Pink Fouts
Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
BUCKS FOR SALE. I have for sale 100 head of thoroughbred Merino Bucks at Willow Springs ranche, 17 miles south of Arkansas City, Kans. Said Bucks are in good condition, and will be sold in numbers to suit purchaser, at from $6 to $10 per head, or will trade for ewes, lambs, or wethers. Address PINK FOUTS, Arkansas City, Kans.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
We received a pleasant call from Mr. Pink Fouts, of Willow Springs, Indian Territory, on Monday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
J. L. Huey and wife, Mr. Ordway and wife, Wm. McConn and lady, Stacy Matlack, Major Searing, Mr. Ingersoll, Conductor James Miller, Samuel Hoyt, Michael Harkins, H. P. Farrar, C. M. Scott, H. Godehard, Wm. Speers, Mr. Roberts, Chas. Hutchins, Chas. Howard, W. Wolfe, S. Longsdorff, Herman Wyckoff, Pink Fouts, Mr. Abbott, Chas. Holloway, and J. M. Bell, were among the number who braved the storm and went to Winfield on the special train to hear the Governor lecture on temperance last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Pink Fouts, the genial Willow Springs sheep man, was in the city this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.
Mr. Knott finished shearing his sheep last week. Mr. Upton has sheared his also, Mr. Crowell has sheared a part of his. Mr. Fouts, Scott & Topliff, Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Andrews, Mr. Cole, and others have to shear yet.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
The awning of the City Hotel shaded the browned countenances of more sheep men last Saturday than we have seen together for some time. There was Andrews, of the placid Grouse creek; Fouts, of the wild Willows; Johns, from the historic Shilocco; Cole, from the romantic Bodoc; Saunders, of High Prairie; Rogers, of Endless View Ranche; Phraner, from Ponca Trail; and Scott, of the State line; while on the street was Majors Harnly, Stewart, and Maxwell. Knott had taken his departure the day before or he would have been there. Wool, tariff, scab, and coyotes were generally cussed and discussed until the supper call scattered them like a bombshell. They were all hungry.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
Trix Fouts, brother of Pink, has gone down to Willow Springs to assist in manipulating the great herd of sheep held on that range. “Trix” is a second Pink, which is sufficient introduction for him to gain the hearts of our people.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Pink Fouts, of Willow Springs, was in the city last Saturday, and left with blood in his eye about 4 p.m. for his home in the Territory. It was chicken blood, however, so no one need be at all scared.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Parties wishing ponies or horses wintered will do well to communicate with the undersigned. Pink Fouts, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
The usual quietude of Ponca Agency was broken on Thanksgiving evening, Thursday, November 30, 1882, by the inpouring of the official residents of the Agencies to attend and celebrate the grand event of the season: The wedding of Miss Florence A. Woodin, of Ponca, to Lester D. Davis, Superintendent of the Pawnee School, of Pawnee.
Among the noted guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Woodin, Jr., Otoe, Dr. Woodward and wife, Dr. D. Dunn and wife, Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Nelson and mother, Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, Otoe, Mr. Powell and lady, Mr. P. Fouts and lady, Mr. Wilson and lady, Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Beard, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Sherburne.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
Pink Fouts took in the “Hub” Christmas day.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1883.
Willow Springs Sheep & Stock Ranch. PINK FOUTS, Proprietor. Horse Brand, F on left shoulder. Information given of strays of above brand will be rewarded. P. O. Address, ARKANSAS CITY, KS. Ranch at Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1883.
Pink Fouts, of Willow Springs, was in the city Saturday last. He reports having lost but a few sheep in the late severe storms.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
Pink Fouts was in the city Monday loading up supplies for his ranch. He reports no serious loss in his flocks from the last week’s spell of weather.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Pink Fouts came up to church Sunday.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Messrs. Hays and Fouts have sold the Willow Springs Ranch to Roberts & Co. The latter firm will run the stage station at the Springs, and in addition build a bridge across the stream at that point for the accommodation of travel. Willow Springs is out of our bailiwick, being directly south of Arkansas City, still we are glad of the change because it will make travel more convenient in the eastern portion of the Strip.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
From a private letter to Pink Fouts from Coffeyville, Kansas, we learn that 1,300 head of sheep were burned to death, last week, within six miles of that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Messrs. Hays & Fouts have sold the Willow Springs ranch to Roberts & Co. The latter will run the stage station at the Spring, and in addition build a bridge across the stream at that point for the accommodation of travel. Willow Springs is out of our bailiwick, being directly south of Arkansas City. Still, we are glad of the change, because it will make travel more convenient in the eastern portion of the Strip. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
We call attention to the brands of the Willow Springs horse, sheep, and cattle ranch, which appear this week.
