F. M. Friend


Winfield 1878: F. M. Friend, 32; spouse, M. E., 31.
Winfield 1880: F. M. Friend, 36. No spouse listed.
Winfield Directory 1880.
Friend, F. M. (Harris & Friend), r. Fuller s. e. corner 6th avenue.
HARRIS & FRIEND, Sewing machines, etc., Main w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
HARRIS, T. J. (Harris & Friend), Sewing machines, Main, w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Harris, Thos., sewing machine agent, r. 10th avenue s. s. bet Main and Manning.
Organized October 14, 1879. Seventy members rank and file. Meets at Manning’s Opera House, Monday and Friday.
OFFICERS: Captain, Charles E. Steuven; First Lieutenant, F. M. Friend; Second Lieutenant, E. H. Roland.
SMITH BROS., dentists, 9th avenue, rear of Post Office, over Flag Drug Store.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Cassell Miss Carrie, works Friend’s, res Manning.
Friend F M, music and millinery, 911 Main, boards Central.
Friend F H, clerk, Friend’s, boards Central.
Rowe Miss Ray, works Friend’s millinery, res Manning.
Flag Drug Store, Dr. J. Fleming, proprietor, 818 Main.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
Our “Courier” Patrons. In beginning the “Centennial year,” with an enterprise like the one we have engaged in this week, it is but right and proper that we make honorable mention of the men who, by giving us their patronage, have greatly helped us in the “financial” part there­of.
FRIEND, F. M., watchmaker and jeweler, having just arrived from Carthage, Missouri, stands ready to make his work speak for itself. Having begun right, advertising in the leading paper, we bespeak for him success.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
F. M. FRIEND will leave on Monday for St. Louis and Chicago, and will appreciate any little commissions in his line. Call immediately.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
Mr. F. M. Friend has returned, and can be found at his post—jewelry post.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1877.
Mr. F. M. Friend is all right again, and though he looks rather thin, he is able to tend to business.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
Mr. F. M. Friend was selling his extensive stock of jewelry at auction last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
Mr. Friend has removed his jewelry store to the room one door north of J. W. Johnston’s furniture store.

Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
H. Jochems has removed his hardware store to the rooms formerly occupied by Friend’s jewelry.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1877.
Under the head of new advertisements will be seen the new ad. of Mr. H. Jochems hardware store, which has recently been removed to the store room formerly occupied by Friend’s jewelry store. This room affords a better display of the immense stock of hardware, and with a supply of new shelving and counters presents a better appearance than did the old stand.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
The M. E. Church Free From Debt. On Sunday last in the new stone church one of the largest audiences that ever met in Winfield congregated to help dedicate the new and imposing edifice to the good of man and the glory of God.
An elegant silver set for communion service, presented by F. M. Friend, and a fine clock from Will Hudson were among the donations.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
Farms to exchange for wheat or cattle, fit for full feed this winter. F. M. FRIEND.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1877.
Special Holiday Presents. I will open a well selected stock of silverware, jewelry, etc., the second week in December. Will give particular attention to special orders for the next ten days. F. M. FRIEND.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Five drawers, drop leaf, hinge cover. It has taken more gold and silver medals, more solid silver cups and diplomas than any other machine.
HOW CAN YOU AFFORD IT? I buy direct from the factory for cash, pay no commissions, get my money without loss, and you only pay for your own machine and get the best make, and with a five year’s guarantee by the best company in the business.
I also have clocks at your own price. F. M. FRIEND. Winfield, April 10, 1878.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Town Association to F. M. Friend, lot 8, block 186, Winfield, $60.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Friend is pushing along his new residence in the north part of town.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
F. M. Friend to Medla Friend, sw 31, 31, 8; 160 acres, $1,000.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.

