Goodrich Family


[Note: I was unable to transfer from “html” the Goodrich Family, which was quite extensive. Listed below is only one of the people by the name of Goodrich. MAW 2003]
For other members it will be necessary to go to Dr. Bottorff’s web site.
Two other prominent members of Goodrich family: R. P. Goodrich and E. A. Goodrich.
  Lafe B. Goodrich.
Lafe Goodrich is not listed in the February 1870 census of Cowley County.
The June 1870 Federal census of Creswell township lists L. B., age 22, born in New York, and his brother. A., age 16, born in New York.
The Ninnescah township census of 1872 lists D. F. Goodrich, age 56, and his wife, D. A., age 40; L. B., age 24, and his wife Amelia, age 21; and a female, Elizabeth, age 24. The 1874 census lists Albert C., age 1, L. B., age 26, and Elizabeth, age 27. The 1880 census lists L. B., age 31, and his wife Elizabeth, age 31.
The Pleasant Valley township census of 1881 lists Anson Goodrich, age 38.
The 1882 Ninnescah Township census shows L. B. Goodrich, 33; spouse, Elizabeth, 33.
There was also a gentleman by the name of “R. P. Goodrich,” who was located in Spring Creek Township in 1874. His obituary was printed in the February 12, 1888, issue of the Arkansas City Traveler.
[Article written in 1885 looking back at 1870.]
A Marvel of Growth, Energy, Enterprise, and Stick-to-itive-ness.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
In the year 1870 a band of men formed the idea of starting a town where Arkansas City now is. To think was to act! Surveying was commenced in March and the plat recorded in April, a town company was organized and everything on a boom, all in the period of three months. Why this site was chosen, being as it was 125 miles from one place in one direction and 500 in the other, might seem a mystery to many who have never been here. To the founders of this city, it was not, however. The selection of the site was made on the exercise of their best judgment, assisted by solid horse sense. A comparison of this whole country, any part of which they could have chosen, satisfied them the site they selected was the best for health, for beauty of location, for safety, and for growth. Experience has justified their decision.
Capt. Norton, one of the town company, built the first house and established the first store on the block now occupied by the elegant residences of Messrs. Childs, Kroenert, and Hasie. He had everything a man or woman could desire, from a dress button to a side of a hog. The city was laid out to be built as it was built. Summit street was intended to be the business street, as it is.
The second store that was started was in the old log shanty just north of Bonsall’s photograph gallery, and which was torn down last summer.

Lafe Goodrich, now farming in Ninnescah, was the proprietor of this, an extensive grocery store. At the end of 1870 there were about 250 people here. At the end of 1871, about 300, near which number it stayed for several years. The first doctor who located permanently was Dr. Hughes, and the first minister was Rev. B. C. Swarts.

Emporia News, April 8, 870.
  [Written for THE NEWS.]
This town is situated on the Arkansas River, twelve miles above its intersection by the State line; said intersection being two and three-fourths miles below the mouth of the Grouse. The Walnut enters the Arkansas at Creswell, and the valleys of other streams on the south side of the Arkansas converge at this point, making it the natural center of business and population for Cowley County.
Creswell is named as a point upon four chartered lines of railroad, viz: The Walnut Valley Branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road; the Preston, Salina & Denver road; the Emporia & Holden road; and the Arkansas Valley, or Forth Smith & Hays City road. It is also confidently expected that this will be the point of crossing for the Fort Scott & Santa Fe road. The Legislature, at its recent session, ordered the immediate survey of a State road, by the most direct route, from Emporia to Creswell.
The company have determined to spare no expense or effort to make Creswell the metropolis of the Arkansas Valley. The following are among the enterprises already inaugurated.
L. B. Goodrich, of Emporia, is now at work erecting a feed and livery stable.
Excerpts from T. A. Wilkinson letter from Creswell...
Walnut Valley Times, June 3, 1870.
Stores are being erected by parties who fully appreciate the importance of our location, and who mean business. Capt. Norton has a store well stocked with groceries, dry goods, and provisions, and is having a brisk trade.
Mr. Bowen has the lumber on hand for another grocery store, and Mr. Goodrich hopes to complete his store the coming week. He tells me he has a thousand dollar stock ready packed in Emporia, and is only waiting to complete his building when he will have them sent down.
Letter from Prof. Norton...
The Commonwealth, June 24, 1870.
ARKANSAS CITY, (CRESWELL) Ks., June 15th, 1870.
Your recent correspondence from this county is hardly complete or correct in its statements. The letter from Winfield stating that this town was chosen county seat by “a vote of two to one over its ambitious little rival, Cresswell,” is certainly wonderfully cool in its suppressions and mis-statements.
In the first place as to the “little.” Arkansas City has now the following places of business in actual operation: Norton & Co.’s store, general stock; L. B. Goodrich’s store, groceries and clothing; E. D. Bowen’s, general assortment; C. Sipes, a fine and complete stock of hardware; four stores in all. In addition, J. C. Eskridge, a brother to the lieutenant governor, has completed a building for a boot and shoe store, and his stock will probably be opened before this reaches you.
Excerpt from letter written by Max F. Fawcett...
Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

