Gooch Family
Wyard Gooch and brothers.
The February 1970 census of Cowley County lists no Gooch’s.
The Creswell township census of 1873 lists H. Gooch, age unlisted, and unmarried.
The Creswell township census of 1874 lists N. G. Gooch, age 24 and unmarried.
The Arkansas City census of 1893 lists J. N. T. Gooch, age 38, and his wife Lizzie, age 33. It also lists Harold Gooch, age 46, and his wife Mattie, age 35.
In November of 1876 W. Gooch ran for township marshall of Creswell township and was elected.
[In looking at newspaper files, there appear to be many mistakes made in initials and names of Gooch men. A lot of times "Wyatt" was used instead of "Wyard." There were other inconsistences pertaining to his brothers. I did not correct most of these items that appeared. MAW August 5, 2000.]
First mention I could find in newspapers relative to Gooch family. MAW
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. We consider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and therefore cheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth of their cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematically perform the duties of said office.
Jno. D. Pryor, E. D. Kager, H. C. Irvin, H. D. Gans, E. S. Bedilion, A. J. Pyburn, B. F. Baldwin, J. M. Fahnestock, W. M. Boyer, T. K. Johnston, G. S. Manser, C. A. Bliss, J. E. Saint, N. Roberson, W. G. Graham, S. D. Cochran, W. D. Mowry, W. J. Mowry, H. Godehard, W. H. Walker, K. F. Smith, J. H. Bonsall, E. D. Eddy, E. J. Hoyt, J. C. Evans, Henry Mowry, Albert Horn, J. I. Mitchell, R. Page, L. C. Wood, L. W. Currier, John C. McMullen, H. P. Walker, James S. Simpson, Chas. Harter, A. T. Shenneman, S. Darrah, T. J. Jones, J. A. Beck, C. M. Sloan, P. Hill, Geo. Youle, A. F. Tryon, J. P. McMillen, Joseph Requa, A. N. Deming, R. L. Walker, D. M. Hopkins, J. N. Beaman, J. W. Curns, J. Manley, Jas. L. M. Hill, H. Brotherton, J. W. Johnston, P. J. Copple, Allen B. Lemmon, David S. Brown, T. A. Wilkinson, Peter Paugh, Chas. E. Love, R. Rogers, C. L. Bliss, Philip Stump, M. L. Robinson, M. L. Read, W. C. Robinson, S. H. Myton, H. P. Farrar, T. C. Bird, D. M. Purdy, E. M. Bird, W. E. Gooch, Jno. N. J. Gooch, A. H. Buckwalter, Antonio Buzzi, W. G. Kay, Frank Lorry, Thomas Baird, G. W. Harmon, Samuel Kuhns, John Annis, W. E. Chenoweth, Alfred Pruden, C. R. Sipes, A. W. Burkey, W. S. Thompson, E. R. Thompson, C. J. Beck, Charles Gallert, Alfred B. Woolsey, J. C. Topliff, S. P. Channell, W. M. Burkey, M. Y. Hurst, G. H. McIntire, W. H. Speers, D. R. Baird, R. Hoffmaster, Chas. R. Williamson, B. A. Davis, George L. Walker.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
Wheatley Gooch is now a perambulator for the Singer sewing machine, roosting at Wichita. He will make a good one, for he "can work while he sings, and sing while he works, because his machine is a Singer." Be careful, Wheatley, and don’t let the "needle fly up and back stitch your nose."
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.
JOHN GOOCH lost one of his horses this week by colic.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
WYARD GOOCH and brothers are said to have the best wheat stacks in the surrounding country.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
We learn that in almost every deposit of grasshopper eggs, a small worm is found destroying them. Mr. Wyard Gooch and J. C. Topliff report several examinations, resulting almost invariably in finding the presence of the worm. With the chances they will have to undergo in the spring of being killed by the cold rains, we think grasshoppers will be few next spring.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
DEPARTED. WHEATLEY GOOCH started out last week to take his chances with the world, and look out for a new location for a short time.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Township Officers.
[Note: Also putting down votes given by named townships to Manning & Pyburn for office of State Senator.]
Creswell Township:
T. McIntire, Trustee; W. M. Mowry, Clerk; W. Gooch, Treasurer; NO J. P.; G. H. McIntire and W. J. Gray, Constables.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Creswell Township. Trustee, Timothy McIntire; Treasurer, Wyatt Gooch; Clerk, L. W. Currier; Constables, Geo. McIntire, W. J. Gray.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following is the vote on township officers in Creswell Township.
Constables: Geo. McIntire 260; W. J. Gray 252.
Trustee: T. McIntire 145; A. Chamberlain, 125.
Treasurer: Wyard Gooch 286.
Clerk: L. W. Currier 126; Will Mowry 142.
The vote on township officers was not a party vote.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. C. R. Sipes. Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. J. Breene, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. T. Mantor, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Miss F. Skinner, Mrs. S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Al Mowry, Mrs. James Benedict, L. C. Norton, I. H. Bonsall.
Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Wm. Newton.
Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. L. C. Norton, Mrs. I. H. Bonsall, Miss M. Houghton, Mr. T. H. McLaughlin, O. P. Houghton, Miss Bowers, Kate Hawkins, Miss Lizzie Ela, J. H. Sherburne, T. R. Houghton, Mr. Ela, J. C. Topliff.
Mrs. S. B. Fleming, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. W. S. Ela, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. O. Bird, Mrs. B. W. Sherburne, Mrs. E. Parker, Mrs. M. Marshall, Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mrs. T. H. McArthur, Mrs. M. Peede, Mrs. Hartsock, Mrs. Anna Guthrie, H. P. Farrar, J. I. Mitchell, C. R. Sipes.
Mrs. J. Alexander, Mrs. V. Hawkins.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Miss M. Greene, Miss A. Mantor, Miss Delia DeMott.
Mrs. W. J. Mowry, Mrs. Wm. Coombs, Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson, Mrs. L. Theaker, Mrs. W. Packard, Mr. A. A. Newman, Mrs. R. L. Marshall, Dr. Shepard.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Prof. Bacon, Mrs. A. A. Newman, W. D. Mowry.
Ed Thompson, Mrs. R. C. Haywood.
Miss M. Mitchell, Miss A. Norton, Miss May Benedict, F. Hutchinson.
J. W. Hutchinson, J. J. Breene, A. O. Porter.
R. C. Haywood, R. A. Houghton, E. D. Eddy.
Mrs. Dr. Hughes, O. C. Skinner, E. D. Eddy.
J. D. Guthrie, Wyard Gooch.
C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, E. G. Gray.
Admission fee one pound or ten cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1877.
MARRIED. GOOCH-TAYLOR. At the residence of the bride’s father, Col. Taylor, near Bonham, Texas, on Thursday, the 28th ult., by the Rev. Carrolton, Mr. HAROLD GOOCH and MISS MOLLIE TAYLOR. Denison Daily Cresset.
The happy couple have our hearty congratulations, and we trust that many years of wedded life are in store for them. Harold Gooch was one of the first in this section, and is remembered by many of our citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
Notice to Bridge Builders.
Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Township Officers at the office of T. McIntire, until Thursday, March 1st, 1877, at 12 o’clock m., for the purpose of building the superstructure of a bridge, of either iron or wood, across the Walnut River, at or near Newman’s mill: the bridge consisting of two spans, one ninety-four feet and six inches; and the other forty-five feet and six inches in length. Plans and specifications, with bonds for the completion of the bridge, must accompany each and every bid. The Board reserving the privilege of rejecting any and all bids.
T. McINTIRE, Trustee, W. D. MOWRY, Clerk, WYARD E. GOOCH, Treas.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1877.
A contract was made last Friday by T. McIntire, Trustee; Wyard Gooch, Treasurer; and W. D. Mowry, Clerk of Creswell Township, with Mr. J. A. Bullene, agent of the Missouri Valley Bridge Co., of Leavenworth, for a wrought iron arch span of 100 feet, and a combination Queen Truss span of 50 feet, over the Walnut River at Newman’s mill, to be completed on or before the second day of June, 1877. The bridge is to be 150 feet long, built in two spans, and have one roadway twelve feet wide in the clear, to be constructed on the Arch and Queen Truss bridge plan, for which the Township Trustee, for and on behalf of Creswell township, agrees to pay $2,000 in ten years, ten percent, township bonds, and $200 in township warrants payable: one-half on February 1st, 1878, and one-half February 1st, 1879; binding themselves in the penal sum of $1,000 for the faithful performance of every article of agreement.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.
RUNAWAY. Last Sunday as Mr. McMasters, of Winfield, was riding with Miss Pittman, near Wyard Gooch’s farm, east of the Walnut, one rein of the harness broke and the teams ran away, throwing both parties from the buggy, breaking the arm of the gentleman and dislocating the shoulders of the lady.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Creswell Township will issue to the Missouri Valley Bridge Co. on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1877, bonds to the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000), for the purpose of building a bridge over the Walnut River near Newman’s mill.
Signed, T. McINTIRE, Trustee, WYARD E. GOOCH, Treasurer, W. D. MOWRY, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
There is a particular spot near Wyard Gooch’s place that the lightning strikes almost every storm. During the last month it has set the prairie grass on fire twice. Just as like as not there is a silver mine there, or some other mineral.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
Bridges Carried Away.
Wheat and Corn Fields Overflown and Devastated.
For the past ten days heavy rains have been falling throughout this section and the streams are gradually rising. On last Friday the Arkansas was noticed as being very full, and on Saturday the rise was very rapid, bringing with it drift wood and live trees. Some of the latter being cedar, supposed to have come from the mountains. This would go to prove that the rains had extended to the mountains, or the immense body of water caused by the melting of snow.
Until Saturday night no apprehensions of the destruction of the bridge were entertained until large trees came floating down and the water began to flow around the approach. The Township Trustee then engaged a number of men with poles to push the floating logs under the bridge; but they came so thick and fast, and the night being very dark, it was deemed useless, and they abandoned the work at eleven o’clock at night.
At three o’clock Sunday morning, Wyard Gooch and others went down, and found all but four spans of the bridge gone. They then sent back for rope and tied the remaining span on the north side to a post and a tree about half as thick as a man’s body. Not long after a very large tree with heavy branches came sweeping past, and striking the span, carried it away. After being swept from the piles on which it was built, it swung around to the bank, and the force of the current caused the post to break and left it swinging on the one rope tied to the tree. This soon began to crack, and in a few seconds, the tree was pulled out by the roots and the structure went with the current. Those who were on the river bank most of the time say that large pine branches and portions of other bridge timbers could be seen every few minutes, supposed to have belonged to the El Paso and Wichita bridges.
The bottom lands on the Arkansas present a wonderful spectacle. Whole fields of wheat and corn opposite Arkansas City are completely inundated, and the country around almost under water. Nothing is left between Carder’s house and the Arkansas River except the sand hills, and the only way to reach the bank of the river is by boat.
We made an effort to cross to the ridge just opposite where Davis’ house stood, on horse back, and the horse was compelled to swim. Wm. Coombs, James Wilson, E. E. Eddy, and others, while making the attempt earlier in the day, mired their animals, and had to wade ashore. On the island we found a dog, and every few feet noticed rabbits, gophers, ground moles, or snakes that had gathered there for safety.
The current of the river is fearful, and the waves roll two feet in height.
From the overflow at this place, we should judge the city of Wichita to be flooded with water, and the country adjacent to the river in Arkansas City completely deluged. The losses from bridges alone will be considerable, to say nothing of the great destruction of grain fields.
The bridge at this place originally cost $13,000, and the damage to it cannot be replaced short of $4,000 or $5,000. An effort will be made to rebuild that portion that has been carried away at once, or to have a ferry run until it is done.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
WYARD GOOCH started down the Arkansas to Deer Creek last Friday in search of the bridge lately carried away.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
Arkansas River Bridge.
