Dr. C. C. Green
Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1880.
The professional card of Dr. Green appears in this issue. The Doctor is a brother-in-law of Mr. Blair, city editor of the Telegram, and comes well recommended. He is a graduate of one of the best medical schools in the country.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1880.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
Dr. C. C. Green gave $1.00.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
Monday morning Dr. Mendenhall assisted by Drs. Green, Davis, and Henry, amputated Daniel Sheel’s leg just below the knee. This was the only chance to save his life, as the bone below the point of amputation was dead. He is now doing as well as could be expected. This is a sad ending of Dan’s trip to the west.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
We take pleasure in announcing Dr. C. C. Green as a candidate for coroner in this issue. Dr. Green is very highly spoken of by those well acquainted with him as a thoroughly competent practitioner and a pleasant gentleman, in every way qualified for the position. The doctor attended many of the sufferers by the recent cyclone, and there gained the reputation of “the whitest physician that practiced in that region.”
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
Birth. Dr. Green is the happy dad of a bouncing boy.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
DR. C. C. GREEN. Office on 9th avenue, between Main and Millington streets. Residence on Menor street, between 10th and 11th avenues.
Cowley County Courant, December 15, 1881.
Dr. Green has moved his office upstairs in the new McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
Dr. Green has removed his office to very nice quarters in the second story of the McDougall building, and has fitted it up in fine style.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
We dropped into Dr. C. C. Green’s new office Friday. He has the front room in the McDougall building. It is large, light, and airy, and the Doctor has furnished it in splendid style. He can now boast of having the finest office in the city.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Michael Maher, a brother of Dan Maher, had a tumor removed from his neck last Wednesday. He wouldn’t take chloroform and he never winced while the operation was being performed by Dr. Green. He returned next day to his school at St. Mary’s.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882. Front Page.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, February 4, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Disclaiming all idea of offending or of obtaining for myself a cheap advertisement and regretting the apparent necessity for so doing, I yet deem it but justice to myself to notice an article in your paper of the 2nd inst., in regard to a case of lock-jaw in the person of one Adam Bass, a young negro man, who came under my surveillance on the 18th day of January and was discharged as relieved on the 27th day of the same month, just nine days after I was called.
The inference clearly deducible from the item as given you, is that the physician who waited upon said Bass was ignorant of his true condition and that the fellow was playing “possum” on him all the while, or as medical men would express it, he was malingering; for your item says: “finally Dr. Green was called and taking Dr. Emerson, they went out. The Doctor was satisfied in his own mind that the fellow was shamming and on this theory began a rigorous treatment, etc., and got him to admit that he was not so bad off as he thought.”
On the 19th day of January, said Bass was reported as having dislocated his shoulder and damaged his side by a fall in a well. I first saw him in company with Drs. Headrick and Green, and we examined him in the presence of Dr. Wells. As to his hurts, we found the ribs upon the left side evidently very sore and tender to the touch, while the shoulder was much inflamed and swollen around the joint. We all concurred in the opinion that there had been a dislocation and that it had been properly adjusted by Dr. Wells, and I deemed it but just to Dr. Wells to so state, and left the case in his hands. The following morning I was again called and refused to go, but told Dr. Wells that he had best go, and he did so. At noon the boy’s father again came for me and I again refused to go, but being told by him later that Dr. Wells wished to retire from the case, I visited him in the afternoon and found him with locked jaws, or that form of tetanus known as trismus. Dr. Emerson was then with me and I understood him to fully concur with me in the diagnosis, and he gave him a very thorough and searching examination and suggested a dissection of the offending nerve if we could establish what nerve to cut. I visited the boy after this for several days twice daily and each time found his jaws closed so firmly as to defy all my efforts to unlock them. I gave him chloroform several times and at least once had him completely anesthetized, or under its influence, and yet failed to move them. The boy had besides the closed jaws other prominent symptoms of tetanus. (I use the words tetanus, trismus, and lock-jaw as synonymous.)
The scholarly gentlemen who made the wonderful discovery that he was only malingering know full well that time enough (9 days) had elapsed for his partial recovery, if he was to recover at all, and further that the spasm attending this trouble does go off, just as it did in his case, i.e., relaxing and often returning for many days after the patient is considered relieved.
