Geuda Springs


Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Drs. Allen and Arnold, late of Salt City, have left for other climes. These gentlemen sold out their interest in the drug store to F. L. Davis, who is now running the same. Mr. Davis is well known, and may rest assured that his many friends will not fail to call upon him when sick, or visiting the far-famed Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Go to your druggist for Geuda Springs water.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
The Geuda Springs water is now delivered in town regularly twice a week, and is being extensively consumed by our citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Mr. Berkey, of Salt City, was in town last Friday. He purchased the counters and shelves in Mantor’s former store room for his store at the famed Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
We understand that a certain bath house in Winfield, claim­ing solely to use the famous Geuda Springs water for bathing purposes, has had its supplies shut down in consequence of the fact that only one load of water has been consumed by it in the past two months. While the proprietors are willing that all persons desirous of giving the water a fair show shall have the same in unlimited quantities, yet they are decidedly opposed to encouraging any such fraud as the above, which not only works an injury to the public using their baths, but will ultimately bring discredit upon the Springs, whose waters, as thousands upon thousands can testify from their own experience, possess such wonderful health-imparting and curative powers.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Salt City, July 10, 1880.
ED. TRAVELER: There is quite a stir in our little city. Notestine has rented the Salt City Hotel to Royal of this place, he having got the Hunnewell fever. J. C. Mills has rented the Travelers’ Home to F. L. Davis, who will minister to the wants of the traveling public, and will furnish private rooms to those visiting the Geuda Springs for health.
William Resch, our blacksmith, is putting up a new dwelling house, having rented his former residence. [Sometimes “Rish” is shown as name of blacksmith. MAW]
We have been having good rains, and our corn is looking well. The farmers anticipate a good yield.
Mineral water is being shipped to surrounding cities for the convenience of parties that are busy and cannot visit the Springs.
Berkey will soon occupy his new store room in the stone building.
Newcomers are making their appearance daily, and without an exception are pleased with the country. Bolton can’t be beat.
Health is generally good, and the physicians are grumbling about hard times. B.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
The Geuda Springs water is daily becoming better and more favorably known, and it will not be long ere its wonderful health-giving properties are heralded throughout the land, bringing hosts of visitors and health seekers to our county and dispensing the priceless boon of health without money and without price. Arrangements have been made by the proprietors of the Springs for supplying the town with this water, and the same will be kept for sale by our druggists, either by the gallon or on draught, from this time forth, thus placing within the reach of all a bona fide specific for “all the ills that flesh is heir to.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
George Russell now brings the Geuda Springs water from Salt City. He makes two trips each week, and all who wish may obtain it fresh from the drug stores at this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880. Front Page.
Geuda is a Ponca word, meaning healing waters. The springs, eight in number, and all different, are near Salt City, in Sumner County, Kansas. The nearest railroad is Arkansas City, about eight miles southeast of the Springs, although they are within a circle formed through Arkansas City, Winfield, Oxford, Welling­ton, and Hunnewell, all railroad towns. The proprietors, Messrs. Newman and Mitchell, of Arkansas City, have erected a commodious and tasteful bath house at the Springs, and the place is begin­ning to be quite a resort for the ailing. Some remarkable cures of catarrh, rheumatism, and cutaneous diseases are related. There are always camps of invalids in the vicinity. When the analysis is completed, the Commonwealth will probably have more to relate. Enough now, the place is certain to become famous and fashionable. Commonwealth.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Mrs. Farrar and Mrs. Searing are rusticating at the Geuda Springs near Salt City, this week, testing the medicinal quali­ties of salt waters.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
We are informed that Rudolph Hoffmaster has a melon that weighs over 150 pounds, and is still growing. This is only another illustration of the wonderful powers of the Geuda Springs, and should anyone have doubts as to the truth of this statement they only have to visit the bath house and see this “boss melon” for themselves.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
We hear a great deal of nonsense about Hot Springs, Eureka Springs, and other springs in the distance, while we have the best spring we know of right at our doors. We refer to the Geuda Springs near Salt City just across the Arkansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Last Thursday evening we enjoyed the hospitality of Rudolph Hoffmaster at the Geuda Springs bath house, near Salt City. These Springs are visited daily by large numbers of people, and no better man could be chosen to look after the comfort of the wayfarers than our friend Rudolph. He is all accommodation, and the soul of hospitality. Parties wishing to board at the Springs will find it most agreeable to put up with Rudolph and his amiable wife, who set as good a table as any hotel in the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
Stacy Matlack and family took in the Geuda Springs last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
The Arkansas City TRAVELER has a report of a watermelon weighing 150 pounds that is still growing. The construction of this item may be somewhat ambiguous, but its meaning, we trust, is fully obvious. Emporia News.
You are mistaken in the kind of melon, Brother News. This isn’t a watermelon, but a William Melon, a jolly, whole-souled fellow, who can be seen at the Geuda Springs bath house at any time.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Miss Arnspiger, who had the misfortune to severely injure her knee-cap some time ago, has been testing the virtue of the Geuda Springs for the last three weeks, and now expresses her belief that in a few weeks she will be able to walk without the aid of crutches. In addition to the medicinal qualities of these waters, she has enjoyed the kindly hospitality and care of Rudolph Hoffmaster and lady, which cannot fail of eventually effecting a radical cure.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Our genial friend, Rudolph Hoffmaster, has once more taken up his abode in our city after a summer spent at the Geuda Springs. He has taken charge of Terrill & Ferguson’s livery stable on Fifth avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
We are under obligations to Hon. C. R. Mitchell, one of the proprietors of the Geuda Springs, for complimentary tickets to their elegant baths, now completed and in good order at the above Springs. These waters have undeniably great medical virtues which we shall take much pleasure in testing in our own proper person.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
The Sumner Co. Press has the following in reference to the famous “Geuda Springs,” situated on the line between Sumner and Cowley counties, some five miles west of Arkansas City. It will doubtless prove interesting, as the most prominent man in the company mentioned is that of our fellow townsman, Mr. Jas. Hill, the engineer and primary worker on our canal enterprise.
“Recently, parties at Arkansas City proposed to conduct the brine through pipes to that point, and engage extensively in the manufacture of salt by the inexpensive process of solar evapora­tion. This scheme, had it been successful, would have taken from Sumner County the benefits to be derived from this great natural resource, and built up in an adjoining county, manufacturing interests at her expense.
“To prevent such an undesirable consummation, the people of Salt City and vicinity have, as above stated, made arrangements by which these waters are to be utilized in the interest of our own county and people.

“To this end they have entered into a contract with James Hill & Co., by the terms of which the latter agrees to open up, develop, and utilize the entire product of brine flowing from the springs. To accomplish this desirable end, the patriotic people of Walton Township have agreed to take two thousand dollars in stock in the enterprise; or, more properly speaking, they have agreed to loan to Messrs. Hill & Co. that amount, to be repaid in salt at the rate of one dollar per sack of one hundred and forty pounds each. This is an enterprise in the success of which every loyal citizen of Sumner County is very properly interested; and we feel assured that the efforts of our Walton Township friends to develop these springs and establish a valuable industry, will meet with the heartiest sympathy and encouragement from every other portion of the county.”
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
The salt boom at the Geuda Springs, summer resort, is progressing finely. A large building for storing the manufac­tured article is already up, and some one hundred or more vats to be used in the solar evaporation are about completed, and will be ready to put up by the end of this week. Success; the work is in good hands.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
The Commonwealth of June 16th, has quite an article upon the manifold attractions and advantages of Arkansas City and the Geuda Springs. We would fain copy, but space forbids.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
Will A. Leonard, formerly an editor and joint proprietor of the Sumner County Democrat, arrived in this city the latter part of this week, from Eureka Springs. He says, in his judgment, Geuda Springs, in this county, are fully equal to the former.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
Will Gray is running a feed stable in connection with the Geuda Springs bath-house.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
We call attention in this issue to the new “ad” of the Geuda Springs Co., setting forth the advantages to be gained by the use of their justly celebrated Mineral waters. The many cures effected and the immense amount of benefit conferred upon suffering humanity by a liberal use of this health giving water has been demonstrated in our midst for a number of years past, and the time has now come when we can confidently recommend them from the actual experience of many of our citizens. We understand that the building of a hotel and other conveniences in connection with the bath house will shortly be commenced, and when completed, Geuda Springs will become one of the most widely known and largely patronized health resorts of the great West. We will give a more full description of these springs in our next issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
The Best Mineral Water That Flows!
  These Springs are all situated near
seven and one-half miles northwest of Arkansas City. They are seven in number within a circle of 25 feet, and contain seven different kinds of Mineral Water. We have fitted up a first-class
Bath House,

and are prepared to give baths at nominal prices that are better than any Turkish Bath. They are a sure cure for all Female complaints, diseases of the skin, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Catarrh, Diabetes, Diseases of Liver and Kidneys, Erysipelas and Dyspep­sia, and are the best known remedy to tone up the digestive organs.
We mean just what we say, and to prove it, we will enter into a written contract to cure any of the above named diseases—no cure, no pay—and we will pay the board of invalids in case they are not benefitted by use of the water. A large number of persons are being cured every week by the use of these waters. Go and see for yourselves. For further particulars call on or address, GEUDA SPRINGS CO., ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
Our Arkansas City friends are agitating the scheme of bringing brine from Salt City to the terminus through pipes and carrying on the evaporating industry at that point. We understand that the practicability of so doing has been demonstrated, and we are satisfied it would be a good thing for the latter place in furnishing employment to a considerable number of people. We take it the saving on freight on the manufactured article by rail instead of wagon would repay the cost of the plant in a short time. Success to the enterprise. A similar scheme has just been put in operation at Sweet Springs, Missouri, where the water is brought five miles through pipes, and dis­charges 200 gallons per minute. Cost of pipes, etc.: $17,000. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The people of Cowley, Sumner, and adjoining counties are just wakening up to the fact that the “Geuda Mineral Springs,” near Salt City, Kansas, are fast becoming quite a popular health resort. The history of these springs is, that the s. w. 1/4 of Sec. 6, R. 34, Tp. 3, on the west line of Cowley County, was purchased of the government by a Mr. Walpole when the Osage lands first came into market, supposing it to be quite valuable on account of a large salt marsh and some very clear water springs that were on the land, since which time the land has passed through several hands.
The quarter section opposite this tract was at about the same time purchased by other parties for the famous salt spring on that tract, and for over two years salt was manufactured there, but on account of the vats being constructed of inferior lumber, and because there was no transportation for the salt produced, the manufacture was abandoned until this summer, when James Hill & Co. got a ten year’s lease of the land and have commenced to manufacture again, and the salt produced is of the very best quality, equal to any salt we have ever seen, and it is claimed that the water produces 1-3/4 pounds to the gallon, being equal to the great Syracuse salt well, at Syracuse, New York, heretofore claimed to be the strongest salt water in the world.
Messrs. Hill & Co. are under contract to manufacture 500,000 pounds of this salt the coming year, and at least 1,000,000 per year for the balance of the term of their lease.
As the water is almost inexhaustible, the prospects for an extensive salt manufactory appears to be good.

The clear water springs on the other tract were, for several years, supposed to be of no particular value, as the water in most of the springs had a very strong taste of mineral, and, to a person unaccustomed to drinking mineral water, was very disagree­able to taste.
Robert Mills, Esq., however, an old resident of Salt City, was seriously afflicted with the rheumatism, and, having tried about everything else, concluded to try the water of these springs, and in a short time all symptoms of rheumatism disappeared.
At about the same time, or soon after, others began to use the water for different diseases, and almost invari­ably found relief. The people in the near neighborhood soon had a great deal of faith in the curative properties of the water, but it was not publicly known or generally used until Messrs. Hackney & McDon­ald, of Winfield, Kansas, purchased the land, and Judge McDonald, who was very seriously afflicted with eruptions on his face, which he had been unable to get cured, concluded to try the use of his own medicine, and to his surprise, he was cured up by using the waters for a very short time by bathing his face.
Then Dr. James Allen, who had been at most of the watering places in the United States for his health and finding no relief (he being afflicted very badly with diabetes, and also catarrh—so much so, in fact, that he was unable to even walk), came to try the benefits of these waters, and in a few month’s time was entirely cured.
The news spread until the people generally in the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and some of the adjoining coun­ties, would after­ward, when afflicted, go to Salt City for their health; and there being no accommodations whatever at the springs, they were compelled to camp out.
During the summer and fall of 1879 there were often 8 or 10 tents to be seen near the springs, occupied by persons in search of health.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, being attorneys with a very lucrative practice, were not in a situation to improve the springs and sold the same to Messrs. Newman & Mitchell, of our town, for $4,000 cash, and in a short time, probably the best bath house in the State was erected near the springs, and during the summer and fall of 1880, on Saturdays and Sundays, from one to three hundred persons would visit the springs; generally going out of curiosity, but now it has become so popular a place for health that it is impossible to accommodate all who go.
The springs, so far as we are able to learn, have never yet failed to cure ulcerations and other diseases of the uterus, rheumatism, skin and blood diseases, dyspepsia, diabetes, ca­tarrh, and diseases of the liver, kidneys, and digestive organs in general, and are especially effective in female diseases, rheumatism, and affections of the skin and blood.
We have, heretofore, always been skeptical about cures of such magnitude as claimed here, “but seeing is believing,” and we have personally known of at least fifty persons who have been undoubtedly cured by the use of these waters, and we are told that at least five hundred persons have been cured, and we do not doubt it in the least.

Most of our people who have been talking of an expensive trip to Hot Springs, Saratoga, or Colorado, are now going to Geuda Springs. The springs themselves are a natural curiosity. There are seven of them, and they each contain a different kind of mineral, and are within a circle of twenty-five feet in diameter, and it does not require a chemical analysis to detect the difference, as it is readily distinguished by the taste. There are two of these within eight feet of each other that taste as different as does common rainwater and vinegar. It is well worth a trip to anyone who has never seen them to make the trip for that purpose alone.
The ancients supposed that such springs that were of a healing nature, were manipulated by spirits of ghosts—Bethesda, Siloam, and others are instances of such belief. Modern scien­tists, however, have, by chemical analyses, discovered that the curative properties of such springs consists in the different kinds of minerals contained in the waters, and the minerals found in this state are undoubtedly natures purest remedies.
A qualitative analysis of the Geuda Springs shows that they contain the bicarbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphates of ammonia and magnesia; chlorides of sodium and potassium; iodide of sodium, bromide of potassium, sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
The name “Geuda” is taken from the Indian name “Ge-u-da,” meaning healing, and, although not euphonious, is very appropri­ate. We say this because we have personally tested many of the mineral springs of this country and Europe, and have never known any, in our opinion, to equal their healing and curative proper­ties. The letter “G” in this name has the hard sound, as in the word “get.”
We are informed that a joint stock company is about to be formed, called “Geuda Springs Co.,” and that it is the intention to build a new hotel, and make other improvements which are greatly needed, as not more than half the people, who now want to go there, can be accommodated with boarding. If we mistake not, by the time next spring opens, Salt City and Geuda Springs will experience a boom, such as it never before thought of, and all she will need is a railroad, connecting her with the commercial world, which in time will be built. A narrow gauge road connect­ing it with our town can easily be built if taken hold of right, and thus be a great benefit to both places.
There is also a large quantity of excellent salt water, or more properly brine, there running to waste, which, if here, might just as well as not be manufactured into salt. We see no good reason why pipes should not be laid and this water conveyed here in the near future. By this means it could be utilized not only to the benefit of our town, but to Cowley County, and the adjacent counties. We believe there is some hostility to this enterprise, but if the people in the neighborhood of these springs cannot manufacture it themselves, it is certainly a dog in the manger policy to object to others doing so, especially when they would be equally benefitted by the undertaking.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Mrs. Parmenter is now in town, having returned from Geuda Springs, where she has been staying for her health.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Gooch, and Mrs. Searing started yesterday for Geuda Springs, where they will probably remain one week, and perhaps longer.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Editor Traveler:

Dear Sir: We are still right side up with care. There is quite a crowd in town today—comprising citizens of Wellington, Winfield, and Wichita, besides a large delegation from the Terminus, who came over to take a bath to rouse their systems from the nervous prostration caused by the excessive heat.
Salt City wants a $10,000 [? $19,000 ?] hotel to accommodate those who are daily visiting Geuda Springs for their health.
The following is a list of the visitors at the Geuda Springs Bath House for the week ending August 7, 1881:
A. A. Jackson and family, Seeley.
A. M. Sherp, Kansas City, Mo.
A. E. Kelley and lady, Cowley County.
B. C. Swarts, Arkansas City, Kansas.
M. Stanton, Arkansas City, Kansas.
C. R. Mitchell, Arkansas City, Kansas.
J. M. Hoyland, Cowley County.
H. O. Vigus, Wichita.
C. E. Decker, Eureka.
G. S. Simpson, Kansas City.
Mrs. M. E. Roberts, Kansas City.
J. E. Platter and family, Winfield.
Miss Ella Johnson, Winfield.
Miss Ida Steward, Winfield.
Miss S. W. Bowman, Winfield.
Mrs. E. H. Matlack, Arkansas City.
Miss Mary Matlack, Arkansas City.
Miss Lucy Walton, Arkansas City.
Mrs. A. A. Newman, Arkansas City.
Mrs. W. Gooch, Arkansas City.
Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Arkansas City.
Mrs. J. H. Searing, Arkansas City.
J. H. Folks, Wellington.
___ Blodgett and family, Wellington.
Mrs. Parmenter, Arkansas City.
F. C. Nomnsen, Winfield.
H. Endicott and wife, Arkansas City.
P. Endicott, Arkansas City.
Mrs. Tyner, Arkansas City.
G. C. Cleveland, Indiana.
L. Calvert, Indiana.
A. N. Maher, Wichita.
M. French, Wichita.
J. Kelly, Arkansas City.
Mrs. G. Miller, Salt City.
S. D. Palmer, Chicago.
N. Bowman, Chicago.

C. C. Harris, Winfield.
Mrs. G. L. Horning, Winfield.
Mrs. G. S. Loose, Winfield.
O. M. Reynolds and family, Winfield.
A. G. Wilson and family, Winfield.
A. W. Davis and wife, Winfield.
E. P. Young and wife, Winfield.
W. T. Grey and family, Winfield.
W. C. Grey and family, Winfield.
Miss Allen, Winfield.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Arkansas City.
Mrs. C. A. Howard, Arkansas City.
W. Wentworth, Sumner Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881. Editorial Page.
Their Remarkable Properties.
Henry Vigus returned home last week from the Geuda Mineral Springs, forty miles below Wichita, in the Arkansas valley. We guess there remains no longer any doubts whatever touching the wonderful properties of these springs, which are right at home. Patients and medical men who have visited at the famous springs of the country, including Saratoga, of New York; White Sulphur, of Virginia; Eureka, of Arkansas; and many others, say that the springs in Sumner County, Kansas, excel them all. Judge Campbell tells us that a bath in these waters is like dipping in water connected with the poles of a strong battery. Vigus says while he was there a man crooked, bent, and helpless was carried to the springs, and that in two weeks he was sporting and dancing about on the prairies.
Geuda is an Indian name, and means healing. There are seven springs within a few yards of each other, no two of which taste alike, but the properties of which do not differ greatly. The famous salt springs are on the same plat of ground, and a large amount of salt will be manufactured there this summer by the lessees, Messrs. Hill & Co.
To many, the waters are at first very disagreeable to the taste, but that soon gives way to a positive liking. Judge Campbell and Henry Vigus both declare that for ulcerations, and other skin diseases, the waters are infallible, while others say that for diabetes, dyspepsia, rheumatism, female diseases, etc., they are equally infallible. There is as much difference in the taste of two of the springs as between rain water and vinegar, but a qualitative analysis of the Geuda springs shows that they contain the bi-carbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphates ammonia and magne­sia; chlorides of sodium and potassi­um; sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
Henry Vigus came back after only two weeks, looking like a new man. Let us make up a party of dyspeptic preachers, diabetic lawyers, diableric editors, and malariac doctors, and armed with beds, tents, and cooking pots, go down and spend a week or two discussing prohibition and getting rid of our grunts. Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
A hack line is now running between this place and Geuda Springs tri-weekly, but it will be run daily if the travel warrants it. Messrs. McIntire & Davenport are the proprietors.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
HACK TO GEUDA SPRINGS, Wednesday and Saturdays of each week. Office at McIntire & Davenport’s Livery.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 25, 1881 - Front Page.
Henry Vigus returned home last week from the Geuda Mineral Springs, forty miles below Wichita in the Arkansas Valley. We guess there remains no longer any doubts whatever touching the wonderful properties of these springs, which are right at home. Patients and medical men who have visited all the famous springs of the country, including Saratoga, of New York; White Sulphur, of Virginia; Eureka, of Arkansas; and many others, say that the springs in Sumner County excel them all.
Judge Campbell tells us that a bath in these waters is like dipping in water connected by a strong battery. Vigus says while he was there, a man crooked, bent, and helpless, was carried to the springs and that inside of two weeks he was sporting and dancing about on the prairies.
Ge-u-da is an Indian name and means healing. There are seven springs within a few yards of each other, no two of which taste alike, but the properties of which do not differ greatly. The famous salt springs are on the same plat of ground and a large amount of salt will be manufactured there this summer by the lessees, Messrs. Hill & Co.
To many the waters are at first very disagreeable to the taste, but that soon gives place to a positive like. Judge Campbell and Henry Vigus both declared that for ulcerations, and other skin diseases, the water is infallible, while others say that for diabetes, dyspepsia, rheumatism, female diseases, etc., they are equally infallible. There is as much difference in the taste of two of the springs as between rain water and vinegar, but a qualitative analysis of the Geuda Springs shows that they contain bi-carbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphate ammonia, and magnesia, chlorides of sodium and potassi­um, sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
Henry Vigus came back after only two weeks, looking like a new man. Let us make up a party of dyspeptic preachers, diabetic lawyers, diableric editors, and malariac doctors, and armed with beds, tents, and cooking pots, go down and spend a week or two discussing prohibition, and getting rid of our grunts.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
Geuda Springs have had no Western boom yet to force them to notoriety; but, by their actual merits as curative agents in all bilious, skin, and chronic diseases, they are steadily and surely coming to the front rank among the mineral waters of the West. And the time is not far distant when, in the opinion of your humble servant, they will outrank them all.

Among the wonderful cures to be noted this season, I may mention a case of dropsy which had been given up by the attending physicians, several cases of rheumatism, and four or five cases of venereal diseases in their worst form, and scores of cases of debility, dyspepsia, liver complaint, etc., in all of their complicated forms, each giving away and decidedly benefitted and cured by the use of these waters alone.
Through the kindness of Mr. Berkey, one of Salt City’s best merchants, I learned that a fine hotel will soon be completed and located south of Mr. Berkey’s store building in Salt City, to be three stories high, and contain one hundred rooms. The means are to be furnished by a young lady now residing in Salt City, a guest of Mr. Berkey.
Salt City Correspondence to Wellington Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
These springs are situated in the south-western part of Cowley County, Kansas, seven and one-half miles north-west of Arkansas City, are 7 in number, and contain 7 different kinds of Mineral Water; and neither does it require a chemical analysis to detect the difference, as it is readily distinguished by the taste. They are a sure cure for ULCERATIONS OF THE UTERUS AND FEMALE WEAKNESS, generally. Also RHEUMATISM, Diabetes, Sciatica, Catarrh, Diseases of the Skin, LIVER and KIDNEYS; Erysipelas and Dyspepsia, and are the best known remedy to tone up the digestive organs.
We have a first-class Bath House—baths are better than any Turkish Bath.
To prove that we mean just what we say, we will enter into a WRITTEN CONTRACT TO CURE any of the diseases above named; no cure no pay, and will pay the board of invalids besides, in case they are not benefitted by using the waters.
The springs, themselves, are a NATURAL CURIOSITY, well worth a trip to see them.
We have an elegant SALT LAKE for boating, excellent roads for buggy-riding; splendid waters for fishing; plenty of game within a few hours ride, for hunting; the most beautiful climate in America, and the most beautiful country “God ever made.” We have implicit faith in this “Bonanza.” Come and see us.
The following named persons have been cured of the ailments mentioned:
L. B. Thomas, Winfield, Ks., Rheumatism.
J. E. Searle, Winfield, Ks.,   Scrofulous sores.
J. Allen, Salt City, Ks., Diabetes and Catarrh.
H. T. Shivvers, Win., Ks., Rheumatism and Neu.
E. Mills, Salt City, Ks., Scrofulous and Rheu.
Mrs. L. Parmenter, Topeka, Ks. Rheumatic enlargement of joints.
Mrs. Day, Wellington, Ks.   Ulcerated Stomach and Uterus.
We refer to the above persons by permission. We also refer to the following persons, some of who are now using these waters:

J. Kearsh, Winfield, Ks., Dropsy.
H. Vigus, Wichita, Ks., Sciatica.
Miss Annie Arnspiger, Cleardale, Ks.
Bettie Berkey, Salt City, Ks., Erysipelas.
W. C. Crawford, Wellington, Ks.,   Paralysis.
J. M. Mahan, Wellington, Ks., Inflammatory Rheu.
Judge T. F. Blodgett, Wellington, Ks., Liver Disease.
G. Darlington, Winfield, Ks., Blood and Skin Dis.
We have never yet failed to cure any of the diseases men­tioned in this circular, no matter of how long standing, and have effected at least 500 cures, 200 of which were of ladies afflict­ed with ulcerations, falling or weakness generally, 100 with Rheumatism, 100 with Skin and Blood Diseases, and 100 with the other diseases mentioned. That such are the facts, we refer to the persons above named, and also the people of Cowley and Sumner counties generally, most of whom are acquainted with these Springs. Write and see what they say. The Springs are named from the Indian word Ge-u-da, meaning healing.
A qualitative analysis of these waters shows that they contain the
Bi-carbonate of Soda,
“ Iron,
“ Calcium,
Sulphates of Ammonia,
Sulphates of Magnesia,
Chlorides of Sodium,
Chlorides of Potassium,
Iodide of   Sodium,
Bromide of  Potassium,
Sulphur and Silica, and are charged strongly with Carbonic acid gas.
The Express Companies have extended their lines from Winfield to Salt City, and will ship the waters to any point desired. Parties desiring waters address H. A. Newcomb, Winfield, Kansas. For further particulars address the
Arkansas City, Cowley Co., Kansas,
or: Salt City, Sumner Co., Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
Mrs. Cyphers and Mrs. Basset have been spending several days in the salubrious vicinity of Salt City and the Geuda Springs.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Geuda Springs.
The Geuda mineral springs, which are just coming into prominent notoriety, are situated in the southwestern part of Cowley County, near Salt City. They were known by the Osage and other Indians, and used by them as a medicine before any white people had settled there, and their traditions are that big medicines, or in common parlance, their pow-wows, were held there every third moon far back in the dim past. They take their name from the Indian word Ge-u-da, which means healing. There are seven of the springs, all very near together, and each of them appear to have a different taste.
They were not known by white people as mineral springs until about 1870, when by accident, they were tried by Robert Mills, who was cured of scrofula and rheumatism. There being but few settlers in that section at the time, no particular attention was called to it for some time afterward.
The water being very bright and sparkling, however, and a road passing close by, many persons, of course, took a drink of them, and pronounced them almost invariably, unfit to drink, as the taste was not agreeable, and they had the effect of a cathartic.
Hackney and McDonald, of our town, purchased the land in 1878. The springs were soon afterward tried by many persons for skin diseases, and we believe invariably with success. They were soon after purchased by Newman & Mitchell, of Arkansas City, Kansas, who paid $4,000 for them, and in the spring of 1881 built a large bath house, and they have since been tried for all the diseases imaginable, almost, and prove to have remarkable effects in most uterine troubles, liver, kidney, and skin diseases as well as rheumatism. Up to the present time only a qualitative analysis of the waters has been made.
Since March, 1881, the bath house has been crowded, and there being but meager hotel accommodations, many who would have tried the waters could not be accommodated there. They have, however, gained an excellent reputation for curative properties. Several persons of our town have been benefitted by use of the waters, notably T. H. Stivers, L. B. Thomas, J. E. Searle, and Judge J. Wade McDonald, and we now understand Jacob Kearsh, who formerly was a baker for Mr. Dever here and whom everybody thought was going to die with dropsy, is improving very rapidly by use of the waters.
C. R. Mitchell has lately bought out the interest of A. A. Newman, and is now making arrangements to build a sanitarium. A gentleman from Illinois is in Chicago purchasing the material for ten cottages; other parties are making arrangements to put up a good hotel, and several parties in Winfield and Arkansas City have engaged to put up summer residences at the Springs.
Parties going to the Springs now and intending to stay any length of time should go prepared with tents as the houses are full most of the time, but it is expected that good accommoda­tions will be made for all within the next sixty days. Kansas never furnishes anything by halves, and we believe we have the best mineral springs in existence.
Winfield Daily Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.

Parties coming from the East to visit the famous Geuda Springs should take the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. at Kansas City and come direct to Arkansas City, where every conve­nience can be found to get to the Springs, only 7½ miles distance over a beautiful country.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
The Democrat says there is now slack water from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs, and recommends a Steamboat packet line between the two places.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 21, 1881.
Dr. Standiford, of Westville, Indiana, arrived in town several days since, and has been looking after landed interests hereabouts. The Doctor came specially to investigate the Geuda Springs, and ascertain if they really deserved the notoriety they are rapidly gaining through-out the East as a health resort. Of course the result is satisfactory, the efficiency of the waters as a curative, coupled with proper medical treatment, will almost make the old young again. As a proof of the above, Dr. Standiford contemplates the erection of a Sanitarium, which will be of great benefit to invalids, as well as a paying investment for the projector and proprietor.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 21, 1881.
Sumner County.
The contract for building a stone schoolhouse, 28 x 50 feet, has been let at Hunnewell.
The stock men on the range are beginning to pool for the wintering of their cattle.
The election on the 5th inst. for issuing $16,000 in Hunnewell bonds for city improvements was unanimous for the bonds.
The city council has passed a tippling shop ordinance. Hereafter, the City attorney will try his hand at closing up Wellington saloons.
From Judge E. Evans we learn that Mrs. Evans is rapidly recovering at Geuda Springs. Mrs. Evans was taken to Salt City on the second last. Last Sunday she dressed herself and walked about her room, which she has not been able to do since February. Her appetite is excellent, and her general health greatly im­proved. Moreover, she has laid aside a portion of her medicines. We are sincerely glad to publish the good news, not only because it is another testimonial to the virtues of Geuda Springs, but also because we rejoice to know that a heretofore confirmed invalid is regaining health. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
Mrs. Beach has been recuperating at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
Dr. Standiford has about completed arrangements for the erection of a 24 x 46 Sanitarium fitted up with all necessary appliances for using the mineral waters of the Geuda Springs to the best advantage, as well as the general treatment of chronic invalids. The Doctor is fully competent in every way to push this enterprise to a successful completion, and we look for him to add fresh laurels to his own reputation as well as add new victories to the long list of chronic ills subdued by the cura­tive agency of Geuda water.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
The TRAVELER now has in press 25,000 posters, setting forth the advantages of Arkansas City and a list of its prominent citizens on one side and a full description of the Geuda Springs on the other. They will be distributed all over the East.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
In speaking last week of the Sanitarium to be erected forthwith by Dr. Standiford, at the Geuda Springs, we made a misstatement as to the dimensions of the proposed struc­ture, inasmuch as we did not give the full measurement by fully one half. The following are the facts, as we learn them from the Doctor himself.
“The Sanitarium, when completed, and it will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible, will be thirty-six by forty-eight feet, three stories in height, and will be fitted through­out with all the medical appliances, baths, and everything that will in any way tend to enhance its success.”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
who has had ten year’s experience in the treatment of chronic diseases, will make his headquarters at the City Hotel, in Arkansas City, until his Sanitarium is completed at Geuda Springs. He will be pleased to consult and advise any who wish to visit the Springs for treatment.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Mr. O’Grady has been appointed architect for the Sanatarium at the Geuda Springs. As he thoroughly understands his business, he will do himself proud thereon.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Baker and son, of Topeka, and Mrs. Carico and daughter, of Colorado, are visiting friends in this vicinity. They are now camping out in the neighborhood of Geuda Springs, which is one of the best places we know of either for a pleasure or health resort.
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
Trouble is brewing at Geuda Springs. One Col. Palmer, who travels over the country looking up old Indian claims and indulg­ing in other various and multitudinous little schemes, has discov­ered that the line between Sumner and Cowley is crooked, and seeing a chance to raise a question as to the location of the springs and perhaps get a little slice himself, has put a corps of engineers at work surveying. They have about completed the line, which is said to throw the springs into Sumner County. There is likely to be some fun over this matter, and we opine that it will not be as healthy a thing for the Colonel as dab­bling in Indian claims. The people round about are satisfied with the present location of the line, and will not certainly allow the permanency of their homesteads to be disturbed.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The Grandest Event in the History of the Saratoga of the Southwest.

The 110th anniversary of Independence Day was duly celebrated at Geuda Springs Saturday. To say that the celebration was a grand success is but mildly putting it. It was a “boomer” and conferred honor upon the projectors of the scheme. From a village of 400 inhabitants in the morning, Geuda Springs was converted into a live, rustling city of nearly 4,000 people before high noon-tide. Visitors came in from a distance of 20 miles from all points of the compass and partook of the hospitality of the good citizens of Geuda. At 8:30 a.m., the first excursion train left this city with twelve carloads of our citizens. There were between 700 and 800 people on board. The train arrived at its destination at about 9 o’clock and the excursionists repaired to the celebration grounds, Mitchell’s grove, near the springs. The programme of the forenoon consisted of speaking. Rev. Brink, of Sterling, made the principal oration of the day; and those who heard him, pronounce his a happy effort. There was also a game of base ball between the Frisco nine and the Second nine of this city. Only three innings were played, the score standing 23 to 7 in favor of the Frisco’s. After dinner the second excursion train ran in from Arkansas City, bringing almost as many visitors as the train of the forenoon. The grove was now crowded to its utmost capacity with the throng of people. The main attraction of the afternoon was the base ball game between the Geuda nine and the Canal City Club. The latter came out victorious by a score of 23 to 21. The fire works came in the evening. The display was meagre, but was good as far as it went. After the pyrotechnic display, the major portion of the crowd participated in the dance until the last excursion train pulled out at 11:30 p.m. And thus wound up the greatest event in the history of Geuda.
Wm. Berkey, the marshal of the day, is deserving attention for the good care he took of the crowd and the prompt manner in which he saw the programme of the day executed.
But one drunken man was seen on the grounds and we are sorry to say that one was from Arkansas City.
Not an accident happened during the day; everyone was upon his good behavior.
McNulty and Wingate, of the Canal City Club, is the daisy battery of the Southwest. As base-ballists, they are unexcelled.


There is an old man with a very bad countenance prowling around here, of whom the inquiry is again and again made: “Who is he?” and “what is he up to?” Every now and then rumors reach us from afar off, which if they do not tell us who he is, give a pretty good idea of what he is probably trying to do. The first sight of him arouses a suspicion which every rumor confirms. This merciless old sinner seems to make it his general business to prey upon the mistakes and misfortunes of his fellow man. He worms around the dusty records of the past, hunts up flaws in old titles that honest men and innocent purchasers may have to their homes, buys the claim, whatever it may be, for a mere trifle, and deliberately goes to work to financially ruin the equitable owner of the premises and turn him out from his home and fireside. His later actions indicate that when he can’t find a flaw in a title, he does not hesitate to try to make one, or to create some kind of a dispute out of which he may make some money. Such a man is, in our opinion, meaner than a sneak thief, and far more contempt­ible. Such appear to be the characteristics of the strange old creature, who is now plying his favorite trade in the neighbor­hood of Salt City and Geuda Springs.
This old simpleton is now trying to run a line, which, were it possible to adopt, would put Geuda Springs on the quarter section west, changing the title to most of the buildings in Salt City, as well as changing the lines to many of the farms in Bolton and Walton townships for two or three miles on either side of the county line, and wrest thousands of dollars of improve­ments from the parties who have made and now own them.
You ask what business has he there? None whatever. He does not, we believe, even claim to own a foot of land, or one dollar’s worth of improvements in that vicinity. He probably imagines that he can scare Bob Mitchell and the citizens of Salt City into paying him some money to desist from annoying them. He has probably heard that the survey lines are more or less crook­ed, which may all be true, for there are but very few lines, either in Cowley or Sumner counties, that are straight for a distance of four consecutive miles; in fact, many of them are as crooked as a worm fence, but still they are Government lines, were so made by the Government surveyors, and there is no power to change them now, even if a desire existed (which it does not) among the owners generally that they should be so changed. In fact, we understand a severe penalty is attached to moving Govern­ment corners. We have taken the trouble to inquire into this affair as much as possible, and find the people are united in the opinion that the county line is correct as now laid out, and that the same has been surveyed by Orville Smith, a former County Surveyor of Sumner County, an ex-Government surveyor, thoroughly proficient in his profession, and one of the most honest men we know of. Several persons still reside in the vicinity who were present at the time the lines were run by the Government survey­ors, and one of the parties who helped make the Government survey is still a resident in that neighborhood. All these are a unit in saying the corners are still where they were put by the Government surveyors. Such being the case, we think the owners need give themselves no uneasiness on account of any blackmailing scheme that may be set on foot in this or any other manner.
Some of the Salt City people think that there are one or two other parties who have been induced to wink approvingly at this scheme, at least until they saw the odium with which the proceed­ing was regarded by the people at large. The object sought was to prevent the erection of buildings at Salt City and Geuda Springs, and raising a question as to the lines seemed the most ready way to gain that end. We hardly believe such to be the case, as we doubt whether Cowley or Sumner possesses a citizen mean enough to stoop to such a contemptible trick.

What kind of a critter one must be, who, without having any interest at stake himself, or any good reason for it, will deliberately try to injure a whole community, is beyond our comprehension, and how long a law abiding people will patiently submit to such scoundrelism is also a question. If there is not, there ought to be, a law that would give the man who attempts to perpetrate such a villainous outrage a good long term in the penitentiary. Mob law is never justifiable, and we hope will never be resorted to in this section, but if that old man ever disturbs a Government corner in this State, we are in favor of giving him all that the law will allow.
We understand this man claims to live in Chicago. He is about six feet in height, light complexion, weighs probably some 300 pounds, and goes by the name of Palmer here.
We do not anticipate anyone hereabouts will be scared into paying him anything on account of this trick, but we deem it advisable to apprize other communities of his mode of obtaining money so they may be prepared to checkmate his little game. If we are any hand at reading the signs of the times as interpreted by the light in which this fellow’s maneuvers are viewed by the residents of Salt City and vicinity, we think an immediate trip to Chicago, bag and baggage, would be far more conducive to the general health of this old busybody than a longer sojourn at Geuda Springs. Take our advice, skip to a clime which knows you not, mend your dissipated ways, try to earn an honest living, and you will feel better and be more respected by your neighbors.
Pass him around.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
Dr. C. Perry started for this city last Monday to superintend the erection of the cottages at Geuda Springs. Five of these residences were shipped from Chicago on the 13th inst.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Col. Palmer, the gentleman who is managing the Geuda Springs survey was in the city Friday. He is very reticent on the subject of the Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
McINTIRE & DAVENPORT, Proprietors.
Furnished on short notice and at LOWER PRICES than heretofore.
Run Regularly to Salt City and Geuda Springs.
Stable on Fifth Avenue, just east of City Hotel.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
McIntire’s Madam Rumor says:
That the law firm of Mitchell & Houston will soon be changed to Mitchell, Swarts & Bixler. Mitchell & Bixler will be located at Geuda Springs, and Swarts will remain here.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
Mr. O’Grady has just completed a plat of the town site and improvements now under way at the Geuda Springs. It is artisti­cally essential and booms up nobly on paper as well as in reality.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.

We see that a railroad company has been chartered to build a road from Arkansas City through Geuda Springs and on west to the west line of the state. The capital stock of the company is $200,000 and the estimated length of the road is 200 miles.
Caldwell Commercial.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
A railroad company has been organized to build a road from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs and westward. The directors are H. B. Pruden of Ohio, J. W. Devoire, of Indiana, W. P. Hackney, James Huey, Maj. O’Gradey, C. R. Mitchell, and W. M. Berkey, of Cowley County. The capital stock is $250,000 in shares of $100 each.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
As a specimen of the rapidity with which the merits of the Geuda Springs are becoming known, it is only necessary to state that eleven foundations have been laid for buildings on the town site within the past ten days, and work upon all of them is being vigorously prosecuted.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Dr. Standiford started for Chicago last Thursday to purchase lumber, etc., for the Sanitarium at Geuda Springs. The stonework is about completed and the work will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. At present, the estimated cost of the structure will exceed $5,000.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
Mrs. A. W. Davis has gone to Geuda Springs in Cowley County for her health, which has been quite poorly for some time. Cherryvale Globe.
Which leads us to remark that the Geuda Springs are rapidly becoming famous as a health resort. A large number of buildings are being erected and the persons who have tried the Springs talk long and loud of their healing properties. We predict that by the end of another year, these springs will be more famous than the Eureka Springs, of Arkansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Joe Houston, of the hub, came down on Monday night’s train en route for the Geuda Springs to test the curative properties of the water.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
A large party from Hunnewell visited Geuda Springs last Sunday and report the new city as booming. Many new buildings are being erected, some that are decidedly of the better class. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Joe Houston has gone over to Geuda Springs to bathe in mineral water and recuperate his wasted energies.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Geuda Gossip.
Esquire Butterfield’s residence is completed.
Dr. Perry’s five houses are almost completed.
The Springs are beginning to boom in good shape.
James Stiner has his two story hotel nearly completed.
Hon. I. J. Buck is building a summer residence in Geuda.
Joe Conklin has finished the foundation for his residence.
Dr. George A. Cutler has his drug store about completed.