BRIDGE. A talk upon bridge matters was had by our merchants yesterday afternoon, but no definite line of action was decided upon. The question of repairing the break in the bridge across the Arkansas, either by means of an iron span (which would cost some $5,000) or a pontoon bridge to join on to the half of the old bridge still standing, was warmly discussed, as was the proposition to build a pontoon bridge west of town. The most feasible scheme would seem to be to repair the old bridge, using whatever of the old timbers that could be recovered.
Mr. Wyard Gooch, the township Treasurer, made a trip down the Arkansas last week to see if any portion of the lost spans could be recovered, and reports that he found at least one-third of the missing timbers that would be available for repairs.
Many of the farmers upon whose land the timbers were left by the flood have offered to return them to the bridge site free of charge if it is decided to use them.
Something should be done in this matter at once, for in some cases portions of the lumber of the wreck have been sold. In this connection we cannot help contrasting the activity of Mr. Gooch, both at the time of the break and since, with the apathy of the Trustee, whose duty it is to look after such matters, and for which he is paid.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
Work on the pier of the Walnut River bridge has been going steadily on for the past week. Mr. Buzzi has the contract and is doing good work. Stones two feet wide by four feet long and one foot thick are frequently put in the pier. The abutment on the east bank is also being rebuilt, and both piers being rip-rapped and built four feet higher. Mr. Gooch is overseeing the work during Mr. Newman’s absence.
In the matter of the Arkansas River bridge, an election has been called by the officers of Bolton Township to vote on the proposition to issue $2,600 payable in two years, for its immediate construction, and a petition circulated in this place which shows several hundred dollars subscribed. Creswell Township cannot, by law, vote the aid required of it for its proportion (two thirds) of the construction of the bridge, owing to previous indebtedness, but many of the citizens have assured the people of Bolton that the balance needed ($3,000) would be raised. The whole amount of each township would then erect an iron span reaching to the three wooden spans on the south side of the river. If the bonds are defeated on the 18th day of August in Bolton Township, the matter will then have to rest for the present. A ferry is used for crossing this river west of town, charging a toll of five cents each for footmen or horsemen, and ten cents each for teams, for the round trip. After sunset twenty-five cents each trip is charged.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
That black eye of Wyard Gooch’s was caused by a too sudden descent from an animated animal of Texan origin, to the earth’s surface. Before he came down, he took a bird’s eye view of the surroundings, and reports the air quite cool in the second current above the earth.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1877.
WYARD GOOCH and H. M. Bacon started for the Sax and Fox Agency last Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
One-fifth of the purchase money required as FIRST PAYMENT,
Balance on FIVE YEARS’ TIME.
Below will be found a partial list of our lands and town lots, both improved and unimproved, we have for sale. This property is situated in the most desirable portion of Kansas, the great Arkansas River Valley, and adjacent thereto. The climate in this locality is unsurpassed, and the land is as fertile as any in the West. This portion of Kansas is keeping pace with the civilization of the age in building Railroads, Churches, and School Houses. Come here if you want a very desirable home for a very small amount of money.
West 1/2 of section 36, township 34, south of range 3 east; 230 acres, joining Arkansas City; all bottom land; plenty of water and timber; 100 acres in cultivation; very desirable tract of land; price $3,000. As soon as a railroad reaches here, this place will be worth double this sum.
NE 1/4 sec 13, tp 34, S R 4 E; 80 acres in cultivation; price $800. Known as the W. G. Gooch tract.
Inquire of J. C. McMullen or Jas. Christian, Arkansas City, Kansas.
NOTE: The above was only a partial list of properties in ad.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
From last accounts Wyard Gooch and W. M. Bacon were camped this side of the Salt Fork waiting for the water in the river to fall. A load of flour and some provisions for the Pawnee Agency are there also. Bacon has learned to sleep with one eye opened and make a meal of slap jacks.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
UNCLE RICHARD WOOLSEY and Wheatley Gooch are pardners in a clothing house at Deadwood, Dakota Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
WYARD GOOCH is making another tour in the Territory, going to Pawnee Agency again.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
FOR SALE OR TRADE. 80 acres of land, 3 miles north of Arkansas City. Apply to J. L. Huey or W. E. Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
For Sale or Trade.
80 acres of land, 3 miles north of Arkansas City.
Apply to J. L. Huey or W. E. Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.
The following gentlemen were elected delegates and alternates to the Democratic Convention to be held at Winfield, August 24th, 1878. Delegates: W. Green, Noah Kimmell, Pat Somers, Judge Christian, T. McIntire, and S. B. Adams. Alternates: Amos Walton, John Gooch, E. M. Godfrey, J. Holloway, J. W. Hutchinson, and J. P. Eckles.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.
Parry’s premium colt is two years and five months old and weighs 1,188 lbs. He is of Coburn and Morgan stock and stands about sixteen hands high. He was raised three miles east of the Walnut on Wyard Gooch’s farm.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
Mr. Gooch will commence today to cut fifty acres of wheat on his farm east of town.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.
R. C. Haywood to W. G. Gooch, lot 19, blk 128, Ark. City. $15.
Janet H. Robinson and husband to W. S. Houghton, lots 25 and 26, blk 4; lots 17 and 18, blk 7; lot 7, blk 40; lot 18, blk 42; lot 11, blk 64; lot 12, blk 60; lot 2, blk 75; lots 5, 26, in blk 108; lots 12 and 13, blk 139; lots 3 and 4, blk 135; lots 19 and 20, blk 143; lots 4 qnd 5, blk 145; lots 3 and 4, blk 148, Ark. City. $320.
J. C. McMullen and wife to W. G. Gooch, lot 13, blk 78, Ark. City. $100.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Last Sunday or Monday while out hunting at Ponca Agency, Mr. Henry Nelson was accidentally shot in the right side of his face and body. His injuries are severe, but it is thought not fatal. No blame is attached to Mr. Gooch, who did the shooting, and who is very much shocked by the occurrence.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Township Treasurer’s Report.
To cash received of W. E. Gooch $113.80
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS: Mrs. N. B. Hughes, Mrs. Huey, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. McClung, Mrs. James Benedict.
SOLICITING: East side of city: Mrs. W. Benedict and Mrs. C. R. Sipes. West side of city: Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. J. T. Shepard. East Bolton: Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Dr. Carlisle. West Bolton: Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs. Marshall. East of Walnut: Mrs. E. Parker and Mrs. N. Kimmell.
FANCY TABLE: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Berger, Miss Annie Norton, May Benedict, Linnie Peed, Carrie Benedict, Annie Hutchinson, Mary Theaker.
SUPPER TABLE: Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Mrs. Dr. Chapel, Mrs. S. P. Channell, Mrs. C. Schiffbauer, Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. E. B. Kager, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. T. Shepard.
PROCURING TREE: Mr. W. D. Mowry, C. H. Sylvester, F. Farrar, Charles Swarts.
RECEIVING PRESENTS: Mrs. I. H. Bonsall, Miss Clara Finley, Mr. Cal. Swarts, C. H. Sylvester.
DECORATING TREE: Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Miss Eva Swarts, Hattie Houghton, Flora Finley, Angie Mantor, Ella Grimes, Mattie Mitchell, Kate Hawkins, Alma Dixon, Blanche Marshall, Emma Hunt, Susie Hunt, Mr. B. Matlack, F. Farrar, W. Gooch, Mr. Rose, G. Howard, B. Maxwell, W. D. Mowry, F. Hutchison, E. LeClare, L. Norton, Mr. B. Parker, C. McIntire.
PROCURING STOVES: C. R. Sipes and James Benedict.
PROCURING LIGHTS: Dr. Shepard and Dr. Loomis.
COLLECTING DONATIONS: Mr. Hutchison and J. J. Breene.
TEA AND COFFEE: Mrs. Coombs and Mrs. Norton.
OYSTER TABLE: Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. W. Benedict, Mrs. T. C. Bird, Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. J. D. Sherburne, Mrs. C. Parker, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Anna Patterson.
PROCURING DISHES AND TABLES: Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe McLaughlin, Mrs. Sipes, Mr. J. C. Topliff.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
Our friend Gooch is building a very neat cottage in the west part of town, and we have been too dull to comprehend what he wanted of a cottage until we saw them on the way to church last Sabbath morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Wedding Bells.
GOOCH - HOUGHTON. Married on Wednesday evening, February 4th, at the First Presbyterian Church in Arkansas City, Mr. Wyatt [Wyard] Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton, by Rev. McClung.
The groom and bride have resided in this city for several years, and have a large circle of friends. Mrs. A. A. Newman held a reception at her residence from 9:30 to 11:30, receiving a large number of friends from this city, Wichita, and Emporia. An elegant repast was served during the evening, and friends were coming and going until after midnight. This was one of the largest receptions ever held in this city, and was enjoyed by all.
The bride was beautifully attired in silver brocade, white satin, point lace, customary veil of Tulle, orange blossoms, and creatu [?] roses, six button kids, jewelry, and orange buds.
Groom: Customary black, button-hole bouquet, white kids.
First Bridesmaid: Miss Angie Mantor, pink silk and combined with Tarlton and Breton lace, six-button kids.
Second Bridesmaid: Miss Clara Finley, blue silk combined with white Tarlton and Breton lace, six-button kids.
Groomsmen: Will Mowry and Mr. C. Swarts, customary black, white kids.
Ushers: Mr. Sylvester and Mr. F. Farrar.
Father and mother of the bride, Weld, Maine, a dozen silver knives and forks, 1 dozen teaspoons, 1 dozen tablespoons, 1 dozen dessert spoons, and butter knife.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Newman, Weld, Maine, 2 silver dessert spoons.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman, elegant family Bible.
Mr. and Mrs. George Newman, Emporia, silver cake basket.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman, Emporia, silver pickle castor.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haywood, beautiful cut glass and silver berry dish.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Houghton, silver service.
Mrs. Kidder and Miss Nellie Jones, Emporia, silver pickle castor.
John Gooch, oil painting, clock, bracket.
Pearl and Earl Newman, 1 dozen solid silver teaspoons.
Miss Nellie Jones, Emporia, a set of glove, handkerchief, and jewel box, velvet and stain hand painted, hand painted locket.
Mrs. Storts, Emporia, Gypsy kettle.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, pair chromos.
Mr. and Mrs. T. McLaughlin, castor.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, pearl card case, bottle cologne, silver nut cracker. Bridesmaid and Groomsmen chromo.
Dr. and Mrs. Hughes, chess table.
J. C. Topliff, hanging lamp.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Channell, plant stand.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Benedict, satin lined case with pickle fork, butter knife, and sugar shell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Benedict, silver pickle castor.
Dr. and Mrs. Kellogg and Mr. and Mrs. Sipes, silver cake and pie knife.
Dr. and Mrs. Shepard and Maj. Sleeth and wife, willow chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Huey, willow work basket.
Mrs. Farrar, hand painted necklace.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, bronze vases.
Miss Deming, Wichita, bronze bracket, 2 vases.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mantor, hanging book case.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, beautiful cut flowers.
From the Ushers, silver card case.
Mrs. Watson, bracket.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard, server.
Mrs. L. Finley, spatter-work tidies.
Miss Chamberlain, Kansas City, vases.
W. Mowry, carving knife and fork.
Miss Kate Hawkins, toilet mat.
Mrs. Campbell, real Irish lace. Dust pan, with this inscription, "Cleanliness is akin to Godliness."
A whip, an unknown friend.
Broom, with this inscription:
"And I hold, when on the land,
That a broomstick in the hand,
A remarkable conciliating tone implants,
And so do his sisters and his kuss-ins and his aunts."
