E. D. Eddy Family
Notes made by RKW years ago...
E. D. Eddy was one of the pioneers of Arkansas City.
He came to Arkansas City in 1870. His drug store was the first store south of Sipes’ Hardware store (now Bryant’s Hardware Store). He ran this store until he retired in 1900 and moved to Chicago.
While living in Arkansas City, he met and married the sister of J. H. Sherburne. [See file on Sherburne.] They had two sons and two daughters, all born in Arkansas City. One daughter was born July 17, 1877.
After retirement as a druggist, the Eddy family moved to Chicago. Mrs. Eddy died and was brought back to Arkansas City for burial in Riverview Cemetery. When Mr. Eddy died March 8, 1925, he also was returned to Arkansas City for burial beside his wife.
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
E. D. Eddy 32 m w New York Michigan
Eugene Eddy, 50; spouse, Georgia, 38.
At first Eddy had a partner...A. D. Keith.
Emporia News, August 19, 1870.
ARKANSAS CITY, August 2, 1870.
Four tons of goods—the first installment of Keith & Eddy’s drug store—arrived today, meeting with a hearty welcome.
Emporia News, February 3, 1871.
Arkansas City has one of the finest locations for a town to be found any place in Kansas, but as this has been written of so often and so extensively, we will pass it for the present. The city contains about eighty houses, some of them are very good buildings.
Keith & Eddy, a Leavenworth firm, are selling drugs.
Walnut Valley Times, November 10, 1871.
[Notice Dated November 4, 1871.]
Notice is hereby given that by order of the Directors of the Walnut Valley Railroad Company, books will be opened for the purpose of subscribing to the Capital Stock of the Walnut Valley Railroad Company, at the following named places on the 11th day of December, 1871, to-wit: Post-office, Chelsea; L. B. Snow’s office, Eldorado; Post-office, Augusta; Douglass House, Douglass; Alexander & Saffold’s office, Winfield; Keith & Eddy’s Drug Store, Arkansas City.
ANDREW AKIN, President, W. V. R. R. Co., C. N. JAMES, Secretary.
Walnut Valley Times, December 1, 1871.
[From the Arkansas Traveler.]
Keith & Eddy have some specimens of brown umber and ochre, which is found in large quantities near this place. Parties are investigating the mine, and will soon make arrangements for the manufacture of mineral paint. This discovery will be of great benefit to Arkansas City by inducing manufactures.
Walnut Valley Times, February 16, 1872.
Keith & Eddy, merchants in Arkansas City, were arrested a short time ago and brought before the United States Commissioner at that place upon a charge of passing counterfeit money. It appears that they bought a draft from a man by the name of Hoyt, who afterwards paid $150 to another party. Somehow two of the bills of the denomination of $20 each found their way into the U. S. Land Office at Augusta, and resulted in the arrest of Keith & Eddy as above stated. One of the parties was examined upon the charge and discharged, and the case dismissed. They are both highly respectable citizens, and no one at Arkansas City believes either of them to be guilty of knowingly passing counterfeit money. But notwithstanding this, Mr. Brig. Gen. U. S. Deputy Marshal Barnes re-arrested them, and took them to Wichita for trial, where they were again discharged for want of evidence against them.
This man Barnes needs taking down about two button holes. He is cutting most too wide a swath for a man of his caliber. It has been but a short time since this same official came to Eldorado on a splurge. He arrested two boys traveling through the country on a charge of horse stealing; took and locked up their horses, and turned the boys loose. He swaggered around town during the next day, and seeing the boys were not disposed to run away and leave their horses, he released them. When asked for his authority for arresting them, he was unable to show any; when the boys asked for legal advice, he abused and threatened the attorney, who being unarmed, had to take it. It seems that the Government ought to be able to find efficient officers who are, at the same time, gentlemen.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
E. D. Eddy, pauper bill, rejected.
E. D. Eddy, Medicine: $12.30.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
Item from the Traveler.
Yesterday was the last of E. D. Eddy’s soda fountain for the present season. The supply of ice is exhausted and none to be obtained nearer than Winfield. The same cause will also compel Hermann to close up his ice cream saloon. It is strange that sufficient ice is not stored up to last the summer through, when the cost of putting up compared with the profits made is so small.
The Commonwealth, March 7, 1875.
Mr. Eddy, of Arkansas City, has coughed up an oyster shell which has stuck in his throat for five years. He will never take his oysters on the half shell again.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. We consider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and therefore cheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth of their cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematically perform the duties of said office.
E. D. Eddy was one of those who signed petition.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.
E. D. Eddy, the popular druggist of Arkansas City, passed through town Tuesday en route for the east. The genial Will Mowry is the chief “disher up” of quinine during his absence.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes & Combs.
Choice Perfumery and Fancy Articles, Glass Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Dye Stuffs. Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars.
Letter Paper, pens, ink, confectioneries, coal oil, lamps, shades, chimneys, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
New and Cheap assortment of lamps just received at Eddy’s, from 35 cents to $1.00 each.
Narrow Gauge R. R. Lanterns at Eddy’s: only $1.00 each.
The only good quality of writing paper is to be found at Eddy’s.
Fancy Note Paper: go to Eddy’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Smokers, Take Notice! If you want good tobacco, call at Eddy’s.
Blank Books: Call at Eddy’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
As the railroad time in Wichita is being changed so often, and cannot be depended upon, arrangements are being made to have the standard time obtained from there every few days, and kept at E. D. Eddy’s, Houghton & McLaughlin’s, and elsewhere, in order that all living in the City may have the same time together, instead of so many different ones, as at present.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Conveniently situated on SUMMIT STREET, BETWEEN MELTON’S BLOCK AND E. D. EDDY’S. Light and Heavy Teams Ready at a moment’s notice, and extra good Driving and Saddle Horses always on hand. Good Outfits and Reasonable Terms.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
So, Joseph Troutman, of South Haven, that is you! We vouched for your grub at the City, and quinine at Eddy’s, under promise you’d be in next week. Next week hasn’t come yet, and it was a month ago. If we could kick you by mail, we’d feel like trying it.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
Tickets for the Beethoven Concert on Saturday evening at the schoolhouse can be purchased at Kellogg & Hoyt’s, Sherburne & Stubbs, E. D. Eddy’s, and the Post Office. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
BIRTHDAY PRESENT. A number of the friends of Miss Georgie Sherburne gathered at her place of residence last Wednesday evening for the purpose of presenting tokens of appreciation, when to the surprise and gratification of all, a fine, seven and one-fourth octave piano, worth $700 (A. M. McPhall, Boston, Mass., manufacturer) was brought in as a present from her brother, Joseph. The surprise was a complete success, and the presents gorgeous.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
By mere chance we happened to discover that a “Grand Centennial Panorama” was to be given this evening, by some parties from Grouse Creek, to which the public are all invited. This “splendid exhibition of art” has been given before the crowded halls of Dexter and Silverdale, and pronounced to be equal to any magic lantern performance that has ever come up the Grouse. As we have not enjoyed a magic lantern show for nearly two months (since Eddy put his away), we have no doubt a multitude of our citizens will assemble to witness it. “Doors open at 6½ o’clock, Wednesday, the 1st of March.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
OLD Folks’ Concert Saturday evening. Admission, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Tickets for sale at E. D. Eddy’s and the Post Office. Concert begins at 7 o’clock, at the First Church.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
CANDIES. As a reminder that E. D. Eddy had received his new lot of choice and fancy candies, the office was tendered a half peck of them, and expressed themselves severally to the following toast: “May he ever live, and prosperity attend him.” The responses occupied more time than the devouring of the granulated saccharine matter.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.
The Fire Extinguishers are placed as follows: One at the Central Avenue Hotel, one at E. D. Eddy’s, and one at the Post Office. Houghton & McLaughlin have a private one belonging wholly to themselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
E. D. Eddy was elected Treasurer by a unanimous vote.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
E. D. Eddy returned Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.
REMOVED. The barber shop of Prof. Harrison has been removed to the first building south of E. D. Eddy’s, where he will be glad to shave anyone who comes in.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
TEN-CENT-ENIAL cigars at Eddy’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
The marriage ceremony of Mr. Kennedy and Miss Norton was performed by Rev. J. E. Platter, last Wednesday evening, at the residence of Mr. L. C. Norton, and was highly complimented by the competent judges who were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis, E. D. Eddy, Miss Sherburne, Mr. Kennedy’s brother, J. H. Sherburne, Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Sherburne, and Mr. Burgess, constituted the party, with the parents and members of the family of the bride.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1876.
Animated by that spirit of independence which characterized our patriot sires of old, a small party of Arkansas City Fourth of July-ers turned their backs upon the great show at Winfield, and started for the Territory; where upon the broad prairies, by the sparkling waters of the Shilocco, we might have room to “spread” ourselves, and liberty to partake of the Legislature’s forbidden fruit for which we all had an “orful hankerin’.” Our objective point was the spring—everybody knows where that is. We left town at 8:30, with banners flying, and at 9:15 passed the State line and beyond the limits of the game law. And right here I would like to call the attention of the authorities to a system of lawlessness that exists along the border, which if persisted in will disgrace us as a community, and cause great annoyance to the Government. I allude to the disgraceful conduct of Polk Stevens et al., in cutting up the State line and using the pieces for well ropes, lariats, etc. After passing into the Territory, O. P. Houghton, E. D. Eddy, Kendall Smith, Henry Mowry, and others, armed with double barrel shot guns and dogs—I mean dogs and double barrel shot guns—started out to hunt for game, while the rest of the party went to look for the spring, which (everybody knowing exactly where it was) we found immediately. Here we corralled our wagons, and to the tops thereof stretched wagon covers, and soon had a comfortable tent commodious enough to cover our whole party of fifty. The next thing in order was to prepare the “wittles.” L. McLaughlin’s pony express came in on time bringing a game sack full of game, consisting of young quails, snipes, woodpeckers, and prairie chickens of all ages, from the newly bedged with parts of its late domicile hanging to them to the toothless old hen of “ye olden time.” Eddy, under the supervision of Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. L. McLaughlin, cooked the game in a very satisfactory manner, while Tyler McLaughlin, as chief cook of the coffee department, covered himself all over with glory and cinders. Kendall Smith and Jim Benedict roasted three pecks of wormy sweet corn, and Mrs.—candor compels me to say it—Mrs. Meigs ate it. Evidently the author of “Ten Acres Enough” had never seen Mrs. Meigs eat roasting ears. Other parties disposed of grub in the same proportion, but the undersigned sat between Jim Benedict and the “picter” man, and as a consequence, went home hungry, and “Oh! how dry I was.” After dinner we had a patriotic song by Mrs. Alexander and O. P. Houghton, and an eloquent address by E. D. Bowen, M. D. The toast, “The flag of our Union: long may it wave, from Kansas to Maine and Georgi(e)a,” was responded to by E. D. Eddy. Mrs. Alexander was the life and spirit of the party (she carried the spirit in a bottle). After our patriotism had effervesced, T. H. McLaughlin set up the lemonade, and we started for home. On the way Mrs. L. McLaughlin unfolded some blood curdling panther “tails” of the early days in the backwoods. Just as the Centennial sun sank to rest, we returned to our homes, with a feeling of pity for those people of limited means who could not afford to travel, but were compelled to put up with the skeetery and weedy woods of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
DR. HOUSTON and “his son John” are worse than Arabs. They took up their tents, packed off to Leavenworth, stayed two weeks—and all done so silently no one knew anything about it until the doctor waltzed up to Eddy’s drug store, last week, and told it.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1876.
