O. F. Godfrey
Chicago, Illinois, Arkansas City, Kansas, and Chicago, Illinois.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
C. M. Scott has sold, what is known as the Hughes place, to a Mr. Godfrey, of Chicago, Illinois.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
MRS. O. F. GODFREY is now prepared to do fashionable dressmaking at prices to suit the times, cutting and fitting a specialty. Residence, east side, formerly the Hughes place.
(?) Godfrey...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880.
Mr. Godfrey is building a tenant-house on Leonard’s addition.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Mr. O. F. Godfrey will shortly open a temperance billiard hall in town.
L. D. Godfrey, brother of O. F. Godfrey...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880
The new temperance billiard hall in the basement of the City Hotel is now open, under the management of Mr. L. D. Godfrey.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
The temperance billiard hall is becoming quite a resort. Mr. Godfrey keeps nothing but first-class cigars and lemonade in connection with his billiard table, and allows no rowdying or drinking.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Godfrey’s temperance billiard hall has become quite popular. Every Monday evening the crack players get together and play for the championship of the town.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
BIRTH. The residence of O. F. Godfrey was surreptitiously entered on January 14, 1881. Considerable excitement prevailed for the time, but the burglar was eventually captured and handed over to Mrs. Godfrey for safe keeping. Our information says the little rascal weighed nine pounds and two ounces, and if looks count for anything, he’s slightly related to his captors. Of course, we don’t know for certain, but O. F. had an awful give-away smile on his face when we saw him last.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
Mr. Godfrey’s temperance billiard hall, under the City hotel, is enjoying a prosperous career. No drinking of liquor was allowed in this room even before the constitutional amendment presented itself as an obstacle, a good quality of cigars being the only article of refreshment kept by the proprietor.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
The billiard tables, in the room formerly occupied by “Medkiff’s saloon,” are now being run by the Godfrey Bros. These gentlemen keep their establishment in good shape, and all lovers of billiards will find it an agreeable place to drop in for a game.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Mr. O. F. Godfrey is recovering from his recent spell of sickness.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Geo. Rice, who was taken in the act of burglarizing O. F. Godfrey’s billiard hall last week, had a preliminary examination, and was bound over to the next term of Court, which he is now awaiting in the Winfield jail. He felt his disgraceful position very keenly, we should judge, for when last seen he was playing a mouth organ for the balance of the birds in the cage to dance to.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
Geo. Rice will spend five years at the Reform School for the burglary upon Godfrey’s billiard hall in this city, so said Judge Torrance at an adjourned term of Court last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.
Subscriptions of $1 per month are being asked to establish a billiard hall and chess room near the corner of Summit Street and Central Avenue. Mr. O. F. Godfrey will have charge of the apartments if the enterprise succeeds.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.
O. F. Godfrey commenced work upon his new billiard hall yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
Mr. O. F. Godfrey has purchased the P. O. Book Store of Mr. J. B. Walker, and took possession thereof on Monday morning. While we are sorry to lose Johnny from our list of businessmen, yet we doubt not Mr. Godfrey will run the business in a manner that will ensure a large patronage. See his ad.
O. F. Godfrey, dealer in books, stationery, news, confectioneries, druggist’s sundries, circulating library. P. O. Building.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
O. F. Godfrey received, last week, a large invoice of choice works which he has added to his Circulating Library.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
LIBRARY. I have added this week over one hundred volumes of late standard works to my Library. O. F. Godfrey.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
O. F. Godfrey’s candy show case, in the Post Office, makes a tip top appearance with his large stock of Fancy Candies he has just received.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Mr. O. F. Godfrey has removed his club building from Central Avenue to Sixth Street and will shortly fit up and occupy the same as a residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
O. F. Godfrey has a new soda fountain.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
A new line of Scrap Books, Scrap Pictures, Visiting Cards, and Reward Cards at O. F. Godfrey’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
A fine line of Fancy Box Paper at O. F. Godfrey’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
Free soda water was all the rage last week at Messrs. O. F. Godfrey’s and Shepard & Maxwell’s. These gentlemen were the first on hand with summer drinks.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
The Winfield “Nine” went down to Arkansas City Wednesday to play her club a game of base ball for the county championship. Victory is ours, saith the Winfield lites. Courier.
The tide of events proved the “Winfieldites” to be “off their “base” just about as bad as the “Nine” were. Our boys scooped ‘em bag and baggage, as will be seen by a perusal of the score of the game in another column.
That Base Ball Game.
