William J. (Uncle Billy) Gray
City Marshal
Note: There were a number of “Gray” families. There were also a number called William. As a result, I could have some data that relates to another W. J. Gray. I believe most of the following listings refer to City Marshal William J. Gray.
Kansas 1875 Census, Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
W. J. Gray 25 m w Kentucky Illinois
Mary E. Gray 20 f w Illinois Illinois
Luella Gray 1 f w Kansas
Arkansas City 1893.
W. J. Gray, 41. Spouse, Hattie, 28.
Note: I do not think the following was City Marshal W. J. Gray.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. Harvey Dwyer, in Beaver Township, on Sunday, July 25, at 2 p.m., by Rev. L. F. Laverty, Mr. Wm. J. Gray to Miss Kate L. Myers. No cards, but just lots of cake, etc.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.
We are indebted to Curns & Manser, real estate agents and proprietors of Abstracts of Titles to all lands in Cowley County, for the following transfers of real estate.
Wm. J. Gray and wife to Cyrus M. Hinshaw n e ¼ sec 34 tp 34 s of r 4 east; 160 acres $1,500.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
ARKANSAS CITY, March 13, 1876
Adjourned regular meeting.
Present, S. P. Channell, Mayor; J. H. Sherburne, H. Godehard, and I. H. Bonsall, Councilmen.
Report of Finance Committee, on report of Treasurer, received and accepted, and Treasurer’s report found correct, was, on motion, accepted. Moved and seconded that an ordinance be passed to pay for printing 2,500 circulars ordered by previous meeting; also to appropriate money to pay E. B. Kager for services as city attorney in adjusting back taxes on lots deeded to the city by the Town Company; also an ordinance for general purposes. Carried by unanimous vote. S. P. Channell, Mayor, recommended W. J. Gray for City Marshal. Moved by J. H. Sherburne, seconded by H. Godehard, that he be confirmed on condition that he serve as Marshal without salary further than the fees of the office; carried by unanimous vote. Moved and seconded to adjourn, carried.
S. P. CHANNELL, Mayor.
I. H. BONSALL, City Clerk, attest.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
BILLY GRAY is City Marshal. Keep up your hogs and cows, or they will be “pounded.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
As is generally known by this time, a harvest dance will be given in Channell & Haywood’s new building next Friday evening, July 28. All persons who take pleasure in tripping the light fantastic toe should avail themselves of this opportunity to enjoy the good social time guaranteed. Numbers can be purchased of Billy Gray for only seventy-five cents each.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
The following persons were appointed last Saturday as delegates and alternates to the Democratic Convention, to be held at Winfield on Saturday, the 23rd.
Delegates: J. Benedict, A. Walton, T. McIntire, P. F. Endicott, A. J. Burrell, M. E. Welch.
Alternates: W. M. Berkey, Wm. Green, Jno. Harmon, S. Johnson, W. Dolby, Wm. Gray.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Creswell Township. Trustee, Timothy McIntire; Treasurer, Wyatt Gooch; Clerk, L. W. Currier; Constables, Geo. McIntire, W. J. Gray.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following is the vote on township officers in Creswell Township.
Constables: Geo. McIntire 260; W. J. Gray 252.
Trustee: T. McIntire 145; A. Chamberlain, 125.
Treasurer: Wyard Gooch 286.
Clerk: L. W. Currier 126; Will Mowry 142.
The vote on township officers was not a party vote.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Township Officers.
Creswell Township:
T. McIntyre, Trustee; W. M. Mowry, Clerk; W. Gooch, Treasurer; NO J. P.; G. H. McIntire and W. J. Gray, Constables.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
New Years Festival of the M. E. Church.
Programme of Committees.
Wm. Gray, Katy Myers, Harvey Grimes, Ida Grimes, Rachael Carder, H. Carder, Nelly Wood, Frank Wood.
Mr. & Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Fitch, Charles Swarts, Harvey Grimes, Mrs. McMullen, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Hoffmaster, Mrs. Endicott, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, Wm. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Godehard, Mr. & Mrs. Purdy, Mr. & Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. Morgan.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
The employees on the Arkansas City and Independence State road are John Myrtle, surveyor; J. C. Evans and Marshal Evans, chainmen; P. Lorry, flagman; W. J. Gray, marksman; Chas. Balcom, cook; Jas. Jordan and a man from Cedar Vale, teamsters, and the three Commissioners, I. H. Bonsall, J. S. Cotton, of Montgomery County, and A. Lemert of Chautauqua County.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1877.
Before leaving this place last Tuesday week, Sheriff Walker deputized A. W. Patterson, and offered him a bonus of fifteen dollars if he would capture John Barber, who had escaped from the authorities at Dexter two days before. Mr. Patterson secured the assistance of Con-stable Gray, and the two started in pursuit. Before going far, they learned he had gone up the Walnut, and immediately followed. After hunting the most of the night, they abandoned the pursuit until next morning.
In the morning Patterson and George Walker found the trail of the criminal and followed it until they came to the house of Robert White, where it stopped. Alighting from the buggy both went into the house and found the man lying in bed asleep, with a Colt’s improved revolver and Bowie knife hanging in their sheaths on the bed post near his head. These were taken possession of by the officers, and a gun and pistol aimed at his head while they took hold of his leg to awaken him. As soon as he opened his eyes, Patterson said to him, “You are my prisoner.” He realized his situation at once, and coolly remarked, “Where are you going to take me?” He was told that he would have to go to Winfield, and he readily assented to it, as his wound needed careful treatment. He told the officers he did not want to go back to Elk County for fear his father and brother would mob him.
In conversation afterwards he told the officers if he had not been wounded, they could not have taken him. In reply to a question of killing the soldiers in Texas, he stated he had heard of it and that it was a man by the same name as his own, but not him. He is now in jail at Winfield, awaiting trial. From all accounts, his father and brother are not as worthy people as they might be, as the father of the culprit, it is said, sent his son to shoot the half brother, saying he had $6,000 to clear him with.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
COMPLAINTS are made of cattle running at large, and injuring shade trees and gardens. Notice is hereby given that all cattle found loose after this date will be taken up and held for
damages. Cattle must not be turned loose until the herders come for them.
W. J. GRAY, City Marshal.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
Last week A. W. Patterson and Wm. Gray arrested a man in Sumner County known under the assumed name of John Scott, by order of a Sheriff of Iowa. The arrested party was accused of horse stealing in Iowa, and broke jail from that State before his trial. The real name of the man was John Marahue. He was taken from this place to Wichita and was confined in a hotel during the night. Thinking him asleep, one of the officers left him locked in his room for a few minutes while he went downstairs after a pair of handcuffs.
As soon as Marahue discovered he was alone, he jumped out of bed, took his clothes under his arm, broke the lock of his door, and one on the hall door, and made his way out. He was then tracked in the mud under an elevator, but before a light could be procured, escaped from them again and is now at large. The Sheriff came down on the train Saturday night, but failed to find his man. Marahue was arrested at this place before he moved to Sumner County for stealing, but afterwards turned loose.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
WM. GRAY received a severe blow just below the eye from the lever of the wheel of the ferry boat last week, while he was helping to tighten the ropes.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
W. S. PACKARD and WILL. GRAY supply the Winfield and Arkansas City markets with grapes.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1877.
On Friday night of last week, W. L. Han, living on Grouse Creek, fourteen miles from the mouth, brought into this place one Thomas Conkhite, whom he had pursued and arrested for stealing a dark bay horse from his herd. The horse was taken by Conkhite while the owner was at dinner, and ridden to South Haven, where his father lives. As soon as Mr. Han found his horse missing, he followed the thief, and came upon him on the prairie near South Haven. When Conkhite saw Han, he started his horse on a run. Han rode the best horse, and soon came within shooting distance, and fired two shots. Conkhite then threw up his hands and cried: “I’ll surrender; for God’s sake, don’t shoot me!” He was then brought into town and tried before Judge Christian, who bound him over in the sum of $300 and gave him in charge of Wm. Gray, the city marshal. Mr. Gray handcuffed him and kept him until three o’clock in the morning, when he deputized Mr. Han to watch him until daylight. Mr. Han went to sleep, and the prisoner ran to the Arkansas River, got on the ferry boat, and took it across. Just as he landed, he met a man with a team, whom he asked to cut off the handcuffs. The man worked at them awhile, and then drove on to town and told of the occurrence. Several persons started in pursuit, but could not find him. Before long he went to John Linton’s house in Bolton Township, and told him he had escaped from the officer in town, where he had been arrested for being drunk. Mr. Linton told him if that was the case, he guessed he would take charge of him, and brought him back. Mr. Linton’s courage is commendable, especially so since he has to use a crutch, to get along. After the arrival of Conkhite, he was taken to Winfield, and confined in the county jail to await his trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
MR. A. O. HOYT found a new buckskin glove Sunday evening. Monday morning he brought it to us to advertise. A few hours after we had written the notice, George Deputy was inquiring of Wm. Gray, the City Marshal, if he had heard of anyone finding a glove. Mr. Gray advised him to advertise it. He came to the office for that purpose, and the glove was returned to him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.
No call has yet been made for the nomination of township officers in this township yet. The officers to be elected are Trustee, Treasurer, Clerk, two Justices of the Peace, two Constables, and Road overseers for each Road District. The present officers are: I. H. Bonsall and James Christian, Justices of the Peace; Timothy McIntire, Trustee; Wyard Good, Treasurer; William D. Mowry, Clerk; Wm. J. Gray and George McIntire, Constables.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
TAKEN UP BY CITY MARSHAL six head of yearlings from the town herd. The owners can have the same by paying charges. The town herd is not herded by anyone now. Parties that had stock in the herd will do well to look after them. W. J. GRAY, City Marshal.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
The election at this place yesterday passed off very quietly and pleasantly. The votes polled lacked about seventy of being the entire vote of the township. Some little strife was made for the offices of constables and justices of the peace. The following is the vote on township officers.
Trustee. M. R. Leonard, 203.
Treasurer. L. Finley, 119.
Clerk. W. D. Mowry, 197.
Justices: I. H. Bonsall, 166; James Christian, 120; T. McIntire, 107.
Constables: Geo. McIntire, 185; James Morgan, 133; W. J. Gray, 82.
Road Overseers: J. W. Hutchinson ; Capt. Bird, 7.
There were two justices and two constables to elect.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
New addition to Billy Gray’s house on Summit street.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Claims allowed Jan. 10.
Constable fees: W. J. Gray, $6.60, $1.25.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
W. J. Gray to J. C. McMullen, lot 11, block 66, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
BILLY GRAY scrapes the faces of all having a surplus of hair. His place of business is just over Pierce & Welsh’s store. Go up stairs and turn to the left.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
MR. JOHN NEWMAN, a young man only eleven months from Germany, has purchased the tonsorial tools of Wm. Gray, and began work at the same place in the room over Pierce & Welsh’s store. Mr. Newman is the best barber we have ever had, and one of the most proficient men in his profession that we have ever met with in the West. Give him a trial, and you will be convinced of it.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
Bilson and the colored man who stole the horse escaped from the jail at Winfield, Monday night, and have not yet been found. As Fitch, the jailer, went in, the darkey knocked him down, and the two ran out and locked the jailer in. It was half an hour before he could get out.
LATER. Bilson was caught yesterday morning under the U. P. Church, by William J. Gray. That is the nearest Bilson has come to attending church for a long time.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
Stolen Horses Recovered.
Friday afternoon two well appearing young men rode into town horseback, and stopped for the night. In the morning they attempted to sell their horses very cheap, claiming they were from Sumner County and needed money. In the meantime a postal card was received stating that two horses, a sorrel horse with white face and a bay horse, had been stolen from Thayer, Kansas, about 100 miles distant. One of the horses had been purchased in the meantime by Mr. Riddle, the dry goods merchant, who traded a suit of clothes for it. The postal card was directed to the City Marshal, and was handed to Wm. Gray, who, with constable Morgan, examined the property, found the description almost exact, and arrested the two men in the saloon without resistance. They had a preliminary trial before Judge Christian and were bound over to appear at the next term of the District Court to be held in May. In default of bail, they were committed to jail. The countenances of the two were not of the best, and their demeanor before the Justice’s court was such as to make anyone believe they were guilty, as they declined to give their names or answer any questions. Before taking them to jail, Mr. Riddle recovered the clothes he had traded them, but is out the $4 in cash he gave as booty.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
On complaint of Wm. Gray, city marshal, L. H. Gardner was arraigned before Judge Christian on Monday last for selling intoxicating liquors without a license. Amos Walton acted as attorney for the city, and C. R. Mitchell for the defendant. After hearing the testimony, the evidence failed to sustain the charge, and Mr. Gardner was discharged. The cost will have to be paid by the city. It is the opinion of the Police Judge that no one can sell liquor without a license under the city ordinance, for medical purposes or otherwise. This will compel all drug stores to take out a license, unless the ordinance is amended.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
The Sheriff of Neosho County, with one of the owners of the horses stolen from Thayer, Kansas, were here last Friday after the property that had been taken to Winfield. The thieves, Isaac Ingalls and Martin B. Dailey, alias Al. Wilson, had been working in a coal mine before they took the horses. Both had been in the mountains, and were known as bad characters. W. J. Gray received $25 reward for their capture.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
W. J. Gray, road marker.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
CHARLES GALLART, BILLY GRAY, and FRANK WALDO have departed for Oregon and Washington Territory in a wagon. They expect to be two or three months on the trip, and promise to write occasionally. Charley and Billy have lived in this vicinity for many years, and the boys could not help regretting to part with many old acquaintances. “You can look for them back before the grass is green in another year,” is predicted by many.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
A Grand Union Sunday School Picnic.
A general invitation is extended to the Sunday schools in this vicinity and surrounding country to unite in holding a basket picnic in Sleeth’s woods, on July 4th. The committee on general arrangements appointed the following committees, who are requested to enter at once upon their respective duties.
Committee on preparing and arranging grounds.
J. M. Maxwell, Mr. Hunter, Frank Hutchinson, L. C. Norton, H. Carder, C. M. Swarts, Sam Endicott, Will Gray, Jerry Adams, and C. Hollaway.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Deputy Sheriff Finch was in town last Saturday, and shortly after his arrival he and W. J. Gray arrested two young fellows who had driven down from Winfield but a few minutes previous, ostensibly on the charge of horse stealing; but the real cause was a threat to break the county jail. The parties arrested were E. C. White and T. Huffman, the former of whom was suspicioned of trying to effect the deliverance of his brother, Ike White, from jail. Huffman was arrested, taken to one side, and made to believe that the jig was up, and that it would go better with him if he owned up to the object of their trip to our town.
Supposing they were shadowed for horse stealing, he informed the officials of White’s intention to procure some acid by which the jail locks could be destroyed, whereupon White was immediately arrested. All the proof against him in town was his asking for some aqua fortis at Eddy’s drug store, but both parties were securely tied to a wagon and taken to Winfield.
While believing Mr. Finch acted in good faith, we are disposed to regard the arrest as rather premature. Taking into consideration the time required for aqua fortis to corrode a lock, we cannot see that our jail was in any immediate danger, more especially as the officers were so thoroughly posted as to White’s intentions, and we question whether they had sufficient grounds for making an arrest unless they were satisfied that these boys were implicated with Ike White in horse stealing.
“Fore-warned is fore-armed,” and a little careful watching probably would have resulted in absolute conviction, when the luckless White could have been put where he would do the most good. White is lately from Texas, is a reckless, worthless fellow, and one for whom we have no sympathy. It is only our desire to see such social lepers brought to justice that prompts this criticism. There is such a thing as being overzealous in a cause, which, of course, is far preferable to the charge of negligence. Of negligence, however, our present officers are never guilty.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
Marshal Gray collected for the benefit of James Christian and paid over to him, taking his receipt therefor, the sum of one hundred and sixty-five dollars and twenty-five cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 17, 1880
Dept. Marshal Gray is hooping up the city finances. The receipts at the Treasury for last week from fines, etc., amounted to $113.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
June 3, 1878: W. J. Gray, fees as City Marshal: $8.50
April 14, 1880: W. J. Gray, services as judge of city election: $2.00
July 9, 1880: W. J. Gray, special City Marshal, 4th of July: $1.50
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
The City Council met last Monday night, and during the course of the evening the question of appointing a City Marshal came up. The Mayor stated that he held two petitions for this appointment, one from D. B. Hartsock and one from Billy Gray, and asked for an informal vote from the council, in order to gain an expression of their sentiment. This resulted in three votes for Mr. Gray and two for Mr. Hartsock; but in view of the fact that there was claimed to be some irregularity with reference to the collection of money, the favorite candidate of the council was not appointed. This discrepancy of accounts was a complete surprise to us, as doubtless it was to the members of the council, and necessitates an investigation into the status of affairs, pending which no nomination will be made. It would probably be advisable to make an entire change in the marshalship, but if these two gentlemen are the only candidates, we believe Mr. Hartsock would give better satisfaction. He has been instructed to act in the capacity of marshal until an appointment is made.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
There was a dance at the house of Mr. Kreps on the Kimmel place, some five miles west of town, on Tuesday night of last week, which resulted in rather a serious fight. It seems that a young man by the name of Blackman was floor manager, and he objected to one of the Conaway boys dancing, he having come on the floor when his number was not called. Conaway, however, insisted on dancing, probably relying upon his ability to “bluff it through,” inasmuch as Blackman was a considerably smaller man. But the little man had no idea of being run over in any such style, and in his endeavors to impress upon the mind of Mr. Conaway the fact that he must conduct himself properly and take his chances the same as any other man in the room, they became involved in a personal struggle for the mastery.
They tumbled around until they got out of doors, where Blackman, though much the smaller man, succeeded in pounding his opponent pretty severely about the face and eyes, and generally getting away with him, realizing which young Conaway drew a large pocket knife and commenced cutting at Blackman. The point to the principal blade in this knife had been sharpened after the fashion of a dagger, and the wounds, some ten in number, were some of them quite severe. By this time the crowd interfered, and separated the combatants, Blackman bleeding profusely from the wounds inflicted by the knife. It is stated that after they were separated, and Blackman was being held by several of the crowd, Conaway drew a revolver and struck Blackman over the forehead and eyes with the butt of the revolver; which, if true, was a most cowardly trick.
Dr. Alexander was called out to attend Mr. Blackman early Wednesday morning, and though suffering considerably at that time, he now reports the wounded man as progressing finely.
The trial was held before one of the justices of Bolton Township Monday, with what result we have not yet learned.
The sympathies of the community, so far as we can gather, are with Blackman, who, as floor manager, had the right to rule Conaway from the floor, when he was attempting to dance out of his number. Conaway has a desire to be regarded as a local terror, whose presence shall inspire such fear that his actions shall go unquestioned. Like all bullies, he stumbled over a man who was too much for him, and who, if left alone, would have given him a rather severe lesson.
