George H. McIntire
Chapter ?. GEORGE H. McINTIRE.
Ron: Putting in just a few entries on this page about George H. McIntire. Main one I worked on all day today. Concerns Commissioners’ Proceedings, covered in April 24, 1874, Winfield Courier. I reshaped article and worked like crazy on NAMES. Tried to get some that seemed mighty strange to me corrected (or hopefully so). And I tried to give in alphabetical order witnesses, jurors, etc. Should help make index easier, I hope. MAW
Main Thing: You shape up Chapter or Chapters as you see fit. I always try to give as complete an account of event covered in which the Important Name Pops Up. It is amazing how much the picture emerges of what life was like 120 or so years ago. Talked to Kathy Janisse tonight. She has looked at 40 files and unearthed even more family names: Matlack, in particular, came to light. Wow! He is in Indian book as he was an Indian Trader. Something happened while he was doing this, and he more or less lost tradership. He moved to Arkansas City into building that is still in existence: I still think of it as Albert’s Drug Store, but it is now called Taylor Drug Store. As I told her, Matlack comes to the fore when he becomes Mayor, and in his own fashion tried to help the city. He had a blind eye to the hidden saloons, etc., in town, in order to get enough do-re-mi to allow the City to function.
May have to use that part in a book I think of as PROHIBITION...and of course some people think in terms of TEMPERANCE. Poor ole Hackney got stuck with the job of forcing PROHIBITION on us. Winfield almost went broke immediately, as they were functioning on the money they gouged out of liquor stores. And of course sooner or later we must cover MANNY. What a delightful character.
Kathy is beginning to understand why I sometimes live in the past: about 120 years ago.
Wow! I just got E-mail from Mike Smith...interested in steamboat/railroad/river. How to answer???!!! Feel like he will have to wait until we get work on next book done. I will try to study and get a start on WATER travel. Still think Baird was the first one to try it, but maybe McIntire was. Will try to finish up Shenneman (believe I have one or two more items to check on) and then concentrate on the beginning of WATER and get it off to you. Since you are going through the thrill of surgery again I think I have time to get a start on it. Want to send you and Kathy what I have done on SHENNEMAN AND WALKER (ALL UNDER SHENNEMAN CHAPTER) AND THE BEGINNING OF THE COLGATE ARSON CASE. I had forgotten Shenneman was still alive and involved in that case.
Kathy, you, and I will have much to talk about before this book is finished. Believe me, it will be another long one, me thinks. MAW 7/15/1999
Emporia News, January 8, 1869.
Married. On Dow Creek, at the residence of H. F. Clark, by P. B. Maxson, Esq., George H. McIntire and Miss Mary R. Champlin, all of Lyon County, Kansas.
Ron: Not Sure How You Want to Set Up McIntire Family...
Sorta believe we will need to put some of Timothy in a separate CHAPTER. Boy! Do you have your work cut out for you. MAW
Emporia News, September 17, 1869.
DISTRICT COURT, Lyon County, in session since Monday last. Judge J. H. Watson, presiding. We are indebted to F. G. Hunt, Esq., deputy clerk, for the following proceedings.
Timothy McIntire vs. H. G. Fant. Dismissed by agreement. Ruggles & Plumb for plaintiff; Almerin Gillett for defendant.
Constable George McIntire Retakes Horse Thief.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
Miles, the horse-thief who made his escape from the city jail last Friday week, was retaken by constable McIntire, A. W. Patterson, and Mr. Draper last Saturday, on Coal Rock Creek, thirty miles east of this place, at the house of Mr. Johnson. He made his escape by chipping the wood with a hatchet and burning the door of the jail. The hatchet used he claimed to have stolen from Bowen’s Grocery. After his escape he laid out in the grass near Pat Somers’ place all day and all night, and then went to houses on the Walnut, where he was fed by people knowing him to be the identified thief who had escaped. He was delayed two days on account of not finding the Walnut River bridge, but afterwards crossed it and went to Grouse Creek and from thence to Coal Rock Creek, where he was taken. Traveler.
Timothy and George H. McIntire.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874. Commissioner’s Proceeding.
Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
Judges of Election.
