J. A. Earnest


Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
Mr. J. A. Earnest, of Topeka, was in town last week looking for a storeroom to rent.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1876.
Mammoth Dry Goods and Grocery House,
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1877.
Rev. Rigby has invented and constructed a coal oil lamp that will make him a fortune. The patent is about to be issued. A lamp of his manufacture can be seen at Bliss & Earnest’s store that is an imperfect model of the one to be patented. But to a novice that one seems perfect.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
300 bushels of onions, 400 bushels of beans, 200 bushels of potatoes, and 300 pounds of lard, at Bliss, Earnest & Co.’s.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877.
The following bills were read, allowed, and ordered paid: Bliss, Earnest & Co., merchandise for city, $4.50; Geo. W. Crane, 1,000 city receipts and 1,000 city warrants, bound, $16.20; B. F. Baldwin, city clerk and merchandise, $32.90; W. Denning, city marshal, $50.00; R. B. Pratt, use of pound, $4.00; J. E. Allen, city attorney, $37.50.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
MARRIED. EARNEST - MOORE. Married at the residence of the bride’s father, Dr. Moore, at Topeka, Kansas, on Tuesday, June 26th, 1877, by Rev. Mr. Kursner, Mr. J. A. Earnest, of Winfield, and Miss Emma B. Moore.
We congratulate our friend J. A. on being able to secure so handsome and accomplished a lady with whom to make the voyage of life.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1877.
Flour for cash can be had at Bliss, Earnest & Co.’s, at retail for wholesale rates. We mean business. XXXX Flour $3.50, XXX Flour $3.00, XX Flour, $2.25.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1877.
Mr. B. Gray, late of Bloomington, Illinois, has arrived and will remain, during this month, in Winfield with his photographic instruments and tent. He has pitched his tent next to Bliss, Earnest & Co.’s store, where parties desiring first class work should call at once.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Bliss, Earnest & Co. have new goods on the way.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
  MRS. E. E. OLDS,

Main Street, 2 doors north of Bliss, Earnest & Co.’s store.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
E. Spencer Bliss, and his brother, Albert Bliss, have bought out the interests of Mrs. Rigby and Mr. Earnest in the general store of Bliss, Earnest & Co., and the new firm will be all Bliss, under the firm name of Bliss & Co.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
   Dissolution Notice.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 19, 1877.
The firm of Bliss, Earnest & Co. has, this day, dissolved partnership. All debts due the firm to be paid to C. A. Bliss, and all debts of the firm to be paid by C. A. Bliss.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
The Presbyterian Sunday school is fully organized. Last Friday evening officers were elected as follows: Rev. J. E. Platter, superintendent; Henry E. Asp, assistant; G. S. Manser, secretary; T. B. Myers, librarian; Miss Mary Bryant, treasurer; J. D. Pryor, chorister; Mary Bryant, organist; Mrs. Earnest, assistant. The school meets regularly every Sabbath at 3 o’clock p.m.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Mr. Earnest is now to be found in the new grocery store in the Brotherton & Silver building.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
   Winfield Socially.
The coming winter bids fair to be the most pleasant, socially, that Winfieldians have ever experienced. Many changes have taken place in the circle of young folks since the good old frontier days. New and attractive young ladies and gentlemen have settled amongst us, giving to Winfield an air of city life and gaiety when they meet “in convention assembled.” The recent Thanksgiving ball was followed so closely by Miss Kate Millington’s “dancing party,” and both so largely attended, that the indications are that those “who look for pleasure can hope to find it here” this winter. The last mentioned party, to use a stereotyped expression, was a “brilliant success.” Probably of all the gay and charming gatherings that have “tripped the fantastic,” etc., in our city, this was the most pleasant. The music was excellent, the refreshments good, and the polite and attentive demeanor of the fair hostess most agreeable.
The following persons were fortunate enough to be present at this party: Judge W. P. Campbell, of Wichita; W. W. Walton, of Topeka; Herman Kiper, of Atchison; Fred C. Hunt, W. C. Walker, Bert Crapster, Ed. P. Greer, Charley Harter, J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Miss Ina Daniels, S. Suss, Josephine E. Mansfield, G. E. Walker, Mary McGaughy, M. B. Wallis, Fannie Wallis, Wilbur Dever, Maggie J. Dever, W. C. Root, Jennie Hahn, W. Gillelen, Mattie Coldwell, J. N. Harter, Carrie Olds, T. C. Copeland, Katie McGaughy, O. M. Seward, Nora Coldwell, Dr. Strong, Amie Bartlett.