Ad. WILLOW SPRINGS STOCK RANCH. Sheep, Horses & Cattle, PINK FOUTS, MANAGER. Horse Brand: O I L on left hip. Cattle brand: O I L on either side. Information given of strays of above brand will be rewarded. P. O. Address, ARKANSAS CITY, KS. Ranch at Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
STRAYED. 1 gray horse about 14½ hands high, in good condition, brand bow and arrow on hip. 1 spot pony about 14½ hands high, good condition, brand S U on shoulder. Above horses left Willow Springs about two weeks ago and are supposed to be in the State. A liberal reward will be paid for their recovery. PINK FOUTS, Manager.
Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The following stockmen are here in attendance upon the Arbitration committee: T. H. Stevens, O. F. Casteen, C. C. Clark, O. S. Northrup, of Anthony; Fin. Ewing, F. H. Shelly, M. Strong, of Medicine Lodge; Charles W. Moore, M. J. Lane, Sam T. Ishmael, J. W. Carter, of Eagle Chief; N. B. Roberts, J. H. Windsor, A. D. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania (the two former are accompanied by their wives); John W. Blair, of Pond Creek; Ben Garland, city; John Tucker, Wichita; W. J. Hodge and J. H. Tornberien, Winfield; Capt. Nipp, C. M. Crocker, D. F. Fagins, Tipton Brothers, Arkansas City; W. Wicks, Hunnewell; Pink Fouts, Willow Springs; and a number of others whose names our reporter failed to obtain.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Wanted. A good steady man to take charge of 4,000 sheep in Indian Territory. Must have experience. Apply to PINK FOUTS, Manager.
Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
Decisions Rendered.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, convened on the 12th, inst., adjourned on Friday, and on Monday resumed the task of settling disputes over ranges and range lines.
The case of John Love & Son vs. Standard Oil Co., P. Fouts, Manager, was next heard. Plaintiff moved for a continuance. Motion refused, and the Board decided that as plaintiff had no tax receipt, or other evidence that they had paid for range privileges, and there being nothing to show that they had a range, therefore, plaintiffs had no rights before the Board. The representatives of the defendants protested against the name “Standard Oil Co.” It was therefore ordered by the Board that the same should be changed to “Roberts & Windsor.”
Caldwell Journal, July 26, 1883.
Trouble on the Range.
Reports come to us to the effect that parties have been killing sheep and driving stock off the range of Roberts & Windsor, on Willow Creek, south of Arkansas City. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Fouts, manager of the above firm, received a telegram stating that a party of men had driven the stock off the range. If these reports are correct, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will be compelled to take some action for their own protection, for the reason that if lawlessness of that kind can go unpunished in one single instance, it will be but a very short time before others will suffer, and the fact of being a member of the Association will be no protection whatever.
It would seem now that the Strip is made a part of the U. S. District of Kansas, there should be some way of punishing those who commit depredations upon the property of persons occupying the Strip in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States and the Cherokee Nation. If not, a range on the Strip is not worth a song, and if any man undertake to hold one, he will have to do so through force. No argument is necessary to show that if such a condition of affairs is brought about, the Strip will become a strip of terror, where no man’s life or property will be safe for a single moment.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Sheep, Horses & Cattle. PINK FOUTS, MANAGER. Horse Brand: O I L on left hip. Cattle Brand: O I L on either side. Information given of strays of above brand will be rewarded.
P. O. Address, Arkansas City, Ks. Ranch at Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The following stockmen registered at the JOURNAL office yesterday: J. H. Windsor, Pink Fouts, Arkansas City; J. F. Lyon, Fort Gibson, I. T.; Walter Treadwell, Prospect Park, Harper County; S. Jackson, Camp Supply; S. W. Phoenix, Winfield; Albert Dean, Earl Spencer, M. J. Lane, Eagle Chief Pool; C. H. Vautier, Kiowa; Nick Schlupp, St. Joe, Mo.; Wm. Hobbs and Arthur Gorham, Kinsley, Kansas; Tom Hutton, Ind. Ter.; D. Donovan, Kiowa; A. O. Evans, St. Louis; C. H. Dye, Wellington; Crate Justus, Harper.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1883.
MARRIED. In this city, on Monday evening, December 17, 1883, by Rev. J. O. Campbell, Mr. Pink Fouts to Miss Lydia B. Beck. Mr. Fouts and his bride have the best wishes of their many friends in this community for a long and happy life in which the TRAVELER heartily joins.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
DIED. Charles Peck, a young man about 27 years of age, came here from Webb City, Missouri, some three weeks ago and applied to Pink Fouts for work at the Willow Springs. He started to work, but was taken sick with malaria fever and forced to come to the state for treatment. As soon as his fever was broken, he returned to Willow Springs, but was almost immediately taken down with a severe case of locked bowels, and returned to the state. Everything possible in the way of medical attention was done for the unfortunate stranger, and the best of treatment rendered him at the Leland Hotel, where he was being cared for, but on last Sunday evening death put an end to his sufferings. He was buried Monday afternoon at the expense of the county, it being the deceased’s wish that his relatives should know nothing about the affair until after his body was disposed of.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1884.
