Samuel M. Fall
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There is no Fall family in the Federal census of 1870.
The Kansas state census of 1875 lists;
L. M. Fall 36 m w Ohio Indiana
L. M. Fall 33 f w Indiana Indiana
D. A. Dale 26 m w Indiana Indiana
C. Cunningham 14 m w Illinois Illinois
Blanche Fall 4 f w Indiana Indiana
The Feburary 17, 1938, Burden Times had the following “Lazette, located on Grouse creek in 1870 was the earliest community center of that neighborhood, and it is recorded that Elder William Gans of the Christian church preached the first sermon in the village. Henry D. Wilkins, who with Samuel M. Fall laid out this town, was the first man in the county to be baptised by immersion.”
WINFIELD COURIER, NOVEMBER 19, 1874. Lazette News. On the evening of the 12th, Mr. S. M. Fall, while cutting rails in his timber, accidentally cut his right foot. The ax glanced and struck the foot, cutting a gash about five inches in length, and severing three leaders. Dr. R. M. Jackson was called in and dressed the wound. Mr. Fall is doing as well as could be expected, and will be out again in a few weeks.
On the 19 inst., as Mr. S. M. Fall and daughter were returning from Dexter, an almost fatal accident befell them. Somebody had very carelessly left a dead calf in the middle of the road near George Gardenhire's, at which Mr. Fall's mules took fright, jumped back so suddenly that they snapped off the tongue of the buggy, and then started forward on a run. By main strength Mr. Fall turned them into the fence, which the buggy struck with such violence as to throw him out on the ground. Fortunately the mules there became disengaged from the buggy, and continued their run unencumbered. Mr. Fall was insensible some little time from the force of the fall, but suffered no other injuries than severe bruises, while his daughter escaped without any damage, though greatly frightened.
Grouse creek is famous for its beautiful and rich farms. Nowhere in the west or in the east can we find a farm tht will discount the one owned by S. M. Fall. One hundred and sixty acres are enclosed in stone and hedge as pasture land and feed lots, well watered and well protected by native timber. One hundred and sixty acres of the best bottom land are enclosed by stone fence and hedge, and are subdivided by hedge fences. Mr. Fall's dwelling house, granaries, stables, work shop, orchards, and feed lots tell one that here lives a farmer who is content with his Kansas home, and who could not be induced to sell out to anyone.