NEW MODEL HAS AUTOMATIC TENSIONS, ELEGANT WOODWORK, AND RUNS LIKE A TOP. NO CANS, NO GEARS, NO SPRINGS, AND NO NOISE. This BEST Machine Can be Sold at Hard Times Prices. Insist upon seeing it. Circulars and Price-Lists on application to WEED S. M. CO., CHICAGO, ILL.
FOR SALE BY F. M. FRIEND, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
The Ball is Opened. Being prompt pay I am able to sell you the W. & W. No. 8 [d. L, 2 drs, etc.] and full set of attachments for $33, cash. New Home, $25; Bogus Singer, $22, without lying, and will give you bill of sale and guarantee title. Largest assortment of machines and lowest figures for cash. Don’t go and get cornered and swindled but come to my office and get a square deal. Respectfully, F. M. FRIEND.
References, bankers here and my customers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
F. M. Friend, residence, frame: $450.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
FRIEND, F. M., has one of the neatest stocks of silverware and cutlery. He has a fine stock of sewing machines and can supply a first rate article.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
SEWING MACHINES. F. M. Friend, T. J. Harris, D. F. Best.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
The “Winfield Rifles” elected a full set of officers, last Saturday evening, and the muster rolls have been forwarded to the Adjutant General’s office. The General has been holding 65 stands of superior breech-loading Springfield rifles with which to outfit this company for some time, which will be sent as soon as the boys are mustered in. The officers of the company are: Mr. Charles Steuven, Captain; Mr. J. H. Finch, First Lieutenant; Mr. F. M. Friend, Second Lieutenant.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
The following commissions were issued at the governor’s department to officers of the Nineteenth Independent Co., K. S. M., lately organized at the thriving and growing town of Winfield: Captain, Charles E. Steuven; First Lieutenant, James H. Finch; Second Lieutenant, Florus M. Friend. We understand that this new company will uniform its members, and thus become an ornament to the regiment. Topeka Capital.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
The army is well represented at Topeka this week. Gen. Green, Captains Bacon and Steuven, Lieutenants Finch, Friend, Hoenscheidt, Greer, and Crapster represent the troops stationed at Winfield. In case war is declared before they return, they will go right in and not wait for the consent of their wives and sweethearts.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.

Mr. Ed Roland was elected 2nd Lieutenant of the Winfield Rifles Monday evening, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna­tion of Mr. Finch and the promotion of Lieutenant Friend. Ed. will make a first class officer.
F. M. Friend and T. J. Harris become partners...
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Messrs. Friend & Harris have formed a co-partnership in the sewing-machine business. Verily, “the lion and the lamb shall lie down together.”
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
F. M. Friend has gone to Chicago to lay in a stock of goods.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
Notice Friend’s ad in this issue. He’s got the largest stock of millinery in southern Kansas.
Dealer in Millinery & Milliner’s Dry Goods.
Notions, Sewing Machines, etc.
Miss Clara Brass remains in charge of the Trimming Department.
Dr. Wells takes over building used by “Friend’s Millinery Store”...
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Dr. Wells will occupy the room vacated by Friend’s millinery store.
Friend moves to building recently occupied by Flag Drug Store...
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
F. M. Friend has removed his millinery store to the building recently occupied by the Flag Drug Store.
Friend’s store that he is leaving was opposite J. B. Lynn’s old stand...
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
NOTICE: January 8th, and till February, I will sell Hats and Millinery at half price, at Friend’s, opposite Lynn’s old stand.
Friend and wife  rented Hudson building, formerly the Flag drug store...
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Mr. and Mrs. Friend have rented the Hudson building, former­ly the Flag drug store, and will occupy it during the next year for their combined stores.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Miss Clara Brass has gone home to see her ma. Her parents live in Douglas County, and she will visit there until April first when she will return to her work with Mr. Friend.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.