Of course, they one and all enjoyed themselves; wished the occasion might be often repeated, and voted (in their minds at least) Miss Kate to be the most “social campaign organizer” in the city.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mr. John Earnest has recently returned from a visit to Topeka.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Mr. Earnest is about to open a grocery, flour, and feed store in the room formerly occupied by Harter Brothers.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Earnest has received and is arranging and shelving his new stock of groceries.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
  Valley Pride Soap.
Now is the time for the people of the Valley to patronize home manufacture by going to Messrs. Sparr Bros. for their Valley Pride Soap.
J. A. Earnest also handles the Valley Pride Soap.
Messrs. Walker Bros. have continually on hand the Valley Pride Soap manufactured at Wichita. It is the boss. Try it.
The enterprising firm of Messrs. Bliss & Co., now handle a home made soap. It is the Valley Pride.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Look out for the Winfield Pump and Lightning Rod Wagon run by Clark & Bennett, old settlers. We expect to fight the battle of life in this valley of beauty; so we propose to furnish this city and county with pumps of every description, from a cistern to a two hundred foot force pump. We will also furnish and construct lightning rods for the low price of 20 cents per foot for the Franklin rod, the copper rod, or the cable rod; or we will furnish you the common black red usually carried by rod peddlers for 16½ cents per foot. All work done by us we guarantee satisfaction. Headquarters at Earnest’s grocery store, or any orders left with Messrs. Jochem or Myton will receive prompt attention. CLARK & BENNETT.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The “Cantata of the Seasons,” under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Kessler, was repeated at the M. E. Church on Wednesday evening of last week with the same eclat which greeted its first appearance. Mrs. Kessler performed exquisitely on the piano, assisted by Mrs. Earnest and Prof. Farringer. The Roberts Bros. furnished string band music of the highest order, while the performance of the vocalists, Mesdames Kelly, Holloway, Buckman, Swain, Earnest; Misses Coldwell, Dever, Stewart, Bryant, Bliss; and Messrs. Roberts, Buckman, Holloway, Holloway, Bliss, Payson, Chamberlain, Harris, Richmond, Root, Evans, and Berkey were very fine indeed. The Cantata company will soon commence to rehearse “Queen Esther” with a view to inaugurate Manning’s Hall, when completed, by the presentation of that beautiful cantata.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. Jo. Southard, of Independence, brother of Tuck. Southard, of our city, has accepted a situation in J. A. Earnest’s grocery store and will make this city his future home.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
J. L. Horning.
Wallis & Wallis.
J. A. Earnest.
Bahntge Bros.
Lofland & Gale.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
On January 17th, the ladies who met for the purpose of organizing a public reading room and library, received reports from the four ward committees who had been canvassing the city.
The city had obtained 63 lady members at $3 per year and received $175.00 in books, $77.75 in cash, 10 papers (daily, etc.), 1 clock and bracket, 2 window shades, and several pic­tures. The southwest ward has been but partially canvassed.
A committee on constitution was appointed, consisting of Mrs. Van Doren, Mrs. Dr. Davis, Mrs. Wallis, Mrs. Trimble, and Mrs. Holloway. This committee is to report at next meeting.
Mrs. Earnest, Mrs. Hickok and Mr. Beach were made a commit­tee on procuring a suitable room, to report at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned to meet at 4 p.m., Jan. 22nd, at the Baptist church.
Everybody interested in this important enterprise is ear­nestly requested to be present at this meeting. MARY A. BRYANT, Sec’y pro tem.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Baird Bros. bought the full Williams & Jettinger stock of goods for $7,750 cash. They sold out the groceries to J. A. Earnest. It is considered that this will pay off the chattel mortgages and 67 percent on the other liabilities of the late firm.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
A meeting was held in the council rooms last Thursday evening to consider means for temporary assistance to those in want in our city.
John B. Lynn was made chairman, and James Kelly, secretary.
By a vote of the meeting the city was divided into four wards by Main street and Ninth avenue, and committees were constituted as follows.
Northeast ward:  Mesdames T. R. Bryan, Dr. Graham, and Rev. J. Cairns.
Northwest ward:  Mesdames McDonald, McMullen, and Miss Service.
Southwest ward:  Mesdames Spotswood and Jillson, and Miss Mary R. Stewart.
Southeast ward:  Mesdames Hickok, Silver, and Swain.
Committees to solicit contributions were appointed as follows.
Northeast:  Mesdames Holloway, Linticum, and Troup.
Northwest:  Mesdames Short and Dr. Davis and Mayor Lynn.
Southwest:  Mesdames Earnest and Landers, and Mr. R. D. Jillson.

