Fred W. Farrar Family


Arkansas City.

Name not given of brother in item below. Turns out later to be “Fred Farrar.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
A brother of H. P. Farrar is visiting this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.
FRED. FARRAR, it is said, contemplates going west soon. He probably thinks he knows of a better seaport than our own.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
No Blood Shed, But Everything Done Quietly in Broad Daylight.
Generally speaking, there is little to create an excitement in our town, though we live on the border of the Indian Territory, the harbor for all horse thieves and desperadoes who are fleeing from State Justice.
Last Wednesday, however, our people were rudely awakened from their dream of security from invasions by lawless charac­ters, by the report that the Cowley County Bank had been robbed in broad daylight, and that the robbers were heading west with their booty as fast as their horses could carry them. The particulars, as near as we can gather, from the thousand-and-one statements afloat, are as follows.
At ten minutes of ten o’clock on that morning, four horsemen rode into town, two of whom put up at Finney’s livery stable, and gave orders to have their horses fed immediately, but not unsad­dled, as they would want them soon. Behind each saddle was a two-bushel seamless sack and a pair of over-alls, and small saddle bags were attached. They inquired particularly as to the time of day, and also were anxious to gain all the information they could concerning a herd of ponies near Caldwell—the exact location, condition of ponies, etc.
The other two ponies were taken to a different portion of the town, and left standing.
One of the two men who stopped at the stable was known by Mr. Finney as a person who used to herd for Mr. Smythia several miles south of here, who went by the name of Jim Kennedy. This man is about five feet, eight or nine inches in height, dark complexion, with dark brown moustache and chin whiskers trimmed short, and is probably between thirty and thirty-five years of age. The other one was nearly six feet in height, sandy complex­ion, with light brown moustache.

At five minutes after 12, just after Major Sleeth, president of the bank, had gone to dinner, a man stepped into the bank and requested Mr. Fred Farrar (who, in the absence of his brother, H. P. Farrar, acts in the capacity of cashier) to change a twenty-dollar bill. Mr. Farrar seeing that the bill was genuine, turned to make the change, when the man exclaimed roughly: “Here! Hand that bill back!” Naturally a little surprised, Farrar looked up, only to see the muzzle of a large seven-shooter staring him in the face; and before he could recover from the shock, two men, each with their revolvers cocked and pointed at him, stepped around the counter and politely invited him to come into the back room. Realizing in a moment that resistance was more than useless, Mr. Farrar coolly replied: “All right, sir,” and walked back, when one man guarded him, while the other went through the safe, taking all the money that he could find, the third man standing guard at the door. By the time the money was taken, the fourth man, who had been standing with the other two horses on the corner some fifty yards south, walked into the bank, and two of the robbers waited with Mr. Farrar while the other two went for the horses. Bringing the horses up to the door, they all mounted, turned to Farrar, and with a polite “Good day, sir,” they galloped off. The whole proceedings in the bank had not occupied over five minutes’ time.
Mr. Farrar immediately gave the alarm, and in an instant all was confusion. Men rushed up and down the streets in search of horses and fire arms, seemingly bereft of their senses. C. R. Mitchell and J. A. Stafford were first in the saddles, and started after them in the direction of Salt City. Stafford caught a glimpse of them, and cutting across the country, came near enough to them to fire, which he did. The leader looked around at him and coolly remarking, “You G_d d___d son-of-a-b___h,” leveled his gun and returned fire, the bullet singing past Stafford’s ear, but not striking him. As all the party stopped, Stafford thought he had better go behind a small mound of sand, and just as he dropped down, another bullet from the robbers threw the sand all over his face. Mr. Stafford returned this shot, when the men touched up their horses and galloped easily off. By this time a crowd of our citizens had arrived on the spot and all joined in the chase.
After they had passed the “jack oaks” northwest of town, the pursuers could find no trace of them, and concluded they were hiding in the oaks, when they turned back and sent word to town for more men and guns—that they had the robbers corralled in the oaks.
Here is where the great mistake was made, as the thieves were still going toward Salt City, and crossed the ferry at that place shortly after 1 o’clock.
Our men did not discover their mistake until too late to catch up with them, though the party in pursuit crossed the Salt City ferry one hour and a half behind them.
By this time Bolton Township was aroused, and Frank Lorry, with two more farmers, in company with Mr. Knight, of this place, started west, keeping near the line. They soon struck the trail of the robbers, and hearing that they were not more than a mile ahead, Mr. Lorry told a Mrs. Lucky to send her husband to town for reenforcements. Mrs. Lucky ran half a mile, with her baby in her arms, to where her husband was plowing, but for some reason he did not come in.
When this party arrived at Peters’ ranch, on the Shakaska, some 20 miles west, Mr. George Peters turned out with them and rendered most valuable assistance in the pursuit, besides fur­nishing feed for the worn-out horses.
They followed them until Thursday night, when the robbers gave them the slip at midnight, and got away, though the party would have chased them to Fort Sill had the reenforcements been sent. But not meeting these, and their own horses being com­pletely worn out, the party of four were compelled to return. They desire to return hearty thanks to Mr. Peters for his assis­tance, and are enthusiastic in his praises.

Mr. Farrar described the man who presented the bill as being 5 feet, 10 or 11 inches in height, well built, dark complexion, black moustache and goatee, and with a scar on his right cheek. Another man was described as being about 5 feet, 7 inches, light complexion and smooth face. The fourth man was described as being nearly 6 feet tall, and wore a moustache.
Some think the leader was one of the notorious James boys, but there is nothing reliable as to this. However that may be, it was about the coolest piece of business our citizens ever witnessed, and despite the hot weather, they are not desirous of seeing another.
A reward of $100 each for the robbers, dead or alive, has been offered; and $500 for the return of the money, or a propor­tionate sum for what can be regained.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
After the bank robbery last Wednesday, there were numerous brave men who were loud in their assertions of what they would have done if they had been there. As has been wisely observed, such men rarely get there. Mr. Farrar acted sensibly, and was probably as cool and collected as many older men would have been under the circumstances.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Unknown Robbers Go Through a Bank at Noonday.
The James Boys Outdone.
On Wednesday, July 31, 1878, at about half past 12 o’clock, four strangers effected the robbery of the Cowley County Bank at Arkansas City. The amount of money obtained is said to be $2,300. The robbers were seen in town during the forenoon; two of them entered a saloon, called for beer, drank, and sat down in the saloon for some time. The other two walked around town together; and at one time came into the saloon and called for beer, but pretended not to recognize their pals sitting there.
At dinner time two brought out their horses from a stable and hitched them not far from the bank. The two others came towards the bank from another direction and hitched their horses in another place. A drug store is next door to the bank and the salesman was at the door. One of the robbers called for quinine, saying he would step in and get it in a few moments, and the druggist went into his store to weigh it out while the customer patrolled the sidewalk.
Another robber went into the bank, where Mr. Farrar was alone in attendance, Mr. Sleeth having just gone to dinner, and presented a $20 bill, requesting small bills for it. Mr. Farrar proceeded to make the change, but immediately a revolver was presented at his head and silence commanded; at the same time two other robbers appeared with cocked revolvers. One of them led Mr. Farrar into the back room while the other two went through the safe, which was open. They took what money there was to be readily found and then Mr. Farrar was brought out to the door and required to sit down. The robbers made some jokes, thanked him for his kind attention, and promised to call again when they wanted more money. They bade him good-bye, mounted their horses, and rode together out the south side of town, then around to the west side and north past the cemetery. They were each armed with revolvers and a long range rifle.

The alarm was immediately given, and in a very few minutes a large number of men were on horseback, with such arms they could get hold of quickly, in pursuit. Messengers were at once sent over the river into Bolton Township to notify Frank Lorry and Rudolph Hoffmaster and rouse the people with the view of cutting off the retreat into the Territory.  Others, including Mr. Sleeth, the president of the bank, rode rapidly up to Winfield for help to head them off in case the robbers should go north toward Wichita. A considerable numbered followed rapidly on the track of the robbers.
Mr. Stafford nearly overtook the robbers and got two shots at them; but they turned on him and fired a rifle shot, just scratching his cheek, and another throwing dirt over him, as he lay close to the ground in the grass to avoid their shots. The robbers then rode on, as other pursuers were coming up. At one place they rode into a grove or ticket and the pursuers immediately surrounded the grove and believed they had corralled their game. They spent a hour or more in searching the thicket, and finally determined that the robbers were not there. They then pursued on to the Salt City ferry. There they learned that the robbers had crossed more than an hour before and had turned southwest through Salt City in the direction of the Territory.
Messrs. Lorry and Hoffmaster had collected a number of men in Bolton and were patrolling the road all the way from Arkansas City to South Haven, two of their men having crossed the robbers’ tracks nearly half an hour before they got along; but their place of crossing this line was so uncertain, it was scarcely possible that Lorry’s men should be at the right place at the right time, so the robbers crossed their line and passed on into the Territory; but Lorry and his men soon got together and pursued.
Burt Covert and others, of Winfield, started out west from Winfield to intercept the robbers, if they went north. They rode over to the Arkansas River and discovered that the robbers had escaped across the Salt City ferry going southwest. Covert and C. G. Holland, of Beaver, having first-class horses and courage, pursued some thirty miles into the Territory and long into the night, until Covert’s horse got so sprained in crossing a bog that he was unable to proceed except at a slow and limping gait. They therefore abandoned the pursuit.
On Friday following Frank Lorry returned. It appears that they got a long ways ahead of the robbers in the Territory and therefore lost all track of them. They therefore abandoned the pursuit and probably passed them on their return.
It is believed that at least one of the robbers was a James. It is evident that they are experienced hands at the business.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.  
F. W. Farrar returned from his trip to the Ponca Agency Sunday night, and, as he says, had a perfectly gushing time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.
We welcome the return of Mr. Matlack and family to our midst. Mr. Matlack has on hand a large stock of goods, and those who call on him will find a pleasant and agreeable gentleman. Mr. Bishop and Mr. Fred Farrar are his salesmen, and this is all that is essential to a successful business.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.

