C. C. “Cass” Endicott
April 5, 2002
Dear Bill,
I am sending three files covering Endicott family members.
This has been one of the most difficult files that I have ever worked on.
Poor Kay gave up and never did finish it.
It appears to me that “Between the Rivers” really goofed up royally in printing the reminiscences of Patrick F. Endicott, oldest son of Henry C. Endicott, Sr. It appears to me that Patrick (probably in his dotage) wanted to take a lot of credit for being part of the Norton party. I have very serious doubts that he ever was a participant. Think he and the rest of the Endicott family came “SOONER” than Norton party.
Files being sent:
First One (on which I am outlining all three) accattlemen\EndicottCC.wpd
Second One accattlemen\EndicottHenryC,Jr.wpd
Third One fam\Endicott.wpd
Son of Henry C. Endicott, Sr.
[For a time worked as a cattleman.]
The Endicott family is covered in another file.
From it I have retraced what I can about C. C. Endicott, known as “Cass” Endicott.
A census taken in Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875, reflects that C. C. Endicott, who became known as “Cass” Endicott, age 28, born in Indiana, came from Illinois.
[Note: The proper name for C. C. Endicott remains in some doubt. He was at times noted in legal items appearing in the newspapers “Cresswell C. Endicott” and at other times as “Caswell Endicott.”
Endicott, C. C., 27. No spouse listed.
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
C. C. Endicott 28 m w Indiana Illinois
Endicott, C. C. No spouse listed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
The storm of last Sunday night impeded Cass. Endicott’s cattle and two were killed by lightning.
Cass and Sam Endicott...
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
Sale. Cass and Sam Endicott sold their cattle last week to Mead, of Wichita, for $20 per head, numbering fifty-one head. They were large and fat.
Cass Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
DEPUTY U. S. MARSHAL R. L. WALKER has been for several days engaged in ferreting out the illicit distilling of liquor near this place, and on Sunday last found where the still had been, and arrested Wm. Magee as one of the parties connected with it. Magee was brought to town and confined at the Central Avenue hotel. On Monday morning, about three o’clock, he asked to go out, pretending to be sick. Mr. Walker gave his consent, telling Mr. Magee to leave his boots and hat. Magee left them, and in his shirt and pants, made a run toward the Arkansas bridge, getting so much of a start that the Sheriff did not overtake him. The still, we are informed, was on Cass Endicott’s farm, but had not been there a great while. Not long ago it was on Grouse Creek, and by this time there is no telling where it is. It seems the parties connected with it moved it about from place to place, and located it where they chose, without the knowledge of the owners of the land. It remains to be proven whether even Magee was in any manner connected with it. The efforts of the Sheriff, however, have resulted in stopping its work in Cowley County.
Samuel Endicott, Mrs. (?) Endicott, Henry Endicott, Cass Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Mr. and Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. J. Nichols, Mrs. N. Shaw, Mrs. Horn, Samuel Endicott, H. Carder, Ida Grimes, Katy Myers, Mrs. DeMott, Mrs. Pepper, R. Carder.
Mr. & Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Fitch, Charles Swarts, Harvey Grimes, Mrs. McMullen, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Hoffmaster, Mrs. Endicott, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, Wm. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Godehard, Mr. & Mrs. Purdy, Mr. & Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. Morgan.
Henry Endicott, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Bowers, C. Endicott.
The post office will be conducted by H. Carder, C. Endicott, Mowrie Bowers, Miss Kennedy.
Excerpts: Cass Endicott, Samuel Endicott, Endicott boys...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877; February 28, 1877.
Fort Sill, Wichita, Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Agencies.
Tuesday morning we left Wichita Agency for Fort Sill. After we had traveled about five miles, we met George Shearer, Jerome Hilton, Charles Peters, and E. Worther, and at noon we came to where a number more were camped for dinner, on Killpecker Creek, to wit: Frank Hutchinson, A. W. Patterson, Walt Dolby, H. S. Adams, Hank Nelson, Ross Merrick, Cass Endicott, Sam Endicott, John Tolles, Buck Wintin, Frank Wintin, Jack Martin, Frank Johnson, Wagstaff, Jim Burrell, and Benj. Harberson. Hank Nelson had met with an accident and had his arm in a sling, having been thrown from his wagon while trying to get ahead of someone. We were the invited guests of Ross Merrick, and partook readily of his “sow belly,” biscuit, and what the boys called “bovine” gravy. The rain fell in chunks while we were at dinner, and the meal was stowed away as soon as possible.
We had proceeded but a few miles from our dining place when a fearful storm arose, accompanied by rain. Being anxious to get home, we kept on until our overcoats were soaked with water. A cold north wind with hail and snow then set in, and our faces were beaten blue with hail stones, and coats frozen on our backs, before we reached timber and a good camping place.
