Henry C. Endicott, Jr.
Members of Endicott Family Who Handled Cattle.
(Both Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and “Cass” Endicott Handled Cattle.)
Henry C. Endicott, Jr.
I have a file on the Endicott Families, one of the earliest families to settle in Cowley County. It turns out that one of the sons of Henry C. Endicott, Sr., was for a time involved in handling cattle. He was also involved in a number of activities in Arkansas City as well before he moved from there to Ashton, Clark County.
Another son, known as “Cass” Endicott, handled cattle for R. A. Houghton.
I have set the two Endicott cattlemen in separate files. MAW
Henry C. Endicott, Sr.’s second son was Henry C. Endicott, Jr., (often referred to as “Hank” Endicott), who moved with his wife, Lavinia, to Fall River, Greenwood County, Kansas.
The 1870 census shows that Henry C. Endicott, Jr., born in Indiana, was 29; and his wife, Lavinia, born in Illinois, was 26. They had three children, all born in Kansas: Jacob, 4; Larkin, 2, and James, who was born in February 1870.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr., born in Indiana, came from Illinois. His age in 1875 was listed at 33; his wife Lavinia, born in Illinois, was 30. They had three boys, all born in Kansas. They were Jacob C. Endicott, 8; J. C. [James], 7; and L. H. [Larkin], 6.
The younger Henry C. Endicott’s claim was bounded by Madison Avenue on the north, F Street on the west, Tyler Avenue on the south, and Summit Street on the east. Young Henry Endicott established the “City Meat Market” on Summit Street between Fifth Avenue and Central Avenue.
The following census covers Henry Endicott, Jr., and C. C. Endicott in 1875.
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Henry Endicott 33 m w Indiana Illinois
Lavinia Endicott 30 f w Illinois Illinois
Jacob C. Endicott 8 m w Kansas
L. H. Endicott 6 m w Kansas
J. C. Endicott 7 m w Kansas
(Hank) Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
MEAT SHOP. Henry Endicott has a meat shop in with R. A. Houghton & Co.’s grocery.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
HANK ENDICOTT will have an old-time Indiana shooting match at Harmon’s ford tomorrow morning. He has forty-four turkeys, which will be offered to the best shooters, regardless of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude. Terms and conditions will be agreed upon on the grounds, where all fun-lovers are expected to meet by 10 a.m.
Samuel Endicott, Mrs. (?) Endicott, Henry Endicott, Cass Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Mr. and Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. J. Nichols, Mrs. N. Shaw, Mrs. Horn, Samuel Endicott, H. Carder, Ida Grimes, Katy Myers, Mrs. DeMott, Mrs. Pepper, R. Carder.
Mr. & Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Fitch, Charles Swarts, Harvey Grimes, Mrs. McMullen, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Hoffmaster, Mrs. Endicott, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, Wm. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Godehard, Mr. & Mrs. Purdy, Mr. & Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. Morgan.
Henry Endicott, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Bowers, C. Endicott.
The post office will be conducted by H. Carder, C. Endicott, Mowrie Bowers, Miss Kennedy.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
The store house of Houghton & McLaughlin, south of the “Green Front,” has been turned into a meat shop. Henry Endicott, Proprietor.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1877.
On last Wednesday evening a man rode through this place on his way to Winfield, and gave the startling information that six freighters from this place had been killed by a mourning party of Osages while returning from Fort Sill. But few people gave the matter much thought that night, but the next morning, as the rumor spread and became more widely known, some of our citizens began to think there might be something in it, as it was known that the Chetopa mourning party had left the Agency.
Hank Endicott started for Caldwell in the morning, to learn more about it if possible, but meeting a man from that place who told him they had heard nothing of the rumor there, he returned, satisfied that the whole affair was a canard.
Friday evening A. A. Davis, one of the freighters, came in from the Territory, and relieved everybody by saying that all the boys were together, safe, and sound, and had seen no signs of redskins.
It is now plainly evident that the story was started by someone for a purpose of his own, and it may not be a very difficult matter to guess either the person or the purpose. The time has passed when the people along the border are to be easily frightened by plausible tales of Indian massacres, but the practice of inventing such rumors is one that cannot be too severely condemned. Rest assured the object will never be accomplished in that way.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
A Basket Picnic will be held in Captain Smith’s Grove, west of the Arkansas, on the Fourth of July. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The following committees have been appointed.