Wm. Adkinson, $2.00; J. M. Barrick, $2.00; T. W. Blanchard, $2.00; John Boon, $7.00; A. P. Brooks, $4.80; T. R. Bryan, $2.00; G. L. Burdett, $2.00; H. L. Busher, $4.80; W. M. Butter-field, $2.00; T. P. Carter, $2.00; J. D. Cochran, $2.00; H. H. Constant, $3.60; P. J. Copple, $4.00; B. A. Davis, $5.00; W. H. DeMott, $4.50; M. L. Devore, $2.00; S. F. Draper, $2.00; J. N. Fleharty, $2.00; G. W. Foughty, $3.80; W. A. Freeman, $3.90; H. D. Gans, $2.00; W. M. Gillard, $2.00; S. D. Groom, $2.00; M. Hemenway, $2.00; T. H. Henderson, $2.00; M. B. Hennon, $5.80; I. How, $2.00; Wm. Jenkins, $2.00; S. B. Johnson, $2.00; W. Ketcham, $2.00; N. J. Larkin, $4.30; John Liston, $2.00; J. M. Marks, $2.00; Tim. McIntire, $2.00; A. McKinley, $2.00; D. A. Merydith, $5.00; J. W. Miller, $2.00; A. A. Mills, $2.00; T. H. Morris, $2.00; John Mosier, $2.00; Isaac Onstott, $2.00; D. M. Patton, $6.00; J. H. Patton, $2.00; J. H. Pricket, $5.70; A. J. Pyburn, $2.00; F. M. Ross, $2.00; J. Q. Searle, $2.00; Thos. Shaver, $7.00; J. P. Short, $3.00; J. B. Smith, $4.20; J. J. Smith, $2.00; C. Sprague, $2.00; G. C. Swasey, $3.90; R. S. Strother, $5.00; D. Terrill, $2.00; R. I. Theaker, $2.00; Robert Thirsk, $2.00; D. Thompson, $4.50; T. L. Thompson, $2.00; Adam Walk, $5.00; D. B. Ware, $2.00; A. Weatherhead, $2.00; Wm. White, $4.40; H. D. Wilkins, $5.00; C. D. Willeston, $2.00; G. H. Williams, $2.00; W. Williams, $2.00; Warren Wood, $2.00; J. G. Young, $2.00.
Clerks of Election (each paid $2.00). [Two names not listed.]
Samuel Adams, T. H. Aley, Alvin Barris, J. W. Blair, M. L. Brooks, D. A. Byers, W. H. Clay, T. W. Emerson, W. Estes, J. C. Felton, L. Goodrich, J. N. Groom, C. B. Hall, J. W. Hamilton, Peter Hansen, Jessie Hines, L. Holcomb, S. J. Holebrit, H. H. Hooker, A. H. Hornemann, S. M. Jarvis, L. P. King, J. W. Ledlie, Chas. McClung, Jas. McDermott, G. H. McIntire, C. R. Miles, Ed Millard, S. S. Moore, A. J. Pickering, Isaac Shuster, John Stockdale, Wm. R. Stolp, C. M. Stowe, John Swain, J. B. Todd, J. B. Waggoner, J. Walbert, A. J. Walck, Samuel Watt, F. H. Werden, W. M. Wilson, C. M. Wood, Geo. Wright.
Other bills.
County Clerk: M. G. Troup, $90.15; $135.20; $108.60.
District Clerk: James Kelly, $12.00; $2.00.
Justice of the Peace: W. M. Boyer, $10.75; $7.50; $5.75; $2.20; $9.00.
Justice of the Peace: Timothy McIntire, $3.70; $5.25; $4.40.
Sheriff, R. L. Walker, paid as follows: $79.60; $30.25; $2.25; $14.25; $56.00; $2.00; $32.00; $73.50; $3.55; $4.15; $2.25.
Deputy Sheriff: J. L. M. Hill, $1.50; $2.00; $10.00.
Bailiff: Geo. L. Walker, $22.00; J. L. M. Hill, $18.00; T. A. Blanchard, $8.00.
Constable: Burt Covert, $55.60.
Constable: G. H. McIntire, $6.80, $12.50, $4.40, $11.80.
Constable: J. L. M. Hill, $9.65.
Jailor, Burt Covert: $36.00; $104.88; $17.77; $52.44; $8.00; $6.75.
Jailor, John M. Young, $21.33.
Guarding prisoner: C. Brintzenhoffer, $3.00; R. Fitzgerald, $3.00; W. Fritch, $2.00; Elmer Kinney, $1.00; G. M. Rouse, $1.00; Isaac Taylor, $1.00; J. W. Tull, $11.80; Fred Ward, $2.00.