RUNAWAY. Monday afternoon O. P. Houghton, E. D. Eddy, and Revs. Fleming and Croco, went out in search of what they might annihilate, and found a flock of chickens. Mr. Eddy fired, whereupon the horses took fright, jumped up and down, straddled the pole of the wagon, broke it off, and started to run. Eugene, thinking mother earth a more desirable stopping place than soaring in the air, landed safely. Rev. Croco endeavored to, and partially succeeded. Rev. Fleming, with his usual tenacity, held off until the vehicle crossed a rut, when he got out suddenly. O. P. Houghton held on until the team was checked, when he expressed himself gratified that he had not ended the career of one deacon and two ministers.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
E. D. EDDY expects to visit his home in Michigan in a few weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
FOR SALE. A six-octave Estey Cottage Organ can be bought cheap for cash. Apply at Eddy’s drug store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
IF all the necessary arrangements can be made, Eugene D. Eddy and Miss Georgia Sherburne will be married next Tuesday, October 16th, at Winnesago, Maine.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
We notice in the list of Kansas visitors to the Centennial, the name of E. D. Eddy and wife. Eugene don’t care a snap who is to be the next President.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
EDDY has begun to prepare for the holidays.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
From the Bath, Maine, Daily Times, we clip the following:
MARRIED. In Phipsburg, Oct. 11, by Rev. Wm. Hart, Eugene D. Eddy, of Arkansas City, Kansas, and Georgia B. Sherburne of Phipsburg.
In the same issue, is a lengthy article on “The Physical Training of Children,” by Dr. Chabasse. We don’t see that that has anything to do with Eugene’s marriage.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
SATURDAY night is the time set for the arrival of E. D. Eddy and his better half.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
E. D. EDDY returned with his wife (nee Miss Georgia Sherburne) last Friday morning, and was complimented by a serenade by the Cornet Band on Saturday evening, the members of which he invited into an oyster feast. They spent some time in the East, and before returning, visited the Centennial and other points of interest. The new bride’s unexpected return is a gratification to her many friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
FANCY TABLE. Mrs. E. D. Eddy, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Miss M. Greene, Miss A. Mantor, Miss Delia DeMott.
TO PROCURE OYSTERS. R. C. Haywood, R. A. Houghton, E. D. Eddy.
CONFECTIONERY. Mrs. Dr. Hughes, O. C. Skinner, E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS. Go to Eddy’s.
Books for the Holidays, at Eddy’s.
Writing Desk, Card Cases, and Stereoscopic views at Eddy’s.
Work Stands, Work Baskets, and Rustic Hanging Baskets. Eddy has them.
Candy, Candy, Candy, fancy and plain candy at Eddy’s.
For a nice Holiday present, go to Eddy and you will find what you want.
Albums, Photo and Autograph, at Eddy’s.
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, of all kinds. Eddy is selling them cheap.
Toy Carts and Wagons. Eddy has a few left yet.
Sleds for Boys, at Eddy’s. We will have snow sure, come and get one before they are all gone.
A New Set of Accordions, Violins, and Music Boxes at Eddy’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
GEO. A. EDDY, brother of our fellow townsman, spent a few days in this place last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
The number of prescriptions filled by Eddy’s Drug Store since the beginning of Arkansas City is ___. Dr. Kellogg issued the first prescription, being “Five Compound Cathartic pills, to be taken at one dose.” If we could just find out the man who took the pills, now, we could make it a matter of history for future generations.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
The election of city officers took place last Monday, quietly and peaceably, with the following result. Mayor: Dr. Kellogg; Police Judge: Jas. Christian; Councilmen: James Benedict, H. P. Farrar, James I. Mitchell, H. Godehard, I. H. Bonsall. There was another ticket in the field, composed of Wm. Sleeth for Mayor, Judge Christian for Police Judge, and A. A. Newman, O. P. Houghton, E. D. Eddy, J. A. Loomis, and J. T. Shepard, for Councilmen; but as one was composed of, or was generally understood to be “license” men, the issue was made “license” and “anti-license,” and the vote stood 70 for the former and 41 for the latter. Both tickets were composed of the best men of the community.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
In the race for Mayor last Monday, H. D. Kellogg received 72 votes, Major Sleeth 40, and Rev. Thompson 1. For Police Judge, James Christian received 112 votes, and Rev. David Thompson 1. For Councilmen, Jas. Benedict received 72, E. P. Farrar 72, Jas. I. Mitchell 72, H. Godehard 71, I. H. Bonsall 71, A. A. Newman 40, O. P. Houghton 40, E. D. Eddy 40, J. A. Loomis 40, Dr. J. T. Shepard 40, Rev. Wingar 1, Rev. Swarts 1, Rev. Will York 1, L. C. Norton 1, J. C. Topliff 3, Sherb Hunt 1.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1877.
WILL MOWRY has severed his connection with E. D. Eddy, after five years steady application, on account of his health.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1877.
MR. JAMES WILSON, of Leavenworth, wrote E. D. Eddy that he would ship his stock of dry goods to this place on Monday, and that he and his family would reach here about Saturday. The church of which he is a member in Leavenworth gave a party in honor of his departure last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.
City Council met in regular session, at the office of I. H. Bonsall, Monday, May 75h, James Benedict acting Mayor; J. I. Mitchell, H. P. Farrar, Hermann Godehard, I. H. Bonsall, Councilmen. Bill of E. D. Eddy allowed.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
For the past ten days heavy rains have been falling throughout this section and the streams are gradually rising. On last Friday the Arkansas was noticed as being very full, and on Saturday the rise was very rapid, bringing with it drift wood and live trees. Some of the latter being cedar, supposed to have come from the mountains. This would go to prove that the rains had extended to the mountains, or the immense body of water caused by the melting of snow. Until Saturday night no apprehensions of the destruction of the bridge were entertained until large trees came floating down and the water began to flow around the approach. The Township Trustee then engaged a number of men with poles to push the floating logs under the bridge; but they came so thick and fast, and the night being very dark, it was deemed useless, and they abandoned the work at eleven o’clock at night. At three o’clock Sunday morning, Wyard Gooch and others went down, and found all but four spans of the bridge gone. They then sent back for rope and tied the remaining span on the north side to a post and a tree about half as thick as a man’s body. Not long after a very large tree with heavy branches came sweeping past, and striking the span, carried it away. After being swept from the piles on which it was built, it swung around to the bank, and the force of the current caused the post to break and left it swinging on the one rope tied to the tree. This soon began to crack, and in a few seconds, the tree was pulled out by the roots and the structure went with the current. Those who were on the river bank most of the time say that large pine branches and portions of other bridge timbers could be seen every few minutes, supposed to have belonged to the El Paso and Wichita bridges. The bottom lands on the Arkansas present a wonderful spectacle. Whole fields of wheat and corn opposite Arkansas City are completely inundated, and the country around almost under water. Nothing is left between Carder’s house and the Arkansas River except the sand hills, and the only way to reach the bank of the river is by boat. We made an effort to cross to the ridge just opposite where Davis’ house stood, on horse back, and the horse was compelled to swim. Wm. Coombs, James Wilson, E. D. Eddy, and others, while making the attempt earlier in the day, mired their animals, and had to wade ashore. On the island we found a dog, and every few feet noticed rabbits, gophers, ground moles, or snakes that had gathered there for safety. The current of the river is fearful, and the waves roll two feet in height. From the overflow at this place, we should judge the city of Wichita to be flooded with water, and the country adjacent to the river in Arkansas City completely deluged. The losses from bridges alone will be considerable, to say nothing of the great destruction of grain fields. The bridge at this place originally cost $13,000, and the damage to it cannot be replaced short of $4,000 or $5,000. An effort will be made to rebuild that portion that has been carried away at once, or to have a ferry run until it is done.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, of Adrian, Michigan, parents of E. D. Eddy, of this place, are making their son a short visit, in this new land of promise. Both parties are over seventy years of age and know what it is to grow up with a new country.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
EDDY’S fountain continues to flow.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
For purifying your blood, and restoring the liver to healthy action, use a preparation of Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, and Iodide Potassium. All Physicians recommend it. For weakness, indigestion, and a debilitated system, it will be found beneficial. Sold at E. D. Eddy, Kellogg & Hoyt, and L. H. Gardner.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
The picnic in Bolton Township, July 4th, was well attended by an intelligent class of people. R. A. Houghton, Hermann Godehard, and E. D. Eddy had stands on the ground and dispensed the lemonade, ice cream, candy, etc. We might go into details, but as we have two communications on the subject, will let it pass.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
BIRTH. And now we have to chronicle the happy announcement of a bouncing girl for E. D. Eddy. Born Tuesday, July 17th, in the 101st year of the Independence of the United States of America.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
To procure them: E. D. Eddy; To cook them: D. B. Hartsock, W. J. Mowry.
FANCY TABLE. Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. Hartsock, Mrs. E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
EDDY’s Christmas goods have come in, and the children are flocking in to inspect them. Even the old men and aged ladies go, “just to see them with the child,” and we go to get the item. He has every variety of funny things: jumping jacks, squalling babies, tin horses, velocipedes, wagons, sleds, locomotives, besides some interesting and instructive books of poems, story books, pictures, and many things that would make a nice present to our true love, your better half, or the girl of the period.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
The fancy table was well supplied with ornamental articles, which the fair ladies succeeded in selling to the bachelors and young men as particularly useful to persons situated as they were. The gentlemen in question had no other course than to hand over the cash and pocket the article, but just how an old woman hater was to be benefitted by paying fifty cents for an embryo apron made to pin around the neck, is a problem that remains unsolved. On this table was a veteran law book, 131 years old, contributed by Judge Christian for exhibition. Over the table hung a beautiful chromo, donated by Mr. E. D. Eddy, and to be given to the prettiest baby in the room. This question was decided by voting (ten cents for each and every vote, with the privilege of repeating ad infinitum), and resulted in favor of Claire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mitchell. We understand the Society cleared about eighty dollars altogether, which will be applied to finishing their new building.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals,
Fine Toilet Soap, Brushes and Combs.