ARKANSAS CITY, June 14th, 1870.
Our four merchants are doing a staying business. C. R. Sipes tells me that he sells four times as much as he expected when he commenced, and our other merchants, Norton, Bowen, and Goodrich, are not behind him in sales, and all sell at reasonable rates, nearly or quite, and sometimes below, El Dorado prices. Our carpenters are all busy. Messrs. Channell, Smith, and Thomson [Thompson], carpenters, have just finished a neat, roomy cabinet shop, and are running a lumber yard in connection with their other business. Channell starts for Emporia tomorrow for the purpose of bringing back his better half.
Excerpt from letter written by T. A. Wilkinson...
Emporia News, September 2, 1870.
Arkansas City, July 31, 1870.
Our principal hotel, Mr. Woolsey, proprietor, is doing a flourishing business. We also have a good-sized boarding house with daily increasing patronage; a hardware store by Mr. C. R. Sipes, a young gentleman noted for promptness in business, and whose general address is candid and right to the point. Mr. Bowen has a very good stock of groceries and provisions; and bids fair to come out a successful merchant as the town advances. Mr. Goodrich has a general assortment of dry goods, groceries, and ready made clothing, and no one who goes there to trade comes away dissatisfied with either price or quality of goods. Capt. Norton and brother still hold forth at their old stand, but soon intend to move into a large and commodious building on Summit street. The increase in the number of stores has not diminished their custom because the influx of immigration more than keeps up the demand, and their sales, which have been heavy from the first, are constantly on the increase.
Emporia News, September 23, 1870.
For Sale. One five acre lot in Goodrich’s addition to the town of Emporia. Lot fenced and broke, and one hundred apple trees set out last spring. A splendid chance for Market Gardening. Will be sold cheap, partly on time if desired.
Inquire of T. H. McLaughlin, at Newman & Bros. store.
[Note: Originally the town and river were spelled “Ninneskah” or “Neneskah.” This was changed in time to “Ninnescah.”]
The following was written by a Commonwealth correspondent, “L. B. W.”
The Arkansas River. Cowley County. The New Town of Ninneskah.
The Commonwealth, April 20, 1871.
[Correspondence to the Commonwealth.]

Perhaps some of your readers will be benefitted by the knowledge of our part of the thirty-mile strip, known as the “Osage Diminished Reserve,” now in the market to actual settlers only. I am writing from the town of Ninneskah, situate on the western edge of Cowley County, on the Arkansas river, opposite the mouth of the Ninneskah river. The town is yet in its infancy, but boasts of a good hotel, post office, two grocery stores, one drug store, one shoe shop, and a lumber yard. A saw mill is on the way for this place, which will give the place a new impetus. A good dry goods store is among the things most needed. W. A. Parks, of Lyndon, is starting a wagon shop, and J. A. Churchill a hardware and tin store. L. B. Goodrich is extending his large building forty feet. A corresponding stock of dry goods and groceries will be on hand before the building is ready to receive them. Chadwick Bro.’s livery stable will soon supply all wants in that line. Wells & Metcalf, blacksmiths, will save farmers much trouble as soon as their outfit is placed in position. Romine’s shingle machine is now ready to furnish parties wishing to build with a superior quality of cut shingles. Town lots are still given away to parties building thereon. The surveying party from Thayer will reach here tomorrow. We are so situated that we cannot miss a railroad up the Arkansas Valley. No place in Kansas offers greater inducements to persons wishing to start in a new place than this new town of Ninneskah. The surrounding country presents a gentle undulating surface, and not a quarter section within a radius of ten miles but will admit of cultivation. The soil is a warm, sandy loam, varying in depth from two to seven feet. Of its productiveness, its luxuriant crop of grass, both last year and the present, testifies in too strong terms to admit of doubt. Of timber we have a liberal share, while numerous streams and springs furnish a never failing supply of water. Nowhere have I seen a new country settle with a more enterprising, honest, industrious class than there is on thirty mile strip. The passage of the herd law gives all a chance to raise a crop the present season and a glorious opportunity of hedging their farms the next. I hope everyone moving into this country will not fail to bring a stock of fruit trees.
Both soil and climate are especially adapted by nature and nature’s God for the culture of all kinds of fruit. Let all look to it. I know no country that can compare with this for soil, climate, health, society; indeed all natural advantages. Men of limited means are wasting both time and money by the delay. L. B. W. April 12.
[Board of County Commissioners Meet June 27, 1871.]
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Petition of L. B. Goodrich and others for the sale of school lands was laid over until next meeting of the Board.
Commissioners Proceedings.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
L. B. Goodrich received the following for serving as juror: $4.60.
Commissioners Proceedings April 16, 1874.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
L. Goodrich served as a “Clerk of Election” for which he was paid $2.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
DIED. On the 28th inst., Albert G., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Goodrich. Age 3 years and 8 months.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
The following is a list of jurors drawn for the May term of District Court in Cowley County. Court convenes May 7th.
    Listed: L. B. Goodrich, Nennescah.

Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in special session. All the board present, with James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings had the following jury and election fees were presented and allowed.
Juror: L. B. Goodrich, $20.30.
Among other proceedings had, the Board allowed the following claims for election services. One of those who was paid: L. Goodrich.
MARRIED. At Winfield, March 19, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Rev. David Thomas to Mrs. Julia G. Goodrich, all of Cowley county.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
SEELEY, KAS, Oct. 29, 1881.
We, the veterans and old soldiers of the late war, met at Seeley for the purpose of organizing a company to attend the Regimental Drill at Winfield Nov. 12th, 1881. The following officers were elected.
Captain:  A. A. Jackson.
1st Lieutenant:  H. H. Martin.
2nd Lieutenant:  G. S. Cole.
1st Sergeant:  D. W. Pierce.
2nd Sergeant:  Jeff Hammond.
3rd Sergeant:  Henry Reidell.
4th Sergeant:  H. H. Crick.
5th Sergeant:  Jacob Woolgamott.
1st Corporal:  J. A. Hood.
2nd Corporal:  Will Ratliff.
3rd Corporal:  L. B. Goodrich.
4th Corporal: Jim Hubbard.
5th Corporal: J. H. Roach.
A meeting was appointed for Saturday, Nov. 5th, at 2 o’clock p.m., all the veterans in the township are cordially pressed to be present. WM. SENSENEY, Clerk.