Arkansas City Foundry


To Whom It May Concern:
I got help from Dr. Bottorff, Larry Rhodes, and Bruce Hedrick on getting proper street addressing on the foundry.
Mr. Rhodes informed me that the street designations changed in 1887 and told me to go to the 1893 Arkansas City Directory to get street address for the last-known owner of the foundry: Danks Brothers.
Directory shows DANKS BROTHERS, foundry and machine works, 1st street between Chestnut and Walnut Avenues.
Looking at the Fire Map of Arkansas City in 1884, Bruce Hedrick informed me that the address at that time was something like 221-228 Eighth Street.
The foundry was in Block 127.
When city wards were designated, it was in Fourth Ward.
Many changes took place with the “foundry.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Novelty Factory.
Arrangements have been completed with a Mr. George Smith for the erection of a lock, novelty, and machine repair shop in our city. According to the terms agreed upon between the City Council, Canal Co., and Mr. Smith, a building 27 x 100 feet is to be commenced at once, and at least 25 hands are to be employed the first year, and to be increased according to contract agreed upon. Should this enterprise pan out, it will undoubtedly prove a great benefit to our city in more ways than one, as well as making a great convenience to the farmers and others using machinery in this vicinity.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
Geo. W. Smith, of Leavenworth, has contracted to put up a foundry and repair shop at Arkansas City to be run by the canal power.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
The walls of the new Foundry, in the west part of town, are looming up and several door frames are already in position. A force of men are constantly at work upon the enterprise.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881. KANSAS NEWS. Front Page.
Arkansas City is to have a foundry and lock factory.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
The walls of the new foundry are up about six feet.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Smith, proprietor of the novelty factory now in course of erection. He gave us several points in connection with his project, which we will enlarge upon in our next issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.
New Industry.

Yesterday we took the time to investigate the buildings and machinery of the new factory started in our city by Mr. George Smith. The buildings consist of a casting room, some 27 x 40 feet, and a finishing room 27 x 60, calculated to accommodate sixteen hands at present, but capable of accommodating twice that number should it become necessary. The first piece of casting was done on Monday last, and yesterday Messrs. Smith & son were busily engaged in making brass lock castings to be finished and used as patterns for future castings in iron. Mr. Smith is thoroughly conversant with the business in all its details, as is proved by the sample of fine locks, etc., he allowed us to examine, which were finished and put up in a shape fit for any market. This enterprise is quite an acquisition for our city, and we trust Mr. Smith will soon build up a large and remunerative business, which will not only redound to his advan­tage, but also to the good of this community at large.
Eureka Lock Manufactory and Brass & Iron Foundry.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
The Eureka Lock Manufactory and Brass & Iron Foundry, of this city, is now in good working order and ready for business. The proprietor, Mr. Geo. Smith, informs us that he is prepared to supply all kinds of machine castings and repairs, either in brass or iron, and to make every description of patterns or models to order. The Eureka, as well as other kinds of locks, he is prepared to supply to the wholesale hardware trade at prices much lower than they can be bought in the Eastern markets.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
Geo. Smith, of the Eureka Foundry, met with an accident last Saturday, by which one of his fingers was entirely separated from the hand. He was immediately attended by a physician, the injured member replaced, and strapped in position, and it is hoped a union of the severed parts may result.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
An iron moulder has been secured, from the East, by Mr. George Smith, of the Foundry, and work of the same formally commenced this week. The task of getting in good working shape has taken more time than was expected, but now all is in good order, and this enterprise will, we hope, be a notable factor in promoting the commercial welfare of our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
Some new machinery was received at the Foundry last week, and work in good earnest will commence right away.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Things in general have been looking lively, of late, in the vicinity of the Foundry.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
R. E. Fitzpatrick is putting in a stone foundation for a residence in the north part of town, near the foundry.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
The Free Methodist Church will be built near the Foundry on Block 127. C. M. Scott and A. A. Newman donate the lots.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.

What haven’t we in Cowley County? In our office is a specimen of zinc ore, from the quarry on Mr. Rathburne’s farm near the head of Cedar Creek, which, in time, will be developed and prove of great value. Lead has been discovered in the same region, and coal has been taken from the hillsides for the past six years. A vein of coal, one-fourth inch in thickness, has also been discovered on Mr. Spray’s farm, three miles east of town, and another vein crops out near the “cut-off” on George Whitney’s and C. M. Scott’s lands. The new foundry men find that the very best of moulding sand can be dug up, by the wagon load, on the Arkansas River, and every enterprise that is started seems to find just what they want right here on our own soil.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882. Personals Page.
Arkansas City Boom.
From the books of Uriah Spray, trustee of Creswell Township, we glean the following statistics which are decidedly encouraging.
His enumeration shows the population of Arkansas City to be 1,356; the population of Creswell Township, outside of the city, 671; and the total population of both township and city, 2,027.
The population of Arkansas City last year was 937; conse­quently, the increase in the population during the year: 419.
The increase in the township, outside of the city, is 77. The total increase in population in both city and township is 496.
The township has 2,853 acres of growing wheat, 5,089 acres of growing corn, and 8,885 bushels of old corn on hand.
The township has about one dog for every five people, and only two goats.
The ladies of the township made 17,175 pounds of butter during the year.
Under the head of “Mines and Mining,” Mr. James Hill exhib­its gravel beds worth in plant $12,000, with a product of 200 tons daily, worth $125. He works 12 teams and 16 men and pays out $2,000 per month for labor.
Under the head of “Manufactories” are three grist mills. That of Searing & Mead, capital invested $20,000, work ___ men, and grind 351 bushels per day. Wm. Speers’ Mill, capital invest­ed $7,000, grinds 250 bushels per day. V. M. Ayres’ Mill, capital invested, $20,000. Grinds 500 bushels per day.
Mr. Speers also has another mill in the city, capital invested $1,000.
In the city G. Smith has a Lock Factory, capital invested $1,500, works 27 hands, and works up 200 pounds brass per day.
The churches of the city are also represented.
1. The Presby­terian church building, worth $2,000, and has 155 members.
2. The M. E. church building, worth $3,000, and has 107 mem­bers.
3. The U. P. church building, worth $2,500, and has 70 members.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
A. A. Davis says it’s a perfect outrage the way that foundry is run, what with the smoke from the furnace, and continual hum of the machinery, and the constant blowing of the whistle calling the hands to work. He has not had a good night’s rest for a coon’s age.
He says he believes they run three sets of hands, a day time, night time, and meal time squad, anyhow he won’t stand it much longer and the city dads may look out for a petition from him to have the old thing crowded off the townsite, where the racket won’t bother honest folks, who work hard all day and want to rest o’nights. The heart of the city ain’t no place for factories nohow.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
The Smith trial last week concluded with a verdict in favor of Smith, and the outfit skipped the town at the earliest possi­ble moment. We wish them God speed, but the community in which they settle has our sympathy. As a beat game, The Eureka Lock Factory, with George Smith, proprietor, takes the cake.
Old Foundry becomes Residence of G. Mott.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
A dance was held in the old Foundry building now occupied by G. Mott as a residence, on last Friday night, and the calls of “balance all” and “swing your partner” were heard far into the night.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
Mrs. Daniels is building a cosy residence on Eighth Street, west of the foundry.
Foundry Becomes Carriage, Wagon, and Blacksmith Shop.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
The foundry building is now occupied by Messrs. Rarick & Pickering, as a carriage, wagon, and blacksmith shop.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
RARICK & PICKERING, BLACKSMITHS. All kinds of buggy and wagon work done in good style. Special attention given to Horse Shoeing and plow work. Shop in Foundry Building.
Excerpt from article...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1883.
Business. All kinds of business is well represented and doing well, with room for more. Two banks. Three first-class dry goods establishments, in rooms twenty-five by one hundred feet, are doing a large business; eleven groceries, part of them carrying large stocks; two clothing; four drug stores; two jewelry establishments; four hardware; three restaurants; four livery stables; one bakery; two harness shops; two agricultural and implement stores; one real estate and two law offices, make up the business of the town. In addition to this are three mills with a capacity for grinding twelve hundred bushels of wheat per day, and a foundry and machine shop for casting and machinery repairs.
Mr. DeBruce Buys Foundry Building from Rarick and Pickering.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Messrs. Rarick & Pickering have sold out their blacksmith shop to Mr. DeBruce.
Samuel Clarke from Winfield Occupies Foundry as a Machine Shop.
[Note: Samuel Clarke was the original owner of the Southwestern machine shops in Winfield of the firm “Clarke & Dysert.” The firm was dissolved in May 1880. Clarke later became the owner of the Winfield Machine Works after legal action was taken.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Mr. Clarke, late of Winfield, will occupy the foundry building in this city as a machine shop.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 19, 1883.
Amount of scrip issued by city clerk from May 1, 1883, to December 15, 1883, inclusive.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Messrs. Beecher & Co. are putting up a work shop just south of the old foundry building in the west part of the city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
  Her Facilities for Manufactures and Inducements to Capitalists.
Her Live Businessmen.
Samuel Clarke is proprietor of the Arkansas City Foundry. Any repairs to machinery can be obtained on short notice at low rates.
Mr. A. B. DeBruce has recently removed from the foundry to his new shop on East Summit, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work. He is a first-class workman, and well worthy the patronage of the public.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Al. Beecher is building himself a fine shop near the foundry.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Mr. S. Clarke, our energetic foundry man, informs us that he has sufficient work for months, but still can do urgent work on short notice.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Al Woolsey has commenced, near the foundry, the erection of his new residence.
[1893 Arkansas City Directory: A. B. Woolsey, 311 North First Street.]
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
Al Woolsey has built a stable yard and sheds near the foundry.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1884.
Mr. S. Clarke, who is now running a machine shop in the foundry building, comes out in a business card this week and solicits the patronage of our people. Mr. Clarke is a first-class workman in every respect, and we hope all needing anything in his line will call upon him.
AD. S. CLARKE, MACHINIST. Every description of machine repairs done on short notice. SHOP IN FOUNDRY BUILDING. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
Messrs. Beecher & Co., who recently put up an establishment just south of the foundry, are now busily engaged in scroll sawing, turning, ripping, bracket, and baluster and every description of wood work, etc., for the execution of which in first-class style they have put in approved machinery. Parties needing this kind of work should call on Beecher & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
Newton celebrated her water works system last Tuesday, to the satisfaction of the city authorities. It will be remembered that our townsman, James Hill, was the contractor, and Mr. Clarke, our foundry man, did the machine work for this enterprise. Mr. S. T. Moorhead, another well known gentleman in this city, was the constructing engineer.

Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
ARKANSAS CITY IRON WORKS. SAMUEL CLARKE, MECHANICAL ENGINEER AND PROPRIETOR. Manufactures Engines, Boilers, Shafting, Pulleys, all kinds of Machine Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing and Wagon Work. Repairs on engines, boilers, mill machinery, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1884.
Our city was thrown into considerable excitement last Saturday afternoon about 4 o’clock by the cry of “Fire” simultaneous with which dense clouds of smoke were seen rolling over the northwest part of town. We immediately started for the fire and found the carpenter shop of Messrs. Mitts & Jones entirely wrapped in flames. It was utterly impossible to control the fire and all efforts were made toward saving the adjacent building, Mr. Mitts’s residence, which was luckily of stone, and stood directly south of the shop; and as a breeze was blowing stiff from the north, it was feared for some time that it would go. It was, however, saved, but had the wind been from the south, the frame dwelling of A. Hopp and the shop of Beecher & Co. would have been consumed. Total loss about $350, uninsured.
Something must be done in the near future to render our city more secure from fire or at least to give our citizens a more effective supply of water to combat the flames.
  Samuel Clarke Faces Foreclosure. Entry of J. G. Danks.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
J. G. Danks, of Cincinnati, Ohio, a machinist, is here looking up a location for a machine shop and foundry.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
J. G. Danks, a machinist from Cincinnati, is in the city looking for a location for a machine shop and foundry. We stand in great need of something in this line, and it is to be hoped that our citizens will extend such inducements as may be needed to secure the location of the gentleman.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Prospects for a Machine Shop.
John G. Danks, of Cincinnati, Ohio, a director of the Ohio Mechanics Institution, came in on the Santa Fe train Monday. Mr. Danks is looking up a location for a machine shop and foundry. He was shown over town by N. T. Snyder, and was favorably impressed with the advantages of Arkansas City. Mr. Danks is a thorough machinist. He has followed the business all of his life. In the Danks family there are six brothers: all machinists. They desire to locate a shop in Kansas. Three of them will come to this state and three remain there. They are men of capital and we are informed they will ask for nothing more than the site on which to erect their buildings. Tuesday Mr. Danks went to Harper, where he will visit some friends. Next week, he will return here and lay before our citizens a proposition for the building of the machine shop he contemplates. Should Mr. Danks conclude to locate here, the manufactory he proposes building will be the cause of adding several more families to our population.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Council Proceedings.

The council convened Monday night with the following members present: F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; O. S. Rarick, T. Fairclo, C. G. Thompson, councilmen.
After the minutes were read and approved, the Mayor appointed T. Kimmell, W. Spray, and H. D. Kellogg as appraisers on vacating alley in block 141, and city clerk ordered to notify appraisers of their appointment. The clerk was also instructed to look up the matter of the foundry rent and report at next meeting, and to collect from H. D. Kellogg $20 for quit claim deed to lots.
On motion the engineer’s wages were raised to $40 per month.
On motion Judge Kreamer was instructed to collect the back indebtedness on the Highland Hall.
On motion J. J. Breene was appointed assistant marshal at a salary of $20 per month.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
H. P. Farrar was ordered to foreclose the mortgage on the machinery of the Arkansas City Machine Shops, owned by Samuel Clarke. It appears that the city has become responsible in some manner for the payment of the chattel mortgage and takes this means to clear themselves  The mortgage was for $1,250, bearing 12 percent interest, on which the city pays 3 percent. Mr. Clarke has never paid anything either on the interest or principal of the mortgage. He has not even paid for the use of the building. The principal and interest now amount to $1,500.
Mr. Danks, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who has been prospecting here for some time, has offered Mr. Clarke $1,200, which was refused. The council, realizing that the machinery would bring almost nothing if thrown on the market, have determined to sell it now, while a purchaser is at hand.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.
For six weeks past T. S. Moorhead has been engaged in preparing a map of Arkansas City. It shows all the additions to the city, all the streets, of which we have about 35 miles, and the different residences on each lot. It is the best map of Arkansas City we have seen. The canal mills, the railroad, and the schoolhouses are all located on the map. Anyone’s abode is easily recognized at a glance. The map at present has 750 residences marked, and taking the average number of inmates to a house—five—and we find that Arkansas City contains 3,750 people. Mr. Moorhead has walked some 40 miles in obtaining his information. J. G. Danks, our new machinist, assisted Mr. Moorhead and the map is a production of which anyone would be proud to own.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Mr. Samuel Clarke came before the board and made a statement in regard to his understanding of contract between the city and himself, and on motion the City Attorney was instructed to go on and foreclose mortgage held by city on his machinery.
On motion the verbal contract between Mr. Clarke and city was canceled.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.

F. Danks, J. G. Danks, and C. H. Danks, all prominent machinists of Cincinnati, Ohio, and forming the firm of Danks Bros., have purchased the Arkansas City Machine Shop and Foundry and lots. Last Saturday the trade was consummated; and J. G. Danks, the gentleman who has been here for some time working up the trade, commenced his labors Monday morning. The remaining two Danks Brothers are still in Ohio. C. H. Danks will arrive about the first of March to assist J. G. Danks, and F. Danks will come later on. At present Mr. Danks is engaged in over-hauling. He intends adding necessary machinery to both machine shop and foundry and can manufacture any needed repair. Under the reign of Danks Bros., we feel perfectly safe in saying that the life of the Arkansas City Machine Shop and Foundry will undergo a radical change. New motor power will create its breathings, and in a short time the establishment, which is now in its infancy, will be an institution of which a much more pretentious city than Arkansas City would be proud to claim.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
The machine shop has changed hands, and is now owned by Danks Bros. The members of the firm are F. Danks, J. G. Danks, and C. H. Danks, the second one of which is well known to our businessmen although he has been here but a short time. F. and C. H. will arrive next week, having purchased new machinery, material, and tools as were necessary to properly conduct the business on the scale they propose. These gentlemen are all experienced workmen in their line—have made it the business of their lives. They have been employed for many years by the Cincinnati Rolling Mill Co. We bid them welcome and hope they will achieve the success we are satisfied they deserve.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Chas. Danks, the youngest of the firm of Dank Bros., arrived in the city yesterday from Cincinnati. Mr. Danks came to assist his brother,  J. G. Danks, in the machine shop.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
Chas. Danks, of the firm of Danks Bros., arrived in the city, Friday last. He is the youngest member of the firm, and will with his brother, J. G., run the business here. The remaining member of the firm will not come here until work justifies or demands it.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
DANKS BROS., Engineers and Machinists.
Steam Engines, Boilers, Pumps, and POWER MACHINERY of all kinds furnished on short notice. Special attention paid to repairing Steam Engines, Mill, and Agricultural Machinery. We guarantee good work at reasonable prices. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Iowa Men Removing to Kansas.