F. M. FRIEND, Dealer in millinery stock, sewing machines, and organs. The business of this house is good, but not so good as a year ago. One man and three ladies are employed in this house and are kept very busy. The season is about a month later than last year and trade has hardly commenced. It is likely to exceed that of last spring in the outcome. There are four millinery stocks in town same as last year. The trade in sewing machines and organs is better than I had reason to expect. Do not see as the prohibito­ry law has affected our trade as yet, but think the effect will be to make better trade.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
F. M. Friend gave $2.00.
Robert Hudson sells his corner building, occupied by Friend, to Nicholas Wolf...
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
Uncle Bobby Hudson has sold his store room, now being occupied by Friend, to Nicholas Wolf, a gentleman from Cincinnati, for $1,600. Mr. Wolf is a gentleman of wealth and proposes to build a fine store room in that corner next summer.
No address is given for Friend in the following ad...
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Friend has moved to “Page building.”...
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
F. M. Friend is now located in the Page building with his millinery stock. Mr. Friend now has plenty of room and will proceed to make things lively in his line of business.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
F. M. Friend has removed his stock of goods to the Page building, and is ready to welcome his old customers.
Former building used by Friend (corner of Eighth Avenue and Main Street: Robert Hudson building) now occupied by John Witherspoon...
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
John Witherspoon has removed his billiard room furniture to the room on the corner of Eighth Avenue and Main Street, at the place formerly occupied by F. M. Friend.
Friend loses Domestic Sewing Machine Co. agency to D. F. Best...
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
The agency for the New Domestic sewing machine has been transferred from Mr. Friend to Mr. D. F. Best. This machine will now be found on exhibition at his store.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
We are informed that the Domestic Sewing Machine Company have appointed D. F. Best sole agent for the “light running Domestic,” for Cowley County in place of F. M. Friend, their former agent. With the “light running Domestic” and the “New Silent No. 8,” Mr. Best fears no competition, and in the future, as in the past, will continue to do the largest sewing machine trade in Cowley County. When in the city, call and see him.
Mr. Best is also the agent for the Smith American organs.
Friend now handling Davis Sewing Machines...
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.

THE COURANT is under obligation to Friend’s Millinery House for the use of one of their famous Davis sewing machines, which is without any doubt one of the best machines made.
Friend’s Millinery House: Handled by Mrs. Friend...
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
SPRING OPENING. At Friend’s Millinery House, Winfield, Kansas, Mrs. Friend will display Chicago, New York, and St. Louis Pattern Bonnets and Hats April 17th and 18th. All are invited.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Opening. Friend’s Millinery House, Winfield, Kansas. Mrs. Friend will display Chicago, New York, and St. Louis pattern Bonnets and Hats April 17th and 18th. All are invited.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
I need more room, and will give special bargains in a variety of sewing machines. Call early. F. M. FRIEND.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
Winfield Rifles are getting ready for the State encampment to be held at Topeka next September. Young Men who want to join may leave their names with F. M. Friend, Cornelius Trump, Frank Finch, or C. C. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
BURDEN ENTERPRISE.  F. M. Friend, of Winfield, was in town Thursday supplying the wants of our people in the sewing machine line.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
A snug little house to rent to a good tenant. F. M. Friend.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
Mrs. Friend will offer summer styles in millinery very low, and close out pattern bonnets and hats at less than cost.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Rifles, Attention! Meet at the hall Monday, Aug. 14th, at 7:30 p.m., for special business. Bring all uniforms, guns, and accouterments.
 By order LIEUT. FRIEND, Commanding Company.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
This department was not extensive, but the display was excellent. Mr. F. M. Friend had a fine array of musical instruments on which he took two premiums, one on the Estey organ. D. Rodocker’s display of photography was very fine and carried off all the honors. F. M. Pratt, of Douglass, exhibited a splendid collection of stuffed birds and secured two premiums. W. B. Caton’s display of tombstones was very fine.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.