Winfield has a fly base ball club, with fly suits, much assurance, and a reputation well calculated to strike terror to the hearts of the insignificant ball tossers in the rural districts. This club has vanquished everything in the county, and finally concluded to wind up their march of victory by giving the good people in this neck of the woods an exhibition of their perfect playing. Our boys have no club, and none of them have played for several years, still they agreed to take up a few scribs and give our Winfield friends a trial—only daring to hope that they might be able to get hold of the ball often enough to make it interesting for their shoulder striking visitors. In the first inning the raw recruits of the sand hills succeeded in making only eleven runs; the magnanimous nine from the county seat didn’t want any this time, and proceeded to go out in the order in which they went to the bat. Then our boys rested a couple of innings in order that their opponents might catch up. In the fourth and fifth innings our boys scored ten and nine respectively, bringing the total score up to thirty—the Winfield boys close behind them with a total score of five. At this point our catcher was knocked out of time, and in the remaining innings the gorgeous uniforms ran their score up to twenty-two, while our ambling haybinders modestly retired with fifty-three marks to their credit. Below will be found the score in detail.
ARKANSAS CITY: F. Gage, c.; C. Baxter, p.; G. Wright, s. s.; O. F. Godfrey, 1st b.; Ollie Stevenson, 2nd b.; John Shelden, 3rd b.; E. Gage, l. f.; McNulty, c. f.; C. Hilliard, r. f.
WINFIELD: Conner, c.; Williams, p.; McMullen, s. s.; Freeland, 1st b.; Austin, 2nd b.; Hodges, 3rd b.; Hughes, l. f.; Moore, c. f.; Sherman, r. f.
FINAL SCORE: Arkansas City, 53; Winfield, 22.
Frank Schiffbauer, Umpire.
It is the intention, we believe, to play the return game on the fair grounds in Winfield next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
More Base Ball.
The return game of ball between the Winfield club and the Actives, of this city, was played on the fair grounds at the county seat last Friday, for the championship of the county. It will be remembered that some two weeks ago the whole-souled athletes of Winfield gave our boys the game “just to encourage them,” after which the visiting club was entertained at the Leland Hotel at the expense of the home nine. For the game of last Friday, great preparations were made by the Winfield nine, five new players from the county at large being obtained to make the defeat of our boys more crushing. They fought hard, and the following table shows the wonderful success attending their efforts.
ACTIVES. Wright, Gage, Stevenson, McNulty, Coombs, Shelden, Hilliard, Baxter, Godfrey.
WINFIELD. Davis, Williams, Clarke, Phraner, Foster, Bangs, McMullen, Austin, Sherman.
Five minutes after the game there wasn’t a Winfield ball player to be seen, and our boys made a Dutch treat of it and took dinner at the Brettun. Before supper Mr. Williams, captain of the county seat club, their best player and a perfect gentleman, came around and redeemed Winfield’s reputation for hospitality, and the rival ball tossers separated with the best of good feeling prevailing.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
A hunting party, consisting of O. F. Godfrey, Frank Speers, J. J. Breene, H. P. Standley, Geo. McIntire, and their cook, left today for a jollification in the Territory. They contemplate an absence of about three weeks. Nothing short of bears will satisfy these ambitious Nimrods, judging from the amount of ammunition they packed away, though it is highly probable that they will not slight the claims of turkey and deer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Messrs. Young and Latham, two friends of O. F. Godfrey, were in our city Sunday last.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
WATCH CHARM FOUND. Mr. O. F. Godfrey informs us that he has found a watch chain, which the owner can have by describing, and paying for this notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Henry Mowry and O. F. Godfrey have sold their billiard room to Mr. Blubaugh.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
The Action base ball club, of this city, organized for the season, last Tuesday evening. O. F. Godfrey was elected captain, Geo. E. Wright, secretary, and E. C. Gage, treasurer. The club has challenged the Geuda Springs club to play a match game in two weeks from now. After that game they will be ready for challenges from any club in the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
Base ball is coming to the front again, and our boys are preparing themselves for victory. “The Actives” is the name of the club, and is composed of good material—the best, we think, in the country. They have done no practicing as yet, but will soon be ready to give and receive challenges and give exhibition games. The officers are O. F. Godfrey, captain, Geo. E. Wright, secretary; and E. C. Gage, treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
CITY CLERK’S REPORT. Received from Blubaugh license, Godfrey & Mowry, Reeves, street license, Police Judge, W. D. Kreamer, room rent, Police court, Occupation tax license, Dog tax...TOTAL: $2,076.41
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Mr. Godfrey, father of O. F. Godfrey, is in town this week prospecting. Mr. Godfrey is a resident of Chicago.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Stolen. Two Gordon setter dogs. One black with white spot on breast, the other black with red legs and chops, and red spots over eyes. Suitable reward will be given for their return or information of their whereabouts to HANK MOWRY or O. F. GODFREY.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
O. F. Godfrey, while in Chicago visiting J. N. Young, the attorney for the Kansas City & Southwestern railway, learned that the road would be built immediately. Mr. Godfrey claims he had sufficient assurance to believe that the engine of the Kansas City & Southwestern will be here by July. Our Jim Hill was there working like a tiger for the road.