LATER. Just before going to press we learn that Esquire Linton bound Conaway over to court in the sum of $1,200. An effort was made to give bond, but proved futile, upon which Billy Gray took him in charge with the intention of escorting him to Winfield. As Billy was getting a drink at the well, Conaway made an excuse to go around the house, and as soon as he was out of sight, he jumped on a horse and struck out for the Territory at full speed. Several parties started in pursuit, but he kept the lead for ten or twelve miles, and bid fair to elude his pursuers. About this time, however, he was sighted by Col. Whiting, who was coming up from Ponca Agency, and who seeing him skulking through the ravines, and suspicioning all was not right, rode up, and bringing a Sharp’s rifle to bear upon him, requested him to stop. He stopped. In a few minutes his pursuers came up, hand-cuffed him, and brought him back to the State. He was taken to Winfield yesterday, where he will have time to cool off.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Deputy U. S. Marshal, Wm. Gray, returned to the State from Sac & Fox Agency, last Saturday. He intends to return there shortly, and will be accompanied by his wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
Will Gray is running a feed stable in connection with the Geuda Springs bath-house.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
Al. Daniels has sold out his ice-cream saloon to Will Gray, who will run the same hereafter.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 13, 1884.
Township Election.
The following shows the result of the election held on the 5th inst. There were eight tickets in the field, and the total vote polled was 444.
TRUSTEE: M. N. Sinnott, 288; Uriah Spray, 152.
CLERK: W. D. Mowry, 348; M. B. Vawter, 88.
TREASURER: J. L. Huey, 184; H. P. Farrar, 125; W. M. Sleeth, 122.
JUSTICES: Frank Schiffbauer, 264; W. D. Kreamer, 208; P. F. Endicott, 133; J. B. Tucker, 130; I. H. Bonsall, 107.
CONSTABLES: J. J. Breene, 257; J. S. Lewis, 202; J. E. Beck, 178; J. N. Huston, 118; W. J. Gray, 113.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
A City Work House.
Since our new marshal, Mr. William Gray, has entered upon his duties, many arrests for drunkenness and disorderly conduct have been made. Our streets have been kept quiet, and our citizens are well pleased with the efficient manner in which Mr. Gray is discharging the duties of his office. On last Wednesday morning, the day after the election on which memorable occasion some visitors from above—not heaven—with pockets filled with bottles containing forty-rod whiskey, industriously supplied some of our incorruptible voters with the contents of the said bottles, the consequence of which fraternal affection caused the official hotel of the city to contain five inmates. Sometime during the day, the marshal escorted the city’s guests to the office of his Honor, Judge Bonsall, who inhumanly decreed that our hilarious brethren must give a pecuniary return to the state for their pleasant enjoyment. Two immediately liquidated the financial obligation and went in peace. Three, however, being in an impecunious condition, pleaded the mercy of the court, whereupon his Honor decided to have the hospitalities of the county placed at their disposal. Delicacy of feeling prompted them to decline, but his Honor would receive no denial, and escorted by that obliging gentleman, Capt. O. S. Rarick, they departed, almost regretting our munificent entertainment. Doubtless they will enjoy themselves hugely, as the county supported by her taxpayers, provides sumptuous viands for her guests. It would certainly be more in keeping with the spirit of true hospitality if these gentlemen were given the direction of city affairs, say the supervision of the public streets, and politely requested to keep the said highways in excellent repair. This course we think is an imperative duty on the part of our city officials, in order that our jovial friends may make an ample return for the magnificent treatment which they always receive at the hands of our courteous and obliging city officers.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
George White, our night policeman, was tried yesterday afternoon before Justice Kreamer, assault, with a deadly weapon, upon the person of Chas. Jenkins. The evidence in the case, went to show that city marshal Gray and White had a man under arrest, and that Jenkins in some way interfered, and White struck him with his staff. White was acquitted.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
“Arkansas City is well represented in the county jail—three negroes and a white man, the former for drunkenness and the latter for stealing a revolver.” Winfield Courier.
Let us divide the “representation,” brother. We acknowledge that the physical portion of these persons may belong to us, but, after due research, our officials ascertained that the spiritual part belonged to you, and accordingly delivered the goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Our new city marshal, Billy Gray, is doing yeoman service. Bill is starting out on the right plan. If a man is drunk, and disorderly, or in any way violating the law, arrest him instanter. If you can’t get him that day, nab the first time you can get him if it is six months later. This is the kind of enforcement we want for our laws, and then we will soon have less rowdyism in our midst.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 29, 1884.
Police Court. Judge Bonsall reports business dull in the police court this week. There have been but two arrests and only one conviction. On last Saturday, Joseph Pearson was arrested by city marshal Gray, and was tried Monday on charge of disturbing the peace by being drunk and disorderly, discharging fire arms, and carrying a revolver, and was fined $10 and costs. He was sent to the county jail in default of payment of the fine. Thomas Cochigan was arrested and tried Wednesday on charge of discharging fire arms in the city, but on failure of sufficient proof to make out the case, he was discharged.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
The new city council have appointed the following gentlemen to official positions for the ensuing year. City treasurer, C. R. Sipes; city clerk, James Benedict; street commissioner, E. C. Stroup; marshal, Wm. Gray; water works commissioner, Ed. Malone.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
City Council Proceedings.
Council met in adjourned session at 7:30 p.m., April 14, 1884. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; O. S. Rarick, C. G. Thompson, Theo. Fairclo, F. C. Leach, and A. A. Davis, Councilmen.
On motion F. C. Leach was chosen president of the council.
The following appointments were made and confirmed: W. J. Gray, city marshal; Ed. Malone, commissioner of water works; E. C. Stroup, street commissioner, and James Benedict, city clerk.
City marshal was instructed to see that all ordinances are enforced.
Motion made to secure the room over Atwood’s store for council chamber and police court at $10 per month. W. D. Kreamer to pay $5 per month of above rent, and be allowed to use said police courtroom for justice room. Carried.
Motion made to continue G. W. White as night police without expense to the city. Carried.
Motion made to pay the city marshal $10 per month. Carried.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
City Marshal Gray received a telegram Wednesday afternoon from Harper, stating that Medicine Lodge bank had been robbed that morning, and that cashier, Bill Payne, was badly wounded. The robbers rode two gray horses, one sorrel and one bay.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Our marshal, W. J. Gray, posted bills Monday, that today will be the ultimatum for compliance with the mayor’s proclamation concerning dogs. Distinguish the canines, if you do not wish a funeral.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
A mad-dog occasioned considerable excitement Tuesday. He was promptly dispatched by Marshal Gray, but not until he had bitten some other dogs. Persons possessing canines should now treat them with the greatest caution.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
CITY CLERK’S REPORT. Received from Bluebaugh license, Godfrey & Mowry, Reeves, street license, Police Judge, W. D. Kreamer, room rent, Police court, Occupation tax license, Dog tax...TOTAL: $2,076.41
DISBURSEMENTS. Scrip issued to Ward Harnley, Mowry & Sollitt, merchandise, Speers, water rent, P. Ellis, coal, P. Wyckoff, rent, J. W. Canfield, repairing tank, W. Gray, marshal, E. Malone, water commissioner, Stroup, labor, Clarke & Coombs, printing, Corzine & Richards, printing, Chicago Lumber Co., lumber, E. Malone, hardware, J. Moore, labor, Benedict & Owen, merchandise, J. J. Breene, police, D. Hawkins, sidewalk, R. Cowles, coal, J. Stedman, dog checks, G. W. White, police, E. W. Finch, boarding prisoners, J. Kreamer, police, H. Adams, police, F. Decker, water commissioner...TOTAL: $517.99
Arkansas City Republican, July 19, 1884.
Females, whose practices are so abominable that even their sex should not protect them from the severest penalties of the law, were arrested Tuesday by Sheriff Rarick and City Marshal W. J. Gray. More detestable, abominable, loathsome, disgusting creatures cannot be conceived. Debased to a degree which places them in a scale lower than the beasts. Their appearance and actions denote the depths to which the human race is capable of descending. The case warrant for Tuesday [TWO LINES OBSCURED] without delay. On Wednesday afternoon, they pleaded guilty to the charges preferred, and were fined and discharged with the injunction to leave the city within twenty-four hours. Much credit is due Judge Kreamer, Sheriff Rarick, and Marshal Gray for their promptness in deciding the arrest of these polluting creatures. [LAST SENTENCE NOT LEGIBLE.]
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884.
Monday evening, a disturbance was caused by a cowboy going to Braden’s livery and evidently seeking an affray. The manager, Mr. Ed. Pentecost, endeavored to avoid any conflict, but the cowboy insisted and pulling his revolver partially from his hip pocket and drawing back the hammer, began a volume of abusive oaths. Mr. Pentecost left the stable, secured a revolver, and returned to his duties, but finding the party unarmed, laid his own revolver aside. The stranger continued his abuse, and finally struck at Mr. Pentecost. It was only the work of a moment for Ed. to deal him a blow which sent the cowboy sprawling in the dust. Believing that the cowboy would inflict some serious injury upon him, Ed. followed up his advantage and was fast disabling his opponent, when someone interfered and pulled him off. Billy Gray was promptly on hand and arrested the assaulter. The latter swore violently and refused to be arrested, but upon Billy’s drawing his cudgel persuasively, the stranger changed his mind and proceeded with Mr. Gray to the police court. After Mr. Gray left, the stranger became intolerantly profane, and Judge Kreamer fined him $10 for contempt of court, and ordered him taken to the calaboose. The Judge deputized J. F. White to assist the night-watch to carry out the mandate of the court, but we understand afterwards countermanded the order. The stranger proceeded downtown, insulted non-interfering gentlemen, and acted generally as though he had the police in charge. We think the order of the court should have been strictly carried out, and the offender placed in the calaboose, where his drunken conduct and hideous oaths could no longer have insulted the ear of the public.
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884.
Arkansas City may well congratulate herself upon the efficiency of two of her officials. W. J. Gray is a man who does his duty without fear or favor. If a party violates the law, he is arrested without hesitation. If a party is requested to attend at the police court, he always accompanies Mr. Gray. We believe we are speaking within bounds when we say that W. J. Gray is the best marshal in the state. Our road commissioner, J. M. Moore, is equally efficient in his branch of business. The streets have been straightened and graded by him in a satisfactory manner. We are thorough believers, in civil service reform, and we are in favor of having them retained in their positions as long as they may desire to keep them, and so long as they perform their duties with the promptness and energy that has heretofore characterized them. . . .
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
A boy by the name of Dunham purloined something over $3 in money from his mother’s residence last Thursday. Bill Gray captured him and recovered the money.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Master Hollenbeck crashed in through an open window of T. J. Sweeney’s grocery store Sunday afternoon and relieved the money drawer of about five dollars in cash. Shortly afterward the theft was discovered, and Billy Gray set out to catch the culprit. He caught young Hollenbeck and searched him and found $4.75 on his person, the remainder he had made away with. He tried to buy beer at Eddy’s drug store, but was refused. Hollenbeck is just entering his teens, and unless he absorbs some of the reformation talked about to the Democratic platform, suddenly, he is sure to come to some bad end. He was not prosecuted.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Billy Gray arrested two negroes last week on the charge of horse stealing. It is alleged they stole a pony at Ponca Agency and two over by Caldwell. They were taken to Winfield and placed in jail.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
A. O. U. W.
The lodge of A. O. U. W., of this city, have elected the following gentlemen officers for the ensuing year.
A. A. Davis, M. W.; D. T. Kitchen, F.; D. L. Sifford, O. D.; M. J. Capron, Recorder; F. B. Hutchison, Receiver; W. P. Waite, Financier; W. J. Gray, Guide; Geo. Ford, J. W.; J. C. Pickering, S. W.; I. H. Bonsall, Rep. to G. L.; M. N. Sinnott, alt. to G. L.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
On Tuesday last Edward Gage was arrested by Billy Gray on the charge of entering a house without the permission of the owner. It appears that a man imposed on Ed’s credulity. A carpenter by the name of Wright Seymour induced Ed. to accompany him to a house which Seymour had been working on and had almost completed. The house belonged to O. C. R. Randall. Mr. Randall had set up a stove in one of the rooms and by the time Master Edward and Seymour arrived on the scene, sparks were flying promiscuously. Randall had in the meantime departed from the house, locking the door on leaving. Messrs. Gage and Seymour entered the house with the intention of extinguishing the fire, which the former did. Accordingly Mr. Gage was arraigned before Judge Kreamer, who remarked that $1 and costs would satisfy the court. Edward meekly paid the amount “set opposite his name,” and departed with about $6.50 of experience. Seymour induced Ed. to go with him by asking him to serve as a witness. He was having some trouble about the carpenter work.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Bold, Bad Men from Butler.
J. J. Breene, W. J. Gray, and Henry Coryell captured three men hailing from El Dorado, who were wanted there pretty badly. A reward of $100 had been offered for their arrest and was divided by the officers who effected their “round-up.” The circumstances as nearly as we can learn them were that the men, Riley Bennett, Warren Bennett, and Dick Roe had been working for Judge J. H. Hill, of El Dorado for some time. A few weeks ago they bought two shotguns, two Winchesters, and three six-shooters, promising to pay for them in a month. Last week they went to a bank in El Dorado and obtained $200, mortgaging some stock that belonged to Judge Hill. As soon as they had obtained this money, they made arrangements to leave. This they did, taking with them two span of fine horses, a spring wagon, and a farm wagon, all belonging to the judge. The parties in El Dorado offered $100 for their capture, and our officers being on the lookout, firmly, yet gently, took them in when they arrived here last Saturday morning. Saturday John Lewis took them up to Wichita and turned them over to Judge Hill, and obtained the reward.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Beans! Beans!
In accordance with the announcement made in last week’s TRAVELER, the committee to count the beans in the bean guessing scheme of Sweeny & Smith, met in the office of Collins & Shelden at half past nine Tuesday morning. The number of tickets sold was about 1,350, of which 1,000 had been returned with guesses.
A. C. Gould, J. M. Collins, W. J. Gray, and Will V. McConn, the committee, after a careful count, found the exact number to be 9,327, and awarded the prizes as follows.
First prize: a set of French-China dishes of 52 pieces, J. L. Mann. Number guessed: 9,322.
Second prize: set of fancy table dishes, Joseph Hoskins and R. Kapp, tie. Number guessed: 9,333.
Third prize: silver castor, J. Q. Ashton. Number guessed: 9,326.
Fourth prize: hanging lamp, H. S. Ford. Number guessed: 9,338.
Fifth prize: Meerschaum pipe and cigar holder, Edward Nail. Number guessed: 9,300.
Sixth prize: Meerschaum pipe and cigar holder, H. S. Ford. Number guessed: 9,293.
Seventh prize: five baskets of fine Japan tea, Mary Shindel. Number guessed: 9,368.
Eighth prize: chamber set, Joe Garris. Number guessed: 9,369.
Ninth prize: fancy lamp, E. D. Eddy. Number guessed: 9,379.
Tenth prize: calico dress, Frank Bryant. Number guessed: 9,282.
Eleventh prize: mustache cup and saucer, S. R. Turner. Number guessed: 9,400.
Twelfth prize: fancy lamp, L. Pile. Number guessed: 9,401.
Of the twelve guesses the farthest is only 73 from the number, which is very fair guessing for Kansans. It is to be remembered that the jar which contained the beans was globular—a form very deceptive. This will perhaps explain the difference in the guesses. It is extremely curious the different ways people look at things. For example, this bean guessing. The number guessed ranged from 1,320,000 down to 150; a slight difference of 1,319,850—the extreme views taken by two men. This business of guessing, like everything else, is governed by common sense rules that every man should certainly have at his finger’s end; and which every man may acquire a knowledge of if they only thought. A comparison instituted just here will illustrate our meaning. Ask almost any groceryman and he will tell you that a pint cup will hold in the neighborhood of 1,100 beans, average size. This is something we all ought to know. Taking this as a basis we have the following results: The man who guessed 150 guessed an amount that would just about cover the bottom of a pint cup—while the globe which contained the beans holds a little over a gallon. About one-third of the guesses would not figure up one pint. Take the other extreme now. The largest guess figures up over eighteen bushels. At least twenty-five guessed over five bushels. This is not good guessing, even for Kansans.
Neither the shape of the vessel nor the difference in people will explain this wide difference. The only way we can solve this is that a great number of the guessers did not make use of their usual horse sense.
P. S. We will warrant that those who read this article and also guessed at the beans will never forget that a pint will hold about 1,300 beans—which is the moral that adorns the tale.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Hon. J. D. Hill, of Fort Scott, was in town Monday and Tuesday, looking after some $3,000 worth of personal property which one Riley Bennett, of Chelsea, had taken from his farm there, disposed of for cash, and fled. Several of our businessmen it is said are badly sold on Bennett. Alex Blair for about $270, and the Exchange National Bank for some $300, in a chattel mortgage on property which he did not own. From the fact that Bennett stocked himself up with repeating rifles, revolvers, and dirks, it is supposed he went to the Indian Territory. This is a conspicuous example of black ingratitude. Hill took Bennett almost from the gutter, bought him household goods, utensils, teams, and a farm, and turned them over to Bennett to help him along. Even Bennett’s child is in Hill’s family and is cared for by Mrs. Hill as if one of her own. Bennett will undoubtedly be caught. It is supposed that a man by the name of Rowe is an accomplice. Walnut Valley Times.
Last Saturday Billy Gray, assisted by Johnny Breene, took Bennett and Rowe in and turned them over to the proper authorities. They had been laying around Arkansas City some two weeks previous to their arrest.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Our officers ran in two young men last week, who had been selling jewelry here rather freely, and at ruinously low prices. The men’s actions looked rather suspicious and when the marshal saw them selling ladies’ gold watches for a mere song, they ran the young bloods in. They, however, had succeeded in disposing of four gold watches to different parties and an unknown amount of other jewelry. The officers could not prove that the jewelry was stolen, and so preferred the charge of carrying concealed weapons. They were convicted of this charge; and not being able to pay the fine, were sent to the county jail for thirty days. W. J. Gray escorted them to that elegant abode last Saturday afternoon.
The boys—for boys they were, being hardly past age—had been very close-mouthed, keeping all they knew to themselves. On the way to Winfield they talked a little, enough to give the officers a clue to work on. They intimated that the swag had been captured near Carthage, Missouri, and said that this was their first bad break, and if they got out of this, they would never do anything out of the way again. The marshal also learned that they hailed originally from Iowa, and had left on account of some “youthful indiscretions.”
The officers found in their satchel a quantity of jewelry, having two different cost and selling prices marked on them—indicating that they had been stolen from two stocks. We were unable to learn the marks. They had only one watch left, a silver hunting case. They said they started with twelve or fifteen. The amount found with them was about $100. As near as could be ascertained, one of the parties’ name was Stone.
The cause of the downfall of these boys, who appeared like nice, gentlemanly fellows, was evident upon their being searched. They had a number of obscene pictures, obscene stories, letters, etc., and this, no doubt, was the beginning of their downfall. This will certainly prove a warning to them. They are not out of the woods yet, however, as likely before their sentence of thirty days expires, the officers will find out from where the goods were stolen, and they will have to face that charge.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The Stolen Jewelry.
Our readers will remember the account last week of the young men arrested on suspicion of having stolen jewelry in their possession.
The sheriff received a letter from Springfield, Missouri, stating that a lot of jewelry and watches had been stolen from there, giving the cost and selling marks, which corresponded exactly with the marks on the jewelry in their hands. The letter also gave the members of the watches stolen. The watches had been mostly disposed of, four having been sold here. The marshal, W. J. Gray, has been ordered to procure the jewelry or arrest the parties known to have purchased them. It seems that the persons who bought the watches declare they have disposed of them, and cannot tell to whom sold. They will be compelled either to produce them or tell what became of them. They are liable to be charged with being receivers of stolen property if they are not careful.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Members present, F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; C. G. Thompson, A. A. Davis, and T. Fairclo, councilmen.
