C. G. Furry
Creswell and Bolton Townships and Geuda Springs, Kansas.
From Margaret Russell Stallard book, Remembering Geuda Springs.
Pages 42-45. Articles about C. G. Furry.
Newspaper article from the Arkansas City paper.
The Mayor of the City of Geuda Springs, Shot and Killed Yesterday . . . and the Justice of the Peace of Walton Township badly wounded while attempting to arrest three JOINTISTS who had established a JOINT in a corn field on the outskirts of the city.
As anticipated by many of our citizens, Geuda Springs had a tragedy yesterday. It was given out a week ago that no jointist would be permitted to operate during the Fourth of July Celebration. Yesterday forenoon it was given out that a joint was in full running order. The next thing was to locate it and it was found in a corn field that is just north of the Springs and bathhouse. Between the hours of 4 and 5 o’clock the mayor of the city, Colonel D. C. Kenyon, and justice of the peace, C. G. Furry, resolved to arrest the jointists and eradicate the joint. Accordingly these gentlemen started out to execute their resolve. Arriving at the place where the damnable stuff was being sold, they demanded the surrender of the three men (two white men and a negro.) The answer was two shots from a revolver and Mayor Kenyon fell to the ground, shot through the body just above the hips, and Judge Furry went down with a bullet in one of his legs just above the knee. The shots attracted a crowd to the corn field and the wounded men were picked up and carried to their homes, Mayor Kenyon in a dying condition, and Judge Furry suffering great pain. The former was unable to talk when picked up; Judge Furry possessed the use of his voice and tongue both and he explained the trouble very hurriedly. After doing the shooting the men all broke and ran, one white man and the negro going toward the river, and the third ran to a horse which was picketed nearby, mounted it, and broke for the Territory.
At about 5 o’clock the Traveler office received a telephone message asking us to call up an officer and tell him to be on the lookout for Jim Cherrie, Ike David, and a negro by the name of Charlie Simmods [?] as they were wanted for the killing of Mayor Kenyon and the shooting of Judge Furry. This news produced great excitement on our streets and the officers commenced to be on the lookout for the men wanted.
At about 6:30 p.m. Marshall Nash and his efficient corps of policemen arrested Ike David as he was going to his home in the Third Ward. He made no resistance and said he knew nothing of the affair. He was taken to the city jail and locked up.
Later on Jim Cherrie drove down Summit Street with his family in a double carriage. The police saw him and going up to his carriage, which had stopped in front of the Eagle Meat Market, Marshal Nash arrested him. He made no resistance and told the officers that he had nothing to do with the affair, but that he would go with the officers if they would allow him to take his family home. Marshal Nash got in Cherrie’s buggy and the family was taken home, the carriage returned to the livery stable, and Cherrie taken to the jail.
This left only the negro at large. When Cherrie was arrested Frank Donnelly, a farmer boy of West Bolton township, remarked to the writer that he was standing beside the prisoner when the shooting occurred, watching the baseball game. The thought then struck the excited crowd that perhaps it was not Cherrie, but some other man resembling that individual. Rumors of all kinds were prevalent there. One was to the effect that the shooting was done by Frank Baker, another that Till Lincoln was the man, and several others were mentioned. The man described to the Traveler representative as doing the shooting was a man of slight build, light complexion, sandy mustache, who wore a light suit of clothes, a cowboy hat, and was riding a bay or brown pony, on which was a cowboy saddle with a buffalo attachment on the skirts.
Last evening Charlie Pettit and N. J. Robinson, both colored men, were in the custody of the officers. They were both over to Geuda Springs and were able to furnish some light upon the subject. From them we gain the following story. Charlie Pettit tells us that he was employed by Lincoln to haul a wagon load of malt from this city to the Springs and was to receive $3.00 for it. He was stationed at the edge of a corn field on the prairie something over a half mile east of the Springs. Robinson was employed by Jim Cherrie to drive his team and he works for him by the month. Pettit’s wagon was standing a short distance from Robinson’s wagon and the man doing the selling was pulling corks in Robinson’s wagon.
