John A. Eaton
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
Mr. John A. Eaton, of Bucyrus, Ohio, an old friend of Mr. O. C. Ewart of the Farmers Bank and one of the principal attorneys and Democrats of the Buckeye state, in company with the latter gentleman, made us a very pleasant call on Tuesday evening. He is one of the bright and well-informed men with whom it is always a pleasure to meet. His law partner is Adjutant General of Ohio. He is making Mr. Ewart a few days’ visit and is highly delighted with Winfield and Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Mr. John A. Eaton, of Bucyrus, Ohio, who visited this city some time since, will in a short time become a permanent resident of Winfield. He becomes a partner in the Farmers Bank, and will on his arrival assume the management of that institution. Mr. Eaton bears the reputation of being a thorough businessman and a fine lawyer and we have no doubt will prove a valuable acquisition to the business interests of our city.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Mr. John A. Eaton has purchased an interest in the Farmers’ Bank and assumes the position of cashier. He will return to Ohio, wind up his law business, and return with his family at an early day. In Mr. Eaton Winfield gains a splendid citizen, a perfect gentleman, and one possessed of much more than ordinary ability. He is at present a law partner with the Attorney General of Ohio.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Mr. John A. Eaton, of the Farmers Bank, returned from Ohio last week. He brings his law literary and family and will remain permanently. A part of friends looking up western investments accompanied him.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
A Chilly Trip. Mr. John A. Eaton, Cashier of the Farmers Bank, and a party of nine Ohioans who were visiting him, returned from a week’s pilgrimage in the Territory Saturday. They went on a hunt, and did hunt—a fire. That extremely cold wave struck them, and they found lying on the ground by night and hugging the campfire by day, very entertaining. Mr. Eaton says they ventured far enough away from camp to get a turkey—one killed by some other hunter, for which they traded a package of coffee. The party was exceedingly unfortunate in selecting a season for Territory sport and all paid the penalty in bad colds and chilblains. The Ohio gentlemen departed for their homes this week with not too high an opinion of the “Sunny” part of Southern Kansas—to return, however, at a more favorable time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Partners individually liable to the full extent of their private fortunes for the debts of the Bank.
N. Y. Correspondent—First National Bank.
Kansas City Correspondent—Bank of Commerce.
Any Bank in Central Ohio, the Commercial Agencies, or Bank of Commerce, Kansas City.
ROBERT KERR ... President
JOHN A. EATON ... Cashier
M. H. EWART ... Assistant Cashier
The Farmers Bank.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
This bank was instituted over a year ago by Ohio capitalists, whose capital and assets reach seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Robert Kerr is president; John A. Eaton, cashier; M. H. Ewart, assistant cashier. John A. Eaton, cashier and resident manager, is a man of much ability, enterprise, and affability, and is placing the bank in the front rank of Western institutions of its kind. He has had large experience as an attorney and financier and is one of our staunchest citizens. The transactions of the Farmers Bank have been universally satisfactory and it is gaining a prominent place in the confidence of our people.
T. J. Eaton mentioned as one of the young society people...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
The beautiful, commodious home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of a most pleasant gathering of our young society people on last Thursday evening, the occasion being in honor of Miss Mattie Harrison, a highly accomplished young lady of Hannibal, Mo., who is visiting here. The pleasing entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, gracefully assisted by Miss Harrison and other members of the family, banished all restraint and made genuine enjoyment reign supreme. Miss Harrison made a beautiful appearance in a lovely evening costume of white Nuns-veiling, entrain, and a number of elegant toilets were worn by the ladies. Those present were Mayor and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller; Mrs. W. J. Wilson and Mrs. J. Ex. Saint; Misses Jessie Millington, Anna Hunt, Nellie Cole, Emma Strong, Jennie Lowry, Hattie Stolp, Mamie Baird, Lena Walrath, Mattie Kinne, Alice Dickie, Maggie Taylor, Sarah Kelly, and Alice Aldrich; Messrs. Ezra Nixon, T. J. Eaton, M. J. O’Meara, M. H. Ewart, Ed. J. McMullen, B. W. Matlack, F. F. Leland, Everett and George Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, James Lorton, Louis Brown, W. H. Smith, D. E. Kibby, and Frank H. Greer. At the proper hour a splendid repast was spread and received due attention from the joyous crowd. The “light fantastic” keep time to excellent music and the hours flew swiftly by until the happy guests bid adieu to their royal entertainers, feeling delighted with the few hours spent in their pleasant home.
Tom Eaton one of the participants...
Another of Winfield’s Charming Social Events.
The Participants and Characters Represented.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
The annual masquerade party of the Winfield Social Club has been the crowning social event of every winter for years past, and the one at the Opera House last Thursday evening was all that past successors could have spoken for it—in fact, many pronounce it superior to preceding ones in selectness and refinement of conduct. It was free from the promiscuous crowd and jam that usually characterize such gatherings, there being just maskers enough to fill the floor nicely and make dancing most enjoyable. The characters represented were varied and unique, elicited much admiration from the large number of spectators, and we regret our lack of space to mention each in detail. Following are the names of the maskers and the characters represented.
Ladies: Miss Nellie Cole, Cerus; Miss Mattie Harrison, Milk Maid; Miss Iowa Roberts, Water Nymph; Miss A. Marks, Wichita, Fancy Costume; Miss Leota Gary, Flower Girl; Mrs. J. L. Horning, Ghost; Miss Nina Anderson, Fancy Costume; Misses Emma and Mattie Emerson, Fancy Costumes; Miss Anna Hyde, Spanish Lady; Miss Sarah Kelly, Fancy Costume; Miss Carrie Anderson, Fancy Costume; Mrs. Ed. Cole, Folly; Mrs. Lovell Webb, Cards; Mrs. D. Rodocker, Daily News; Mrs. George Dresser, Sailor Girl; Miss Mattie Kinne, Frost; Miss Jennie Snow, Cotton Girl; Miss Hulda Goldsmith, Flower Girl; Miss Jennie Lowry, Butterfly; Miss Hattie Stolp, Fancy Costume; Miss Ida Johnston, Music; Miss Lou Clarke, Fancy Costume.
Gentlemen: B. W. Matlack, Jumping Jack; Dr. C. C. Green, Monkey and Dude; Everett Schuler, British Artilleryman; Eli Youngheim, Humpty Dumpty; Eugene Wallis, Noble Red Man; Ed. McMullen, Phillip’s Best; F. F. Leland, Double-action Pussy and Flying Dutchman; George Read, The Devil; Fred Ballein, Hamlet; D. A. Sickafoose, Page; Frank Weaverling, Mexican; A. B. Taylor, Indian War Chief; Charles Roberts, Old Uncle Joe; W. H. Hodges, Highlander; Jos. O’Hare, British Officer; Addison Brown, Highlander; J. E. Jones, Sailor; George Schuler, Page; Tom Eaton, O’Donovan Rossa; M. H. Ewart, Page; Jake Goldsmith, Clown; M. J. O’Meara, Humpty Dumpty; S. Kleeman, Black Dude; Laban Moore, Monkey; John Hudson, Clown; Frank K. Grosscup, Spanish Cavalier; A. Snowhill, Prince; A. Gogoll, King Henry; Frank H. Greer, Beggar’s Student.
The excellent music of the Winfield orchestra and the experienced prompting of Mr. Chas. Gray, captivated all, while the careful floor managing of Messrs. A. H. Doane and Lacey Tomlin made everything go off without a hitch.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
John A. Eaton, cashier of the Farmers’ Bank, got in from Bucyrus, Ohio, Sunday last, after an extended absence. He was accompanied by his brothers, Frank and H. P.
By-Laws Adopted for a Permanent Organization.
The Queen City’s Prospective College.
Machine Shops And Foundry.
Startling Figures From Judge Soward in Favor of More Railroads.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
When such rustling, wide-awake businessmen as those of Winfield pull together for the advancement of any cause, it is bound to win. What has been needed in the past was unity of action, and no greater evidence could be given that this has been accomplished than was shown in the second rousing meeting of the Winfield Enterprise Association, Thursday evening last. The attendance was even larger than at the first meeting and the interest and harmony exhibited means that the Queen City and Cowley County will develop more magically during the next year than ever before—not a wild boom, to be followed by a collapse; but a solid, substantial development that will stand “the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds.”
M. G. Troup was called to the chair. J. C. Long and H. B. Schuler, chairman and secretary of the committee on organization, submitted a report which was discussed and adopted, as follows.
At a meeting of the citizens of Winfield and Cowley County, Kansas, held in the Court House, in Winfield, Feb. 12th, 1885, for the purpose of considering what action should be taken to encourage enterprises for the general good and benefit of Winfield and Cowley County, it was
Resolved, That the citizens of Winfield and Cowley County be associated together for the purpose above stated, and that such Association be called the Winfield Enterprise Association.
A committee of seven was appointed to draft such by-laws as in their judgment are necessary. The said Committee reported as follows.
First. The officers of the Association shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Board of Directors.
Second. The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteen members.
Third. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall be members of the Board of Directors.
Fourth. The Board of Directors to appoint from their number the President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
Fifth. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board.
Sixth. The duties of the Vice-President shall be the same as the President, when, from any cause, the President shall be absent.
Seventh. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a full record of all meetings, and by direction of the Board, to answer all correspondence and communications that may come up for consideration. He may also act as Treasurer, and as such shall account to the Board, with vouchers, for all disbursements, from time to time as they may direct.
Eighth. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum to do business.
Ninth. The meetings of the Board shall be called by the President or Vice-President, and in their absence, any three members of the Board may call a meeting, naming the time and place of such meeting.
Tenth. The annual meeting for the election of directors of this Association shall be held annually at seven p.m. on the first Thursday in March.
Eleventh. The officers and Board of directors to hold their positions for the term of one year, or until their successors are elected and enter upon the discharge of their duties.
Twelfth. Any vacancy occurring in the Board, the remaining members to fill same by appointment for the unexpired term of the retiring member or members. And the secretary to notify such person or persons of their appointment.
Thirteenth. All business matters or action of the Board shall be for the public good and not in any way or manner directly or indirectly for private or personal gain.
Fourteenth. No member of the Board shall use in any manner the Association to subserve or further his private affairs.
Fifteenth. These by-laws may be added to, amended, or altered by the Board of Directors at any meeting called by the Board for such purpose.
Sixteenth. Citizens of Winfield and Cowley County may become members of this Association by subscribing their names to these by-laws and paying a membership fee of two dollars.
Seventeenth. It shall be the duty of the Board at all times to take action and to make every effort to induce settlers of Cowley County, giving so far as they can such information as may be required by strangers and those seeking homes in the glorious great west. And to encourage enterprises that will add to the prosperity of Winfield, its surroundings, and its social advancements.
J. P. Baden, A. T. Spotswood, J. C. Long, Col. Whiting, J. A. McGuire, C. A. Bliss, M. L. Robinson, H. B. Schuler, and John A. Eaton were appointed a committee to solicit memberships to the Association.
Judge T. H. Soward presented some startling and convincing facts and figures in favor of the D. M. & A. and K. C. & S. railroads, which we give below. Their truth is self-evident and no man who gives them a careful perusal will ever again sit down on his little tail and howl against the city and county “burdening” themselves by aiding railroad corporations to build their lines. Here are the Judge’s figures.
An estimate on the reasonable effects of the proposed lines of railroad when built upon values and taxation in Cowley County.
Bonds asked for the D. M. & A. R. R. 50 miles of road bed will be about $180,000.00
Interest on $180,000 at 6 percent: $10,800.00
Average value of Southern Kansas railroad through Cowley per mile is $6,217.75
Average Wichita and Southwestern per mile is $7,090.25
Average of both roads: $6,602.50
Take this as a basis for the D. M. & A., and it will give 50 miles of road bed $6,602.50
Total: $330,125.00
Bonds asked for the Southwestern R. R.: $130,000.00
Miles of road bed 44, value of Road in county: $290,510.00
Interest on $130,000 at 6 percent: $7,800.00
County tax independent of State tax on valuation of 50 miles of road bed D. M. & A.:
$830,123 at .0355: $11,719.44
County tax independent of State tax on valuation of 44 miles of road bed Kansas
Southern $290,510 at .0355: $9,313.10
Total bonds to be asked for both roads: $310,000.00
Total miles of road bed 94, total value of road bed, etc.: $620,635,00
Total annual interest on bonds: $18,600.00
Total annual tax paid into County treasury independent of State tax: $21,032.54
Excess of tax over annual interest on bonds: $2,432.54
I think it safe to assert that the building of these railroads would add 3 cents per bushel to all grain raised in the county. They will open up a new market and put us 40 miles closer to the ones we now have, but say it adds two cents per bushel:
Winter wheat, 1,000,000 bu. at 2 cents: $20,000
Corn, 4,500,000 bu. at 2 cents: $90,000
Rye, oats, barley, and spring wheat, 1,000,000 bu. at 2 cents: $20,000
All other products: $5,000
Cattle: $10,000
Hogs: $10,000
Horses and mules: $5,000
Sheep: $5,000
Coal: $20,000
Lumber: $20,000
Add Dry Goods, groceries, hardware: [No price given]
Grand Total: $205,000
Now you who can estimate the amount of additional capital and population that would follow these enterprises, the additional amount of increase in tillage of soil and proportionate increase of yield it is simply wonderful and yet it is all practicable and can and will be done if we but do our simple duty.