BILLS ALLOWED. W. J. Gray: $3.00
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Our street crossings were in a horrible condition this week. Billy Gray, the city marshal, rather than see the ladies plough through the mud with their shoes, procured a “scoop” and shoveled a path across the main crossing.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
The heroic efforts of the marshal, W. J. Gray, to conquer the mud on the street crossings was rewarded by many a smile from the fair ones compelled to cross.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Billy Gray rarely allows an opportunity to go by, when one is offered, to capture a violator of the law. Monday a county sheriff of Missouri arrived on the noon train looking after one John Gott, of Springfield. The sheriff described his man to Billy, who remembered seeing him. He immediately set out to capture him and found Gott in the vicinity of the depot. Billy arrested him and turned him over to the sheriff, who departed for Springfield. Gott was wanted for larceny principally.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Billy Gray for marshal. He is the right man in the right place.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
DIED. Some four weeks ago the husband of Mrs. Larned, who resided 30 miles down in the territory, died, leaving her and eight children in a destitute condition. They lived in a dug-out, and were kept from starving by kind-hearted cowboys. Notice was given Billy Gray of Mrs. Larned’s condition. He circulated a petition asking for aid. He received in response a neat sum of money, with which he sent a conveyance after the woman, and brought her here yesterday. She arrived about noon and Billy purchased her a ticket to some town in Neosho County, where she has friends.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Thursday Billy Gray arrested one J. Hill, on the charge of murder of a man by the name of Cobb, at Medicine Lodge last summer. Hill was identified by a gentleman who was present at his preliminary examination. He was provided for until yesterday, when the Sedgwick County Sheriff arrived and pronounced him the wrong man. Hill was turned loose. The man who committed the deed broke jail at Wichita last summer, and has not been seen since.
One paper shows “Doty.” The other paper shows “Douty.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
About a month ago, in Wayne County, Ohio, a man was murdered by a Bob Doty, a neighbor. The murderer fled. As is customary, the description of the fugitive was circulated all over the country, and one came here. The peculiar descriptive mark on the man wanted, was a scar on the outer corner of the left eye.
Saturday last Billy Gray obtained information that the man was in this vicinity, and consequently kept a sharp look out for him. Monday he was discovered on the old Sipes corner, and Billy Gray, O. S. Rarick, and G. H. McIntire quietly arrested him. He was completely surprised, thinking himself safe when he got this far away, and broke down after arrest, confessing that he was the man they were after. He was armed and meant fight, but he had no opportunity to use his arms. The sheriff, after handcuffing and shackling him, took him to Winfield, in a buggy, Monday morning. A reward was offered for his arrest.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Wash. Barcau and Al. Johnson were arrested Wednesday morning by Billy Gray for dealing out Spirits Fermenti illegally. Barcau in some way made his escape.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Bob Douty, of Saline County, Ohio, was arrested Monday morning by Bill Gray, Sheriff McIntire, and Capt. Rarick. Douty was wanted back in Ohio for murdering a man in a saloon row about a month ago. He was so taken by surprise when our officers made the arrest that he offered no resistance. He was taken to Winfield and lodged in jail to await the coming of the Saline County officers. A handsome reward was out for Douty’s capture, of which our officers will take a goodly portion.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 21, 1885.
City Election.
Two weeks from next Tuesday city election will occur. As yet no action toward nominating a ticket has been made. Hardly any interest is manifested in the rapidly approaching election. There have been numerous names presented to the public, but none have brought forward a ticket. But a few days yet remain in which to take action. By another issue of the REPUBLICAN, the registration books will be closed Friday, March 27, being the last day in which to register. Over 600 voters have registered their names with the city clerk, Jas. Benedict, yet there are a large number who have not. It seems our citizens are waiting until the last moment before they make the nominations. This is not as it should be. Candidates should be nominated and elected upon a careful consideration by the people. We want men who are willing to work for Arkansas City in office. The future welfare of our town depends largely on the city officers to be elected two weeks from next Tuesday. Somewhere along the territory line thee is going to be a town that will be the gateway to all points south of us. Why not make it Arkansas City? At present our prospects are the brightest. That they may continue we want efficient city officers. Men who will work untiredly for the welfare of Arkansas City. And as such the REPUBLICAN presents the names of the following gentlemen to the voters of Arkansas City for the offices to be filled.
The REPUBLICAN presents the above ticket to its readers for consideration. We believe the gentlemen composing it are good, patriotic citizens. True, there are others just as capable, but we hope one and all will take it into careful consideration. If there are other men who are wanted worse by the voters of the city to fill the offices mentioned above, they will say so at the coming election, Tuesday, April 7, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Clean up your back yards or Billy Gray will be around and do it for you Monday, April 6, and the expenses will be charged up to you.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Woods, and another butcher, took a large dose of medicine Tuesday night and had a slight altercation. Billy Gray, the man who awaits on such patients, called in the attending physician, Judge Kreamer, who gave them a different dose than that which they desired.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Billy Gray, city marshal, received notice yesterday to appear at Marion, Iowa, against Stone and Doane. It will be remembered that some two months ago Billy arrested Stone and Doane, for stealing some jewelry, and they were taken back to Marion. Billy doesn’t want to go, but he will have to.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
Council Meeting.
The City Council met in adjourned meeting on Monday evening, the mayor and Councilmen Thompson, Dean, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey present.
The following bills were acted on:
W. J. Gray, boarding prisoner, $13.25, allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 13, 1885.
Last Monday evening a citizen’s meeting was held in Highland Opera House to take steps toward preparing for the Fourth of July. A committee was appointed to solicit funds and the meeting adjourned. Thursday evening the adjourned meeting convened with Judge Sumner presiding, and Judge Kreamer as scribe. The soliciting committee reported they had received subscriptions to the amount of over $500. The report was accepted and the committee instructed to solicit more funds in order that Arkansas City may have the celebration of the Southwest.
A general arrangement committee of fifteen persons was appointed, consisting of Archie Dunn, R. E. Grubbs, C. R. Sipes, W. D. Kreamer, Capt. C. G. Thompson, W. D. Mowry, John Daniels, W. J. Gray, Ed. Pentecost, J. L. Howard, Al. Daniels, W. M. Blakeney, Robt. Hutchison, Col. Sumner, and Mayor Schiffbauer.
This committee was empowered to attend to everything pertaining to the celebration. After the appointment of this committee, Mayor Schiffbauer arose and told the audience that he had been requested by Messrs. Searing & Mead to announce that they were in receipt of a dispatch from T. S. Moorhead saying that the steamer, The Kansas Millers, sailed out of St. Louis June 10 for Arkansas City and that it would be here positively by July 4th, or burst a boiler.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 13, 1885.
Democracy Straight.
Wednesday Mrs. L. M. Lutes paid her fine. Judge Kreamer asked for the privilege of keeping the whip with which she struck Billy Gray, telling her that he desired it as a relic. She refused the request, but immediately went up to the Democrat office and presented the rod which had caused so much trouble to Charlie McIntire in an appropriate speech. “Mc” responded and now has that dreaded weapon stored away with the remainder of his relics.
Poem written about the above:
Mariah “stuck” to Cleveland
Because she loved him so;
’Tis thus you find Democracy
Wherever you may go.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
A Sunday ordinance was lately framed by the city attorney and passed by the city council and published by the official paper of the city, prohibiting all business houses opening on that day except meat markets. The restaurants last Sunday, excepting Hamilton & Pentecost’s, were in full blast. Monday morning warrants were issued for the arrest of Pentecost & Van Sickle, C. F. Lang, and C. A. Burnett; and they were served by Billy Gray.
The arrested parties were taken before Judge Bryant and they informed “his Honor” they would stand trial, as they thought the ordinance was no good. The case was set for Tuesday morning. Monday evening the council came to the conclusion that the restauranteurs had, and ordered Judge Bryant to stay proceedings. As usual, the city has to foot the bill. The Traveler has to be paid for publishing the ordinance, Billy Gray for serving the papers, and then Judge Bryant comes in too. This is not all. Since the council has deemed it of no consequence, another ordinance will have to be passed repealing the Sunday ordinance and published in the official paper. And again the city foots the bill. The REPUBLICAN just wonders how much longer the taxpayers of Arkansas City will stand for this kind of a racket. A city attorney should have enough sense to know whether an ordinance is valid before it is acted upon or published.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
There is an ordinance against lariating cows, horses, etc., so they can run across the street. Billy Gray has received strict orders from the council to see that that ordinance is enforced. All stock owners who violate this ordinance will be taken before Judge Bryant and fined. Billy hereby gives all a warning.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
Monday afternoon Artemus W. Patterson filed too many statements for his disease, and as a consequence became unruly. During the afternoon sometime he became enraged at his bird dog, which he tried to make lie down. The “pup” didn’t understand Pat’s language and refused to obey. He beat the dog quite severely. The marshal had a warrant issued against him for cruelty to animals and when he went to serve it, Patterson had quieted down, and he let the matter drop. In some way Artemus was informed that Billy Gray had a warrant for his arrest. This re-aroused his ire and a few more doses of medicine fixed him in good shape. While standing in front of Newman’s store, with one or two other persons, someone in the crowd pulled a revolver and shot a hole through one of the large plate glass windows. Artemus skipped down into the Commercial Restaurant, where he had a picnic with the police. Hr refused to allow them to arrest him, telling them they were too little. By a dint of coaxing, Johnnie Breene finally got him to come along with him to Judge Bryant’s office. He fixed the matter up in some manner with Judge Bryant and went over to Geuda. He came back next day—Tuesday—and appeared in Bryant’s office and settled the city case against him for $2.50. Wednesday Capt. Rarick served a state warrant against Artemus for resisting the officers. Thursday before Judge Kreamer he plead guilty to the charge and was fined $50 and costs—about $75 altogether. The prosecuting attorney, Bill Hackney, recommended leniency; but Judge Kreamer thought that that fine was about right. This will teach Pat a lesson. We all remember how the little daughter of Jos. Perry was killed in Wellington by a drunken man discharging a revolver on the streets. A similar tragedy might have been enacted here. As it is, someone is out about $102 for the plate glass in Newman’s window. When Pat was finally arrested, no revolver was found on his person; and no one testified that they saw him do the shooting. He denies doing it. The general supposition is that he did it. Since writing the above Patterson has informed us that he would go before a justice of the peace and make an affidavit that he would not touch a drop of whiskey for six months. We hope he will carry out this resolution and stick to it six years instead of six months.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
An intoxicated man by the name of Jones was run in by Billy Gray and Johnnie Breene Wednesday afternoon for disturbing the peace. Judge Bryant fined him $5 and costs, which sobered him up.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
The reason that a certain officer in Arkansas City desires the resignation of Billy Gray is because he has a brother-in-law who wants a job. There is nothing like getting the entire family into office.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
Monday Bill Gray arrested W. Ward’s hogs for running at large, and put them in the city pound. Next day Ward got out replevin papers and had them served by Frank Thompson. On advice of city attorney, Billy refused to give up the keys to the pound. Thompson, without any indemnifying bond, went and took the hogs out by force. The case comes off before Judge Kreamer Monday. It is getting to be a notorious fact that those who get in the toils of the city, laugh at its ordinances, officials, and everything else. If the case is decided against the violator, he appeals, and in some way gets scot free. Let us have a little reform.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
At the council meeting last Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer is reported as saying by the Traveler that: “The jealousy of a rival attorney had instigated a good share of this public odium, and the lies published in the REPUBLICAN had proceeded from an outside pen, because there was not brains enough in that establishment to concoct such fabrications. He cautioned the council against being influenced by these scurrilous allegations, they being prompted by malice and having no foundation in fact. If such charges were to influence the council to go back on its officers, he wished it distinctly understood that he had no hand in the business.”
The mayor also said “that you might rake H__l over with a fine comb and not find as black-hearted an individual as the one who wrote those articles in the REPUBLICAN.”
We wish to say that the junior editor of the REPUBLICAN does all the editorial work. All the charges we have brought to bear against the city council and attorney were written by that individual. We edit our own paper. We are not influenced by outside talk. We espoused that which we thought to be beneficial to the city and tax- payers. We were against that infamous water works ordinance because we believed it to be a swindle. In an article we condemned that ordinance, and showed wherein it was deficient. Later on we have shown plainly that the city attorney was incompetent to handle our city affairs. The police judge has shown that he is too lax in the management of his affairs. The council by a majority vote has requested him to resign, also the city attorney. The Council did a good night’s work last Monday in purging. We hope they will continue the purging process until they get all the corruption out. But one thing we are sorry for is that our mayor should so far forget his dignity as to use profane language in the council chamber. While we may have been extremely provoking to his side of the question, Mr. Schiffbauer should not be so put out as to lose the dignity which belongs to the head official of the city. It is very unbecoming.
In regard to the articles which we have written, they were founded on facts. Take the back files of the REPUBLICAN, inquire into the matter, and every charge we have made is true and can be sustained.
Only one time have we given space to any rumor; that was in regard to a certain officer appointing his brother-in-law to succeed Billy Gray as city marshal. That brother-in-law has since been appointed night watch at a salary of $25 per month. Hight, Dean, and Davis voted against his appointment. Dunn, Thompson, and Bailey voted for it, and as it was a tie, the mayor decided.
Mr. Schiffbauer informs us that a number of merchants requested the appointment. As they hired one night watch, they felt justified in asking the city to appoint one. But be that as it may, we know now we have three salaried policemen and two night watches.
The REPUBLICAN has a right to criticize the action of any public officer. The people expect us to voice their rights and agitate all questions of public interest.
The muddle which exists in the council now is thrown upon the shoulders of the REPUBLICAN. It was through our agitation of the ineligibility of the councilmen and the incompetency of our city attorney, it is claimed by a few, that the present state of affairs exists. We have no apology to offer. We have done our duty to the taxpayers of Arkansas City. We thought the city attorney was incapable to handle the affairs of Arkansas City correctly. We said so and produced evidence to substantiate what we charged. We feel highly complimented that the REPUBLICAN has been able to assist in purging the city of any incompetent officer. But this is no reason why our mayor should lose his dignified bearing and go down to the level of a profane citizen, especially in the council chamber. We leave the matter to be decided by the taxpayers of Arkansas City. In the language of Jake Hight, let us have a little more dignity in the council.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
The replevin suit of W. Ward to recover his hogs came off Monday before Judge Kreamer. The jury decided that Ward should have his hogs. It seems almost useless for Billy Gray to make arrests. If he does make any, the violators always get free. The REPUBLICAN suggests that that jury be given a leather medal. The case will have a new hearing.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
Billy Gray arrested Ed. Vaughan’s team Monday for being hitched in front of Albert Worthley’s residence. Vaughan was taken before Judge Bryant and fined $3 and costs, which amounted to $7.50. With the exception of $1, the costs were knocked off. If it had been a white man, he could have gotten loose someway. As it was, it was only a poor “nigger.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Half a Block on Summit Street Goes Up In Smoke.
On Monday night about 11:30 the cry of fire was raised. Among the first attracted by the alarm were Frank Schiffbauer, mayor of the city, and Capt. Rarick, deputy sheriff, who were just parting for the night on the First National Bank corner. They ran in the direction of the cry, and seeing a blaze in the rear of the New York Restaurant, ran for the hose reel, and in five or six minutes returned to the same. The flames had burst forth in the meantime, and were making rapid headway, the building being of frame, and similar buildings adjoining it on both sides. A crowd gathered, and among the foremost to act was Charley Holloway, who kicked in the glazed door of Grimes & Son’s drug store, and walked through the building with a view of saving its contents. He found the fire had extended to the rear portion of the store, and an explosion of some vessel a short distance in front of him, which scattered fragments wounding both his hands, cautioned him that he was in an unsafe place. An attempt was made to attach the hose to the hydrant, but some trouble was experienced in detaching the cap. During this while the flames spread rapidly, the wind which fortunately was light, driving the fire in the direction of Central Avenue. Heitkam’s tailor store and a barber shop were on the lot south of the New York Restaurant, and the occupants were promptly on hand to save their stock and furniture from the devouring element. Mr. Heitkam saved half of his stock of cloth and made up suits, but the frame buildings with their combustible contents, burned so fiercely that the feeble efforts at extinguishing it were hardly perceptible. In half an hour the buildings extending north to Central Avenue were in a blaze, and it was evident that no power could be exerted to save them. Crowds of men worked diligently to rescue what was portable, but confusion prevailed, and there was no intelligent direction given to their efforts. The St. Louis Restaurant, Grimes & Son’s drug store, Bundrem’s butcher shop, and Means’ implement store were by 12 o’clock in the vortex of the flames, and brief time was afforded the willing workers to rescue the doomed property from destruction. To save Mowry & Sollitt’s brick drug store, Kroenert & Austin’s grocery store, on the lot adjoining, was pulled down, which stopped the progress of the flames in a southward direction. Mowry & Sollitt, fearing their store would be involved, began moving their stock; but on the suggestion of Capt. Thompson that the risk was less to let their goods remain, the hasty tearing up was discontinued, and they escaped with slight loss. Being checked on the south side and isolated at the other end by the width of the street, the fire abated about an hour after a bad burst forth, and spread over no more territory. The stream from the hydrant was kept up through the night cooling the smoldering embers, and when the business of the next day opened, the sight was presented to the beholder of half a block on our main business street being laid in ruins. D. L. Means loses $3,000 in his stock, his insurance is $1,000. Kroenert & Austin suffer quite as seriously. C. A. Burnett estimates his loss at $2,400; he has $1,500 insurance. The buildings being rated as extra hazardous, and the rate of insurance 7 percent, owners and occupants were chary of securing themselves on heavy sums. The following is a list of the losses and insurance.
Lot 1. Lot and building owned by W. Benedict. Insured for $500. Occupied by D. L. Means, insured in North American for $1,000.
Lot 2. Lot and building owned by Dr. Shepard. Insured for $800 in Springfield Insurance Co. Occupied by Charley Bundrem as a meat market, who was insured for $300 in the New York Alliance, and by J. T. Grimes & Son, druggists, who carried $500 insurance in the Pennsylvania and the same amount in the Liverpool, London & Globe.
Lot 3. Lot and building owned by Mrs. Benedict and occupied by C. A. Burnett, as the St. Louis Restaurant. Building uninsured; stock insured for $1,500 in equal amounts in the Mechanics of Milwaukee, the Northwestern National, and the Connecticut.
Lot 4. Lot and building owned by S. B. Pickle, who is now absent in Springlake, Ohio. Occupied by O. F. Lang as the New York Restaurant. Stock insured for $500 in the Home Mutual.
Lot 5, with the frame building thereon, is owned by J. H. Sherburne—uninsured. Its occupants were A. G. Heitkam, tailor, insured for $800; half in the Glens’ Falls and half in the Fire Insurance of England; and a German barber, who carried no insurance.
Lot 6, and the grocery that stood thereon, were owned and occupied by Kroenert & Austin, who carried $500 insurance on the building in the North American, and the same amount on the stock.