During the day the cork puller cut his hand on a broken bottle and an old man, tall and slim, did his work until he got his finger tied up. These two parties were the only ones who sold any malt. During the afternoon two men (the “officers,” as Pettit called them, meaning Mayor Kenyon and Judge Furry), drove up in a single buggy. Pettit was not near enough to hear the conversation, but he saw the cork puller light from the wagon and get into the buggy, one of the officers remaining on the ground. Just then Pettit noticed Till Lincoln come riding toward them from the Springs on Jim Cherrie’s gray pony. He motioned for Pettit to turn around and to go on down the road southeast and he (Pettit) did so. When he got down the road a short distance, the cork puller came running up and jumped in his wagon. Looking around Pettit saw the two officers in the buggy and Till Lincoln riding on the east side of them. A moment later he heard two shots and looking around he saw Lincoln ride off to the northeast and the cork puller jumped from his wagon and ran into the corn field and towards the river. Pettit drive a quarter mile or more, when he stopped, and Robinson came up with his load and wagon. He was behind Pettit about seventy-five yards. While they were standing there, Jim Cherrie and Ike David came up in a double-seated carriage and told them to come on to Arkansas City and they did so. When Pettit arrived here he went to Judge Kreamer’s office and told the above story and he was placed in custody; also Robinson. Pettit claims he did not know the fellow selling the malt, but it was not Ike David nor Jim Cherrie. He was a young fellow of slight build, light complexion, sore eyes, and about 20 years of age.
Robinson’s story was to the effect that he was working for Cherrie by the month; that he was driving Cherrie’s team, and had a load of malt at Geuda. Malt was being sold from his wagon when the officers came to arrest them. They drove up in a single buggy and one of them alighted and told the young fellow he was under arrest. He quit pulling corks, got out of the wagon, and got into the buggy. The officer on the ground told Robinson to hitch up his horses and come along. He did so and just as he was turning around, Till Lincoln came riding up. He stopped but Lincoln told him to move on. He had got perhaps 100 yards down the road when he heard two shots. He turned around and saw one man put his hand to his side and Lincoln turned and rode away and the buggy drove on to the Springs. Lincoln was riding Cherrie’s horse, a gray pony, and he rode away on a gallop. He and Pettit came in to Arkansas City. He did not know the name of the cork puller, but it was not Ike David or Jim Cherrie.
Dr. G. S. Morris informed us that as he was coming into the city by the south Arkansas River Bridge, he saw Cherrie’s horse hitched in front of his home, just over the Arkansas River, and it showed great signs of fatigue. It is thought that Lincoln rode the animal there and then skipped.
Lincoln was arrested about two months since, charged with horse stealing, and taken to Wichita; and he is out on bond now. He is a man of small stature, light complexion, sandy mustache, and prominent cheek bones.
A reporter met Judge Bonsall last evening just after his arrival in this city from Geuda. He came in on the train which arrives here at 8:30 p.m. He stated that about 4 o’clock in the afternoon he was applied to by Rev. Swarts, who supposed that he was still a justice of the peace for this county, to go about a mile northeast of the town [Geuda Springs] and arrest parties who were said to be selling malt or liquors. Soon after informing him [Swarts] that he was not now a justice, C. G. Furry, of Geuda, came up and Judge Bonsall informed Mr Swarts that, he, Furry, was a justice. Mr. Furry and Colonel Kenyon then got into a buggy and started on their mission to the bathhouse and in about an hour he [Judge Bonsall] learned of the shooting, the particulars of which are given in another part of this article.
The judge [Bonsall] could not learn the name of the party who did the shooting, but he is described as follows. “He wore a white hat, dark vest and pants, no coat. He is about 30 to 35 years of age, has sandy mustache, high cheek bones, and is sparse built. He was riding a gray horse with a cowboy saddle with buffalo skin around the back part of it.” The judge heard just before leaving the Springs that a reward of $500.00 is offered for the arrest of the criminal, who has since been learned to be Till Lincoln.
Myer Davidson, the newsboy, also returned from Geuda last evening. He stated to a reporter that he did not think that it was possible for Cherrie or Ike David to have done the shooting for he was with them on a boat on the lake up to within ten minutes of the time that Colonel Kenyon and Mr. Furry were brought to town, which was nearly a mile from the place where the shooting occurred.
A young man by the name of Hunt, with whom a reporter had a talk, said that soon after the arrest of Ike David he heard him say in the presence of eight or ten others that he, David, and Cherrie were present when the officers were shot by the man on horseback. It will be observed that the statement of persons whom we believe wish to relate facts differ somewhat; therefore we give the news as we gather it without comment.