The total taxation of Cowley County for all purposes for the year 1884 is $186,000 in round numbers. The increase in price of our products and our decrease in articles consumed would pay our taxes and leave a large balance in the hands of our producers. Every dollar of this money would stay in the pocket that earned it.
A. H. Jennings made an interesting address and sprung the matter of a college in Winfield. He cited the great advantages derived by his former home, Delaware, Ohio, through such an institution and allowed the feasibility of a college here. In all Southern Kansas there is not an institution of higher learning; no better field can be found. This would be an adjunct that would not only give one town a standing in the State, but greatly increase our population, our business patronage, and our educational conveniences. Cowley County is now sending abroad an average of fifty students annually at a cost of several hundred dollars each. And a great many more would seek classical education if the facilities were at home and the expense reduced. This college would also draw from a large territory surrounding us. It was proposed to organize a stock company, every man putting in one hundred or two hundred dollars being entitled to a twenty-year scholarship. Mr. Jennings’ scheme met with great favor, and now that the ball is rolling there is no doubt that fifty thousand dollars can be raised to boost the enterprise. Like every institution of the kind, it will have to grow from a small beginning. A. H. Jennings, Prof. Gridley, County Superintendent Limerick, Dr. Graham, Rev. Reider, and Dr. Kirkwood were appointed a committee to devise plans for the establishment of this college. The committee has been wisely selected and we have no doubt that they will put this important matter on foot and that it will reach an early fruition.
M. G. Troup also addressed the meeting at length, urging the establishment of this proposed institution of learning and showed its feasibility and importance to the Queen City. He spoke of the vast resources of Cowley County. Though she has advanced magically in her short existence, her domain is as yet but half developed. She has room and maintenance for sixty thousand people, which number she will soon have if her citizens show enterprise and grit. She not only wants more tillers of the soil, but more mechanics, manufacturers, and tradesmen. These must come if our advantages are properly shown up and the requisite encouragement shown.
J. E. Conklin introduced, with commendatory remarks, his old friend, J. M. Stayman, of Champaign City, Illinois, who is an experienced machinist and a man of ability and capital. Mr. Stayman stated that he was here on a prospecting tour and after being shown around the city and county by Mr. Conklin, had determined to locate with a foundry and machine shops in the stone building on north Main. James Ostrander, a machinist of equal experience will accompany him from the East soon and together they will establish this enterprise. Mr. Conklin gives these men the highest recommendation and Winfield will no doubt have reason to congratulate herself on their advent.
At the close of the meeting, a large number attached their signatures as members of the Association, and through the soliciting committee nearly every enterprising man has joined. A fund will be created that will enable the Association to send representatives in quest of any enterprise that may point in this direction. The members of the Association, in compliance with the by-laws, will meet the first Thursday in March for the election of officers and directors for the year, when many enterprises that are now developing will be presented.
[Note: They had “Stayman” and “Staymen” in article above.]
It appears that Thos. J. Eaton might be a son of John A. Eaton...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
T. J. Eaton, of the Farmers’ Bank, Winfield, was in our city Sunday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
CAPITAL. $125,000.00.
Partners individually liable to the full extent of their private fortunes
for the debts of the Bank.
Any Bank in Central Ohio and Bradstreet’s Commercial Agency.
ROBERT KERR. President.
JOHN A. EATON. Vice President.
JOS. A. MOORE. Cashier.
M. H. EWART. Assistant Cashier.
THOS. J. EATON. Teller.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
A. H. Doane and wife to J. A. Eaton, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, block 69, Winfield. $1,000.00
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
John A. Eaton, cashier of the Farmers Bank, is in Chicago, on “biz.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
S. J. Siddall and Elmer Mallette, Findlay, Ohio, friends of John A. Eaton, are here prospecting.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
John A. Eaton, of Winfield, was in the city Thursday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
John A. Eaton, of the Farmers’ Bank, left yesterday to attend to some unfinished law business in the courts of Bucyrus County, Ohio.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
A very pleasant progressive euchre party was given by Mrs. J. L. Horning last evening in honor of her friend, Miss Dawson, who has been spending the winter with her. The head prizes, consisting of a box of stationery and a dude cane, were received by Miss French and Mr. O’Meara, while Mr. Everett Schuler received a pair of one eyed spectacles and Miss Millington a pretty plush thimble case, for being the poorest players. Elegant refreshments were served and after an hour at dancing the company dispersed with many thanks for an evening so happily spent. Those present were: Misses Whitney, French, Hamill, Dawson, Cole, Millington, and Maggie and Lizzie Wallis, with Messrs. Whitney, O’Meara, Ewart, Eaton, Leland, Schuler, and Rudolf.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
And now it is the “Cyclone” that will sweep everything before it. Come on ye gentle feathers that want to be whirled into the air of ignominious defeat. This Cyclone is composed of Ed. McMullen, captain and short stop; Billy Parker, pitcher; Israel Martin, catcher; W. G. Gray, first base; Jerry Smith, second base; George Schuler, third base; Harry Halbrook, right field; B. W. Matlack, center field; Walter Tomlin, left field; Tom Eaton, second short stop. They will cultivate the base ball art, for pleasure, muscular development, and “sich.” It is an experienced nine, and with a little practice will lay it over any competitors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
A wave of Winfield’s youth and beauty captured Arkansas City Sunday. The sensation was extreme. The girls of the Terminus made comparisons amid profound tears, while the brave boys looked on perfectly awestricken. Such a sudden burst of beauty and style was too much for their delicate nerves. Winfield always establishes her reputation as a city of pretty women and handsome men. Among those who enjoyed this drive yesterday were: Misses Hattie Stolp, Nellie Cole, Minnie Taylor, Gertrude McMullen, Anna Hunt, Leota Gary, Mary Randall, Lena Walrath, Cora Dousman, Anna Hyde, and Nina and Carrie Anderson; and Messrs. Ben W. Matlack, John R. Atkins, H. E. Kibby, Frank F. Leland, James Lorton, Ed. J. McMullen, Will R. Gray, Mat. H. Ewart, D. H. Sickafoose, Geo. H. Schuler, Tom Eaton, and THE COURIER scribe. The morning shower, followed by such glorious sunshine, made the air soft and balmy, and all nature fairly sparkled with radiance. The drive was charming. A number took along baskets filled with culinary delicacies and dinnered on the shores of the placid Walnut, just east of the city, amid the warblings of the feathered songsters, the bursting of the buds, and under the sturdy oaks, where the roasted fowl, the animated pickle, and other charms held seances with the ferocious mosquito, the entertaining chigger, and other inhabitants of the forest. The day’s tranquility was ended in damp romance, the storm giving a number of the party a ducking. The trip was exhilarating and highly enjoyable throughout—if it was more extensive to some than was anticipated; even unto Monday morning.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Miss Jessie Millington gave a very enjoyable progressive euchre party Saturday evening. There were four tables, and of course some exhibitions of skill—and ill luck. Miss Emma C. Strong and Mr. Byron Rudolf were the most profusely adorned with blue medals and were awarded appropriate prizes as the best players, while for red ribbon adornment, and unlucky playing, Miss Cora M. Dousman and Mr. Thomas Eaton received the prizes. Miss Dousman was also up to the champion lady player in blue medals, but the test “cut” her out. There were present, besides those named, Misses Sadie French, Anna Hunt, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson; and Messrs. M. J. O’Meara, M. H. Ewert, Everett Schuler, E. H. Nixon, and Frank H. Greer. Progressive euchre for the entertainment of a small party is unexcelled. The game is simple, novel, and fascinating. As a society game it is becoming justly popular.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Mr. John A. Eaton, of the Farmer’s Bank, has broken the ground for a family residence on the corner of 9th avenue and Menor street. The plans indicate that it will be one of the handsomest residences in the city. It is on the Queen Anna style of architecture, three stories, commodious apartments, and will be finished with much taste and beauty. Mr. Eaton says he is building this home to die in—the last one he shall ever build, being determined to spend his remaining days here, and means to construct it with all the conveniences of a model home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
John A. Eaton received Saturday three elegant book cases from Chicago, also a Cutler desk. This furniture is ahead of any office furniture we have seen in the west. Mr. Eaton will have his law library on soon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
John A. Eaton has commenced to sling dirt for his new residence on the corner of Mansfield street and Ninth avenue, running some ten or twelve teams.
[Paper this time said corner of Mansfield and Ninth.]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 27, 1885.
The Border Base Ball Club the Champion of Cowley County.
Thursday afternoon the Border Base Ball Club went to Winfield to meet the Burden Club. The game was for the Championship of Cowley County. It is almost needless to say that it was the best game played this season. Both Clubs did their best and several excellent plays were made on each side. The game commenced at about 2:30 p.m., with the Burden club at the bat. They were white-washed. Three men went out in quick succession. The Border club was more fortunate and one tally was scored. On the second inning the Burden club was again white-washed. The Border club got in two ringers this half inning. On the first half of the third inning, the Burden boys made their first tally. On the last half of the same inning, our boys made four scores. The Burden boys, owing to some unskillful playing on the part of our boys, raised their score eight tallies, on their half of the fourth inning. The Border club got two. On the fifth inning the Burden boys were saved from a white-wash by one tally. The Border club was not blessed with a score this inning. The sixth inning the Burden boys were treated to a white-wash. The Border club swallowed the same kind of a dose. The seventh inning the Burden club scored one and the Border club one. In the eighth inning the Burden boys were white-washed while the Border club added six tallies to their score. In the ninth inning the Burden nine swelled their score four tallies. The Border club did not play their half of the ninth inning as they were ahead.
The score was: Border club, 16 tallies; Burden, 15 tallies.
The following are the names of the players.
Burden Club: Bucknell, Dansett, Elliott, Jackson, Alberts, Collins, Henderson, Conrad, and Brooks.
Border Club: Wilson, Perryman, Wright, Miller, Godfrey, Gage, Pentecost, Wright, and Hilliard.
Messrs. Perryman and Gage pitched for the Border Club; and Wilson and Perryman caught. They did excellent work. A gentleman from Burden umpired and gave satisfaction.
Messrs. Oliver, Eaton, Randolph, McMasters, Ewert, Dougherty, and Martin entertained the two visiting clubs.
Our boys desire to return their thanks to those gentlemen for their kind treatment.
The next game the Border club plays will be with the Cyclones of Winfield. The game will be played July 4th, on the Arkansas City grounds. The game will undoubtedly be very interesting to base ball lovers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
J P Short et ux to John A Eaton, 75 feet off w end of lot 12 blk 128, Winfield: $7,500
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Arkansas City’s base ball club has at last edged to the front, by a squeeze. The game between the Border club, of A. C., and the Clippers, of Burden, resulted in a score of sixteen to fifteen in favor of the Borders. It was a very fine game, and drew a large crowd of admiring spectators. Some brilliant playing was done on both sides. The boys showed grit and practice. The game was for the championship of the county. It is not very good grace in the Borders trying to walk off with this championship on the first game won this season. It will now be in order for the Borders to defeat our Cyclones, now, as reorganized, the best club in this section. Then it can tuck the county championship in its vest pocket and look for other fields to conquer. Both these clubs are composed of a very gentlemanly lot of fellows, and their visit to our city was appreciated, as was beneficially attested by Ray Oliver, A. J. Dougherty, Tom J. Eaton, Byron Rudolph, M. H. Ewart, A. H. McMaster, I. Martin, and Frank L. Crampton, who went down into their pockets $11.50 worth for the banqueting of the clubs at the Central. This is commendable enterprise and drew warm appreciation from the visitors. Everything, both on the ball ground and socially, was perfectly harmonious: free from that jaw and blow usually heard in contest games. The Borders didn’t play the last half of the ninth inning, it being late, and they having the game anyhow.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood was, last night, the scene of a most enviable gathering of our young society people. The occasion was in honor of the Misses Sarah Bass, of Kansas City, and Sarah Gay, of St. Louis, accomplished and attractive young ladies who are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Spotswood. It was one of the jolliest companies; all restraint was banished under the royal hospitality of the entertainers. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Emerson and Misses Nettie McCoy, Julia Smith, Libbie Whitney, Jessie Millington, Bert Morford, Hattie Stolp, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Gertrude McMullen, Ida Johnston, Sadie French, Minnie Taylor, Leota Gary, Maggie Harper, Anna Hunt, Mary Hamill and Lizzie McDonald; Messrs. J. J. O’Meara, W. H. Smith, F. F. Leland, B. W. Matlack, T. J. Eaton, Eugene Wallis, Lacey Tomlin, D. H. Sickafoose, W. H. Whitney, M. H. Ewart, Byron Rudolf, Harry Bahntge, E. J. McMullen, Everett and George Schuler, James Lorton, Charles Dever, Frank Robinson, Addison Brown, Fred Ballein, S. D. Harper, and F. H. Greer. Music, cards, the “light fantastic,” and a collation of choice delicacies made the time pass most pleasantly. Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood and daughter, Miss Margie, and the Misses Bass and Gay did the honors of the evening very delightfully, and reluctantly did the guests depart, with appreciative adieu, wishing many more such happy occasions.