The day that they visited him together, Feb. 1st, I had positively refused to go, because as I informed the messenger there was no need of it, and that he would get well without further treatment. It may be that towards the close he did play “possum” to a certain extent in order to attain the sympathy of his dulciana, but I submit that no man could maintain as he did for several days and nights in succession an uninterrupted rigidity of the muscles of the jaw, defying all attempts at opening, and further assert that there would naturally be less difficulty in opening his jaws after the violence, if the trouble had been overcome or had passed away. I should not have commented on this matter but for the large amount of talk growing out of it upon the streets and the fact that it is largely known that I was the doctor made to appear so ignorant in diagnosis. Allow me to add that I set up no superior claims of intelligence, in fact, I am painfully aware of my own ignorance and freely admit that the world, and Cowley County more especially, contain very many wiser and greater men than myself. Still I have learned to go slow on diagnosis and avoid hasty conclusions, and when I know that I do not comprehend a case, I am always willing and ready to admit it.
Dr. I. Fleming, a practitioner of age and experience, a gentleman and a scholar, recently here from the state of Indiana to attend his son-in-law, Mr. Ticer, visited Adam Bass with me during the 7 or 8 days when he was at his worst, and when neither of the gentlemen who visited him for the first time did see him, hearing the matter freely canvassed on the streets, kindly mailed me the following certificate, which explains itself.
I have the honor to subscribe myself very respectfully, W. R. DAVIS, M. D.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
The Catholic Fair. “A little fun now and then is relished by the best of men.” The Catholic Fair, which closed Friday evening, Feb. 10, was the source of much amusement to the people of Winfield. Everything in the way of pleasure was there, and the citizens did not fail to patronize the good work. The businessmen when called upon for contributions responded liberally, as did the ladies, in donating the various articles for a supper and refreshment tables. The fancy articles which were donated were duly appreciated, and served to decorate the booths nicely. We do not pretend to name the several articles; however, we will give a few. The china set of one hundred and fifty seven pieces, which was won by Mr. J. B. Lynn, who afterwards presented it to Father Kelly, occupied a prominent position on one of the tables. A handsome family Bible, a fine gold necklace and bracelets, donated by Mr. P. Laverty; a wax cross, a silver castor, donated by Mr. Schroeter; a silver butter dish and knife, the gift of Hudson Bros.; an artificial flower pot, given by F. Manny; a large wax doll, a silver pickle castor, and two silver goblets, donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. Buckley; a Kalomeda set, given by Johnston & Hill; a pair of vases, by Harter Bros.; lace curtains, by Mr. Hahn; a box of fancy note-paper, by Mr. P. Buckley; a handsome album, by Mrs. Charlie Allen, of Wichita; a pair of vases, by H. Goldsmith; a pair of gentleman’s slippers, by Smith Bros.; pin cushions, tidies, toilet sets, mats, pillow shams and numerous other articles, which decorated the fancy tables over which Mrs. J. C. Fuller and Mrs. Pierce presided. The refreshment stand was taken charge of by the Misses Healey, McGonigle, and Kelly. The supper table was superintended by Mrs. Dockery and Mrs. Lanbener. Miss Kate Healey was postmaster and distributed many letters and valentines to the young folks. Mrs. Charlie Allen, from Wichita, took care of the oyster table. Our friend, Capt. H. H. Siverd, was the winner of the hanging lamp and pickle castor; he deserved them for his energy in trying to make the fair a success. Dr. C. C. Green won the horse. The ball, though last, was not least. It was conducted with so much propriety that many church members were tempted to “tip the light fantastic toe.” Capt. C. Steuven was floor manager. There were many visitors here during the fair. Mrs. E. Woolheater, Mr. Buck, from Newton, Miss D. McDoigle, from Leavenworth, and Mrs. Charlie Allen, from Wichita, being noticed. Nearly all the young folks of Winfield were out. The young men were very gallant and generous in taking chances on all articles to be disposed of in that way. Capt. W. Whiting, Dave Harter, Ad Powers, Willie Smith, C. Hodges, J. Hyden, Fred Whiting, Ed and H. Cole, C. C. Harris, J. O’Hare, H. Seward, and A. D. Speed were among the many who assisted in making the fair a success, both socially and financially, and we feel sure the Catholics will feel grateful for the kindness of all those who contributed toward the good work.