Endicott Families
Arkansas City.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr.
RKW spent a great deal of time trying to learn about Henry Casey Endicott, Sr., and his family. He was informed by Maryalice Convers, great granddaughter of Rebecca Endicott Garris, who was the daughter of Henry Casey Endicott, Sr., that the father of the “Endicott brothers—Patrick F. Endicott, Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and Samuel Endicott—was born in 1799 in Kentucky and married Jane Calvert in Vandenburg, Indiana.
The newspaper item found by RKW indicates that Henry C. Endicott, Sr., was born March 7, 1809, and that he died in Ponca City, Oklahoma, on December 5, 1898, at the age of 89.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr., was born in Harrison County, Kentucky, March 7, 1809, and died in Ponca City, Oklahoma, December 5, 1898, aged 89. His wife, Lucinda, known as “Lucy” Endicott, died in Arkansas City, Kansas, July 16, 1881.
An 1881 newspaper item that was printed after the death of Mrs. Henry C. Endicott, Sr., does indicate a tie to “Calvert.”
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
We received a pleasant call on Saturday from Mr. Calvert, of Evansville, Indiana, an uncle of P. F. Endicott. Mr. Calvert is one of the substantial citizens of Evansville, and a genial old gentleman. He is taking a pleasure trip to the best part of sunny Kansas, which we hope he may enjoy and ever retain a pleasing recollection of the same.
The very first newspaper item that I found about the Endicott family refers to various “sons and step sons” of Henry C. Endicott, Sr. MAW
Walnut Valley Times, June 3, 1870. Front Page.
Old Mr. Endicott, familiarly known among us as Uncle H., comes properly upon our list of permanent residents, as he is the first pioneer we found when we came, is a man in every sense of the word, a gentleman—generous, hospitable, solicitous for the welfare of all whose good fortune it is to share his acquaintance, and the number is truly legion, for his claim on the banks of the Walnut has been the general rendezvous for claim hunters during the past winter; and the old gentleman is still ready to accommodate newcomers to plenty of wood, and has always a kind word of welcome to offer to everyone. He has settled around him several sons and step sons, some of them with their families, and the old adage “a black sheep in every family,” does not apply to them in any respect whatever, for they all seem to be moral, energetic, and intelligent, and well suited to the work of building up and improving a new country.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr., was born in Harrison County, Kentucky, March 7, 1809, and died in Ponca City, Oklahoma, December 5, 1898, aged 89. His wife, Lucinda, known as “Lucy” Endicott, died in Arkansas City, Kansas, July 16, 1881.
When Henry C. Endicott was five years old, he moved from Kentucky with his parents (names unknown) to Indiana. In 1859 Mr. Endicott, then about 50 years of age, moved to Shelby County, Illinois. Henry C. Endicott, Sr., and family (wife Lucinda and a seventeen-year-old son) left Shelby County, Indiana, August 8, 1866, to seek a home in Kansas. The family settled near Fall River in Greenwood County, Kansas, the closest town being Eureka, Kansas. Mr. Endicott was a member of the M. E. Church.
The 1870 census shows that Henry C. Endicott, Sr., was 62 years old; his wife, Lucinda, born in Indiana, was 54; and that their youngest son living with them, Samuel, born in Indiana, was 20 years old.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr., had an extensive family living nearby in Greenwood County: the oldest son, Patrick F., was married and had children; also the next son, named Henry C. Endicott, Jr., had a wife and a number of children. Another son, C. C. Endicott, was unmarried.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr.’s youngest son, was Samuel Endicott. Mrs. Shirley Houston gave the following information on Samuel after searching records in Greenwood County.
“We found Samuel’s marriage license to Mary M. Stewart on May 19, 1872.”
Mrs. Houston obtained more information, which shows that Samuel and Mary Endicott were living with their son, Charles Endicott, in Cowley County at the time of the 1875 census. After giving birth in June 1875 to another son, James B. Endicott, Mrs. Samuel T. Endicott died on September 2, 1875, and the baby, James, died soon thereafter on September 26th. The remaining child, Charles Endicott, died on October 16, 1876. Mrs. Houston was able to determine that Mrs. Samuel Endicott and the two Endicott children were buried at the old Ladd-Barrier Cemetery three or four miles northwest of Eureka, Kansas.
The 1875 census shows that the youngest son of Henry C. Endicott, Sr., Samuel, had married a lady with the initials M. M., and they had one son, C. V., born in 1873. Samuel was 20 when the family moved to Arkansas City so he was unable to claim land at that time. He later claimed a farm west of the city; but had the mortgage foreclosed in 1880.
Patrick F. Endicott, the oldest son of Henry C. Endicott, was the first of the Endicott family to enter Cowley County and secured a claim in the city known eventually as Arkansas City.
The eldest son, Patrick F. Endicott, with his second wife, Mary (Polly) Simpson Endicott, and two step-children, Miss Temperance and George F., left Shelby County, Indiana, on August 8, 1866. The family moved to Fall River. They had a son, Edward, who was born in 1867. Mary Simpson Endicott died in Fall River. Patrick Endicott later married a lady by the name of Mary Carder.
Death of Mary (Polly) Simpson Endicott.
On September 26, 1996, Mrs. Shirley Houston, whose husband was a direct descendant of Patrick F. Endicott, sent an account of the death of Patrick F. Endicott’s second wife, Mary (Polly) Simpson Endicott, in Greenwood County, Kansas, in 1868, as told to her by another cousin, Loren Corliss, whose mother was Dencie Endicott Corliss.
It seems that Mary (Polly) Endicott was alone with her two step-children, Temperance and George, and her one-year-old son, Edward, at the Endicott cabin in Greenwood County when she saw a prairie fire approaching. Fearing it would engulf the cabin, she set backfires all around the cabin. She was successful in saving the cabin and the children, but died a few days later herself. Here there is some disagreement with the facts that are documented—the story goes that she died because she had just had a baby and the effort was simply too much for her so soon after giving birth. However, there is no record of a new baby in the family and little Edward was almost a year old at the time of her death.
Mrs. Shirley Houston was unable to verify the story or to find the grave of Mary (Polly) Endicott even though she searched in both Kansas and Shelby Co., Illinois, where Mary married Patrick F. Endicott.
Patrick F. Endicott, the oldest son of Henry C. Endicott, Sr., died in Arkansas City on April 5, 1924, aged 89. He came to Arkansas City when there were Osage Indians camped on the ground that is now the downtown business district. He married four times.
The 1870 census shows that Patrick F. Endicott, born in Indiana, was 34. His third wife, Mary Carder, born in Virginia, was 22. Patrick F. Endicott’s daughter, Temperance, born in Indiana, was 20. His son, George F. Endicott, born in Illinois, was 8. Patrick’s son, Edward G., born in Kansas, was 3. Patrick F. Endicott’s daughter, “Luella.,” born in Kansas, was 1. Records reveal that Patrick F. Endicott had another son, Samuel J., who was born in Kansas in 1873.
The fourth and last marriage of Patrick F. Endicott was reported in the Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1901.
“This afternoon Judge Cottingham united in marriage P. F. Endicott and Miss Lydia Finch, both of this city. Mr. Endicott is well known as one of the pioneers and popular citizens of this county and his bride is well and favorably known by a large circle of friends.”
The following were listed in 1901 as the children of Patrick F. Endicott.
George F. Endicott, Newkirk, Oklahoma; Edward G. Endicott of Three Sands, Oklahoma; Samuel J. Endicott, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Mrs. Luella Carder, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Mildred Mahon, Chicago Illinois.
Patrick Endicott Joins Norton’s Party in 1869.
Thanks to a granddaughter of Patrick F. Endicott, Mrs. Dencie Endicott Corliss, the “Endicott Story” was told by Patrick F. Endicott in Volume I, Between the Rivers, which was copyrighted in 1969 by Ruth Norris Berger and Bess Riley Oldroyd.
“Pad” Endicott met the “Norton party” from Emporia, Kansas, on their way to open up the Osage land. According to Patrick F. Endicott’s reminiscences, he accompanied two of the party on a scouting trip of the future Arkansas City in 1869. He further says, “There were eighteen men and one woman in the party that left Fall River one September morning in 1869, a few were my neighbors, to look for new homes for ourselves. Mr. Norton was our leader.”
His account about two trips circa September 1869 with members of the “Norton party” cannot be correct. Professor Henry Brace Norton’s brother, Capt. Gould Hyde Norton, one of the principal members of the “Norton party,” arrived in the last week of November 1869 in Emporia. Prof. Norton’s article about a two weeks’ camping trip was printed in the Emporia Times January 14, 1870. In 1876 Wirt Walton’s “History of Cowley County,” printed in two different Winfield, Kansas, newspapers, refers to the Norton party arriving at the future town of Winfield during the last week of December, 1869.
Further confusion about dates becomes apparent with the “History of Cowley County” given by Wirt Walton in 1876. The following article appeared in the Thursday, January 6, 1876, edition of the Winfield Courier.
In March, April, and May, 1869, H. C. Endicott, Senior, Geo. Harmon, W. Johnson, Ed Chapin, Pad Endicott, Pat Somers, and J. (Z.) K. Rogers took claims along the Walnut in the vicinity of the present town. H. C. Endicott built the first house in that part of the county. In September following Z. K. Rogers died at Endicott’s house: the first death in the county.
On July 13, 1876, the Winfield Courier printed the following item.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.
THROUGH the solicitation of friends we publish on our first page this week our Centennial History of the county. For the facts concerning Cowley’s early history, we are indebted to the “old settlers,” among whom we might mention Col. Manning, C. M. Wood, Jas. Renfro, Judge Ross, Dr. Graham, and others, of this neighborhood; Judge McIntire, H. C. Endicott, and T. A. Wilkinson, of Arkansas City; Capt. Jas. McDermott, of Dexter; S. S. Moore, of Tisdale; and J. W. Tull, through R. C. Story, Esq., of Lazette. For the courtesy of county, township, and city officers in placing at our disposal, books, records, etc., we are particularly grateful.
[Note: The “Centennial History” referred to above was printed in the Cowley County Democrat rather than the Winfield Courier.]
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
Read at the Centennial Celebration, July 4th, 1876, at Winfield, Kansas.
On January 1, 1870, T. A. Wilkinson, John Brown, G. H. Norton, and John Strain staked out and claimed the four claims upon which Arkansas City now stands, as the location of the new town. H. B. Norton took a claim adjoining the town site on the north. H. B. Kellogg took a claim south of the town site.
[Correction of above item: On January 1, 1870, T. A. Wilkinson, John Brown, Capt. Gould Hyde Norton, John Strain, and Silas A. Moore staked out their claim and laid the rude log foundations of the town they then called “Delphi.” Professor Henry Brace Norton took a claim adjoining the townsite on the north, and Hiram D. Kellogg took a claim south of the townsite. For some reason, the name of “Silas A. Moore” was left out. The item concerning those who took claims on the townsite is next. MAW]
Emporia News, February 25, 1870.
This new town (formerly called Delphi) at the mouth of the Walnut seems to promise good things. The town company consists of Messrs. Plumb, Stotler, Norton, Eskridge, and Kellogg, of Emporia; Judge Brown and H. L. Hunt, of Cottonwood Falls; Kellogg & Bronson, of El Dorado; Baker & Manning, of Augusta; and Messrs. G. H. Norton, Strain, Brown, Moore, and Wilkinson on the site.
Claims Already Taken.
When this party arrived at the mouth of the Walnut, they found the bottom and timber claims taken by H. Endicott, and his son, Pad, and George Harmon, Ed Chapin, Pat Somers, Mr. Carr, Mr. Hughes, and one or two others.
Settlement of Endicott Family in Arkansas City.
Patrick Endicott liked what he saw better than what the three Endicott families had. On his return to Fall River, recognizing the importance of being an early settler, the Endicott family decided Patrick should immediately return to Arkansas City and establish claims for all of the Endicott families, while they liquidated their holdings at Fall River. The families would remain at Fall River until Pat could build a cabin for them and then join him.
According to the story told by Patrick F. Endicott years later, during the absence of Professor Henry Brace Norton, who had to make a trip to Emporia for necessary supplies, the remaining members of the “Norton party” were advised by the Osage interpreter, William Conner, that Chief Hard Rope had decided that they must leave within “three more suns.” Patrick Endicott relates the threatening movements of the Osage chief, who confronted him one day with a gun, and his quick response in raising an axe, which he was using to chop logs for his cabin. Hard Rope left after they stood eyeing each other for several minutes.
According to Patrick F. Endicott’s story, Professor Norton and Hard Rope met, and Norton was able to convince Hard Rope through maps and papers of the intentions of the “Great White Father in Washington” to buy the Osage land, placing the Osage Indians on a land equally as good and as large as the one they then had. As a result, Hard Rope offered Mr. Norton his pipe and peace prevailed.
Patrick F. Endicott stated that no one in the Norton party understood surveying. Professor Norton had promised the Osage Indians that the party would pay for the land they got. The Osage had no use for money; therefore land was secured via payments of a horse, a gun, blankets, etc., something the Indians could use. The deal was completed by the “white man” signing a paper. Later each owner got a deed from the government.
