Calvin Ferguson


Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
C. Ferguson 27  m w Pennsylvania  Kentucky
Ellen J. Ferguson 22  f w Indiana Indiana
Wm. Ferguson 8  m w Indiana Indiana
City of Winfield 1880: Calvin Ferguson, 33; spouse, E. J., 34.
Winfield Directory 1880:
Ferguson, C. (Terrill & Ferguson), r. 9th avenue n. e. corner Millington.
Griffith, Chas., driver, Terrill & Ferguson, boards McDonald & Co.
Smith, Dan, hostler, Terrill & Ferguson, boards McDonald & Co.
Supernaw, Jos., omnibus agent, Terrill & Ferguson.
TERRILL & FERGUSON, livery and feed stable. Winfield omnibus line,
9th avenue, n. s. between Main and [rest obliterated].
Terrill, B. M. (Terrill & Ferguson), r. 10th and [rest obliterated].
BURKHALTER, S., 10th avenue, corner Manning.
SPEED & MOFFITT, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
TERRILL & FERGUSON, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
VANCE & DAVIS, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
SOUTH WESTERN STAGE CO., M. L. Bangs, agent,
9th avenue between Main and Manning.
WINFIELD OMNIBUS LINE, Terrill & Ferguson, proprietors;
9th avenue n. s. between Main and Millington.
CORWIN, G. F., Main, w. s. between 6th and 7th avenues.
SMITH, J. O., 8th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
SPEED & MOFFITT, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
TERRILL & FERGUSON, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
VANCE & DAVIS, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
TERRILL, B. M. (Terrill & Ferguson), moved to Terrill’s Restaurant, Manning’s block.
Item missing from papers relative to J. T. Quarles (usually called “Col.” Quarles and Calvin Ferguson starting livery stable in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
Quarles & Ferguson have raised the frame of their new barn.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Ferguson & Quarles have their new barn nearly completed.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Captain Davis has bought Col. Quarles interest in the new Livery Stable and has settled down once more to his old business. The Captain is an old hand at the business, and a good one
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
Cal. Ferguson, of the firm of Davis & Ferguson, has returned from Baxter Springs, bringing with him his wife.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
The City of Winfield in account with M. L. Robinson, Trea­surer, June 15th, 1874.
April 9 By Ferguson & Quarles, license, Livery stable: $2.50.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.
Calvin Ferguson and wife to Mary Ann Seely part of s e qr sec 4 tp 33 e of r 4 e; 120 acres $1,637.50.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.
NOTICE. We will run a double seated carriage with careful driver from all parts of the city to the picnic and fair grounds the 4th. Also to the ball at the courthouse at night. Parties wishing to engage can leave their orders at our office in stables on Manning street.
Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.
Davis & Ferguson are erecting a two story stone livery barn. It will be one of the best livery stables in the county when it is finished.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
Last week we neglected to call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of Davis & Ferguson, liverymen, on Eighth [Ninth] Avenue. They have some of the best turn-outs in the city (which is saying a good deal), and they have also a new stone barn in progress of erection which promises to be the finest stable in the place. When you want any livery, walk around and see them.
We have also for sale a full line of Carriages, Hacks, and Buggies. Reliable Riding and Driving Horses, Carriages, Buggies, and Phaeton always on hand. Special care taken with boarding horses. Carriages or hacks furnished with careful drivers when desired.
OFFICE and STABLES on 9th Street.
[Note: Article refers to Davis and Ferguson being on Eighth Avenue. However, the ad that follows shows office and stables are on 9th Street [Avenue].
Davis & Ferguson: new livery barn. Location: Ninth Avenue east of Main Street.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
Davis & Ferguson have moved their stock into their new livery barn on 9th Street east of Main. They now have the finest barn in Southwestern Kansas.
Billy Anderson takes over old location of Davis & Ferguson: Ninth Avenue east of Main Street...

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
Billy Anderson has opened a new livery stable at the old stand of Davis & Ferguson, on 9th street west [east] of Main, where he has as fine a stock of teams and carriages as was ever brought to this town. He invites all his friends and the public generally to call and see him when they want anything in his line, and we assure them that they will be liberally dealt with.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
Davis & Ferguson’s elegant stone livery stable is completed.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.
DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing between E. Davis and C. Ferguson has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. E. DAVIS, C. FERGUSON.
April 28th, 1875.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. S. S. Richmond & Bro. vs. Davis & Ferguson.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.
Mr. Cal. Ferguson, one of Winfield’s old citizens, spent several days recently among his friends here. Cal. is talking of going to Colorado.
Cal. Ferguson teams up with “By” [B. M.] Terrill in stable...
