Rev. Solomon Ferguson Family
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Winfield Courier, January 3, 1884. DIED. Mrs. Ferguson, one of the oldest settlers in the county, and the mother of a very large family, died Monday. She has been a resident of Walnut Township since the organization of the county.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884. DIED. An obituary notice on the death of Mrs. Rev. Solomon Ferguson has been received too late for publication. It will appear next week.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884. OBITUARY NOTICE. Died, Near Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, December 31, 1883, at 12 p.m., Mrs. Cynthia A., wife of the Rev. Soloman Ferguson, aged 61 years, 11 months, and 5 days.
Mrs. Ferguson was born in Bartholomew County, Indiana. She moved with her parent, the Rev. James McEwan, when quite young, to Decatur County, where in October 1838 she was married to Solomon Ferguson, by whom she had ten children, two sons and eight daughters. Two daughters died in infancy; the others are left, with the brereaved husband, to mourn her loss—all members of the church. She was converted in 1843, and united with the Milford Salem Baptist Church, where she remained a member until September, 1847, when she moved to Fremont, Iowa, where she became a consistent member of Salem, now Fremont, Baptist Church. While in this church her husband was ordained a minister of the gospel, where in his arduous self-denying labors, he found in her an uncomplaining, self-denying helpmate. They moved to Cowley in the spring of 1871, and united with the Winfield Baptist Church, where she then became a member. She has remained a faithful, earnest, consistent member, beloved by all who knew her.
A great light has gone out in that neighborhood. With the last moments of the passing year, she breathed her last on earth, only to wake in the brightness of heaven. She died as dies the ocean wave along the shore, without a ripple, quiet and triumphant, as only the Christian can die. For a year her health has been failing, the immediate cause of death being paralysis. In addition to her husband and children, she leaves twenty-one grandchildren. It was a most affecting sight when they gathered around her to take their last farewell.
Her funeral was attended by Prof. E. P. Hickok, her former pastor, and Rev. J. Cairns, of this city, The latter preached the funeral sermon from first Thessalonians, 4th chapter, 14th verse, when Prof. Hickok made some very appropirate remarks, to a large and deeply affected audience. Seldom have we seen so much genuine sorrow; but our loss is her eternal gain.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
DIED. Mrs. Alec Frazier, of Walnut Township, died last Tuesday morning. She was a daughter of Mrs. Solomon Ferguson, a notice of whose death appeared in these columns but a few weeks ago.