William Fultz


[Note: The following was worked up by RKW years ago. I have not had time to work with it. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, November 28, 1921.
Well-Known Resident, Age 88 Years, Passed Away This Morning.
William Fultz, of 726 North Fifth street, who has been ill for the past month and whose condition has been critical for ten days past, died at the family home at 10:45 o’clock. Mr. Fultz was aged 88 years and he was well known in this city and the surrounding country. He came here from Newkirk in the year 1907 and has since made this city his home. For several years past he has been conducting a grocery store and meat market on West Birch avenue.  The store is now in charge of Ralph Fultz, a son of the deceased. The cause of his death was bronchial fever.
Besides the wife, Mr. Fultz leaves one son, Ralph, of this city, and a step-daughter, Mrs. J. W. Reed, of this city, to mourn his death.  The body of Mr. Fultz was removed from the residence to the parlors of the Parman-Powell firm this morning, to await the arrangements for the funeral services and burial.
William Fultz was a well known frontiersman in the early days of Kansas and Oklahoma, and it is said he was identified with Buffalo Bill in Indian scout work in Oklahoma and Kansas a number of years ago.  He related many interesting stories to his friends in regard to his experiences on the frontier days of this section of the country.
Mr. Fultz was born in Kentucky on June 3, 1833.
Funeral services will be held at the Parman-Powell chapel tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock and the body will be interred in Riverview cemetery.
Fultz Family.