About 11 o’clock last a reporter called on James Cherrie and Ike David at the city prison to get any statement that they might wish to make in regard to the shooting of the officers at Geuda; but they declined to have anything to say. David said that he had talked with some friends about it and he expected to make the same statement at the preliminary.
At a very late hour we received word that Mayor Kenyon was expected to die at any time and Judge Furry was suffering great pain.
Justice of the Peace Charles George Furry died 4 August 1888 as a result of the early July Shooting incident. He was 37 years, 2 months, and 25 days at the time of his death. He is buried in the Geuda Springs Cemetery.
Obituary from the Arkansas City Traveler, 9 Aug 1888.
Charles George Furry died at his home in Geuda Springs Saturday 4 August 1888. The deceased was born in Cole County, Illinois, in the year 1851 where he was educated in the schools nearby. In the year 1873 he attended college at Oberlin, Ohio. In the year 1871 he was married to M. E. Laylor of Cumberland County, Illinois, in which state they lived until the year 1880, when they moved westward to the state of Kansas, since which time they have made it their home. He was elected in his township as Justice of the Peace, which place he filled in a creditable manner. He also was chosen a member of the school board, showing his love for the cause of education by his zeal in his work. Appropriate funeral services were held on the Sabbath, 5 August, in the public school room where a large company of sympathizing friends took their final leave of one they had learned to respect and love. He leaves a wife, four children, and a large circle of relatives and friends who mourn in this hour of bereavement.
Next entry refers to “Judge J. G. Furry of Geuda Springs.” The newspaper goofed! The article and accompanying picture should have stated “Judge C. G. Furry.”
Cowley County Prohibitionist, Winfield, Kansas, September 8, 1894.
JUDGE J. G. FURRY. Judge J. G. Furry of Geuda Springs was murdered by Till Lincoln, a joint keeper, July 4th, 1886. Furry as an officer had caused Lincoln’s arrest. Lincoln shot him and a great many “patriots” (?) in Cowley County defend these murderous outlaws rather than the constitution and laws of Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
STRAYED. From Hanson’s pasture, in southwest Bolton, two suckling calves; one with black face, the other dark red. Reward will be given for information of their whereabouts, left at this office. C. G. Furry.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
Mr. C. G. Furry, one of the live young men of Northwest Creswell, made us a pleasant call last week.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Teachers Directory 1881-82. ARKANSAS CITY. MONTHLY SALARY.
C. G. Furry, District 6: $36.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
C. G. Furry, six miles northwest of Arkansas City, has one high grade bull to sell yet.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Our Sunday school is progressing finely with Jesse Stansbury as superintendent, John Smalley, assistant, and C. G. Furry, secretary. The school was changed from 4 p.m. to 10 a.m.
At the last regular meeting of the R. T. of T., the following officers were elected for the next six months: C. G. Furry, S. C.; D. J. Bright, V. C.; Mr. Warrensburg, H.; Mr. Coulson, F. S.; Mrs. Stansbury, Chaplain; Mr. V. McCormick, Treasurer. The officers will be publicly installed at the Lone Star schoolhouse the first Saturday night in July.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
CRESWELL: O. S. Rarick, C. G. Furry, C. L. Swarts, G. W. Ramage, Theo. Fairclo, F. M. Vaughn, I. H. Bonsall, A. B. Sankey, A. A. Wiley, James Ridenour.
Alternates: L. McLaughlin, John Smalley, Frank Schiffbauer, Dave Lewis, Frank Hess, C. W. Burt, R. J. Maxwell, R. L. Marshall, N. T. Snider, S. J. Rice.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Mr. C. G. Furry has purchased an interest in the Geuda Springs Herald. He has been one of the best of the COURIER’s corps of correspondents for some years and will now take up journalism on his own account.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
Mr. Furry of the Geuda Springs Herald gave us a friendly call last Saturday. Mr. Furry is a man of sterling qualities, and soundest judgment. He is doing much for his town in means of his able paper.
Arkansas City Republican, March 8, 1884.