What Was Done at Their Meeting Monday Night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The rulers of the city held their regular commune Monday night, with Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, McDonald, Myers, Crippen, Harter, and Baden present.
John A. Eaton’s building permit was granted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Things are shaping about for a boom in the way of new business buildings. Mr. Schuler is clearing the ground for the immediate construction of four twenty-five foot store buildings, at the rear of the Winfield National, to the alley, with offices in the second story. John A. Eaton will soon be at work on his fine bank building. Irve Randall and Ed. Weitzel have about determined to erect two store buildings, two stories and one hundred feet deep, on the lots just south of the Commercial Hotel. George Crippen will also soon erect a good building on the corner of Main street and 8th avenue, while a number of others are being projected. And many valuable new residences are being planned for erection soon. Verily, the great impetus made by our grasp of various big enterprises begins to materialize. Dozens of men of money and influence are daily visiting the Queen City with a view of location and investment. They all want to live in a city with the “git up and git” that ours exhibits.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
John A. Eaton showed us some very fine architectural drawings Friday, done by Willis A. Ritchie, the gentleman from Lima, Ohio, who is here to get up plans for Mr. Eaton’s new bank building.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The fancy of our young folks has succumbed to equestrianism and almost every evening a bevy are out with their glossy chargers for a gallop about the city. Last night a whole platoon of health invigorators and pleasure seekers, through the horseback medium, took in the city. The beauty and grace of the ladies was almost equaled by the gallantry and comeliness of the young chaperons while the handsome horses came in for a share of womanly praise. Among the company were Misses Edith Hall, Sarah Bass, Kate Rodgers, Minnie Taylor, Sarah Gay, Anna Hunt, Bert Morford, Ida Johnston, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Lizzie McDonald; Messrs. Lacey Tomlin, Tom J. Eaton, Eugene Wallis, Chas. S. Dever, Frank Robinson, Ed. J. McMullen, Addison Brown, and F. H. Greer. Horseback riding is one of the most graceful and invigorating accomplishments, and the young lady who makes it a frequent practice will not have to paint the roses on her cheeks and her headaches will flee into the great reservoir of nonentity. It beats sitting in the “palah” fingering the “pianah” for your best fellow. Make him take you out riding. Roller-skating, croquet, and hammock are nowhere in comparison. Girls, if you would be happy, pretty, and buxom, cultivate equestrianism. Of course, advice to the boys is ungraceful—they get afoot anyway, and don’t care a cent for rosy cheeked beauty or effeminate accomplishments. If they can steer clear of ice cream parlors, they are happy, and get off remarkably easy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Now the Cyclones will be wiped up, sure! An institution with such a name would drive even New York to the wall. Encouraged by recent developments, a base ball nine was organized today, under the horrid title of “Exterminators,” to wipe up our Cyclones. It is composed as follows: M. N. Sinnott, Captain; Joseph O’Hare, Arthur Bangs, James McLain, A. B. Taylor, W. H. Dawson, Tom Eaton, Ray Oliver, E. S. Bedilion, and E. C. Seward. Dave Harter is substitute for fat man Seward when he is laid up in the shade for repairs. Their first game will come off at the fair grounds Saturday at six o’clock, when the Cyclones will be completely exterminated. The game opens at 6 and the losing nine will pay the back fare for its opponent. The Exterminators will start off easy like, with but five innings, but will soon clean out anything with a round of nine.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Miss Anna Hunt opened her pleasant home Thursday to our young society people. The occasion was most enjoyable, distinguishing Miss Anna as a successful entertainer. She was very agreeably assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hunt in doing the honors of the evening. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hosmer, Mrs. Frank Balliet; Misses Bertha Williamson, of Cincinnati; Clara Lynch, of Wichita; Corinne Cryler, of Parsons; Edith Hall, of Burlington, Iowa; Nona Calhoun, of Maysville, Kentucky; Mollie Brooks, Sarah Bass, Sarah Gay, Bert Morford, Jessie Millington, Nellie Cole, Mary Randall, Lizzie McDonald, Maggie Harper, Ida Johnston, and May Hodges; Messrs. R. B. Norton, of Arkansas City; M. J. O’Meara, T. J. Eaton, M. H. Ewart, Lacey Tomlin, S. D. Harper, J. R. Brooks, Chas. Dever, Addison Brown, Everett and George Schuler, James Lorton, Chas. Hodges, and Frank H. Greer. With a bright moon, balmy atmosphere, and vivacious young folks, the lawn, adorned with Chinese lanterns, was indeed a lovely scene. Restraint was completely banished by the charming entertainment. Social promenade, music, a banquet of choice delicacies consisting of ices, cake, etc., the “light fantastic,” with cribbage and other games made the evening fly very happily, to remain among the pleasant memories of the participants.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The base ball rage is still at fever heat. Friday afternoon there was a lively game at the park between a picked nine from the Central and a picked nine around town. The Central nine were: Frank Crampton, Levi Crampton, Will Russell, Harry Holbrook, Will McKay, Frank Lowe, Wardie Lee, Hathaway, and McClelland. Frank Crampton, captain; McClellan, catcher; and Harry Holbrook, pitcher. The Exterminators were: Lum Callahan, Arthur Bangs, John Crane, Jim Vance, A. Snowhill, Cap. Whiting, Tom Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, and Jim McClain. The Exterminators were excellent batters but lacked skill as fielders. They also had no good catcher. If they had had a good catcher, they would have made it very warm for the Central. Arthur Bangs sent the balls in like a bullet. Lum Callahan was the only one in full uniform. He had borrowed the suit of some clown of a yellow shade. The first lick he made in this suit, he split it, but Lum showed himself equal to the emergency by stepping aside and turning his garments front for back. This gave Lum a presentable appearance, and things went on all right. The last half of the ninth inning was not played by the Centrals. The score stood 27 to 37 in favor of the Centrals.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver’s compliments for a Progressive Euchre party in honor of their guests, Miss Lynch and Miss Criley, were accepted by a very pleasant and well selected party of young folks, Saturday, and a very interesting game was played, after which nice dishes of ice cream and delicate cakes were eaten. Mrs. Fred Hunt received a beautiful Alligator-bound book, a head prize, and Mr. Rudolf a pack of fine playing cards as the most successful gentleman, while Miss Margie and Mr. Eugene Wallis were the unfortunate ones, receiving respectively, a baby rattle and a large tin horn. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Misses Sadie French, Sallie Gay, Sallie Bass, Jessie Millington, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Clara Lynch, Corinne Criley, and Messrs. Ewart, Eaton, Wallis, Tomlin, McMullen, M. J. and Will O’Meara, Rudolf and W. H. Smith.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Storm or cloud, wind or cyclone, heat or cold can’t check the jollity and genuine sociability of our young folks. Facing a very elevated mercury, the presence of the Italian band imbued them, and Monday an impromptu party was given at the rink—not to dance much, you know, but just to enjoy the charming Italian music. But the charm of Terpsichore came with that of the music and round and round whirled the youth and beauty, in the mazy waltz and perspiration. The rink, with its splendid ventilation and smooth roomy floor, has a peculiar fascination for lovers of the dance, which, added to perfect and inspiring music, easily explains the enjoyment that reigned last night. The ladies, arrayed in lovely white costumes and coquettish smiles, always look bewitching on a summer evening. And right here we know the remark will be endorsed, that no city of Winfield’s size can exhibit a social circle of more beauty, intelligence, and genuine accomplishment—no foolish caste, no “codfish aristocracy,” or embarrassing prudishness. Among those present last night, our reporter noted the following, nearly all of whom “tripped the light fantastic.” Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hosmer, Misses Bertha Williamson, Nellie Cole, S. Belle Gay, S. Gay Bass, Anna Hunt, Edith Hall, Mamie Shaw, Maggie and Mattie Harper, Gertrude and Nellie McMullen, Bert Morford, Nona Calhoun, Emma Strong, Sadie French, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Nina Anderson, Jennie Lowry, Hattie Andrews, and Belle Bertram; Messrs. Fred C. Hunt, A. D. Speed, Willis Richie, D. H. Sickafoose, Amos Snowhill, S. D. and Dick Harper, Eli Youngheim, Ed J. McMullen, B. W. Matlack, T. J. Eaton, P. H. and E. C. Bertram, Everett and George Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, Byron Rudolf, P. S. Kleeman, Harry Bahntge, and George Jennings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
CAPITAL, $125,000.000
Partners individually liable to the full extent of their private fortunes for the debts of the Bank.
Any Bank in Central Ohio and Bradstreet’s Commercial Agency.
ROBERT KERR, President.
JOHN A. EATON, Vice President.
M. H. EWART, Cashier.
THOS J. EATON, Assistant Cashier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Our school board has been busy at their regular and adjourned meetings for the past few months, endeavoring to select or contrive a plan for the proposed addition of four school rooms to the Central school building, that will meet the wants in regard to capacity necessary, and at the same time make a building that will be in good style and proportion. Sketches were submitted to them at their meeting two weeks ago, which provided for the addition of two rooms on each floor, adjoining the building on the north, and was thought first to be the correct idea, but upon close study and examination it was readily seen that it would make an inconvenient plan, because of having two separate halls and stairs, with no communication with each other except by passing through one of the school rooms, and would also make as ugly and unsightly a building as the old barracks building or some old-styled asylum. At this meeting Architect Willis Ritchie, who came here from Ohio to do the work on Mr. Eaton’s residence and bank building, was called in to see if he could suggest to them some plan which would fill the bill.
What They Did at Their Regular Commune Monday Night.
Various Pithy Doings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The rulers of the city met Monday in regular semi-monthly commune. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, Crippen, and Harter. Absent: Councilmen Jennings, Baden, and Hodges.
An indemnity bond was required of John A. Eaton, making the city harmless from any damage that might occur from moving the Harter building into 9th avenue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
The base ball game at Arkansas City Wednesday between our Exterminators, composed of Frank Hathaway, G. D. Byerly, Tom J. Eaton, George Byington, Arthur Bangs, James Vance, John Crane, Cap Whiting, and James McLain, and the Terminus’ “Rough on Rats,” was a daisy game, for good feeling and genuine exercise, with some very good playing. The Rough on Rats were made up of Arkansas City businessmen, who went in for the fun of the thing: and got it. Our fellows put it to them with a score of 33 to 17. The Rats entertained the Exterminators in royal style, and all pronounce the occasion tip top. The Rats will return the game in a short time. Our Eli’s are getting a daisy “rep.”
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
The “Exterminators” of Winfield came down to play a match game of base ball with the “Rough-on-Rats” Wednesday. The game commenced at 2:30 with the “Exterminators” at the bat. The “Rough-on-Rats” tried hard to make their opponents swallow the poison, but the Exterminators struggled manfully and would not let it go down. The score at the end of the 6th inning was 17 to 33 in favor of the visiting club. The names of the exterminators are Messrs. Bangs, Hathaway, Vance, Whiting, Crane, McLain, Byerly, Eaton, and Byington. They are first-rate players and whole-souled fellows. The “Rough-on-Rats” were Messrs. Stevenson, Flood, Kingsbury, Sollitt, Wright, Baxter, Clark, Speers, and Howard. Let a generous-hearted public draw the veil of charity over the defeat of the “Rough-on-Rats.” Peace be to their ashes.
Grindings of Their Last Night’s Meeting. A Big Grist.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The rulers of the city met last night in regular semi-monthly session, Mayor Graham presiding and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, and Baden present; absent, Councilmen McDonald, Hodges, and Harter.
The street and alley committee was instructed to purchase dirt for street grading from the Eaton-Short cellar excavators, ten cents per load, delivered.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
John A. Eaton’s new residence corner of 9th Avenue and Menor Street, is progressing rapidly. Messrs. Warner & McIntire are the contractors. It is modern in design, convenient, and handsome. It contains fifteen or more rooms, with statuary arches and fine embellishment. It will represent about twelve thousand dollars and make one of the city’s handsomest and most creditable residences.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
C. B. Lee and H. M. Viele, of Wellington, called Friday morning in company with John A. Eaton. They are experienced home and sign painters, with shops at Wellington, Harper, Anthony, and other places. They are very highly pleased with our city and will likely enter business here, making Winfield their headquarters. They are pleasant gentlemen of intelligence and enterprise. The surety of an unprecedented building boom here is attracting many first-class mechanics.