Mr. Bixler will soon commence his building for a grocery store.
George B. Green had the first building on Geuda Springs town site.
Dr. Perry will improve the Salt Lake for boating, and will put on several new boats.
Several parties from Leavenworth, Kansas, are prepared to build at the Springs.
There has been at least twenty-five parties here this week selecting lots to build on. Boom! we should remark.
J. P. Marshall intends to build a business house and put in a hardware store, and our friend, Johnnie Houston, will run it.
Near & Axley have completed their Livery Stable, which, with the additions soon to be put on, will be about 45 x 60 feet.
Perry has his foundations, for five more houses, completed, and talks of putting up still another five houses in the spring.
Mr. Mitchell has about 50 cords of stone on the ground to fix the springs and build an addition to the bath house, so as to be able to give salt water baths.
A new two story building is about finished by parties hailing from Oxford, the first story of which is to be used for a billiard hall and the upper story as a general hall. This building is 25 x 60 feet, and put up in good style.
Mr. Foss has built an ice house that will hold 200 tons of ice, but has no ice yet to put in it. He will commence his elegant two story residence in about two weeks hence. It is to be 36 x 40 with wings, and two stories high.
The new feature of salt water baths will be an additional attraction at Geuda. The waters are found to contain salt 22 percent, soda, iron, and sulphur, and are pronounced much better than sea water for bathing purposes, so you need not go to the sea coast any more.
The Geuda Springs Company are shipping the Mineral Water in all directions, and are receiving many complimentary statements from its effects. They have made arrangements with the express companies to return cans free of charge, and the shipment of water is rapidly increasing.
Quite a number of parties are still at the Springs for their health, and all are improving.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
We received a pleasant call from Cal. Ferguson, of Winfield, last week. He was accompanied by Mr. E. N. Wert, of Humboldt, Kansas, who was en route for Geuda Springs to test the efficacy of the waters as a remedial agent for rheumatism. We predict a speedy cure.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Edward Hatten, of Topeka, Western Passenger Agent of the A. T. & S. F., spent a day in town last week. He went over with C. R. Mitchell to take in Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Geuda Springs Items.
The Geuda Springs are still boiling over.
The two-story billiard hall of Messrs. Hahn & Bishop is almost completed.
Mr. Anderson, of Newton, is rapidly improving from an attack of rheumatism.

We have heard a rumor of a $10,000 hotel to be built by a joint stock company, but could not learn the particulars.
Some Winfield parties are now talking strongly of putting up some business houses here. We shall see what we shall see.
The Geuda Springs Co. are shipping their spring water to all parts of the United States, and are receiving flattering reports.
Jacob Musgrove, et. al, of Hunnewell, are putting in a stock of groceries, and will soon build a large two-story business house.
One man from Wichita—we did not learn his name—sends word he will be here tomorrow, and wants to put up a building at once.
Mr. Bixler has commenced to build his residence on block 4, at the Springs, and expects, if the weather is favorable, to commence his business house within two weeks.
Another gentleman, who had tried Eureka Springs for three months for rheumatism without being benefitted, is here now, and has gotten almost well in two weeks—could hardly walk when he came—and is now at work for Mr. Buckwalter. This makes the fifth person cured here who has tried Eureka.
Contracts for 49 new buildings have already been let to be erected on the new town site, and all to be completed by June 1st, 1882. Three are to be large sized boarding houses, or hotels; fifteen of them cottage houses for rent; and the balance business houses or private residences.
A Mr. Roberts, of Ottumwa, Iowa, talks of putting in a newspaper. In fact, April 15th, 1882, will find Geuda Springs booming, as well as boiling over. NO NAME.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
Anyone wishing to purchase a residence property should take advantage of the following offer:
I have 60 acres of land, good house with all conveniences, about 400 bearing apple trees, 800 bearing peach, 50 bearing cherries, also a large number of plums, apricots, nectarines, quince, etc., from 2 to 4 years old, ½ acre of blackberries, grapes, etc. Improvements, above, cost over $2,000. It is my home farm, and I will take $2,000 for it: ½ cash, balance on time. This offer will be open for 30 days only, as I am making arrangements to move to Geuda Springs. C. R. MITCHELL.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
Mrs. Bi. Terrill arrived in this city from Joplin, Missouri, last night. She was intending to visit Geuda Springs for her health when she received a telegram which will require her to return to Joplin.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882. Editorial Page.
What Pluck and Enterprise Will Do.
The Medical Qualities of the Springs.
The Salt Works.
  [Correspondence of K. C. Journal.]

HUNNEWELL, KAS., FEB. 9. As your valuable paper, although published in Missouri, is eminently a Kansas paper, I take it for granted that any items of interest from our State will be acceptable to your numerous readers.
We have a new town springing up here in Sumner and Cowley coun­ties, for the county line runs through the town, that bids fair to make quite a sensation in the next twelve months.
I mean the new town of Geuda Springs, formerly Salt City. The new town is springing up like magic. Already some twenty-five new houses have been built within the past few months, and some fifty others contracted to be finished by the 1st of April. A $10,000 stock company has been formed to erect a large and commodious hotel. The foundation for the new sanatarium, a large, three story stone building, which is de­signed as a hotel, bath house, etc., for invalids has been laid, and a number of other large buildings will be commenced soon. The medical qualities of the water have been thoroughly tested, and is pronounced the best in the country. A number of patients who have tested these waters and those of Eureka Springs, Ark., pronounce those of Geuda Springs far superior to the former.
One of the most singular features of these springs is the fact that there are several distinct springs; all large and affording an abundance of water, not four feet distant one from the other, and all of different mineral qualities.
The famous Sumner County salt works are here, and in a few years the manufacture of salt at this place will be an important industry.
About 160 yards from the springs is a large salt spring. The proprietors have put a large iron tube in this, which throws the water up some six feet. It is the intention to fix here for a regular plunge bath, where the visitor can take a genuine ocean swim.
Just in front of the springs, and some fifty yards distant, commences a beautiful lake, which extends for a mile and a half, where the pleasure of boat riding can be indulged in to the fullest extent. A beautiful carriage drive extends along the lake; trees are being set out on both sides of the drive. In fact, no place in the country offers so many inducements for either the invalid or the pleasure seeker as this.
Heretofore there have been no accommodations of any kind, but now numerous cottages are being built. Dr. Perry has just finished ten handsome cottage houses, which are all spoken for. He will build ten more at once. These, with the new hotels and other accommodations, it is thought, will be ample to accommodate the vast number of visitors who are expected at the springs the coming season. Hon. C. R. Mitchell, who has had the direct management of the improvement, has been indefatigable in his labors, and his work now begins to show.
Of course we, of Sumner County, are proud of anything that adds to the wealth and prosperity of our county, and it is with no little pride that we hail the new town that is now springing up like magic in our midst. VERITAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Jake Musgrove, that popular man that sells goods at South Haven, has just finished his large storeroom at Geuda Springs, where he intends opening up a large stock of goods next week. Go it Jake, there is nothing like enterprise. Hunnewell Independent.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
Mr. Jake Musgrove, of South Haven, in company with Mr. Newcomb, intend shortly to engage in the mercantile business at Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.

Arkansas City.
EDS. COURIER: The last snow, while it was severe on stock that was unprotected, had the beneficial effect of moistening the ground, so that it is now in better condition than it has been for years, and the outlook for large and abundant crops is very promising, which will bring to this county the largest immigration we have had for years. In view of this fact, the “head of navigation” is looming up, and new buildings are going up all around. For two years the town has been without a real estate agent, and we believe it is the only town of 1,000 inhabitants along the border of Kansas that was without one. We have one now, also a tailor.
Every few days an excursion is made to Geuda Springs for pleasure, health, and to see the town grow. O.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
Arkansas City is contemplating putting a small boat on the Arkansas River, to ply between that city and Geuda Springs. That would be a pretty nice scheme, and would probably be as satisfac­tory as a steamer running from Little Rock.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Mr. D. A. McIntire goes to Geuda Springs to engage in the livery business.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
O. A. Beeson, of Caldwell, will locate at Geuda Springs and engage in the book and stationery trade.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Inquiry is made all about as to the price of lots in Geuda Springs, and we notice several persons familiar with town lot speculations are figuring on them.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Load after load of Geuda Springs’ water is hauled to town daily, and retailed on the streets as though it was cider, or something stronger. When Mr. Buckwalter came in last Thursday, a crowd of more than a dozen gathered around his wagon with pitch­ers and jugs to be filled. Every day the water is growing in favor, and before next year we expect to see the water shipped out by the carload, instead of by the barrel, by express.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Joe E. Conklin, Esq., of the “hub,” was in town last Satur­day upon business. He informed us he had made arrangements, and given the necessary instructions for the erection of a summer residence at Geuda Springs, the same to be commenced right away.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Mr. Jud. Marshal, wife and child, with Miss Houston, sister of Milt’s, came down from Leavenworth last week to pay a visit to Geuda Springs. Mr. Marshal was formerly a merchant of this place, doing business in the room now occupied by Wyckoff & Son.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Hereafter the South Western Stage Co. will run a hack to and from Salt City at least twice a week and as much oftener as the public convenience demands. Parties wishing Geuda Springs water or transportation can leave orders at Wells, Fargo & Co.’s express office, or at the Brettun House, where it will be prompt­ly attended to. A. C. BANGS, Agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell has sold his residence and will shortly remove to Geuda Springs, but will retain his office in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
Our enterprising livery men, Marshall & Thompson, inaugu­rated their Sunday excursions to Geuda Springs by conveying some dozen of our citizens to that fast growing and popular health resort. The Star Livery is the place to go if you want a team to “yank” you most anyplace in first class shape.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882. Front Page.
  Southern Border of Sunny Kansas.
We give below, says the Wichita Leader, a well written communication from a citizen of Wichita, who has lately taken in Geuda Springs.
ED. LEADER: The G-e-u-d-a Mineral Springs, located near the line of Cowley and Sumner counties at Salt City, are fast devel­oping into a noted health resort and famous watering place. Located as they are in the finest agricultural and stock country in the State, they will eventually be surrounded by an abundance of every product indigenous to a prolific farm, fruit, and stock district. Nature having provided all of the ground-work for this abundance, it only remains for the husbandman, the artist, and the mechanic, to develop it into a paradise of health, beauty, and grandeur. The springs, within themselves, are a curiosity which is claiming the attention of scientific and chemical experts to develop what the early settler might well have sought as the “Fountain of Youth,” and the fact of its being surrounded by so many other natural advantages would probably poetically refer to it the following couplet:
Of all wise gifts of “good things,”
The best of all is G-e-u-d-a Springs.
But your readers will probably prefer a description of the Springs. They are seven in number, located in a radius of twenty feet, and—as singular as the assertion may appear—all contain­ing a distinguishing difference of taste. They are composed of eleven constituent parts, or remedial agents, strongly charged with carbolic acid gas. Around these springs is an artificial stone wall three or four feet high, with an opening at one side where the water all flows through a single pipe, forming what is known as the “combination.” This flows beneath the hotel and bathrooms, where it is pumped up and heated for bathing purposes. Near this is the salt lake from which considerable salt has been manufactured. These springs have but recently come into the hands of a company by whom it is being developed into one of the “booming little cities” in this “booming State.” New business houses and residences are going up as if by magic, but still the demand cannot be supplied fast enough to satisfy those who eagerly seek the benefits of its waters as remedial agents. Dozens of houses are under way, and dozens more are under con­tract, while dozens of workmen are pushing the work, and dozens of teamsters are provid­ing the material for new buildings.

James Stiner has just completed, and is now occupying, a neat and cosy little hotel building. Dr. C. Perry has ten houses completed for residents, and has contract for ten more, while a number of other parties are securing locations, putting in foundations, and bringing the lumber to the grounds. The hotel proper is under the efficient control of A. H. Bookwalter, and Hon. C. R. Mitchell is President of the Town Company. Either of the above gentlemen will be glad to furnish other desired information.
It is only seven miles from here to the Nation, where there is plenty of game, timber, etc., and where stock men have herded their entire winter without additional feed.
Excellent opportunities are offered to parties with capi­tal—who desire to build—lots being furnished free to those who agree to put up good buildings. But all of the free lots will soon be taken at the rate at which they are going off, and from this on, the town will be built up with a rush. If desired, I may write again soon. Yours, OCCASIONAL.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A Geuda correspondent of the Arkansas City Democrat venti­lates himself to no small extent, and winds up his letter with the information that Mr. Mitchell has sold his property in Arkansas City, and is going to move to Geuda Springs.
That Foss is building a large store to be rented to F. L. Davis, who intends to fill it with groceries.
That Mart Bixler is about ready to move into his new store at Geuda.
That Wm. Berkey has a new awning in front of his store. Take notice ye loafers.
That Foss has gone to east St. Louis after thoroughbred cattle; also is going to bring a fine Percheron Norman stallion.
That Hall, Axley, Neer, and Walker have taken a trip to the Cherokee Nation, for the purpose of buying ponies.
That there is soon to be an I. O. O. F. Lodge instituted at Geuda Springs.
That the hotel is going up for a certainty.
That there is more building at Geuda Springs than any town in Southern Kansas.
That winter wheat is looking better than ever before at this time of the year.
That Miss Una Royal and Lina Snyder are going to attend the Manhattan College another three months.
That Dr. Vawter is looking toward Geuda Springs with a view of locating permanently.
That Mr. Marshall, of Leavenworth, and one of the Geuda Springs Town Company members, proposes to build a summer resi­dence at Geuda Springs.
That Dr. Perry’s houses are almost completed and ready for occupancy.
BIRTH. That they have a new boarder at the bath house. It’s a girl and Buckwalter is the happy man. He sets up the cigars.
That ‘tis an awfully bad year for candidates, and a good one for snakes, on account of the scarcity of “St. John’s amendment.”
That it is a good joke to buy one of those double strength lamp chimneys to take home and throw into the house for your wife. She thinks it will break, “you know,” and gives a scream, and, the chimney hits the stove leg, well, she calls you an old soap keg, and you go and put the team away, get kicked in the abdomen by a mule, trying to figure out where that joke came in. The next time you buy, the cheap ones are good enough, and then you ain’t liable to play jokes on your wife with that kind.
That Jake Musgrove is set up ready for business. Groceries as cheap as anywhere in Kansas.
That Patterson, the butcher, is going to tear down the old Salt City saloon building, move it to the springs, and construct a two-story house out of it.

That T. C. Mills is about to sell his three-year-old colt to Wm. Thompson, for $300; pretty good price for a colt.
That a party of young folks got badly fooled; went into the country to attend a supper by invitation, went early, stayed late, no supper, went home down in the mouth, and also in the region of the digestive organ.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Jake Musgrove, an old time Winfield boy, who has been running a store, trading in stock, and getting rich down at South Haven, Sumner County, for the past eight years, has opened a store at Geuda Springs. Jake is one of the squarest men Winfield ever produced, and will add much in building up the new home for invalids.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Every team and buggy in the city was out last Sunday—most of them bound for Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Ten acres of land adjoining Geuda Springs, sold last Satur­day to Mr. Reiley of Caldwell, for $80 per acre.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Mr. J. B. Curry, who has been teaching a term of school in Bolton Township, will now be found behind the counters of F. L. Davis’ grocery at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
A small boy at Geuda Springs, last week, built a fire under a manger filled with hay in McIntire’s livery, the flames of which soon reached the mow, and in fifteen minutes the timbers were falling. Two fine buggies were burned and one horse suffo­cated and burned to ashes. The parents of that small boy should persuade him to stay at home until another barn can be built.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
It is now seasonable and fashionable to have Geuda Springs water brought over for family use. If Bob Mitchell would get the Governor to permit him to “salt” this water just enough to keep it from spoiling, he could work up a good wholesale trade in Winfield.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Typo sends us the following items from Geuda Springs, which will no doubt be of interest to most of our readers.

“The springs have taken a new boom within the past ten days, houses are springing up in every direction. Two new, two-story, boarding houses, and a number of residences have been commenced this week. The Chicago Lumber Co. have opened a yard here, and have built a neat office. Messrs. Hubbell and Riley of Caldwell have just identified themselves with the new town. Mr. Riley bought the Ward place (ten acres) between the old and new town, on Tuesday, for $1,000. They let the contract for a business house opposite the springs, and have obligated themselves to build a two-story stone or brick house this summer. We have now five boarding houses, all two-story but one, but the need of a larger hotel is felt more and more every day. Why is it that some man with money does not see this chance for a splendid investment? Some two or three hundred visitors were at the springs Sunday, and the number will increase every week from this time. We have now three groceries, two dry-goods, and two drug houses, and nearly fifty dwellings built and contracted for. Dr. Perry is just finishing the last of his ten cottages, he will furnish them all. Mr. McCarty of Wellington is building a small hotel, and quite a number of strangers are here looking out for a chance to invest.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Dr. C. Perry, who is largely interested in the property of Geuda Springs, was in the city Monday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell, of Cowley County, the owner of Geuda Springs, fast becoming famous for the wonderful curative proper­ties of their waters, was in the city on Saturday. From the papers we see that extensive improvements are contemplated at the Springs. Close connection is now made, by a hack line from Arkansas City, with the railroad trains.
Wichita Eagle.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Geuda Springs.
Cutler has a very neat drug store.
Geuda Springs are simply booming.
Mr. Foss has put up a new business house.
F. L. Davis has had his residence completed sometime.
McIntire & Ferguson are building a large addition to their livery stable.
Buildings are being completed, almost every day, and are occupied as soon as completed.
Visitors are here from most of the states in the Union, and all claim to be highly pleased with the waters.
Rev. Post, P. E., from Wichita, has just commenced building a residence, and will soon be down with his family.
Mrs. Howard is building a summer residence here, and D. A. McIntire has also just commenced building his residence.
J. A. Notestine has about completed his boarding house, and A. W. McCarty is building his as rapidly as men and money can do it.
Dr. Perry will have his ten cottages completed and furnished in about ten days, and they will be rented only to invalids desiring to visit the Springs for their health.
Geo. W. Riley, of Caldwell, is building a good business house, which will be occupied as a store by Mr. Hubbell, formerly of Caldwell. Riley has also bought the O. J. Ward ten acres at $80 per acre.
We need a large hotel badly. Someone with capital can here find an investment that will pay more interest than any we know of. It is only a question of a short time when capitalists will take hold of a large hotel here, as a house with 200 rooms would be filled to overflowing in thirty days, and would remain full the year round.
A. W. Patterson’s house is about completed, as well as many others too numerous to mention. G. W.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.

One of the carriages which went to Geuda Springs Sunday met with the usual luck and was turned over. No damage done except the breaking of some mineral water bottles.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Geuda Springs is in the midst of a boom of no small proportions. The town is overrun with visitors and no room is to be found to store them away in. A new hotel will be finished next week, and many boarding houses and other places of accommodation are in process of erection.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
A Praise-worthy Movement.
GEUDA SPRINGS, April 27th.
EDS. COURIER: Pursuant to the notice given after Divine service on Sunday last, a meeting was held at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Geuda Springs, on the 24th inst., to take steps toward building a large Booth or Tabernacle near the Springs, for religious worship. The object of the meeting was explained by Rev. Mr. Post and Dr. Cutler, after which the meeting was organized by electing Rev. McCamey president, and Dr. Cutler, secretary. After full discussion a committee of seven, consisting of Messrs. Cutler, Rice, Berkey, Snider, Acton, Mills, and Notenstien were appointed an executive committee, to have the management of the building and the control of the same after being built.
On motion it was resolved to build Booth or Tabernacle with a seating capacity of two or three thousand.
On motion Bros. Post, McCamey, and Broadbent were appointed a committee whose duty it shall be to invite prominent ministers of all denominations to hold divine services in the tabernacle.
On motion the 3rd Sunday in May was fixed upon as the time for holding the first religious worship in the tabernacle, at 10 o’clock a.m. The committee was instructed to advertise the fact in the state papers.
On motion the meeting adjourned. J. W. McCAMEY, President.
GEO. A. CUTLER, Secretary.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.
Some talk is being indulged in of securing telephone connec­tions between Winfield and Geuda Springs. It would be an excel­lent thing for the Springs, as it would give the people direct telephonic connections. Let us have the telephone.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
Paul W. Bossart, of Kansas City, Superintendent of the Merchants Telephone and Telegraph Company, has been in our city for a day or so looking after the interests of the company here. Paul is a capital young fellow and makes friends wherever he goes. He says his folks will be pleased to connect Winfield by telephone with Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, or any other neigh­boring point, if our people will lend the necessary assistance.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Olivia, our bright New Salem correspondent, called on us Tuesday. Her health has been quite feeble and she will try the health giving waters at Geuda Springs for a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.

The Geuda Springs company are supplying water from their springs, all over the state, and giving the best satisfaction. Let her boom, if we can’t have whiskey, we can have water.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Mrs. J. L. Horning and Miss Belle Roberts are spending a month at Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
New Salem.
The latest departure from our social circle: Mrs. Joe E. and Miss Tirzah Hoyland, also Mr. James Doolittle. They have gone to the Geuda Springs in search of health and happiness; chiefly the former, for one can find as much happiness in Salem as Salt City, I presume.
Rev. C. P. Graham is strictly temperate, yet he continues sending a keg off to get it replenished whenever empty, but he sends it to Geuda Springs.
Olivia will dine off wild duck today, and so, dear reader, I will cease conversing with you and pay my respects to the duck. OLIVIA.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
THE COURANT family loaded itself into one of Schofield & Keck’s best rigs Sunday morning, and made what is sometimes termed a flying trip to the Geuda Springs. We won’t say “far famed,” “world renowned,” “justly celebrated,” for that would not be strictly accurate, and as the truth is all we desire to tell, the facts must be adhered to.
The ride to the Springs on a beautiful morning like yester­day is simply delightful. The road from the time you leave the livery barn, till the springs are reached, is as near perfection as it well can be, stretching as it does, across what we will risk to say, is the most beautiful township in Kansas. Cowley County, in our judgment, is one of the best looking counties in the state, and Beaver township is certainly very near if not quite the garden spot of the county. There are no hills to speak of, and the little streams are all bridged and unless it is immediately after a heavy rain, there is no more delightful drive in the west. The wheat is now headed and is of such uniform height and advancement, and so limitless in acreage, that it requires but little imagination to make it a shoreless green sea. But we must hasten to the Springs.

The Arkansas River is crossed on a good ferry boat, in charge of a careful boatman. Let us stop for a moment on this raging Arkansas, or as Vinnie Beckett would say: “this big rolling muddy.” We have had considerable acquaintance with this river for a number of years. So much so, that we are not afraid of being laughed at on the score of total ignorance on the subject. Thousands of dollars have been squandered—that’s the word—in making surveys of the stream by “competent engi­neers.” These surveys invariably follow the bed of the river on the old theory that nature knows what is best for us, which she don’t. The cutting across of miles of bend here and there, the advantage of crowding that body of water into a new and narrower channel never seems to have entered the “competent engineer’s” mind. The only competency seeming to be requisite was the ability to get through with the appropriation by the time Congress met again. But we are at the Springs. Scores of well dressed men and women, most of them for the first time, tasting this rare, mysterious, and to them not altogether pleasant beverage are here before us. It is considerable amusement to the old coons sitting around to watch the tasting process, especially the other sex, who for some unaccountable reason arrogate to themselves all the squeamishness extant. True, we couldn’t expect that seventeen year old girl to roll it down as Fritz does his beer, nor guggle it as Pat would his whiskey; but we can’t see any use in making such fearful grimaces, walling the eyes like a dying calf and wriggling the body like an eel, to get the blessed water down, when you can cut a basket full of slimy, boiled lettuce, two quarts of raw onions, and a skillet full of rotten tomatoes mixed with rancid butter without making a solitary wrinkle in your pretty face.
There are seven different springs or hydrants, each shooting up a different kind of water. A qualitative analysis, shows Bi-Carbonate of Soda, Bi-Carbonate of Iron, Bi-Carbonate of Calcium, Sulphate of Ammonia, Sulphate of Magnesia, Chloride of Sodium, Chloride of Potassium, Iodide of Sodium, Bromide of Potassium, Sulphur, and Silica. In addition to these constituents, the waters are charged with Carbonic Acid Gas. There is no question as to the healing properties of this water.
Geuda, now let us get this name right, for few can, or do pronounce it. “G” is sounded hard, and “e” as in double “e” and pronounced as in McGee, and the whole is simply Gee-u-da. It is an Indian word and signifies healing.
There is a large and commodious bath house connected with the springs, where hot or cold baths can be had for thirty-five cents. It is presided over by Mr. Bookwalter, an old friend; who is just the man for the place.
There are some fifty houses already built and occupied, mostly by those who are there for their health. It might be insinuated here that the surroundings of these springs conduce to the rapid recovery of the indisposed. The country is high, dry, and beautifully undulating, like mighty ocean billows, on three sides, while the Arkansas River, salt lakes, and numerous streams, clear as crystal, bounds the town on the fourth.
The air from so much medication, is invigorating and health­ful. So, with the undoubted healing qualities of the waters, the facilities for bathing, the healthy atmosphere, coupled with the beautiful scenery, hunting, fishing, and boating, the patient is bound to get well if there is any vitality left for nature to work on.
The hotel accommoda­tions are not of the best. In fact, we might say that the eating part, at least that part introduced to us, was decidedly bad. There was plenty of it, and, in its day, had been good enough, but it seemed to have been just through a sweating process, and then drowned in old grease or still older butter, which left a kind of slimy, milky way across everything on the table. There was one redeeming dish on the table that we saw, radishes, and they would undoubtedly have been spoiled had they been washed.
We suppose now, that the next time we visit the springs we will have something to write about. The art of catering success­fully to the ordinary guest is no mean accom­plishment. It is not everybody who has run a two cent bakery and lunch room who can please the palate of the health seeker at a fashionable watering place.
Geuda needs a good, first class hotel, and needs it bad, and with such an overseer as Charley Harter, of the Brettun, while there may not be millions in it, there is undoubtedly money in it.

Of course, we took a bath, and it hasn’t hurt us so far. The drive home was a delightful one, and we vowed to avail ourselves of the very next opportunity to go again. To those who are unacquaint­ed, we would say that Winfield is the place to start from, as strangers can find a daily hack line to and from the springs, and the best and smoothest roads, through a beautiful and highly improved country, making it a luxury to ride over.
Cowley County Courant, June 1, 1882.
We tumble to the following racket from a Geuda Springs correspondent of the Arkansas City Democrat, who signs himself “Stranger,” and are happy to know that our suggestions have worked.
“The writer hardly realizes he is writing of a town that has been built almost entirely in the last three months; hence generally closes with a batch of criticisms, in which they have but little regard for the truth. Especially was this the case with the editor of the Winfield Courant. Coming in with his family on Sunday last, without any marks or brands perceivable to distinguish him from the common rabble, he appears to have lashed himself into a furor at the hotel keeper because he did not recognize him, and feed him with a spoon with the finest exqui­sitely delicate hands.”
This correspondent is respectfully notified that THE COURANT is particularly friendly to Geuda and its proprietors. We believe it will only be a short time when this will be recognized as the most famous watering place in the West. We did not criticize the hotels, but the manner in which they are kept. A cook is a very essential attachment to a hotel, and we hope soon to hear of one being imported into the flourishing little health resort. This is the only complaint made of Geuda.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Bitting and son, of Wichita, and Miss Julia Deming, of Pierce City, Missouri, passed through Winfield on Saturday morning en route for Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
New Salem.
The friends of Mrs. and Miss Hoyland missed them, I think, for they went for them and brought them home from Geuda Springs ere the time had expired that they had intended to stay. J. E. don’t propose to batch. Mrs. Edgar and Tirzah Hoyland will return to the Springs as soon as the weather becomes fully settled, and their stay is not definitely fixed. They anticipate a good time and will try to find health in the healing waters. OLIVIA.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Mrs. W. M. Allison and children, of Wellington, are rusti­cating at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
From the Wellington Press.
We understand that the Santa Fe company wants to get Geuda Springs into their possession, and have offered Mr. Mitchell $26,000 therefor. If the Santa Fe company gets hold of these springs, they will become a noted watering place in a few years.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
The Coming Health Resort of the South West,
Its Business and General Prospects.

On Wednesday of last week, in company with J. W. Scott, of Cadiz, Ohio, and his son, C. M. Scott, we made a flying visit to this new and prosperous burg, which is fast becoming one of the most popular health resorts of the West. Driving along on the east side of the Arkansas River, through a magnificent farming country, now adorned with waving fields of golden grain, in some instances already bending before the harvester, we could not help but feel how glorious a country this was of ours. About four miles up the river, from Arkansas City, as Geuda looms into view, one can hardly realize that a few short months ago the present thriving town did not exist; not even on paper. Crossing the river on the ferry, run by W. V. McCormick, we climbed the river bank and came in full view of the town of Geuda, glistening in the sunshine of a bright June day, about one mile distant. Upon arriving at our destination, and having turned our team over to the care of D. A. McIntire, formerly one of Arkansas City’s liverymen, we looked around with a view to dinner, and were directed to the Hotel run by J. A. Notestine, where we partook of as good a meal as one could wish, but totally unlike the bill of fare we indulged in, on nearly the same spot, ten years since.
After refreshing the inner man, we took in the town, and an idea of its goaheadativeness will be inferred from the following list of its places of business.
Our old friend, Jake Musgrove, late of South Haven, has a large store, from which he dispenses Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware, and almost opposite his place is a large frame two story Hotel, just completed but not yet occupied.
A. W. Patterson has also a frame building in the city, which will be occupied next week.
Mr. Turner is running a Grocery, Flour, and Feed Store.
J. A. Notestine, the Hotel above mentioned, and James Stiner is also running a Hotel and Restaurant.
Dr. Cutler and Q. M. Bixler are each engaged in the Drug business.
Mr. W. N. Hubbell has an Ice-cream and Confectionery estab­lishment, and almost opposite the Bath House we noticed a Photo­graph Gallery, which affords newcomers an opportunity to test the effects of the water upon them by being “took” upon their arrival and at departure.
Messrs. Ferguson & McIntire have a large and well stocked livery barn, and are doing a lively business, and immediately south of their stable will be found the blacksmith shop of Joe Jolly.
There are two carpenter shops, one of Allen & Son, and the other is run by M. B. Wilson.
The Chicago Lumber Co. has also a yard here, which is under the supervision of Mr. Roberts, who was formerly in the lumber yard at this city.
The tonsorial art is represented by an establishment, and Dr. Griffith has an office in the town.
The Bath House has been much improved since our last visit, and the work of enclosing the seven wonderful mineral springs, from which the place is rapidly gaining notoriety, is under way. In addition to the places of business, above mentioned, there are some thirty residences on the town site, all of which are occupied.
Just before leaving, we drove over to the salt works of Mr. James Hill, which we found in active operation under the supervision of T. McIntire, who informed us that he had 100 vats in working order, which, under favorable circumstances, would yield from 15 to 20 barrels per week.

Business generally was good, and all the townspeople, with whom we talked, were well satisfied with the progress of their city, and fully persuaded of a glorious future in store for them and it.
Wishing to see as much country as possible, determined our part to drive home through Bolton Township instead of returning by the ferry, and the panorama of agricultural beauty that greeted our eyes on every side must be seen to be appreciated. Wheat in large fields, of golden promise, were to be seen on all sides, together with oats and corn growing splendidly. In some cases, especially on the farms of Messrs. Shurtz and Stiner, the wheat looked, and indeed was, ready for the knife of the reaper, the whirring of whose machinery could occasionally be heard as it swept through the more ripe pieces of grain. The farmers of Bolton Township have, indeed, much to be grateful for, as their lot is evidently cast in one of the best countries out of doors.
As we drove back into Arkansas City, we could truthfully say that the drive had been one beautiful picture, without a single blemish to mar its brightness.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Geuda Springs seems to be the favorite Sunday resort for our people. Twelve or fifteen couples drove over last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Messrs. Curns & Manser sold on last Tuesday the residence of Jerry O’Neil, in the east part of the city, to Dr. Perry, of Illinois. The Doctor will remove here with his family and is a most valuable acquisition to our community. He has purchased considerable property near Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
The Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band will be on hand at our Fourth, in Arkansas City. Geuda Springs can’t toot with our horns, you bet.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
In the bills scattered to advertise the Geuda Springs celebration, it is said “music by the Arkansas City and Geuda Springs Silver Cornet Bands.” That is all right, the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band will supply the best of harmony on the glorious Fourth, but Geuda Springs will have to come here to enjoy it.
Cowley County Courant, June 22, 1882.
Fifteen of our states and territories produce salt: Cali­fornia, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylva­nia, Virginia, West Virginia, and Utah. In 1880 New York and Michigan furnished two thirds of all the salt produced in the United States. The production in both states was wholly from subterranean brines. Kansas Farmer.
We find the above in several of our exchanges, and deem it but proper to correct it. To the above list: add Kansas. Geuda Springs Salt Works, with the indifferent facilities for its manufacture, turns out with reasonable fair weather one thousand barrels of salt per week. And with proper machinery enough could be made to supply the entire state, with a first class article. Now don’t forget this when you write about salt. Remember the place, “Geuda Springs, Cowley County, Kansas.”
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
John Whistler, of Sac & Fox Agency, is stopping at Geuda Springs for the benefit of his eyes.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.

We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. John Whistler, licensed trader at the Sac & Fox Agency, last week, as he passed through our city en route for Geuda Springs.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
The following charter was filed in the office of secretary of state yesterday: Geuda Spring Hotel Company, Capital stock $50,000. The following named persons are the directors for the first year: J. R. Musgrove, W. N. Hubbell, O. M. Bieles, C. R. Mitchell, S. L. Allen, F. L. Davis, and Geo. H. Cutler, all of Geuda Springs, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
Gen. Green returned from a week’s stay at Geuda Springs Sunday. He is much better after the trip.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
Geuda Springs is booming quite a popular Sunday resort for our pleasure-loving young people. Some eight or ten couples went over last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
W. A. Smith came down Monday from Wichita and returned Tuesday. He was accompanied by Miss Agnes Lynch, one of Wichita’s most accomplished young ladies. They took in Geuda Springs in company with Miss Smith and Will Wilson.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
Local Notes from a Busy Town—Arkansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, W. D. Mowry, Miss Linnie Peed, and others visited Geuda Springs Sunday. JUNIUS.
Cowley County Courant, July 4, 1882.
Hereafter the South Western Stage Co. will run a hack to and from Salt City at least twice a week and as much oftener as the public convenience demands. Parties wishing Geuda Springs water or transportation can leave orders at either of the express offices or at the Brettun House, which will be promptly attended to. A. C. BANGS, Agent.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
James Lorton took in Geuda Springs Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
LOST. A plat of Geuda Springs between the post office and the Santa Fe depot. Return it to the Commercial House and receive a suitable reward. A. W. SKINNER.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Mr. J. B. Doolittle left Salem for Geuda Springs Saturday. His stay is not definitely fixed.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
John Whistler has commenced work on his hotel at Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Will White, who has been publishing the Mulvane Herald, will start a paper at Geuda Springs in a few days. Will is a live, energetic young man, and knows how to make a paper valuable to its readers.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Sensation in High Life.
For some time past the county has entertained out of its fullness at the poor farm, a deformed boy, about twenty-two years old, named J. S. Helm. He is so deformed that he is unable to do anything—not even to turn over in bed. Mr. Berger has had a cook for the inmates of the poor farm, in the person of Mrs. Dillsaner, a fair and buxom widow of fifty summers. The widow seemed to take a fancy for the young fellow and proposed to take him to Geuda Springs and have him try the efficacy of the waters on his ailments. For this purpose she went to the poor farm Wednesday evening and brought the boy to town, intending to take the early morning stage. Instead she purchased tickets for New Albany, Wilson County, and left on the morning train.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
J. F. White, formerly of Mulvane, will fill a “long felt newspaper want,” at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Mrs. Fouts and her daughter, Miss Dora, are at Geuda Springs testing the restorative qualities of these far famed mineral waters. They will stay with Mrs. Fouts’ brother, the Hon.
C. R. Mitchell.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Dr. Shepard commences the erection of a couple of store rooms at Geuda Springs this week, which will be for rent as soon as completed unless the Dr. should conclude to put in a stock of drugs there himself, in connection with his business in this city.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
Work was commenced on a new hotel at Geuda Springs last Monday morning. When completed the building will be 75 x 45 feet, and built of frame.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Joe White and wife, of Geuda Springs, were in town on Monday and Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
The travel to Geuda Springs has increased to such an extent that Messrs. Hilliard, Patterson & Co. have been obliged to put two daily hacks on the road.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Geuda Springs Items.
J. R. Musgrove has built an addition to his store.
Geuda Springs now has a daily mail from Arkansas City.
The Geuda Springs Herald will make its appearance this week.
It is rumored that we are to have a new hardware store soon.
C. M. Rathbun, of the A. T. & S. F., of Topeka, is expected here with his family on the 27th instant.
Dr. Shepard, of Arkansas City, will move a couple of build­ings from Hunnewell to this place next week.
Eugene E. Wade, of Little River, Rice Co., will open a furniture store here about the first of September.
C. R. Mitchell has begun work on a large addition to his present building, which will be used as a hotel.

The hotels and boarding houses are all crowded with parties here for their health and all are being benefitted.
T. J. Anderson, of Topeka, has engaged rooms at the new hotel and will be here about the first of September.
Mrs. P. D. Pollard and daughter, of Denison, Texas, are here for the health of the latter, who is improving rapidly.
It is reported that the new hotel will be opened with a grand ball about the 1st of September. The work is progressing rapidly.
Another daily hack between Geuda Springs and Arkansas City, was put on the road Monday, by D. A. McIntire, the livery man here. It leaves the Springs at 9 o’clock, a.m., making connec­tion with the train each way.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
The new hotel at Geuda Springs is up and the plasterers are now putting on the second coat of plaster. It will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
George Schroeter is doing the biggest business in silverware of any house in the west. Aside from furnishing the Brettun House with silverware to the amount of six hundred dollars, he is furnishing several large bills for hotels in other towns. He ordered yesterday $200.00 worth for the new hotel at Geuda Springs. Those who wish to buy silverware should call on Mr. Schroeter.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
New Salem Pencilings.
Mr. Doolittle has returned from the Springs only slightly improved in health. He and his friend Mr. Nash will start for their old home in Illinois this week. The boys have made new friends while in Salem, and their well wishes accompany them on their homeward way. It reminds us that we are all going home
“Where no farewell word is spoken
And no farewell tear is shed.”
May happiness attend you, boys.
Mrs. Causey has gone to Geuda Springs to stay several weeks. May the roses of health find a place on her cheeks to abide. OLIVIA.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
August Lorry is running the Bath Houses at Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.

Mr. S. S. Patten, late of Corunna, Wisconsin, has arrived here and will make Cowley his future home. Some time ago he purchased a farm on the Arkansas, near Geuda Springs, of a Wisconsin neighbor, who had never seen the land. Mr. Patten had been a subscriber to the COURIER and knew what giant strides Cowley was making, and about how real estate was selling. He also knew that not far from this land were the famous Geuda Springs, and when it was offered for sale, he saw in it a big bargain, and bought at once. After he had made the purchase and the deeds were duly executed, he turned over several copies of the COURIER to the man from whom he bought, who seemed greatly surprised to find from its columns that this was anything but a barren waste, and wanted to “sue bargain.” Mr. Patten informed him that he could sell at an advance of $700, but did not care to, and advised him to hereafter subscribe for a good paper in every county where he owns property. Mr. Patten insists that in this case his copy of the COURIER has made him a thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
   Found—A Letter.
The following letter was picked up on our streets recently and handed to us. It evidently failed to reach its destination, but, as we see the Colonel has returned safely, we surmise its contents were duly observed.
Dear Sir: It was reported several days ago that Col. Loomis was about to sever his friendly connection at this place and take up quarters at “Geuda,” and as he has not reported for a day or two, it is feared that he has executed his design, and I have been requested by several inquiring friends to place him under your kind protection. Guard and care for him tenderly. Protect him from Cupid’s destroying dart, for he knows not what temptations surround him, and may, in some unguarded moment, succumb to the withering glances of some fair damsel who has evil in her heart, and thereby become the victim of misplaced confidence, and thus leave him to tell posterity the old story, “blasted hopes and a wrecked life.” Let me again kindly remind you of your responsibility, and when his work (at the Geuda hash House) is ended, return him (by express) and thereby secure the everlasting blessings of HIS FRIENDS. (Prepay all charges and draw at sight.)
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Two hacks run daily between this city and Geuda Springs, and it is quite the usual thing for them to be crowded.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Mrs. Mead and Miss Lizzie Wyckoff are at Geuda Springs for a week’s vacation from the din and turmoil of our busy city.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. C. H. Searing, and Mrs. Bishop left for Geuda Springs yesterday for a short sojourn in the vicinity of the healing waters.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
The Geuda Springs Herald, published by Joe F. White, at Geuda Springs, Cowley County, Kansas, is before us, and is a neat and well printed 7 column paper. We congratulate Geuda upon their very own journal, and will gladly exchange.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Mrs. Nand, of Newton, wife of that jolly engineer, John Nand, well known to all who travel between Arkansas City and Mulvane, came over on the hack Tuesday with her little boy, to try the virtue of the waters, both for herself and child. They expect to remain here some time. Geuda Springs Herald.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Cowley County Teachers.
The following persons hold valid certificates in this county, and can make legal contracts with school boards.

GEUDA SPRINGS. Ida M. Hamilton, grade 2.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
Mrs. L. A. Pritchard, the wife of a prominent lawyer at Las Vegas, New Mexico, with her servant, is staying at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
The new hotel at Geuda Springs is now running, and every room occupied by guests. It is one of the neatest and best furnished hotels in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
More Truth.
The attempts made by the A. V. Democrat, in last week’s issue, to mislead the public as to the qualifications of the Hon. C. R. Mitchell, to represent us in the Legislature are doughtily taken up by the Geuda Springs Herald in the following, which, while being highly complimentary to the Republican nominee, are decidedly the reverse to Dr. Kellogg, the self-styled, “Indepen­dent” candidate.
“That ole cry of ring, by the hungry outs, has been heard from sore headed idiots until it is quite stale. We suppose there never was a time in politics when the morbid desire of the “outs” for office, did not raise the cry of ring, against those in the majority.
“As for Kellogg being in favor of such stringent railroad legislation, the different political parties have laid down the principles which they are bound by, in their platforms, and Mr. Mitchell is nominated upon the most stringent platform of the three, while Dr. Kellogg has pompously assumed to announce himself a candidate without a platform, principle, or precedent to be governed by, or upon which his constituents can rely that he will act or support if elected, and hence you cannot tell what his action may be on the question of legislation.
“Dr. Kellogg may be a bitter enemy of railroads so far as we know, and, on the other hand, he may be their abject tool. Railroads are as necessary as a druggist is, and to pass such legislation as would cripple or bankrupt them would be to bring bankruptcy to business, bankruptcy to farms.
“We want our grain taken to market as much as the railroads want to haul it, and we want some fair-minded man in the legisla­ture who will help to pass such laws as will compel railroads to carry our produce as cheaply as they can afford to do it, and in order to be sure that we have such a man, we must have him bound by the declaration of his friends in a platform to that effect.
“As to Kellogg always being a worker for the public inter­est, and Mitchell on the other hand standing aloof, even your best friends will accuse you of downright lying, if you don’t quit stretching things in that manner. No one that we are aware of has ever heard of Kellogg doing anything for the public good. We do not know how much Mr. Mitchell has done personally, but have been told by some of the best men in Arkansas City that he has been the originator and prosecutor of most of the public benefits the 67th district has received, and he is generally known all over the State to be full of enter­prise, and to have the energy to carry out the plans advocated by him, and we have never yet found him backward about advocating any principle in which he believed.