Southeast:  Mrs. Rigby, Miss L. Graham, and Mr. W. A. Freeman.
Lynn & Loose tendered their front basement for a storage room for the committees.
The committees were requested to meet in the council rooms on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 2:30 p.m. to form plans of operation.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
The Ladies’ Library Association met at the library rooms on Tuesday, January 25th, and elected the following members as directors. Mesdames D. A. Millington, T. R. Bryan, T. G. Ticer, W. R. Davis, W. O. Scovill, J. C. Fuller, J. Swain, Eastman, J. P. Butler, Raymond, W. P. Hackney, Wallis, A. E. Baird, M. L. Read, E. S. Bedilion, A. H. Doane, G. Emerson, J. A. Hyden, A. T. Spotswood, C. S. Van Doren, J. W. McDonald, J. S. Mann, J. S. Loose, J. A. Earnest. The six last hold over under the constitution. The three first are re-elected.
The following officers were re-elected: Mrs. W. L. Mullen, president; Mrs. N. L. Rigby, vice president; Mrs. E. T. Trimble, secretary; Mrs. M. L. Robinson, treasurer.
The officers and directors voted upon themselves a tax of three dollars each to raise funds for the purchase of books and other expenditures of the association.
The editor congratulates the people of Winfield on the presence as citizens of such an array of self-sacrificing, intelligent, and enterprising fair ladies, and hope the city council will make a liberal appropriation and men having money will assist them in their noble work.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Mr. and Mrs. Shrieves celebrated the 15th anniversary of their marriage by inviting their friends to attend their crystal wedding on Tuesday evening, February 8th. Accord­ingly a merry party filled the omnibuses and proceeded to their residence, one mile east of town, and spent an evening of unal­loyed pleasure. Mrs. Shrieves, assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. Wm. Shrieves, entertained their guests in a graceful and pleasant manner. Although invitation cards announced no presents, a few of the most intimate friends pre­sented some choice little articles in remembrance of the occa­sion.
The following were present: Mrs. Hickok, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Butler, Miss Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Kinne, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robin­son, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Rev. and Mrs. Hyden, Rev. and Mrs. Platter, Mrs. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson, Rev. and Mrs. Borchers, Mr. and Mrs. Meech, Mr. and Mrs. Millhouse, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mr. Hendricks, and John Roberts.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Prohibition in Kansas.
How It Has Killed Winfield and Cowley County!
Statements of Businessmen of Winfield and Leading Citizens of Cowley County,
Kansas, in Relation to the Situation.