Compliments of C. M. S.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Mr. George Newman, the Merchant Prince of Emporia, and family arrived on last Tuesday morning’s train to attend the wedding of Mr. W. Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Mr. and Mrs. Gooch departed on the three o’clock train for a visit in Texas.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
"Editorial Correspondence by Millington. We had good company last Saturday on the way up the railroad. Miss May and Mr. Robbie Deming were on their way home from the grand wedding in high life, at Arkansas City, of Mr. Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton; Miss Minnie Capps, Miss Godfrey, Judge Martin, and Mr. Read Robinson were on their way to Wellington; and O. F. Boyle and wife were with us on our trip.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Geo. J. Baltzell has bought the interest of Mr. Gooch, his partner in the blacksmith and wagon-repairing shop on 8th avenue, and will hereafter conduct the business in his own name.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
Township Treasurer’s Report.
Mr. Editor: My term of office as Township Treasurer having expired, I deem it my duty to make a full statement of all the business transacted by me during my term of office, which is as follows:
Cash received of W. E. Gooch, former Treasurer: $113.86
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
How is this, O. P.? The Emporia Journal says that "A number of Emporia people went down to Arkansas City to attend the marriage, on the 4th inst., of Miss Hattie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, formerly of Emporia, to Mr. Hyatt [Wyard] Gooch."
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
Wyard Gooch and bride returned to the terminus on Sunday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Wholesale Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Carpets.
We would respectfully announce to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity that we have now opened and are receiving the largest and most complete stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Notions ever brought to this market. It is our hope that, by strict attention to business, fair dealing and lowest prices, we shall merit and obtain a liberal share of your patronage.
Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chicago prices duplicated.
Thanking you for past favors, we are, very respectfully, yours, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
It is with much pleasure that we call attention to the "ad" of the new firm of A. A. Newman & Co., which appears in this issue. Their magnificent store and show rooms occupy the basement and first floor in the corner brick on East Summit street and Fifth avenue. An investigation of their establishment discloses the fact that they have on hand one of the largest and best selected stocks of dry goods, notions, clothing, hats and caps, boots and shoes, ladies’ and gents’ underwear, etc., that has ever been brought to this city. Among the many novelties we specially noticed some choice silk dolmans and fichus, superb gros grain and other silks; satins in all colors, and an inimitable assortment of buntings, momie cloths, brocades, and brocatels. Pacific and figured lattice lawns, printed cambrics, etc. An elegant and recherche line of two- to six-button kid gloves in all colors, parasols, ribbons, lace fichus, ties, hosiery, handkerchiefs, and other fancy articles too numerous to mention. The members of the firm, Messrs. A. A. Newman and W. E. Gooch, need no recommendation at our hands, they having been severally identified with the business interests of our town for many years; have earned a reputation for courtesy and square dealing and as businessmen are sans reproche.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
Mr. John Gooch, brother of our townsman, Wyard E. Gooch, who for some time past has been commissary clerk at Ponca Agency, we are glad to learn has been promoted to the superintendency of the Nez Perces at an increased salary. Mr. Gooch is a very deserving young man, and his many friends in this neighborhood will be glad to hear of his good fortune.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
MARRIED. At Custer City, Dakota Territory, May 16, 1880, Mr. Wheatley G. Gooch to Miss Mary Teter, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. The many friends of the groom in this city congratulate him upon his new departure, and trust that many years of prosperity and wedded bliss are in store for the happy couple.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
Mr. John Gooch, of the Ponca Agency, was in town the first of this week, looking after his interests in and around our city, visiting relatives, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
A number of the elite, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Gooch, and Mrs. Wheeler, went to Ponca Agency yesterday. The trip was in honor of Mrs. Wheeler, now visiting in this city.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
RECAP ONLY: The Tremont House at Wichita was on last week (Tuesday) the scene of festivity and gaiety on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Charles W. Bitting and Miss Mary Deming. [Millington mentions that he and his wife attended in company with their daughter, Jessie, and Mrs. J. D. Pryor.] Bitting, he says, is a member of one of the leading mercantile firms of Wichita.
The bride, Mary Deming, is the oldest daughter of A. N. Deming, formerly of the Lagonda House in Winfield and now the prince of landlords of the Tremont.
Mr. Robert Deming acted as groomsman and Miss Jennie Bernard as bridesmaid. Rev. Mr. Sparks, the M. E. local clergyman of Wichita, performed the ceremony according to the beautiful ritual of the Episcopal church.
Some of the wedding gifts:
Cameo jewelry, by the groom.
Silver water set, A. W. Bitting.
Silver castor, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Deming.
Gold-lined spool-holder, Robert Deming.
Silver nut picks, Miss Julia Deming.
Celluloid comb and brush, Mrs. J. D. Pryor.
Linen napkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gooch.
Silver card receiver, Jessie and D. A. Millington.
Cut glass bouquet holder, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
J. Gooch, of Ponca Agency, came up Monday evening to load the Ponca and Oakland teams, and returned this morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.
Wyard Gooch is rapidly improving his residence lots, and will soon have one of the nicest homes in the city. The latest addition is a neat picket fence, the same being nicely painted.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.
The boss sweet potato of the season was laid on the table by Thomas Norman last week. It weighed seven pounds, nine ounces, and was raised on Wyard Gooch’s farm east of town.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880. Front Page.
Something About Their Live Men And Business Interests.
Mr. W. M. Gooch, blacksmith, does a large share of the work done here, and his customers are always satisfied. Give him a call. Horse shoeing is one of his specialties.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
The names of the various committees having in charge the Christmas tree festivities to be held at the Presbyterian church, were handed in last week, but were unavoidably crowded out, and are presented in this issue, as follows.
Committee on Procuring Tree: Messrs. John Walker, M. B. Vawter, S. B. Reed, A. Gardner, R. Hutchison, C. L. Swarts.
Committee on Receiving Presents: Misses Clara Finley, Alma Dixon, Kate Hawkins, May Roland, May Benedict, Lizzie Guthrie, Mary Thomas, and Messrs. F. W. Farrar, C. M. Swarts, Dr. Vawter, Robert Maxwell.
Decorating Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Cypher, Misses Mary Parker, Angie Mantor, Carrie Benedict, Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Linnie Peed, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Sadie Thomas, Linda Christian, Annie Hutchison, Mary Theaker, Emma and Susie Hunt, Ada Easterday; Messrs. E. G. Gray, W. D. Mowry, John Kroenert, J. D. Houston, George Howard, D. Cunningham, James Leonard, Will Peed, J. C. Topliff, Dick Chamberlain, Irving French.
Distributing Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Standley, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Sleeth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mantor.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
Mr. Harold Gooch, of Bonham, Texas, brother of our esteemed townsman, Wyard Gooch, came in on the noon train last Monday to pay a visit to relatives and friends in this, his former home. Since last we had the pleasure of shaking hands with him, Father Time has been busy, but yet Harold is the same genial, whole-souled boy that was the life of the bachelors’ party that gathered round the fire in the days of "Auld Lang Syne." We hope "he may still prosper, and reap the reward to which his business and social qualities so eminently entitle him.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 16, 1881.
Col. Whiting and John E. Gooch, of Ponca Agency, came up from the Nation yesterday, and are now in town.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
Gooch & Goodrich have commenced work in their new shop, and are now prepared to do all kinds of work in their line with promptness and dispatch, and at the lowest price.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
There are few things more conducive to the well-being of a community than a plentiful supply of pure water, for domestic and public use, as well as for the protection afforded against the spreading of destructive fires. Situated as we have hitherto been, dependent for our supply of this necessity of life upon several deep wells, which, although fully adequate for all ordinary wants were of necessity almost useless as a protection to property from fire, made the urgency of our need for something more effective than the existing supply more and more apparent each day.
But the old has given place to the new, and today Arkansas City can boast the possession of as fine and effective a system of water works as can, of the like caliber, be found anywhere. It is now scarcely a year since the project of supplying the city with water was first broached, yet that short time has sufficed, thanks to the energy and public spirit of the ex-Mayor and City Council, in conferring upon the city the inestimable advantages of an unlimited supply of pure spring water. The works, of which a short description is herein given, were put in at a total cost to the city of about $1,700, counting in the $300 expended on the well. This outlay will be far more than recompensed in the event of its preventing one destructive fire, let alone the advantages daily conferred upon our citizens.
The machinery necessary to the pumping of the water into the tank consists of an "Eclipse Windmill," supplied by the Fairbanks Co. This windmill, which is run by a wheel 14 feet in diameter, is automatic in its action, and therefore needs no attention or regulation other than to be started and stopped.
This part of the works is located near W. H. Speers’ mill, and the supply of water is furnished from a spring that has never, in the past twelve years, been known to fail. It may be well to mention, that though the pumps were kept constantly going last week, no visible effect was observed in the level of the water of the spring.
The tank, or reservoir, is located on South Summit Street, and has a capacity of 993 barrels. It is constructed substantially of pine, is fourteen feet in height, well painted and mounted upon a stone foundation, also fourteen feet in height. It is estimated that the level of the water is forty feet above the road level at the fire plug on Matlack’s corner. There are three fire plugs on Summit street, at the intersection of Central, Fifth, and Sixth Avenues, with three family hydrants between them.
Messrs. O. P. Houghton, W. E. Gooch, and Maj. Sleeth have already laid the water into their residences, and as soon as the pipes are laid on other thoroughfares, a matter now under consideration, we think the expense of running the works will be more than covered by the amount paid for this privilege alone.
At this writing the tank, which has been gradually soaking, is full to its utmost capacity, in which condition it will in the future be kept.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
Mr. John Gooch, of Oakland Agency, Indian Territory, arrived in town Monday last. He will spend several days in town purchasing and loading supplies of potatoes, corn, etc., for the Indians.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
Wyard Gooch made a flying visit to Ponca Agency on last Saturday and Sunday, visiting his brother, and friends at that agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Mr. Harold Gooch, of Bonham, Texas, a brother of our townsman, W. E. Gooch, with his wife and children, arrived in town last Wednesday. Mrs. Gooch and son will probably spend several weeks with relatives here, but Mr. Gooch left on Friday for Kansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Mr. John T. Gooch, of Oakland, Indian Territory, arrived in town on Saturday, and spent Sunday and Monday with relatives and friends in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
Mrs. Harold Gooch and son returned to their home, at Bonham, Texas, last Monday, after paying a long week’s visit to relatives in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Gooch, and Mrs. Searing started yesterday for Geuda Springs, where they will probably remain one week, and perhaps longer.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Mr. John Gooch, of Oakland, I. T., spent Sunday in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
The following is a list of the visitors at the Geuda Springs Bath House for the week ending August 7, 1881:
Included in list...
Mrs. E. H. Matlack, Arkansas City.
Miss Mary Matlack, Arkansas City.
Miss Lucy Walton, Arkansas City.
Mrs. A. A. Newman, Arkansas City.
Mrs. W. Gooch, Arkansas City.
Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Arkansas City.
Mrs. J. H. Searing, Arkansas City.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Arkansas City.
Mrs. C. A. Howard, Arkansas City.
Mrs. Parmenter, Arkansas City.
H. Endicott and wife, Arkansas City.
P. Endicott, Arkansas City.
Mrs. Tyner, Arkansas City.
B. C. Swarts, Arkansas City, Kansas.
M. Stanton, Arkansas City, Kansas.
C. R. Mitchell, Arkansas City, Kansas.
J. Kelly, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
John T. Gooch, of Oakland Agency, Indian Territory, was in this city last Monday, acting as interpreter for the Indians, upon whom Benedict perpetrated the theft. Wellingtonian.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The farewell party, given by Miss Lillie Chamberlain at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, on Tuesday evening of last week, was one of the grandest events of the season. The full moon shown down like an immense headlight, viewing apparently, with the many Chinese lanterns that were pendant from the surrounding trees, making the scene resemble that of fairy land rather than reality.