The last issue of the Geuda Springs Herald discloses the fact that Mr. White retires and Mr. C. G. Furry takes entire control. Mr. White has aided the springs materially, and has edited an able and interesting paper. From what we know of the new proprietor, we feel safe in saying that the paper will fully sustain its reputation and continue to advance.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
It was our pleasure to visit Geuda Springs, last Friday afternoon, with Rev. N. S. Buckner, who went over there to deliver a lecture on “Church Building in the West.” We found the town improving much more than we expected; several nice residences, a large hotel, a large store house, and a Methodist Church now being under construction. The merchants seemed to be doing a fair business, and the town generally, showed prosperity. John C. Holton has recently purchased the “City Drug Store,” and is doing a good business. He is a young man of pleasant address, attentive to business, and we think he is certain to succeed. We visited Messrs. Roney & White at their drug store and found them very agreeable gentlemen. They keep a full line of drugs, are well and favorably known in the community, and are doing a large business. Mr. Biggs, at the livery stable, is a pleasant and accommodating gentleman, and treats his customers well. We ate an excellent supper at the Grand Central Hotel, and found the proprietor, Mr. D. F. Hall, one of the kindest and most genial landlords with whom it has ever been our pleasure to stop. He is running two hotels there, and is doing an immense business. We shall certainly not fail to see him on our future visits there. We visited the sanctum of Mr. Furry, editor and proprietor of the Herald, and found him busy as it was publication day. The Herald has a good circulation for a paper published in a town the size of Geuda Springs. Revs. Rovine and Lundy will please accept our thanks for the kindness we received at their hands while in the town. We are sorry to say that Rev. Buckner failed to get an audience large enough to justify him in delivering his lecture. The lack of interest in church building was the most unfavorable indication that we noticed while in the town. Churches help to build up towns and all residents should be interested in their erection.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Mr. C. G. Furry, editor of the Geuda Herald, was in the city Friday and reported his paper and the famed health resort in a flourishing condition.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
WEST BOLTON. Delegates: C. R. Mitchell, D. P. Marshall, C. G. Furry.
Alternates: John Annis, J. D. Guthrie.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Will Higgins, of the Sentinel, and C. G. Furry, of the Geuda Herald, were in town Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Mr. C. G. Furry, of the Geuda Springs Herald, called on us Monday. He reports things dull in his town, but hopes for a revival during the summer.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Hotel Registers.
The Leland shows the following arrivals.
Included in List: C. G. Furry, Geuda;
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
Geuda Officers. The following officers were elected in Geuda Springs Monday.
Dr. L. W. B. Long, Mayor; L. M. Bixler. Police Judge; C. G. Furry, D. F. Hall, F. P. Sallade, H. C. Sproggs, and Wm. Trimble, Councilmen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
C G Furry and wife to William D Furry, ne ¼ of se ¼ of se ¼ 9-34- s 3 e, quit-claim: $1.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
C. G. Furry, of the Geuda Springs Herald, was in town on Saturday, and illuminated our sanctum with his beaming countenance.
Arkansas City Republican, July 31, 1886.
Winfield, Beaver Township, and Geuda Springs have combined to build an independent railroad from the first named place, through the second, to the third. The charter will be filed in a few days. The directors for the first year are L. F. Johnson, J. H. Watts, J. W. Browning, of Beaver Township; Chas. G. Furry and C. R. Mitchell, Geuda Springs; and P. H. Albright, S. H. Myton, J. E. Conklin, J. R. Clark, and J. L. M. Hill of Winfield. A glance at the directorship shows the standing of the company.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
C. G. Furry’s paper, the Geuda Herald, seems to have retired from active life, and it has been succeeded by the Crank, “the crankiest weekly newspaper in bloody Kansas,” as the editor describes it, with J. H. Berkey to turn the crank. A great deal of labor has been expended upon this issue, and the editor has succeeded in getting up a comic newspaper, but we question whether his al fresco style will suit the general reader, and we look to see him settle down to routine business. We heartily wish our irrepressible neighbor abundant success.
The next item indicates that Furry went into the real estate business...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1886.
Furry & Long, the real estate men, of Geuda, have sold a lot in that city to Mrs. Myers, of this place, for $250, upon which she will erect a dwelling.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Bolton Township elected the following officers: J. A. Scott, trustee; John Sturtz, clerk; C. G. Furry and W. S. Voris, justices of the peace; J. C. Preston and S. Christy, constables.
Next item leads one to wonder if “Furry” took over again as editor???...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
The Geuda Springs Herald claims upon good authority that the peach crop will be a total failure this season. Rather early for that annual chestnut, Bro. Furry.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
C. G. Furry telephones over from Geuda that his town is booming. Surveyors are running lines all over the city and additions. The contract for the new hotel and bath house will be let next week.