According to RKW’s research, Patrick F. Endicott’s claim was as follows.
Patrick Endicott took the claim that is bounded by Tyler Avenue on the north, the section line on the west, Lincoln Avenue on the south and the Walnut River on the East. This land had been claimed by John Tull, in April of 1869. Tull abandoned his claim after the Indians burned his cabin and hay crop. Tull relocated in October 1869 on Grouse Creek (Southeast quarter, Section 21, Township 31, Range 4E.).
Patrick F. Endicott built his cabin near the Walnut river about where the ADM flour mill is located in 2002.
The three Endicott families who joined Patrick F. Endicott in staking out claims in the future Arkansas City consisted of Henry C. Endicott, Sr., and his wife, Lucinda; Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and his family; and another son of Henry C. Endicott, Sr., C. C. Endicott, known as “Cass” Endicott.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr.
The elder Henry Endicott’s claim was bounded by Birch Avenue on the north, Eighth Street on the west, Chestnut Avenue on the south, and First Street on the east.
The April 24, 1992, issue of the Arkansas City Traveler, contained an article and photograph of the “oldest home in Arkansas City.” The house, built by Henry C. Endicott, Sr., at 325 North Sixth Street, still exists in 2002. The present owner is Opal Belt, who stated in the 1992 article that she knew just what she doing when she bought the oldest standing house in Arkansas City in 1967. “All my relatives thought I was crazy but I’ve always liked old things,” she said. The two-story stone house faces Sixth Street, surrounded by a fence with an iron gate. When it was built, however, the entrance was on Spruce Avenue.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr., built the back section of the house about the time that the Arkansas City Town Company was organized on July 13, 1871, ceding three quarters of his land grant in exchange for one-sixteenth interest in the company.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr.’s second son was Henry C. Endicott, Jr., (often referred to as “Hank” Endicott), who moved with his wife, Lavinia, to Fall River, Greenwood County, Kansas.
The 1870 census shows that Henry C. Endicott, Jr., born in Indiana, was 29; and his wife, Lavinia, born in Illinois, was 26. They had three children, all born in Kansas: Jacob, 4; Larkin, 2, and James, who was born in February 1870.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr., born in Indiana, came from Illinois. His age in 1875 was listed at 33; his wife Lavinia, born in Illinois, was 30. They had three boys, all born in Kansas. They were Jacob C. Endicott, 8; J. C. [James], 7; and L. H. [Larkin], 6.
The younger Henry C. Endicott’s claim was bounded by Madison Avenue on the north, F Street on the west, Tyler Avenue on the south, and Summit Street on the east. Young Henry Endicott established the “City Meat Market” on Summit Street between Fifth Avenue and Central Avenue.
A census taken in Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875, reflects that C. C. Endicott, who became known as “Cass” Endicott, age 28, born in Indiana, came from Illinois.
[Note: The proper name for C. C. Endicott remains in some doubt. He was at times noted in legal items appearing in the newspapers “Cresswell C. Endicott” and at other times as “Caswell Endicott.”]
Different Census Information.
The February 10, 1870, special census of Cowley County listed C. C., H. C., H. C., and P. F. Endicott.
The following census covers Henry Endicott, Jr., and C. C. Endicott in 1875.
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Henry Endicott 33 m w Indiana Illinois
Lavinia Endicott 30 f w Illinois Illinois
Jacob C. Endicott 8 m w Kansas
L. H. Endicott 6 m w Kansas
J. C. Endicott 7 m w Kansas
C. C. Endicott 28 m w Indiana Illinois
Endicott, H., 66; spouse, Lucinda, 55.
Endicott, Henry, Jr., age not given. No spouse listed.
Endicott, Pad (Patrick), 37; spouse, Mary, 25.
Endicott, C. C., 27. No spouse listed.
Endicott, Henry, 33; spouse, Lou Vena, 30.
Endicott, H. C., 66; spouse, Lucinda, 54.
Endicott, P. F., 39; spouse, Mary, 24.
Endicott, S. T., 25; spouse, Mary, 21.
Endicott, Henry, 33; spouse, Louerna (?), 31.
Endicott, C. C. No spouse listed.
Endicott, C. P., 29; spouse, Lorena, 23.
Endicott, Edward, 26; spouse, Clara, 24.
Endicott, Henry, 52; spouse, Lou, 48.
Endicott, Jacob, 26; spouse, Minnie, 25.
Endicott, P. F., 56. No spouse listed.
Endicott, S. T., 42; spouse, Nelly, 32.
[Note: I skipped newspaper articles previously given.]
Patrick F. Endicott...
Walnut Valley Times, November 4, 1870.
From the Arkansas Traveler we take the following.
As another proof of the fertility of Kansas soil, we would refer our readers to the two mammoth turnips presented to us by our friend, P. F. Endicott. The largest one measures thirty inches in circumference and the smaller one twenty-seven.
Excerpts: Harmon & Endicott...
Emporia News, July 15, 1870.
The following are among the more than fifty houses now being built, or under contract to be built in Arkansas City.
Harmon & Endicott, a building 20 x 50 feet, two stories, the lower for a store; and the upper for a hall.
Excerpt: Patrick F. Endicott...
Emporia News, September 2, 1870.
Arkansas City, July 31, 1870.
I visited Mr. P. F. Endicott’s home not long since, and was very much pleased as well as surprised to find several large bunches of grapes on this year’s sets of the style Concord. This speaks well for this locality as a place for grape culture. T. A. WILKINSON.
Henry Endicott...
Winfield Messenger, September 6, 1872.
Meeting organized by the selection of R. B. Saffold for chairman, and A. Walton as secretary. Mr. Saffold made an interesting speech in favor of the Cincinnati Platform and the nominees; Mr. Jackson made a motion that a committee of five be appointed on organization, seconded and carried; also moved that a committee of five be appointed on resolutions; carried.
Recommended by T. A. Blanchard, Chairman, that a Central Committee be elected, consisting of two members from each township, and that they be requested to meet at Winfield, Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1872, for the purpose of organization of said Committee and apportioning to each township its number of delegates for a County Convention Sept. 18, named as the day for a Greeley Mass meeting at Winfield.
A. A. Jackson, Secretary.
Nominations were then made for delegates to the two Conventions to be held in Topeka September 11th, 1872. A. A. Jackson and R. B. Saffold, with S. D. Oaks and T. B. Ross as alternates were nominated to one Convention, and A. Walton, T. McIntire with H. N. Deming and T. A. Blanchard, alternates to the other, for the purpose of nominating State officers, Electors, and Congressmen.
Committee on resolutions report the following:
RESOLVED, That we the citizens of Cowley County, in Mass Convention this day assembled, endorse the platform adopted by the Cincinnati and Baltimore Conventions, and having an abiding confidence in the wisdom, competency, and honesty of its nominees, the Hon. Horace Greeley of New York, and Gov. B. Gretz Brown of Missouri, hereby pledge them our most earnest support for President and Vice President of the United States, etc.
Endicott’s grove...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 12, 1873.
The Masons of Arkansas City will hold a basket picnic at Endicott’s grove the 24th. All Masons in good standing are invited, with their friends.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 21, 1873.
Prof. Henry B. Norton will deliver a course of Scientific Lectures on the evening of the 28th, 29th, and 30th inst., in the Arkansas City Schoolhouse, commencing at 7-1/2 o’clock p.m. Subjects: Suns and Planets; the Nebula Hypothesis and the six days of creation; The earth and man. Tickets for the entire course 50 cents. The Lectures will treat of the most recent discoveries concerning the structure of the Universe; the plurality of worlds; the spectroscope, and its recent wonderful revelations; the antiquity of man; air and ocean currents; and the complete harmony of science and revelation. The entire proceeds will go to aid in the erection of a parsonage for the use of the pastors of the M. E. church of Arkansas City. We earnestly solicit the patronage of the community. C. KING, P.C.
N. B. The Basket meeting will begin next Sabbath morning the 24th inst., in Endicott’s grove and continue through the entire week. We invite all. The presence of the various Evangelical ministers is earnestly desired. C. KING, P.C.
Cass Endicott...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
The storm of last Sunday night impeded Cass. Endicott’s cattle and two were killed by lightning.
Mr. and Mrs. (?) Endicott have a girl...
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Endicott, a daughter.
Patrick F. Endicott and wife...
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
We are indebted to Curns & Manser, real estate agents and proprietors of Abstracts of Titles to all lands in Cowley County, for the following transfers of real estate.
Patrick F. Endicott and wife to William Turner 7 acres in s w qr sec 32 tp 34 r 4 $210.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.
The following is the list of petit jurors drawn for the March term of the District Court: J. B. Nipp, S. W. Chatterson, S. P. Berryman, P. F. Endicott, J. E. Dunn, G. W. Melville,
J. W. Melville, J. W. Weimer, A. T. Gay, Sanford Day, Isaac Howe, B. C. French, S. M. Fall, Thos. Hart.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr. or Jr...
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.
Items From the Traveler.
GOES TO CHURCH. Col. McMullen made a proposition to Henry Endicott, that if he would attend church regularly once every Sabbath, he would give him a new suit of clothes. Henry accepted, and has a new suit, and attends church. We know of several others who would like to make a similar bargain.
Henry C. Endicott (Sr. or Jr.??): daughter, 9 months, dies...
DIED. On Tuesday morning, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Endicott, aged nine months.
Cass and Sam Endicott...
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
Sale. Cass and Sam Endicott sold their cattle last week to Mead, of Wichita, for $20 per head, numbering fifty-one head. They were large and fat.
Sam Endicott...
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
A fellow giving his name as John Tolls is in jail on the charge of stealing a horse from Sam Endicott.
(?) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
Trustee: Wm. Berkey.
Clerk: A. C. Endicott.
Justices of the Peace: T. McIntire and I. H. Bonsall.
Road Overseer: A. A. Davis.
[Note: There was no “A. C. Endicott.” Has to be either “C. C. or H. C. Endicott.”]
Sam Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.
Now it is reported lead has been found on Sam Endicott’s place.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Endicott, birth of a son...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.
To Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Endicott, a boy, 10½ pounds. Last Sunday dates its birth. Dr. Shepard was in command.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876.
P. F. ENDICOTT has a cat that has nursed and is bringing up one kitten and four young squirrels. The cat originally had five kittens, but four were taken from her and replaced with the squirrels, whom she adopted and cared for with the same motherly affection as though they were her own.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
Petition and bond of Reuben Bowers and others, of Bolton Township, presented and granted, and the following persons appointed viewers: T. M. McIntire, P. Endicott, and W. Wilson, who will meet at the place of beginning of said road, and proceed to view said road; and the County Clerk is ordered to give the necessary legal notice.
Sam Endicott...
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
JOHN ROE, the young man who stole Sam. Endicott’s mare, was convicted and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment in the penitentiary. Sheriff Walker went up with him last Monday.
Gallert and Patrick F. Endicott: brick kiln...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1876.
The brick kiln of Gallert & Endicott’s was lit up last week; and is burning now.
Tolles and (?) Endicott, of Grouse Creek...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
We learn that Messrs. Tolles and Endicott, of Grouse Creek, built a flatboat, twenty-five feet long by six feet wide, and loading it with 4,000 pounds of flour, started on Sunday morning down the Arkansas to find a market. This is just a trial trip; but if successful, it is their intention to ship all their flour in that direction.
Cass Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
DEPUTY U. S. MARSHAL R. L. WALKER has been for several days engaged in ferreting out the illicit distilling of liquor near this place, and on Sunday last found where the still had been, and arrested Wm. Magee as one of the parties connected with it. Magee was brought to town and confined at the Central Avenue hotel. On Monday morning, about three o’clock, he asked to go out, pretending to be sick. Mr. Walker gave his consent, telling Mr. Magee to leave his boots and hat. Magee left them, and in his shirt and pants, made a run toward the Arkansas bridge, getting so much of a start that the Sheriff did not overtake him. The still, we are informed, was on Cass Endicott’s farm, but had not been there a great while. Not long ago it was on Grouse Creek, and by this time there is no telling where it is. It seems the parties connected with it moved it about from place to place, and located it where they chose, without the knowledge of the owners of the land. It remains to be proven whether even Magee was in any manner connected with it. The efforts of the Sheriff, however, have resulted in stopping its work in Cowley County.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
The following persons were appointed last Saturday as delegates and alternates to the Democratic Convention, to be held at Winfield on Saturday, the 23rd.
Delegates: J. Benedict, A. Walton, T. McIntire, P. F. Endicott, A. J. Burrell, M. E. Welch.
Alternates: W. M. Berkey, Wm. Green, Jno. Harmon, S. Johnson, W. Dolby, Wm. Gray.