In camp we soon had a good fire, dried our clothes, and made our bed in the wagon, and were soon warm and fast asleep, notwithstanding we had been told that the Endicott boys had been murdered and scalped by Indians a few days before, near the same place. We were then in the treacherous Osage country, and used discretion accordingly, although we had no apprehensions of trouble.
Cass Endicott and Dick Rosey...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
PUEBLO, COL., June 7th, 1877.
As we journeyed up the Arkansas River to Dodge City, we saw a great deal of wheat, good as any I ever saw. Dodge City is a lively little town, as well as a hard one. It is in the valley near Fort Dodge. Has near 250 inhabitants, with 17 houses of ill fame and 3 dance houses, where regular soldiers and cow boys, as well as citizens, take their spite out in shooting one another. I was told that there were over 200 persons buried there, and only 5 died of natural death.
Traveling through the eastern portion of Colorado, one can see many towns, which once were lively, but today are dead; Pueblo one among the rest. Pueblo once claimed near 5,000 inhabitants, but the rush to the mining districts hurt her. Property which four years ago could have been sold for $7,000 sold the other day for $2,500. A person can rent a nice brick residence in town for $5 or $6 per month.
Many who come to this country leave their families in Pueblo and vicinity and go on to the mines, as everything is cheap here and they can keep their families for half what they can in the mountains. Goods are as cheap here as they are in Kansas. Best flour, five dollars per hundred; coffee, 3½ pounds per dollar; bacon sells at 13 cents per pound, and everything else in proportion. Dry goods are a good deal cheaper here than they are in Kansas.
Now let me say something about the mines. Doubtless, they are rich in all their mineral properties, but on account of their being mostly owned by poor men who are not able to buy a sufficient amount of machinery which they should have, they cannot give work to more than half of the people who are immigrating there at the present time. Taking Colorado all over, it is a poor place for a poor man. It is entirely overdone by poor men.
Lake City, among many other towns in the mines, has at present 800 or 1,000 men without money or work. Those who can get work for their board are doing so, while many are stealing. Hundreds are leaving and hundreds are coming in.
Colorado is a poor place for a poor man to come to at present. All those who can stay in Kansas and make their board, had better stay, for they can’t make anything here. I think in the course of a year or two, when the mines get developed, it will be a good place for a laboring man, but it is running over with laboring men now.
I started to Colorado from Cowley County last April, where I had been living since 1870. I had the intention of making Colorado my home and haven’t changed my mind yet. I like the country as well as I expected, and think Colorado is the healthiest country I was ever in. That is the reason why I expect to make it my home.
Rosy [Rosey] and Cass Endicott are well satisfied with the country, also Coburn and Jay.
Cass Endicott and Dick Rosey...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
DICK ROSEY and CASS ENDICOTT are back from the San Juan mining country. They expect to go back in the spring.
Cass Endicott, Richard Rosey, and E. B. Kager...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
E. B. KAGER, Richard Rosey, and Cass Endicott started to Colorado yesterday morning.
Cass [Cresswell C. Endicott]...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.
STATE OF KANSAS, COWLEY COUNTY, In the District Court, in said County and State.
To Cresswell C. Endicott, Defendant above named.
YOU are hereby notified that you have been sued by the above named Plaintiff, J. C. McMullen, in the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of Kansas, sitting in and for Cowley County, in the State of Kansas, and that the said Plaintiff on the 15th day of February, A. D. 1879, filed his petition in the above named Court demanding Judgment against you the said Defendant, Cresswell C. Endicott, for the sum of Seven Hundred and Thirty-four and Fifty-nine Hundredths Dollars, with interest at the rate of Twelve per cent per Annum from February 15, 1878, on $684.55 thereof and on $25.80 thereof from June 12th, 1878, and from February 12th, 1879, on $24.24 thereof; and that a certain mortgage given by you, the said Defendant, to the Plaintiff, of the South West Quarter of Section Thirty-five, in Township Thirty-four South of Range Four East, in Cowley County, Kansas, be foreclosed; the said lands and tenements ordered to be sold, and the proceeds arising from said sale be applied First, To the payment of all costs. Second. To the payment of the debt due this Plaintiff, including taxes and for such further relief as Plaintiff is entitled to. You are hereby further notified that unless you answer said petition on or before the 4th day of April, A. D. 1879, the said petition will be taken as true, and Judgment rendered against you according to the demands of said petition. PRYOR & PRYOR, Plaintiff’s Attorneys.
Attest, E. S. Bedilion, Clerk of District Court. [SEAL.]