The event of the season was the Tisdale S. S. Picnic which came off on Friday in the finest grove in this section. It is located on Mr. Greenshield’s farm three miles south of Tisdale on Silver Creek. Mr. Greenshield is a whole souled man and is never better pleased than when his place is overrun with children. A little after 10 o’clock crowds began to pour into the grounds and soon the very leaves on the trees fairly trembled from the joyous shouts of the little ones. The exercises were opened by Rev. Godsman. A number of speeches from the different superintendents and S. S. workers, interspersed with music, occupied the time until the dinner horn sounded. I will draw a veil over that dinner scene. ’Twere better not to describe it. The afternoon was spent in visiting, speech making, and music. Mr. Friend furnished us with one of his superb organs and Miss McDonald of Winfield favored us with some splendid singing and instrumental music that would be hard to beat. Among the crowd of strangers we noticed Mr. and Mrs. Friend, Miss Ingram, from Virginia, Miss McDonald, Winfield, Mr. Jones, from Wichita. All seemed to enjoy themselves—from the marshals resplendent in ribbons, sash, and rosettes, to the 3 year old with his stick of candy.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
F. M. Friend is agent for Decker Bros., Mathaushek, Haines, Chickering, Simpson & Co., and Story & Camp Pianos at factory prices, freight added. Also Estey, Whitney & Holmes, Chicago Cottage, Wilcox & White, and Story & Camp organs; and dealer in Howe, Household, Victor, Crown, and other sewing machines.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Friend’s Millinery House will offer hats and millinery at very low prices for the next thirty days to close out winter goods.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
WINFIELD DON’T WANT SALOONS. On looking over carefully the list of signatures on the petition to Hackney, we find a considerable number of names of persons who live in the country, and many more whom nobody knows. We find only 101 names, less than half of those on the petition, who are known as citizens of Winfield. Less than half of these probably understood what they were signing, and are in favor of saloons. It is presumable that the originators got all the names of prominent Winfield men they could by any kind of representations; and, considering all these things, the petition is not so very formidable after all. But it is enough to give our city a bad name, and give a severe stab to the cause of prohibition. The Kansas City Journal’s Topeka correspondence says that the names of all the prominent men and business firms of Winfield are found on that petition, except one bank and one hardware store. We notice that the following Winfield firms and names are conspicuously absent from the petition.
F. M. Friend mentioned in article.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Judge Gans has issued the following MARRIAGE LICENSES during the week.
Taylor B. Friend to Lucy A. Drown.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
MARRIED. Married at the M. E. Parsonage by Rev. P. F. Jones, April 9th, 1883, Taylor B. Friend and Lucy A. Drown, both of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

The festival on last Friday night was a grand success. The weather was favorable and the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. Two organ dealers came out from Winfield with an organ apiece, accompanied by some excellent singers, so the music during the evening was perfectly charming. The ice cream that disappeared was simply immense, especially to those that had to make it. Almost $60 was cleared. Dr. Polk by his perseverance succeeded in raising over $70 at Winfield, Douglass, and other places, making the amount almost $180. A committee of five was appointed to decide which organ to buy. They decided to take the Estey organ sold by Mr. Friend at $102.50. The remaining sum will go toward buying another chandelier and the completion of the tower. The people are famous in getting up anything of the kind and a failure is never known. Many thanks are extended to those from a distance for their liberal patronage. AUDUBON.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Mrs. F. M. Friend is visiting friends in Joplin, Missouri.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Mrs. F. M. Friend has returned home after enjoying a pleasant visit with her mother in Cherokee County.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
F. M. Friend is off for a few weeks’ visit to his mother in Ohio.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Mrs. M. A. Monlux, of Galena, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Friend.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
On last Monday evening a most remarkable surprise was precipitated upon Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sumpter, of Walnut Township. Mr. Sumpter was just returning from the field when he noticed a long line of wagons coming along the road, and his first impression was that it was a funeral procession; but imagine his surprise when the train drove right into his yard, proceeded to “hitch up,” and about forty-five neighbors and friends walked in and took possession of his home. Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter were soon surrounded by the happy crowd, receiving their hearty congratulations on the fact of that being their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Everyone brought baskets filled with all sorts of culinary delicacies and substantial tokens of esteem to crystallize the pleasant event in the minds of the “bride and groom.” The “raid” was gotten up by that jolly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Winters, and it will long be remembered by those present as one of the most successful celebrations of a crystal wedding. Mr. Pomeroy, F. M. Friend’s organ agent, was present and favored the company with fine music. The following are a few of the presents and the donors’ names.
Mr. and Mrs. Winters, cake stand.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, egg dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Storey, honey-dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray, glass castor and salt-dishes.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt, fruit-dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Role Bush, eggshell jelly dish.
Grandma Davenport, salt-dish.
Friend’s: three doors north of Lynn’s. Does this mean that Friend was still in the Page building???
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.

