Geuda Springs Ground
First owner: W. J. Walpole.
July 25, 1872. (Filed March 8, 1873) by Patent from the United States of America to W. J. Walpole. Give and grant the Fractional South West Quarter of Section 6, in Township 34 South, of Range 3 East, 156.75 acres.
Second owner: Brainard Goff, Jr.
As applicants for patents often did, Mr. Walpole sold to Brainard Goff, Jr., of Cowley County, Kansas, one-half acre of land near the large salt spring. Somehow a record of this sale was not completed and it was involved in the litigations held of this property in 1916.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 15, 1873.
[From the Arkansas City Traveler.]
Last week we saw some of the best salt we have seen in this State, manufactured by Goff & Marshall, of Salt Springs, this county. These gentlemen have their vats in working order, from which they manufacture thirty barrels of salt per week, by evaporation only. As many more vats are being made, they will soon be able to turn out twice as much salt as at present.
Mr. Goff brought into this market yesterday 1,000 pounds of beautiful crystallized salt. All the salt needed in this locality will be furnished from the Salt Springs.
Third owner: I. C. Loomis or W. J. Walpole.
The land was mortgaged in 1872 for $240.00. I. C. Loomis held the mortgage.
W. J. Walpole of Denison, Texas, issued his power of attorney to H. O. Meigs on February 13, 1873. I. C. Loomis and his wife, Harriet R. Loomis, assigned their power of attorney to Samuel Hoyt. Their Mortgage was released March 13, 1873.
In 1873-1874 attorneys representing Walpole, Loomis, and others were busy making loans and releasing mortgages.
From Correspondent at Bolton Township...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 26, 1873.
The Salt Springs Manufacturing Company are turning out over fifty bushels of pure white salt each week, which is used exclusively by parties in this section of country.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
[From Arkansas City Traveler.]
Judge Peffer, Col. J. C. McMullen, E. P. Kinne, Mr. Loomis, and several ladies, also the “Special Contributor,” visited the salt works on the 6th. We found Judge McIntire superintendent of the works. Our July sun is doing the handsome thing for these just now, giving a product of a ton per week.
There are also springs containing, apparently, Glauber’s salts and other minerals in solution. We concluded the “warm spring” to be caused by the action of the solar heat.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.
J. T. Hall is going to Salt Springs to start a restaurant.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
All you who wish to visit the Salt Springs remember that John Austin runs a tri-weekly Hack between this place and that, and you can’t go with a cleverer fellow.
The Salt Springs.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874. [Editorial.]
In company with W. W. Walton, our efficient county surveyor, who kindly furnished the rig, we tripped over to the Salt Springs last Monday, where we arrived just in time for dinner, of which we were bountifully supplied at the “Mills” House. There we met J. T. Hall, formerly of the Valley House of this place, who expects to do the honors for the new Hotel, which they hope to build in a short time. After dinner we went down to see the “Springs,” which spurt out in a low flat, near the Arkansas River. There we found Judge McIntire and son, busy filling and refilling the vats, in which, by the action of the sun, the brine is crystallized.
There is plenty of salt in the water there; we know for we drank an abundance of it, and one or two of the springs seem to be impregnated with sulphur, for the water tastes just like rotten turkey eggs mixed in wet gun powder. It isn’t considered the most delicious drink in the world; in fact, few strangers take more than a taste, sometimes contenting themselves with the smell. But the people over there are hopeful that a fortune is certainly in store for them, and he would be foolhardy, indeed, who would intimate, to a dweller near the salt marsh, that such is not the case. Yea, better not say, that even gold and silver ore, is not to be found in plenty, when by the aid of machinery the bowels of the earth be properly torn up.
We were shown a handful of black sand by an enthusiastic individual, who insisted that we must have poor eye sight to fail to detect the golden particles mixed therewith.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
Todd and Royal of Wichita have bought a quarter section of land near the springs, and expect, so we learned, to bore for coal in a short time. All agree that the coveted anthrax can be found at the trifling distance of from 700 to 1,000 feet.
The town is laid out very nicely on the hill a mile or so south of the Springs. There is one store, one saloon, and one blacksmith shop. The capacity of the works at present is about one ton per week, but it seems to us that it could, with the proper fixtures, be made to turn off 100 ton just as well. We do not predict any very great future for Remanto on account of the Springs alone.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Kinne & Meigs purchased one acre near Salt City for $500, containing the sulphur springs. On this acre is a pond of water, from which three different kinds of mineral water can be dipped, which is claimed by persons who have drank and bathed in it, to be very healthy. Press.