“A few more articles like that in the last Democrat will dig the political grave of Kellogg so deep that he will scarcely be able to find that he has been a candidate.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. J. Hilliard and Mrs. Holmes, two of Wichita’s finest citizens, last week while on a visit to Capt. Thompson, of this city. Before returning they visited the Geuda Springs and took in all the dissipation of that fashionable resort.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
John P. St. John, Jr., is sojourning at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Your reporter made a flying visit to Geuda Springs yester­day, but promises the editor of the Herald not to do so any more (soon); for the electrical shock he gave the Herald man set him to shaking, and he shook all the afternoon, and was still shaking when your humble servant came away. The editor may forego the preliminary as a recognition of the writer’s visit next time, for no such uncomfortable attentions are expected. MARK.
September 29th.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Mrs. J. E. Miller and Mrs. Hoskin are staying at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
Mr. R. C. Noble, a regular reader of the TRAVELER, at Todd’s Point, Illinois, made us a call Saturday. He is staying at Geuda Springs testing the healing waters thereof.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
J. E. Miller, the most polite and accommodating conductor on the Santa Fe road, came over to the Springs Sunday and spent the day with his family, who are stopping at the McKechee house. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
The county commissioners at their last meeting ordered the division of the townships of South Haven and Walton. The new voting place of South Haven township will be at Hunnewell. In Walton township the new voting place was not named, but in all probability it will be at Salt City or Geuda Springs. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
Mr. Robert Elstun of Emporia spent several days of last week in Winfield, making many friends who will be glad to see him again at some future day. Mr. Elstun has spent several weeks at Geuda Springs with his sister and cousin, who have been much benefitted by the use of the water there.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
Mrs. St. John and daughter, who accompanied the Governor to this city last week, visited Geuda Springs before returning home.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 26, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hubbell were in town last Monday. They report Geuda Springs flourishing, and destined in the near future to be one of the most popular health resorts in the West.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.

Eight hundred dollars have been subscribed for a new Methodist Church building at Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The McKechee House at Geuda Springs will be the scene of a grand ball on the evening of the 13th of this month, which is next Wednesday.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The McKechee House at Geuda Springs is acquiring a wide reputation as an excellent hashery. Under the management of De Lesdernier it can be nothing else but a success.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
The Geuda Springs Herald finds fault with Dr. Geo. Cutler, postmaster at the Springs, for the manner in which he conducts the business of the office. How Cutler ever came to be appointed postmaster, is a mystery. He may be a tip-top man, but as an official, he is about as poor a stick as one could find in a six weeks’ journey.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
George Graham, once well known in Caldwell and Perth, returned on Monday night from an extended trip to foreign parts, accompanied by his dog “Frank,” out of Missouri by Jennison. During his travels, comprising a period of about forty-eight hours, he visited the cities of Belle Plaine, Derby, Douglass, Udall, and Seeley; viewed the fine architectural works of Muldoon, the ruins of Winfield, and the sand hills of Arkansas City. George was greatly interested in the latter place and attempted the task of taking notes of its ancient glory and renown, but not being able to speak the language of the natives, he only succeeded in obtaining the information that the Indian Territory laid to the south, and Bob Mitchell’s Geuda Springs toward the setting sun, made a fat thing for the livery men of the sandy hills. George didn’t wander as far as Wichita, the reputation of that mammoth emporium of trade and traffic and sin, being of such as character as to make youths of his unsophisticated nature loath to place themselves under its luxurious and enervating wiles. It gratifies us to state that notwithstanding the great temptations to which George was exposed on his tour, he returns to us with a reasonable share of his pristine purity and innocence, and as of yore, may be seen at 4 o’clock a.m., seated upon the top of the buss and calling for passengers for the early freight. The dog “Frank,” however, looks as if had lost all of his wife’s able-bodied relations.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Mrs. Peed is visiting at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
D. A. McIntire, of Geuda Springs, is convalescing from a broken collar bone.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Q. M. Bixler, of Geuda Springs, is bound over to the next term of court in the sum of $450 for violating the Revenue laws. He plead guilty.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
The Geuda Springs Herald man charges the postmaster at that point with some very serious official crimes. Probably he is able to substantiate them, but if he is not, there is likely to be fun ahead. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.

A lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars has been organized at Geuda Springs, with a membership of about thirty.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Messrs. Hilliard, Patterson & Co., our live livery men, have been awarded the mail routes from this city to Geuda Springs and to Wellington. The former is a daily and the latter is a tri-weekly service, since January 1st, 1883.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Charlie Fuller took in the Saratoga of the West again Sunday. The health-invigorating atmosphere, water, or something else, at Geuda Springs seems to have a decided effect on Charlie.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
Geuda Springs was all torn up last Monday night by a railroad meeting at the McKechee House.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. White and son, of Geuda Springs, were in the city Saturday last. Joe reports everything at Geuda as in a prospering condition which we are glad to hear.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
It is rumored that we are to have another saloon.
The carpenters resumed work on our building Tuesday and it now begins to show up a little.
The Oklahoma boomers are gathering at Arkansas City. Meetings are being held all over this part of the State and the colony is rapidly increasing in numbers.
Hilliard, Patterson & Co. intend erecting a new livery stable here at once. It will be a frame building 30 x 60 feet in size, situated on First Street, opposite Musgrove’s store. This will make three good livery stables here.
R. C. Noble, of Todd’s Point, Illinois, subscribed twenty-five dollars towards the erection of a Methodist church here. The building will probably be commenced as soon as the weather opens favorable. Several hundred dollars have already been secured.
Mr. Ward expects to lay off four blocks of town lots on the northwest corner of his place next week. We understand that he has already been offered as high as two hundred dollars apiece for some of his lots. These lots are on the Cowley County side of Main Street just south of McCarty’s hotel.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
DIED. Wm. Drury was shot and killed at Geuda Springs Friday night by the accidental discharge of his pistol, which fell to the floor as he was placing it in the holster. He was a young man tending bar in a saloon.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

During the week there have been three cases of accidental shooting in the county, and all will probably result fatally. A boy by the name of Alger, on Grouse Creek, while attempting to throw a pistol around by the guard, as he had seen the cowboys do, discharged it into his stomach, and will die. One of Mr. Burt’s boys shot himself through the leg while playing with a loaded pistol, near Searing & Mead’s Mill, at Arkansas City, inflicting a wound that will probably prove fatal. The third was Wm. Drury, formerly a police officer at Wellington, but latterly tending bar in a saloon at Geuda Springs. Someone in the saloon asked him to show his pistol, and while putting it back into the holster, it fell to the floor and was discharged, the ball taking effect in his groin, ranging upward, and producing death almost instantaneously. It is indeed a strange coincidence that all these tragedies should occur so near together.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
William Drury was accidentally shot and killed at a ball at Geuda Springs, Caldwell County. He dropped a revolver on the floor when it exploded, the ball passing through his stomach.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
The Wellington Democrat learns from A. W. Berkey that a four foot vein of coal has been struck at Geuda Springs at a depth of twenty-three feet below the surface.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
W. D. Dean, living three miles west of Geuda Springs, will sell at auction on February 20, 1883, several head of cows, calves, hogs, horses, farm utensils, household furniture, etc. For further particulars see hand bills.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
Geuda Springs has a dancing club.
Coal has been found in Guelph Township.
Geuda Springs now has two open saloons.
The I. O. G. T. Lodge here now numbers about forty members.
C. L. Swarts, of Arkansas City, was in town Saturday on legal business.
Quite a number of Ponca Indians have been in town trading during the past week.
There is considerable talk of a company being organized here to prospect for coal. There is very little doubt that coal exists here, judging from all indications.
Col. Jno. C. Carpenter, of Leavenworth, Revenue Collector for the State of Kansas, is sojourning at the Springs, and is stopping at the McKechee House. He was feeling under the weather a little, and was persuaded by Hon. C. R. Mitchell to come down here, and visit a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. White and son, of Geuda Springs, were in the city yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
Capt. J. B. Nipp was over from Arkansas City the first of the week on business connected with his new livery stable. He is a very pleasant and sociable gentleman, and we wish him success.

At the present writing it is almost impossible to give any definite information in regard to the new livery stable here. The carpenters received orders from Mr. Patterson to cease work for a few days, as he had sold out to Capt. Thompson. A day or two later Capt. Nipp bought a half interest in the stable, and now we are informed that he has sold out to Thompson.
The rain, the first of the week, raised all the streams in this part of the country very high. The ground being frozen, the water all ran off, which was the cause of them being so high for a small rain. On Tuesday Salt Creek overflowed and the water was from two to four feet deep all over the salt marsh, and stood at least two feet deep over the springs. The water went down during the night, and the next morning the Springs were as clear as ever.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
A company has been organized to bore for coal at Milan, and we believe, a sufficient amount has been raised to sink a hole 1,000 feet, unless coal is found at a less depth. Geuda Springs will also bore. We hope both parties may be successful, because in that event we will be certain of finding coal in this vicinity. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
[Geuda Herald Items.]
Geuda Springs is now a temperance town.
Gus Lorry, well known here, is the trustee of Bolton Township in Cowley County.
A. D. Ayres, of Arkansas City, and A. J. Ayres, of Grainfield, were at the Springs on Tuesday.
Capt. C. G. Thompson, of Arkansas City, will erect a business house 18 x 30 on the east side of First Street.
Mrs. Finney, of Arkansas City, came over to the Springs last Friday, and sold her farm, southwest of here, to Mr. Atkins, of Illinois.
The reports in regard to the wheat being frozen out are entirely without foundation. The wheat prospects were never more flattering in Southern Kansas at this season of the year than it is now. Last week we examined several pieces of wheat and could find none that was damaged.
J. H. Hilliard & Co. now have control of the livery stable hack of the hotel, having leased it of Mr. Biggs, and they expect to run it in connection with their stable at Arkansas City. Mr. Hilliard has rented his stable at Wichita, and will divide the stock from that stable between the stables at this place and Arkansas City. They will then have the finest and best equipped livery stables in the southwest.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
Doctor Holland, of Geuda Springs, was in the city Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Our enterprising real estate agent, Mr. Frank J. Hess, is chuck full of business, selling low property and low lots, and reports insurance never better than now. He has established a branch office at Geuda Springs, and has two men in Cowley and Sumner counties looking after the insurance department. Pluck and perseverance always wins, besides Mr. Hess knows how to advertise.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
A meeting was held in J. R. Musgrove’s store, at Geuda Springs, on the evening of the 3rd inst., to induce the proprietor of the Oklahoma War Chief to locate his paper at that place. Mr. Harris asks a bonus of $500.00, of which $300 was subscribed. Press.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
We are informed that the Geuda Springs Law Enforcing Society had quite an interesting meeting last Thursday evening. M. David, the saloonist, was present and offered to close up his establishment provided the society would buy him out. A heated debate over this proposition resulted in a proposition to accept. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
D. C. McIntire, of our “City Hotel,” is now staying at Geuda Springs. We hope he may receive benefit from their healing waters.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Geuda Springs’ Salt Lake will shortly be adorned with pleasure boats for hire.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
We understand it is a settled fact that the War Chief will shortly be published at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Cal. Ferguson has purchased of D. A. McIntire his half interest in the livery business and will henceforth conduct it himself at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Geuda Springs now has two papers.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Miss Linnie Peed, who has just finished teaching several terms of school in the vicinity of Newton, Kansas, returned to the city on Saturday last. She remained in the city until Monday, when she and her mother took leave for Geuda Springs, where they will probably remain during the summer.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Mrs. Peed left for Geuda Springs last Monday and will probably remain there the coming summer, where she expects to be joined in a few days by her daughter, Linnie, who at present is engaged in our post office.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
[Items from Geuda Herald.]
Prohibition prohibits here now.
If one-half of the trees live that are being set out here this spring, it will make quite a change in the appearance of our town.
The Oklahoma War Chief came out last week headed Geuda Springs, and we understand the editor expects to buy an outfit and start to work here in a few days.
It seems that the Law Enforcement Club has done some good here as we are informed that it is now impossible to get a drink of whiskey in town, except for medical, scientifical, and mechanical purposes.
The A. V. Democrat man must be getting hard up for subscribers, judging from the extraordinary inducements offered to new subscribers. To all new subscribers they offer to furnish the paper from now until the 1st of January, 1884, for $1.50, the regular price being $1.50 a year.

Oklahoma Payne was in our city a few days last week. We understand he intends moving here with his family and making this place Oklahoma headquarters. Democrat.
Capt. Payne is here with his family, and intends starting from here with his colony about the 1st of May. Geuda Springs is now the headquarters of Payne’s Oklahoma Colony.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Communicated. Editor Traveler: DEAR SIR: You will confer a favor by giving publicity to the accompanying preamble and resolutions adopted by the “Law Enforcement Club” of this place, consisting of some fifty or sixty members, including a majority of the leading citizens in the community.
These resolutions were presented to the editor of the Geuda Springs Herald, with a request for publication, by the Club, and were not published, for reasons which he has not explained, and which he is not asked to explain.
The resolutions will fully explain themselves.
Up to last week the saloons were running in Geuda, in open violation of law, but they are both closed now, and will remain closed. This result has been brought about by the influence of the “Law Enforcement Club,” and that without a single prosecution.
The saloon keepers comprehended the fact that the “Club” meant business, and hence, very wisely, made up their minds that the risks to be taken in running their business were too great for the profits which they would probably receive.
They have both closed with a promise never to engage in the business again, and Mr. M. David has opened a meat market, and will, no doubt, receive a liberal patronage.
I firmly believe that if a similar course would be pursued, that there is not a place in the State of Kansas where the liquor law cannot be enforced.
Moral and legal suasion must go hand in hand in order to make prohibition a success. Very Respectfully, J. H. BERKEY.
1st. The fundamental principle of American Institutions is, “equal and exact justice to all.”
2nd. Every true American citizen will abide by the laws of his country.
3rd. Any person who refuses to obey the laws of this country becomes an outlaw and forfeits his rights as an American citizen.
4th. There is at the present time in the State of Kansas and in this vicinity a class of individuals which is receiving the benefits and protection of her laws and at the same time defying and trampling under its feet certain of her laws, thus endangering the rights, peace, and prosperity of the law abiding citizens of this State and vicinity.

Therefore, be it resolved that, in view of the above facts, we the undersigned do hereby form ourselves into an association to be called the “Law Enforcement Club,” of Geuda Springs, Salt City, and vicinity, and do solemnly pledge our sacred honor as men and American citizens to use every lawful and honorable means to apprehend and bring to justice every violator of local, State, or National law. This organization earnestly solicits the cooperation of all law abiding citizens, and will deem it a favor at any time to receive reliable information in regard to any person who may be violating the laws of this country.
The adoption of the above resolutions have been prompted by no other motive than a desire to promote the best interests of society and establish such a reputation as a community as will have a tendency to draw into our midst an honorable and respectable class of people.
However, if the present system of outlawry and debauchery is permitted to exist in our vicinity, the reputation of this community will be such as will repel all respectable people, and attach to it the most degraded, worthless, brutal, and dangerous elements of society.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
Thirty houses will be built at Geuda Springs in the next sixty days.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Communicated from Geuda Springs.
The TRAVELER publishes a communication this week from J. H. Berkey in regard to the law enforcement club and also some resolutions adopted by the club. In his communication he says: “These resolutions were presented to the editor of the Geuda Springs Herald, with a request for publication; for reasons which he has not explained, and which he is not asked to explain.”
If J. H. Berkey would like to know why these resolutions were not published, he can easily find out by calling on us. Our idea of the club was that it was gotten up more for the purpose of benefitting the originator of the scheme, than for the benefit of the community, and, although the club has certainly done some good, we still hold the same opinion. It would not at all surprise us to hear of him as a candidate for some office in the near future. Geuda Springs Herald.
I am very glad that the editor of the Herald has explained why he did not publish the resolutions referred to, and I sincerely hope he was prompted by no other motive than a holy fear that I would in some mysterious way become a candidate for office, and thus spread desolation and terror among the helpless and innocent women and children throughout the United States, and perhaps Texas.
I must acknowledge that I have been thwarted in my deep laid scheme by the “Great Mind Reader of the West,” whose ponderous intellect enabled him with his mental microscope to analyze my motives, which the entire membership of the “Law Enforcement Club” had failed to discern.
For a number of years, I have been an earnest and somewhat enthusiastic adherent to the great cause of temperance, using my limited means and talents at all times and under all circumstances, for the emancipation of my fellowman from the curse of drunkenness. In pursuing such a course, I have had the same silly and unwarrantable charges made by the editor of the Herald thrown at me by liquor dealers and their hirelings from time to time, but never before from a professed temperance man. However, I have never allowed myself to be diverted by any senseless personal thrusts from doing what little I could in the cause of right, and thus some good has been accomplished, as has been the case in this vicinity—not by myself but by placing my shoulder to the wheel with my friends and neighbors working in unison for the same purpose.

Had the editor of the Herald been imbued with a desire to work for the best interests of his community, he would never have been deterred from uniting with his neighbors simply from the fact that he supposed there was one designing person in their number.
As I have neither the time nor inclination to engage in an uninteresting, unnecessary personal controversy, the editor of the Herald will not be referred to by myself in the future.
The good which has been accomplished in this community by organization demonstrates what may be done all over the country, and if the newspapers throughout the State will call the attention of the people to the fact, it will only be a short time before prohibition, in Kansas, as far as tippling houses are concerned, will be an entire success.
The liquor dealer follows his business for the profit there is in it and just as soon as you make it unprofitable, he will go out of the business.
The temperance people in Kansas have the power by organizing to make the illicit and damnable business of every liquor dealer in this State unprofitable by persistently following them up. Very respectfully, H. H. BERKEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Ladies you will find a stylish and Complete Assortment of fine SPRING MILLINERY at my Store on North Summit St. Latest Novelties on RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, etc., and a handsome selection of New York and Chicago Patterns.
Please call and examine my stock and get my prices, which I guarantee to be as reasonable as any in town or up the road.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Doc. Holland was over from Geuda Springs Monday, on his way to Topeka, where he has been summoned to appear as witness in a case before the U. S. Court.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
DIED. Young Mr. Roberts, a brother of Clarence and Al. Roberts, died Sunday evening at 10 o’clock, at his father’s house near Geuda Springs. He has been suffering for a long time with hemorrhage of the lungs.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Work on the telephone line from Winfield to Arkansas City and Geuda Springs will begin at once, and a carload of poles is now on the road.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
W. C. Root and wife have been spending a week at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
That Zephyr.

The wind storm of last Friday did considerable damage in various sections of the county. We learn that Vest Clark, who lives three miles south of Geuda Springs, had his dwelling, a one and a half story building, literally demolished by the wind. There were seven people asleep in the house at the time of the accident, but all of them escaped serious injury while only two were hurt at all; one young man had his nose broken and a boy’s head was slightly cut. Mr. Beach, living near the west line of the county, had his house unroofed and badly twisted by the storm. The occupants, feeling the house shake badly, had taken shelter in a dug-out and thus probably saved their lives. Another house on the north side of the river was also unroofed and badly demoralized.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
New Salem Pencilings.
I had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis, of Cherryvale. It does one good to meet friends of happy days gone by. They are not in the best of health and have gone to the health-giving waters of Geuda Springs. OLIVIA.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Captain Rowley, of the Kansas City Times, has been doing Southern Kansas this week. We met him at Geuda Springs Sunday. The Captain is an old newspaper man. He has a sort of a Baron Munchansen way of talking about circulation which is decidedly refreshing. We asked him if the Times’ circulation was on the increase. “On the increase, did you say? Well, I should smile! Thousand a week—seventy-five thousand weeklies now—hundred thousand in another month. Why, we have seven men at work day and night setting up new names for the weekly list. It takes thirty girls to enter the names and keep the subscription accounts. We’ve got twenty-thousand dollars worth of postage stamps on hand, received from subscribers in the far west where postal orders and drafts are not to be had. Yes, our circulation is on the increase.” We observed that during the recital of these harrowing details, the Captain was looking straight out before him, where, in full view, the mighty “Nile of America hungrily reaches westward, a vast, lonely sea,” and we excused him with the hope that it was only an attack of “Kansas palingenesis.”
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Some enterprising citizen is going to plant a crop of oysters in the salt water at Geuda Springs, according to the Democrat. If the oysters raised have shells as hard as the projector’s head, they will not be very palatable.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Allen & Braggins painted five new signs to go to Geuda Springs last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Quite a large number of our people took in the Geuda Springs last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell, of Geuda Springs, was in the city on Monday last on his way to Winfield, where he goes a courting.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
  Railroad Meeting.

In accordance with notice duly given a number of our citizens gathered at McLaughlin’s Hall last Monday evening to talk over railroad matters in general, and to take the necessary steps towards securing an east and west railroad to this point in particular. The meeting was called to order and T. H. McLaughlin was called to take the Chair, and N. T. Snyder to act as Secretary of the meeting. About the first thing brought before the attention of the meeting was a proposition from Winfield stating what they desired in order to enable them to work with us in securing county bonds in aid of an eastern road. The proposition, which was signed by several leading citizens of Winfield, was in substance as follows.
“That Winfield would do all in her power to aid us in working for said road and in securing county bonds in aid of the enterprise, provided that said road should enter the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale, then running on the most practicable route to WINFIELD from there to GEUDA SPRINGS and then to Arkansas City.”
This proposition was received with tremendous cheers, but after quite a lengthy talk, failing to elicit whether it was submitted as a joke or in sober earnest, it was unanimously resolved by the meeting that it be tabled. Mr. A. A. Newman then submitted a resolution in substance as follows.
Resolved. That the citizens of Arkansas City would pledge themselves to do all in their power to secure county aid in bonds to a railroad which would enter the county from the east in the vicinity of Cedarvale, thence proceed towards Dexter, near which, and at a point equidistant from Winfield and Arkansas City, the road should divide into two branches, one of which should go to each town, both towns to be named as temporary terminal points, and the further westward course of the road, whether from Winfield or Arkansas City, to be decided by the interests of the road as developed in the future.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by the meeting, and Messrs. James Hill and Wm. P. Sleeth were appointed as a committee to lay the same before the citizens of Winfield at an early day. It was further taken as the sentiment of the meeting that no time be lost in prosecuting the matter towards securing an east and west railroad, and the two gentlemen last named were delegated to see that all steps necessary to be taken, with this end in view, be promptly attended to. The meeting also authorized a per centum of the money subscribed for a preliminary survey to be appropriated for the payment of the incidental expenses of the committee. The meeting adjourned after being in session about two hours.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 16, 1883.
Some enterprising citizen is going to plant a crop of oysters in the salt water at Geuda Springs, according to the Democrat.
Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
Railroad Matters.
We learn through a private source that a project is on foot to build a road from a point on the Missouri Pacific through the border tier of counties to Caldwell, by way of Geuda Springs. Parties are at work now soliciting county and township aid, and it is likely that a proposition will be submitted to our people in a short time. That is the road we want if we can get it on anything like fair terms and under such conditions as will make it in all respects a competing line.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
De Lesdernier, of Geuda, gave a farewell party to his friends before retiring from the hotel.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
Mrs. H. O. Meigs and Mrs. E. D. Bowen, of Anthony, Kansas, are at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.

Miss Owens and Mrs. Davis, of Wichita, spent several days of the past week in our city visiting Mrs. J. H. Hilliard, and on Sunday took in the Geuda Springs in company with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
We understand from Mayor Colson that the necessary amount of subscriptions has been raised to secure a telephonic connection with Wellington, Hunnewell, and Geuda Springs. The line is in process of construction now, and work on it will be pushed to a speedy completion. It will be a great convenience to our businessmen, especially during shipping season.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
New Salem Pencilings.
Mrs. J. W. Hoyland and Mrs. Joseph Baker have gone to the Geuda Springs to spend a month or two at the “health giving waters.” May they return with a new life-lease of health and spirits to their happy homes, from which they are missed.
Mr. J. W. Hoyland made a short visit to Geuda Springs this week and found the patients doing well. OLIVIA.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Quite a number of our people attended the dance at Geuda Springs last week and all report having had quite an enjoyable time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
The two favorite resorts on Sunday are the Indian Schools, on Chilocco Creek, and Geuda Springs, both of which received a handsome delegation from this city last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Mrs. W. R. Little, of Sac & Fox Agency, is in the city visiting Miss Lizzie Wyckoff. The two ladies visited Geuda Springs yesterday and expected to return to the city today.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Capt. Payne is again located among us. For some time past he has been suffering with rheumatism contracted by undue exposure, as many other border men have experienced. He is trying the virtues of Geuda Springs and says it helps him. Capt. Payne is a man of more than ordinary physical strength, and a specimen of a well formed powerful man, but hardships and exposure bring the best of men down to a level with the invalid after a short time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Picnic to Geuda.
Quite a number of our old settlers visited Geuda Springs yesterday upon a kind of surprise picnic gotten up in honor of Mrs. M. O. Meigs, a former resident of this place, who is at present staying at the Springs. At the time of going to press, the party had not returned, but we cannot doubt their having an enjoyable time. Our only regret is that business prevented us from being one of the party.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
The last issue of the Geuda Springs Herald bears date of April 27th on the outside and on the inside it is dated June 8th. We take the following from the inside: C. M. Scott, J. C. Topliff, and J. T. Gooch, of Arkansas City, were callers at this office last Tuesday, while we were out in the country. Call again, gentlemen.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
At last, sufficient money has been subscribed for the erection of a telephone exchange from this city to Caldwell via Hunnewell, and work will be commenced on the line the latter part of this week or early next week. Winfield has been connected with Arkansas City and Geuda Springs in a similar manner, and it is understood that Wellington and Winfield will be connected next.  S. C. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
A young man by the name of Wynant was drowned at the Arkansas River ferry near Geuda Springs last Thursday while crossing in a skiff in company with two other men. The boat was capsized by striking the ferry cable, and precipitated its occupants into the water, where Wynant, being unable to swim, met his death by drowning; but his two companions succeeded in reaching the shore in safety.
Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
Two Deaths by Drowning.
We have to record this week the loss of two lives by drowning last Friday.
One was that of Green Wise, in the employ of Campbell & Dorsey. Mr. Campbell had sent him from Arkansas City with a message to Mr. Dorsey, who was in Caldwell. Wise rode one horse and led another, and when last seen he had stopped at Mr. Gilbert’s, on the east side of Chikaskia, late Friday afternoon and inquired as to the crossing. From there he went to a rock crossing at Mr. Gillett’s place. At all events the tracks made by his horses where they went in on the other side and came out on this side were plainly seen. The horses were found by Mr. Gillett about dark that evening, and it is supposed that Wise was swept off the horse he was riding, and carried down the stream, as the current was very strong at the point where he attempted to cross.
Word was brought to Mr. Dorsey on Friday night, and on Saturday morning he engaged Messrs. Bates, Fletcher, and Wilson to search for the body. They worked all day Saturday and Sunday, but owing to the high stage of the water, no trace of the unfortunate young man’s remains could be found.
Green Wise was a young man who had been in the employ of Campbell & Dorsey for over three years, and enjoyed their confidence and respect. We understand he has some relatives living a few miles west of this city.

Frank Wynant, who was well known to many of our citizens, and who bore an excellent character as a young man, was the other unfortunate who lost his life in the wild waters. In company with two others, whose names we did not learn, he attempted to cross the Arkansas river near Geuda Springs. At that point there are two wire cables stretched across the river about fifty feet apart, the upper one being used by the ferry boat. When nearly in the middle of the river, the boat was upset by the angry flood, and the men drifted down to the upper cable, which they managed to grasp and hang onto, with their backs up stream. They had not been in this position more than a couple of minutes, when a large log borne on the tide struck the men, throwing them over the wire and breaking their hold. They were carried down to the second wire, which they succeeded in grasping; but Wynant held on for a moment, when he dropped down, never to be seen again by his companions or the people on the shore. The other two worked their way along the cable toward the east shore, and were finally rescued. Two others started out in a boat from the west side to rescue the men, when their boat was swamped, and had it not been for the timely assistance of those on shore they would also have been swept down the stream.
Frank Wynant was the support of his family, his mother having been an invalid for the past two years. Mrs. Wynant was at the Springs receiving treatment when tidings were brought her of the fate of her son. She was almost heart-broken with grief, and it was feared that she would not survive the terrible blow.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
New Salem Pencilings.
Still it rains. J. W. Hoyland has gone to Geuda Springs and is deterred from returning by the highness of the Arkansas River. OLIVIA.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 20, 1883.
Geuda Springs, which is becoming quite popular as a health resort, is a town of eighteen months’ growth. It has about 300 inhabitants and nearly 100 visitors. The town is situated upon a bluff just over the salt marsh. It has a good business, and is destined, with railroad facilities, to become one of the leading industries of the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Winfield and Geuda Springs are both making arrangements for a rousing Fourth.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Our enterprising liveryman, J. B. Nipp, has purchased a half interest in Cal Ferguson’s stable at Geuda Springs, and has put on a daily hack to the Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Mr. N. W. Dressie, of Cedar, was in our city yesterday on his way to Geuda Springs. Mr. Dressie is looking up matters and things in connection with his candidacy for Register of Deeds this fall.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1883.
The Telephone company yesterday afternoon completed their line to Geuda Springs and for a time quite a lively conversation was kept up between this city, Winfield, and Geuda. Good.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1883.
Last Monday the team attached to the Geuda Springs Hack, run by Messrs. Hilliard & Co., became frightened while standing in front of their barn and ran away, dashing up Fifth Avenue and turning into Summit Street, where luckily they were stopped before doing any damage, although one or two narrow escapes were had.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
The telephone is now completed to Geuda Springs and Wednesday morning we had the pleasure of carrying on a conversation with Hon. C. R. Mitchell, at the Springs, from our office by way of Arkansas City. The tone is clear and distinct, and persons can be recognized by their voices.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

DIED. A young lady, Miss Lyon from Geneseo, Illinois, died at Geuda Springs Wednesday morning, of consumption.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Mrs. Shenneman is taking in Geuda Springs this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Mrs. B. C. Swarts, who has been visiting relatives in this city and Geuda Springs for the past month, returned to her home at Halstead last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Geuda Springs has made great preparations for the Fourth and a way up time will doubtless be had. Quite a number of our people will celebrate there.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
DIED. On Monday morning last at Geuda Springs, Miss Lyons, of Geneseo, Illinois. The deceased came to the springs a short time ago, hoping that her complaint, consumption, could be cured, but the dreaded foe had made too much progress and claimed its victim as above.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1883.
DIED. Byron Bowers died this week at Geuda Springs, and was buried at the cemetery in this city today (Thursday). The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Samuel Price at the M. E. Church. Byron was a young man of great promise and an active businessman until attacked by the disease which proved his death. Wellingtonian.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Joe F. White, of the Geuda Springs Herald, passed through our city yesterday on his way home from Halstead, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wood, Miss Keller, and Mr. Beach and Miss Brooks and Mr. Augustine, a double quartette of Wichita’s prominent citizens, arrived in this city Saturday last, Sundayed at Geuda Springs, and returned home on Monday’s train. We had the pleasure of meeting some of the party, who report having had a very pleasant visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Mr. Sargent, while driving from Geuda Springs last Sunday, was thrown from his buggy and dragged some distance, receiving a severe but not dangerous scalp wound. The horse he was driving became frightened, jumped sideways, turning over the buggy and running away, making his entry into town clear of all encumbrances except the remnants of a harness and one shaft.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Smash Up.
Messrs. Ed. Rogers and Ed. Chamberlain, of this city, accompanied by two other young men, last Sunday chartered a livery rig from the Mammoth Livery Stable and started out to take in the Geuda Springs. Had they confined themselves to the Springs all would have been well, but instead of so doing it was patent to all who saw them as they started for home that an undue amount of mixed drinks were concealed about them. Sequel: a tip over and demoralized buggy to the extent of $30, and had it not been for the proverbial luck of drunken men, we should have had to chronicle far more disastrous results.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.

Through the courtesy of Mr. De Lesdernier, of Geuda, we learn that a tornado passed south of Hunnewell during the storm of yesterday. The report, telephoned from Geuda by Mr. De Lesdernier was obtained from a man who, while traveling with his family, said he saw the tornado coming and took refuge with his family in a cave and thus probably saved their lives. He saw two inhabited houses blown down and says the storm was terrific, hailstones of immense size falling. Our informant had not heard of any casualties occurring to human life at the time of going to press.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Skipped Out.
Cicero Beeson, who has been in the employ of Capt. Nipp as hack driver, came over from Geuda on Monday last at the usual time; but when he should have been ready to return in the afternoon, could not be found. By telephone to Geuda it was found that he had in his possession moneys amounting to $114.50 entrusted to him to deliver, which he had failed to give up and it was at once surmised he had taken leg bail. Inquiries developed the fact of his being seen going towards the Walnut on foot, and Capt. Nipp and Johnny Breene are at this writing in pursuit.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Recap. R. L. Walker, Register, Land Office of Wichita. Final notice to make final proof in support of claim. Before Q. M. Bixler, Notary Public, at Geuda Springs. Claimant, Thomas J. Hatfield. Witnesses: A. S. Mendenhall, Wesley Gott, John McFadden, Geo. A. Hatfield, all of Geuda Springs, Sumner County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
   A Saloonless City.
Messrs. M. David and Wm. Park are residents of Geuda Springs, which city by the way is located half in Cowley and half in Sumner Counties. Lately they conceived the idea of running open saloons on the Cowley side of the street, which was done several days ago. On Monday County Attorney Jennings was informed of the fact and soon had papers out for M. David’s arrest. He was found in Winfield, arrested, and gave bond. The officer went over Tuesday to arrest Park, but he had flown. During the day, Tuesday, there was much feeling exhibited by citizens of the Springs over the matter, some wanting the saloons to run, others wanting them closed. The keepers might as well move across the street or shut up shop.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Our old time friend, James Kelly, passed through the city yesterday on his way from Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
A. P. Dorsey and Jim Baxter gave exhibitions in bicycle riding to the amusement of a crowd of spectators at Geuda Springs last Sunday afternoon.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

A young man driving Capt. Nipp’s hack from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs skipped out last Wednesday, taking with him a hundred and twenty-five dollars in money and a gold watch that had been entrusted to him by parties at the Springs for delivery in Arkansas City. Capt. Nipp gave chase and captured his man in the Territory. The preliminary examination was held Friday and he was bound over. Most of the property was recovered.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Winfield is well represented at Geuda Springs this week. Mrs. W. R. McDonald and her daughter, Ida, went over a few days ago, and on Tuesday Mrs. Majors, Mrs. Vance, and Mrs. Roy Millington inaugurated a season of rest and recreation at the same place. Several others contemplate going over soon.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Mrs. De Lesdernier has sold the McKechee house at Geuda Springs to Hall & Rath.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
Geuda Springs is not getting good any too fast if we may judge from the fact that a billiard hall is kept in full blast on the ground floor while the gospel is being dispensed to thirsty souls in the upper room on Sundays. This certainly looks a little like the millennium story of the lion and the lamb.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
The jury in the case of M. David tried last week for selling liquor at Geuda Springs, brought in a verdict of guilty after being out but a half an hour. A fine of one hundred and  fifty dollars and costs, amounting in all to over three hundred dollars, was assessed. On Monday Mr. David and his son were arrested on several additional counts. It looks as though there wouldn’t be a great deal left of Mr. David after Attorney Jennings gets through with him.
Caldwell Journal, August 2, 1883.
Twenty-five telephones have been put up in Caldwell so far. We presume that when everything is in prime working order the Telephone Company will issue instructions, by the observance of which parties having instruments will be able to talk with anyone in this city, Wellington, Hunnewell, Arkansas City, or Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Miss Nellie Swarts, of Halstead, Kansas, passed through the city last Saturday on her way to Geuda Springs, where she goes to visit relatives.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Geuda Springs now has a lodge of Odd Fellows. It was established last Saturday night and starts out with a membership of about twenty-five.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Lafe Coombs went over to Geuda Springs last Monday to take charge of Dr. Cutler’s drug store and business generally during that gentleman’s absence in the East.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.

Notice of Application for Pardon. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of August, A. D. 1883, I, Robert Mills, will apply to the Governor of the State of Kansas at his office in the city of Topeka, Kansas, for the pardon of M. David, who was, on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1883, convicted of selling intoxicating liquors in Cowley County, Kansas, without having a druggist’s or manufacturer’s permit therefore. Robert Mills. Geuda Springs, Kansas, July 31st, A. D. 1883.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
A committee of Odd Fellows went over to Geuda Springs Saturday evening and assisted in instituting a lodge there. They report a splendid time.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Dr. Cutler and family, of Geuda Springs, left Thursday for Chicago.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Mrs. J. Shepard and her two nephews are rusticating at the Geuda Springs, and the Doctor, of course, is on a high lonesome all by himself.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Lute Coombs, of Arkansas City, has accepted a position in the post office drug store at this place. Lute understands the drug business thoroughly and will prove a valuable assistant in the store. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
We learn that some of the boys have organized a kind of theatrical troupe, or something of that character, and rehearse nightly in the room adjoining the Herald office. Our devil was admitted to one of their rehearsals last week and describes it as being very entertaining. Friends of the actors may gain admittance by applying to Jay Gould, business manager.
Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Our hotel men make special inducements to traveling men, and they have began to appreciate it. A very pleasant day can be spent laying over at this point. There is plenty of fishing in the Walnut on the east, plenty of game in the territory on the south, and Geuda Springs on the west.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
A Drunken Coward.
Last Tuesday night a young man riding a dark roan horse left Arkansas City for Geuda Springs pretty much under the influence of liquor. As he passed by the residence of Mrs. H. W. Stewart, he met Arthur and Archie Coombs, and drawing a revolver, stopped them and asked several questions, but the boys did not like to talk to a man with a drawn revolver, so they took to their heels and ran into a corn field until he had passed on. The gentleman (?) had gone but a short distance when he met Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. He again drew his revolver and stopped them. After talking a minute Stewart started on, when the cowardly wretch turned in his saddle and shot at them at a distance of about six yards, the ball just passing over their heads. As soon as he fired the shot, he started his horse on a run toward Geuda, when two shots were fired at the fleeing man by Mr. Wade, who had heard him fire the first shot, and thought it was somebody in his melon patch, trying to bluff him. It is evident the fools are not all dead yet.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Steers for Sale.

We have for sale 142 steers. Said steers are held on Chilocco Creek, Indian Territory, near the Indian college, and are in care of G. F. Pettit. Address us at Winfield or Geuda Springs or H. P. Farrar, Arkansas City. Perry & Melick.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Prairie Home Productions.
Mr. H. C. Miller is looking for his mother and sister from Colorado soon to make them a visit, and intends taking them to Geuda Springs. C. HOPE.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
  Northwest Creswell.
We are to have a new bridge across Spring Creek on the Geuda Springs road.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Winfield is furnishing ice to Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, Oxford, and several other surrounding towns.
Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
A friend who visited Geuda Springs the other day informs us that efforts are being made to issue another number of the Oklahoma War Chief. Payne has had a picture made representing him at his supposed home in Oklahoma. He is supposed to be standing at the end of his log cabin, leaning on an axe. On a tree close by hangs a revolver and a belt full of cartridges, while his trusty and death-dealing rifle is braced up against the cabin. Our informant stated that while he and several others were looking at the picture, one of the party remarked: “It’s a good picture. That’s about the only position you could find Payne in with an axe—leaning on it.” The silence which followed the remark seemed to give consent.
Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
   Serious Charges.
Special to the Kansas City Times.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, August 31. The greatest excitement that has ever been known in this country exists now. The Oklahoma War Chief, a paper published in Geuda Springs, in this county, makes charges of not only a serious nature, but criminal in character, against Hon. P. B. Plumb, United States senator from Kansas, and Secretary of the Interior Teller. Right on top of this some buck the men driven out of Oklahoma by the United States army. These men are desperate and say, as all now believe, that Judge McCrary was improperly dealt with by these syndicates in Oklahoma. In a word, that McCrary knew that these lands were or were not public lands; that there is no excuse for this delay. The War Chief claims to be able to prove that Hood, a banker in Emporia, and partner to Senator Plumb, has men now taking up these lands, and that the settlers are held back that the syndicates may get hold of all the best lands. Certain it is that there are men now surveying, and taking up land there, and that they have the support of the United States army while all men not in the rings are driven out.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
Will McConn, of the firm of Goss & McConn of Geuda Springs, was in our town last week on business.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.