Truman M. Godfrey, father of Oscar F., dies in Chicago. He was one of the original owners of the Standard Theater in Chicago...
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
DIED. Oscar F. Godfrey came home from Chicago Wednesday, where he had been called by the sudden fatal illness of his father, Truman M. Godfrey. Mr. Godfrey was here visiting only a few weeks since, and made many acquaintances. The Chicago Tribune of Feb. 26, speaking of Mr. Godfrey, says: “Truman M. Godfrey died at 2:30 a.m., yesterday, at his residence, No. 515 South Peoria Street, of Bright’s disease. Mr. Godfrey was born April 18, 1880, at Sheldon, Genesee County, New York. He was a self-educated civil engineer, which profession he followed up to 1875, when he came to Chicago, where he resided up to the time of his decease. He had great faith in Chicago and the northwest, as is evidenced by his real estate transactions in this city and vicinity. He was one of the original owners of the Standard theater. His cardinal characteristics were industry, integrity, and unostentatious philanthropy. He leaves surviving him his wife, Mrs. Belle M. Godfrey, three sons, and his sister, Mrs. Wilcox, of Girard, Pennsylvania.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 27, 1885.
VICTORIOUS. The Border Base Ball Club the Champion of Cowley County.
Thursday afternoon the Border Base Ball Club went to Winfield to meet the Burden Club. The game was for the Championship of Cowley County. It is almost needless to say that it was the best game played this season. Both Clubs did their best and several excellent plays were made on each side. The game commenced at about 2:30 p.m., with the Burden club at the bat. They were white-washed. Three men went out in quick succession. The Border club was more fortunate and one tally was scored. On the second inning the Burden club was again white-washed. The Border club got in two ringers this half inning. On the first half of the third inning, the Burden boys made their first tally. On the last half of the same inning, our boys made four scores. The Burden boys, owing to some unskillful playing on the part of our boys, raised their score eight tallies, on their half of the fourth inning. The Border club got two. On the fifth inning the Burden boys were saved from a white-wash by one tally. The Border club was not blessed with a score this inning. The sixth inning the Burden boys were treated to a white-wash. The Border club swallowed the same kind of a dose. The seventh inning the Burden club scored one and the Border club one. In the eighth inning the Burden boys were white-washed while the Border club added six tallies to their score. In the ninth inning the Burden nine swelled their score four tallies. The Border club did not play their half of the ninth inning as they were ahead.
The score was: Border club, 16 tallies; Burden, 15 tallies.
The following are the names of the players.
Burden Club: Bucknell, Dansett, Elliott, Jackson, Alberts, Collins, Henderson, Conrad, and Brooks.
Border Club: Wilson, Perryman, Wright, Miller, Godfrey, Gage, Pentecost, Wright, and Hilliard.
Messrs. Perryman and Gage pitched for the Border Club; and Wilson and Perryman caught. They did excellent work. A gentleman from Burden umpired and gave satisfaction.
Messrs. Oliver, Eaton, Randolph, McMasters, Ewart, Dougherty, and Martin entertained the two visiting clubs.
Our boys desire to return their thanks to those gentlemen for their kind treatment.
The next game the Border club plays will be with the Cyclones of Winfield. The game will be played July 4th, on the Arkansas City grounds. The game will undoubtedly be very interesting to base ball lovers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
THE FOURTH. In Arkansas City, The Crowd Estimated at 10,000.
July 3rd on the evening train visitors from Winfield and other towns up the Santa Fe road came pouring into Arkansas City. Bright and early Saturday morning, the firing of cannons roused the sleeping portion of the inhabitants of our city. N. A. Haight, with the First Light Artillery, of Winfield, had come down during the night and it was they who furnished the cannon’s roar.
By 7 a.m. the streets were a living, surging sea of human beings. Everybody for miles around came to Arkansas City to celebrate. At 9:30 the ragamuffin gang paraded on Summit street, headed by their captain, R. E. Grubbs.
At 10 a.m. the procession was formed. It was undoubtedly the largest procession ever formed in Cowley County. It was headed by the Juvenile Band of Winfield. Here we wish to say that the Juvenile Band is simply immense. The band was followed by a carriage containing the speaker, Col. H. T. Sumner, Rev. S. B. Fleming, Rev. J. P. Witt, Mayor Schiffbauer, and Capt. J. B. Nipp. The Knights of Pythias came next. This order received numerous compliments on the neat appearance they made on the street. The Winfield Hook and Ladder company, of Winfield, was next, followed by the renowned Buckskin Border Band. As the name indicates, this band has been organized with regard to the frontier. Each member of the band was dressed in buckskin suits, and they were fully up to the standard of a typical ranger, in appearance, of the earlier day. The boys had just received their suits and it was their first appearance in their unique uniforms. The B. B. B.’s rendered good music. Following the Buckskin Border Band came the 38 uniformed little girls, representing the states, and the ladies’ Relief Corps, gents on horseback, citizens in vehicles, etc. The procession was fully three miles long.