Friend’s Millinery House Grand opening, Thursday and Friday, October 4-5. You are cordially invited. Three doors north of Lynn’s. No cards.
AD. FRIEND’S MILLINERY HOUSE Is now receiving an immense stock of HATS, MILLINERY, AND TRIMMINGS, Selected in the principal cities, and can suit you in STYLE AND PRICES. Three doors North of Lynn’s.
Also Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines, in a large variety of makes, wholesale or retail, cash or time.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
The first place visited as nearest the entrance, was the general exhibition hall. On the right of the entrance are the Household fabrics, Kansas manufacture, in charge of Mr. W. R. McDonald. Every conceivable kind of “spread,” some of them elaborate, splendid rag carpets, and almost everything made in this line by the energy, taste, and deftness of Cowley’s ladies, are there to be seen. The different novelties here, as elsewhere, are deserving of special mention, but under the arrangement it was impossible to get the name of each exhibitor. The next thing encountered was the Flowers and Shrubs, presided over by Mrs. J. L. Horning. The display is very tastefully arranged, contains a good variety, and taken all in all, does Lady Flora full justice. Next to this is the Fine Art department, conducted by Miss Kate Millington, the most prominent among which are specimens of photography from the galleries of Winfield’s artists, Messrs. Rodocker, McIntire, and Beck Bros., and a finer display we challenge the state to produce.
You pass from this to the exhibit under Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, of Fancy Work, and here is where the skill and taste of Cowley’s ladies are shown in all their reality. A man is seized with a renewed admiration of the gentler sex as he stands and beholds these marvelous specimens of her handiwork. This is a very unique feature of the Fair.
On the west side of this hall is the array of our dealers in musical instruments—and sewing machines, Messrs. Friend, Stimson, Best, Roberts, and Fitch & Barron. The exhibitors of musical instruments have an attraction in good vocal and instrumental music, while the sewing machine gentlemen have to depend entirely on the oiliness of their tongues.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Best sewing machine, F. M. Friend, Agent, Davis sewing machine, 1st premium; Wheeler & Wilson Co., 2nd. [Diploma on Wheeler & Wilson is withheld on account of exhibitor wrongfully attaching a blue ribbon without consent of awarding committee.]
Best Cabinet organ, Mason & Hamlin Co., F. M. Friend, Agent, Chicago, 1st premium; Cottage Co., 2nd.
Best piano, F. M. Friend, Agent, Story & Camp Piano Co., 1st premium.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Corrections. Since our last issue, in which was published a list of premiums awarded at the fair, we have had a good many corrections made in the list. In the dentistry exhibit Dr. Van Doren was awarded the first premium for the best set of teeth, instead of Dr. Bull, as published. The printers made a balk in the award on organs. The Mason & Hamlin organ was awarded the first premium. Mr. M. J. Stimson is the agent for  this organ. The Chicago cottage organ received second, F. M. Friend, agent.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
I am going to Kansas City and will close out my entire stock of goods, cases, shelving, counters, teams, wagons, and land for cash or No. 1 short time paper at such prices that you can’t help buying. F. M. FRIEND. Three doors North of Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
Mr. Friend, of Winfield “took the cake” at the Thanksgiving social, but he paid for it, as it was auctioneered off to the highest bidder. He gave $7.50. Mrs. Pixley had the honor of making it, and we think Mr. Friend and family found it as good as it looked.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
Friend is off for Kansas City. When he returns, it will be to close out at auction or to put in a full stock again.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
F. M. Friend was a shareholder, holding one share of stock.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires. Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.

THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED $5.00: S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Bard, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Schofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith.
THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED $2.50: R. E. Sydal, S. D. Pryor, E. G. Cole, Kraft & Dix, H. Brown & Son, Brotherton & Silver, F. M. Friend, F. H. Blair, F. H. Bull, T. J. Harris, Albro & Dorley.
TOTAL RAISED: $222.50.
Friend: appears to be moving into Torrance-Fuller block...
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
The Courier Surmises
That F. M. Friend will have the finest millinery establishment in Southern Kansas when he gets moved into the Torrance-Fuller block.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Miss Emma Bristol, of the Topeka Conservatory, will be in Winfield about April 1st with a collection of rare flowering plants, bulbs, house plants, etc., for sale. She will occupy a part of Mr. Friend’s room in the Torrance and Fuller building for two or three days.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Call on Miss Bristol at Friend’s about April 1st for choice flowers, bulbs, and plants.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
Mrs. Friend is now in the east, purchasing a large stock of spring hats and novelties for her millinery establishment. With such roomy quarters and other advantages, Mrs. Friend bids fair to eclipse everything else in her line this season.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Miss Emma Bristol, of Bristol Sisters, Florists, Topeka, will be in Winfield from Tuesday noon, April 8th, until Thursday noon, April 10th, with a choice collection of house and bedding plants, bulbs, flower seeds, etc., for sale. This will give our people a splendid opportunity to make personal selections of plants, seeds, and bulbs. We bespeak for her a cordial reception and have no hesitation in assuring our citizens that they will be fully repaid by calling on her at the time and place mentioned. At Friend’s music and millinery store, Tuesday noon to Thursday noon, April 8th to 10th.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
We call attention to notice elsewhere of the visit to our city April 8th to 10th of Bristol Sisters, Florist, Topeka, Kansas. Remember time and place, Friend’s Music Store.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Friend’s best Peerless organ to be given away at O’Meara & Randolph, the shoe men of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
LADIES! LADIES! Come out this Thursday and Friday. I shall make a special exhibit of the new Vertical Feed Sewing Machines. Come and see the work. Respectfully,
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
1874. OPENING THURSDAY & FRIDAY, MAY 8 & 9. 1884.

Elegant Patterns, French and American Hats and Bonnets.
And the latest Shades and Novelties in Millinery at FRIENDS TEMPLE OF MUSIC & FASHION. Torrance-Fuller Block, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Mr. G. C. Monlux, of Galena, Kansas, brother of Mrs. F. M. Friend, arrived Tuesday night and will visit here for a short time.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Miss Pearl Friend left Monday morning for Independence, Missouri, to visit some time with relatives.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Mr. F. M. Friend returned from the east last week. He purchased a heavy line of fine millinery goods, besides taking in the sights and visiting his old home.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Prof. A. H. Bach, formerly professor of music in the Bowling Green, Kentucky, female college, will be at Friend’s Temple of Music and Fashion on Monday, the 15th, inst., between the hours of two and five p.m., and would be pleased to meet the music loving public, or anyone interested in procuring the services of a first class professor of music. The Prof. comes to us highly recommended, and has had fourteen years successful experience as a teacher of piano, organ, vocal culture and theory, and will doubtless permanently locate with his family at Winfield, provided he receives the encouragement he deserves.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Opening week at Friend’s.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Church organ, Kansas Organ Co., 1st; Chicago Chapel, 2nd.
Cottage Organ, Chicago Cottage, F. M. Friend, 1st.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
The following are some premiums overlooked last week.
Best sowing machine, the “Shite,” Fred Barron, Agent, 1st; the “Davis,” F. M. Friend, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
St. Louis trimmer at Friend’s.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Grand Winter opening at Friend’s, Oct. 30 and 31.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Our spring catalogue will soon be ready for distribution, and we will visit Winfield this spring with plants, bulbs, seeds, etc., and desire those wishing anything in our line to wait our coming and make selections from our stock. We will be at Friend’s music store. Exact date later. Bristol Sisters, Topeka, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Miss Emma Bristol, of Bristol Sisters, Florists, Topeka, will spend Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, April 8-9 in this city, at Friend’s music store, with plants, bulbs, seeds, etc., for sale. Miss Bristol cordially invites everyone interested in flowers to call upon her.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Mrs. F. M. Friend is on a Chicago purchasing tour. Miss Hattie Stolp is assisting in the millinery establishment during Mrs. Friend’s absence.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Opening April 30, May 1. Friend’s Temple of Music and Fashion will give a grand Millinery Opening on Thursday and Friday, April 30, and May 1. Ladies, please call and examine the largest selection, the best work, and most reasonable prices. “The Old Reliable always Leads.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
F. M. Friend has a new organ wagon. It’s a daisy; put up by Montford & Rogers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Mrs. Friend of Winfield has been the guest of Mrs. Cob Jackson this week. They have been having a nice time visiting friends in the country, and she intends staying another week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Dr. Houx, with laughing gas, pulls your teeth and you don’t know it. Over Friend’s store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Dr. Houx, over Friend’s store, pulls teeth without pain.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
F. M. Friend, as usual at every Fair, has a splendid display of musical instruments, etc. W. B. Caton has an elaborate display of tombstones, which present anything but a grave yard appearance amid so much animation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Supt. Myer’s Protest. A Few Facts by Mr. Friend.

