings, of which there have been a goodly number of late. During and since the holidays the young people have held sway at the residences of D. Hopkins, Charles McClung, John Dunn, Wm. Martin, and John Millspaugh. On last Tuesday eve a number of the young people enjoyed cake and oysters at M. L. Martin’s, at which place a certain young man was heard bemoaning the fact that so many of Vernon’s maidens were departing the state of single blessedness. The cussedness of the feature being the uncertainty of securing fair partners for festal occasions. The occasion of the foregoing remarks was the recent demise of the two Miss Wards, which caused us to recall an incident of the grasshopper year, when we went out to see what the turnips were doing and found a hopper on every clod waiting for the turnips to come up. In Vernon there are two or three clod-hoppers waiting for each maiden as she arrives at the stature of womanhood.
J. R. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
EDS. COURIER. Upon visiting our neighbor Hiram Hopkins, we found him with one leg broken twice, the other broken once, and one of his arms twice. The accident occurred in a grist mill, about ten miles north of Winfield and the Walnut River. His coat tail was caught by a shaft. Seeing the condition he was in, we felt it a duty as well as a pleasure to contribute to his wants. So we started with two papers. L. A. Millspaugh canvassed the south half of Vernon Township and H. H. Hawkins the north half. We give the names with the amount opposite.
J. R. Dunn: $5.00
John Dunn...
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
A Trip to Oxford.
On Wednesday afternoon of last week about thirty ladies and gentlemen from the Good Templar’s Lodge of Winfield forsook the din and bustle of Cowley’s capital for a drive over the rolling prairie stretching from here to Oxford to enjoy the exhilarating atmosphere and balmy breezes of the country. The main object in view, however, was a strawberry and ice cream social which the Good Templars of Oxford had prepared, and to which the Winfield folks were specially invited.
We passed some of the most fertile farms in the county, and from the substantial buildings, large wheat and corn fields, splendid orchards, tasty yards, etc., it can be plainly seen that they are owned by men of industry, experience, and means. The residences of A. J. Werden, W. H. Martin, John Dunn, Silas Hahn, Ike Wood, and J. F. Paul are very attractive, and being near the road, a good view is obtained of their comfortable homes and surroundings. As we approached the Arkansas bottom, we noticed with interest the beautiful farm of Jacob Nixon, our very efficient Register of Deeds. This is one of the richest farms on the way, and the neat house, situated on a slight raise about fifty yards from the road, surrounded by shrubbery and trees of numerous varieties, gives the place an air of thrift and comfort.
Excerpt from lengthy article...William Dunn...
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
The Dead at Rest!
Sheriff Shenneman Buried Sunday Afternoon—Thousands Assisted in the Ceremonies.
During this time Sheriffs Thralls and Watt, with the prisoner, had traveled out the Badger Creek road to William Dunn’s, where they brought up at two o’clock. Here they tried to get a conveyance to go to Douglass, but could not. They then went on and soon found a team, in which Sheriff Watt took the prisoner again to Wichita by way of Douglass, where he now is, and will probably remain for some time. Sheriff Thralls returned to town and remained to the funeral.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Walnut Items.
Mr. Dunn says his cattle came through the winter in good condition, on less feed than usual, notwithstanding severe cold. The ground being frozen, stock get all the feed given them, instead of tramping them in the mud. SPECTATOR.
Lucinda Dunn...
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Judge Gans has issued but two certificates of unalloyed bliss during the past week.
Frank A. Henderson to Lucinda Dunn.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
MARRIED. Married by Rev. E. P. Hickok, of this city, on May 13th, at the residence of the bride’s parents in Walnut Township, Frank A. Henderson and Lucinda Dunn.
Dr. C. L. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
Dr. C. L. Dunn, late from Ohio, has located in Winfield and has his office over Mann’s store. He is a pleasant gentleman and will doubtless make a success in battling with the physical ills of life.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
A little son of W. W. Painter was severely injured last week by falling through the joist of a new building, hitting his chin, and nearly cutting his tongue off. Dr. Dunn, a new physician here, was called. He sewed up the wound. The operation was excellently performed and the boy is now recovering.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Spencer Miner has purchased a fine horse and buggy of Dr. Dunn and now chases the boys around at the fair grounds every evening.
Wm. Dunn...
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
An Explosion.
Mr. Oll Pratt’s threshing machine engine blew up Tuesday afternoon, severely scalding Will Short, his engineer. He was threshing on Wm. Dunn’s place near town at the time. The explosion was due to the presence of lime in the boiler. Will Short was standing on the platform attending to the engine when the front bolts were blown out on him, scalding his body from the waist down in a terrible manner.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
“On the Hafer farm on the Arkansas Valley, elevation 1125 feet, is a sample row of cottonwood planted by Messrs. Dunn and Ettenborough spring of 1882; circumference 48 to 60 inches and 60 feet high.
Dunn farm...
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Messrs. Curns & Manser sold the Amos Becker farm just south of town last week to Mr. Eddy, the purchaser of the Dunn Farm. The price paid was five thousand dollars.
Josiah Dunn...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
$5 Reward. One Josiah Dunn has strayed, Hapgood sulky plow and all. I will give $5 for information of his whereabouts; supposed to be along Nation line with stockmen.