It was rumored on the street last Saturday that unless our town subscribed $1,000 to the preliminary survey of the M. K., W. & S. E. R. R., it would be switched over to Geuda Springs. Isn’t this rather an infantile monopoly to thus crack its whip?
Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Payne Skipped Out.
The Geuda Springs Herald says the JOURNAL was mistaken about Payne going to Oklahoma, and states that the boys got all ready to start, but Payne skipped out for Wichita, and they are still awaiting his return.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Miss Agnes Sommers and Mrs. Polk, of Wichita, spent several days at the Geuda Springs last week, returning to their home on Monday last. Miss Sommers is an old friend of ye editor and we were pleased to welcome her to our home for a short time during her stay.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
D. R. Musgrove, the popular merchant of Geuda Springs, dropped in on us for a moment Monday on his road to Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
Charlie Fuller enjoyed the health-invigorating atmosphere of Geuda Springs again Sunday. From the number of visits Charlie has made of late to these far-famed waters, he ought to outrival Barnum’s fat man. We are afraid there is an attraction for him in a certain fair inhabitant of that place.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
Miss May Halyard, of Geuda Springs, spent a day in our city last week. Her mother thinks of disposing of her property there and investing in Winfield.
Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Big Tree, a Kiowa Chief, came up Sunday from the Agency, and left on the train Monday afternoon for Kansas City to make arrangements for sending some of his tribe to Geuda Springs to be treated for various diseases.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
Standing Bear and Big Tree, two of the most prominent Indian chiefs of the Kiowa and Comanche tribe, are camped at Geuda Springs to enable them to use the water for their eyes, which they say is doing them good. The history of these two men is remarkable and would make a volume of interesting events.
Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Stumbling Bear and Big Tree.
An Interview With the Latter.

Last week the city was full of noble red men, and among those conspicuous by their appearance and evident authority, were Stumbling Bear and Big Tree, chiefs of the Kiowa tribe. Both had passed up the road the week previous, on their way to Olathe, where they expected to meet Inspector Haworth, and confer with him relative to matters concerning their tribe. They met Mr. Haworth in Kansas City, on his return from the West, and had a conference with him, but, owing to the fact that there was no interpreter along, they failed in completing the object of their mission. Consequently, they returned, Big Tree going back to the reservation, while Stumbling Bear waited until his son arrived from the Carlisle school, and then went over to Geuda Springs to try the effects of their waters upon his eyes. Stumbling Bear is a large, fine-looking man of about sixty years of age. He was one of the chiefs that signed the treaty made at Wichita in 1865, and since that time has strictly kept its stipulations, refusing to go off on any raids, and has always been a friend of the whites.
Big Tree is a man about thirty-six years of age, about five feet ten inches in height, weighing about 260 pounds, and rather corpulent, but at the same time, very active, and in every action exhibiting great strength and a full command of his physical and mental powers. His face is bright and intelligent, showing to the most casual observer that he is an Indian of more than average native ability.
Through the kindness of Phil. McCusker, who happened to be here when Stumbling Bear and Big Tree arrived, we had an interview with the latter. Big Tree said he wanted to tell his story so that through the JOURNAL it might get to the ears of Washington, that thereby something might be done toward Washington fulfilling the promises it had made to the Kiowas. He stated that some time ago Washington had sent instructions to have the Kiowas go to freighting; but the Indians held back. Big Tree took hold of the affair, and by his personal influence induced the Kiowas to take hold of the freighting business. In consideration of his services, the government promised to give him a wagon, but up to the present time no part of the agreement had been fulfilled on the part of Washington. The Kiowas had also been induced to go into farming, the government agreeing to break up the land if the Kiowa Indians would make the rails and build the fences around the land to be cultivated. Some land had been broken, but the greater portion could not be, on account of the lightness of the teams employed. The Indians, on the other hand, had made the rails, but the land was not ready for fencing, and the consequence was that nothing could be done for another year. Big Tree said his people wanted more wagons and better teams, and then they would do the best they could. When the tribe was wild, he said, they could take care of their own affairs, but now that they were under charge of the government, nothing could be done for them.
Big Tree also spoke about the education of the children of the tribe, stating that he had used his best efforts to induce his people to send their children to school. As for himself, he had lost his only son, but had sent a nephew to school.
Knowing that Big Tree was one of the Indians who had been arrested and taken to Texas along with Satanta, we endeavored to question him on that point. It was, however, a tender subject with him, and we did not press it. He said, however, that since he had been pardoned by Gov. Davis, of Texas, he had endeavored to follow the white man’s path, and strictly fulfill all the promises he had made.

At the close of the interview, which took place in the JOURNAL office, our business manager presented Big Tree with a cigar and a match, and the editor, in his usual impressive and hearty manner, thanked him for his talk. Big Tree then gathered his flowing drapery around him, shook hands with all present, and stalked out with all the dignity of a United States Senator from Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Daily Hack to Geuda Springs. Passengers Carried to All Parts of the Country at Reasonable Prices. Special Attention Given to Boarding Stock. Stable on Fifth Ave., Arkansas City, Ks.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
LOST. A plate book with cuttings of fruit, etc., between Arkansas City and Geuda Springs, by way of the new bridge, on Monday, October 8. Finder will please return to the Central Avenue Hotel and receive pay for trouble.
Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Hack leaves Geuda Springs on Mondays and Fridays at 8 o’clock a.m.
Leaves Caldwell on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8 o’clock a.m.
Anybody desiring water from the Springs can leave orders at Sharp’s restaurant, and the same will be promptly filled. J. F. CONNER.
Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
GEUDA SPRINGS, October 11, 1883.
EDS. JOURNAL: Will you permit a reader of your paper to write a few lines from this part of the moral vineyard. Geuda Springs at present is lively, and our businessmen are doing a thriving business, and laying in stocks for the winter. There is a flattering prospect for a railroad through here in the spring, which, added to the present business boom, will make Geuda Springs the liveliest little town in the state. We have recently had a few business changes. J. R. Musgrove is putting up his large sale rooms and laying in a mammoth stock of clothing, as well as groceries, and will compare prices with any clothing house in the west. Mr. Hall is also a wide awake businessman, and is looking up the interest of his hotel which is doing a thriving business. Mr. Hall has had years of experience in the hotel business and is running a first class house in connection with the Springs. Our hack line is doing a lively business and comes in well laden with visitors to the Springs, who speak in flattering terms of our city. D. J.
Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
Stumbling Bear, who is at Geuda Springs, using the water for his eyes, is improving rapidly. Mr. Bear is out of money, but he manages to hang on through the kindness of some white friends.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
We clip the following letter from the Central Illinois Review. It is written by W. H. H. Denning, father of Walter Denning, who spent a week here some time ago.

“WINFIELD, KANSAS, September 11, 1883.
“Ed. Review: Thinking that some of my Onarga friends might be interested in the welfare of the state of Kansas, I concluded to give a short account of my trip, and what I have seen since leaving home. We left Onarga on the noon train, and arrived at Louisburg the following morning at 8:30 o’clock. Found the corn crop poor from Onarga to St. Louis, but plenty of saloon signs, and the effects of the license system. Left Louisburg for Winfield, Kansas, on the 4th of September in a two horse wagon. Our route lay through the towns of Osawatomie, in Miami Co.; Garnett, in Anderson Co.; Burlington, in Coffee Co.; Eureka, in Greenwood Co.; El Dorado, in Butler Co.; and ended at Winfield, Cowley Co. I never saw as good oat and corn crops in my life, oats yielding from 60 to 100 bushels per acre—several farmers’ average 100 bushels per acre. After leaving Greenwood County, we found plenty of peaches, and the whole land abounded in watermelons and sweet potatoes. We saw no drunken men after leaving Missouri, but we did find the schoolhouse on the hilltop, and no saloon in the valley. Either prohibition does not prohibit, or else Kansas had a very sober people to begin with, and the necessity for the amendment was not very great. Or it may be that the whiskey men have all gone to other states and their places have been filled by a wiser and more sober people. I see nothing but the indications of prosperity around me, and the people all say, “If Illinois fails in the corn crop, let her come to Egypt.” I have been sleeping out doors for the last four nights, and am feeling first rate.
“On the 10th we visited the farm of Walter Denning, five miles east of Winfield. We passed over rolling prairie that can be bought for from $8 to $15 per acre, partly improved.
“On the 11th we visited the sheep ranch of Mr. Chaffey, who will be remembered as having married Lizzie Hastings, formerly of Onarga. Here we spent a very pleasant after-noon, partaking of the kind hospitality of our old friend.
“September 12th we traveled northeast 20 miles to attend a stock sale. Everywhere we saw good houses, rich lands, and splendid crops.
“On the 13th we visited Salt City, some 16 miles southwest of Winfield. Our route lay through the rich valley of the Walnut River, and the far-famed Arkansas Valley. This is certainly the finest country that I have ever seen. After crossing the Arkansas River on a ferry boat, we entered Salt City, driving at once to the famous Geuda Springs. Here we found seven flowing springs, all within a radius of fifteen feet, yet all possessing different mineral properties, notwithstanding some of them were not over six inches apart.
“The invalids from all over the State flock here to drink and be made whole. I talked with some of the invalids and they seemed to have great faith in the healing powers of the waters. Some were drinking from one spring and some from another, and some from two or more, according to their disease, while the lame and the halt, and the blind drank freely of the water and seemed to like it. I confess, that although I drank sparingly, it took a great pressure to keep my breakfast down, but we were told that the longer a person uses the water, the better he likes it.
“Today, the 14th, I expect to take in the city of Winfield, and about Tuesday start for home.”
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.

DIED. Mrs. Wenona Swazey, mother of Dr. J. C. Perry of this city, died in Geuda Springs on the 11th inst., aged eighty-three years and six months. The remains were incased in one of Johnson & Hill’s celebrated metallic caskets and shipped to Marshall County, Illinois, for interment.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
DIED. At the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. B. Melick, Geuda Springs, Mrs. Charlotte W. Swayze, aged 84 years, mother of Mrs. Dr. Perry of this city. Her remains were taken to Illinois to rest beside her husband.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 24, 1883.
Stumbling Bear and Big Tree, two prominent Indian chiefs, have been camped at Geuda Springs, near Wellington, for some time for the benefit of their health. They have erected regular Indian wigwams, which attract considerable attention.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Standing Bear and Big Tree, two prominent Indian chiefs, have been camped at Geuda Springs for some time, for the benefit of their health. They have erected regular Indian wig-wams, which attract considerable notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Major L. E. Woodin, ex-agent at Ponca Agency, last Monday purchased Mr. Hilliard’s interests in the “Star” livery stable in this city, in the Geuda Springs stables, the Geuda hack line, and in the Territory stage business, and hereafter the firm will be known as Thompson & Woodin. The general popularity attained by Mr. Woodin while agent for the Poncas will serve him handsomely now, and combined with the genial qualities of Capt. Thompson, will draw an immense trade to this new firm.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Geuda Mineral Springs.
NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of December, A. D. 1883, at 10 o’clock a.m. of said day, at the office of C. R. Mitchell, at the Geuda Mineral Springs, in Cowley County, Kansas, the books of the Geuda Mineral Springs Co., a corporation under the laws of the state of Kansas, will be opened for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation.
The authorized capital of said corporation is $250,000, divided into 10,000 non-assessable shares of $25 each. J. W. HOWARD, C. R. MITCHELL, J. S. WYNANT, GEO. M. BAUGH, A. W. McCARTY, Directors.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
Geuda Springs wants half a dozen more newspapers. So says the Herald.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Mr. C. G. Furry has purchased an interest in the Geuda Springs Herald. He has been one of the best of the COURIER’s corps of correspondents for some years and will now take up journalism on his own account.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
“Taken in” by Two Ladies.

A story comes to us from Geuda Springs, which is rather amusing and also somewhat serious. One evening last week Mrs. Dr. Holland and a lady friends were at the former’s home alone, when they noticed a man come up to the front door, look around in a suspicious manner, then go to the back door, and finally out to the stable. They were considerably frightened by his actions and got a revolver that was in the house. Soon they saw him come out of the stable and back toward the house. When he got near the door, the ladies threw it open, leveled their revolver, and ordered him to throw up his hands, which he promptly did. They then marched him over to the Justice of the Peace. He was profuse in his declaration that he meant no harm, but had come for the Doctor, had gone to the front door, then to the back door, and not seeing anyone around, went out to the stable to see if the Doctor’s horse was there. He then concluded to go up to the house and see if he could raise anyone and when near the door was startled by getting confronted with a revolver and an order to surrender. Careful questioning convinced the justice of the truth of his story and he was discharged. It won’t do for the average tramp to fool around those ladies.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
Messrs. Nassauer & Hipsh, last week sold out their stock of dry goods, clothing, etc., to Mr. Caldwell, late of Geuda Springs. We are glad to welcome Mr. Caldwell to the livest little burg in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
Capt. H. H. Siverd has been appointed assignee of Goss & McConn, the “busted” firm of Geuda Springs. He will move the stock to this place and dispose of them.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
HUGH H. SIVERD, Assignee of the property of Goss & McConn, had notice printed in paper to creditors of Willis S. Goss and William V. McConn, formerly doing business under the firm name of Goss & McConn at East Geuda Springs, announcing that on June 10, 1884, at the office of the county clerk of the district court of Cowley County in Winfield he would proceed publicly to adjust and allow demands against the estate of the said Goss & McConn.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Perry came over from their Geuda Springs home last Sunday. The lady will remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spray, for a few days visit, while Mr. Perry will play the bachelor at Geuda, to which place he returned yesterday afternoon.
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
We were honored last week by the presence of Mr. White, one of the excellent editors of the Geuda Springs Herald. Press of business rendered our time for entertainment scant. As the local editor arrived last Wednesday, if Bro. White will call again, we trust to be able to show him the courtesy so becoming toward so distinguished a guest.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
The Arkansas Valley Guards will give a grand ball at Geuda Springs, Thursday evening, March 13. All are cordially invited to come and spend a social evening.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
Mr. Furry of the Geuda Springs Herald gave us a friendly call last Saturday. Mr. Furry is a man of sterling qualities, and soundest judgment. He is doing much for his town in means of his able paper.

Arkansas City Republican, March 8, 1884.
We are informed from good authority that the Arkansas City Valley Guards will have a grand military ball at this city March 13, 1884. They will march over on horse back in the afternoon and a grand display will be made by drilling after they arrive here. Strict military rules will be in force and the best of order will prevail, as they will have their guards stationed at the ball room. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, March 8, 1884.
The last issue of the Geuda Springs Herald discloses the fact that Mr. White retires and Mr. C. G. Furry takes entire control. Mr. White has aided the springs materially, and has edited an able and interesting paper. From what we know of the new proprietor, we feel safe in saying that the paper will fully sustain its reputation and continue to advance.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
George E. Coonrod rodded my house and did me a good job, and gave me general satisfaction. Can fully recommend him. Q. M. BIXLER.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
There should be telephone connections between Winfield and Wellington via Oxford. This would connect Geuda Springs, Arkansas City, Winfield, Oxford, Wellington, Hunnewell, South Haven, and Caldwell by telephone. Who will take the lead in this enterprise? It would be a big advantage to every businessman in Oxford, as well as those of Wellington and Winfield. We should think that the necessary amount could easily be raised in the three towns with a very light assessment on each. Oxford Register.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The Flying Dutchman Gets There All Covered With Glory.
Geo. W. Cunningham, in regard to the plow trial, held on the farm of Mr. B. Sturgill today, to determine the difference in draft between the Flying Dutchman and a Weir Walking Plow, we, the undersigned committee, appointed to make the test, hereby certify that the Flying Dutchman Sulky Plow beat the Weir Walking Plow fairly and squarely at least 80 pounds in draft.
Committee: W. B. Sturgill, M. T. Pitt, Wm. E. Sturgill, Thomas Pruitt, D. R. Goss, Owen Skinner, J. H. Sturgill.
THERE WERE OTHER TESTIMONIALS: Moline, Illinois, H. L. Lawson; Geuda Springs, Kansas, R. K. Melick; Geuda Springs, Wm. Resch; North Creswell Township, Johnlon Leeper.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
MARRIED. On March 12, at the residence of the bride’s parents, near Geuda Springs, by Rev. H. S. Lundy, Louis Collier and Nancy Felter.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.

A little difficulty occurred at the Geuda Springs dance last Thursday, occasioned by a Caldwell gambler desiring to raise a row. After severely hitting one of our boys with brass “knucks,” he made his escape; but before morning, some parties found him lying on the ground pretty thoroughly bruised up. Just who did the work is not known, but it is generally conceded that such an experience was what the gambler was pining for, and very few are sorry that he was accommodated.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Mrs. F. C. Halyard has disposed of her property in Geuda Springs and bought lots in east Winfield, of Miss Celina Bliss, on which she will immediately erect a residence.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
Miss E. A. Taylor is teaching school this week. Geuda Springs Herald.
Miss Taylor was last year one of the best pupils of the Arkansas City High School. Her success as a teacher is pleasing to her instructor.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
A Cowley Girl’s Statement Corroborated.
“A man with a broken back, bow legs, club feet, a cataract in his eye, and a wart on his nose, hobbled down to the famed Geuda Springs in Cowley County and took a drink of water by which he was made a sound, whole, and healthy man. That is what a young lady writes from there, and she is a good church member.” Clay Center Dispatch.
Why, the darling girl didn’t tell half of it—only gave one tame illustration of the water’s infallible virtues! Geuda mineral water is famous for curing everything under the sun. It is a lasting panacea to suffering humanity; a specific that combines in its properties a wonderful cure for all the ills and pains and the various vicissitudes that beset man during his stay on this mundane sphere. The water is quick and sure and can be taken with or without shaking. It not only cures broken backs, bow legs, and club feet, but makes children cut all their teeth at once; it makes the lean grow fat and the fat grow lean—(we’ve been there); it will even take the stains out of a guilty man’s conscience. It not only mends constitutions, but broken fortunes, and as a mender of broken hearts, it has no equal. We advice the Dispatch man to make no more such ironical remarks, but to visit the Springs, submerge his form, imbibe freely—of the water—and return home a perfect subject for the editorial sanctum, the Presidential chair, or an entrance through the “pearly gates.” He will then accept as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, anything that may appear in the epistles of a Cowley County damsel.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
New Salem Pencilings.
Mr. J. W. Hoyland took a trip to Geuda Springs on business. Everything rushing down there, buildings going up, etc. OLIVIA.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.

Thompson & Woodin, proprietors of the Star Livery and Feed Stable, and the Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, and Wellington Stage lines, have leased their stables on the south side of Fifth Avenue, and are building a new stable and stock yard on the north side. The new building will be about 82 x 132 feet and two stories high, the largest livery stable in the state south of Topeka. They own six lots lying together and the remainder of the ground not taken up by the building will be enclosed in the stock yard and divided into two lots. A hay rack and watering trough will be put in, and the yard and stable will be carried on in first-class style in every respect. They expect to have the building completed by May 1, and will add new buggies and horses as the trade demands. Their buildings on the south side, which they have leased, will be occupied as a blacksmith shop and paint and carriage shop.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Ad. Stockmen, Attention! Remember that Early Orange cane seed will make double the yield of any cane that grows. 20 tons to the acre sown with millet. Special discount on 100 bushel lots. For prices, etc., address, J. S. Alter, Geuda Springs, or Kroenert & Austin, of Arkansas City, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
RECAP. Notice of Assignee to Creditors of Willie S. Goss and William V. McConn, formerly doing business under the firm name of Goss & McConn at East Geuda Springs that on June 10, 1884, at office of Clerk of District Court, they would adjust and allow demands against the estate of the said Goss & McConn, assignors, assigned to assignee.
HUGH H. SIVERD, Assignee of the property of Goss & McConn.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
Lost. On Friday, April 18, on the road between Geuda Springs and Arkansas City, a morocco pocket book, or wallet, with the name C. W. Coombs printed in gilt letters on the inside. The book contains a deposit check, memorandum book, and other papers of no use to anyone but owner. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
In response to an invitation extended to him, Rev. N. S. Buckner went over to Geuda Springs yesterday evening to deliver a lecture on “Church Building in the West.” Geuda is making an effort to build a Methodist church there this summer. Rev. Buckner has had much experience, and has been very successful in building churches and parsonages. We are glad to have him among us to stir up the people to the importance of this work.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Rev. H. S. Lundy, of Geuda Springs, has been spending several days in the city, visiting friends and acquaintances.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
DIED. Mrs. Holton, of Geuda Springs, died last Monday, and the body was shipped east from this city yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
Messrs. C. G. Perry, Joseph White, and D. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, were in the city Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.

It was our pleasure to visit Geuda Springs, last Friday afternoon, with Rev. N. S. Buckner, who went over there to deliver a lecture on “Church Building in the West.” We found the town improving much more than we expected; several nice residences, a large hotel, a large store house, and a Methodist Church now being under construction. The merchants seemed to be doing a fair business, and the town generally, showed prosperity. John C. Holton has recently purchased the “City Drug Store,” and is doing a good business. He is a young man of pleasant address, attentive to business, and we think he is certain to succeed. We visited Messrs. Roney & White at their drug store and found them very agreeable gentlemen. They keep a full line of drugs, are well and favorably known in the community, and are doing a large business. Mr. Biggs, at the livery stable, is a pleasant and accommodating gentleman, and treats his customers well. We ate an excellent supper at the Grand Central Hotel, and found the proprietor, Mr. D. F. Hall, one of the kindest and most genial landlords with whom it has ever been our pleasure to stop. He is running two hotels there, and is doing an immense business. We shall certainly not fail to see him on our future visits there. We visited the sanctum of Mr. Furry, editor and proprietor of the Herald, and found him busy as it was publication day. The Herald has a good circulation for a paper published in a town the size of Geuda Springs. Revs. Rovine and Lundy will please accept our thanks for the kindness we received at their hands while in the town. We are sorry to say that Rev. Buckner failed to get an audience large enough to justify him in delivering his lecture. The lack of interest in church building was the most unfavorable indication that we noticed while in the town. Churches help to build up towns and all residents should be interested in their erection.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1884.
The ladies’ society of the Methodist Church at Geuda Springs will give an ice cream festival this evening in the city of healing waters. A cordial invitation is extended to all in Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
Oxford will soon have a telephone connection with Winfield, Wellington, Caldwell, Hunnewell, South Haven, Geuda Springs, and Arkansas City. The work on the line from Winfield to Wellington will be commenced in a few days. It is understood that a line will be built from Wellington to Belle Plaine during the summer, which will probably be extended to Wichita.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 10, 1884.
The case in the District court at Winfield against W. V. McConn and Will Goss, charged with fraud in a mercantile transaction at Geuda Springs, was dismissed this week, there being a complete failure of the evidence.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1884.
The Methodist society at Geuda Springs netted $62.24 from their festival on last Wednesday evening.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
New Salem Pencilings.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have gone to Geuda Springs to live. We miss all our kind neighbors when they leave us. We recommend them to the people of the Springs. OLIVIA.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
The Action base ball club, of this city, organized for the season, last Tuesday evening. O. F. Godfrey was elected captain, Geo. E. Wright, secretary, and E. C. Gage, treasurer. The club has challenged the Geuda Springs club to play a match game in two weeks from now. After that game they will be ready for challenges from any club in the county.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.

Mrs. Davidson, of Geuda Springs, came over this week, and placed herself under the professional care of Dr. Jamison Vawter.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
We call attention to the locals of Mr. J. S. Alter of Geuda, in this week’s issue. Mr. Alter makes a specialty of growing sorghum and manufacturing syrup and so far has met with satisfactory success. He has supplied seed to Prof. Gully, of the Agricultural college of Mississippi and Alabama, as well as to other parties of prominence. He expects to have two hundred acres of cane this season.
Ad. Sorghum Syrup for sale at low figures in 5 or 10 gallon kegs at J. S. Alter’s, Geuda Springs, Kansas.
Ad. Cane Seed. Early Orange Cane Seed at J. S. Alter’s syrup factory one mile west of Geuda Springs, $1 per bushel. This is undoubtedly the best yielding cane for stockmen to sow.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
By invitation of a large number of citizens J. H. Berkey has consented to address the people on the question of temperance at Geuda Springs on Friday evening May 23. The lecture will be given under the auspices of the Good Templars’ Lodge of this place, and a cordial invitation is extended to everybody. The subject of the lecture will be the “FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE.”
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
A match game of base ball will be played next Tuesday afternoon, at the grounds east of the railroad between the Actives of this city, and the Geuda Springs club. A ball and bat will the prize contested for.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Rev. Lundy, of Geuda Springs, was in town this week.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Messrs. Frank Leach, George Baugh, I. H. Bonsall, M. J. Capron, O. A. Titus, R. E. Grubbs, C. H. Holloway, and W. Ward went over to Geuda Springs, Thursday evening, to dedicate the A. O. U. W. Hall at that place, but there was a misunderstanding as to the time, and the hall was not dedicated.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1884.
The game of baseball yesterday between the Actives, of this city, and the Geuda Springs nine resulted in the victory of the former by a score of two to one. Another game to be played July 4 has been arranged, the winners to receive $100.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
A charter has been recently granted to the Geuda Aid Society of Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
An accident occurred at the Arkansas Bridge, west of town, last Sunday. The team of a couple from Geuda Springs became frightened, and when lashed, plunged over the embankment, casting the occupants into the mud, breaking the buggy, and otherwise rendering affairs unpleasant. Fortunately the resting place of the persons was soft, and they therefore escaped injury.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.

John C. Holton, proprietor of the City Drug Store, of Geuda Springs, was in the city Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Rev. F. M. Romine, of Salt City, was in the city Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Rev. Lundy, of Geuda Springs, was in town again this week. He succeeded in taking about sixty subscribers for the “Pioneers of the West.”
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
The match game of base ball at this place, last Tuesday, between the Actives of this city, and the Geuda Springs club, resulted in a victory to our boys by a score of two to one. Neither club had much practice, and both were in poor plight for a match game. It took from two to six p.m. to decide the contest. The Geuda club have challenged the Actives to another match game to be played at Geuda Springs, July 4th, for $100 on a side. Our boys have hitherto defeated every club they have played with, and they feel confident of victory on this second contest. The club has been greatly changed since last year, by several members dropping out and others taking their places. The boys have not practiced sufficient under the new organization to know how the club will compare with that of last year.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
Mrs. J. Smith, of Greenwood, Missouri, is in the city visiting with her friends, Mrs. J. A. Smith. She came for her health and has been spending some time at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Noble & Willard will commence the issue of a second paper at Geuda Springs shortly. They will also have a real estate agency in connection with the newspaper.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Snyder & Hutchison sold this week to Franklin Booton, who came here from Greenup County, Kentucky, about two months ago, Wm. Trimble’s farm of 160 acres, lying about half way between this place and Geuda Springs, for $5,600.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
John C. Holton, of Geuda Springs, was in the city Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Rev. H. S. Lundy and family of Geuda Springs were in the city a few days of this week visiting friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
For Sale! About 275 head of Arkansas cattle two years old and upwards, nearly half of them steers; all have been wintered in the state, and will be sold at moderate prices. Apply to B. K. Melick, Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
For Sale. About 275 Arkansas cattle, two years old and upwards—nearly half of them steers, have been wintered in the State and will be sold at a moderate price. Apply to Dr. C. Perry, Winfield; or B. K. Melick, Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
The following are the distances of some of the surrounding towns and Indian Agencies from Arkansas City.

[Giving towns in Cowley County only under “Geuda Springs.” MAW 7/1/2000]
Geuda Springs, 8 miles; Winfield, 14 miles; Maple City, 18 miles; Dexter, 26 miles; Cedarvale, 35.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
The base ball club of Geuda Springs, some time ago, challenged our home club for a Fourth of July match game. The boys promptly accepted and we may expect some good playing on that day.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
A. W. Patterson, proprietor of the popular Leland, is rusticating at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
The Geuda Springs Herald tells a confiding public that there are two Taylor sisters at Winfield, two at Arkansas City, and two at Geuda Springs, and strange to say, but nevertheless true, they are in no way related to one another and are all engaged in the same vocation—millinery and dress making.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
J. F. Ferguson, who was brought here about two or three weeks since, paralyzed until he was unable to feed himself, is improving very rapidly under treatment by the waters. He now expects to be able to walk around in another week. His rapid improvement has been a surprise to everyone who saw him when he first came. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
For $100.
The “Actives” of this city will play the base ballists of Geuda Springs on July 4, for the above sum, the game to take place at Geuda. This will be an exciting game and we may look for good playing. Arkansas City has never been beaten in Cowley County since the county was organized, and we hope our boys will keep up their present reputation in the coming game with the Geudaites. The Geuda club are good players and will give our club a hard battle.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Our boys got slightly left in the match game of baseball, last Friday, with the Geuda Springs club. The Geuda boys have been “scooping” everything they have tackled.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
Another addition to the newspaper fraternity of Cowley County has been made. The Geuda Springs Herald has moved across the street, and thus becomes a resident of our county.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
Two druggists of Geuda Springs were arrested a few days ago, on the charge of violating the prohibition statute. They plead guilty to the charge and were fined $100 and costs; $50, apiece.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
W. J. Willard of Geuda Springs, called upon us yesterday, and informed us that the first issue of the Geuda Springs News, will appear next Wednesday. Mr. Willard will be editor and proprietor. This will give Geuda two papers and will help to enliven the town.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
An Eagle correspondent giving an account of the Fourth at Wellington closes as follows.
“While in a crazy drunken condition, Ed Minor shot a revolver and the ball entered the heart of a nine-year-old daughter of J. H. Perry, of Geuda Springs. Death came so sudden and unexpectedly that her mother thought she had fainted. Before the truth was known, the guilty man had passed on, firing promiscuously as he went, and not until late at night was he apprehended in the Morgan bawdy house, where he had halted after the day’s debauch.”
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
During the celebration at Wellington, while in a crazy, drunken condition, Ed. Minor shot off his revolver and the ball entered the heart of a nine-year-old daughter of J. H. Perry, of Geuda Springs, as she stood on the veranda of the Hotel De Barnard. The shot was fired from the street over the shoulder of the debauch, to let off some of his bravo. The death of the little girl came so suddenly and unexpectedly that her mother thought she had fainted. Before the truth was known the guilty man had passed on, firing promiscuously as he went, and not until late at night was he apprehended in a bawdy house, where he had halted after the days devilishness. What a sad blot on the name of our sister city!
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
The first issue of the Geuda Springs News made its advent upon the journalistic sea last Thursday. It starts off with a healthy appearance, and will be a benefit to Geuda, though, with two papers in that place, we hardly think the editor will become a bloated bond-holder very soon.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
J. H. Gilliland and family have gone to Geuda Springs for a pleasure trip and also for the benefit of their health.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
Between Arkansas City and Geuda Springs about five miles from the former place, there is a growing field of corn of 250 acres averaging between eight and nine feet in height. It belongs to Messrs. Hilton, Clark & Cullison.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1884.
The Geuda boys who are still kicking over their defeat will please observe the challenge in this issue. We would suggest by the way that they import two or three more Oxford players, and they might have better luck. Their Oxford pitcher was their best player and agreed that the umpiring was perfectly fair. With the united aid of Sumner County, Geuda may get up a club. In the meantime, our boys all work and live in Arkansas City.

If the delightful kicker who gave such an astonishing account of the recent game of base ball at Geuda, has enough confidence in the Geuda Springs club, and enough sand at the terminus of his esophagus to back his statement in regard to their playing qualities, he may find balm for his lacerated feelings in the following.
The Active Base Ball club, of Arkansas City, hereby challenges the Geuda Springs club to play a match game of base ball for one hundred dollars a side, at Arkansas City on Friday, August 1, 1884. The game to be umpired by an umpire selected by the two clubs.
GEO. WRIGHT, Captain.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
The Waubaunsee News has found another source of wonder in the famous waters of the Saratoga of the West. “The Geuda Springs Herald says that ‘there are two Taylor sisters at each Winfield, Arkansas City, and Geuda Springs, in no way related to one another.’ It certainly must be that the Geuda Springs water produces remarkable effects upon the sisters in that latitude or there could have been some discovery of relationship. Ever since Bob Mitchell told that terrible yarn about the R. R. Co. making him an offer of a round million for those springs, that water down there has been playing thunder, and now it has produced that dreadful result of producing sisters in no way related to one another. We hope the good people of Cowley and Sumner will resolve, in Mass Convention, to keep the women away from those Springs.”
Arkansas City Republican, July 19, 1884.
The little three year old daughter of Mr. S. M. Curry, living southwest of Geuda, was bitten by a rattle snake on the Fourth. She is rapidly recovering under the treatment of Dr. Holland. Geuda Springs News.
Arkansas City Republican, July 19, 1884.
Mr. Marshall, a brother-in-law of John Sturtz, left for Ohio Monday morning with the intention of selling out there and coming back to Kansas to live. We hope he will decided to locate near here. Geuda Springs News.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 26, 1884.
Guelph Items.
Mr. Musgrove of Geuda Springs gave us a pleasant call Thursday on his way to South Haven.
Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
Fatal Accident.

DIED. Thursday afternoon, George Bristow, and his nephew, ___ Crank, persons residing about one mile from Geuda, determined to clean out an old well, about 40 feet in depth. Mr. Crank was first lowered, but complaining of suffocation, was hoisted from the well by Mr. Bristow, who then requested that he be let down. When he reached the bottom, the same sensation was experienced by him, and at his request his nephew attempted to draw him from the well, but was unable to do so. Mr. Bristow then attempted to ascend the rope, hand over hand, but his strength failing him when he had nearly reached the top, he fell backward. His nephew then descended on the curbing in order to rescue his uncle, but was overcome by the fatal gas. A young man who chanced to arrive at this time, hurried to Geuda Springs and gave the alarm. Mr. Geo. Berkey rapidly rode a horse to the place and found the men still alive, but was unable to rescue them. He started for the town for additional aid, but when the force returned, and the men taken out, life was extinct. The deceased parties were highly respected and the mourning friends and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community.
Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
Messrs. S. E. Northey and Ed Kingsbury, with lady friends, spent Sunday picnicking at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Sister Alexia and Sister Mary Angelina, of Mount St. Mary’s academy, at Leavenworth, are visiting in this city a few weeks with Sister Alexia’s brothers, Charles and F. P. Schiffbauer. Sister Alexia, being somewhat impaired in health, will try the virtues of Geuda Springs during her visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Political Speaking. There will be a political meeting held at Geuda Springs next Thursday evening at which Judge S. R. Peters and Judge Mase, of Newton, will deliver addresses. A big time will be had, and a cordial invitation to be present and participate is extended to all.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
We received a pleasant call from W. J. Willard, of the Geuda Springs News last week. We have much pleasure in exchanging with the News.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
Mrs. H. O. Meigs and two daughters from Anthony, are domiciled in one of Dr. Perry’s cottages and are an acquisition to our society. Geuda Springs News.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1884.
DIED. A man named E. S. McDonald died at Geuda Springs last Monday afternoon. He came to this city with his wife from Moberly, Missouri, and contemplated entering into business as soon as his health was restored. For this purpose he had visited Geuda, but the extreme heat of last Friday prostrated him, and he never rallied.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 30, 1884.
DIED. E. S. McDonald, who has been at Geuda Springs for several days past, for his health, died last Monday afternoon. His remains were brought here in the evening, and Tuesday were sent to his former home, Moberly, Missouri. It will be remembered that he and his wife were at the Leland before going to Geuda. Mr. McDonald came here for the purpose of going into business but “man proposes and God disposes.”
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
There is talk of a fine hotel being erected at Geuda Springs. The conditions are that the citizens of that town donate grounds for the building and the projectors will erect one of the finest hotels in Kansas. We understand Judge Muse, of Newton, is the “backer.”
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Jos. Finkleberg, of Arkansas City, and Miss Eva Berkey of Winfield, were visiting at the Springs Sunday. Geuda Springs News.
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.

R. P. Muse, of Newton, who is visiting Geuda Springs in company with Judge Peters, was over to view the “Gate City.”
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Mrs. J. C. Duncan, who has been at Geuda Springs for several weeks past, returned home Saturday afternoon, somewhat improved in health.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
J. O. Caldwell has purchased the merchandise stock of A. T. Ball, of Geuda Springs. Mr. Caldwell is moving his stock there from Arkansas City. We are sorry to lose Mr. Caldwell, and hope he may yet repent and return to us.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
I. H. Bonsall, Archie Dunn, Chas. Holloway, John Shelden, Dr. Sparks, Pat Franey, Robt. Hubbard, and Gardner Mott, in company with Grand Master Workman, Donnelly, visited the A. O. U. W. Lodge at Geuda Springs Saturday night.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
The police judge of Geuda Springs was arrested last Wednesday for disturbance of the peace. Costs and fine amounted to $16.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
J. O. Caldwell was over from Geuda Springs Wednesday and called on the printer. Mr. Caldwell has commenced business at the Springs. He reports a large number of guests there trying the curative powers of the waters.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
The Geuda Springs News tells us that John Bristow, who lives a few miles south of that city, threshed last week and found his wheat to average over 26 bushels to the acre, and his oats 55 bushels.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
A man by the name of Roblatt, of Winfield, will commence the manufacture of brick at Geuda Springs next week. After their first kiln is burned, work on a $4,500 schoolhouse will be commenced.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
Telephone Exchange.
Geuda Springs
Messages can be sent at night and on Sundays as follows:
To Winfield from N. T. Snyder’s residence.
To Geuda Springs from Leland Hotel.
Subscribers will please cut this out and paste up in a conspicuous place.
Telephone charges are for five minutes’ conversation as follows:
To Winfield: 25 cents; To Geuda Springs: 25 cents.
Messenger Service: 15 cents; City limits: 10 cents.
N. T. SNYDER, Manager.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The United Telephone Co. will extend its line from Winfield to Wellington, this month, via Oxford. This will be a great convenience to our people, giving them connection in a circuit embracing Hunnewell, Caldwell, Wellington, Arkansas City, and Geuda Springs. The company is also talking of a connection with Burden and Cambridge.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
We were informed that S. H. Foss had all his hay in the Territory burned last week.
Geuda Springs News.
Well, it was Mr. Foss’ hay, and if he wanted it burned, whose affair is it?
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
BIRTH. While Manley Capron was at Geuda Springs Monday night, his wife gave birth to an 11 pound boy. Dr. Chapel telephoned Mr. Capron and the otherwise undemonstrative Manley jumped almost out of his tight buttoned shoes.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Mrs. Wm. Benedict was over to Geuda Springs Sunday visiting Mrs. H. O. Meigs.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
The Geuda Springs News is looming up and making it interesting for the Herald. The “survival of the fittest” theory is a good one to apply to newspapers.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
Jim Vance was taken over to Geuda Springs last week. His spell of rheumatism is a very severe one.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
The notorious fraud, D. L. Payne, was on our streets last Saturday with the usual amount of “corn juice” aboard. How the hundreds of honest, industrious people of this county can be bamboozled by this tipsy bummer is more than we can comprehend. Geuda Springs News.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
A project is on foot to cut another canal from the Arkansas River near Geuda Springs, and north of Arkansas City, to empty into the Walnut River. Competition seems to be the object.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Mrs. A. W. Berkey, of Kansas City, is visiting relatives in Geuda Springs. Mrs. Berkey is the wife of Judge Jas. Christian’s son-in-law.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
In another column appears the notice of the incorporation of another canal company. Should this scheme be put into execution, there is no doubt as to the benefits arising therefrom. Arkansas City will be surrounded by water power, and it will be of sufficient force to run all the machinery in the state of Kansas. Should we ever be so fortunate in inducing enough manufactories to locate at Arkansas City, we can string them out from here to Geuda Springs on one canal and from the Walnut to the Arkansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
Fatal Accident.
DIED. We are distressed to learn that a very sad accident happened last Friday afternoon to the ten year old daughter of Mr. J. S. Alter, who resides about two miles northwest of Geuda Springs. The little girl was tending a cane mill, and her dress becoming entangled in the cogs, she was thrown down and her leg shockingly crushed. Physicians were at once called, and amputation was decided upon. The operation was performed, but the little suffer was unequal to the strain and passed to her rest Saturday morning.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Our Democratic cotemporary copied an item last week from a Geuda Springs paper uncomplimentary to Dr. C. Perry of this city, regarding the location of a new school building at that place. Far from doing anything detrimental to Geuda, as charged, the Doctor has done all in his power, as a heavy property owner there, for its advancement. He has donated lots to different public improvements and offered a donation of six desirable lots for the new school building site, but a vindictive board refused unless public spirit be extended through lots the Doctor was reserving for a private residence. Appreciation as well as liberality is essential to the upbuilding of a town.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Arkansas City and Geuda Springs.
We, in company with our better half, went to Arkansas City, the guest of D. D. Myers, conductor on the Arkansas City branch, last week. (We wish to remark that “D. D.” standing in front of a name, does not mean Doctor of Divinity, as it does when hitched on the rear end of a name.)  We went by freight and arrived on time. A pleasant ride by moonlight in a first-class buss, through the heart of the city, brought us to the cozy residence of our conductor, where we were feasted and cared for as though we had been the republican candidate for president instead of a plain country editor.
The next day after our arrival we accepted a seat in the best carriage the city affords, and were taken to GEUDA SPRINGS.
The people of that region show the usual Kansas thrift and enterprise. The town of Geuda Springs, being nine miles from the railroad, does not enjoy equal commercial advantages with railroad towns, but the springs give it an advantage that partly compensates for the loss.
The springs are seven in number, all bubbling up out of the rock in a space of about twenty feet square. They are designated by numbers and enclosed by a low stone wall.
Arkansas City has some very fine business houses, and is a live growing place. It being at the terminus of the road, draws a vast amount of trade from the territory. The sight of the beautiful farms, lively villages and bustling cities in the Arkansas valley where the buffalo held undisputed sway only a few years ago cannot fail to impress one with the future greatness and vast wealth this region is sure to contain in the near future. Mulvane Record.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Who is Dr. Woodside?
DIED. A sad accident happened Saturday forenoon at the residence of Mr. J. S. Alter, about two miles northwest of here. His little ten year old daughter while at work at his cane mill had her dress caught in the cogs, drawing her leg into them, crushing it in a shocking manner. Drs. Long and Holland were summoned and decided that amputation was necessary. Dr. Woodside, of Arkansas City, was telephoned for and came over immediately and performed the operation. All was of no avail, however, and the unfortunate little one passed away Thursday. Geuda Springs News.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
D. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, was over Monday looking around Arkansas City with a view of moving here.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.