COMMITTEE ON VOCAL MUSIC: Estella Burnett, A. Lorry.
BAND: L. Herrick.
GROUNDS: C. J. Beck, S. Pepper, W. Linton, O. C. Smith, J. D. Guthrie, H. J. Donnelly.
AMUSEMENTS: Lyman Herrick, Henry Endicott Jr.
MARSHALS: J. K. Stevens, John Lewis.
Calithumpians will appear just before dinner, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1877.
WILD PLUMS. Parties who have been to the Territory after plums say that about thirty-five miles south of this place on the Salt Fork there is any quantity of them. Henry Endicott and three others gathered eighteen bushels in half a day, and he said he left two hundred bushels on the bushes in one patch.
Henry C. (Posey) Endicott, Jr., A. W. (Pat) Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
In another column will be found the advertisement of A. W. Patterson and Henry Endicott, proprietors of the “Farmer’s Meat Market.” They buy the best of animals and keep the best of beef. Anyone having yearling steers to sell can do well by calling on them. They want to buy one hundred head.
PAT & POSEY, Proprietors.
Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Constantly have on hand all kinds of meat. Highest cash price paid for hides, furs, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
MATCHED HORSES and mules for sale on time, or will trade for cattle or hogs.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr., buys meat market from Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
PAY YOUR BEEF BILLS. Having sold my entire interest in the meat market to Henry Endicott, I now want all parties indebted to the firm to call in and settle all they owe, or the accounts will be left with an officer for collection. A. W. PATTERSON.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
MATCHED HORSES and mules for sale on time, or will trade for cattle or hogs
(Hank) Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Hank Endicott has started a new meat market, and runs a delivery wagon in connection with the shop.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
LOST. On Sept. 18, at or near Henry Endicott’s meat market, two bills, one five and one $10. Finder will be paid one third for its return to this office. T. J. Harden.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1880.
Chester Loveland, for some time past employed in McLaughlin’s grocery, is now with Henry Endicott, the jovial butcher.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
Henry Endicott has purchased A. W. Patterson’s residence on Central Avenue, and will occupy the same himself in a short time.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
Henry Endicott bought a fine large six-year-old mare from Mr. J. M. Maxwell, on the street last Saturday, for $60.00.
Henry C. Endicott’s Involvement with Cattle Starts.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
We hear that Henry Endicott has sold his farm in East Bolton to a gentlemen from Colorado, who intends to use the same as a sheep farm. Mr. Endicott intends to go to Texas this spring to purchase cattle.
Henry Endicott: Endicott & Loveland Meat Market...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
Messrs. Rarick & Pickering and Ford & Berger have had a hand in the construction of a brand new wagon for Endicott & Loveland, of the city meat market, which new wagon may be seen on our streets, and speaks well for the mechanical skill of the builders.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Mr. A. A. Wiley was in town yesterday on his return from Texas, where he has been buying stock. He reports that Messrs. J. Smythia, H. Endicott, A. J. Gilbert, J. W. Ledlie, and James Henderson, with 1,100 head of cattle, are now on Deer creek, where they will be held till disposed of. Mr. Wiley was on his way to the Nation with supplies to establish a ranch.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Mr. H. Endicott returned from his trip to Texas last Friday. He, in conjunction with several others, brought up some 1,100 head of cattle, which will be held in the Territory until disposed of.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Hank Endicott has gone to Caldwell to purchase some stock for butchering purposes.
Henry Endicott: Endicott & Loveland Meat Market...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
For sale cheap. A good house and lot in Leonard’s addition. Will take a team in part payment; enquire at Endicott & Loveland’s meat market.
[Mr. and Mrs. Henry Endicott, Patrick F. Endicott, G. C. Cleveland, Indiana; and L. Calvert, Indiana, were among the visitors at Geuda Springs. This definitely ties Henry and Patrick together along with relatives visiting Patrick F. Endicott after the funeral of Mrs. Henry C. Endicott, Sr.]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
The following is a list of the visitors at the Geuda Springs Bath House for the week ending August 7, 1881:
H. Endicott and wife, Arkansas City.
P. Endicott, Arkansas City.
Mrs. Tyner, Arkansas City.
