James Fahey [Known as
"Mickey Jim"]


[Stage Driver. Later Saloon Owner.]
James Fahey, 41; spouse, Mary, 31.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1877.
TOMMY YOUNG has been a driver on Tisdale’s stage line for seven years. Within the past few months he has not enjoyed very good health, and has taken a “lay-off” of a few months to recruit.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1877.
New stage driver in Tommy Young’s place.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1877.
“Micky” Jim—the stage driver from Wichita to El Paso—was seriously hurt on Tuesday of last week in crossing the bridge over the little creek at the Dutch Ranche, some few miles this side of Wichita. He was driving his four horses and the heavy coach. The leaders getting frightened backed off the bridge, pulling the whole outfit after them. The horses were all more or less injured, and the coach smashed into flinders. “Micky” went down with the coach and horses, and sustained very serious injuries—his arm being broken and his back badly hurt. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
“Mickey Jim,” the stage driver between El Paso and Wichita, was stopped by a masked man on Monday night and asked if he had any passengers. He replied, “No.” The robber then looked in the stage and told him to drive on. This is “Jim’s” story, and will have to be taken for what it is worth.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mickey Jim, the driver of the El Paso and southern stage, was a short distance north of the first named place, last Wednesday evening, confronted by a masked highwayman. Whatever the robber’s intentions, all hostile demonstrations suddenly waned before the prospects of a determined resistance upon the part of the guardian of Uncle Sam’s mail pouches, who goes armed to the teeth, and who would like no better fun than hauling to the post office an extra male and, even if he had to defunct him before bagging. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.

Last Wednesday evening as the El Paso stage was passing a point half way between this city [Wichita] and El Paso, the driver noticed a large spotted dog with a black head standing near the road. The driver called the attention of the passengers to the animal and they requested that the stage should be stopped upon getting up to the spot. The stage stopped and Charley Allen, of St. Louis, got out, pistol in hand, and when he got near enough the animal started down a ravine, and immediately after a man sprang from a depression and started off in the same direction as the dog. Suspicion was aroused that the individual was concealed there for the purpose of highway robbery. It was about the locality of the robberies of last week, and the successful result of his operations has, perhaps, encouraged him to repeat his rascality. More than ordinary vigilance should be used to see that this thing is nipped in the bud. Success of one will encourage others in the same endeavors, and in a short time our roads will be dangerous to travel after night. We would advise all to go prepared for these knights of the road. The dog is described as a very large animal, peculiar in his appearance, with black spots on his sides and black head. Who owns such a dog? Find the dog and spot the master—on his head. Beacon.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
Almost every man who has traveled in Southern Kansas, knows or has heard of “Mickey Jim,” the stage driver. James Fahey has driven stages for the past twenty years in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, and Colorado. We have seen him come into Emporia when it was longing for a railroad. And again at Newton, El Dorado, and finally Wichita. He has been upset on the coach; pitched over bridges; and had his limbs broken time and again; yet he lives, and is now one of Winfield’s quiet citizens, dealing fermented spirits over the bar at the National Saloon. He has had a somewhat remarkable experience, and in his own way is a remarkable man. Many will be surprised to learn that James Fahey has left the stage line.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 25, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: In reply to a communication in your columns last week, dated 17, 1878, and signed by the Committee on Saloon License, I have this to say:
On the evening of the 15th of April Jos. Likowski and Jay Page presented to the city council their petitions asking for dramshop license. On that evening the committee on saloon licenses was appointed and those two petitions referred to it for examination. On the afternoon of the next day the committee examined those two petitions, and by the courtesy of that committee and at the request of the temperance committee, it was agreed that I should be present at such examination. I was present, and expressed myself satisfied with the manner in which the examination was made; but the two petitions were on the same evening referred by the council back to the parties who presented them that they might procure additional names, and they were not again presented until the evening of the 22nd day of April.
At this meeting of the council the petition of James Fahey for dramshop license was for the first time presented, and the temperance committee presented a census of the competent petitioners residing within the corporate limits of the city, taken by three of our citizens and sworn to by them to be correct, asking the committee to examine the petitions in connection with such census, stating that the petitions to be legal should be signed by a majority of the persons named in said census and requesting that if the committee found any names on the petition who were in fact competent petitioners that they add them to the census, and thereby form a basis from which to determine whether or not the petitions contained a majority of the competent petitioners of the city.
On the same evening the two petitions before examined, and the petition of James Fahey for the first time presented, together with the census, were again referred to the committee. They took them and retired for private consultation, and in a very short time they returned to the council chamber and made their report favorable to the granting of the saloon licenses, which was accordingly done.