We have received many letters from Iowa and other states containing a letter written by Frank Manny, of this city, clipped from one newspaper or another, with the inquiry if the statements therein contained are true. We answered one of these briefly last week, but subsequently we learn that the Manny letter is being published widely in other states, not only as an argument against prohibitory liquor laws, but against emigrating to Kansas, and particularly against this city and county. It is known that Winfield and Cowley County are the
for prohibition. The vote on the prohibitory amendment last November was in Winfield 443 for, and 121 against. Majority for: 322. In Cowley County the vote stood, 3,248 for, and 870 against. Majority for, 2,373. No other city or county in the state gave anything like such majorities for, and most cities as large or larger than Winfield gave majorities against. If prohibition is disastrous to a community, it is fit that this city and county be the heaviest sufferers. If it is a good thing, this city and county should come in for a goodly share of the benefits. This city and county are only eleven years old. In that time they have risen from nothing to a population of 21,539 for the county, and 2,850 for the city, according to the U. S. census of 1880, and the population of the city today is not less than 3,300. Of these eleven years, nine of them have been years of magnificent crops of all kinds, and two of them have been years of partial failure. The first year of short crops was 1874, and the following spring showed a decrease of population and a stagnation of business. The other year of short crops was 1880, which was even worse than 1874, and the result on the population and business this spring will appear in the statements which follow. Either in consequence of, or in spite of the fact that intoxicating liquors have always been sold here in any abundance, we have arisen from nothing to one of the best and wealthiest counties in the west in eleven years. Was it whiskey, or was it our wonderfully fertile soil, fine climate, and attrac­tive surroundings?
Here is the famous Manny letter.
“WINFIELD, KANS., April 1st, 1881.
Herewith I send you a car load of barley, which please sell for me and remit proceeds after deducting all expenses. I have tried my best to dispose of it in our neighboring towns, but have not succeeded. I have invested $20,000 in my brewery, and I do not believe I could get $500 for it now on account of the prohi­bition law. I have over $1,000 worth of beer in my vaults and am not allowed to sell a drop. My barley and malt cost me 95 cents a bushel, but I cannot get 50 cents for it now. You have no idea how our people are upset by the new law. A year ago our town was prospering, not a house or store to be had, and now you will find from 100 to 150 houses vacated. Stores that brought $50 a month rent are empty. The state of affairs is such that even our prohibition people are getting scared and regret what they have done. If you should find anything for me there, please let me know.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.

My trade is better than it was a year ago. There are 12 grocery stocks in town, the same as a year ago. Had the crops been average crops last year, my trade would have been much larger. A year ago many merchants wanted to get out of business. There does not appear to be any such sentiment now. I do not know what effect the prohibition law has upon trade. I do not see as many men loafing around as formerly, and I presume much of the money formerly spent for liquor now goes for groceries and other goods.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
Rev. J. E. Platter was chosen chairman and made one of his neat and impressive speeches followed by Messrs. Hackney, Troup, Beach, and others.
A committee of ten gentlemen was appointed by the chair to canvass for subscriptions, consisting of Messrs. C. C. Black, J. S. Hunt, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, D. A. Millington, D. L. Kretsinger, J. P. Short, R. E. Wallis, W. H. Smith, and H. D. Gans.
A committee of ladies was appointed to canvass for clothing, bedding, etc., consisting of Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. J. D. Pryor, Mrs. Earnest, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Van Doren, Mrs. Horning, Mrs. Albro, Mrs. Spotswood, Miss Nellie Cole, and Miss Mary Steward.
The committee of gentlemen organized with C. C. Beach, chairman, J. P. Short, secretary, and R. E. Wallis, treasurer.
Early on Tuesday morning a wagon load of provisions was sent to Floral under charge of Messrs. Black and Short.
During the day the canvass of the city resulted in the following cash subscriptions.
COURIER Co. $25.00
Winfield Bank $25.00
Read’s Bank $25.00
Lynn & Loose $20.00
W. P. Hackney $15.00
J. E. Platter $15.00
Telegram $15.00
A. T. Shenneman $15.00
J. S. Hunt $15.00
Bliss & Wood $15.00
Spotswood & Co. $12.00
A. P. Johnson $10.00
M. G. Troup $10.00
Jacob Nixon $10.00
D. C. Stevens $10.00
H. D. Gans $10.00
H. J. Sandfort $10.00
Curns & Manser $10.00
S. H. Myton $10.00
Smith Bros. $10.00
Harter & Horning $10.00