G. C. Cleveland, Indiana.
L. Calvert, Indiana.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881. Editorial Page.
The following is a list of the Old Soldiers of Creswell Township.
H. ENDICOTT B 115 Ills. Corporal
Henry Endicott no longer has meat market...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
Messrs. Endicott & Loveland no longer preside at the meat market. Gaskill & Patterson have taken their place.
Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
A. F. & A. M.
At the last regular meeting of Crescent Lodge, A. F. & A. M., the following were elected officers for the coming year.
W M: James Ridenour.
S W: W. D. Mowry.
J W: I. H. Bonsall.
Treasurer: H. P. Farrar
Sec: Dr. Loomis.
S D: Cal Swarts.
J D: C. Hutchins.
S S: J. C. Pickering.
J S: H. Endicott.
Tyler: [LEFT BLANK].
Hank (Henry C.) Endicott, Jr.: Texas trip. [Not clear if it pertained to cattle]...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
Hank Endicott has returned to the city from his Texas trip and is just about as happy as of old.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Two of Mrs. Henry Harbaugh’s old schoolmates, Mrs. Henry Endicott, of Arkansas City, and Mrs. Nancy Buford, of Illinois, have been visiting her this week, reciting reminiscences of girlhood days and comparing their respective success in life since they ceased annoying the master with their girlish pranks in the school room.
Henry (?) Endicott and new partner, Gibby???...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Endicott & Gibby is the name of the proprietors of our boss meat market.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Messrs. Endicott & Gibby came to the front this week with an “ad” to the effect that they are now running the meat market lately owned by Bishop & Gaskill. For full particulars see elsewhere.
AD: ENDICOTT & GIBBY, MEAT MARKET -Keep the best- FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS, Poultry, Game and Fish in season. Summit St., Arkansas City.
We take the greatest care in the selection of beeves and stock for market, and are prepared at all times to furnish our customers with the very best.
Farmers who have choice stock for sale, please call on us. Cash paid for hides.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Mr. H. Endicott has sold his residence and purchased lots for the erection of a new one.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Frank Hess sold the Henry Endicott house to W. B. Kirkpatrick of Saybrook, Illinois, brother of A. E. and G. Kirkpatrick. Mr. Kirkpatrick intends going into business here and will be a valuable acquisition to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Crescent Lodge A. F. & A. M.
The following gentlemen were elected as officers for the coming year in Crescent Lodge No. 133, A. F. & A. M.
James Ridenour, W. M.; O. S. Rarick, S. W.; C. L. Swarts, J. W.; H. P. Farrar, Treas.; F. P. Schiffbauer, Sec. The appointed officers for the ensuing year are:
C. Hutchins, S. D.; J. C. Pickering, J. D.; H. Endicott, S. S.; J. R. Rogers, J. S.; Geo. O. Allen, Tyler.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and Gibby...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
ENDICOTT & GIBBY, MEAT MARKET. Keep the best Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Game, and Fish in season. Summit Street, Arkansas City. We take the greatest care in the selection of beeves and stock for market, and are prepared at all times to furnish our customers with the very best. Farmers who have CHOICE STOCK for sale please call on us. Cash Paid for Hides. ENDICOTT & GIBBY.
Henry Endicott’s new residence...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
H. Endicott’s new residence is rapidly nearing completion, and the exterior is now resplendent with paint. A. Harnly is the artist, and is doing himself credit as a house painter.
Henry Endicott: Endicott and Gibby meat market...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Messrs. Gibby & Endicott’s meat market, and Green & Snyder’s real estate office bask in the shade of a brand new awning since last week.
Henry (Hank) Endicott: fire destroys slaughter house...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1883.
Messrs. Gibby & Endicott’s slaughter house burned down yesterday and now Hank’s around looking like a deacon and swearing the firms a lost community if their customers don’t seddle dose leedle pills righd away. Do’d id.