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
9th Avenue, East of Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Runs in connection with their Stable in Wichita.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
WINFIELD, KANSAS, APRIL 10. B. M. Terrill, formerly of Wichita, is running a livery stable in connection with Ferguson at Wichita. He claims to have the best teams in the state, and offers passengers the same rates as the stage to any point from Wichita to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
The stage, a hack, and a buggy, all well loaded with passengers, made a race of the trip from Wichita to Winfield last Thursday. They left Wichita about 8 o’clock in the morning and until they passed Bushnell it was doubtful which would win. Soon after passing that place a wheel ran off and let the stage down. Not long after that the buggy horses began to wilt. The hack, which was one of Terrill & Ferguson’s rigs, got in before three o’clock p.m., loaded with M. L. Robinson & wife, Mrs. Millington, an Alton gentleman, and the driver, with the team in excellent condition; the stage mended up and got in two hours later, and the buggy got in a little later still, but one of its horses died before morning and the other was not much better off.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:

TERRILL & FERGUSON. Everybody knows and likes By Terrill and Cal. Ferguson. If they cannot please you with a good team when you want to go anywhere, nobody can. They have one of the best livery and feed stables in the State and understand their busi­ness. They also have a stable at Wichita, and their teams hired to go between the two cities may be left at either.
[Note: Ad shows “The Stone Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, 9th Avenue, east of Main Street, Winfield, Kansas. Name incorrectly given as “Tyrrell & Ferguson.”]
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Terrill & Ferguson have purchased Capt. E. Davis’ interest in the stone livery stable on Ninth avenue. They now own and control the best livery outfit in the country.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
Terrill & Ferguson will run a four-horse omnibus during the fair.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.
Terrill & Ferguson have purchased an omnibus, which will hereafter run to trains, carry passengers to and from the fair grounds, and do anything in the carriage line. Persons desiring to leave on the train will be called for by leaving their orders at Terrill & Ferguson’s livery stable.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
Terrill & Ferguson’s bus did a rushing business during the fair. They also have a large majority of the train business.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
By Terrill has been awarded the contract to carry the mail on the route from Arkansas City to Okmulgee, semi-weekly.
Arkansas City: Terrill passed through on way to Territory, where he is fitting up his mail line and will put in stock and coaches...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
By Terrill passed through on Monday on his way to the Territory. He is fitting up his mail line and will put on stock and coaches as soon as things begin to boom.
Terrill & Ferguson: building large granary on Ninth Avenue...
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
Terrill & Ferguson are building a large granary on Ninth Avenue, in which to store the grain to supply their livery during the winter.
Terrill & Ferguson: sub-contract for carrying mails from Arkansas City through Indian Territory...
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
The sub-contract for carrying the mails from Arkansas City through the Territory has been let to Terrill & Ferguson, and they are now stocking the line. Mr. Terrill is an old stage man and understands the business.
Cal. Ferguson again becomes a resident in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.
Mr. Cal Ferguson, of Terrill & Ferguson, is again a resident of Winfield. His household fixtures arrived Monday, and will be followed shortly by his better half. We have observed Cal radiating between this place and Wichita for the past month, and supposed it would not be long ere he returned to his first love.

Arkansas City: livery stable leased to Calvin Ferguson and D. A. McIntire of Wichita...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
L. C. Wood has sold his livery stock and leased his stable to Ferguson & McIntire of Wichita. Mr. Wood will improve his vacant lots on Fifth Avenue. Fifth Avenue draws, don’t it? With little or no improvement on that street it more than holds its own against all odds, and now that the mail will come up from the depot on that street it will continue the boss Avenue in town.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
Our genial friend, Rudolph Hoffmaster, has once more taken up his abode in our city after a summer spent at the Geuda Springs. He has taken charge of Terrill & Ferguson’s livery stable on Fifth avenue.
Arkansas City: D. A. McIntire purchased the livery outfit of Terrill & Ferguson...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
D. A. McIntire, who has purchased the livery outfit of Terrill & Ferguson, has put on a new omnibus in town this week, which we understand is to furnish free transportation to and from the depot to the patrons of the Central Avenue hotel. With two omnibuses, we feel decidedly hubbish.