W. J. Hodges $10.00
W. C. Root & Co. $10.00
James Hardin $10.00
J. H. Bullene $10.00
N. L. Rigby $10.00
S. C. Smith $10.00
Frank Williams $10.00
Wallis & Wallis $10.00
Baird Bros. $10.00
H. Goldsmith $5.00
J. S. Mann $5.00
Geo. W. Gully $5.00
D. C. Beach $5.00
Bradt & Gibson $5.00
Major & Vance $5.00
Cole Bros. $5.00
W. E. Davis $5.00
T. M. McGuire $5.00
J. P. Short $5.00
T. R. Bryan $5.00
M. Hahn & Co. $5.00
J. A. Earnest $5.00
Horning R. & Co. $5.00
J. D. Pryor $5.00
T. F. Axtel & Co. $5.00
Robt. Hudson $5.00
G. E. Raymond $5.00
Appleby & Ehler $5.00
S. Billings $5.00
J. Fleming $5.00
W. B. Pixley $5.00
Hoosier Grocery $5.00
J. F. Burroughs $5.00
Brown & Son $5.00
H. G. Fuller $5.00
Jennings & Buckman $5.00
J. A. Douglass $5.00
Speed & Schofield $5.00
J. L. M. Hill $5.00
J. E. Conklin $5.00
H. C. Loomis $5.00
Harter Bros. $5.00
N. C. Myers $5.00

Henry E. Asp $5.00
J. M. Alexander $5.00
Silver & True $5.00
Wm. Newton $5.00
J. W. Johnston $5.00
Quincy A. Glass $5.00
McDonald & Walton $5.00
Lee & McKnight $5.00
Simmons & Ott $5.00
Chicago L Co. $5.00
W. T. Ekel $5.00
Ed. Bedilion $5.00
Eli Youngheim $5.00
I. Levi $3.00
F. Barclay & Son $2.50
S. W. Pugsley $2.50
Ed. Weitzell $2.50
A. J. Frazee $2.50
E. Dever $2.50
S. D. Pryor $2.00
John Lee $2.00
Port Smith $2.00
E. W. Hovey $2.00
W. C. Carruthers $2.00
Mrs. De Falk $2.00
W. O. Johnson $2.00
A. H. Green $2.00
S. L. Gilbert $2.00
M. J. Wilson $2.00
J. O’Hare $2.00
C. C. Harris $2.00
A. W. Davis $2.00
Jas. Lorton $2.00
F. M. Friend $2.00
A. J. Pyburn $2.00
J. M. Keck $2.00
Connor & Beaton $2.00
J. M. Henry $2.00
John Lowry $2.00
D. F. Long $1.50
I. W. Randall $1.50
J. W. McRorey $1.50
C. G. Oliver $1.00

S. G. Gary $1.00
J. B. McGill $1.00
Geo. Mann $1.00
S. A. Cook $1.00
D. Mater $1.00
F. Brown $1.00
D. W. Stevens $1.00
A. Stewart $1.00
J. B. Sipes $1.00
J. P. Stevens $1.00
Chas. Kelly $1.00
C. D. Austin $1.00
B. A. Beard $1.00
D. A. Carr $1.00
M. B. Shields $1.00
J. W. Batchelder $1.00
W. P. Tucker $1.00
H. Jochems $1.00
J. E. Allen $1.00
W. Wooding $1.00
E. Soferien $1.00
E. A. Appling $1.00
W. McClellan $1.00
F. P. Silver $1.00
J. S. Beaton $1.00
J. W. Seckles $1.00
W. Woodell $1.00
W. McEwen $1.00
Max Shoeb $1.00
F. V. Rowland $1.00
Roy Millington $1.00
S. Smedley $1.00
G. H. Allen $1.00
E. P. Harlan $1.00
Geo. Klaus $1.00
A. W. Berkey $1.00
G. W. Maxfield $1.00
Geo. Osterhaus $1.00
Nomnsen & Steuven $1.00
John Price $1.00
Jas. Connor $1.00
Ed. Mount $1.00
M. West $1.00