Choice Perfumery and Fancy Articles,
Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs.
Coal Oil, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
EDDY can’t accommodate you with soda water this year.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
The election of city officers took place last Monday with the following result.
COUNCILMEN: J. T. SHEPARD, 63; WM. SPEERS, 59; THOS. BERRY, 63; C. R. SIPES, 58; I. H. BONSALL, 61; S. P. CHANNELL, 40; A. A. NEWMAN, 37; H. P. FARRAR, 37; E. D. EDDY, 37; T. H. McLAUGHLIN, 40.
Total number of votes cast: 98. It is generally supposed that the officers elected will favor granting a saloon license on a proper petition.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
A little run was made on coal oil last week by the drug and grocery men. L. H. Gardner and E. D. Eddy put it down to 25 cents per gallon for a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
EDDY retails coal oil at 25 cents. That is cheaper than it can be bought at Wichita. Get your cans filled, and tell all your friends that Arkansas City is the place to buy all kinds of drugs, oils, groceries, and merchandise.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
Farmers! Call at Eddy’s for are all kinds of Machine Oils—Best White Castor, Lard, Lubricating, Mill, Spindle, or Golden Oil—at lowest prices. Coal oil only 25 cents per gallon.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
Committee on furnishing swings, croquet sets, boats, etc.
W. J. Peed, Will Alexander, Charles M. Swarts, J. C. Topliff, Mr. Knight, William Parker, R. Turner, James Pierce, Frank Schiffbauer, Edmund G. Gray, Frank Speers, E. D. Eddy, and I. H. Bonsall.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.
Go to Eddy’s and buy Egyptian liver and ague pads, better than Holman’s. Only $1.
Just look at the price of coal oil lamps and be convinced that he is selling cheaper than elsewhere. E. D. EDDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1879.
Miss Rouzee, residing in Beaver Township, is an artisan of high order, as her work at Eddy’s Drug Store will fully attest. Those who wish to preserve the shadow of life on canvass, should examine this specimen, as it will stand the test of the critic’s eye.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
A NUMBER ONE Good Article of Lubricating Oil.
I have a large supply of Machine Oils on hand, and am selling them low. Call and examine the oils and get price before buying your Oil,
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
Holman’s Liver Pad at EDDY’S DRUG STORE.
500,000 Sweet Potato plants at Eddy’s. C. M. SWARTS.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
Contracts were let on Saturday last to build six new cottage houses in the west part of town. Another new cottage is starting up just east of the residence of E. D. Eddy. Our carpenters are all pushed with work.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
Mrs. Eddy left on Monday to visit friends in Leavenworth.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
E. D. Eddy left for the East last Saturday morning. He will be absent about two weeks, and will bring his wife back with him.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Deputy Sheriff Finch was in town last Saturday, and shortly after his arrival he and W. J. Gray arrested two young fellows who had driven down from Winfield but a few minutes previous, ostensibly on the charge of horse stealing; but the real cause was a threat to break the county jail. The parties arrested were E. C. White and T. Huffman, the former of whom was suspicioned of trying to effect the deliverance of his brother, Ike White, from jail. Huffman was arrested, taken to one side, and made to believe that the jig was up, and that it would go better with him if he owned up to the object of their trip to our town. Supposing they were shadowed for horse stealing, he informed the officials of White’s intention to procure some acid by which the jail locks could be destroyed, whereupon White was immediately arrested. All the proof against him in town was his asking for some aqua fortis at Eddy’s drug store, but both parties were securely tied to a wagon and taken to Winfield.
While believing Mr. Finch acted in good faith, we are disposed to regard the arrest as rather premature. Taking into consideration the time required for aqua fortis to corrode a lock, we cannot see that our jail was in any immediate danger, more especially as the officers were so thoroughly posted as to White’s intentions, and we question whether they had sufficient grounds for making an arrest unless they were satisfied that these boys were implicated with Ike White in horse stealing. “Fore-warned is fore-armed,” and a little careful watching probably would have resulted in absolute conviction, when the luckless White could have been put where he would do the most good. White is lately from Texas, is a reckless, worthless fellow, and one for whom we have no sympathy. It is only our desire to see such social lepers brought to justice that prompts this criticism. There is such a thing as being overzealous in a cause, which, of course, is far preferable to the charge of negligence. Of negligence, however, our present officers are never guilty.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Statement of the Indebtedness of Creswell Township.
The Board is unable at present to make a complete statement further back than the commencement of Mr. A. Chamberlain’s term as Trustee, with E. D. Eddy and W. D. Mowry as Treasurer and Clerk, i.e., 1875-6. Orders issued, $1,099.73; orders outstanding Dec. 11, 1878, $171.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
E. D. Eddy and wife will be home this evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Billy Arlington, the champion humorous lecturer in the country, will lecture at the schoolhouse in our city next Tuesday evening. This gentleman has been before the public for more than twenty-five years, first as a minstrel, but of late years as a lecturer, and has given such entire satisfaction that his name is a household word in Eastern circles. While in the Arlington, Cotton & Kemble troupe he built the Meyer’s opera house at Chicago, playing there until 1874. Mr. Arlington’s lecture is without exception the best thing of its kind before the public. In order to start a library for the school in our city, this lecture is given under the auspices of the literary society, and the proceeds will be devoted to purchasing books. Such a worthy object should not fail in drawing a large audience, and Mr. Sylvester promises to keep the ball rolling until we can boast of a good library. The Baptist church handles Arlington at Winfield, the proceeds to aid their society in building, and the library associations of Wichita and El Dorado take him in those cities. Reserved seat tickets are for sale at Eddy’s drug store; price fifty cents; regular admission thirty-five cents. For the sake of our school and library, let there be a good turn-out.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879.
It is announced that Gov. Croswell, of Michigan, will be married at Charlotte on the 13th of this month. The bride expectant is Miss Lizzie Musgrave, the youngest daughter of the Hon. Joseph Musgrave, President of the First National Bank of Charlotte, and also at the head of the wealthy and influential firm of Musgrave & Lacy. She is a beautiful woman, still in the twenties. Gov. Croswell is about 55 years of age, and a widower with two adult children. Ex.
Gov. Croswell is a brother-in-law of our townsman, Mr. E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
The stone is on the ground for two more sidewalks—E. D. Eddy’s and Dr. J. T. Shepard’s, in front of their respective drug stores. The stone for Shepard’s walk is obtained from the Green boys’ place, and is of superior quality. One piece was six feet wide and twelve feet long, and about five inches thick.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1879.
For the benefit of the school library, at the School House Friday evening, November 7th, 1879, a play will be given. Participants: C. H. Sylvester, C. M. Swarts, F. B. Hutchison, S. B. Reed, J. Leonard, Miss Annie Norton, Miss Linnie Peed, Miss Laura Gregg.
Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents. Tickets for sale at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
BORN. At Arkansas City on Sunday morning, Nov. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eddy, a daughter.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1879.
WANTED. A girl to do general house work. Inquire at E. D. Eddy’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1880
On Tuesday morning we went out to the grounds that have recently attracted considerable attention on account of the gold and silver formation said to exist there. This locality is about three miles northwest of town in a sandy region covered with a growth of black oaks. We publish in this number of the TRAVELER two assays of specimens taken from these grounds, and while we do not pretend to say whether the ore is rich enough to justify the expense of smelting, we know to a certainty that the supply is almost unlimited of both the black and red formation. If the mineral should justify the expense of smelting, it will soon revolutionize this part of the country and it is a gross fabrication to deny its existence.
OFFICE OF ST. JOSEPH LEAD MINES, San Francisco County, Missouri, Jan. 11, 1880.
Mr. Eddy: The two samples of sand stone you sent me each carried 18 ounces of silver to the ton. I say about 18 oz. because with the scales I used I could only determine that it was more than 15 oz. and less than 20 oz. I would have answered sooner but the package was delayed on the road and I did not receive it until two days ago. Yours, D. McK.
A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company, Engineering Department, Topeka, Kansas, Dec. 15, 1879.
I. H. Bonsall, Esq. Dear Sir: Enclosed another assay. This is also from a careful and reliable assayist, and looks well. Truly Yours, THOS. A. SEELY. Office of Assayer, Father DeSmet Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Golden Gate, Dakota Territory, November 22, 1879.
H. B. Alexander, Esq. Dear Sir: The Sample of ore pulverized and received by mail has been assayed by fire, and the return shows Gold, $10.34; Silver $1.93 per ton of 2,000 pounds. Total: $12.27. Yours truly, H. B. LAND.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
GOOCH - HOUGHTON. Married on Wednesday evening, February 4th, at the First Presbyterian Church in Arkansas City, Mr. Wyatt Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton, by Rev. McClung.
PRESENTS: Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, pearl card case, bottle cologne, silver nut cracker. Bridesmaid and Groomsmen chromo.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Dr. J. H. Griffith tenders his professional services to the public through a card in the TRAVELER. Call and see him at Eddy’s drug store.
J. H. GRIFFITH, M. D. Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Arkansas City, Cowley and Sumner counties. Chronic diseases and diseases of women and children a specialty. Office at Eddy’s Drug Store or at his residence in the northwest part of the city, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Work on E. D. Eddy’s new store is being vigorously pushed forward, and ’twill not be long ere our old friend Gene will preside in one of the best appointed and nobbiest drug stores in the Southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
Eddy is now in his new store, and is setting up the soda water Saturday, May 29th, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
E. D. Eddy will occupy his new store this week and proposes, in commemoration of that event, to hold on Saturday next both matinee and evening performances on his soda fountain—free, gratis, for nothing, given away. Good!