Henry Endicott (Unknown whether Sr. or Jr.)...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
Petition of John P. Woodyard and others, of Creswell Township, asking for view and survey of County road, presented, granted, and Henry Endicott, John Harmon, and William Randall appointed viewers, and the County Clerk ordered to give legal notice. Adjourned.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
MEAT SHOP. Henry Endicott has a meat shop in with R. A. Houghton & Co.’s grocery.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
J. P. WOODYARD and others have petitioned for a road commencing at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section nineteen, in Township 34, thence running west one-half mile, on half section line to the center of section 19, to be located as follows: Beginning at the northwest quarter of section 19, thence south one-half mile, thence west one-half mile. Henry Endicott, John Harmon, and Wm. Randall are viewers, to meet November 14th, at 10 a.m.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
HANK ENDICOTT will have an old-time Indiana shooting match at Harmon’s ford tomorrow morning. He has forty-four turkeys, which will be offered to the best shooters, regardless of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude. Terms and conditions will be agreed upon on the grounds, where all fun-lovers are expected to meet by 10 a.m.
Samuel Endicott, Mrs. (?) Endicott, Henry Endicott, Cass Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Mr. and Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. J. Nichols, Mrs. N. Shaw, Mrs. Horn, Samuel Endicott, H. Carder, Ida Grimes, Katy Myers, Mrs. DeMott, Mrs. Pepper, R. Carder.
Mr. & Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Fitch, Charles Swarts, Harvey Grimes, Mrs. McMullen, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Hoffmaster, Mrs. Endicott, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, Wm. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Godehard, Mr. & Mrs. Purdy, Mr. & Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. Morgan.
Henry Endicott, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Bowers, C. Endicott.
The post office will be conducted by H. Carder, C. Endicott, Mowrie Bowers, Miss Kennedy.
Mrs. Lucy Endicott (oldest resident)...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
The amounts of the receipts of the M. E. Festival, as handed in by one of the committee, was as follows.
Amount received for supper: $54.45.
Amount received for apples: $.90.
Amount received from Post Office: $2.53.
Amount received from cake sold at auction: $1.10.
Amount received from cake voted to oldest resident: $13.20.
Amount received from butter duck sold to highest bidder: $4.00.
Amount received from grab bag: $4.61.
Amount received from art gallery: $9.20.
A picture was sold for $2.40, and other minor articles, making in all the whole amount of receipts, $92.99. The $13.20 cake was voted to Mrs. Lucy Endicott (oldest resident), and Marshall Felton received the $1.10 cake, as it was sold to the highest bidder. Mr. Dupey bid off the duck.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
The store house of Houghton & McLaughlin, south of the “Green Front,” has been turned into a meat shop. Henry Endicott, Proprietor.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1877.
On last Wednesday evening a man rode through this place on his way to Winfield, and gave the startling information that six freighters from this place had been killed by a mourning party of Osages while returning from Fort Sill. But few people gave the matter much thought that night, but the next morning, as the rumor spread and became more widely known, some of our citizens began to think there might be something in it, as it was known that the Chetopa mourning party had left the Agency.
Hank Endicott started for Caldwell in the morning, to learn more about it if possible, but meeting a man from that place who told him they had heard nothing of the rumor there, he returned, satisfied that the whole affair was a canard.
Friday evening A. A. Davis, one of the freighters, came in from the Territory, and relieved everybody by saying that all the boys were together, safe, and sound, and had seen no signs of redskins.
It is now plainly evident that the story was started by someone for a purpose of his own, and it may not be a very difficult matter to guess either the person or the purpose. The time has passed when the people along the border are to be easily frightened by plausible tales of Indian massacres, but the practice of inventing such rumors is one that cannot be too severely condemned. Rest assured the object will never be accomplished in that way.
Excerpts: Cass Endicott, Samuel Endicott, Endicott boys...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877; February 28, 1877.
Fort Sill, Wichita, Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Agencies.
Tuesday morning we left Wichita Agency for Fort Sill. After we had traveled about five miles, we met George Shearer, Jerome Hilton, Charles Peters, and E. Worther, and at noon we came to where a number more were camped for dinner, on Killpecker Creek, to wit: Frank Hutchinson, A. W. Patterson, Walt Dolby, H. S. Adams, Hank Nelson, Ross Merrick, Cass Endicott, Sam Endicott, John Tolles, Buck Wintin, Frank Wintin, Jack Martin, Frank Johnson, Wagstaff, Jim Burrell, and Benj. Harberson. Hank Nelson had met with an accident and had his arm in a sling, having been thrown from his wagon while trying to get ahead of someone. We were the invited guests of Ross Merrick, and partook readily of his “sow belly,” biscuit, and what the boys called “bovine” gravy. The rain fell in chunks while we were at dinner, and the meal was stowed away as soon as possible.
We had proceeded but a few miles from our dining place when a fearful storm arose, accompanied by rain. Being anxious to get home, we kept on until our overcoats were soaked with water. A cold north wind with hail and snow then set in, and our faces were beaten blue with hail stones, and coats frozen on our backs, before we reached timber and a good camping place.
In camp we soon had a good fire, dried our clothes, and made our bed in the wagon, and were soon warm and fast asleep, notwithstanding we had been told that the Endicott boys had been murdered and scalped by Indians a few days before, near the same place. We were then in the treacherous Osage country, and used discretion accordingly, although we had no apprehensions of trouble.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1877.
MR. P. F. ENDICOTT, road overseer, has declared war with the grasshoppers, and called out the hands and gone to driving and burning them, and we hope all overseers will do likewise.
Samuel Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
LAWSUIT. A suit took place yesterday before Esquire Bonsall, J. P., between Samuel Endicott and Mr. Beach over some ponies. Mitchell and Christian were attorneys for Endicott and Kager for Mr. Beach.
Henry Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
A Basket Picnic will be held in Captain Smith’s Grove, west of the Arkansas, on the Fourth of July. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The following committees have been appointed.
COMMITTEE ON VOCAL MUSIC: Estella Burnett, A. Lorry.
BAND: L. Herrick.
GROUNDS: C. J. Beck, S. Pepper, W. Linton, O. C. Smith, J. D. Guthrie, H. J. Donnelly.
AMUSEMENTS: Lyman Herrick, Henry Endicott Jr.
MARSHALS: J. K. Stevens, John Lewis.
Calithumpians will appear just before dinner, etc.
Cass Endicott and Dick Rosey...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
PUEBLO, COL., June 7th, 1877.
As we journeyed up the Arkansas River to Dodge City, we saw a great deal of wheat, good as any I ever saw. Dodge City is a lively little town, as well as a hard one. It is in the valley near Fort Dodge. Has near 250 inhabitants, with 17 houses of ill fame and 3 dance houses, where regular soldiers and cow boys, as well as citizens, take their spite out in shooting one another. I was told that there were over 200 persons buried there, and only 5 died of natural death.
Traveling through the eastern portion of Colorado, one can see many towns, which once were lively, but today are dead; Pueblo one among the rest. Pueblo once claimed near 5,000 inhabitants, but the rush to the mining districts hurt her. Property which four years ago could have been sold for $7,000 sold the other day for $2,500. A person can rent a nice brick residence in town for $5 or $6 per month.
Many who come to this country leave their families in Pueblo and vicinity and go on to the mines, as everything is cheap here and they can keep their families for half what they can in the mountains. Goods are as cheap here as they are in Kansas. Best flour, five dollars per hundred; coffee, 3½ pounds per dollar; bacon sells at 13 cents per pound, and everything else in proportion. Dry goods are a good deal cheaper here than they are in Kansas.
Now let me say something about the mines. Doubtless, they are rich in all their mineral properties, but on account of their being mostly owned by poor men who are not able to buy a sufficient amount of machinery which they should have, they cannot give work to more than half of the people who are immigrating there at the present time. Taking Colorado all over, it is a poor place for a poor man. It is entirely overdone by poor men.
Lake City, among many other towns in the mines, has at present 800 or 1,000 men without money or work. Those who can get work for their board are doing so, while many are stealing. Hundreds are leaving and hundreds are coming in.
Colorado is a poor place for a poor man to come to at present. All those who can stay in Kansas and make their board, had better stay, for they can’t make anything here. I think in the course of a year or two, when the mines get developed, it will be a good place for a laboring man, but it is running over with laboring men now.
I started to Colorado from Cowley County last April, where I had been living since 1870. I had the intention of making Colorado my home and haven’t changed my mind yet. I like the country as well as I expected, and think Colorado is the healthiest country I was ever in. That is the reason why I expect to make it my home.
Rosy [Rosey] and Cass Endicott are well satisfied with the country, also Coburn and Jay.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr. or Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1877.
WILD PLUMS. Parties who have been to the Territory after plums say that about thirty-five miles south of this place on the Salt Fork there is any quantity of them. Henry Endicott and three others gathered eighteen bushels in half a day, and he said he left two hundred bushels on the bushes in one patch.
Henry C. (Posey) Endicott, Jr., A. W. (Pat) Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
In another column will be found the advertisement of A. W. Patterson and Henry Endicott, proprietors of the “Farmer’s Meat Market.” They buy the best of animals and keep the best of beef. Anyone having yearling steers to sell can do well by calling on them. They want to buy one hundred head.
PAT & POSEY, Proprietors.
Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Constantly have on hand all kinds of meat. Highest cash price paid for hides, furs, etc.
Patterson and Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
MATCHED HORSES and mules for sale on time, or will trade for cattle or hogs.
Patrick F. Endicott, Henry Endicott...
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Patrick F. Endicott—Fee for being a Juror: $19.00.
Henry Endicott—Clerk of Election Fee: $2.00.
Cass Endicott and Dick Rosey...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
DICK ROSEY and CASS ENDICOTT are back from the San Juan mining country. They expect to go back in the spring.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr., buys meat market from Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
PAY YOUR BEEF BILLS. Having sold my entire interest in the meat market to Henry Endicott, I now want all parties indebted to the firm to call in and settle all they owe, or the accounts will be left with an officer for collection. A. W. PATTERSON.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
MATCHED HORSES and mules for sale on time, or will trade for cattle or hogs
Samuel Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
SIR ARCHIE, owned by Samuel Endicott, can be found at Finney’s Livery during the season beginning April 10th. Sir Archie is a dark brown Norman horse, weighing 1,200 pounds, is 16½ hands high, has good action, and is a desirable horse for general purposes.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
J. C. McMullen v. P. F. Endicott et al.
Cass Endicott, Richard Rosey, and E. B. Kager...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
E. B. KAGER, Richard Rosey, and Cass Endicott started to Colorado yesterday morning.
Samuel T. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The board approved the appointment of J. B. Tucker, R. Musselman, and S. T. Endicott, appraisers of e. ½ of ne. ¼ and e. ½ of se. ¼, sec. 37, twp. 34, range 4.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
J. C. McMullen vs. P. F. Endicott, et al, settled.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Pat. F. Endicott to Samuel Watt, n. ½ of se. ¼, 18-33-4.
Samuel Endicott, Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
A Grand Union Sunday School Picnic.
A general invitation is extended to the Sunday schools in this vicinity and surrounding country to unite in holding a basket picnic in Sleeth’s woods, on July 4th. The committee on general arrangements appointed the following committees, who are requested to enter at once upon their respective duties.
Committee on preparing and arranging grounds.
J. M. Maxwell, Mr. Hunter, Frank Hutchinson, L. C. Norton, H. Carder, C. M. Swarts, Sam Endicott, Will Gray, Jerry Adams, and C. Hollaway.
Committee on Programme.
Wm. Sleeth, Miss Clara Finley, Miss Ella Grimes, Miss Eva Swarts, Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Cal. Swarts, R. J. Maxwell, and W. L. Mowry.
Committee on furnishing swings, croquet sets, boats, etc.
W. J. Peed, Will Alexander, Charles M. Swarts, J. C. Topliff, Mr. Knight, William Parker, R. Turner, James Pierce, Frank Schiffbauer, Edmund G. Gray, Frank Speers, E. D. Eddy, and I. H. Bonsall.
Committee on conveyance.
L. Finley, L. C. Norton, Dave Finney, J. W. Hutchinson, Rev. Swarts, Wm. Wilson, S. B. Adams, P. F. Endicott, and Mr. Kirkpatrick.
Committee on programme are requested to meet at the M. E. Church on Friday evening at 8 o’clock, to arrange programme for the day.
Committee on preparing grounds will meet on the grounds Wednesday afternoon, June 26th, at 2 o’clock, p.m.
The invitation to the picnic includes any and all who may desire to join in having a general good time. Remember well filled baskets are appreciated. The programme will be published next week in full.
Samuel Endicott marries Nellie Wood...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.
We were pleasantly surprised last week by the announcement that Mr. Sam. Endicott and Miss Nellie Wood, formerly of this place, had been united in wedlock. The happy young couple have many friends in this vicinity.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.
P. F. Endicott in breaking a young mule drove so near the race track that the mule became infected with a desire to run and in consequence ran away, taking Pad, the other horse, and the wagon along with him. The mule stopped when he got tired.
George Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.
School Report.
The following are names of scholars who have been absolutely perfect in attendance and punctuality during the last school month.