T. B. Myers $1.00
P. Sipe $1.00
Jas. Burns $1.00
Dr. Green $1.00
H. Lewis $1.00
W. F. Dorley $1.00
N. Moore $1.00
B. Herbert $1.00
M. Smedley [?Smedler?] $1.00
W. A. Freeman $1.00
W. Dodson $1.00
Dr. Bull $1.00
Mrs. T. K. Johnson $1.00
John Powell $1.00
M. Buckhalter $1.00
John Eaton $1.00
M. Klingman $1.00
E. Cutler $1.00
Wilber Dever $1.00
F. C. Woodruff $1.00
F. M. Woodruff $1.00
John Wilson $1.00
D. F. Best $1.00
Ed. Cochran $1.00
Dr. Wells $1.00
Geo. W. Martin $1.00
R. W. Parks $1.00
F. Barclay, Jr. $1.00
Jos. Likowski $1.00
A. B. Graham $1.00
D. S. Beadle $1.00
H. Pails $1.00
J. Rowland $1.00
Dorley $1.00
Ed. Likowski $1.00
Frank Finch $1.00
A. S. Tucker $1.00
Smaller collections $57.20
Sent from Arkansas City $46.50
The above is not a perfect list, but is as near correct as possible in our hurry in going to press. The committee have raised in cash $801.00.

Besides the cash contributions the committee of ladies secured a large amount of clothing and bedding from families all over the city. A full load of these was sent up to the sufferers on Wednesday morning and more to follow during the day. Some merchants gave groceries and other goods from their stores. The committee are distributing the property and cash as judiciously as possible, so as to do the most good.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
J. A. Earnest has removed to the new and commodious brick building on the site of his old stand.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Mr. J. A. Earnest, one of Winfield’s substantial and enter­prising grocers, has just moved into the new brick building, north of Sam Myton’s hardware establishment, and is getting fixed up nicely.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
We call the attention of our citizens to the communication from Mr. Thorpe in this issue, and we are glad to see them investigating the matter. The prospect of such a manufactory is decidedly pleasant to us, and we would like to see the matter given full attention. We don’t think there is any danger of Winfield becoming a “way station,” but we would not lose an opportunity to build up this city or advance her interests. Winfield is flourishing now, and we want it to continue in so doing and we think all our businessmen are with us in that desire.
EDITOR COURANT: I find that there are some people who feel rather dubious as to the success of the enterprise which I suggested in the COURANT the other day. To these people I would kindly offer this explanation of the “modus operandi” of such an enterprise. All of the eastern manufactories of a like nature have to buy their leather, paying four profits for it, namely, the manufacturers, commissioners, wholesalers, and retailers. Now in my suggestion I propose manufacturing my own leather, and thereby combining all of the aforesaid profits with the profits derived from the manufacture of boots and shoes.
In regard to competition, we invite it, for in a country like this, where there is always a plentiful supply of hides at lower rates than can be procured at any point in the east; we candidly say we invite and defy competition.
The town of Winfield has about reached its limits as regards the population, and is allowing other adjacent towns, much smaller than she is, to out-rival her by the intrepidity of their citizens. What will be the consequences? The result will be that she will awake one day to find that during her slumber she has allowed her once inferior neighboring towns to become large manufacturing cities, while she receives the flattering title of a “way station.” Now the question is, are the citizens of Winfield going to allow this opportunity to pass by without the slightest effort on their part to save it from the four winds. I for one, am willing to risk all I have towards the furtherance of such an enterprise. Most every man, woman, and child in Kansas wears boots or shoes at some period of the year, and as Kansas gives great encouragement to home industry, the chances of disposing of goods would be great. I am speaking of Kansas as the home market. Such an enterprise would not alone fill the pockets of the stock holders, but would give employment to many men and women.

