Gallagher Family
John Gallagher was born about 1807 in Ireland. His wife Mary was born about 1810 in Ireland. They had two sons, John and William, who were born in Ireland. They moved to Canada, prior to 1840, where they had two daughters, Mary and Catherine, and one son, Hugh. They moved to the United States in 1866, moving first to Missouri, then to Kansas in 1870. They were accompanied by the Peter Quigley family who also had emigrated from Canada. John Gallagher died September 23, 1874, in Cowley County. Mary Gallagher died March 8, 1895 in Cowley County. They are both buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Winfield, Ks.
Cowley County Censor VOLUME 1. NUMBER 19. JANUARY 7, 1871.
Immediately after, these men became very active in riding the country day and night, and endeavoring to recruit a party to retaliate for the death of the Booths, Corbin and Smith, and boasting that they could at a moment’s notice, raise any number of men to “bounce” the executioners of their friends. Wm. Gallagher and Dr. Morris, went into a store in Douglass, and finding the merchant, a new-comer in the place, alone, attempted to force him to make a statement as to what he knew about the affair, and said that they had the money and the power to ferret the thing out, and they were going to do it, if it...
(NOTE This is part of a story about horsethieves. - RKW)
A Petition.
To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Cowley county.
We, the undersigned citizens of Cedar township, being legal voters, ask your honorable body to appoint Mr. F. M. Osborn Township Trustee in and for this township, and we will ever, etc., this March 3, 1875.
Thomas Bowles Peter Quigley
John W. Belles John Haughney
G. W. Burroughs Wm. Gallagher
Hamilton Gerard Hugh Gallagher
John Frazee D. C. Swank
John Hanhan Wm. Morgan
J. P. Gregg J. W. Blair
James Baker F. P. Myers
W. H. Phillips J. W. Tedlie
Alec. Moses Zenis Condid
C. E. Victory John Gallagher
S. J. McCamey James Phillips
Last spring we had several mad dogs in this vicinity, and several horses were bitten and went mad. Last week two dogs, one belonging to Mr. Brady and the other to Mr. Gallagher, went mad, and now we are shy of dogs. It there are any more cases, I will let you know.
The Kansas state census of 1875 lists:
Mary Gallagher age 65, born in Ireland
John Age 36, born in Scotland
William Age 36, born in Scotland
Morg (f) Age 29, born in Ireland
Hugh Age 28, born in Canada
TRAVELER, JUNE 28, 1876.
Transcript of Cherokee Strip Lands in Cowley County,
Kansas, Sold Under Sealed Bids, November 30, 1875.
#1: Amount paid.
#2: Tract entered; Section of; part of Section.
SE 1/4 of NE 1/4
#3: No. of Section.
#4: No. Township.
#5: No. of Range.
#6: QUANTITY (Acres, 100ths.)
#7 Sold to
Mary Gallagher
By 1893, the younger John Gallagher and his wife, Minnie C. Powell, were living in Arkansas City, where John worked as a carpenter for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. Around the middle of January, 1900 he moved his family to a farm in East Bolton Township. According to his son, John Gallagher, a few days later John Gallagher became ill and died, leaving Minnie with four children. Mimmie C. Powell Gallagher immediately took her children back to their house at 705 North D Street in Arkansas City.
In order to support her children, Minnie then went to work for Empire Steam Laundry as a laundress. Her daughter, Katy, often told of working in the laundry with her mother, for 10 cents a day. Katy would have been between 11 and 15 years old at that time.
Minnie Powell Gallagher died September 14, 1931, and is buried in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Story supplied by Debbi Stokes of 3426 N. Monterey, Kansas City, MO, 64117.