The races at this place on Thursday afternoon were very exciting. The east side carried off the purse in an easy manner. The Capron pony ran square and handsome, and led the race. The last heat was run by the Crawford “hoss” against the Rexford Canuck. On the last quarter the Canuck stumbled—owing to corns in his feet, the jockies say—and lost the race. The old Govern­ment stallion, with an “I C” on his shoulder, ran like Ridenour’s regulator, a leetle too slow. The Farrar pony came out groomed to a gloss, and ran through the track much to the admiration of the ladies.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
Yesterday our town was enlivened by the arrival of a noted character and his people: Chief Joseph, of the Nez Perces, on their route to their new home thirty-five miles south of this place on Salt Fork, just west of the Ponca Agency, which is at the mouth of Salt Fork, and a little east of south from here.
The cavalcade consisted of sixty-four wagons, one hundred and thirty horses, and some four hundred Indians, headed by Chief Joseph, who rode on horseback at the head of the column dressed in half white and half Indian costume, a large feather waving in his hat.
A government supernumerary in the form of a well developed, well fed, and well clothed gentleman by the name of Haworth, a kind of general superintending Indian Agent, was along directing matters. These emigrants came from the neighborhood of Baxter Springs in the territory, where they were formerly located. Joseph is rather an imposing individual, but a dirtier, filthier looking set of Indians you would rarely ever meet. A few of the bucks, while the command halted in the street, amused the men and boys; at the same time replenished their own exchequers by shooting at dimes on a stick with their bows and arrows.
Our city at present is rather dull. But occasionally we have something to break the monotony of rural life, a fight, a foot race, or a runaway. We had three match races yesterday, a light weight, a heavy weight, and a long winder. Capt. Fred Farrar, the light weight, came off victorious. Col. Crawford, the heavy weight, carrying 260 pounds, came out ahead of his opponent, Major Rexford, who broke down on the home stretch. There was a good deal of interest taken in this race as it partook of a national character: Rexford being from Canada and Crawford a native of the United States. Gen. Capron carried off the bets in the wind and muscle race. The best of feeling prevailed and the parties, their abettors, and the judges all partook of a feast of ice cream and lemonade, all being temper­ance men.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879.
Mr. Fred Farrar can now be found at the Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
Fred Farrar has been helping O. P. Houghton clear out his shelves and counters for the past few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
PROCURING TREE: Mr. W. D. Mowry, C. H. Sylvester, F. Farrar, Charles Swarts.
DECORATING TREE: Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Miss Eva Swarts, Hattie Houghton, Flora Finley, Angie Mantor, Ella Grimes, Mattie Mitchell, Kate Hawkins, Alma Dixon, Blanche Marshall, Emma Hunt, Susie Hunt, Mr. B. Matlack, F. Farrar, W. Gooch, Mr. Rose, G. Howard, B. Maxwell, W. D. Mowry, F. Hutchison, E. LeClare, L. Norton, Mr. B. Parker, C. McIntire.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.

Wedding Bells.
GOOCH - HOUGHTON. Married on Wednesday evening, February 4th, at the First Presbyterian Church in Arkansas City, Mr. Wyatt Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton, by Rev. McClung.
Ushers: Mr. Sylvester and Mr. F. Farrar.
From the Ushers, silver card case.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 17, 1880.
Fred is not a very good subject to guess on; can’t tell whether an earnest appeal from a young lady would avail or not in this case, but there is nothing like trying. He should be caught at any rate, as he is too good to rust away in bachelorhood; just in the prime of life, kind, somewhat timid when the fair sex is around, which wears off on a long acquaintance. We will give a chromo to the young lady who can successfully halter Fred.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Fred Farrar, after over two years of continual residence with us, has concluded to take a vacation, and will start for Maine next Friday. F. W. will also take in the “fall openings” of the New York and Boston amusements before returning, which welcome event will occur in about two months.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
Mr. Fred Farrar is expected home the latter part of this week or the first of next.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
One of the old-time jollifications was had last Saturday night at the Central Avenue hotel. J. C. Bennett, the favorite commercial man on the road, who travels in the interest of that well-known house, Ridenour & Baker, ordered a bountiful supply of fresh oysters, which came in on the evening train, and inviting several friends in, a jovial time was had.
The company, among whom were John Powers and I. P. Burrell, of St. Joe, Charles Schiffbauer, J. E. Miller (the Santa Fe conductor), C. M. Scott, Fred Farrar, and “yours truly,” after successfully surrounding the select oysters, gathered in the office and whiled away the hours smoking some of Bennett’s best cigars and telling the most select yarns, culled from all parts of the globe. It was an evening long to be remembered, and the “boys” left the next day with a warm spot in their hearts for the Arkansas City fellows, while all unite in a vote of thanks to that prince of good fellows, Mr. Bennett, whose guests we were. We hope to meet them all again soon, and if you’ll keep quiet long enough, we’ll try the “jack” story again.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
The names of the various committees having in charge the Christmas tree festivities to be held at the Presbyterian church, were handed in last week, but were unavoidably crowded out, and are presented in this issue, as follows.
Committee on Procuring Tree: Messrs. John Walker, M. B. Vawter, S. B. Reed, A. Gardner, R. Hutchison, C. L. Swarts.

Committee on Receiving Presents: Misses Clara Finley, Alma Dixon, Kate Hawkins, May Roland, May Benedict, Lizzie Guthrie, Mary Thomas, and Messrs. F. W. Farrar, C. M. Swarts, Dr. Vawter, Robert Maxwell.
Decorating Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Cypher, Misses Mary Parker, Angie Mantor, Carrie Benedict, Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Linnie Peed, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Sadie Thomas, Linda Christian, Annie Hutchison, Mary Theaker, Emma and Susie Hunt, Ada Easterday; Messrs. E. G. Gray, W. D. Mowry, John Kroenert, J. D. Houston, George Howard, D. Cunningham, James Leonard, Will Peed, J. C. Topliff, Dick Chamberlain, Irving French.
Distributing Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Standley, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Sleeth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mantor.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
A dance was held at the Central Avenue Hotel last Friday evening in honor of Miss Julia Deming, of Wichita, who is now in the city, a guest of Miss Mattie Mitchell. Among the happy throng we noticed the following ladies and gentlemen.
Misses Julia Deming, Mattie Mitchell, Kate Hawkins, Lucy Walton, Mary Parker, Belle Cassell, Lizzie Wyckoff, Susey Hunt, Alma Dixon, Lilly Chamberlain, Ella Bowers, ___ Wouzo, Effie Tate, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Messrs. S. D. Longsdorff, W. Cline, R. P. Hutchins, Chas. Hutchins, C. Swarts, ___ Ellis, A. H. Fitch, M. B. Vawter, C. C. France, C. Holland, C. M. Swarts, Chas. Swarts, C. R. Sipes, R. A. Houghton, J. Vawter, Ollie Stevenson, F. Farrar, and J. Kroenert, who merrily chased old Father Time till past the midnight hour.
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
Capt. Scott and Mr. Farrar, of Arkansas City, came up to the “hub” Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The farewell party, given by Miss Lillie Chamberlain at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, on Tuesday evening of last week, was one of the grandest events of the season. The full moon shown down like an immense headlight, viewing apparently, with the many Chinese lanterns that were pendant from the surrounding trees, making the scene resemble that of fairy land rather than reality.
After some time spent in promenading through the beautiful grove of fruit and forest trees, the party’s attention was directed to an immense platform prepared for the occasion, where Prof. Farringer, with the string band of Winfield, had taken position, and in a few moments it was filled with youth and beauty gliding through the graceful movements of the easy qua­drille and mazy waltz. A gorgeous repast followed, then with spirits overjoyed, each of the party instituted all manner of fun and mirth, which had to be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Matlack produced a novel figure in the terpsichorean art that few ever witnessed before, while Cal. Swarts furnished the music. To say it was an enjoyable affair don’t half express it, and for one, we hope to have the pleasure of again meeting Miss Chamberlain and her many friends under like circumstances. The Cornet Band did their best and filled the night air with delightful sounds for which the hostess came forward, and in the most charming manner, expressed her appreciation and thanked them for their kindness.
The following ladies and gentlemen participated.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Huey.
Mr. and Mrs. Mead.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Farrar.
Mr. and Mrs. Capt. O. Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Sherburne.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyard E. Gooch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grubbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speers.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. James Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Schiffbauer.
Mrs. James Wilson.
Mrs. Alexander.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes.
Mary Parker.
Susie L. Hunt.
Anna Belle Cassell.
Lizzie Wyckoff.
Mattie F. Mitchell.
Julia Deming.
Lucy Walton.
May Benedict.
Kathleen Hawkins.
Annie Norton.
Grace Gardner.
Mabel Ayres.
M. B. Vawter.
Dr. Jamison Vawter.
J. D. C. O’Grady.
C. L. Swarts.
Charles M. Swarts.
Fred W. Farrar.
Joseph D. Houston.
John Kroenert.
Charles U. France.
Showman D. Longsdorff.
James C. Topliff.