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Eddy’s old building is on its road to occupy the site of the millinery store just north of C. R. Sipes’ stove and tinware establishment. Eddy’s drug store, in his new brick building, is one of the best looking and well appointed drug establishments to be met with in the west.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Just before going to press we received a call from Mr. Ed. Roland, of Winfield, who was accompanied by the renowned comedian, Mr. Burton. From them we learn that the Winfield Rifles, under the direction of Mr. Burton and wife, will present the king of comedies, “The Dutch Recruit,” at Winfield during next week, commencing Tuesday and closing Friday or Saturday night. They want to see an excursion train come up from this place well loaded with our citizens, promising us every courtesy wished for, and they will not be disappointed. Our people enjoyed the “Union Spy,” but this is a much better play, with a better cast of characters, than anything ever put on the boards in Cowley county. It has more true sentiment and richer fun than half a dozen “Union Spies.” Let’s all join together and go on Thursday night, June 3, 1880. We will give full particulars next week. A plat of Manning’s hall can be seen at Eddy’s drug store.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
The “Dutch Recruit” will be given at Winfield in Manning’s Hall, tomorrow night. The play has been running this week, but tomorrow night has been set aside for the benefit of the theater going people of Arkansas City. Mr. Ingersoll will run a special train for the accommodation of those who desire to go, for $30. Let us get up at least thirty couples, and take in the best play ever in this county. Mr. Burton, under whose direction the “Winfield Rifles” are playing, is an actor of twenty-eight years’ standing, and is supported by his wife, a lady of talent and experience. The Winfield folks will meet us at the depot and extend every courtesy we could ask. They have reserved the best part of the hall for our citizens, a plat of which can be seen at Eddy’s drug store. The omnibus fare to and from the depot has also been reduced one-half. We feel confident that our people will feel fully satisfied with the entertainment, and would like to see a crowded train leave the depot tomorrow evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Mrs. Eddy has been making a visit of several days to Ponca Agency, the guest of Mrs. J. H. Sherburne.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
J. H. Sherburne brought his sister, Mrs. Eddy, from Ponca Agency last Sunday, returning on the same day. They are having a payment in the land of the Poncas now, and Joe is too busy raking in wealth to admit of his stopping any time in the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
We call attention in this issue to the card of Beecher & Son, carpenters and builders, who announce themselves ready to undertake all kinds of work in their line. They are No. 1 mechanics, as their work on Mr. Eddy’s new store will testify, and always guarantee satisfaction. Shop on East Central Avenue.
CARD: BEECHER & SON, Carpenters, Contractors and Builders.
Shop on East Central Avenue. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Geo. A. Eddy, brother of our townsman, E. D. Eddy, and one of the prominent citizens of Leavenworth, visited our city a few days last week. As a wholesale druggist he is known throughout the entire West.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
FANCY Box Stationery at Eddy’s Drug Store.
SOAPS! SOAPS! Fancy and toilet just received at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Boss Line Combs and Brushes at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Hunting is all the rage now. Last Monday morning a party of six started out, consisting of Eugene Eddy and nephew, Mr. Charles Crosswell, son of ex-Governor Crosswell of Michigan, R. A. Houghton, Frank Speers, Charley Howard, and Mr. Worthley, a brother-in-law of the Howard boys visiting them from Maine. They will be joined at Ponca Agency by Joe Sherburne and Mr. George Reed, a relative of Mr. Sherburne who arrived from the land of Platisted [?] last Friday—the entire party expecting to return Saturday night. May good luck attend them.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
It is with pleasure we call attention to the card of our townsman, Dr. Chapel, which appears this week, announcing his intention to devote himself to the practice of medicine from this time forth. He is a gentleman of undoubted ability and many years’ experience in the profession, and will without doubt secure a large and remunerative practice, as he is already well and favorably known in this community.
Residence at Central Avenue Hotel. Orders may be left at Eddy’s drug store.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
‘Gene Eddy has a new “ad.” in this issue, and the handsomest drug store in the Southwest. It is a pleasure to trade with him, and he is somewhat pleased to have you call on him.
AD: Paints, Oil and Window Glass.
School Books and Stationery.
Plated Silverware—Rogers & Smith’s—at Cost.
Musical Instruments of all Kinds.
Perfumery and Fancy Articles.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
Pining away, at Eddy’s Drug Store, for his Autograph Album, CHARLEY SWARTS. Return at once and stop his squalling.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
Boyd’s Galvanic Batteries at EDDY’S DRUG STORE.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
The druggists of Cowley County met in Winfield last Monday evening for the purpose of electing delegates to the State Pharmaceutical Association, which, we believe, meets on the 13th of next month. Messrs. Eddy, Mowry, Maxwell, and Riely represented Arkansas City. Quincy A. Glass, of Winfield, and E. D. Eddy, of this city, were chosen delegates.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
E. D. Eddy left yesterday for Topeka to attend the meeting of the Druggists of the State, to be held today.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
E. D. Eddy returned from attending the meeting of the State Pharmaceutical association at Topeka, yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
It never rains but it pours. Free soda at E. D. Eddy’s next Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
Go to The Entertainment At the M. E. Church, Tomorrow, Thursday evening, For the benefit of Judge Christian. The following is the proposed programme.
Full Chorus: Ladies and gentlemen; Instrumental: Mrs. Baker and Mr. Griffith; Aileen Allen: Song and chorus—gentlemen; “The Irish at Home,” with anecdotes—J. Wilson; Quartette: Gentlemen; Reading: Mrs. Farrar; Instrumental: Mrs. Baker and Wm. Griffith; Singing: Ladies; Solo: Mrs. Eddy; Reading: Irish story—Jas. Wilson; Grande Finale Musicale: Ladies and Gents.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
IT IS TOWN TALK That Kellogg & Mowry, Shepard, Maxwell & Walker, E. D. Eddy, and James Riely are keenly alive to the needs of the drug business.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
GOLD PENS, at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
E. D. Eddy is at Ponca, assisting J. H. Sherburne during the present payment of the Ponca annuities.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
School has commenced and Eddy’s winter stock of School Books are on hand. A long experience in the school book trade has enabled me to buy my books closer than ever before, and I intend that my customers shall have the benefit of the reduced prices. Having the
Largest Stock of School Books and School Supplies
ever brought to the city I can supply all demands for the same at bottom prices.
Call and see for yourself, and save your money, at
the oldest, most reliable, and best furnished drug house in Cowley County, established in 1870, carrying the most complete stock of drugs, paints, oils, glass, etc., ever brought to Southern Kansas. I propose to give
If you want anything in my line come in, and see my prices is all I ask. Special attention is given to orders from a distance.
Thanking you for favors in the past, and intending, by fair and square dealing, to merit your confidence in the future, I remain most respectfully yours. E. D. EDDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
BIRTH. We forgot to chronicle the advent of E. D. Eddy’s new boy last week, but hope the little stranger will pardon our seeming neglect.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
E. D. Eddy has been to Leavenworth on business and to see the folks.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
A picture of anyone in town can be had at Eddy’s, Kellogg & Mowry’s, and Shepard & Maxwell’s. This makes us realize that Feb. 14th is at hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
Receipts of entertainment given at M. E. Church, Friday evening, for the benefit of the Library. Received at door: $18.50; Received at Central Drug Store: $2.00; Received at Kellogg & Mowry’s: $3.00; Received at Post Office: $2.00; Received at E. D. Eddy’s: $1.50.
Total: $27.00. Expenditures: Printing bills and tickets: $2.50; Rent of Church unsettled; Lumber: $1.15; Music: $.85; Mucilage: $.10; Nails: $.10. Sub Total: $4.70.
To those who, unconnected with the school, aided us, we extend our hearty thanks. Great credit is especially due the young men actively engaged in business. The proceeds will be promptly applied to the purchase of books for the School Library. Thanks are also due to those who aided us with their presence and their money, and we trust they will derive benefit from the perusal, by their children, of good books obtained. C. T. A.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
WANTED. A girl to do general house work. Inquire at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1882.
The Schubert Quartet of Winfield will give one of their magnificent concerts for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. Library at the White Church next Saturday night. Admission 25 cents; children 15 cents. Reserved seats without extra charge at Kellogg & Mowry’s and E. D. Eddy’s drug stores.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
Eddy and Ingersoll went fishing last Friday. According to the old saying, Ingersoll must have “sweared”—as Eddy caught all the fish.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. W. E. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Sherburne, Mrs. Eddy, and Mrs. A. A. Newman will leave tomorrow for the East.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1882.
E. D. Eddy is putting up a 14 x 18 addition to his residence and otherwise improving and renovating the same. Messrs. Beecher & Son have charge of the work.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Jen Clark is clerking in Eddy’s drug store.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. E. D. Eddy is suffering from an attack of inflammation of the bowels. We trust he may soon recover his health.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
Geo. A. Eddy, of Leavenworth, spent several days of the past week in the city visiting his brother, E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Medical: A. J. Chapel, M. D. Office and Residence—Central Avenue House Parlors, Arkansas City, Kansas. Consultations Solicited. Orders may be left at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Manley Capron is now clerking for E. D. Eddy. Charley Swarts will no longer be found in town, he having tired of the dissipations of city life and concluded to go to the old standby—farming. Luck go with you, Charles.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1883.
C. M. Swarts has resumed his old situation with E. D. Eddy, and dispenses “doctor’s stuff” with his usual affability.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
At the city elections last Monday, the following ticket was elected, and the vote cast will be seen by the following. CITIZEN’S TICKET: MAYOR, H. D. KELLOGG, 193. COUNCILMEN: O. S. Rarick, 159; T. McIntire, 162; F. Schiffbauer, 167; E. D. Eddy, 198; J. Ridenour, 157. POLICE JUDGE: I. H. Bonsall, 162.
There was another ticket in the field differing in some of the candidates for councilmen, but the highest vote it received was 46—which with several scattering votes for different parties for the various offices constitute the total of the vote polled.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
House Plants. A fine selection and popular prices at E. D. EDDY’S.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 18, 1883.