Trial Docket Cowley County District Court,
September Term, 1885, Commencing Sept. 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
2144. S M Jarvis vs Alonzo Johnson et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; D. C. Beach and John A. Eaton for defendant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
In answer to many questions, and for the benefit of those that could not avail themselves of the opportunity of taking in the excursion of Kiowa, I will try and give a few outlines of the trip. On Tuesday morning, August 25th, we boarded the 10:40 train, hearing that the regular excursion train from Kansas City, which was 20 minutes behind the regular train, was full, we boarded and started for Kiowa, which is located in Barber County, and at the terminus of the K. C. & S. K. Railroad. At Kellogg several parties joined our company. Among them was our friend, W. P. Gibson, of Protection, Comanche County. When we told him we were going to Kiowa, his face was almost as long as a fence rail, and he felt sorry for Protection. At Oxford a number of her citizens joined us, and so on at every station we passed until we neither had sitting nor standing room on our train. We arrived at Kiowa at 3:30 p.m., and the other train 20 minutes later. The citizens of Kiowa met us in grand style at the railroad. I won’t say depot for they have none yet; but they were there with all the buggies, carriages, and hacks they had in town, together with the Wellington Band, which had gone over the day before. We unloaded right in the midst of the worst prairie that a great many of the excursionists has ever looked upon. We were now about half a mile from what they called New Kiowa. We started on the march, headed by the Band. We marched up through Main street, and there, let me tell you, we saw wonders to behold such as we never will forget. As they marched us into the town, they said they proposed to show us the production of their county, which they did to perfection. Across Main street they had erected an arch about forty feet high in the center. This was handsomely decorated from base to base with all the cereals of the soil, such as none but Kansas lands can produce—corn, wheat, millet, beans, cane, melons, cotton, pumpkins, etc. This they claim was the production of 1885, and the production of their county for 1884. They had on exhibition the bear, cayote, wild cat, deer, and numerous others too numerous to mention, and to go back as far as 1881, and to show to this grand excursion party—especially to those who had forgotten the production of these past years—they had on public exhibition, with doors wide open, seven saloons and gambling houses, selling whiskey and beer over the bar by the drink, as they did of olden times. I must confess that this seemed to be the most lively part of the exhibition. On top of the arch they had a stuffed beef hide. There it stood natural as life, 40 feet in the air. After passing through this arch, we filed right and were brought to a halt in front of the Hardwick House, a fine, large two-story hotel, fitted up for all contingencies, with a bar and billiard room on the first floor, with all the necessary conveniences about a first class hotel on the second floor. After some very fine music from the band, the excursion party started for the four corners of Kiowa. I want to tell you some of them saw the elephant before morning, but I am not going to tell you who they were. Ask J. J. Johnson and Sam Phenix about it. The first place I saw these two gentlemen in the morning was crawling out of a stockade that had been bedded with sand the night before for shipping Texas cattle. Of course, we did not know whether the people of Kiowa would give us a free lunch or anything of the kind, but it was suggested by some of the party that it was such a great cattle region that they would as much as have a roasted beef anyway. When we all got off of the train and beheld that beef standing forty feet in the air, the whole party thought it was a sign of a roasted beef. It was a sight to see the greedy eyes feasting on that stuffed beef as we passed under it; but we were to be pitied as the train had stopped nowhere for dinner, and we had eaten up all the roasted and unroasted peanuts that the peanut vendor had on the train. You may know what a hungry looking crowd we were, but we did not see any roast beef nor have a barbecue. I think if that striped animal had fallen off of the arch in the crowd, it would have been devoured in less time than a gang of cayotes could devour a buffalo carcass. But we got full—that is, we all got plenty to eat by paying $2 for our supper, bed, and breakfast. We were glad of the accommodations, even at that price. When you visit Kiowa, you don’t want to care for expenses.
After supper the crowd was called together—all that could get together—at the Hardwick House and after some very fine music by the Wellington band, the excursionists were addressed by Mr. Dobson, mayor of the city, in which he stated that he was completely surprised to think that 1,500 people would drop down on them at one time just to see their little city. He said their town was only six months old and had already about 1,000 inhabitants. Judge Reed, of Wellington, also addressed the crowd, making some fine remarks about the southwestern country. Some gentleman from Kansas City also made some remarks in which he said there were three great cities. First, the city of Chicago; Kansas City; and, last, but not least, the city of Kiowa. Then the chairman suggested that after some more music from the band there would be a free dance on the platform adjoining the hotel, and those who had no place to stay “could dance all night and go home in the morning.” The platform was 40 x 100 feet. They had fine music and the Kansas City, Wellington, Winfield, Oxford, and Kiowa people all joined hands and had a jolly old time by the sweet, silvery light of the moon.
My object in taking this trip west was for my own satisfaction and to see if all reports were true that we had been hearing. I had been told by many that they had been having much more rain than we had and that the crops were much better. Now, after seeing with my own eyes, I emphatically deny the reports. I do not think they have had any more rain than we have had. I saw some pieces of corn that were green and nice yet, and some that were dried up, some were well eared, and some had no ears at all on it, just the same as in this county. The early corn is good, but the late is a failure. Some say the soil is just as good out west as it is here. Now I can deny this. I paid particular attention to the crops and soil and want to say right here, I would not give a good quarter section of Cowley County soil for any section of land I saw west of a little town called Crystal, about fourteen miles west of Harper, for agricultural purposes. At this place and on west the soil is a deep red, with not an inch of black soil to be seen. The water that stands in pools is a red color and did not look even fit for stock to drink. If the soil was only a Mulatto color with a little black mixed in, I would think it better for agriculture. I did not see any grass west of Attica that was tall enough to cut. I noticed that there was not much fall plowing done, on account of the dry weather. The ground is just as dry out there as it is here. I examined some ground that had lately been plowed and it looked as though it has had no rain on it this summer. I think that country, to make a good farming country, wants a rain every day in the week and one on Sunday for a change. Between Attica and Chrisfield we passed through quite a valley, which A. J. Thompson called “Wild Horse Valley,” as there was a herd of Texas ponies running away from the train, and he took them for a genuine herd of wild horses; but he was informed by someone that they were only Texas ponies. Between Chrisfield and Hazelton we ran into the prairie dog towns and Jap Cochran thought they were pigs following the cattle until he was told better by some bystander, who informed him that they did not raise hogs in that country.
Among the excursionists from Cowley, I noticed the following persons: J. J. Johnson, New Salem; F. M. Fall, Cambridge; J. Hiatt, Cambridge; S. Phenix, Floral; J. Finkleburg, Arkansas City; N. T. Snyder, Arkansas City. From Winfield: A. J. Thompson, Walter Denning and wife; Uncle Billy Moore and wife; Jap Cochran and mother; Barnthouse, the soda man; Sol Fredrick; John Eaton and wife; C. W. Stolp and son; Jake Goldsmith; Sam Stivers and brothers; and Gray, of the Telegram.
We left Kiowa at 12:30 and arrived home at 5:30, all except Jap Cochran. I think he got off on the way to get some of those pigs. I don’t think there was an investment made out of the whole party on account of the high prices. A. J. Thompson don’t value lots out in Kiowa like he does in Winfield. They tried to sell some lots at auction the day we left, and Thompson bid $100 for a lot on Main street, but I think one of the town company over-bid him and he did not get it. Now if anyone that was on this grand excursion can give a better description of the trip, I am ready to hear from them.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Ben Herrod and Hank Paris have the contract for excavating the Eaton-Short cellar on the corner of Ninth and Main. They are making things hum.
New Buildings, Residence and Business, Spring Up All Over the City.
Their Owners, Style, Cost, etc.—A Resume of our Improvement Boom!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
[Description of Farmers Bank Building and Eaton’s Law Office.]
The Farmers Bank building, on the corner of Main Street and 9th Avenue, will be by far the best building in this part of the State. It will be built of the gray stone, with blue stone trimmings, and will have a galvanized iron cornice, crestings, and dormer windows, with a slate roof, mansard and gothic front on the third floor part of the building. The building will be 50 x 115 feet, of which the front 50 x 75 feet will be three stories, and the 40 x 50 feet at the rear, fronting on 9th Avenue, will be two stories high, but will have the same style of finish and general appearance of the front part except the mansard front. Mr. Eaton’s part of the building (25 x 75 feet of the corner) will have two good basement store rooms, well lighted and ventilated, with a fire-proof vault for each. The first floor will contain the Banking rooms, with Mr. Eaton’s law office with side entrance at the rear, and a large burglar and fire-proof vault for the bank. Two broad, easy stairs will give access to the second floor rooms of the building; one stair in the center of the Main Street front, the other near the center of the 9th Avenue front. The second floor of this building will contain three suites of offices of three rooms and a closet to each. Mr. Short’s part of the building will have a good cellar, but no basement rooms. The first floor will have three good store rooms with a rear light and entrance to each. The second floor will have ten suites of offices of two rooms each, connected by wide folding doors. They do not contemplate finishing the third floor at present; but when done, it will make at least six good office or sleeping rooms. This building will be the “Office Block” of the city, and will contain thirteen suites of the best lighted and ventilated offices in the city. The building will cost $20,000. A fine drawing of the building will be completed soon and will show what it will be when completed.
[John A. Eaton Residence.]
[Note that this time they state southeast corner of 9th Avenue and Mansfield Street.]
John A. Eaton’s new home residence, on the southeast corner of 9th Avenue and Mansfield Street, will be of modern Eastlake style, bordering on the Queen Ann. It will contain twelve rooms on the first and second floors, with pantries, closets, cupboards, and book cases built in the house. The front hall and stairs will be of the latest designs, and will be one of the most pleasing features. Verandas and balconies, artistic dormers, gables, cresting, and slate roof, and stained glass windows, etc., will make the exterior of one of the most modern stylish residences in the west. The building will be finished in first-class style throughout, and will cost, when completed, about $10,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The City Fathers met in regular session Monday night, Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Crippen, Harter, and Baden, and city clerk Buckman, present; absent, Councilmen McDonald, Myers, and Hodges.
It was determined that the city buy but eight more loads of dirt from the Eaton cellar.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Miss Mary Berkey gave a very enjoyable party to a number of her young friends at her home Thursday evening. Those present were: Mrs. Roy Stidger and Mrs. Spencer Miner; Misses Leota Gary, Millie Schute, Minnie Taylor, Emma Strong, Bert Morford, Nona Calhoun, Eva Dodds, Ida Johnston; Messrs. George Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, Frank Robinson, Tom Eaton, Addison Brown, P. S. Hills, A. F. Hopkins, Ed McMullen, Harry Sickafoose, Phil. Kleeman, and C. S. Seitz. Miss Mary, assisted by her mother and sisters, Miss Eva and Mrs. Miner, did the honors of the evening elegantly, making genuine enjoyment supreme. Cards, music, and other amusements, with a luncheon of choice delicacies, made the time fly rapidly until twelve o’clock, when all bid their agreeable entertainers appreciative adieu, wishing the return of many such happy occasions.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Isaac Crane met with a very bad accident Monday afternoon. He was in the second story of John A. Eaton’s residence, the floors of which are skeleton—on joists. The hands had been going up and down on a pulley, which was used for hauling scantling up. Ike put his foot in the loop, grabbed the rope, and started to go down. He caught hold of the wrong end of the rope, and instead of his weight balancing him, he went through the rafters with a crash, falling with terrible force on the sills twelve feet below. His left leg was broken diagonally a few inches above the knee, with a bad fracture of the leg’s calf. The small bone of his left arm, below the elbow, was also broken. He was otherwise jarred up and is now at the home of brother, Mat, in a condition from which it will take him months to recover. Dr. Wright has him in hand. He is a single man of forty-five, and, like his brothers, is a stone and brick mason.
Some Pointers for Strangers Looking for Homes, Investments, Etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Although times are dull and money scarce, generally speaking, Winfield has not lost her grip and the expressions and opinions of strangers who have been visiting our Fair verify our statements regarding the advantages our city enjoys over her neighbors. No stranger can walk our miles and miles of sidewalks without seeing the busy mechanics and hearing the music of the saw and hammer on every hand. The building season is just beginning and before the winter sets in there will be a marked improvement all over the city. The large and elegant building of the Farmers’ Bank and J. P. Short, on the corner of Ninth and Main, the Weitzel extension to the Commercial hotel, the Winfield National Bank addition, the fine residences of John A. Eaton, Mrs. Silliman, and numerous others equally as good, are a true indication of the boom we are experiencing and shows that our capitalists are not timid with their money. No stranger looking for a location can note all this without readily deciding on Winfield as the proper place to locate. She enjoys school facilities unexcelled by any city in the State. Aside from these two most important factors in the make-up of a live, moral city, we can point with pride to our inexhaustible water-works, our gas works, our shipping facilities—a better place could not be found to bring up your girls and boys. Within the shadow of our Methodist college and various churches, where can be found a better place to raise a family? We are proud of Winfield, we are proud of her magnificent buildings, of her churches and enterprising citizens.
The Marriage of Mr. Ezra M. Nixon and Miss Jessie Millington Thursday Night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
One of those present: T. J. Eaton.
Present given by T. J. Eaton, silver card receiver.