The petition of James Fahey was said to contain about 400 names; the census contained 769 names besides the additional names that had been procured to the petitions of Page and Likowski.
I desire to make no comments, but the above is a true statement of the facts.
Very respectfully, HENRY E. ASP.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
WINFIELD, July 30th, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Please allow me to make known through your paper that I am wronged.
Last Saturday as I was sitting in the National Saloon, I was thrown upon the floor by one of the proprietors and struck several times, until Mr. Felix and John Beard rescued me from him. I had interfered to prevent a friend of mine from spending his money foolishly.
The marshal was sent for, who came and took me to the calaboose. On Monday I had a hearing before Judge Boyer on the charge of being drunk and my fine and costs were fixed at $7.50. I objected to the payment and was taken back to the jail. I would be allowed 50 cents a day to work it out on the streets and that would take me fifteen days to work it out.
I faired well enough for my dinner and supper, but was locked in a cell for the night. I had for my breakfast only two cuts of bread and a pint of water. I was told by Mr. Finch that he was doing as he was ordered by the city and that they intended to give me hell.
I did not know that I had so many enemies in the city. If I have wronged or insulted anyone in this town, I ask his pardon. I appoint Archie Stewart, Sheriff Harter, and Mr. Jackson to see Mr. Felix and his partner, and John Beard, and find out if I am right or wrong. If I am wrong, I will pay my fine; but if I am right, I will rot in jail before I will pay one cent.
Respectfully, DENNIS LYNCH.
We give room for Mr. Lynch’s complaint because it is respectful in tone and we know it is possible that some error may have been committed and that he may have suffered wrong. Of course, the judgment of the court is prima facie against him. We think if he is wronged, the city authorities will, when convinced of the fact, cause his release. We should advise him and his friends to keep out of the saloons, and then there will be little danger of suffering such wrongs or getting into the calaboose to be fed on bread and water. He is probably in error about what Mr. Finch said.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
We are informed that at the suggestion of Acting Mayor Wood, card tables have been abolished from the saloons of the city. This we believe to be a good move, both on the part of the city and the saloon men, as nearly every difficulty that has occurred has been over a game of cards. This is, we understand, a mutual agreement between the city and the saloon men.
James Fahey called as witness by defense for L. J. Webb...
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Trial of L. J. Webb at Wichita.

Further testimony for the defense from Burt Covert, G. L. Walker, James Fahey, P. Hill, A. H. Green, R. F. Baldwin, Ed. Bedilion, and Dr. W. R. Davis corroborated Herndon in relation to the wild and insane appearance, the convulsive twitching movements of the throat, head, and shoulders of the defendant immediately before and subsequent to the shooting; also showed the finding of some small bottles and vials in the counter used by Page in his saloon; that these vials were taken from the counter sometime after the shooting and preserved with their contents and are the same that are now exhibited in court; and the testimony of Drs. Davis, Rothrock, and Furley showed that these vials contained opium, nux vomica, and India hemp, and that these compounded and administered would produce the symptoms described in the defendant and would produce insanity.
The jury than examined the indentation which is apparent on defendant’s head. From inspection it appeared that a considerable portion of the skull had been formerly removed, and that the left side of the skull is pressed in upon the brain.
The medical gentlemen testified that such is a frequent cause of insanity, and that any person thus afflicted was extremely liable to mental derangement or insanity in any unusual excitement, or the excessive use of intoxicating liquors, or of such drugs as had been found in the vials.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Notice Mr. Hoenscheidt’s call for sealed proposals. The building is to be 25 x 50 feet, two stories and a basement, to be built of brick, and will be a fine building.
Sealed Proposals
For the labor to be performed and materials to be furnished in the erection of a brick and stone building, 25 x 50 feet, 2 stories high, with basement, to be built at Winfield for Mr. James Fahey, will be received by the undersigned, by whom plans and specifications can be seen. The right to reject any and all proposals presented will be reserved by
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
  Jas. Fahey, residence, frame: $800.00.
Jas. Fahey, saloon, brick: $2,500.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
James Fahey has begun the erection of a stone and brick building on Ninth Avenue, east of Main Street.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
The excavation for James Fahey’s new building is completed and the building will now be pushed forward as rapidly as the weather will permit.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
Joe. Likowski.
James Fahey.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
License, Saloon: $900.00
  License, Billiards and ten-pins: $67.50

