C. K. Freeman
Arkansas City.
Peoples Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, February 9, 1922.
Last night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Freeman, on North Third street, the employers of the Peoples store gave a dinner and party for the employees of the company. Nearly all the employees of the two stores of this concern were in attendance and the evening was a very enjoyable one for all concerned. This was the sixth annual affair of the kind for the Peoples store and on this occasion the employees were given their bonuses for the past year’s business. The dinner was served at seven o’clock and needless to say it was very elaborate, the menu being perfect, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all those in attendance.
The entertainment for the evening consisted of cards, music, and dancing. Following the hours taken up in the entertainment of the members of the party, the bonuses were presented by the proprietors.
Taken as a whole it was one of the nicest and most enjoyable of the business parties given in this city during the present season.
Following is the complete list of the employers and the employees of the Peoples store, all of whom were present at the party last night with the exception of J. H. Smith and H. S. Ford, who were unable to be there on account of sickness.
J. R. Smith and C. K. Freeman, owners and manager of the store.
Grocery department—J. H. Smith, manager; M. M. Ellis, Geo. Steckman, Oscar Burton, Alfred Moffitt, Ralph Marshall, Edward Lamb.
Meat market—Dan DeSelman [NOT SURE OF LAST NAME!]
Ware room—E. W. Wright.
Mrs. H. C. Small, in charge of phone exchange.
Dry goods department—Mrs. Ed Burns, Mrs. Frank White, Mrs. Pattison.
Ready to wear department—Miss Rose Freeman.
Shoe department—John Newton and J. W. Cinby.
Men’s clothing and furnishing department—C. K. Freeman, Thomas Piersel [or Piersol], _. S. Ford.
Office department—J. R. Smith, Mrs. Clifton, Miss Thwaiter Hyden, Miss Marion Lambert, Howard Smith.
Display and advertising manager—J. L. Russell.
Ruten Cummins, night watchman.
Store No. 2—In charge of Fred Carter, assisted by Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Williams.
[Note: Some of these names might be incorrect. Very hard to read microfilm. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, April 27, 1922.
The Hess Real Estate Co., Corner A and 5th Avenue.
C. A. Bahruth, Plumber, 101 North Summit St.
A. C. Houston Lumber Co., W. W. McAdam, Mgr., 214 North Summit.
M. Price, blacksmith shop: $109.00
Mrs. Emily B. Bond, residence: $5,000.00
C. A. Williams, residence: $400.00
Frank Bryant, addition to house: $3,500.00
Wm. W. Brown, garage: $125.00
Mrs. A. E. Miller, addition to house: $1,000.00
H. A. Fowler, building: $40,000.00
Fred Connor, house: $2,000.00
Fred J. Leonard, house: $5,000.00
Floyd E. Wright, garage: $175.00
H. R. Branstetter, house: $150.00
Frank McDowell, remodeling: $3,500.00
W. V. Reynolds, garage: $50.00
A. L. Bendure, garage: $500.00
C. L. Lindsay, house: $350.00
H. L. Williams, house: $500.00
Geo. A. Eddy, house: $1,800.00
Carl L. Dees, repair house: $1,000.00
C. K. Freeman, remodeling house: $3,000.00
R. L. Ward, house: $4,000.00
Dan Hanson, garage: $250.00
D. E. Pease, house: $2,500.00
Otris Cann, house: $3,600.00
A. Dorner, house: $2,500.00
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Clayton, house: $2,500.00
C. J. Wakefield, house-garage: $2,500.00
C. J. Keller, garage: $100.00
Ray P. Griffith, house: $6,000.00
Lula E. Hendryx, garage: $2,500.00
J. F. Whelan, building: $5,000.00
Chas. W. Early, house: $700.00
John Peters, garage: $250.00
J. O. Brown, addition to house: $400.00
A. L. Bays, addition to house: $1,600.00
Keefe-LeStourgeon, business house: $15,000.00