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Master Geo. Black, Mr. Hovey’s clerk, was the subject of an unfortunate accident last week in which he was severely wounded by the accidental discharge of a pistol. He was going home and taking back a self-cocking revolver which he had taken to the store to show to a gentleman and which he carried in his hip pocket. When in front of Spotswood & Co.’s store, he put his hand in his pocket for something when the weapon was discharged, the ball entering the upper portion of the calf of his leg and running around to the front of the shin bone, where it was found by the physician. George was taken into Spotswood’s store and the wound, which is severe but only a flesh one, was carefully dressed by Dr. C. C. Green. We are sorry for George as the mishap will keep him in for some time, and wish him a speedy recovery.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
MARRIED. At the residence of Dr. Green, in Winfield, April 17th, 1882, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. David Gammon and Miss Annie C. Maxfield, both of Seeley, Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
Officers and Comrades of Cowley Legion No. 16, S. K. A. O. U. W.:
We, your committee appointed for the purpose, respectfully submit the following:
WHEREAS, We have heard of the death (after a long and painful illness) of Mrs. Julia Bliss, beloved wife of Comrade C. A. Bliss, and, although we recognize that the dissolution has long been expected, and therefore does not fall with the overwhelming force of a sudden bereavement, we yet concede, in the loss of a wife and counselor an irreparable privation; and, while we extend to our brother our consolation, we trust that his grief may be tempered by the peace and rest which has followed a long and wearied waiting.
Resolved, That we extend to Comrade Bliss our fraternal sympathies and condolence, in token whereof Cowley Legion No. 16, S. K. A. O. U. W., will attend the funeral in a body.
Assembly Rooms, Winfield, June 27, 1882.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Winfield Lodge A. O. U. W. No. 18 on last Friday evening installed the following officers for the ensuing term.
P. M. W.: J. F. McMullen; M. W.: J. Wade McDonald; Foreman: C. C. Green; Overseer: Geo. E. Rinker; Recorder: Geo. Corwin; Receiver: G. S. Manser; Financier: Frank T. Berkey; Guide: Thos. Meyers; I. W.: W. J. Hepler; O. W.: J. E. Snow.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
The South Kansas Medical Association met at Dr. Green’s office in this city Tuesday at 1 p.m., with forty members present. President Mendenhall called the meeting to order at 1 o’clock p.m. Both afternoon and evening sessions were held. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Dr. G. Boyd, of Newton, president; Dr. Geo. Emerson, 1st vice president; Dr. G. P. Wagoner, of Dexter, 2nd vice president; Dr. T. J. Miller, of Sedgwick City, secretary; Dr. Lewis Hall, of Augusta, assistant secretary; Dr. G. B. Allen, of Wichita, treasurer. The exercises were interesting and the meeting productive of much good.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
There were fourteen entries in this class, and some very fine specimens were exhibited. Wm. Bryan took 1st premium on his game Bantams. Dr. C. C. Green took 2nd on his brown Leghorns. Mrs. Olds took 1st premium on her trio of Black Spanish and 2nd on Silver lace bantams. Mrs. Trezise took 1st on her white Leghorn; Mrs. Asp 1st on best trio of partridge Cochins; Prestin Dorin 1st on golden pheasants; Ed. Thomas 1st on bantam chicks; and A. R. Gillette, 2nd on trio of partridge Cochins.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The following officers were elected at the institution of Walnut Valley Lodge No. 70, Knights of Pythias.
S. L. Gilbert, P. C. C.; Quincy A. Glass, C. C.; C. C. Green, V. C. C.; P. F. Jones, P.; Wm. Whiting, M. of F.; L. B. Stone, M. of E.; P. H. Albright, M. at A.; G. H. Buckman, K. R. & S.; C. C. Harris, O. G.; Geo. Hudson, I. G.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted: “Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered by this Lodge to P. G. C. Lyon and D. G. C. Harris, of the Grand Lodge, and to Warwick Lodge No. 144, for their attendance and service in the institution of this Lodge.”
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1883.
Upon Tuesday of last week occurred the terrible tragedy which has resulted in the death of one of the best officers and truest citizens that Cowley County has ever had. The chain of circumstances leading to the commission of the terrible crime will be found in the following lines.
