[It appears that George Eaton of Spring Creek was the cattleman.]
Spring Creek Township, 1873.
George Eaton, 30. No spouse listed.
Kansas 1875 Census, Spring Creek Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name Age sex color Place/birth Where from
George Eaton 35 m w Missouri Missouri
Eliza Eaton 21 f w Kentucky Indiana
Spring Creek Township, 1880.
George Eaton, 40; spouse, Eliza, 25.
Spring Creek Township, 1882.
George Eaton, 42; spouse, E., 27.
Looking for a cattleman by the name of Eaton...
C. A. Eaton: Windsor...
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
The Convention held at Winfield, Wednesday, August 20, for the purpose of nominating county officers, etc., was organized by electing J. B. Parmelee temporary Chairman, and J. P. Short temporary Secretary. A committee of one delegate from each Township was appointed on credentials; during their absence the Convention call was read by the secretary, and speeches were made by the different candidates notable among which was that of Capt. McDermott. Committee on credentials reported the names of sixty-six delegates entitled to vote, and at being present, or represented by proxy. Report received and committee discharged. J. B. Parmelee was then unanimously elected permanent President of the Convention and J. P. Short was elected permanent Secretary. On motion L. J. Webb was elected Assistant Secretary.
A committee of three on resolutions was appointed consisting of the following named delegates.
P. G. SMITH, Dexter, Chairman.
C. A. EATON, Windsor, Chairman.
S. W. GREER, Winfield, Chairman.
On motion it was ordered that the nomination be made as in the published call.
George Eaton...
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
Near Maple City December 5th, 1874, by Rev. F. W. Nance, Mr. George Eaton to Miss Eliza Pewitt, all of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.
Grand Jury.
C. G. Bradbury, James Hensley, Henry Harbaugh, Benjamin Burnett, A. A. Chamberlain, L. D. Brown, J. C. Dale, J. D. Elliott, J. C. Chapman, James Perkins, R. R. Turner, G. B. Green, George Eaton, Oliver Miller, and Jessie L. King.
E. A. Eaton...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
That Pony Story.
MR. SCOTT: I am a reader of your paper, and like to see the Bolton items. I saw one in your last week’s paper about Mr. Parvin having a pony stolen. I think Mr. Parvin’s pony story is like fried wool—it is a little mixed. Mr. Whitney was to work for Mr. Parvin four months for a “jack,” and Mr. Parvin gave him the privilege of trading it off for two ponies. One of them died, and he traded the other one to Mr. Lewis for a pony.
Then he traded it to Mr. Trissell, the pony he rode off. Mr. Whitney worked for Mr. Parvin about three months and a half, and as a good hand on a farm is worth twenty dollars a month. I don’t think Mr. Parvin lost any pony, and his neighbors think as I do. Now I will give the pony and Mr. Parvin a rest. E. A. EATON.
George Eaton...?? Wiley & Eaton. Also mentions H. S. Libby...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
Messrs. Wiley & Eaton have some 200 head of as fine hogs as can be found anywhere, and most of our farmers have more or less cattle and hogs.
H. S. Libby has one of the largest herds of cattle in the vicinity—something over 125 head.
Charley Eaton...??
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
They had what Lyman Herrick calls a “regular buckwheat hoedown” at Charley Eaton’s last Thursday night. All had a huge time.
George Eaton...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
The articles taken from Schiffbauer’s store on Monday night were six silver plated knives, some finished Elgin staffs, some roller jewels, and eighteen watches, in all valued at $482. The watches belonged to the following named persons, with the values set opposite their names.
George Eaton, silver, $25.00
Charley Eaton...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
The dance held at Charley Eaton’s last Tuesday night was composed of many persons from this place, who went in for fun in a manner that would have done you good to have seen.
George Eaton...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
EDITOR TRAVELER: Pursuant to call a Republican caucus was held at Maple City, October 12th, and the following township officers were nominated.
Trustee: W. W. Thomas.
Treasurer: F. W. Nance.
Justice of the Peace: Jase Gilleland.
Clerk: James Henson.
Constables: L. D. Wilson and George Clayton.
Road Overseers:
Dist. No. 1: George Eaton.
Dist. No. 2: J. M. Smith.
Dist. No. 3: M. B. Hennen.
Dist. No. 4: Hiram Blenden.
A motion was made and carried that a list of the nominees be sent to the Arkansas City TRAVELER and the Winfield Courier for publication. W. E. KETCHAM, Chairman.