E. C. Mierau, house: $1,000.00
A. H. Fitch, addition: $800.00
G. A. Moody, house: $2,000.00
Douglas Shaw, house: $3,500.00
Chas. Ransdall, garage: $350.00
Mrs. Kittridge, house: $1,800.00
W. B. Leonard, garage: $500.00
Geo. W. Cole, barn: $350.00
Mrs. E. Batdorf, garage: $800.00
E. W. Flickinger, remodel house: $4,500.00
Forest Livingston, garage: $150.00
Forest Livingston, addition to house: $350.00
Allen Hapefield, house: $1,200.00
Wm. Bull, work shop: $230.00
Mrs. G. W. Ramage, garage: $230.00
Day & Fagan, shed: $300.00
F. O. Herbert, garage: $600.00
Trinity Episcopal church: $50,000.00
A. C. Floral Co. greenhouse: $2,500.00
B. M. Wiley, house: $2,500.00
O. C. Watson, chicken house: $150.00
Lottie B. Turner, house: $4,000.00
R. T. Wesley, house: $1,500.00
E. E. Koff, garage: $400.00
Nazarene Church building: $1,000.00
A. L. Bendure, house: $1,600.00
C. B. Holmes, house: $1,800.00
G. W. Pate, house: $800.00
W. B. Osborne, house: $2,500.00
J. O. Brown, house: $5,000.00
M. G. Kantzer, house: $3,000.00
D. H. Shaw, house: $1,000.00
Geo. M. McDowell, house: $5,000.00
Flora and Anne Hight, house: $3,200.00
Tom Wallace, garage: $500.00
Chas. M. Biggs, house: $2,200.00
J. Hansell, garage: $500.00
Miss Ethel Duvall, remodel: $5,000.00
H. F. Lane, addition to house: $2,000.00
Frank McDowell, barn: $250.00
W. E. Turner, remodeling: $550.00
Elmo Powers, garage: $240.00
Lloyd Howald, building: $500.00
D. A. Steele, garage: $125.00
G. M. Featherhoff, house: $3,800.00
Mary Myers, garage: $140.00
S. M. Wetmore, house: $1,500.00
S. M. Wetmore, house: $1,500.00
S. M. Wetmore, house: $2,000.00
S. M. Wetmore, house: $2,000.00
J. B. Lantz, remodeling: $20,000.00
A. L. Bendure, garage: $8,000.00
High School Building: $250,000.00
GRAND TOTAL: $524,765.00
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, May 2, 1922.
Confidence and faith in the future of Arkansas City is registered by a new investment company opened for business in Arkansas City this morning. It is the Savings Investment Co., and has its office temporarily with the Schwartz Electric Co., at 304 South Summit street.
The Savings Investment Co. is strictly an Arkansas City company. It is made up of fifty local capitalists and has a subscribed capital stock of $10,000. The stockholders held a meeting at the law office of W. L. Cunningham last night and elected the following officers: V. E. Creighton, president; W. K. Mann, vice-president; R. L. Rhoads, secretary and treasurer. Its business will be to buy and sell real estate and make loans on chattels, real estate, and farms. V. E. Creighton is in charge of the office. The directors of the company are: C. K. Freeman, V. E. Creighton, W. K. Mann, W. W. Brown, M. G. Kantzer, Dr. V. L. Overstreet.
An application for a Kansas charter has already been applied for and will be received in a few days. As the company grows, the capital stock will be increased.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, May 29, 1922.
Some of the grocery men were present to protest with reference to the People’s Store market recently established outside the building and occupying a space four feet by about 60 feet on the sidewalk next to the property line of their store building.
John W. Higgins of the Co-Operative Grocery, stated if the People’s store was going to be allowed to maintain such a market on the sidewalk, then the same privileges should be extended to the other grocerymen of the city. The commissioners stated it was in direct violation of the city ordinance and they thought Mr. Freeman, the store manager, would voluntarily remove the market stand when his attention was directed to this matter. They promised to speak to him about it, with a view to getting the desired result without having to take formal action in the matter.