There was a call for the businessmen of the city and country to meet at McLaughlin’s Hall at 4 o’clock, April 13th, to take into consideration the building of a railroad from Arkansas City, Kansas, to Coffeyville, Kansas, and west as far as Caldwell, and farther, if desired. Meeting called to order by Dr. Chapel; T. H. McLaughlin appointed Chairman and Wm. Blakeney, Secretary. Chair called for remarks. James Hill being asked to state, in full, the object of the meeting, spoke in a clear and forcible manner of the great advantages that a railroad would do us, as a city and country, running along so near the Territory line, making a direct road from this city to St. Louis, thereby saving much time and expense in getting our stock and grain to a good market. Mr. Hill also stated that if we were not up and doing, other cities would take all the things of advantage to themselves, building up their cities and counties, and we would be left out in the cold. Rev. Fleming spoke on the question with much earnestness, advising that whatever was done be done at once. Many spoke very freely on the question, all taking a deep interest in doing something to help make our city a better city and our county a better county. After the project being understood, a committee, comprising James Hill and Dr. Chapel, was appointed to solicit bonds, along the line, from the cities and counties. Another committee was also appointed to solicit funds to meet the expense of surveying. Committee: James Huey, E. D. Eddy, N. T. Snyder, and Wm. Sleeth. Motion made to adjourn. WM. BLAKENEY, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
We are pained to hear that Mrs. E. D. Eddy has been prostrated with sickness for several days past, but hope for her a speedy return to health.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eddy are absent visiting relatives and friends at Leavenworth, Kansas. We trust the lady’s health may be benefitted by the change.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Mr. Ed. Grady’s new residence just south of E. D. Eddy’s, is looming up in good shape and will be completed at the earliest possible date.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Lafe McLaughlin, accompanied by Mr. Eddy’s little daughter, Bertha, left for the Eastern states Monday last. We believe they intend summering in Maine.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Ad. Girl Wanted to do general work in a small family. Apply at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Messrs. Duncan & Magill are now occupying their new store room just north of Eddy’s drug store. The building has been neatly refitted and now makes one of the best business rooms in town. The gentlemanly proprietors have put in a large and complete stock and are prepared to give their numerous patrons the best quality of goods at the most reasonable of prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy, accompanied by her two little daughters and her mother, Mrs. B. W. Sherburne, arrived in the city last Friday from Maine, where the party have been spending the summer at their old home. We are truly glad that Mrs. Eddy’s health has been benefitted by the visit, only hoping that the improvement may be permanent and that many years of happiness are in store for her in her western home.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
AD. WANTED. 500 to 1,000 head of cattle to winter on one of the best ranges on the Cimarron River, 45 miles west of Pawnee Agency. Call on or address Swarts & Purdin, Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, or C. M. Swarts, at Eddy’s drug store, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Lost. On Sunday last, a black kid glove between Eddy’s drug store and my residence. I’d like to have it again. C. M. Swarts.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Mrs. B. W. Sherburne, mother of Mrs. E. D. Eddy, arrived in her western home last Friday after a protracted visit among old friends in Winnegance, Maine. She is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Morse, and family, who will hereafter make their home with us. With this happy family came Mrs. Morse’s mother-in-law, a lady who has attained the rare old age of 87 years, and who is possessed of a life and vitality not often seen in women thirty years younger—attesting a marvelous constitution and perfect health. We trust the breezes of Southern Kansas may fan her aged cheeks even more lightly than have the rigorous winds of the Atlantic coast.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1883.
Read E. D. Eddy’s specials in this issue.
Ad. If you want a nice Poetical work, go to Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. If you want something nice for a present, call at Eddy’s Drug Store. He has just what you want.
Ad. Christmas Cards and Fancy Box Stationery at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. Photograph and Autograph Albums at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. Toilet Sets, Jewel Cases, Glove and handkerchief Boxes at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. Books for the Little Folks at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. Standard Novels at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. Bibles—Family. Teacher’s and pocket at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. Full line of Poets, latest editions, at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. Choice Books—just the thing for presents—in elegant bindings at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Ad. Holiday Presents in endless variety at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1883.
Our stores are all looking gay in their holiday attire, and none more so than Eddy’s drug store, where can be found something to suit all tastes. He has an elegant assortment of toilet cases, handkerchief and glove boxes, jewel cases, family bibles, standard novels and poems, toilet sets, etc., as well as a charming collection of books for the little ones. Give him a call.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1884.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, of this city, on Wednesday morning, December 26, 1883, a daughter. Dr. Chapel was in attendance and both mother and child are progressing finely.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
If the longest pole knocks the persimmons, it is to be found in Eddy’s drug store. Read his specials.
“I Want to Eat all the time,” said a party after trying Eddy’s Baking powder.
Pure Baking Powder. Best and cheapest at Eddy’s drug store.
Old Horses Made New by Eddy’s perfection condition powders.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Our old established druggist, E. D. Eddy, has without question placed upon the market the finest thing in the way of baking power to be found anywhere. This powder is manufactured by Mr. Eddy himself, from the purest of carefully prepared ingredients, and is absolutely free from the poisonous adulteration in other powders. Mr. Eddy has used it for a long time in his own family, and is now satisfied that the article in question comes as near perfection as it is possible for mortal man to make it.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Emma R. Bristol will hold for sale a fine collection of plants, seeds, etc., at Eddy’s drug store, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, April 10, 11, and 12. Don’t fail to call upon her.
Ladies, Attention. All lovers of flowers will do well to read the notice of the Bristol sisters in another column of this week’s issue. Emma R. Bristol will be glad to meet all desiring nice house or outdoor plants, at Eddy’s drug store on April 10, 11, and 12. For further particulars see notice.
HOUSE PLANTS, etc. Emma R. Bristol, of the firm of Bristol Sisters, florists, Topeka, Kansas, will be in the city with a collection of House and outdoor Plants, Bulbs, Flower Seeds, etc. They will be held for sale at Eddy’s drug store from 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, to noon of Saturday, April 12. Don’t forget the time and place.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Girl Wanted to do cooking and general house work in a private family; washing put out. Address E. D. EDDY.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
E. D. Eddy was one of the many citizens who signed the request.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
Barn Burned. Last Thursday afternoon our citizens were startled by the cry of “Fire!” and the dense column of smoke seen in the southeastern part of town convinced everybody that there was something in it. It proved to be the barn of Peter Pearson, our furniture man. His little boy, aged some five or six years, had raked together a lot of rubbish in the alley at the rear of the stable, and was having a “camp fire,” as he afterwards explained; but, unfortunately it got beyond his control, and almost before the lad knew it the fire had communicated itself to the stable. Inside the stable were some coffins, a fine hearse, some harness, and other articles of less value, all of which were complete destroyed, making a total loss of about $1,000. A very high wind was prevailing at the time, and for half an hour the chances seemed favorable for a general conflagration in that neighborhood, which however was prevented by the strenuous efforts of the crowd. A small stable belonging to Mr. Eddy was burned, and considerable fencing was either burned or destroyed, which is the extent of the damages. Mr. Pearson’s loss is complete, as he carried no insurance. He has ordered a new hearse, which will be here in a couple of weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1884.
E. D. Eddy and Ben Dixon have their soda fountains up and in running order.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
A. L. Pomeroy, special agent of the Estey & Camp organs, has his headquarters at Eddy’s drug store.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
The Misses Croswell, daughters of ex-Governor Croswell, of Michigan, have been visiting their uncle, Mr. E. D. Eddy, for a few days, returning home today. Three days of their visit were taken up in a trip to Ponca Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 25, 1884.
Mr. E. D. Eddy is at present reveling in the enjoyment of probably the largest and best developed boil or carbuncle in the county. It isn’t on exhibition.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 25, 1884.
Ad. A Good Girl. I want a good girl for light housework. Washing put out. E. D. EDDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
E. D. Eddy, our pioneer druggist, is hard to get ahead of in the matter of business—proof of which will be seen by a visit to his store, where he will take pleasure in exhibiting his new and elegant stock of toilet and perfumery goods specially adapted for the season. We saw ’em.
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884.
Mr. John Ingalls, a gentleman from Milton, Kentucky, and a friend and acquaintance of the Drs. Vawter, arrived in the city a few days since and has accepted a position at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Council met in regular session last Monday, August 4. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; C. G. Thompson, T. Fairclo, and A. A. Davis.
C. R. SIPES, Treasurer. I herewith submit my report of the amount of water tax collected up to August 2, 1884. [Collected from E. D. Eddy: $3.75.]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
Eddy, the pioneer druggist, received a new set of scales throughout last Saturday. His prescription scales are the finest yet brought into this county, and will register to a hair’s weight.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
New phones have been placed in at A. V. Alexander & Co.’s, Frank Beall’s residence, John Landes’ residence, E. D. Eddy’s residence, and Dr. Grimes’ office this week by H. T. Chipchase and A. T. Kirkpatrick. There are about forty instruments now in use in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Master Hollenbeck crashed in through an open window of T. J. Sweeney’s grocery store Sunday afternoon and relieved the money drawer of about five dollars in cash. Shortly afterward the theft was discovered, and Billy Gray set out to catch the culprit. He caught young Hollenbeck and searched him and found $4.75 on his person, the remainder he had made away with. He tried to buy beer at Eddy’s drug store, but was refused. Hollenbeck is just entering his teens, and unless he absorbs some of the reformation talked about to the Democratic platform, suddenly, he is sure to come to some bad end. He was not prosecuted.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
Eddy has turned himself loose on school books this fall, and now has one side of his store filled with these valuable aids to education.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Go to Eddy’s for School Books.
CHILDREN! CHILDREN! Go to Eddy’s for School Books.
LARGEST AND FINEST Assortment of School Books in the State at Eddy’s.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
DR. J. T. GRIMES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office on corner of Fifth and Central Avenue streets, Arkansas City, Kansas. Parties wishing the services of Dr. Grimes can order by telephone, his office being connected, or by leaving address at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
Eddy has taken a new departure. All parties leaving prescriptions to be called for are now furnished with a numbered check; the prescription is likewise numbered, thus preventing all possibility of mistakes occurring, such as getting hold of the wrong package, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Geo. A. Eddy, of Leavenworth, was in the city last week visiting his brother, the pioneer druggist.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
Eddy’s Drug Store, as newly painted, presents the finest appearance of any drug store in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 26, 1884.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will give a Thanksgiving Supper in the old post office building on Thanksgiving evening, supper to begin at six o’clock. The Ladies have not held a regular festival for one year and have cheerfully assisted others in their work and now ask the liberal patronage of all our people. A special invitation is given to strangers, and a cordial welcome to all. The following committee of gentlemen to assist in the work have been selected by the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society. In preparing the building: Messrs. G. W. Cunningham, S. P. Gould, F. B. Hutchinson, Herman Wycoff, E. D. Eddy, and W. V. McConn.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Messrs. Phelps & Buckwalter, of Geuda Springs, were in our city last week, making arrangements for the delivery of mineral water to our people throughout the winter. They will deliver at least once a week, and oftener, if necessary, at five cents per gallon. Special prices for large quantities. Orders may be left at E. D. Eddy’s drug store or addressed to them at Geuda.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of J. L. Huey, the social event of the season occurred. The Presbyterian ladies are renowned for their successful entertainments, but this, the auction social, excelled all others. The weather was somewhat inclement, but nevertheless the large residence was filled to its utmost capacity with guests to partake of Mr. and Mrs. Huey’s hospitality. The entertainment of the vast assemblage was begun by a panoramic view of a dream by Frank Hess. Mr. Hess indulged his appetite to too great an extent in mince pies, which caused him to pass into dreamland. As he lay in the arms of Morpheus, several unique, as well as very laughable, scenes were presented to the audience as Mr. Hess performed the role of a gentle deceiver. One scene was where Frank’s thoughts reverted to the laughing darkey who made the pie; finally Mr. Hess was awakened from dreamland, and the guests were then entertained by music and singing. The Chinese song, rendered by Messrs. Hutchison and Grosscup, was justly applauded. Their shadow picture imitations of Chinamen eating rats, resembled the real performance so perfectly that some of the guests’ appetites were stayed before supper was announced. The selling of the ladies now occurred. Rev. J. O. Campbell performed in the role of the auctioneer. To say that he was a success hardly expresses it. It sounded somewhat natural to hear his well trained voice crying: “I am offered 95, who will make it $1?” The auctioneering of the ladies was highly rousing, and the bidding lively. The good natured contest for the lady on sale, made the entertainment more enlivening. The ladies were all masked. The prices ranged from 75 cents up to $7.00, Miss Ida Lowe being the fortunate lady who brought that price. It will be seen by a glance at the list that Geo. W. Cunningham was almost equal to Brigham Young. We always knew George was a great admirer of the ladies, but never thought he had turned Mormon. Appended is the list of the “sold” ladies and their purchasers, as near as we could obtain them.