Ella Bowers, 81; George Endicott, 94; Edward Garris, 90; Frank Theaker, 90; Jessie Rentschler, 89; Mary McClung, 88; Charlie Randall, 83; Myrtle McNelly, 67; Walter Patterson, 55.
Mr. (?) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 15, 1879.
Frank Lorry broke through the ice one day last week and took a cold bath in eight feet of water. He arose to the top a trifle limp for a cold morning but was provided with a change and a warm fire by Mr. Endicott.
George Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 12, 1879.
The following are deserving of honorable mention for diligence, good behavior, and nearly perfect attendance.
May Benedict, Laura Gregg, Jessie Finley, Anna Hutchison, Susie Hunt, Stella Swarts, Annie Norton, Jessie Sankey, Jerry Adams, Lute Coombs, George Endicott, Samuel Reed, Wm. Randall, Charlie Randall.
C. H. SYLVESTER, Principal.
Cass [Cresswell C.] Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.
STATE OF KANSAS, COWLEY COUNTY, In the District Court, in said County and State.
To Cresswell C. Endicott, Defendant above named.
YOU are hereby notified that you have been sued by the above named Plaintiff, J. C. McMullen, in the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of Kansas, sitting in and for Cowley County, in the State of Kansas, and that the said Plaintiff on the 15th day of February, A. D. 1879, filed his petition in the above named Court demanding Judgment against you the said Defendant, Cresswell C. Endicott, for the sum of Seven Hundred and Thirty-four and Fifty-nine Hundredths Dollars, with interest at the rate of Twelve per cent per Annum from February 15, 1878, on $684.55 thereof and on $25.80 thereof from June 12th, 1878, and from February 12th, 1879, on $24.24 thereof; and that a certain mortgage given by you, the said Defendant, to the Plaintiff, of the South West Quarter of Section Thirty-five, in Township Thirty-four South of Range Four East, in Cowley County, Kansas, be foreclosed; the said lands and tenements ordered to be sold, and the proceeds arising from said sale be applied First, To the payment of all costs. Second. To the payment of the debt due this Plaintiff, including taxes and for such further relief as Plaintiff is entitled to. You are hereby further notified that unless you answer said petition on or before the 4th day of April, A. D. 1879, the said petition will be taken as true, and Judgment rendered against you according to the demands of said petition. PRYOR & PRYOR, Plaintiff’s Attorneys.
Attest, E. S. Bedilion, Clerk of District Court. [SEAL.]
Cass Endicott and Dick Rosey...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
Our old friend, Dick Rosa [Rosey], is in a good position in Leadville. Cass Endicott is having steady work and good pay.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1879.
The young folks will celebrate May day in Grandpa Endicott’s grove tomorrow afternoon.
Cass [C. C. Endicott]...
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the May, A. D. 1879, term of the District Court of Cowley County, beginning on the first Monday in May, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
J. C. McMullen vs. C. C. Endicott et al.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
Mrs. Land and daughter, of Indiana, are spending a few weeks at Grandpa Endicott’s.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1879.
Pat Endicott’s little daughter, Susie, was bitten by a copperhead snake on the little finger last Thursday afternoon. The hand became very painful before relief was obtained. While on the subject of snake bites, we will simply remark that Bibron’s Solution is the specific for these ailments, and far superior to whiskey.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
Democrat: Pat Endicott’s youngest daughter was bitten by a copperhead snake last week, which would have terminated seriously had it not been for a bottle of liquor that happened to be in the house, which abated the effect of the poison until a physician was called. She is now getting along finely, and will soon be entirely well.
Henry (Hank) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Hank Endicott has started a new meat market, and runs a delivery wagon in connection with the shop.
Samuel T. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
J. C. McMullen (Attorneys Pryor & Pryor) versus
S. T. Endicott (Attorney C. R. Mitchell).
Cass [called Casswell in article]. C C. Endicott.]...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.
We hear that Casswell Endicott has struck it rich in the mines of Colorado.
Patrick F. Endicott and Matlack: brick kiln...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
Messrs. Matlack and Endicott are showing their faith in the future of the city by the commencement of another kiln of brick to the tune of 150,000 and the best of all, parties are ready to take them off their hands, lay them up, and put a stock of goods in the buildings.
George Endicott, Jacob Endicott, Otis Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
School Report.
The following Report of the Public Schools of the city for the school month ending February 6th.
Jerry Adams, S. B. Reed, Henry Smith, Sadie Pickering, Fred McLaughlin, Charlie Randall, Mollie Christian, Alice Knight, Alice Warren, Robert Hutchison, George Endicott, Jacob Endicott, Martin Warren, Frank Randall, May Hughes, Jessey Finley, Ella Bowers, Mary McClung.
Grace McClung, Nina Pickering, Charlie Rarick, Walter Wintin, Phillip Huff, Frank Peek, Otis Endicott, Clara Ford, Lizzie Garris, Susie Fullerlove, Frank Leonard, Willie Peek, Newton Lancaster, Howard Warren, Etta McMahon, Frank Nowe.
Jacob Endicott, Otis Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
SCHOOL REPORT. For the month ending March 5, 1880.
HIGH SCHOOL: Jerry Adams, Henry Smith, Mary Theaker, Charlie Chapel, Charlie Randall, Sarah Randall, Emma Theaker, Jacob Endicott, Frank Randall, Sam Swarts, Martin Warren, Jessie Finley, Minnie McIntire.
SECOND PRIMARY: Bert Hughes, Howard Warren, Newton Lancaster, Charlie Nelson, Annie Wagstaff, Nina Pickering, Grace McClung, Lizzie Garris, Clara Ford, Otis Endicott, Belle Johnson.
C. H. SYLVESTER, Principal.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
At the Democratic primary Thursday, May 6, the following persons were chosen as delegates and alternates to the Democratic county convention to be held in Winfield on the 15th of this month.
DELEGATES: Noah Kimmel, S. B. Adams, Amos Walton, Wm. Aumann, T. McIntire, P. F. Endicott, J. W. Hutchison, F. M. Peek, Jno. Halloway, Ed. Green.
ALTERNATES: A. P. Hutchison, Walter Dolby, J. E. Cox, Jas. Benedict, H. Godehard, Jas. Wilson, Wm. Bahruth, W. H. Brown, Jno. Weir, R. E. Fitzpatrick.
Samuel Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
There are two mules and one brown mare, strays, now in Sam Endicott’s pasture, on the east side of the Walnut river; also one pony.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Brick For Sale. I have 150,000 good brick for sale at my yard, one and a half miles southeast of Arkansas City. Price $3.50 to $7.50 per 1,000; $1.00 per 100. P. F. ENDICOTT.
Mrs. (?) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
On Monday, the cheap rates still prevailing, Frank Speers and wife, Mrs. Endicott, A. W. Patterson, and Mr. Mott started eastward. Rexford got left.
Cass Endicott, Sam Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
A report was industriously circulated one day last week that Cass Endicott and his partners had disposed of their mine in Colorado for the snug sum of $100,000. Upon inquiry we found that there was no foundation for the story other than a letter claimed to have been written by some irresponsible party, and we are inclined to believe with Sam Endicott—that if there had been anything in it, he would have known it as soon as an outsider.
Mrs. (?) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
The “last of the Mohicans” are at home. Frank Speers and wife and Mrs. Endicott returned last Friday, and W. D. and Henry Mowry came in Saturday. All are glad to get back.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
LOST. On Sept. 18, at or near Henry Endicott’s meat market, two bills, one five and one $10. Finder will be paid one third for its return to this office. T. J. Harden.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1880.
Chester Loveland, for some time past employed in McLaughlin’s grocery, is now with Henry Endicott, the jovial butcher.
Samuel T. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court of the county of Cowley and State of Kansas, and to me directed and delivered, in an action lately pending in said court wherein J. C. McMullen was plaintiff and Samuel T. Endicott was defendant, I will, on
at 2 o’clock p.m. at the south door of the court house in the city of Winfield, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title, and interest of the said defendant, in and to the following described real estate, situate in said county: to wit: The west half (½) of the southeast (¼) of section thirty-five (35), township thirty-four (34), south of range four (4) east, containing eighty (80) acres, in Cowley county, Kansas. Said property was levied upon and will be sold as the property of said defendant without appraisement to satisfy said order of sale. Given under my hand, at the sheriff’s office in the city of Winfield aforesaid, this the 12th day of October, A. D. 1880.
A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff of Cowley County, Kansas.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
HOGGISH. Ira Barnett paid Pat Endicott last week the neat little sum of $984 for hogs raised by Mr. Endicott, and shipped the same to Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
The Methodist folks will have a Christmas tree for the children of their Sabbath school on next Friday evening, December 24. A merry time is guaranteed, and a cordial invitation extended to all. Following are the various committees.
On General Arrangements. The officers of the ladies’ society and of the Sabbath school.
On Procuring Tree: Messrs. Snyder, Chenoweth, Russell, and Felton.
On Decorating Tree: Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speers, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. T. C. Warren, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Pickering, Mrs. Christian, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Endicott, Mr. and Mrs. Perry.
Distributing Presents: Misses Annie Earhart, Linda Christian, Elva Pickering; Messrs. Cal Swarts, Charles Swarts, E. A. Barron.
Near Patrick F. Endicott’s...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
Capt. Curtis, in command of the party for opening up the Arkansas River, is constructing a boat on the Walnut (near Pat Endicott’s place), the same being 18 feet beam by 70 long, to be used as a commissary by the command. The boat will be covered with canvas, and will add greatly to the comfort of those engaged in the undertaking.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
Henry Endicott has purchased A. W. Patterson’s residence on Central Avenue, and will occupy the same himself in a short time.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
We are informed that Mr. P. F. Endicott, one of the oldest settlers in this vicinity, has received for hogs during the past few months the neat little sum of $1,153.85. They were raised on his farm southeast of town, and were shipped to Kansas City by our stock buyer, Mr. Ira Barnett. These facts are submitted to the attention of our farmer friends for their consideration, with the injunction “Go thou and do likewise.”
S. H. Endicott, brother of Patrick F. Endicott. Initials appear different in item that appears on May 11, 1881...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
Mr. S. H. Endicott, of Crossville, Illinois, a brother of P. F. Endicott, is visiting Cowley and called upon the TRAVELER last week. He expressed himself well pleased with the country hereabouts and if he can find a suitable location, will move his family out here early in the spring.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
At the school meeting last Saturday, the vote on establishing a graded school in this city was almost unanimous. The new board elected are Messrs. A. C. Williams, director; William Benedict, clerk; and P. F. Endicott, treasurer—all thorough gentlemen and upright men. It is not the board we advocated, but if they will bring our school up to the standard desired and required, we will rest content.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
Henry Endicott bought a fine large six-year-old mare from Mr. J. M. Maxwell, on the street last Saturday, for $60.00.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
We hear that Henry Endicott has sold his farm in East Bolton to a gentlemen from Colorado, who intends to use the same as a sheep farm. Mr. Endicott intends to go to Texas this spring to purchase cattle.
Henry Endicott: Endicott & Loveland Meat Market...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
Messrs. Rarick & Pickering and Ford & Berger have had a hand in the construction of a brand new wagon for Endicott & Loveland, of the city meat market, which new wagon may be seen on our streets, and speaks well for the mechanical skill of the builders.
J. F. Endicott [brother of Patrick F. Endicott??]...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
We had a pleasant call from Mr. J. F. Endicott, late of Illinois, who has purchased property in town, and will make this his future home.
Refers to daughter of Patrick F. Endicott, bitten by copperhead snake...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
A case of snake bite occurred to a man working for Mr. Endicott, who was bitten on the hand by a copperhead. The hand and arm commenced to swell up, but some whiskey and alcohol being procured, further harmful effects were prevented.
Of course, the action of the parties supplying the liquor, named above, was illegal, though certainly humane, yet to obviate the necessity for breaking the law with reference to alcoholic liquors we append a cure, which it is claimed never fails to arrest the action of snake poison:
Take Turpentine, one pint; Corrosive Sublimate, one ounce; Gum Camphor, one ounce. Mix well in a vial, and when occasion demands its use, apply to the part bitten.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
J. A. Rexroad, late of Hutchinson, made us a pleasant call last Saturday. Mr. Rexroad is engaged in making brick for P. F. Endicott, and will be with us during the summer season.
We are pleased to note the fact that P. F. Endicott has already gone to work in earnest at brick making, having at this time over 20,000 brick made. He expects to be able to make some 300,000 during the summer.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Mr. A. A. Wiley was in town yesterday on his return from Texas, where he has been buying stock. He reports that Messrs. J. Smythia, H. Endicott, A. J. Gilbert, J. W. Ledlie, and James Henderson, with 1,100 head of cattle, are now on Deer creek, where they will be held till disposed of. Mr. Wiley was on his way to the Nation with supplies to establish a ranch.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Mr. H. Endicott returned from his trip to Texas last Friday. He, in conjunction with several others, brought up some 1,100 head of cattle, which will be held in the Territory until disposed of.
