George L. Eastman


   [Handled Sheep.]
Winfield and Pleasant Valley Township.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Mr. Geo. L. Eastman, lady, and two children called on us Monday. They have just arrived from Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, New York, and will make their residence in this city and make a pleasing addition to our society. Mr. Eastman has a fine flock of high grade sheep and selects this county as the best in which to make money in the sheep business and we honor the judgment which has located him here. His sheep have been win­tered in this vicinity and his ewes, which averaged 7 pounds of wool in Wisconsin, gave an average of 12 pounds here. His nine rams averaged 27½ pounds this year.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
At an adjourned meeting of the Cowley Co. Wool Growers’ Association, held at Winfield January 8th, 1881, the following business was transacted.
Mr. Service being temporary chairman, secretary’s report of last meeting was read and adopted.
Names of members read and fourteen others added.
The following officers were elected by ballot for the ensuing year.
President: N. L. Rigby.
First Vice President: S. P. Strong.
Second Vice President: John Stalter.
Recording Secretary: A. D. Crowell.
Corresponding Secretary: S. C. Smith.
Treasurer: A. H. Doane.
Messrs. Smith, Silliman, and Chafey were appointed by the chair to act as a committee to select one from each township in the county to act as an executive committee.
Messrs. Stalter and Eastman were appointed by the chair to act as a committee to select and assign subjects to be discussed at the next regular meeting.
Motion was made and carried that Mr. Ezra Meech be appointed as a delegate to the State Wool Growers’ Association that is to be held at Topeka on the 18th inst., and Mr. Rigby as alternate.
Motion was made and carried that three and not more than five be appointed by the chair as a committee to visit the various flocks of sheep throughout the county and report regard­ing their condition, management, etc.
Messrs. Chafey, Meech, Smith, Eastman, and Crowell were so appointed.
After remarks by Mr. Lynn regarding the Eaton Tariff Bill now before Congress, a motion was made and carried that the corresponding secretary be instructed to request our representa­tives to Congress to favor said bill.
Motion was made and carried that the first clause of the constitution be so amended as to read, “Cowley County Wool Growers and Sheep Breeders’ Association.”
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.

MR. AND MRS. J. C. FULLER. Socially this has been one of the gayest winters in the history of our city. Almost every week has been made pleasant by a social gathering of some sort or other. One of the most pleasant of these was the reception by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller last Friday evening. The guests were many and the arrangements for their entertainment were complete. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Eastman.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
The Ladies’ Library Association met at the library rooms on Tuesday, January 25th, and elected the following members as directors. Mesdames D. A. Millington, T. R. Bryan, T. G. Ticer, W. R. Davis, W. O. Scovill, J. C. Fuller, J. Swain, G. L. Eastman, J. P. Butler, George E. Raymond, W. P. Hackney, Wallis, A. E. Baird, M. L. Read, E. S. Bedilion, A. H. Doane, G. Emerson, J. A. Hyden, A. T. Spotswood, C. S. Van Doren, J. W. McDonald, J. S. Mann, J. S. Loose, J. A. Earnest. The six last hold over under the constitution. The three first are re-elected.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Capt. J. B. Nipp has consummated the sale of his stock farm to Mr. George L. Eastman for five thousand dollars cash. The farm contains six hundred acres, and is one of the finest places for stock in Cowley County. Mr. Eastman has a thousand head of fine sheep with which to stock it.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
On last Thursday evening was gathered in the magnificent salons of M. L. Robinson one of the largest parties which have assembled in Winfield this past season. The honors of the occasion were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood in the most graceful and pleasing manner, making each of the guests feel delighted and happy. A new departure was made in the hour for reception which we cannot too highly commend, that of substituting 7 o’clock for the late hours which usually prevail, but the habits of some were so confirmed that they could not get around until nine o’clock. The banquet was excellent beyond our power of description. Nothing was wanting to render it perfect in all its appointments. At a reasonable hour the guests retired, expressing the warmest thanks to their kind hostesses and hosts for the pleasures of the evening. The following are the names of the guests as we now remember them.
Mrs. George L. Eastman was one of the guests.
George L. Eastman could shoot!...
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The Grand Hunt proved a grand success. Several catastrophes are reported. Jake Nixon burst a barrel of his fine breech-loading gun, Tom Soward lost a “plunger,” and Deacon Harris got soaking wet. The score was a very fair one!
J. N. Harter: 830 A. D. Speed: 170
J. M. Keck: 1,000 B. F. Cox: 290
G. A. Rhodes: 975 C. C. Black: 90
T. H. Soward: 335 G. L. Eastman: 2,375
S. Burkhalter: 480 Dr. Davis: 450
Jacob Nixon: 80 E. Meech, Jr.: 285
Fred Whitney: 765 Q. A. Glass: 180

___ Chapman: 980 Deacon Harris: 500
Total: 5,445 Total: 4,360
The defeated party gave a big banquet at the Brettun Friday evening and the tired and hungry sportsmen fed their friends and told of the hair breadth escapes of “mud-hen” and turtle-dove. Skunks counted fifty, but none were brought in.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
N. R. Darling has taken the S. Z. Frederick farm for next season. S. Z. having taken Mr. Eastman’s farm and sheep in Pleasant Valley Township for a term of years, has left Fairview.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
Geo. L. Eastman, with two children, started for New York on Tuesday evening.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Miss E. L. Merriam is starting a class in Landscape painting in oil. All who desire instruction will please call upon her at the residence of G. L. Eastman, corner of 7th Avenue and Millington Streets, after school hours during the week, or on Saturdays.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Henry Goldsmith has just purchased Captain Stevens’ dwell­ing, lately occupied by Mr. Eastman. It is one of the most desirable residences in town, and at first blush it would appear as if Henry was securing a cage for some unknown bird; but in this case, we must relieve him from any such suspicion, as he made the purchase for a home for his aged mother, who will leave Germany next month. Until then, Henry and Jake will keep house alone.
[Note: George L. Eastman and family did not return to Cowley County. MAW]