Listed: Miss Ella Love to E. D. Eddy; Mrs. E. D. Eddy to Ivan Robinson.
The purchase of a lady entitled the buyer to his supper. The handsome sum of $43.75 was realized in this manner. Mr. Cunningham’s disposal of one of his ladies to her husband for $1—25 cents commission. Songs were rendered by Mrs. Frank Beall, Rev. Harris’ two little boys, and others. Good instrumental music was interspersed in the programme. All in all, it was the event of the season.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Mr. Eddy has a good selected stock for the holiday trade. There are toilet sets, dressing cases, pocket books, albums, vases, and a variety of other articles calculated to please. He has a novelty in the way of Pampas grass and bouquets made of winter flowers. They are immense for holiday decorations. Mr. Eddy is an old citizen here and has been in the drug business a number of years. The holiday season has always found him ready for business and he is not lacking this time.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
A private circulating library is being formed by ten of Arkansas City’s literary people. The members of the society subscribe for different magazines and have headquarters at Eddy’s drug store. From there the magazines will be taken by the members desiring to read, and returned. Dr. Sparks, T. H. McLaughlin, E. D. Eddy, Dr. J. A. Mitchell, C. R. Sipes, T. J. Sweeny, J. L. Huey, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Rev. J. O. Campbell, C. H. Searing, and others have already joined this literary band.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
In accordance with the announcement made in last week’s TRAVELER, the committee to count the beans in the bean guessing scheme of Sweeny & Smith, met in the office of Collins & Shelden at half past nine Tuesday morning. The number of tickets sold was about 1,350, of which 1,000 had been returned with guesses. A. C. Gould, J. M. Collins, W. J. Gray, and Will V. McConn, the committee, after a careful count, found the exact number to be 9,327, and awarded the prizes as follows.
First prize: a set of French-China dishes of 52 pieces, J. L. Mann. (Number guessed: 9,322.) Second prize: set of fancy table dishes, Joseph Hoskins and R. Knapp, tie. (Number guessed: 9,333.) Third prize: silver castor, J. Q. Ashton. (Number guessed: 9,326.) Fourth prize: hanging lamp, H. S. Ford. (Number guessed: 9,338.) Fifth prize: Meerschaum pipe and cigar holder, Edward Nail. (Number guessed: 9,300.) Sixth prize: Meerschaum pipe and cigar holder, H. S. Ford. (Number guessed: 9,293.) Seventh prize: five baskets of fine Japan tea, Mary Shindel. (Number guessed: 9,368.) Eighth prize: chamber set, Joe Garris. (Number guessed: 9,369.) Ninth prize: fancy lamp, E. D. Eddy. (Number guessed: 9,379.) Tenth prize: calico dress, Frank Bryant. (Number guessed: 9,282.) Eleventh prize: mustache cup and saucer, S. R. Turner. (Number guessed: 9,400.) Twelfth prize: fancy lamp, L. Pile. (Number guessed: 9,401.) Of the twelve guesses the farthest is only 73 from the number, which is very fair guessing for Kansans. It is to be remembered that the jar which contained the beans was globular—a form very deceptive. This will perhaps explain the difference in the guesses. It is extremely curious the different ways people look at things. For example, this bean guessing. The number guessed ranged from 1,320,000 down to 150; a slight difference of 1,319,850—the extreme views taken by two men. This business of guessing, like everything else, is governed by common sense rules that every man should certainly have at his finger’s end; and which every man may acquire a knowledge of if they only thought. A comparison instituted just here will illustrate our meaning. Ask almost any groceryman and he will tell you that a pint cup will hold in the neighborhood of 1,100 beans, average size. This is something we all ought to know. Taking this as a basis we have the following results: The man who guessed 150 guessed an amount that would just about cover the bottom of a pint cup—while the globe which contained the beans holds a little over a gallon. About one-third of the guesses would not figure up one pint. Take the other extreme now. The largest guess figures up over eighteen bushels. At least twenty-five guessed over five bushels. This is not good guessing, even for Kansans. Neither the shape of the vessel nor the difference in people will explain this wide difference. The only way we can solve this is that a great number of the guessers did not make use of their usual horse sense.
P. S. We will warrant that those who read this article and also guessed at the beans will never forget that a pint will hold about 1,300 beans—which is the moral that adorns the tale.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
E. D. Eddy met with a serious accident last Friday. He was doing some work on the platform back of his store, and by some means slipped and fell, falling a distance of about ten feet onto the stone steps leading to the cellar, lighting on his side and stomach. He was quickly taken home, and Drs. Mitchell and Westfall, after examination, found bruises of a somewhat serious nature. We are glad to learn, however, that he is recovering faster than we thought possible.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Geo. A. Eddy, of Leavenworth, arrived Monday to visit his brother and learn the extent of his injuries. He returned yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
E. D. Eddy, while standing on the rear porch of his drug store last Friday fell and severely hurt himself. He was standing near the steps which were covered with ice and his feet slipped from under him. He was kept at home several days this week in consequence of the accident.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
We are glad to see E. D. Eddy around again, as lively as ever. It is hard to keep E. D. down for any length of time.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
E. D. Eddy started East today to visit friends and relatives. He will be absent about two weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
E. D. Eddy left for the east Wednesday where he has gone to purchase an immense drug stock. He will be gone about three weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
The Bristol Sisters of Topeka, whose fine display of flowers and plants at Eddy’s Drug Store last spring will be remembered, will soon issue their new catalogue of spring specialties. These ladies will visit our city again this spring, and all who are desirous of beautifying their homes and gardens should await their coming. They will be at Eddy’s Drug Store as before with a larger assortment than ever.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
To the list of men who would make good reliable councilmen, published in a former issue, we add the following names, whose strength is known.
1st WARD. J. D. Farrar, A. A. Newman, C. C. Sollitt, S. B. Adams.
2nd WARD. V. M. Ayres, P. Pearson, Archie Dunn, John Landes, E. D. Eddy.
3rd WARD. O. Stevenson, O. P. Houghton, P. Wyckoff, H. D. Kellogg.
4th WARD. J. Vawter, D. L. Means, C. M. Scott.
With such material on hand as the TRAVELER has from the above and the list mentioned previously, we can now select a Council which will make a success in municipal affairs as they have in their own.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Included on telephone list: Eddy’s Drug Store; Eddy’s Residence.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
E. D. Eddy came home Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
E. D. Eddy has purchased an Aurephone. Many will wonder what an Aurephone is. We can’t describe it. All we know is that by turning a crank, sweet music is made. Monday we called on Mr. Eddy and found him busily engaged in “cranking and smiling as pleasantly as a school boy when his best girl has promised to allow him to accompany her home for the first time.”
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
The Winfield Courier states that the druggists of Cowley County have formed an association to be known as the “Cowley County Druggists Association,” whose purpose is the advancing in knowledge of pharmacy and understanding the proper application of the pharmacy law now in force, and for mutual protection and benefit. The druggists of Cowley seem disposed to deal fairly and honorably with the new prohibitory law. Should any one of them, however, take the risk of violating it, the penalties are such as to bring remorse deep, and awful; and with our present officials, no violator will escape. The meetings of the association will be held on the first Thursday of every month, at such place as the Association shall designate. The next meeting will be held in this city, when permanent officers will be elected. E. D. Eddy was chosen to preside at the last meeting.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Miss E. R. Bristol, of Bristol Sisters, florists, Topeka, will be in the city Monday, April 6th, and will make her headquarters at Eddy’s Drug Store. An elegant line of plants of every kind and description for our ladies to select from. The reason we advise our readers to buy plants of the Bristol Sisters, is that they are reliable, have a very large assortment of flowers, and the flowers were all grown in this state, and are acclimated.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Initial steps were taken a week ago last Wednesday for the formation of a musical society, and culminated last Wednesday in the formation of the Beethoven Club. The executive committee appointed are S. B. Fleming, C. L. Swarts, F. K. Grosscup, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, and Mrs. E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Bristol Sisters, Florists, at Eddy’s Drug Store Monday and Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
HON. A. J. PYBURN, We, the undersigned, citizens of Arkansas City, Kansas, herein respectfully request and urge the use of your name as a candidate for the office of mayor and pledge you our best support.
E. D. Eddy was on the list of over 360 citizens signing petition to Pyburn.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
To save the people a walk to the depot with express matter, the Wells Fargo Express Company have established an uptown office at Eddy’s drug store. Instead of going to the depot with packages, drop into Eddy’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
Joe Sherburne, the Ponca trader, came to town on Sunday with his wife and child, and visited a day or two at the house of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
The headquarters for Wells Fargo Express has been transferred to Eddy’s Drug Store, where all having express matter either to ship or receive will please call.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
House Plants. An elegant and varied assortment of thrifty plants, for the home or garden, can now be seen at E. D. Eddy’s drug store.