In the Arkansas City (Kansas) REPUBLICAN of 21st inst., we notice the card of “Danks Brothers,” Engineers and Machinists. They are John, Frank, and Charles Danks, sons of Elder Samuel Danks, of College Hill, inventor of the “Danks Rotary Puddling Furnaces” and other valuable devices of labor saving character in the manipulation of iron. The Danks are a family of iron men for generations, and are well known as master workmen throughout the rolling mills of the United States. Frank, the elder brother, was until recently the Master Mechanic at Swift’s (Harper’s) mill, which under his management ran day and night, successfully. Charles was his assistant there, and John was the Superintendent of the American Horseshoe Company until a few months ago. The community that secures such citizens as these, obtains an element that will aid in building up and keeping up any city they inhabit, as they are honest independent and self-reliant men. They take with them the best wishes of a large number of friends. Current Fact, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
Danks Brothers.
We take the following from the Current Fact, published in Cincinnati, Ohio, the old home of the firm above named.
In the Arkansas City, Kansas, papers, we notice the card of Danks Bros., engineers and machinists. They are John, Frank, and Charles Danks, sons of Elder Samuel Danks of Colley & Hill, inventor of the Banks Rotary-Puddling Furnaces, and other valuable devices of labor saving character in the manipulation of iron. The Danks’ are a family of iron men from generations, and are well-known as master workmen throughout the rolling-mills of the United States. Frank, the elder brother, was, until recently, the master mechanic at Swifts (Harpers) mill, which, under his management, run day and night successfully. Charles was his assistant there, and John was the superintendent of the American Horse Shoe Company until a few months ago. The community that secures such citizens as these, obtains an element that will aid in building up and making up any city they inhabit, as they are honest, independent, and self-reliant men. They take with them the best wishes of a large number of friends. Cincinnati (Ohio) Current Fact.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
We regret to announce the death of Mr. Samuel Danks, father of the Danks Bros., of this city. The deceased died in his home on College Hill, a suburb of Cincinnati, on Wednesday, the 3rd inst., after a brief illness, at the age of 67 years, and the announcement of his death brought a painful surprise to his sons. John H. Banks immediately started for home to be present at the funeral, which took place on Friday. The foundry was closed several days in token of respect.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
J. G. Danks was summoned home to Cincinnati last week by a telegram announcing his father’s death. He went immediately. He will be back about next Thursday.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
F. Danks, the senior member of the firm of Danks Bros., came home with J. G. Danks from Cincinnati on last Saturday. Mr. Danks is out seeing the country and is very much pleased with Arkansas City and her surroundings.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
C. Danks returned to his Ohio home Friday of last week. He spent his Fourth in Kansas City. We had quite a pleasant acquaintance with Mr. Danks, and hope he will soon return to Arkansas City and make his home with us. He was well pleased with our town and surrounding country.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
MITTS & JONES, Architects & Carpenters.
   Plans, Specifications, and Estimates furnished on Application.
   Shop west of Danks Bros.’ Foundry, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.

Reform That Doesn’t Work.
A City Official Who Like the Ghost of Banquo, Will Not Down.
When our city fathers assembled for business Monday evening, there was a large crowd in attendance, attracted evidently in the expectation of witnessing more fun. The mayor presided and Councilmen Hight, Dean, Dunn, Thompson, Davis, and Bailey responded to their names as called by the clerk. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The following bills were acted on: Ed Malone, work on engine house, $35.45, allowed. Ivan Robinson, coal, $12.50, allowed. Referred bill of Chicago Lumber Co., $25.98, was reported favorably and allowed.
The council appropriated $5 to pay five night watchmen, appointed by the mayor on the night of the fire, to guard property.
James L. Huey, on behalf of the insurance men of the city, said the ordinance taxing each insurance company represented in the city $10 a year, is resisted, and the best companies refuse to take fresh business. They say if all the cities where they have agents should impose a similar tax, they could not do business. In this dilemma, the agents of the companies in this city had resolved to present the matter to the council, and ask that the occupation tax levied on them suffice for purposes of city revenue. To drive insurance companies away would be unwise, we have lately had experience of the necessity of placing our property in the hands of reliable underwriters.
N. T. Snyder said not the best companies alone, but all the insurance companies represented here, have ordered their agents to take no fresh business, and not to renew existing policies. They pay a state tax, and this they declare is all that justice demands of them.
Mr. Huey said further that the occupation tax as now assessed would absorb 20 percent of all the premiums paid.
Mr. Dunn moved that the matter be referred to the equalization committee of the council.
The mayor said it was talked by taxpayers that this committee had no right to affix a tax; it must be done by the council.
A suggestion was made that the committee could look into the matter and make recommendations to the council.
After some discussion Mr. Dunn withdrew his motion.
Major Schiffbauer said there was no question of the legality of the occupation tax; its equitable adjustment was the matter to be considered. If the insurance companies resist the assessment and have resolved to withdraw, the business of the council was to consider whether the ordinance should be amended.
Mr. Snyder said a similar tax on insurance companies had been imposed in Emporia, but it was found inexpedient and oppressive, and it had been repealed.
The application was finally referred to the committee on ordinances.
The Frick Bros., asked leave to rebuild scales and office on corner of Central Avenue and Summit Street, or one block west of that location. Leave granted to build one block west.
Pitts Ellis asked permission to put in scales and small sheet iron office on Fourth Avenue, two rods from Summit Street. Granted.

Application was made by the Danks Bros., and Morehead for an appropriation of $200 to pay for a survey of the city and a plat of the same, the purpose being to ascertain the best location for building water works. The petitioners would make a bid for the erection of the works.
This led to a lengthy discussion, in which these objections were advanced: The sum asked for is not in the city treasury; if a favorable location is found, the city has no means to build water works, and bonds, if voted, would not sell. The situation looked hopeless, and the application was laid on the table indefinitely.
Mr. Henderson asked leave to raise his frame dwelling on Summit Street four feet, he intending to cover the roof with tin. Granted.
Mr. Hight called attention to some frame additions being made by W. M. Sawyer, proprietor of the Empire Laundry. His intention was to put in a steam engine, and the work he was doing was in violation of the fire ordinance. The marshal was instructed to enforce the ordinance.
On suggestion of the mayor, the council ordered the street commissioner to put in posts on Fourth, Fifth, and Central Avenues, extending half a block from Summit Street, for hitching purposes. The posts to be eight feet apart and connected with iron rods.
The marshal stated that he found difficulty in collecting the dog tax. The council instructed him to issue a proclamation warning owners of dogs that if the tax was not paid by a given time, the animals would be shot.
Mr. Thompson said many persons had complained to him of the burdensome tax imposed upon some users of water. The tariff on livery stable keepers was too high, it was excessive on barbers, and some hotel keepers were unfairly dealt with. The tax on the Star Stable ($25 for washing buggies and 75 cents for every stall in use) would run up such a bill, that if not modified, the owners would put in a windmill and start water works of their own. Mr. Hilliard, owner of the Fifth Avenue Livery Stable, also complained of the burdensome tax.
Mr. Dunn said he wanted the rates made fair to all, but they should be sufficient to render the water works self supporting.
Mr. Davis said the present tariff would produce a revenue exceeding expenses by $200 or $300; but this surplus would be lost by delinquent taxpayers.
Mr. Hutchins complained that he had made connection with the water main for use in his dwelling house at an expense of $35 to $40. Then he paid a tax of $5 a year; now it was raised to $20. Before he would pay such a sum, he would sink a well and cut loose from the city water supply.
The ordinance was referred to the water-works committee to adjust and equalize.
Mr. Hight wished to know if the mayor had appointed a city attorney to fill the vacancy created by resolution of the council.
His honor said he had not, as City Attorney Stafford was still performing the duties of that office. He doubted whether the right method had been pursued in the endeavor to get rid of that officer. The statute authorized the council to remove any officer for cause, except the mayor, justice of peace, and constable, by a majority vote of all the members. In this case no charges had been made, no opportunity for defense accorded. A mere vote of the council or a resolution to declare the office vacant, the mayor did not regard as a compliance with the requirements of the law.

Mr. Hight contended that Mr. Stafford had been lawfully disposed of. The cause assigned was incompetency, and his removal effected by a majority vote of the council. Proceedings in attainder, or a trial on impeachment were not required by the statute, and legal opinion sustained him in his belief that the office of city attorney was vacant.
Mr. Dean said this wrangle in the council was becoming chronic; the business of the city was not transacted with decorum or dignity. He attributed this discord to the perversity of the city attorney, who was unacceptable to the people and a drag on the council. He had been requested to resign, and he contemptuously refused; he had been removed by a vote of the council, but he still hung on to the office. The speaker did not know of a practicable remedy. If Mr. Stafford could run the city and the council at his own sweet will, there was no need for him (Mr. Dean) to occupy his seat. He gave notice that he should retire from the unseemly contest until some way had been discovered of restoring harmony to the administration of our public affairs.
Mr. Stafford spoke in his own defense. The wrangle being maintained till late in the evening, Mr. Hight introduced an ordinance amendatory to Ordinance No. 4, cutting off the salary of the city attorney. It was read, discussed, and adopted.
John Stafford, the recently appointed night watchman, was removed, the office being in excess of the public need, and assistant Marshal Breene instructed to remain on duty till midnight.
Council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
  Council Proceedings.
Council convened last Monday evening in regular adjourned session. Mayor Schiffbauer presided. Councilmen Davis, Thompson, Dean, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey were present.
The allowance of bills was the first thing on docket.
Bill of Ed Malone of $31.50 for work at engine house, allowed.
Bill of Ivan Robinson of $12.50 for coal, allowed.
Bill of Pat Franey, J. E. Beck, Ed Horn, J. Herbert, and L. S. Brown for special police service, allowed $5 each.
Referred bill of Chicago Lumber Co., of $25.98 for lumber, allowed.
The several insurance companies through their agents made request that the occupation tax affecting insurance companies be reconsidered, and on motion the same was referred to committee on ordinance.
Petition of Frick Bros., to put up scales on Central Avenue, was read and on motion permission was granted that they be allowed to put them up on Central Avenue one block west of Summit Street.
Petition of Pitts Ellis to put up scales and house on corner of 4th Avenue and Summit Street read, and granted on motion.
Messrs. Moorhead and Danks asked for an appropriation of $200 with which to make a survey of the city with view of ascertaining best possible place for obtaining water for water works. Also, make estimate of cost of same, and will put in bids for the building of the same. On motion, this request was laid on the table indefinitely.