Fourth owner: David J. Bright.
On May 11, 1876, W. J. Walpole, by H. O. Meigs, attorney in fact, sold the mortgage to David J. Bright of Cowley County, Kansas, for $516.37.
Note: Beulah Peters Brewer stated that David Bright bought the Geuda Springs land. The Indians would not stay off of the land. Bright soon sold the Geuda Springs land; and again bought it in 1878.
R. L. Walker was the Cowley County Sheriff in 1878. On February 28, 1878, the Winfield Courier printed the following “Real Estate Transfer.”
R. L. Walker to David J. Bright, sw 6, 34, 3, 160 acres, $585.
Note: It is unknown what Bright first obtained when he sold land in 1876.
Fifth owner: Hackney & McDonald.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Real Estate Transfer. David Bright and wife to Hackney & McDonald, sw. 6, 34, 3; 159½ acres, $290.
Note: It is apparent from Courier article that Bright lost $295 on the 1878 transaction.
Bright had to hire Hackney & McDonald due to suit with Mary H. Buck.
Hackney & McDonald handled the suit, which started in April 1878. The case was later dismissed.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Real Estate Transfer.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to J. Wade McDonald, sw. 6, 34, 3.
[Note: This is same description of David J. Bright Land.]
Reason for interest of Judge J. Wade McDonald...
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Salt City Mineral Springs.
Salt City, fourteen miles southwest of Winfield, on the line between Cowley and Sumner counties, promises to become the Saratoga of Kansas. It has four mineral springs that will become famous. We have known before this that these springs possessed very curious mineral properties, but have paid little attention to the claim that they had medicinal and curative properties of the highest order. But recently events have proved all that has been claimed for them. Several persons seriously afflicted with erysipelas, rheumatism, eruptions, and various cutaneous diseases have visited these springs and by drinking their waters and bathing in them have experienced rapid and wonderful relief.
Among these cases we will mention that of Judge McDonald. He has had a most terrible eruption covering his face, head, and neck with sores, scabs, and pustules, and his face was bleeding in many places. On the 28th ult., he visited the springs and drank and bathed freely. In less than three hours the scabs came off his face and his appearance was wonderfully improved. He has since, for three days, continued to use this water, and now looks and feels like a very different man and has every prospect of a speedy and perfect case.
[OWNER OF SALT CITY: Thomas Royal.]
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. Thomas Royal, of Salt City, called on us last Saturday, having just arrived. He owns the town site of Salt City and has had it surveyed and platted. He is prepared to sell lots on advantageous terms to settlers. Mr. Royal informs us that large numbers of invalids are coming to Salt City to use the waters of the medicinal springs which are near Salt City, and that the water is proving highly beneficial. Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, who are the proprietors of the Springs, propose putting in tubing for the conveyance of the water to baths and drinking reservoirs. This may yet be a popular resort not only for invalids but for the fashionable world. Wichita Beacon.
Margaret Stallard’s book about Geuda Springs...
“Mr. Hackney and Mr. McDonald were the first to start improvements on the springs. They cleared the area and piped the seven springs into an area with steps leading down to them. They fenced in the 25 foot area where the springs bubbled up. They built a bath house, and covered the springs with a very nice spring house.”
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879 - Front Page.
SALT CITY, KANS., JUNE 10, 1879.
This is the famous salt region of Sumner County. It was laid out by Messrs. Mills and Foster in 1874. It is situated in the southeastern part of the county near the Arkansas River. It is surrounded by some of the best lands of the valley. The farms show that their owners understand their business, as they are well improved and cultivated. The population at the present time is only about fifty. It has a weekly mail, which arrives on Friday. It is very unjust to the people, as it arrives just at the right time to prevent them from receiving the weekly papers until they are at least ten days old. If the date of arrival was on Monday or Tuesday, it would be a vast advantage to them. Something ought to be done for them by the postmaster officials.
The town contains one business house, a drug store, a large blacksmith shop, and two hotels. The great future of the town is in their salt and mineral springs. The salt marsh, as it is called, covers an area of at least ten acres. Salt Creek runs through this marsh, and is fed by hundreds of small springs. The banks of the streams are as white as snow, from salt which covers the ground from one to four or five inches, all along its banks.
The water contains a large percent of salt. A test of four gallons yielded four pounds of salt, and the method of testing was very crude.
D. H. Prouty & Co., have organized themselves into a company for the purpose of developing the springs and establishing works. Another company has been formed to prospect for coal. It is believed that a coal formation underlays the whole section of the country. The funds for the prospecting are being raised by subscription. The company have agreed to sink a shaft 600 feet for $800. If coal is found, the future of the salt company is assured. It is assured any way as soon as the railroad penetrates this county.