Ladies! Attention. What is more beautiful or charming than a collection of plants in full bloom? Just such a sight may be seen at Eddy’s drug store. Call, examine, and purchase.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
It is well-known that we exclude patent medicines from our columns, because so large a number of the nostrums are villainous combinations which should be labeled “poison,” instead of “cure-alls.” The only exception to our rule is made in favor of Smith’s Bile Beans, a pill which has certainly proved a specific in the community for torpid liver, dyspepsia, biliousness, and chills and fever. This medicine has within our knowledge, effected remark-able cures which have been extensively noted, and has never failed to prove in the highest degree satisfactory and beneficial to invalids. We are always willing to advertise and assist the sale of a reliable remedy for human infirmities, hence the departure from our rule in favor of Smith’s Bile Beans. Texarkana Inter-State News.
Sold at two bits per bottle by E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Itch cured in thirty minutes by Wonlord’s Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by E. D. Eddy, druggist, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
An offer of $1,000 is made to any chemist finding arsenic or other mineral poison in Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic. Four bits per bottle. For sale by E. D. Eddy.
Many persons who do not perform manual labor suffer from want of appetite, vertigo, dizziness, and many other symptoms of dyspepsia. Take Smith’s Bile Beans for relief. Two bits per bottle. For sale by E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
Mr. George A. Eddy, an old resident of Leavenworth, came in on the Saturday train, and stayed over Sunday with his brother, E. D. Eddy. This gentleman, like all other visitors who have watched the growth of Arkansas City, expressed the utmost astonishment at the rapid progress it is now making.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
Geo. A. Eddy, a wholesale druggist of Leavenworth, and a brother of E. D. Eddy, was in the city over Sunday visiting.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 20, 1885.
Everybody was calm at the fire Thursday afternoon; no one was excited. E. D. Eddy was one of the most self-possessed men there. He was very cool. On his back was strapped one of those hand fire-extinguishers and he was getting in some good licks. He was standing at a side window of the burning building from which the smoke was pouring in big clouds, looking for a place where he could do the most good with a small amount of acid and water. Suddenly a red-headed man stuck his head out of the window. Bro. Eddy supposed it was the flames bursting forth and let drive with his extinguisher. Jim Ridenour, who was standing close by with his armful of hand grenades, banged away as fast as he could throw them at the supposed flames. Eddy’s extinguisher and Ridenour’s grenades were too much for the red-headed man. He disappeared from that window and shot out of the door looking for the men who were throwing brick bats at him. Eddy turned around to the admiring crowd and remarked, “See how I quenched those flames?” “No, you didn’t,” exclaimed Ridenour. “I did it.” Who put the flames out as yet has not been decided.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Chas. Swarts was indisposed the first of the week, but now his clarion voice rings out from behind Eddy’s drug counters as ever before.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
E. D. Eddy comes out in a card in this issue of the REPUBLICAN and tells one and all where to buy the best machine oil in Arkansas City. We never caught Bro. Eddy in a falsehood; therefore, we accept his words in his “ad” as the truth, nothing but the truth, and the whole truth. Call on him at his drug store.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Wyard Gooch came into our sanctum on Saturday with a curious animal ensconced in a tin-pail, which he calls a water-dog. It is of the lizard species, shaped like a chameleon, only flatter in the body, brown in color with yellow stripes. Its length, about nine inches. He captured the little animal while working in his garden, and carried it to E. D. Eddy, to preserve in spirits.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
One of E. D. Eddy’s babies is quite sick. Dr. Mitchell is attending.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
The liquor trade of the county for July seems to have been an exceptionally good one; in fact, the best since the inauguration of free whiskey. The total number of statements filed for last month is 3,079, against 3,052 for May and 2,607 for June. Compared with last month Arkansas City has dropped a little—very little—in number of statements while Winfield has pulled up a notch or two. The former phenomena may be accounted for by the burning out of brother Grimes, who had latterly stood well to the front in amount of whiskey disposed of. These 3,079 statements are divided among the various towns and dealers as follows.
Winfield: Harter, 122; Glass, 132; Brown & Son, 259; Williams, 208. Total: 711.
Arkansas City: Steinberger, 536; Fairclo, 208; Eddy, 208; Mowry & Sollitt, 236; Kellogg & Coombs, 290. Total: 1,478.
Burden: Woolsey, 355; Grand Summit: Avery, 155; Dexter: Phelps, 182; Cambridge: Rule, 20; Udall: Martin, 69; Roberts, 103. These statements represent a nice little harvest to the probate judge for this month of $159.95. Winfield Telegram.
In justice to our druggists and the name of our city, the REPUBLICAN announces that it is informed by Judge Gans that fully one-half of the statements filed by our druggists are for parties residing in the Territory. While the Winfield men claim we drink so much, the fact is we do not consume as much liquor as the inhabitants of the Hub. Our Territory trade is all filed from Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy, who has been very sick here of late, is convalescent.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
Geo. Eddy, Jr., of Leavenworth, nephew of E. D. Eddy, is in the city this week visiting at the residence of his uncle.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
E. D. Eddy and nephew, Geo. Eddy, Jr., who is here visiting from Leavenworth, were down to Ponca Agency the first of the week visiting friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
E. D. Eddy has put a new flooring to his awning, and has painted his store front, thus effacing the damage he sustained by the late fire.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 30, 1885.
School opens on Monday, and now is the time to outfit your children at Eddy’s. He has everything on hand to supply the scholar’s wants.
The schools open next Monday, and dealers in school books and other appliances to education are calling the attention of parents to this line of goods. E. D. Eddy has something of interest to say on this subject.
See Eddy’s ad in regard to his large stock of school books and scholars’ supplies. He is prepared to fill the wants of all.
AS USUAL E. D. EDDY Comes to the Front With the Largest Stock of School Books -AND- School Supplies South of Kansas City. Wholesale or Retail. Call and see me before buying your School Books, and save money.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
John Ingliss, of Eddy’s drug store, who has been back to his old Kentucky home on a visit, returned the first of the week.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
Eddy is receiving new school books every day.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
E. D. Eddy returned from Ponca on Monday accompanied by his wife and family, who had been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sherburne.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
City Council Proceedings. E. D. Eddy, $11.25, referred to finance committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
City Council Proceedings: E. D. Eddy, $11.25; allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
E. D. Eddy, the old reliable druggist, became tired of seeing his counters covered with wrapping paper, so he purchased a wrapping paper cabinet. It is a unique invention.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 19, 1885.
For the best assortment and finest line of HOLIDAY GOODS, Go to EDDY’S DRUG STORE. Books of Fiction, Histories, Books of Poems of the leading authors, Photo and Autograph Albums, Toilet Sets, Card cases, Vases, Bisque, Toys, Dolls, etc., etc.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 19, 1885.
Dolls of all sizes and descriptions at Eddy’s drug-store.
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church gave their concert Tuesday evening in Highland Opera House. A large audience was in attendance and thus in every respect the entertainment was made a success. The performances bespeak well of the musical talent of Arkansas City. Our space this week is quite limited, therefore, we cannot mention the performers individually in detail. Little Miss Bertha Eddy and Master Geo. Fairclo rendered the song of the “Little Milkmaid” so charmingly that they captivated the audience. “Come where the Lilies Bloom,” by the quartette (Messrs. Hutchison and Meeker and Mesdames Eddy and Newman) was especially well rendered. Mrs. J. O. Campbell sang the beautiful solo, “When the Tide Comes In,” superbly and pleased the audience so well that they would not allow her to retire without favoring them with another song. The “Song of Seven” was well rendered by Misses Pearl Newman, Mary Love, Mary Theaker, Abbie Hamilton, Flora Gould, Nellie Thompson, and Belle Everett. The recitation of Miss Lillie Cunningham was pleasing and the lady was long and loudly applauded. All the performers received frequent and hearty encores.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Statement of the amount of orders issued, to whom issued, and for what purpose issued, on the bond funds for the building of the Central or Stone School Building, between June 24, 1884, and December 19, 1884; and orders issued to teachers from October 1, 1884, to June 3, 1885. Also, amount orders issued on the Incidental fund from July 10, 1884, to June 3, 1885. This is the best the present board can do. Not having any receipts recorded on the district clerk books, drawn from the county treasurer, we can give nothing but the one side.
May 1, 1885 E. D. Eddy, window glass, chronometer, etc.: $18.65.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.
AS USUAL E. D. EDDY comes to the front with the largest stock of School Books and School Supplies South of Kansas City. Wholesale and Retail. Call and see me before buying your Schools Books and save money.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
On Monday, Mrs. E. D. Eddy gave a farewell reception to Mrs. Walton, mother to Mrs. Stacy Matlack and Mrs. Topliff, who will leave the city for her home in Maryland, next Tuesday. This estimable lady has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Matlack through the winter. Those present at the festivity were Mesdames Walton, S. Matlack, Topliff, Searing, Newman, Wyard Gooch, Carrie Morse, Betsey W. Sherburne (mother to Mrs. Eddy), Joseph H. Sherburne, and Frederic Lockley. Invitations were sent to several other ladies, who were probably deterred from attending on account of the inclement weather. A pleasant afternoon was spent, and in the evening an elegant repast was served. On separating the guest of the evening received the warmest assurances of esteem and friendship from all present, and her departure will be regretted by all within her social circle.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
Ladies, call at Eddy’s drug store on Monday and Tuesday of next week and see the Bristol Sisters’ beautiful house plants.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1886.
Died, in this city, on Sunday night, of laryngitis, Carrie M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Eddy, aged 6 years and 5 months. There was an elegant display of flowers at the funeral services of little Carrie Eddy yesterday, and among the most liberal contributors to this floral profusion was Mrs. H. P. Standley. When the funeral cortege arrived at the grave, it was found that the loving hands of playmates had decorated the mound of earth with wild flowers woven into tasteful designs, and the sides of the grave were similarly garlanded.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
E. D. Eddy bought 4 lots in Swarts’ addition; consideration was $350.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
E. D. Eddy is having his drug store refitted, calsomined, and repainted. When completed it will present as handsome an appearance as any drug establishment in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Keep cool by getting a drink of soda water at E. D. Eddy’s.
Try a drink of the best mead in the city at E. D. Eddy’s drug store.
The latest and most invigorating summer drink is the Atika beer at E. D. Eddy’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
1870 1886
EDDY’S DRUG STORE is the place to buy
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Books, Stationery, etc.