The street commissioner was instructed to put up hitching posts on each side of Summit Street, half block each way, from Summit Street on 4th, 5th, and Central Avenues. The posts to be 8 feet apart and connected by iron rods.
On motion the water works ordinance No. 10 was re-considered.
On motion ordinance No. 20, repealing ordinance No. 4, was read and approved. This ordinance makes the salary of ex-city attorney Stafford but 50 cents a year.
On motion of Jake Hight, John Stafford, the night watch, was dismissed.
A. A. Davis moved that J. J. Breene be instructed to remain on the street until midnight. Carried.
On motion of Jake Hight, the street commissioner was instructed to make out report and hand it in at next meeting.
On motion adjourned.
Next item contains excerpts from city council meeting...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Enforcement of Ordinances Discussed. Other Business Transacted.
At the council meeting on Monday evening, the mayor and six councilmen were present, Dunn and Hill being absent. The vote of the third ward was canvassed, and A. D. Prescott declared elected. He presented himself and took the oath of office.
The following bills were acted on.
Danks Bros., $54.32. This was for repairs to the engine of the water works. Bill deferred for further consideration. . . .
A letter from one Thompson, of Ohio, offering to sell a small steamboat of 20 inches draft, to ply on the Arkansas River, was read and tabled.
Rev. Witt and Alex. Wilson notified the council that the board of education of this city, at a recent meeting, had levied a tax of two mills, making the total tax for general school purposes ten mills, which was approved.
Dr. Kellogg complained of the excessive rate charged in the water schedule for sprinkling lawns. He said it was inequitable because livery stable keepers used water profusely all day long, while the owners of lots were restricted to one hour per day. The applicant owned three lots and was assessed $18 for sprinkling, while livery stables paid but $25. Unless the tariff was modified, he gave notice that he should cease to use water for sprinkling purposes.
Mr. Dean said the price had been fixed thus high to discourage lot owners from using water on their lawns. No action was taken on the application.
The mayor mentioned the violation of a city ordinance by W. M. Sawyer, in building a frame addition to a dwelling within the fire limits. He had been arrested a number of times and fined on each occasion by the police justice, which fines were pending on an appeal of the case to the district court. As Mr. Sawyer pleaded a tacit understanding with the council, his honor desired to know whether it was the will of that body that the ordinance be enforced in his case.

Mr. Hight said, if he understood the will of his fellow members, it was their desire that the ordinance be enforced. He had noticed in Mr. Sawyer a disposition to antagonize the council and its ordinances. If he had acted with less precipitation the present trouble might have been avoided. Before he had proceeded so far with his building, he (the speaker) had promised his influence to have the ordinance modified. But Mr. Sawyer had repelled friendly overtures, and attempted to bulldoze his way through. Others had applied for a similar indulgence and been refused, and this flagrant disregard of municipal law was being watched with interest by scores, some of whom avowed their intention to offend in the same manner if Mr. Sawyer came out ahead in the present contest. It was incumbent on this body to assert its authority, or quietly submit to Sawyer bucking it off the track. To give him immunity will be according license to all. He reminded the council that at its last meeting a petition numerously signed had been presented asking a change in the fire limits; also a remonstrance, bearing fully as many names, against the same. Both were tabled. The council had defined the fire limits at the request and suggestion of many of our largest property holders, and they deemed it wise to make no change. Municipal law is positive law—some writers call it divine law—and it must be maintained. Mr. Sawyer has started out to set it aside, and the issue is now forced on them to compel him to obedience, or give up all further attempt at running the city.
On motion the mayor was instructed rigidly to enforce the ordinance.
The mayor stated to the council that at a meeting of citizens held a few evenings ago to consider a proposition to build water and gas works for the city, a committee of three had been appointed, to act in conjunction with a committee from the council, to suggest the most expedient means of providing the city with a water supply. He believed it was expected that the committee, or some members of it, should visit neighboring towns to see how their water systems worked, and he submitted it to the gentlemen whether any portion of the scant city funds could be profitably devoted to any such use. On motion the mayor was authorized to appoint a committee with the understanding that no money would be furnished to pay any expenses it might incur. The mayor appointed Messrs. Thompson, Dean, and Dunn, and the council added the mayor to the committee.
Adjourned till the next regular meeting.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
A Proposition to Erect Water and Gas Works Considered in a Citizens’ Meeting.
Agreeable to the call of the mayor, about one hundred of our citizens assembled at Highland Hall on Friday evening, to listen to the proposals of Theodore Plate, of St. Louis, and J. B. Quigley, of Belleville, Illinois, to construct gas and waterworks in this city, and to express their views on the same. Precisely at 8 o’clock, Mayor Schiffbauer called the meeting to order and proposed that James L. Huey be appointed chairman. This motion being approved, N. T. Snyder was then chosen secretary of the meeting.
Mayor Schiffbauer being called on to explain the object of the gathering, said he had been corresponding with the gentlemen above named for some time, and since their arrival in the city, at noon the previous day, had been put full in possession of the nature of their offer. They were men of ample means, fully able to carry out any undertaking with our citizens they might embark in, and experienced in the construction and conduct of gas and waterworks. They proposed to furnish the city both water and gas, and asked no aid in erecting the machinery. He (the speaker) had been favorably impressed with the offer made by the gentlemen, and he would describe it as well as he was able to the citizens present.

For the supply of water they propose to put in two duplex compound pumps, so arranged as to be run separately or together, and capable of raising one million gallons of water every twenty-four hours. These pumps will be run by two boilers, also to run separately or together, capable of running both pumps at their full capacity with easy firing. They agree to furnish 14,000 feet of standard iron water pipe, 2,250 feet of which is 8 inches bore, to be laid along Summit street, the size of the remainder of the pipe to be determined by the requirement. The stand pipe will be made of the best boiler iron, 8 feet in diameter and 100 feet high. The city is required to take sixty fire plugs at a yearly rental of $50 each.
The quality of the gas to be furnished by these gentlemen will be standard, or 16 candle power, and the city will be required to take thirty street lamps at a yearly cost of $30 each. The price of the gas to private consumers will be $2.75 per 1,000 feet for the first 5,000 feet daily consumption, and this price to decrease two cents per 1,000 feet until the daily consumption shall reach 55,000 feet, when the price will be and remain at $1.75 per 1,000 feet.
The parties ask fifteen days to file an unencumbered real estate bond in the amount of $20,000 in each franchise of the contract, and as a guaranty that the works shall perform the requirements of the test. They engage to throw a stream of water 50 feet high from any fire hydrants the council may select, from the standpipe pressure alone, the pumps not to run at the time of the test, and to throw water 85 feet high, with 65 lbs. of steam, independent of the standpipe pressure.
They further engage to have both gas and water works completed and ready for testing by the first of January next.
A pause followed this statement of the mayor, and the chair then asked for an expression of opinion.
Major Sleeth arose and said the great want of the community was pure water; but it was necessary first to determine where shall be the source of supply, before we build our water works. He would like a chemical analysis made of the water before it is adopted for use, in order that we may proceed with some certainty. Gas, he thought, was in advance of our present wants; we have enough of that commodity around already. He was pleased to see his fellow citizens assembled to deliberate on this matter, the city council had wrestled with it to slight purpose. He wanted to hear others speak.
Major Searing said the unfortunate experience of our neighbor cities in the construction of water works should teach us caution on the present occasion. In Wichita the mistake had been made of not getting elevation enough. He favored an elevation of at least fifty feet. Also, he would not have the main pipe less than 12 inches in diameter, and the distributing pipes should never be less than four inches.
Mr. T. H. McLaughlin wanted this work prosecuted with caution. The proposition before the meeting would cause an outlay of $3,000 a year, and it might not give a corresponding benefit. Other parties might be willing to furnish a water system for less than the offer made by these men.
Mr. A. D. Prescott favored competition, and did not approve of determining this matter hastily. Before we build water works, we must make up our minds where we are to get our water from. But he did not favor both propositions.