The large thing for this place is its mineral springs. There are a great many of them, and they are already known to contain medicinal properties of the highest order.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, own the largest of the springs. They have sent water out of the springs to two or three different parties for analysis.
Sixth owner: C. R. Mitchell and A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Yesterday Hackney & McDonald perfected the sale of their Salt Springs land. The farm consisted of 159 acres of land, on which are situated the famous mineral springs, and was sold to C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, for the sum of $4,000. Messrs. Hackney & McDonald have held the lands some eighteen months, and make a clear profit of $3,500 on the sale. We congratulate them upon their good fortune. Telegram.
These famous springs are now owned in partnership by C. R. Mitchell and A. A. Newman, of this place. They are both shrewd businessmen, have plenty of capital at their command, and if they don’t make three or four times $3,500 out of this venture, you may have our hat. Bob and Al. seldom make much noise, but they know a good thing when they see it.
From Stallard book:
“On August 18, 1879, Clinton R. Mitchell and Mary E. Mitchell, his wife, sold to Albert A. Newman an undivided one-half of the entire quarter for $3,000.
“Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Newman had several mortgages on the land and continued making improvements. They built a bath house, cemented the floor of the spring area, and built a two-story building over them.
[CORRESPONDENT “H. P. M” - Mrs. Mansfield of Winfield.]
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
SNOW HILL, SALT CITY, KS., Sept. 12th, 1879.
Yesterday Mitchell and Newman came up with shovels, forks, rods, and pipes, to play in the springs, and upon drawing an auger attached to a rod 20 feet long from a spring which had the old pipe, stones were thrown out as large as a goose-egg, which had every appearance of having been melted by extreme heat. What these gentlemen will accomplish they themselves do not know, but it will take a small fortune to employ competent men to put things in order, to make a paying investment. Then look out for a nickle a glass for this medicinal water. Better all come this year, while you can pitch your tent anywhere, wear calico dresses, dispense with cosmetics, shoot birds, and romp to your heart’s content.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
Newman and Mitchell are erecting a handsome bath house at their mineral springs in Salt City, and in another year there will be a grand rush to that favorite resort.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
Mitchell & Newman still continue to bring forward material for the improvement of the springs, and whenever the weather will permit, are at work.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Salt City is expecting the boom in the near future. Considerable improvements are underway, among which is the new hotel building of Messrs. Mitchell & Newman, of this city. These gentlemen are making extensive preparations for the accommodation of a large number of guests who annually visit the mineral springs at that place to partake of the health restoring qualities of those wonderful waters.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
Mr. Mitchell is giving his attention to improving his property at Salt City, which he expects to have in readiness for the accommodation of a large number of guests who will visit those wonderful, health-restoring springs during the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Rudolph Hoffmaster has rented the Star Restaurant to Mrs. Finney, who will carry on the business henceforth. Mr. Hoffmaster and family have removed to the Salt Springs and are now in charge of the Newman & Mitchell bath rooms at that place.
[Picnic at Geuda Springs.]
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Life’s chequered path is full of woe
‘And perils beset us wherever we go.
The above is apropos of an adventure which befell a party of ladies and gentlemen from this city who were enjoying a picnic in the immediate vicinity of the sanatorium and baths recently built by Newman & Mitchell on the borders of that modern Siloam—Salt Springs. The dramatis personae at this matinee were Mrs. Hutchins, of Iowa, Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bird, and several visitors from Ohio, who one and all did themselves very much proud by the manner in which they rendered their respective parts of this serio-comic escapade.
All were comfortably seated around the orthodox picnic board and reveling in the natural beauties of this classic spot, yet not so absorbed as to prevent them enjoying the goodly comestibles, which were rapidly disappearing before appetites sharpened by a three hours’ ride in a Kansas zephyr.
Suddenly their affrighted gaze beheld a cloud of inky blackness, here and there rent by forked tongues of flame, which rushing forward with frightful velocity seemed to hiss and crackle in anticipation of the holocaust about to be offered up. The wildest confusion ensued; gentlemen rushed frantically to the rescue of their teams, while the ladies grabbed promiscuously for queensware and rent the air with shrieks of dire distress. ‘Tis always darkest just before dawn, and so in this case, when hope had almost fled and the inevitable was about to be accepted, the raging element sprang towards its prey, but the grass gave out and it sank to rise no more.