Henry (Hank) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Hank Endicott has gone to Caldwell to purchase some stock for butchering purposes.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
The brick yard is started by P. F. Endicott. He contemplates making three thousand brick during the summer. P. F. means business when he says he will supply the city with all the brick they want.
P. F. Endicott also has a soap factory running, and controlled by G. Hurst & Co., late of Hutchinson. They make a first-class quality of soap.
Henry Endicott: Endicott & Loveland Meat Market...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
For sale cheap. A good house and lot in Leonard’s addition. Will take a team in part payment; enquire at Endicott & Loveland’s meat market.
Death of Mrs. Lucy Endicott, [Mrs. Henry C. Endicott, Sr.]...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
DIED. It is with much sorrow that we record the sudden death of Mrs. L. Endicott, at the residence of her husband, H. C. Endicott, Senior, on Saturday, July 16th, 1881. Mrs. Endicott has resided in this community for a great number of years, faithfully discharging the duties of a Christian wife and mother, and the mourning over her untimely taking off will be felt almost universally amongst our citizens. A number of her children and relatives are residents of this city, and to them, in this the hour of bereavement and sorrow, it will indeed be a comfort to remember that “Blessed be the dead that die in the Lord.”
The funeral took place on Sunday.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The two Mrs. Clevelands, of Gibson County, Indiana, sisters of our townsman, P. F. Endicott, are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
We received a pleasant call on Saturday from Mr. Calvert, of Evansville, Indiana, an uncle of P. F. Endicott. Mr. Calvert is one of the substantial citizens of Evansville, and a genial old gentleman. He is taking a pleasure trip to the best part of sunny Kansas, which we hope he may enjoy and ever retain a pleasing recollection of the same.
[Mr. and Mrs. Henry Endicott, Patrick F. Endicott, G. C. Cleveland, Indiana; and L. Calvert, Indiana, were among the visitors at Geuda Springs. This definitely ties Henry and Patrick together along with relatives visiting Patrick F. Endicott after the funeral of Mrs. Henry C. Endicott, Sr.]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
The following is a list of the visitors at the Geuda Springs Bath House for the week ending August 7, 1881:
H. Endicott and wife, Arkansas City.
P. Endicott, Arkansas City.
Mrs. Tyner, Arkansas City.
G. C. Cleveland, Indiana.
L. Calvert, Indiana.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
175,000 brick for sale by P. F. Endicott.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881. Editorial Page.
The following is a list of the Old Soldiers of Creswell Township.
H. ENDICOTT B 115 Ills. Corporal
Henry Endicott no longer has meat market...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
Messrs. Endicott & Loveland no longer preside at the meat market. Gaskill & Patterson have taken their place.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
A. F. & A. M.
At the last regular meeting of Crescent Lodge, A. F. & A. M., the following were elected officers for the coming year.
W M: James Ridenour.
S W: W. D. Mowry.
J W: I. H. Bonsall.
Treasurer: H. P. Farrar
Sec: Dr. Loomis.
S D: Cal Swarts.
J D: C. Hutchins.
S S: J. C. Pickering.
J S: H. Endicott.
Tyler: [LEFT BLANK].
George Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
L. L. Society.
The Linnaean Literary Society met at the schoolhouse last Friday evening. The meeting was called to order by the President; the roll called; and minutes of last meeting read by the Secretary. The next thing in order was the election of officers, which were as follows.
President, E. S. Donnelly; Vice President, H. L. Finley; Secretary, Miss Etta Barnett; Treasurer, Miss Laura Gould; Critic, C. T. Atkinson; Chief Marshal, L. Carder; Asst. Marshal, George Endicott.
Near Endicott farm...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 21, 1881.
The direction of the canal is from a point on the Arkansas River, northwest of town, bearing in a southeasterly course, across the southwest corner of the town site, to a point on the Walnut river, near the Endicott farm, the total length of the canal being about two and a half miles, with a water section of about one hundred cubic feet, with a center current of about four miles per hour. The actual fall obtained in that distance is twenty-two feet.
Temperance Endicott marries H. C. Carder...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
MARRIED. Mr. H. C. Carder and Miss Temperance Endicott were united in the bonds of matrimony on Thursday, January 4th, 1882. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Laverty at the residence of the bride’s father south of town.
Hank (Henry) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
Hank Endicott has returned to the city from his Texas trip and is just about as happy as of old.
Endicott, cousin of Patrick F. Endicott, from Indiana, buys property...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
Green & Snyder have just sold the Daniels property just west of the U. P. church, to Mr. Endicott, from Indiana, a cousin of P. F. Endicott.
Mrs. Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Two of Mrs. Henry Harbaugh’s old schoolmates, Mrs. Henry Endicott, of Arkansas City, and Mrs. Nancy Buford, of Illinois, have been visiting her this week, reciting reminiscences of girlhood days and comparing their respective success in life since they ceased annoying the master with their girlish pranks in the school room.
Henry (?) Endicott and new partner, Gibby???...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Endicott & Gibby is the name of the proprietors of our boss meat market.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Messrs. Endicott & Gibby came to the front this week with an “ad” to the effect that they are now running the meat market lately owned by Bishop & Gaskill. For full particulars see elsewhere.
AD: ENDICOTT & GIBBY, MEAT MARKET -Keep the best- FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS, Poultry, Game and Fish in season. Summit St., Arkansas City.
We take the greatest care in the selection of beeves and stock for market, and are prepared at all times to furnish our customers with the very best.
Farmers who have choice stock for sale, please call on us. Cash paid for hides.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Bishop & Gaskill will pack pork the coming winter in Arkansas City. Farmers make a note of this.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Mr. H. Endicott has sold his residence and purchased lots for the erection of a new one.
Cass [C. C.] Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Richard Woolsey, known in the olden days as “Uncle Dick,” and C. C. Endicott returned to our city on Monday evening last.
Henry Endicott house sold to W. B. Kirkpatrick...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Frank Hess sold the Henry Endicott house to W. B. Kirkpatrick of Saybrook, Illinois, brother of A. E. and G. Kirkpatrick. Mr. Kirkpatrick intends going into business here and will be a valuable acquisition to Arkansas City.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Crescent Lodge A. F. & A. M.
The following gentlemen were elected as officers for the coming year in Crescent Lodge No. 133, A. F. & A. M.
James Ridenour, W. M.; O. S. Rarick, S. W.; C. L. Swarts, J. W.; H. P. Farrar, Treas.; F. P. Schiffbauer, Sec. The appointed officers for the ensuing year are:
C. Hutchins, S. D.; J. C. Pickering, J. D.; H. Endicott, S. S.; J. R. Rogers, J. S.; Geo. O. Allen, Tyler.
George P. Endicott, Jacob Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
The following named pupils of the High School Department were perfect during the third month: Mollie Conrad, Geo. P. Endicott, Jacob Endicott, Lizzie Wilson, Eddie Garris, Hannah Gilbert, Laura Holloway, Frank Gamel, Alice Lane, Minnie Kirtley, Minnie McIntire, Jessie Norton, Fannie Peterson, Willie Reynolds, Alvan Sankey, Horace Vaughn, Effie Gilstrap, Frank Wright, Robert Nipp, Eddie Marshall, Lulu Walton, Sarah Randall, Etta Barnett, Dora Pearson, Walter Pickering, Charles T. Randall.
Henry Endicott and Gibby...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
ENDICOTT & GIBBY, MEAT MARKET. Keep the best Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Game, and Fish in season. Summit Street, Arkansas City. We take the greatest care in the selection of beeves and stock for market, and are prepared at all times to furnish our customers with the very best. Farmers who have CHOICE STOCK for sale please call on us. Cash Paid for Hides. ENDICOTT & GIBBY.
Samuel T. Endicott and wife, Nellie D. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
SHERIFF’S SALE: S. E. Schermerhorn, Plaintiff, Against Samuel T. Endicott, Nellie D. Endicott, F. S. Jennings, The Traveler’s Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut, A. D. Wear [?] and Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Defendants.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Endicott, Susan Endicott, dies...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1883.
DIED. In this city, on Saturday last, Jan. 13, 1883, Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Endicott, of quick consumption, aged 12 years. The funeral took place on Sunday. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community.
Another daughter, an infant, dies: Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Endicott, parents...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
DIED. It is with sorrow, we announce the death, on the 23rd instant, of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Endicott.
Patrick F. Endicott: building a new house...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1883.
Work on P. F. Endicott’s new house progresses but slowly owing to the recent bad weather.
Otis Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1883.
Our Schools. The following pupils of the First Intermediate Department were neither absent nor tardy, without an excuse during the past month: Dell Clifton, Howard Warren, Belle Johnson, Ella Hoyt, Ethel Clifton, Lulu Hamlin, Nettie Franey, Hattie Franey, Eddie Scott, Dean McIntire, Henry Mott, John Garris, Gertie Peterson, Rena Grubbs, Luna Ware, Helen Jordan.
The following pupils were imperfect in deportment during the past month: Charlie McConn, George McConn, Eddie Scott, Henry Mott, Porter Holloway, Perry Fullerlove, Schuyler Hand, Clara Delzell, Nettie Franey, Otis Endicott, Oscar Ball, Mary Kitch, Maud Benedict, Hattie Sipes, Rena Grubbs, Willie Kellogg, John Garris, Lulu Hamlin, George Snyder, Hattie Franey. ANNIE NORTON, Teacher.
Patrick F. Endicott’s new house...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
P. F. Endicott’s new house is progressing finely and from its present appearance promises to be one of the best looking and most commodious houses in the city. W. P. Wolfe has the contract and is doing himself credit by the work done.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Juror: P. F. Endicott.
Henry Endicott’s new residence...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
H. Endicott’s new residence is rapidly nearing completion, and the exterior is now resplendent with paint. A. Harnly is the artist, and is doing himself credit as a house painter.
Henry Endicott: Endicott and Gibby meat market...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Messrs. Gibby & Endicott’s meat market, and Green & Snyder’s real estate office bask in the shade of a brand new awning since last week.
Patrick F. Endicott: shooting at brick yard???...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
A rumor of a shooting affair last Monday reaches us from P. F. Endicott’s brick yard, in which right smart scare, but very little damage was done.
Henry (Hank) Endicott: fire destroys slaughter house...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1883.
Messrs. Gibby & Endicott’s slaughter house burned down yesterday and now Hank’s around looking like a deacon and swearing the firms a lost community if their customers don’t seddle dose leedle pills righd away. Do’d id.
J. C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 12, 1883.
The following named pupils were perfect in deportment during the third month: Mahlon Arnett, Mollie Duncan, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Laura Holloway, Minnie Kirtley, Fred McLaughlin, Howard Maxwell, Dora Pearson, Carry Rice, Mountferd Scott, Emma Theaker, Horace Vaughn, Alice Warren, Sarah Crocker, J. C. Endicott, Lizzie Gilbert, Flora Gould, Ida Hackleman, John Kirkpatrick, Minnie McIntire, Jessie Norton, Lillie Purdy, Alvan Sankey, Eva Splawn, Clarence Thompson, Martin Warren, Stella Wilson.
The following were imperfect and received 65 percent: Sarepta Abrams, Sammie Beall, Alice Lane, Robert A. Nipp, Frank Wright, Lida Whitney, Frank Barnett, Ella Crocker, Edith Marshall, W. S. Pickering, Edna Worthley, Mary Dakin. C. T. ATKINSON, Teacher.
Jacob Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
High School Report.
The following pupils of the High School department were perfect in deportment and received 100 percent.
Mahlon Arnett, Frank Barnett, Ella Crocker, Mary Dakin, Jacob Endicott, Lizzie Gilbert, Flora Gould, John Kirkpatrick, Rose Morse, Fred McLaughlin, Jessie Norton, Dora Pearson, Carrie Rice, Mountferd Scott, Horace Vaughn, Martin Warren, Clarence Thompson, Sarepta Abrams, Sammy Beall, Sarah Crocker, Mollie Duncan, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Laura Holloway, Eddie Marshall, Minnie McIntire, Howard Maxwell, Robert Nipp, Walter Pickering, Alvan Sankey, Emma Theaker, Edna Worthley, Lida Whitney, Lillie Purdy, Eva Splawn.
Henry C. Endicott: new partner, Barnett...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
As will be seen by notice in another column, our city meat market will be run in the future by Messrs. Endicott & Barnett, the latter gentleman having bought out Wm. Gibby’s interest in the business. In connection with a meat market the present proprietors will buy and ship cattle and hogs, of which our farmer readers will please make a note. Mr. Barnett will attend mainly to buying and shipping, while Mr. Endicott will continue in the market, where he has become deservedly popular.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, lately doing business at the City Meat Market under the firm name of Gibby & Endicott, have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent, Mr. Gibby having sold out his interest to Mr. Ira Barnett and business will be continued at the old stand by Messrs. Endicott & Barnett.
Arkansas City, January 16, 1884.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 13, 1884.
Township Election.
The following shows the result of the election held on the 5th inst. There were eight tickets in the field, and the total vote polled was 444.
TRUSTEE: M. N. Sinnott, 288; Uriah Spray, 152.