By Terrill disposes of his interest in Terrill & Ferguson livery stable in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
By Terrill is disposing of his interest in the Terrill & Ferguson livery stable to his partner, and will leave for old Mexico in a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
Cal. Ferguson has a little girl, born Thursday morning.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
A party of our citizens, comprising James Finch, Custer, Covert, and Walcott [Wolcott], with Patterson of Arkansas City, went to Arkansas City on a sort of a “jamboree.” They had one of Terrill & Ferguson’s best rigs, and on their return, when within four or five miles of town, managed by careless driving to upset the carriage, breaking the vehicle in divers places, and well nigh making it a complete wreck. The horses were not injured. Custer had a leg broken in two places. Patterson’s collar bone was fractured, and Walcott’s [Wolcott’s] head seriously bruised.  Telegram.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
A week ago today when Tisdale’s large omnibus had just returned from a trip, was backed under the shed, and the hands had just got the four horses unhitched from it with the lines done up, an idiotic man, who had been sleeping in the shed, arose with a white blanket around him, which so frightened the horses that they jumped and ran, a trace or tug catching the iron on the end of the omnibus pole and taking the bus along, being drawn by one of the horses by one tug. The horses ran with the bus about town frightening everybody, but did no damage until they ran through Terrill & Ferguson’s livery stable, where the opening was not high enough for the bus and the whole top of the bus was swept off and wrecked. The horses ran into the back yard and were there secured.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Wichita Beacon: Our old friend and fellow citizen, Mr. Cal Ferguson, is the leading livery man of Winfield. He has a large stable and stock of livery horses is first class. His establish­ment is headquarters for all the “boys” from Wichita. We don’t know any cleverer gentleman than Mr. Ferguson, and we are glad to know that he is prospering. He is just as popular in Winfield as he is in Wichita.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
Terrill & Ferguson have secured the services of Mr. John Stewart as his agent. John is a popular young man and keeps the buss business above the standard.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Cal Ferguson started for Kentucky on last Thursday, and will be gone three weeks.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Cal Ferguson returned Saturday from his trip to Kentucky.
The next item does not make sense. Nothing more was said about “Billie Hans.”
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Cal Ferguson has sold his livery stable to Billie Hans, late of the Territory, and will hereafter devote his exclusive atten­tion to his mail and stage routes.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Will Ferguson, son of Cal. Ferguson, has returned from Emporia where he has been going to school.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
Master Will Ferguson is home from Emporia, where he has been attending school.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
Cal. Ferguson took us out in his cutter Tuesday. It was mighty exhilarating, riding after his three minute steed.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Cal Ferguson, of the Southern Express Co., was in town last week on business connected with his mail route. While here he purchased a herd of ponies, which he drove to Winfield, and we presume there offered them for sale. A. C. Traveler.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
Harry Bahntge purchased a handsome horse and buggy from Cal Ferguson Saturday for which he paid $500 in cash.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Ferguson have gone to keeping house, and now we expect to see Cal fatten right up.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
Will Ferguson, Fred Sherman, Jack Geiser, and Jack Ehrlinger have formed themselves into what might be called a Harmonic band. Ferguson and Geiser play the harmonica, while Sherman and Ehrlinger play the Guitar. And they make delicious music.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.

Winfield is going to have a band. Wednesday evening a number of young men met at THE COURANT office, and organized a cornet band, with the following members: Ed. Farringer, R. I. Mansfield, Frank Barclay, Ed. McMullen, Will Farringer, Will Hodges, Ad. Brown, Chas. Dever, and Will Ferguson. The boys are all young, active, and composed of the right kind of material to make an excellent band. All they need to do is to practice diligently, and we have no fears that the day is not far hence when Winfield can boast of one of the best bands in the state. In order to make the organization strong, it will be necessary for the businessmen of Winfield to do all in their power to help the boys along. By unanimous vote of the members, it was decided to christen it THE COURANT BAND.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Cal. Ferguson has furnished his livery barn with the best outfit of horses ever gathered together in this city. It is a pleasure for horsemen to look through his barn.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Our Pretty Songsters.
The Operetta of “Effie, or the Fairy Queen,” for which Prof. F. C. Cushman had a class in training for two weeks previous, was presented at the Opera House Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week with marked success—so far as the entertainment itself was concerned. The slushy condition of the streets at that time prevented the entertainment receiving the patronage it merited, and as a pecuniary benefit to the manager was a partial failure. A majority of Winfield’s young misses were engaged in it, and where all performed their parts so well it would seem invidious to particularize; but the most prominent actors deserve more than a passing notice. The splendid singing of Miss Zulu Farringer, the fairy queen, was the subject of much favorable comment by the audience. Her appearance was beautiful, and her solos were executed with such ease and grace as many a professional might envy. Will Ferguson as fairy clown produced much merriment. In this vale of tears the business of fun-making is far from being overdone, and the world is always ready to appreciate those who make it laugh. Misses Bertha Wallis and Minnie Andrews, as “Effie” and “Mary,” also elicited much favorable comment, and demonstrated that they were possessed of much natural talent in the musical and dramatic art. Miss Cora Andrews represented the poverty-stricken mother very nicely. Fritz Sherman carried out the part of the drunken father splendidly, though a little beard to have covered up that smooth face would have given him a more fatherly appearance. The tableaux were pretty, unique, and effective, especially that of the angels, with their beautiful wings and flowing tresses, ascending to heaven with little Fannie, which was composed of Misses Gertrude McMullen, Willie Wallis, and Minnie Fahey, with little Lula McGuire as Fannie. Those comprising the maids of honor, maids’ attendants, and queen’s pages, all did credit to themselves by their beautiful singing and excellent rendition of the parts assigned. There were about seventy performers, all in bright costume, and some of the scenes presented were very brilliant. The instrumental music was made perfect by Ed. Farringer presiding at the piano. These entertainments do much to draw out and improve the musical talents of the young, and we must say that this one plainly shows that the abilities of Winfield’s young ladies in this line is of no ordinary character.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.