Lunch was resumed and each one admitted that collectively there had been somewhat of a scare but insisted that individually it required something more than an ordinary prairie fire to make them start.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 12, 1880.
Salt City has improved wonderfully during the last six months. Several new buildings have been erected in that time. Berkey’s large stone is nearing completion, and Newman & Mitchell’s bath house would be an ornament to Saratoga. New people are seen on our streets daily, some investing, and others rusticating in the suburbs, where Mr. Hoffmaster, formerly of your city, ministers to their comfort.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880. Front Page.
[From the Topeka Commonwealth.]
Geuda is a Ponca word, meaning healing waters. The springs, eight in number, and all different, are near Salt City, in Sumner County, Kansas. The nearest railroad is Arkansas City, about eight miles southeast of the Springs, although they are within a circle formed through Arkansas City, Winfield, Oxford, Wellington, and Hunnewell, all railroad towns. The proprietors, Messrs. Newman and Mitchell, of Arkansas City, have erected a commodious and tasteful bath house at the Springs, and the place is beginning to be quite a resort for the ailing. Some remarkable cures of catarrh, rheumatism, and cutaneous diseases are related. There are always camps of invalids in the vicinity. When the analysis is completed, the Commonwealth will probably have more to relate.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
We are under obligations to Hon. C. R. Mitchell, one of the proprietors of the Geuda Springs, for complimentary tickets to their elegant baths, now completed and in good order at the above Springs. These waters have undeniably great medical virtues which we shall take much pleasure in testing in our own proper person.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell came up Friday and exhibited several views of his salt lake and bathhouse. He has been making many valuable improvements and adding many conveniences for those who are seeking relief from disease at the springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, was over on Monday last, and says he will soon commence work on his hotel at this place. This is what we want bad. GOLD DUST.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The people of Cowley, Sumner, and adjoining counties are just wakening up to the fact that the “Geuda Mineral Springs,” near Salt City, Kansas, are fast becoming quite a popular health resort. The history of these springs is, that the s. w. 1/4 of Sec. 6, R. 34, Tp. 3, on the west line of Cowley County, was purchased of the government by a Mr. Walpole when the Osage lands first came into market, supposing it to be quite valuable on account of a large salt marsh and some very clear water springs that were on the land, since which time the land has passed through several hands.
The quarter section opposite this tract was at about the same time purchased by other parties for the famous salt spring on that tract, and for over two years salt was manufactured there, but on account of the vats being constructed of inferior lumber, and because there was no transportation for the salt produced, the manufacture was abandoned until this summer, when James Hill & Co. got a ten year’s lease of the land and have commenced to manufacture again, and the salt produced is of the very best quality, equal to any salt we have ever seen, and it is claimed that the water produces 1-3/4 pounds to the gallon, being equal to the great Syracuse salt well, at Syracuse, New York, heretofore claimed to be the strongest salt water in the world.
Messrs. Hill & Co. are under contract to manufacture 500,000 pounds of this salt the coming year, and at least 1,000,000 per year for the balance of the term of their lease.
As the water is almost inexhaustible, the prospects for an extensive salt manufactory appears to be good.
Seventh owner: Clinton R. Mitchell.
“On September 13, 1881, Albert A. Newman and Mary M. Newman, his wife, sold to Clinton R. Mitchell his undivided one-half of the property for $10,000.” [Stallard.]
Newman sold back to Mitchell his share for $10,000. This left Mitchell the sole owner of land except for the one-half acre Mr. Walpole sold to Mr. Goff in 1871 so that Goff could make salt.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
[From Winfield Daily Telegram.]
C. R. Mitchell has lately bought out the interest of A. A. Newman, and is now making arrangements to build a sanitarium. A gentleman from Illinois is in Chicago purchasing the material for ten cottages; other parties are making arrangements to put up a good hotel.
Strange Creature in Area of Geuda Springs and Salt City.
Keep an Eye on Him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
There is an old man with a very bad countenance prowling around here, of whom the inquiry is again and again made: “Who is he?” and “what is he up to?” Every now and then rumors reach us from afar off, which if they do not tell us who he is, give a pretty good idea of what he is probably trying to do. The first sight of him arouses a suspicion which every rumor confirms. This merciless old sinner seems to make it his general business to prey upon the mistakes and misfortunes of his fellow man. He worms around the dusty records of the past, hunts up flaws in old titles that honest men and innocent purchasers may have to their homes, buys the claim, whatever it may be, for a mere trifle, and deliberately goes to work to financially ruin the equitable owner of the premises and turn him out from his home and fireside. His later actions indicate that when he can’t find a flaw in a title, he does not hesitate to try to make one, or to create some kind of a dispute out of which he may make some money. Such a man is, in our opinion, meaner than a sneak thief, and far more contemptible. Such appear to be the characteristics of the strange old creature, who is now plying his favorite trade in the neighborhood of Salt City and Geuda Springs.