William D. Mowry.
Cyrus M. Scott.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
We learn that Mr. Fred Farrar and Miss Hawkins, of Arkansas City, are to be married soon. Fred is one of Cowley’s best businessmen, and the bride one of her fairest daughters. They will launch out on the sea of matrimony with the best wishes of a very large circle of friends.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
The following marriage licenses have been issued from the Probate Judge’s office since our last report.
Fred W. Farrar to T. K. Hawkins.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Messrs. Beecher & Son are busily at work upon the residence of F. W. Farrar, and their having hold of the job guarantees its being done in first-class style. For any and all work this firm can’t be beat in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The social event of the Holiday week was the masquerade party held at the residence of Mr. James L. Huey on Friday evening, December 30th. A large number of invitations had been sent out, which were almost universally responded to, thus making the party a glorious success. The residence of Mr. Huey is one of the largest, and most commodious, in town; and as the merry throng of maskers promenaded the handsomely appointed salons of the mansion their costumes showed, to perfection, in the bril­liant light of the glittering chandeliers. The guests were received by Mrs. James L. Huey, the hostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Fred Farrar, and it is needless to say, that under their hospitable care, every attention was shown “the motley crew” that claimed their cares. Refreshments in the shape of many tempting kinds of cake, sandwiches, teas, and coffee were liberally provided. Music lent its aid to the other enjoyments which coupled with the many unique costumes, and the cheering hum of voices lent a charm never to be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to take part in the festivities.
The following is a partial list of the guests with the characters they represented.

Mrs. Cunningham, Flower Girl; Mr. Cunningham, Imp; Mrs. Howard, Miss Prim; Mrs. Farrar, City Belle; Mrs. Searing, “Boss” Flour; Mrs. Matlack, “Straight” Flour; T. R. Houghton, Blazes; Alma Easterday, Bridget; Mrs. Grubbs, A Lady; Mrs. Nellie Houghton, Dreadnaught; J. Kroenert, “Lo”; C. M. Swarts, Chapeau; R. E. Grubbs, Widow Pudge; Miss Haywood, Queen Elizabeth; Mrs. Norton, Widow Bedott; Miss Guthrie, Incognita; Angie Mantor, Fat Woman; Jerry Adams, Bashful Maid; R. A. Houghton, Judge; I. H. Bonsall, Minister; Mrs. R. A. Houghton, A Bride; Mrs. Ingersoll, Quakeress; Mrs. Sipes, Quakeress; C. U. France, Uncle Toby; W. Thompson, Father Time; A. D. Ayres, Irishman; Mrs. A. D. Ayres, Anonyma; Mrs. Mead, Languedoc; Mr. Mead, Ghost; Mrs. T. Mantor, Mask; T. Mantor, Mask; J. G. Shelden, Cow Boy; Mrs. Watson, Old Maid; Mrs. Chandler, Night; C. R. Sipes, Uncle Tom; Miss A. Norton, Sunflower; Miss S. Hunt, Sunflower; Miss M. Parker, Sunflower; Miss Peterson, Nun; Miss A. Dickson, Sister of Mercy; Miss L. Wyckoff, Sister of Mercy; J. T. Shepard, Guiteau; J. H. Walker & wife, German Couple; C. H. Searing, XXXX Flour; J. Gooch, Private U. S. A.; C. Hutchins, Private, U. S. A.; Mrs. Haywood, Dinah; Mrs. Newman, Topsy; Dr. J. Vawter, Prohibition; C. L. Swarts, Post no bills; W. D. Mowry, A Bottle; Clara Finley, A Lone Star; R. C. Haywood, Fat Dutch Boy; Ben Matlack, May Fisk; M. B. Vawter, Fireman; O. Ingersoll, Big Mynheer; Mrs. Shepard, Japanese Lady; Miss Cassell, Red Riding Hood; Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. Smith; Mr. Matlack, “Pat” bedad; Mrs. Gooch, Equestri­enne; R. J. Maxwell, Priest.
Among the ladies and gentlemen who were present, unmasked, were Rev. Fleming and wife, W. E. Gooch, H. P. Farrar, Mr. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Mowry, and many others whose names our reporter failed to receive.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Mrs. Fred Farrar, Mrs. Harry Farrar, and Mrs. J. L. Huey were in town Monday doing some shopping. Mrs. Huey went to Independence on the Tuesday evening train.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Quite a company came up from the terminus Monday, among whom we noticed Fred Farrar and wife and Mrs. James Huey. The ladies were the handsomest group we have seen on our streets for some time.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Farrar visited them at their residence on Wednesday evening last, passing a most enjoyable evening. As host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Farrar are a success; as master of a household, Fred’s old bachelor friends viewed him with feelings of admiration not unmixed with envy.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882. Editorial Page.
Since the killing of Jesse James, we concluded that a sketch of the lives of Frank and Jesse James would be of more interest to our readers than the miscellaneous matter which we place on the outside of the COURIER. We have therefore filled the outside columns this week with a sketch copied from the Kansas City Journal. Of course, this is not a complete account of their depredations and crimes.

The robbery of the Cowley County Bank of Arkansas City on July 31st, 1878, is one of the many omitted. We suppose the parties which robbed the Cowley County Bank were Frank and Jesse James, Dick Liddill, and Ed Miller. At any rate they were old hands at the business and managed coolly and skillfully. They were evidently on their way from the vicinity of Kansas City to Texas and called at Arkansas City for spending money. They got $2,800. They appeared in that town separately in the forenoon and about noon their horses were brought one by one and hitched near the bank. When they met on the street, they appeared not to know each other. When the people of the town had all gone to dinner, leaving only Farrar in the bank and a druggist close by on the sidewalk, one of the robbers sent the druggist into his store to put up a prescription while he watched outside; two of the robbers went into the bank and asked Farrar to change a $20 bill, while the fourth stood by the horses. Immediately a revolver was put at Farrar’s head and kept him frightened while the other robber went through the bank. The four then mounted their horses and rode quietly away to the northwest. The alarm was immediately given and soon a large number of armed men on horseback were in pursuit. They soon came in range of the robbers and commenced firing, but the robbers fired back and kept them at a distance that was not dangerous to them and continued their leisurely retreat. They crossed the Arkansas at Salt City and pursued their way calmly into the Territory. Though there were probably one hundred courageous men out after them, their skill avoided them all.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Miss Ida, and her brother, Fred Farrar, left for Portland, Maine, last week on account of the illness of the former. We trust that a speedy convalescence may result from the trip, and the fair patient be restored to her usual good health.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
The home of Mr. Hawkins fairly rang with laughter during the three days’ visit of Mrs. Huey, Mrs. Hinchins, and Mrs. Fred Farrar. JETTA JAY.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
Arkansas City Election.
The election at Arkansas City on Tuesday resulted in the election of H. D. Kellogg, Mayor; I. H. Bonsall, Police Judge; and O. S. Rarick, T. McIntire, F. Schiffbauer, E. D. Eddy, and J. Ridenour, Councilmen, by a two thirds vote. These candidates are not considered to be prohibitionists. The defeated candidates for councilmen are C. H. Searing, T. H. McLaughlin, S. Matlack, and Fred Farrar.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
BIRTH. The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Farrar was gladdened on last Sunday night by the arrival of a promising boy. “May he live long and prosper.”
Note: This is evidently a brother of Harry P. and Fred W. Farrar...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
Mr. J. P. Farrar and wife, of Maine, arrived in our city last week, and intend to make their future home with us. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Farrar to the social circle of our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1883.
Mrs. Fred Hyskell and children, of Harper, are in the city visiting the lady’s sisters, Mrs. J. L. Huey and Mrs. Fred Farrar.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn: Though aware of your repeated refusal to become a candidate for any office; and the determination to devote your time to your profession, and although cognizant of the fact that an election and acceptance would involve to a certain extent the sacrifice of personal interests, yet we request and urge that you permit your name to be used in nomination for the position of mayor of Arkansas City, feeling as we do, that in your election, you will represent the whole people regardless of politics, issues, or business, and have only at heart the best interests of the place, and welfare of the citizens.

G. W. Cunningham, A. D. Ayres, R. C. Lent, E. Neff, P. Pearson, M. B. Vawter, S. B. Fleming, O. P. Houghton, W. B. Kirkpatrick, T. McConn, N. T. Snyder, J. G. Hunter, W. D. Mowry, Jno. Kroenert, Chas. H. Searing, L. D. Austin, S. V. Goeden, B. H. Dixon, Jas. Benedict, W. R. Owen, Frank Speers, C. R. Sipes, J. Vawter, E. S. Eddy, C. M. Swarts, W. W. Brown, Ira Barnett, T. H. McLaughlin, J. R. Rogers, F. B. Hutchison, M. Harkins, J. L. Huey, Chas. Hutchison, Cal. Dean, W. S. Thompson, Jas. Ridenour, J. C. Topliff, P. M., W. E. Gooch, T. L. Wharton, H. P. Farrar, F. W. Farrar, W. M. Sleeth, T. McIntire, C. A. Howard, A. Worthley, Geo. E. Hasie
GENTLEMEN: Your call upon me to allow my name to be used in nomination for mayor of the city, is before me. Coming as it does from representative businessmen of our city, irrespective of party, I assure you of my profound appreciation of the motives that prompted it. And could I, in duty to my private and personal business interests, I should feel bound to accede to your demands, but this I cannot do, and must therefore, respectfully decline to become a candidate. Very Respectfully, A. J. PYBURN.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. Bitting and Miss Julia Deming, of Wichita, spent last Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in this city, visiting Mrs. J. L. Huey and Mrs. F. W. Farrar.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
The family of Vincent Hawkins had a pleasant reunion on the Fourth, at his farm, northwest of town, there being present J. L. Huey and wife, F. W. Farrar and wife, F. J. Hess, and R. C. Hess. In the evening quite an elaborate display of fireworks rounded up a day of perfect enjoyment, free from the heat and discomfort of a more public celebration.
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
H. P. and Fred Farrar, Monday, received a telegram from their old home in Maine, stating that their sister, Miss Ida Farrar, was not expected to live. Tuesday afternoon H. P. Farrar and wife left for the Pine state. Mr. Farrar will return in about two weeks and Mrs. Farrar will remain there for an indefinite time. Miss Farrar visited Arkansas City some time ago and made numerous friends, who will be sorry to learn of her affliction.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. Howland, of Illinois, are visiting with F. W. Farrar and family.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar returned from her visit to Maine yesterday, accompanied by her daughter, Pearl, and Miss Ora Farrar, sister of H. P. and F. W. Miss Ora will spend the winter in this Italy of America.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.