W. A. LEE, Winfield, Kansas.
Mary Dunn...
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
The following is a list of people of Miss Hunt’s department that received 100 percent: Ida Lane, Mary Dunn, Cora Taylor, Anna Wagstaff, Mervin Miller, Harry Gilstrap, Jimmie Kirkpatrick, Willie Wilson, Mattie Patterson, Elsa Darrough, Sarah Hill, Maggie Ford, Emma Wilson, Wyatt Hutchinson.
G. W. Dunn...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
During the past week, Messrs. Coonrod & Howard have placed lightning rods on the residences of Messrs. Pickle, DeBruce, Dunn, Standley, and Mrs. Finney in this city, besides considerable work done in the country.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Ad. I employed Coonrod & Howard to rod my house and am well pleased, and would not have the rods taken off for three times their cost. G. W. DUNN, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
Coonrod & Howard give as references for straight-forward dealing, the following list of names, parties for whom we have done work, and who have recommended us to the people of Cowley County and the surrounding country: S. B. Fleming, Johnson Leeper, S. B. Pickle,
A. B. DeBruce, G. W. Dunn, Margaret Finney, H. P. Standley, C. M. McIntire, J. W. Feagin, Henry Esterhold, Thomas Parvin, E. H. McConahie, A. A. C. Smith, A. J. Kimmel, N. T. Snyder, G. W. Cunningham, C. T. Atkinson, W. D. Kreamer, L. M. Hartley, Q. M. Bixler, D. D. Jones, Thomas Gilliland, J. H. Long, J. W. Robinson, J. B. Clifton, A. M. Coonrod, J. W. Hutchison.
Chas. D. Dunn of Walnut Township...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
MARRIED. Cowley people don’t stand off on account of age when they are seized with matrimonial fever. Chas. D. Dunn and Mary E. Ruffin, of Walnut Township, the former twenty years old and the latter fourteen, were married last week.
B. H. Dunn...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
Notice. The accounts of Shepard & Westfall, and those of B. H. Dixon & Co. and B. H. Dunn are all left with J. T. Shepard for collection. Please call and settle at once.
J. T. Shepard.
Minnie A. Dunn...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Hitched. Sullivan Kitch and Minnie Dunn.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Walker, S. E. Kitch and Miss Minnie A. Dunn. The high contracting parties are both of Arkansas City.
Dunn & Johnson...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
Hog Cholera.
While setting in the barber shop last Tuesday evening, waiting for the artist to call out “next,” W. J. Hamilton came in. During a conversation that ensued between him and C. Mead, we ascertained that death by cholera in the hog family had been very extensive in this part of Cowley County. Nearly every hog owner has suffered a heavy loss by the ravages of this disease. This was news to us. We knew that hog cholera had been in this vicinity, but thought its extent had been slight. In the daily papers we read where hogs are dying by thousands in all parts of the United States, but were surprised to hear that heavy losses had been sustained by parties here. This is the first season the disease has ever manifested itself in this community, and there appears to be no remedy yet discovered by which it can be prevented. Upon inquiry we found Mr. Hamilton had lost about 70 fine hogs by the disease already, and they are still dying off at the rate of three and four per day. Searing & Mead lost 300; J. Keller, 100; Dunn & Johnson, 300; Wm. Johnson, 20; S. H. DeWeese, 200; P. A. Ireton, 40; C. C. Tuby, 40; Davenport & Ayers, 200; and several others. A farmer in Silverdale Township lost 40 in one night. Some persons are inclined to think that the disease is not cholera, but it is the general opinion that it is the pure, unadulterated hog cholera. Anyway, whatever it may be, it is fatal, and it is seldom that a hog survives an attack. With the advent of cold weather, the ravages of the disease have stopped to a considerable extent. It was during the summer months that the heavy mortality existed.
John Dunn...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The graders on the extension of the Douglass’ branch, says the Douglass Tribune, opened a den of copper-head snakes on the side of the bluff on John Dunn’s land, and over forty of these poisonous reptiles were killed.
John H. Dunn...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
John H. Dunn, of Farmington, Illinois, is visiting in the city. He is a guest of C. W. Terwilliger. Mr. Dunn is greatly pleased with our city and will most likely become a resident in the spring.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
John H. Dunn, who was here from Farmington, Illinois, some weeks ago, has returned and will make Arkansas City his future home. Mr. Dunn will assist in A. A. Newman & Co.’s store. He will remove his family here in about two weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
John H. Dunn left Farmington last Saturday for his new home at Arkansas City, Kansas, at which place he will have charge of the dress goods department in a large retail dry goods house. In company with Farmingtonians generally, we deplore Mr. Dunn’s leaving, as he was a man whom all loved to do business with, and a pleasant, sociable companion as well. We hope he will prosper in his new home. The family will follow as soon as Mr. Dunn can obtain a home, which may be some little time, as houses are in great demand in Arkansas City. Farmington (Illinois) Bugle.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
The family of John H. Dunn arrived last evening from Farmington, Illinois. They have gone to housekeeping in the 4th ward. Mr. Dunn now wears a smile equal to our most prosperous real estate agent.
W. F. Dunn, East Bolton...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
BIRTH. Born to W. F. Dunn and wife, of East Bolton, this morning, a boy.