Oldest and most reliable Drug Store in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Mr. George Eddy, a solid citizen of Leavenworth, accompanied by McCown Hunt, arrived in this city on Saturday, and tarried over Sunday with his brother, E. D. Eddy and family.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Geo. A. Eddy and McCown Hunt, of Leavenworth, are visiting in the city. Mr. Eddy is a brother of E. D. Eddy. Mr. Hunt is one of Leavenworth’s biggest capitalists.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
E. D. Eddy will soon be a poor “lone widdy.” Mrs. Eddy leaves in the morning for a visit to Boston.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1886.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy and Mrs. H. P. Farrar left town last week to enjoy a visit with their friends in Maine.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
E. D. Eddy, with his children, left for Leavenworth on Friday last to attend a druggist convention, and also to meet Mrs. Eddy, who has been on a visit to friends in Maine. They were expected home last evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1886.
E. D. Eddy returned from Leavenworth on Wednesday, bringing his wife who has been on a visit to Maine, and also his mother, a brisk and intelligent old lady of eighty, who will spend several weeks in the home of her son.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
The schools open in a short time and Eddy’s is the place to purchase your school books and other necessaries.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Will D. Mowry has sold out his interest in the drug store of Mowry & Sollitt, and Charles Swarts, for many years with E. D. Eddy, succeeds him. Mr. Swarts is an experienced prescriptionist, popular with all classes, and we look for a successful issue to his business venture. Will Mowry will make a second visit to the Pacific Coast in a short time, where Mrs. Mowry is still sojourning for the benefit of her health.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Eddy’s Drug Store is the place to buy school books and school supplies.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.
On Saturday evening Mrs. Lockley, living in the first ward, gave a grandmothers’ tea party. The principal guests were Mrs. Morse, mother-in-law to Mrs. Carrie Morse, aged 90 years; Mrs. Eddy, mother to E. D. Eddy, on a visit to her son’s family, but who left the city yesterday to stay awhile with another son, Mr. George Eddy in Leavenworth. This bright old lady has attained the patriarchal age of 80 years. Mrs. Sherburne, mother to Joseph H. Sherburne and to Mesdames Eddy and Morse, was another member of the party, but this lady was a comparative juvenile, being under seventy years. Mrs. Jerome Steele, also a grand-mother, but brisk and debonair, was another of the party, and the hostess herself is also a grandmother. Mrs. E. D. Eddy and Mrs. Carrie Morse were also present, but these ladies may be classed as juveniles. The more ancient sisters kept pace with the younger folk in vivacity and small talk, speaking of themselves as girls, and deprecating their unconstrained behavior. It was a notable gathering, and when the party broke up, the old ladies, with the exception of Mrs. Morse, who begins to feel the burden of ninety winters, walked home as briskly and in as good spirits as a bevy of city belles.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Eddy’s Drug Store is the place to buy school books and school supplies.
Eddy has the largest stock of school books and school supplies in the city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
H. Wiggins, of Athens, Ohio, is the gentleman who has taken a position in E. D. Eddy’s drug store.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
For all kinds of school supplies go to E. D. EDDY’S.
E. D. Eddy received a heavy consignment of holiday goods yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
Henry P. Wiggins, of Portsmouth, Ohio, is the prescriptionist who fills the position in E. D. Eddy’s drug store lately vacated by Chas. Swarts. Mr. Wiggins is an experienced pharmacist, being a graduate from the College of Pharmacy in Cincinnati, and having had charge of the drug department in the Ohio state insane asylum nearly two years. This gentleman is a late addition to our city population, and he expresses an intention to abide with us permanently.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
E. D. Eddy has a very stiff and a very sore neck. He was storing a crate of his holidays wares away in his cellar, which weighed about 500 pounds, when it rolled over against him and gave his neck and shoulder a severe jerk. In connection, we wish to say Mr. Eddy is getting in a mammoth stock of holiday goods. Probably it is unequaled in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
E. D. Eddy has opened out an immense stock of holiday toys and a delightful time is in store for thousands of our young folks.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
E. D. Eddy has increased his establishment by engaging Miss Rosa Morse, as saleswoman, and Walter Wilson [Wilcox] as bookkeeper.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Miss Rose Morris is saleslady in E. D. Eddy’s drug establishment.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Walter Wilcox, the brother of A. E. Wilcox, who lately came here from England, has accepted a position in E. D. Eddy’s drug store as bookkeeper.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.
E. D. Eddy is in the fashion, having a severe cold and sore throat, and being almost sick abed, although he persists in being about and attending to his business.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Active, Pushing, and Reliable. E. D. Eddy can always be relied upon to carry in stock the purest and best goods, and sustain the reputation of being active, pushing, and reliable, by recommending articles with well established merit and such as are popular. Having the agency for the celebrated Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, colds, and coughs, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of throat, lungs, or chest, and in order to prove our claims, we ask you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 15, 1886.
HOLIDAY GOODS -AND- TOYS! -AT- E. D. Eddy’s Drug Store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
For some time past E. D. Eddy has been having an unwelcome nocturnal visitor at his house. He came around when the family retired every night and got into the cellar. The inmates of the house had no difficulty in discovering when he came. He heralded his approach by a very peculiar and offensive odor which is unpurchasable at any drug store. Friend Eddy determined to cut the visits short, so last evening he placed a trap in the cellar and caught the animal which caused him to dream of skunks for a fortnight past. To get rid of him was the next thing on the program, which was done by introducing chloroform into the box-trap. In consequence of the above, Mr. Eddy has a suit of clothes to dispose of very cheaply.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
Remembering the Poor. We mentioned, a few weeks since, the misfortunes of a deserving family in the first ward, who lost their oldest son, a boy twelve years old, from typho-malaria, and their next boy, eighteen months younger, down with the same disease. They have since moved into the second ward somewhere near the Santa Fe track, the young sufferer still prostrate with this malady and the family suffering from extreme poverty. They do not belong to that class who are forward to make their wants known, and the ladies of the different church societies overlooked them while going about doing good. On Christmas eve, however, their condition became known to Capt. Rarick, who has a big heart to feel for another’s woe, and accompanied by a neighbor, Capt. M. V. Caller, [?] who is here from Colorado to spend the winter, the two in a short collecting tour, gathered up $19.80, sufficient to make their beneficiaries a Happy Christmas. They took the money to the Diamond store, where they bought a turkey and half a wagon load of useful provisions. The proprietor, John Kroenert, sold the goods at cost, and threw in a sack of flour as a Christmas gift. E. D. Eddy also gave proof of his liberality by dispensing medicines for the sick child at a nominal cost. Dr. Grimes was detailed to deliver the goods, and he presented himself to the delighted family, a veritable Santa Claus.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
The annual congregational meeting of the Presbyterian Society occurred last evening at the church. There was a good attendance and the utmost harmony prevailed. D. P. Marshall was re-elected elder; Mr. Martin was elected elder to fill the vacancy caused by the death of J. C. Duncan; G. MaGill, Gee Coonrod, and I. French were elected deacons. J. C. Topliff and J. W. Hutchison, were re-elected deacons. Mrs. Morse was continued as organist, and Mrs. E. D. Eddy was continued as chorister. The church has no indebtedness.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887.
The Canal City Improvement Company. The above company has just been organized in this city. The purpose of the organization is to contract buildings in Arkansas City. The capital stock is $50,000. A charter has been sent for and is expected to arrive daily. The following directors were chosen for the first year: A. D. Prescott, J. W. Hoyt, F. W. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, H. O. Meigs, Jas. Hill, and Geo. Westfall. The building committee is composed of Frank J. Hess, C. R. Sipes, T. H. McLaughlin, and E. D. Eddy. The first building this company proposes to erect will be on lot 1, block 61, corner of 9th avenue and Summit street. It will be built of brick, two stories high, 100 feet deep and 25 wide. Dr. J. T. Shepard owns the adjacent lot and will most likely put up a building at the same time the above company does.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
The jug breaking last night at the Presbyterian Church was a great success. The ladies of the Home and Foreign Missionary Society sent out jugs into the homes of the congregation last July and met last evening to ascertain the result. An interesting programme had been arranged and was all carried out as follows. Singing: “Work for the Night is Coming,” by congregation; Bible Reading, conducted by president, Mrs. Atwood; Prayer, Mrs. Jenkins; Quartette by choir; Secretary’s Report, Mrs. Fleming; Treasurer’s Report, Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin; Recitation, “For Love’s Sake,” Miss M. Theaker; Solo, “Not a Sparrow Falleth,” Mrs. Eddy; Jug Breaking, by Odie McConn and Mamie Oliphant; Counting of money, by J. C. Topliff and Irving French; Amount: $80; Recitation, “Last Hymn,” Miss Cunningham; Benediction, Rev. S. B. Fleming. The music by the choir was very fine and the recitations by Miss Theaker and Miss Cunningham merit special praise. The house, notwithstanding the stormy evening, was about full and altogether the entertainment was very pleasant and profitable to all present. It is to be hoped that the good ladies will frequently exercise their gifts in such entertainments.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Dug Smith was the handsome blonde clerk in the Arcade restaurant. Yesterday morning a man by the name of Waterhouse went into the Arcade and walking up to the counter behind which Smith was standing, pulled a carving knife from his sleeve, and remarked: “Dug Smith, come from behind that counter.” Smith replied, “Alright,” and started for the opening. As soon as he had gotten around, he scooted out the back door and around across Summit Street into Eddy’s Drug Store, and through the back door. He was followed by Waterhouse, who was stopped by one of Eddy’s clerks fastening the back door as soon as Smith went through. Smith has not been seen since. Waterhouse and wife left town this morning. Waterhouse charges Smith with endeavoring to win the affection of his wife from him.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Our genial friend, John Ingliss, has retired from the drug store of E. D. Eddy. John longs for employment which does not keep him in doors so much. He intends selling his real estate and taking a trip over the state for his health.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Robt. Maxwell, with whom our readers are well acquainted, has returned to Arkansas City and taken a position in E. D. Eddy’s drug store, John Ingliss having resigned. Mr. Maxwell has just returned from a trip up in Wyoming and Montana. The loss of cattle in the former territory will equal 75 percent, the past winter. There will be hard times there this season. Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Kellogg & Chapel have quit the handling of intoxicants. Also E. D. Eddy. The new law was the cause.
Eugene D. Eddy, birth date 1842, space 7, lot 64, Block K, Old Addition.
Georgiana S. Eddy, birth date 1855, space 5, lot 64, Block K, Old Addition.
Carrie M. Eddy, birth date 1879, space 1, lot 64, Block K, Old Addition.
Harry Eddy, birth date 1889, space 3, lot 64, Block K, Old Addition.
Morton Eddy, birth date 1881, space 2, lot 64, Block K, Old Addition.
George A. Eddy, birth date May 5, 1892, space 8, lot 64, Block K, Old Addition.