It is almost impossible to get a brand for stock different from any other brand. In looking over the Northwestern Live Stock Journal, published at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, we notice Pink Fouts’ “F” brand on the horses up there; R. A. Houghton’s hat brand, and Drury Warren’s boot brand on the sides of steers that range on the Sweet Water. Every letter in the alphabet and almost every figure is represented somewhere, besides houses, bells, scissors, keys, etc. Some are branded with but a dot, while others are branded all over. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in New York, sent a committee to Texas recently to try to license the stockmen to adopt some other mode of marking stock, but the old burning principle is held to still.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Pink Fouts and wife were guests at the Leland last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
A Lady Cook Wanted At Willow Springs ranch, I. T. Good wages paid. Address Pink Fouts, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
A Trip to Willow Ranch.
Last Wednesday evening it was our good fortune to receive an invitation from Dr. Jamison Vawter to accompany him on a professional visit to Willow Ranch, 17 miles south of the city in Indian Territory. Of course we accepted, and in a short time the doctor was at our boarding house for us with one of Capt. J. B. Nipp’s best double rigs. We started from the city about seven o’clock, and in two and a half hours were at our destination. We found Mr. Fouts, the proprietor of the ranch, suffering greatly with neuralgia and malarial fever, but the doctor administered a remedy that soon relieved his pain, and leaving more medicine to be taken during the night, we retired. The next morning we found Mr. Fouts’ health much improved, and after the doctor had given full direction as to the further treatment of the case, and assured Mr. Fouts that he would soon be able to attend to business again, and we had partaken heartily of an excellent breakfast, we started on our return, and were soon home. The trip was a pleasant one! The Doctor knows just how to entertain a fellow bachelor, and we shall always remember Mr. and Mrs. Fouts and the boys employed on the ranch for the kind and hospitable treatment received from them while at the “Willows.” Mr. Fouts is the proprietor of two ranches; the Willow Ranch, containing 35,000 acres, and another containing 12,000 acres, and both are well-stocked with cattle, horses, and sheep. He has been in the stock business several years, and has prospered, and everything now about him shows prosperity. As to the Territory, we can say the same as everybody else that it is a fine country to remain idle as it now is. On our way home we saw hundreds of prairie chickens and snipes, and could have easily killed a great many of them from our buggy if we had taken a gun.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Pink Fouts has been wrestling with the malaria fever at Willow Springs; but is now better. It takes something worse than malaria to keep Pink down for any length of time.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Mr. Pink Fouts, of Willow ranch, whom we visited last week with Dr. J. Vawter, has recovered from his illness. He came to the city Thursday evening, and left yesterday on a business trip to Caldwell.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
Ad. Big Mules. 1 large span of mules for sale. Pink Fouts, Willow Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
4. J. N. FLORER.
5. N. W. PARVIN.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
Ad. Sheep for Sale. Parties desirous of purchasing sheep should call on or address Pink Fouts, Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
The following guests partook of H. H. Perry’s hospitality last Monday.
Pink Fouts and two boys, Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1884.
BIRTH. The haste with which Dr. Vawter climbed into a buggy and started for Willow Springs, at 11 p.m., last Sunday, led us to infer that our friend, Pink Fouts, was dangerously ill. But he is better now, and happy as a lark over the advent of a brand new little girl. Pink says the government doesn’t object to such improvements as this in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
Pink Fouts of the Willows was in town Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
We are informed by Pink Fouts that a negro soldier was shot dead in his pasture near the Willows. The soldiers said it was accidental. No particulars are learned.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Our old time friend, Pink Fouts, smiled on us last week.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
As per announcement in REPUBLICAN, those interested in the stock trade met in room No. 3 in the Hasie Block last Saturday for the purpose of organizing a live stock exchange. W. M. Snyder was chosen chairman and Frederic Lockley, secretary. After considerable discussion of the benefits of a stock exchange by those present, a motion was made and adopted to appoint a committee on organization and the Chair appointed Geo. E. Hasie, H. P. Farrar, and N. T. Snyder. Amos Walton, Maj. M. S. Hasie, and T. L. Hill were selected as a committee on constitution and by-laws. N. T. Snyder, W. M. Snyder, and Pink Fouts were chosen as a committee on the furnishing of the room. No other business coming before the meeting, it adjourned until Saturday.