Goodrich Family


  Lafe B. Goodrich.

Lafe Goodrich is not listed in the February 1870 census of Cowley County.
The June 1870 Federal census of Creswell township lists L.B, age 22 and born in New York, and his brother A., age 16 and born in New York.
A letter from T.A. Wilkinson dated June 3, 1870 states “Mr. Goodrich hopes to complete his store the coming week. He tells me he has a thousand dollar stock ready packed in Emporia, and is only waiting to complete his building when he will have them sent down.”

The Ninnescah township census of 1872 lists; D. F. Goodrich, age 56, and his wife D. A., age 40; L. B., age 24, and his wife Amelia, age 21; and a female Elizabeth, age 24. The 1874 census lists Albert C., age 1, L. B., age 26, and Elizabeth, age 27. The 1880 census lists L. B., age 31, and his wife Elizabeth, age 31.
The Pleasant Valley township census of 1881 lists Anson Goodrich, age 38.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885. THE CANAL CITY AS SHE WAS. The second store that was started was in the old log shanty just north of Bonsall’s photograph gallery, and which was torn down last summer. Lafe Goodrich, now farming in Ninnesch [? Ninnescah ?], was the proprietor of this, an extensive grocery store. At the end of 1870 there were about 250 people here. At the end of 1871, about 300, near which number it stayed for several years.
Lafe Goodrich served jury duty in 1872.
R. P.Goodrich was in Spring Creek township in 1874. His obit is in the Traveler of 2-12-1888.
TRAVELER, APRIL 3, 1877. DIED. On the 28th inst., Albert G., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Goodrich. Age 3 years and 8 months.
MARRIED. At Winfield, March 19, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Rev. David Thomas to Mrs. Julia G. Goodrich, all of Cowley county.
COURIER, AUGUST 29, 1878.E. A. Goodrich and wife to Wm. R. Carie, se 21, 34, 6; 160 acres, $1,000.
SEELEY, KAS, Oct. 29, 1881.
We, the veterans and old soldiers of the late war, met at Seeley for the purpose of organizing a company to attend the Regimental Drill at Winfield Nov. 12th, 1881. The following officers were elected.
Captain:  A. A. Jackson.
1st Lieutenant:  H. H. Martin.
2nd Lieutenant:  G. S. Cole.
1st Sergeant:  D. W. Pierce.
2nd Sergeant:  Jeff Hammond.
3rd Sergeant:  Henry Reidell.
4th Sergeant:  H. H. Crick.
5th Sergeant:  Jacob Woolgamott.
1st Corporal:  J. A. Hood.

2nd Corporal:  Will Ratliff.
3rd Corporal:  L. B. Goodrich.