George Fisher
Winfield 1873: George Fisher, 23; spouse, Ottilie, 22.
Note: Above was the only record found relative to George Fisher.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
CITY BAKERY. Messrs. Fisher & Gessler have completed their bakery and have it now in running order. The best of bread, pies, and other edibles are kept constantly on hand. They have a fine brick oven connected with their establishment.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Our enterprising bakers, Fisher & Gessler, are building a new brick oven. When you want anything in their line, give them a call.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
CITY BAKERY, 202 Main Street, Winfield, Kansas. FISHER & GESSLER, PROPRIETORS.
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
Fisher & Bryant have dissolved partnership. Fisher will continue the business, and wants everybody who wants a good meal to come and see him.
George Fisher became sole proprietor of this Winfield restaurant. It is not known if he gave his establishment a name.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
GEO. FISHER, Proprietor. West Side of Main Street.
By January 1874 George Fisher began to run a saloon...
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
Messrs. Lacy and Newland have filled two ice houses with nice ice. Fisher & Ehret have filled one. Mr. Stewart has not put up any yet, he is waiting for a better freeze.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
A Forger Nabbed. A few days ago a young man by the name of Wheeler, from Cedar County, Iowa, arrived in Winfield and immediately sought out Sheriff Walker, to whom he made known his errand, which was somewhat as follows.
Wheeler and his father do a general brokerage business in Cedar County, Iowa; that a man named A. J. Reeder, living in that county brought to their office, some six weeks ago, four or five promissory notes purporting to have been executed by parties living there and offered them for discount, which was readily given, as the parties whose names were attached were all good men. It turned out, however, that the notes were cleverly executed forgeries (amounting to about $2,000) and that this man, A. J. Reeder, was the forger. That he (Wheeler) had tracked Reeder to Winfield; that he was known here as Jackson, and further, that he (Reeder) was on the eve of a new departure for that Mecca of thieves and robbers—Texas; and that this man, Reeder, was a desperate character, who would never suffer himself to be taken without a desperate struggle. That, rather than be taken back to the scene of his crime, he would kill himself or the officer.
Sheriff Dick Walker got the situation through his head at once, and tightening his belt, proceeded to George Fisher’s saloon, where he was soon enabled, by the description given him, to spot his man, who was intently engaged in a game of “pigeon hole” with some of the frequenters of that place. Dick quietly lighted a cigar, watched his opportunity, and placing the muzzle of his navy to “his man’s” ear, said, “Come Reeder, and go with me.” At the mention of his name and the determined manner of the Sheriff, Reeder was taken completely by surprise, and before he recovered, was unarmed and completely under the sheriff’s control. The next morning he was taken by Sheriff Walker and Mr. Wheeler to Florence, where he was put on the train and started for Iowa.
The arrest of this man, Reeder, alias Jackson, who, if he is the desperado he is represented to be, is one of the neatest jobs that has ever been done in Southern Kansas, and Sheriff Dick Walker has proved himself to be what his friends knew him to be when they elected him—the right man in the right place.
[Above item was the last found on George Fisher. MAW]