Mr. Holloway received a severe bruise in the hand from an ax in the hands of an excited individual, who brought his weapon down on the hydrant while he was unscrewing the cap with a wrench.
The insurance of Dr. Shepard on his building ran out at noon on the day of the fire; but his agent, Frank Hess, had written him another policy, thus saving him from loss.
It is said that Charley Bundrem had $187 in greenbacks placed under his pillow, which went to feed the flames.
The fall of an awning struck City Marshal Gray to the ground, and he came near being badly scorched.
A young man in the employ of C. A. Burnett lost everything in the fire except the clothes he stands in.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
Proclamation Concerning Dogs.
I, William J. Gray, city marshal, of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, by virtue of authority vested in me, do hereby proclaim and make known that all dogs found within said city without having the tax paid as provided in sections 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 of ordinance No. 5 of the revised ordinances of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas (approved May 29th, 1885), will be shot on sight, after ten days from the date of publication of this proclamation.
Witness my hand this 28th day of July, A. D., 1885. WILLIAM J. GRAY, City Marshal.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
M. Sawyer was arrested by Billy Gray Wednesday for erecting a frame building within the fire limits. He was taken before Judge Bryant, but the Mayor ordered a stay of proceeding because Sawyer agreed not to go any further with the building.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Charley Chapel and Ed. Kingsbury, the would-be Old Sleuths—it could be—were on the war path last Friday night. Billy Gray was watching certain suspicious looking parties and the boys begged to be allowed to sit up and watch the fun. At about 12 o’clock, while the trio were sitting in front of Grubbs’ fruit stand with bated breath waiting for developments, a groan was heard among the ruins of the recent fire. The boys started at break-neck speed in the direction from whence came the sound. With hair on end, they searched for the corpse, but it was not to be found. Suddenly again the still night air was broken by that dismal groan. This time it was still further away. Once more they girded up their loins and flew. Industriously they searched, but alas, the victim was not to be discovered. Up the alley to the rear of the boys, the groan was heard again accompanied by “Charley, Charley come quick.” This paralyzed the boys. Their knees refused to work, except up and down. Finally they summoned sufficient courage to go up the alley a short distance. Nothing was found. Scared near unto death the brave (?) boys returned to the protecting wing of Billy Gray. Here they related their experience and begged him to take them home. Billy informed them it was only a joke perpetrated on them by a ventriloquist sitting in front of Hutchison & Sons’ store. The boys no longer desire to be on the police force.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Proclamation Concerning Dogs.
I, William J. Gray, City Marshal of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, by virtue of authority vested in me, do hereby proclaim and make known that all dogs found within said city without having the tax paid, as provided in Section 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, of ordinance No. 5, of the revised ordinances of the City of Arkansas City, Kansas, approved May 29th, 1885, will be shot on sight after ten days from the date of publication of this proclamation.
Witness my hand this 28th day of July, A. D. 1885. W. J. GRAY, City Marshal.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 5, 1885.
The deadlock in the city council still continues, the collective wisdom of our city fathers in the attempt to disentangle the snarl proving an utter mockery.
It has been suggested that if they meet less frequently and talk less, a less amount of friction might be created. It has even been intimated to this reporter that if he ceased publishing the proceedings of that honorable body, less attention would be directed to our city government, and less perplexity would distract the minds of our municipal Solons.
Last week the council held a stormy session, and all that resulted from their deliberations was placing matters in a worse shape than before. The occupation tax was referred to the equalization committee on the complaint of the insurance agents of the city, and the water ordinance was referred to the water works committee for revision, on the complaint that the tariff bore heavily on certain interests—livery stable men, hotel keepers, barbers, etc. This causes more delay, and in the meanwhile not a dollar finds its way into the city treasury.
Councilman Hight, also, created ill feeling in the mind of the mayor, by his indiscreet and injudicious devotion to retrenchment and reform. He bounced Night Watchman Stafford, whose pay is $25 a month, on the ground that his support was an unnecessary burden on an overburdened treasury. This officer had worn the star but two weeks, he has been vigilant and had made several arrests. As a matter of fact, the fines paid by the misdemeanants he handed in more than paid his salary for the time; so the burden of his pay could not rest down very heavily on the city treasury.
This seems to have disgruntled the mayor; he feels it as a personal affront. He is working without pay; he is ungrudging in his devotion of time and attention to his duties; and he very naturally thinks himself entitled to some slight indulgement at the hands of his brother officials. The citizen who pays the taxes (or is expected to pay them), and look on, knows that correct government cannot be obtained under the most expensive methods, and he is willing to wink at any trifling peccadillo that quiet and efficiency may be preserved. An old axiom says, “Notions thrive in spite of bad government,” and there is a saying in the law books, de minimis lex non curat, (the law takes no heed of trifles).
But the worst pill in our municipal pharmacopoeia, is the city attorney. He is a worse element of discord than a green apple to our internal arrangements. He is not wanted, and he will not take himself away. His demand is for specific charges, he declares he will not be suppressed by mere clamor. He seems to have succeeded in making himself odious to the entire community. Petitions have been circulated asking him to resign; a resolution to the same effect received the unanimous support of the council. But these delicate hints he treated with supreme scorn. The council, finding it had a tough customer to deal with, threw away reserve, and its next step was to declare the office vacant. This was supposed to be a sockdologer.
“Time was when the brains were out, the man would die.”
But this shot glanced off as harmlessly as the frigate Cumberland’s broadsides rained upon the rebel ram Merrimac. The vote of the council being unofficially reported to this disciple of Thomas, he laughed with intense enjoyment, and informed the mayor they had not done with him yet. He still affects to perform the duties of the office; and expresses his clear conviction that he is entitled to the pay.
At the council meeting last week, Mr. Hight inquired of the mayor if he had appointed an attorney to fill the vacancy. His honor replied he had not, as he was unwilling to burden the city treasury with two attorneys. He then declared his belief that the proceedings in ousting that much reprobated official were not in conformity with state, and were hence invalid. Mayor Schiffbauer’s understanding of this matter has been explained in our columns before. His reading of the state law creating our city charter is that in removing a city officer—other than the mayor, justice of the peace, and constable—written charges must be presented, and the officer against whom they are preferred, be heard at the bar of the council. This idea has probably been engendered by his honor’s readings in history. Our schoolboy imaginations are very vividly impressed with the proceedings in attainder of several British ministers; and the American constitution prescribes an elaborate form for the trial on impeachment of the president. But a strict construction of the provision warrants no such resort to stage effect. The offending official can be removed for cause, on a majority vote of all the members of the council.
Has not a cause been given? Incompetency. Has not another cause been set forth, an inherent cussedness, and a sort of true inward perversity, which set every man against him, and create such friction that the car of our city government cannot roll on with this extremely objectionable passenger aboard. Our British forefathers would duck a village scold, and in this country as well as abroad, a litigious, quarrelsome person can be restrained on a charge of barratry. “General cussedness” being deemed too indefinite a charge to bring against a city officer, a more direct and tangible cause was assigned, and for incompetency the office of city attorney was declared vacant.
Here comes in the deadlock. The irrepressible Stafford affects to ignore the authority of the power that created him, and the mayor encourages his recalcitrancy by refusing to fill the vacant office. The councilmen regard each other in perplexity. Boss Tweed’s embarrassing query, “What are you going to do about it?” comes home to them in full force. It will not do to give up, they all declare, in talking over their embarrassment, but no two seem to agree in the manner they ought to proceed. The TRAVELER has no suggestions to make, because the situation is too sensational for a reporter to desire to see changed. In Chicago a heavy snow fall last winter filled up the street and car tracks and seriously impeded commerce. Large bodies of laborers were set to work to remove it, but it was found that after all the shoveling was done the snow was still there. So with our inevitable city attorney. The people may abuse him to their fill, and the council dispose of him in every variety of way; but he bobs up smiling and serene after the most merciless vivisection, and seems rather to enjoy the torture of which he is made the victim. Why don’t the president appoint him minister to Siam? The mission belongs to this state.
Since the above was in type, the council at a regular meeting, last Monday, at the request of the city attorney preferred by the mayor, withdraw its charges against that official, on the condition that he tender his resignation. It was alleged that harsh measures had been passed, as an opportunity had not been afforded him to resign before the matter had been brought up in council and the office declared vacant. This method of solving a difficulty and removing friction being approved by the council, on motion the resolution was reconsidered and revoked, and the city attorney requested to hand in his resignation.
Mr. Stafford being called for, made a brief address, in which he said he was the victim of clamor; that a crusade had been engaged against him without definite charges being made, and all the proceedings against him adopted by that body were tainted with irregularity. But since it was insisted that his incumbency in office was the cause of irritation, and his withdrawal was demanded in the public interest, he was ready to sacrifice his own rights and step down and out on these conditions: That his pay be allowed him till the 17th inst., the end of a month in his engagement, and also that he be allowed his fees as counsel in the case of Ward against William J. Gray.
Mr. Hill said it would be more graceful in Mr. Stafford to resign unconditionally and trust to the magnanimity of the council.
Mr. Stafford said the gentleman had not attended council meetings as regularly as he (the speaker) had.
The mayor here interposed with a personal guaranty that Mr. Stafford’s salary should be paid to the 17th as demanded, and the fee he asked in the city marshal’s case, as the council was bound to protect its own officers, he had no doubt that body would allow. Whereupon the resignation was written out and tendered, as requested, and formally accepted by the council.
John Stafford, the night watchman, who has worn the star since he was declared discharged a week ago, was formally reinstated. Mr. Hight declared he had been too hasty, that his zeal had outrun his discretion, that he regarded it as one of the deadly sins to trench on the mayor’s prerogatives, that in future he would keep a watch on his lips, and uppermost in his soul was the saying of our dead hero, “let us have peace.”
The curtain was rung down at a late hour with the mayor and councilmen shaking hands all round, the city clerk mounted on the reporter’s table singing the doxology in long meter, and the TRAVELER reporter rushing furiously down stairs vociferating that his occupation was gone. It was a good old-fashioned love feast, and melted the hearts of the beholders.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
All’s Well That Ends Well.
MARRIED. For a week or more the rumor had been prevalent that Will L. Aldridge was to be arrested at the instigation of Miss Annie McBride for bastardy. Last Saturday the rumor became a fact. It was understood that Aldridge intended leaving town that afternoon. A short time after dinner, Johnnie Breene saw Aldridge on the streets and started to arrest him. He was deterred from doing so by the defendant’s attorney on the ground that there was no warrant out. Johnnie immediately went and had a warrant issued for Aldridge’s arrest; and just as the 3:05 Santa Fe train was pulling out, Billy Gray jumped aboard and arrested Aldridge and brought him uptown. He was taken before Judge Kreamer, who bound him over in the sum of $2,000 to appear the following Tuesday. He furnished the necessary approved bondsmen.
This case shows a great deal of depravity on the part of the defendant. A year ago he was a respected lumber dealer in our city. He had a happy home, wife, and baby; and as far as the outside world was cognizant, there was no more blissful fireside than that of Will L. Aldridge. During the latter part of the winter, his wife died after giving birth to a child.
Now as time progressed he began the use of strong drink very heavily and in a few weeks after the death of his wife became enamored of Miss McBride’s charms, and began to press his suit. For more than three months the defendant plied himself to accomplish his ends. Buggy rides after nightfall were frequent; fine dresses and beautiful rings were presented to her, and finally his promises. “It won’t be long until we are married,” caused the girl to yield all that a woman should hold most sacred—her virtue. The defendant wrote letters full of love and promises, saying he could not live without her. The girl, after allowing herself to be used as was desired for some time, became aware that she was in an interesting condition and called on Aldridge to fulfill his pledges ere her shame become known to the world.
He refused, and was quite indignant in the courtroom that he should be subject to an arrest upon such a trivial affair. His bravado, however, was soon put to flight. Up to Monday afternoon he was determined not to do justice to the poor girl; but upon the advice of his father-in-law, Thos. Sidner, of Topeka, and seeing that the law was all in favor of the plaintiff, he consented to marry her. At about 6 p.m. the couple accompanied by Miss McBride’s brother, went to Winfield in carriages, and at 11 o’clock Judge Gans united the fallen pair in marriage. Tuesday morning they returned to Arkansas City and have since been stopping at the hotel. Aldridge says he intends to be a man from now on, and the REPUBLICAN hopes he will make good the assertion. Miss McBride has always possessed a fair name. She was employed as a domestic in the family of O. F. Godfrey. She lately came here and is the sister of the wife of George Pile.
Let this sad affair be a warning to all unscrupulous men and giddy maidens. Retribution will overtake the guilty though it be at the eleventh hour. The REPUBLICAN hopes that the termination of the life of the newly wedded pair will be more honorable than the beginning.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
At the council meeting on Monday evening, the mayor and six councilmen were present, Dunn and Hill being absent. The vote of the third ward was canvassed, and A. D. Prescott declared elected. He presented himself and took the oath of office.
The following bills were acted on.
Claim of T. J. Stafford (ex-city attorney) of $20 for defending W. J. Gray, in a replevin case, was allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
To Whom the Fault Belongs.
In regard to the Sawyer wrangle, the Traveler says:
“The question was asked him if any of the neighbors objected to his work; he replied that no complaint had reached his ears. Councilman Hill said he did not like to make the enforcement of any ordinance oppressive. If the neighbors did not object, the council might shut its eyes to the offense. His advice to the applicant was to pay his fine to the police judge (he having been arrested), and trust to being let alone in the future. To the surprise of all present, not a city father raised his voice to show the folly of such cecutiency.”
Upon Mr. Hill saying what he did, Mr. Sawyer rose up in the council chamber and pointing toward Billy Gray said: “What shall I do about the city marshal arresting me?”
Mr. Hill replied that that was his own look-out. But a few moments before this conversation, on the same night, Mr. Sawyer presented his petition, which was tabled, and on motion of Archie Dunn, the fire ordinance was ordered to be enforced strictly, each councilman voting affirmatively.
This shows that the blame does not rest upon the council, as the Traveler would like to have it appear, in order to shield its protégée. Prior to this meeting Mr. Sawyer had been arrested, just after he had commenced his building, but Judge Bryant was ordered to stay proceedings by the mayor until after the council met.
What did the council do? They ordered the ordinance enforced. Whose duty is it to see that the ordinances are enforced? The mayor’s. Did he do it? We think not.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
Last Monday night was the regular meeting of the city council. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Davis, Hight, Thompson, Dean, and Bailey.
Bill of ex-city attorney Stafford, who defended Billy Gray in the Ward hog trial, of $20, was allowed.
The council voted that the fire ordinance in regard to the erection of buildings in the fire limits be strictly enforced.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
The war between Sawyer and the city has not yet ended. Yesterday Billy Gray served notice on that offending individual from Mayor Schiffbauer warning him to remove his building from the fire limits or take the consequence.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
Lu Skinner was taken in Tuesday by Billy Gray for being fuller than a “biled owl.” Judge Bryant willed that Lu “set ‘em up” to the court to the tune of $2 and costs. Total $6.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.
A curious complication arose over the collection of the occupation tax last week. City Marshal Gray notified, among others, Dr. Acker and Dr. Shepard that their contribution to the city treasury was not paid in. As these two gentlemen have formed a co-partnership, they considered the payment of one tax ($10) would answer for both. This was demurred to by the city marshal, and Dr. Shepard sought the opinion of the mayor. His honor held that two doctors should pay two fees, and so ordered. Dr. Acker on his refusal to pay was summoned before Judge Bryant, but while his case was being heard, his partner paid the tax for one to the city treasurer, receiving a receipt to the medical firm. Dr. Acker was fined for practicing without a license, but appealed, and was released on giving a bond to appear. This complicates the matter should it be carried to the district court, and there is no doubt but a settlement will be made.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 26, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The city council convened in regular session last Monday with the following members present: Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Prescott, Davis, Dean, Thompson, and Hight.
The allowance of bills occupied the attention of the August body first and the following action was taken on those coming up.
J. A. Stafford, special police, $2.00 allowed.
W. J. Gray, boarding prisoners, $4; allowed.
On motion, Jim Moore, the street commissioner, was fired.
The city marshal was instructed to act in his stead until his successor was appointed.
The next thing that was brought up for consideration was the old eye-sore, Sawyer. This time it was because he had made such a stench in his neighborhood by allowing soap-suds water to accumulate in a hole at the rear of his laundry that life was a burden to his neighbors. Billy Gray was instructed to make the old man clean up.
The next good deed done was to discharge night watchman Stafford.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
The side-splitting fat men’s race, which the managers of the rink advertised to come off Wednesday night, culminated in a free fight for all. W. Ward, while skating in the race, fell down and as a consequence the fat men following fell over him. The managers thought Ward was drunk and ran up and grabbed him by the hair and coat collar and were dragging him off the floor. Billy Gray happened in as several of Ward’s friends stepped up to interfere in the dragging process, and quelled the racket. Thursday one of the managers was sitting over by the hotel when Ward was passing. The latter stepped up to the former and hit him with his fist in the back of the neck, knocking him several feet. Ward went and gave himself up. Ward was not drunk at the skating rink. Last Saturday night another row occurred there. Oh, that skating rink is a grand place for decent girls to go! A newspaper that will stand up for such an institution deserves to be condemned by the public.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
Wednesday afternoon, in fraternity hall, mugwump Democracy held their primary pow wow. Friends, it was astonishing what a select crowd was in attendance. Just cast your eye on the following array of talent, which goes to the county convention today.
M. B. Vawter and Judge McIntire were chosen delegates from the first ward; Austin Bailey and Dr. Westfall, alternates. In the second ward, Ex-Street Commissioner Jim Moore and Dr. J. W. Sparks were made delegates and Pat Franey and Tom Braggins, alternates. The third ward, Jas. Benedict and J. M. Collins were denominated delegates, and Wyatt Gooch and E. Elerding, alternates. Fourth ward: Delegates, D. A. McIntire and Hon. E. C. Gage; alternates, John C. Willoughby and Capt. H. M. Maidt. Billy Gray and G. W. Ford were made delegates at large and C. T. Thurston and D. J. Buckley, alternates. Judge McIntire was chairman of the meeting and Edward C. Gage, secretary. A new departure was made in the convention. The delegates were left uninstructed. How are they to vote intelligently?