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Mr. James Fahey opened his new brick billiard hall with a grand hurrah last Friday evening. He has fitted it up in first-class style, and intends to make it one of the best places in southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
Pratt & Plank have erected a neat sign which will direct any of our people needing their fire-arms repaired to the shop in the basement of Fahey’s saloon.
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the adjourned December, 1879 term of the district court, beginning on Monday, the 15th day of January, 1880.
   CRIMINAL DOCKET. - 1st day.
State vs. James Fahey.
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the adjourned December, A. D. 1879, term of the district court of Cowley county, beginning on the 4th Monday, February 23, 1880, and have been placed on the trial docket in the following order.
State vs. James Fahey.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
We would like to know who was mean enough to steal the collection which was taken up to pay the eloquent temperance lecturer the other night and spend it at Fahey’s saloon setting up the drinks for the crowd.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
James Fahey was arrested yesterday for retailing liquor in violation of law. His examination is set for today. The case will be better understood after reading the editorial on the matter in another column. The city authorities are trying to do their duty in the matter.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
The Daily Telegram of the 16th states that last week Monday, James Fahey was convicted of selling intoxicating liquors on Sunday, and sentenced to pay a fine and costs, thereby acknowl­edging the justice of the conviction and sentence. It then quotes the following as a section of the city ordinance copied from the dram shop act in the laws of the State.
Any person who shall keep open any dram shop, whether licensed or unlicensed, or who shall sell or retail any vinous, fermented, distilled, or intoxicating liquors, on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, the Fourth of July, or any election day, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00, or be imprisoned not less than ten nor more than thirty days or both such fine and imprisonment. If such person is licensed as a dram shop keeper, he shall in addition, forfeit his license, and shall not be permitted to obtain a license within two years next after conviction.
The Telegram states that Fahey has clearly forfeited his license and is now retailing liquor without a license, and is liable to be fined for every glass of liquor he sells and to have his house closed up as a nuisance, and says:

It is clearly the duty of the City Attorney to at once proceed against Fahey for keeping a dram shop in violation of city ordinances, and to cause his house to be closed.
The inference is that the City Attorney is neglecting his duty.
We wish to call the attention of our readers to the fact that the City Attorney is the creature of the City Council, and his duties are simply to advise the city officers and attend to such legal business as the City Council shall call upon him to perform, that the City Marshal is the executive officer of the Mayor and City Council, and the proper person to execute the ordinance and orders of the City Council. It happens that the City Attorney is a Republican; the City Marshal, the Mayor, and all the City Council, but one, are Democrats. This accounts for the attempt to fasten on the City Attorney the onus of neglect of duty.
We have not examined the matter; but on behalf of the people of the City and County, we demand of the Mayor and Council that they examine into and attend to it promptly, and see that the laws and ordinances are strictly enforced.
While this was a city of the third class, those who present­ed honest petitions of a majority of the citizens both male and female and in all other respects complied with the law, were entitled by law to receive licenses to retail liquors, and we did not oppose them; but we are satisfied that even then some persons obtained licenses by fraudulent means which we condemn as vile outrages. But this was not sufficient, for it was a great deal of trouble to get up petitions that could by any pretense be made to answer the law; therefore, a plan was adopted to do away with petitions altogether by incorporating as a city of the second class.
This Democratic measure was effected contrary to the wishes of the best men in the city and of a majority of its citizens, sacrificing many other important interests, making a fearful muddle of the township debt, all to enable dealers to obtain licenses without legal petitions. Since this was effected with such fearful costs, we now demand that retailers be held to the strict letter of the law and be punished promptly for every violation, and we do not doubt that every Republican in the city is with us. The Republicans believe in an honest and strict enforcement of the law and the Republican City Attorney will do his whole duty in the premises.
It must be borne in mind, however, that in all such cases unless the Marshal catches the accused in the act, there must be a prosecuting witness who will make the complaint, and there must be witnesses to prove the violation of the law, and it is the duty of good citizens as well as the Marshal, Mayor, and Council­men, to furnish the evidence.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
Last Friday the court granted an appeal on the Fahey saloon cases. They will be tried at the December term of the district court. The saloon was opened Saturday.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D. 1880.
James Fahey vs. W. M. Boyer, Police Judge.
City of Winfield vs. James Fahey. [2 cases]
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Arch Stewart has rented Jas. Fahey’s building, and will fit it up for a restaurant.

Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Jas. Fahey returned from the west Friday. He has purchased property in Albuquerque, and will open a wholesale liquor store there.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
Theo Miller, R. Ehret, Jos. Whiteman, Frank Manny, John Himelspach, James Fahey, Frank Merrill, Stephen O’Lane, Theo R. Timme, Thos. H. Benning, E. A. Henthorn, Geo. Miller, B. M. Terrill, Joe R. Smith, A. W. Patterson, Harry Bahntge, David Harter, A. H. Green, Barney Shriver, Thos. Wright, Sid S. Major, W. A. Gibbs, S. S. Moore, Geo. Corwin, Ed G. Cole, A. Hatfield, ___ Squires, John Custer, Wayne Bitting, Ed Appling, Ed Howell, S. R. Walcott, W. L. Mullen, H. Jochems, James Allen, L. J. Webb, Ed Collins, Sol Frazier, R. Ehret, Major F. Moss, Geo. Haywood, E. B. Weitzel, Allison Toops, Willie Fogg, Alex May.
Winfield Courier, September 29, 1881.
Mr. James Fahey returned from New Mexico and spent several days with his family. We have an idea from what we can hear that Jim is largely interested in the coal deposits of that territory.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Mr. James Fahey came in from New Mexico last week and will spend the holidays with his family.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
James Fahey has a bonanza in the western part of New Mexico on the St. Louis & San Francisco road. It consists of four sections of land all underlaid with a vein of coal from four to five feet thick. He is already delivering 30 tons a day at a profit of $1.75 per ton net, and will soon deliver 100 tons per day. If he can continue to make such a profit until his estimated 5,000,000 tons of coal are exhausted, he will be tolerably well heeled.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
Speed’s henchman, the German youth who has been making fun for the boys and girls too, has gone away and his absence is felt by many. He did not stay here long. Ed. (we do not know his last name) is about 18 years old; and has been in this country about seven weeks, and during that time has learned to converse freely in the English language, though when he has become excit­ed, or was obliged to swear, always relied upon his mother tongue; and in either case, it never failed him.
The boy is a wandering wonder and his written life would read like an overdrawn story. Perfectly unfamiliar with American manners and ideas, seemingly oblivious to all restraint, but not particularly vicious or mean, he has since he has been here, wandered as free as air, guided by nothing but a devil in him as big as a house. There has been nothing desperate, daring, or great in his doings, but the multiplicity of the scrapes he has gotten into is astonishing, and when his character is appreciat­ed, are ludicrous in the extreme.

The boy is by no means bad looking; he is full of animal spirits, joking and cutting up with everybody he knows. Though young he is a musical genius, and plays on any instrument on which he can get his fingers. In Germany he must have been the same devilish boy, for his usual method of extorting money from his mother was by threatening to hang himself if it was not forthcoming. About two months ago he sailed from his fatherland for the home of the brave. He departed with a mother’s blessing, an accordion, a violin, a mouth organ, and a gun, and one hundred dollars in money.
A few weeks ago he found himself here with Mr. Manny, who endeavored to make something out of him. About work time he was generally conspicuous by his absence, and with any dog he could make friends with—and that was any dog he could find—he would wander off on a hunting expedition. He was forever getting into scrapes, but never into work, and his last demonstration was leaving a man all day to hold stopped the bung hole of a large vat. It would have been all right, but he and the dog got interested in each other and went off after rabbits. That was the last straw, and he took his gun and musical instruments and came uptown.
He agreed with Speed to clean the horses if dinner would be furnished him at the restaurant. This was done, but after dinner, the youth was nowhere to be found. Sometime after that he was found in the Brettun House parlor playing the piano. For some time he furnished lots of fun for the boys. His passion for dogs knew no bounds, and one day one of the boys gave him a dog and told him to go hunting.
There wouldn’t have been anything funny about that if the fellow who presented him with the dog hadn’t presented the dog with some turpentine as only wicked boys know how, and the dog’s attention was too distracted to do any hunting, so Ed. broke the gun over the dog’s back. The gun was then traded for a four-chambered pistol and the dog was laid up for repairs. Some of his other dog adventures we have already given.
Speed then offered the fellow fifty cents to thrash one of the stable boys, and he undertook the job. After he was hauled out of the manure pile and straightened up some, he gathered up his musical instruments and departed for a short time. But he soon returned and spent a good deal of his time hunting dogs and making a band of himself for the benefit of the boys. He was pestered a good deal without showing much desire to retaliate, but he got his Dutch up at last and commenced to flourish his pistol around rather promiscuously when it was taken away from him, the loads removed, and the pistol thrown in the stove. He watched the last of his little German gun ascend in smoke with considerable ire, and drawing a box of cartridges from his pocket, he attempted to throw them after the pistol, remarking, “Vell, God tam! go wid ‘em.” His hand was stayed in time or, it is needless to say, there would have been fun around that stove.