CLERK: W. D. Mowry, 348; M. B. Vawter, 88.
TREASURER: J. L. Huey, 184; H. P. Farrar, 125; W. M. Sleeth, 122.
JUSTICES: Frank Schiffbauer, 264; W. D. Kreamer, 208; P. F. Endicott, 133; J. B. Tucker, 130; I. H. Bonsall, 107.
CONSTABLES: J. J. Breene, 257; J. S. Lewis, 202; J. E. Beck, 178; J. N. Huston, 118; W. J. Gray, 113.
Cass (C. C.) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Cass Endicott, living about six miles east of this place, has had three unbranded calves taken from his pasture field and stolen, within the last two months. It will be well enough to keep a lookout for such thieves.
Jacob Endicott, Larkin Endicott, Eddie Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
We publish the following names of pupils carrying the highest grades in the different classes: History, Loyd Ruby, 100; Grammar, Eddie Marshall and Eva Splawn, 97 each; Spelling, Eva Splawn and Mollie Duncan, 100; Arithmetic, Frank Armstrong, Jacob Endicott, and Richard Hutchison, 100 each; Geography, Sammy Beall, Mollie Duncan, Flora Gould, Lida Whitney, and Joseph Campbell, 100 each.
The following is a list of people of Miss Hunt’s department that received 100 percent: Ida Lane, Mary Dunn, Cora Taylor, Anna Wagstaff, Mervin Miller, Harry Gilstrap, Jimmie Kirkpatrick, Willie Wilson, Mattie Patterson, Elsa Darrough, Sarah Hill, Maggie Ford, Emma Wilson, Wyatt Hutchinson.
Those who were imperfect in the same department are: Larkin Endicott, James Williams, Eddie Endicott, Charley Taylor, Jay Fairclo, Amy Landes, Flora Kreamer, Ella DeBruce, Mary Lewis.
Jacob Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The following pupils of the high school department were perfect in deportment during the sixth month of the term.
Mahlon Arnett, Cora Armstead, Sammie Beall, Joseph Campbell, Sarah Crocker, D. C. Duncan, Jacob Endicott, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Ida Hackleman, Richard Hutchins, Alice L. Lane, Eddie Marshall, Minnie McIntire, Howard Maxwell, Birdie Martin, Dora Pearson, Sarepta Abrams, Frank Barnett, Viola Bishop, Ella Crocker, Mary Dakin, Mollie Duncan, Lizzie Gilbert, Eddie Ganes, Flora Gould, Laura Holloway, John Kirkpatrick, Hattie Laird, Rosa Moore, Fred. McLaughlin, Mettie Marbin, Jessie Norton, Walter Pickering, Lillie Purdy, Lloyd Ruby, M. J. Scott, Emma Theaker, Clarence Thompson, Martin Warren, Lida Whitney, Frank Wright, Carrie Rice, Alvan Sankey, Eva Splawn, Frank Theaker, Horace Vaughn, Edna Worthley, Constance Woodin, Frank Wright.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The following pupils received the highest grades in examination last month: Arithmetic—Jacob Endicott, Lloyd Ruby, Mountferd Scott, Eva Splawn, Clarence Thompson, each 100 percent. Those who received 100 percent are: Sammie Beall, Sarah Crocker, Campbell Duncan, Mollie Duncan, Flora Gould, Hattie Laird, Eddie Marshall, Rosa Morse, Lloyd Ruby, Eva Splawn, Clarence Thompson, Edna Worthley, Lida Whitney; Miss Lizzie Gilbert received 99 percent in geography. Mahlon Arnett, Sammie Beall, and Lida Whitney received 97 percent in English grammar. Those who averaged 95 percent through the whole examination are Lizzie Gilbert, Mountferd Scott, Lloyd Ruby, Ida Hackleman, Edna Worthley, Lida Whitney, and Sarah Crocker.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
During the sickness of our popular meat merchant, Ira Barnett, Mr. J. C. Loveland will aid Mr. H. C. Endicott in distributing meat to the public.
Jacob (J. C.) Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
The following named pupils of the High School were perfect in deportment during the seventh month, and received 100 percent.
Mahlon Arnett, Frank Barnett, Sarah Crocker, D. C. Duncan, J. C. Endicott, Eddie Garris, Flora Gould, Laura Holloway, John Kirkpatrick, Ed. Maxwell, Fred C. McLaughlin, Birdie Martin, Robert Nipp, Lillie Purdy, M. J. Scott, Clarence Thompson, Edna Worthley, Sarepta Abrams, Cora Armstead, Mary Dakin, Mollie Duncan, Lizzie Gilbert, Laura Gould, Ida Hackleman, Richard Hutchins, John Kirkpatrick, Rosa Morse, Howard Maxwell, Birdie Martin, Walter Pickering, Lloyd Ruby, Emma Theaker, H. G. Vaughn, Lida Whitney, Constance Woodin.
Henry C. Endicott & Barnett...
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
Messrs. Endicott & Barnett returned Thursday from Kansas City, to which point they shipped several carloads of hogs this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Endicott & Barnett have sold their prosperous meat market to McDowell Brothers, who will continue the business at the old stand.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
We call attention to the “ad” of McDowell Bros. of the City meat market in this issue. These gentlemen have refitted the premises throughout and are in every way prepared to meet the wishes of their patrons. Give them a call.
AD. McDOWELL BROS., Successors to Endicott & Barnett, CITY MEAT MARKET — KEEP THE BEST Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats. — POULTRY, GAME, AND FISH IN SEASON. We take the greatest care in the selection of beeves and stock for market, and are prepared, at all times, to furnish our customers with the very best. Farmers who have CHOICE STOCK for sale please call on us. Cash paid for Hides. SUMMIT STREET.
Cass (C. C. Endicott)...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 9, 1884.
R. A. HOUGHTON. Postoffice address: Arkansas City, Kansas, OR, C. C. ENDICOTT, range manager, Oakland Agency, Indian Territory. Range on the Nez Perce reservation.
Henry C. Endicott & Barnett...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Our cattle men, Endicott & Barnett, are rustlers in their line, as the special train of 23 cars of fat stock which left this place for Kansas City yesterday morning will testify. The stock were owned by different parties, but to the energy of the above named gentlemen, this large shipment at one time is due.
Cass (C. C.) Endicott, Range Manager for R. A. Houghton...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
R. A. HOUGHTON. Post office address: Arkansas City, Kansas, OR C. C. ENDICOTT, range manager. (Oakland Agency, Indian Territory).
Illustration shows H with a line from middle of H to upper right of steer depicted. Another illustration shows a + and V on side of cattle.
OTHER BRANDS: [looks like a T with a small bar at base of T that goes to the right]...on left side of hip and [A BAR] on right hip of most of them.
M C on right side and [half circle at base of F] left side.
Half circle over the letter R right side of hip.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
Arrest of the Stevens-Mills Cattle.
Complaint having been made to F. P. Schiffbauer, justice of the peace of Creswell Township, that a herd of fevered cattle were within the state, the justice notified the county attorney, who ordered Deputy Sheriff Rarick to take charge of the same and hold them until they could be inspected as provided by law in article 9, chapter 105, of the general statutes, which relates to Texas cattle.
The justice thereupon appointed C. G. Thompson, C. M. Scott, and Henry Endicott as an investigating committee, who proceeded to the east part of town, where the cattle were held, and after examination submitted the following report.
We, the undersigned board of inspectors, appointed to inspect the cattle under charge of Deputy Sheriff Rarick, as fevered cattle, held on complaint of S. C. Murphy, have to say that we proceeded to where the cattle were, and found that they were the property of W. M. Stevens, of Coffeyville, Kansas, and A. Mills, of Chetopa, Kansas, and numbered 1,020 head, that 800 of them were shipped from Mississippi in February, 1884, and 220 head were shipped from the same state in April last; that the 800 were wintered in Labette County, within this state, and all the number, 1,020, held on Russell Creek, Indian Territory, two miles below the state line; that there had been but three deaths, where held, and no cattle had died from fever in their neighborhood; that they had not been in contact with fevered cattle, and that the 25 graded bulls turned in this spring were still living in the herd; that at this time there were but six lame ones, caused, in our judgment, by driving over rough, stony ground; that at this time we could not discover any sign of fever among them, and that we recommend they be released from custody.
Mrs. Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Mrs. Henry Endicott departed on Tuesday’s train to make an indefinite visit to relatives in Shelby, Illinois.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
P. F. Endicott, at his brick yard, has just finished the burning of 100,000 good brick.
Henry C. Endicott, Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.
T. H. McLaughlin, Arkansas City Bank, Frank J. Hess, Wm. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, Landes, Beall & Co., Sanborn & Gordon, H. Endicott, A. Walton, J. A. McIntyre, I. D. Harkleroad, W. E. Gooch, F. W. Farrar, A. A. Wiley, R. A. Houghton, T. J. Gilbert, A. Campbell, G. W. Cunningham, Schiffbauer Bros., A. [?] Andrews [Not sure of first initial.], Fitch & Barron, S. Matlack, J. B. Nipp, A. A. Newman, James Hill, E. H. Parker, T. D. Richardson, Benedict & Owen, D. Warren, J. H. Sherburne, J. N. T. Gooch, Uriah Spray, Theo Fairclo, H. D. Kellogg, Ira Barnett, A. J. Chapel, S. F. George, G. W. Miller, P. F. Endicott, Jamison Vawter, Kimmel & Moore, N. C. Hinkley, L. McLaughlin.
Cass (C. C.) Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Cass Endicott kicked a light out of G. W. Miller & Co.’s show window last Saturday night. Later on in the evening someone threw a large stone, striking the sash and shivering several lights to atoms.
Cass (C. C.) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
A Disastrous Deed.
Last Saturday night week, about ten p.m., a party of men were passing in front of Geo. W. Miller & Co.’s Hardware Store on Summit Street when one of them deliberately kicked out one of the lights in the store door. Mr. Miller saw the act, and going out, suggested to Cass Endicott, who did the damage, that he pay 75 cents to replace the glass, which he very unwillingly did, and then went away. About 12 o’clock the same night a stone was thrown by someone, which broke one of the large window lights in the same store, and the night watchman claims he ran the sneaking coward into a house; but omits to give his reason for not following him and making an arrest, although he says he knows the man’s name. The “boss” conundrum of the hour is, “What good is a night watchman anyhow, who dares not or will not make an arrest?”
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
The next regular meeting of Creswell Lodge of A. F. & A. M. will be on the evening of Saturday, December 6th, at which time officers will be elected for the ensuing year. The installation of officers elected will be on Dec. 20. The present officers of the lodge are:
James Ridenour, W. M.
Charles Hutchins, Sen. Warden.
Calvin Dean, Jr. Warden.
J. C. Topliff, Secretary.
H. P. Farrar, Treasurer.
James Benedict, Tyler.
H. Endicott, Senior Stewart.
J. K. Rogers, Junior Stewart.
Jacob Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
School Report.
To Editors Republican:
I have the pleasure of presenting for publication the names of those students who are on the Roll of Honor for the month ending November 28.
The requirements are as follows: the Attendance must be 100—that is, the student be neither absent nor tardy during the month. Deportment must be 100, and the Scholarship must average 90 percent at least.
Prof. Weir, in a few well chosen words, congratulated thirteen on their successful passing of the ordeal. He hoped—and could, with reason, believe—that it would be indicative of their success through life.
The following are the names, in the order of their standing.
Frank Barnett
Miss Carrie Rice
Edward Marshal
Wilford Edwards
Miss Tina Hollis
Jacob Endicott
Excerpt: Jacob Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Kansas Day.
Taylor’s stirring poem, “The Bison Track” was then read by Jacob Endicott. The reading evinced careful preparation.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Elections were held in the townships Tuesday for officers to serve for the ensuing year. The following is the result in Creswell.
CLERK: I. L. WADE, 86.
CONSTABLES: J. Coffey, 86; B. Summerville, 88.
ROAD OVERSEERS: 1) C. C. Holstein; 2) W. Abbott; 3) A. Goff; 4) W. Cunningham; 5) E. Bird; 6) I. N. Adams; 7) E. H. Aumann and J. W. Stansbury, tie vote.
Note: Article shows the name of “S. F. Endicott.” Am at a loss which Endicott this is about. MAW
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Several evenings since the alarm of mad dog was sounded near S. F. Endicott’s residence. Some five men gave chase to what they supposed to be a rabid canine. Some went on horseback. Mr. Endicott rode at breakneck speed to Mr. Tyner’s residence to give the alarm and to obtain Charley and his double-barrel shotgun’s assistance. Amid the cries of “Here he is,” “shoot him,” etc., the pursuers chased the dog over “hill and vale, through bramble and briar,” and finally shot him when they arrived at N. Kimmel’s residence. Now the trouble with the pursuers was to satisfy themselves that it was a mad dog. So Mr. Kimmel was made coroner and the pursuers the jury. A verdict was rendered that the dog was a dead one, and, perhaps, a mad one.