Henry C. Endicott: new partner, Barnett...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
As will be seen by notice in another column, our city meat market will be run in the future by Messrs. Endicott & Barnett, the latter gentleman having bought out Wm. Gibby’s interest in the business. In connection with a meat market the present proprietors will buy and ship cattle and hogs, of which our farmer readers will please make a note. Mr. Barnett will attend mainly to buying and shipping, while Mr. Endicott will continue in the market, where he has become deservedly popular.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, lately doing business at the City Meat Market under the firm name of Gibby & Endicott, have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent, Mr. Gibby having sold out his interest to Mr. Ira Barnett and business will be continued at the old stand by Messrs. Endicott & Barnett.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
During the sickness of our popular meat merchant, Ira Barnett, Mr. J. C. Loveland will aid Mr. H. C. Endicott in distributing meat to the public.
Henry C. Endicott & Barnett...
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
Messrs. Endicott & Barnett returned Thursday from Kansas City, to which point they shipped several carloads of hogs this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Endicott & Barnett have sold their prosperous meat market to McDowell Brothers, who will continue the business at the old stand.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and Ira Barnett: Cattlemen.
Henry C. Endicott & Barnett...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Our cattle men, Endicott & Barnett, are rustlers in their line, as the special train of 23 cars of fat stock which left this place for Kansas City yesterday morning will testify. The stock were owned by different parties, but to the energy of the above named gentlemen, this large shipment at one time is due.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
Arrest of the Stevens-Mills Cattle.
Complaint having been made to F. P. Schiffbauer, justice of the peace of Creswell Township, that a herd of fevered cattle were within the state, the justice notified the county attorney, who ordered Deputy Sheriff Rarick to take charge of the same and hold them until they could be inspected as provided by law in article 9, chapter 105, of the general statutes, which relates to Texas cattle.
The justice thereupon appointed C. G. Thompson, C. M. Scott, and Henry Endicott as an investigating committee, who proceeded to the east part of town, where the cattle were held, and after examination submitted the following report.
We, the undersigned board of inspectors, appointed to inspect the cattle under charge of Deputy Sheriff Rarick, as fevered cattle, held on complaint of S. C. Murphy, have to say that we proceeded to where the cattle were, and found that they were the property of W. M. Stevens, of Coffeyville, Kansas, and A. Mills, of Chetopa, Kansas, and numbered 1,020 head, that 800 of them were shipped from Mississippi in February, 1884, and 220 head were shipped from the same state in April last; that the 800 were wintered in Labette County, within this state, and all the number, 1,020, held on Russell Creek, Indian Territory, two miles below the state line; that there had been but three deaths, where held, and no cattle had died from fever in their neighborhood; that they had not been in contact with fevered cattle, and that the 25 graded bulls turned in this spring were still living in the herd; that at this time there were but six lame ones, caused, in our judgment, by driving over rough, stony ground; that at this time we could not discover any sign of fever among them, and that we recommend they be released from custody.
Mrs. Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Mrs. Henry Endicott departed on Tuesday’s train to make an indefinite visit to relatives in Shelby, Illinois.
Henry C. Endicott, Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.
T. H. McLaughlin, Arkansas City Bank, Frank J. Hess, Wm. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, Landes, Beall & Co., Sanborn & Gordon, H. Endicott, A. Walton, J. A. McIntyre, I. D. Harkleroad, W. E. Gooch, F. W. Farrar, A. A. Wiley, R. A. Houghton, T. J. Gilbert, A. Campbell, G. W. Cunningham, Schiffbauer Bros., A. [?] Andrews [Not sure of first initial.], Fitch & Barron, S. Matlack, J. B. Nipp, A. A. Newman, James Hill, E. H. Parker, T. D. Richardson, Benedict & Owen, D. Warren, J. H. Sherburne, J. N. T. Gooch, Uriah Spray, Theo Fairclo, H. D. Kellogg, Ira Barnett, A. J. Chapel, S. F. George, G. W. Miller, P. F. Endicott, Jamison Vawter, Kimmel & Moore, N. C. Hinkley, L. McLaughlin.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
The next regular meeting of Creswell Lodge of A. F. & A. M. will be on the evening of Saturday, December 6th, at which time officers will be elected for the ensuing year. The installation of officers elected will be on Dec. 20. The present officers of the lodge are:
James Ridenour, W. M.
Charles Hutchins, Sen. Warden.
Calvin Dean, Jr. Warden.