T. H. McLaughlin, Arkansas City Bank, Frank J. Hess, Wm. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, Landes, Beall & Co., Sanborn & Gordon, H. Endicott, A. Walton, J. A. McIntyre, I. D. Harkleroad, W. E. Gooch, F. W. Farrar, A. A. Wiley, R. A. Houghton, T. J. Gilbert, A. Campbell, G. W. Cunningham, Schiffbauer Bros., A. [?] Andrews, Fitch & Barron, S. Matlack, J. B. Nipp, A. A. Newman, James Hill, E. H. Parker, T. D. Richardson, Benedict & Owen, D. Warren, J. H. Sherburne, J. N. T. Gooch, Uriah Spray, Theo Fairclo, H. D. Kellogg, Ira Barnett, A. J. Chapel, S. F. George, G. W. Miller, P. F. Endicott, Jamison Vawter, Kimmel & Moore, N. C. Hinkley, L. McLaughlin.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
An Athletic Club.
The merchant’s clerks, and all who do not have much time to devote to outdoor exercise have been holding meetings for several evenings past in Ed Kingsbury’s sanctum for the purpose of perfecting an athletic organization. A stock company, consisting of S. Matlack, E. L. Kingsbury, F. B. Hutchison, A. D. Hawk, F. W. Farrar, Chas. McWilliams, J. A. Mitchell, H. P. Standley, A. V. Alexander, S. P. Gould, Frank J. Hess, D. Coburn, L. H. Northey, R. B. Norton, Joseph Finkleberg, Sep. Andrews, and W. L. Aldridge has been formed with a capital stock of $1,000 for the purpose of building a gymnasium hall. One lot has been secured near Maj. Woodin’s residence, but the company desire to obtain two lots together on which to erect the hall. A charter has been applied for with S. Matlack, E. L. Kingsbury, A. D. Hawk, F. L. Hess, S. P. Gould, and L. H. Northey as charter members. The object of the organization is to provide a place of recreation for those not getting out-door exercise and also a place of amusement. Dumb-bells, Indian clubs, and all the modern fixtures pertaining to a gymnasium of the first-class order will be placed in the hall for the use of the members of the gymnasium club. The room will be 35 x 60 feet, partly ground floor. Quite a large number have signified their willingness to join the Arkansas City Athletic Club, and in a few weeks the REPUBLICAN hopes to be able to chronicle this organization in full working order. A meeting is called Wednesday evening next at Ed Kingsbury’s room.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
As the Santa Fe train came in Thursday, a most pleasant surprise visited H. P. Farrar. His wife and little daughter, Pearl, who has been visiting in Maine during the summer months, and Miss Ora Farrar, sister of Harry and Fred, arrived. Miss Ora will remain here some time visiting her brothers.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1884.
A Card.
In the course of my business as an advertising agent, I came to Arkansas City last week, and, thanks to the liberality of the businessmen of the city, I succeeded in getting up my advertisements, which may now be seen at the leading grocery houses in town. Wishing the printing to be done in the city, I visited the TRAVELER, Democrat, and Republican offices, and finally decided to give the work to the Republican. The nature of my business is such that I am compelled to travel alone, but though I have visited many cities of the state, I have never yet experienced the slightest inconvenience, as I always endeavor to conduct myself as a lady, relying upon true manhood as protection from insult. In order to superintend the printing, I visited the Republican office, and the object of this card is to state that by one of its proprietors, Mr. Howard, I was treated as no one with a spark of manhood would treat a lady. His only reason for making the remarks he did must have sprung from the instincts of a contemptible coward. He knew I was alone and unprotected. I left the office at once, and succeeded in getting my work done at the TRAVELER office; and that I fulfilled my contracts to the satisfaction of my patrons (under whose advice I publish this statement), will be seen by the subjoined testimonial. FLORA WILCOX, Springfield, Illinois.

On this the 30th day of October, 1884, before the undersigned, a notary public within and for the county of Cowley and state of Kansas, personally came Flora Wilcox, of lawful age, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says the statements made in the foregoing are true in every respect. FLORA WILCOX.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of October, 1884.
[SEAL.] RICHARD U. HESS, Notary Public.
We, the undersigned, desire to state that Miss Flora Wilcox has been making a business canvass of our city, seeking advertisements, and having transacted business matters with her, we believe her to be in every sense of the term a lady and a thorough business woman.
WARE & PICKERING, grocers.
McDOWELL BROS., butchers.
MOWRY & SOLLITT, druggists.
KIMMEL & MOORE, grocers.
F. W. FARRAR, assistant cashier, Cowley County Bank.
H. H. PERRY, proprietor, Leland Hotel.
S. MATLACK, dry goods.
J. W. HUTCHISON & SONS, grocers.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
F. W. Farrar, while in St. Louis, will purchase a thoroughbred stallion. He has his eye on a “flyer” which was bred in Maine. He belongs to the Knox breed.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
F. W. Farrar and wife, J. H. Sherburne and wife, and Maj. M. S. Hasie all departed on the Santa Fe train yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Farrar will visit friends in Wichita while Mr. Farrar is in St. Louis attending the cattlemen’s convention. Mr. Sherburne and Maj. Hasie are also attending the convention. Mrs. Sherburne accompanied her husband to St. Louis.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
While F. W. Farrar and wife are away, this week H. P. Farrar and family are occupying Fred’s residence. H. P. will move into his handsome residence in about three weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 26, 1884.
F. W. Farrar and wife arrived home Monday from their trip to St. Louis.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 26, 1884.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will give a Thanksgiving Supper in the old post office building on Thanksgiving evening, supper to begin at six o’clock. The Ladies have not held a regular festival for one year and have cheerfully assisted others in their work and now ask the liberal patronage of all our people. A special invitation is given to strangers, and a cordial welcome to all.
The following committee of gentlemen to assist in the work have been selected by the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society.
In preparing the building: Messrs. G. W. Cunningham, S. P. Gould, F. B. Hutchinson, Herman Wycoff, E. D. Eddy, and W. V. McConn.

Committee to collect at the tables: Messrs. C. R. Sipes, Theoron Houghton, and Fred W. Farrar.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Fred. Farrar purchased a very fine stallion while in St. Louis last week.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
In another column will be found a report of the “Aunt Sally” coming up the Arkansas. She came up the Walnut to just east of our city. People went wild that day over the occasion. It was on Sunday and the congregation of churches were sadly depleted. Fred Farrar was one of the non-curious. He attended services. The “Aunt Sally” was loaded down with spectators. Judge Bonsall took a view of the boat with some 300 souls on board. It was a gala day and will long be remembered by our citizens.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
  The Auction Social.
Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of J. L. Huey, the social event of the season occurred. The Presbyterian ladies are renowned for their successful entertainments, but this, the auction social, excelled all others. The weather was somewhat inclement, but nevertheless the large residence was filled to its utmost capacity with guests to partake of Mr. and Mrs. Huey’s hospitality. The entertainment of the vast assemblage was begun by a panoramic view of a dream by Frank Hess. Mr. Hess indulged his appetite to too great an extent in mince pies, which caused him to pass into dreamland. As he lay in the arms of Morpheus, several unique, as well as very laughable, scenes were presented to the audience as Mr. Hess performed the role of a gentle deceiver. One scene was where Frank’s thoughts reverted to the laughing darkey who made the pie; finally Mr. Hess was awakened from dreamland, and the guests were then entertained by music and singing. The Chinese song, rendered by Messrs. Hutchison and Grosscup, was justly applauded. Their shadow picture imitations of Chinamen eating rats, resembled the real performance so perfectly that some of the guests’ appetites were stayed before supper was announced. The selling of the ladies now occurred. Rev. J. O. Campbell performed in the role of the auctioneer. To say that he was a success hardly expresses it. It sounded somewhat natural to hear his well trained voice crying: “I am offered 95, who will make it $1?” The auctioneering of the ladies was highly rousing, and the bidding lively. The good natured contest for the lady on sale, made the entertainment more enlivening. The ladies were all masked. The prices ranged from 75 cents up to $7.00, Miss Ida Lowe being the fortunate lady who brought that price. It will be seen by a glance at the list that Geo. W. Cunningham was almost equal to Brigham Young. We always knew George was a great admirer of the ladies, but never thought he had turned Mormon. Appended is the list of the “sold” ladies and their purchasers, as near as we could obtain them.
Miss Ella Love to E. D. Eddy.
Miss Maggie Sample to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Ida Lowe to J. L. H. Huey.
Miss Ora Farrar to F. K. Grosscup.
Miss Viola Bishop to F. B. Hutchison.
Miss Mary Love to Dr. S. B. Parsons.
Miss Albertine Maxwell to A. A. Newman.