Messrs. T. J. Eaton, Geo. D. Headrick, M. H. Ewart, Eli Youngheim, W. H. Dawson, Byron Rudolph, M. J. O’Meara, and M. Hahn, silver pitcher, tray, and goblets.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
John A. Eaton, of the Farmers Bank, is back from Ohio.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The slate roof on John A. Eaton’s residence is the first one of the kind ever put on in Cowley County. Others will follow right along. They are the best roofs extant and every fine residence should have one.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Isaac Crane is very low with fever. He is having a serious time this fall. Only a short time ago he fell from the scaffolding of Eaton’s residence and broke a leg.
The Republican Flag of Cowley Waves in Triumph—Old-Time Majorities.
Loyalty, Intelligence and Progress Again Carry the Day in Enterprising Cowley!
The Ringing Denouncement of the People Brings a Collapse—Down Forever!
At the Brettun—Oysters, Various Viands and Toasts.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
At eleven o’clock the crowd, music and all, were banqueted at the Brettun by Capt. Nipp and Judge Soward. The spread was immense, embracing oysters and a full supper. Several hundred enjoyed the feast. The large Brettun dining room was chock full, and after the banquet, Senator Hackney called order and toasts began.
“The health of Capt. Nipp,” was responded to by Capt. Tansey; of Smock, by Prof. Limerick; of Soward, by Capt. Siverd; of Wells, by J. E. Conklin; of Haight, by G. H. Buckman—all good subjects and eulogized fittingly.
Jno. A. Eaton, an old-time Democrat, responded to the toast, “The Republican party.” Mr. Eaton’s peculiar position was handled with becoming grace. He gave the party its mead of credit in a very neat speech.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
O. C. Ewart came in from Medicine Lodge last evening. He went to K. C. this evening, accompanied by John A. Eaton and C. C. Harris.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Messrs. Warner & McIntire, the contractors, have under contract sixteen residence and business buildings—over sixteen thousand dollars worth in carpentry, planing, and scroll work. Their planing mill is turning out the frame and fancy work for Eaton’s buildings, the business blocks of Short, Wallis, and Curns & Manser; the Imbecile Asylum and College buildings; Charley Fuller’s residence, and numerous others, with more to follow. Their mill is full of work, clear to the brim.
A Day Amid Shot and Shell.
Game Scarce and Scores Small.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The annual hunt of the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club, yesterday, was all in a conglomerate mass on the floor of the Brettun House office last evening, where President Harter and Secretary Glass conducted the count of the terrible slaughter and gave the individual scores. It was a tired crowd of hunters, many of them looking very sad eyed. The unlucky ones swore on a stack of powder that Cowley County is just about gameless—some of them didn’t see a cotton tail all day; yes, some of them didn’t see anything, which is verified by the nonentity of their score; but hardly by the appearance of their ammunition, which seems to whisper, “wasted on the desert air.” But an honest consultation of hunters was unanimous in the verdict that they never did so much traveling for so little game. The game appeared to have been notified of its impending fate and crawled in its hole. Capt. Huffman’s division laid it over Capt. Hunt’s division by a good majority. The losing side sets up the banquet at the Brettun tonight, when a big time is anticipated. James McLain, as last year, bobbed up serenely with the champion score and raked in the gold medal. Dr. Riley, with a score of 20, raked in the tin medal.
Huffman’s Division.
P. A. Huffman, 1620; Jas. McLain, 1755; J. N. Harter, 410; Fred Whiting, 665; K. McClung, 765; Chas. Holmes, 730; F. Kessinger, 180; John Eaton, 235; J. R. Handy, 1130; Q. A. Glass, 115; Dr. J. G. Evans, 385; Dr. Emerson, 385; Dr. Riley, 20; J. B. Garvin, 215; T. J. Harris, 65; L. M. Williams, 170. Total: 8,845.
Hunt’s Division.
J. S. Hunt, 595; Jas. Vance, 705; F. Clark (didn’t hunt); Jap Cochran, 955; H. D. Gans, 910; J. B. Nipp, 805; J. Denning (didn’t hunt); Geo. Jennings, 805; M. L. Devore, 320; Geo. Headrick, 390; A. H. Doane (didn’t hunt); Geo. McIntire, 320; G. L. Rinker, 220; J. Barnthouse, 260; Hop Shivvers, 260; D. McCutcheon (didn’t hunt). Total: 6,445.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Thursday night was the occasion of the annual banquet of the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club. The annual hunt occurred the day before, the victors and defeated had received their scores, and now was another meeting, to eat, drink (water), and be merry; the “greenies,” or unfortunates, telling how they walked and walked, and fired and fired, and came out with only a few cotton-tails; and the victors were to explain how they managed it in getting so much salt on the tails of their game. The banquet, of course, was spread in the large dining hall of the Brettun, “set up” by the losing division, under Captain Hunt. Messrs. Harter & Hill did themselves proud in the preparation of the banquet, a magnificent array of about everything obtainable in the culinary art, with waiters most attentive. At nine o’clock the feast began, partaken of by the following.
Victors: P. A. Huffman, captain; Jas. McLain, J. N. Harter, Fred Whiting, K. McClung, Chas. Holmes, F. Kessinger, John Eaton, J. R. Handy, Q. A. Glass, Dr. J. G. Evans, Dr. Emerson, Dr. Riley, J. B. Garvin, T. J. Harris, L. M. Williams.
Defeated and had to set ’em up: J. S. Hunt, captain; Jas. Vance, F. Clark, Jap Cochran, H. D. Gans, J. B. Nipp, J. Denning, Geo. Jennings, M. L. Devore, Geo. Headrick, A. H. Doane, Geo. McIntire, G. L. Rinker, J. Barnthouse, Hop Shivvers, D. McCutcheon.
Judge Soward, an old member of the club, Ed. G. Gray, the scribe and a few others, were admitted to the feastorial court as guests.
The feast over, Judge Gans, in a happy speech characteristic of the Judge, presented James McLain, whose score of 1755 made him the champion “sport” of the club, with the gold medal, a beautiful solid shield, engraved: “Presented to James McLain by the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club, for the highest game score, in 1885.” Jim was all “broke up,” as he should be, and asked John A. Eaton to the rescue for a response. John is always equal to any occasion and set the crowd in a roar with his unique remarks. Then came the presentation of the tin medal to Dr. Riley, for his lowest score of 20. Judge Soward’s wit bubbled out in a speech very witty and sparkling, full of happy hits. The Doctor’s response was very appropriate. Lively toasts on the “pot-shot,” the “professional shot,” and various subjects were dissected by Huffman, Vance, Emerson, Nipp, and others. It was a very happy occasion throughout, one to be long remembered.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The window and door frames for John A. Eaton’s handsome residence arrived today. They have been waited on several weeks, and John is happy. His home will be complete in about three weeks.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Tom J. Eaton and Ed. J. McCulloch girded their loins and went forth last evening to assassinate all the game in the country. They stayed all night at T. P. Carter’s, over on the Arkansas, and were out at daylight this morning to kill ducks. They didn’t get any. But they found a bear in the brush. It had hardly snorted before the festive Nimrods had bored him. The animal squealed pitifully and the boys ran to grab it by the tail. It was a big black hog. The boys were thunderstruck, and started for home, accompanied by two meadow larks, a cotton tail, four sore fingers, torn raiment, and no ammunition.
The Grist in Waiting for the December, 1885, Term of the District Court,
Beginning Tuesday, the 15th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
S M Jarvis vs Alonzo Johnson, A J Pyburn pros; David C Beach, Jno A Eaton defense.
The Township Committees Meet and Arrange Propositions.
Some Convincing Figures.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows.
Rock: S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornaday, E. J. Wilbur, and W. H. Grow.
Fairview: J. C. Paige and T. C. Covert.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, J. B. Corson, John Mentch, T. A. Blanchard, J. Anderson, W. D. Roberts, and E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.
Judge T. H. Soward then came forward with figures, taken directly from the official records of the county, that will knock the winds out of the “burdensome taxation” growler, should he attempt to display himself. They are conclusive evidence that the voting of bonds to secure this railroad is not a burden.
Another Big Enterprise for the Advancement of the Queen City of Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
When it comes to the advancement of Winfield and Cowley County, our people are a unit. Enterprise, energy, and grit have put our county and city far in advance of any others in all fair Kansas and will continue to do so. Winfield is destined to be the great metropolis of Southern Kansas, one of the big commercial and educational cities of the big west. With citizens of rare intelligence, progress, and vim, with natural surroundings and possibilities unexcelled, she can be nothing else. The enthusiasm of our businessmen in securing enterprises for the advancement of our city was forcibly exhibited last night in the rousing meeting for the consideration of the extension of the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroad, owned by the Santa Fe Co. The meeting was called to order by M. L. Robinson. W. G. Graham was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. Mr. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, and read letters from A. A. Robinson, General manager of the Santa Fe, agreeing to extend this road from Douglass to Winfield for $3,000 a mile, reserving only the necessity of erecting an independent depot here, the road to either connect with the Wichita & Southwestern at the junction just over the Walnut bridge and run into the Santa Fe depot, or cross the S. K. just east of, and using, that depot. The intention is a union depot here for the Southern Kansas, Wichita & Southwestern and Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroads. The Santa Fe is determined to push through the Territory, which right of way it has already secured, at once. The extension will be made from Winfield, with the machine shops, roundhouse, etc., for this southern division and the roads of southern Kansas, at this place. An editorial elsewhere explains the requirements and advantages fully. Enthusiastic speeches were made last night in favor of this and other enterprises by Rev. B. Kelly, Henry E. Asp, T. H. Soward, Senator Jennings, John A. Eaton, and John McGuire. Committees were appointed as follows to see that this matter is properly worked up.
Winfield: Capt. Nipp, J. E. Conklin, D. L. Kretsinger, C. Schmidt, Col. Whiting, J. A. Eaton, and A. H. Doane.
Walnut: J. B. Corson, J. B. Short, J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and W. D. Roberts.
Fairview: M. C. Headrick, J. C. Paige, A. H. Limerick, J. W. Douglas, and T. S. Covert.
Rock: G. L. Gale, G. H. Williams, H. F. Hornaday, E. J. Wilber, J. M. Harcourt, S. P. Strong, J. P. Holmes, and John Stalter.
Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
Farmers Bank, $50; First National Bank, $50; Hackney & Asp, $50; T. H. Soward, $25; A. H. Doane, $15; Harris, Clark & Huffman, $15; F. S. Jennings, $15; Curns & Manser, $10; H. Brown & Son, $10; Jennings & Bedilion, $15; Thos. McDougall, $10; H. G. Fuller & Co., $10; Cash, $10; G. L. Gale, $5; Col. Whitney, $5; Ed. Weitzel, $5; C. Schmidt, $5; H. T. Shivvers, $5; J. G. Kraft, $5; G. H. Buckman, $5; W. J. Wilson, $5; W. G. Graham, $5; Dr. C. Perry, $5; W. L. Morehouse, $5; J. P. Baden, $5; G. B. Shaw & Co., $5; Sol. Burkhalter, $5; Hendricks & Wilson, $5; Dr. Pickens, $5; E. F. Blair, $5; Mrs. E. J. Huston, $5; W. S. Mendenhall, $5; John W. Dix, $5; Gregg & Rice, $5; E. P. Young, $5; J. B. Farnsworth, $5; J. E. Conklin, $5; A. F. Hopkins, $5; V. W. Baird, $5; John McGuire, $5; A. E. Baird, $5; W. C. Root, $5; A. C. Bangs, $5; H. E. Silliman, $5; Bertram & Bertram, $5; Daniel Taylor, $5; W. C. Robinson, $5; W. F. Bowen, $5; R. B. Waite, $5; T H Group, $5; Frank W. Finch, $2.50; Stafford & Hite, $2.50; A. Gridley, Jr., $2.50; Frank Manny, $2.50; W. H. Dawson, $2.50; A. DeTurk, $2.50; D. Gramm, $2.50; W. B. Cayton, $2.50; Geo. L. Gray, $2.50; I. W. Cook, $2.50; D. L. Kretsinger, $2.50; W. W. Limbocker, $2.50; Sol Frederick, $2.50; F. J. Barnes, $2.50; John Stretch, $2.50; W. L. Pridgeon, $1.00; E. I. Crary, $1.00; J. D. Appleby, $1.00; T. B. Ware, $1.00; R. B. Mitchell, $1.00; J. A. Barr, $1.00; R. Taggart, $1.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
John A. Eaton, on examination by a committee composed of Henry E. Asp, Frank S. Jennings, and David C. Beach, was admitted to the bar, as a regular practitioner.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
In walking around town today we dropped into the Hardware and Stove House of I. W. Randall & Co., and found the firm up to their eyes in business. They are carrying an immense stock of Hardware and Stoves of all kinds, which they are selling at low prices. They believe in the rule of giving value received for every dollar spent with them. In addition to their Hardware and Stove business, they are doing an extensive plumbing business, gas fitting, and steam heating. They have taken some large contracts in this line, have just finished the plumbing in D. A. Millington’s house, are also fitting up Col. McMullen and John A. Eaton’s houses, and Farmers Bank and J. P. Short’s buildings with Steam, Gas, and Water. Parties wanting work in this line should see these jobs; they speak for themselves.