D. F. Hall and wife, of Geuda Springs, arrived here Wednesday from a short trip to Eureka Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Oscar Titus is home again after a two weeks sojourn in Geuda Springs, using the water for inflammatory rheumatism. He reports great improvement.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
A. H. Buckwalter, of Geuda Springs, registered at the Leland Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Walter J. Willard, of the Geuda Springs News, called upon us Monday.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
The Methodists are building a new church at Mulvane, and also at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Mrs. C. R. Mitchell was over from Geuda Springs Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Oscar Titus is home from the Springs, where he has been trying their curative powers.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
W. S. Goss, of Geuda Springs, was in the city Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
A. H. Buckwalter, of Geuda Springs, was in town Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
D. F. Hall, of Geuda, registered at the Leland last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Our streets were crowded a day or so last week with teams loaded with coal for Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
DIED. Mr. Corby, of Geuda Springs, an old gentleman 82 years of age, died at the residence of his son, Geo. W. Corby, Sunday morning. He was buried last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Rev. B. C. Swarts, father of Cal., Charlie, and Sam, is visiting here and Geuda Springs. He expresses himself wonderfully surprised at the improvements made since he moved away.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Messrs. Phelps & Buckwalter, of Geuda Springs, were in our city last week, making arrangements for the delivery of mineral water to our people throughout the winter. They will deliver at least once a week, and oftener, if necessary, at five cents per gallon. Special prices for large quantities. Orders may be left at E. D. Eddy’s drug store or addressed to them at Geuda.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Geuda Springs will soon boast of a banking institution.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
Geuda Springs has a social dancing club.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.

Miss Nellie Swarts is spending the winter in Geuda Springs with her sister, Mrs. C. R. Mitchell.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Geuda Springs talks of building an opera house.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
J. H. Noble, and wife, of Geuda Springs, left on Tuesday’s train for Celina, Ohio, called there by the serious illness of Mrs. Noble’s mother.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
D. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, made Arkansas City a short call last Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Oscar Titus is back at his old place in S. Matlack’s dry goods store waiting on their many customers in his inimitable manner. Oscar has almost recovered from his recent attack of inflammatory rheumatism. He gives Geuda Springs the credit.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Judge Marshall, of Leavenworth, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Houston, living near Geuda Springs, passed through the city Saturday on his way home.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Miss Nellie Swarts has been quite sick the past week, but is now recovering.
Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Public Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public auction at his residence, one mile west of Geuda Springs, commencing at 10 o’clock a.m., Thursday, January 15, 1885, the following described property, to-wit.
Thirty-five Cows and Heifers.
Fifteen Yearling Heifers.
Four Yearling Steers.
Thirty-five Calves.
One Hereford Bull, high grade.
Three yearling bulls, grade Short-horns.
TERMS OF SALE: Sums of $10 and less, cash in hand. Amounts over $10, eight months’ time will be given without interest, on approved security. If notes are not paid when due, they will bear interest from date. Ten percent discount for cash. N. C. KENTON.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Sumner County, with its 35,000 population, supports seventeen towns and villages; one city of the second class, five of the third class, and ten villages. Wellington leads in population, with Caldwell a good second, Belle Plaine, Mulvane, Oxford, Hunnewell, Geuda Springs, Argonia, South Haven, Milan, Perth, Corbin, Mayfield, Conway Springs, Rome, and London, following about in the order named. These towns or villages are all good trading points for the adjacent farmers and are located in good farming districts. All have one or more railroads except Geuda Springs and London. Some of them are prohibition towns and some are not, but all are peopled with an enterprising class of citizens. One town has three papers, one two, and six have one each printed in them. All of them have one or more church buildings and schoolhouses. Livery stables, hotels, lumber yards, grocery, and general stores, and quite a number have good merchant mills. Doctors, lawyers, and loafers abound in all of them, but the doctors and lawyers are good citizens, while the loafers are just like the rest of their family the world over. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
An attempt was made one night last week to break into J. H. Noble’s drug store.
Last week while Mr. J. Diemer was returning from Arkansas City, one of his best horses dropped dead.
Mr. F. A. Brady commenced his series of union meetings at Smith’s hall Tuesday evening with a good attendance, although the weather was very bad. Mr. Brady is an excellent speaker and an earnest Christian worker, and everybody should come out and hear him and get the benefit of his labors here among us.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We are informed that the pontoon bridge across the Arkansas River at Oxford is for sale very cheap. Now, would it not be of advantage to our little city to buy the bridge and move it down the river till opposite here, for the accommodation of the people on the east side of the river? It would bring a large trade to this place that now goes to Arkansas City. We think money enough could soon be raised by subscription to buy it. Let us talk the matter up and see what can be done. Geuda Springs Herald.
If this bridge is for sale cheap, it would pay someone to put it on the Arkansas River at the mouth of Grouse as a toll bridge and accommodate the travel along the State Line.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Geuda Springs is to have a fine bank built on the corner next to the Stiner building. It will be built of brick, about seventy-five feet in length and a twenty-five foot front. Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
An Accident.
Harry Hill met with quite a painful accident last Saturday. We understand that he had been over to Geuda Springs and while returning, his horse, being smooth shod, slipped and fell, catching Harry’s leg and making a simple fracture just below the knee. Dr. Chapel set it and Harry is now getting along as well as could be expected.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
The Faber our Only Weapon.
The Arkansas City REPUBLICAN speaks of the Standard man as “pulling hair out of his bald head.” Such a slam on our youth and beauty won’t go down without a fight—pistols and coffee for two, any pleasant Sunday the Republican wishes to name, at Geuda Springs, next Summer, will suit us. Wellington Standard.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
BIRTH. Born February 1, 1885, to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mitchell, at Geuda Springs, a daughter.
Geuda Springs News.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.

Three of Geuda’s brave sportsmen were out hunting yesterday, and after several hours of energetic searching for game, they finally discovered a large and ferocious animal. Supposing it to be a wildcat, they fired upon it and brought it to the ground. They then returned home with joy in their hearts, feeling proud of their adventure. They took their game to C. B. Willard’s market to be placed on exhibition. Our readers can imagine how the tail feathers of these three young men dropped when they were informed that it was only a large Thomas Cat. We withhold names for various reasons.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Telephone List.
Geuda Springs; Grady’s Lumber Yard.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell, of Geuda Springs, has been appointed one of the Regents of the State University at Lawrence.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Sam Wile’s drawing came off Tuesday evening at the Arcade. T. F. Sallade, of Geuda Springs, drew the $125 organette; Chas. Chapel the overcoat; Geo. Young the suit of clothes; Baby Schiffbauer, the $4 hat; Frank Schiffbauer took a chance for his baby. As the hat is not suitable for the babe, Frank wears it and deposits $4 to baby’s credit in its bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.
Remarks About our Neighbors.
The Geuda Springs Herald says Frank and Sherman Thompson, of this city, were there attending the dance last Friday night, and that Miss Clara Thompson was a guest of Miss Effie Garland a few days of last week.
W. D. Furry’s house in northwest Creswell caught fire in some way and burned to the ground last Saturday morning. The fires had been started but a short time when the rooms overhead were discovered to be in flames, and before they could be arrested fruit, clothing, bedding, and everything in the upper story was destroyed. The flues were good and the origin of the fire is a mystery. Loss about $600. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
The drawing at Brunswick’s Arcade last week resulted as follows. 1st prize, $159 music box, F. T. Sallade, Geuda Springs; 2nd, suit of clothes, Geo. Young; 3rd, overcoat, Chas. Chapel; 4th, hat, F. P. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Miss Effie Gardner, of Geuda Springs, came over Tuesday to visit Miss Clara Thompson and attend the Mother Hubbard Ball.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
Grand Central Hotel.

The Grand Central Hotel is being refurnished and repaired by Mr. Sheldon under the supervision of F. T. Sallade. We took a look at it and were pleasantly surprised to find that they had practically made a new hotel out of it. The rooms are as neat and clean as it is possible to make rooms, and the new furniture and linen are of first-class quality. The new hotel will be open for business by next Monday, if not before that time, under the management of Mr. Frank Sallade, one of the best hotel men in the country. Visitors can expect all the care and attention they could wish, as well as courteous treatment, for Mr. Sallade has but few peers and no superiors in this business, and his estimable wife not only knows how to look after the comfort of the lady guests, but always makes them feel at home, a rare accomplishment that but few can claim to have. Mr. and Mrs. Sallade are persons of not only intelligence, but of culture and refinement, and we are proud to know that they are to become permanent residents of our town. Every room in the new building is neatly painted and tastily furnished. The hall is painted and carpeted in first-class style, and the ladies parlor will be a very neat and tidy room, when finished. The office is painted and grained, as well as the doors, in a manner that shows that Mr. Trotter, who did the work, assisted by A. L. Snyder, not only has good taste in painting but is a fine workman. A great deal of credit is due Mr. Sheldon whose enterprise and keen business management has accomplished this result. We hope to see Charlie permanently located here this spring, as he is one of the best businessmen in the state, as well as a gentleman in every respect, and is of inestimable value to any community where he lives. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Mr. C. G. Furry, of the Geuda Springs Herald, called on us Monday. He reports things dull in his town, but hopes for a revival during the summer.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Mr. Murray, Sumner County’s young county attorney, is making it exceedingly warm for violators of the prohibition law. Last week, among others, he arrested M. David, of Geuda Springs, who languished in Cowley’s jail for several months last year, and also was the guest of Sumner County for awhile, on like charges. This fellow has been constantly violating the law ever since it has been a law; even his children peddling the stuff while he was in jail. No punishment can be too severe for him, and a light sentence would be an injustice.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Mrs. J. G. Bullene and niece, who have been spending some time in Geuda Springs, trying the curative powers of that famous watering place, passed through the city Tuesday on their way home.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 25, 1885.
If Not Scared, then Utterly Contemptible.

The Kansas City and Southwestern railroad is now endeavoring to make such terms with the people of this county as will enable them to build their road. They had a meeting in Winfield last week and submitted a proposition for county bonds to the amount of $160,000. The meeting was enthusiastically in favor of the road. They were also equally enthusiastic in preventing Arkansas City from receiving any benefit from its erection. This spirit has been cropping out more or less during the last two years. Previous to that time Arkansas City was not a stumbling block in the way of their prosperity. No great efforts were made to circumvent us in our little schemes. In these last two years, though, the Canal City has made wonderful strides. She has doubled in population, and now has 3,500 bona fide inhabitants within the city limits. Winfield has only 4,000, unless she takes in Walnut Township, which belongs to the city as much as Mexico belongs to the United States—and no more. The effect of these facts on Winfield is very apparent. Her geniality and loving kindness has outwardly suffered no change. She readily agrees to work with us, as much so as ever. She commends our progress, rejoices with us in our success—when talking to us. But the iron has entered her soul, rancor and hatred is in her secret thoughts, and, like the cowardly Italian, seeks to plunge a dagger in our back when we sleep. Every new building erected in our city now, sets like a twist of a thumb screw and she is compelled to squirm many times in consequence. Winfield has learned that when the Canal City proposes to do anything it is generally done, and any project likely to help this city is an additional torture.
We are not relating these things out of any prejudice against the city in the bottom, for we are secure in our might. We are simply taking the acts of Winfield and holding them up, reading them to our patrons. We make no forced comments, we stretch no fact, we seek to make no capital out of it. But when we see the people of Winfield, in the person of her leading businessmen, assembled to act on a proposition for the benefit of the whole county at large, descend to secret schemes, hidden intrigues, and all for the purpose of what? Depriving Arkansas City of any prospect of securing the K. C. & S. W. R. R.; when we see this, we are compelled to speak as we have. In the matter of the road, the Winfield scheme is to oppose the county bonds if the road is to come here; to use their utmost endeavors to run the road to Geuda Springs, or, failing in that, to the west of us from three to five miles. Why? Because that would be a better plan for the railroad? Because that would be of more benefit to the county? Evidently not. Because and only for this reason, that if the road comes here, it will be of as much importance to us as to them. It is, then, their object to juggle us out of this road. We are forewarned. It is barely possible that we are forearmed. Has Arkansas City ever taken a back seat in any undertaking? Neither will she in this. When the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad is built and equipped, the last station on the route will be Arkansas City. This much can be counted on. We hope that one of the stations will be Winfield. Of this we are not so sure.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
An Enthusiastic Electing in the Interest of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad,
And Steps Taken For Securing It.
Mr. James Hill called a meeting of the citizens of Arkansas City at Highland Hall, Saturday last, to take steps toward securing this projected road for this part of the county. Mr. Hill called the meeting to order and stated the result of its meeting in Winfield several days before; which was, in effect, that the people of that city wanted the road very badly, and wanted equally as badly that Arkansas City should not have it. They wanted the Company to locate their machine shops there, run the road to Geuda Springs or near there, and bind themselves to leave Arkansas City severely alone. Such a proposition the company could not and would not accept.
After considerable discussion as to ways and means, a committee of seven was appointed to look over the ground relative to leaving Winfield out in the cold if she persisted in her insane efforts to boycott the Canal City, and make their report today. The action of Winfield in this matter was severely dwelt upon, and excited the just ridicule of the speakers.
They then adjourned to meet on call of the Chairman of said committee.

Monday afternoon another meeting of our citizens was called at the office of Judge Pyburn. The purpose of this meeting was to meet and confer with a delegation of Burden’s leading businessmen. The committee from Burden consisted of Messrs. Henthorn, Walton, Snow, Cunningham, Zimmerman, and one or two others, whose names we did not learn. The proposition these gentlemen came to make was in effect that as Winfield was attempting to take the bit in her teeth and walk off with the whole bakery, it was manifestly the duty of Arkansas City and Burden to combine their efforts and thus guide the unruly animal of the porcine species out of harm’s way. Their argument was to the effect that if Burden was given the go-by so would Arkansas City and vice versa. Arkansas City and Burden combined could compel Winfield to come down from her pedestal of egotism and self-glory; as she could have no hopes of carrying county bonds. This would also cut off the hope of her getting sufficient bonds from the townships. The way to the Territory line is just as near and over better country from Burden via Winfield to Arkansas City as by any other proposed route. In short, their proposal was to enter into such an agreement as would forbid the acceptance of any proposition not altogether favorable to both Burden and Arkansas City.
During this conversation a delegate from Winfield, who had become alarmed at the visiting of Burden’s diplomats, of which they were aware, called out a member of the meeting, and notified him that Winfield was ready to agree to any terms that might be offered by Arkansas City, and that it was altogether unnecessary to call in Burden to our assistance, as their intentions were fair and just toward us.
After this trivial interruption of child’s play, the discussion and consideration of the proposition was resumed. It was the opinion of the majority that this was the only way to obtain our just recognition, and it was accordingly adopted as the sense of the meeting.
The status of the affairs now is, Arkansas City and Burden hold the key to the situation. Winfield alone cannot carry county bonds nor secure sufficient township aid. When she learns this, and learns it well, she will doubtless listen to reason. If not, then there is still one way and we believe it can be made successful. Arkansas City and Burden, we believe, can secure sufficient township aid. Burden stands ready to vote $35,000, Creswell is enthusiastic on the subject. Sheridan is all right, Liberty’s heart beats accord, Silverdale is wise enough to grasp the opportunity, Bolton wants a switch. Omnia, we presume, can be carried. It is a desperate game; but when it is necessary, the Canal City will be found with flying colors on the top wave. Remember 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
J. O. Caldwell and J. H. Berkey, of Geuda Springs, called on the Canal City Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
A number of our young people visited Geuda Springs Sunday, among which we noticed S. P. Gould and Anna Meigs, DeWitt McDowell and Maggie Sample, and Frank B. Hutchison and Ella Love.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
C. R. Mitchell, the genial Geuda Springs man, was in town on Saturday, with a pleasant word for his many friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.

Bixler’s drug store was struck by lightning last Wednesday night, but injured no one excepting Frank Mutke, who was stunned and considerably shaken up. The floor was torn and splintered up and a frying pan near the stove was melted. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
Geuda Officers.
The following officers were elected in Geuda Springs Monday.
Dr. L. W. B. Long. Mayor
L. M. Bixler. Police Judge.
C. G. Ferry, B. F. Hall, F. P. Sallade, H. C. Sproggs, and Wm. Trimble: Councilmen.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
Chas. A. Miller, of Geuda Springs, was in the city Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
B. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, was in the city Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
C. F. Nelson, of Geuda, was in the city a few hours Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
A new enterprise has been entered on at Geuda Springs to carbonize, bottle, and place upon the general market the mineral waters of that place. Mr. J. B. Dickey, of Newton, has undertaken the business, and he has expended $2,500 in the necessary apparatus.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Dexter is about to lose the D. M. & A. Road. Won’t the tears flow from the Eye. Geuda Springs is working for it and it is not likely that the narrow gauge will run down to Geuda, then back up to Dexter.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
The Odd Fellows at Geuda Springs will give a Calico Ball next Monday, the 26th inst., in celebration of the 66th anniversary of the order. The committee of arrangements are sparing no pains to insure the enjoyment of their guests.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
Steamboat Enterprise.
In Geuda Springs a stock company has been formed to run a steamboat between that place and Arkansas City. The directors chosen are George Ferris, J. H. Noble, Will M. Berkey, and B. F. Hall, of that city, and C. L. Swarts, Amos Walton, and A. V. Alexander, of Arkansas City. An investigation of the Arkansas River between the two points named, shows a course in no place less than fifteen inches deep, the shallowest place being found just south of the large island below the ferry. A boat 20 by 75 feet is to be built, with a draft of 12 inches. It is expected the boat will be ready to make trips two months from date.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 27, 1885.
From our Exchanges.
Geuda Springs Herald: Our steamboat company have gone to work in earnest now. Mr. Amos Walton, the president of the association, was over to see the members of the board at the end of the route Wednesday. Arrangements were made to go to work soon. The engine and boiler will probably be purchased inside of two weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 20, 1885.

An effort is being made in the towns south of us to arrange a telephone circuit embracing Winfield, Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, Wellington, Belle Plain, Argonia, Conway Springs, Wichita, Derby, Mulvane, and Udall. This is a good scheme, as it will enable the citizens of these neighboring towns to become more intimately acquainted with each other, and in time it may furnish the outlines for a city equal to London or Peking. Wichita Republican.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Will Mowry says at Geuda Springs an ordinance has been passed prohibiting a city officer from loafing around a drug store, billiard hall, saloon, and a house of ill-fame. This is a horrible come off on the drug store.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Bob Mitchell telephones the REPUBLICAN from Geuda Springs that they have a small flood over in that region. The water was four feet deep in his house and between the bath house and the business houses the water was over a man’s head. The wheat on several farms has been washed away and carried down the Arkansas. Up to the time of the REPUBLICAN going to press, the damage could not be estimated. No reports of persons drowning had come in. Mr. Mitchell thinks that they were visited by a water spout. All the creeks in that neighborhood resemble rivers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 27, 1885.
  The Storm at Geuda Last Friday Night.
About two o’clock this morning the clouds seemed to gather in all directions to one common center, in and around Geuda Springs. Such flashes of lightning and peals of thunder were never seen or heard of in this vicinity before. The heavens seemed perfectly full of electricity. There was but little rain fell until after daylight this morning, when it literally poured out for about two or three hours and there must have undoubtedly been a water spout two or three miles above here as Salt Creek rose ten feet in about two hours. The water rose to 4-1/2 feet above the lower floor of C. R. Mitchell’s house. The families of Mr. Buckwalter, Mr. McCarren, and Mr. Cadle were carried out on horses and on men’s backs. The damages will be from $500 to $1,000, besides a great amount of damage done to wheat standing in the shock. H. H. Bumgardner lost one very fine mule by lightning, and Mr. Brenhart a cow which was tied to a rope on some low ground and was drowned.
Geuda Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
One day last week Geo. Cunningham sent Chas. Vandervert, an employee of the Flying Dutchman Implement House, to a farm near Geuda Springs to set up a binder. While working he became thirsty and seeing a jug stowed away under a wheat shock, went and took a drink. He noticed that the contents of the jug tasted very slimy, but supposed it was Geuda water. He took six drinks from the jug. About this time he began to grow sick at the stomach and in a few moments he began to vomit. He vomited for about six hours and for awhile his life was in danger. Instead of the jug containing Geuda water, it was lubricating oil, and he must have drank over half a pint. Mr. Cunningham went over after Mr. Vandervert and he was brought home on an improvised cot. Mr. Vandervert is all right now and has resumed work.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Our friend, Walter J. Willard, has removed the News from Geuda Springs to South Haven, and is issuing his spicy paper from that town. Success.

Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
DIED. Hugh McGaughy, one of Jacob Miller’s employees, was drowned in Duck Creek last Saturday. It seems that near the mouth of Duck Creek, the bottom was overflowed, and Mr. Miller’s cattle were on the bottom, and fears were entertained that the cattle would be drowned. In order to save the cattle, boys went to driving them across the creek. One of the steers became entangled and Hugh, being a good swimmer, undressed and swam to save the drowning animal. After releasing the steer, Hugh was taken with a cramp and went down in a few minutes. The remains were found the next day and sent to Belle Plaine, where he has a great number of friends. Hugh was a bright, intelligent young man, had about 35 head of cattle of his own, and was a faithful employee. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
One of our city shoemakers showed us four pair of shoes which he had just completed and which looked as if they had been made for as many giants. They are thirteen inches long by five inches wide, and are manufactured of stout pebble-grain leather. The order for them came in from parties residing north of here, opposite Geuda Springs. The shoes were intended for a mother with three daughters. Again, the fertility of Cowley County’s soil is displayed to an advantage.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
The Border Club has challenged the Wellington club to a match game to be played at Geuda Springs on the 14th.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
J. C. Duncan is trying the efficiency of the waters of Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 29, 1885.
THOMPSON & WOODIN, Proprietors.
Daily Hack to Geuda Springs.
Passengers Carried to All Parts of the Country at Reasonable Prices.
Special Attention Given To Boarding Stock.
Stable on Fifth Avenue, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
Mrs. Isaac Ochs and Mrs. H. C. Nicholson are trying the efficacy of the healing waters of Geuda Springs this week.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
James Berkey, of Salem, Indian, cousin of Wm. Berkey of Geuda Springs, is visiting in his vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Postmaster Topliff wishes to inform our readers that the post office at Salt City has been discontinued. All mail matter directed to that office will be sent to Geuda Springs for distribution.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Thompson & Woodin have extended their stage line. They now run a hack between Geuda Springs and Wellington in addition to the hack from here to Geuda.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

The K. C. & S. W. R. R.
From a special dispatch to the Wichita Eagle of Friday from Topeka we learn of the filing of the charter for the building of the “Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Western railroad.” The purposes of this corporation are to construct a line of railroad from the proposed line of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company, in Cowley County, Kansas, through the counties of Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barber, Comanche, Clark, Meade, and Seward, to the west line of the state. The capital stock of this company is five million six hundred thousand dollars. The directors are: Alonso Stephens, Chicago, Illinois; William Goatlin and C. N. Towle, Hammond, Indiana; Wm. D. Curry, Edwin P. Greer, N. M. Powers, D. A. Millington, John C. Long, Winfield; and C. R. Mitchell, Geuda Springs, Kansas. Place of business: Winfield, Kansas.
The object of the company when it first started to build was to construct a standard gauge railroad from Kansas City, Missouri, to Arkansas City, with the ultimate intention of continuing the road on through the Territory. Besides this a branch road was to leave the Kansas City & Southwestern north of Winfield and go west to Wellington and thence through the Indian Territory to connect with the Southern Pacific system at some point in Texas. The filing of the above charter proves that the company intends carrying out its first plans.
To the REPUBLICAN it appears that this branch should leave the K. C. & S. W., at Arkansas City, and go west, and we believe if our citizens took the proper steps they could induce the company to do so. Just why we should stand idly by and allow this western road to start from some other town when Arkansas City is more naturally and advantageously located for the purpose than any other place, we fail to see the philosophy of.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
Elmer E. Peck, traveling solicitor for the United Telephone Company, who has been working up a telephone circuit embracing nearly all the Arkansas and Walnut Valley towns, informs us that arrangements for the circuit are now complete and the lines will be put in in a month. The necessary amount in tickets have been subscribed and the deposits were made today. Winfield took $350 in tickets, half what was asked. The circuit takes in Wichita, Mulvane, Belle Plaine, Wellington, Caldwell, Hunnewell, South Haven, Oxford, Winfield, Arkansas City, and Geuda Springs. Burden can also get in, too, by a little exertion and money. Then the line will soon be extended to Douglass and El Dorado, and the whole valley will be bound by the electrical, hello! This circuit will be a big convenience and we hail its final with joy. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 2, 1885.
Geuda Springs Record: The editor is away this week, and the typo is trying to fill the position, being editor, compositor, and devil, so our readers will excuse anything out of the regular order and a scarcity of news, as we being of the “weaker sex,” have not as good an opportunity of learning particulars of passing events as is granted the “lords of creation.”
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

From the Wichita Beacon we glean news of the Arkansas Valley telephone line: The following towns are embraced in the circuit of the new telephone line, about to be built: Derby, Mulvane, Belle Plaine, Wellington, South Haven, Caldwell, Hunnewell, Geuda Springs, Oxford, Winfield, and Arkansas City. Wichita will be the headquarters, and the manager here will have general charge of the circuit. The charge for a five minutes conversation between parties in different towns will be twenty-five cents. Messrs. Smith and Daniels, superintendents of the line, left the city Wednesday for the southern towns on their circuit.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Thompson & Woodin advertise their mail route from Geuda Springs to Wellington for sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
For Sale.
The mail, passenger, and express route, between Geuda Springs and Wellington, well equipped and doing a good business. Apply at Thompson & Woodin, Star Livery Stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
J. S. Alter announces his syrup factory near Geuda Springs, and we are pleased to learn that he is making a success of his enterprise. Mr. Alter has had extensive experience on the sugar plantations of Louisiana, and his saccharine extract is celebrated for its clearness and pleasant flavor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 19, 1885.
   Hackney Harpings.
The K. C. & S. W., en route for Arkansas City, will probably form a junction on Moses Teter’s farm, running their main line to Geuda Springs and Caldwell. Then will the city have another metropolis to contend with for supremacy. GRAPHITE.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 30, 1885.
From Our Exchanges.
Geuda Springs Herald: The public school opened Monday, with a good attendance of scholars. In the principal’s department, Prof. W. S. Varner, instructor, nineteen pupils were enrolled. In the Intermediate, Miss Lydia Taylor, forty pupils, and in the Primary department, Miss Eva Preston, teacher, forty-two pupils, a total of one hundred and one for the first day. The teachers are all well qualified for their positions.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
The Geuda Springs Herald tells its impecunious readers, “If you want to borrow money, call at the Herald office.” How much pleasanter reading this is than a frantic dun to delinquent subscribers to pay up.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 17, 1885.
Railroad Talk.

We are told by good authority that the K. C. & S. W. Railway will be completed to Arkansas City by the middle of next month. The track is laid through Winfield to the Walnut River south, where a bridge is being constructed. Graders are on this side of the Walnut throwing up dirt, and as soon as the bridge is completed, which will be in about one week, track-layers will commence to extend the iron band towards Arkansas City that is to connect us with the great Gould system of railway. The foreman of the track-laying gang was in the city Saturday last to contract for the boarding of his men, when they arrive near enough Arkansas City. Railroad men will be in our city all fall and the greater part of winter, as considerable time will be consumed in bridging the Arkansas. After that the construction train will run out from our city with men and supplies to the scene of operation, and returning at eventide, until the K. C. & S. W. is completed to the State or Sumner County line. We suppose a station will be located there, but in time Arkansas City will spread out sufficiently to take it into her corporate limits.
The much talked of branch leaving the K. C. & S. W. Road between here and Winfield, known as the Geuda Springs & Caldwell railroad, will not be built this fall. In fact, the REPUBLICAN does not believe now that it will ever be built, unless the junction be formed at Arkansas City and the road be built west from here.
To span as large a stream as the Arkansas River twice for the same railway system within a distance of 10 miles appears to be a needless expenditure of money. By a strong pull and a pull altogether, we can make our town the junction of the K. C. & S. W., and their western extension, regardless of Asp.
We have looked at the call for an election in Walton Township—Geuda Springs—asking for aid, and it says that the road will be constructed within a specified time if “no legal hindrance” prevents. This argument should not quiet our solicitude. The people never know where a railroad is going until its completion and operation. The K. C. & Southwestern might shoot off in that direction with a branch and deprive us of considerable rich trading territory.
Aid is also being asked from Walton Township by the Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern. The road starts at Ft. Smith, Arkansas, passes northwesterly through the Indian Territory and Kansas into Colorado. The road as projected will strike our fair city, Geuda Springs, Wellington, etc., and open up a southern market. Then we can exchange our hogs and flour with the natives of Arkansas for lumber and coal. The company building the road claim that within 18 months it will be constructed. Aid has been voted in several townships in Sumner County already, and elections are called in several other townships along the line. We would think that it would be to the interests of Geudaites to seek this road. This corporation we are told has the right of way through the Territory.
The prediction which we made a short time since that Arkansas City was being looked at by railroad corporations with a longing eye is being fulfilled. Let the good work go on. The REPUBLICAN will continue to shout the glad tidings to the people, and when Arkansas City has grown to be the metropolis of the southwest, we will quit the sounding of our bugle, but not till then.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
The Geuda Springs & Caldwell railroad is a Winfield enterprise gotten up to kill Arkansas City’s boom, which the K. C. & S. W. is sure to bring us. But their efforts will be futile.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Railroad Meeting.

The citizens of Arkansas City have just awakened to the fact that they are about to be left out in the cold in the matter of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad. It has now become known that the Geuda Springs branch is only another name for the K. C. & S. W., and that while the company will fulfill their agreement to the letter, and build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, they have intentions of making the junction at least three miles north of here and thus make the Geuda Springs & Caldwell branch the main line, while this will be only a stub with not sufficient length to justify a separate service. The effect will be that when the road is in operation that only such trains as are absolutely necessary will ever be run down here, a local freight perhaps. This is a direct stab at Arkansas City from the Winfield element in the company headed by the road’s attorney, Henry E. Asp, our present county attorney. To devise some means to have the junction here or south of here, provided a western branch is built, was the object of a meeting held in the office of Meigs & Nelson Thursday evening.
The meeting was called to order by N. T. Snyder, Judge Kreamer being called to the chair and N. T. Snyder, secretary.
George Cunningham stated the object of the meeting, which was to devise some way to prevent the junction from being north of Arkansas City, and asked Mr. Hill to make a statement of what the company intended to do.
Mr. Hill said that the company intended to build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, and that the Caldwell branch would also undoubtedly be built, and that it would be to his interest, and to the company’s interest, to have the branch start from here, as it would require but one bridge. He also stated that the company, outside of the Winfield element, was favorable to Arkansas City. He acknowledged that the company was morally, if not legally bound, to make the junction here, because it was upon these express promises that they had obtained the aid of Arkansas City in voting the bonds.
Rev. Fleming made a forcible speech, charging it as conspiracy on the part of Winfield to leave Arkansas City out in the cold and a violation of the promises made by Asp and others when they obtained our aid.
Amos Walton said that it was a conspiracy that was entered into at the time the company approached Winfield. Every opposition was made to Mr. Hill’s efforts to get the road through the east part of the city and east of the Santa Fe. The city council was even in the conspiracy, as shown by the fact that they would not grant the right of way of street crossings unless the road went west of the city. The road going west, he estimated, cost $25,000 more than the east route. “Winfield voted $20,000 bonds to get them in there and charged them $25,000 to get out.”
A. A. Newman moved that a committee of five be appointed to confer with Mr. Hill as regards the best means of attaining the object of the meeting. The chair appointed A. A. Newman, Geo. W. Cunningham, Amos Walton, Rev. Fleming, and S. Matlack as that committee.
The following resolution was passed.

Resolved, That the K. C. & S. W. Railroad Company is not treating the city of Arkansas City fairly, and in the same generous spirit which the citizens treated them in the inception of the road in the matter of building a road diverging from their line north of this city. In support of this proposition, would say that it was promised and agreed by Mr. Asp, attorney for the road, in order to obtain our aid, that the line of road should come down east of the A. T. & S. F., and yet the leading citizens of Winfield antagonized the road sufficient to prevent its coming through Winfield on a line to accomplish that object and to the injury of the company forced it upon the west side of the city of Winfield, and then as a part of the scheme for the injury of Arkansas City proposed and looked up a line leading west only three miles north of the city of Arkansas City. Feeling that it is a violation of the good faith pledged to the city, we would respectfully state that the said line should be left open until the line to the territory on the south of us is built. We would further state as to the matter of expense that in case the company will make a survey and establish the cost of the road from the point in Beaver Township, to the west line of Walton Township, Sumner Co., and a corresponding survey from Arkansas City or south of it, west through Walton Township, Sumner County, that we will willingly make the difference in case it should be favorable to the first mentioned line. W. D. KREAMER, Chairman.
N. T. SNYDER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The City Council met in regular session on Monday evening, all the members present, acting Mayor Thompson in the chair.
Mr. Hill introduced an ordinance, prepared by Henry E. Asp, attorney for the Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company, granting the right of way through Arkansas City. Two routes are proposed, one along First Street to Leonard’s addition, the other along Third Street to Fifth Avenue; the council to determine the more expedient route. After a prolonged discussion of the matter, it was determined that the council should meet at the Star Livery Stable at 8 o’clock the next morning, where hacks would be ready to take them over the proposed routes; and at 9 o’clock they would meet in their chamber to take action.
An informal discussion was held on the correct grade of blocks 68 and 80. There was great unevenness now, and it was necessary that a survey should be made to determine the correct level. This should be done before the work of grading and guttering was commenced, and also to enable the lot owners in the burnt district to adopt the proper level for the houses they are about to build. Referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
Mr. Thompson called the attention of the council to the condition of the bridge across the canal. It was now impassable for teams, and the canal company held themselves under no obligation to repair it. It was necessary for the council to take action, or approach to the city by that thoroughfare would be cut off. He mentioned the case of a horse having died this week through injuries sustained from falling through the bridge. The road commissioner was instructed to make the necessary repairs.
Mr. Dean asked the fine of $10 imposed on William Skinner for cutting Harry Gage on Friday night be remitted. He asked it because the fine would be paid by his mother, who was kept poor in delivering her boy from the scrapes he was constantly getting into.
Mr. Prescott said he was opposed to the remission of fine on such considerations; it was poor economy and bad policy. It was an interference with the proper performance of duty by the city officers, and was taken as a rebuke to their fidelity. In this case he was willing to contribute towards the payment of the fine, but its remission he was opposed to. The motion to remit the fine was negatived.
Council adjourned till 9 o’clock Tuesday morning.

The council reconvened at 9 o’clock on Tuesday morning, having surveyed the ground over which the K. C. & S. W. Co., asks the right of way. Ordinance No. 24 (Published in another column), was taken up for consideration.
After the reading of the first section, Mr. Hight inquired whether the city would be responsible to property holders for any damage they might sustain, or whether their recourse would be to the railroad company.
Judge Sumner was sent for to advise the council in considering the ordinance. On taking his seat in the chamber, the judge said as the city granted the right of way, it was responsible to property holders for whatever damage might be done, but a provision might be inserted in the ordinance rendering the railway liable to the city for all costs, damages, and expenses that might be incurred by reason of granting the right of way.
On the section being put to the vote, Mr. Hight said he should like a provision inserted requiring the company to come here with their main line and not put us off on a spur.
Mr. Hill said such a clause was not needed, there was no danger of the company going to Geuda Springs on the proposition that was before it. The inducement offered was the issue of $21,000 in bonds to be voted on in Walton Township in a week or two. This would not pay the cost of building the road. There was 13 miles of track to lay and a bridge across the Arkansas River 800 feet long to be supported on solid masonry. This structure would cost $35,000. He then explained at some length how this new arrangement, which had so alarmed the people here, had been brought about. Certain parties in Winfield have property interests in the new town they had laid out to the west of that city; some of them, perhaps, having seats in the city council, had influenced that body to refuse its assent to the Kansas City and Southwestern track being carried through eastward of the Santa Fe track. In granting the right of way, they required the road to come out on the west side and built across that track. Thus in coming to this city they were west of the Santa Fe, and there was a doubt whether they would be allowed to cross it again. For this reason the company asked the right of entering the city by one of two ways, in order that a pressure might be brought to bear on the Santa Fe people. Suppose you give the right of way along First Street. We shall then have to cross their track again. This crossing they may refuse, and in a lawsuit that may result, we may be hindered by a perpetual injunction.
A right of way along Third Street will place our track between the city and their road. This they will certainly not approve. It would suit our purpose better, and be better in all respects, to come in on First Street, but we want the means of getting there. If the choice of the two roads is left open, the speaker had no doubt that the Santa Fe company would grant the right to cross their track rather than have our road come in between them and the city. The ordinance was then read by sections and adopted, and the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
The Railroad Muddle.

For the past ten days the all-absorbing railroad topic has held the attention of our citizens. You could see them gathered in crowds on the street corners discussing the prospect of having a branch extended west three miles north of us. We all realized that such a branch would be detrimental to Arkansas City, and have been very much excited over the project. We naturally would as it effects our home. Anyone possessing the slightest patriotism at all would enter a hearty protest against the junction being made north of us only three miles.
The excitement was cooled down considerably by promises made by our townsman and a prominent member of the K. C. & S. W., Jas. Hill, that no such a branch would be constructed. He informed our citizens at the council chamber last Monday evening that should the K. C. & S. W. Railway extend its line west at all, the junction would be formed at or south of Arkansas City just across the Arkansas. The reason he assigned for this was that if the branch was made to Geuda north of Arkansas City that about ten miles of road would have to be constructed without any aid from the people, and that a bridge across the Arkansas at Geuda, costing about $35,000, would have to be erected and maintained. As the construction of railroads cost about $20,000 per mile, it will be readily seen that if that branch was ever built, it would cause a large outlay of money, which would be useless if the company came to Arkansas City and then went west. He also stated that the reason propositions had been submitted in Sumner County on this branch was to head off the Ft. Smith & Wellington road. The K. C. & S. W. was desirous of going west and they submitted their proposition for the purpose of holding that territory in order that they might receive aid when they were ready to build their projected western line.
He further stated that Mr. Asp had submitted the propositions without any orders from President Toole, Jas. Young, or himself.
Jas. Young, one of the most influential spirits of the K. C. & S. W. company, came down from Winfield Tuesday to meet our citizens and have a talk with them about the matter. The meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office, the Judge presiding over the assembly by an unanimous vote. Mr. Young stated to us that he and the company had no intentions of building the branch west; that they were not ready to do so, and that he had informed delegates from Caldwell and Geuda Springs on Monday that all propositions along the projected line had better be withdrawn; that in his judgment the junction should be formed at Arkansas City or just south across the river if the line was ever extended west; that while Mr. Asp was acting in good faith, he was doing so without instructions from the company. Mr. Young further stated that by withdrawing the K. C. & S. W. proposition in Sumner County, it would be a detriment to the company as the matter had gone so far. That he was going to St. Louis immediately to consult with Pres. Toole on the matter of calling in the propositions and that he would telegraph the citizens of Arkansas City immediately the action taken.
Mr. Young also said that Arkansas City and Omnia Township had stood by the K. C. & S. W. company and that their interests should not be forgotten.
This is the action up to our going to press. We have concealed nothing and told nothing but the bare facts, which have been laid before us in the last few days.

Our readers can draw their own conclusions. Winfield citizens forced the K. C. & S. W. track on the west side of their town, in order that the road might be forced to run as far west in Beaver Township as possible. They had in view the building of the branch to Geuda three miles north of Arkansas City and have “boomed” it. They are now probably laughing in their sleeves at our discomfiture. But the true old saying of “He who laughs last, laughs loudest and longest,” should be remembered. They laugh now, but perhaps Arkansas City will turn the tables soon. We won’t forget Winfield’s contemptible action in this matter nor the men who originated and propelled the scheme to injure our town. The time may come again when they will want to join hands with Arkansas City in order to secure an enterprise, but our eyes are open now, and no more will we affiliate with them.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 28, 1885.
If Amos Walton is so vigilant a guard of our city interests, how came he to allow that proposition to build the road to Geuda Springs and Caldwell to pass the board? The scheme was concocted in Winfield, and its purpose was to put this city off on a spur; it was a violation of good faith and was prompted by local jealousy. Certainly it was the duty of the commissioner of this district to fight such an infamous device with all his might; and if he found his opposition ineffectual in the board, to give due caution to the people that the popular voice might be raised. But such faithful regard for this city’s interest was not shown by the commissioner; and herein is found a sufficient reason for replacing him with a better man.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 28, 1885.
Started up August 18th, and all lovers of good syrup can procure the article by ordering of the manager.
Address: J. S. Alter, Geuda Springs.
All orders promptly attended to.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
W. M. Berkey, of Geuda Springs, was in the city yesterday. The citizens of Geuda, he says, are with Arkansas City now heart and soul, since the Geuda Springs and Caldwell branch propositions have been withdrawn. They now recognize the fact that their only show for getting a railroad is to work in conjunction with Arkansas City. Thursday evening a railroad meeting was held in that thriving town. Jas. Hill addressed the assembly. He showed up the impracticability of a line going west north of Arkansas City to the satisfaction of all, and stated that the most feasible route was to run the branch of the K. C. & S. W. west from Arkansas City via Geuda. The citizens of Geuda want a railroad and want it bad. They have combined with Arkansas City go get it. “So mote it be.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
Will our cotemporary tell what Amos Walton or the county commissioners of Cowley County had to do with the Geuda Springs and Caldwell proposition? Democrat.
Quite cheerfully. The scheme to put this city at the end of a bobtail line was concocted in Winfield; and the gentleman named makes frequent visits there. Unlike the county officials, he is commissioner for this district, and it is his duty to be vigilant in guarding the interest of his constituents. The Democrat is unreserved in condemning the treachery and bad faith that marked this piece of jugglery, and the resentment of all our citizens was aroused at the attempt to carry it out. Yet County Commissioner Walton gave no note of warning, and its defeat was due to the prompt and united action of the people of this city.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Maj. Sleeth and N. T. Snyder visited Wellington Monday and Tuesday in the interest of the Ft. Smith & Wellington road. They met the president of the company, who assured them that the road would positively be built in the next 16 months. Messrs. Sleeth and Snyder were also informed that the railroad desired to come to Arkansas City; but since the defeat of their bonds in Walton Township, had had some notion of changing the route to go through Guelph Township. Surveyors are making this way from Ft. Smith through the territory. A survey will be run on the north side of the Arkansas first, and then on the south, in order to ascertain which is the most available route to Ft. Smith. In four townships in Sumner County bonds have already been voted and an election will occur in another on the 11th. The company asks for $4,000 per mile, from the county through which it passes. We should get this railroad connection. It is a trunk line, and since our citizens have ascertained that the road is a certainty, they will make a mighty strong pull to get it.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
The surveyors are expected here this week, says the Wellington Standard, to commence the work of surveying the line for the Ft. S., W. & N. W. The people of Walton Township will soon be convinced that this much talked of road is not a paper road like the Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Southwestern, but a thoroughbred railroad, with steel rails and steam horses. Get out of the way, you fellows down about Geuda, or you will get run over.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
The Present Bond Proposition Declared Off.
[From the Caldwell Journal.]
On Monday morning a telegram was received by our local railroad committee from Winfield, requesting their presence at that point immediately. In answer to this, Mayor Reilly, A. M. Colson, and the writer hereof repaired to Winfield on the afternoon train.
On reaching that point delegations were found there from South Haven and Walton Townships.
The matter we were called upon to consider was the determination of the railroad company to whom the bonds were to have been voted on the 2nd and 10th days of November, that it could not build under that proposition as now pending. This action on the company’s part became necessary under circumstances over which they had no control, having arisen since those propositions were submitted.
The representatives of the railroad company, wishing to convince the committee that they had acted in good faith in the matter, stated their reason for not standing by the promises they had made before. There were in a decidedly embarrassing situation, and to devise means whereby all interests could be protected and the road built on time over a route that would not materially affect any interest unfavorably, was what they wished the presence of the committees for. A conference was appointed for 9 o’clock Tuesday morning, which was held, and at which time mutual concessions and agreements were entered into on behalf of the company by its agents, and the railroad committees on behalf of their people.
The result of these agreements in brief are as follows.