Mr. Plate being called for, said before he and his friend, Mr. Quigley, started for this city, they were under the impression that our water works were constructed. Mr. O’Neil had called several times at their office, who represented that he had built our water works, and he offered the franchise to build gas works for sale at a low price. This franchise allows till September 24th to begin their construction, and requires that they be completed by November 21st. He had been suspicious of the gentleman from the low price he asked for his franchise, and on arriving here found that he had misrepresented facts. He called the attention of those present to the fact that the proposition submitted to our citizens required no bonus, no expenditure of money to build the works from the city. The only privilege he and his partner asked was leave to put in the works and lay the pipes at their own expense, and to sell water and gas to consumers at the lowest price it could be afforded. They had put down the price of the plugs $10 below Mr. O’Neil’s offer. No profit was to be derived from furnishing a city of our present size, and they expected to make no profit for two or three years. But they proposed to erect works of adequate capacity to supply a city of 20,000 to 25,000 inhabitants, and if our city attained to any such size then our contract with them would be remunerative. But they declined to furnish water on the terms offered unless their gas proposition was also accepted. As a matter of fact, he believed the gas franchise given to O’Neil was still valid and could be held to, but he and his friend had no thought of undertaking any work that was not sustained by the good will of the people.
Several other speakers having urged deliberation, Mayor Schiffbauer inquired if in going as slow as was recommended, there was not danger of going down. We had paid a heavy penalty for slowness in the recent fire, and it was necessary to bestir ourselves if we would avoid another such a calamity. The contract he would make with these parties would bind them to supply a sufficient amount of good wholesome water, and we could safely trust to their judgment in locating their works. But no one is going to dig around and prospect and plat unless some assurance is offered them that their time and money will not be wasted. The machinery these men engaged to put up would furnish a barrel of water a day to every man, woman, and child, and then leave enough to put out fires.
Some mechanical details having been entered into by Mr. J. G. Danks and others, Mr. Quigley explained that the works he proposed to build, with a cut off from the main, and a pressure of fifty pounds, would throw a stream fifty feet. The pressure increased to 150 pounds would give a stream 192 feet high. He thought there would be no trouble experienced in procuring a supply of pure water, as in these western rivers there is always an undercurrent which is comparatively free from impurities. He understood there was a stratum of rock underlying this city, beneath which there was a constant flow of water. To test whether this would suffice for a supply, he would take three or four threshing machines and pump continuously several million gallons of water. If no exhaustion [?] was produced, he would consider that source adapted for the city use. The speaker explained his plans at some length, which it is not necessary to report here.

The mayor said as a number of our citizens was gathered to discuss the water question, he desired an expression of their will to aid the deliberations of the city council. After a long discussion of the matter, Messrs. Sleeth, McLaughlin, and J. G. Danks were appointed a committee to act with a committee of the city council, and combine in a report recommending a plan of action to the city council. The meeting then adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
   The Water Works.
A good representation was had of the businessmen at the water works meeting in Highland Opera House last Friday evening. Mayor Schiffbauer called the meeting to order at 8 p.m., and J. L. Huey was chosen chairman and N. T. Snyder, secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer stated that the meeting had been called to discuss the water works question; that Messrs. Plate and Quigley were here from St. Louis with a proposition which they wished to submit to the citizens of Arkansas City for putting in gas and water works. The proposition was to the effect that they put them in for the franchise, the city agreeing to take 60 fire plugs, at a rental of $50 a year and also take 30 street lights at $30 each per annum. Speeches were made on the subject by Maj. Sleeth, J. G. Danks, A. D. Prescott, J. P. Johnson, O. P. Houghton, Maj. Searing, Mayor Schiffbauer, and others. The gist of their remarks was that we needed and must have water works; but at present we were unable to put in gas works.
Messrs. Quigley and Plate did not want one without the other on this proposition so the matter was ended in regard to it. These gentlemen desire to put in a bid when we have water works put in. They propose what we think is a good system, and by their talk they showed that they were perfectly conversant with the water works question. They propose the stand-pipe system and explained it in detail to those present.
During the meeting a motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed from the citizens meeting and city council to investigate the different systems of water works of our neighboring cities and report which they thought was the best. J. G. Danks and Maj. Sleeth were selected to represent the citizens, and Monday night Councilmen Dean, Dunn, Thompson, and Mayor Schiffbauer were taken from the city council. On motion the meeting was adjourned to await the report of the committee.
The time has come for some action to be taken. The citizens of Arkansas City have expressed their desire for water works. The start has been made to get them. Let the ball be pushed forward rapidly. Protection from fire for our town we must have and right now is the accepted time to get it.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
A representative of the REPUBLICAN visited Danks Bros. Machine Shop yesterday. We found all hand busy. Danks Bros. have just put in a new 12 horse-power engine and have their order in for a boiler. They have commenced work on the cupola for their foundry and if the rush of work does not get too heavy, they will soon have their foundry in a good condition to make all kinds of castings. They are doing a vast amount of repairing in the machine line. Farmers are ascertaining that these gentlemen are first-class mechanics and worthy of their patronage.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Farmers will do well and save time and labor by bringing their mowers to Danks Bros. Machine Shop and have them put in thorough repair.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.

Messrs. Searing and J. G. Danks are entitled to the thanks of their fellow citizens for the faithful work they have put in on the water works committee. They attended every meeting, contributed intelligent counsel, and showed a conscientious regard for the trust they had assumed. Mayor Schiffbauer rendered just as faithful service, but he is a public official, and although his labors are unpaid, we have a right to expect that he will devote all his time to the city’s interest. Some people work for praise, others are sordid enough to look for pudding.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
Meeting of Citizens To Determine the Question.
An Indifferent Crowd Who Have No Will To Express.
The citizens’ meeting on Friday to provide water works for the city, called by the committee appointed at a previous meeting, was slightly attended. At 8 o’clock, the hour designated, less than a score of persons were in the hall. Half an hour after about sixty had assembled, and the meeting was called to order by the appointment of J. P. Johnson for chairman and Frederic Lockley secretary.
The committee was called upon for the reading of its report. In the absence of Major Sleeth, chairman of the committee, Mayor Schiffbauer explained that at the former meeting of citizens, Messrs. Sleeth, Searing, and J. G. Danks had been appointed a committee on behalf of the citizens, to act with three members of the city council to be chosen at the next meeting of that body. He had appointed Messrs. Thompson, Dean, and Dunn, and the committee had added himself to the number. It was contemplated that visits should be paid to neighboring cities to inquire into their systems of water works; but as this would involve expense, and the methods in use supplying water in Winfield, Wichita, Wellington, and Newton were pretty well known to the committee, they had contented themselves with formulating a plan adapted to the needs of our city which they had embodied in a report. The reading of the same being called for, the mayor read as follows.
To the citizens of Arkansas City.
GENTLEMEN: We, the committee to whom was referred the matter of water works, would respectfully submit the following report.
1st. In our judgment the supply should be obtained at the springs now used by the city for water supply; provided, that after being subjected to a thorough test, the supply shall be found adequate to meet all demands, and the quality to be pure and wholesome, and provided further, that the company securing the franchise will guarantee to exclude all surface matter from said springs.
2nd. That in case the supply at the springs shall be found to be inadequate, or that the surface matter cannot be excluded, then in our opinion, the supply should be obtained from a filter basin near the Arkansas River.
3rd. The system should be standpipe and holly combined; that is to say, the works to be so arranged that the standpipe can be shut off from the main and give direct pressure from the pumps into the mains.
4th. The standpipe is to be of iron, to be 25 feet in diameter, and sixty feet high, placed on a tower 50 feet high, built of stone laid in cement.