Cal. Ferguson has received a lot of magnificent buggies and Surrey wagons from the Columbus Buggy Co., this week. He has sold a large number of these buggies during the past year and they have given general satisfaction. Call and see them.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
The following accounts were presented and referred to the finance committee.
Cal. Ferguson, team and hearse: $3.00.
The following amounts were presented and allowed and ordered paid.
Cal. Ferguson, room for election: $2.00.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Cal Ferguson, hearse for city poor, $3.00, approved and recommended to county commissioners.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
See the letter from the Columbus Buggy Co., to Cal. Ferguson in another column. Mr. Ferguson is the exclusive agent of the company here.
Office of Columbus Buggy Company, Columbus, Ohio, May 24, 1883. Mr. C. Ferguson, Winfield, Kansas. Dear Sir: Having learned that certain parties in Winfield claim to be selling work of our manufacture, other than yourself, we take occasion to say that all of our sales for a long time past have been confined to you, and that no other parties there have our goods for sale, no matter what representations to the contrary they may make.
Very Respectfully, Columbus Buggy Co.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
Recap: Receiver’s Sale. William L. Hands, Plaintiff, against Calvin Ferguson, Defendant, James B. Schofield, Receiver. Selling at Public Auction August 4, 1883, at the hour of 1 o’clock P.M., at the crossing of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, One Merts & Riddle Hearse, Nearly New.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Charlie Black, Cal Ferguson, and Ewing, a Columbus buggy company man, left Sunday for a week’s hunting trip in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Span of roadsters 4 years and over, Cal Ferguson, Winfield, 1st premium; W. S. Baird, of Howard City, 2nd.
Single roadster gelding 4 or over, D. R. Green, Winfield, 1st premium; Cal Ferguson, Winfield, 2nd.
Best display of Jellies, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, city, 2nd.
Best tidy, cotton, Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Clara B. Millington, city, 2nd.

Best gooseberry jelly, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, city, 2nd.
Best lemon jelly, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, city, 2nd.
Best plum jelly, Mrs. Lilla Conrad, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, 2nd.
Best quince jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal Ferguson, city, 2nd.
Best raspberry jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal Ferguson, city, 2nd.
Best rhubarb jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, city, 2nd.
Best tomato jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, city, 2nd.
Best display of jellies, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, city, 2nd.
Calvin Ferguson sells his half interest in omnibus business to Arthur Bangs...
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Cal. Ferguson has sold his half interest in the ’bus business at this place to Arthur Bangs. Arthur is now “boss of his own concern.”
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The Catholic Fair to be held November 27, 28, and 29 promises to be a grand success. Several articles of use, ornament, and value to be disposed of during the three days. Some of the articles are for raffle and some are to be voted to prominent citizens of Winfield. Among the many things to be disposed of is a pair of Piebald ponies which will be raffled off at $2 a chance, or number. A lady’s fine gold watch worth $150, beautifully and richly set with rubies, in fact the finest lady’s watch ever brought to Winfield by Hudson Bros., the part donors thereof. The watch is to be voted for the contestants or candidates, being A. E. Baird’s charming little daughter, and D. R. Green’s charming Lucy. A $40 gold headed cane is to be voted to the gentleman of Winfield receiving the most votes. The candidates as far as ascertained are A. T. Spotswood, D. L. Kretsinger, J. B. Lynn, Jim Hill, Cal. Ferguson, Charlie Harter, and Charlie Black, gentlemen well known to the people of Winfield and county; and also a neat and handsome office chair is to be voted for, the contestants being Fred C. Hunt and Will T. Madden; and a pair of lady’s gold bracelets to Jessie Smedley or Dora McRorey, whichever receives the most votes; also a fine wax doll to be voted to Mr. Hendricks’s little daughter or Mable Siverd. A handsome gold ring donated by our genial jeweler, Mr. Ramsey, will be baked in a handsome cake, and disposed of at 10 cents a piece, one of which pieces will contain the ring. Some of the articles for raffle are a handsome rug donated by J. B. Lynn, a handsome easy chair donated by Frank Berkey, a fine silver castor donated by our young jeweler, Bobby Hudson, and many other articles of ornament and use too numerous to mention, donated by Jim Hill, Mr. Arment, and other parties whose names will be mentioned hereafter. The Thanksgiving dinner spoken of will be the finest ever served in Winfield, and it is to be hoped that all will avail themselves of a delicious meal. The Fair will close by a grand ball on Thanksgiving evening, giving the young folks a chance to enjoy the day wisely set apart by our President for amusement and social recreation.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

I have the testimonials of more than 500 persons who are using the Burgess Steam Washer and say, “The longer we use it the better we like it, and would recommend it to our neighbors and friends as a washer that will clean all parts of the garment, and will wash all kinds of goods perfectly; that it will save its cost in one year in the wear of clothes, as in the ordinary way of washing, clothing is rubbed out more than worn out.” Lewis Conrad.