“The White is again crowned King among sewing machines. It is victorious in fair and square competition at the Cowley County Fair, with the Davis over which so much blate and blow has been made. Mr. A. H. Fitch, of Arkansas City, the sole agent of Cowley County, got the first premium on best sewing machine for family purposes; on best general work; best display of work; and best display of sewing machines. He exhibited nothing but the famous White and its work. Mr. Fitch was assisted in showing his machines by Mr. W. H. Seavy, of Kansas City, general agent of the White sewing machine company. In the awarding of the premiums, in competition with the Davis, were: The lightest running; less noise; general durability; finest line of attachments and general finish. The White is clear above any other machine on the market, a fact thoroughly demonstrated—not only at this Fair but in its everyday work—in its universal satisfaction and popularity with every household it enters. Mr. Fitch has established an agency in Winfield, at the Dollar Store, and will have no trouble in placing the White in every home needing a machine. Mr. Fitch had a very fine display and carried off the premiums most worthily. It was a big triumph—one deserving, a result always attainable by the celebrated and popular White.”—Mr. Fitch in Friday’s Courier.
After the award was made, Capt. T. B. Myers, superintendent of Class M., entered the following protest on class book.
“It is my opinion that in this award the judgment was not fair and impartial, and would recommend that the diploma be withheld until the matter is investigated. T. B. MYERS.”
The Davis Sewing Machine Co. have for years advertised a reward of $500 to any machine that could equal them in their range of work. The Domestic has twice accepted their challenge, but has each time reconsidered and withdrawn before the time set for work. The Vertical Feed, found only in the Davis machine, will stand all tests, where an under feed fails. The Davis Co. make their own attachments and fit them to the machine and they are the only company that make and warrant their attachments. “The Davis” always courts examination and test by experts as to material and workmanship. The 1st cost at factory of $5 to $7 more than the White for similar style of machine. This difference is in material and skilled finish, which will tell in years of use. Respectfully, F. M. FRIEND, Sole agent for the Davis in Cowley and Sumner counties.
The opinion of all who know the facts in this case is that there is something radically wrong. One judge was selected by Fitch and one by Friend, these two to select the third. The third was selected against the protest of Friend’s judge, and afterwards proved to be an old acquaintance of the White family. That the Davis exhibit was superior, all acknowledge. H. W. Darling, general agent of the Davis Sewing Machine Co., was here from Chicago to practically demonstrate the superiority of his machine. The expression of all is that the two prejudiced judges had their judgment made up before entering the investigation. Had justice been done, the Davis would certainly have got the blue ribbons, as everyone familiar with the two machines can testify. In everything considered, the Davis stands head and shoulders over the White.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Mrs. F. M. Friend is off for an eastern purchasing tour, taking in the St. Louis Fair in her rounds. Her mother, Mrs. M. A. Monlux, who has been visiting here for some time, accompanied her to Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Friend has a very ingenious arrangement in his show window. He has a chromo of a very sweet girl; open rose-bud lips, pearly teeth, aquiline nose, heavenly eyes, and marble brow, arrayed in plumes and the general paraphernalia of a fashionable head dress. It is very unique and is an excellent model.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
A very happy little party of ladies dropped in on Mrs. John Keck last evening in celebration of her birthday. It was strictly a female party—no measly men around. Men are very much out of place around where women are anyway—they can’t talk enough. The occasion in question was one of the liveliest. The merry chatter was sandwiched at the proper hour by delicious oysters and nice delicacies. Among the ladies present were Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mrs. G. L. Rinker, Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mrs. Capt. Whiting, Mrs. Fred Whiting, Mrs. Ed. Nelson, Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mrs. Walters, and Miss Lydia Holmes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.