This old simpleton is now trying to run a line, which, were it possible to adopt, would put Geuda Springs on the quarter section west, changing the title to most of the buildings in Salt City, as well as changing the lines to many of the farms in Bolton and Walton townships for two or three miles on either side of the county line, and wrest thousands of dollars of improvements from the parties who have made and now own them.
You ask what business has he there? None whatever. He does not, we believe, even claim to own a foot of land, or one dollar’s worth of improvements in that vicinity. He probably imagines that he can scare Bob Mitchell and the citizens of Salt City into paying him some money to desist from annoying them. He has probably heard that the survey lines are more or less crooked, which may all be true, for there are but very few lines, either in Cowley or Sumner counties, that are straight for a distance of four consecutive miles; in fact, many of them are as crooked as a worm fence, but still they are Government lines, were so made by the Government surveyors, and there is no power to change them now, even if a desire existed (which it does not) among the owners generally that they should be so changed. In fact, we understand a severe penalty is attached to moving Government corners. We have taken the trouble to inquire into this affair as much as possible, and find the people are united in the opinion that the county line is correct as now laid out, and that the same has been surveyed by Orville Smith, a former County Surveyor of Sumner County, an ex-Government surveyor, thoroughly proficient in his profession, and one of the most honest men we know of. Several persons still reside in the vicinity who were present at the time the lines were run by the Government surveyors, and one of the parties who helped make the Government survey is still a resident in that neighborhood. All these are a unit in saying the corners are still where they were put by the Government surveyors. Such being the case, we think the owners need give themselves no uneasiness on account of any blackmailing scheme that may be set on foot in this or any other manner.
Some of the Salt City people think that there are one or two other parties who have been induced to wink approvingly at this scheme, at least until they saw the odium with which the proceeding was regarded by the people at large. The object sought was to prevent the erection of buildings at Salt City and Geuda Springs, and raising a question as to the lines seemed the most ready way to gain that end. We hardly believe such to be the case, as we doubt whether Cowley or Sumner possesses a citizen mean enough to stoop to such a contemptible trick.
What kind of a critter one must be, who, without having any interest at stake himself, or any good reason for it, will deliberately try to injure a whole community, is beyond our comprehension, and how long a law abiding people will patiently submit to such scoundrelism is also a question. If there is not, there ought to be, a law that would give the man who attempts to perpetrate such a villainous outrage a good long term in the penitentiary. Mob law is never justifiable, and we hope will never be resorted to in this section, but if that old man ever disturbs a Government corner in this State, we are in favor of giving him all that the law will allow.
We understand this man claims to live in Chicago. He is about six feet in height, light complexion, weighs probably some 300 pounds, and goes by the name of Palmer here.
We do not anticipate anyone hereabouts will be scared into paying him anything on account of this trick, but we deem it advisable to apprize other communities of his mode of obtaining money so they may be prepared to checkmate his little game. If we are any hand at reading the signs of the times as interpreted by the light in which this fellow’s maneuvers are viewed by the residents of Salt City and vicinity, we think an immediate trip to Chicago, bag and baggage, would be far more conducive to the general health of this old busybody than a longer sojourn at Geuda Springs. Take our advice, skip to a clime which knows you not, mend your dissipated ways, try to earn an honest living, and you will feel better and be more respected by your neighbors.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
Dr. C. Perry started for this city last Monday to superintend the erection of the cottages at Geuda Springs. Five of these residences were shipped from Chicago on the 13th inst.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Col. Palmer, the gentleman who is managing the Geuda Springs survey was in the city Friday. He is very reticent on the subject of the Springs.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
A railroad company has been organized to build a road from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs and westward. The directors are H. B. Pruden of Ohio, J. W. Devoire, of Indiana, W. P. Hackney, James Huey, Maj. O’Gradey, C. R. Mitchell, and W. M. Berkey, of Cowley County. The capital stock is $250,000 in shares of $100 each.
The following contains excerpts from a long article...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881. Editorial Page.
[Special Correspondent “De Vera” of the Kansas City Times.]
ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., Oct. 31. Although this is one of the frontier and border towns of Kansas, and possesses in a marked degree the characteristic stir and bustle of such places, it, nevertheless, is free from a number of their distinguishing peculiarities. The yell of the festive cowboy is here but seldom heard, and such scenes as that which occurred at Hunnewell recently, in which over three shots were exchanged and a young lady shot dead, have never yet been witnessed at this place. It has the make-up of an interior town, with all the push and enterprise and the business aspect of the cattle shipping points.