E. A. GOODRICH, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
[From Special Correspondent.]
MR. EDITOR: I took a flying trip through this township some days ago, and was very much pleased with what I observed. Geographically, this township is centrally located east and west, and is one of the southern tier of townships, bordering on the Indian Territory, bounded on the north by Dexter Township, east by Cedar, and west by Silverdale. It is nine miles north and south and six miles east and west. It is also well watered by such streams as the Grouse, Little Beaver, Spring, Crab, and Skull creeks; well adapted to stock raising and farming.
I made my first appearance in this township near the junction of Skull Creek with Little Beaver, in the southwest corner. Mr. Eaton and A. A. Wiley have fine farms at this point, and are engaged in the stock business largely, as well as all the farmers along the State line. It rather excited my curiosity to know how Skull Creek received its name, and by inquiring I was soon satisfied.
Skull Creek was named by Mr. Alexander Tolles, he being the first to settle on the creek, taking this claim in 1870. One day while traveling across the creek bottom, he observed a skull, supposed to be the skull of an Indian, thereby the name came; what became of the skull I know not, but Tolles still lives here.
Mr. H. S. Libby has a farm on this stream. He is engaged largely in the stock business and is building a fine, large stone house this summer. He boasts of being a strong Greenbacker, and is one of the leading lights of the township.
Spring Creek is in the southeast corner of the township, running south. There are many farmers here making good improvements, and many more coming in. Mr. J. R. Tobin has his farm on this creek, and is making many improvements. He is the senior partner of the firm of Tobin & Davis, of Maple City, builders and contractors.
Maple City is the post village of this township, and is a thriving little place. It is situated on the headwaters of Skull Creek, 4½ miles north of State line. It is 16 miles east of Arkansas City. It is built on a rise in the prairie, in a good farming community. It contains a good store well filled with a general assortment of goods of all kinds. Mr. J. B. Schofield attends on all occasions, and solicits the patronage of the farming community. There is also a hotel, blacksmith shop, paint shop, and carpenter shop. Dr. N. M. Schofield is the physician of this place, and is also postmaster.
Grouse Creek runs through a small corner of this township in the northwest. Here we found Mr. J. N. Clayton hoeing corn among the stumps. This is the only Grouse Creek farm in the township. CHRISTMAS.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.
MAPLE CITY, JUNE 27, 1879.
The country is rapidly settling up. Seven claims have been taken in the last few days. Mr. George Eaton threshed day before yesterday and his wheat turned out one-third more to the acre than he expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879. Front Page.
George Eaton, who lives 60 miles south of Coffeyville, in the Cherokee Nation, had a valuable mare stolen from on the night of June the 10th last. Last Monday Judge Tibbils saw her passing through the town, and recognizing her, halted the man in possession and took the mare from him. Ample proof of the ownership and larceny was made before Esq. R. M. Ross, and the man who gave his name as D. Logan, and hails from Arkansas City, took his departure, leaving the mare with the Judge. Chautauqua Journal.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
The letters submitted by Judge Gans are from S. Wilkins, J. H. Lee, Geo. Eaton, H. W. Stubblefield, and E. Shriver. Each says he has intimately known the Judge for fifteen or twenty years, and knows he has never been a rebel sympathizer or copperhead, but has ever been a strong union man. We deem it unnecessary to publish the letters entire.
Eaton: First name not given.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
BOLTON, September 11, 1880.
Editor Traveler: According to call, the Republicans of Bolton met at the Bland schoolhouse on Thursday evening, September 9, and organized a rousing Garfield and Arthur club.
After the organization, in absence of expected speakers from abroad, the president, Mr. Buckner, asked some of the members to state their reasons for being Republicans. Mr. Marshall first responded, and concluded by quoting the forcible reasons given by Col. Ingersoll, which elicited great applause. Amos Walton, being present, was called on. He gave his reasons for having been such a consistent and life-long (?) Democrat, which was a weak argument, to say the least. Then followed Mr. John Brown, who gave us such a rousing speech as we seldom hear. He bled the gentleman (Mr. Walton) and the Democratic party at every thrust. In the course of his remarks he asked if anyone present ever knew a colored man to vote with the Democrats. Mr. Andrews being present said if any such had existed, they were dead.
Mr. Walton tried to reply, but his mind (or whatever he calls it) was so muddled that he could not say anything.