After some time spent in promenading through the beautiful grove of fruit and forest trees, the party’s attention was directed to an immense platform prepared for the occasion, where Prof. Farringer, with the string band of Winfield, had taken position, and in a few moments it was filled with youth and beauty gliding through the graceful movements of the easy quadrille and mazy waltz. A gorgeous repast followed, then with spirits overjoyed, each of the party instituted all manner of fun and mirth, which had to be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Matlack produced a novel figure in the terpsichorean art that few ever witnessed before, while Cal. Swarts furnished the music. To say it was an enjoyable affair don’t half express it, and for one, we hope to have the pleasure of again meeting Miss Chamberlain and her many friends under like circumstances. The Cornet Band did their best and filled the night air with delightful sounds for which the hostess came forward, and in the most charming manner, expressed her appreciation and thanked them for their kindness.
The following ladies and gentlemen participated.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer.
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Huey.
Mr. and Mrs. Mead.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Farrar.
Mr. and Mrs. Capt. O. Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Sherburne.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyard E. Gooch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grubbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speers.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. James Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Schiffbauer.
Mrs. James Wilson.
Mrs. Alexander.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes.
Mary Parker.
Susie L. Hunt.
Anna Belle Cassell.
Lizzie Wyckoff.
Mattie F. Mitchell.
Julia Deming.
Lucy Walton.
May Benedict.
Kathleen Hawkins.
Annie Norton.
Grace Gardner.
Mabel Ayres.
M. B. Vawter.
Dr. Jamison Vawter.
J. D. C. O’Grady.
C. L. Swarts.
Charles M. Swarts.
Fred W. Farrar.
Joseph D. Houston.
John Kroenert.
Charles U. France.
Showman D. Longsdorff.
James C. Topliff.
William D. Mowry.
Cyrus M. Scott.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
Johnny Gooch, late of Oakland Agency, Indian Territory, is now making his headquarters in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
A little social gathering was held at the residence of W. E. Gooch, Saturday evening, Dec. 24th, the prominent feature of course, being a Christmas Tree, which was generously loaded with costly and elegant, as well as worthless, yet comical, presents for the assembled guests. Wyard E. Gooch received a handsome gold watch, as also did Tom Mantor. Miss Alma Dixon packed an elegant celluloid toilet set home, while Sara Reed rejoiced in a beautiful Atlas, and John Gooch in an unabridged Webster’s dictionary, all of which were the Christmas gifts of A. A. Newman, by his agent, Santa Claus, Esq. Through the same medium Mrs. R. C. Haywood received a very elegant pair of diamond set earrings, and Mrs. A. A. Newman a beautifully set diamond ring and brooch. Mr. A. A. Newman was jubilant in the acquisition of a neatly packed parcel, which, upon examination, revealed the well picked back bone of a turkey, an evident recognition of his love for the bird. His exuberant joy, however, was somewhat modified upon Santa Claus handing him an elegant walnut paper and magazine stand. Many other choice presents were donated by Santa Claus, who being present, had the pleasure of presiding at one of the most eminently social gatherings of the Holiday season.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The social event of the Holiday week was the masquerade party held at the residence of Mr. James L. Huey on Friday evening, December 30th. A large number of invitations had been sent out, which were almost universally responded to, thus making the party a glorious success. The residence of Mr. Huey is one of the largest, and most commodious, in town; and as the merry throng of maskers promenaded the handsomely appointed salons of the mansion their costumes showed, to perfection, in the brilliant light of the glittering chandeliers. The guests were received by Mrs. James L. Huey, the hostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Fred Farrar, and it is needless to say, that under their hospitable care, every attention was shown "the motley crew" that claimed their cares. Refreshments in the shape of many tempting kinds of cake, sandwiches, teas, and coffee were liberally provided. Music lent its aid to the other enjoyments which coupled with the many unique costumes, and the cheering hum of voices lent a charm never to be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to take part in the festivities.
The following is a partial list of the guests with the characters they represented.
Mrs. Cunningham, Flower Girl; Mr. Cunningham, Imp; Mrs. Howard, Miss Prim; Mrs. Farrar, City Belle; Mrs. Searing, "Boss" Flour; Mrs. Matlack, "Straight" Flour; T. R. Houghton, Blazes; Alma Easterday, Bridget; Mrs. Grubbs, A Lady; Mrs. Nellie Houghton, Dreadnaught; J. Kroenert, "Lo"; C. M. Swarts, Chapeau; R. E. Grubbs, Widow Pudge; Miss Haywood, Queen Elizabeth; Mrs. Norton, Widow Bedott; Miss Guthrie, Incognita; Angie Mantor, Fat Woman; Jerry Adams, Bashful Maid; R. A. Houghton, Judge; I. H. Bonsall, Minister; Mrs. R. A. Houghton, A Bride; Mrs. Ingersoll, Quakeress; Mrs. Sipes, Quakeress; C. U. France, Uncle Toby; W. Thompson, Father Time; A. D. Ayres, Irishman; Mrs. A. D. Ayres, Anonyma; Mrs. Mead, Languedoc; Mr. Mead, Ghost; Mrs. T. Mantor, Mask; T. Mantor, Mask; J. G. Shelden, Cow Boy; Mrs. Watson, Old Maid; Mrs. Chandler, Night; C. R. Sipes, Uncle Tom; Miss A. Norton, Sunflower; Miss S. Hunt, Sunflower; Miss M. Parker, Sunflower; Miss Peterson, Nun; Miss A. Dickson, Sister of Mercy; Miss L. Wyckoff, Sister of Mercy; J. T. Shepard, Guiteau; J. H. Walker & wife, German Couple; C. H. Searing, XXXX Flour; J. Gooch, Private U. S. A.; C. Hutchins, Private, U. S. A.; Mrs. Haywood, Dinah; Mrs. Newman, Topsy; Dr. J. Vawter, Prohibition; C. L. Swarts, Post no bills; W. D. Mowry, A Bottle; Clara Finley, A Lone Star; R. C. Haywood, Fat Dutch Boy; Ben Matlack, May Fisk; M. B. Vawter, Fireman; O. Ingersoll, Big Mynheer; Mrs. Shepard, Japanese Lady; Miss Cassell, Red Riding Hood; Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. Smith; Mr. Matlack, "Pat" bedad; Mrs. Gooch, Equestrienne; R. J. Maxwell, Priest.
Among the ladies and gentlemen who were present, unmasked, were Rev. Fleming and wife, W. E. Gooch, H. P. Farrar, Mr. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Mowry, and many others whose names our reporter failed to receive.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
Mr. A. A. Newman was the recipient of a very handsome birthday present last Thursday, consisting of an elegant silver mounted dressing case, replete with every article that the most fastidious exquisite could desire in making his toilet. The gift was presented to Mr. Newman by Messrs. W. E. Gooch, T. L. Mantor, John Gooch, and Sam Reed, as a token of respect and esteem.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
W. E. Gooch has been invalided for several days with a bad cold.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Our esteemed friend, John T. Gooch, is now in charge of the trading post at the Red Rock, or Otoe Agency, Indian Territory. Mr. Gooch has had considerable experience in the Indian trade, and, will doubtless, soon be as popular with his new patrons as he was with the Ponca and Nez Perce tribes.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
An Otto correspondence who signs himself "New Subscriber," gives vent to his feelings in the following manner.
Pretty much all the farmers’ faces we have seen look glad and joyous at the prospects for an excellent crop this year. They say we have had rain enough to make a crop, if no more should fall. The wheat looks oh, so utter, too nice for anything. The cattle look so happy and contented as they roam over our thousand hills, nipping the first green shoots of the tender herbage as it comes forth to gladden nature. The ground for the corn crop is nearly all pre-pared for planting, in which business many are now engaged. One gentleman planted eight acres of corn three or four weeks ago, and so far as we know, it is doing well. Otto post office has been moved up to Virgil school house, district 102, eight miles due south of Dexter, on the township line. E. P. Miller is the gentlemanly and accommodating postmaster. Mr. Miller also keeps a store, hotel, and a feed stable, to all of which he seems to be doing a thriving business. Mr. Gooch is the village blacksmith, has a good business, and gives satisfaction. We call the town Otto after the post office. It is a good business point, being removed quite a distance from any town of importance. In the few post offices we have visited during the distribution of the mails in this eastern part of the County, we have been astonished at the immense number of COURANTS, one being dropped in nearly every box in the office. Our citizens like good papers and choice intellectual literature.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: The farmers of Southeastern Cowley, feeling the need of a good place where their trading can be done near home and thus be not compelled to pass the limit of their own county for such purposes, have laid out and organized a town site on the east line of Spring Creek and the west line of Cedar Townships, on the State road leading from Cedar Vale to Arkansas City. That the place is destined to meet the long felt wants of the community, is fully verified by the rapidity with which it is nearing the appearance of a suburban village.
L. U. Miller, Postmaster, is doing business in a two-story building, used as a store house and dwelling, completed last fall. He enjoys a good trade, possesses the confidence of the entire community, is agreeable and affable to all, and will retain the growing trade that his prudence and business sagacity has built up. Mrs. Miller caters to the wants of the traveling public in a manner doing credit to culinary science.
J. B. Southard, formerly of Maple City, is erecting a substantial store, 20 x 40 feet, which, when completed, will be filled with a stock of drugs, hardware, groceries, and dry goods, forming a general supply store needful to the country trade.
Wm. Gooch, the genial, good natured blacksmith, once of Maple City, swings the sledge with his usual grace, and is here to stay.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
We desire the public to know that Maple City has taken a new boom and the people interested therein have gone to work with renewed energy and everything is beginning to show that there will soon be quite an enterprising little town built up here.
We understand that Goochville is offering very heavy inducements to get a railroad.
Don’t ask Bob Haines why he put Muzzie’s cat in his boot leg head foremost.
Doc. Martin always plays to the tune of yankee doodle when he visits Beaver Creek on Sunday nights—well, why?
Young Doc. Southard and Doc. Compton purchase love drops by the pound when going to Spring Creek to hold a council.
Good day, call and see us and get a lot given to you in a civil temperance town and live in peace. NASBY.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Wednesday evening, June 21st, at the residence of Dr. J. T. Shepard, by the Rev. S. B. Fleming, Mr. M. B. Vawter and Miss Alma Dixon.
The wedding was decidedly a grand success. The pleasant and orderly manner in which everything was conducted was the subject of general remark. The spacious parlors of Dr. Shepard were filled to overflowing with the admiring friends of the young couple. Great credit is due Messrs. Maxwell and Kroenert for the gentlemanly and gallant manner with which they waited upon the invited guests. Acknowledgments are due Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Searing, Mrs. Chapel, Mrs. Ingersoll, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Alexander, and Mrs. Wilson for flowers. The decorations were beautifully and tastefully arranged. On the south wall of the parlor was a large festoon of evergreen, with the letters V. and D. skillfully worked in the center. From the ceiling hung a large marriage bell made of evergreen, sprinkled with white flowers, with a large white calla lily suspended from the center. Shortly before 10 o’clock a grand wedding march pealed forth from the organ so ably presided over by Miss Bell Cassell. At a given signal the attendants, Miss Clara Finley and J. O. Campbell, Miss Maggie Gardiner and Mr. J. C. Topliff, followed by the Bride and Groom, marched to the music down the broad stairway and into the parlor. When the last notes died away from the organ, Rev. Fleming performed the ceremony in solemn, touching simplicity, and pronounced them man and wife. After the usual hearty salutations and good wishes, a sumptuous feast was served in fine style; Mrs. Dr. Shepard presiding with her usual grace and affability. Quite an enjoyable time was had in cutting and serving the very handsome bride’s cake, to see who would be fortunate enough to secure the ring it contained. Mr. E. O. Stevenson proved to be the lucky fellow. After an hour or so spent in social enjoyment, everyone departed, wishing the happy pair as happy and cheerful a life as their wedding seemed to promise.