J. C. Topliff, Secretary.
H. P. Farrar, Treasurer.
James Benedict, Tyler.
H. Endicott, Senior Stewart.
J. K. Rogers, Junior Stewart.
Henry C. Endicott buys a new residence...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
J. W. Hutchison sold his residence on Central Avenue last week to Henry Endicott. J. W. says he will board around awhile now, until he can build.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
M. C. Copple purchased J. W. Hutchison’s residence last week; but has since disposed of it to Henry Endicott.
Endicott Building on North Summit Street sold, made into a lodge hall...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
The I. O. O. F.’s, A. O. U. W.’s, A. O. R. M.’s, and K. of L.’s, have purchased the Endicott Building on North Summit Street and will convert it into a lodge hall. They are preparing to file a charter, and they will then either make some extensive repairs or build a stone building, two stories, with a large hall above and a store room below.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.
Henry Endicott juror fees: $49.60
Henry C. Endicott and wife sell property to Patrick F. Endicott...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
H. C. Endicott and wife to P. Endicott, e ½ of s ½ s e ¼, 31 34 4 east, $650.00
Hank (Henry C.) Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
“Hank” Endicott, several days ago, purchased a team and wagon and went west. He spent fifteen days in rambling over that country, and finally traded his team for a house and lot in Ashland. He came home in time to vote.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
The Wellington Standard faberizes the fact that Henry Endicott, a resident of Arkansas City and an uncle of Will Mann, of the firm of Frantz, Mann & Co., paid this city a visit this week, being his first for many years. Mr. Endicott is one of the pioneers of Southern Kansas, having chased the buffalo over this part when the great city of Wellington was yet numbered with the unknown, and of course the magnificent buildings in almost endless number, called forth much praise and admiration.
Henry C. Endicott buys McLaughlin Bros. grocery store...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
The McLaughlin Bros., have sold out their grocery store to Henry Endicott, and the last named took possession on Monday. Mr. Endicott is one of the old settlers of this valley, and has been associated with the store as salesman for the recent owners. He is known to our citizens, and is certain to secure a fair share of their patronage.
Henry C. Endicott becomes partner of Snyder & Hutchison...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.
14 SUBURBAN Residence Lots, containing 5 Acres each, in DUNCAN’s ADDITION, North Arkansas City. These are very desirable lots, and will be sold very cheap and on easy terms.
TEN ACRES of good land only one-half mile from City; splendid place for a small fruit farm. Will sell for $700; $400 cash, balance in one year at 10 percent.
Five acres south of Arkansas City; good new frame house; good well and lots all improved and fenced.
TWO LOTS and a fair house and barn on North Summit Street. Good location for business house.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and wife, sell property...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Henry Endicott and wife to Directors of Arkansas City Fraternity Association: H. D. Kellogg, et al, lot 5, block 67, Arkansas City: $1,200
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
E. W. Campton, who came here from Earlham, Iowa, last week, is stationed at Henry Endicott’s grocery establishment. Girls, he is unmarried, although we stated, in our last issue, that he had a family. It was a mistake on the part of the “callow editor of the REPUBLICAN.”
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Also a full line of Queensware and Glassware.
Call on me at McLaughlin Bros. Old Stand and I will sell you goods at prices that will make you come again. Respectfully, HENRY ENDICOTT.
Excerpt: Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
The Kansas Millers Practically Tested by the Arkansas River Navigation
Company and a Cargo of Interested Citizens, Grain, Etc.
Our Elongated Scribe Sandwiched In.