The next speaker was Mr. Clark, a Greenbacker, who scolded the Republicans and Democrats on the financial question about alike. Then referring to the Alabama election, and the manner in which they treated Messrs. Weaver and Randall down there, he came out in such bitter denunciation for the Democrats that those present—Walton, Turner, Gilbert, and Eaton—could not raise their heads “or sit low enough in their seats.” It was the most laughable sight I have witnessed for a long time. I venture they will not sigh for a similar experience in this campaign.
We had a good meeting, and when we come to the polls you can count on Bolton for a good Republican majority. The club meets again at the same place on Thursday evening, September 23, when we will have able speakers from abroad. ONE OF THE CLUB.
George Eaton...
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Below we give a list of township officers elected at the February election. In some of the townships the Justices hold over.
SPRING CREEK: Trustee, G. Eaton; treasurer, A. M. Schofield; clerk, R. J. Mead.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Cowley County stock men are largely represented on Red Rock and Black Bear creeks in the Territory. Among the number are: Wiley, Eaton, Potter, Estus, Libby, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
The keeping of stock in the Indian Territory has, of late years, assumed quite considerable importance as a business, many of our best citizens being engaged therein. Among the Cowley County men now holding stock in the Territory, we may mention the following: On Red Rock and Black Bear creeks are Messrs. Eaton, Potter, Estus, Libby, Wiley, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.
John Eaton...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
One of those who provided funds: John Eaton, $1.00.
W. A. Eaton...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
W. A. Eaton, editor of the Cheyenne Transporter, was up from the Territory last week to see how we prospered. Arkansas City is the favorite town with all Territory men, and we don’t know of any class of people that meet a warmer reception than the “boys” from the B. I. T. (Benefit Indian Territory).
George Eaton...
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Among other proceedings had by the Board the following claims were acted upon as follows.
Geo. Bull, Judge: $5.50
J. H. Gilleland, Judge: $2.00
Geo. Eaton, Judge: $2.00
___ Mead, Clerk: $2.00
___ Black, Clerk: $2.00
Owen and T. J. Eaton, sheep men, Silver Creek...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Messrs. W. R. Owen and T. J. Eaton, sheep men from Ohio, on last week purchased the McCan farm of 400 acres on Silver Creek for $4,000. Green & Snyder negotiated the sale.
E. A. Eaton...Bolton Township...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Old Soldiers of Bolton.
The following list of our soldiers of Bolton Township were furnished us for publication by Gus Lorry, trustee of that township.
E. A. Eaton, private, Co. __, 50th Illinois Infantry.
George Eaton: Spring Creek Township...
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
Beaver 780, Bolton 1,184, Cedar 677, Arkansas City 1,882, Creswell 763, Dexter 924, Fairview 512, Harvey 788, Liberty 716, Maple 636, Ninnescah 700, Omnia 347, Otter 463, Pleasant Valley 800, Richland 923, Rock 706, Sheridan 622, Silver Creek 928, Spring Creek 449, Silverdale 744, Tisdale 870, Vernon 930, Walnut 896, Windsor 900, Winfield City 3,284. TOTAL POPULATION: 22,516.
Beaver 51, Bolton 221, Arkansas City 526, Creswell 92, Dexter 27, Harvey 171, Liberty 121, Maple 88, Ninnescah 53, Pleasant Valley 29, Rock 33, Sheridan 6, Silver Creek 131, Spring Creek 65, Silverdale 104, Tisdale 54, Windsor 14, Winfield City 624 [?].
Total Gain in Population of above townships: 2,410.
While the increase of personal property and population in the county is very satisfactory, the improvement in the assessors’ returns for 1883 seem to have kept pace with the general improvement of the county. Not a bad return this year; some with slight mistakes, thirteen correct, and altogether, without doubt, much the most correct returns that have been made since the organization of the county. Below I give the names of the trustees whose returns needed and received no corrections in this office.
S. D. Jones, Beaver; P. A. Lorry, Bolton; J. B. Nipp, Creswell; E. Haynes, Harvey; Jos. Gorham, Maple; T. H. Aley, Otter; Ludolphus Holcomb, Pleasant Valley; H. J. Sandfort, Richland, S. D. Williams, Rock, Geo. Eaton, Spring Creek; Hugh McKibben, Tisdale; J. H. Irwin, Windsor, J. P. Short, Winfield City. J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.
George Eaton...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
At the Democratic County convention held at Winfield last Saturday, the following gentlemen were put in nomination: Sheriff, S. G. Gary; treasurer, J. B. Lynn; register of deeds, Geo. Eaton; county clerk, J. C. Hanlon.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Democratic Convention.
