Glen Grouse


From Volume I, History of Cowley County, Kansas.
Glen Grouse.
The post office opened November 28, 1877, with Edward S. Field as postmaster. The office closed April 16, 1894, when the name was changed to Glengrouse.
The post office opened April 16, 1894, with Henry T. Fromm as postmaster. The office was closed February 29, 1904. The town had previously been named Glen Grouse. The town was in Omnia township and north of Cambridge.
[Note: The town of Glen Grouse (later Glengrouse) was located in Harvey township and not Omnia township. MAW]
[Newspapers items that I found ended in 1886 when town was called “Glen Grouse.” MAW]
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
It seems that a new post office has been established at Glen Grouse, in this county, wherever that is, and E. S. Field made postmaster.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Mr. Ed. Smith, of Glen Grouse, was in the city last week.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Glen Grouse. Teacher: Emma Brills, District 17. Monthly Salary: $30.00.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Mr. Pixley spent a few days up in Glen Grouse.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
  Glen Grouse News.
EDS. COURIER: Knowing of no correspondent for your valuable paper in this part of the county, I assume the responsibility. Situated, as we are, in the northeast part of the county and the farthest point from the “Hub,” few Winfieldites seem to know of our existence, except perhaps the political candidate. The facts are, however, we are here and the upper Grouse is blooming.
Our corn prospects are better than at any time since 1875, and our farmers and stock men are correspondingly happy.
Cutting millet is the order of the day. A large acreage was sown with good results. Potatoes and vegetables are abundant.
Mr. T. M. Axford has the finest lot of sheep I have seen in this section.
Garnett & Turner’s herd of native steers are doing well under the management of Uncle Johnson Reddick.

Etiquette here (among some) seems to require that when a young man shall take his best girl to the Fourth, the old gent shall go along as “bodyguard.”
BIRTH. Born to the wife of John Stewart, a boy. John is happy.
BIRTH. Born to the wife of Boyd Ashworth, a girl. Boyd, we have not smoked with you for some time.
Mr. Pomeroy has moved into his new house.
Wm. Bradley, who has been very sick at the house of Mrs. Majors, at present writing is improving.
Mrs. Rilla Day, of Sedalia, Missouri, is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kingsbury.
I will tell you something in my next about Bob Arnett. More anon. COMSTOCK.
July 18th.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
Glen Grouse Gossip.
After an absence of some time we again come to the front.
The Winfield Bros. are among our late comers. They are engaged in raising sheep.
Mr. G. Samples, brother to our postmaster, is here with his family for the winter, and will doubtless locate here.
Messrs. Doolittle and Jackson (who rented the Wm. Rudloff place) have as fine a herd of full blood and grade Merino sheep as one often sees.
We note several real estate changes in this vicinity. Mr. Archer has sold his two farms here, one to Mr. Glaves and the other to Mr. Dinkle. E. M. Arnett has sold out to Mr. Garnett.
Our literary society is progressing nicely. They have declared our prohibitory law a success, granted the right of suffrage to ladies, and next propose to “knock the stuffing” out of railroad monopolies.
Uncle Billy Titchworth is back from his trip through Canada; says it got too cold for him.
Cupid has been playing havoc among our young folks, and the result is lots of weddings.
MARRIED. Ben Shrieves leads off with Miranda Beaumont.
MARRIED. Lewis Beaumont and Alice Burroughs followed close at their heels.
MARRIED. Dal Moore brings up in the rear with Susie Shively as his better half—and the end is not yet. COMSTOCK.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Mr. Rudloff of Glen Grouse was the guest of Mr. Archer last week, also of Mr. Hoyland, and his sister who has been stopping a few weeks at the latter place accompanied him home.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
Mrs. Axford, of Glen Grouse, was lately a guest of her mother, Mrs. Archer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Cowley County has twenty-five post offices as follows: Akron, Arkansas City, Baltimore, Box, Burden, Cambridge, Constant, Dexter, Floral, Glen Grouse, Grand Summit, Maple City, New Salem, Otto, Polo, Red Bud, Rock, Seely, Silverdale, Tannehill, Tisdale, Torrance, Udall, Wilmot, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Stock of all kinds healthy and looking well.
Now that winter is over, the farmers are preparing for spring work.
Mr. C. Manny has moved to Greenwood County. We are sorry to lose him.
Sam Sample and sons-in-law are all going west soon and grow up with the country.
L. Moore, our Justice of the peace, has moved near Glen Grouse on a No. 1 bottom farm. He will make it pay if anyone can.
The Armstrong school closed Friday evening the 6th, with an exhibition. Mr. Ramage has taught a good school and gave splendid satisfaction.
H. Glaves is feeding two carloads of fat cattle and Mr. Mosier one carload. Al. Mathews is feeding two or three carloads and all ready for the market.
Dr. N. R. Luther, our popular physician at Glen Grouse, informs me there is almost no sickness in this locality. He says Mr. and Mrs. Will Rash are happy: it’s a fine boy, and all doing well.
J. N. Turner has gone back to Missouri to stay one year. He is one of our best young men. I think he will return in the spring and bring with him an assistant to improve his new farm and make home happy.
Dr. Luther is talking of going south this spring, thinking he will find a location that will suit him better. It is very healthy here and sometimes a rough, bad road, etc., but I think he had better remain here, as he has all the practice there is to do, and a good reputation, both as a physician and citizen. He has been located at Glen Grouse for nearly four years, and the people will very much miss him, as there is no other doctor within twelve miles.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
E. W. Woolsey, of Burden, Rises to Explain His July Drugstore Record.
Permit me to say through the columns of your next issue, that in commenting on what the COURIER is pleased to call “Cowley’s Medicine Record,” on the 6th inst., you not only do me great injustice by evident, though I trust not intentional, misrepresentation, but any patrons also, by scornful insinuations. I have been accustomed to look for fairness and impartiality from the COURIER, but the article in question is scarcely more than flavored with these ingredients. I am quite sure that at least a very large proportion of my patrons do not “gulp” the liquor they buy, but use it as they would use any other medicine. Some are on beds of sickness, whose lives depend from day to day upon the whiskey and brandy they use. And yet the COURIER can find no other word in its vocabulary to make use of in describing the manner in which liquors are used than “gulped.”

