Willie Fogg


Winfield and Pleasant Valley Township.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
One Fogg, a boy aged about sixteen, was hired by Dan Bunnell, of Grouse Creek, to herd cattle a short time since, and last week the young sinner ran off with one of his employer’s ponies. It is needless to say he was soon overhauled at the Kaw Agency, and an interview with Squire Butterfield resulted in his going to jail for six months.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Willie Fogg, aged fifteen, a smart, active, intelligent boy, for taking a horse from Mr. Bonnell, was sent to the county jail for six months. Is there not some good man who will interest himself in this boy’s welfare? He is from New Hampshire and probably tells the whole story when he says he has a stepfather and that he has not seen his mother for two years. He wants to go to school and learn a trade.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Judge Campbell paid Jailer Siverd a high compliment in his remarks upon the sentence of Willie Fogg, a mere boy arrested for riding off on his employer’s horse. The sentence was for six months in the county jail, and the judge consoled him with the thought that his confinement was in one of the best regulated jails in the state, and that he would be under the care of a man who, although firm and exacting in matters of discipline, was still kind and courteous to those under his charge. This is a de­served compliment, for in no county in the state can be found a better regulated and better disciplined jail than the one under Capt. Siverd’s care.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
Willie A. Fogg, the fifteen-year-old boy sentenced to the county jail for six months by Judge Campbell, at the last term of court, for grand larceny, was yesterday pardoned by the governor. Father Kelly made the application, has taken a great interest in him, and believes that he can reclaim him.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
We are under obligations to G. M. McIntire for the following item.
Willie Fogg, a juvenile horse thief, aged 15, who has served one term of imprisonment, undertook to try his hand a second time, so stole a horse from Winfield. Sheriff Shenneman got on his track and arrested him at the Willows, Indian Territory, on Saturday last. Deputy Sheriff McIntire and constable Breene arrived while the arrest was being made.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.

Willie Fogg, the boy whom friends recently got pardoned out of jail, was again incarcerated Sunday. Saturday morning he borrowed Mrs. Olds’ pony, got a saddle of Mr. Enright, and left, saying he would ride out in the country a short distance and return. Saturday evening they became uneasy about him, and reported the matter to the sheriff, who began investigating and found that he had told several different stories to get the pony and saddle. This convinced him that the boy had stolen the outfit and had no intention of returning, so he started in pursuit and succeeded in capturing the boy, pony, and saddle about twenty miles in the Territory. This boy seems to be a natural thief or a lunatic, without regard for friends or his own good. Father Kelly had interested himself in the boy’s welfare, and was doing all he could to make a man of him. The best thing that can be done for him is to give him the five years in the penitentiary at hard labor. He will come out a wiser if not a better boy.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881. Front Page.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
The case of the State versus Willie Fogg was submitted to the jury Wednesday noon.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
FROM THE MONITOR. The criminal cases on the docket were all rapidly disposed of the fore part of the week. Theodore Miller, charged with grand larceny, was given change of venue to Montgomery County; and Willie Fogg was convicted of the same offense. None of the convicted men have yet received their sentence.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Sheriff Shenneman left, on Monday last, with May and Toops, for the penitentiary. This makes fifteen convicts sent to the penitentiary during Mr. Shenneman’s term of office, not to mention Fogg, who, on account of his youth, was sentenced to the county jail for horse-stealing, and Miller, who was granted a change of venue to Montgomery County. This shows seventeen criminals brought to justice in less than two years, against eleven in the six years previous to Mr. Shenneman’s election. This of itself is a guarantee that we have the right man in the right place, so far as our present sheriff is concerned.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
The jail is about full of boarders since Sheriff Shenneman brought in his forger. There are now six of the boys in limbo with four months until court. Willie Fogg is in for horse stealing; Theodore Miller for larceny; James Jackson for horse stealing; Jefferson McDade for stealing money; Richard Oldham for threatening to assault and shoot one Fullerlove, at Arkansas City; and Richard Lennox, Alias Haywood and Alias St. Clair for forgery. The last is perhaps the most noted criminal ever brought in to the state, having served several terms in the Illinois penitentiary, and has operated all over the U. S. and Canada.
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
Willie Fogg is in trouble again. Monday morning he attempted to skip out via Oxford on a tie pass over the K. C. L. & S. Sheriff Shenneman went after him and brought him back. And he once more languishes behind iron bars. The natural cussedness of this youth is beyond the comprehension of ordinary man. Without regard for friends, home, or family, he seems to have cut loose at this early age from everything that shows a tinge of respectability, or honor. It is fortunate for the community that he hasn’t sense enough to escape after doing a mean thing. He will pass most of his life behind prison bars.
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.

At last the Cronk-Constant difficulty, which has so long disturbed the peace and quiet of the Posey Creek neighborhood, has been brought to a quietus by the conviction of Fogg and Cronk for assault and battery on the Constant boys; and Messrs. Fogg and young Cronk now languish in the County jail. This has been a most distressing affair from the beginning—a regular neighbor­hood row—and a neighborhood row is the worst row in the world. This is the third or fourth time the matter has been dragged into the courts, and we sincerely hope that it will be the last. If the thing goes on, someone will pass the remainder of their days in the penitentiary. Fogg and Cronk were fined $25 each and the costs, amounting in all to nearly $150. County Attorney Jennings did all he could to allay the feelings he foresaw would grow out of these bickerings; but finding it of no use, he determined to prosecute vigorously and to the fullest extent of the law every disturbance of the peace: and when our County Attorney clears the decks for action, someone is bound to get hurt.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Stop the Row! The old Cronk-Constant feud in Pleasant Valley Township has broken out again. This has been altogether a most disgraceful neighborhood row, and it is about time for the State to step in and demand that her peace and dignity be respected. The affair began by one of Cronk’s hogs getting on Constant’s land. Constant shot the hog and was arrested by Cronk. Then Mrs. Constant slapped Cronk’s boy and there was another arrest and lawsuit. Then Fogg and Cronk’s boy, to use a vulgar term, “laid for” Constant’s boys and fought a fight with them, which was the cause of another arrest and lawsuit, and resulted in placing young Cronk and Fogg in the County jail, from whence they secured release at a heavy expense to Cronk. Then Fogg left, and it was hoped a permanent truce had been declared. But on Tuesday Cronk files complaint against Constant for breaking fence, or something of that sort, and the war will range once more as fierce as ever. We would advise these people not only for their own good, but for the welfare and good name of the community to let up on this business. It will ruin them all in the end and benefit no one but the devil. A man had better keep seven dogs than have a row with a neighbor.