John W. Funk
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The first census of Cowley County made in February of 1870 did not list any family named Funk. (Note: Names were often misspelled and there were two named Fink, John and F.)
The Rock Creek township census of 1873 lists J. W. Funk, age 35, and his mother Leanah, age 60. Another Funk, W. J. Funk, age 33, and his wife Zilpha J., age 21.
The Rock Creek Township census of 1874 lists J. W. Funk, age 37, his mother Leeanah, age 60, and his wife Mert, age 22. It also lists W. J. Funk, age 34, and his wife Zilpha J., age 22.
The Rock township census of 1882 only lists a female M. M. Funk, age 31.
September 2, 1873 Mercy M. Stubbs (age 22) married John W. Funk (age 37). She is the widow of Zimri Stubbs.
Rock Creek Township census of 1875 lists no Stubbs. It however lists; J. W. Funk (age 37), Mercy Funk (age 22), A. Funk (female age 4), and G. Funk (male age 5 month.). (NOTE - Rhoda A. Stubbs is listed in 1877 as a minor and an heir of Zimri Stubbs.)
Zimri Stubbs estate was closed in July of 1878 with Mercy Funk as administrator.
THE CENSOR, OCTOBER 21, 1871. Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwithstanding the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell. The following named gentlemen were the delegates.
Rock Township: John Irwin, A. V. Polk, W. H. Grow, and J. Funk.
WINFIELD COURIER, MARCH 30, 1876. JOHN FUNK, of Rock township, starts for the Black Hills this week. The majestic form of John Funk is familiar to every man in the Walnut Valley. Everybody knows "Funk," and nearly everybody likes him. His worst and only enemy he generally carries in his pocket. We have seen that enemy get the worst of John in many a fracas--have seen it send him home hatless and horseless at the dead hour of night; and as he plodded along through the mud, Shakespearian quotations and algebraic solutions flowed from him as naturally as electricity descends the zenith-pointed lightning rod. John is a natural-born orator and a rattling good fellow, but he will never be President. We hope he will leave that "enemy" behind him, make a fortune in the Hills, and return within a year or two to the bosom of his family and friends. Vale, John.
WINFIELD COURIER, JUNE 1, 1876. JOHN FUNK has returned from the Black Hills a fatter, sadder, and wiser man. He pronounces the hills a failure. He will settle down to the slow but sure process of digging wealth out of Cowley county soil.
WINFIELD COURIER, SEPTEMBER 21, 1876. J. W. FUNK, of Rock, paid his Winfield friends a "financial" visit yesterday. He says he is "square" with the town now. John is always on the square.
WINFIELD COURIER, DECEMBER 7, 1876. The 'pressible John Funk, student, historian, grammarian, and rhetorician of Rock township rendered distinguished service at the fire Tuesday morning.
WINFIELD COURIER, MARCH 15, 1877. John Funk, of Rock, was in town yesterday, and as usual, was happy.
WINFIELD COURIER, JUNE 21, 1877. LOST. On Saturday, a sack coat, with an account book and some papers in the pockets, belonging to John Funk, Esq. The finder will please leave the same at this office.
WINFIELD COURIER, OCTOBER 4, 1877. The Blade says: At Ross City, at the home of Peter Funk, a Mr. Alexon, in an altercation about a pig, shot Funk through the heart, killing him instantly.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878 - DIED. John W. Funk, of Rock township, died last Friday at his house. The cause of his death is said to be bronchitis. In coughing he burst a blood vessel and bled to death immediately.