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
City Marshal Gray was reappointed street commissioner to hold the office until his successor is appointed and qualified. A resolution was also adopted that ex-Street Commissioner Moore be instructed to make his report and deliver his records to his successor without delay.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
Street Commissioner Gray has laid a gravel crosswalk along Summit Street on Fifth Avenue, which will be a boon to pedestrians in bad weather.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Let every man pay his poll-tax so City Marshal Gray can go with his improvements of the streets of the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
W. J. Gray, $10; allowed.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Horse Thief Captured.
On Monday afternoon City Marshal Gray was telephoned from Winfield, by Sheriff McIntire, to be on the look out for a horse thief who was traveling in the direction of this city. The man’s name is Bill Johnson, and he has been employed as a cowboy in the territory. Growing tired of this pastoral occupation, he struck out for Kansas, and some distance south of Caldwell, he laid violent hands on a horse, belonging to a farmer named Brown. The latter discovering his loss went in pursuit of the thief, tracking him to Winfield where he sought the assistance of the sheriff. Caution was sent to various towns surrounding, and to our city marshal, as has above been stated. This officer kept himself on the alert, and towards evening noticed a stranger ride into town from the north, whose description answered that briefly sent him by the sheriff. Marshal Gray informed the horse operator he had business for him, and in spite of the man’s protestations of innocence, took him in. He immediately telephoned Sheriff McIntire that he had caught the man, and early yesterday morning, that officer accompanied by the owner of the stolen animal arrived in town. The horse had been swapped on the way, however, and whether the owner can recover the property is doubtful. The prisoner was taken to Winfield on the afternoon train, and his chances for becoming a guest of the state are very promising.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
Monday afternoon City Marshal Gray was telephoned from Winfield by Sheriff McIntire to be on the look out for a horse thief by the name of Bill Johnson. Johnson is a cowboy and a few weeks ago he left the territory and stole the horse for which he is now under arrest. The owner resides south of Caldwell and he traced Johnson to Winfield. Our marshal discovered Johnson in one of our restaurants about dusk buying something to eat, and arrested him. He telephoned to Winfield for the owner of the horse, and sheriff, who came down on the 9 o’clock train and took charge of the prisoner, taking him to Winfield Tuesday morning. The gentleman from whom the horse was stolen promised not to prosecute Johnson if the latter would divulge the whereabouts of the animal, he having traded it off on his way here. This was agreed to and the prisoner is now in the hands of the officers. He will most likely get to serve a term in the penitentiary as he deserves.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
Poker Room Raided.
Some excitement was created on Saturday evening by the arrest of Frank Bluebaugh for keeping a poker room, in the basement under the Commercial block. Information was lodged with City Marshal Gray, by one Jones, who admitted he was running the game for a commission paid by Bluebaugh, but there being no city ordinance imposing a penalty for such offense, the case was placed in the hands of Constable Frank Thompson, to proceed against under the state law. On Saturday evening he visited the place, and arrested the proprietor, entrusting him to the custody of an assistant, while he proceeded to take in others implicated. But the prisoner eluded the vigilance of his custodian, and issuing from the hall, set out for parts unknown. This misadventure seems to have stayed all further proceedings.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
Billy Gray and a drunken Paddy had a disagreement Monday. Billy arrested him, but Paddy did not want to go, so our marshal threw him down and sat upon him. Paddy was put in a wagon and taken to the cooler, where he sobered up. He was taken before Judge Bryant Tuesday and liquidated for his misdemeanor to the amount of $8.65.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
The Leland Hotel Set on Fire Wednesday Night;
and Jerry McGee Arrested for the Deed.
Last Wednesday evening, at about 10 o’clock, the alarm of fire was given. It proved to be in the Leland Hotel, and from the testimony offered in the preliminary examination yesterday, of the man who is accused of the deed, we glean the following information.
Shortly after the Santa Fe train came in Wednesday night, the fire was discovered under the stairway by a chambermaid going to a closet after bed clothing. She screamed for Landlord Perry, who came with a pitcher of water, followed by a drummer with a bucket of water. They both dashed it on the flames and extinguished them. While this scene was transpiring, upon the outside two girls employed in the hotel were coming into the house from the laundry, when they met a man, who appeared to be trying to hide from them. They recognized him as Jerry McGee, and one of them, Ruth Bowles, caught hold of his coat collar and asked what he was doing there. No answer was made to her inquiry, and the girl held on to him for a short distance as he moved away trying to obtain an answer from him. She finally let loose and upon going in the house learned what had occurred there. She told Mr. Perry of her experience outside and he immediately had Billy Gray to go over to the Occidental where McGee worked, and see if he was there. Marshal Gray found him there and arrested him. He was kept under guard all night. Thursday the preliminary trial was to have come off, but it was postponed until yesterday. Landlord Perry tells us a man by the name of Hill saw the prisoner in the hallway of the Leland just before the fire occurred, but this witness strangely disappeared before the trial began. DeWitt McDowell, proprietor of the Occidental Hotel, testified that McGee was in his hotel at the time the fire occurred. The girl who caught the man by the coat collar is positive that it was McGee and McDowell was equally positive that the prisoner was in the Occidental at that moment. But Judge Kreamer wisely gave his decision to hold McGee, and he was bound over in the sum of $2,500.
The Leland Hotel was chock full of lodgers and if the fire had gotten under headway, no doubt some of them would have been cremated. The fire was under the only stairway in the hotel and if it had burned, all egress would have been cut off except through the windows. Whoever it was, it was intended to make a sure job, as everything in the place where the fire was started was saturated with coal oil.
Excerpts from a very lengthy article...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
The Leland Hotel Comes Near Going Up in Smoke.
Jerry McGee, a Discharged Employee, Arrested for the Crime.
He is Examined and Committed for Trial in the District Court.
Will J. Woods deposed that he was in the Occidental Hotel on Wednesday evening, when the train whistle blew, and remained there till the bus came up. One passenger came in and registered. McGee also came in and sat down by the stove. He talked three or four minutes with him, and then crossed over to the Leland, leaving McGee sitting there. In the Leland talked to his brother about a letter he had received from home, and talked to some other persons. A stranger inquired what escape there was from the house in case of fire. The porter showed a diagram of the place, and said escape was easy. Shortly afterward a cry of fire was raised, and witness went to the door and called for water and buckets. Quite a number came in, but it was then reported that the fire was out, and witness endeavored to keep the crowd out of the hall. The next witness saw of McGee was in the Occidental, and then heard he was accused of setting fire to the Leland. McGee was still sitting there. City Marshal Gray entered, and told McGee he had come to arrest him. It was talked that the girls at the Leland had seen him there, but McGee denied that he had been there.
DeWitt McDowell, proprietor of the Occidental, was next sworn. He deposed that McGee was in his employ as porter. It was near 10 o’clock when the bus came in. Jerry entered the office with one man carrying a small bundle. McGee sat down and the passenger washed. He (the accused) then went upstairs, and two minutes later there was an alarm of fire. He did not leave the office till he went upstairs. Billy Gray came in about ten minutes after the alarm of fire was given and took McGee away. On going upstairs, witness met him coming down, and told him there was a fire; he asked where it was. Both went to the door to look out, and saw a crowd running into the Leland Hotel.
William J. Gray deposed that he arrested Jerry McGee 15 to 20 minutes after the fire. On his first trip he didn’t find him. The second time he found him in the Occidental office. Had no warrant to arrest him. Held him in charge till he gave bond. Shortly after releasing him went to Occidental again with Judge Kreamer, where he found his prisoner.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
The Englishman says, “If you give a man a hinch he’ll take a hell.” Mr. Davis, in the city council on Monday evening, made a similar complaint. He said when leave is granted a property holder to use the street for building material, it is always understood that a sidewalk must be kept open for pedestrians, and only one-third of the width of the street must be used. But in the burnt district nearly the entire roadway was encumbered, leaving barely room for one wagon to pass, and where a passage should be left open for pedestrians, a mortar bed was placed. City Marshal Gray was instructed to bestir himself, and see that the rights of the sovereign people are respected.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Capt. Rarick, City Marshal Gray, and Constable Breene made a descent yesterday on three moonshiners, on an island five miles east of this city, old man Tournier being one of the contraband operators, the names of his two accomplices we did not learn. Their stock in trade consisted of an empty whiskey barrel, its contents having just been exhausted. The parties were examined before Judge Kreamer, and in default of bail, were here held in durance vile.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 23, 1886.
Tuesday City Marshal Gray arrested the two soiled doves, Nellie Tartar and Jessie Cuppy, and their “pimp,” Geo. Cuppy. The trio were taken before Judge Kreamer, as Judge Bryant was not in his office for trial. The charge preferred against them was the keeping of a “bawdy house.” They were found guilty and fined $5 each and costs. The boy was taken to the Winfield bastille Wednesday morning, where he languishes now for his deeds. The girls were given until Wednesday noon in which to pay their fine. Several hours before that time, they walked up to the bar of Justice and liquidated. When arrested Tuesday they were moneyless. They told the Judge if he would give them 24 hours more, they would raise the money to pay the boy’s fine. The Judge refused.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 23, 1886.
Chas. Custer, a Tonkawa chief, was in the city the first of the week on his way to Washington, D. C. He put up at the Central Avenue hotel. Monday night he got some man to go and get him some whiskey and Charles proceeded to get drunk and go to sleep. Tuesday morning when he waked up and counted his money, he found he was out $29, which he claimed someone had appropriated. Accordingly City Marshal Gray was ordered to arrest J. C. Anderson. He was taken before Judge Kreamer; but the Indian said he was not the man, when but a few moments before he had said he was. All parties were turned loose. On the stand the Indian picked out Tommy Braggins as the man who bought the whiskey for him. Tommy never saw the red-skin before and only happened to be sitting in the courtroom at the time of the trial. This proved conclusively that Chas. Custer did not know what he was talking about. But one thing was certain, that Charles had been on a drunk and was not entirely sober when he was on the stand.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
A woman by the name of Parker, who resides on South Summit street, hunted up Marshal Gray Wednesday morning and informed him that her gold watch had been stolen the night before. She stated that a man had removed her “chattels” from the Hasie block to her present quarters the day before the watch had been taken and had left town that morning. Sheriff McIntire was telephoned to stop the man at Winfield. He did so and searched him, but did not find the watch. The prisoner was turned loose. The man stated he had lodged with the woman overnight after moving her chattels, and that is why she suspected him of taking the time-piece. Since we have an ordinance now, don’t the citizens of Arkansas City think it is high time that such irregularities should be stopped?
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
Monday night the council passed an ordinance against prostitution. Thursday Mollie Anthony, Jennie Jones, and Dora ___, all professionals from Winfield, were taken in by Marshal Gray under its provisions. They were taken before Judge Bryant and plead “guilty.” Each was fined $10 and costs. Jennie Jones and Dora ___ paid, but Mollie Anthony asked for an extension of time. She was returned in custody. These women had their resort near Rosenberg’s restaurant.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
They Declare They Will Not Pay Their License Unless the Ordinance is Better Enforced.
The draymen of the city have been raising a sort of racket over the payment of the occupation tax. Mention having been made in the city council that a number of persons were delinquent in this tax, the city clerk was instructed to prepare a statement showing the names of all who had paid their occupation and dog tax. This was presented at the last meeting of the council, and referred to the finance committee. A cursory glance over the list showed that the draymen of the city were defaulters, and City Marshal Gray was instructed to arrest them and take them before the police justice for a hearing. Accordingly on Wednesday afternoon Frank Wallace, William Huff, William Ward, W. J. Gamel, Jas. Moore, Henry Bryson, Scott Brandon, and M. Hartman appeared before Judge Bryant, who fined them each $2 and costs for violation of a city ordinance.
This puts the draymen in a bad light before the public, but they have their grievances which they put in as an offset. Their first demurrer is that the section in the city ordinance relating to draymen is so bunglingly worded, that no lawyer has yet been found in the city who can construe it. One clause in the section sets forth as follows:
“Any wagon used or kept for use for hauling or transferring for his profit or compensation, any goods, wares, or merchandise, or other property of any kind, except ice, coal, wood, sand, stone, brick, and building material not owned by the owner of the wagon, shall be deemed a job wagon.”
According to the ordinary rules of construction, this would exclude the hauling of the articles above named by an owner of a wagon, to whom the goods do not belong, from liability to pay occupation tax on a job wagon. But it is not so construed by the police justice, and it is not so understood by the draymen implicated. According to the decisions of Judge Bryant, a coal dealer who delivers coal in his own vehicle is not the owner of a job wagon, and hence not liable to the tax on the same; but the man who delivers coal, who is not the owner of the same, and receives money for the service, is running a job wagon and should pay the tax.
The draymen complain of other irregularities in the enforcement of this ordinance which are vexatious to themselves, one or two of which we will mention.
Some time ago several car loads of corn arrived at the depot, which the owner desired to have hauled to his crib. The draymen agreed upon $5 a car load as their rate of compensation. The owner of the corn found someone who was willing to do the work for $4.50, and set him to hauling it. The draymen complained to the city marshal that this man was running a job wagon without paying his tax, and he was arrested for the offense. On the trial the owner of the corn testified that he had sold the wagon used for transferring the corn to the man who was driving it, and had not yet been paid; on this he based his claim to ownership of the wagon. This was accepted as sound logic and good law by the court, and the charge was dismissed.
The draymen also object to the practice of licensing a job wagon for a fraction of a year. They allege that men who use their wagons and teams in farm work during the summer, will come to town when farm work is over and run job wagons during the winter months at a rate of compensation just sufficient to pay for horse feed. City draymen who are willing to take out a license and expect to support their families by their industry, are injured by this competition; and as a protection, they demand that these men be required to pay the tax for a whole year. It has been said in the council chamber that the licensing ordinance is not a protective tariff, that its sole purpose is to provide revenue, and those persons who seek protection from it, mistake its intent and purport. But the draymen maintain that they have a right to incidental protection, and the lax way in which licenses are granted deprives the municipal law of all usefulness and validity. Thus we have the great political issue of a tariff for protection or a tariff for revenue only, brought home to our city administration; and to Judge Bryant is committed the delicate duty of determining which rule shall apply.
The draymen made a picnic of the prosecution. Being committed in default of payment, and there being no jail to confine them in, they considered themselves under arrest, and demanded board of the city marshal. This officer was not prepared to feed so numerous a family, so to escape the embarrassment he skipped out, leaving his prisoners to provide for themselves. At supper time they repaired to a restaurant, called for a meal, ate heartily, enjoying the affair as a huge joke, and referred the perplexed caterer to the city council for payment.
One of the men tells an amusing domestic incident. It was told his children that their father had gone to jail, there was no one to provide for them now, and they would have to go to the city for support. This sadly troubled them, and when a grocer’s wagon stopped at the door shortly after to deliver some goods, a little toddler, four years old, said to the clerk, “My pa is put in prison, and you’ll have to go to the city for your pay.”
This revolt of the draymen against a city ordinance is an unpleasant incident, and we look to see the matter brought up before the city council at its next meeting.
Since the above was written, the draymen have paid the fine and costs, and give notice of appeal.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Every citizen in Arkansas City is hereby notified to clean up their alleys, pig pens, and out buildings, or take the consequence of the law. W. J. GRAY, City Marshal.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
Annie Davis was arrested by Marshal Gray Thursday, on the charge of prostitution. Judge Bryant fined her $10 and costs. She paid up in full.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
Jennie Miller, Maud Dewit, and Mollie Jones were arrested Thursday morning by Marshal Gray for running a “baudy house.” They were taken before Judge Bryant and fined $10 and costs. They paid.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
W. J. Johnson, a man who has been in the employ of C. M. Scott for some time, was arrested Monday morning by Marshal Gray for beating his wife. He was taken before Judge Kreamer, but the prosecuting witness failed to appear, and he got off by paying costs.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
Geo. Washington has been resurrected. He was arrested Wednesday, by Marshal Gray, on the charge of fighting, and was fined $2 and costs; total $6. George paid the cost up in full, and was released. He is a colored man.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
Mrs. Hallie Jones, with the aid of Judge Bryant and Marshal Gray, celebrated “all fool’s days” in grand style. The marshal arrested her on the charge of running a bawdy house, and the judge fined her $10 and costs, total $14. Mrs. Hattie paid the assessment.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Wm. Gray was reappointed City Marshal Monday evening last by Mayor Schiffbauer. Johnnie Breene was appointed assistant, and James Benedict City Clerk. The appointments were promptly confirmed by the council.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Two of the “boys in blue,” who have been stationed here for some time, drank and became drunken Saturday night last. They were arrested by Marshal Gray and placed in jail overnight. They were released the next morning by the order of Mayor Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Pat Moran and wife jumped the town last Sunday night, leaving a board bill of $24 unpaid. Marshal Gray telegraphed to the marshal at Mulvane and the parties were taken in and brought back. They paid up the board bill and all the costs and were released.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Austin Bailey and Tom Saymens became involved in a dispute Wednesday evening on 5th Avenue over the auctioneering business and which led to a bout with the fists. Bailey hit Saymens in the eye and the latter dittoed, when they were separated by Marshal Gray. They were taken before the police judge and fined $1 and costs each.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.
City Marshal Gray has something to say to householders about cleaning up their premises. His message will be found in another column.
Take Notice.
All persons owning or occupying lots are hereby notified to remove all garbage or decaying animal or vegetable matter from their premises and alleys adjoining, according to the requirement of the city ordinances. A thorough cleansing and purifying at the approach of hot weather is necessary to the health of the city. Persons neglecting this notice will be punished to the full extent of the law. WILLIAM J. GRAY, City Marshal.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
The Jail Delivery.
Last Monday night at about 9 o’clock, the first successful jail delivery was effected in Cowley County at Winfield. The prisoners, not usually locked in their cells till 9 or 9:30 o’clock, were at large in the jail corridor. Sheriff McIntire and Deputy Joe Church had just gone uptown, when the prisoners rapped on the iron door of the jail and called for water. Jailor Tom H. Herrod and Deputy Henry A. Champlain remained at the jail to attend the prisoners. They went to answer the summons, Champlain guarding with his revolver for any emergency, when Herrod opened the door. It was opened only about one foot when five of the prisoners made the break for liberty. Chas. Swift, the leader of the gang, convicted of forgery last week, grabbed Herrod and pulled him in while Bill Matney, a U. S. prisoner for horse stealing in the Territory, gave him a blow on the top of the head with a bed slat that stunned him and he fell back against the door sill. Before he fell, Champlain couldn’t shoot for fear of hitting Herrod, but as soon as he was knocked down, the guard opened fire with his revolver. Wm. P. Bennett, whose conviction for counterfeiting was scarcely four hours old, grabbed the door low down and was in the act of slamming it wide open when a ball from Champlain’s 45 took him in the groin, ranged upward, severed the main artery, and without uttering a word, he whirled around, sank down by a cell door, and in three minutes had bled to death. The shot was paralyzing. The smoke from the first shot blinded the guard, but he blazed away again; whether the shot took effect or not is unknown. Swift sprang forward, belted Champlain a blow on the head with a bed slat, momentarily stunning him. The final dash was made and before Champlain could gather himself, four of the prisoners were out. Three of them went between the jail and Finch’s house, and the deputy followed them with the remaining bullets in his revolver. Another went around the west side of the jail and jumped the fence southwest of the courthouse. Sheriff McIntire was on the scene in a few minutes, organized a posse, and made hot pursuit though the cloudy darkness gave the criminals every advantage. Marshal Gray and Capt. Rarick were telephoned and they also got out a squad of searchers. None of the fugitives were found until Wednesday when Chas. Swift and David Wiggins were captured in the vicinity of Dexter. Wednesday night Bill Matney was captured. He was caught at the Chilocco Indian Schools in the Territory by Sam Endicott. Marshal Gray took the prisoners to Winfield Thursday morning. Those who escaped were: Chas. Swift, convicted last week of forging the name of J. T. Stinson to a $15 check and passing it on J. B. Lynn. Bill Matney has been in jail for two months awaiting a trial before the U. S. Court, for horse stealing in the Territory. John David Wiggins was convicted last Friday of manufacturing and circulating counterfeit silver dollars. He was arrested at Atlanta two months ago, with his “kit” of tools with him in a “grip.” W. P. Bennett, who was killed, was an assistant of Wiggins in the counterfeiting business. James Whitehead was a horse thief. There were several other prisoners in the corridor, but they made no attempt to get out. The latter has not been captured.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Real Estate Transfers of Monday and Tuesday.