Henry C. Endicott buys a new residence...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
J. W. Hutchison sold his residence on Central Avenue last week to Henry Endicott. J. W. says he will board around awhile now, until he can build.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Township Elections.
Trustee. F. M. Vaught: 74. Washington Allen: 13. Treasurer. G. W. Ramage: 53. D. W. Ramage: 34. Clerk. J. L. Wade: 85. Justice of the Peace. T. C. Bird: 84. Washington Allen: 76. J. P. Close: 8. P. Endicott: 1.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
M. C. Copple purchased J. W. Hutchison’s residence last week; but has since disposed of it to Henry Endicott.
Endicott Building on North Summit Street sold, made into a lodge hall...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
The I. O. O. F.’s, A. O. U. W.’s, A. O. R. M.’s, and K. of L.’s, have purchased the Endicott Building on North Summit Street and will convert it into a lodge hall. They are preparing to file a charter, and they will then either make some extensive repairs or build a stone building, two stories, with a large hall above and a store room below.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.
Henry Endicott juror fees: $49.60
Harkleroad and Endicott hills???...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
Felix Cooley and George Jones have contracted to work the hills known as the Harkleroad and Endicott hills. This will be a grand convenience to our farmers and the traveling public.
Henry C. Endicott and wife sell property to Patrick F. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
H. C. Endicott and wife to P. Endicott, e ½ of s ½ s e ¼, 31 34 4 east, $650.00
Hank (Henry C.) Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
“Hank” Endicott, several days ago, purchased a team and wagon and went west. He spent fifteen days in rambling over that country, and finally traded his team for a house and lot in Ashland. He came home in time to vote.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
The Wellington Standard faberizes the fact that Henry Endicott, a resident of Arkansas City and an uncle of Will Mann, of the firm of Frantz, Mann & Co., paid this city a visit this week, being his first for many years. Mr. Endicott is one of the pioneers of Southern Kansas, having chased the buffalo over this part when the great city of Wellington was yet numbered with the unknown, and of course the magnificent buildings in almost endless number, called forth much praise and admiration.
Henry C. Endicott buys McLaughlin Bros. grocery store...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
The McLaughlin Bros., have sold out their grocery store to Henry Endicott, and the last named took possession on Monday. Mr. Endicott is one of the old settlers of this valley, and has been associated with the store as salesman for the recent owners. He is known to our citizens, and is certain to secure a fair share of their patronage.
Henry C. Endicott becomes partner of Snyder & Hutchison...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.
14 SUBURBAN Residence Lots, containing 5 Acres each, in DUNCAN’s ADDITION, North Arkansas City. These are very desirable lots, and will be sold very cheap and on easy terms.
TEN ACRES of good land only one-half mile from City; splendid place for a small fruit farm. Will sell for $700; $400 cash, balance in one year at 10 percent.
Five acres south of Arkansas City; good new frame house; good well and lots all improved and fenced.
TWO LOTS and a fair house and barn on North Summit Street. Good location for business house.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and wife, sell property...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Henry Endicott and wife to Directors of Arkansas City Fraternity Association: H. D. Kellogg, et al, lot 5, block 67, Arkansas City: $1,200
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
Jake Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Last Sunday morning Jake Endicott mounted a pony, in the south part of town, to take a ride. The pony was wild and had never been broken; it became unmanageable and ran into a barb wire fence with Jake. His leg received a severe gash about six inches in length and the pony was so badly cut up that it was thought it would die for several days. Jake was unable to walk for several days, but he is now getting better.
C. C. (?) Endicott. Article states “Caswell Endicott.”...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Caswell Endicott to William Cox, lot 6 blk 67, Ark City, quit claim: $1
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
E. W. Campton, who came here from Earlham, Iowa, last week, is stationed at Henry Endicott’s grocery establishment. Girls, he is unmarried, although we stated, in our last issue, that he had a family. It was a mistake on the part of the “callow editor of the REPUBLICAN.”
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Also a full line of Queensware and Glassware.
Call on me at McLaughlin Bros. Old Stand and I will sell you goods at prices that will make you come again. Respectfully, HENRY ENDICOTT.
Excerpt: Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
The Kansas Millers Practically Tested by the Arkansas River Navigation
Company and a Cargo of Interested Citizens, Grain, Etc.
Our Elongated Scribe Sandwiched In.
Cowley’s New Steamer A Big Success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The Navigation Company has divided its capital stock into 110 shares of $100 each. They were opened for subscriptions from those on the boat, and well on to $5,000, the amount necessary to construct the barges, was subscribed by H. D. Kellogg, J. H. Sparks, Ira Barnett, Herman Godehard, T. R. Houghton, Snyder & Hutchison, H. O. Meigs, Peter Pearson, Henry Endicott, Frick Bros., Wagner & Howard, S. F. George, C. H. Burroughs, A. V. Alexander, Mayor Schiffbauer, George Cunningham, Kimmel & Moore, Judge Sumner, and others. All were enthusiastic over the success, so far, of navigating the river.
Jake Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
T. J. Mitts had Jake Endicott arrested for driving over his boy July 4. The action came to trial last Friday before Judge Bryant and the defendant came out clear.
C. C. (Caswell) Endicott...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Caswell C Endicott to Sewell P Channell et al, lot 9, blk 67, A C, q-c: $1.00.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Endicott completed the twentieth year of their married life on Monday, and in the evening a large number of their friends paid a visit to their residence to congratulate them on this anniversary of their wedded bliss. The house was thrown open to the reception of this party of merry makers, and a happy time was enjoyed, the Arkansas City Serenade club discoursing some of their excellent music. Henry Endicott and his estimable wife rank among the old settlers of the Arkansas valley, and have won the esteem of the whole community. This visit from a whole houseful of friends was but a testimonial of the regard in which the pair are held. The party was bountifully entertained, and the most cordial sentiments were expressed on both sides. As a fitting memento an elegant set of china was presented, Rev. Mr. Buckner making a short and fitting address. The TRAVELER joins with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Endicott in wishing that these anniversaries may be repeated until they attain the fulfillment of their golden wedding.
George P. Endicott, receives land from Thomas H. Tyner...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Thomas H Tyner et ux to George P Endicott, lot 9, 10, and 11, blk 182, A C: $200.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
Twenty years ago last Monday was the wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Endicott. In the evening at their residence a large number of their friends congregated to celebrate this long period of happy married life. The guests were handsomely entertained and the event was a most enjoyable one. An elegant set of chinaware was presented to the couple by the guests, Rev. N. S. Buckner making the presentation speech.
Patrick F. Endicott and wife...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
P. F. Endicott and lady were up from Arkansas City Thursday.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Have now on hand 200,000 first class brick at their yard
See their sign at the Gate on the road leading to the South Bridge.
George Endicott: buys land from Thomas H. Tyner...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Thomas H Tyner et ux to George Endicott, lots 6 and 7, blk 179, Tyner’s ad to A C: $725.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
James Hill et al to P F Endicott, nw qr 31-34-4e: $210.
J. C. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
B. H. Meigs, F. E. Barnett, J. C. Endicott, and Theo. Fairclo were among the Arkansas City fellows drawn Tuesday by the elephant and trapeze girl.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Ira Barnett et ux to Henry Endicott, hf of 1½ acres in se qr se qr, 36-34-3e: $125.
Mrs. Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
The Exposition.
The above is the title chosen by the ladies of the M. E. Aid Society for their entertainments, which commenced Wednesday, and continued day and evening, concluding last evening. Although the word exposition sounds rather metropolitan, and suggests a New Orleans or a Chicago World’s Fair display; yet, notwithstanding, the REPUBLICAN representative was surprised at the extent and real merit of the display. But before entering the exposition, the gatekeeper must have noticed our famished appearance, and suggested dinner; upon which hint we started in the direction indicated. Being seated, and with the sight and scent of delicacies in all directions, a lady drew near and remarked “ticket.” Bro. Hoffman had anticipated this emergency, for earlier in the day he had placed in our emaciated hand the little paste board inscribed with the word “dinner.” The situation then, was money, ticket, or no dinner; and we then realized how absolutely necessary it was to produce the ticket. We found it, and immediately commenced on Mondamin. Bro. Lockley was not so nearly famished as we, and seemed determined to have nothing to do with Mondamin until he had found out its origin, so plied guests and attendants with questions. When last noticed he was brandishing knife and fork with a dexterity and abandon that betokened destruction to Mondamin. Bob. Hutchison said he could only be spared an hour from the store; but he not only consumed the hour but everything else in his reach. Being near him, we feared the management would blame us also, so while his attention was directed toward a big corn pone, we “glid.” The dinner was excellent. Under the guidance of Mrs. Henry Endicott, we made the tour of the exposition proper. And by the way, Mrs. Endicott can discourse on the relics and curiosities like a museum attendant. The collection consisted of newspapers and books dating back 200 years, old and curiously shaped dishes, ancient coins, revolutionary relics, and all kinds of curiosities with a whole history attached, while others have no other interest than that they have been family heirlooms for hundreds of years. An old wedding dress, Mrs. Ochs’ great-great-grandmother’s, is said to be 233 years old. Mrs. Boudle also has an interesting collection. Mr. Eldridge’s Mexican collection is fine. But space will not permit to notice the many articles of real merit. The concert which was to have come off last evening has been indefinitely postponed on account of sickness of several of the performers. The exposition was a success financially and otherwise.
S. T. Endicott? [Samuel T. Endicott?]...
Arkansas City Republican, October 10, 1885.
Items from School District No. 32.
S. T. Endicott says he don’t want any more hogs. Seven hogs for $125, he says, is too steep. It makes Sam feel bad to pay such prices.
Cass [C. C.] Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 17, 1885.
Items from District No. 32.
Cass Endicott recently purchased a span of mules, paying $300 for them. After owning them a short time, he noticed one was ailing. He immediately procured a Veterinary Surgeon, who according to the law, pronounced that there was nothing the matter. Wednesday, Cass dragged his mule’s hip off. Cause: glanders.
Henry C. Endicott’s grocery house...
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
Wednesday afternoon a team belonging to T. D. Richardson ran away. It started from in front of G. B. Shaw & Co.’s lumber yard, where it was standing, and came south on Summit Street at a break-neck speed until they arrived in front of Henry Endicott’s grocery house, where they collided with A. Bookwalter’s team and wagon. Mr. Richardson’s team was hitched to his well drill apparatus, which is very heavy, and when the team struck the rear end of Mr. Bookwalter’s wagon, both were thrown several feet into the air. Both wagons were considerably damaged, especially Mr. Bookwalter’s. As soon as the collision occurred, Mr. Bookwalter’s team broke loose and went dashing down Summit street. It was stopped before any further damage was done, after running about four blocks. No one was injured. The horses were somewhat scared, and the wagons were smashed to smithereens.
H. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
In accordance with a notice to that effect, a meeting was held in Masonic Hall Wednesday evening for the purpose of instituting a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, Past Grand Master, Wm. Cowgill, presiding. Mrs. Linnie A. Thompson was chosen Worthy Matron; Jas. Ridenour, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Matilda Bird, Worthy Associate Matron; Mrs. Mary Hess, Secretary; and Mrs. Hattie Gooch, Treasurer. After several votes on a name, it was decided to call it “Myrtle Chapter.”
The Worthy Matron then appointed the following officers.
Conductor, Cornelius Chapel.
Associate Conductor, Etta Kingsbury.
Warden, Minnie Huey.
Laura Chinn, Adah.
Olive Mantor, Ruth.
Eva Woodin, Esther.
May Newman, Martha.
Elected, Maggie Pickering.
Sentinel, H. Endicott.
On motion it was decided to hold the regular meetings of this chapter on the second Wednesday of each month. There were 62 charter members. After remarks by Bros. Cowgill and Bonsall, the chapter was closed to meet on Wednesday.
S. J. Endicott???...
Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.
WANTED. To trade 100 head of cattle for as many or fewer cats. The cats must be guaranteed to be “death on mice,” and must be brought by responsible parties. S. J. Endicott.
Henry C. Endicott: sells stock of groceries to R. A. Houghton...
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
R. A. Houghton & Co., have purchased the grocery stock of Henry Endicott. The trade was consummated Monday. Messrs. Houghton & Co., are now conducting the two stores, and will until March 10, when the stocks will be combined, and placed in the room formerly occupied by Mr. Endicott. Elsewhere in one of our columns this firm advertises a big reduction in prices of groceries; queensware and glassware being sold at cost.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
REMOVAL! Having purchased the stock of groceries of Henry Endicott, we, in order to reduce our stock, will offer goods at the following low price for cash only.
All package coffee 15 cents per lb.
Granulated Sugar 12 lbs. for $1.00.
Good Light Brown Sugar 13½ lbs. for $1.00.
All Standard Tobaccos 45½ cents per lb.
Hominy 30 lbs. for $1.00.
Rice 12 lbs. for $1.00.
Dried Apples 17 lbs. for $1.00.
All other groceries at lowest possible price.
Entire stock of Queensware and Glassware will be closed out at actual cost.