Miss Alto Maxwell to J. M. Steel.
Miss Hattie Corey to Fred Farrar.
Miss Nellie Nash to Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
Miss Eva Collins to E. L. Kingsbury.
Miss Myrtle Jones to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Jennie Peterson to Dr. Love.
Miss Lizzie Gatwood to H. Wyckoff.
Miss Liiase [?] Guthrie to Dr. G. H. J. Hart.
Miss Alice Pyburn to R. U. Hess.
Miss Rose Morse to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Annie Bowen to J. R. L. Adams.
Mrs. Henderson to G. W. Cunningham.
Mrs. Nicholson to J. M. Steele.
Mrs. Geo. Cunningham to Rev. W. H. H. Harris.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy to Ivan Robinson.
Mrs. E. L. Kingsbury to Phil. A. Snyder.
The purchase of a lady entitled the buyer to his supper. The handsome sum of $43.75 was realized in this manner. Mr. Cunningham’s disposal of one of his ladies to her husband for $1—25 cents commission. Songs were rendered by Mrs. Frank Beall, Rev. Harris’ two little boys, and others. Good instrumental music was interspersed in the programme. All in all, it was the event of the season.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
F. W. Farrar and J. H. Hilliard have purchased Young [CANNOT READ NAME...LOOKS SOMETHING LIKE CARROL BASSETT], a thoroughbred horse, and will have him here about the first of the year. He is five [CANNOT READ NEXT LINE]. His owner was P. R. Parsell, of Jerseyville, Illinois.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
H. P. and F. W. Farrar received the sad news of their sister’s death, Miss Celia Farrar, in Maine. They had but just received the news of her illness when it was followed by the telegram announcing her death.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Frank Deering, a relative of H. P. and F. W. Farrar, has taken a position in the Cowley County Bank. Mr. Deering desires to become familiar with the banking business and in consequence has located permanently in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
Died December 24, 1884, at Farmington, Maine, Celia E., sister of H. P. and Fred W. Farrar, aged 13 years.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
F. W. Farrar is expecting every day the fine stallion he purchased while in St. Louis in November.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
   Knights of Pythias.

Triumph Lodge No. 116, of Arkansas City, Kansas, was instituted last Friday night, with the following members.
Judge A. J. Pyburn, T. J. Sweeny, G. W. Miller, C. C. Sollitt, T. H. McLaughlin, F. W. Farrar, G. S. Howard, J. J. Clark, J. M. Ware, W. E. Moore, H. P. Standley, H. P. Farrar, J. L. Huey, J. A. McIntyre, W. B. Higgins, W. D. Mowry, C. Mead, O. Stevenson, Jr.
The lodge was instituted by the following members of the Newton lodge.
John S. Haines, Chancellor Commander; G. W. Holmes, Past Chancellor; P. J. Mathis, Past Chancellor; Henry E. Brunner, Vice Chancellor; H. Godfrey, Master at Arms; A. R. Ainsworth; Isaac Levy; and J. A. Heilman.
After the institution of the lodge in due form, the following officers were elected and installed.
A. J. Pyburn, Past Chancellor; W. D. Mowry, Chancellor Commander; H. P. Farrar, Vice Chancellor; J. L. Huey, Prelate; C. C. Sollitt, Keeper of Records and Seal; T. H. McLaughlin, Master of Finance; F. W. Farrar, Master of Exchequer; T. J. Sweeny, Master at Arms; G. W. Miller, Inside Guardian; J. J. Clark, Outside Guardian.
In the final instructions the visiting brethren remarked that they never before had had the pleasure of instituting a lodge with such bright prospects of future usefulness and growth, and that has the inherent strength and stability that Triumph Lodge No. 116 had.
After the initiatory ceremonies were concluded, all adjourned to the dining room of the Windsor Hotel, where a feast was served, “such as never man saw”—all the delicacies of the season, and served only as Mo, the genial host, and his able corps of assistants can. Thus the time passed until nearly five o’clock Saturday morning, when the participators parted, the visitors extending their heartiest thanks to the new lodge for the Knightly manner in which they had been received, having been treated in a truly royal way, worthy of their patron Knights of old.
The new lodge returns thanks to the visiting K. P.’s for their kindness and vote them to be genial, jovial, generous fellows with hearts fully as large as their feet, and hope to meet them many times in and out of the lodge room.
The visitors left on the 2:30 p.m. train Saturday for Newton.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Last evening at the residence of F. W. Farrar, a social party was given.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Miss Julia Deming, of Carthage, Missouri, is visiting at the residence of F. W. Farrar and J. L. Huey. Tuesday evening, at the residence of the latter, a social gathering of the young people was had in her honor. A pleasant evening was had.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
C. H. Searing and wife, S. Matlack and wife, H. P. Farrar and wife, F. W. Farrar and wife, E. L. McDowell, W. D. Mowry and wife, C. C. Sollitt and wife, J. V. Hull, Frank Austin and wife, John Kroenert and wife, Al Heitkam, C. O. Harris, Dr. Westfall and wife, John B. Walker and wife, Matt Aldridge and wife, C. R. Sipes and wife, John Ingliss, Will Griffith, A. A. Newman and wife, Wyard Gooch and wife, L. N. Coburn, A. V. Alexander and wife, Dr. J. Vawter and wife, Geo. Schmidt, J. Landes and wife, Frank Beall and wife, C. G. Thompson and wife, J. H. Hilliard and wife, Joe Finkleburg, J. A. McIntyre and wife, E. L. Kingsbury, F. K. Grosscup, A. D. Ayres and wife, Thos. Kimmel and wife, Will Moore and wife, Ivan Robinson, J. C. Topliff, Will Thompson, R. E. Grubbs and wife, Chas. Schiffbauer and wife, L. H. Northey, O. Ingersoll and wife, Chas. Chapel, Lute Coombs, P. L. Snyder, J. W. Heck and wife, Frank Thompson, Sherman Thompson, W. A. Daniels, F. B. Willitts, Jerry Adams, Sept. Andrews, Will L. Aldridge, A. J. Pyburn, S. B. Reed, Dr. S. B. Parsons, Dr. M. B. Vawter, Dr. J. A. Mitchell, Isaac Ochs and wife, H. Nicholson, Frank Hutchison, R. P. Hutchison and wife, Herman Wyckoff, F. J. Sweeny and wife, J. L. Huey and wife, R. B. Norton. Chas. Hutchins and wife, Cal. Dean and wife, C. M. Scott and wife, Frank J. Hess and wife, R. U. Hess, R. L. Howard and wife, Dr. H. D. Kellogg and wife, H. P. Standley and wife, E. O. Stevenson and wife, H. H. Perry and wife, G. W. Cunningham and wife, J. G. Shelden and wife, Sam Wyle, Maj. M. S. Hasie and wife, Chs. Hilliard, Tillie Crawford, J. W. Duncan, A. H. Fitch, James Ridenour and wife, J. R. Rogers and wife, Tip Davenport and wife, E. W. Weston, of Wellington, Kansas, Ed. Cole and wife, Lafe Tomlin and wife, Ed. McMullen, of Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Miss Julia Deming left for Winfield Thursday, where she will remain a few days and then go to Wichita. Miss Ora, and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farrar and Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hess accompanied Miss Deming to Winfield. They returned yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Japanese Wedding.
Last Saturday evening the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society held their entertainment in Highland Hall. The Japanese Wedding was the main feature. It was purely oriental. The participants were dressed in the Japanese garb. Miss Linda Christian and J. C. Topliff were the high contracting parties. E. L. McDowell and Mrs. J. W. Heck, the parents of the groom; Philip Snyder and Miss Annie Meigs, the parents of the unsophisticated bride. Misses Maggie Hoffman, Laura Gould, Flora Gould, Rosa Morse, Edna Worthley, Viola Bishop, and Mamie Steinman were the bridesmaids.
First of all appeared on the stage the parents of the groom, followed by the parents of the bride, who glided to their place quietly. Next came Rev. J. O. Campbell, the “go-between,” followed by the couple who were desirous of being united. After Salaam to their hearts content, the “go-between” proceeded with his part. He goes to the groom, who whispers in his ear, and then he transfers his information to the bride, who in return whispers to the “go-between” and he carries it back to the groom. The ceremony was realistic, and considerable mirth was provoked, yet it was interesting.

After the wedding a bounteous feast was resorted to by the guests. A neat little sum of money was realized from this entertainment. There were two booths, one a candy and the other a fancy-work, which were presided over by the young ladies. Miss Ora Farrar had possession of the candy booth, which netted a goodly sum of money. Mrs. Steel furnished the candy, and as it was homemade, the customers pronounced it excellent. Misses Ella Love and Lissa Guthrie were in charge of the fancy-work booth. A silk crazy quilt, which was to have been voted to the most beautiful lady, resulted in a tie between Miss Hattie Cory and Mrs. S. B. Fleming. It will be disposed of at some future time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
F. W. Farrar and wife to J. M. Coffey, lots of n e ¼ of n e ¼ of 20, 34, 4, east. $10.00
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Judge Pyburn for Mayor.
The following is explanatory within itself.
HON. A. J. PYBURN, We, the undersigned, citizens of Arkansas City, Kansas, herein respectfully request and urge the use of your name as a candidate for the office of mayor and pledge you our best support.
T. H. McLaughlin, C. A. Howard, John Landes, J. P. Musselman, S. Matlack, J. W. Sparks, A. D. Prescott, Thos. Van Fleet, T. R. Houghton, T. Kimmel, Jas. Ridenour, S. P. Gould, W. S. Thompson, M. S. Hasie, Geo. E. Hasie, H. C. Nicholson, F. K. Grosscup, J. R. L. Adams, T. L. Mantor, S. B. Reed, E. M. Multer, G. W. Cunningham, P. Pearson, J. M. Collins, Archie Dunn, S. B. Adams, Frank J. Hess, Ira Barnett, Wm. M. Jenkins, Uriah Spray, Wm. R. Smith, J. L. Henry, W. E. Gooch, N. S. Snyder, A. P. Hutchinson, R. P. Hutchison, Frank D. Austin, G. W. Miller, C. C. Sollitt, F. W. Farrar, O. G. Shelden, J. L. Howard, H. H. Perry, J. D. Hill, F. B. Hutchinson, E. L. McDowell, A. W. Alexander, P. Wyckoff, L. McLaughlin, E. E. Eddy, Geo. H. Heitkam, S. F. George, O. P. Houghton, O. Ingersoll.
Our space being limited, we are unable to publish a full list of the petitioners, but there were about 360 more names appended to the different petitions circulated in all.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
Episcopal Fair.