5th. There shall be two pumps, each capable of pumping one million gallons every 24 hours, so arranged as to be run either separately or together; and two boilers arranged the same as pumps, and each capable to run the pumps at full capacity with easy firing.
6th. In our opinion there will be required 5,630 feet of 12 inch main, running from the works, if situated where the present works stand, through Third Avenue east to Fourth Street, and from Third Avenue north through Summit Street to Ninth Avenue; 8,310 feet of 8 inch main to be placed in Sixth and Eighth Streets, running from Third Avenue north To Seventh Avenue and through Ninth Avenue, running from Fourth Street west to Tenth Street; 12,470 feet of 4 inch pipe to be placed in Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Streets, and running from Third Avenue north to Ninth Avenue, and from Tenth Street west to Eleventh Street, thence south to Eighth Avenue, thence east to Tenth Street.
7th. That in order to give proper fire protection for the territory covered by this plant, it will require 59 fire plugs to be placed along this system, which plugs we have located as per map, which can be seen at the city office. We therefore recommend that the city take 60 hydrants, and in lieu of the additional hydrant, the city cause to be contracted a watering and drinking fountain for the use and benefit of the public, which should be open and free at all times. Said fountain to be placed on Fifth Avenue, near Summit Street.
8th. We would further recommend that the city solicit bids for the construction of such a system of works, taking the number of hydrants as a basis, and that the successful bidder be required to furnish bonds to the city in the penal sum of $20,000 for the faithful performance of the contract, and guaranteeing that the work, when completed, shall be capable of throwing water from 5 hydrants at the same time from standpipe pressure alone a distance of 65 feet high; and by direct pressure from pumps, 100 feet high.
Your committee desire to state that as the city council made no appropriation to defray expenses, they have not made any effort to visit other works, and from the most reliable information we have been able to gather, we are of the opinion that the standpipe and holly system is the only feasible system for our city to adopt, and in the system we have herein suggested both these are combined.
The chair inquired what should be done with the report. A pause ensued. The secretary moved that the report be accepted, but he found no second to his motion. To remove the chilling apathy, Mr. Lockley explained that his motion was necessary to bring the report before the meeting for discussion, but it did not involve its adoption. The disposal of the report would be effected by a subsequent motion. This brought out a weak-voiced second to the motion. On the motion being put by the chair, not a voice was raised in support or disapproval.
Judge Kreamer in reproof of this deathlike apathy said he thought the meeting should take interest enough in the proceedings to express its will on the question before it. The committee had devoted time and labor to perform the duty assigned it, and now that its report was submitted, it was the business of those present to accept or reject, not to let the matter go by default.
The motion of the secretary being again put to the meeting, it was adopted by an emphatic vote.

Mayor Schiffbauer went over the report and explained its provisions in a detailed commentary.
Jacob Hight said he would like to know something about this funeral; it was inexplicable to him because he saw no corpse. He had listened to the report of the committee with interest; they had reduced the question of a water supply for the city to tangible shape, and he for one thanked them for their intelligent labors. A good and efficient system of water works was not only of interest at the present time, but it affected the welfare and happiness of our children and our children’s children. The proposition set forth in the report appeared to him reasonable and adapted to our wants, but he hoped to hear it discussed with becoming spirit. No city could prosper and present a good bill of health that was not provided with an adequate system of pure water. He was aware the city was not able to put in its own water works, and hence it must contract with other parties to supply the machinery. It was agreed by all that our want was a pressing one, and now was the time to do something definite and decisive toward the accomplishment of that end. The committee was to be commended for spending no money at the expense of the city treasury in running about the country.
A. D. Prescott was much gratified with the report; he agreed with the last speaker that it entitled the committee to the thanks of the people in whose interest they had labored. The question of expense was first to be considered, and he desired to know whether the outlay involved in the plan proposed could not be cut down. Any company that undertakes to build water works for a city, does so with a view to the profit to be made; and their charge would be based on the sum of money expended. He thought provision was made for an unnecessary length of 12-inch pipe. The size of the standpipe might also be reduced. He would like to hear some estimate of the probable cost of the system sketched in the committee’s report.
J. G. Danks said the main that was proposed to be laid might be larger than the present wants of the city; but the committee thought it best to lay pipes big enough to answer future needs and save the expense of tearing them up five or ten years from now to substitute others of larger capacity. An efficient water supply in case of fire must be provided at all cost. An 8-inch main might answer all purposes for the next five or six years, but if the city attains the growth we expect, at the end of that time it will be inadequate. Iron pipe laid down here would cost from $35 to $40 a ton. The cost of the tower, the standpipe, the engine, and pumps could only be learned from the bids to be sent in. He thought the total expense of the system proposed in the committee’s report would be about $50,000. Sixty hydrants were proposed, and for this reason, the rent of 40 hydrants would aggregate as much as the rent of the larger number. The first contract also sets the standard of rents; and if more hydrants should be required at any future time, the rent will be the same as of those already in use. And he believed the city could not be properly protected from fire with a smaller number.
Judge Kreamer moved as the sense of the meeting that the committee be authorized to advertise for bids, and report the result at a future meeting, which was adopted. Adjourned.
Different version of citizens’ meeting...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.
Report of Water Works Committee.
At the meeting of the citizens in Highland Hall last Friday evening the committee who were to get up the plans on water works reported as follows, which was accepted.

GENTLEMEN: We, the committee to whom you referred the matter of water works, would respectfully submit the following report.
Your committee desires to state that as the city council made no appropriation to defray expenses, they have not made any effort to visit works, and from the most reliable information we have been able to gather we are of the opinion that the standpipe and holly system is the only feasible system for our city to accept, and in the system we have herein suggested so these are combined.
[The rest of the report was similar to that given by the Traveler.]
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Specifications Adopted to be Submitted to Bidders.
The water works committee met in the mayor’s office on Saturday evening, all the members present. The business of the meeting was to determine the best way to advertise for proposals, and after an informal debate it was decided that an advertisement inserted in some of the leading scientific and mechanical papers, would be most apt to engage the attention of those parties the committee desired to reach. Mayor Schiffbauer read the following as the form of advertisement to be inserted.
Sealed proposals, endorsed “Proposals for water works,” will be received until 12 o’clock noon on Monday, the 12th day of October, 1885, by the undersigned city clerk of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. Specifications of the works will be forwarded on application to the city clerk. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Mr. J. G. Danks suggested that the above notice be inserted in the following papers: Scientific American, American Machinist, Age of Steel, Mechanical News, which was approved by the committee. It was estimated that two insertions would cost about $25.
The specifications had also been prepared by the mayor, and were read to the committee as follows.
The city of Arkansas City, in Cowley County, Kansas, desiring to have constructed a system of water works, and having advertised for bids for the construction of the same, and knowing the necessity of bidders being informed as nearly as possible as to the wishes of the citizens in regard to their wants, the following has been prepared by the committee as a guide to contractors in which they have aimed to cover all points. If it shall be found that any points have been omitted that may be found necessary to be understood before bidding, the same can be ascertained by addressing the mayor or the city clerk, stating the information wanted, and any such correspondence will be promptly answered.
The following requirements should be strictly observed by bidders.
Two Compound Duplex Pumps will be required, each capable of pumping one million gallons of water every twenty-four hours; to be arranged so as to run either separately or together.

There will also be required two boilers, each capable of running the pumps at full capacity with easy firing, and so arranged as to be run either separately or together.
The tank to be of iron and of the dimensions of twenty-five feet diameter and sixty feet high, and to be placed on a tower fifty feet high, substantially built of stone and in cement.
There will be required five thousand six hundred and thirty feet of twelve inch main, eight thousand three hundred and ten feet of eight inch main, and twelve thousand four hundred and seventy feet of four inch main. All mains to be standard cast iron. The above mains have all been located by the committee and sketched on a map, which can be examined at any time at the mayor’s office.
The standpipe shall be so arranged that it may be shut off from the main and give direct pressure from the pumps into the main.
The water works when completed shall be subject to a test which shall consist of the pumping capacity of the pumps, the throwing of five fire streams through fifty feet of two and one-half inch rubber hose, and one-inch ring nozzle, from any five hydrants the city council may select, at the same time, a distance of sixty-five feet high from the standpipe pressure alone, and one hundred feet high from direct pressure. The city shall not be required to pay hydrant rent until after the successful operation of the test.
This is to be determined by the parties drawing he franchise. It is the opinion that an abundant supply of good, pure water can be obtained at the springs on the townsite, and if it is found that the supply should be found inadequate at this point, or that the water should prove unwholesome, then and in that case, the supply must be obtained from a filter basin near the Arkansas River, in which case there would be required one mile additional supply pipe.
The company securing the franchise will be required to execute a good and sufficient bond to the city, secured by unencumbered real estate in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and the successful performance of the required test.
The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Fifty copies of the above were ordered neatly printed in circular form. The committee then adjourned.
Excerpts from city council meeting...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Our City Fathers Have a Rocking Time Together.
The meeting of the city council, on Monday evening, was a lively one, and the session lasted four hours. The mayor re-appointed the committees in order to assign Mr. A. D. Prescott, the new third ward member.