Arkansas City is, in fact, a supply point for all the vast country lying south and inhabited by the semi-civilized red man. Wagon trains, whose teams are driven by Indians, arrive here, load and depart almost daily. Some of them number thirty or forty teams and drivers. There are several extensive outfitting stores in this place, which furnish all these trains with merchandise and supplies, they being taken to the different agencies and there distributed by the Indian agents. . . .
Within a few miles of Arkansas City are the Geuda Mineral Springs, which are of themselves the greatest natural curiosity of the west, and well deserve more than the passing notice which I am able to give them. They are seven in number, all situated within an area of forty feet square, each being different from the other. . . .
For years these springs have been almost unknown except to a few, although it is said that the Indians well knew of their existence and their vast curative powers, and even now frequently visit them and partake of their waters, as the line of the Indian Territory is but a few miles from where they are situated. It is from the Indian dialect that the name is derived, “Geuda” meaning “healing waters.” A few months ago the spot from whence issued these remarkable waters was grown over with a dense mass of grass and bulrushes, but now it has been cleared off and each spring tubed and the ground laid with flag stones.
Large quantities of these waters are taken away daily to all parts of the vicinity, some of it going as far as Wichita and Winfield.
The land upon which the springs are situated is owned by Hon. Robert Mitchell, of Arkansas City, who has made arrangements with Dr. W. F. Standiford, of Indiana, to have a large Sanitarium erected and operated at the springs, and the building will be completed in a short time. A commodious bath house has already been erected just below the springs where wonderful cures are performed almost daily. Altogether it is safe to say that these springs, each so close to the other and each so very different from the other, are really the wonder of the day and age. Another peculiarity of these springs are that they come straight up from below. Eight inch water pipes sixteen feet long are sunk down into the earth and from these the waters flow. Two of these pipes are within eighteen inches of each other, and yet the water from each is entirely different and very strong. They are a veritable curiosity and well worth a trip to see.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Geuda Gossip.
Mr. Mitchell has about 50 cords of stone on the ground to fix the springs and build an addition to the bath house, so as to be able to give salt water baths.
The Geuda Springs Company are shipping the Mineral Water in all directions, and are receiving many complimentary statements from its effects. They have made arrangements with the express companies to return cans free of charge, and the shipment of water is rapidly increasing.
C. R. Mitchell became president of the town company, which formed about this time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
[From the Wellington Press.]
We understand that the Santa Fe company wants to get Geuda Springs into their possession, and have offered Mr. Mitchell $26,000 therefor. If the Santa Fe company gets hold of these springs, they will become a noted watering place in a few years.
In this issue (June 14, 1882) Editor Standley covered a trip to Geuda Springs made by C. M. Scott, Scott’s father, and Standley.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
The following charter was filed in the office of secretary of state yesterday: Geuda Spring Hotel Company, Capital stock $50,000. The following named persons are the directors for the first year: J. R. Musgrove, W. N. Hubbell, O. M. Bieles, C. R. Mitchell, S. L. Allen, F. L. Davis, and Geo. H. Cutler, all of Geuda Springs, Kansas.
The August 23, 1882, issue of the Traveler stated that C. R. Mitchell had begun work on a large addition to his present building, which would be used as a hotel.
Geuda Mineral Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of December, A. D. 1883, at 10 o’clock a.m. of said day, at the office of C. R. Mitchell, at the Geuda Mineral Springs, in Cowley County, Kansas, the books of the Geuda Mineral Springs Co., a corporation under the laws of the state of Kansas, will be opened for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation.
The authorized capital of said corporation is $250,000, divided into 10,000 non-assessable shares of $25 each. J. W. Howard, C. R. Mitchell, J. S. Wynant, Geo. M. Baugh, A. W. McCarty, Directors.
Two years later...
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Geuda is figuring on the D. M & A. Road. The Herald News says accordingly: “A railroad meeting was held in Geuda last Monday night for the purpose of explaining to the people a proposition made to Hon. C. R. Mitchell by the D. M. & A. Road. They propose to run a road from Belle Plaine to this place if this township votes $20,000 bonds and Valverdi $18,000. The company issuing stock to the above townships to the full amount of the bonds; and no bonds to be given until the road is built. This is the chance for this section of the county to get a road, and they should avail themselves of the proposition. Another meeting will be held next Monday night, and everyone interested in a road should attend.”