Last Wednesday night the ladies of the Episcopal Guild Society held the most successful and enjoyable entertainment of the season, in Highland Hall. For many days the ladies had been making extensive preparations, and the result of their labors was most surprising. Certainly, never before, were so many tasty and beautiful articles of fancy work, art, and culinary skill arranged in so small a space. The principal attractions were the candy booth, presided over by Mrs. R. E. Grubbs and Amy Landes; the Gipsy tent, Miss Grosscup, soothsayer; the fancy booth, with Mrs. F. J. Hess and Miss Ora Farrar; the art booth, Mrs. H. P. Farrar and Mrs. W. E. Gooch controlling; the post office, Miss Mame Steinman, postmistress; and many other things altogether too numerous to mention. The $100 silk, hand-painted quilt was drawn by Mrs. Will V. McConn; the cake was awarded to Dr. S. B. Parsons; the dressing gown to W. E. Gooch, and to all a grand, glorious good time. The net proceeds were something near $200.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hess and Mrs. F. W. Farrar were up from the Terminus yesterday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Miss Cora Bullene of Winfield visited Miss Ora Farrar at the residence of Fred Farrar the first of the week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Miss Ora Farrar, daughter of banker Farrar, of Arkansas City, and a very charming young lady, is visiting at Mrs. J. G. Bullen’s.
[Note: Above article is incorrect. Ora was a sister to F. W. and H. P. Farrar.]
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huey, Fred Farrar, Rev. Fleming and wife, Rev. Walker and wife, Misses Nellie Johnson and Hattie Corey, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess attended the festival at the Parker Schoolhouse Wednesday evening. They were well entertained.
First National Bank of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
The following are the directors of the First National Bank of Arkansas City: A. B. Johnson, A. D. Prescott, J. P. Johnson, F. W. Farrar, Wm. Sleeth, and H. P. Farrar.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
34 to 10
Winfield Muffers done up by the Border Club by the Above Score.
   The Winfield Cyclones Strike the Arkansas City Border Nine
And Have to Re-Organize.
Damage Done to the Cyclones Something Over $2,000.
Thursday at the Winfield fair grounds the third and last match game of base ball was played. The game was for a purse of $100 a side. Wednesday evening the Cyclones demanded by telephone that $20 of the gate receipts be given to their club and the remainder be divided equally between the contestants. The Border captain refused to do this and the game was declared off. When this news became circulated on our streets, the lovers of the game were greatly disappointed. Thursday morning the members of the Border club came together and decided to go and play the game anyway. At 9 a.m., the club and a number of friends started for the Hub in carriages. After dinner the club sought the fair grounds followed by spectators. The game commenced at about 3 p.m., with between 600 and 700 spectators present. The Cyclones went to bat first and scored five runs. This caused a thrill of pleasure to run up the backbone of the denizens of Winfield. The Border club went to bat on their half of the first inning and only got two runs. This gave the backers of the Cyclones an impetus to squander their money, and in a very short time a considerable sum of money had been wagered by friends of the clubs.

The Cyclones on the second inning scored a goose egg, while the Border club secured two more tallies than on the second for they succeeded in making two runs. The Border club on the third inning got in two more tallies. The Cyclones were still ahead one tally at the close of the third inning. On the fourth inning the Cyclones increased their score one tally and the Border club four. Cheer after cheer went up as the Border club rung in their tallies and visitors from Arkansas City yelled themselves hoarse from enthusiasm. On the fifth inning the Cyclones went to bat a little nervous and consequently were treated to a goose egg. The Border club got in four tallies on their half of the 5th. Excitement ran higher than ever and the backers of the Cyclones began to visibly weaken. The sixth inning the Cyclones secured one tally and the Border club 13. This capped the climax. Parties from Arkansas City went wild from enthusiasm. The seventh inning the Cyclones scored one tally and the Border club received their first and last goose egg of the game. The eight and ninth innings the Cyclones received two more beautiful goose eggs, while the Border club made three runs on the eight and four on the ninth. This ended the game, the score standing 34 to 10 in favor of the Border club.
CYCLONES: Beam, Jones, Gray, Land, Holbrook, McClelland, Smith, McMullen, and Leland.
BORDER CLUB: Godfrey, McGerry, Perryman, Hilliard, Geo. Wilson, Miller, Jos. Wilson, Chas. Wright, and Frank Wright.
The umpire was a brakeman from here. He gave satisfaction, we understand, to both clubs. The Cyclones did poorer playing, not coming up to the game on the 4th. The Border Club played carefully and surely. The Cyclones tried to twist out, but the Border Club had too firm a grip on them. We suggest that the Cyclones remodel their name; for instance, say, to the “Gentle Kansas Zephyrs.”
On the third inning O. F. Godfrey got tripped by being hit. Of course, the Border Nine put in a substitute. The Cyclones began to cry, “rats, rats.” They thought it was just a come-off to put in a better player. The substitute’s name was Roach, and he was about equal to Godfrey. Ery Miller did some excellent playing on first base and some heavy batting. Frank Perryman pitched for the Border Nine and the trouble with the Cyclones was that they were unable to hit his balls. The Border Nine pounded the Cyclones’ pitcher all to pieces. They changed on the 6th inning, but this did not put a stop to the rapid increase of the Border’s score. Nearly three and a half hours were consumed in playing the game.
The man who tended the gate announced only $40.45 receipts. There were fully 600 persons present; 25 cents was the admission price. There is something “rotten in Denmark,” and we trust the Cyclones will blow the matter straight.
Captain Perryman delivered straight, swift balls Thursday. A sore finger prevented his pitching curves.
Catcher Joe Wilson had a finger partially dislocated. Geo. Wright mended matters and Joe went right along.
Miller is immense all around.
Frank Wright is the favorite with the crowd.
Charley Wright can play anywhere. He is a handsome runner.
The new third baseman, McGerry, did not disappoint anyone. He throws beautifully.

Godfrey’s substitute played center field well.
Charley Hilliard did excellent fielding and base running. He and Joe Wilson are the good natured members.
Right fielder Geo. Wilson was not feeling well, but stuck to the work.
The Arkansas City crowd did effective work with the lungs, the Winfield crowd with the lower lip.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell, Fred Farrar, F. J. Hess, Will D. Mowry, A. D. Hawk, Frank Grosscup, Jerry Adams, Leavitt Coburn, W. H. Nelson, Dr. Wright, Dr. Geo. Wright, and several other businessmen went up on the 3:05 p.m. train to see the game.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
D. McDowell, F. W. Farrar, A. D. Hawk, J. R. L. Adams, W. H. Nelson, Will D. Mowry, H. C. Deets, Frank J. Hess, L. Coburn, and F. H. Grosscup were up from the Terminus for Thursday’s base ball contest.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Fred W. Farrar could stand to be a widower no longer than yesterday. He left on the afternoon train for Maine.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
W. M. SLEETH, President. ESTABLISHED 1872. H. P. Farrar, Cashier.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Farrar, accompanied by Geo. Farrar, brother of H. P. and F. W. Farrar, arrived from Maine Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
For Sale. A fine three-year old filly, by F. W. Farrar, First National Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.
For Sale. A fine three year old filly, by F. W. Farrar, First National Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
We present the statement of the First National Bank of this city, which is eminently satisfactory as showing a sound financial standing. Loans and discounts constitute the largest items in the enumeration of resources, as they are also the source of the most liberal profit, and this branch of the business being conducted with the most scrupulous care and ample security obtained, no risk affecting the safety of the bank is incurred. A bank failure is a public disaster, and it is a cause of general satisfaction that this institution is in the hands of discreet and experienced men, and that its business is so healthy and profitable.

Loans and discounts: $168,452.72
Overdrafts: $867.80
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation: $12,500.00
Due from approved reserve agents: $30,937.57
Due from other National Banks: $7,773.16
Due from state banks & bankers: $9,982.98
Current expenses and taxes paid: $1,033.75
Premiums paid: $2,734.37
Checks and other cash items: $8,092.61
Bills of other banks: $10,364.00
Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies: $113.90
Special: $7,964.25
Legal tender notes: $6,000.00
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 percent of circulation): $562.50
Due from treasurer, other than 5 percent redemption fund: $194.03
  TOTAL RESOURCES: $267,473.64
Capital stock paid in: $50,000.00
Undivided profits: $5,047.55
National bank notes outstanding: $11,250.00
Individual deposits subject to check: $120,443.31
Time certificates of deposit: $69,687l.45
Cashier’s checks outstanding: $261.00
Due to other National Banks: $319.92
Due to state banks and bankers: $1,469.41
   TOTAL LIABILITIES: $267,473.64
STATE OF KANSAS, Cowley County. ss.
I, H. P. Farrar, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. P. FARRAR, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of October, 1885.
FRANK C. DEERING, Notary Public.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 11, 1885.
Ridenour & Thompson yesterday were packing some elegant articles of plate, purchased by Mrs. James L. Huey, Mrs. Frank Hess, and Mrs. Fred Farrar, for presentation to Miss Julia Deming, formerly of this city, but now living in Wichita, to grace her approaching nuptials.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Fred W Farrar et ux to Byron Farrar, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 54, and lots 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, blk 66, A C: $1,500
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
C M Scott et ux to F W Farrar, lot 11, blk 62, A. C.: $105
Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.
The following are the officers elected by the Knights of Pythias last Tuesday night.
T. H. McLaughlin, C. C.
Thos. Van Fleet, V. C.
C. C. Sollitt, P.
John Landes, Trustee.
J. J. Clark, K. R.
F. W. Farrar, M. F. and M. E.
This organization has grown to number about 45.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
Fred Farrar and J. L. Howard made a purchase of a house and one lot down on main street the first of the week.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 19, 1885.
Prof. Ned Parker has been in town this week. He gave entertainments at the opera house Wednesday and Thursday evening. He advertised to loan money for 99 years without interest. This feature caught the eye of Frank Hess, A. B. Johnson, Fred Farrar, and George Howard. Instead of borrowing money of Prof. Ned, each of the above individuals loaned him $1.20 for 99 years and in return the professor donated a small box of the celebrated brass pen which he is selling.
The K. P. Ball at A. C. a Grand Affair.
Winfield and The Terminus Mingle.—The Frigidity Broken.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
For years past there has been a considerable frigidity between Winfield and Arkansas City society. Why this was, couldn’t be explained. Invitations to social events of note passed back and forth, but fell on the desert air. The ice had got to be a foot thick. It is now broken: completely melted, on the part of Winfield. Friday night did it. It was the occasion of a ball and banquet by the Knights of Pythias, of Arkansas City. This Lodge is composed of many of the Terminus’ most prominent men. A grand affair was assured. A number of Winfield’s young folks determined to participate, in answer to hearty invitations. A very happy and mutually agreeable party was made up, as follows.
Mrs. Riddell and Misses Julia Smith, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Sadie French, Jennie Lowry, Emma Strong, Nona Calhoun, Bert Morford, and Anna Hunt; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, E. B. Wingate, Willis A. Ritchie, Wm. D. Carey, Tom J. Eaton, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Byron Rudolph, P. H. Albright, George Jennings, Eli Youngheim, and THE COURIER scribe. They went down on the K. C. & S. W., arriving at 7 o’clock, and were handsomely received. This ball and banquet was the biggest social event in Arkansas City’s history. The entire management was perfect under the careful attention of—
Executive committee: A. Mowry, G. W. Miller, and Geo. S. Howard.