The following are some of the well known citizens who fully endorse my proposition and who also agree to take shares in the corporation.
J. C. McMullen.
J. C. Fuller.
Messrs. S. D. Pryor & Bro.
J. P. Baden.
J. S. Mann.
Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson.
W. H. Albro.
M. L. Read.
C. C. Black.
J. B. Lynn.
J. A. Earnest.
Messrs. Hughes & Cooper.
Quincy A. Glass.
Messrs. Smith & Bro.
A. H. Doane & Co.
C. A. Bliss.
Messrs. Johnston & Hill.
A. T. Spotswood.
James E. Platter.
J. H. Bullen
J. L. Horning.
Trusting that others as well as the above citizens will endorse and subscribe to it, I remain
Respectfully Yours,  EDWARD E. THORPE, Winfield, February 2, 1882.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Library Association.
At a late meeting of the Library Association, the following officers were elected for the year ending January 31, 1883.
President: Mrs. M. J. Wood.
Vice President: Mrs. T. B. Myers.
Secretary: Mrs. E. T. Trimble.
Treasurer: Mrs. A. H. Doane.
Librarian: Mrs. W. L. Mullen.
Directors: Mrs. H. B. Mansfield, Mrs. J. B. Schofield, Mrs. J. A. Earnest, Mrs. J. G. Shrieves, Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mrs. Elbert Bliss, Mrs. James A. Bullen, and Mrs. J. Swain.
It is hoped that the citizens of Winfield will feel that, as this association cannot flourish without money, it is the duty of each and everyone to purchase a yearly ticket. It will only cost three dollars for each gentleman in Winfield to have the opportunity of supplying himself with interesting as well as instructive reading matter for one year; and if he does not desire to do it for himself, he will have the satisfaction of knowing he is doing it for the benefit of his fellow men.

Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
At a late meeting of the Library Association, the following officers were elected for the year ending January 31, 1883: President, Mrs. M. J. Wood; Vice President, Mrs. T. B. Myers; Secretary, Mrs. A. H. Doane; Treasurer, Mrs. W. L. Mullen; Directors, Mrs. H. H. Mansfield, Mrs. Elbert Bliss, Mrs. James A. Bullen, Mrs. J. Swain, Mrs. J. B. Schofield, Mrs. J. A. Earnest, Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mrs. J. G. Shrieves, and Mrs. G. W. Miller.
It would be a great encouragement to the ladies to have the gentlemen come manfully to the front and buy a yearly ticket. Three dollars for one year is a small sum when the benefits to be derived from the investment are considered, still if every family in Winfield would purchase a ticket, it would place the ladies in a position where they would feel justified in not only sustaining a Library but would open an attractive reading room. Many entertaining and instructive volumes have been added to the library during the winter. Let all see to it that they have a personal interest in this association.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Bill allowed: Goods, city poor: J. A. Earnest, $4.90.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the April term of the District Court, commencing on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1882.
  E. Downie & Co. vs. John A. Earnest.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
Quite a number of our citizens and interested parents assembled at the parlors of Mrs. A. T. Spotswood Monday evening on invitation of Miss Nettie McCoy, who had prepared a concert for her little scholars. The exercises were very interesting to all assembled, and especially so to the parents of the children, who were given this occasion to judge of what musical progress had been made under Miss McCoy’s instruction.
SOME OF THE PARTICIPANTS WERE MENTIONED: Alma Miller, Frank Curns, Mable Silver, Mary Spotswood, Pearl Van Doren and Margaret Spotswood, Mary Orr, Malcolm McDonald, A. S. Higgins, Maggie Bedilion, Anna Doane, Katie Shearer, Mrs. Earnest, and Miss McDonald.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Dr. Davis has his office on Main Street once more—over Earnest’s store.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mr. John McLain, a single man about thirty years of age, dropped unconscious in John Earnest’s grocery store Saturday evening. Dr. Wells was called in and after an hour’s work succeeded in bringing him back to consciousness. The attack was palpitation of the heart. Mr. McLain works for a Vernon Township stock man.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
The Court was occupied most of Monday on a potato case between John Earnest and a Minnesota firm.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