The following is a partial list of names of ladies in our vicinity who are using the Burgess Steam Washer: Mrs. Folts, Mrs. Irv Randall, Mrs. John McGuire, Mrs. Morehouse, Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, Mrs. H. H. Hughes, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Thos. Youle, Mrs. R. J. Yeoman, Mrs. S. Compton, Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. West, Mrs. Stivers, Mrs. Searl, Mrs. E. J. Gilbert, Mrs. P. P. Powell, Mrs. Samuel Myton, Mrs. J. L. Baker, and 30 others, all of whom can be consulted. Lewis Conrad.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Cal. Ferguson left last week for Hot Springs, Arkansas. His health has been bad for a long time and he goes south in the hopes of speedy and permanent recovery.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Number of peas in jar 13,242. Prize awarded to Mr. John Shields, of New Salem, his guess being 13,247.
Ten next nearest guesses are: Mrs. Cal Ferguson: 13,275; J. R. Taylor: 13,283; Sam Slate: 13,331; F. M. Freeland: 13,333; J. F. Miller: 13,333; Mrs. Van Way: 13,333; D. L. Kretsinger: 13,333; W. M. Palmer: 13,160; C. W. Saunders: 13,400; J. A. Patterson: 13,407.
Total number guesses: 901. Highest guess: 5,000,000. Lowest guess: 700.
We, the undersigned, certify that we have counted the contents of the glass jar in Bryan & Lynn’s window, personally and carefully, and find the number of peas to be 13,242.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Masquerade. The members of the Pleasant Hour Club have made the winter thus far very pleasant in a social way. Their hops have been well attended, and the utmost good feeling and harmony has prevailed. Their masquerade ball last Thursday evening was the happiest hit of the season. The floor was crowded with maskers and the raised platforms filled with spectators. At nine o’clock the “grand march” was called, and the mixture of grotesque, historical, mythological, and fairy figures was most attractive and amusing. Then, when the quadrilles were called, the effect of the clown dancing with a grave and sedate nun, and Romeo swinging a pop-corn girl, was, as one of the ladies expressed it, “just too cute.”
The following is the list of names of those in masque, together with a brief description of costume or character represented.
Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, Sunflower costume.
Calvin Ferguson still has livery barn in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
Cal Ferguson went up to Wichita Tuesday to purchase several driving teams for his livery
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
Cal Ferguson was granted a building permit.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Cal. Ferguson has re-floored his livery barn and constructed a neater and more roomy office.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
Cal. Ferguson and Lou Zenor returned Monday from a trip into the Territory, where they angled for the finny tribe and participated in other recreating pastimes.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Following bill was referred to finance committee:
C. Ferguson, team and carriage for conveying visitors, $3.00.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
Winfield will be represented at the Minneapolis Reunion by the following persons, so far as we have been able to ascertain: C. Ferguson, J. E. Snow, R. Amrine, L. B. Stone, A. R. Wilson, M. G. Troup, J. B. Schofield ___ Smith, T. J. Harris, N. A. Haight, A. G. Wilson, Thos. Thompson, S. C. Smith, and S. Cure. Delegations from other sections of the county will congregate in this city and all take a special train Sunday morning.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
The following bill was allowed and ordered paid.
Cal. Ferguson, team and carriage, $2.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
The following bill was ordered paid.
Cal. Ferguson, team and carriage, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. 30. J. N. Knowles vs. C. Ferguson.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Apricot jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mrs. C. Ferguson, 2nd.
Blackberry jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mrs. Cal Ferguson, 2nd.
Current jelly, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. Cal Ferguson, 2nd.
Siberian crab jelly, Mrs. C. Ferguson, 1st; Mrs. T. M. Graham, 2nd.