The murderer, Charles Cobb, went to the house of Mr. Jacobus, of Maple Township, some six miles from Udall, about two weeks since, and inquired for work, giving his name as Smith, and stated that he had just come up from Texas with a herd of cattle to Fort Dodge, from whence he had ridden to Cowley, and desired to work ‘till spring, when he would return to his home in Pennsylvania. He was told no help was needed, when he offered to pay his board for a week, if they would let him stay that time and look around for work. The request was granted and the week had just expired, and he was hired to work upon the very morning of the shooting. It was noticed that he had a shot gun with him, and always wore a pistol, and slept with it under his pillow, but nothing particular was thought of this, it being attributed to his cowboy training. Mrs. Ruth Jacobus thus describes the shooting.
“As we were all sitting at dinner someone drove up and called my husband out. He soon came back and said that Dr. Jones, of Udall, was out there and would stop for dinner. He then went out and soon returned with a man whom he introduced to me as Dr. Jones, the prisoner all this time sitting at the table. My husband and the man introduced as Dr. Jones passed through the kitchen, and I noticed the doctor look very sharply at the prisoner. They went into the room and the stranger pulled off his overcoat and threw it on a chair. About this time the prisoner got up from the table, took his hat and gloves, and started toward the door. Mr. Shenneman then sprang upon him from behind, when a scuffle ensued, during which time two shots were fired. My husband then ran in and took the pistol away from the prisoner and told him to give up or he’d kill him. The prisoner then cried out that he would give up, not to kill him. Mr. Shenneman then said, ‘hold him, he has killed me,’ and went in and laid down on the bed. My husband and the school teacher then tied the prisoner.”
Drs. Emerson and Green were summoned with all speed to the scene of bloodshed, where they found the unfortunate man with two bullet wounds in his body, both close together in the lower right-hand side of the stomach. Mrs. Shenneman also was soon at her husband’s side, and, by her heroic calmness, under the terrible ordeal, did much to cheer and alleviate his sufferings. Sheriff Shenneman’s natural tenderness and regard for human life was doubtless the cause of his death, as will be seen by his own version of the arrest.
“I looked at him and thought that I wouldn’t put a revolver on such a mere boy, but would catch him and hold him while the other fellow disarmed him, but found after I got hold of him that he was a regular Hercules in strength, and I couldn’t handle him.”
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
The officers elect of Cowley Legion No. 10, A. K. of A. O. U. W., are as follows:
S. C., Col. Whiting; V. C., E. F. Blair; Lt. C., E. C. Goodrich; C., E. T. Trimble; Rec., J. F. McMullen; R. T., D. G. Silver; F., C. A. Bliss; S. W., C. C. Green; M., Wm. Minerick.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Winfield Lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W., held its regular election of officers on Friday, December 29, 1882, with the following result.
M. U., C. C. Green; F., W. J. Hodges; O., A. B. Snow; Rec., E. F. Blair; Fin., J. F. McMullen; R., G. S. Manser; G., S. J. Hepler; O. W., J. E. Snow; I. W., B. M. Legg; Trustee, W. J. Hodges; Representative, B. M. Legg.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Sheriff Shenneman Fatally Wounded While Attempting to Arrest a Murderer.
Arriving there we found the whole neighborhood gathered, most of them guarding the prisoner, who was securely bound. In a room just adjoining lay our Sheriff, with two bullets in his body, both close together in the lower right hand side of his stomach. Drs. Emerson and Green were bending over him, examining his wounds, while his heroic little wife, calm and collected in the midst of her terrible affliction, tried to cheer him up as much as possible.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
Dr. C. C. Green has removed his residence to Mr. Harden’s brick on Eighth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Judge Torrance and J. C. Fuller talk of erecting brick business houses on the lots adjoining Green’s office.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
The following accounts were presented and approved and recommended to county commissioners for payment.
A. T. Spotswood & Co., goods city poor: $10.00
C. C. Green, med., services: $6.00.
Geo. Emerson: $46.00.