J. M. Godfrey to Wm. Gray, house and lot, $600.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met Monday evening in regular session. Present: C. G. Thompson, C. G. Thurston, A. A. Davis, A. D. Prescott, J. Hight, C. Dean, and O. Ingersoll.
The allowing of bills occupied the attention of the council first.
W. J. Gray, $3.80; allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
David Griffin, Thos. Murray, and Jas. Tully were taken in Tuesday evening by Marshal Gray on the charge of drunkenness. They were taken before Judge Bryant. Griffin was found not guilty. The other two were found guilty and fined $5 and costs each. They languish in the calaboose.
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
Monday evening the city council met. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen A. D. Prescott, O. Ingersoll, A. A. Davis, C. T. Thurston, C. G. Thompson, and J. Hight.
W. J. Gray, board prisoners, $4.60; allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
City Marshal Gray Tuesday notified the druggists of the city that if they sold any more whiskey on Sunday, he would arrest them. It is a violation of the city ordinance to sell whiskey on Sunday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Bent Moore, M. Hungerford, and J. E. Miner were arrested by Marshal Gray last evening for being drunk and disorderly. Judge Bryant fined each $1 and costs; total, $5 each.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Nellie Tartar was arrested by Marshal Gray this morning for running a “bawdy house.” She was fined $10 and costs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mattie Jackson and Nellie Shepard were taken in by Billy Gray Tuesday, for running a bawdy house. Judge Bryant cared for them in the sum of $10 and costs each.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
This morning, just before noon, Marshal Gray, Capt. Rarick, Sheriff McIntire, Johnnie Breene, and John Lewis visited the Monumental Hotel and made a raid upon the basement for whiskey sellers. The building was surrounded and an officer detached to make the search. A thorough search was made, but the jointists had gone, taking with them their liquors before the officers got there. It is supposed the criminals had gone to the Territory.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Wednesday the little five year old son of Widow Matlock was bitten quite severely by a vicious dog. She resides in a cottage east of the Santa Fe. She sent the boy to a neighbor’s upon an errand and as he was entering the yard, the dog sprang upon him, lacerating his head very badly. The teeth of the lower jaw of the dog entered the boy’s head just above the ear; of the upper jaw, on top of the head, and as the animal shut his mouth, it scraped the flesh from the skull bone. The boy was promptly attended to by physicians. Officers Gray and Breene went down to slay the brute; but he had imbibed in his soul the same spirit that a few of our illicit whiskey dealers had, and disappeared.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
John Kennedy was arrested yesterday for carrying concealed weapons. He was fined $5 and costs. After the arrest Marshal Gray placed the revolver in Police Judge Bryant’s desk and someone stole it. Billy is now hunting for the thief.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Marshal Gray and J. J. Breene captured one John Jackson, a horse thief, who stole two ponies from the Pawnee Indians last Friday night. The thief and ponies were captured Sunday near Geuda Springs; the trial came off at one o’clock at Justice Kreamer’s office this afternoon and is still progressing.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Two “soiled doves” were given until train time this morning by Marshal Gray to leave town. Their names are Mollie Jackson and Bertha Sherwood.
Arkansas City Republican, July 3, 1886.
Peter Hanson, a stone-cutter residing in the 3rd ward, has been sick for ten days past with an attack of some sort of brain trouble. He has been delirious most of the time. Monday he arose from his bed, while his wife was away from his side for a few moments, and came uptown. He was returned home by friends. This morning he did the same thing. He was so bad off that neighbors had to be called in to get him home. He was perfectly wild. Marshal Gray placed hand-cuffs on him and tied his feet. He was taken to Winfield on the afternoon train, where he will be placed in confinement. He was very violent when he was taken in charge and it took five men to hold him.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Saturday Sheriff McIntire arrested a youth by the name of McGrew on the 4th of July grounds at Winfield, for attempting to pass counterfeit dollars. A short time after his arrest, the boy confessed that his father and two brothers and one Geo. Field were engaged in making the spurious coin at this city. McIntire telephoned Marshal Gray the particulars late Saturday evening, and Sunday morning just at the dawn of day he, accompanied by Capt. Rarick and Johnnie Breene, made a raid upon the den of counterfeiters. They were in a tent over in Oak Grove addition. The old man, his sons, and Field were captured, the tent was searched, and $27 counterfeit dollars were found buried about six inches beneath the surface of the ground. The paraphernalia for the manufacture of the money was also found. The prisoners were taken to Winfield on the 8 o’clock Frisco train, where the whole family now languish. The boy when arrested at Winfield had $7 of counterfeit coin upon his person. The old man and his two sons arrested here were over to Geuda Springs Saturday, and it is supposed that they made away with a considerable amount of the bad money. From the ring of the coin, we should judge it was made of Babbitt metal.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Marshal Gray is after the owners of canines. He gives them warning this morning that unless they walk up and pay the tax upon their brutes within five days, they will be taken before Judge Bryant and fined according to the ordinance.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
City Marshal Gray came uptown this morning carrying a double-barreled shot-gun. He is on the war-path for the festive canine. Pay your taxes and save your brute.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Democrats of the city held their primaries Tuesday. From the first ward W. J. Gray and M. W. Hoover were selected delegates. From the second ward, Thos. Braggins and Jos. Finkleberg. From the third ward, A. D. Prescott and C. G. Thompson. From the fourth ward, Jos. Knowlton and C. T. Thurston. At large: T. McIntire, John Love, and Ed. C. Gage.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
This afternoon Tom Corline was arrested for assaulting Jas. Hedley and robbing him. The deed was perpetrated in the rear of the Occidental Hotel, shortly after dinner. Corline attacked Hedley and struck him with his fist, knocking him over a pile of wood and breaking his collar bone. He, then, it is said, removed what money Hedley had on his person. Marshal Gray arrested Corline and took him before Judge Bryant, where he answered three charges: disturbing the peace, drunkenness, and fighting. He was fined $5 and costs upon each charge. Not having the money to pay the fine, he was committed to jail. When he was arrested Marshal Gray found some $2.50 on him. Hedley is a stone cutter. Corline is a laborer and has been working on the various buildings going up in the city. He will be arrested upon state warrant for highway robbery.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Probably as outrageous a deed as could be perpetrated was that done by Dr. Holland and H. C. Scroggs, of Geuda Springs. About dusk yesterday evening Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hess were out driving and just as they arrived at the crossing of 4th Avenue and Summit Street, along came the above named intoxicated individuals, driving at a rapid gait, and ran the front wheel of their buggy into the hind wheel of Mr. Hess’s carriage. In attempting to turn their horse and buggy, Holland and Scroggs upset the vehicle with which they collided. Mr. and Mrs. Hess were thrown out, the latter receiving a bad bruise on the shoulder, a sprained arm, and a severe wrench of one of her lower limbs. Mr. Hess was uninjured and as quickly as possible conveyed his wife home and summoned a physician. She was carefully attended and at the present writing is reported improving. Holland and Scroggs had no sooner done the deed than they made a break to get out of town and an exciting chase ensued between them and Marshal Gray and Johnnie Breene in Ware & Pickering’s delivery wagon. They were chased down Summit Street to 7th Avenue, when they turned and ran down the alley between 6th Street and Summit, until they arrived at the rear of the Central Avenue Hotel. Here they were overtaken and arrested. Before Judge Bryant they were fined $10 and costs for disturbing the peace. They paid up immediately, highly elated to think they had gotten out of their difficulty so easily. But their hilarity was cut short, for they were arrested again with a state warrant upon the same charges. They were taken before Judge Kreamer, but that gentleman refused to allow them out on bond, so they were placed in custody until this afternoon. When the case came up, Scroggs plead guilty and was fined $20 and costs, total $48. He paid up. Holland stood trial and was fined $10 and costs. He proved that he had nothing to do with the accident, except that he was in the buggy riding with Scroggs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Saturday night Marshal Gray, J. J. Breene, and John Lewis made a raid on a gambling den in the Grady block. They captured 13 men; one got away in the darkness. The 12 were held in custody until this morning at 10 o’clock when five plead guilty before the acting police judge, Kreamer, and were fined $10 and costs; total $21 each. The remaining seven plead guilty this afternoon and were fined the same. All have paid up except two and they are rustling for the money and will have it in the city treasury before night. The names of the parties arrested were John Boucher, Wm. Fullerlove, F. A. Hale, H. Armstrong, Jos. Rogers, C. Tuby, Chas. Harkins, J. R. Vanskye, Harry Gage, Clate Jones, Harry Hughes, and De Witt Moonhouse. The officers also captured some poker chips. Who runs the establishment is not known.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Marshal Gray pulled five “joints,” under the new city ordinance for selling intoxicants. They were located as follows: Bluebaugh’s Billiard Hall; basement Nickle Plate Restaurant; Billiard Hall in the basement of the Creswell block; the upstairs of the Godehard block, and the upstairs of the Grady block. The names of the proprietors we are unable to give, because before Police Judge Bryant they answered to the names of John Doe and Richard Roe. They were fined $50 and costs each. They paid.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The council met last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen A. D. Prescott, C. Dean, O. Ingersoll, A. A. Davis, C. G. Thompson, Jas. Hill, C. T. Thurston.
Bill of W. J. Gray, boarding, $2; allowed.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
On Saturday Sheriff McIntire, with his deputy, Tom Herrod, aided by City Marshal Gray, raided a number of joints in this city, and captured several prisoners. The parties taken in were Frank Bluebaugh, J. W. Hall, W. D. Johnson, and Ed Leonard, alias W. B. Bartholomew. Bluebaugh was admitted to bail, the others were carried to Winfield and committed to jail, to await trial, which is set for today. Frank Miller and Van Skoid, owners of the billiard hall, in the Sherburne building, escaped arrest and have left the country. The charge against the accused is selling intoxicating liquors in violation of law, and the County Attorney is said to have proof to convict. There are seven counts against Johnson and four against Leonard.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Jim Schofield was taken in by Marshal Gray last night because he was too drunk to be sober. He was cast into the calaboose until this morning, when he was arraigned at the bar of justice before Judge Bryant and the usual fine and costs assessed up against him.
Arkansas City Republican, August 27, 1886.
There was a disgraceful scene enacted on our streets last night. Samuel Hamlin, a cowboy, and another individual became involved in a quarrel over a lewd woman in the alley near the stand-pipe. Hamlin pulled his revolver and fired it off five times. The shooting awakened the mayor, who went out to the place where he thought the shooting occurred. The police arrived on the scene and after a search discovered the culprits. Gallant Marshal Gray took charge of the woman and placed her in custody until this morning. The other officers took Hamlin; but on his refusal to go to the calaboose, they turned him loose upon his own recognizance. We are told Hamlin defied the officers and dared them to put him in the calaboose. This morning there was some skirmishing hunting up the prisoner and when he was found, he was taken before Judge Bryant and fined only $5 and costs. Evidently our police force need a little nerve.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Yesterday evening at about supper time a tow-headed boy came uptown and informed City Marshal Gray that there was a dog down in the vicinity of the First Ward School Building that was acting queerly. The dog was found and killed within an hour afterward. He displayed symptoms of madness.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Charlie Bundrem was taken under the protecting wing of City Marshal Gray last evening for being drunk. Poor Charlie has drank so much lately that he is but a wreck of his former self. Marshal Gray informs us that the next person he catches giving or selling intoxicants to Charlie, he will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. All parties are therefore warned of the consequences.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
A lively excitement was raised in Summit Street on Sunday morning by a cowhiding fracas. The principals in this disgraceful affair were a waitress in Beard’s Restaurant, named Gussie Seine, a confederate in the flagellating business named Durham, who held up the victim with his revolver, and the floggee, named M. V. Jones, a former partner in the restaurant, who had been telling naughty stories about the fair Augusta. The slanders retailed by Jones, coming to the girl’s ear, she determined to administer punishment, and an opportunity being afforded on the Sabbath morn, she sallied out, and astonished her defamer by assailing him vigorously over the head and face with her rawhide. He was terrorized into mute acquiescence by the sight of the revolver pointed at his head by Durham. When a number of blows had been laid on, the crowd that had gathered around interfered, and the parties were separated, Jones’ countenance showing signs of punishment. Durham, who filled the most objectionable part in this drama, escaped arrest by fleeing to the territory, but Marshal Gray took possession of his personal effects, and will hold them until he pays the penalty of his offense. Jones and the girl were fined: the former $2.50; the latter $10, with costs.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1886.
The city council on Monday granted Marshal Gray three days’ respite from duty, to enable him to take needed rest after a long spell of over work.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
On motion W. J. Gray, City Marshal, was granted a four day lay-off from official duty.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1886.
There was a wholesale jail delivery on Monday night from our city cooler, seven hard cases, locked up for drunkenness making their escape by sawing away the sill through which an iron bar was driven, and thus making their exeunt through the window. The eighth prisoner, who was suffering with chills, being too weak to make a run for liberty, was the sole occupant found by the city marshal in the morning. The names of three of the fugitives are Jas. Hamilton, Charles Walden, and Pierce Haysel. The other four had been arrested the day preceding and were not tried. Marshal Gray offers a reward of $10 for anyone who shall be arrested and returned to his custody.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
This morning two jointists were arrested by Marshal Gray. They were carrying on business in the basements of the Cresswell and Commercial blocks. Each were fined $50 and costs. They liquidated. Their names were unknown to us.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
DIED. Last evening about 9 o’clock a man came running up from the Santa Fe depot to Marshal Gray and told him a man down there was trying to kill off everybody. The Marshal went down and found three men holding the fourth down. He had a fit and it lasted until about 12 o’clock. At times it took the entire crowd to hold him. The man was completely drenched with water and everything else possible was done to restore him, but it was useless. He was a stranger here.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
W. J. Gray, our efficient city marshal, was confined home two or three days last week with a severe attack of bilious colic.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 27, 1886.
From Our Exchanges.
Winfield Courier: County Clerk Smock and Deputy Gray are covered over with work. The accumulation of county scrip for two quarters keeps one man busy to hand out, and the tax rolls must be finished by Nov. 1st. George Black and A. J. McClellan, whose school in district 1 has been closed for a week or so on account of diphtheria, are assisting on the tax rolls.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Yesterday Marshal Gray received word from Quincy, Illinois, to be on the lookout for one Monroe Morgan, a colored man. At about six o’clock the marshal saw a colored man answering the description, and immediately arrested him. The negro protested his innocence and claimed that he had never been in Illinois, but it was proven that he had told his landlady that he had. He was taken into custody and is now held awaiting the action of the authorities of Quincy. Morgan is wanted for cutting a man with a knife. He came here about two weeks ago and is a blacksmith by trade.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Contractor Murray, of the Santa Fe, notified Marshal Gray Saturday afternoon that he had a watch and chain stolen. Later on J. R. Norman was arrested, accused of having committed the theft. He was placed in the lock-up until yesterday, when he was turned over to the sheriff for safekeeping until the day of trial. Norman sold the watch and chain as soon as he stole them and this led to his discovery.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
City Marshal Gray and his assistants appear in handsome new uniforms.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.
A couple of roughs had a pugilistic encounter on Central Avenue yesterday, in front of Bailey’s livery stable. One of the combatants got the other down, and the prostrate man discharged his pistol, but whether with deadly intent or not was in dispute at the time. City Marshal Gray and his assistant Breene came up a few minutes after the altercation, but the men were missing and no one seemed to know anything about them.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
TAKEN UP. By the city marshal on October 25, 1886, one gray mule branded on the left hip “A. R.” Blind in one eye. Said mule will be sold on the 25th day of November 1886 to pay costs unless released. W. J. GRAY, CITY MARSHAL.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
“Lottie St. Clair and Frank Carter, two frail women, were arrested Saturday afternoon, charged with being drunk and assaulting W. Ward. It appears the two women were in a restaurant near the old Occidental Hotel drinking malt, etc. When Ward happened in, one of the girls commanded him to ‘get out.’ He told them he guessed not. At that one rose up and struck him with a club. Marshal Gray put in his appearance and took the women under his charge. They were taken before Judge Bryant, who fined them $50 each and costs. The total was $100.50. The Judge also gave them the choice of paying their fine, leaving the town, or going to jail. They had until the 5 o’clock train in which to decide.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The city police arrested five drunks last night. One is what is called a “spotter.” He was sent down from Winfield to spot the men selling whiskey. He got so drunk by the time he had visited three joints that he could scarcely walk. Instead of him reporting the jointists, they reported him to Marshal Gray, who took him in and sent him to Winfield this afternoon, after he was fined $10 and costs. He couldn’t pay, so he was sent to jail. His name was Cox.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
City Marshal Gray arrested a horse thief last evening. His name was John Williams and he took the horse at Ellinwood from a man by the name of R. H. Keller. Williams just arrived in the city yesterday. He is held in custody until the sheriff arrives from Ellinwood to take charge of the prisoner.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Marshal Gray had a lively chase this morning after Sam Smith, a negro. Smith stole a pair of pants of Charley Milks Saturday night. He was seen with them on Sunday, and this morning Marshal Gray was informed of it. He caught sight of him up at Grady’s corner, and as soon as he saw the marshal coming, Smith broke on a dead run, and Marshal Gray started in pursuit. The chase was east on Third Avenue to Sixth Street, and then north to Fourth Avenue, and then east on that avenue across the railroad and around the roundhouse over into John Harmon’s field. The negro was surrounded here and taken prisoner. He refused to come, and had to be pushed along until Sheriff McIntire arrived on the scene with a buggy. He was hauled uptown and taken before Judge Kreamer and fined $10 and costs. He was taken to Winfield on the afternoon train. Smith had hidden the pants in a colored man’s house where he had been staying.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Of Maggie James This Morning by Her Paramour, W. M. Mason.
The Wounded Woman Lying at Death’s Door—W. M. Tuders and Annie Tuders
Arrested as Accomplices.
Shooting Claimed to be Accidental, but Strong Evidence Points Differently.
This morning at about 10 o’clock, the city was thrown into great excitement by the report brought uptown by W. M. Tuders that W. M. Mason had shot Maggie James. The news spread quickly, and soon a large crowd of citizens, among them Marshal Gray and Policeman Thompson, and a REPUBLICAN representative, started for the house where the crime was committed. It is a small cottage on 4th street near the Santa Fe road. Arriving there, Mason was placed under arrest. He was endeavoring to build a fire when the police went in. He made no resistance, but submitted to being searched without a murmur. The revolver with which the shooting was done had been taken by neighbors living next door immediately after the deed was committed. The victim lay on the bed in great agony. Physicians had been summoned, and they began to administer medicine to relieve the pain. The ball took effect in the left breast, struck a rib, turned slightly upward, and passed out beneath the shoulder. It went entirely through the body. It was found afterward with a small piece of the rib attached to it. Had it not been for the rib the ball would have pierced the heart, as it was aimed in that direction. The revolver was a 45 calibre.
During the brief examination which the physicians made, Mason stood in the room in the charge of the police, listening to the cries of agony from the woman whom he had shot. He was considerably agitated and once he attempted to soothe her by talk, but her misery was so great that she could not restrain from crying out. When Marshal Gray informed him that he was ready to take him uptown, Mason put on his coat and remarked, “Maggie, I will be back soon,” and started. He was taken before Judge Kreamer, where a warrant was made out for his detention. Warrants were also issued for W. M. Tuders and Annie Tuders, and the trio are now in custody, awaiting the result of the shooting.