The Democratic Convention of Cowley County was held at the Courthouse last Saturday the 25th inst. Amos Walton was chairman and Jos. O’Hare secretary. The following nominations were made.
For Sheriff: S. G. Gary of Winfield.
For Treasurer: J. B. Lynn of Winfield.
For Coroner: W. I. Shotwell of Winfield.
For County Clerk: John Hanlen of Rock.
For Register of Deeds: Geo. Eaton of Silverdale.
For Surveyor: Alex Cairns of Tisdale.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
Mr. Geo. Eaton, Democratic candidate for register of deeds of Cowley County, was in the city yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Geo. Eaton, the chattering magpie now running on the Democratic ticket for register of deeds, says he doesn’t care for the office, but “only wants to bust the d___ Republicans.” This shows his opinion of any Republican who might be so foolish as to vote for him, but he needn’t lose any sleep over the prospect of busting T. H. Soward. When the votes are counted this Democratic nonentity will think that he was running the other way.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1883.
Register of Deeds.
George Eaton was elected trustee of Spring Creek Township, “not because he was so distressingly popular, but to secure the defeat of a man who persisted in listing cattle held in the Indian Territory by prominent Republicans. These Republicans got tired of paying lawyers to undo the work of one crank, and out of spite they turned in and elected this George Eaton. Since then George Eaton has gone daft. Sudden local prominence hath made him mad, and he essays to ride on this little ripple across the ocean of Cowley’s politics into the haven afforded by the office of register of deeds. He forgets that T. H. Soward is skimming along on a wave that will bury Eaton and his handful of votes so far out of sight that he will never be heard of more. Mark this: Geo. Eaton will not carry his own township, and Soward will beat him in the county five hundred votes. This is official.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Total vote cast: 4,245
Average Republican vote: 2,345
Average Democratic vote: 1,688
Average Anti-Monopoly vote: 222
Average Republican plurality: 640
Average Republican majority: 455
Capt. Hunt is highest on Republican ticket: 2,524
Geo. Eaton is highest on Democratic ticket: 1,773
J. H. Land is highest on Anti-Monopoly ticket: 277
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Recap: Official vote of Cowley County, Kansas, November 6, 1883.
For Register: T. H. Soward, R, 2199. Plurality: 426.
Geo. Eaton, D, 1773.
H. J. Sandfort, G, 258.
Fred S. Eaton, Silverdale...sheep business with brother (name unknown)...
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
Fred S. Eaton came in from Silverdale Saturday to get the REPUBLICAN to do some job printing. Mr. Eaton is in the sheep business. Last fall he and his brother owned over 1,400 but now they have only about 400. A great many died and a large number have been sold. Mr. Eaton tells us he will have an extraordinary crop of oats. It is the largest he has ever raised. He will commence to harvest in about a week or ten days.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
Fred S. Eaton, of Silverdale Township, moved his family to Calumet this week. He rented his farm to S. Ford and disposed of his stock of sheep before going.
George Eaton...
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
The following claims were allowed against the estate of J. C. McKibben, deceased: S. E. Schermerhorn, $944; Geo. Eaton, $266.15; Winfield Bank, $162.79; same Bank, $158.05; W. C. Robinson, one claim $184.25, and one for $136.20; W. A. Lee, $65.24; S. H. Myton, $40.45.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
A Card.
The TRAVELER is requested to publish the following vindication of a former resident of this city.
DEAR SIR: We wish to state through the columns of your paper, since Dr. Hart has been at Maple City, his conduct has been the reverse of that reported in the Arkansas Valley DEMOCRAT. Instead of proving himself a dead-beat and failing to pay his bills, we have personal knowledge of his having made sacrifices to be able to pay his debts. His conduct has been that of an honorable man, and he has been held in the highest esteem as a physician in this community.
[Signed by}
Miss Clara M. Eaton married to Alfred Nye. Gather she was from Silverdale. It appears that her mother was widowed. Moving to Maple City.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
MARRIED. On Thursday, the 5th inst., at the home of the bride’s mother, by Rev. F. L. Walker, Alfred Nye, of Maple City, and Miss Clara M. Eaton. The bride and groom were made the recipients of many valuable presents from friends. After the congratulations of neighbors, who shared with them a delicious and abundant repast, they went to their new home. Miss Clara will be greatly missed in Silverdale, but Maple City society will be the gainers.
Fred S. Eaton...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Fred S. Eaton has returned to his Silverdale farm from Calumet, Michigan.