J. A. Earnest returned from the East Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Minutes of Horticultural Meeting.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved. President called attention to the fact that it would be necessary to appoint a committee to collect specimens for exhibition at Topeka.
Moved by Mr. Burger that president appoint a committee of two to collect fruit for State Fair, and that they be paid not more than $2 a day.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard, Secretary of Agricultural Society, stated that Agricultural Society would make no exhibit at State Fair.
Motion prevailed.
President appointed R. I. Hogue, Mr. Maxwell, and Messrs. Hawkins and Jos. Taylor. Mr. T. A. Blanchard appointed committee to raise funds to pay committee to collect specimens. R. I. Hogue, T. A. Blanchard, S. E. Burger, Jos. O. Taylor, committee to take charge of fruit at State exhibit.
Dr. Marsh, H. Hawkins, A. J. Burrell committee to make report on fruit on table.
Committee on fruit reported as follows.
Fine display of apples, consisting of Dominie, Maidens Blush, Wine Sap, Rome Beauty, Ben Davis, and Ortley. Whitney and Hyslop crabs and Bartlett pears from H. H. Martin of Vernon.
Collection from A. J. Burrell of Creswell: Jonathans, Maidens Blush, Mo. Pippin, Dominie, Winter Rambo, Huntsmans Favorite apples, Bartlett and Seedling pears, Late Crawford and Cling peaches, Concord and Catawba grapes, very superior specimens.
From Henry Hawkins of Vernon: Michael Henry, Striped Pippin, Ben Davis, Winter Rambo, and one variety unknown, apples.
Hamilton Hawkins of Vernon: Bartlett pear, extra fine.
Fine display of Catawba grapes from A. De Turk, Pleasant Valley.
James Foster, Vernon: Dominie and two varieties of apples unknown.
Seedling peaches from J. Mentch of Walnut.
Fine display of Apples by Dr. Marsh from J. H. Watt’s orchard, of Beaver: Geniton, Limber Twig, Rambo, Ortley, and Milam.
J. Earnest: Red Yam sweet potato weighing 5 lbs.
E. C. Martin: 2 Brazilian sweet potatoes.
W. C. Hayden: fine display of tomatoes.
A. T. Spotswood & Co.: Early Rose potatoes and extra large Maiden Blush apples.
Mrs. Elizabeth Capper: fine Indian peaches.
S. E. Burger, Walnut: Seedling peaches, Mo. Pippin apples.
J. Nixon, Vernon: 6 Belle Lucrative and 6 Bartlett pears. Sutton Beauty, Wagner, Mo. Pippin, Grimes Golden and Willow Twig apples, George IV and President budded peaches, with two varieties unknown.
Extra good samples of corn from Bryant Fowler of Fairview, also stalks 18 ft. Long.
From G. W. Prater: two varieties of apples, name unknown, and committee was unable to agree upon variety.

T. A. Blanchard reported $15.15 collected to pay expenses of collecting. Adjourned.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Frank Howland has charge of the freight department at the K. C., L. & S. Depot in place of J. E. Snow, resigned. J. E. now holds forth at Earnest’s grocery.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
For Sale by J. A. Earnest, one House and Lot and one Parlor and Bedroom set of Furniture. Inquire at one door north of Myton’s Hardware Store J. A. EARNEST.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
The following accounts were presented and referred to the County Commissioners.
J. A. Earnest, groceries for poor: $12.00.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Messrs. Tomlinson [Tomlin] & Webb, a couple of gentlemen from Nebraska, have purchased John Earnest’s grocery store, and took charge last Wednesday. Mr. Earnest intends removing to Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The following bills were approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.
  J. A. Earnest: $5.00.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
John Earnest has purchased a grocery store in Kansas City, is running five clerks, and is doing a booming business.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Mr. O. Branham from Lawrence takes the place of Smith as agent for the K. C. L. & S. at this place. His family has arrived and will occupy the John Earnest property on Tenth Avenue west.