The presents were numerous and handsome.
Marble Top Center Table. The Father and Brother of the bride.
Silver Coffee Pot. Dr. and Mrs. Shepard.
Silver Tea Service. H. H. Davidson and wife.
Handsome Center Table. Mr. W. J. Stewart and wife.
A beautiful Horseshoe made of Colorado Minerals. Ben Dixon.
Elegant Silver Water Service. A. A. Newman and wife, W. E. Gooch and wife, T. Mantor and wife, Jerry Adams, and Sam Reed.
A Lovely Basket with artistic design of sea weed and sea shell in the center. Mrs. L. McLaughlin.
A Lady’s elegant Dressing Case. J. C. Topliff.
Lace Scarf. Miss Etta Maxwell, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Silver Butter Knife. Willie and Jamie Fleming.
Silver Call Bell. Freddie McLaughlin.
A very handsome Sofa upholstered in raw silk, with Patent Rockers to match, together with a large Rattan Easy Chair. By the many young friends of the Bride and Groom.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
Mr. John T. Gooch, of Otoe Agency, came up to the State last Friday for the purpose of celebrating at our Fourth.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Mr. John Gooch returned to his home in the Territory on Thursday last, after spending the Fourth with relatives and friends in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Mrs. W. E. Gooch and Mrs. R. A. Houghton will start for the Eastern States next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. W. E. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Sherburne, Mrs. Eddy, and Mrs. A. A. Newman will leave tomorrow for the East.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Mr. Sam Reed has commenced the erection of a residence upon his lots on Eighth St., just south of W. E. Gooch’s residence. J. H. Trask has the contract.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
John Gooch, who is in charge of Sherburne’s store at Otoe Agency, was in town last Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Mr. John T. Gooch, of Red Rock Agency, spent several days of last week in our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Mrs. A. A. Newman and children and Mrs. W. E. Gooch returned to their respective homes in this city after a lengthened visit to their relatives and friends in Maine and other eastern States. We congratulate the happy husbands upon their release from the evils of bachelorhood.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Mr. J. T. Gooch, of Otoe Agency, is in our city visiting his brother, W. E. Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
The Fanny Kellogg and Brignoll Grand Concert Co. gave one of their inimitable entertainments at Wichita last Monday evening, which was largely attended by the citizens of Winfield and Arkansas City. Among those present from our city were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller, Mr. J. T. Gooch, Miss L. Wyckoff, C. L. Swarts, Miss S. Hunt, and Mrs. C. H. Searing.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1883.
John Gooch was up from Otoe Agency last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
Mr. John T. Gooch, of Otoe, was in the city several days of last week visiting friends and relatives, and returned to the Territory yesterday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 7, 1883.
Mr. John T. Gooch returned to the Territory on Monday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Cal. Dean and John Gooch were circulating around town Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Go to the social this evening at Mrs. W. E. Gooch’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Do not forget the social this evening at the residence of Mrs. W. E. Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will hold their semi-monthly social on Wednesday night with Mrs. Gooch. Come one and all. The Ladies’ Aid Society will hold a meeting at the same time.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 9, 1883.
NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT. Albert A. Newman and Wyard E. Gooch, partners, doing business under the firm name of A. A. Newman & Co., Plaintiffs, versus W. H. Brown, Jr., Defendant. Before I. H. Bonsall, Justice of the Peace, of Creswell Township in Cowley County, Kansas.
Said Defendant is hereby notified that on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1883, an order of attachment for the sum of Nine and sixty-three one hundredths dollars ($9.63-100) was issued by the above named Justice of the Peace against his goods, in the above entitled action; and that said cause will be heard on the 7th day of June, 1883, at 9 o’clock a.m. A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Plaintiffs. I. H. BONSALL, Justice of the Peace.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Mr. John T. Gooch left for Otoe Agency this morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
The last issue of the Geuda Springs Herald bears date of April 27th on the outside and on the inside it is dated June 8th. We take the following from the inside: C. M. Scott, J. C. Topliff, and J. T. Gooch, of Arkansas City, were callers at this office last Tuesday, while we were out in the country. Call again, gentlemen.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
We are glad to learn that our old friend, John T. Gooch, has received a license as Indian trader at Otoe Agency. Mr. Gooch has had considerable experience amongst the Indians by whom he is generally liked, and we trust will meet with success in his new departure.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyard E. Gooch were the victims of a surprise party at the hands of a party of the young people of the city one evening last week and it is hardly necessary to state that a jolly social evening was the result.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1883.
Mr. J. T. Gooch expects to leave today for Otoe Agency, where he will make his home in the future, having been appointed government trader at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
Mr. J. T. Gooch, U. S. Indian trader at Otoe Agency, was in the city several days of the past week, returning to the Territory on Monday evening last.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Mrs. Hubbell, of Cheyenne Agency, John Whistler and his niece, and Mrs. Capper, of Sac & Fox, and John Gooch, of Otoe, were here this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Mr. John T. Gooch, United States Indian trader at Otoe, was in the city last Saturday and Sunday. The TRAVELER office furnished the gentleman with an elegantly printed lot of stationery for use at his store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Mr. J. N. Gooch, of Otoe Agency, has been in the city for the past two days, we presume to take a look at the new Highland Hall.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s parents in this city, on Monday morning, November 26, by Rev. S. H. Fleming, Mr. John N. T. Gooch, of Otoe Agency, Indian Territory, and Miss Lizzie Wyckoff.
We can most heartily congratulate both parties to this happy union, and bespeak for them the brightest of futures in their Territory home, for which they took their departure immediately after the ceremony. The wedding was strictly private, which was necessitated by the early hour. The very high esteem in which this worthy couple is held was evidenced by the many rich presents showered upon the bride, both by admiring friends in Arkansas City and those from the far east. May their lives be as happy and perfect as was the day on which they were united.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1883.
Wheatley G. Gooch is now located at Whatcom, Whatcom County, Washington Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1883.
Mr. Wyard E. Gooch has sold his farm, east of the Walnut, to Mr. J. C. Wilcox, of Iowa.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gooch, of Otoe Agency, arrived in the city last Sunday and will spend Christmas with the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Wyckoff.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
There are three first class dry goods stores: A. A. Newman & Co., W. B. Kirkpatrick, and S. Matlack, proprietors. A. A. Newman is one of the "Fathers of the City." He came here at an early day, and to his energy and determination, Arkansas City owes much of her success. He is a man of sterling character and splendid ability. The stranger can find no better adviser than this gentleman. Mr. Newman’s partner, Mr. Wyard Gooch, is a gentleman of extreme courtesy and pleasant manners.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. T. Gooch, of Otoe Agency, spent several days of this past week with relatives in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gooch returned to Otoe Agency yesterday. Mrs. Gooch has been spending several weeks with her parents in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1884.
On Wednesday evening, at the Presbyterian Church, The Arkansas City Choral Society held its first regular meeting. Rev. S. B. Fleming presided, and Prof. R. W. Seager kindly conducted the singing. Miss Grace E. Medbury was invited by the unanimous vote of the society to the position of pianist, with Mrs. G. W. Cunningham as assistant. Andrew Dalzell was elected librarian, and Mr. S. G. Phillips, assistant musical director. A committee on membership was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Frank Hutchison, F. B. Marshall, C. H. Searing, Mrs. E. W. Gooch, and Mrs. Stacy Matlack, to whom will be referred all applications for membership made hereafter.
We understand Mr. Phillips has had considerable experience in the direction of chorus singing, and in the training which he can give the society, will prove a valuable acquisition.
Any of the officers, or the very energetic lady members of the executive committee, Miss Ella Love and Mrs. G. W. Cunningham, will be pleased to give all information that is desired in reference to the society.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1884.
Mrs. Wyckoff has been absent this week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Gooch, at Otoe agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1884.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn: Though aware of your repeated refusal to become a candidate for any office; and the determination to devote your time to your profession, and although cognizant of the fact that an election and acceptance would involve to a certain extent the sacrifice of personal interests, yet we request and urge that you permit your name to be used in nomination for the position of mayor of Arkansas City, feeling as we do, that in your election, you will represent the whole people regardless of politics, issues, or business, and have only at heart the best interests of the place, and welfare of the citizens.
G. W. Cunningham
A. D. Ayres
R. C. Lent
E. Neff
P. Pearson
M. B. Vawter
S. B. Fleming
O. P. Houghton
W. B. Kirkpatrick
T. McConn
N. T. Snyder
J. G. Hunter
W. D. Mowry
Jno. Kroenert
Chas. H. Searing
L. D. Austin
S. V. Goeden
B. H. Dixon
Jas. Benedict
W. R. Owen
Frank Speers
C. R. Sipes
J. Vawter
E. S. Eddy
C. M. Swarts
W. W. Brown
Ira Barnett
T. H. McLaughlin
J. R. Rogers
F. B. Hutchison
M. Harkins
J. L. Huey
Chas. Hutchison
Cal. Dean
W. S. Thompson
Jas. Ridenour
J. C. Topliff, P. M.
W. E. Gooch
T. L. Wharton
H. P. Farrar
F. W. Farrar
W. M. Sleeth
T. McIntire
C. A. Howard
A. Worthley
Geo. E. Hasie
GENTLEMEN: Your call upon me to allow my name to be used in nomination for mayor of the city, is before me. Coming as it does from representative businessmen of our city, irrespective of party, I assure you of my profound appreciation of the motives that prompted it. And could I, in duty to my private and personal business interests, I should feel bound to accede to your demands, but this I can not do, and must therefore, respectfully decline to become a candidate. Very Respectfully, A. J. PYBURN.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Mr. John Gooch and Mr. Wyckoff came up from Otoe last Saturday. Mrs. Gooch will probably spend several weeks with her parents in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gooch have been in the city a few days, returning to their Territory home today.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1884.
Johnnie Gooch, of Otoe Agency, was in the city this week purchasing goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
Mr. John Gooch and wife arrived in our city from Otoe Agency Monday. Mrs. Gooch will remain in the city for several days visiting her parents.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1884.
Johnnie Gooch, of Otoe Agency, spent a few days in town this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session last Monday, August 4. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; C. G. Thompson, T. Fairclo, and A. A. Davis.
C. G. Thompson was authorized to expend $15 for enlarging the windows in the calaboose, and the mayor was authorized to purchase two balls and chains for the use of prisoners.
C. R. SIPES, Treasurer.
I herewith submit my report of the amount of water tax collected up to August 2, 1884.
Chicago Lumber Co. $5.00
George Hazel [Must mean Hasie] $10.00
E. D. Eddy $3.75
Fairclo Brothers $20.00
Ed. Grady $3.33
George Childers $5.00
H. Godehard $1.25
O. Stevenson $5.00
Stedman Bros. $4.40
E. F. Shindel $5.00
J. B. Nipp $5.00
L. H. Braden $20.00
William Gibby $5.00
Samuel Burress $2.20
Charles Hutchins $2.20
W. E. Gooch $5.00
H. D. Kellogg $2.15
J. A. McIntire $20.00
Pentecost & Lyman $14.00
A. W. Patterson $10.00
Stage company $5.00
F. A. Chambers $5.00
Charles Bryant $6.25
John Love $5.00
J. H. Hilliard $20.00
Hoskins & Neal $5.00
Thompson & Woodin $20.00
A. B. DeBruce $4.75
O. P. Houghton $11.00
W. G. Miller $6.75
TOTAL: $253.18
Ten percent for collection: $25.31
BALANCE: $227,85
Paid City Treasurer: 225.85
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1884.
BIRTH. Born, in this city, on Tuesday, August 26, 1884, to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. T. Gooch, of Otoe Agency, a boy. The lady is staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff, in this city, and we are pleased to say both mother and babe are doing nicely. The attending physician says he can probably save the old man if he succeeds in breaking up the paroxysm of joy, into which this auspicious event plunged him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.