At last one of our farmers living in the north part of the county took an interest in the boy and took him home to make something of him. He set him at work sawing wood and about the first thing he did was to break the saw blade. He was then handed an ax and would probably have amputated a foot if it hadn’t been taken away from him. To give him something he could do, he was told to drive in the hogs. As he was already on splendid terms with the dog, he took his bosom friend along to assist him, and in about a half an hour the two had managed to kill the best hog in the drove. As he wasn’t earning any money at this kind of work, he was given the gun which he had longed for ever since he had set his eyes on it, and it wasn’t long before he came back radiant with six fine tame ducks, the pride of the farmer’s wife, and which he had taken in out of the wet on one grand pot shot. When told that the ducks were tame, he held them up and pointed at their heads triumphantly. He said, “Hell! green head, green head! wild, wild!” All this could have been forgiven if he hadn’t fallen in love with the farmer’s daughter. He was going in with his accustomed energy when his bright dreams were dis­pelled and he was again given the grand bounce.
He came back to town and immediately wrote two letters to the light of his soul, and failing to get a response, he offered Speed a hundred dollars for a horse to ride to that home where he had spent a few happy days. The offer was not taken, but he wasn’t discouraged. He knew how to love a dog, but when it came to loving a girl, his soul ran clear away with him. He gathered up his accordion and violin, and the first wagon he found going north he climbed in and went along. The man with whom he rode took him about five miles from the goal of his desire, showed hm the rest of the way, and he struck out. There was a creek between him and his desires, but across he went, with no further damage than the loss of his loved accordion. With undaunted courage, like another Leander, he pressed on, and reached the farmer’s house about eleven o’clock at night, and he proceeded to wake the folks up, and informed them that he had returned to stay.
There was a slight scene, and the next morning he returned to town. Day before yesterday, James Fahey returned to New Mexico, and with him went the young, the brave, the talented, the devilish fair-haired Teuton. What will become of him now, the Lord only knows. He is restless as the wind, and his caprices will lead him to glory or the grave. We are sorry he has gone, and we have laughed till we have cried, over the doings of this meteor of humanity.
Speed’s henchman has departed and the shadow of a sorrow rests upon the livery stable. The boys all miss him, and the dogs are bathed in gloom. Somebody will try to make something of him, and there’s no telling what will happen then. When the trumpet of Gabriel will sound, we believe he will come up smil­ing, bearing his accordion, violin, and French harp, and at the feet of the first meek eyed angel he sees, will be laid his treasures. Until then, au revoir.
[Editorial: Not a Failure.]
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
The Courant asserts that during the month of December the druggists of this city sold over $700 worth of intoxicating liquors on physicians’ prescriptions, and believes that, including beer and liquors shipped by express to individual drinkers, the amount o a thousand dollars was expended in this city for liquors during that month. From all this it squeezes out the conclusions that “Whiskey has flowed in this town like water,” that the prohibition law is a “hollow mockery” covering a “grinning skeleton,” that the law is not enforced, and in general carries the idea that more liquor is drunk and more drunken men are seen than before the enactment of the law.