The K. P. Ball at A. C. a Grand Affair.
Winfield and The Terminus Mingle.—The Frigidity Broken.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
For years past there has been a considerable frigidity between Winfield and Arkansas City society. Why this was, couldn’t be explained. Invitations to social events of note passed back and forth, but fell on the desert air. The ice had got to be a foot thick. It is now broken: completely melted, on the part of Winfield. Friday night did it. It was the occasion of a ball and banquet by the Knights of Pythias, of Arkansas City. This Lodge is composed of many of the Terminus’ most prominent men. A grand affair was assured. A number of Winfield’s young folks determined to participate, in answer to hearty invitations. A very happy and mutually agreeable party was made up, as follows.
Mrs. Riddell and Misses Julia Smith, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Sadie French, Jennie Lowry, Emma Strong, Nona Calhoun, Bert Morford, and Anna Hunt; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, E. B. Wingate, Willis A. Ritchie, Wm. D. Carey, Tom J. Eaton, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Byron Rudolph, P. H. Albright, George Jennings, Eli Youngheim, and THE COURIER scribe. They went down on the K. C. & S. W., arriving at 7 o’clock, and were handsomely received. This ball and banquet was the biggest social event in Arkansas City’s history. The entire management was perfect under the careful attention of—
Executive committee: A. Mowry, G. W. Miller, and Geo. S. Howard.
Reception committee: John Landes, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, A. J. Pyburn, S. F. George, and F. E. Balyeat.
Floor managers: C. C. Sollitt, F. W. Farrar, T. B. Hutchison, Thos. Vanfleet, and W. E. Moore.
Over a hundred couples of the best people of Arkansas City participated—its youth, beauty, and vivacity. Many of the ladies appeared in elegant costume. The music was furnished by the Wichita Orchestra. The Winfield folks were made perfectly at home and given every attention. Our girls “shook” the Queen City fellows for the handsome ones of the Terminus, and our boys put in the time admirably under the charming presence of the A. C. girls. It was a hearty mingling that made many agreeable acquaintances and completely broke the distant feeling heretofore existing socially between the two cities. The Terminus certainly shows enticing sociability—a circle of handsome, stylish, and genial people, whom the Winfield folks are most happy to have met on this occasion. The banquet, set by H. H. Perry, mine host of the Leland, was fit to tickle the palate of kings—everything that modern culinary art could devise. At 3 o’clock the “hub” folks boarded a special train on the K. C. & S. W., which the managers of that road had kindly furnished for the convenience of the visitors, and were soon landed at home, in the sweet realization of having spent one of the most enjoyable nights of their lives. A jollier crowd of young folks than went down from here would be exceedingly hard to find. The got all the enjoyment there was in it. The A. C. people were delighted with the visit and expressed a warm desire and determination to return the compliment at the first opportunity. This is the inauguration of a new social feeling between the two towns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
William E Johnson et ux to John A Eaton, e hf nw qr 8-30-6e: $750
Alonzo Johnson to Jno A Eaton, s hf ne qr 8-30-6e: $600
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Misses Haidee and Edith Dennis, of Grenola, and their friend, Miss Margaret Nice, of Philadelphia, are visiting in the city. The Misses Dennis are cousins of Tom J. Eaton and young ladies of charming social qualities. They will return home tomorrow evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
John A. Eaton has received the following.
“I received today a slip from one of your city papers giving the particulars of a meeting held in your city in regard to the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut R. R. As I expect to become a citizen of your city the coming spring, and as I take an interest in her welfare—you will oblige me by subscribing to the Winfield Enterprise Association fund for me, five dollars towards canvassing the enterprise. If you have forgotten me, Mr. S. A. Cook will tell you who I am. J. B. Mabury.”
Mr. Mabury was here on a visit to his old friend, S. A. Cook, a few weeks ago. He was charmed with the prospects of our grand city and county and at once determined to locate. He is a man of means, and this letter exhibits enterprise and public spirit that is readily appreciated. It is evidence of a valuable acquisition. He hails from Ohio.
Tom J. Eaton attended the following...
The Marriage of Mr. B. W. Matlack and Miss Gertrude McMullen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Among the guests: Tom J. Eaton.
Dictionary, Present given by Thos. J. Eaton.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
[Note: On New Year’s, Tom J. Eaton appeared in a number of places.]
1. THE G. O. CLUB.
2. “The Young Men’s Kerosene Association,” composed of Ed. J. McMullen, Tom J. Eaton, Frank F. Leland, Will E. Hodges, Addison Brown, Frank Robinson, and Livey T. Buck.
3. A Wedding Anniversary.
Last night was the eleventh anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Emerson’s marriage. For years back they have celebrated their wedding anniversary with a social gathering, and this New Years was no exception. Their home was the scene of a very happy party composed of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balyeat, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bahntge, and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole; Mrs. W. L. Webb, Mrs. E. H. Nixon, and Mrs. B. H. Riddle; Misses Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Nettie and Anna McCoy, Sadie French, Nellie Cole, Anna Hunt, Mamie Baird, Johnson, Nona Calhoun, and Bert Morford; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, Ray Oliver, M. J. O’Meara, C. P. and Harry Bahntge, Everett and George Schuler, Tom J. Eaton, Byron Rudolf, L. B. Davis of Chicago, R. E. Wallis, Jr., E. M. Meech, Will and Frank Robinson, and Frank H. Greer. The opportunity for an evening in Mrs. Emerson’s agreeable home is always hailed with delight. Her graceful and hearty hospitality completely banishes any formal feeling and makes all go in for a good time. A jollier gathering than that last night would be very hard to find. The “light fantastic” tripped to the excellent time of Master Olmstead, with whist, and a collation unexcelled, afforded genuinely enjoyable pastime till almost one o’clock, when all bid their genial hosts appreciative adieu, wishing them any returns of such happy wedding anniversaries, all declaring that no city can afford more admirable entertainers than the Doctor and his vivacious lady.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Recap Notice of Garnishment, J. F. McMullen, Plaintiff’s Attorney. Attest, J. E. Snow, Justice of the Peace. John A. Eaton, plaintiff, vs. Jos. W. Timmons, defendant, garnishment to recover $64.10 and 12% interest per annum from June 7, 1885, to be heard on January 29, 1886.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Recap Notice of Garnishment, J. F. McMullen, Plaintiff’s Attorney, Attest, J. E. Snow, Justice of the Peace. John A. Eaton, plaintiff, vs. Jos. W. Timmons, Jonathan Duncan, and A. D. McHague, defendants, garnishment to recover $171 and 12% interest per annum from July 23, 1885, to be heard on January 29, 1886.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The G. O. Club had a very delightful meeting Thursday eve in the pleasant home of Miss Mary Berkey. The sleet and rain didn’t brook many of the members. Arthur Bangs’ cabs were brought out and headed off the weather. It was a jolly gathering, composed of Misses Ida Ritchie, Anna Johnson, Mattie Harrison, Ora Worden, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Ida Johnston, Minnie Taylor, and Josie Pixley; Messrs. A. F. Hopkins, Tom J. Eaton, Willis A. Ritchie, Everett T. and Geo. H. Schuler, G. E. Lindsley, L. J. Buck, J. W. Spindler, Ed J. McMullen, Addison Brown, and Frank H. Greer. The entertainment of Miss Mary Berkey, nicely assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Bishop and Miss Eva, was most agreeable. Various amusements, supplemented by music and a choice luncheon, made the evening pass very happily to all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
John A. Eaton arrived Friday with his family, from Ohio. For the present they will have quarters at the Brettun. The furniture for their elegant new house, which is about finished, is nearly all here and they will soon be settled down at home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The Whist Club met Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hunt. There were ten couples present and a very pleasurable evening spent. The requisite number of games for the championship of the winter were finished and Miss Ida Ritchie and Tom J. Eaton were declared the champions. The competition during the last few meetings grew very warm, and some highly scientific playing was recorded. New officers were elected as follows: Dr. Emerson, president, and Fred C. Hunt was re-elected secretary and referee. The next meeting, Tuesday evening next, will be with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller. Hereafter, all members who can’t be present are to send their regret by the morning before the meeting, that even tables may be arranged.
The Pleasant Hour Club Scores Another Big Success in Its Annual
Bal Masque at the Opera House Last Night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The cutest characters among the gentlemen were the twin Dutchmen, fresh from Castle Garden, with their Dutchy mugs, and little pussy figures. The girls were completely gone on them from the start. They were a ludicrous looking pair, sure enough, Tom J. Eaton and Ed. J. McMullen. The disguise was perfect.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
H. J. Call and Frank Scott, acquaintances of Tom J. Eaton, spent Sunday here. One is a capitalist and the other a railroad man, and are prospecting through the west.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Tom J. Eaton spent Thursday night in Arkansas City on business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Tom J. Eaton and Ed. J. McMullen spent Sunday night in Grenola, and were accompanied home Monday by Mrs. W. H. Colgate and children, who had been visiting Mrs. Wintermute, of Grenola.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Certainly there could be no happier occasion than that at the elegant and spacious home of C. F. Bahntge, Thursday. It was the bi-weekly party of the G. O. club. The popularity of Misses Bert Morford and Nona Calhoun and Messrs. Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge as entertainers was fully sustained—warm-hearted, graceful, lively and free, a manner that completely banished all restraint and made supreme gaiety unalloyed.
The guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, and Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Ida Ritchie, Mattie Harrison, Sallie Bass, Jennie Hane, Anna Hunt, Mary Randall, Mary Berkey, Emma Strong, Leota Gary, Nettie and Anna McCoy, Ida Johnston, Nell and Kate Rodgers, Nellie Cole, Hattie Stolp, Eva Dodds, and Lizzie and Margie Wallis; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, P. H. Albright, G. E. Lindsley, Will E. Hodges, Byron Rudolf, Everett T. and George H. Schuler, Ed. J. McMullen, Lacey T. Tomlin, Tom J. Eaton, Willis A. Ritchie, Harry Sickafoose, Wm. D. Carey, Frank N. Strong, Frank F. Leland, Ivan A. Robinson, Addison Brown, and Frank H. Greer.
The appointments of this richly furnished and very agreeable home are splendidly adapted to a gathering of this kind. The Roberts Orchestra was present with its charming music and the joyous guests indulged in the “mazy” to their heart’s content, mingling cards and tete-a-tete. The collation was especially excellent and bounteous. Nothing but the ancient “wee sma” hours abridged the gaiety, when all departed with warmest appreciation of their delightful entertainers.
And right here we can’t quell the remark that the young ladies have made a brilliant success of the G. O. Club. It is one of the most pleasurable sources of amusement yet inaugurated in the city—one giving the young ladies ample scope to exhibit their superior qualities in the entertainment line. It is a very pleasant and successful alternate to the Pleasant Hour Club. Of course the P. H. has long since delivered the prize to the G. O.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
No dance affords as much well-bred hilarity and genuine enjoyment, for an evening, as the German. It is purely a social arrangement, mingling novelty most acceptable. Highly pleasurable indeed was the “German” reception of Miss Ida Johnston last night. The appointments of this richly furnished and truly elegant home, for such an occasion, was perfect. The large double parlors, with their canvas-covered floor, gave ample scope for the many amusing figures of the German. The figures were admirably led by Willis A. Ritchie and Miss Mattie Harrison, assisted by Frank F. Leland and Miss Ida Ritchie, and, though some were quite intricate, went off without a break. Besides those mentioned, the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Matlack, Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Jennie Hane, Sallie Bass, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Nellie Cole, Nona Calhoun, Anna Hunt, Bert Morford, and Maggie Harper; Messrs. Byron Rudolf, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Addison Brown, M. J. O’Meara, Will E. Hodges, Everett T. and George H. Schuler, Lacey T. Tomlin, Tom J. Eaton, Ed. J. McMullen, and Frank H. Greer. The ladies were all in beautiful costume and the gentlemen brought out the swallow tail for the first time this winter. Master Archie Olmstead furnished the piano music and his excellent time elicited much appreciation. The favors were numerous, “cute” and appropriate. The excellent collation formed a very interesting supplement. Miss Johnston is an admirable entertainer, easy, genial, and graceful, and, agreeably assisted by her mother, afforded all one of the pleasantest evenings of the winter. This home is one of the most complete and commodious in the city, giving splendid opportunity for receptions. This was the first German of the winter. It proved such a delightful novelty that others will likely be given before the “light fantastic” season is ended. To those familiar with the various “round dances,” the German is the acme of the Terpsichorean art, fashionable, graceful, and gay.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
A dispatch came Monday announcing that J. A. Eaton’s father, at Bucyrus, Ohio, was dying. Mr. Eaton was in Topeka, the dispatch was forwarded to him, and he started at once for Bucyrus.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller entertained a very delightful whist party in their pleasant home Friday evening. The excellent qualities of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller as entertainers are well known and always make an evening in their home most admirable. Those who enjoyed this occasion were: Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMullen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Mrs. W. J. Wilson entertained a small tea party at her residence, on East 11th St., on Saturday evening. Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Nixon, Mr. and Miss Ritchie, and Mr. T. J. Eaton were presented together with Miss Jennie Hane, who ably assisted Mrs. Wilson in making a pleasant evening.