T. H. McLaughlin
Arkansas City Bank
Frank J. Hess
Wm. Sleeth
H. P. Farrar
Landes, Beall & Co.
Sanborn & Gordon
H. Endicott
A. Walton
J. A. McIntyre
I. D. Harkleroad
W. E. Gooch
F. W. Farrar
A. A. Wiley
R. A. Houghton
T. J. Gilbert
A. Campbell
G. W. Cunningham
Schiffbauer Bros.
A. [?] Andrews [Not sure of first initial.]
Fitch & Barron
S. Matlack
J. B. Nipp
A. A. Newman
James Hill
E. H. Parker
T. D. Richardson
Benedict & Owen
D. Warren
J. H. Sherburne
J. N. T. Gooch
Uriah Spray
Theo Fairclo
H. D. Kellogg
Ira Barnett
A. J. Chapel
S. F. George
G. W. Miller
P. F. Endicott
Jamison Vawter
Kimmel & Moore
N. C. Hinkley
L. McLaughlin
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
Mr. John N. T. Gooch, of Otoe Agency, was in our city yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1884.
John Gooch, of Otoe Agency, was up this week on business and pleasure.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Mr. Wyckoff and wife spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Gooch, at Otoe Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1884.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are the real estate transfers of Arkansas City for December 12 to December 19, as reported by Miss Anna Meigs.
S. P. Channell and wife to T. H. McLaughlin and wife to Wyard E. Gooch and wife, 1 1, b 49, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1884.
All Episcopal ladies and gentlemen are requested to meet at the residence of W. E. Gooch tonight.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1884.
The clerks of A. A. Newman & Co.’s dry-goods house presented the firm with a handsome walnut office chair Christmas as a token of their esteem. W. E. Gooch was so fascinated with the comforts the chair afforded him, he refused to go home until a late hour at night. The kind hearted clerks, about 13 in number, also "chipped in" and made Christmas merry for their janitor, presenting him with several fowls for a feast and mitts, comforters, etc., for his children. Indeed, it was a merry Christmas for one and all at Newman & Co.’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Episcopal ladies were overrun, New Year’s afternoon, with visitors, who came to enjoy their hospitality—which is renowned in Arkansas City. The names of the ladies who received were:
Mrs. W. E. Gooch.
Mrs. R. E. Grubbs.
Mrs. Nicholson.
Mrs. M. S. Hasie.
Mrs. Frank Beall.
Mrs. John Landes.
Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Mrs. A. J. Chapel.
Miss Jennie Peterson.
Misses Hasie, Etta Barnett, Mame Stineman, Minnie Stewart.
The names of the principal callers we append below.
Maj. M. S. Hasie.
Mr. Nicholson.
I. H. Bonsall.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg.
T. S. Moorhead.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
A. D. Hawk.
Rev. J. O. Campbell.
J. H. Hilliard.
Chas. Chapel.
Phil. L. Snyder.
Ed. L. Kingsbury.
Lute V. Coombs.
Leavitt Coburn.
Frank M. Grosscup.
Richard L. Howard.
B. E. Grubbs.
S. Matlack.
C. Mead.
John Kroenert.
Sam P. Gould.
Dr. A. J. Chapel.
Wyard E. Gooch.
Dr. G. H. J. Hart.
C. H. Searing.
G. W. Cunningham.
F. P. Schiffbauer.
Charles Schiffbauer.
O. Ingersoll.
Sam Wile.
Al. Levy.
Frank Beall.
C. R. Sipes.
R. C. Multer.
The ladies received royally, and a royal attendance was the result.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The Episcopal people have two of the prettiest sites in the city on which, in the near future, they propose building a church and a parsonage. W. E. Gooch owns them, and says when his church gets ready to build, the building will be there. If they never get ready, the sites will always be vacant.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
There will be a business meeting of the Episcopal society at the residence of Mrs. W. E. Gooch, on Friday evening, January 16. All interested are invited to attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Mrs. Wyckoff is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. N. T. Gooch, at Otoe Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
Mamma Hubbard.
The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
C. H. Searing and wife.
S. Matlack and wife.
H. P. Farrar and wife.
F. W. Farrar and wife.
E. L. McDowell.
W. D. Mowry and wife.
C. C. Sollitt and wife.
J. V. Hull.
Frank Austin and wife.
John Kroenert and wife.
Al Heitkam.
C. O. Harris.
Dr. Westfall and wife.
John B. Walker and wife.
Matt Aldridge and wife.
C. R. Sipes and wife.
John Ingliss.
Will Griffith.
A. A. Newman and wife.
Wyard Gooch and wife.
L. N. Coburn.
A. V. Alexander and wife.
Dr. J. Vawter and wife.
Geo. Schmidt.
J. Landis and wife.
Frank Beall and wife.
C. G. Thompson and wife.
J. H. Hilliard and wife.
Joe Finkleburg.
J. A. McIntyre and wife.
E. L. Kingsbury.
F. K. Grosscup.
A. D. Ayres and wife.
Thos. Kimmel and wife.
Will Moore and wife.
Ivan Robinson.
J. C. Topliff.
Will Thompson.
R. E. Grubbs and wife.
Chas. Schiffbauer and wife.
L. H. Northey.
O. Ingersoll and wife.
Chas. Chapel.
Lute Coombs.
P. L. Snyder.
J. W. Heck and wife.
Frank Thompson.
Sherman Tompson.
W. A. Daniels.
F. B. Willitts.
Jerry Adams.
Sept. Andrews.
Will L. Aldridge.
A. J. Pyburn.
S. B. Reed.
Dr. S. B. Parsons.
Dr. M. B. Vawter.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
Isaac Ochs and wife.
H. Nicholson.
Frank Hutchison.
R. P. Hutchison and wife.
Herman Wyckoff.
F. J. Sweeny and wife.
J. L. Huey and wife.
R. B. Norton.
Chas. Hutchins and wife.
Cal. Dean and wife.
C. M. Scott and wife.
Frank J. Hess and wife.
R. U. Hess.
R. L. Howard and wife.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg and wife.
H. P. Standley and wife.
E. O. Stevenson and wife.
H. H. Perry and wife.
G. W. Cunningham and wife.
J. G. Shelden and wife.
Sam Wyle.
Maj. M. S. Hasie and wife.
Chs. Hilliard.
Tillie Crawford.
J. W. Duncan.
O. H. Fitch.
James Ridenour and wife.
J. R. Rogers and wife.
Tip Davenport and wife.
E. W. Weston, of Wellington, Kansas.
Ed. Cole and wife.
Lafe Tomlin and wife.
Ed. McMullen, of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
J. N. T. Gooch and family, of Otoe Agency, came up to the city Wednesday last. Mrs. Gooch and son will remain here visiting her father and mother for some time. John returned Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Initial steps were taken a week ago last Wednesday for the formation of a musical society, and culminated last Wednesday in the formation of the Beethoven Club. The officers elected are as follows.
Geo. E. Hasie, President.
Mrs. Frank Beall, Vice President.
Mrs. Geo. W. Cunningham, Treasurer.
Stacy Matlack, Secretary.
R. W. Campbell, Librarian.
The following is the constitution and by-laws adopted.
1. The name of the society shall be the Beethoven Club, and be limited to 40 members.
2. The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian, all of whom shall be elected annually by a majority of the members in good standing. There shall also be appointed by the officers of the Club an Executive Committee, which shall serve for one year, unless removed before such time by a majority vote of said officers.
3. The President shall preside at all the deliberations of the society. The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Society. The Treasurer shall take charge of all the funds and pay out same only on bills approved by chairman of Executive Committee. The Librarian shall take charge and safely keep music books and music belonging to the society and have them when needed at the places of rehearsal. The Executive Committee shall have general management of the affairs of the society, and constitute a board of directors with the President and Vice President, who shall be ex-officio members thereof.
1. Any member of the Executive Committee shall receive applications for membership from singers only; and, if approved by a majority of said committee, shall present same at the next meeting of the Club for its action; and it will require a majority of the members present and in good standing to elect anyone to the privileges of the society.
2. The membership fee shall be $1.00, payable in advance, with quarterly dues of 25 cents.
3. Rehearsals will be held from 7:30 to 10.
4. Order of Business: Reading and approval of minutes of last Meeting.
New Business.
5. Members absent for two regular meetings without excuse from Executive Committee will be fined 25 cents; and for an absence extending over four meetings, will be dropped from the roll unless otherwise determined by a vote of the directors.
6. Members two quarterly dues in arrears will be suspended until they can present the Treasurer’s receipt for said dues paid in full.
7. Fifteen members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
8. The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Club.
The executive committee appointed are S. B. Fleming, C. L. Swarts, F. K. Grosscup, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. E. D. Eddy.
The charter members are:
Wm. M. Sleeth.
F. K. Grosscup.
Mrs. Geo. Cunningham.
J. O. Campbell.
Mrs. C. H. Searing.
Mrs. E. A. Barron.
Miss Rosa Morse.
C. L. Swarts.
S. Matlack.
R. W. Campbell.
Mrs. Morse.
Allen Ayres.
Miss Peterson.
S. B. Fleming.
W. D. Mowry.
Ella Love.
Mrs. Allen Ayres.
Mrs. Chas. Howard.
Mrs. N. T. Snyder.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy.
F. B. Hutchison.
Mrs. W. E. Gooch.
Mrs. A. A. Newman.
Mrs. H. P. Farrar.
Mrs. N. S. Martin.
Geo. E. Hasie.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1885.
The Episcopal Fair.
Wednesday evening, at Highland Opera House, the ladies of the Episcopal society gave their fair. To say it was a grand success but faintly expresses it. "It was the grandest aggregation of wonders ever displayed under one dome." By permission a REPUBLICAN representative draws a pencil picture as near life-like as he possibly can.
Just as you enter our beautiful opera hall, you were greeted at the door by E. L. Kingsbury, who scientifically and expeditiously relieved you of ten cents as an admission fee. After this momentary performance, you stand and look, struck with awe at the beautiful things taken in by your vision. The brilliant light given off by the numerous gas jets makes the scene all the more dazzling. The three magnificent booths, clothed in the beautiful white, red, blue, and pink drapery, enchanted one. The beautiful arrangement of the room presented there will long be stored away in the mind’s eye of the writer. Vividly impressed upon our mind, we can never forget it.
You long for a further investigation, and a few steps carry you to the candy booth. Here your "sweet tooth" was replenished by Mrs. R. E. Grubbs and Miss Amy Landes. The booth was neatly arranged, and the many customers were well pleased with the bits of sweetness handed out to them.
Turning to the right from the candy booth, you encounter the Gipsy’s tent. Here Miss Florence Grosscup, the Gipsy Queen, unveiled the black art. The past, the present, and the future was here given you for ten cents; also a true likeness of your future wife for another ten cents. Miss Grosscup is well adapted to the art of necromancy. She foretold wonders, and many a lad’s heart was made light by the Gipsy queen’s prophecies.
From mirth to real, you pass again and behold the fancy booth. Mrs. F. J. Hess and Miss Ora Farrar preside over the beautiful collection of fancy work. The articles for sale ranged at various figures, and if your pocket-book was not "busted" and your arm loaded ere you turned to take a chance on the Owl clock, it was not the fault of the presiding ladies.
Near by this booth was a stand where for ten cents you were allowed to guess the number of beans in a jar. Miss Anna Meigs took your name, guess, and money, and the large number of guesses she recorded, 70 in number, testified to her willingness to accommodate you. Charles Chapel was the best guesser. There were 1,403 beans in the jar and Charlie guessed 1,500.
From the guessing stand your steps are directed to the elegant hand-painted satin bedspread and shams. Over 150 chances were taken on these. Will McConn was the winner. They were the most beautiful articles on exhibition. Since the drawing our heart has been sad on account of our ill-luck, but we have consoled ourselves with the thought, "tis better to be born good looking than lucky."