Now, we are not going to deny that some of the druggists are selling liquor in violation of law, and that two or three physicians are giving prescriptions of liquor in violation of law. It may be difficult to prove that a physician did not believe a prescription of a pint or a quart of whiskey to a regular toper every two or three days was necessary to his health; it may be difficult to prove that the druggist filling these prescriptions did not believe they were legitimate, but the people will all believe that both have violated their oaths, that both are dishonest and not to be trusted. Both will be held as disreputable citizens, and it would be strange if they should not be caught and punished sooner or later. The Courant makes the accusation; we do not. We believe that some of our druggists at least, and most of our physicians, are honorable, law abiding men.
If it is a fact that our druggists sold $700 worth of liquors in a single month since the prohibitory law, it does not prove anything against the law. A similar state of affairs existed under the license system, but no one claimed that the license law was a failure. It will be remembered that in a trial of one druggist in this city for violating that law (the dram-shop act) it was shown that he had standing prescriptions on his books from physicians in this city to about twenty or thirty regular whiskey drinkers, prescribing a certain amount of whiskey per day indefinitely to each of them, all for their health; and it appeared in various ways that some druggists were in the habit of selling liquor in violation of that law. Now we have no means to prove that the druggists’ sales under that law were as great as under the present law, but we have every reason to believe that it was as persistently and as flagrantly violated, and that the druggists sold, considering the growth of the country, comparatively as much liquor as they do now. It must be remembered that a part of the liquor sold by the druggists now is legitimate. We think it safe to say that the illegitimate sales of druggists here cannot aggregate more than $400 a month, nor more than $200 a month in excess of the illegitimate sales under the old law. To offset this possible increase in druggists’ sales, we had five or six saloons under the old law, who together paid an average of $200 a month license. It is not presumable that they paid the gross amount of their sales into the city treasury. If they did not, then more liquor was sold in the city than now, and the prohibition law does prohibit to some extent. Jim Fahey alone used to sell $1,000 to $1,500 in liquors a month, and we think $3,200 a month a low estimate of the amount sold by all the saloons. A law which reduces the sale of liquors $3,000 a month in a town the size of this, is not a failure by any means. We estimate the total monthly sales under the old law at $4,000 a month. Our neighbor estimates the total monthly sales now at $1,000 a month, and we presume no one will say our estimate is wilder than his. The result is that prohibition already reduces the evil three-fourths, and we shall be surprised if that $1,000 don’t get curtailed one-half or three-fourths in a short time. Remember that it takes time to get the hang of a new machine and learn how to work it. The machine is a good one, and will move on until the fellows who get in its way are finally worn out and ground into powder. We would rather be in purgatory than be in the way of that machine selling liquor on a dodge or making improper prescriptions.
This paper asserts that the prohibitory liquor law is enforced in this city just as the laws against larceny are enforced. Some scamps steal wood, and little articles from a store and many other things and escape detection, just as some dram-sellers escape. Neither dares to do it openly and both are on the “ragged edge.”
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
James Fahey returned from the west Wednesday. He found Mrs. Fahey quite ill.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
A Magnificent Display.
The weather during the fair was most favorable and added much to the pleasures of the visitors. The attendance was not as large as was expected.

The first day, Thursday, was devoted to entries and but little else was done. This left but two days in which to exhibit. Had the time been set two, or even one day earlier, it would have been much better. The exhibit in every department was good. In the department for horses, mules, etc., “Class A,” there were one hundred and fifteen entries and thirty premiums awarded as follows.
W. D. Crawford took four 1st premiums with two entries, one class and sweepstake on his heavy draft mare, and a class and sweepstakes on one year old filley. J. D. Reda two 2nds on best colt. A. D. Crowell took 1st and sweepstakes on his carriage team. Mr. Jackson took 2nd on draft mules and S. W. Chase 2nd on carriage mules. Jas. Fahey took 2nd on his three year old stallion, and Mr. Fuller 1st. D. P. Hurst took another 1st premium on his stallion colt.
Miss Bertha Wallis took the honors on the best specimen of embroidery; Mrs. R. B. Waite on worsted log cabin quilt; H. B. Eslinger on plain sewing; Mrs. E. F. Nelson for the most beautiful article; Minnie Fahey for pin cushion cover; Ida Trezise on crochet Fascinator; Mrs. E. E. Thorpe, tatting; Mrs. Geo. C. Robinson, lace item, stitch and application work; Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, dress, two patch silk quilts and cotton patch quilt; Mrs. Waite, fancy work; Mrs. J. O. Taylor, floss embroidery; Mrs. Olds, wax work; Mrs. Trezise, fancy knitting; Miss Bee Carruthers, bead cushion.
Second premiums were awarded to Amy Chapin on log cabin quilt; Mrs. John A. Maus for crochet tidy; Mamie Fahey for embroidery on canvas; Mrs. J. D. Pryor for patch quilt; Mrs. Olds for dress; Mrs. Trezise for cotton quilt.
Mrs. J. J. Johnson carried off the 1st premium on yeast bread. Mamie Fahey took second premium on bread, and first premium on sponge cake and plum jelly.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Musical Union.
About fifty members were present at the regular weekly meeting of the Union last week, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Mesdames Buckman, Shenneman, and Albro, and Misses McCoy, Beeny, Bard, Hane, Fahey, and Wallis will furnish the concert program this (Thursday) evening. The Union meets at 7:30 o’clock in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. F. H. GREER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.