Grape jelly, white, Mrs. C. Ferguson, 1st.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Will Ferguson came in from the Kansas City Commercial College yesterday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Ferguson are off for the worlds fair to be absent a month.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Mrs. W. Ferguson, of Arkansas City, is spending a few weeks with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Cal Ferguson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.

Cal Ferguson has received a paper announcing the fact that B. M. Terrill, his former partner here, is deputy Sheriff of Holbrook County, Arizona. Everybody remembers the jolly “Bye.”
Cal Ferguson leaves for Dodge City with horses, stage coaches, etc., for his new mail route, from Dodge City, Indian Territory, and Texas...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Cal Ferguson leaves today for Dodge City with a half train load of horses, stage coaches, harness, men, and other paraphernalia for the equipment of his new mail route, from Dodge south through Meade County and the Indian country into Texas. It will go both ways daily. Cal is getting to be one of the big overland stage men of the west.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The case of J. N. Knowles against C. Ferguson was dismissed for want of prosecution, plaintiff to pay costs.
Cal Ferguson: new mail and stage routes proving to be good investments...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Cal. Ferguson came in from Dodge City Saturday, returning today. His new mail and stage routes in that section are proving good investments.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Four victims who had run against the cold arms of the law, and been languishing in durance vile in our bastille, were arraigned before Judge Torrance yesterday afternoon and sentenced to the “pen.” All plead guilty. Charley Lewis, who was in the tolls, charged with burglarizing Smith & Zook’s safe last winter, was given two years for jail breaking. The burglary case against him was dismissed for want of evidence. Had Lewis quietly reveled in the luxuries of the bastille without so cruelly tearing up the floor and ground in trying to tunnel out, he would now be enjoying sweet liberty. His love of freedom put on the iron bands. He is a gentlemanly looking fellow of about thirty—but undoubtedly too familiar with the modes of jail breaking. F. M. Moreland and G. W. Estus, who, with an audacity and cruelty horrible to behold, stole two horses from the poor, forlorn boomers, at Arkansas City a month ago, were given three years each. They were captured near Medicine Lodge. Both of them were at one time in the employ of Cal Ferguson, one at the stable here and the other on the Territory stage line. This was their first trial at horse stealing. They are 24 and 28 years old. Thos. Corbin was sent up for one year for appropriating the proceeds from two loads of wheat, $46. He took the wheat to Arkansas City for another man, sold it, shoved the money into his own trousers, and decamped. But he only got to Grouse creek. One year for silent, awful remorse. He is a good-looking, genteel appearing young man of twenty-two. All took their sentence more like a huge joke than the stern, terrible reality it will prove to be. Sheriff McIntire left this afternoon for the “pen” with the victims.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
The serenaders were again out with their charming guitar and vocal music Saturday night. As the low, sweet strains floated out from under ye scribe’s window, his soul was engulfed in a heavenly calm whose appreciation was unutterable. Such music would swell the calloused heart of even a confirmed stoic. These serenaders (Will Ferguson, Quincy Robertson, Fred Bates, and Ed Donnell) are winning golden laurels.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.

Misses Minnie DeLay and Nina Stivers and Messrs. Will Ferguson and Harry Holbrook spent Sunday in Wellington.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Wanted. To contract to have cut and stacked 300 tons of hay in the Territory: 100 at Ponca Agency, 100 at Otoe Agency, 25 tons at Pawnee, 50 tons at Cave Springs, and 25 tons at Cimarron. Inquire of J. L. Hodges or C. Ferguson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Bill paid: Cal Ferguson et al, election rooms, June 2nd, $8.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The man in the moon, as he looked down on his big and varied domain, last night, cast a beaming smile on one party he saw—sweet serenaders who sent out on the balmy air music whose charm is inexpressible. The writer, lying dreamily on his couch wrapped in tranquility and a cool breeze, heard sweet strains floating in at the open windows. At first he made not a stir. He thought the long-hoped for heavenly transition had been made; but on gazing from the northeast corner of his left eye, he beheld not an angel. Then Old Morpheus relinquished himself, and in the gauzy, ghostly habiliments of stilly night we noiselessly stole down the stairs and out to the musical origin. The serenaders thought it Hamlet’s ghost, at first, but as the apparition approached nearer, all fear was blighted. The party was composed of Will Ferguson and Fred Ballein, guitars, and George Nelson and Will Schell, violins, with O. J. Daugherty, bells, and Harry Sickafoose and I. Martin, manipulators of the vocal organ. They were chaperoned by Steve Paris, with his hack and mules. Their music was grand: as soft and low as that of the Aeolian harp and brought out many appreciative responses at different houses. They were out till two o’clock.