Dr. Parsons received the fine cake as his guess was the nearest to the weight, and W. E. Gooch was voted the handsome dressing-gown, as he was decided to be the most popular gentleman.
At the art booth Mrs. H. P. Farrar and Mrs. W. E. Gooch presided. This booth had many designs of art. The most notable were those painted by Mrs. Frank Beall, Mrs. W. E. Gooch, and Miss Nellie Hasie.
Under Cleveland’s reign, Miss Mamie Steinman had been appointed postmistress, and she reigned supreme in P. O. in the corner. Stamps were high: 10 cents for one letter, but there were quite a number who invested.
By this time you became thirsty, and turning to depart, you meet Rebecca at the Well, who insisted that you should take lemonade. Miss Linda Christian was Rebecca; consequently, a large number of the lads were thirsty quite frequently.
With this walk among such a large aggregation of wonders, one was apt to get hungry. The ladies were not unmindful of the wants of the inner man. For upon the stage they had furnished refreshments.
Before leaving the hall to finish up the evening’s entertainment (and your pocket-book), you must try your luck at fishing. Ivan Robinson can tell you more about the fish caught than anybody else. He invested, and now he has certain wearing apparel he does not need yet awhile. Misses Nellie Nash and Etta Barnett were the mermaids of the pond.
This is the entertainment as we saw it. It was a grand success. The proceeds amount to over $300, and undoubtedly was the largest amount of money ever realized from a church fair. The ladies were over six weeks making preparations and the REPUBLICAN is glad to say their efforts were crowned with success.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
Episcopal Fair.
Last Wednesday night the ladies of the Episcopal Guild Society held the most successful and enjoyable entertainment of the season, in Highland Hall. For many days the ladies had been making extensive preparations, and the result of their labors was most surprising. Certainly, never before, were so many tasty and beautiful articles of fancy work, art, and culinary skill arranged in so small a space. The principal attractions were the candy booth, presided over by Mrs. R. E. Grubbs and Amy Landes; the Gipsy tent, Miss Grosscup, soothsayer; the fancy booth, with Mrs. F. J. Hess and Miss Ora Farrar; the art booth, Mrs. H. P. Farrar and Mrs. W. E. Gooch controlling; the post office, Miss Mame Steinman, postmistress; and many other things altogether too numerous to mention. The $100 silk, hand-painted quilt was drawn by Mrs. Will V. McConn; the cake was awarded to Dr. S. B. Parsons; the dressing gown to W. E. Gooch, and to all a grand, glorious good time. The net proceeds were something near $200.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
J. N. T. Gooch, of Otoe, was in the city yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
LOST. From the residence of W. E. Gooch, on Friday evening, a mocking bird. The finder will be suitably rewarded. Apply at the TRAVELER office.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1885.
Mrs. Wyatt Gooch leaves today for Weld, Maine, to visit relatives. She was accompanied by Earl and Albert Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Mrs. Wyard Gooch returned on Monday from a visit to her former home in Maine. We regret to hear that the lady suffered from chills during her absence, thus her visit was not as beneficial as was expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Wyard Gooch came into our sanctum on Saturday with a curious animal ensconced in a tin-pail, which he calls a water-dog. It is of the lizard species, shaped like a chameleon, only flatter in the body, brown in color with yellow stripes. Its length, about nine inches. He captured the little animal while working in his garden, and carried it to E. D. Eddy, to preserve in spirits.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1885.
Mrs. Wyatt Gooch, who has been visiting in Maine, arrived home Monday noon.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gooch of Otoe Agency, Indian Territory, came up to the Terminus on a visit to friends and relatives.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Johnny Gooch, the rustling Otoe trader, paid a flying visit to town last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hilliard were surprised by a very pleasant party last evening. They were spending the evening very pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. Powell and Miss Laura King, relations of Mrs. Hilliard, from Chicago, when the party took them by storm. Those invited were Messrs. Philip Snyder, Will Daniels, Chas. Mead, Herman Wycoff, Charlie Chapel; Misses Mollie and Linda Christian, Clark and Cora Thompson, Jessie Miller, Lucy Walton, Fannie Cunningham, Minnie Stewart; Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Gooch; Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Topliff, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Worthley, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Grubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Landes, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham, and Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 30, 1885.
Agent Osborne, of Ponca, and John D. Gooch, the trader at Otoe, were in town yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1885.
Wednesday afternoon, in fraternity hall, mugwump Democracy held their primary pow wow. Friends, it was astonishing what a select crowd was in attendance. Just cast your eye on the following array of talent, which goes to the county convention today.
M. B. Vawter and Judge McIntire were chosen delegates from the first ward; Austin Bailey and Dr. Westfall, alternates. In the second ward, Ex-Street Commissioner Jim Moore and Dr. J. W. Sparks were made delegates and Pat Franey and Tom Braggins, alternates. The third ward, Jas. Benedict and J. M. Collins were denominated delegates, and Wyatt Gooch and E. Elerding, alternates. Fourth ward: Delegates, D. A. McIntire and Hon. E. C. Gage; alternates, John C. Willoughby and Capt. H. M. Maidt. Billy Gray and G. W. Ford were made delegates at large and C. T. Thurston and D. J. Buckley, alternates. Judge McIntire was chairman of the meeting and Edward C. Gage, secretary. A new departure was made in the convention. The delegates were left uninstructed. How are they to vote intelligently?
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1885.
The Episcopal Social.
Last Tuesday evening the ladies of the Episcopal Church gave one of their inimitable entertainments. It occurred in the upper rooms of the Chapel-Bishop block. Dancing, card-playing, and other games afforded the past-time of the evening. As early as 7:30 o’clock the guests began to assemble, and an hour from that time 75 couples had arrived to participate in the festivities of the evening. The visitors were received in the parlors of Mrs. Dr. A. J. Chapel and then allowed to roam through all the rooms of the entire block, which were brilliantly lighted up. Hospitable Mrs. E. L. Kingsbury threw open the doors of the rooms of her home and allowed the many guests the privilege of using them. Mr. Kingsbury extended his gymnasium to the enjoyment of the occasion, which was quite a treat to the ladies as well as gentlemen. Mrs. H. O. Meigs proved, by the handling of the 25 pound dumbbells, that she possessed more strength than any other lady present. Mrs. W. E. Gooch also proved that she possessed a well developed muscle. Supper was served between 10 and 11 o’clock and everything that was good was given to the guests to eat. Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Sipes, and other ladies allowed no one to go away without eating their fill. Three large and well-lighted rooms were utilized by the terpsichorean disciples; three to serve the supper in, and three for social converse.
Everyone present had a grand time, and all expressed the opinion that the sociable was the best that has been held in Arkansas City for any age. Prudishness was done away with, and sociability was substituted. The ladies of the Episcopal Church understand the art of entertaining, beyond a doubt.
The proceeds netted from the evening’s entertainment was $30.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
In accordance with a notice to that effect, a meeting was held in Masonic Hall Wednesday evening for the purpose of instituting a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, Past Grand Master, Wm. Cowgill, presiding. Mrs. Linnie A. Thompson was chosen Worthy Matron; Jas. Ridenour, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Matilda Bird, Worthy Associate Matron; Mrs. Mary Hess, Secretary; and Mrs. Hattie Gooch, Treasurer. After several votes on a name, it was decided to call it "Myrtle Chapter."
The Worthy Matron then appointed the following officers.
Conductor, Cornelius Chapel.
Associate Conductor, Etta Kingsbury.
Warden, Minnie Huey.
Laura Chinn, Adah.
Olive Mantor, Ruth.
Eva Woodin, Esther.
May Newman, Martha.
Elected, Maggie Pickering.
Sentinel, H. Endicott.
On motion it was decided to hold the regular meetings of this chapter on the second Wednesday of each month. There were 62 charter members. After remarks by Bros. Cowgill and Bonsall, the chapter was closed to meet on Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
John T. Gooch, the rustling trader at Otoe, was in town the beginning of the week, and reports everything serene in his diocese.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1885.
Our friend and subscriber, Wm. Gooch, from over near Otto P. O., has moved to Latham on the K. C. & S. W. Road up in Butler County.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1886.
Johnnie Gooch, the rustling trader at Otoe Agency, came up to the city Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.
Johnny Gooch, the rustling trader at Otoe, came to town on Tuesday, and remained with us two days.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1886.
Saturday last a dispatch was received by R. A. Houghton, apprizing him of the death of his mother, who resides in Maine. A few days previous a message had been received stating that Mrs. Houghton was very sick, and her daughter, Mrs. Wyatt Gooch, and son, T. K. Houghton, had immediately started for her bedside. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. Wyatt Gooch, R. A. Houghton, and T. K. Houghton. The death was unexpected and is a sad blow to the children.
[NOTE: This means R. A. and T. K. Houghton were brothers of Mrs. A. A. Newman and Mrs. Wyatt Gooch. Still unknown: Relationship of O. P. Houghton.]
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Johnny Gooch appeared on the streets several days last week, and set out for Otoe on Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
Farewell Reception.
On Monday, Mrs. E. D. Eddy gave a farewell reception to Mrs. Walton, mother to Mrs. Stacy Matlack and Mrs. Topliff, who will leave the city for her home in Maryland, next Tuesday. This estimable lady has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Matlack through the winter. Those present at the festivity were Mesdames Walton, S. Matlack, Topliff, Searing, Newman, Wyard Gooch, Carrie Morse, E. Sherburne (mother to Mrs. Eddy), Joseph H. Sherburne, and Frederic Lockley. Invitations were sent to several other ladies, who were probably deterred from attending on account of the inclement weather. A pleasant afternoon was spent, and in the evening an elegant repast was served. On separating the guest of the evening received the warmest assurances of esteem and friendship from all present, and her departure will be regretted by all within her social circle.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1886.
Mrs. Wyatt Gooch, and Theoron Houghton accompanied by their aged father, Sewell Houghton, came in from Maine Friday. Mr. Houghton will make his home with his children here.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1886.
"What Might Have Been."