On arriving at the celebration grounds, the speaker’s stand was just being erected. When it was completed, Rev. Witt invoked the blessings of the Deity. Rev. Fleming then read that grand old Declaration of Independence. At the conclusion Col. H. T. Sumner was introduced, and as a representative of Bob Lincoln, delivered the oration of the day. The Colonel made a very neat speech. Hardly any seats had been provided for the audience, and the majority of those who heard the speech had to stand around the speaker’s stand. This was courtesy with a vengeance.
After wandering around the picnic grounds about half an hour searching for a place where we could dust our pants and sit upon Mother earth and rest our weary bones, we came to the conclusion that there was no place like home. Getting aboard of one of the thousand and one hacks to and from the 4th of July grounds, we tried to extricate ourselves from the crowd. The grove was literally full of hacks, wagons, buggies, and people; and in the course of two hours, we were able to get out upon the main road heading to the city. Our thirst for 4th of July celebration at the grounds was satisfied on our first trip. We did not return. The entire crowd was unable to get into the picnic grounds on account of the jam.
In the afternoon the game of base ball came off. It commenced at 3:30 p.m., and was ended in two hours and twenty minutes. Fully 2,500 people witnessed the game. The Cyclones of Winfield and the Border nine of our city were the contestants. Both clubs are strong ones and about equally matched. It is almost needless to say that the game was the only entertainment we had during the day that satisfied the visitors.
We advertised that Bob Lincoln would be here to orate, and we thought the committee would get him if money would do it. We advertised the Indian war dance. Well, we had the Indian war dance. The Indians skipped the light fantastic down at Cheyenne Agency and the spectators were in Arkansas City. We advertised that our new steamer would arrive. It could not get here on account of drift-wood. We advertised that Arkansas City would make preparations to entertain 20,000 people. We advertised the game of ball. In fact, we advertised everything the committee wanted us to. We allowed them the free use of our columns. The judicious use of the printer’s ink brought the crowd, but not the entertainment for them. The entertainment was all on paper. As we stated above, the ball game was the principal feature. That was not the work of the committee. A purse of $25 was raised by private subscription for the Border nine. The Cyclones twisted it out of the Border nine’s grasp by, as we believe, two unfair decisions of the umpire. After the close of the sixth inning, he made partial decisions. Gray, of the Cyclones, knocked a fly over first base. The ball was fully 30 feet outside of the fowl lines. The umpire called it a fair hit. This decision let in three men who were on base. Again, O Godfrey, of the Border nine, was called out on home plate when the catcher touched him with one hand and held the ball in the other. These decisions lost the Border nine the game. We realize that the position of umpire is very difficult to fill and very few men are capable of umpiring. The game was harmonious, each club abiding quietly by the decision of the umpire. The following is the score.
CYCLONES: Beam, Tidd, Land, McMullen, Holbrook, Jones, Russell, Smith, Gray.
BORDER CLUB: Godfrey, Henderson, Miller, F. Wright, C. Wright, Hilliard, G. Wilson, J. Wilson, Perryman.
The Border nine exhibited superior fielding, base-running, and catching; but a few wild throws were made. Joe Wilson, as catcher, is as proficient behind the bat as any catcher in the state. The Cyclones’ pitcher is their stronghold. He throws a hard ball to hit. When the Cyclones were announced the victors, the Winfield folks went wild. T. S. Soward threw his coat, jumped into the diamond, and hugged everyone of the players, including colored Smith. He was followed by Democratic Joe O’Hare, who went one better, delivering kisses with his hugs. Our boys are not satisfied yet, and neither are we. We believe the Border nine can play a better game than the Cyclones. Therefore, another game will be played soon for a purse of $100 a side.
Winfield would have been here en masse, but the excursion train was not run. It had been neglected. When the noon train came in, it had 11 cars full of Winfield folks. Five of them were box cars, chartered at Winfield. The game of ball closed up the day exercises.
In the evening the fire works were given a display. Nearly everyone was dissatisfied with the amusements which were furnished by our city. The REPUBLICAN did all in its power to advertise what would be done here. Nothing which was advertised was seen. Henceforth, we advertise no more fourth of July business unless we are satisfied everything will be carried out as stated. We are willing to do our utmost to get a crowd to come to our city to celebrate, but we will state nothing but facts. We supposed the program adopted would be fully carried out, but it was not.