The company will submit propositions to the various townships in which those now pending are to build their line of road into and through them on or before Sept. 1, 1885. The initial point of the road to be anywhere between Winfield and a point due west of Arkansas City. The road to go within one mile of Geuda Springs in its course to Caldwell via South Haven. This line of road, they now propose to build, for aid in the total sum of $102,000 in township bonds instead of $116,000 as the proposition now pending gave them. They further agree to pay all expenses of the election to be held on their proposition on the 2nd and 10th of November. The committee accepted these new propositions, subject to the approval of the people in the townships affected by the change; and as soon as a preliminary survey can be made from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs, they will be put in form and presented to the people again. This cannot be done before next week, as the engineers are compelled to remain at Winfield on bridge work over the Walnut and other smaller streams the balance of this week.
These propositions satisfy Arkansas City, we presume, and make her feel good; but it does not remove the impression made upon us that they are a mighty hard lot, and know how to kick up the greatest possible row on the least capital of any outfit in the state.
The new propositions are certainly better than the old ones were, if we consider the matter of $14,000 any object. They lengthen the distance to Winfield a little less than three miles and do not give us any heavier grades. We can certainly stand that now, when we are to receive the benefits of this competing line of road at a cost of $14,000 less than the other was to cost us.
Let our people show the same energy and perseverance that Arkansas City, Belle Plaine, Anthony, or even “poor old Wellington” have shown in their railroad matters, and before the calf crop is ready to harvest next year, we will have a competing line of railroad in operation to this point.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
[From the South Haven News.]
The railroad company has withdrawn its proposition to us and will shortly submit another that we think will be far better. The fact of the matter is simply this: the company could not afford to operate a little stub road of three or four miles even with such a live town as Arkansas City at the end of the stub. So the company now propose to pay all expenses of calling the special election and submit us a proposition to extend the main line through Arkansas City, then run up the river to within one mile of Geuda Springs, and thence west via South Haven to Caldwell. They also propose to reduce the amount of stock asked for $14,000, which will reduce the amount asked for in this township $2,000. The company only ask for one month longer in which to complete the road.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
[From the Caldwell Journal.]
The engineers of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad Company will make a preliminary survey this week from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs, with a view of ascertaining just where they can get through with their road. That the company propose to build to Caldwell in the next ten months, not one of the men who have had any dealings with them for an instance doubt. The railroad committees throughout the border tier have more faith in the company’s intention of building now than ever before. The concession of the company from $4,000 per mile to $3,500 is one of the strongest arguments the committee have that the railroad company is in earnest and regret the necessity of having to resubmit the propositions.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
   Hackney Harpings.

A series of meetings conducted by Revs. Brink, of Geuda Springs, and Tull, of Udall, have been in progress the past three weeks at the Pleasant Valley M. E. Church. The spiritual flame still continues to burn with no immediate prospect of abating. Quite a number of additions are being made to the church.
A gentleman’s horse and buggy either got loose or was driven off during services at the M. E. Church, last Sunday evening. The outfit was found four miles north next morning in Doc. Copple’s pasture, right side up with care.
At present the prospects are quite bright for a station and town of considerable dimensions on section 24, Beaver Township, on the K. C. & S. W. Railroad. The preliminaries are now being arranged, and ye scribe will be able to give fuller details in his next report.
Some of the more enterprising citizens of Beaver Township are now agitating the subject of voting township bonds for the building of an educational institution of light grade. Of course, it would be located at the station on the K. C. & S. W. R. R. GRAPHITE.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
   [From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
The New Proposition.
The railroad propositions are now in shape for circulation and will be signed up and probably presented to the commissioners in a few days. It has been decided by the company to build from near Arkansas City to Geuda Springs and on west to Caldwell.
This is as it should be, and will give us direct communication for those who wish to go to Arkansas City. Whereas anyone desiring to go from here or west of us, as the road was formerly expected to be built, would have been compelled to wait for change of cars at the junction both ways, and this will take us directly to Arkansas City, Winfield, and on to St. Louis at present, and within a year direct to Kansas City.
If the winter is open weather the dirt will be flying on the grade to our town by February 1st, and we expect to see the train in any event by April 15th, 1886, running into Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
   Oh, Yes We Can.
“The people of Geuda don’t seem to take any too kindly to the idea of their railroad running from Arkansas City. But then people can’t always have things just as they would like in this world. Arkansas City may be able to run Cowley County, but she can’t always run railroads just as she would wish. Winfield Telegram.”
The first portion of the above squib is false. Geuda Springs does take kindly to having the K. C. & S. W. built from Arkansas City, for they realize that is the only way they can obtain a road. The citizens of that live town are working heart and soul with us now and will in a few months be united to Arkansas City by iron bands. Selah.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
There was considerable excitement in Geuda early Wednesday morning, caused by the discovery that J. O. Caldwell’s safe had been blown open by burglars. Mr. Caldwell had something over $200 in cash, principally silver, in the safe, besides some valuable papers, which were all taken. No clue whatever to the perpetrators yet. Geuda Springs Herald.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
Rev. S. B. Fleming, Geo. Cunningham, H. O. Meigs, and T. H. McLaughlin were delegated by the Citizen’s committee to visit Caldwell the first of the week and ascertain the animus there relative to the extension of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad west from Arkansas City. Our commission found Caldwell’s railroad committee somewhat opposed to the proposed line; it preferred that the road run west from Winfield. Tuesday morning the council met in this city and passed the ordinance granting the railroad company the right-of-way through the city on 13th street. The ordinance was to have appeared in the Traveler, of last Wednesday, but when our committee ascertained the feeling in Caldwell, it telegraphed to withhold its publication, which was accordingly done by Major Schiffbauer. A committee from Caldwell came along with Arkansas City’s committee to Winfield to confer with the
K. C. & S. W. officials and learn their intentions. Wednesday morning Mayor Schiffbauer and A. A. Newman went up to Winfield to join the conference. Everything was amicably settled. Caldwell, on learning that the company was going west from Arkansas City, acquiesced, and our committee came home Thursday morning satisfied with what they had accomplished. Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, and Caldwell are now joined hand in hand, working for the same cause—the building of the Geuda Springs and Caldwell branch. ‘Tis well.
Interesting news relative to railroads...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
The Railway Age contends that there will be some lively railroad building in Kansas in the near future. In its last issue, that paper says that the great competing lines west of the Missouri River are threatening each others territory; that the Missouri Pacific is energetically pushing its lines into Central and Southern Kansas, and that the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Chicago & Northwestern are contemplating a like movement. The Age further says that the coming year will be an active one among the existing railways in Kansas, to say nothing of the numerous independent enterprises which are promising to take the field.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.
The following charter was filed with the secretary of State last Tuesday.
“The Geuda Springs, Caldwell, Harper & Northwestern Railroad Company.” Place of business, Winfield, Cowley County. Route: from Geuda Springs, Sumner County, in a northwest course to Denver, Colorado. Estimated length of road 700 miles. Capital stock, $5,000,000. Directors for the first year: A. Stevens and J. W. Young, of Chicago, Illinois; H. E. Asp and J. D. Dantham [? NOT SURE OF THE LAST NAME], of Winfield, and J. Munger and W. S. Torrey, of Harper, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
  Geuda Springs & Northwestern.

Elsewhere we publish the fact that a charter has been granted for the building of a railroad from Geuda Springs via Caldwell, northwest, through Harper County. The line of the road will be from Caldwell through Freeport and Mid Lothian, Harper, one of the towns in Pratt County, crossing the Santa Fe at Offerie [? Not sure of this name], through Jetmore and to Scott City, thence west to the Colorado line. The company building the road is virtually the Kansas City & Southwestern. The only change being made is the addition of the names of two directors from Harper. The Harper Graphic in speaking of the proposed road says: “Of course, it is the intention to continue the road to the southeast through the Territory and Arkansas, to the Mississippi, and the coast. This however will be an after consideration, when the northwestern road is completed. We may add the road is as well assured as anything in the future can be, and is not a paper road or a visionary scheme.”
Light begins to dawn upon our minds concerning the K. C. & S. W. extension. As we understand, the K. C. & S. W. will build here, go west some two miles, and then construct the road south to the state line, which will be the end of the road for the present. As we stated last week, the junction of the Caldwell extension will be formed about two miles west of the city (where the main road goes to the state line), and on via of Geuda to Caldwell. Sometime in the future the main road will be extended through the Territory to connect with the Panhandle system of Texas. By this new proposed route, Arkansas City will be directly connected with Colorado on the west and Missouri on the east. The fact that a charter has been granted for another line from here going northwest to the same company is almost conclusive evidence that the company intend to make Arkansas City the end of both divisions, and from this point merge both roads into one line. The end of both roads being here will call for large machine and repair shops, roundhouses, etc. Then it will be our grand motor power, of which we can avail ourselves, will be called into use.
The building of this road will also settle the “bob-tail” question. Arkansas City is not to be located on the “bob-tail.” Neither is Geuda or Caldwell; but all then will be on the main lines. How does this news strike you, gentle reader?
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
The directors of Geuda Springs, Caldwell, Harper, and Northwestern railroad met in their office at Winfield, Kansas, and organized by electing Alonzo Stevens, of Chicago, President; Jos. Munger, of Harper, Vice-President; J. L. Huey, of Arkansas City, Treasurer; W. M. [?] Forney, of Harper, Secretary; and Henry E. Asp, of Winfield, Attorney. Immediate steps will be taken to procure the right of way from Harper to Caldwell and vote the aid along the line necessary to secure the building of the road. The directors expect and desire the hearty co-operation of the people of Harper and the people along the line. Harper Graphic.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 19, 1885.
D. P. Marshall came into our office yesterday morning and reported seeing for the first time in this section the occurrence of a mirage. Mr. Marshall resides on a farm in West Bolton Township. Several miles to the northwest of his home lies the town of Geuda, down in a valley. While standing in his doorway yesterday morning and looking in the direction of Geuda, he was astonished very much by beholding the entire town of Geuda Springs and Salt City. He could not believe his eyes at first, so he called his wife, who saw and proclaimed the same as he. He says the outline of the town, buildings, etc., was plainly visible.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 19, 1885.

N. T. Snyder, manager of the telephone exchange, is taking steps to establish night service at the exchange. We are now connected by telephone with Wichita, Wellington, Winfield, Caldwell, Hunnewell, Mulvane, Geuda Springs, and Belle Plaine. A night operator would be of great service to our citizens. Service of our Doctors are now connected with the exchange and by this arrangement, parties having telephones in their residence can get connected with any of the Doctors’ offices anytime during the night.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
From the Mid Lothian Sun, of Harper County, we learn that petitions are now being presented to the voters of Silver Creek and Stohrville Townships to vote bonds to the Geuda Springs, Caldwell, Harper & Northwestern railroad. They will no doubt be signed by every taxpayer in the townships, for it will be to their interest to have another road. When the petitions are properly signed, they will be presented to the county commissioners, who meet in January. So it won’t be long until the election proclamations will be out.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
   East Bolton Items.
Shame on the two young men who came to East Bolton from Geuda Springs to see their sweethearts. After they had started home, one of the wheels of their buggy broke, and they went to the residence of Mrs. Abi Davis, and said they lived in Arkansas City, and that if she would let them have a wheel from her buggy, they would return it that same evening. Three weeks rolled around before she heard of it, and when she heard of the property, it had been expressed from Geuda to Arkansas City, with express charges which Mrs. Davis had to pay; and, besides, the wheel is so damaged it cannot be used.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
   [From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
Likes the Arrangement.
“There is a rumor afloat that the K. C. & S. W. has either sold out to or made a long lease to the Frisco of its line of railroad, and that hereafter the Frisco will back up the K. C. & S. W., and the G. S. C. & W. We hope such is the fact as that will, beyond all question, make it a competing one with the Santa Fe, and not only give us a Kansas City connection, but a direct outlet to St. Louis. Keep the ball rolling. While we would rejoice at knowing that our road was backed up by a great trunk line like the Frisco, we would also like to see it managed by the enterprising men who built it, so far, and have proved themselves railroad men who know how to build and manage a road.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.

Messrs. A. A. Newman, T. H. McLaughlin, H. T. Sumner, Geo. Howard, Jas. Hill, W. B. Wingate, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, Frank Austin, Geo. Cunningham, Herman Godehard, W. D. Mowry, S. P. Burress, and F. B. Hutchison went over into the townships in Sumner County along the line of the proposed G. S. & C. Road Tuesday and worked like Turks to secure the carrying of the bonds. Elsewhere we give the good results of their labors. Wonderful stories are told by the boys as to how they walked mile after mile over enormous snow drifts, and how Herman Godehard captured the German vote and also about A. A. Newman’s big speech on the tariff question. ‘Tis no wonder that Arkansas City booms, when she has such patriotic and enterprising citizens pushing at the helm. These gentlemen realized that the carrying of these bonds was a necessary factor in the future welfare of Arkansas City, and accordingly went over to the contested territory, through the piercing winds and snow, and put their shoulders to the wheel. A great deal of credit is due the above mentioned gentlemen for what they did for Arkansas City last Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
   [From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
The Santa Fe has waked up the wrong passenger. The great Frisco Trunk line has invaded her territory, and backed up by Jay Gould, Russel Sage, Jessie Seligman, and other prominent financiers, who are opposed to the Santa Fe, have purchased the K. C. & S. W., and taken the contract of the K. C. & S. W. to push that road on from Arkansas City to Caldwell, and west, with another line south through the Indian Territory to the Gulf.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Jacob Hight will build the passenger stations along the Geuda Springs, Caldwell, and Western road. His work on the K. C. & S. W. Station in this city has given such entire satisfaction to the contractors, that they award him the contract.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
Disaster in Arkansas City.
Geuda Springs Herald. “J. H. Berkey had a crowded house at his lecture at Arkansas City last Saturday night. [Herald of last week.]
A crowded house?
The above does not convey the faintest idea of the colossal proportions of the crowd alluded to. Yes, I was present at that meeting; and have a vague recollection of that immense congregation which consisted, chiefly, of a deaf woman, two little helpless children, and six hundred empty seats.
It was an impressive occasion and has been a source of wonder to me ever since, that the house survived the incalculable amount of internal pressure brought to bear by that crowd—
and my eloquence.
Now, if there is anything in the world aside from a cyclone, that will rack and strain a house all out of shape, it is eloquence; and if the building in question has been seriously damaged, I can solemnly place my hand right over the seat of my conscience and affirm that it was not intentional.
Some cruel person with an unregenerated liver, has intimated that the greater part of the strain fell upon my conscience. This is a sad mistake, and my friends need not feel alarmed in regard to my personal condition, for I can assure them that my conscience is capable of bearing a great deal of strain owing to the severe tests to which it has been subjected in the past.
Of course, I cannot assume any responsibility for the disastrous effects of my eloquence, which is natural, and usually harmless, except at times when from an over accumulation of eloquence a gorge is formed, for when the general break-up takes place, there is very likely to be trouble.
Such was the state of affairs at the meeting alluded to. When I began to speak it was in a very placid, lucid, gentle, kitteny kind of a style; but the intelligent, sympathetic expression which glowed upon the countenances of those empty seats, sent a thrill of eloquence tingling through my immaculate shirt front, and the volcano burst!

At the first eruption of eloquent lava that flowed from my vocal crater, nothing serious was apprehended, but when the house began to groan and creak under a pressure of fourteen thousand pounds of eloquence to the square inch and each particular shingle stood on end, like quills upon the fretful porcupine; when the seats trembled with emotion; and the nails burst up through the floor until it resembled a stubble field—the two little children went out.
The balance of the audience remained to the bitter end.
The people of Arkansas City have invited me to deliver another address, and in order to avoid all danger to property, the City Council have, for my special benefit, secured a vacant lot near the slaughter house, and the editor of the “Arkansas Valley Democrat” will be present with a steam gauge to make a full report of the disaster.
Eloquently thine, J. H. BERKEY.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
The Railroad Question.

During the past week two petitions have been presented to the voters of Cedar, Spring Creek, and Silverdale Townships, asking for the required signatures to call elections to vote aid in the building of a railroad. One petition is gotten up by Winfield parties. It asks aid for the Independence and Southwestern railroad. This line of road is a Santa Fe scheme and is projected and chartered from Independence along the state line to Arkansas City and thence on west. It never was intended to be, and never will be, run up to Winfield. But the schemers at the county seat recognized the fact that Arkansas City would soon have an east and west railroad. In order to cheat Arkansas City of this enterprise, they set their heads together and resolved upon the plan of tying up the townships east of us in Cowley County with bonds for the Independence and Southwestern. The propellers of this scheme themselves have no idea that their projected line of the Independence and Southwestern will ever be built. The route is not feasible, and the idea that any railroad company would build down from Independence—a city on a direct line east of Winfield—to the state line and thence back up to Winfield within the lines of three counties, is absurd. The other petition presented to the voters of Spring Creek, Cedar, and Silverdale Townships for their signatures calling an election to vote aid in the construction of the Kansas state line road in the interests of Arkansas City. This road is chartered to be built from Oswego, Kansas, connecting at that city with the Frisco railroad, and come to Arkansas City, passing along the state the townships mentioned heretofore. Here the road will connect with the Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Northwestern, which will be, upon completion, no doubt turned over to the Frisco. Bonds upon the G. S. C. & N. W. Road have been voted in all the townships west of us to the western Sumner County line and elections are now pending in Harper County. The citizens of the townships mentioned above have a chance at last to get a railroad if they will not allow Winfield to step in to thwart them by a wild cat scheme. But even supposing that the Winfield project is a reality. The citizens in the above townships will get only a Santa Fe bob-tail. While upon the other hand, if aid is extended to the Kansas State line road, they will get a line of road over 200 miles in length and in direct communication with the St. Louis market. Citizens of Cedar, Spring Creek, and Silverdale Townships, we have presented you some of the facts in regard to the railroad question in the above. We do not tell you what to do, because each and all of you are capable of judging, from the points we give, what you want. Do not act rashly in this matter. Investigate as we have done and you will find the above to be gospel truth. Winfield does not care whether you ever get a railroad. She only wants to tie your townships up in bonds in order that the road may be retarded in its coming to Arkansas City. Aid the Kansas City State Line road and you will be connected to the outside world with iron bands inside of 12 months.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
The rattle-brained fop who tries to edit the Winfield Telegram says Winfield gave Arkansas City the K. C. & S. W. Road instead of running it over to Geuda Springs. Better say, Walter, Arkansas City gave that road to Winfield and the dirty blackguards which inhabit your village tried to steal it from us. But your schemes were thwarted. We have gotten the road but not by Winfield’s consent, and what are you going to do about it.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
A representative of the REPUBLICAN visited Geuda Springs Monday and he found that beautifully located town thriving wonderfully in anticipation of the coming railroad. For the benefit of our Geuda Spring readers, we wish to say that the grade stakes have all been set between Arkansas City and Caldwell, and we are told by good authority the grading will commence April 1.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
C. G. Furry, of the Geuda Springs Herald, was in town on Saturday, and illuminated our sanctum with his beaming countenance.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
From Our Exchanges.
GEUDA SPRINGS HERALD. George Cunningham, of Arkansas City, says as soon as the railroad is built, he will establish a large implement house at this point. George is a rustler and will be a great addition to Geuda.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
Mrs. F. W. Farrar goes to Geuda Springs next week to try the curative powers of the celebrated Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
A petition has been circulated in Walton Township and signed, asking the commissioners of Sumner County to call an election for the purpose of voting $10,000 to aid in the construction of the Ft. Smith & Wellington road. The company proposes to build a first-class standard gauge road and have the cars running thereon before fifteen months after the election prayed for. Said road must run within less than one half mile of the city of Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Grading of the Geuda Springs & Caldwell road goes steadily on. About 100 teams are throwing dirt between this city and Geuda Springs. Most all the right-of-way has been secured.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.

Arkansas City, inside of 18 months, will have railroad facilities equaled by no city in the state. The Frisco for St. Louis, the Santa Fe for Kansas City, the Southern Kansas for Galveston and all points south, the Kansas & Arkansas Valley for Ft. Smith, the Missouri Pacific for Kansas City and other eastern cities, and the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western for all points west of us. Now is the time to invest in real estate in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Robbed and Chloroformed.
Wednesday morning a telephone message was received in this city that the residence of a widow, Mrs. Jones, at Geuda Springs, was burglarized. Mrs. Jones resides alone in a small cottage. Her bed stood just beneath the window and it is supposed that the window was raised and she was chloroformed. The burglars entered, bound her wrists and ankles very tightly with cord, and tied a large handkerchief over her mouth to prevent her calling for aid. The burglars secured $92 in money and left. Next morning neighbors upon going to the home of Mrs. Jones found her bound and gagged and her household effects scattered upon the floor promiscuously. She was released, but could give no account of the affair. She knew nothing of it until she came to. She was injured quite badly and has been compelled to remain in bed since her fearful experience with the burglars. No clue has been discovered that will lead to the capture of the burglars, but it is supposed by some to have been done by one or two of the prisoners who broke jail Monday night at Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
In the railroad bond election in Cowley County, the latter part of last week, Arkansas City gave Winfield the severest drubbing she ever got. They downed the Winfield proposition and then carried their own by good majorities, notwithstanding the fact that from one hundred and fifty to two hundred of Winfield’s businessmen camped on the ground and labored furiously for two weeks prior to the election. We hope the State Line road will be speedily built, as it is not only a big thing for our sister city on the Arkansas, but indirectly a good thing for South Haven. Now let Winfield build a cut-off from their city to Geuda Springs and we’ll all be flying. South Haven News.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
C. N. Sheldon sold his half interest in the hotel at Geuda Springs to his partner, G. S. Love.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Iron work has begun on the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western. The frog was put in west of the city Monday. Look out Geuda, we are coming.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Mrs. Fred W. Farrar came in from Geuda Springs Sunday, where she had been trying the curative powers of the Springs. Mrs. Farrar is greatly improved in health.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. W. F. Downs, of Atchison, stopped off in Wichita over Tuesday night at the Occidental Hotel. She was on her way to Geuda Springs, where here husband is taking advantage of the benefits to be derived from the great Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.

Grading on the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western is now under headway all the way to Caldwell. The grade is ready to receive the iron from here to Geuda Springs. John Doyle left this afternoon to put the stone work in for the bridge across the Chicaski.

Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
East Bolton Township Items.
Donald Beaton has moved to Geuda Springs for the time being and is aiding in grading the railroad to that place.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The grade of the Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Western road is thrown up about 12 miles west of Geuda.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
A drive across the country to Geuda Springs reveals the fact that the growing crops are greatly in need of rain. Corn is doing well, but the wheat and oat crop will not amount to much unless rain falls in a very short time. By the way, among the most fertile farms, and the best improved, are west and north of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
A. V. Alexander & Co., have located a lumber yard at Geuda Springs. As soon as the road is completed to that town, the stock will be put in. The track, we are told, will be laid to Geuda within the next 15 days.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Titus left for Geuda Springs this afternoon.
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
All Aboard for Caldwell.
Chief Engineer Wingate, of the G. S., C. & W. R. R. and Dr. Love came in Tuesday from Caldwell. Mr. Wingate informs us that the final survey of the road is completed to Caldwell; that there are 160 teams throwing up the grade between Geuda Springs and the Chicaski River; that a half mile of track was laid toward Geuda from this city; and that 15 car-loads of steel rails would arrive the latter part of this week; and then iron would go down as fast as men could lay it. In 90 days the road will be done to Caldwell. There is only one bridge of any size on the route and that is across the Chicaski. It will be 1,000 feet in length. John Doyle and his force of stone masons are putting in the abutments and piers. They found it a difficult job because of the swiftness of the river.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. C. C. Sollitt is trying the efficacy of the waters of Geuda Springs; as is also the wife of the junior editor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mrs. S. Matlack went to Geuda Springs yesterday to remain for a time.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Wednesday two trains of iron and ties for the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western road came in and track-laying will commence immediately. The surveyors are two miles west of Caldwell. In 90 days Arkansas City and Caldwell will be united with the G. S., C. & W.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Ten days more will complete the grade of the border road to this place. Better make some preparation to entertain the excursionists that will come here from the east on the 4th of July.
South Haven New Era.

We second the motion. Have a barbecue and Geuda Springs and Arkansas City will all come over. Kill the fatted calf and we will help you eat it. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.
From the Wellington Standard.
Base ball: Wellington vs. Ft. Smith.
Kansas and Arkansas joined together.
Delegates for the poor house: Winfield.
Wellington and Arkansas City are happy.
The commissioners met in extra session Tuesday and proceeded to Geuda Springs for the purpose of condemning the right of way lands along the line of the border road.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
About a mile and one-half of track has been laid on the Geuda Springs & Caldwell road.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mesdames Farrar, Matlack, and Sollitt came home from Geuda Springs yesterday, all much improved in health.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
W. H. Brown, of Wichita, passed through the city today en route for a short vacation at Geuda Springs. Mr. Brown was accompanied by his two sisters.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
W. H. Brown, of Wichita, passed through the city today en route for a short vacation at Geuda Springs. Mr. Brown was accompanied by his two sisters.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
On the Geuda Springs & Caldwell road, one mile and three quarters of track was laid yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
A party of young people of Dexter, composed of Misses Mattie Truesdall, Lucy F. Hite, Lizzie Filbert, and Rett Elliott, and Messrs. Dr. Phelps, S. H. Wells, C. A. Truesdall, and Prof. F. McClellan, passed through the city today en route from Geuda Springs, where they had been on a pleasure trip since Saturday, for their home.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Up to the time of going to press, about five miles of track have been laid upon the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western road. The company intend to get into Geuda by tomorrow night.
Arkansas City Republican, June 19, 1886.
Special Correspondence of the Globe-Democrat.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, June 12. A new outfit of twenty-five men arrived here yesterday to commence work on the railroad bridge over the Arkansas River south of this city, on the extension of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad through the Indian Territory to Denison, Texas. This company now has nearly thirty miles of the road graded, and the road bed is now ready for the ties and rails, and several hundred cars of ties and rails are now here in the Santa Fe yards waiting for the bridge to be completed. As soon as this is done, the work of laying ties will commence.

The Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Western Railroad also commence laying rails on their extension west to Colorado from Arkansas City. This road is virtually the extension of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad west.
Last Wednesday bonds were voted in Bolton Township for the Ft. Smith, Wellington and N. W. Railroad. This road is a continuation of the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad now building from Ft. Smith to Arkansas City through the Indian Territory.
The State Line Railroad from Independence, Kansas, to Arkansas City is making preparations to commence work at once. Chief Engineer Robinson and his assistant went out over the line last Monday on a preliminary survey, and they make a favorable report and say that work will be commenced at once. This will make four railroads that are now being built to and from Arkansas City, and when completed, will give it six competing lines of railroad.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
   A Brief Round Up.
Our readers, perhaps, do not know the extent of the boom in Arkansas City. A drive over a portion of the city this morning behind A. G. Lowe’s roadster surprised us by seeing the amount of work being done. On Summit street a very large force of workmen are laying the water-works pipes. Probably there are one hundred men at work on this portion of the system. On South Summit street, some 15 mechanics are engaged in erecting the Newman-Pickle block. Farther south there are some 10 persons engaged in excavating for the large business block of six store rooms, mentioned in a preceding issue of the REPUBLICAN. Then down in the Leonard Addition about 15 men are doing the brick work on the new Schoolhouse. This building is almost completed to the second floor. From the Schoolhouse we went around down to the Frisco depot. On the way down we noticed a half dozen men at work on the foundation of the stand-pipe. At the spring a force of 15 hands are at work building the pump and boiler house. At the Frisco about 20 men are engaged in getting out the bridge timbers on the Geuda Springs & Caldwell road. This bridge will consist of 4,000 feet of trestle work.
The yards of the Frisco would make anyone believe he was in a city of 15,000 inhabitants. A large number of teamsters were busy hauling away some 14 carloads of lumber. Scattered here and there in the vacant land south of the depot are 25 tents, inhabited by newcomers and workers on the railroad. In addition to these we saw several camps of Indians, who are up from the Territory making purchases of supplies.
Returning from the depot to the business part of the city, we find at work on the National Bank extension, new post office building, and the Johnson Loan & Trust company block, some 20 mechanics. On the new hotel building 24 men are laboring to complete it. The stone work has almost reached the second story floor.
The last place we visited where a business block was going up was J. L. Howard’s. Here eight men are at work excavating. We do not hesitate to say that Arkansas City is becoming as no other city in the Southwest and in a few years will be the largest city in the Arkansas Valley.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Grandma Anderson and Mrs. Geo. Heitkam have returned from their sojourn at Geuda Springs.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Dr. J. W. Sparks was summoned to Geuda Springs Tuesday to attend Henry Miller, the cattle man, who is down with a severe attack of malaria.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The G. S. C. & W. Road was completed to Geuda Springs yesterday. It was an “epoch” in the history of that town. The people are very jubilant over their future prospects.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. W. Hutchison informs a representative of the REPUBLICAN that he has only discovered two peaches on trees in the many orchards in southwestern Cowley in his rambles. One was in the orchard of B. Kitchen, north of the city; the other at J. C. Smith’s near Geuda Springs. There is no doubt now but what the peach crop is a failure.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Six carloads of freight came in yesterday on the Frisco for Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Miss Emily Grosscup was over to the health resort, Geuda Springs, yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
A. V. Alexander is attempting to drink the Springs at Geuda dry this week.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Geuda Springs & Caldwell road will run an excursion train to Geuda, July 3rd.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Today 14 carloads of lumber were sent to Geuda Springs, consigned to Alexander, Lamport & Co.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Another engine has been received by the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western road. Two construction teams will be used in track-laying from Geuda Springs west.
Arkansas City Republican, August 7, 1886.
Tannehill Tidings.
   August 3rd, 1886.
The railroad boom has just struck us. We believe this scheme has been under consideration for some time; but has just boomed upon us with all its power. The Winfield, Geuda Springs & Southern railroad company offer to build a railroad from Winfield through Beaver Township to Geuda Springs, giving us two depots in Beaver Township, one within one-half mile of Tannehill, the other just across the Arkansas River on the corners at section twenty.
They ask us in return for these benefits (?) to vote bonds to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars. Heretofore the taxpayers of this township have been strenuously opposed to township bonds, but a grand change is plainly visible. L. P. Johnson, J. W. Browning, and J. H. Watts have been made directors and are working for the bonds. These gentlemen are among the heaviest taxpayers in the township and their actions in the matter will have considerable weight.

Ye reporter has always been opposed to railroad bonds in this township, and we think we can produce several good reasons for our opposition; because of the peculiar location of our township with reference to railroad facilities already obtained, but we will not presume to take up the space of any paper to explain our position. LAPSUS LINGUAE.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
We have no sand like Arkansas City and we have no mud, as they have at Winfield, but nice, high, and dry land that is never too sandy and never too muddy. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
Meetings in favor of the Pan Handle road were held in Pleasant Valley on Monday, and in Liberty Township yesterday. This evening a meeting will be held in Sheridan; Silver Creek on Thursday; and on Friday in Harvey Township. The elections on the proposition to vote $7,500 to the Geuda Springs and Caldwell railroad and $20,000 to the K. C. & P. H. Road is held in this city today, and in the townships named above the election will be on Saturday. The feeling in favor of the latter road is quite general, and the voting of the bonds is counted on as a certainty.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
Perley Davis came back on Saturday, having been away two months with the grading party on the Geuda Springs and Caldwell railroad. He with his wife kept boarding house for a gang of men at Drury, and the pair had a busy time. He talks of going into the territory on a commissary engagement with a Santa Fe contractor.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
Danks Bros. Machine Shop.
Happening in the fourth ward on Saturday afternoon, we dropped in to see the Danks Bros.’ foundry and machine shop. We found both brothers at work, John in the foundry assisting with a run of metal, and Charles in the machine shop busy at the bench. The last named has been suffering severely from malaria the last six weeks; but whenever he feels able to get about, he points for the shop and drives away till nature gives out. These young men have been owners of the above establishment for about eighteen months, and the first year they found discouraging. There was but little call for their industry, there being no workshops in town, and when trifling repairs were wanted, people were in the habit of going to the blacksmith. But they saw success ahead and like the ancient philosopher they knew there are occasions when the only way to gain a victory is to know how to wait for it. The city had been growing this while and the building industry increasing, and they now find their mechanical resources more generally in demand. During the summer their force of five employees, with themselves, have been busy repairing mowers and harvesters. This demand has now abated, but they are still fully employed on general repairs. They have the locomotive and other work for the Geuda Springs and Caldwell railroad, and the Santa Fe graders bring in a good share of business. They have lately turned out a ton of bolts and nuts for the first ward schoolhouse; this iron work being used to strengthen the walls, which had begun to crack in places. The water works company also furnished them work, and the repairs for a city of 5,000 or 6,000 people in a constantly growing quantity.
The machine shop now begins to assume a mechanical look with the recent addition of a bolt and nut machine from St. Louis, and an improved drilling machine from Cincinnati.

The castings on Saturday aggregated nearly a ton, and consisted of general custom work. During the fall they will make patterns for stove work, so that repairs for any portion of the stove can be furnished on demand. This is understood to be one of the most useful enterprises in the city, and it is gratifying to know that the proprietors are progressing so finely.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
Railroad Meeting.
A report being spread that Mr. W. P. Hackney would be at Tannehill to speak on the railroad question, and more especially on the proposed Winfield, Geuda Springs and Southern railroad, much interest was felt to hear what this big gun would say on the subject. But he failing to put in an appearance, the citizens to the number of fifty, assembled together to discuss the matter among themselves. The house was called together by Lucius Walton, and the meeting organized by electing R. S. Wright chairman and S. A. Beach secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, namely, to consider whether, as citizens of Beaver Township, they would be justified in voting $15,000 bonds to aid in building the above named road. The proposition was supported by J. W. Browning in a well argued speech, and opposed by L. Walton and C. W. Roseberry. S. A. Beach offered the following resolution.
Resolved, That we, the taxpayers of Beaver here assembled, are opposed to voting aid to the amount of $15,000, to aid in building a railroad from Winfield to Geuda Springs.
The resolution was unanimously adopted. A. BEACH, Secretary.
TANNEHILL, Aug. 5th, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
The Election.
The election yesterday was all one sided in favor of the bonds. For the K. C. & P. H. Bonds, it was almost unanimous; for the G. S. C. & W., there was only a slight opposition. The following are the majorities for the two propositions.
K. C. & P. H.: 79 G. S. C. & W.: 63
K. C. & P. H.: 87 G. S. C. & W.: 78
K. C. & P. H.: 70 G. S. C. & W.: 61
K. C. & P. H.: 117 G. S. C. & W.: 60
TOTAL FOR THE K. C. & P. H.: 353
TOTAL FOR THE G. S. C. & W.: 262
The above shows the unity of our people upon subjects relating to the advancement of our city. The G. S. & W. Proposition had a slight opposition. This is accounted for by the fact that the situation was not understood by those who voted against it. The REPUBLICAN never understood it until it received light from Judge Kreamer. The status of the case, as we understand it, is about as follows.

About the time the K. C. & S. W. folks were building into Arkansas City, Winfield offered the company some $50,000 if they would build to Geuda Springs, three miles north of us, and thereby give us a stub road or bob-tail. Our citizens saw that if this was done, it would be a great detriment to the city and met Jas. Young, one of the head men of the company, in this city, to see what could be done to head off this threatened catastrophe. Mr. Young told several of our businessmen that if they would put up the extra cost of building the road direct from Arkansas City to Geuda, which was $7,500, his company would construct the road and not give us the threatened “bob-tail.” Mr. Young had to have his answer that day, so he could tell the Winfield parties what he and his company intended to do. No decision was reached in the small gathering of businessmen and upon its adjournment, A. A. Newman accompanied Mr. Young to the Frisco depot. On the way down Mr. Newman gave his word to stand good for the amount. This settled the matter and when Mr. Newman came back uptown, he reported what he had done. Immediately some 30 names of businessmen were placed to an agreement to stand a proportionate share of the $7,500, if the city refused to vote that amount of bonds. Yesterday the bonds were voted and this morning there are 30 businessmen breathing more freely. The load has been lifted from their shoulders and assumed by the city. We doubt if there is another city in the universe, in which one man can speak for 1,200 voters and have that man’s word so unanimously sanctioned. As long as there is this grand unity of action, the prosperity of Arkansas City is not to be questioned. We believe there is scarcely a voter in Arkansas City who does not love the dear old “sandhill” upon which he lives, better than his life. They all may have their petty, personal, and political differences; yet when it comes to a question of benefit to the city, there is one grand unity of action.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
Tannehill Tidings.
August 12, 1886.
The railroad boom still continues in Beaver Township; three petitions have been in circulation and the supporters of the measure claim that they have succeeded in getting the number of names required by the law to call the election. Many of the most judicial voters will not support the proposition because they claim it is nothing but a Winfield scheme to make a corner on something else. LAPSUS LINGUAE.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Miss Flora Gould will go over to Geuda Springs this evening, to try the springs for a month.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.

The vote on the railroad bonds shows the determination of our people to spare no expense, and shrink from no burden, in their efforts to build up the city. The opportunity presented in this section of country for growth and expansion comes but once in the lifetime of a city, and if not put to avail, it never returns. In the older and more populous states to the east of us, the towns and cities have grown up, the natural resources are pretty well developed, and the trade channels are formed. There is still a steady secretion of population, a slow increase in the volume and diversification of mechanical products, and the assessor’s lists still mount upward in numerical totals. But society and its many activities may be said to be formed there, any change that takes place, is gradual, and the superincumbent pressure upon the young and the enterprising tends to repress and flatten out their energies. Here the situation is entirely different. A vast extent of country comprising 7,000,000 acres, lying in the heart of the continent, of unsurpassed fertility and well water, ceded fifteen years ago by the Osage Nation to the government for white settlement, is being filled up rapidly, and its resources turned to account. As farms are opened and their crops garnered, a necessity for trade centres arises; and along the southern border of the state we see cities growing up, where capital in large sums is invested, and trade channels are formed. This naturally attracts the attention of the great railroad combinations of the east, who see the opportunity presented of extending their territory, and absorbing the carrying trade of a formative population whose possibilities cannot be accurately measured.
One of the propositions voted on last Wednesday was to subscribe $20,000 in bonds to aid in the construction of the Pan Handle road. This is a Missouri Pacific enterprise, and its charter provides that the line should start from Kansas City, and be carried southwesterly through Johnson, Miami, Franklin, Anderson, Coffey, Woodson, and Greenwood counties, to Reece, where the end of a division will be placed, and thence through Butler and Cowley counties to Arkansas City; and from this point it will enter the territory and be built to El Paso, Texas.
The usefulness to this community of introducing a competing line to the Santa Fe, and giving us direct access to the east and south was fully appreciated by the voters on the proposition, and the ballots they deposited were almost unanimous in its favor. Only a light vote was cast, everybody feeling at ease that the bonds would carry, and the majority, as is shown in another column, amounted to 353.
On the proposition to vote $7,500 to the Geuda Springs and Caldwell road, there was a greater diversity of feeling. On a previous occasion $20,000 had been subscribed by our citizens towards building this road to Arkansas City; they felt they had discharged their obligation and they regarded this further demand on their pockets as oppressive and unjust. Railroad corporations are proverbially soulless, and where they can take advantage, no conscience intervenes to forbid the sharp practice. It will be remembered that after the bonds were voted by this city, on the distinct understanding that the road was to be built here, a new proposition was started to run it three miles to the north, and put us off with a spur, or bobtail. This called our citizens to instant action, and a delegation visited Winfield to notify the parties in interest that the Arkansas City bonds would not issue unless the railroad undertaking was carried out in good faith. The subject of “extra cost” was considered, the divergence from this city to Geuda Springs (five miles northward), being the basis of settlement. This was compromised by the promise on behalf of our citizens to give an additional $7,500, and upon this engagement the sense of the voters was taken last Wednesday. A sober second thought abated the hostility, and the issue of the bonds was approved by a majority of 262. It was a good day’s work, and shows that the people of Arkansas City are full awake to the opportunity before them.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Bluff Township Stirred Up.