No one person realizes the full meaning of the above words better than Dr. H. D. Kellogg. Some four or five years ago, he was the proud possessor of 160 acres of land across the canal. Four years ago he sold to Wyatt Gooch 55 acres at $10 per acre. He disposed of the remainder of the quarter section to different parties and received for it, all told, $2,200. D. G. Wetmore sold a few days since to F. W. Farrar and others 45 acres of the quarter for $10,000. Wm. Gibby sold 60 acres of it for $10,500; L. W. Currier sold two acres for $1,500; Jacob Shibley 4 acres for $2,700. Mr. Gooch retains his 55 acres and it could not be bought for $200 per acre. That quarter section of land which four years ago sold for $2,200 has since brought in the neighborhood of $50,000. A profit of $48,000 in Arkansas City real estate on a $2,200 investment in four years is pretty good as a kind of an outside speculation, you know.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Ladies Guild held an enthusiastic meeting Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. R. F. Fitzpatrick. These ladies are among the most persistent and energetic in working for their church of any in the city. The same spirit that has imbued so many of us to action lately has seemed to awaken them to a new interest in the work before them and they are now determined to push rapidly forward the matter of securing both a rector and a church edifice. Realizing this to be a necessity, not only for themselves as an organized body, but the numerous other Episcopalians who are attending other places of worship, or none at all, for want of their own church services. Already a sufficient number of lots have been kindly donated for the church site by Messrs. Gooch and Hess. Every movement of this society is warmly seconded by that most faithful and earnest friend, the good Bishop Vail, whom everyone of whatever denomination knows but to respect. That these ladies will be successful in their undertaking cannot but be the wish of every true Christian.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Please remember that the Ladies Guild Society will meet next Wednesday evening at the residence of W. E. Gooch at 7:30.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The Ladies Guild will meet with Mrs. Shindle next Wednesday, the 16th, at the usual hour, 7 p.m., instead of with Mrs. Gooch as stated in yesterday’s daily. It is hoped that all ladies interested in the working of this society, and not already members of it, will attend for the purpose of becoming such.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
E. B. Parker and two sons, Charles and Al, will leave next Tuesday to make a ramble over western Kansas. Chas. Parker has sold his business lot to Wyatt Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Peter Wyckoff informs us that he obtained what he went to Washington after. He will succeed his son-in-law, John Gooch, as Indian trader at Otoe Agency. Mr. Wyckoff met our senator, J. J. Ingalls, and had quite a chat with him. He also shook hands with Grover and his wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The Ladies’ Guild will meet with Mrs. Wyard Gooch next Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Today Judge Kreamer’s court has been grinding on the whiskey trial of John Carter. The jury, composed of Gardner Mott, D. Weir, O. B. Dix, S. P. Gould, W. E. Curtis, Albert Worthley, Wyard Gooch, C. H. Searing, E. L. Kingsbury, T. VanFleet, and W. Van Sickle, was impaneled this morning. Some 20 witnesses had been examined up to the hour of our going to press.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Ben Cooper was badly injured this morning by his horse rearing up and falling backward on him. The accident occurred down near the State Line. He was brought up by friends to the residence of Wyard Gooch, where Dr. Mitchell attended him. It is thought there are no serious internal injuries. No bones were broken. Mr. Cooper had gone to meet Mr. Sherburne and assist him in driving his cattle up in the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Johnnie Gooch has purchased an interest in the business of Wyckoff & Son of this city. The firm name is now Wyckoff, Gooch & Co. Mr. Gooch will remove here from the Territory shortly. The fact that Mr. Gooch is combining his capital, ability, and business experience with that of Messrs. Wyckoff & Son will enhance the standing of the firm. Peter Wyckoff, who has recently been licensed trader at Otoe Agency, will superintend his business there.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Enos Kuhlman has accepted a position with Wyckoff, Gooch & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wyckoff left this morning for Otoe Agency, Indian Territory, where they will make their home in the future. Herman goes there to take charge of his father’s trading post. Johnnie Gooch and family will return to this city immediately. They are remodeling their residence in the 3rd ward now, getting it ready for occupancy.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Herman Wyckoff and wife left town last week to take up their abode at Red Rock, Indian Territory. Herman will take charge of the trader’s store there, his father having a license to trade with the Otoes; and the former trader, J. N. T. Gooch, has removed to this city with his family, to assume his duties in the grocery house of Wyckoff, Gooch & Co. Johnnie is a rustler, and will be a useful addition to our mercantile community.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Wyckoff, Gooch & Co., have started out with renewed energy since organizing the new firm, and in the race for business pre-eminence they intend to take no man’s dust.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Farmers Review, published at Bonham, Texas, has this to day of the inventive genius of a brother of Wyard Gooch, of this city.
"Our townsman, A. Gooch, has received letters patent on his new reinholder, and is now making arrangements to have them manufactured. This invention is one of the neatest things out. It is arranged so that it can be fastened to the front end of the wagon bed, and in an instant the team can be securely reined. It must be seen to be appreciated."
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
The delivery team of Geo. E. Hasie & Co., ran away last evening about supper time. Without any apparent cause, one of the animals began kicking when opposite U. Spray’s house, causing the other one to start on a run. The wagon was upset and Montague Hasie, the driver, was thrown to the ground with considerable force. His ankle was quite badly injured. The horses ran around until brought up near the residence of Wyard Gooch, where they became entangled in a wire fence. One of the animals was badly cut by the wire. Groceries were scattered promiscuously all along the route.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Thursday Wm. Gooch tore down, boxed up, and shipped his blacksmith shop to Arkansas City, where he will locate for the present at least. Latham Signal.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
I desire herewith to express my heart full gratitude and sincere thanks to the many friends who ministered so kindly and tenderly in my sore bereavement in the death of my beloved wife, and also to the community generally for the tender regard shown in this my greatest earthly affliction and loss. WYARD E. GOOCH.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
A Great Woman Gone.
DIED. Our community was greatly pained on Saturday morning to learn of the death of Harriet H., wife of Wyard E. Gooch. The deceased lady was on the street the day preceding in her customary health, and retired to bed with no premonition of her approaching doom. But at 10 o’clock she was seized with nausea and vomiting, and Dr. Acker was summoned, who administered remedies. The paroxysm abated after awhile, and she fell into a slumber. Friends came promptly to her aid; her sister, Mrs. A. A. Newman taking her place by the sufferer’s bedside. Later in the night, her nausea returned and she suffered severely from the straining it produced. Palliatives were again administered, which afforded relief, and the patient sank into unconsciousness from exhaustion. Her sister, feeling the sick woman’s hands growing cold, inquired if she was warm enough. A frank affirmative was given in reply, and then she relapsed into a comatose condition, from which she could not be aroused. At 5 o’clock she breathed her last.
Mrs. Gooch was extensively related in town, being a sister to R. A. Houghton, Thereon H. Houghton, and Mrs. A. A. Newman; O. P. Houghton is also a family connection. Her friends numbered all of our early city population, and many later residents; her ingenuousness and vivacity in her unmarried days rendering her company attractive; and the sterling womanly qualities developed during her married life, endearing her to all who came within her path. This sudden bereavement falls with crushing weight on her husband, whose household was adorned with a true and loving wife, and a delightful friend and companion. The sincere, but unavailing sympathy of hosts of friends remains with him in this hour of trial and desolation.
The funeral services were held in the First Presbyterian Church at 2 o’clock p.m., the day following, Rev. S. B. Fleming preaching the funeral discourse, assisted by the city clergy. The music, which was very appropriate, and beautiful, being furnished by the Episcopal choir. The chancel was tastefully decorated with elaborate floral designs. All the city seemed to turn out to pay respect to the dead, the attendance being much too large for the capacity of the building. The last sad view of the remains being taken by the relatives and friends, the body was replaced in the hearse, and the cortege, which extended half a mile, was formed. The interment was made in Riverview Cemetery; and many a weeping eye surrounded the grave of that most exquisite of nature’s handiwork, a good woman.
Arkansas City Traveler. December 4, 1886,
Sad was the news which came to us early this morning. It was the announcement of the death of Mrs. Hattie Gooch, wife of Wyard W. Gooch. At first it could scarcely be credited by friends. The shock was so sudden and unexpected that it was almost impossible to realize that one so well known in the city and so universally esteemed should be sent across the "Dark River, into Eternity," without a moment’s warning. This sad event again forces into our mind the old proverb that "In the midst of life we are in death.:" It was but last evening that the writer saw the deceased upon our streets, apparently enjoying the best of health. Twenty—four hours later she lies a corpse in her earthly home in this city; her soul having parted to that "bourne from which no traveler returns" hours before.
The circumstances attending her death, as near as we can ascertain, are as follows: Last evening she was taken sick at about 9 o’clock, having a slight attack of vomiting. About 10 o’clock Mr. Gooch came home from the store and he immediately returned to town and secured a physician, who administered her medicine and afforded relief. The physician left, and the deceased rested well until about 2 o’clock this morning, when she was again taken with vomiting. The physician was again summoned, and ere he arrived she was in a comatose condition. It was impossible to arouse her and at 5 o’clock, three hours later, her demise occurred. Heart trouble was the cause which led to her death
Mrs. Gooch was born in Weld, Maine, June 15, 1850, and consequently at the time of her death was 30 years of age. In her girlhood days she united with the Congregational Church at Weld. In December, 1872, she came to Arkansas City, which has been her home until death claimed her as his victim. She was united in marriage to Wyard W. Gooch, February 4, 1880, in this city. No children have been born to them.
The deceased was a sister of T. R. and R. A. Houghton, and Mrs. A. A. Newman. To them, the bereaved husband and other relatives, the friends and acquaintances extend them, in this, their hour of affliction, their heartfelt sympathy. The funeral services will occur tomorrow afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church, at 2 o’clock. Rev. S. B. Fleming will pronounce the funeral sermon. The remains will be interred in Riverview Cemetery.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
Frank K. Grosscup came in from Lawrence Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
A meeting of gentlemen interested in the Episcopal Society in this city, was held at the office of F. J. Hess, on Monday evening of this week. Rev. Adams of Wichita was present by invitation. It was decided as a preliminary step toward the building of a church, to call a clergyman to locate here and take charge of the parish, those present signing a guarantee of his salary for the year. Much unity of feeling and enthusiasm was developed, and it is the intention of the members of the parish to erect a house of worship that shall be the pride of all good citizens, of whatever faith. In the meantime W. E. Gooch has in charge the engaging of a temporary place in which services can be held.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The firm of A. A. Newman & Co., consisting of A. A. Newman, W. E. Gooch, and J. R. L. Adams, have dissolved partnership and established the Newman Dry Goods company. The new firm consists of L. J. Miles and G. W. Kelly in addition to those mentioned above. Last evening the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year.
A. A. Newman, president.
L. J. Miles, vice president.
W. E. Gooch, secretary.
J. R. L. Adams, treasurer.
The capital stock of the company is $50,000, all paid up. The Newman Dry Goods company will be the advance of any similar institution in Kansas. The company is greatly strengthened by the new members, and its popularity will be greater than the former firm, if such could be possible.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing between A. A. Newman, W. E. Gooch, and J. R. L. Adams, under the firm name of A. A. Newman & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. In future the business will be carried on by a joint stock company under the name of The Newman Dry Goods Co. All accounts due the firm of A. A. Newman & Co., must be settled at once.
Arkansas City, March 1, 1887.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Al Gooch, of Bonham, Texas, is visiting in the city. He is a brother of W. E. Gooch. Although he has been told considerably of our booming town, he was not prepared to see such a thrifty and prosperous one.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
H. Gooch, of Bonham, Texas, who is visiting in the city, in conversation with the writer informed him that in coming to Arkansas City he stopped in Winfield for a few hours. It reminded him of the "deserted village." The county seat was lifeless. There was no stir on the streets; but on coming to Arkansas City he found our business streets crowded with people. Everything was on the move. Mr. Gooch compared Arkansas City and Winfield with Denison and Sherman, Texas. Arkansas City was the Denison. Seventeen years ago Mr. Gooch was in Arkansas City. There was nothing here then but a sand knob. Time has changed it to a city of 7,000 people. Mr. Gooch will remain in the city several days, and will make some real estate purchases.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Wyard Gooch, we are told, was offered this morning $100,000 for his 55 acre addition south of the city. Oh, no, Sand-hill real estate is not valuable.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Ward Convention.
Last evening the voters of the four wards of the city held their convention for the purpose of making nominations. The following is the result.
About 100 voters assembled at the brick school building, several ladies being among the number. The meeting was called to order by Jas. Hill. Geo. Sudborough was elected chairman and Prof. Weir secretary.
Five delegates (Jas. Hill, Frank Austin, J. C. Weir, Dr. Westfall, and F. M. Peak) were elected to attend the city delegate convention when held. They were instructed for Jas. L. Huey for mayor, for Jacob Haight for police judge, for D. Baxter for justice of peace, for Johnnie Breene for constable, for Chas. Sipes for city treasurer, and for Wyard Gooch for treasurer of school board. Maj. L. Miles was nominated for councilman and R. B. Norton for member of school board. On motion meeting adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The delegates chosen from the wards Monday night met last evening in Wm. Jenkins’ office and nominated the following ticket: for Mayor, J. L. Huey; for Police Judge, Jacob Haight; City Treasurer, C. R. Sipes; Treasurer of School Board, Wyard Gooch; Justice of the Peace, Geo. Sudborough; and for constable, A. Provost. The number of delegates was reduced to three from each ward, so all would be entitled to the same number of votes.