Witnesses: Robert Bailey, $7.50; G. W. Ballou, $8.50; Harrison Barton, $3.50; W. M. Boyer, $6.35, $3.00; Napoleon Bryant, $4.50; Burt Covert, $4.50, $.50, $1.50; W. E. Doud, $4.00; Wm. Fritch, $6.10; H. D. Gans, $6.10; Arthur Hane, $4.50; A. A. Jackson, $7.50; T. H. Johnson, $6.90; C. W. Jones, $5.70; T. J. Jones, $1.50; James Kirk, $3.00; Thomas Lawson, $4.50; C. Mayes, $7.70; Geo. Mayes, $7.70; J. E. Mayes, $7.70; G. H. McIntire, $9.50; E. Parker, $1.30; James Parker, $1.00; W. Parker, $1.30; Joseph Requa, $4.50; R. B. Saffold, $.50; Barney Shriver, $4.50; H. S. Silver, $3.00; C. S. Smith, $2.30; T. A. Suits, $3.00; T. H. Suits, $1.50; S. Tarrant, $3.00; Ben Townsend, $3.30; Geo. Walker, $4.50; R. L. Walker, $4.50; John Weiss, $2.50; A. Wood, $1.50; B. Wood, $1.50.
Gophers: A. J. Burrell, $3.00; A. C. Holland, $4.60; Stephen Mann, $1.70; T. W. Morris, $3.50.
Jurors: F. Brown, $93.80; W. H. Brown, $24.80; Wm. Burkey, $24.80; D. A. Caulfield, $22.00; J. E. Davis, $4.60; J. R. Davis, $4.60; Wm. Fowler, $24.80; G. W. Gardenhire, $16.60; S. M. Jarvis, $6.80; J. L. King, $4.80; J. H. Kinney, $22.80; W. R. Land, $4.40; H. C. Loomis, $22.00; C. A. McClung, $22.60; H. S. Millard, $25.00; J. H. Phenis, $22.00; C. M. Sloan, $24.20; J. W. Tull, $26.60; Benj. S. Turner, $24.40; S. C. Wood, $24.80; W. A. Wood, $24.00.
Agent, A. T. Shenneman: $136.65.
County Attorney: E. S. Torrance, $250.00.
County Clerk: M. G. Troup, $90.15, $135.20, $108.60.
County Commissioner: R. F. Burden, $40.05; M. S. Roseberry, $30.00.
County Superintendent: E. P. Hickock, $12.00.
County Surveyor: Wirt Walton, $70.33; $73.45; $4.00.
District Clerk: James Kelly, $2.90, $2.00; $9.30; $12.00; $2.00.
Examiner: J. P. Fairbank, $27.00; H. B. Norton, $6.00.
Investigating Committee: W. H. Grow, $60.00; Lucius Walton, $60.00.
Land Abstract: M. G. Troup, $72.95.
Board: S. Tarrant, $6.50.
Book Rest: E. S. Bedilion, $1.50.
Carpenter: T. A. Rice, $10.90; $7.10; John Swain, $18.00.
Chairs: Sweet & Lewis, $5.50.
Coffin: J. W. Johnson, $8.00.
Goods: Hitchcock & Boyle, $6.25; $12.50; $6.25; $32.50.
Furniture: J. W. Johnson, $7.50.
Grave Digging: Robert Robinson, $2.00.
Lantern: R. L. Walker, $1.75.
Meat: J. G. Titus, $3.80.
Medical service: D. C. Cram, $8.00; G. Black, $25.00.
Medicine: E. D. Eddy, $12.30.
Pauper: Samuel Kuntz, $29.50.
Printing: James Kelly, $35.00; $12.50; $7.90; $2.25; $6.25; $6.75.
Printing: C. M. Scott, $18.10.
Repairing Table: J. W. Johnson, $3.50.
Road Damage: Chas. Brush, $10.00.
Stationery: Braden & Burford, $50.90; W. M. Boyer, $3.85.
Washing: Margaret Winner, $4.50.
Wood, etc.: C. M. Wood, $43.50; S. H. Myton, $50.86.
Wood (sawing): J. T. Stewart, $38.00.
George W. Crane, $83.85; $45.00; $9.80; $190.50;
A. M. Patterson, $.50
Sweet & Lewis, $7.50.
T. A. Wilkinson: $308.00.
I, M. G. Troup, County Clerk in and for Cowley County, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above is a true statement of all the claims against Cowley County at the last regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.
Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day of April, A. D. 1874.
M. G. TROUP, Co. Clerk.