Drunks were quite frequent all day and by night were very numerous. The drug stores which sold whiskey that day so plentifully should receive attention. Their permits should be taken away from them. It is a disgrace to the town. The REPUBLICAN has watched the course pursued by some of our drug men under the law. We have closed our eyes to some extent at their indiscretion. It has gone so far now, we can’t stand by as a champion of prohibition and not say anything. This wholesale way of having 5,000 to 6,000 people sick every month is outrageous. We give all a warning and if you don’t want the REPUBLICAN to fall on you a la Stafford style, stand from under.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
34 to 10 Winfield Muffers done up by the Border Club by the Above Score.
The Winfield Cyclones Strike the Arkansas City Border Nine And Have to Re-Organize.
Damage Done to the Cyclones Something Over $2,000.
Thursday at the Winfield fair grounds the third and last match game of base ball was played. The game was for a purse of $100 a side. Wednesday evening the Cyclones demanded by telephone that $20 of the gate receipts be given to their club and the remainder be divided equally between the contestants. The Border captain refused to do this and the game was declared off. When this news became circulated on our streets, the lovers of the game were greatly disappointed. Thursday morning the members of the Border club came together and decided to go and play the game anyway. At 9 a.m., the club and a number of friends started for the Hub in carriages. After dinner the club sought the fair grounds followed by spectators. The game commenced at about 3 p.m., with between 600 and 700 spectators present. The Cyclones went to bat first and scored five runs. This caused a thrill of pleasure to run up the backbone of the denizens of Winfield. The Border club went to bat on their half of the first inning and only got two runs. This gave the backers of the Cyclones an impetus to squander their money, and in a very short time a considerable sum of money had been wagered by friends of the clubs.
The Cyclones on the second inning scored a goose egg, while the Border club secured two more tallies than on the second for they succeeded in making two runs. The Border club on the third inning got in two more tallies. The Cyclones were still ahead one tally at the close of the third inning. On the fourth inning the Cyclones increased their score one tally and the Border club four. Cheer after cheer went up as the Border club rung in their tallies and visitors from Arkansas City yelled themselves hoarse from enthusiasm. On the fifth inning the Cyclones went to bat a little nervous and consequently were treated to a goose egg. The Border club got in four tallies on their half of the 5th. Excitement ran higher than ever and the backers of the Cyclones began to visibly weaken. The sixth inning the Cyclones secured one tally and the Border club 13. This capped the climax. Parties from Arkansas City went wild from enthusiasm. The seventh inning the Cyclones scored one tally and the Border club received their first and last goose egg of the game. The eight and ninth innings the Cyclones received two more beautiful goose eggs, while the Border club made three runs on the eight and four on the ninth. This ended the game, the score standing 34 to 10 in favor of the Border club.
CYCLONES: Beam, Jones, Gray, Land, Holbrook, McClelland, Smith, McMullen, and Leland.
BORDER CLUB: Godfrey, McGerry, Perryman, Hilliard, Geo. Wilson, Miller, Jos. Wilson, Chas. Wright, and Frank Wright.
The umpire was a brakeman from here. He gave satisfaction, we understand, to both clubs. The Cyclones did poorer playing, not coming up to the game on the 4th. The Border Club played carefully and surely. The Cyclones tried to twist out, but the Border Club had too firm a grip on them. We suggest that the Cyclones remodel their name; for instance, say, to the “Gentle Kansas Zephyrs.”
On the third inning O. F. Godfrey got tripped by being hit. Of course, the Border Nine put in a substitute. The Cyclones began to cry, “rats, rats.” They thought it was just a come-off to put in a better player. The substitute’s name was Roach, and he was about equal to Godfrey. Ery Miller did some excellent playing on first base and some heavy batting. Frank Perryman pitched for the Border Nine and the trouble with the Cyclones was that they were unable to hit his balls. The Border Nine pounded the Cyclones’ pitcher all to pieces. They changed on the 6th inning, but this did not put a stop to the rapid increase of the Border’s score. Nearly three and a half hours were consumed in playing the game.
The man who tended the gate announced only $40.45 receipts. There were fully 600 persons present; 25 cents was the admission price. There is something “rotten in Denmark,” and we trust the Cyclones will blow the matter straight.
Captain Perryman delivered straight, swift balls Thursday. A sore finger prevented his pitching curves.
Catcher Joe Wilson had a finger partially dislocated. Geo. Wright mended matters and Joe went right along.
Miller is immense all around.
Frank Wright is the favorite with the crowd.
Charley Wright can play anywhere. He is a handsome runner.
The new third baseman, McGerry, did not disappoint anyone. He throws beautifully.
Godfrey’s substitute played center field well.
Charley Hilliard did excellent fielding and base running. He and Joe Wilson are the good natured members.
Right fielder Geo. Wilson was not feeling well, but stuck to the work.