Prof. Farringer’s concert last Wednesday evening was one of the best he has yet given. The music was excellent and the scholars each and all showed evidence of careful training. Especially was this the case with Miss Minnie Fahey, whose splendid playing was highly appreciated by the audience. Her musical education has been exclusively under the charge of Prof. Farringer from the start. During the concert the Professor made some very timely remarks on the subject of Winfield’s musical future. He also stated that he intended remaining in Winfield permanently, and would soon open a regular musical academy where students who desired would be furnished with boarding accommodations: in other words, a musical “boardin’ school.” This will probably result in gathering together in Winfield students from all the surrounding country, which innovation Winfield can heartily afford to welcome.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Our Pretty Songsters.
The Operetta of “Effie, or the Fairy Queen,” for which Prof. F. C. Cushman had a class in training for two weeks previous, was presented at the Opera House Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week with marked success—so far as the entertainment itself was concerned. The slushy condition of the streets at that time prevented the entertainment receiving the patronage it merited, and as a pecuniary benefit to the manager was a partial failure. A majority of Winfield’s young misses were engaged in it, and where all performed their parts so well it would seem invidious to particularize; but the most prominent actors deserve more than a passing notice. The splendid singing of Miss Zulu Farringer, the fairy queen, was the subject of much favorable comment by the audience. Her appearance was beautiful, and her solos were executed with such ease and grace as many a professional might envy. Will Ferguson as fairy clown produced much merriment. In this vale of tears the business of fun-making is far from being overdone, and the world is always ready to appreciate those who make it laugh. Misses Bertha Wallis and Minnie Andrews, as “Effie” and “Mary,” also elicited much favorable comment, and demonstrated that they were possessed of much natural talent in the musical and dramatic art. Miss Cora Andrews represented the poverty-stricken mother very nicely. Fritz Sherman carried out the part of the drunken father splendidly, though a little beard to have covered up that smooth face would have given him a more fatherly appearance. The tableaux were pretty, unique, and effective, especially that of the angels, with their beautiful wings and flowing tresses, ascending to heaven with little Fannie, which was composed of Misses Gertrude McMullen, Willie Wallis, and Minnie Fahey, with little Lula McGuire as Fannie. Those comprising the maids of honor, maids’ attendants, and queen’s pages, all did credit to themselves by their beautiful singing and excellent rendition of the parts assigned. There were about seventy performers, all in bright costume, and some of the scenes presented were very brilliant. The instrumental music was made perfect by Ed. Farringer presiding at the piano. These entertainments do much to draw out and improve the musical talents of the young, and we must say that this one plainly shows that the abilities of Winfield’s young ladies in this line is of no ordinary character.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Jas. Fahey left for Newton Monday. He has purchased a restaurant and lunch counter there and will open up in that business at once.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
Jim Fahey came down from Newton Saturday and indulged his fighting proclivities in the city election squabble. He returned Wednesday “after the battle” badly disfigured but still in the ring.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Stallion roadster, James Fahey, Winfield, 1st premium.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.

Jim Fahey has the cellar in for a commodious residence on his quarter block on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Andrews Street.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Irve Randall is becoming quite a property owner. He is now building two houses on east 9th Avenue, from each of which he will realize about twenty dollars per month as rentals.
In the same block, Jim Fahey has under headway a $2,000 residence, and just across the street another good house, the name of whose owner, like those of dozens of other houses which are going up, could not be found out by the quill driver.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
Jim Fahey’s fine new residence on East Ninth Avenue begins to loom up. It will be a big addition to that part of town.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Miss Fahey, of Winfield, was the guest of Mrs. Lucas and boarders on Sunday last.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Miss Dolly Gilmore spent last Sunday in Winfield, the guest of Miss Fahey.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Jas. Fahey has completed his residence on east ninth avenue and moved in last week. It is a very fine place, two stories and a basement, nine large rooms, thoroughly ventilated and fitted with gas and water throughout. It is one of the most comfortable and commodious houses on the east side.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Mr. James Fahey has rented the Brettun billiard rooms and is carpeting and fixing them up in a very attractive way.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
James Fahey was circulating a petition Tuesday, asking that Governor Glick pardon Frank Manny from liquor penalties hanging over him. Proper publication was made, in the usual way, several weeks ago, but there seems to have been a hitch in the proceedings, making a petition necessary.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
A Blind Tiger.
There is at this writing a “Blind Tiger” in operation in Jim Fahey’s building on Ninth Avenue, and dozens of the thirsty are wending their way in and out getting the unadulterated bug juice from an unseen hand, on cash deposits. Probably before this reaches the public, the tiger will be a wiser if not a sadder quadruped. Tigers do not flourish like green bay trees on Cowley County soil.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