According to his own statement, Mason is a gambler. He and W. H. Tuders live at the house where the shooting occurred with Maggie James and Annie Tuders. Last night he was out playing cards and this morning when he went to where he was living, he was intoxicated. A dispute arose about something, in which Mason, Annie Tuders, and Maggie James became involved. Mason had his revolver and he flourished it around considerably. W. M. Tuders endeavored to get it away from him, but did not succeed. Mason laid the revolver down on the breakfast table, but took it up again. The two women were sitting on the bed opposite him and he claims he endeavored to lower the hammer, which was cocked, when it went off with the results above stated. Annie Tuders confirms Mason’s story as does her husband. There are many rumors flying around to the effect that Mason shot the woman intentionally.
J. P. Randall, delivery man at Houghton, Upp & Co.’s store, was there immediately after the shooting; says Mason confessed to him that he intended to murder Maggie James. Other parties have heard him make threats to the effect that he intended to take her life.
County Attorney Swarts and Sheriff McIntire were sent for, but had not arrived at time of going to press. While the prisoners claim the shooting was accidental, there is considerable evidence to show it otherwise. A trial of the case will develop whether it was accidental or intentional. Dr. Stuart is attending the wounded woman. Annie Tuders, under guard, has been sent to take care of her.
This afternoon in Judge Kreamer’s office, Mason broke down and cried like a babe. We fear his tears come too late. They will avail him nothing now. He is a hard case; in fact, the quartette, Mason, Tuders, and the woman, may be classed under the same heading.
At press hour the woman was still alive.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Chas. Fuller, J. B. Lynn, Chas. Harter, J. B. Clark, W. Thompson, J. H. Keck, and C. C. Harris all came down from Winfield today. When we saw them, Marshal Gray had them in tow.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 22, 1886.
How many houses of ill fame (under their various disguises) are running in this city, we have no official record. These scurvy establishments are under the management of Marshal Gray, who also makes his monthly rounds, and collects $10 from every courtesan he meets. This, we are also to suppose, finds its way into the city treasury, through the hands of the police justice.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Fannie Keller, a prostitute, got drunk on morphine yesterday, and was arrested by Marshal Gray for disturbing the peace. She was without friends or money, and the marshal bought her a ticket and sent her to Wichita, where she claimed she had friends who would look after her.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mrs. Anna Sproul got drunk yesterday and proceeded to disturb the peace of J. C. Armstrong and family. Marshal Gray was sent for, who took her in charge. This morning she was fined $5 and costs by Judge Bryant. Mrs. Sproul is a bride of one week. She has reversed the order of things: instead of the groom getting drunk and celebrating, she does it.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Joseph Ball was drunk. Late in the evening he visited the clothesline of C. H. Searing and stole some underwear from it. Marshal Gray arrested him and put him in the calaboose to shiver and to think over the wickedness he had done. This morning Judge Bryant fined him $10 for his “spree.” Ball claims that he stole the clothing for devilment. As he could not pay the fine, he was sent back to the calaboose.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
A Friendly Talk with the Police Judge and City Marshal.
The Easiest Way to Get Money Into the Treasury.
There is some feeling in the minds of several of our city officers, aroused by the article reflecting on their doings, contained in our last issue. Judge Bryant, whom we will mention first, takes exception to the portion that he feels reflects upon his honesty. He has lived many years in this community, he says, filling various relations in life, and this is the first time that any suspicion has been cast on his up-right dealing.
Not intending to deal out reproach where wrong doing was not proved, we requested his honor to point out the passage in the offending article which he understood to do him injustice.
He produced a copy of the TRAVELER, and after a careful hunt through its columns, pointed out the following paragraph.
“Sources of city revenue are more abundant now and Judge Bryant’s office pays a snug little revenue to the city. But what assurance have we that all the fines professedly paid into his hands, find their way into the city treasury?”
This he regarded as an allegation of dishonesty; an intimation that he might withhold to his own uses a portion of the money that came into his possession, and hence a gross and unwarranted injury.
We read the passage after the police justice, laying stress on the adverb “professedly.” “There is no reflection in this,” we remarked to the offended justice, “the fines (or this hush money) are professedly paid into your hands, but does this money really come into your possession?”
This stirred up City Marshal Gray, who was standing by listening to the colloquy. “You do not wish to intimate that I keep back any money, do you?”
“Gentlemen,” said the writer, “we must understand one another before we go any further in this business. I intimate no wrong doing, I allege no offense. As a newspaper man speaking in the interest of the citizens, I inveigh against this loose and irregular way of punishing misdemeanants. The marshal has no right to collect fines, no member of the city council has a right to usurp the justice’s functions.”
Judge Bryant: “Can’t I delegate the city marshal to act as my deputy?”
The writer: “No, sir; you are elected by the people to the office of police judge, and you cannot delegate your duties or responsibilities. If complaint is made to you that any man or woman is violating a city ordinance, it is your business to issue a warrant, have the offender brought into court; and if proved guilty, inflict a fine. The city marshal is not competent to convict an offender and assess a fine; and in all cases where this is done, he acts illegally and is liable to impeachment.”
Both Judge Bryant and Marshal Gray explained that they were under orders to collect money in this way, as the easiest method of dealing with offenders, and the most profitable to the city.
This writer (addressing the police justice): “Judge, from whom do you receive orders?”
His Honor hesitated, then candidly answered: “Well, the mayor.”
This writer: “You recognize the mayor as your official chief?”
Judge Bryant: “Well, not exactly.”
This writer: “Neither do the people of Arkansas City. You are elected to perform your functions, as the mayor is elected to perform his duties; and any attempt at dictation by one officer to another, is an act of usurpation, which should be resisted. The marshal holds an appointive office, and is naturally ready to comply with the commands of the power that gives him life. But he is also responsible for his acts, and he is not justified in obeying an improper order.”
The above conversation occurred in the police courtroom, and a crowd of idlers gathered about the colloquists.
Said one, “Do you suppose you could root out all the loose girls, if you were to raid them every once in awhile?”
This writer admitted his belief that it could not be done. But he would use proper efforts to restrain the evil, and punish by trial and conviction and not by levying blackmail.
“If you close the joints,” said another, “how are you going to support the city?”
This is Mayor Schiffbauer’s very practical argument, and it is evident he has infused his views into all the members of our city government, and into the minds of those who lounge about the city offices.
The question cannot be answered by a sentiment. Salaries are to be paid, the use of the hydrants also paid, the interest on the city indebtedness met, and the sinking fund laid away; and those who are present at the reading of the bills against the city at every meeting of the council know that there are a thousand and one expenses to meet. Five hundred dollars a month turned in by the police magistrate to the city treasurer helps matters along wonderfully. Orders issued by the city clerk are promptly met by the treasurer; there is no kicking by unpaid claimants and the mayor and council have an easy time.
But the system is wrong; it is illegal and iniquitous, and we are sowing the wind to reap the whirlwind. By colluding with lawlessness and riot, we are fostering a class in our city that will entail more mischief and expense than the city magistrate can reimburse during his whole term of office.
The advance in real estate comes in most opportunely to help our city fathers out of their financial difficulty. In the spring of 1885 the assessor’s rolls (in round figures) showed taxable property to the amount of $325,000; last spring the valuation was increased to $655,000. The city taxation is as follows.
For general purposes 12 mills
Bond fund 9 mills
Bridges 4 mills
Hydrants 5½ mills
Internal improvements 4 mills
Sinking fund 2 mills
School district 12 mills
School bonds 5 mills
This ought to pay the salaries and meet all other incidental expenses, and we have no doubt would, the money being judiciously disbursed. With these figures before us, we say there is no need to continue the present unlawful and degrading practice of colluding with law-breakers, and the TRAVELER, in behalf of an indignant and scandalized people, demands that the mode of dealing with offenders be reformed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Peter Tournier was brought up last evening from his Island home, on the charge of selling whiskey, by Captain Rarick, Johnnie Breene, and Marshal Gray. He was taken before Judge Kreamer and bound over in the sum of $1,000 to appear on the 22nd of this month. On failure to furnish the bond, he was taken to jail at Winfield. The officers found some two gallons of whiskey, and it is held by them by orders from County Attorney Swarts.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887.
Today on the noon mail Marshal Gray received the following letter, which he asks us to publish. It came to him, we believe, unsolicited.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, January 20, 1887.
W. J. GRAY, Esq., Arkansas City, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: I notice in Wednesday’s Traveler they say you were paid $50 on Dec. 15. This is a mistake which I am very sorry occurred. I will make a statement below, which please hand to the editor of the Traveler and have him correct it. Yours respectfully,
To the Editor of the Traveler, Arkansas City, Kansas: In your last issue you stated W. J. Gray received $50 for a fine of running a joint from me. I will here state it was paid to Capt. Thompson, and not W. J. Gray. Please correct this and oblige. Yours, FRANK GANTT.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Last night at about 11 o’clock City Marshal Gray and other police made a raid upon a gambling den in the Occidental Hotel. They captured six persons. John White, colored, of Wichita, was the man running the house. S. C. Simpson, C. B. Berry, J. E. Kelly, G. W. McAfee, and D. Lockwood were the other parties arrested for gambling. White was fined by Judge Bryant last night at about midnight $20 and costs, making a total of $24. Each of the others was fined $10 and costs; total each, $14. They all paid up and were dismissed. The state will most likely interview them next.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Major Cummins while on his way to his sleeping apartments lost his hat on Fifth Avenue. A whirlwind came along about the time the Major arrived in front of the Post Office and blew his hat off and away into the darkness. Anyone finding it will be rewarded. It is a soft black hat, and new; size 6½. Later. It was found by Marshal Gray on Summit Street.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Dr. Donnelly came down from Winfield yesterday and filled himself up with bad whiskey which he obtained at some of our joints, we suppose. Late in the evening the Doctor was very much intoxicated and wanted the right-of-way for the entire street. Marshal Gray “folded him in his embrace,” and marched him to the calaboose, where he languished until this morning. Before Judge Bryant he was fined $5 and costs. The Doctor put up his watch until he could get back home and obtain some money.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Jay Day, real name unknown, was arrested for running a joint by Marshal Gray yesterday afternoon and taken before Judge Bryant. He was fined $60 and costs, total $64. Tom Tye was also arrested upon the same charge and fined $55 and costs, total $59. Joe Loe was fined $60 and costs, total $64, on the same charge. They all paid their fines.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887.
The First Ward had a genuine sensation yesterday afternoon between four and five o’clock. John Angle, a youth yet in his teens, appeared at the residence of T. L. Mantor and asked and received something to eat. Going out of the side gate, he crossed the alley and entered a small house, on A. A. Newman’s lots, which is used by employees of Mr. Newman. He entered the house, it is alleged, and went through the trunk of Tommie Tyler, taking a watch chain, valued at $8, a pair of pants, and some other clothing. When Tyler returned to his room, he discovered that his clothes were gone. He began immediate search for the individual who had been at Mr. Mantor’s residence. Some children in playing in the barn of R. A. Houghton heard a noise in the hay mow and as Tyler happened along at this time, they asked him to learn what caused it. He climbed the ladder and discovered Angle covered up in the hay. Drawing his revolver Tyler ordered him to get down, which he did. It was then discovered that the prisoner had on the missing pants. Tyler covered him again with his revolver and marched him uptown and turned him over to Marshal Gray. He was put in the calaboose overnight. This morning in Judge Kreamer’s court he was bound over in the sum of $300 to appear for trial at the district court. At our press time he had not secured the necessary bondsmen. Angle claimed he bought the pants of a railroader for 75 cents. The watch chain and other clothing was not found. He says he is innocent.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The auctioneering business on 5th Avenue is becoming a general nuisance. The council should relegate them to a back street. Give one of them an inch and they claim the entire street and use it. Today Tom Saymens drove a farm-wagon loaded with stoves and tinware to the center of Summit and 5th Avenue, unhitched his horses, and tied them to hitching posts, and unloaded part of the goods in the street beside his wagon. He managed in this way to fill up the small square between the four crossings almost entirely. In passing up and down 5th Avenue teams had to turn out or run over Saymens’ outfit. Complaint was lodged with the city marshal and Tom was ordered to move, but he wandered down on the seashore and didn’t do it. In about 30 minutes after Marshal Gray issued the order, he and the police force hauled them away. Let us get a move on the auctioneers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Mable Noe and Anna Van Hook were arrested over at Geuda yesterday by the city marshal. They were wanted here for a “big time” they had night before last in rooms in the Ex-Occidental hotel building. Mable and Anna and a youth by the name of Fred Hall went on a drunken spree and during the debauch the first named fought with another prostitute by the name of Jennie Miller. The gang thought they would play it sharp on Marshal Gray and the following morning skipped for Geuda. But they were headed off by the telephone. Marshal Gray ordered their arrest and they had scarcely touched the town until they were taken in. Before Judge Bryant the gay Mable was fined $10 and costs; Anna $5 and costs. Fred Hall had his trial this morning and was fined $5 and costs. Marshal Gray ordered Noe to leave the city on the first train or he would put her in jail.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Al Smith, colored, was arrested shortly after dinner today, charged with swindling a Ponca Indian out of $5. Poor Lo charges that he came up from the Territory last evening and was standing in front of the Burroughs block. He saw Smith and went to him and asked him where he could get some bread and meat. Smith told him if he would give him $5 he would go and get him what he desired. He did so and sat down and waited until 1 o’clock this morning for his return, but he came not. He reported the affair to Marshal Gray, who began to search and succeeded in finding the prisoner. He was taken to Judge Bryant’s court, where he had his trial and was found guilty and fined according to the “statoots.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Marshal Gray sold his house this morning to J. P. Burnes, of Seeley, for $1,200.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Yesterday our German storekeeper, Gable, complained to the officers that his money drawer had been robbed; that he had left his little son in charge of his store until he could attend to some business and while he was away a boy by the name of Pickard came in, opened the drawer, and took the money in it, and skipped out. City Marshal Gray began searching for the boy but as yet has not taken him in.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Night watchman McCoy at the Cracker Factory telephoned up last evening for Marshal Gray to come down immediately, that someone was trying to rob the cracker factory. The marshal and policeman Thompson started down. When they arrived they found McCoy standing in the door with revolver in hand. He didn’t want to let them in: he thought they were burglars too. He told them that someone was throwing rocks at the factory; that he couldn’t tell whether they were on the inside or out. He was badly scared. The trio then began searching the institution over for burglars. On arriving at the third story of the building, McCoy was the first to discover a man upon his back upon a candy table with a long butcher knife in his chest. This was too much for McCoy, and he broke and ran. Upon investigation the supposed dead man proved to be a suit of old clothes stuffed with straw. Someone had successfully “put up” a scare on McCoy.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Frank Sheets, Wm. Davis, Robert Ald, and Dennis Fox worked a dangerous scheme Saturday evening to get into the opera house to witness Humpty Dumpty. They went up into the hall and at the ticket office Sheets and Fox drew their revolvers on Chas. Huber, the ticket seller, and demanded four tickets. Huber handed them over and while the boys went in, sent down for Marshal Gray and Johnnie Breene, who came up, arrested them, and put them in the calaboose overnight. Fox was released to appear for trial Wednesday upon giving bond. Sheets was turned over to the state for prosecution and this morning in Judge Kreamer’s court was charged $5 and costs. He paid. Davis and Ald are two boys. They did nothing, but were accessories. Sheets is the man whom McGinnis cut with a razor two years ago.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Peter Haney was arrested last night by Marshal Gray. He had been tarrying over the wine cup too long and was “too full for utterance.” This morning he was fined $5 and costs, which he paid.
[Note to file: April 1887 was the point when I quit with the early newspapers. To my surprise, W. J. Gray showed up in the 1920s. He was referred to as “Constable Gray” at that time. I have several stories from that time period. MAW ½/2002]
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, June 13, 1921.
Marion J. Lockard, age 25, was almost instantly killed yesterday afternoon when the motor car which he was driving skidded and turned turtle. The accident occurred on the rock road about five miles north of the city.
Robert Gilbert, another member of the party, is in a critical condition today and doctors hold very little hope of his recovery. Earl Travis and R. J. Smith, also in the motor car, sustained minor injuries. Travis was said to be in a critical condition this afternoon.
According to eye witnesses the Dodge motor car, belonging to Gilbert and driven by Lockard, was going south towards Arkansas City. They were directly behind a Chevrolet. An Essex motor car, driven by Carl Wright, traveling at a high rate of speed, attempted to pass the two cars on the right side of the road. Lockard shot around the Chevrolet, but struck the car—tearing off the left fender. He lost control of his car, and after skidding for several yards, it turned three successive loops, throwing all the passengers from the car.
Travis and Lockard were found lying directly behind the Dodge following the accident, and the other two men were in the road side.
“Gertrude,” (his wife’s name) Lockard moaned when the first rescuers reached him, following which he lapsed into unconsciousness and died shortly afterwards.
Wright by this time had succeeded in stopping his car, and returned to rush the other three members of the party to hospitals here, where their injuries were dressed. Gilbert suffered a badly bruised head, and a deep gash about the hips. He probably suffered internal injuries also. Travis suffered three broken ribs and a gash over his left eye and minor bruises about the body.
According to farmers residing in the vicinity of the accident, the two motor cars were traveling at a speed estimated to be between 45 and 50 miles an hour at the time the accident occurred.
Lockard was employed as foreman of the shop at the Kinslow Motor company. He had been employed there for two years, and according to the shop men he was recognized as a very careful driver. Lockard’s head was badly crushed and he also sustained serious injuries about the body.
Dr. H. W. Marsh, county coroner, announced today that he would hold an inquest Tuesday morning at the police court rooms in the city building over the accident. Ellis Fink, county attorney, will also be in attendance at the inquest to look into the matter of excessive speeding on the Rock Road. Constable Gray is authorized to impanel a jury of six men on the case, for tomorrow morning.
No funeral arrangements have been made as yet, but it is probable that it will be held sometime Wednesday.
Lockard is survived by his wife and step-son. His home was at 324 North Second street.
Motor cars thronged to the scene shortly after the accident and as late as 7 o’clock last evening, motor cars of every description bearing inquisitive people parked at the scene of the disaster to view what was left of the car. The motor car in which the men were riding was a complete wreck.
Local physicians late this afternoon stated that both Travis and Gilbert were in a critical condition. Gilbert is suffering from a badly crushed back, while it is thought Travis has internal injuries. An injury to his leg is giving him great paid, but as yet doctors have failed to detect the trouble.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, June 14, 1921.
J. M. Tucker, well known to the police and a number of other citizens of this city, languishes in the city jail today as the result of a bad stunt which he pulled off last night.
Tucker was not able to be arraigned in the state court this morning on several charges which are now lodged against him on account of the affair of last night when there came near being serious results of this little frolic and actions of the defendant.