The Arkansas City crowd did effective work with the lungs, the Winfield crowd with the lower lip.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell, Fred Farrar, F. J. Hess, Will D. Mowry, A. D. Hawk, Frank Grosscup, Jerry Adams, Leavitt Coburn, W. H. Nelson, Dr. Wright, Dr. Geo. Wright, and several other businessmen went up on the 3:05 p.m. train to see the game.
Joe Finkleburg presented Ery Miller with a $3 hat yesterday morning on account of his excellent playing in the game of Thursday. W. D. Mowry presented him with a handsome bat. C. C. Sollitt presented Frank Perryman with a bat also, for the good service he rendered.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
All’s Well That Ends Well.
MARRIED. For a week or more the rumor had been prevalent that Will L. Aldridge was to be arrested at the instigation of Miss Annie McBride for bastardy. Last Saturday the rumor became a fact. It was understood that Aldridge intended leaving town that afternoon. A short time after dinner, Johnnie Breene saw Aldridge on the streets and started to arrest him. He was deterred from doing so by the defendant’s attorney on the ground that there was no warrant out. Johnnie immediately went and had a warrant issued for Aldridge’s arrest; and just as the 3:05 Santa Fe train was pulling out, Billy Gray jumped aboard and arrested Aldridge and brought him uptown. He was taken before Judge Kreamer, who bound him over in the sum of $2,000 to appear the following Tuesday. He furnished the necessary approved bondsmen.
This case shows a great deal of depravity on the part of the defendant. A year ago he was a respected lumber dealer in our city. He had a happy home, wife, and baby; and as far as the outside world was cognizant, there was no more blissful fireside than that of Will L. Aldridge. During the latter part of the winter, his wife died after giving birth to a child.
Now as time progressed he began the use of strong drink very heavily and in a few weeks after the death of his wife became enamored of Miss McBride’s charms, and began to press his suit. For more than three months the defendant plied himself to accomplish his ends. Buggy rides after nightfall were frequent; fine dresses and beautiful rings were presented to her, and finally his promises. “It won’t be long until we are married,” caused the girl to yield all that a woman should hold most sacred—her virtue. The defendant wrote letters full of love and promises, saying he could not live without her. The girl, after allowing herself to be used as was desired for some time, became aware that she was in an interesting condition and called on Aldridge to fulfill his pledges ere her shame become known to the world.
He refused, and was quite indignant in the courtroom that he should be subject to an arrest upon such a trivial affair. His bravado, however, was soon put to flight. Up to Monday afternoon he was determined not to do justice to the poor girl; but upon the advice of his father-in-law, Thos. Sidner, of Topeka, and seeing that the law was all in favor of the plaintiff, he consented to marry her. At about 6 p.m. the couple accompanied by Miss McBride’s brother, went to Winfield in carriages, and at 11 o’clock Judge Gans united the fallen pair in marriage. Tuesday morning they returned to Arkansas City and have since been stopping at the hotel. Aldridge says he intends to be a man from now on, and the REPUBLICAN hopes he will make good the assertion. Miss McBride has always possessed a fair name. She was employed as a domestic in the family of O. F. Godfrey. She lately came here and is the sister of the wife of George Pile.
Let this sad affair be a warning to all unscrupulous men and giddy maidens. Retribution will overtake the guilty though it be at the eleventh hour. The REPUBLICAN hopes that the termination of the life of the newly wedded pair will be more honorable than the beginning.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Henry Mowry Shoots James P. Smith Dead in the Alley At the Rear Of O. P. Houghton’s Store. The Murderer Captured After an Exciting Chase of Several Squares, On Being Wounded by Pistol Shots from One of His Pursuers.
Between 5 and 6 o’clock, just as the REPUBLICAN was making ready to go to press last evening, a firing of fire-arms was distinctly heard in the rear of O. P. Houghton’s dry goods store. Rushing from our office up on to the street, we saw a number of our citizens running very hurriedly for the alley and in pursuit of a man fleeing south, who carried a shot gun. The police were after him and the excited crowd was crying out “shoot him.” Several shots were fired, but none seemed to take effect. Going to the rear of O. P. Houghton’s store, where a knot of men were assembled, we saw a man lying upon the ground with the life blood gushing from a seeping wound in the left side of his neck. The blood flowed in an exceeding large stream and it was evident that the wounded man had not long to live. Physicians were summoned. Drs. Sparks, Westfall, and Geo. Wright were there in about three minutes of the shooting. They stanched the flow of blood as soon as possible and carried the wounded man into Mr. Houghton’s store, where he died at about 7:30 p.m. In the meantime the crowd and police followed the fugitive up the alley to 4th avenue and thence two squares west, where he was captured. During the chase west on 4th avenue several shots were exchanged between the pursued and pursuers, and one shot took effect in the former a short distance below the groin, passing through the fat part of his thigh. The bullet had struck his watch and glanced downward, thereby saving his life. The captured man proved to be Henry Mowry, known to all as “Hank” Mowry. The man whom he had shot was Jas. P. Smith, the proprietor of a brickyard in the vicinity of Harmon’s Ford.