We mentioned a week or two ago the defeat in Bluff Township, Sumner County, of the proposition to vote $20,000 township bonds to the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western railroad. The Caldwell merchants, as we are informed, opposed the extension of the line beyond their city, thinking it would be injurious to their business interests, and they had so assiduously impressed this feeling on the minds of the Bluffites, that the latter accorded an almost unanimous vote against it. Now another railroad proposition is to be submitted to them on a new organization, the St. Louis, Kansas & Southwestern R. R. Co., being substituted for the designation above given. The petition sets forth that the proposed line shall form a connection with the Kansas City & Southwestern railroad, at some point in Cowley County, and extend westerly by way of Caldwell and through Bluff Township. In the proposition that was rejected a few weeks ago, a stipulation was made that a freight and passenger depot should be built within 1-1/2 miles of the geographical center of the township; this was objected to by the voters as too indefinite. The present proposition provides for a depot within half a mile of the center of the township, thus removing one important ground of objection. The Caldwell Journal tells of a railroad meeting held by the Bluffites to listen to a talk from Mr. Asp, and the appointment of a committee to consider the matter. “The people out there,” the Journal says, “are getting stirred up over this matter, and have taken it into their own hands. Some of them are against the proposition, and others favor it; but which is in the majority cannot yet be determined. Bluff ought to have the Border Line, and will have it if she does her part in the matter.”
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Geuda Notes.
H. C. Nicholson, partner to Isaac Ochs, the licensed trader at Pawnee, is an invalid at Geuda, trying the healing properties of the mineral springs. He was taken down with malaria, at the agency about six weeks ago, and lay on his back for a month, receiving such scant attention as the two clerks could give him. He was then brought to town lying prostrate in a wagon, and so immoderately dosed with morphine on the way that it produced nausea, which lasted forty-eight hours. He is now at Geuda, crippled with rheumatism, but slowly recovering health.
Harter & Stolp are the new proprietors of the Commercial Hotel, and are running it on improved principles.
The railroad boom has reached this place, and property holders are looking for a lively time in real estate. With one road running through our city and another road shortly to build here, there is no reason why this health resort should not become a railroad centre and surpass the growth of its two ambitious neighbor cities.
The hotels and boarding houses are well filled with invalids, who seek the healing waters, and the proprietors of the springs are doing a good business.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
   The Bonds Voted.
The election on $20,000 of bonds to be voted the Kansas City and Pan Handle railroad, and $7,500 in bonds to the Geuda Springs and Caldwell road, was held in this city last Wednesday, and the following majorities for the bonds were recorded.

Pan Handle railroad: First Ward, 79; Second Ward, 87; Third Ward, 70; Fourth Ward, 117. Total 353.
Geuda Springs railroad bonds: First Ward,63; Second Ward, 78; Third Ward, 61; Fourth Ward, 90. Total 292.
This is rendering hearty support to the roads, and shows that the people of Arkansas City are ready to take the same medicine they recommend to others. The Winfield Courier and other blowhards of that burg have been talking it around that this city is ready enough to urge other people to incur indebtedness, but is very chary of assuming any of the burden herself. The election last week shows the utter falsity of this disparagement.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Tannehill Tidings.
August 19, 1886.
The railroad boom in Beaver Township is rather quiet at present. It is reported around that the surveyors will be through to locate the route next week, and the company proposes to bind themselves down to certain lines, provided the bonds are voted. They say now that this will not be a cut-off for any line that is already built, but will be an independent and new line known as the Missouri Pacific.
We understand there will be a basket meeting in Mitchell’s grove at Geuda Springs the 5th Sunday in August, and the people of Tannehill and vicinity are invited to come and bring their baskets well filled. Good enough. LAPSUS LINGUAE.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 25, 1886.
The activity in real estate in this city, the steady influx of capital with a corresponding growth of population, and the enlarged conceptions that all express of the future possibilities of our city, are immediately due to the successful issue of the railway bond election in May last. In that contest was fought out a direct issue between this city and Winfield, in which allies were sought in several of the eastern townships. The men representing Winfield, with their accustomed arrogance, assumed to declare what railroads should be built in this county, and which communities should be benefitted by their operation.
The Sandhillers (or “A. C.” men) resented such dictation, and made appeal to the people of Silver Dale, Spring Creek, and Cedar. The strife between the opposing parties was acrimonious and stoutly contested, but the Sandhillers won and Winfield left the field routed and demoralized. It was recognized, and so grudgingly admitted at the time, that the triumph of this city was largely due to the friendly and efficient aid rendered by the communities amid whom the strife had been waged; and when the ladies of Arkansas City prepared a feast to celebrate the new friendships formed and to allow of our guests exchanging sentiments with their new allies, it will be remembered what hopeful views were expressed of the future prospects of the city, and how all declared that the insolent domination of Winfield was at an end.

From that pleasant reunion new ambitions rose, real estate grew in demand, building became active, money sought investment here, and the energies of our people were stimulated. The expenditure of large sums of money in real estate based on the future growth of the city, led to the earnest inquiry on what agencies can the prosperity and development of the city be predicated? Its rich agricultural surroundings would be first suggested, with the energy and intelligence of the people who till the soil. Our unsurpassed water power would be next mentioned, affording the prime essential for a diversified industry. Next would be suggested our expanding railroad connections, which will give us direct access to the staple products of the south, and afford a market for the surplus food products of this region. Some others counted on river navigation helping us, and the opening of the territory to white settlement entered largely into the expectations of others.
These are the considerations upon which real estate values have increased 100 percent, and upon which cautious capitalists are willing to risk large sums of money.
And to sustain and approve their judgment, we see the Geuda Springs and Caldwell road extending westward; the Santa Fe building through the territory to Texas, making this city its point of departure; the State Line road will be built within the time specified, if not by the Missouri Pacific interest, certainly by the Santa Fe; the Kansas City and Pan Handle enterprise is in such vigorous hands and is receiving such hearty encouragement along its proposed route that it is certain to become a reality; and last, but not least, the Kansas and Arkansas Valley route is now in course of construction, which in two years will place us in direct communication with Fort Smith, and the lower railroad points as far south as New Orleans.
And in addition to these general considerations, the supremacy of this city over its former rival, Winfield, is established. There cannot be two trade centers within a dozen miles of each other, having the one region of country tributary. One will grow and prosper, the other will dwindle in its shade. Winfield had an earlier start than this city; the county seat was located there, it first gained railroad connection, and was first in establishing its trade channels. Its advantages over this city were so manifold, that the Sandhillers were constrained to take a back seat, and content themselves with making the best showing possible. But the arrogance and injustice of their trade rival put the A. C. men on their mettle; they hazarded a contest for superiority with their boastful antagonist, and won so complete a victory that the pre-eminence is awarded our city by general consent. Hence the natural advantages we enjoy, the industrial and trade facilities we are creating, and our deliverance from former domination, have so vividly impressed the public mind—that we see people flocking in from all directions, and embarking in business or investing their money in real estate as an evidence of their faith in our growth and stability.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
The Caldwell Times report a compromise effected between the Geuda Springs & Western Railroad Co., and the people of Bluff Township, in which the parties mutually agree on $15,000 bonds. This removes an impediment to the extension of the road westward, and we hope no further difficulty will arise to retard its progress.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
J. M. Roney, a druggist of Geuda Springs, was taken to Wellington last week to stand trial on the charge of violating the prohibitory law, but the county failed to establish proof of guilt and Mr. Roney was acquitted.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Jacob Hight came to town on Saturday. He reports the five railroad stations on the Geuda Springs & Western line, between here and Caldwell, closed in and ready to receive freight, and but a few weeks’ labor required to finish them for the company’s use. He has put in his best licks to push the work to completion, and takes becoming pride in the handsome structures he has provided for the company.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
The city council held no session on Monday evening, a quorum of the members not being in town. Messrs. Davis, Dean, and Thurston have gone east, and Jacob Hight is out on the Geuda Springs & Caldwell line, building passenger stations. A meeting will be held on Friday, if a quorum can be obtained.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
 Completed to Caldwell.
E. B. Wingate, engineer to the Geuda Springs & Caldwell railroad, returned to the city on Sunday, having superintended the construction of the road to Caldwell. The title allowed in the charter for the laying of the track to that city expired on Wednesday last and bad weather and delay in the arrival of material threw the tracklayers in arrears with their work; but the last few days were put to good avail,  heavy gangs of men throwing out the iron band as fast as it could be extended, and night shifts with three locomotives carrying the rail and other material forward as fast as they could be handled. On Monday last, 2-1/4 miles was laid, the looker-on having to keep moving along to keep abreast with the workmen. This left but one and a half miles to lay, which was easily accomplished the following day and Caldwell was reached with one day to spare. A lively demonstration was made by the citizens at the completion of another railroad connection, and the Journal came out two days later, jubilating over the event in ecstatic vein. The work of ballasting and adjusting is still going on, and when finished the track, for smoothness and solidity, will be equal to any in the state. Three trains run over the road daily, and it starts out with a fair business.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886.
Tannehill Tidings.
September 9, 1886.
John Houston sold his farm near Geuda Springs for $8,000 to some Winfield men. Ed. P. Greer is said to be one of the purchasers. We suppose they intend to try to boom the Springs to the detriment of Arkansas City, but they had better go “snipe hunting.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
L. D. Davis has received the appointment of depot agent at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The Crank is the euphonious and high-sounding cognomen of a new paper just launched upon the billow waves of journalism at the Saratoga-Geuda Springs-of the southwest. J. H. Berkey is the name of the gentleman who propels the Crank. The motto of the sheet is “the elevation of public morals and horse-thieves.” The journal is gotten up on the Brick Pomeroy style besides containing local news. We hope the Crank will succeed as the initial number is creditable to its editor.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The Geuda Springs base ball nine goes to Oxford tomorrow to play the club of that place and Kellogg.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The Geuda Springs Crank says work is to begin in a few days on the Ft. Smith, Wellington and Northwestern railroad at Wellington and be pushed both ways, namely toward Arkansas City and Hutchinson.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mrs. C. C. Sollitt came home this morning after a two months’ visit at Geuda Springs, her health being somewhat improved. Thursday morning, accompanied by her husband, she will leave for Chicago where she goes to receive medical treatment. Mr. Sollitt will be gone a week or ten days.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Geuda Springs is enjoying quite a boom. We are informed that within the past 30 days some $64,000 worth of real estate has been sold to capitalists.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The council met last evening. There were present Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen Thompson, Prescott, Dean, Ingersoll, and Hight.
The first business of the evening was the action upon some bills.
The matter of the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western road was laid over.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886.
Cracker Factory.
This is a valuable acquisition for Arkansas City, and we hope that our merchants in southern Kansas will give it a hearty support.
The building that it occupies is a commodious brick structure built exclusively for the business. The machinery is all new and of the latest patterns.
Everything is systematically arranged and they have the facilities for supplying a large trade. A few minutes before our arrival at the works, they had just run off a small batch of crackers for supper of about a carload.
All kinds of crackers will be manufactured, except whip-cracker, and the manager doesn’t think that he will be able to put in the machinery for that purpose before next spring. Geuda Springs Crank.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Arkansas City.
The writer hereof paid Arkansas City a flying visit last Tuesday, and took in the town, including the water-works, cracker factory, a respectable list of subscribers, and a good square meal. We don’t like the town very well for several reasons. In the first place, there are so many houses that it is impossible to see “the landscape o’er” with any satisfaction.

If the citizens had been satisfied to build one story houses, it wouldn’t have been so bad; but instead of being content to live in the good old primitive style of our forefathers, they have been piling one house right on top of another for three and four deep, until they have totally ruined the natural scenery of the county.
And they are still at it, with no visible prospects of an adjournment. The carpenters and the masons create so much noise that everybody in the city had the headache the day that we were there.
It is too bad to see the country devastated in such a manner, and we told them so, but they are awfully set in their way and the probability is that our kind advice will do them very little good. Geuda Springs Crank.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Lean Editors.
It is an undisputed fact that most all editors are possessed of a lean physique. Why they do not enjoy a large avoirdupois and a mammoth rotundity of the stomach has always been a mystery to the writer. Since our advent into newspaper circles, we have observed this proverbial leanness. We do not wonder at Democratic editors being lean, for have they not been without “government pap” for a quarter of a century. Prohibition editors are expected to be lean; but why Republican editors should be doomed to the same fate we cannot exactly understand the justice of it.
We are led into the above remarks principally by the anti-fat condition of the editors of the Arkansas Valley. Now, there is Murdock, of the Wichita Eagle; he is pretty lean, notwithstanding the “good” beer obtainable in Wichita and his re-submission ideas.
But coming nearer home, there are the long hungry Greer Bros., of the Winfield Courier. They are good illustrations of our subject. It was only last week that Frank Greer swallowed a pin and the head was so much larger than his body that an extra piece of cloth had to be put in the waistband of his trousers to admit of the bulging out of his stomach. The Hon. E. P. G. is almost as lean as his younger brother. They say he is capable of sliding between any two questions without creating a jar.
We thought the above personages were lean, and were just in the act of recommending them to Barnum as the walking, talking Tanners of Cowley County, when Berkey, of the Geuda Springs Crank, dropped into our sanctum. Oh, but he is lean. He can double himself into a V shape, slide down the neck of an ordinary beer bottle, absorb all the “malt” in it, return to his “observatory” at Geuda Springs without bumping his shinbones, or creating the usual gurgling sound.
But, Tom Richardson, of the Wellington Press, lays it over Berkey. His Wind-field girl tells us that he has become so emaciated lately that she is compelled to twine her arms around him seven times in order to discover his manly form in her embrace. We blush for poor Tom.
Henthorn, of the Burden Eagle, was in our city recently, in the interest of Miss Ella Kelly. He is personified leanness itself. His height is 7 feet from the top of his head to the tip of his toe-nails and 11 inches in circumference. His tailors say he is so lean that he still wears long dresses instead of trousers.
There are other lean editors in this valley, but we won’t mention them. Time is too precious and life too short. We feel sorry for their shortcomings, and console them with the remark that the editors of this journal are so lean that all the hound pups on the sandhill bow down their heads in deep contrition and weep as we pass them by.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Frisco Railroad Company have purchased a one-half interest in the Geuda Springs Town Company, which comprises a large amount of occupied as well as unoccupied lands and will at once proceed to erect a $50,000 bath house near the springs, as also is a $100,000 hotel near the old Salt City townsite. C. R. Mitchell, the former owner of the lands, is now $75,000 better off than he was some days ago. The wife of Rev. B. C. Swarts, presiding elder of the M. E. Church for this district, owns eighty acres near the townsite, which is now valued at $5,000. Winfield Visitor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Editor Berkey was over to see us today from Geuda Springs. He reports his town booming, but the sight of Arkansas City and her large business was a pleasure he could not refrain from enjoying.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The prohibitionists of the city had a rally last evening in the M. E. Church. J. W. Forrest, candidate for congress from the 6th district, happened to be in the city and delivered an address. He was followed by Editor Berkey, of Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Rev. J. C. Halleday and wife were in the city today. They were en route for Geuda Springs where they have gone to partake of the water of health.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.
The new M. E. Church, in Geuda Springs, was dedicated last Sabbath, Rev. Dr. Earp, president of the Winfield Methodist College, presiding in the morning, and Rev. James Hill, of Arkansas City, giving an afternoon discussion. Quite a handsome sum was subscribed toward paying off the indebtedness.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Geuda Springs is to have a street railway and water works. At least the franchises have been granted by the council for these purposes. Now all there is to be done is to build them, and then Geuda will have them in reality as well as on paper.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
J. H. Berkey has retired from the editorship of the Crank, at Geuda Springs. He has preserved the name of his paper, and will remove it to Kansas City in a box-car, carefully packed, where he hopes to gain both fame and fortune. The paper at Geuda will be used by the Geuda Springs Town Company, with Charles Southwell as editor.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.
GEUDA HERALD: [MARRIED.]  Will D. Carey, formerly paymaster on the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western R. R., now one of the proprietors of the large roller mills of Arkansas City, was in town last Sunday with Mrs. W. D. Carey, formerly Miss Eva Dodd, of Winfield. You kept very quiet about it William, but you won one of the most estimable ladies in Winfield in the meantime, and we wish you all the success possible.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

The truth of Horace Greeley’s oft repeated saying, “You cannot publish a nonpareil newspaper in a long primer town,” is again illustrated in the experience of J. H. Berkey, at Geuda Springs. He started out to give the people of that health resort a live paper. He has a readiness at writing, a genuine vein of humor, and untiring industry. One railroad has been built to that town and another is expected shortly. This raised the expectations of property holders who thought they were about to be visited by a boom. The moment seemed auspicious for starting a live newspaper to help the town along. Our friend Berkey purchased material to furnish a good office, and he sent the Crank a turning. The necessary support not coming from home patrons, he dusted [?] around through the country in search of help; this expended his energies, and the necessary patronage was not secured. As a last resort he picked up and removed to Kansas City, where he certainly has a broad enough field to bustle in, and where we heartily hope he will achieve success.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
The architects are drawing the plans and specifications for the new bath house, which will probably be commenced about the last of this month. It is to cost about $50,000.
Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
W. J. Flood, formerly connected with the construction company in the building of the G. S. C. & W. Railroad, was in our city Monday, selling goods for John Kroenert of Arkansas City. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Fred Heisinger, of Geuda Springs, has taken a position in John Kroenert’s Diamond Front grocery.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The rolls of Arkansas City, East Geuda Springs, Beaver, Bolton, Creswell, Cedar, Pleasant Valley, Spring Creek, and Silverdale Townships are now ready at the office of Frank J. Hess. You can pay your tax for a fee of 50 cents.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
The Geuda Springs Herald tells us three drummers of Arkansas City wholesale houses were in the city one day this week canvassing for their respective houses. The time is not far distant when Arkansas City will have more drummers on the road than Wichita. We are getting to be metropolitan.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1886.
Jacob Hight, our first ward councilman, came in on Friday, his contract to build passenger stations and division houses on the Geuda Springs and Caldwell railroad being nearly completed. He has built the Geuda Springs, South Haven, Hampton, Hunnewell, Falls station, and Caldwell passenger stations and division houses at the three places first named. These division houses are two story buildings, 16 x 32 feet, with a kitchen 14 x 18. The passenger station of the Frisco road (also built by Mr. Hight), is admired for its excellent finish, and the other stations along the line to Caldwell are of a similar character. Mr. Hight will finish his contract during the present week, then he will come to stay awhile and renew acquaintance with his family.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.

The Geuda Springs and Arkansas City Band will give the grandest ball Christmas eve, that has ever been given in the city. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The Winfield Visitor claims that the Geuda Springs and Winfield railroad company has transferred its charter to the D. M. & A. Company and that the road will be constructed by it.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The jointists and prostitutes have begun to flee. They fear arrest by the sheriff. Last night a drove of them went over to Geuda Springs. It is to be hoped they will remain away from Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Bitter Creek.
George Teter and Frank Sands made a business trip to Geuda Springs, Wednesday. They report feeling much better after partaking of that all-healing beverage, Geuda water.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Mr. James Hill, of Arkansas City, is spending considerable time and money in the interest of the Ft. Smith railroad. The people of Arkansas City and Geuda Springs will never know of what benefit such a man is to a community until he is gone. A few such men can move mountains. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
R. E. Gillespie has changed his base of operations from Hackney to Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen started for Geuda Springs in a buggy. They had scarcely crossed the West Arkansas River Bridge when the horse began to run. Having just come out of the livery stable, the animal was feeling frisky. The harder Mr. Allen pulled on the reins, the faster he ran. He had run but a short distance when Mr. Allen was thrown out of the buggy, taking the reins with him. Mrs. Allen still remained in, but was thrown out by the buggy turning over after the horse had run a quarter of a mile. Fortunately neither was hurt. The buggy was broken badly, but the horse was uninjured. The runaway stopped after running about a mile, when Mr. Allen captured it and brought it back to town.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
The Geuda Springs Herald claims upon good authority that the peach crop will be a total failure this season. Rather early for that annual chestnut, Bro. Furry.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Next Monday the hack line between here and Arkansas City will be discontinued and the Frisco will take charge of the mail and carry it as far west as Caldwell.
Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City has been booming so loud and fast for the last two years that every time we go there we have to keep a sharp lookout not to get lost. Geuda Springs Herald.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Geuda Springs, February 25, 1887.
Mrs. Wm. Stonecipher, of Indiana, joined her husband here last week. Mr. Stonecipher has been so greatly benefitted by the magic waters that he intends to make this his future home.
John Martin came up from railroad in the Territory Saturday and is spending a few days with friends here.
DIED. Young Reynolds, who has been sick for some time, is dead.
There was a ball in honor (?) of Dad’s birthday, Tuesday night, at Wade’s hall.
Lon Tombs has had two hemorrhages of the lungs this week. The second was fortunately light and it is hoped he will soon recover.
A. L. Huffington, of Guelph, attended the ball and stopped with his friend, Jake Willet.
W. F. Wingate is foreman of a party of surveyors who are doing a lot of work for the home company, in platting additions, making estimates for improvements, etc.
The town company have in project some plans, which if consummated, will give Geuda a “boom” of no mean dimension. A new hotel and bath house are badly needed but with the present accommodations many a sufferer is being cured by the healing waters. Come all and be made whole.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
We are afraid that the people of Arkansas City do not appreciate fully the benefit they derive from the publishing of the Arkansas City DAILY REPUBLICAN. The REPUBLICAN has made thousands of dollars for that city, both collectively and individually. The publishers are doing well and get up a good paper, but they deserve twice the amount of support they get. They work almost day and night for the interests of their town, for which the citizens should be very thankful. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Speaking of the businessmen of Arkansas City, the Geuda Springs Herald says: “With a class of businessmen she has, it is no wonder that Arkansas City keeps up her boom. There is certainly no town, except our own, in the state that we would prefer to see make a great city, and there is none at present with a brighter prospect of making it. We are getting ready for the street cars to run between our towns and it will not be many years at the present rate of progress, before we can ride to Arkansas City every fifteen minutes on the street cars for a nickel a trip.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
W. S. Buckmaster was in the city today and reported that he had a good iron gray mare stolen from his farm, four miles west of Geuda Springs, last Sunday night. He offers $25 reward for the return of the animal.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
W. J. Flood, traveling salesman for J. Kroenert’s grocery, returned this morning from a trip out to Bluff City, Caldwell, Geuda Springs, and other towns. He brought in with him a large batch of orders and the Diamond Front boys have been very busy today filling them.

Am attaching the very few items I got after 1887 re Geuda Springs...
Winfield Newspaper Union, October 4, 1890.
Geuda Springs has a brass band.
Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 23, 1891.
A Happy Anniversary.
Wednesday, October 14th, was the scene of a pleasant gather­ing of friends out in the east part of town, at the home of Rev. G. S. Lake, presiding Elder in the U. B. Church.
Mrs. Lake, remembering that the 10th anniversary of their marriage was drawing near, decided to invite all the ministers and their wives in the district over which her husband presides to come and dine with their Elder upon the above mentioned date.
Participants: Rev. Kettering, pastor of the U. B. Church in Winfield, with wife and little son; Rev. P. B. Lee, wife, and little daughter; Rev. Osbun and wife of Eaton; Rev. Watkins and wife of Geuda Springs; Rev. J. A. Rupp, wife and little Thayer; Rev. J. Barriclaw and others.
The hostess entertained on her lovely piano, after which Rev. P. B. Lee presented Mrs. Lake with over 80 pieces of glass­ware and white stone china; also a gift of cash to Elder Lake, requesting him to purchase a Bible with it.
Winfield Newspaper Union, Saturday, March 12, 1892.
The city schools of Geuda Springs have been closed up for lack of funds.
VOL. I, NO. 3.
Judge J. G. Furry of Geuda Springs was murdered by Till Lincoln, a joint keeper, July 4th, 1886. Furry as an officer had caused Lincoln’s arrest. Lincoln shot him and a great many “patriots” (?) in Cowley County defend these murderous outlaws rather than the constitution and laws of Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, March 7, 1919.
Some Nice Subscriptions Are Still Being Turned In.
Names of contributors giving $24 and upwards are made public in this campaign and the following large subscriptions are reported for yesterday:
John Perl, Milliken refinery: $24.00
A. E. LeStourgeon, A. C. Ice Co.: $40.00
C. G. Wright, Geuda Springs: $25.00
Kansas Gas & Electric Co.: $50.00
If anyone has been overlooked in the publishing of names in this connection, please notify Miss Rodger, local secretary, or phone 195.
Dr. Day; Dick Keefe; Jim Gilliland; Ol Paris; Albert Newman; etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, September 9, 1919.

The Local Rotary Club Hold First Luncheon
An Enjoyable Affair—Adopted Two Amendments to Bylaws.
Members Tell of Their Vacations During Summer.
Charlie Masters said that he went to Geuda Springs on his vacation and took treatment from Dr. Holt a day or so; and after getting a supply of medicine, went to Bartlesville and joined his brother, Jim, and they went to St. Joe and St. Louis on a buying trip. Charlie claims one of the instructions of the doctor was not to drink any beer, and he followed the doctor’s orders. Notwithstanding that he said he had a nice time, he was glad to get back home.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, May 16, 1921.
Geological Survey Gives This City a Fine Send Off.
Arkansas City is there.
“The biggest town of its size in the United States is Arkansas City. When you talk about wide-awake, business go, progressive in all the things that make a town worth while, clean pavement, fine schools and churches, homelike homes, you may put Arkansas City along side of any in the United States.”
The above is the opening paragraph in a survey made of the economical geological worth of Arkansas City and its adjoining district, which was carried on here last year by the state geology department and the local Chamber of Commerce. Many things were unearthed in this survey which are of vital interest. The survey was divided into two sections, first the discussion of rock formations. This merely took up the matter of rocks over the area, their age, and various formations.
The second brought out that Arkansas City is situated in an oil district. With its location, the centralized point of the mid-continent field, its transportation facilities into all sections of the field puts Arkansas City in an advantageous location. As to the oil and gas promise of the surrounding district, the report states that there are several small well defined structures, all of which have been prospected. However, there is one south and east of the city within a radius of six miles which could be further developed.
Approximately twenty samples of clay were taken at various depths. The laboratory experiments showed that only eight were of any use for final tests, and with the exception of two, there are some that show conclusive evidence of having a commercial value.
The limestone, sands, and gravel available in this district were tested for their use in road building. Only one grade of sandstone was found available for road building, while two others showed that they could be used for certain types of construction. The sand in the Arkansas river is reported as satisfactory and of almost unlimited supply. Gravel pits near Silverdale are report­ed as excellent as road material.
The state geology department is not capable of making cement tests, and it is not known positively whether or not the cement found here is of commercial value.
The water was found to be excellent and an unlimited supply, while the highly mineralized water found at Geuda Springs was highly commended.

Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 18, 1921.
The Population of Cowley County Declined During Past Year.
Population Gain Loss
Atlanta 359 38
Burden 472 20
Cambridge 195 39
Dexter 437 87
Udall 306 44
Geuda Springs 42 12
Winfield 8,931 115
Arkansas 11,513 42
Total Population Towns in Cowley County: 22,255
Total Population Cowley County: 35,350
Loss in Population Cowley County: 1,113
Corporation property totals $2,202,678, of which $1,394,816 is in Arkansas City and $646,705 is in Winfield. The total value of all taxable property in the county and cities is shown in the following table.
County outside cities: $47,634,591
Arkansas City: $11,861,351
Atlanta: $285,452
Burden: $420,740
Cambridge: $211,720
Dexter: $367,400
Geuda Springs: $46,760
Udall: $354,682
Winfield: $9,383,650
Total for Cowley County: $70,566,430
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, October 17, 1921.
A Hung Jury, One Conviction, and Sonny Jones Now On Trial.
District court at Winfield was still grinding away today on the large criminal docket and the case on trial this morning was that of the state versus Sonny Jones, a negro of this city, on the charge of assault committed some time ago. Testimony in this case was being taken as late as noon and it was expected that it would be completed and go to the jury late in the day.

The cases on trial Saturday were state versus Herbert Cornelison, the charge of robbing the Interurban office in Winfield of some small change some time ago, and state versus Wilson and Harvey, on the charge of attempting to steal an auto off the main street in Winfield several months ago. Sunday morning the jury was discharged, having failed to agree, and it is reported here that the twelve men stood 6 to 6. The case probably will be tried again at the next term of court.
Cornelison is a Geuda Springs lad and he was arrested at Winfield shortly after the alleged robbery, for the reason that he had a lot of small change on his person at the time. His contention was that he won the “chicken feed” in a crap game at Grenola, Kansas. He did not take the witness stand. The evi­dence showed that he was seen near the interurban station on the morning of the robbery, according to a report in the Winfield Free Press. The evidence was circumstantial and therefore the jury failed to agree on a verdict.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Thursday, November 3, 1921.
Huffman & Ward Will Open Coal Yard—Later Apartment House.
Huffman & Ward, proprietors of the feed mill, corner of First street and Central avenue, are preparing to open a city coal yard on the rear of their premises, next to the alley. They are erecting a stone and concrete building, the construction at present consisting of front and back walls and one side wall running on a line with the alley, while the opposite side line will consist of piers, the building thus opening out into their feed yard. The dimensions of the construction are 26 x 79 feet, facing on First street. The walls are being heavily built of concrete blocks with a solid stone footing, and the side wall next to the alley is provided with several double window open­ings, while the building will have a regular garage front.
Mr. Huffman stated to the Traveler that he is building with two objects in view. One is that he can convert the structure into a garage at any time he may wish. The other is that he expects to add a second story to the building, making it an apartment house. That is why the walls now under construction are being built so substantially.
For the present it is a proposition of adding coal to their mill and feed business. Mr. Huffman states that he has had several years experience as a coal dealer, having been engaged in this business seven or eight years at Geuda Springs before coming here. His son-in-law, R. L. Ward, at that time was employed in the bank at Geuda Springs, but is now interested with Mr. Huffman in their new ventures.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, November 10, 1921.
Road Opening
At the last meeting of the county commissioners the board passed a resolution authorizing, and ordering a public road opened up through “Home Acres” on the Chestnut avenue rock road, and on the section line connecting with the Knox hill road leading to Geuda Springs.
This is considered a splendid move as it makes a big saving in travel from the west into this city, by cutting out two hills on this particular road.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 7, 1921.
William Bahruth was born in Hamburg, Germany, February 7, 1840, and died at his home near Geuda Springs, Kansas, December 2, 1921.

He came to America with his parents when he was 10 years old and settled near Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois, where he grew to manhood. In 1870 he came to Kansas and settled on the farm where he lived at the time of his death. He was married to Miss Alice Bigger, June 4, 1872. To this union five children were born. Two sons, Budd Thomas and Owen Edward, preceded him in death. He leaves his wife and daughters, Mrs. Lavina Christy, Mrs. Myrtle Franklin, and Miss Ivah Bahruth; two brothers, John Bahruth, of Woodlake, California, and Henry Bahruth, who resides here, and nieces and nephews and a host of friends to mourn his loss.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, December 30, 1921.
Is Ideal Location for Small Fruits and Truck Farming.
The real estate firm of Fitzpatrick & McDowell report the sale of a 10 acre tract in Homeacres to Pete Post, who intends to build a new house and barn immediately, and the premises will be occupied by Mr. Post and his mother. He expects to develop the tract for small fruits and truck garden and for this purpose will irrigate the land.
Homeacres was platted by Fitzpatrick & McDowell about a year ago. The land comprises 68 acres divided into 11 tracts ranging from two to ten acres. There is a forty foot standard road running north through the plat from the Chestnut avenue road running west from the city, and the county commissioners have ordered the north line of the plat to be opened up for a public highway. When this road is opened up, it will be the main traveled road from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs. The road is to be opened and graded soon.
The land in this plat has a gradual slope to the east and is admirably adapted for irrigating and makes an ideal spot for small fruits and truck farming. Anywhere on the tract an inex­haustible supply of water can be secured by driving a point down to a depth of 16 feet.
Tracts heretofore sold are as follows:
B. C. Rhoads, 10 acres.
J. P. Ward, 3 acres.
H. T. Parr, 2 acres.
J. T. Lewis, 2 acres.
C. C. Criss, 4 acres.
Pete Post, 10 acres.
These sales have all been made within the past year and Fitzpatrick & McDowell expect to have the balance of the plat cleaned up by spring. All the land sold is being improved and put out to small fruits and truck farming. The land on this plot sells for $200 to $250 per acre.
While Homeacres is outside the corporate limits of Arkansas City, yet it is close enough to constitute a suburb of the city, and is an ideal location for the purposes intended.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, February 2, 1922.
   Biggest Business Since Day Was Established is Report.

Checks Received From Many Surrounding Towns.
  Many Stores Report Big Crowd Shoppers All Day Long.
Yesterday was Arkansas City’s regular monthly trade day and according to all reports and indications, it was very successful.
RECAP: Shoppers from Ponca City, Newkirk, Geuda Springs, Blackwell, Oxford, Wellington, Winfield, Dexter, Silverdale; and shoppers from the new oil field towns: Burbank, Tonkawa, Apperson, Whizbang, and Grainola.
The roads were muddy from the rain and snow of the preceding days, but people came from all over this city’s trade territory.
Statements from some of the merchants were made.
J. A. Haney, of the Economy Cash grocery.
Al G. Wright.
Leonard Kuntz of Kuntz’s cash clothing store.
Gus Pantier of the Reed store.
Guy Ecroyd, Newman’s advertising man.
George Cornish, the photographer.
R. H. Rhoads of the Palace Grocery Store.
J. W. Gilbreath, of the Gilbreath-Calvert store.
I. D. Fuhrman clothing store.
George D. Ormiston, Ormiston shoe stores.
A. H. Fitch, Fitch’s music store.
J. R. Smith, Peoples store.
E. L. McDowell, the jeweler.
George F. Duman of Kirkpatrick’s furniture store.
J. T. Brown, jeweler.
J. H. Britt of Axley’s meat market.
John Freeland, advertising manager, J. C. Penney store.
It should be remembered that the first Wednesday in each month is trade day. Secretary Seyster of the Chamber of Commerce is developing a proposition in connection with the trade day offerings that may prove of much value.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, March 21, 1922.
Word was received here this morning that the Citizens State bank of Geuda Springs, located in this county nine miles west of here, had closed its doors and was in the hands of the state banking department. The bank was closed last night at the regular hour after the day’s business and was not opened today. At present the affairs of the bank are in the hands of Frank Harper and D. V. Curry, deputies from the state banking depart­ment at Topeka, who were sent there yesterday after the cashier of the bank, A. A. McFall, had notified the state department that his bank had been compelled to pay many of the depositors since the closing of the Traders State bank in Arkansas City one week ago. In other words, the depositors made a slight run on the bank and it was decided to turn the affairs of the institution over to the state banking department.

Messrs. Harper and Curry are in charge today and are check­ing over the books of the bank.
A. A. McFall, cashier of the Citizens State bank, is a director in the defunct Traders State Bank of Arkansas City.
The bank was checked up by the state deputies on March 4, it was stated today. The closing of the Traders State bank in Arkansas City really had something to do with the closing of the Geuda bank, it is stated on authority today, as it caused excite­ment among the depositors of the Geuda bank.
  Capital of $10,000
The capital stock of the Geuda bank was ten thousand dollars and the surplus five thousand. Cashier McFall, who is well known here, stated this morning that the bank could pay out and that the deposits are guaranteed under the state guaranty fund. The statement of this bank, made public about the first of the present year, showed deposits amounting to $86,235.00, capital stock of $10,000, and surplus of $5,600.
Geuda Springs is the well known health resort located nine miles northwest of Arkansas City, in Cowley and Sumner counties. The bank is on the Cowley County side of the main street of the town, which street divides the town and the two counties, north and south.
The following statement in regard to the Geuda bank was sent out by the Associated Press from Topeka, this afternoon.
Statement from Banking Office
Topeka, March 21.—Over loans was the cause of failure of the Citizens State bank of Geuda Springs, Cowley County, which was placed in the hands of the state bank commissioner today, by order of the board of directors, according to bank department officials. A. A. McFall, cashier, was a director of the Traders State Bank, Arkansas City, which closed last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, March 21, 1922.
J. S. Mowatt is an applicant for the receivership of the failed Traders State bank, and will go to Topeka tonight to see if he cannot secure the appointment. A number of depositors and friends of William Kroenert are asking that he be appointed receiver. However, the custom that the banking department generally observes is to appoint an out-of-town man to wind up the affairs of a failed bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, March 27, 1922. Front Page.
Victor E. Creighton, president of the Traders State bank of this city, which was closed under orders of the state banking department on March 15, was placed under arrest Saturday night on a warrant issued from the office of the county attorney, Ellis Fink, of Winfield, charging him with making a false statement to the state bank commissioner during the month of February, 1922.

The case was started in the justice court of W. T. Ham here and the defendant appeared in court that night and made bond in the sum of $7,500 for appearance for preliminary hearing on Saturday, April first. J. S. Mowatt, brother-in-law of Creighton, signed the bond. It is alleged in the complaint, which was signed by Deputy County Attorney C. H. Quier of this city, that the former president of the bank made a false state­ment which was submitted to the state bank commissioner regarding assets of the bank, which he knew at the time were not good.
Hon. W. L. Cunningham, attorney of this city, and J. S. Mowatt went with Creighton to the courtroom and the bond was signed up at once. There is said to be a certain note in particular, the nature of which is given in the complaint, involved in the charges against the president of the defunct bank. Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton, of this city, served the warrant on the defendant Saturday evening at his home, and he went at once to the courtroom, where the bond was made and the date of the hearing was set for Saturday. The attorneys in the case are not sure whether or not the case will be heard at that time, as the district court is now in session at Winfield. In event that they cannot hear the case at that time, it will no doubt be continued until another date.
County Attorney Ellis Fink of Winfield was in the city Saturday afternoon, in conference with the men in charge of the bank, and the complaint was issued in this case while he was here, although the warrant was not served until after Mr. Fink had returned to his home.
There was no unusual demonstration when the former banker was taken into court and few people in the city knew of the arrest that night. The story was given out that night, by the officials, however, and on Sunday nearly everyone in the city knew of the charge that had been preferred against V. E. Creighton.
D. V. Curry, of Topeka, who has been appointed receiver for this bank and also for the Citizens State bank of Geuda Springs, which was closed a few days following the closing of the bank here, is at present in charge of both institutions and he states that the work of checking up the 4,000 accounts of the depositors of the bank will not be completed before the first of April. Until the work of checking the bank’s paper and the accounts in general has been completed, he will make no statement in regard to the actual condition of the books of the bank, he stated Saturday evening.
The complaint in this action, which is on file, together with the warrant and the bond in the case, in the state court of Judge W. T. Ham, recites that, “V. E. Creighton did wilfully and knowingly subscribe to and make a false statement to Frank H. Foster, state bank commissioner, that one certain note then and there listed by said V. E. Creighton as an asset of said bank, purporting to be executed to the bank, and of the value of its face for the sum of $5,119.96, was then and there a bonafide asset of said bank, and of the value of its face value, when in truth and fact, said note was then and there valueless, which fact the said V. E. Creighton then and there well knew with intent to deceive the said Frank H. Foster, as such commissioner, as to the condition of said bank.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 1, 1922.
O. G. Foster and L. A. Foster are getting ready to move their battery station, known as Foster Brothers Battery Station, from 204 North Summit street to 224 North Summit Street. This location was recently vacated by the Whelan Plumbing Company, and the interior of the building is now being remodeled and a cement driveway will be made leading into the building from the front. The Foster brothers expect to move some time next week.

Also, the Geuda Springs Mineral Water Company’s Warehouse at 204 North Summit Street will be moved to the Foster Brothers’ new location, the building being remodeled so as to accommodate this business in connection with the battery station. The Mineral Water company will carry a full line of sodas, mineral water, and fountain supplies, being prepared to supply the wholesale trade in this vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, April 3, 1922. Front Page.
A. A. McFall, cashier of the Citizens State Bank of Geuda Springs, which closed its doors and was turned over to the state banking department on March 21, one week following the closing of the Traders State Bank of this city, late Saturday evening gave himself up to the local authorities on the charge of embezzle­ment. Following the statement he made in this connection to the receiver of the two failed banks, D. V. Curry, who is here at present, McFall was arraigned in the state court of J. W. Martin here and the complaint in the action was signed by C. H. Quier, deputy county attorney. He appeared in court after the service of the warrant and the case was then set for this morning at 9 o’clock. He waived preliminary hearing when the case was called today. He says he is short in the accounts of the Geuda bank $14,350 and also told the bank receiver that the Farmers Union of Sumner county owed his bank a large sum, which was one of the reasons assigned for the closing of the bank. McFall was a stockholder in the Traders State Bank and he has been a resident of this city and Geuda Springs for the past twenty years. Bond in the case was fixed at $7,500 and the case will come up in the district court at Winfield, probably on the first day that the court sits, which will be April 10.
Receiver D. V. Curry stated to a Traveler representative last Saturday evening that McFall has admitted the shortage and that he was ready to give up. He has turned over to the bank receiver all of his personal possessions, it is said, and has retained nothing for himself. The complaint in the case recites five different counts, the largest one of which is $10,000. The other four are for smaller amounts and the total is $14,350. Constable R. W. Callahan served the warrant on the defendant.
Receiver Curry states that McFall says the Sumner County Farmers Union owed his bank about $49,000; and that he sold bonds which were left in the bank for safe keeping in order to secure money to operate the bank. The confession of the shortage in McFall’s accounts was made to Receiver Curry on March 22, it is now stated. Receiver Curry says McFall’s shortage will amount to $25,000 or $30,000, the exact amount not being known at this time as the books of the bank have not yet been checked up thoroughly.
The failure of the Citizens State Bank was due, the authori­ties of the state banking department say, to the closing of the Traders State Bank in this city on March 15. Before that date there was a strong pull on the Geuda bank, they say, and the run could not be met for the reason that the Geuda bank had on hand so much worthless paper.
The sentence in the case of McFall, if convicted of the charges named in the complaint, might be as high as five years in prison on each of the five counts.
Late this afternoon the bond in this case was signed by H. S. Collinson, Mrs. S. D. Collinson, J. S. Mowatt, and T. B. Oldroyd.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, April 7, 1922. Front Page.