One of the stunts he pulled last night while under the influence of corn whiskey, the officers assert, was to go to the home of Deputy County Attorney C. L. Swarts and threaten him with a shotgun; and another was to attempt to cut the throat of Policeman Bert Harris after Harris and Constable W. J. Gray had placed him under arrest and were on the way to the city jail with Tucker a prisoner. Officer Harris came near shooting the man and was prevented from doing so by the interference of the other officers in the party, they assert; and they also state that Harris would have been justified in shooting the man as he attempted to do the officer bodily harm. In fact, Tucker got to the throat of the officer and cut a slight gash in his neck before any of the party realized what he was doing. The officers in the party at the time were Constable Gray, Policemen Harris, Chadwell, and Bert Williams. But the force was too much for the infuriated man and he was finally landed in jail, where he was peace-fully slumbering this morning about nine o’clock with wounds about his head and face. It was necessary for one of the officers to strike the man over the head with a shotgun for self- protection and in this fracas the handle of the gun belonging to Chief Peek was broken off. After the fray the alleged intoxicated man was in need of a physician and Dr. Young dressed his wounds.
The trouble of last night started about eight o’clock when Officer Gray served a state warrant on Tucker, in which C. A. McDaniels had made complaint that Tucker had threatened to do him bodily harm because McDaniels had testified against him in the recent liquor trial, at which time Tucker was found guilty of handling liquor by a jury of six men. After the trial Tucker’s attorney, H. S. Hines, filed an appeal bond and therefore Tucker was at liberty again.
Other charges besides the one made by McDaniels will be placed against the alleged bad man and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, all the officers in the case asserted this morning. The man first rode away from Officer Gray after the officer had read the warrant to him. Then Gray and Harris gave chase in Harris’ Ford car, but Tucker gave them the slip and in the meantime went to the home of Judge Swarts, where he made dire threats against that official. When the officers finally overtook Tucker again, he was in front of the North Windsor hotel and refused to stop, but acted as though he would ride over them. Officer Harris here shot once with his revolver in the windshield of the Tucker car in an effort to strike the man’s hands, it is said, and thus loosen his hold on the steering gear. The bad man finally was stopped when the officers ran his car into the curbing. After placing him under arrest, four of the officers started to the station with the man in the police car, the holdover being only a block away. But before they had driven that far, Tucker got the knife from his coat pocket and made the dash for Officer Harris, which came near proving serious.
Relating his part of the experience with J. M. Tucker, deputy county attorney Swarts today informed a Traveler reporter that on Monday morning Tucker came to his office and asked him for a warrant for the arrest of C. A. McDaniels, who was a witness in the liquor trial last week, stating that McDaniels had assaulted him.
The deputy county attorney didn’t exactly like the appearance and condition of Tucker, and informed him that he would investigate the matter for him, to come back the next day and if everything was all right, he would issue a warrant for McDaniels.
Yesterday afternoon McDaniels appeared and asked for a peace warrant for Tucker, which was issued and given to Constable Billy Gray and policeman Bert Harris to serve. They went to Tucker’s home on North Summit street and found him sitting on the porch. It was just getting dusk when the officers appeared at the house. Gray told Tucker quietly that they had a warrant to serve. He said, “All right.” He asked them if he should go with them, and they informed him in the affirmative.
Tucker then went for his car, which was parked by his place, and cranked it up and hurriedly drove away while officer Gray was walking around to the other side of the car to get in. Instead of coming uptown, Tucker went to the home of the deputy county attorney, who lives at 726 North Fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. Wickliffe live on the corner north of Judge Swarts at 728 North Fourth street.
Tucker parked his car on Birch Avenue, around the corner. When he did this Judge Swarts was walking in block seven hundred on his way home. He saw Tucker alight from the car and take a shotgun in his hands as he got out. He was probably one hundred feet away from his home by the time Tucker arrived at the front door of his home. He hurried up and got there just as Miss Swarts was answering the door. He asked Tucker what he was doing there, and Tucker replied, “Judge, I love you, but I am afraid you will compel me to do something I ought not to do.” Judge Swarts told him he had better go on away and Tucker replied, “I am getting tired of these prosecutions and if there are any more of them, I am going to blow you to pieces.”
By being calm and using peaceful arguments, Judge Swarts got Tucker to leave his home. Judge Swarts then entered his house and phoned to the officer that Tucker was there and had started uptown.
Tucker was not able to be arraigned in court today, as he was in a sort of stupor all day long. It is not thought that the injuries which he received last night are of a serious nature. He will be taken into court on several charges when he is able to go there. The warrant in the case yesterday evening was issued out of Judge McIntire’s division of the state court.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 17, 1921.
“Uncle” Billy Gray was the city Marshall in 1876. He is still a resident of the city and is now serving as constable. He has held nearly all the peace offices in the city and county, with the exception of sheriff, and for many years past he has been elected to the office of constable at each succeeding election.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 23, 1921.
Case of State of Kansas versus J. M. Tucker, alleged mad man who was arrested here several days ago on the charge of threatening the life of S. A. McDaniel, and who also threatened Judge Swarts and the police force of this city, was up for preliminary hearing this morning in Judge McIntire’s court. There was an array of witnesses for the state in this case, including Constable W. J. Gray and three of the city officers, Harris, Williams, and Chadwell, who were interested in the arrest of the man last week, when Tucker ran wild for a time and made dire threats against several men of this city. Tucker was brought here from the county jail at Winfield this morning and was in the courtroom when the case was called for trial. H. S. Hines is defending and County Attorney Ellis Fink and Deputy C. H. Swarts are prosecuting the case. Several witnesses were examined in the case during the forenoon session and then the trial was adjourned for the noon hour.
Later in the day there were other witnesses called upon to testify, and the trial lasted most of the day. There was also a large crowd of spectators in attendance at the trial most of the day as Tucker, who formerly worked at the barber trade here, is well known in the city.
Late today the hearing in regard to the peace bond was still on and witnesses were being examined by the county attorney and H. S. Hines. Attorney Hines cross-examined the members of the police force who assisted in the arrest of Tucker on the night of June 13 very vigorously and laid stress on the fact that they arrested the man without a warrant and while none of them were deputized as state officers and had not seen a crime committed in connection with the case. Policeman Harris admitted hitting Tucker on the head with his revolver and all the officers in the case had a chance to tell their side of the story at the trial today.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 24, 1921.
Case of State versus J. M. Tucker on the charge of threatening to do bodily harm to S. A. McDaniel, on trial in the justice court of G. H. McIntire here yesterday, ended late in the evening and the peace bond in this case was fixed at $4,000, in spite of the fact that attorney H. S. Hines, for the defendant, argued for a bond of not more than $1,000. Tucker was committed to jail and was taken to the county seat this morning by Constable Gray. Bond could not be made in this case.
Following the completion of the hearing yesterday in this case, there was another state warrant served on Tucker, charging him with assault with intent to kill, upon the person of Policeman Bert Harris, using in the alleged assault a pocket knife. Bond in this case was fixed at $500.
County Attorney Ellis Fink of Winfield conducted the case for the state yesterday, and H. S. Hines was there for the defense. The taking of testimony lasted all the day and there were a number of witnesses examined, all used by the state in an endeavor to show that Tucker, while under the influence of liquor, had threatened several parties. Attorney Hines attempted to show by the cross-examination of the witnesses that there was bad blood existing between the police force and Tucker, and that the force had it in for Tucker. The police, however, would not admit the alleged bad feeling.
The hearing on the Harris charge will be held at a later date and in the meantime Tucker is resting in the county jail at Winfield.
Tucker is now under three separate bonds, none of which he is able to give so far. One is in the liquor case tried some time ago for $800; one in the McDaniel case for $4,000; and in the Harris case for $500, total $5,300. His attorney went to Winfield with him this morning, and he intimated that he would attempt to secure the release of Tucker on a writ of habeas corpus in the district court.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 30, 1921.
Automobile thieves took advantage of the crowds in attendance at the circus in Arkansas City last night.
Two cars were stolen last night at the circus grounds on East Madison Avenue, while the night audience was in attendance at the show. They were a Buick touring car, 1920 model, belonging to Dick Clampett, and a new Ford roadster, belonging to the James Stanton Construction Co.
Soon after the cars were missed, the police were notified of the thefts and they worked on the cases all night long. Phone messages were sent out to all the surrounding towns in the hope of heading off the thieves. This morning, however, there had been no trace of either one of the cars; but Chief Peek was still busy burning up telephone wires at ten o’clock, in an effort to get some trace of the stolen property.
There was a large crowd in attendance at the show last night and many cars were parked in that vicinity. It was an easy matter for car thieves to spot just what they wanted and to get away with cars while the crowd was busy watching the big show.
Auto stealing in this city has become very common again, and in the past two weeks four have been stolen from here, which have never been heard from up-to-date. They were the Hudson of J. W. Curtis; Elgin of Clarence Miller; Ford of J. R. Bays, and Ford belonging to S. B. Marshall.
Mr. Clampett is offering a reward of $50 for the return of his Buick car and $50 for the arrest and conviction of the thief. Cards giving a full description of the Buick were sent out to all points near here today. Information on this car should be sent to A. A. Clampett, Constable W. J. Gray, or Chief C. H. Peek.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Thursday, September 15, 1921.
Three Failed to Appear and Alias Warrants are Issued.
The cases of the state of Kansas against the boys for whom warrants were issued yesterday afternoon, in the recent hazing cases of a number of the local high school boys, were called for trial in the courts of J. W. Martin and G. H. McIntire this morning between 9 and 10 o’clock. All of the defendants with the exception of three were on hand and all present pleaded guilty to the charges named in the complaints and the warrants. The three not present were Harry Frye, Robert Pollard, and Robert Harp. Each of them have charges in this connection against them in both of the justice courts. The deputy county attorney, C. L. Swarts, instructed the justices to issue alias warrants for these boys and the warrants are now in the hands of the constables, W. J. Gray and R. W. Callahan.
C. L. Swarts appeared for the prosecution and Tom Pringle and Harry V. Howard appeared for several of the boys.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, December 8, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Revod, arrested some time ago on the charge of having whiskey and a whiskey still in their possession, and also on the charge of being drunk, were arraigned in the state court of J. W. Martin late yesterday afternoon and both were committed to jail. He received a fine of $100 and 60 days in the county jail, on each of two counts; and the woman received the same sentence. He was taken to the county jail at Winfield this morning by Constable W. J. Gray, and Mrs. Revod will be taken to the state industrial farm of women, at Lansing, as the women prisoners of Cowley County are not kept in jail at Winfield anymore. She has been an inmate of that institution once before, the local officers state.
The hearing in the state court yesterday closes the several chapters in the Revods’ alleged unlawful affairs, in the past several weeks. She was arrested by the police early one morning on the charge of slashing her husband’s throat and also on the charge of being drunk. At that time Revod was taken to a local hospital where he remained for several weeks on account of a severe wound on the throat. He recovered, however, and at the trial of the wife on the charge of cutting his throat, a sister of the woman testified that she and not Mrs. Revod, did the cutting. The sister was not arrested, as she is a cripple and said that she did the cutting in order to save her sister from being killed by the drunken husband.
Now the pair, who have caused the local officers a lot of trouble in the past, seem to be out of the limelight for at least a term of 60 days.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1921.
Billy Gray’s Annual Distribution of Gifts for Eagle Lodge.
The Eagle Lodge gave its annual oyster supper and dance in Eagle’s hall last night. The event was for the members and their families and was largely attended. A fine supper was served and the dance was largely participated in, and the affair was greatly enjoyed from start to finish.
The annual supper and dance is only one of the Christmas activities of this lodge, the other principal event being the distribution of Christmas gifts, which for several years past has been under the personal supervision of Billy Gray.
The distribution will be made from the basement of the building occupied by the Eagle lodge, where everything is now in practical readiness for this event. The distribution will be greater this year than ever before, according to Mr. Gray, who has collected a wonderful line of wearing apparel, groceries, fruits, and goods of various descriptions, which will be on exhibition to the public next Saturday.
Mr. Gray would like to have as many as possible see this display, so that they may have an idea of the extent of this annual undertaking by the lodge. Perhaps there is not a city anywhere else that can boast of such a sight as will greet the visitors to Billy Gray’s basement quarters, on North Summit street Saturday.
On Sunday at 8 o’clock the distribution will begin and will continue all day; and if necessary, into the night until all goods of all descriptions are disposed of. There will be two or three ladies as well as four or five men together with a Santa Claus to help take care of the crowd. There will be sacks of candies, nuts, oranges, etc., for between 1,500 and 1,600 children under 16 years of age. There will be gifts for everybody, but people must come to the lodge quarters to receive them.
Billy Gray is making arrangements to have all the news boys of the city present on Friday at 3 o’clock, at which time he will have a photographer present to take a group picture of the boys. There are about fifty newsboys in the city and Billy wants every one of them present at the above time.
The distributions of these presents will constitute one of the biggest Christmas events in the city this year, and those whose hearts will be gladdened thereby are expected to number twenty-five hundred to three thousand people.
Billy Gray claims to be the one who initiated this form of Christmas giving in this city, this being his sixth year in the business. Last year he distributed more than $1,000 worth of groceries. But this year has been the greatest of all, and Mr. Gray is very proud of the results achieved. He had a photograph taken of the Christmas quarters this year to preserve for future reference.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, December 24, 1921.
Among the Christmas benefit undertakings in this city, Billy Gray’s annual distribution of gifts under the supervision of the Eagles lodge, ranks right up to the forefront as usual. In fact, Billy fairly outdoes himself this year, having collected a wonderful supply of wearing apparel and useful articles, which was opened for inspection to the public this morning. The many visitors to the basement of the building occupied by the Eagles lodge expressed great surprise at the display collected. Mr. Gray says that not a penny in money was received this year to make this collection of gifts; but all came on his personal solicitation, and every article in the house was carried there by himself. Some of the local merchants have made estimates of the value of the wearing apparel, which estimates range around $1,000 to $1,200, which does not take into consideration groceries, fruits, and articles of other kinds.
Mr. Gray has provided 525 pounds of candy, enough to make up 1,600 sacks, also 1,600 sacks of peanuts, which are fresh roasted for the occasion, 12 boxes of apples, and 8 cases of oranges, estimated to supply 1,600 sacks containing apples and oranges. The candy, nuts, apples, and oranges were paid for by Gray out of money left over from last year.
Among the articles to be distributed tomorrow are 265 boys’ caps and hats, about $1,200 worth of wearing apparel consisting of men’s suits, ladies’ dresses, underwear, hose, overcoats, men’s shirts, etc., and in addition, there will be four sacks of candy, nuts, oranges and applies for all school children up to fourteen years of age.
Two Christmas trees have been decorated to delight the children and there will be a Santa Claus in the person of John Wilhelm. At eight o’clock tomorrow morning the children are asked to line up at Eagle hall in the 100 block on North Summit street to receive their treats. There will be a competent force of men and women on hand to see that the children are properly taken care of. The quarters will be kept open throughout the day tomorrow for the distribution of the entire collection of gifts received by Mr. Gray. Every person in the city in need of wearing apparel is required to visit Santa headquarters here and every effort will be made to provide all according to their needs.
Billy Gray claims to be the one who initiated this form of Christmas giving in this city, this being his sixth year in the business. Last year he distributed more than $1,000 worth of groceries. But this year has been the greatest of all, and Mr. Gray is very proud of the results achieved. He had a photograph taken of the Christmas quarters this year to preserve for future reference.
The children and many families are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Christmas morning when many homes in this city will be made happy through the untiring efforts of Mr. Gray and the commendable generosity of the Eagle lodge.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, April 27, 1922.
“The shot that struck my brother down awakened a new fighting spirit in me,” declared Virgil Snodgrass, brother of Everett Snodgrass, overseas man, who was killed by Policeman Ketch in a raid at 222 North Eight street Saturday night, as he stood in Justice Martin’s court today.
Snodgrass pleaded guilty to having dope in his possession when he was nabbed by policemen at the Santa Fe depot several days ago.
“I’ve only been on the dope about three months,” he continued, “and the tragic death of my brother, bringing as it did a heartbreak to my mother, has made me resolve to go straight and quit the drugs. I want to go to jail and stay there until I have triumphed over the desire for dope. My associations led me to take the first shot with the needle. I am through with them now. I would rather be dead than to let the habit fasten itself upon me. Out at 506 North Tenth street is an old mother that loves me like she loved Everett, but I went wrong and Everett was going straight. I am going to try and take the place of my brother and help support my mother in the future. This is the first time I have ever been arrested, and a few hours after I was looking at the cold walls of the jail, I took a brace to myself and swore I would turn over a new leaf. I kneeled upon the concrete floor and prayed to God for help.”
The youth’s plea found an echo in the courtroom. Attorneys grasped his hand and wished him luck on his new start in life. The judge fined him $100 and sentenced him to 30 days in the county jail, in accordance with Snodgrass’ wishes, where he said he could make a better fight against the dope desire.
“It would be just as impossible for him to quit under the old associations as for two trains to pass on the same track,” said his attorney, H. S. Hines.
Constable Gray took him to the county jail late today.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 14, 1922.
This morning in the state court of J. W. Martin, there was settlement of an old lawsuit. The case was one wherein a man by the name of M. P. Hutchinson, of Wichita, gave a “no fund” check to John Sweet of the Osage Hotel in the year 1921. There was a warrant issued for the arrest of Hutchinson, but he had kept out of sight of the local officers all that time. Finally Constable Gray learned that Hutchinson was back in Wichita and he caused his arrest there. The check was for $19.98, and being just under the sum of $20, the charge was not a felony. This morning a representative of Hutchinson came to the city and settled the case, paying the amount of the check and the costs of action, in all $38.98. Word was then sent to Wichita to release Hutchinson. The defendant was once a member of the police force in Wichita, the local officers say.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 22, 1922.
County Clerk Harriet C. Vorhis, announced the following.
Constables, Arkansas City: Democrats—W. J. Gray; Robt. Callahan.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 16, 1922.
Constable W. J. Gray went to Wichita this morning, armed with a warrant to bring P. E. Hackett to this city on the charge of embezzlement. The alleged embezzler has been placed under arrest there, according to the officer. The man will be brought here and taken into the state court of J. W. Martin, to answer to the charge, as the papers in the case were issued by that official.
The complaint in the case was signed by D. C. Stapleton, manager of the Apex Electric Co., here and the amount of money involved as shown in the warrant is $613.50.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, August 17, 1922.
P. E. Hackett, who was brought from Wichita yesterday by Constable Billy Gray, is being held on a charge of embezzlement sworn out by the Apex Electrical company, Mr. Hackett having been the agent of the company at this place. He is charged with having embezzled the sum of $613.50. Attorney W. L. Cunningham has been employed to represent the defendant.
The defendant has been trying to arrange a bond today, but owing to the fact that all the banks are closed on Thursday afternoon, it was thought he would not be able to make the bond today. According to information from the deputy county attorney’s office, the bond will probably be fixed at $1,200, and the case set for preliminary hearing about the middle of next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, September 1, 1922.
M. A. Shaklee was arrested last night by Constable Gray and Policeman Atteberry on the charge of giving a “no fund” check to C. H. St. Clair of this city. He was held in the city jail until today, when the action was abated and the matter settled up. Shaklee is one of the men who recently purchased the House of Bargains here, and today there was an attachment served on the place, which is now in the hands of the state court here. The title of the case is Eunice Fawcett versus M. A. Shaklee, attachment in the sum of $1,307.50. The store is now closed.