The prisoner after the capture was conveyed to the Occidental Hotel, where physicians were summoned and his wound dressed.
The cause of the trouble was about as follows.
Henry Mowry on Friday afternoon went to the residence of O. F. Godfrey. Mr. Mowry had been at one time an intimate friend of the Godfrey family, sometime ago boarding at their house. Not long since he was requested to seek other quarters on account of dissatisfaction. He took rooms at the Occidental; but paid visits, according to Mrs. Godfrey’s testimony, to the house, and she had told him she wished that he would remain away, but he refused to do so. Yesterday afternoon he paid three visits to the house. The first was a short time after dinner. Mr. Godfrey was not at home. As an excuse for coming, Mowry said he had brought down some wheat for the birds. He also told Mrs. Godfrey that he was infatuated with her. She requested him to leave or she would tell her husband, who would make him. He left and in about 20 minutes returned with a double barreled shot gun. She saw him coming and ran into her bedroom and locked the door. He came on in the house, and by promising not to hurt her, persuaded her to come out of the room. In the conversation which followed, she again asked him to leave and he reiterated his demands that she would not tell her husband, and threatened her, saying he would just as leave kill her and perhaps would before night. After this Mowry took his departure and Mrs. Godfrey sent her son after Mr. Godfrey. A few minutes after he had been home, Mowry returned for the third time. They saw him coming and went into the dining room. Mowry came up to the front gate. Godfrey called to him not to come in. He made some kind of a reply, raised his gun, and fired through the front window into the bedroom, the shot passing through a partition wall. In a few seconds he fired again, the shot having the same range as the first. He then proceeded to load his gun as he walked rapidly north on 7th street until he arrived at 7th avenue, where he broke into a run and came west to Summit, coming south on Summit to Central Avenue and then running west obliquely to the alley where the fatal shot was fired. Along Mowry’s run, citizens began to give chase to capture the fugitive.
It is not known where the deceased entered the pursuit, but by the time Mowry was abreast of the rear of O. P. Houghton’s store, he was not a dozen paces behind him. At this moment Mowry turned and commanded his pursuer to halt. Smith stopped, and Mowry turned and started again, while Smith took after him again. Mowry again turned, and commanded Smith to stop, which the latter did not do. Mowry raised his gun and fired, when he was in about ten or twelve feet of him. The entire charge took effect in the left jaw and neck. Smith fell forward upon his hands and knees, while the murderer ran on down the alley. At the post mortem examination of the wound, made by Drs. Sparks and Westfall, during the coroner’s inquest, last night, they stated that “the main wound was two inches below the lobe of the left ear, and two inches to the centre of it, and to the front of the posterior angle of the lower jaw. One-and-a-half inches of the lower jaw was carried away; and that the left anterior temporal artery was wounded; also the left jugular vein.” In the minds of the examining physicians, the wound was sufficient to cause death.
The coroner’s jury after investigation rendered a verdict that James P. Smith came to his death by a gun in the hands of Henry Mowry being discharged by him feloniously to kill and murder. The investigation lasted until 3 a.m. The jury was composed of E. P. Greer, R. C. Howard, S. C. Lindsay, Chas. Bryant, Ira Barnett, and J. B. Nipp. County Attorney Asp, being away from home, Senator Hackney came down to attend the case.
The prisoner was kept at the Occidental Hotel all night under a strong guard. When he was first captured, the talk of lynching was so strong that the Arkansas Valley Guards were put on duty to patrol the streets and squelch all rising of indignant citizens, besides a large number of extra police being distributed through the hallways of the hotel.
He was taken to Winfield this morning on the early train and placed in jail. The prisoner when first arrested was defiant, but later in the evening he gave away and expressed fears of being lynched. When the writer in company with the coroner went to see him he talked rationally and answered questions quite readily. He kept his eyes covered with his hands and did not once remove them while we were in the room.
The prisoner is about 40 years of age, and belongs to one of the first families of the lower Arkansas Valley. His parents reside in Bolton Township. One of the most heart-rendering scenes we ever witnessed in our lives was when his mother was brought to his bedside. No pen could paint the anguish of that mother and the eyes of the many spectators were moistened as her pitiful moans fell upon their ears as she was brought into the hotel.
The deceased, James P. Smith, was a married man and was 40 years of age. He was a peaceable citizen and universally esteemed. He leaves his wife and two small children. Mrs. Smith has been sick in bed for some time, and the shock to her is almost more than the poor woman can bear. Upon the news being broken to her, it prostrated her so that she was unable to be conveyed to the side of her dying husband until a few moments before he died. He did not recognize her. Our heart fails us! We dare not speak of the pitiful scene which occurred at the dying bedside.