Dudley Eaton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pixley, 221 west 7th, was a happy scene Monday evening. It was a reception given by Misses Minnie and Estella Pixley—a gathering of Masters and Misses of that gay age to which all look back as the most genuinely enjoyable and hilarious of life—almost the last step to the threshold of womanhood and manhood; the days of reveling in the first thoughts of a “best birl” or a gallant “beau.” Yes, we can all remember what immense times we had in those days—days that will never return, but always remain among our brightest memories. Such a party was that last night—free from restraint and stilted dignity—all in for a good time; and they had it. Those participating were Misses Maggie Bedilion, Lillie Wilson, Mabel Myers, Willie Wallis, Maud Pickens, Mattie Tulley, Margaret Spotswood, Mamie and Nona Greer, Pearl Van Doren, Anna Doane, Pauline Baird, Eva Berkey; Masters Willie Farringer, Fletcher Johnson, Dick Harper, Fred Wilber, Frank Wilber, Fay Latham, Malcolm McDonald, Wallie Johnson, Willie Doane, Dudley Eaton, Harry Park, Gus McMullen, John Pugh, George Gary.
The nicely furnished home of Mr. and Mrs. Pixley is well arranged for such a gathering. Misses Minnie and Stella, pleasantly assisted by their sisters, Misses Josie and Louise, did the honors of the occasion very gracefully. Music and various amusements, supplemented by a choice luncheon, filled the evening delightfully to all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
James K Miller et ux to John A Eaton et al, se qr and lots 3 and 4 & s hf nw qr 3-34-7e: $2,500.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Jno. A. Eaton, of the Farmer’s Bank, took the S. K. Friday eve for the Kaw’s mouth. He will return Sunday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
The most fashionable novelty is five o’clock luncheon, a full-dress reception of ladies only, for tea and an hour or two of social chat, such as only ladies, when untrammeled by the awkward presence of men—who were never made to talk—can enjoy. Last evening Winfield had the first full-fledged introduction of this pleasurable novel. It was a reception by Mrs. A. H. Doane and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, two of the city’s most delightful entertainers, at the home of Mrs. Doane. A little after four the invited guests began to arrive and by 5 o’clock the parlors were a scene of the liveliest mirth and social freedom, the following prominent ladies being present: Mesdames C. H. Taylor, C. L. Harter, Ray Oliver, George Raymond, George Rembaugh, J. F. Balliet, G. H. Buckman, O. Branham, W. H. Albro, Ela Albright, E. M. Albright, J. J. Carson, L. M. Williams, J. A. Eaton, J. C. Miller, Col. McMullen, J. F. McMullen, B. W. Matlack, C. C. Collins, Henry Brown, Lewis Brown, J. H. Tomlin, E. P. Young, J. N. Young, Dr. Van Doren, M. J. Darling, W. H. Shearer, R. E. Wallis, D. A. Millington, Wm. Mullen, H. L. Holmes, W. P. Hackney, Dr. Brown, M. L. Robinson, Geo. Robinson, S. D. Pryor, Dr. Emerson, M. L. Whitney, J. L. Horning, J. D. Pryor, Geo. W. Miller, Edwin Beeny, Frank Doane, and Miss Lena Oliver. At the appointed hour a luncheon of choice delicacies, with a sprinkling of appropriate substantials, was bounteously and gracefully served. It was one of the happiest gatherings imaginable. The ladies were all handsomely and fashionably attired. By half past six all had departed, realizing the pleasantest reception for many a day. The main object of the “five o’clock luncheon” is to dissipate the inconveniences of the “fashionable call,” where all is prim form, with little opportunity for forming genuine friendships. It is certainly a most admirable mode of widening friendships among the ladies of the city, as all will attest who experienced the very agreeable hospitality of Mrs. Doane and Mrs. Kretsinger, on this occasion.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Winfield board of trade was incorporated yesterday. The directors are John A. Eaton, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, J. E. Conklin, J. P. Baden, T. H. Soward, W. P. Hackney, Ed. P. Greer, J. B. Lynn, and A. H. Doane.
Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.
The Shops at Winfield.
Wellington Standard.
There is quite an amusing side to the late Winfield boom when one investigates the matter closely. Admiring the gall of the promoters of this very Kanapolis spurt and enjoying a limited acquaintance with the leading lights, I beg a portion of space to give what the speaker said when at white heat, amidst the uproar of the late jubilee. The Santa Fe or someone else purchased a tract of land near Winfield and the consideration in the deed was placed on record as $22,500. This was taken as the ground work for a big hurrah, but in all the demonstrations there is not one word uttered, one paper shown, or promise of the Santa Fe brought forward to justify the air castle building of the Walnut River inhabitant. Bill Hackney says: “I’ve got to go to Wellington tomorrow and there I’ll talk to the sickest lot of roosters you ever saw.” (Ten days before he said to a crowd in this city that every lot two blocks up and down Washington Avenue was worth $10,000 with building off.) Bill then got wild and talked as follows: “Winfield will soon be the centering point for half of the roads in kingdom;” “Thousands of train men;” “end of seven great Santa Fe divisions,” with a lot more of the stuff which made his speech silly and ridiculous. M. G. Troup, attorney, made a very sensible talk as did Tom Eaton, banker, with the exception of some excusable visionary leaps. Tom Soward, R. of D., caught the fever and went wild, but it yet remained for M. L. Robinson, banker, to cap the climax on this very laughable meeting in a speech which we quote a part of it, just as it appeared in the red ink Courier.
“The Santa Fe is now the greatest railroad corporation in the union and will have a perfect network of roads radiating from Winfield—the Southern Kansas from Kansas City to Albuquerque; the Fort Smith and Galveston routes to the Gulf; the line from Fort Smith to Denver; the Florence, El Dorado & Walnut Valley from Kansas City to Galveston; the Independence & Southwestern; and several projected lines, all crossing here at Winfield—
making this the end of seven divisions. J. L. Barnes, general superintendent, told a gentleman en route on the Santa Fe just the other day that in less than nine months he expected to be located at Winfield with his entire corps of assistants.”
Now read what he says closely, and then select any other village, Mulvane, for instance, and write as follows:
Mulvane is the center of the union and has railroads connecting New York and San Francisco and there connecting with steamship lines for the European and Asiatic markets.
The argument is just as good and just as reasonable as the bosh folly and senseless talk of Robinson about Winfield.
A little country town of 5,000 people (that don’t miss the figures 200 either way) getting up on its ear and acting the “luny” always reminds us of Proctor Knotts Duluth’s speech and we believe our Winfield friends have been rehearsing the governor’s talk.
“J. L. Barnes told a gentleman!” Why such evidence wouldn’t go in a justice’s court and any reasonable man knows it.
Read what Robinson says and that is sufficient for us.
Again, Bill Hackney says: “the Santa Fe never made a promise it didn’t keep.” Who said it did? But tell us, please, William, where is that promise? And where is the promise to the Wellington board of trade that the shops would not be located until Wellington had notice? Explain to us why it is Wellington has an extra train on this great Santa Fe system while Winfield runs along in the good old way with one train a day. This extra train runs a through chair car to Kansas City and was not put on for love of Wellington, but because the extra travel demanded it.
The spice, life, fun, and imagination of the Winfield papers is amusing and I like to see it; but I am afraid the castles will fall unless they have a better foundation than at present.
The future of Wellington is much better than our sister city while at present we have fifty percent more trade and thirty percent more population. The Ft. Smith is assured with President Cleveland’s signature and we are more certain of the Rock Island than is Winfield of any of her “soapy” schemes which will slip out and fade away into nothing but forgotten greatness and past expectations. TOM RICHARDSON.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Many of the readers of the REPUBLICAN will remember some pictures upon Winfield’s Fourth of July bill of a railroad marked the M. B. & W. This road was to have been the Missouri, Burden & Winfield. Hackney was to have been president of the company; E. A. Henthorn, secretary; John Eaton, treasurer; Capt. Nipp, Soward, and other Winfield parties, directors. This road was gotten up at first—before the C. K. & W. scheme was invented—to defeat the Kansas City & Pan Handle. Winfield begged Burden to join them, but the latter refused. The road was to have run from Eureka to Burden, thence to Winfield, and on to Geuda, and was to be a Santa Fe road, according to Hackney. Finding the M. B. & W. wouldn’t work, the C. K. & W. was invented. One by one the mighty schemes of the county seat take a tumble.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Democratic Convention.
The Democrats held their county convention Saturday. Winfield, Arkansas City, Rich-land, Bolton, Creswell, Beaver, Spring Creek, Ninnescah, Liberty, Dexter, Pleasant Valley, and Vernon townships were represented by delegates. Capt. Gary called the assembly to order and Amos Walton was chosen temporary chairman and D. C. Young, of the Telegram, secretary. The committee on permanent organization recommended that the temporary organization be permanent, which was done. The following delegates were then elected.
Delegates: John A. Eaton, J. B. Lynn, Chas. Schmidt, S. G. Gary, A. J. Thompson, J. D. Ward, C. C. Black, Amos Walton, Frank Manny, C. G. Thompson, T. McIntire.
Alternates: D. V. Cole, D. C. Young, J. W. Connor, John R. Smith, J. M. Keck, J. Wade McDonald, W. P. Hardwick, E. P. Young, J. W. Ledlie, M. G. Hoover, A. D. Prescott.
R. E. Howe, J. R. Smith, Arthur Smith, E. C. Million, C. M. McIntire, Ed Gage, John A. Eaton, J. B. Lynn, Chas. Smith, S. G. Gary, A. J. Thompson.
Alternates: Robert Ratcliff, J. L. Andrews, J. Wade McDonald, Ed Millard, W. L. Krebs, C. T. Thurston, Garm Primrose, Fred Kropp, I. D. Harkleroad, P. M. Bilyeu.
The state convention meets at Leavenworth, August 4th, and the congressional convention at Cherryvale on the 2nd. No resolutions were passed.
Arkansas City Republican, July 31, 1886.
Winfield’s Board of Trade Repudiates Its Debts.
The Board of trade of Winfield employed C. Gaston Smith to write up that city in his “Great Southwest.” He did so and now they refuse to pay for it. We have seen Mr. Smith’s effort and it is creditable considering the subject upon which he had to work. The reason pay is refused is because the Missouri Pacific was run to Arkansas City by Mr. Smith. Appended we present a clipping from the Courier.
“The Board of Trade refuses to accept and pay for the snide two dollar cut shown in the “Great Southwest” fraud, which was attempted to be palmed off for the first-class twenty-five dollar work of art contracted for. So the said contractor threatens, if the Board of Trade does not shell out, to sue, down Winfield and Cowley County by another fraud pamphlet, and to run the M. P. into Arkansas City. If he can do anything worse for Winfield than he has already done by his said cuts and write-up, we cannot understand how. If those were done for the purpose of benefitting Winfield, we hope he will take the other tack next time and work to kill her. Here is his terrible threat to do so.
“John A. Eaton, Esq., President of Board of Trade, Winfield, Kansas.
“Your favor of the 22nd inst., just reached me and to put the case mildly, I am paralyzed. The engraver followed copy very closely and for a bird’s eye view, it certainly is not a bad one. I have also paid for it and as per contract, forwarded you the electro. The cut of your building was made as per Mr. Smith’s instructions to me and is a facsimile of the litho we had for copy, and is not a bad piece of work. The space given to Winfield and Cowley County is all I agreed upon and the matter is certainly to the point and facts given in detail. The fact that the map shows the Missouri Pacific to Arkansas City is a matter for the future to decide, and I for one do not doubt but that it will be built there. * * * * *
2733 Thomas Street, St. Louis.”
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
There was a fair city, vain, haughty, and proud,
She sat in the valley and boasted quite loud
Of her grandeur and beauty, her power to command
And control of human beings all over the land.
Her Hackney and Eaton and Mart of the bank,
Her Soward and Siverd and Eddy, the crank,
Her Conklin and Gary and Henry the Asp,
Imagined they held all the world in their grasp.
The Sand-hill they tried very hard to surpass
And to hold up the folks of A. C. by the seats of their pantaloons.
Yes, railroads! We’ll build ‘em, and here they shall run
From all points of the compass, for we each weigh a ton!
To Spring Creek and Cedar we’ll go in great haste
With letters and telegrams made to our taste;
Sand-hillers we’ll squelch and from us shall flee
All opposition and then you will see
Snake feeders and natives dance to our lay,
The junction we’ll give them the 1st day of May!
But O ye gods! How the mighty have fallen!
“As the matter now stands, the Missouri Pacific will run to Arkansas City”—via Burden. The Dexter Eye will suspend publication of notice of bond election in Otter, Dexter, and Liberty townships, as the Santa Fe company will not build the road if the bonds are voted.