The following bills were acted on.
Referred bill of Danks Bros., $54.32; allowed.
Rev. Mr. Buckner applied in behalf of his brother-in-law, Mr. Huse, for leave to put in scales, and build coal shed and feed bins between the skating rink and Braden’s Stable. Leave granted.
Similar privilege granted to George C. Maloney, to put in scales at W. L. Aldridge & Co.’s lumber yard.
A committee consisting of ex-Police Judge Kreamer, Amos Walton, N. T. Snyder, and Meigs, applied for assistance in the work of laying an oak flooring on the west bridge. Its present insecurity kept trade away from the city, and a pine floor was continually wearing into holes. At a meeting of citizens held in Meigs & Nelson’s office on Saturday evening, it was computed that an oak floor would cost $700, and the above named committee was appointed to collect the amount by enlisting subscriptions from our businessmen. About $300 had been subscribed; but all referred the committee to the city council for aid.
Mr. Dunn thought the expenditure of such a sum on a bridge that was likely to be carried away next winter, injudicious. The piling was loose and the whole structure in an insecure condition. He would rather see money spent in permanent improvement.
The mayor said the council had no shadow of authority to devote the public money to any such purpose. If the gentlemen chose to assume the responsibility, well enough. The council had voted $65 to the repair of the bridge on a similar occasion, and it could exercise a similar discretion again. He was satisfied that taxpayers would raise an objection.
Mr. Dean said the repair of the west bridge was more essential to our businessmen than mending the city streets. A large amount of trade was lost to our city because of its dangerous condition, and money voted by the council to put it in fit condition for travel would certainly be approved.
Mayor Schiffbauer remarked that the people of Arkansas City would soon find themselves without bridges, and they wanted stirring up to a knowledge of this fact. There is no law in the state to define the duty of county or township in the matter. Last year Senator Jennings introduced a bill in the legislature, requiring county commissioners to appropriate money towards building necessary bridges, and if the cost was over a certain amount to bill them entire. But the measure did not pass. Now that our city is set apart from the township, the council is without authority to devote money to such a purpose, the township won’t do it, and the county cannot. There is thus no way on God’s earth to build necessary bridges, or keep old ones in repair.
Excerpts from city council meeting...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular session Monday evening with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Prescott, Davis, Hight, Dean, and Dunn present, and Hill and Bailey absent.
The following bills were acted upon.
   Referred bill of Danks Bros., hydrant work, $54.32; allowed.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 16, 1885.

The opposition to the acceptance of Mr. Quigley’s offer to build water works for this city was based on the business practice of advertising for bids when an enterprise of any magnitude is to be undertaken. But the circumstances in this case warranted a departure from the ordinary prudential course. Mr. Quigley was negotiating with the people of Hutchinson to build water works for that city, while his partner, Mr. Platter, had two similar contracts under consideration in two Indiana towns. Both gentlemen would prefer to operate in Kansas, and if the franchise he asked of our citizens had been awarded him, work would have begun here and in Hutchinson and the Indiana towns would have been abandoned. Mr. Quigley explained to the committee that when the revival in the iron trade was announced and a rise of $2 a ton in iron pipes was reported, the firm immediately had a large amount of pipe cast, and when Mr. Quigley visited this city, they had 9,000 tons ready for use.
Several speakers at the meeting insisted on delay. If the gentleman’s proposition is as good a one as is represented, was the argument used, it will keep. But at that particular time it would not keep. Mr. Danks, as an expert, pronounces the offer an advantageous one, but it was necessary to close with it immediately. This the meeting refused to do, and by this refusal lost the opportunity of dealing with a perfectly reliable firm, and also deprived a number of our workmen of employment through the fall and winter.
Excerpt from long article...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
Dollars Worth of Improvements Made to Arkansas City This Building Season.
The following is a partial list of the improvements made in Arkansas City since March 1, 1885.
Danks Bros., improvement: $2,000
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.
Chas. Danks has once more made his appearance after a two weeks wrestle with malaria.
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.
Elder John M. Thompson and family, of Valley Center, and Mr. Yoeman, from north of Winfield, friends of the Danks Bros., visited them the first of the week. Also the Chilocco schools.
Excerpt from meeting...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
City Council Proceedings.
Council met at 7:30 on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer presiding. Councilmen Bailey and Hill absent.
The following bills were acted on.
Danks Bros., 75 cents; allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.

MARRIED. A matrimonial wave has indeed struck the young people of Arkansas City. The latest marriage which comes to our reportorial ears is that of John G. Danks and Miss Rebecca Burton, of Cumberland, Maryland. It occurred on Thanksgiving day. For about 10 days we have missed the face of our genial friend, John, from its daily appearance upon our streets, and we wondered whither he had gone. Upon inquiry we learned that about two weeks since he stole silently down to the depot, boarded the Santa Fe train, and hied to the far off clime of his lady love, and there the two lives were merged into one. Although we were cognizant of the fact that Mr. Danks knew it was not well that man should not dwell alone, we never dreamed of him plucking up the necessary courage to commit the deed, so suddenly and without warning. The REPUBLICAN congratulates the new couple and wishes them a happy life.
Mr. and Mrs. Danks will arrive here today and will commence house-keeping immediately in property in the second ward.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
John G. Danks and wife arrived home Tuesday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
The Danks Bros., propose to run some castings this week in their newly completed iron foundry.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Go Thou and Do Likewise.
MARRIED. Perhaps it is not too late to congratulate John G. Danks and his estimable bride on the happy occasion that made them one flesh. The Danks Bros. have proved themselves useful and enterprising citizens and the industry they are successfully conducting is a real advantage to the city. John has brought home a wife to divide his cares, double his joys, and treble his expenses, and has settled down, like the sensible man that he is to housekeeping. Fanny Fern, in her piquant way used to say, “I have no particular fondness for frying doughnuts and grilling chicken, but I will take all the labors of the kitchen for the inestimable privilege of investigating the pantry.” Now let Charles follow his brother’s example, and we shall think we have an enduring hold on these very deserving young men.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 23, 1885.
Home Manufactures.
We recently visited the Foundry and Machine Shop of Danks Bros., of our city, and desire to call special attention to its importance, as an institution of which our citizens may well be proud.
Since purchasing the property in March last, they have not only rebuilt the old machinery, but put in a complete stock of steam water and gas fittings; also machinists’ and engineers’ brass goods, such as globe, angle, and check valves, oil cups, lubricators, gauge glasses, packing sheet rubber, cotton waste, and in fact a general line of machine supplies. Their machine tools consists of a large and small lathe, planer, drill press, and a complete set of small tools, taps, dies, etc., such as are found in every first-class shop.
They have lately built for themselves a new 12-horsepower steam engine, which is the first built in Cowley County. It is admired by everyone who visits the shop, and would do credit to any engine builder in the country.

The Danks Bros., make it their invariable rule to do nothing but first-class work, and not only their new engine, but all the work they have turned out, fully insures the carrying out of this rule. Their engine is supplied with steam from a new 15-horsepower boiler of the most approved vertical type, and not only furnishes the motive power for the machine tools, but also blast for their improved blacksmith hearth, which is the largest in the city, and not only adapted to small work but especially to heavy machine forgings.
Seeing the necessity for something more than a machine shop, the Danks Bros., have just started the most complete iron and brass foundry in Southern Kansas, giving her citizens the advantage of a Kansas City or St. Louis, right at their own doors. The first cast of iron was made in the foundry on Thursday last, and their familiarity with that business is attested by the fact that not one casting was lost, and the cupola with all its appliances worked as perfectly as if they had rehearsed a year for this special occasion. The cupola is a novelty in its line, being mounted on trunnions so that it can be cleaned out without dropping the bottom, and three or four heats can be made each day if desirable. Casting day will, until further notice, be every Wednesday. This establishment is now fully prepared to take orders for brass castings up to 100 lbs. each, and iron castings up to 500 lbs. each. Also to build steam engines, models, and special machinery for all purposes; also to make plans, patent office drawings, etc.
Those wanting machinery or supplies of any kind will do well to consult these gentlemen before ordering, and by having the benefit of their experience, they will not only save in first cost, but escape many annoyances that come from not fully understanding what is best suited to their purpose.
As this is the first and only foundry in Cowley County, our citizens should see that it is well patronized, as its continued success is of vital importance to all.
Our city has arrived at that stage of progress when she cannot afford to stand still. The agricultural surroundings are not surpassed by any city in Kansas, and can be depended on to yield a rich harvest annually. This industry will be the main spoke in our wheel of progress. Yet it is high time we were turning our attention to home manufactures, so as to check the tide of manufactured articles that flows in every year from the East—not by discouraging their use, but by making them at home—where we can retain the wealth that now goes to build up eastern cities, many of which are not as well located for the purpose as our own. This will also create a market for our home produce, of which manufacturing cities are large consumers.
Besides the machine shop and foundry just mentioned, we have the steam wood working establishment of Beecher & Co., where all kinds of wood turning, scroll sawing, etc., are carried on, and which we learn will be enlarged and new machinery added in Spring.
We are located near the ample coal fields of the Indian Territory, which will soon be available; and as a good start is worth everything in the race for a manufacturing center. Let us hope our board of trade will take this matter up along with their other good works and give our home manufacturing interests a boom.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
The Danks Bros., made a successful run of another heat yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.
Machinery for all purposes built and repaired. We keep in stock Iron Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Packing and Machine Supplies. Iron and Brass Castings Made to Order.