Cass Endicott and Dick Rosey...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
Our old friend, Dick Rosa [Rosey], is in a good position in Leadville. Cass Endicott is having steady work and good pay.
Cass [C. C. Endicott]...
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the May, A. D. 1879, term of the District Court of Cowley County, beginning on the first Monday in May, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
J. C. McMullen vs. C. C. Endicott et al.
C. C. Endicott [called Casswell in article.]...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.
We hear that Casswell Endicott has struck it rich in the mines of Colorado.
Cass Endicott, Sam Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
A report was industriously circulated one day last week that Cass Endicott and his partners had disposed of their mine in Colorado for the snug sum of $100,000. Upon inquiry we found that there was no foundation for the story other than a letter claimed to have been written by some irresponsible party, and we are inclined to believe with Sam Endicott—that if there had been anything in it, he would have known it as soon as an outsider.
Cass [C. C.] Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Richard Woolsey, known in the olden days as “Uncle Dick,” and C. C. Endicott returned to our city on Monday evening last.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Cass Endicott, living about six miles east of this place, has had three unbranded calves taken from his pasture field and stolen, within the last two months. It will be well enough to keep a lookout for such thieves.
C. C. Endicott, Range Master for R. A. Houghton.
Cass (C. C. Endicott)...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 9, 1884.
R. A. HOUGHTON. Postoffice address: Arkansas City, Kansas, OR, C. C. ENDICOTT, range manager, Oakland Agency, Indian Territory. Range on the Nez Perce reservation.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
R. A. HOUGHTON. Post office address: Arkansas City, Kansas, OR C. C. ENDICOTT, range manager. (Oakland Agency, Indian Territory).
Illustration shows H with a line from middle of H to upper right of steer depicted. Another illustration shows a + and V on side of cattle.
OTHER BRANDS: [looks like a T with a small bar at base of T that goes to the right]...on left side of hip and [A BAR] on right hip of most of them.
M C on right side and [half circle at base of F] left side.
Half circle over the letter R right side of hip.
Cass (C. C.) Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Cass Endicott kicked a light out of G. W. Miller & Co.’s show window last Saturday night. Later on in the evening someone threw a large stone, striking the sash and shivering several lights to atoms.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
A Disastrous Deed.
Last Saturday night week, about ten p.m., a party of men were passing in front of Geo. W. Miller & Co.’s Hardware Store on Summit Street when one of them deliberately kicked out one of the lights in the store door. Mr. Miller saw the act, and going out, suggested to Cass Endicott, who did the damage, that he pay 75 cents to replace the glass, which he very unwillingly did, and then went away. About 12 o’clock the same night a stone was thrown by someone, which broke one of the large window lights in the same store, and the night watchman claims he ran the sneaking coward into a house; but omits to give his reason for not following him and making an arrest, although he says he knows the man’s name. The “boss” conundrum of the hour is, “What good is a night watchman anyhow, who dares not or will not make an arrest?”
C. C. (?) Endicott. Article states “Caswell Endicott.”...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Caswell Endicott to William Cox, lot 6 blk 67, Ark City, quit claim: $1.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Caswell C Endicott to Sewell P Channell et al, lot 9, blk 67, A C, q-c: $1.00.
Cass [C. C.] Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 17, 1885.
Items from District No. 32.
Cass Endicott recently purchased a span of mules, paying $300 for them. After owning them a short time, he noticed one was ailing. He immediately procured a Veterinary Surgeon, who according to the law, pronounced that there was nothing the matter. Wednesday, Cass dragged his mule’s hip off. Cause: glanders.
Patrick F. and wife, Henry C. and wife, Henry C. Endicott, Sr., George P. Endicott, C. C. Endicott, at Tyner residence...
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
China Wedding.
Rev. Buckner and wife, P. F. Endicott and wife, H. C. Endicott and wife, L. Baugh and wife, D. G. Carder and wife, A. J. Carder and wife, E. H. Carder and wife, C. L. Roup and wife, Uriah Spray and wife, Amos Spray and wife, E. J. Fitch and wife, Joe Garris and wife, H. C. Endicott, Sr., G. P. Endicott, Harry Getner, John Moyer, E. W. Compton, and C. C. Endicott assembled at the residence of T. H. Tyner in the second ward and assisted Mr. and Mrs. Tyner in celebrating the twentieth anniversary of their married life. The guests presented them with a set of china dishes, Rev. Buckner making the presentation speech. With them the visitors brought refreshments and at the proper hour a bounteous lap supper was spread. All persons enjoyed themselves hugely. Mr. and Mrs. Tyner return their thanks for this neighborly treat.