H. J. DOWNEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Winfield, Kansas. Office in Torrance-Fuller block, over Friend’s music store. Calls attended promptly day or night from the office, unless absent on professional business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
The exclusive ladies’ parties are becoming very popular since their inauguration a short time ago in Winfield. The latest was given by Mrs. Cap. Whiting Friday evening. We were not able to get the names of the ladies present, but following are the names of those we did get: Mrs. Irve Randall, Mrs. Geo. Copeland, Mrs. John Keck, Mrs. Ed Nelson, Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mrs. Col. Whiting, and Mrs. Fred Whiting. At the proper hour the happy assembly were banqueted by their kind hostess to a magnificent supper, composed of the choicest of the season’s delicacies. These parties are becoming contagious and it will be but a short time until the men will be excluded entirely from parties of all kind where the gentler sex are in any way concerned. Things are taking a turn in the wrong direction. We think there should be a reform started to nip(?)s this move in the bud. But aside from all jests, the ladies make these gatherings very pleasant and lively, and they are calculated to drive dull care away, and relieve the mind of the cares and monotonous domestic duties. So mote it be.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
A pleasant social event was the china wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson at their home three miles south of Winfield. At about 10 a.m. the guests from Vernon, Beaver, and Walnut townships and Winfield and neighborhood began to arrive. At 1:00 p.m., it was announced that dinner was ready. The guests were seated around a long table on which was splendid roasted turkey and so many other good things that, though a person had a keen appetite, sharpened by a long ride, they could not taste near all. We will not tell how the boys and girls (about 50 years old) who had to wait grew impatient and thought the older ones would not get through, but they made up for lost time when their turn came. After dinner they assembled in the parlor. Deacon Sherrard was appointed to say the marriage ceremony. He opened a book of poems and brought them under solemn promises which one should make the fires on cold mornings, split the wood, and perform many other pleasant duties of married life, after which their attention was directed to a table covered with presents brought in by their friends which were presented to them. As it was near night, those who had spent the day started for home, all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson should have many more such anniversaries. The young people came in and spent the evening. The day was as pleasant as could be wished for and there was nothing to mar the pleasures of the occasion.
The following are some of the presents: China tea set, Mr. and Mrs. T. Teter, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Teter, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Teter, Monroe Teter, and Grandmother Teter.
Silver dinner caster, Dr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Copeland, Phil Kleeman, Will McClellan, and Moore Tanner.
Set of china cups and saucers, Mr. and Mrs. W. McEwen.
China tureen, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McEwen.
China cream pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Sherrard.
Cina spittoon and shaving mug, Mr. and Mrs. P. Croco.
China cups and saucers, Mr. and Mrs. B. Byers.

Colored cut glass berry dish, Rinker & Harris.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
One of the pleasantest parties of the season assembled at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt last Saturday evening to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. The spacious rooms were well filled and the host and hostess were everywhere present with their careful attentions which, seconded by Miss Anna, made the enjoyment complete. During the evening the Rev. Mr. Reider was brought forward and in a neat and appropriate speech presented to the host and hostess a beautiful set of silverware as a testimonial of the high appreciation of the contributors for the recipients, accompanied by a card with the compliments of the following: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Young, Rev. and Mrs. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rinker, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin. This silver tea set embraced cake basket, berry dish, six teaspoons, and sugar spoon. Dr. and Mrs. Geo Emerson, pearl card case. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, silver fruit dish.
Capt. Hunt responded as happily as the emotions of this surprise would permit.
A magnificent collation was placed before the guests, which was highly enjoyed, and after music and other entertainments, the party dispersed with many thanks to their entertainers for the pleasures of the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. John Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mrs. McClellan, Mrs. Whitney, Sr., and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. James McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRaw, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bliss, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.

Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mrs. Col. Whiting, and Mrs. Ed. Nelson went up to Latham Friday morning to visit with Mrs. J. M. Lambert.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
F. M. Friend put on his mud shoes and went out to his ranche Tuesday to see how many cows are dead.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
F. M. Friend hands us a copy of the Lancaster, Ohio, Gazette, containing a long letter on Kansas giving Winfield a good send off among the other metropolises of the state. Winfield stands prominently among the largest and best cities of the Sunflower State. Its fame is second to none.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
H. J. DOWNEY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Winfield, Kansas. Office in Torrance-Fuller block over Friend’s music store. Calls attended promptly day or night from the office, unless absent on professional business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Recap Sheriff’s sale Monday, March 23, 1886, real estate to settle suit of F. M. Friend, Plaintiff vs. Wm. A. Freeman, Defendant.