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Bob Mitchell telephones the REPUBLICAN from Geuda Springs that they have a small flood over in that region. The water was four feet deep in his house and between the bath house and the business houses the water was over a man’s head. The wheat on several farms has been washed away and carried down the Arkansas. Up to the time of the REPUBLICAN going to press, the damage could not be estimated. No reports of persons drowning had come in. Mr. Mitchell thinks that they were visited by a water spout. All the creeks in that neighborhood resemble rivers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 27, 1885.
[From Geuda Herald.]
The Storm at Geuda Last Friday Night.
About two o’clock this morning the clouds seemed to gather in all directions to one common center, in and around Geuda Springs. Such flashes of lightning and peals of thunder were never seen or heard of in this vicinity before. The heavens seemed perfectly full of electricity. There was but little rain fell until after daylight this morning, when it literally poured out for about two or three hours and there must have undoubtedly been a water spout two or three miles above here as Salt Creek rose ten feet in about two hours. The water rose to 4-1/2 feet above the lower floor of C. R. Mitchell’s house. The families of Mr. Buckwalter, Mr. McCarren, and Mr. Cadle were carried out on horses and on men’s backs. The damages will be from $500 to $1,000, besides a great amount of damage done to wheat standing in the shock. H. H. Bumgardner lost one very fine mule by lightning, and Mr. Brenhart a cow which was tied to a rope on some low ground and was drowned.
Mitchell joins with Editor Greer of Winfield Courier trying to get railroad...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.
The K. C. & S. W. R. R.
From a special dispatch to the Wichita Eagle of Friday from Topeka we learn of the filing of the charter for the building of the “Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Western railroad.” The purposes of this corporation are to construct a line of railroad from the proposed line of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company, in Cowley County, Kansas, through the counties of Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barber, Comanche, Clark, Meade, and Seward, to the west line of the state. The capital stock of this company is five million six hundred thousand dollars. The directors are: Alonso Stephens, Chicago, Illinois; William Goatlin and C. N. Towle, Hammond, Indiana; Wm. D. Curry, Edwin P. Greer, N. M. Powers, D. A. Millington, John C. Long, Winfield; and C. R. Mitchell, Geuda Springs, Kansas. Place of business: Winfield, Kansas.
The object of the company when it first started to build was to construct a standard gauge railroad from Kansas City, Missouri, to Arkansas City, with the ultimate intention of continuing the road on through the Territory. Besides this a branch road was to leave the Kansas City & Southwestern north of Winfield and go west to Wellington and thence through the Indian Territory to connect with the Southern Pacific system at some point in Texas. The filing of the above charter proves that the company intends carrying out its first plans.
To the REPUBLICAN it appears that this branch should leave the K. C. & S. W., at Arkansas City, and go west, and we believe if our citizens took the proper steps they could induce the company to do so. Just why we should stand idly by and allow this western road to start from some other town when Arkansas City is more naturally and advantageously located for the purpose than any other place, we fail to see the philosophy of.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Several carriage loads of our citizens were in Geuda yesterday to talk about the proposed junction. They also met several leading citizens from Caldwell. They were somewhat coolly received, but when it was learned that the object was only to get the junction here, a better feeling prevailed, and Mr. Mitchell and others expressed no objection to that; in fact, would help with our citizens in attaining that end.
Arkansas City Republican, July 3, 1886.
Geuda Springs Celebration.
From the Herald we learn that arrangements have been made for Geuda Springs to have a grand Fourth of July celebration on the 3rd. One of the speakers will be Rev. Brink, of Wichita, father of Rev. V. H. Brink, pastor of the M. E. Church of that city. James Hill, of Arkansas City, will also be present. L. H. Northey, paymaster on the Border road, will run an excursion from Winfield and Arkansas City and one from Guelph or near South Haven, as the road will be almost completed to that point in that time. There is no doubt that there will be two or three thousand people who will go to Geuda on the trains. The fare will be thirty cents a round trip from Arkansas City. The Arkansas City Buckskin Band has been spoken for and is expected. The celebration will be held in Mitchell’s grove.
From Stallard book:
“Mitchell saw the need to organize the city of East Geuda Springs. He recorded the plat for ‘East Geuda Springs’ on July 6, 1882. He laid off three blocks, which bordered the spring house and park. He then built a large three-story white house straight east on the Oxford road, which was located in Cowley County.
“The Loomis Hotel, a restaurant, bank, printing shop, bakery, and other businesses were in East Geuda Springs.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886.