Repairing a Specialty. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Dave Pickard comes out this week with a new discovery. Within 10 miles of this city in this county—the direction he refuses to tell at present—he found a deposit of galena, or lead ore. He brought a piece of the ore to town and employed the Danks Bros., to separate the pure metal from the alloy. The piece of ore in its rough state weighed something over six ounces. From it was extracted 2-3/4 ounces of lead. Mr. Pickard will not say anything further upon the subject until he ascertains whether there is a sufficient deposit of galena to be worked in paying quantities. We were shown samples of the galena and of the lead extracted by both Mr. Pickard and the Danks Bros.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
J. G. Danks has purchased three lots in the 4th ward of J. H. Trask. The consideration was $500. Snyder & Hutchison made the sale. Mr. Danks will build a residence.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
The REPUBLICAN wishes this week to speak a complimentary word for the Danks Bros. They are as good machinists as can be found in the state. We say this without any hesitancy whatever. We employed Chas. Danks Monday to set up our new Campbell printing press. He did the work in a day and a half and had it in perfect working order by Tuesday noon. We never knew a power press to be set up in less than two days by a regular pressman and generally in not less than a week. Mr. Danks never saw a press like ours until Monday, but he readily put the right pieces together.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
Miss Lillie C. Burton, of Cumberland, Maryland, is visiting in the city. Miss Burton is a sister of Mrs. J. G. Danks.
Excerpt from city council meeting...
Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular session Monday evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Prescott, Hight, Thompson, and Thurston. The following bills were allowed.
Bill of Danks Bros., $4.75; allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
J. F. Hoffman and A. G. Lowe took a trip over several miles east this morning and discovered a kind of quartz rock, which is pronounced by several who appear to know, to contain lead ore. The Danks Bros., are now engaged in removing the alloy. Those hills over across the Walnut must be good for something.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Chas. Danks has an attack of the chills.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
J. G. Danks tells us that there is a very notable increase of business at the machine shop and foundry. Last summer there was scarcely steady employment for he and his brother. This summer five men are employed and two apprentices.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.

While casting yesterday John Danks got some melted metal in his eye. He is so serious that it will incapacitate him for a time.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. G. Danks has removed the bandage from his afflicted eye. Now he not only “sees us through a glass darkly,” but actually has a dark glass to see through.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
C. H. Danks is again reveling in the delights and mysteries of the old fashioned chill.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Danks Bros., have undoubtedly the best equipped machine shop in Southern Kansas. They have put in two new machines: a nut and bolt machine and a large size power press drill, manufactured by McFarlin & Nottingham, Cincinnati, Ohio. They are now repairing two engines from Winfield, the owners of which say the Winfield shop is no good. A first-class machine shop that employs a dozen men is better than a roundhouse with 76 stalls—all on paper.
Excerpt from city council meeting...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The council met last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen A. D. Prescott, C. Dean, O. Ingersoll, A. A. Davis, C. G. Thompson, Jas. Hill, C. T. Thurston.
Bill of J. Danks, repairs, $11.90; allowed.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
Danks Bros. Machine Shop.
Happening in the fourth ward on Saturday afternoon, we dropped in to see the Danks Bros.’ foundry and machine shop. We found both brothers at work, John in the foundry assisting with a run of metal, and Charles in the machine shop busy at the bench. The last named has been suffering severely from malaria the last six weeks; but whenever he feels able to get about, he points for the shop and drives away till nature gives out. These young men have been owners of the above establishment for about eighteen months, and the first year they found discouraging. There was but little call for their industry, there being no workshops in town, and when trifling repairs were wanted, people were in the habit of going to the blacksmith. But they saw success ahead and like the ancient philosopher they knew there are occasions when the only way to gain a victory is to know how to wait for it. The city had been growing this while and the building industry increasing, and they now find their mechanical resources more generally in demand. During the summer their force of five employees, with themselves, have been busy repairing mowers and harvesters. This demand has now abated, but they are still fully employed on general repairs. They have the locomotive and other work for the Geuda Springs and Caldwell railroad, and the Santa Fe graders bring in a good share of business. They have lately turned out a ton of bolts and nuts for the first ward schoolhouse; this iron work being used to strengthen the walls, which had begun to crack in places. The water works company also furnished them work, and the repairs for a city of 5,000 or 6,000 people in a constantly growing quantity.
The machine shop now begins to assume a mechanical look with the recent addition of a bolt and nut machine from St. Louis, and an improved drilling machine from Cincinnati.

The castings on Saturday aggregated nearly a ton, and consisted of general custom work. During the fall they will make patterns for stove work, so that repairs for any portion of the stove can be furnished on demand. This is understood to be one of the most useful enterprises in the city, and it is gratifying to know that the proprietors are progressing so finely.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Danks Bros., have placed an iron railing in front of the post office store.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
Frank Raymond, from Easton, Indiana, a nephew of John Danks, arrived in the city on Monday with the intention of making it his future abode.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
I. F. Danks and Miss Mary Danks, of College Hill, Ohio, are visiting in the city, guests of their brothers, John and Charles. They will remain here several weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.
Miss Danks and a younger brother arrived in the city last week from Cincinnati, on a visit to the Danks family. Their sojourn will last several weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
F. Danks and his sister, who have been visiting in the city for several days, returned home today.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
Miss Mary and Isaac Danks, sister and brother to the Danks Bros., of this city, who have been visiting their relatives for the past month, returned home last week, being summoned hastily on account of their mother’s sickness.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1886.
We regret to learn that Charles Danks is again down with malarial fever. He has been so long ailing that a change of air seems necessary.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Chas. Danks went to Cincinnati yesterday to get rid of his Malarious attack. Since the first of June, Mr. Danks has been troubled with an attack of malaria every few weeks. It seems impossible to get rid of it here; therefore, he thought he would try a change of climate.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Danks Bros., are beyond doubt the best machinists in this part of Kansas. Arkansas City was very fortunate in securing them as proprietors of the machine shops and foundry. They are now engaged in building an engine for Henderson & Co. They complete it entirely.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.
The Danks Bros. are building a new engine of 15 horsepower for Henderson’s planing mills. Business in both of these manufacturing establishments is pressing, and increased facilities are an urgent necessity.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
J. G. Danks was called to his former home in Ohio by a message announcing the death of his mother, in consequence of which the machine shops will be closed for about a week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.
J. T. Little, of Cumberland, Maryland, and D. E. Shafer, of Freesburg, the same state, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. J. G. Danks.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.
John Danks was summoned home last week by a dispatch informing him of the dangerous illness of his mother. He took the next train for Cincinnati, but on arriving there found his aged relative unconscious and she died the next day. A postal received by Mrs. Danks informs her that he will be back here tomorrow.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.
Col. A. S. Berry, of Newport, Kentucky, and Maj. Kensinger, of Covington, friends of the Danks Bros., were on a visit here last week, and formed a portion of the hunting party that went to the territory on Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
Samuel Danks, another of the Danks Brothers, is expected here on a visit to the family the present week. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Little, wife of J. K. Little, who has been a guest of the above named family. Mr. and Mrs. Little will go into housekeeping in Archie Dunn’s home.
Arkansas City Republican, December 11, 1886.
Samuel Danks, brother of the Danks Bros., of this city, came in last evening from Ohio. Arkansas City will be his future home. He is a machinist and will assist in the machine shop and foundry. Work is so plentiful that employment is given to three first-class machinists all the time. Mr. Danks is a Republican and will swell Kansas majority by one.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1886.
Samuel Danks arrived in the city last week, from Cincinnati, to assist his brothers in their foundry and machine business. He is an experienced workman and will be a valuable addition to the working force of that growing and prosperous establishment. His wife accompanies him.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
Miss Burton, sister of Mrs. John Danks, who has been an inmate of that household for some months past, left on Monday for her home in Maryland.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Married yesterday, Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1887, at Cumberland, Maryland, R. U. Hess of this city, and Miss Lillian Burton. The new couple will arrive in this city in about two weeks and make it their future home. The groom is connected with Frank J. Hess’ real estate agency. The bride visited in this city last summer and fall and is a sister of Mrs. J. G. Danks. The REPUBLICAN extends its heartiest congratulations to the new couple.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The regular meeting of the council occurred last evening. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Ingersoll, Prescott, Thompson, Davis, and Hill.
The proposition to put iron shutters on the jail by Danks Bros., was read and on motion laid over till next meeting for consideration.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.

John Danks returned this morning from a three days trip to Caldwell and Bluff City. He was over to repair Latham & Co.’s construction engine. He informs us Caldwell is nothing compared with Arkansas City; only a very few buildings going up there at present. At Bluff City the railroad company are building a four stall stone roundhouse. They have a better depot there than any place else on the line out from Beaumont and there is also more side track. The improvements of R. R. Company look as if they were intended to be permanent. Bluff City’s growth will retard Caldwell’s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Arkansas City’s industries are growing and spreading, and keeping pace with our booming city. The latest improvement is the large addition—47 by 43-1/2 feet—which Danks Bros. are building to their machine shop and foundry. It is being constructed of stone, with an iron roof. The addition is to be used as a foundry. A new cupola for melting the iron is to be put up, sufficiently large to answer all purposes in the future. Danks Bros. are the kind of men to have at the head of our machine shops and foundry. They are as fine mechanics as can be found in the west, and are enterprising. The REPUBLICAN hopes the Arkansas City machine shop and foundry will continue to grow and spread until they cover a ten-acre field, under the present management.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Chas. Danks is up again after a slight attack of the chills.
[My coverage of Arkansas City Foundry ended with last issue. MAW 8/9/2000]