A. H. Doane & Co., fuel: $80.00.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From.
The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
Dr. C. C. Green gave $2.00.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Sixty-five ladies and gentlemen of the best citizens of Winfield joined in a plot last Wednesday, May 16th, to surprise D. A. Millington, editor of the Winfield COURIER, and his wife at their residence, on the thirty-fifth anniversary of their marriage, and were completely successful. It was raining quite briskly all the evening with no prospect of a “let-up.” Between 8 and 9 o’clock we were quietly looking over our late exchanges; our wife was busy in household affairs in a gray dress in which she felt some delicacy about receiving company, when we found our house suddenly taken possession of by J. C. Fuller and lady, J. Wade McDonald, Mrs. J. E. Platter, C. A. Bliss, Dr. C. C. Green and lady, J. P. Short, Geo. Rembaugh and lady, A. T. Spotswood, Miss Jennie Hane, E. S. Torrance, Mrs. John Lowry, Mrs. I. L. Millington, E. P. Hickok and lady, and others. The greater portion of the party lived more distant and were still waiting for the rain to slack up.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
The following claim was laid over: C. C. Green, pauper claim: $20.00.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
A serious accident happened on Monday morning last at the blacksmith shop of Mr. Dan. Miller. While the blacksmith was paring a horse’s hoof preparatory to shoeing the animal and while holding the buttress to his shoulder, the horse reared and plunged the buttress into the stomach of Mr. D. Ford, the owner, who lives at Severy, inflicting a wound about four inches long, and which came within an ace of extending into the cavity of the body. Several surgeons were sent for immediately, and Dr. Taylor was the first to arrive, who on probing the wound found that it did not extend into the cavity of the bowels and so informed the patient, which relieved his anxiety very much. He is doing well and will soon be up again. Drs. Park and Green were in attendance, the former assisting Dr. Taylor in adjusting the wound. The Doctor says: “It will probably heal by first intention.”
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
DIED. Martha Jackson, a colored woman about forty years of age, dropped dead at her home in the east part of the city on last Sunday morning. She came from the South about two years ago and has been making her home with the colored family of Andrew Shaw, assisting them in the laundry business. On Sunday morning she arose as usual and just after getting dressed, fell, and died immediately, not uttering a word after falling. She had made no complaints and was considered unusually robust and healthy. Doctors Emerson and Green made an examination and pronounced her death the result of paralysis of the heart.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Drs. Green, Mendenhall, and Emerson attended the semi-annual meeting of the South Kansas Medical Society at Wichita on Tuesday. There was a large attendance and an interesting meeting. In the election of officers for the ensuing year, Dr. Geo. Emerson was made president and Dr. C. C. Green, secretary. Thus is Winfield honored.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller entertained a large number of friends at their elegant home Friday evening. It was a pleasant company and the hospitality was highly enjoyed. Among those present were Mayor & Mrs. Emerson, Mr. & Mrs. Bahntge, Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Spotswood, Mr. & Mrs. Hickok, Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. & Mrs. Mann, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Millington, Mr. & Mrs. Silliman, Mr. & Mrs. Ordway, Mr. & Mrs. Tomlin, Mr. & Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W. Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Greer, Mr. & Mrs. Allen, Mr. & Mrs. J. C. McMullen, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Green, Mr. & Mrs. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Fuller, Mr. & Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. & Mrs. Branham. Also, Mr. Elbert Bliss, Mrs. Albro, Mrs. Doane, Mrs. Foos, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Ripley, of Burlington, Iowa, Mrs. Judge Buck of Emporia. These evening gatherings are becoming quite a feature in our social life, and nowhere are they more heartily enjoyed than at Mr. Fuller’s.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
A social party were entertained at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Buckman on Tuesday evening. The guests present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rembaugh, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bahntge, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Asp, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup; Mrs. Schofield, Mrs. G. H. Allen; Misses Josie Bard, Jennie B. Hane, Nettie R. McCoy, Margie Wallis, Sadie French, Jessie Millington; Messrs. M. O’Meara, R. B. Rudolf, Louis B. Zenor, E. H. Nixon, W. H. Smith, H. Bahntge, L. H. Webb. The affair was delightful in every way, and the guests were profuse in their thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Buckman for their many and pleasant attentions which secured them so much enjoyment.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Dr. C. C. Green has gone to Topeka as a delegate to the Grand Lodge A. O. U. W.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
J. F. McMullen, C. C. Green, and G. S. Manser represented Winfield Lodge A. O. U. W. at the Grand Lodge in Topeka last week. Mr. McMullen was placed on two of the most important committees. This order is furnishing the cheapest insurance to be obtained, the assessments for the last year being only four and a half dollars on the thousand. The Winfield lodge contains eighty members.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
BIRTH. Dr. Green is the proud possessor of a new girl, born Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Dr. Green now has his residence and office both under the same roof, in the McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Drs. Park & Mills, with the assistance of Dr. C. C. Green, removed a cancerous tumor from the breast of Mrs. Johnson, of Richland Township, some weeks ago. The patient has entirely recovered without serious trouble or inconvenience.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
The semi-annual election of officers of Chevalier Lodge No. 70, Knights of Pythias, occurred Tuesday night, when the following were elected for the ensuing term.