It is supposed that Mowry was under the influence of intoxicants when he enacted the horrible tragedy, although he was not a drinking man. His wound was not a severe one, being only an injury of the flesh.
This affair is the most horrible one in the annals of Arkansas City. It is regretted by all. The sympathy of the community is extended to both families. The blow is very severe to them and especially so to Mrs. Smith, who is in a bad condition to have such a bereavement befall her.
A. G. Lowe was the first person to lay hands on the prisoner. When but a few feet from him, Mowry raised his gun and fired at him. Several shots took effect in Lowe’s leg, but most of the charge spent its force in the ground in front of Mr. Lowe.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
The Murderer in Bad Shape—Other Minorities of Interest.
Henry Mowry, the murderer of J. P. Smith at Arkansas City, Friday, is in bad physical condition. The wound is all right, doing well, but his nerves appear to be shattered. He has fully awakened to the reality of his terrible crime and for forty-eight hours he didn’t close his eyes in sleep. Dr. Mendenhall has been employed by his brothers, Al. and Will. Smith, who have been at the jail with Henry most of the time since Saturday. Sunday morning Henry had a dozen or more spasms, his frame in a perfect rack, and he had to be held in bed.
During these spasms and struggles, his mind ran on his enamorer, and he said, “Give me my child; she’ll get away with it!” “Yet, you’ll go back on me after getting down on your knees to me, will you?”
Opiates only seemed to string him up until last night, when he relaxed and got rest. This morning his mind is clear, but he was too weak physically for an interview. His relatives take the terrible affair with deep distress.
Jennings & Troup, of this city, and Hon. David Overmyer, of Topeka, will be the attorneys for the defense.
The excitement at Arkansas City has quieted down, though public opinion is yet loud against Mowry. Mrs. Smith, wife of the murdered man, signified her intention to bring suit for damages. To avert this, Mowry has put his property, $4,000 worth of real estate and stock, into other hands.
The woman in this case, Mrs. O. F. Godfrey, is fine looking and keen in conversation. Mowry is not prepossessing either in looks or converse. He seems to have been completely infatuated, and it is thought the matter had been weighing heavily on him some time before the tragedy. It is thought to be a more complicated case than the surface indicates.
The defense will try to stave the case over the September term of the district court. The preliminary examination will probably be waived. Having killed an innocent man, whatever may be proven in the woman matter, will not relieve him from the penalty of cold-blooded murder. His only hope seems to be the insanity plea. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
Out on $7,000 Bail. The case of the State against Henry Mowry, charged with the murder of J. P. Smith at Arkansas City in August, came up before Judge Dalton Monday afternoon, and was continued to the next term of the District Court and the defendant admitted to $7,000 bail. The Courier says the State’s evidence as given at the preliminary examination was presented to the Court by the defending attorneys, to show a bailable case; County Attorney Asp, holding out against. In addition to the stenographic evidence, Senator Jennings, who had examined the Godfrey premises at Arkansas City, put a new phase on the matter by swearing that Mowry fired into Godfrey’s house through the window of a room in which he couldn’t help but know, being familiar with the house, neither Godfrey nor his wife were in, with no possible show of hitting them, indicating that the shots were for a scare. Asp claimed positive evidence of deliberation in the fact that Mowry halted Smith three times before he shot, warning him each time; Smith had no visible weapon and was the only one in close pursuit—if not almost the only one in pursuit at all. The defense argued that Mowry’s terrible fear made deliberation impossible, and that the shot was the result of momentary passion—could be nothing else from the evidence. The court held that the evidence was not sufficient to prove premeditation and deliberation. The bond was brought down to Arkansas City Tuesday and filed. Henry Mowry came home Tuesday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
O. F. Godfrey and family moved to Chicago Monday. Mr. Godfrey goes there to take charge of the Standard Theatre.
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Godfrey arrived in Winfield Monday from Chicago to appear as witnesses in the Mowry trial. They came down to Arkansas City Thursday on a short visit.
Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.
The family of Frederic Lockley, editor of the Traveler, arrived in the city, Monday, from Butte, Montana. Mr. Lockley has rented the Godfrey house and he and his family have gone to housekeeping. We congratulate Bro. Lockley.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
Oscar Godfrey is in Winfield from Chicago attending court.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
O. F. Godfrey was in the city from Saturday until Tuesday. He returned to Chicago accompanied by his wife.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Oscar Godfrey came in from Chicago today to visit in the future metropolis of the Arkansas Valley.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Oscar Godfrey sold his two first ward cottages this morning to Jas. Hill for $1,700.