Reception committee: John Landes, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, A. J. Pyburn, S. F. George, and F. E. Balyeat.
Floor managers: C. C. Sollitt, F. W. Farrar, T. B. Hutchison, Thos. Vanfleet, and W. E. Moore.
Over a hundred couples of the best people of Arkansas City participated—its youth, beauty, and vivacity. Many of the ladies appeared in elegant costume. The music was furnished by the Wichita Orchestra. The Winfield folks were made perfectly at home and given every attention. Our girls “shook” the Queen City fellows for the handsome ones of the Terminus, and our boys put in the time admirably under the charming presence of the A. C. girls. It was a hearty mingling that made many agreeable acquaintances and completely broke the distant feeling heretofore existing socially between the two cities. The Terminus certainly shows enticing sociability—a circle of handsome, stylish, and genial people, whom the Winfield folks are most happy to have met on this occasion. The banquet, set by H. H. Perry, mine host of the Leland, was fit to tickle the palate of kings—everything that modern culinary art could devise. At 3 o’clock the “hub” folks boarded a special train on the K. C. & S. W., which the managers of that road had kindly furnished for the convenience of the visitors, and were soon landed at home, in the sweet realization of having spent one of the most enjoyable nights of their lives. A jollier crowd of young folks than went down from here would be exceedingly hard to find. The got all the enjoyment there was in it. The A. C. people were delighted with the visit and expressed a warm desire and determination to return the compliment at the first opportunity. This is the inauguration of a new social feeling between the two towns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Fred W Farrar et ux to Alfred P Gage, lots, 1, 2 & 3, blk 53, A C: $500
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
F. W. Farrar, assistant cashier of the First National Bank, informs us that a new counterfeit silver dollar is in circulation. It has the ring of a genuine dollar. It has a glossy appearance, is somewhat thicker than the true dollar, and yet it is lighter in weight.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
F. W. Farrar, assistant cashier of the First National Bank, informs us that a new counterfeit silver dollar is in circulation, faberizes the Republican. It has the ring of a genuine dollar. It has a glassy appearance, is somewhat thicker than the true dollar and yet it is lighter in weight.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Fred W Farrar et ux to John L Howard, lot 11, blk 62, A C: $600
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
Frank J. Hess sold the residence of Fred W. Farrar in the second ward to A. G. Lowe. Consideration $2,900.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.

The Collins property in the 4th ward has again changed hands, F. W. Farrar being the purchaser. The consideration was $2,500. Frank J. Hess manipulated the sale.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
Fred W. Farrar bought the lot on Central Avenue, at the rear of the Bittle brick block per the real estate agency of F. J. Hess. The consideration was $1,200. A. A. Harnley purchased the buildings and will move them off at once. Mr. Farrar will commence the erection of a two story brick 26 x 100 feet shortly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds.
Celia H Farrar and husband to F W Farrar, lot 4, blk 54 A. C.: $100
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Byron Farrar et ux to Fred W Farrar, lots 1, 2 & 3, blk 54, A C: $3,000
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
MARRIED. Married Wednesday evening by Rev. J. P. Witt, Miss Flora Byfield and Isaiah Holmes. A number of invited guests, J. L. Huey and wife, Dr. J. A. Mitchell and wife, F. W. Farrar and wife, and Miss Jennie Patterson were in attendance and gave the young people several handsome presents. The young couple have commenced housekeeping. The REPUBLICAN showers its most munificent blessings upon them.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
Mrs. F. W. Farrar goes to Geuda Springs next week to try the curative powers of the celebrated Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
N. Thompson purchased through the agency of Lowe, Hoffman & Barron the Fred Farrar property in the first ward. He paid $3,200 therefor.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Almost $100,000
Worth of Property Change Ownership in Arkansas City
Since Monday, May 3, 1886.
Fred W. Farrar purchased a residence of A. G. Lowe; the consideration was $3,000.
F. W. Farrar purchased 5 lots in Beecher addition, paying $500 therefor.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
The Land Slides of the Week.
F. W. Farrar, G. S. Howard, and A. D. Prescott purchased four lots in Leonard addition Thursday. The consideration was $1,600. This is the highest price paid for resident lots in any addition.
F. W. Farrar bought 9 lots in Beecher’s addition, paying $1,000 for them.
Fred Farrar bought three lots in Gilstrap addition for $400.
Fred W. Farrar sold to F. J. Hess, 1 lot, $500.
D. E. Taggart sold to Fred W. Farrar, business lot, $1,000.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.

In a reply to a petition forwarded to C. W. Smith, at Topeka, from our citizens, he wrote as follows, under date of May 6, 1886.
Messrs. A. D. Ayres, F. W. Farrar, J. O. Campbell, et al., Arkansas City, Kansas.
GENTLEMEN: The petition signed by yourselves and others, residents of Arkansas City, praying that this company run a passenger train on the Arkansas City Branch connection with trains Nos. 81 and 82 at Mulvane, is duly received through our agent, Mr. Ingersoll.
On investigation, I find that trains Nos. 81 and 82, between Mulvane and Caldwell, did not require us to be at the expense of an additional engine and crew, but we cannot extend the service to Arkansas City without being to a considerable additional expense.
When our line is completed from Douglass to Winfield, it will be thought desirable to extend the El Dorado Branch train to Arkansas City, and at the proper time the subject of additional passenger service for Arkansas City will receive consideration, but I think you will agree with me, on reflection, that there is not sufficient business between Mulvane and Arkansas City to warrant the extension of our present service at an additional expense.
Yours truly, C. W. SMITH, W.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
“What Might Have Been.”
No one person realizes the full meaning of the above words better than Dr. H. D. Kellogg. Some four or five years ago, he was the proud possessor of 160 acres of land across the canal. Four years ago he sold to Wyatt Gooch 55 acres at $10 per acre. He disposed of the remainder of the quarter section to different parties and received for it, all told, $2,200. D. G. Wetmore sold a few days since to F. W. Farrar and others 45 acres of the quarter for $10,000. Wm. Gibby sold 60 acres of it for $10,500; L. W. Currier sold two acres for $1,500; Jacob Shibley 4 acres for $2,700. Mr. Gooch retains his 55 acres and it could not be bought for $200 per acre. That quarter section of land which four years ago sold for $2,200 has since brought in the neighborhood of $50,000. A profit of $48,000 in Arkansas City real estate on a $2,200 investment in four years is pretty good as a kind of an outside speculation, you know.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The tract of land of 45 acres purchased by F. W. Farrar and others of D. G. Wetmore, will be platted in a few days and thrown upon the market. The lots in this addition will find a rapid sale; they are beautifully located and the entire tract is covered with growing trees.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Mrs. Fred W. Farrar came in from Geuda Springs Sunday, where she had been trying the curative powers of the Springs. Mrs. Farrar is greatly improved in health.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
W. L. Davis purchased a resident lot on North Summit Street of H. P. Farrar for $125.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
F. W. Farrar came home from Topeka Monday. He brought with him 17 railroads in his vest pocket. How we boom!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. F. W. Farrar went up to Winfield this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.

Mesdames Farrar, Matlack, and Sollitt came home from Geuda Springs yesterday, all much improved in health.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Wanted. A girl, capable of doing general house-work. Call at the residence of F. W. Farrar.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Dr. Phelps, of Burden, believes Arkansas City will be the future metropolis of Southwestern Kansas. He was in the city Tuesday and made the purchase of a lot on north Summit street of F. W. Farrar. The consideration was $3,100.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Geo. Brown, of Lebanon, Illinois, is in the city. Mr. Brown is investing quite largely in Arkansas City real estate. Tuesday he purchased a lot on West Central Avenue of F. W. Farrar per the agency of Lowe, Hoffman & Barron for $1,500. He has made purchases of several other lots.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Saturday, the 3rd, a pleasure party composed of J. L. Huey and family, Dr. J. A. Chapel and wife, Wm. Henderson and wife, F. J. Hess and wife, Dr. J. A. Mitchell and wife, and F. W. Farrar, wife and baby, went out to the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Hawkins, where the day was most pleasantly spent.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
F. W. Farrar is building a barn. Fred tells us it is no common, ordinary barn. It will be a “Mary Ann” structure.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
I. Eldridge made a purchase of three lots in Gilstrap’s addition from F. W. Farrar, recently for $600.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Messrs. A. B. Johnson, F. W. Farrar, and F. J. Hess made a purchase of J. W. Young’s 10 acre tract of land Saturday. The consideration was $8,500.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
C. H. Jackson purchased two acres of land of J. P. Farrar south of the city on the Arkansas, for $300.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
F. W. Farrar made the purchase of nine lots in Pleasant View addition yesterday from J. A. Young. The consideration was $2,000. Fred also purchased five acres down on the Arkansas from J. P. Farrar at $150 per acre.
[Unknown: J. P. Farrar. Could be a different family.]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
H. O. Meigs purchased three resident lots in the first ward, one block west of the school building, of F. W. Farrar for $1,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
F. W. Farrar sold a lot on South Summit Street to A. C. Scott, of Ohio, for $4,000 yesterday. The lot formerly belonged to Berry Banks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.