But further: “388 bottles of bear in a month in a town of 1,000 inhabitants is not so bad; $78.00 profit for a month from beer alone is a fair showing—one that should be looked into by our officials,” says THE COURIER. But a more critical examination of the matter will prove that the novelistic style of the editor makes a more novel than truthful showing; even to continue the investigation by similar comparison, would be suicidal, for the Dexter druggist reports sales in July of 102 pints of whiskey in a town of about 200 inhabitants, while “Woolsey” sells but 96 pints in a town numbering 1,000, and yet THE COURIER hasn’t advised his decapitation. The druggist’s register shows that less than one-fourth of my sales were made to the people of Burden; that Dexter reports no sales of beer, but buys it of “Woolsey,” one of her physicians ordering 24 bottles last month, and other customers smaller quantities. And that instead of selling the quantity reported to the 1,000 people of Burden, more than three-fourths of all was sold to druggists, physicians, and people of Dexter, Torrance, Box City, Glen Grouse, Baltimore, Floral, Polo, and the wide expanse of country adjacent.
But this is not all, for the “$78 profit” spoken of is a conundrum that only the astute financier of THE COURIER can explain. At least according to the best financiering that I am capable of, I have been unable to make even $30, which is not enough to pay for the trouble of handling, and for this reason I discontinued the sale of beer the 1st of August and shall not resume until THE COURIER can show me how to realize the per cent it has credited me with. The druggists of Winfield discontinued the sale of beer for the same reason. The editor sums up in the conclusion that “two or three need their heads smacked off” and places my name on the death role, for which accept my thanks, and permit the public to decide whether the facts warrant the view taken. That prohibition has lessened the sale of intoxicating liquor in Kansas I am quite willing to agree. The recent investigation of Judge Gans and the County Attorney at this place showed, if it showed anything, that I am not a favorite of intemperate vice, but that in consequence of their inability to buy of me, they had resorted to other means and ways of obtaining it. I invite the investigation that THE COURIER solicits, and would especially request that the editors and employees of THE COURIER be employed as a board of special detectives to aid in unearthing the damnable volcano of alcoholic fire that it has lead the public to believe is consuming the vitals of Burden society. I am conscious of having obeyed the law both in letter and in spirit, as strictly as it was in the power of man to do and sell the article at all. Not a drop has gone from my store that has not been recorded, and not a drop has gone from there in violation of law, to my knowledge, and the fact that spirituous liquors may and must be sold under the law shall be recognized, and when vendor and vendee act in good faith, strictly in obedience to it, they should have due credit, without having to feel that the finger of scorn is upon them. E. W. WOOLSEY.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Brother Henthorn, of the Burden Eagle, convicted himself of “assault with intent to kill” in the following. Any man who would deliberately, with malice aforethought, seek to inveigle a fellow sinner into abject poverty and sure death by starvation, should receive a long term in the “pen.” Listen: “There are several towns in Cowley County needing newspapers. The field is open. Atlanta, Wilmot, Floral, Torrance, New Salem, Box, Glen Grouse, Maple City, Tisdale, Hackney, Kellogg, Polo, and Rock are among the number.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
THE COURIER would express its thanks to the following named reliable and honored citizens of grand old Cowley for recent favors. Among those listed was V. F. Ogburn, Glen Grouse.