C. C., W. H. Dawson; P. C., G. H. Buckman; V. C., M. G. Troup; P., C. C. Green; M at A., J. Finkleburg; K. R. & S., L. H. Webb; M. of F., Q. A. Glass; M. of E., P. H. Albright.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
DIED. Again has death taken away a household treasurer, and bleeding hearts are made to wonder why sorrow is the accompaniment of joy in the story of life. Little Mable, the sweet three-year-old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Green, passed away Monday night. The Doctor left the little one far from a dangerous condition that evening at seven o’clock to visit a patient at Magnolia farm, and returned to find life going out in heart spasms. The loss falls with inestimable weight upon the parents. They have the deepest sympathy of many friends.
[A. O. U. W.]
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.
The following resolutions were presented and accepted at the regular meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W., on Friday evening, 25th inst.
WHEREAS, It has pleased Divine Providence to call from the earth little Mable, daughter of our worthy P. M. W., C. C. Green;
Resolved, That we, the members of Winfield Lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W., hereby tender the sincere sympathy of this lodge with our Brother and family in their great affliction.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of this lodge, and also a copy be furnished each of our county papers for publication.
A. B. Snow, S. G. Bishop, Lewis Conrad, Committee.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
DR. C. C. GREEN. OFFICE in McDOUGALL Building. Residence fourth house west of Spotswood’s store, north side of street.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
The South Kansas Medical Society meets at Wichita Tuesday next, November 11th. Drs. Geo. Emerson and C. C. Green of this city are president and secretary. All our prominent physicians will attend.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Notwithstanding the intense excitement caused by the Presidential uncertainty, Winfield was free from dangerous passions and fatal results until Saturday night, when the deadly revolver, in the reckless hand, took the life of Charlie Fletcher (colored) and gave Sandy Burge (white) a death wound. Excitement had been at a fever heat during the evening, but had vented itself up to eleven o’clock only in civil hilarity, playing of bands, and other harmless modes of jollification. But at that hour the celebrating portion of the crowd had mostly exhausted all enthusiasm and departed to their homes, leaving the ground in charge of the more boisterous. The Democrats had been celebrating during the evening the supposed elevation of Cleveland; and though loud denunciation of disciples of both parties had been indulged in, this sad ending is thought by all to have no political significance, but merely the result of whiskey and undue recklessness. However, we present the evidence at the Coroner’s inquest, from which all can draw their conclusions. The affair is very much deplored by members of both parties, as anything but an honor to our civilization and the good name of our city.
Fletcher died within an hour after the bullet had passed through his abdomen, and was buried Monday afternoon from the colored M. E. Church, of this city, a large concourse of white and colored citizens following the remains to South Cemetery.
Burge walked, after being shot, in company with the marshal, to Smith’s lunch-room, sat down, and soon fainted away. He was taken to the Ninth Avenue Hotel, where doctors were summoned and where he remained till Sunday morning, when he was removed to his home and family in the east part of the city. He was shot with a thirty-two bullet, which entered just below the fifth rib on the right side and passed through the right lung and came very nearly out at the back. As we go to press he still lies in a critical condition, though the physicians give him the possibility of recovering. But little change has been noted in his condition since Sunday.
Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, impaneled a jury Sunday afternoon, and held an inquest on the body of young Fletcher.
The jury was composed of Messrs. John McGuire, J. B. Lynn, George Emerson, T. H. Soward, W. J. Hodges, and James Bethel, who brought in a verdict that Fletcher came to his death by a pistol shot from the hand of Sandy Burge.