N. B. Dr. Cooper will please forward, by pony express, one barrel of Eye water, and charge to MAPLE.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
Why They Refuse to Pay.
In other words, we have been bled to the extent of $50 by the Winfield Board of Trade, an organization claiming as its object “to advance the business and social interests of the city of Winfield,”with the assurance that parties desiring information regarding the most substantial and thrifty city in Kansas can procure the same by addressing the Winfield Board of Trade. In the July issue of The Great South West, we presented a graphic description of the handsome and substantial little city of Winfield with a birds-eye view of a portion of the city, taken from a photograph furnished by said board and presented on its official order. Upon rendering our bill for the work (the price having been agreed upon), we were surprised upon receiving the following letter from the President of the Board of Trade.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 22, 1886.
E. O. Edholm, Ed., Great South-West.
DEAR SIR: The paper you got out for this place is not as agreed upon. The bird’s-eye cut is not worth anything, it is not as good as the photograph. Our bank cut is not as you agreed to make it. Your map shows a line from the D. M. & A. to Arkansas City, which is not true. We will not pay one cent further for any of it. We will not circulate the papers as they are no good to us. Yours, JNO. A. EATON, President, Board of Trade.
The above is taken from the Great South West, in which Winfield was “writ up.” The reason why payment is refused is obvious when we read this sentence in Mr. Eaton’s letter: “Your map shows a line from the D. M. & A. to Arkansas City.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Winfield bonds sell at par to home parties. Monday night $13,000 worth of bridge bonds were sold to John Eaton, the banker, he being the only bidder. The council hunted all over the east for another buyer, but no one seemed to want Winfield bonds. The bonds of Arkansas City sell at 3 and 4 cents above par. Such is the standing of the two cities in the far east.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.
Our Winfield Neighbors Restirring Themselves.
The Winfield Visitor tells of an active effort being made by home capitalists to build up the city and infuse some life into business. The first move made in this direction was the purchase last week of the Mendenhall property, on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Millington Street, for $15,000. The gentlemen composing the syndicate who made the purchase are: W. P. Hackney, A. J. Thompson, John A. Eaton, H. D. Gans, J. B. Nipp, M. L. Robinson, J. L. Horning, James B. Mabry, W. L. Hands, P. H. Albright, M. L. Reed, T. H. Soward, Curns & Manser, and J. L. M. Hill. They buy the lots, we are assured, with the intention of erecting a large stone building thereon. There is also talk of another syndicate being formed to make another purchase of real estate on West Ninth Avenue, where another stone block is to be erected. Some more loose talk is thrown in of Messrs. Ferguson, Hackney, Albright, Fuller, and Smith making arrangements to build on their lots on Ninth Avenue, and Mr. James Fahey agrees, if the last named work is done, to carry up the post office building so as to make it correspond with the Farmers’ bank and the Short block. We are glad to learn that our Winfield neighbors are waking up to the necessity of the times, but they have aroused themselves so late in the season that we do not expect to see much stone and mortar laid before bad weather sets in. It is well to make a stir, however, and encourage the townspeople with great things to be accomplished, though the consummation is never arrived at. It will never do to give up best.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.
To Be Taken With A Grain Of Salt.
The Courier of Saturday says:
“Petitions are being circulated and generally signed for the voting of $20,000 by this city for the Wichita & Winfield railroad. Petitions are also in circulation all along the line. Wichita, though at first a little averse, is now favorable to the line, and will vote $25,000 aid, for which petitions are now being signed up.”
To which statement the truth of history requires that a few details be added. The route proposed for this second line from Wichita to Winfield is by way of Belle Plaine and thence to Oxford; thus paralleling a portion of the Santa Fe route, and only diverging to make it more circuitous. In order to talk the Wichita people into a favorable consideration of this proposed road, on Monday of last week Messrs. Eaton and Manser proceeded to Wichita to confer with the businessmen on the advantage to be derived from their scheme and to learn what aid they were willing to give toward its consummation. The matter was referred to a committee of twenty, and on Thursday the two gentlemen above named again repaired to Wichita to learn their decision. But the cold shoulder was turned to them, for on arriving at the hotel, the Winfield pilgrims found no committee in waiting to talk with them, and no one at hand who seemed to know or care about their business. After awhile a messenger arrived with the information that the committee could not be called together that evening, and the discussion was deferred.
However, from the Wichita Beacon on Friday, we learn that Messrs. Eaton and Manser, with a reinforcement of two others from Belle Plaine, E. R. Storer and Thomas Donahue, succeeded in hunting up a portion of the dilatory score, and after explaining their plans, made the modest demand of $30,000 for terminal facilities. This was chewed over awhile by the segment of the Wichita committee in a talk among themselves, and their reply was that if the bonds (amounting to $160,000) were voted along the line, they would use their influence to secure a vote of aid from Wichita to the extent of $20,000. The Winfield delegation, the Beacon writer informs us, “were not satisfied with the amount; but said they could get through if Wichita would give them $25,000, as the balance of the amount could be made at the other end.”
Here the negotiation ended, and the declaration of the Courier that Wichita is now favorable to the project and will vote $25,000 aid, is based more upon imagination than reality.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Of all the sublime frauds, the Eaton “Short Line” (?) takes the cake. After surveying all over Harvey Township, running their line only three miles north of Burden, and again five miles south of Burden, they now covertly offer us the road. Too thin, my boy, too thin. There is too much “Air” (wind) about your line. Burden Eagle.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 13, 1886.
How the Coming Greatness of that City Lingers by the Way.
This editor, in company with a number of Sandhillers, took a run to Winfield last week, to enlarge his ideas and study the manners of a people on the road to distinction and opulence. Our neighbor city enjoys the advantage of being the county seat, and is ambitious of attaining to the proportions of the metropolis of Southern Kansas. Several towns at present stand in the way of this preeminence. Wichita and Wellington and Harper having a larger population each and showing a more rapid growth; but the possibilities of this region of country have no limit, and the community that is bound to achieve greatness cannot be repressed. The ardent souls of Winfield are filled with the vision of entire blocks of wholesale houses of palatial proportions, and a commercial activity that will bring half the railroads of the continent running past their doors.
Judge Soward’s roseate picture of our neighbor city’s future greatness is thus found expressed:
“With our immense lines of trunk railway, with their long trains sweeping through, bearing every community of the world; with the dozens of long passenger trains rolling through here daily, carrying people from one side of the continent to the other; with our vast resources thoroughly developed, under the stimulating influences of the nucleus we now have, the imagination can’t begin to realize what the future will reveal.”
The party of Sandhillers aforesaid, with this writer in their company, disembarked at the Frisco depot, to subject themselves to the stimulating influences that are to achieve such marvels. Omnibuses were in waiting to carry them into the busy haunts of our neighbor town, and a street car stood solitary and alone on the track to pick up the overflow of the smaller conveyances. But the visitors ignored these modern conveniences, for they pushed forward along the plank walk, and after walking two or three blocks along the main street in company, scattered themselves through the mural nucleus.
The present embryo of a great commercial city does not strike the visitor with its business activity. The morning was half spent as the writer paced along its principal street. There was no rush of vehicles along its thoroughfare, no hurrying through of pedestrians.
Pride in their part, defiance in their eye,
I see the lords of human kind pass by
Intent on high delight.
The tradesmen and their clerks were idling at the doors enjoying the crisp air of an October morning, and waiting for the eager crowd of customers to come. Looking around for signs of growth and improvement, we saw a handsome bank building receiving its finishing touches, a business house in course of construction, and in the neighborhood of the rink a rough board building was going up, evidently designed for storage purposes. The stimulating influences that are to transform this city into the emporium of the northwest have not got fully to work yet.
Proceeding to the courthouse and passing the county jail, we were impressed with the shabbiness and inadequacy of the structure, and on visiting the offices found the arrangements meagre and the whole interior suggestive of first principles. Ascending to the courtroom we found judge and jury engaged trying some trivial breach of contract case.
Ward caucuses were being held, to choose delegates to the county convention. There was a noisy gathering of excited politicians, and crowds gathered at the various polling places, who were willing to cast aside all thought of coming greatness for awhile, in order to get the right delegates elected. There was a keen contest between opposing factions, and the excitement was kept up till late in the evening.
This seemed to be the main business of the day, for we noticed the stores poorly patronized through the business hours and traffic on the streets no way disturbing to the contemplation. Wandering out to the Frisco depot, we found our fellow townsman, Joseph W. Hutchison, in waiting. He had been subpoenaed as a witness in a railroad suit, and was waiting the arrival of a special train to take him out as an expert to appraise a strip of land condemned for railroad uses. The train did not come along, and the pair of Sandhillers sat down to talk. Not a soul was moving about the platform, not a dray came up to transfer any of the commodities gathered there from the varied industries of the world, not even a small boy was on hand to display his unfailing powers of annoying everybody within reach. Across the way were two vacant stores and the whole surrounding as quiet as a graveyard.
Some distance north a gang of men was at work extending the street car track toward a piece of timber. The purpose of this enterprise being to reach a proposed addition to the city where building lots will be available for the thousands of trainmen who will make their home in our neighbor city.
By-and-bye the street car came up bearing the passengers, but engaged in running its regular trips. The driver changed his sorry looking team from end to end; and eyed the pair of idlers wistfully, as though he wanted someone to go along to relieve his monotony. The two Sandhillers took seats in his car to wile away the hours till train time and to aid a laudable enterprise. From the driver we learned that this car formed the entire rolling stock of the road, and that, except when the trains came in, he carried but few passengers. The wages to be paid him had not been decided by the board of directors, but he thought the receipts of the day would suffice to pay him moderate wages. When Winfield shall have “become a great city, with its dozens of business streets, and princely wholesale and retail establishments,” as Mr. Eaton reads the future, a more extensive equipment will be required for this street car track, and the wages paid to the drivers will not be a matter of such surpassing moment. On the way back from the Santa Fe depot, a Winfield passenger took his seat in the car, his fare dropped into the box swelling the receipts of that round trip to twenty-five cents.
Promptly on time, at 6:08 p.m., the through passenger train came up, and the party of Arkansas City people, who had spent the day in that city of coming greatness, gladly took their seats aboard; and arriving at home, although well along in the evening, felt their senses relieved by the stir that met their gaze on the streets and the general indications of growth and prosperity.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Charles DeLay and family have removed here from Winfield. Mr. DeLay is employed in A. A. Abbott’s Carriage manufactory. He could not obtain employment any longer in Winfield, and so removed here. He was up to the county seat, and while there heard Bill Hackney discussing the two towns. Bill was cussing everyone in Winfield and Arkansas City, and said the former would be a dead town unless John Eaton was elected representative. This evening will tell the story.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Republican nominee, J. F. Martin, was defeated yesterday in the 59th district by the Hackney-Courier gang; and John Eaton was elected by a majority of 45 votes.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
59th District. Jas. F. Martin, 821; John A. Eaton, 942. Eaton’s majority: 91.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Yesterday’s daily Courier devotes a column and a half explaining its position in the late campaign. Its principal excuse was, the merchants of Winfield threatened to withdraw their patronage unless it supported Eaton. The remainder of the article is very gauzy. It is entirely too thin for winter wear, and the farmers in the upper district “want none of it.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Official Footings.
The official canvass made by the county canvassing board shows the following footings or total vote received by the various candidates at the late election in Cowley County.
J. F. Martin, 891; J. A. Eaton, 962; W. A. Lee, 20.
Eaton’s plurality, 91; majority over all, 71.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Another Charter Filed for Another Great Railroad.
The charter for the El Dorado, Oklahoma and Chihuahua railroad was filed with the secretary of state a day or two ago, which line when constructed is to be 1,500 miles long, to traverse the counties of Butler and Cowley, in Kansas, the Indian Territory, and the counties of Wichita, Archer, Baylor, Haskell, Stonewall, Fisher, Scurry, Howard, Martin, Midland, Tom Green, Pecos, and Presidio in the state of Texas, and on through Old Mexico to the city of Chihuahua. The capital stock is $20,000,000, with the following board of directors for the first year: Gen. John A. McClernand and A. B. Judkins, of Springfield, Illinois; John E. Ennis, Chicago; R. H. Zane, Midland, Texas; John A. Eaton, Winfield; A. L. Redden, A. W. Ellet, C. J. Griffith, R. H. Hazlett, J. A. McGinnis, C. A. Leland, and H. C. Crouch, El Dorado. The place of business is to be at El Dorado. It is the intention of this company to secure franchises from El Dorado to Arkansas City, make a preliminary survey, and do all the necessary work prior to the letting of the contract in the spring.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Hon. Louis P. King, representative from this district, was placed upon three committees in the legislature. He was made a member of the committee on Engrossed Bills; Private Corporations, and Internal Improvements. Hon. J. A. Eaton, of the Winfield district, was made a member of the committee on cities of the second class.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Topeka Journal says John A. Eaton was in that city and paid the legislature a visit. How can Winfield bear up under this slur cast upon their Democratic representative?