Mrs. F. W. Farrar and Mrs. J. L. Huey visited Anthony the first of the week. They came home this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
The rain has no effect on our real estate boom. Snyder & Hutchison closed the following sales yesterday.
F. W. Farrar and Geo. Howard, two lots on South Summit Street, to G. C. Scott, of Iowa, for $4,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Dr. J. W. Hoyt, of Olney, Illinois, made the purchase of nine lots yesterday in the south part of town, from W. E. Moore. The consideration was $4,200. Mr. Moore purchased the lots five days ago of F. W. Farrar for $3,375.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.
One day last week a party of Arkansas City capitalists, consisting of Frank J. Hess, Major Searing, and F. W. Farrar, made a flying trip to Wichita, and during their stay there made a purchase of half the city. Frank Hess figures up his profits from the operation at $40,000. Enterprise wins.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The increase in value of property in Arkansas City is really wonderful to note. But a few months since Geo. Howard and F. W. Farrar purchased some lots on South Summit street for $1,600. They sold them two weeks since for $4,000. The parties to whom they sold disposed of their purchase for $5,000 to Wm. D. Mowry a few days after. And now Mr. Mowry has sold them at $6,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Not in a Tea-pot, but in a Hole Made for the Reception of a Telephone Pole.

An exciting rumpus occurred in front of the First National bank this morning between the telephone gang, who are setting poles in the city, and F. W. Farrar and Calvin Dean. This morning they began a hole on the edge of the sidewalk in front of the bank. It was a narrow place in the walk and as this corner is one of the most prominent in the city, the pole would be a serious obstruction to pedestrians passing up and down the street. The telephone gang insisted on putting the pole in at that place. They refused to put it up in the gutter and sank the hole and were in the act of raising the pole when Messrs. Farrar and Dean appeared on the scene. They demanded that the pole be not put in the hole and Mr. Farrar jumped in to prevent it. Members of the gang attempted to pull him out and roll the end of the pole in. Both sides were getting madder than “wet hornets,” and at the moment the telephone boys laid their hands on Mr. Farrar, he pulled a revolver and commanded them to remove them. After Fred had remained in the hole as long as he desired, he crawled out. Then the war commenced again. Mr. Dean attempted to remove the end of the pole from the sidewalk and about as fast as he would push it off, the telephone boys pushed it back. This was stopped by Policeman Johnnie Breene and Maj. Sleeth. The former proceeded to arrest the disputed hole; and the latter gained possession of the revolver and endeavored to cool the excited men by reasoning with them. No sooner had Messrs. Farrar and Dean stopped than the workmen again attempted to put the end of the pole in the hole, but Policeman Breene stopped them. For some time an excited crowd remained on the sidewalk discussing the matter. From what we ascertain the ordinance granting the franchise to the telephone company says the poles shall be erected on the outside of the sidewalk, and it further says that their erection shall create no obstruction to the passers-by. This was pointed out to the foreman of the gang and he was asked to observe it, but it appears he would not do so. Mr. Farrar acted unwisely in drawing a revolver and handling it in the manner he did. He was liable to have shot some uninterested and innocent person. But he evidently thought a seven-shot revolver and the possession of the hole were more effective than the slow resort to law. Then, again, if the employees of the company had wished to do right, they would have put other poles up until the question was settled. It is right our citizens should be protected from the unjust infringements by foreign companies and their employees. These workmen were entirely too aggressive for their own interests as well as the company’s. The question as to where the pole will stand will most likely be settled in the courts.
[Note: In Friday’s daily the following was printed: “We are told that the telephone line could have been run down the alley and supplied the city equally as well as it will by its erection on main street.”]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
F. W. Farrar’s buggy horse strayed away last night. He answers to the euphonious name of “John,” but comes quicker for a bundle of oats. His whereabouts is anxiously looked for, as the night air is severe on his delicate constitution. It is also feared he may be led astray from the teachings of his colthood days and wander down the paths of crime, nipping the buds of vice which germinate so plentifully in this region. “John” is a noble animal. He stands almost sixteen hands high in his bare feet, and has a forcible manner of expressing his appreciation for favors extended. He is of a crushed walnut color, with a dark complected mane and tail. Anyone finding said “John” and turning his head in the direction of Mr. Farrar’s barn, will receive a large reward in thanks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
E. D. Gage, the efficient bookkeeper of the First National Bank, and the assistant, R. W. Campbell, were treated to a grand surprise Christmas eve. The employers presented each with a handsome gold watch and chain. Our timorous friend, Ed, was frightened out of 4½ pounds of flesh when Cashier Farrar walked up to his desk with mighty tread and solemn mien, and remarked: “Young man, I am going to watch.” Ed turned pale, but recovered his equanimity when the timepiece was placed in his possession. This acknowledgment of the faithful service of the boys by their employers is a just one. Both are industrious and attentive to their labors.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. Col. Hughes, and Mrs. F. W. Farrar went down in the Territory this morning. They will go to the end of the track.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Lowe, Hoffman & Barron sold 28 lots in Summit addition to Geo. Howard and Fred Farrar; the consideration was $1,500.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.

During the year of 1886 Arkansas City enjoyed a very extensive building boom. Many handsome blocks were built during the year and our citizens as well as visitors thought it would be almost impossible for any city to make a more rapid growth in this direction. But the year of 1887 promises a greater building boom. Schemes are now being agitated and are well under way for the building of several handsome business blocks. We are informed that work will be commenced on several of them within the next 60 days. There will be extensive building on 5th Avenue and also on Summit Street. On East 5th Avenue, Messrs. Johnson, Hill, Rhodes, and Hess have about completed the arrangements for the immediate erection of a substantial business block on the lots formerly owned by Wm. Gibby. The block will consist of six business houses, all three stories high and of handsome finish. F. W. Farrar et al, have concluded to build a three-story business block on their lots next to the McLaughlin block, on the south. Messrs. Coleman and Bishop inside of 60 days will commence the erection of a fine two-story business block on their lot on 5th Avenue next to Frank J. Hess’ new building. T. H. McLaughlin, W. J. Mowry, and W. S. Houghton have each agreed to build on their lots respectively on north Summit Street. They will build together as the lots adjoin. J. F. Hoffman will soon remove the frame building next to Howard Bros’ hardware store and build an imposing business house on the lot. The frame building, known as the English Kitchen, will also be removed and Capt. C. D. Burroughs will occupy his lot with one of the most substantial business blocks in the city. J. L. Huey, on the lots on the corner of 5th Avenue and Summit Street, will have erected the handsomest bank building in the Arkansas Valley. The building will be 50 x 132 feet, the fronts being of pressed brick trimmed with cut stone. Mr. Huey is away now attending to the plans and specifications. Work will begin on this block in the early spring. The lease on the frame building used as the Leland Hotel expires in March, after which it will be removed and be replaced as above stated. Peter Pearson will also build a business house 25 x 128 feet for his mammoth furniture store. It will be located on the lot next to the Arkansas City bank. J. P. Johnson is drawing up the papers and making ready to begin the erection of a business house on his lot on north Summit Street. There are several others who contemplate building during the year 1887, but as yet have their plans not fully matured.
In addition to the above A. A. Newman will complete his four blocks on which work has been commenced. S. Matlack will finish his store extension. Thos. Tyner, E. H. Carder, and D. G. Carder will each complete a business block.
Residence building is also going to boom with a vim. Many were built during last year, but the number will be trebled this year.
The above is but a brief outline of some of the principal building features of 1887. Many will no doubt deem it what is known in Kansas as a newspaper boom, but we wish to relieve our readers of any such idea. The report is with a fact basis and we believe twice the above number of business blocks will be erected in Arkansas City during the year.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887.
The Canal City Improvement Company.

The above company has just been organized in this city. The purpose of the organization is to contract buildings in Arkansas City. The capital stock is $50,000. A charter has been sent for and is expected to arrive daily. The following directors were chosen for the first year: A. D. Prescott, J. W. Hoyt, F. W. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, H. O. Meigs, Jas. Hill, and Geo. Westfall. The building committee is composed of Frank J. Hess, C. R. Sipes, T. H. McLaughlin, and E. D. Eddy. The first building this company proposes to erect will be on lot 1, block 61, corner of 9th avenue and Summit street. It will be built of brick, two stories high, 100 feet deep and 25 wide. Dr. J. T. Shepard owns the adjacent lot and will most likely put up a building at the same time the above company does.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Manufacturing Committee of the Business Men’s Club organized last evening. Maj. Sleeth was made chairman; Capt. C. G. Thompson vice-president; and F. W. Farrar, secretary. This committee has several manufacturing enterprises on hand which will develop shortly.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Real Estate Transfers.
Three lots, second ward, to Amos Spray, from F. W. Farrar et al: $1,500.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
F. W. Farrar, et al, sold to Amos Spray this morning 75 feet in the vineyard for $1,500. Amos will build an elegant residence thereon immediately.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
F. W. Farrar bought 13 lots in Lincoln Park this morning, consideration, $1,950.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887.
H. P. FARRAR, Cashier.
F. W. FARRAR, Asst. Cashier.
   PAID UP CAPITAL: $125,000.
SURPLUS: $15,000.