Cal Ferguson looking after stage lines out west. Reports immense immigration to Ashland, Meade Center, Fowler City and other “wild west” towns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Cal. Ferguson came in Saturday from the west, where he has been looking after his stage lines. He reports an immense immigration to Ashland, Meade Center, Fowler City, and other “wild west” towns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The following claims were allowed in July.
Livery hire, Cal Ferguson, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
REMOVED. To make room for the new building on Main Street, I have moved my stock of Saddlery and Harness Goods -TO- EAST NINTH AVENUE, Opposite Ferguson’s Livery Stable, where I hope to see all my old customers and as many new ones as need goods in my line. Thanking you for past favors, and hoping for a continuance of the same, I am,
R. E. SYDAL. East Ninth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.

Slick Thief. Joe Church, deputy sheriff at Dexter, took in one James Whitehead, a lad of nineteen, who had stolen a saddle and supposedly a horse at Dexter. Thursday afternoon he started to Winfield with him. Whitehead claimed that he got his horse and saddle at Wichita and a trip to that place would give evidence of his ownership. Church expected to go to Wichita to look this matter up and didn’t want to bring his team to Winfield. Mr. Hockett, a stockman, was coming over on the hack and consented to bring the prisoner, Church coming in with W. A. Lee’s agent in a buggy, expecting to follow along close to the hack. Having to wait for the commitment papers put Church half an hour behind. Arriving at Ferguson’s stable, Hockett and the prisoner got out, and Hockett—absent-mindedly, he says—went up town and left the prisoner at the stable. Church soon met Hockett, and said: “What did you do with your prisoner?” “Why, I left him down at the stable; he’s looking for you.” “Looking for h l,” said Church, and hauled up at Ferguson’s to find the thief non-est—skipped for safer pastures. Our officials searched the country Thursday night fruitlessly. Some think it a put up job between Whitehead and Hockett, one man saying that the latter said to the thief at the barn, “Well, good bye; good luck to you.” However, this is only hearsay, and Hockett proclaims innocence. There is no doubt that the fellow stole the outfit three miles from Dexter. He went northeast from here on foot.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Don’t Blame Him! A cute subscriber takes exception to our “Slick Thief” article of last week, relating to the escape of Jim Whitehead, who stole Col. Ridgway’s horse near Dexter. It will be remembered that he was left, for a few minutes, at Ferguson’s stable, while his custodian absent-mindedly (?) went up town, to find his man non est on his return. Whitehead was recaptured by Sheriff McIntire, and is now in jail. He will probably corroborate the following.
“Your article is a misnomer. A prisoner would be a green specimen if he did not go when turned loose. Any common thief would step out, if put up at a livery stable—unless he had very good provender. Nobody blames the young man for going under such treatment. If he had been put up at a first-class hotel and had his board paid, he would have been inexcusable. But the thought of being boarded at the ‘Hotel de Hoss,’ was beyond endurance.”
Old stage that is historic, going back to 1861...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Antiquated and Historic. Standing down at Wheeler’s blacksmith shop, east Ninth avenue, is a vehicle whose history is parallel with that of the James gang and various Missouri marauders. It is a primitive stage coach, and is owned by Cal. Ferguson. It was run out of Springfield, Missouri, behind six mules, way back in 1861, when the bloody rebellion was terrorizing the country. Its history indicates many bloody wars in its walls, and that the James gang have plundered its passengers numerously. The old stage shows some wicked bullet holes—yet it stands, the dumb history of romantic years. It is built on the order of the old dime novel stage coach—heavy spliced-leather springs, axles principally wood—everything indicating the days when the mechanical art was very infantile. Cal. has had the old relic on his territory route for some years, but its days of usefulness are ended. With gray hairs, tottering form, and a whispered story on its lips, it will soon pass into the unknown. Go down and look at it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.

Since THE COURIER’s history of that old stage relic of Cal Ferguson’s, standing down by Wheeler’s blacksmith shop, it has been the object of hundreds of scrutinizing eyes. Men stand around it in little knots and discuss the probable murders that have stained its Missouri history in border-ruffian days. The bullet holes are the greatest enigma. So many seem unable to find them. They are there, all the same. We’ve got the affidavit of Frank James to prove it. The Hon. and defunct Jesse James, also sends us word that he is ready to corroborate the sworn statement of Frank at any time. Look again, fellows.
Cal Ferguson sells livery stock. Devoting time to stage business...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Cal Ferguson will devote his time now exclusively to the stage business, having sold his livery stock here to J. M. Eugler, from Iowa.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Cal. Ferguson got home Friday from the St. Louis Fair. He says it was immense. The exhibits of the New Orleans World’s Fair were nearly all there, making a grand show in addition to the Missouri attractions.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Dr. and Mrs. Mather, with their son and daughter, Harry and Letta, of Huntington, West Virginia, are visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Ferguson. The Doctor and Cal will take a trip into the Territory this week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
BERKEY & McGREGOR, -DEALERS IN- Shelf and Heavy Hardware.