Cowley’s New Steamer A Big Success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The Navigation Company has divided its capital stock into 110 shares of $100 each. They were opened for subscriptions from those on the boat, and well on to $5,000, the amount necessary to construct the barges, was subscribed by H. D. Kellogg, J. H. Sparks, Ira Barnett, Herman Godehard, T. R. Houghton, Snyder & Hutchison, H. O. Meigs, Peter Pearson, Henry Endicott, Frick Bros., Wagner & Howard, S. F. George, C. H. Burroughs, A. V. Alexander, Mayor Schiffbauer, George Cunningham, Kimmel & Moore, Judge Sumner, and others. All were enthusiastic over the success, so far, of navigating the river.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Endicott completed the twentieth year of their married life on Monday, and in the evening a large number of their friends paid a visit to their residence to congratulate them on this anniversary of their wedded bliss. The house was thrown open to the reception of this party of merry makers, and a happy time was enjoyed, the Arkansas City Serenade club discoursing some of their excellent music. Henry Endicott and his estimable wife rank among the old settlers of the Arkansas valley, and have won the esteem of the whole community. This visit from a whole houseful of friends was but a testimonial of the regard in which the pair are held. The party was bountifully entertained, and the most cordial sentiments were expressed on both sides. As a fitting memento an elegant set of china was presented, Rev. Mr. Buckner making a short and fitting address. The TRAVELER joins with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Endicott in wishing that these anniversaries may be repeated until they attain the fulfillment of their golden wedding.
Henry C. Endicott, Jr...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Ira Barnett et ux to Henry Endicott, hf of 1½ acres in se qr se qr, 36-34-3e: $125.
Mrs. Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
The Exposition.
The above is the title chosen by the ladies of the M. E. Aid Society for their entertainments, which commenced Wednesday, and continued day and evening, concluding last evening. Although the word exposition sounds rather metropolitan, and suggests a New Orleans or a Chicago World’s Fair display; yet, notwithstanding, the REPUBLICAN representative was surprised at the extent and real merit of the display. But before entering the exposition, the gatekeeper must have noticed our famished appearance, and suggested dinner; upon which hint we started in the direction indicated. Being seated, and with the sight and scent of delicacies in all directions, a lady drew near and remarked “ticket.” Bro. Hoffman had anticipated this emergency, for earlier in the day he had placed in our emaciated hand the little paste board inscribed with the word “dinner.” The situation then, was money, ticket, or no dinner; and we then realized how absolutely necessary it was to produce the ticket. We found it, and immediately commenced on Mondamin. Bro. Lockley was not so nearly famished as we, and seemed determined to have nothing to do with Mondamin until he had found out its origin, so plied guests and attendants with questions. When last noticed he was brandishing knife and fork with a dexterity and abandon that betokened destruction to Mondamin. Bob. Hutchison said he could only be spared an hour from the store; but he not only consumed the hour but everything else in his reach. Being near him, we feared the management would blame us also, so while his attention was directed toward a big corn pone, we “glid.” The dinner was excellent. Under the guidance of Mrs. Henry Endicott, we made the tour of the exposition proper. And by the way, Mrs. Endicott can discourse on the relics and curiosities like a museum attendant. The collection consisted of newspapers and books dating back 200 years, old and curiously shaped dishes, ancient coins, revolutionary relics, and all kinds of curiosities with a whole history attached, while others have no other interest than that they have been family heirlooms for hundreds of years. An old wedding dress, Mrs. Ochs’ great-great-grandmother’s, is said to be 233 years old. Mrs. Boudle also has an interesting collection. Mr. Eldridge’s Mexican collection is fine. But space will not permit to notice the many articles of real merit. The concert which was to have come off last evening has been indefinitely postponed on account of sickness of several of the performers. The exposition was a success financially and otherwise.
Henry C. Endicott’s grocery house...
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
Wednesday afternoon a team belonging to T. D. Richardson ran away. It started from in front of G. B. Shaw & Co.’s lumber yard, where it was standing, and came south on Summit Street at a break-neck speed until they arrived in front of Henry Endicott’s grocery house, where they collided with A. Bookwalter’s team and wagon. Mr. Richardson’s team was hitched to his well drill apparatus, which is very heavy, and when the team struck the rear end of Mr. Bookwalter’s wagon, both were thrown several feet into the air. Both wagons were considerably damaged, especially Mr. Bookwalter’s. As soon as the collision occurred, Mr. Bookwalter’s team broke loose and went dashing down Summit street. It was stopped before any further damage was done, after running about four blocks. No one was injured. The horses were somewhat scared, and the wagons were smashed to smithereens.
H. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
In accordance with a notice to that effect, a meeting was held in Masonic Hall Wednesday evening for the purpose of instituting a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, Past Grand Master, Wm. Cowgill, presiding. Mrs. Linnie A. Thompson was chosen Worthy Matron; Jas. Ridenour, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Matilda Bird, Worthy Associate Matron; Mrs. Mary Hess, Secretary; and Mrs. Hattie Gooch, Treasurer. After several votes on a name, it was decided to call it “Myrtle Chapter.”