Names Beginning with A and B Will Call on Monday and Tuesday.
E. H. Armstrong, state bank examiner, who is in charge of the affairs of the Traders State bank of this city, which was closed on March 15, announced today that the work of checking up the accounts of the bank was progressing nicely at present and that he would be ready to take care of claims of some of the depositors the first of next week.
The announcement in this connection was made by Mr. Armstrong this afternoon and he says that on Monday and Tuesday, April 10 and 11, he will take care of the claims of those who had money on deposit there, or who have any sort of claims against the bank, whose names begin with the letters A and B. This plan is to be tried out at least for the two days named, in order to ascertain just how the plan will work out.
If those whose names begin with A and B can be taken care of on those two days, then others will be called upon in the same manner, going down the letters of the alphabet. Those having claims against the bank will be required to sign a sworn state­ment and there will be notaries at the bank for that purpose, furnished by the state bank department.
At the same time the claims are sworn to, the depositors will be given their old checks and regular statements of the defunct bank.
B. V. Curry, receiver for this bank and for the Citizens State bank at Geuda Springs, is at present in Oswego on business, but he will be here on Monday when the depositors will have the first opportunity to call and make claims.
Mr. Armstrong states that there are about 6,000 claims, in all, against the bank; and he is of the opinion that the people who have claims can be taken care of in the above described manner in about 30 days. After the trial of one or two days,  at least, he will be able to make further announcement along this line.
Those calling on Monday and on Tuesday will be required to bring any or all of the following articles to the bank:
Certificate of deposit, cashier’s check, bank draft, savings book, savings bank, bank book, Christmas Club book.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, April 7, 1922.
Not having room to keep them, we will sell at public sale at the Shoo-Fly farm, 7 miles west, 1 south of Arkansas City, Kansas, 4 south, 1 west of Geuda Springs, Kans., on
Auctioneers:—H. Burgess, Chelsea, Okla., John Ewing, Ashton, Kans., Al. Savage, Blackwell, Okla., Lafe Berger, Wellington, Kans. Clerk:—Fred Shea, Home National Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, April 10, 1922.

Foster Brothers today moved their battery station into their new quarters at 224 North Summit street. The Geuda Springs mineral water company’s warehouse also occupies space in the same location. Both concerns vacated the building which they formerly occupied at 204 North Summit street.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 12, 1922.
RECAP: High waters and strong winds hampered the local exchange of the Southwestern Bell Telephone company: 24 poles down, and the toll line at Silverdale was put temporarily out of commis­sion. In order to repair this damage, local linemen had to travel a distance of more than 100 miles, although Silverdale is located within 9 miles east of the city. To get across the Walnut river, it was necessary to detour to the rock road bridge just south of Winfield. At Geuda Springs on the northwest, men had to wade in water up to their hips in order to get to the poles that were down. A number of poles were under water on the Walnut river, the principal trouble being on this river and at Silverdale, Oxford, and Geuda Springs. Men at work averaged 18 hours a day.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 19, 1922. Front Page.
V. E. Creighton, president of the failed Traders State bank of this city, whose preliminary hearing on the charge of making a false statement to the state bank commissioner in the month of February, in connection with the condition of the bank at that time, and which was closed on March 15, has on file in the justice court of W. T. Ham, of this city, the deposition of Mrs. Letha L. Norling, whose former name was Letha L. Creighton, in which she states that he had been given the power of attorney to sign her name to notes for the bank, and that he had the power by her consent to renew the notes in question in this action, from time to time. Mrs. Norling is a stockholder of the bank.
  Deposition on File
While the deposition has not been presented as evidence in the case up to date, it is on file in the state court and will be submitted by Creighton’s attorney, W. L. Cunningham, when the taking of testimony is resumed on May 9. Mr. Cunningham re­turned to the city last night from St. Louis, where he secured the deposition of Mrs. Norling, or Mrs. Creighton, in this matter. At the close of several hours of the examination of witnesses in the case today, the preliminary was continued to May 9, but may come up at an earlier date, in order that the attorney for the defendant might have the opportunity to secure the books of the failed Citizens State bank of Geuda Springs, so that he can complete the cross examination of one of the witnesses for the state, A. A. McFall, cashier of the Geuda bank, who could not give exact dates today, in regard to certain entries in the bank’s books. Mr. McFall was on the stand for some time today and he was subjected to a severe cross examination by Cunningham in regard to the Mrs. Creighton note, which is for $5,251.92, which is the bone of contention in the case against V. E. Creighton.
Three Witnesses Today

While taking of testimony in the case is not yet completed, the defendant and his attorney are of the opinion that they will clear the charge made by the state bank commissioner in this matter, at the preliminary. After the examination of two of the state’s witnesses and taking a part of the testimony of the third, the case was put off until the date named, with the understanding of all parties concerned that it might be taken up on May 2, instead of May 9.
There was a large crowd in attendance at the hearing today and the small courtroom was crowded all day long. It was 3 o’clock this afternoon when it was decided to lay the matter over for the reason that Attorney Cunningham stated he could not proceed with the examination of McFall until he had the bank books before him, in order to refresh the memory of the witness, as the attorney stated that the memory of McFall was not clear on the matter of certain entries in connection with the transaction of certain notes between the two banks just prior to the closing of both banks.
  With Her Husband
Mrs. Creighton was in the courtroom all day with her hus­band, but neither she nor her husband spoke to the attorney at any time during the examination of witnesses. The county attor­ney had the receiver of the two failed banks and also two bank examiners with him all day, and he frequently stopped the pro­ceedings to ask one or the other of them some question in rela­tion to the examination of witnesses and especially so in the examination of McFall.
The Hearing Begun
The taking of testimony in the case was not begun until after ten o’clock this morning on account of those interested being compelled to wait for the arrival of County Attorney Fink, who came here from Winfield to conduct the state’s side of the case. Mr. Creighton and his wife, accompanied by his attorney, W. L. Cunningham, and several other friends, were in the court­room shortly after nine o’clock. Witnesses called to take the oath at the outset of the hearing were: Hugh E. Wright, of Wichita, deputy state bank commissioner; B. V. Curry, of Topeka, receiver for Traders State bank; A. A. McFall, cashier of the defunct Citizens State bank of Geuda Springs; and E. H. Armstrong, deputy state bank examiner, who is one of the men now in charge of the bank here.
It was evident from the start of the case that Attorney Cunningham intended to force the state to show its hand in the matter of evidence against his client. One of the very first matters he took up, with the intention of proving, was that Creighton had the power of attorney to sign the name of Mrs. Letha L. Creighton, his sister-in-law, of St. Louis, to the note in question in the charge of the state.

The first witness, Hugh Wright, was first examined by the county attorney, with an occasional question by the deputy county attorney, C. H. Quier. Mr. Wright stated that was here in February to examine the bank, as this was in his regular territo­ry. At that time Mr. Harper, a state bank examiner, was with him. He exhibited the report of the examination at that time. He said he went over the assets and liabilities of the bank at that time with the officers of the bank. He saw the note of Letha L. Creighton, or what he said was purported to be a note signed by her, which was for the sum of a little over $5,000. He said he asked Creighton as to the value of the note and that Creighton stated she was a woman of some means and was interested in a corset company. He said he sug­gested to Creighton that this note should be paid and that when he returned to the bank some two weeks later, the note was still there, but that the writing of the signature was not the same as before. It looked like Creighton’s writing, he said, and he asked Creighton about it. It was not signed as by any other party for Mrs. Creighton, he stated. The original note, he said, had been there for at least four months. He stated that later than that date, and at the Lassen hotel in Wichita, Creighton had stated that he had signed the note for Mrs. Creighton, as he had the power of attorney to do so. At that meeting, the witness said, there were present A. A. McFall, E. L. McDowell, State Bank Commissioner Foster, and himself. He said he learned later that Creighton did have the power of attorney on file in Winfield from Mrs. Letha L. Creighton, to sign her name.
Most of the questions in the case today were in regard to the note of over $5,000 in the name of Letha L. Creighton, and which the state bank officials claim was not genuine. There were also several other notes spoken of in the taking of testimony; and these included the notes of Ed Conley and W. L. Hoover, the total of which is $5,119.00, and which passed between the two banks before the closing of the two institutions. The note of the Trask Construction Co. also came in for a lengthy discussion in regard to the condition of the bank. The state bank examiners testified in regard to the closing of the bank and the taking over of the books of both institutions.
B. V. Curry, receiver for the bank, said he never examined the bank prior to its closing. The records of the Geuda bank showed that this bank had a balance in the Traders State bank, and McFall related some of the transactions of the two banks to him, he stated. In answer to questions by Cunningham, the witness stated that the note in controversy was sent to McFall by Creighton, and was not listed as an asset of the Geuda bank.
R. H. Armstrong was on the stand for some time and he said he held a commission from the state bank department. He came here in March. He testified to a certain remittance slip, which was sent to this bank from the Geuda bank, and in which the Conley and Hower [? ...FIRST TIME IT WAS HOOVER ?] notes figured.
A. A. McFall stated that on a certain day at Geuda Springs, Creighton, while in his auto and in company of Mrs. Creighton, had a conversation with him in regard to the Mrs. Creighton note and Creighton told him he knew the note was not good. He also stated that Creighton said to him, “You know the bond deals are criminal and we do not want any criminal actions against us.” He also stated that there was some controversy in regard to the Farmers Union note for $5,000. He said that sometimes the Geuda bank owed the Traders a balance, and sometimes the Traders owed his bank. McFall stated he was a director in the Traders State bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 22, 1922.
Dick Day of the Bunnell Investment Co., Arkansas City, reported the following.
Sale of the Gladstone hotel, known as the North Windsor Hotel, owner C. H. St. Clair, to E. C. Mierau, of the Hill Investment company, as an investment.
Sold E. C. Mierau’s farm west of Arkansas City, near Geuda Springs, Kansas, to C. H. St. Clair, as an investment.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 22, 1922.

Taylor Petite, one of the old-time residents of Sumner County, but now living east of Ponca City, Okla., was in the city yesterday visiting the firm of Hoffman & Ward, the feed mill men. This was a social visit and it was enjoyed talking over old times. Mr. Petite said that when he first came to Sumner County, Geuda Springs was called “Salt City.” Mr. Hoffman, who is also an old-time settler, said he saw salt produced at “Salt City” in 1879. The water was put in salt vats and when it evaporated, the salt was taken out. Mr. Petite remarked that “they had to kill a man to start a graveyard at what is now Geuda Springs.” The man who did the killing was named Berkey, and he shot a man while in the act of trying to steal one of his mules. “The victim of this shot was the first man to be buried in Geuda Springs.” Mr. Hoffman stated.
[Found an article about Berkey. Did not find where he killed anyone. SEE BELOW.] Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
We learn that the blacksmith at Salt City and Wm. Berkey came very near having a shooting scrape last week. The blacksmith becomes very quarrelsome when he is intoxicated and has attempted to pick a quarrel with Mr. Berkey on several occasions, during which he has not only threatened his life, but said “he would shoot the first Berkey he could get his eyes on.” That’s pretty strong language in a country like this, especially when it is made against a peaceable citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, May 16, 1922.
“Work on the new headgates of the canal was started this morning, and will be finished as soon as the workmen can do it,” remarked District Manager Tingley, of the Kansas Gas and Electric Co. “A lot of steel and other materials for the headgates has already been ordered. It is expected to arrive here so as to continue work without delay. Other necessary materials have also been ordered, and prompt shipment is expected.”
The new headgates will be located a short distance southeast of the river and at the point where there is a ditch cut to carry the overflow of the water back into the river. The new gates will be just a little lower than the dam, and a short distance east. The dike along the canal that was washed out is to be repaired and when this is done and the new headgates completed, the old headgates will be removed and a bridge placed across the canal at that point.
Those who have driven up the canal to the headgates and the river will recall where the Midland Valley and the canal come together about three-fourths of a mile north of Chestnut avenue. It is the intention of the company to build a bridge across the canal at this point as well as a bridge across the canal where the present headgates are. It is also the intention of the company to make a scenic road from the point where the Midland Valley road and the canal meet, north of Chestnut avenue on both sides of the canal up to the present headgates, which will be superceded by a new bridge. From there a road will be built north along the Arkansas river to the Geuda Springs bridge across the Arkansas. The two roads on each side of the canal will be sufficiently wide to pass, and be made perfectly safe for driv­ing. The road that is to be opened north of the two roads unite at the present headgates and will be put in good condition so that driving over it will be a pleasure.

The company will build these roads on each side of the canal and put them in good condition for the purpose of inducing people to drive over them so as to harden the banks, so that it will make it more difficult to have a washout. When this new road is completed and the bridges are in across the canal, it is thought this drive along the canal and up the river will become very popular because of the short cut to Geuda Springs and also because of the scenery along the road.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, May 19, 1922.
Dr. Samuel H. McCormick, formerly of Geuda Springs, but who has been at the soldiers’ national home at Los Angeles, Califor­nia, for the past four or five years, is visiting friends and relatives in this section of the state, and came to the city today from Winfield where he had been attending the state encamp­ment. He served in the civil war with the 38th Indiana infantry, and says he has not seen a member of his company for four or five years. There were none of them in attendance at the Winfield encampment, he says.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, May 19, 1922.
Attorney H. S. Hines has been employed as sole counsel by A. A. McFall, against whom suit was brought by the state follow­ing the failure of the Geuda Springs bank, of which he was president. It is said that a different turn in affairs is likely to be developed from what has been commonly expected in this case. Mr. McFall was the only witness present for the Creighton hearing today who failed to materialize owing to the absence of his attorney.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 10, 1922.
Helps Depositors Here.
E. H. Armstrong, of the state bank commissioner’s office, who is in charge of the defunct Traders State Bank in Arkansas City, said today: “Sure, it will make a difference in the settlement of the affairs of the Traders State bank, of this city, in the way of a difference in the loss, as the stockholders will be liable for $50,000 more, under the ruling of the state supreme court today, and it probably means another law suit. It will mean that the stockholders of the local bank may be assessed $100,000 instead of $50,000. It will make a difference in the loss of the bank here of $50,000, if it can be collected.
The capital stock of this bank is $50,000; therefore, it will mean that the stockholders will be required to pay another $50,000, or a sum equal to the capital stock. However, it will also mean a law suit, no doubt, and I am glad to hear this bit of news. It will not be such good news to the stockholders, howev­er, but they will have to abide by the decision of the court, not only in regard to this bank, but all the failed banks of the state.”
Mr. Armstrong continued, “And it will also make a difference of about one million dollars for all the failed banks of the state, which have been closed since the former decision of the court was rendered in this matter. It will make that much difference in the liabilities of the state banks of Kansas, taking in the Traders State, and all the other failed banks in the state.”

The Traders State Bank was closed on the night of March 14 and was not opened on the following morning. At the time the bank was closed and taken over by the state bank commissioner, the deposits were about $686,219.80, loans and discounts $644,230.38, cash and sight exchange $94,752.69, and capital and surplus $75,000. The decision will also have a bearing on the case of the Citizens State Bank, of Geuda Springs, which was a correspondent of the Traders State Bank and was closed and turned over to the bank commissioner, on March 21. This bank has a capital of $10,000 and some of the stockholders are well known farmers of the Geuda vicinity and some of them reside here, while one is a resident of Winfield.
Many Claims Out Yet.
Not all of the stockholders of the Traders State Bank reside in this city, some of them being residents of other cities. Mr. Armstrong stated that he could not tell at the present time what the loss of the local bank would be, as all the claimants have not yet called at the bank to file their claims of deposit. The liabilities of the local bank are $682,000, Mr. Armstrong stated. Out of about 6,000 personal claims against the bank at the time it was closed, there are yet about one thousand claims not yet made on the institution. Mr. Armstrong and several of the former employees of the bank are still in charge there and they are waiting for the depositors to come in and swear to their claims and get their certificates of deposit, which will be paid later out of the state guaranty fund.
The Traders State Bank will be kept open until all the claimants have been satisfied.
Cases Against President.
At present there are four state cases pending against the president of the defunct bank, V. E. Creighton, in the justice courts of this city, which will come up for preliminary hearing on June 26.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 16, 1922.
Dr. Richard A. Patton died last night at ten o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrow, at 102 North Fifth street, after being confined to his bed for four weeks. Dr. Patton has been helpless for three years and practically an invalid for one year.
He was 87 years old and had been a resident of Arkansas City for 20 years. He was born in Virginia and educated in Morgantown, Pennsylvania. In 1857 he married Miss Mary Stacy and one child was born to them, Loran Stacy Patton, who died in Newkirk, Oklahoma, in 1897 and was buried there. Mrs. Patton died in 1860.
For three years and four months Dr. Patton served as a doctor in the civil war. He was mustered out at Flint, Michigan, and was married to Miss Julia Ottaway in 1865. They resided at Winfield for some years, later living on a farm near Geuda Springs, and then moving to this city. Mrs. Patton died here at their home on North B street in February, 1913. Since that time he has lived with Mr. and Mrs. Morrow.
Mr. Patton was a successful farmer and owned considerable property.
The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Morrow home. The Oddfellows will have charge and Dr. Charles Wentworth of the Methodist church will preach the sermon. Mr. Patton has been an Oddfellow for 66 years. The body will be buried in Riverview cemetery, northwest of the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 16, 1922.

W. W. Spencer died last evening at 8 o’clock, at his home, 525 North Third Street. Mr. Spencer has been ailing for a considerable time. A year ago he had to retire from the real estate business in this city because of his poor health. He thought that by getting out of business and resting, he would recover. But instead of getting better, he has been gradually growing worse, until death came last evening, and relieved him of his suffering.
Mr. Spencer has lived in Arkansas City six years. Prior to that he lived at Geuda Springs. He was born in Vermont, December 1853, and was past 68 years of age at the time of death. Mr. Spencer’s trouble was heart lesion, but his death was directly due last evening to acute indigestion.
W. W. Spencer leaves a wife, Clara C., a son, C. E. Spencer, who is mail carrier out of Geuda Springs, and a sister, Dr. Emily E. Spencer, of Nashville, Tennessee, to mourn his demise. Dr. Spencer, who was recently visiting in this city, but lately at Holton, was phoned of the serious condition of her brother and she came immediately, arriving here this morning.
The funeral will occur Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock, at the home, followed by burial in Riverview cemetery. Mr. Spencer was a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge, holding his member­ship in the order at Holton, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, June 26, 1922. Front Page.
At 3:30 o’clock this afternoon the third witness, Frank Hensey, was on the stand in the case of the state versus V. E. Creighton, which is up for preliminary hearing in the justice court of W. T. Ham. E. H. Armstrong was the first witness and he was on the stand from 11 o’clock this morning until 3 this afternoon. He was asked many questions in regard to the entries of certain bonds in the bank, and there was nearly a wagon load of books of the banks in the courtroom, which were referred to in connection with the testimony in the case. The bone of conten­tion is the Letha Creighton note, in regard to which the former president of the bank is charged with making the false entry.
Mr. Armstrong testified that there were six different notes showing on the books which were said to be used in taking up the Letha Creighton note, of over $5,000. The witness also testified as to certain “scratches” on the books, but he stated in answer to the question by the attorney for the defendant, that he did not mean to say the books had been changed. He was asked if the borrowed bonds in a certain transaction had been sent to the Commerce Trust Co., at Kansas City, and he said the books showed that they had been sent there. He stated on cross examination that anyone familiar with the books of the bank could tell this, on examination of the books.
He was asked in regard to the entries of the Bella Smothers note for $3,675, the J. N. Day Note for $6,600, the Creighton note for $5,000, and the Creighton estate note for the same sum.
Walter Olson was the second witness and he testified as to the sending of the Farmers Union bonds for the sum of $4,150 to the Commerce Trust Co., at Kansas City. Hensey testified to the same transaction. Olson said that Creighton told him, when he asked in regard to the Farmers Union bonds, that they were held by the bank as collateral to the Farmers Union bonds, that they were held by the bank as collateral to the Farmers Union note, and that he had a right to handle them in that manner. The receipts given by the bank to Mr. Allard, of the Farmers Union, for the bonds, were identified by Olson and Hensey.
Mrs. Ream and J. N. Day were called as witnesses, but were not placed on the stand up to four o’clock this afternoon.

The case was called at about 10:30 o’clock this morning for a continuation of the preliminary hearing, which was postponed several weeks ago and Judge McDermott for the state, made the opening statement. He related the different points of the new complaint, which was read in court before Judge W. T. Ham this morning, and in the presence of the defendant. E. H. Armstrong, for the state banking department, who is the assistant to Receiver B. V. Curry, was the first witness called. He testified as to the items described in the new, or amended complaint. He was on the witness stand until the noon recess and the taking of his testimony was renewed at 1:30 o’clock this afternoon.
There was quite an array of attorneys for the state in attendance at the hearing this morning, and Hon. W. L. Cunningham, of this city, was the only one on hand representing the defendant. There did not seem to be as great an interest in the hearing as there was at the first sitting, there being none others but the attorneys, witnesses, officers, and one or two disinterested lawyers in the courtroom. Judge J. A. McDermott, of the state industrial court, County Attorney Ellis Fink, and Deputy C. H. Quier, were all on the side of the table represented by the state. Witnesses on hand and who were sworn at the outset of the hearing today were Hugh H. Wright, of the state banking department, E. H. Armstrong, Walter Olson, one of the directors of the bank and at this time in the employ of the receiver, and A. A. McFall, cashier of the failed Citizens bank of Geuda Springs.
McDermott related to the court what the state intended to prove in the hearing, which is now in progress, and gave item for item, the matter contained in the new complaint, which sets forth that the defendant made a false statement to the bank commission­er, in the publication of the statement of the bank on December 31, 1921.
There are four different charges placed against the former president of the bank, the one wherein he is charged with making the false statement to the bank commissioner, in the matter of the Letha Creighton note for a little over $5,000; and on the same complaint, one in relation to a note of his own, for the sum of $5,000, both of which he failed to show in the alleged false statement.
The other cases are one signed by Mrs. A. D. Farnsworth, wherein she alleges she was sold $600 worth of stock in the bank, without her knowledge; one wherein C. G. Holmsten, a Santa Fe employee, made complaint in regard to a note for $350; and one by the Farmers Union, involving the sum of $1,150, which the manager of the union stated at the time the case was filed had been misappropriated by the banker.




That the said false report and statements so made by the said V. E. Creighton in manner and form aforesaid, were with the intent and for the purpose of deceiving the said F. H. Foster, bank commissioner, and the above named deputy bank commissioners, as to the true financial condition of said bank at such time.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, June 27, 1922. Front Page.
V. E. Creighton, president of the failed Traders State Bank of this city, which was closed by the state bank commissioner March 15, 1922, was bound over for trial in the district court of Cowley County at the conclusion of the preliminary hearing on the charge of making a false statement to the state bank commissioner in regard to the financial condition of the bank on December 31, 1922, before Judge W. T. Ham in the state court here this after­noon. Bond was fixed at $7,500, the same as it was before the hearing, and the bond was furnished soon after the hearing was ended.
Immediately following the conclusion of the case in regard to the false statement charge, Judge McDermott, for the state, announced that the case wherein Mrs. A. D. Farnsworth was the complaining witness, and in which she charges fraud in the matter of the alleged purchase off capital stock in the bank in the amount of $600, would be heard. W. L. Cunningham, for the defense, suggested that there be a rest from the taking of further testimony as the first case has been on most of the time since ten o’clock Monday morning, and to this McDermott stated that “we shall go right on with the other cases now and clean them all up.”
When this announcement was made, Deputy Sheriff F. A. Eaton was instructed to bring Mrs. Farnsworth into court.
There are yet two other charges to be heard in the now famous bank failure, one of the complaints having been made by C. G. Holmsten and the other by the Farmers Union Elevator Co. The two latter were brought before Judge J. W. Martin some time ago. The defendant has been under a total bond of $11,000 for several weeks past.
The first preliminary was begun several weeks ago and was continued from time to time until yesterday, when the special prosecutor for the state, Judge J. A. McDermott, of Topeka, announced that the state was going to bat in this matter. The state showed its full hand, in the false statement case, and the court immediately announced that the defendant would be bound over for trial in the district court. With Judge McDermott, on the side of the state, were County Attorney Ellis Fink and Deputy C. H. Quier, all during the case just completed. W. L. Cunningham, alone, is defending Creighton.

When the case was called at 2 o’clock today, Attorney Cunningham announced that the defense would not introduce any testimony. Then the state recalled E. H. Armstrong, assistant to the receiver of the bank, who is in charge of the affairs now and he testified in regard to the stockholders fund, and the new capital stock, which it is alleged the bank was selling just prior to the time of the closing of the institution. Armstrong testified that “nearly” all of the new stock certificates were signed by V. E. Creighton. He said in this regard: “I found the accounts of the stockholders fund and made notations thereon. I found a number of subscribers for new stock, but nothing to show the authorization to increase the capital stock. The origin of these items I found in two accounts, ‘special No. 2' and ‘stockholders.’”
Many of the stock subscriptions were then offered in evi­dence and were read into the records of the trial. Among the names in this regard were the following: F. C. Fox, five shares, marked “Received by Creighton;” Mrs. A. W. Farnsworth, four shares; A. A. McFall, twenty shares; Mary C. Morris, three shares; V. E. Creighton, ten shares; Walter Olson, five shares; John Keller, four and one half shares; J. V. McMahon, five shares; C. A. Ames, three shares; W. L. Cunningham, ten shares; Stella Adams, one and one half shares; Dessie Adams, one and one half shares; H. S. Collinson, five shares; H. H. Harrington, six shares; R. T. Keefe, five shares; C. G. Holmsten two shares; Ellen Miller, ten shares; Mrs. M. C. Crouse, fifteen shares; Allen Wakefield, fourteen and fifteen shares.
On cross examination Armstrong stated that the state bank commissioner had advised the bank not to take steps to increase the stock at that time, which was in the month of December, 1921. He said he had found a letter to that effect.
Here the case closed and the charge made by Mrs. Farnsworth was under discussion by the attorneys late in the day.
The sum and substance of the testimony at the hearing Monday afternoon, was as follows.
The feature of the evidence was the cross examination of A. A. McFall, former cashier of the defunct Citizens State bank of Geuda Springs by W. L. Cunningham, for the defense. Mr. McFall was subject to a “close-up” and very trying questioning, but he answered all the questions in an emphatic manner. When the attorney asked him if he had not pleaded guilty to the charge of embezzlement, or had waived hearing on that charge, Attorney H. S. Hines, who was present as McFall’s lawyer, quickly spoke up and advised his client not to answer. Asked if he desired not to answer, on the grounds that his testimony might tend to incrimi­nate himself, he answered in the affirmative and was excused from giving answers to such questions. At the close of the re-cross examination of this witness, the state rested, but Attorney McDermott reserved the right to have the testimony of Mrs. Belle Smothers, today, provided the defense was going to put witnesses on the stand. Cunningham declined at this time to state whether or not he would put on evidence for the defense today, stating that he preferred to have a talk with his client, V. E. Creighton, before making that decision.
Both Creighton and his wife were in the courtroom all day yesterday, but neither of them spoke to his attorney nor made suggestions of any sort as to the cross examination of any of the witnesses by Cunningham.
The cross examination of Hugh H. Wright, of the state bank commissioner’s office, was taken up immediately after the lunch hour yesterday.

There were no new developments in this testimo­ny, the sum of which was the same as that given at the former preliminary. In regard to an entry on the books, where there was a certain sum of $2,000 charged off, witness said that Creighton had told him this was secured by real estate. In answer to questions by Attorney McDermott, witness said the Letha Creighton note was not listed in the assets of the bank at one time when he made an examination of the bank, and that he did not know where it was at that time. He stated that Creighton said it had been paid. Witness said Creighton said it had been paid by the substitution of other notes, from the Geuda bank. There was one note for $250, he said, signed by Mrs. M. C. Crouse, which he was told had been paid. Wright said he did not know at that time whether or not the Crouse alimony had been paid. He said the McFall personal notes had been sent to the bank here, and charged to him.
Mrs. Flora Ream, bookkeeper at the bank, was the next witness. She testified as to a certain conversation between Creighton and Mrs. Smothers, in the bank last November, and said Creighton made the statement that evening that he had made $2,000 for the bank that day, that he was tired, and was going home. On cross examination she stated she did not know if anyone else in the bank heard the statement of Creighton and that she did not see the entry of the $2,000 on the books of the bank.
A. A. McFall said: “I had seen the Letha Creighton note and think it was made payable to V. E. Creighton, and the amount was $5,251.92. I came in possession of the note at my bank; it was sent to me through the mail. I had the Ed. Conley note for $1,137.10 and the W. L. Hower note for $3,982.36. I remitted them to the Traders bank and made a memorandum on the journal. They were sent here for credit, and to take up an overdraft of mine in the Geuda bank. After this the Letha Creighton note was mailed to me with a letter, which I left in the files of the bank. Mr. Wright said he did not want to handle the note in that manner and he did not list it as an asset of the Geuda bank. I afterwards exchanged it to Creighton for his personal note. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton came to my bank and in their auto outside the bank we discussed the affairs of the two banks. I demurred to give up the Letha Creighton note and Creighton said, ‘You know it is a fake note and is of no value.’ I finally gave it up as they out-talked me. Creighton told me we must get the note out of the way and said, ‘You know the way we handled those bonds was illegal.’ Creighton tore up the note and dropped the pieces in the bottom of the car. (Here the witness identified one of the Letha Creighton notes.)  I received two insurance policies as security.”
On cross examination witness said: “I did not credit $100 given me by Mrs. Creighton, on the back of the note. I had had an overdraft to the Traders bank for several months. I have been arrested.” Here McFall’s attorney told him not to answer ques­tions relating to his case in the state court.
Walter Olson, assistant cashier of the Traders bank, testi­fied: “I recall the Ed. Conley and the W. L. Hower notes, the writing on them is that of Creighton.”

E. H. Armstrong was recalled to the stand. Asked about a certain document, he stated: “I found this on the floor of the bank as it dropped from the box of personal effects of Creighton.” Can you explain how the Letha Creighton note was taken out and its place filled by other notes, he was asked. “It was credited out of the loans and discounts and replaced by the Conley, Hower, and Crouse notes, totaling the same amount as the Letha Creighton note.”
P. T. Wimer of the state bank at South Haven, who is the assistant to the receiver of the Citizens State bank at Geuda, was the next witness. He was asked in regard to certain entries on the books of the Geuda bank and read the credit of the $5,000 on the books, on March 2, 1922. He testified that, “There is $5,000 difference in the two accounts, of the Traders and the Citizens banks, according to the books.” On cross examination he said some of the handwriting on the books was different from others and that McFall had two girls at work in the bank at different times, which might account for that. He said he had not found the letter in regard to the Letha Creighton note, in the files of the Geuda bank.
J. N. Day, of Arkansas City, was a witness and he testified as to a note for the sum of $6,600, in the Traders bank, signed by him, and which had been renewed several times. “I signed that note. It was in regard to the Sanitary Bakery deal. I was to operate the bakery for 60 days, and with the understanding I could purchase it if I found it a paying business. It was not a paying affair, and I would not buy it. I signed that contract, as did J. R. Hayden, and with the understanding that it was not to stand unless I decided to buy the place. I renewed the note on Oct. 31, 1921, and again on January 17, 1922. I never made any payments on the note and I was not asked for any interest. I was told the notes were of no value and was later sued on these notes, and judgment was rendered in my favor in the district court of this county.”
On cross examination by Cunningham, Day said: “I did not get a bill of sale for the bakery. Hayden gave me a list of the goods in the place and I understood my note was not to draw interest. The bank closed while I owed the third note in question.”
Armstrong was recalled and testified as to a conversation with Creighton and McFall, in regard to the Letha Creighton note. He said he was never able to find any letter on the matter.
Here the state rested and the case was put over until today for further hearing, as stated above.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 1, 1922.
The local police officers framed up a big joke yesterday on W. P. Boggs, salesman for the Geuda Springs bottling works, with Arkansas City offices at 224 North Summit street. They planned to arrest him, but had to have a charge on which to make the arrest. They hit upon the proposition of making the arrest on the charge of driving his truck up and down Summit street at a late hour of the night.
Accordingly, they arranged with Police Judge Harry S. Brown to know if it would be all right to fine him a case of soda pop for each police officer, the police judge, and mayor. Judge Brown said this was not entirely in accordance with court practice, but under the circumstances he thought it would be all right to establish a new precedent, but did not want the prece­dent to apply to anything stronger than soda pop.
The manager and force at the bottling works office were put wise and the arrest was made at the office. Boggs’ face suddenly lengthened until it was nearly a yard long. “What do you want me for?” he asked, “I haven’t done anything to be arrested for.”

But the police had the goods on him. He had driven his truck containing cases of soda pop on the street at night when Chris­tian men were supposed to be in bed snoring. The police were very sober and serious, but the force at the office couldn’t keep a straight face and Boggs “tumbled” to the joke.
The result was that he promised to deliver a case of pop to each of the policemen, the police judge, and the mayor. True to his word he delivered several cases last evening and promised to delivery the rest of them this morning.
In this manner the city administration is exceptionally well supplied with this favorite hot weather beverage. Boggs claims it was very funny to everybody but himself, until he saw the joke.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 12, 1922.
The failed banks at Arkansas City and Geuda Springs are parties in two new cases on the docket of the district court Tuesday, each as plaintiffs, and one as defendant.
The Citizens State Bank, Geuda Springs, is suing J. H. Stallard and others; the Traders’ State Bank, Arkansas City, is suing Thomas Sallee and others.
Thomas Sallee and Lulu Sallee, of Arkansas City, are alleged to have given their note for $10,000, secured by mortgage, of date October 1, 1920, on lots 1 and 2, block 29, Arkansas City, on which there remains due unpaid $7,190, with interest. Other defendants are alleged to have some claim against the property, inferior to the claim of the bank.
J. H. Stallard and his wife are alleged to have given two notes of $320.04 each on October 16, 1919, payable in install­ments of $26.67 a month. On one of the notes half of the re­quired number of installments have been endorsed; on the other no payments have been credited. The Citizens’ bank asks for judg­ment for $194.96, including interest due, on one note; and for $373.90 on the other. Faulconer, Dale, and Swarts filed the cases for the bank receiver.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, July 17, 1922.
About midnight last night the police station received a call stating that a dead man had been found in the road about eight miles west of this city on the West Chestnut Avenue road to Geuda Springs. Night Chief Atteberry and Officer Chadwell, together with Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton, went out to make an investiga­tion. The parties making the report had driven past the man and were greatly wrought up over the matter. On the way out, the officers met some parties who confirmed the report.
When the officers arrived on the scene, they found it to be a dummy that had been placed in the road. One of the officers stated that it looked very much like a dead man, and anyone passing in an automobile would in all probability take it to be a dead man.
Whether it was done as a joke, or whether it was the work of highjackers, the officers have not been able to determine. According to the police all the parties who saw the object in the road were much excited, and evidently all of them feared to make an inspection.
It is thought that this may have been a part of the play in case it was planned as a big joke. Deputy Sheriff Eaton named the supposed dead man “Hay,” as the dummy was stuffed with hay.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, July 20, 1922.

The Geuda Springs Mineral Water Co. has moved from 224 North Summit Street to the basement of the building located at 108 North Summit. The move was made for the reason that the new location provides more room for the rapidly increasing business of the firm in and about Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, August 3, 1922. Front Page.
Harold Skidmore, whose home is at Geuda Springs, and who has been in the employ of the Santa Fe here since the walkout of the shopmen and carmen, on July 1, as a special deputy to watch the property of the railway company, is in the Arkansas City hospital as the result of a gunshot wound in his right side, which was inflicted late in the day yesterday when he dropped his revolver. The wound is not dangerous, and the patient will recover, the attending physician stated today.
The young man sat down on the railroad track in the south yards last night at 6 o’clock, and while he was in the sitting posture, the revolver struck the iron rail and was discharged. The bullet entered the man’s right side just above the eleventh rib, ranged upward and inward, and came out of the body a half inch from the spine. The bullet passed through several of the ribs and left a good sized hole in the right side of the body, the surgeon reports.
At the hospital, to which place the man was taken immediately following the accident, it was said today that the wound was not dangerous and that without any complications, the victim would be well within a short time. Late today the patient was reported to be resting well.
Harold Skidmore is 17 years of age. Both he and his father, John Skidmore, have been on duty as special officers with the Santa Fe since the strike began here. Their home is at Geuda Springs, and the father and son are well known in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, August 12, 1922.
A shrinkage of over fifty percent in the assets of the failed Citizen’s State Bank is indicated in the petition of the receiver, B. V. Curry, filed in district court today, suing A. A. McFall, principle stockholder in the bank, for the face value of the amount of his shares, $6,800, to apply on the indebtedness of the bank. So far from having $141,704 in assets, as indicated by the bank’s books at the time of the closing of its doors, there will be less than $70,852, the petition states.
The suit is brought under the double liability provision of the Kansas statutes. McFall has sixty-eight shares out of the hundred shares in the bank of a par value of a hundred dollars each, the petition sets out. These are fully paid up. Stock­holders in corporations are liable for the debts of the corpora­tion to twice the face value of the stock, deducting the amount they have already paid in.
This will make McFall liable for $6,800.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, August 18, 1922.

H. B. Walker of Manhattan, member of the state water commis­sion, was in the city yesterday making an investigation of flood conditions in connection with the Arkansas River here. Mr. Walker was sent here on authority from the governor’s office, it is reported, to investigate complaints being made to the state by farmers on the Arkansas River near the dam and also in the vicinity of the West Chestnut Avenue bridge.
He met the farmers, headed by Allen Chaplin, whose post office is Geuda Springs, at the Osage Hotel yesterday. They took lunch at the hotel and in the afternoon, in company with C. B. Tingley of the Kansas Gas and Electric company, went to the vicinity of the dam and the canal inlet 3½ miles northwest of the city. What the state engineer’s report on his findings will be is not known. Attorney Albert Faulconer met with the party at the Osage Hotel. He has some orchard land which he claims is being damaged by channel conditions in the river. Farmers near the dam complain that the bottom of the river is filling up just above the dam, which causes the water to spread out and in flood times doing much damage to their land.
The trouble near the Chestnut Avenue bridge seems to be one of long standing, and arises from the fact that garbage has been dumped at the west end of the bridge and filled in until the river channel has been narrowed to two bents of the bridge; and in high water periods, making it impossible for the narrow channel to properly carry off the water.
It is claimed that both the city and county may come in for damages resulting to adjacent land from channel conditions here. Another feature that would be involved, it is said, is the fact that several acres of new land has been made here, and some of this land has changed hands, selling at a good price.
The present conditions have been slowly developing for years past, being now a history which only the old-time citizens can relate. There are indications now that something is going to be stirring in the not far distant future, and the final develop­ments may be written in court records. What will grow out of the fact that the river channel at the Chestnut Street bridge is too narrow remains to be seen.
Also, what will grow out of conditions at the dam is as yet unwritten history. However, it is likely the state engineer’s report will shortly be known.
Work on Headgates Held Up.
Mr. Tingley reports that a force of men was laid off at the new head gates this morning. This is due to the fact that a shipment of steel sheet piling has been held up on account of present railroad transportation conditions. Men are still at work making dirt fills in the neighborhood of the headgates, but construction work on the gates will be held up until material can be received.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 23, 1922.
Being an attorney to some forty farmers in a suit brought in connection with a bank failure is the position occupied by Ward Wright, a well known attorney of this city.
The bank in question is the defunct Geuda Springs State Bank, and the farmers were members of a cooperative association. It is claimed that the farmers’ union had borrowed money from the bank, and that the money so borrowed was secured by each farmer member of the union signing a guarantee to pay $400 apiece.

Now it is said the farmers refuse to make payment, and suit to collect the money has been started in the district court at Wellington. Attorney Wright went to Wellington today, to make investigation of the matter in the interest of the farmers who are alleged to have signed the guarantee.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 6, 1922. Front Page.
Klan Initiates A Class of Fifty Near Winfield.
“Do you want a good news story? We are sending two men for you; these men will be strangers to you, but it is important you go with them. You will have absolute protection.” was the message received by a Traveler reporter from an unknown party while a guest at a dinner party at the Country Club last evening.
Shortly following the message the men arrived, stated they were Klansmen from Ponca City, and were instructed by the cyclops of the Arkansas City Ku Klux Klan to call and take the writer to the open air meeting of the Ku Klux Klan near Winfield. These two men were not robed and were unknown to the reporter.
About six miles from Winfield, after turning the corner on the rock road going north into Winfield, a large fiery cross and other lights were plainly visible. After going a few miles nearer, the reporter noticed the roads were jammed with cars and spectators. It was here that the Traveler representative was blindfolded. After slow driving for some distance, the car stopped, and the reporter was led to a gate. He was stopped at the gate, supposedly by a guard. The Klansmen said something about a newspaper man and did some whispering, and we were permitted to pass. After walking some distance the guide again stopped, and the same maneuvers were gone through as at the gate. The blind­fold was then removed and it was a startling revelation to the newspaper man, the crowd of robed men who were walking about on the hill and the huge fiery cross that was burning. The top of the hill was electrically lighted with a small light plant, and the escorts claimed the cross was forty feet high and 20 feet wide. It could be seen for a distance of fifteen miles in any direction where the topography of the country would permit.
The reporter was shown how the roads on two sides were lined three and four deep with automobiles and spectators; and it is estimated three thousand watched the meeting from the outside, while a thousand robed men were on the inside. Never at any time was the newspaper man allowed to get away from his escorts nor was he allowed to get within hearing distance of the meeting. Hundreds of guards were walking about the field constantly. Also, many guards were on horseback. The horses were robed with a big white robe with three large K’s in red in one corner.
The robes worn by the Klansmen were white, with white capes over the shoulder, with a black and white cross with red back­ground over the heart. They all wore cone-shaped hats with back and front flaps, and a red tassel on top.
The escort claimed that Wichita, Blackwell, Winfield, Arkansas City, Ponca City, Dexter, Cedarvale, Rock, Newkirk, Geuda Springs,  and Oxford Klans were all represented at the meeting.
About 9:30 o’clock, initiation ceremonies were commenced. The reporter counted about fifty candidates who were being initiated. The klansmen all formed a circle and the candidates stood within, the klansmen marching around them. Then a double circle was formed and the candidates with hands on each other’s shoulders marched in the center of the double circle following a klansman with a fiery cross in his hands.

Following this the candidates were taken to four different stations in the circle where they were instructed in the work. Then they all gathered in front of an altar in the center of which was the American flag. On the altar, the escorts stated, was the Holy Bible and a sword, and behind the altar was a burning cross. The initiation ceremonies lasted until 11:30 o’clock. Following this, the escorts stated, a Kleagle of Oklahoma was to make an address. However, the reporter was not permitted to hear.
At the conclu­sion of the above described ceremonies he was escorted to the klansman’s car and brought to his home in Arkan­sas City.
An airplane soared over Arkansas City and Winfield late yesterday afternoon, dropping hand bills announcing the meeting and inviting the public to watch it.