The Celebrated Hawkeye Barb Wire a Specialty.
And a full assortment of Shelf Hardware. Our motto is “Honest dealing and small profits.” Come and see us.
East 9th Avenue, opposite Ferguson’s Livery Stable.
Ferguson barn: office decorated...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The Ferguson barn is putting on regular dude airs. Its office looks as cute and tasty as a lady’s boudoir. The woodwork is decorated with walnut, swamp ash, and ash, and the walls are a gallery of oil paintings of various designs and pretty shades. The work was executed by J. J. Wood and Frank Simington, late paintorial arrivals.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Election Returns at Courier Headquarters.
As the returns began to come in last evening, THE COURIER sanctum took on its annual jubilee. Every foot of space was occupied by Republicans and Democrats, the former exhibiting hilarity over Cowley County and Pennsylvania and Massachusetts and Connecticut, et al, and the Democrats consoling themselves by the Bulletins from New York and Virginia, received every few minutes. Will Ferguson, Chas. Le Paige, Quincy Robertson, and Jack Beck mixed the bulletins with charming music from guitars, violin, and bones, while the Juvenile Band was on the street discoursing its best music.
New stage coach being completed for Cal Ferguson to run from Fort Dodge into Texas...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.

Weaver and Keeler are about completing a stage coach for Cal. Ferguson to run from Fort Dodge into Texas. It is a fine piece of work.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Fielding M Freeland et ux to Calvin Ferguson, nw qr 34-31-4e: $3,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
The wind was in a bad tirade Friday. Real estate sailed around the heavens interviewing the angels, while part of it was playing thunder down here on earth. Out-houses were scattered all over town. The S. K. train was late—couldn’t make speed against the wind. The wires were blown down in several places. At the depot, while waiting for the train, Stafford’s “Old Queen” gray and buss was picked up by a gust and carried down Millington street about half a mile. Stafford started after her and ascended an air balloon. In some mysterious way, both were recovered. At the courthouse the weight of brains, influence, and general ability was too slim to hold things down, and the old house shook like an autumn leaf. The air had a spite of Judge Gans and blew the chimney off his office and through the roof on top of the vault. It broke three heavy joists, making an awful hole. Nobody was killed. Arthur Bangs lost his fine bus cap this morning two miles this side of Burden. A gale turned it out to grass. “Bill,” at Ferguson’s stable, had his hat lifted while at the depot this morning. He found it on Ninth avenue, a mile away. Judge Bard and Walter Seaver can’t be found, and it is rumored that they rode off this morning on the bosom of a miniature cyclone. One of Hank Paris’ bus sorrels was blown up on the platform at the depot this morning, with his hind feet under. His last end was too fast and came near standing him on his head. Seven men lifted him out. The roof of Warner & McIntyre’s planing mill on North Main was ripped to pieces. The building is owned by Mr. Jordan. The lower part is used by Warner & McIntyre, the upper story by Mr. Jordan for sleeping rooms.
Four new stage coaches in production for Cal Ferguson stage line out west...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Weaver & Keller are at work on an order from Cal. Ferguson, for four stage coaches for the west.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Will Ferguson and Will J. Flood went up to Wichita Thursday for a day’s vacation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
It seems to us that it would be a good plan to fix that crossing from the post office to Ferguson’s livery stable. It needs it badly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Will Ferguson and W. J. Flood returned Monday from Wichita, and report a dandy time with the boys.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Mrs. Wes. Ferguson and daughter of Arkansas City, are in the city visiting Mrs. Cal Ferguson for a few days.
Cal Ferguson’s brother, Wes. Ferguson, of Arkansas City, in charge of stable during absence of Cal at Dodge City...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Wes. Ferguson, a brother, of Arkansas City, has charge of Cal. Ferguson’s stable during the latter’s absence at Dodge City.
Capt. Siverd’s five-year old horse becomes part of Ferguson stage horses out west...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Capt. Siverd’s sorrel-topped companion, his noble steed, was parted with Friday. The Captain has owned him since 1881, since when that steed has carried more truth, piety, and intelligence over this country than any dozen other horses. Cal. Ferguson takes him to the western plains, to stage it. The parting of the two sorrels was pathetic, both the steed and the Captain shedding bitter tears.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 6, 1891.
Cal Ferguson returned from his business trip to New Mexico Sunday evening. He reports a very interesting time while gone. He was in Old Mexico and saw a fine country.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 6, 1891.
Will Ferguson went to Chanute Sunday evening to take a position in a large clothing establishment. Will is an accommo­dating young man and will not fail to give satisfaction to both employers and customers.