Come and see us until March 10, 1886, at J. W. Hutchison & Sons old stand; after that date at McLaughlin Bros. Old Stand. Respectfully,
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
C. E. Salisbury & Co., have leased the south room under Highland Opera House and will open up their mammoth boot and shoe store about March 15. At present the room is occupied by R. A. Houghton & Co., who will remove to the Endicott room March 10. Messrs. Salisbury & Co., will have the room remodeled and repainted. Al. Mowry, of Bolton Township, has rented his farm and will remove to town to assist Salisbury & Co., as salesman.
Samuel T. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
Stock Notes.
C. M. Scott purchased one hundred yearling steers of Samuel Endicott, offered for sale a few weeks since, and last week purchased Joe Garris’ yearling steers and heifers, paying $10 and $13 per head.
Patrick F. Endicott still making brick...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
Have now on hand 200,000 first class brick at their yard One Mile south of Town.
See their sign at the Gate on the road leading to the South Bridge.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
Henry Endicott desires all parties knowing themselves to be indebted to him to call at F. J. Hess’ real estate office and settle.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
R. A. Houghton & Co., have combined the stocks of their two stores. They will now be found at Hank Endicott’s old stand.
Henry C. Endicott: connected now with F. J. Hess real estate...
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Henry Endicott sold his 5 acres south of town for $1,000. Hank is quite a rustler in real estate, having made a number of sales since being connected with the office of F. J. Hess.
Patrick F. and wife, Henry C. and wife, Henry C. Endicott, Sr., George P. Endicott, C. C. Endicott, at Tyner residence...
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
China Wedding.
Rev. Buckner and wife, P. F. Endicott and wife, H. C. Endicott and wife, L. Baugh and wife, D. G. Carder and wife, A. J. Carder and wife, E. H. Carder and wife, C. L. Roup and wife, Uriah Spray and wife, Amos Spray and wife, E. J. Fitch and wife, Joe Garris and wife, H. C. Endicott, Sr., G. P. Endicott, Harry Getner, John Moyer, E. W. Compton, and C. C. Endicott assembled at the residence of T. H. Tyner in the second ward and assisted Mr. and Mrs. Tyner in celebrating the twentieth anniversary of their married life. The guests presented them with a set of china dishes, Rev. Buckner making the presentation speech. With them the visitors brought refreshments and at the proper hour a bounteous lap supper was spread. All persons enjoyed themselves hugely. Mr. and Mrs. Tyner return their thanks for this neighborly treat.
Master Charles Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
Master Chas. Endicott has been quite sick this week.
Samuel T. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
Sam Endicott started for Arizona Tuesday with 350 head of cattle. He takes them for grazing purposes.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
J. L. Howard traded Hank Endicott three horses for a cottage on North Summit street.
Hank (Henry C. Endicott) going west...
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
Hank Endicott goes west Monday. He goes to Larned first and will locate in that vicinity.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
New School House.
The contract for the new school building was let Monday evening by the school board to the following parties.
Baer & Endicott was awarded the contract for the brick work; their bid was $2,108.
Hank (Henry C. Endicott) cottage sold...
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
J. L. Howard sold the Hank Endicott cottage on North Summit Street Tuesday to Mary E. Cavin. The consideration was $350.
Samuel T. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
The Jail Delivery.
Last Monday night at about 9 o’clock, the first successful jail delivery was effected in Cowley County at Winfield. The prisoners, not usually locked in their cells till 9 or 9:30 o’clock, were at large in the jail corridor. Sheriff McIntire and Deputy Joe Church had just gone uptown, when the prisoners rapped on the iron door of the jail and called for water. Jailor Tom H. Herrod and Deputy Henry A. Champlain remained at the jail to attend the prisoners. They went to answer the summons, Champlain guarding with his revolver for any emergency, when Herrod opened the door. It was opened only about one foot when five of the prisoners made the break for liberty. Chas. Swift, the leader of the gang, convicted of forgery last week, grabbed Herrod and pulled him in while Bill Matney, a U. S. prisoner for horse stealing in the Territory, gave him a blow on the top of the head with a bed slat that stunned him and he fell back against the door sill. Before he fell, Champlain couldn’t shoot for fear of hitting Herrod, but as soon as he was knocked down, the guard opened fire with his revolver. Wm. P. Bennett, whose conviction for counterfeiting was scarcely four hours old, grabbed the door low down and was in the act of slamming it wide open when a ball from Champlain’s 45 took him in the groin, ranged upward, severed the main artery, and without uttering a word, he whirled around, sank down by a cell door, and in three minutes had bled to death. The shot was paralyzing. The smoke from the first shot blinded the guard, but he blazed away again; whether the shot took effect or not is unknown. Swift sprang forward, belted Champlain a blow on the head with a bed slat, momentarily stunning him. The final dash was made and before Champlain could gather himself, four of the prisoners were out. Three of them went between the jail and Finch’s house, and the deputy followed them with the remaining bullets in his revolver. Another went around the west side of the jail and jumped the fence southwest of the courthouse. Sheriff McIntire was on the scene in a few minutes, organized a posse, and made hot pursuit though the cloudy darkness gave the criminals every advantage. Marshal Gray and Capt. Rarick were telephoned and they also got out a squad of searchers. None of the fugitives were found until Wednesday when Chas. Swift and David Wiggins were captured in the vicinity of Dexter. Wednesday night Bill Matney was captured. He was caught at the Chilocco Indian Schools in the Territory by Sam Endicott. Marshal Gray took the prisoners to Winfield Thursday morning. Those who escaped were: Chas. Swift, convicted last week of forging the name of J. T. Stinson to a $15 check and passing it on J. B. Lynn. Bill Matney has been in jail for two months awaiting a trial before the U. S. Court, for horse stealing in the Territory. John David Wiggins was convicted last Friday of manufacturing and circulating counterfeit silver dollars. He was arrested at Atlanta two months ago, with his “kit” of tools with him in a “grip.” W. P. Bennett, who was killed, was an assistant of Wiggins in the counterfeiting business. James Whitehead was a horse thief. There were several other prisoners in the corridor, but they made no attempt to get out. The latter has not been captured.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.
Meeting of the School Board.
There was a meeting of the school board on Monday, the 19th last, at which a slight breeze was blown up. The president of the board, before that body convened, suggested that a secret session be held, but no such resolution was adopted by the board. In the early part of the session, William Gall, the architect of the proposed schoolhouse, entered the room, but was requested by the president to retire, as the board was in secret session. He made a hasty exit. Others also entered, who on receiving a similar notification, also made themselves scarce. Finally Prof. Weir presented himself, and was requested by Rev. Witt to retire; but that gentleman thought he had a right to be present, so he took his seat and remained there during the meeting. Some delay in the work will be caused by this bluff practice on Mr. Gall, as it is his duty to notify the contractors whose bids have been received of the fact. He naturally feels annoyed, and says the next time he is invited to leave a meeting he has a right to attend, he will know what authority he is dealing with.
The following are the bids that were accepted.
J. E. Beck & Co., basement complete, $595.70.
Baer & Endicott, brick in walls, $2,108.
H. H. Hyatt, carpenter work, $1,100.
G. W. Lacey, lathing and plastering, $650.
George Haysel, cut stone, $413.
G. B. Shaw & Co., lumber, $2,125.
Ferguson & Thomas, painting, $340.
Howard Bros. Hardware, $90.
G. W. Miller, tinwork, $28.42.
Total (exclusive of nails): $7,450.12
Measures will be taken to condemn the site for the building in the second ward.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
The plans for the business block on South Summit Street are also ready, to consist of four stores with 100 feet front, and to be built by David Carder, A. A. Newman, T. H. Tyner, and Baer & Endicott. The site of these buildings will be just south of the Monumental Hotel, and will form an important addition to our business facilities.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Building Notes.
Work began last week on two of the four business houses to be erected on the block south of the Monumental Hotel. Baer & Endicott and A. A. Newman lead in this good work.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
On South Summit Street—Six Business Rooms to Be Constructed Immediately.
This morning a representative of the DAILY REPUBLICAN caught on to a big building scheme. P. F. Endicott, E. Carder, Thos. Tyner, Thos. Kimmel, W. F. Moore, J. F. Hoffman, and A. A. Newman have entered into an agreement to erect a handsome business block of six rooms, on lots south of the Burroughs’s block. Work is to be commenced in a few days. The block is to be two stories high and 100 feet deep with basements under the entire block. Storerooms are in demand in Arkansas City. As rapidly as they can be built, they are occupied. The building of these six business houses will aid very much in supplying the demand. It will be but a short time until Summit street will be lined all the way to the canal with handsome stone and brick business blocks.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Real Estate Transfers of Monday and Tuesday.
P. F. Endicott to A. A. Newman, T. H. McLaughlin, et al, 100 acres, $15,000.
George Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Campbell Duncan, L. F. Abernethy, E. G. Magill, and Geo. Endicott returned from a trip to Wichita Monday, where they had been as delegates, sent by the Y. M. C. A. of this city, to attend the annual district convention of the association of Southwestern Kansas. Our boys were treated handsomely by the Wichita Y. M. C. A. The next convocation will be held in Arkansas City in all possibility.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Next Tuesday the work on the six brick store buildings, which are to be erected on lots south of the Monumental Hotel, will commence. The contracts are being let now for the work. The block is to be 150 x 100 feet, and the builders are E. H. Carder, Tom Tyner, J. F. Hoffman, A. A. Newman, P. F. Endicott, W. E. Moore, and Thos. Kimmell.
Mrs. Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. Henry Endicott is visiting in the city from Ashland.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mrs. Henry Endicott has a slight attack of malaria.
George Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Geo. Endicott presented the REPUBLICAN with a mammoth watermelon yesterday. It was elegant and we will be George’s friend the remainder of life.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Seven lots in the second ward belonging to Dr. C. R. Fowler and F. E. Balyeat, were sold yesterday to P. F. Endicott and David Baer, for $2,300. These gentlemen will each commence to erect soon a handsome two-story brick residence.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
Have now on hand 200,000 first-class brick at their yard One Mile south of Town.
See their sign at the Gate on the road leading to the South Bridge.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The State Line surveyors started in on the first highway east of the Santa Fe stockyard and which leads to the mills. They cross the canal near Endicott’s residence, passing along the north side of the brick yard and crossing the Walnut below the mills.
Jake (J. C.) Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Jake Endicott came in from Clark County yesterday to visit friends and attend to business matters.
George Endicott, Jake Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Geo. Endicott and Jake Endicott are gone to Fort Scott to attend college.
Hank (Henry C.) Endicott property sold to Dr. Vawter and Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
This morning the Hank Endicott property, a house and four lots on Central Avenue, were sold to Dr. Jamison Vawter and P. F. Endicott for $5,500.
Hank (Henry C.) Endicott visits from Clark County...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Jovial Hank Endicott came into the city yesterday on a visit, bearing the soil of Clark County upon his pedal extremities.
Mrs. Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. Henry Endicott, who has been visiting relatives at Wellington, has joined her husband, who is visiting old time friends in this city.
Hank (Henry C) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
Hank Endicott has been spending a few days in town to renew acquaintances with his many friends. He is now living near Ashland, which he describes as a fine country, but he misses the stir and elan of his former dwelling place.
Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
P. F. Endicott tells us that one evening this week a bay pony with white face strayed into his premises. It had on a bridle and saddle. Mr. Endicott removed the saddle and tied the pony up. In the morning the animal was gone and Mr. Endicott does not know whether the animal was stolen or broke loose.
Henry C. Endicott, Sr...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
H. Endicott, Sr., sold his two acres of land across the Santa Fe this morning to Uriah Spray for $6,000 per the agency of Lowe, Hoffman & Barron.
Patrick F. Endicott sells his interest in brick business...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
David Bear has purchased the interest of P. F. Endicott in the brick business.
(?) Endicott property sold for $44,250...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Central Avenue is on a boom. Miss Kate Van Sickle sold a lot to S. Dower for $2,000 this morning. The Endicott property was also sold for $44,250. Lowe, Hoffman & Barron made the sales.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Uriah Spray and family have removed into the Endicott property, across the railroad, which they lately purchased.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. E. Young and R. E. McMurray, of California, have concluded there was no better place than Arkansas City for a brick yard. They have tested the clay and find it excellent. They have leased the old Endicott yard and will commence the manufacture of brick this or next week. Mr. Young was in the city today and made the arrangements. He went up to Wichita to meet his partner, who is expected to return there from a visit to Indianapolis. These gentlemen have plenty of capital and will make plenty of brick. They will also make brick for the fronts of buildings.
Patrick F. Endicott and O. P. Houghton buy Priest farm...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
S. C. Priest, north of the city, has sold his 120 acre farm to O. P. Houghton and P. F. Endicott for $6,000.
Jake Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Jake Endicott has rented the room vacated by A. G. Heitkam and will open up a fruit stand.
J. P. (Jake?) Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
J. P. Endicott has returned from Ft. Scott, where he has been attending school.
[Note: According to the 1893 Arkansas City listing of Endicott families, it appears that Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and his spouse, “Lou,” were again living in Arkansas City.]