A charter was filed July 13, 1886, with the secretary of state for the St. Louis Kansas and Northwestern railroad, to run northwesterly for the Geuda Springs, Caldwell and western railroad at or near Anthony, through Harper, Barber, Kingman, Pratt, El Dorado, Kiowa, Hodgeman, Ness, Jane, Scott, Wichita, St. John, and Wallace Counties to the west line. Directors: C. R. Mitchell of Geuda Springs; W. D. Carey, N. M. Powers, D. A. Millington, Ed. P. Greer, and S. C. Gibbs of Winfield; Alonzo Stephens and W. H. Gostlin of Chicago; and N. Towle of Hammond, Indiana.
Arkansas City Republican, July 31, 1886.
Winfield, Beaver Township, and Geuda Springs have combined to build an independent railroad from the first named place, through the second, to the third. The charter will be filed in a few days. The directors for the first year are L. F. Johnson, J. H. Watts, J. W. Browning, of Beaver Township; Chas. G. Furry and C. R. Mitchell, Geuda Springs; and P. H. Albright, S. H. Myton, J. E. Conklin, J. R. Clark, and J. L. M. Hill of Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886.
The Frisco Railroad Company have purchased a one-half interest in the Geuda Springs Town Company, which comprises a large amount of occupied as well as unoccupied lands and will at once proceed to erect a $50,000 bath house near the springs, and also a $100,000 hotel near the old Salt City townsite. C. R. Mitchell, the former owner of the lands, is now $75,000 better off than he was some days ago. The wife of Rev. B. C. Swarts, presiding elder of the M. E. Church for this district, owns eighty acres near the townsite, which is now valued at $5,000. Winfield Visitor.
From Stallard...
Pages 38-39 of Stallard Book [two photos shown on these pages].
Luke Short Died in Geuda Springs.
An undated article from the Arkansas City Traveler told the story of the death of Luke Short in a Geuda Springs Hotel.
“Luke Short was a friend of Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson. He was a gunman and had killed a number of men. He was short and a dapper dresser. He had sold whiskey to Sioux Indians, which got him in trouble with the law, but somehow he escaped. He was raised in Texas and went from western town to western town and always worked in or operated a bar of some kind. The Museum in Tribune had a considerable amount of information concerning Luke Short and of course he and other gun fighters have been glamorized by present day television.
“In September of 1893 Geuda Springs was full of the overflowing crowd who had come to Arkansas City to prepare for the race on the Cherokee Strip on 16 September 1893. This is probably why the appearance of Luke Short, who was very ill and had come to the springs to restore his health, went unnoticed.
“Luke Short died 8 September 1893 of dropsy in the Gilbert Hotel, was embalmed by W. A. Repp, a Geuda Springs undertaker, and his body was sent to Fort Worth, Texas, for burial. His wife and two of his brothers were here and accompanied his body to Texas, according to an article in The Geuda Springs Herald.
“By 1893 the Midland Valley Railroad brought many people to Geuda Springs. This depot was still standing in the late 1930s or perhaps the early 1940s. This was probably where Luke Short arrived in Geuda. As late as 1926 large number of people arrived in Geuda on excursions to drink the water and for recreation on the lake.
“Many large homes and the Lakeview Hotel were on the north side of the lake. Elaborate plans were drawn for North Geuda Springs. There is no date on the plans but for the most part it was only a dream, but what a dream!”
Picture caption: LUKE SHORT’S LAST HOME.—This is the old Gilbert hotel at Geuda Springs, where one-time gambler and gun-slinger Luke Short died on Sept. 8, 1893. The then plush resort hotel later was destroyed by fire. This picture is from a photograph belonging to Miss Lora M. Mitchell, Rt. 2, whose father was one of the founders of Geuda Springs.
Loomis Hotel. On Page 38.
“I have three pictures showing the same hotel but with different names. The hotel was probably first the Loomis Hotel, then it was remodeled and called Hotel Geuda, and in this picture it is called the Gilbert. The hotel and all of the buildings in the block were destroyed during the Geuda fire of 1908. The Loomis hotel was remembered as there was written on the sidewalk in front of the hotel, “THE LOOMIS,” which could be seen until at least the 1940s and may even be there now. (We couldn’t find it a few years back.) It was built in the East Geuda Springs addition and was in Cowley County.”
“The Frisco, now known as the Kansas Southwestern, was built through the town in 1886, and located its depot at the site of the original town, one block west and half a mile south of the center of the business portion of the new Geuda. As a result, the street running north from the depot is built up with residences for nearly the entire distance and the school house is located on ‘the Hill’ about midway between the two.”