Gould Family


The Omnia township census of 1872 lists N. W. Gould, age 25, and unmarried.
The Vernon township census of 1873 lists C. Gould, age 25 and unmarried.
The Vernon Township census of 1874 lists George Gould, age 26 and unmarried.
The Windsor township census of 1879 lists W. H. Gould, age 38 and unmarried.
The Liberty township census of 1878 lists William Gould, age 39 and unmarried.
The Maple township census of 1880 lists S. F. Gould, age 43, and his wife H. C. Gould, age 42.
The Tisdale township census of 1880 lists N. D. W. Gould, age 30 and unmarried.
The Maple township census of 1882 lists S. F. Gould, age 49, and his wife Hulda, age 43.
The Arkansas City census of 1893 lists A. C. Gould, age 57 and his wife Elizabeth, age 48. It also lists S. P. Gould, age 36, and unmarried.
TRAVELER, MAY 17, 1876. The population of this township was increased one recently. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Gould are happy in entertaining the new comer. It is a girl.
From Maple.
GREETINGS. A merry Christmas and happy New Year from the people of Red Bud, and a real old-fashioned Christmas, too.
Snow six inches deep and the thermometer away down below zero. O, how we wish for the sleighs, bells, robes, and articles left in the north, in old Lang Syne, when we gathered up our household goods and gods and left for the genial clime and Italian skies of the sweet sunny South. But 'tis ever thus, etc. As we hadn't either, Wm. E. Seaman resolved to make the most of his opportunities and seized upon an old log lizard, and a dry goods box, nailed one upon the other, hitched Moll and Fox to one end, stowed his fun-loving wife and self in the other, and started on a calling tour through the settlement to the tintinabulation of an old nail in a tin cup.
This stirred up the Arctic blood of S. F. Gould, and deter­mining not to be outdone, he cut his hayrack in two, and throwing some hay and quilts on it, piled on wife and babies, about a dozen, and started in wake of his predecessor to the tune of their own happy voices, calling at the house of your correspon­dent, who with his "vrow" joined the merry group, and after various incidents and hair breadth escapes, brought up at the house of that happily mated, newly wedded couple of young old folks, A. M. Fitzsimmons and lady (formerly Mrs. Mary Olmstead). Here we found a genial company of young and old gathered to welcome our friend Fitz. back to his old home and to have a good time generally, in which we were eminently successful.
After partaking of the hospitality of our host and hostess, we took our way to our homes over the crisp snow while the heavens, oversprinkled with a chrystaline delight. made us think of old times and places where such scenes and pleasures were the rule. May such times recur and be enjoyed by every reader of the COURIER for a hundred years to come, and may you and I, Mr. Editor, be there to help them enjoy the fun.

COURIER, MARCH 28, 1878. Nube Gould, an old Tisdaleite, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Gay.
Courier, AUGUST 7, 1879. Died, at the residence of his son-in-law, S. F. Gould, in Maple township, Cowley county, Kansas, July 30, 1879, A. M. Fitzsimmons, in the 66th year of his age.
Mr. Fitzsimmons was one of the earliest settlers in Maple township, moving his family on the then unbroken prairie in the spring of 1870, had the misfortune to lose his wife in 1874, and now sleeps beside her on the old homestead they both beautified and loved so well.
Courier, AUGUST 14, 1879. Mr. Abraham Fitzsimmons, for many years a citizen of this township and county, but latterly of Butler county, died last Wednesday, after a very brief illness, at Mr. Gould's. Mr. F. was about 66 years of age.
The Maple township census of 1875 lists A. M. Fitzsimmons, age 61 and unmarried. It also lists Eugene Fitzsimmons, age 38, and his wife Sarah, age 27.
The Maple township census of 1880 lists Louis Fitzsimmon, age 35, and his wife Sarah E., age 36. It also lists Marion (Manon) Fitzsimmon, age 33, and his wife Sarah J., age 32.