On Christmas day the Sheriff and his deputies raided the Jim Fahey building on Ninth Avenue, where a contrivance for dealing out liquor, known as a “Blind Tiger,” was in operation. After capturing the operator they took a tour through the building. In the cellar was found several barrels of whiskey, and a basket containing a large number of pint and quart bottles filled with liquor and apparently ready for delivery. Pasted up in this cellar was a government liquor license, setting forth that James Fahey had paid the requisite fee as a retail liquor dealer. The young man occupying the upper part of the building and in charge of the “blind tiger” had no government license. Thus, unless he can prove by Mr. Fahey that he was the latter’s agent in the sale of liquor, he becomes subject to indictment and conviction under the revenue laws of the United States in addition to the penalties inflicted under the statutes of our own state for liquor selling. The young man has certainly got himself into a very serious predicament unless Mr. Fahey will generously sacrifice himself by coming to his relief.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
A petition to Governor Glick for the pardon of Frank Manny has been extensively circulated and signed by over 300 citizens. Frank’s white house reception to the Governor doesn’t seem to have borne the desired fruit.
An Animal That Was Born to Die in Infancy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Developments have proven that Cowley’s climate lays death to “blind tigers.” Scarcely do they see the light before their toes are summarily turned up to the daisies. A tiger hide makes an excellent Christmas gift, as was attested to by Sheriff McIntire last Thursday morning. As the COURIER mentioned last week, it was known that a blind tiger had existed for several days in the Jim Fahey building on East Ninth Avenue, and that the thirsty had been constantly wending their way in and out. The query of our officials was the most approved method of choking the animal. But he took that Christmas morning. In the absence of the “tiger’s” vigils, Sheriff McIntire and Deputies Frank W. Finch and Tom H. Herrod obtained entrance, put a dollar in the circular tough, and ordered “three whiskies.” Around went the trough, a hand was seen to take the money, and back came the three whiskies and fifty cents in change. The officials used the “forty rod,” and immediately demanded admittance to the den. The demand was refused, and they kicked in the door. In the meantime the tiger had run into Tom Herrod’s anxious arms in trying to make a hasty exit through the front door. The operator was Dick Hawkins, a young man who has been about the city for some time. In default of bail, he was promptly lodged in the bastille. The tiger’s premises contained a large stock of whiskey. Hawkins’ trial will probably develop other guilty parties.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.

Our Democratic friends are in a squabble over the postoffice location. Henry Goldsmith refused to extend the lease for the present location, considering the postoffice a nuisance to his business, which it is, and P. M. Rembaugh leased the rooms now occupied by the express offices, with the stipulation that all partitions be taken out and a twelve foot extension, with large arches, be put on the north. Then began the trouble. Some of the Dems. wanted it in the north end of town, offering a stock company to build on the Jennings-Crippen lot, corner of 8th Avenue and Main. Others wanted it put on Ninth Avenue, and a stock company offer to buy the Fahey building, where the Ninth Avenue Hotel now is. The house is divided against itself and numerous caucuses fail to bring peace. George is immovable, and will put the postoffice where he pleases, in conformity to public convenience and general satisfaction, regardless of the postoffice location cranks.
Trial Docket Cowley County District Court,
September Term, 1885, Commencing Sept. 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
2119. Francis I Whitson vs James Fahey et al.
Awarded at the Cowley County Fair,
September 21st to 25th, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The list given below shows money premiums only. Checks for same will be ready after October 1st, and must be claimed by November 1st, 1885, or forfeit to the association. (See rule 12.) Diplomas for exhibits having no competition may be had by calling at the Secretary’s office.
Two loaves of wheat bread, made with hop yeast. Mrs. D. H. Dix 1st, Miss M. Fahey 2nd.
Marble cake. Miss M. Fahey 1st, Mrs. McEwin 2nd.
Flower piece in oil, done by exhibitor. Mrs. F. R. Raymond 1st, Minnie Fahey 2nd.
Fancy painting in water colors, done by exhibitor. Mrs. J. F. Balliet 1st, Minnie Fahey 2nd.
Specimen of plaque painting, done by exhibitor. Minnie Fahey 1st, Mrs. W. J. Wilson 2nd.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The Fahey brick, on east Ninth, is being calsomined and papered in glowing neatness for the reception of the postoffice. It will make a splendid building for this purpose, plenty of room and light, a back door mail entrance, and all essentials. The second story of the building is being remodeled for offices.
The Grist in Waiting for the December, 1885, Term of the District Court,
Beginning Tuesday, the 15th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Francis I Whitson vs James Fahey et al, Dalton & Madden pros; McDonald & Webb defense.
Bar Docket for the April Term of the Cowley County District Court,
Convening Tuesday, the 6th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
51. 2119. Francis I Whitson vs James Fahey and Mary J Fahey, Dalton & Madden for plaintiff, McDonald & Webb for def.