The Worthy Matron then appointed the following officers.
Conductor, Cornelius Chapel.
Associate Conductor, Etta Kingsbury.
Warden, Minnie Huey.
Laura Chinn, Adah.
Olive Mantor, Ruth.
Eva Woodin, Esther.
May Newman, Martha.
Elected, Maggie Pickering.
Sentinel, H. Endicott.
On motion it was decided to hold the regular meetings of this chapter on the second Wednesday of each month. There were 62 charter members. After remarks by Bros. Cowgill and Bonsall, the chapter was closed to meet on Wednesday.
Henry C. Endicott: sells stock of groceries to R. A. Houghton...
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
R. A. Houghton & Co., have purchased the grocery stock of Henry Endicott. The trade was consummated Monday. Messrs. Houghton & Co., are now conducting the two stores, and will until March 10, when the stocks will be combined, and placed in the room formerly occupied by Mr. Endicott. Elsewhere in one of our columns this firm advertises a big reduction in prices of groceries; queensware and glassware being sold at cost.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
Henry Endicott desires all parties knowing themselves to be indebted to him to call at F. J. Hess’ real estate office and settle.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
R. A. Houghton & Co., have combined the stocks of their two stores. They will now be found at Hank Endicott’s old stand.
Henry C. Endicott: connected now with F. J. Hess real estate...
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Henry Endicott sold his 5 acres south of town for $1,000. Hank is quite a rustler in real estate, having made a number of sales since being connected with the office of F. J. Hess.
Patrick F. and wife, Henry C. and wife, Henry C. Endicott, Sr., George P. Endicott, C. C. Endicott [Cresswell C.], at Tyner residence...
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
China Wedding.
Rev. Buckner and wife, P. F. Endicott and wife, H. C. Endicott and wife, L. Baugh and wife, D. G. Carder and wife, A. J. Carder and wife, E. H. Carder and wife, C. L. Roup and wife, Uriah Spray and wife, Amos Spray and wife, E. J. Fitch and wife, Joe Garris and wife, H. C. Endicott, Sr., G. P. Endicott, Harry Getner, John Moyer, E. W. Compton, and C. C. Endicott assembled at the residence of T. H. Tyner in the second ward and assisted Mr. and Mrs. Tyner in celebrating the twentieth anniversary of their married life. The guests presented them with a set of china dishes, Rev. Buckner making the presentation speech. With them the visitors brought refreshments and at the proper hour a bounteous lap supper was spread. All persons enjoyed themselves hugely. Mr. and Mrs. Tyner return their thanks for this neighborly treat.
Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
J. L. Howard traded Hank Endicott three horses for a cottage on North Summit street.
Hank (Henry C. Endicott) going west...
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
Hank Endicott goes west Monday. He goes to Larned first and will locate in that vicinity.
Hank (Henry C. Endicott) cottage sold...
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
J. L. Howard sold the Hank Endicott cottage on North Summit Street Tuesday to Mary E. Cavin. The consideration was $350.
Mrs. Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. Henry Endicott is visiting in the city from Ashland.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mrs. Henry Endicott has a slight attack of malaria.
Hank (Henry C.) Endicott property sold to Dr. Vawter and Patrick F. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
This morning the Hank Endicott property, a house and four lots on Central Avenue, were sold to Dr. Jamison Vawter and P. F. Endicott for $5,500.
Hank (Henry C.) Endicott visits from Clark County...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Jovial Hank Endicott came into the city yesterday on a visit, bearing the soil of Clark County upon his pedal extremities.
Mrs. Henry C. Endicott...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. Henry Endicott, who has been visiting relatives at Wellington, has joined her husband, who is visiting old time friends in this city.
Hank (Henry C) Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
Hank Endicott has been spending a few days in town to renew acquaintances with his many friends. He is now living near Ashland, which he describes as a fine country, but he misses the stir and elan of his former dwelling place.
[Note: According to the 1893 Arkansas City listing of Endicott families, it appears that Henry C. Endicott, Jr., and his spouse, “Lou,” were again living in Arkansas City.]