Dr. C. C. Green testified to having found Fletcher lying in the street in a dying condition and gave location of wound, which passed through the abdomen. The bullet was a forty-five caliber.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
The South Kansas Medical Society met at Wichita Tuesday. The attendance from here were Drs. Emerson, Mendenhall, Green, Wright, Tandy, and Park. The meeting was a very pleasant one and wound up with a big banquet in the evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
The annual masquerade party of the Winfield Social Club has been the crowning social event of every winter for years past, and the one at the Opera House last Thursday evening was all that past successors could have spoken for it—in fact, many pronounce it superior to preceding ones in selectness and refinement of conduct. It was free from the promiscuous crowd and jam that usually characterize such gatherings, there being just maskers enough to fill the floor nicely and make dancing most enjoyable. The characters represented were varied and unique, elicited much admiration from the large number of spectators, and we regret our lack of space to mention each in detail. Following are the names of the maskers and the characters represented.
Ladies: Miss Nellie Cole, Cerus; Miss Mattie Harrison, Milk Maid; Miss Iowa Roberts, Water Nymph; Miss A. Marks, Wichita, Fancy Costume; Miss Leota Gary, Flower Girl; Mrs. J. L. Horning, Ghost; Miss Nina Anderson, Fancy Costume; Misses Emma and Mattie Emerson, Fancy Costumes; Miss Anna Hyde, Spanish Lady; Miss Sarah Kelly, Fancy Costume; Miss Carrie Anderson, Fancy Costume; Mrs. Ed. Cole, Folly; Mrs. Lovell Webb, Cards; Mrs. D. Rodocker, Daily News; Mrs. George Dresser, Sailor Girl; Miss Mattie Kinne, Frost; Miss Jennie Snow, Cotton Girl; Miss Huldah Goldsmith, Flower Girl; Miss Jennie Lowry, Butterfly; Miss Hattie Stolp, Fancy Costume; Miss Ida Johnston, Music; Miss Lou Clarke, Fancy Costume.
Gentlemen: B. W. Matlack, Jumping Jack; Dr. C. C. Green, Monkey and Dude; Everett Schuler, British Artilleryman; Eli Youngheim, Humpty Dumpty; Eugene Wallis, Noble Red Man; Ed. McMullen, Phillip’s Best; F. F. Leland, Double-action Pussy and Flying Dutchman; George Read, The Devil; Fred Ballein, Hamlet; D. A. Sickafoose, Page; Frank Weaverling, Mexican; A. B. Taylor, Indian War Chief; Charles Roberts, Old Uncle Joe; W. J. Hodges, Highlander; Jos. O’Hare, British Officer; Addison Brown, Highlander; J. E. Jones, Sailor; George Schuler, Page; Tom Eaton, O’Donovan Rossa; M. H. Ewart, Page; Jake Goldsmith, Clown; M. J. O’Meara, Humpty Dumpty; S. Kleeman, Black Dude; Laban Moore, Monkey; John Hudson, Clown; Frank K. Grosscup, Spanish Cavalier; A. Snowhill, Prince; A. Gogle, King Henry; Frank H. Greer, Beggar’s Student.
The excellent music of the Winfield orchestra and the experienced prompting of Mr. Chas. Gray, captivated all, while the careful floor managing of Messrs. A. H. Doane and Lacey Tomlin made everything go off without a hitch.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
The annual session of the Grand Lodge of A. O. U. W. of Kansas was held at Leavenworth last week. Cowley was represented as follows: Winfield, J. F. McMullen and C. C. Green; Arkansas City, I. H. Bonsall and M. N. Sinnott; Burden, Ed Millard; Dexter, W. G. Seaver; New Salem, H. H. Holloway. Mr. McMullen was elected a representative to the Supreme Lodge. The next session of the Grand Lodge will be held at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Dr. George Emerson, Dr. C. C. Green, Dr. S. B. Park, and Dr. M. Wortman went to Wichita Tuesday afternoon to attend the annual meeting of the Southwest Medical Society. Its election of officers, a well prepared program, and a grand banquet occur tonight.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
A. H. Limerick, Dr. Green, J. E. Snow, and J. F. McMullen left for Lawrence last evening on the S. K. to attend the Grand Legion of the A. O. U. W.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
J. F. McMullen, Judge Snow, Dr. Green, and Prof. Limerick got home Thursday from the annual session of The Grand Legion of Select Knights, A. O. U. W., held in Lawrence Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The meeting, presided over till the installation of new officers, by Grand Commander McMullen, was one of great interest. The attendance was large, of the best men of the state. The reports showed a splendid growth of the order in the past year, the finances in good condition, and general prospects very flattering. Lawrence tendered the Legion a royal reception.
The officers for the coming year are: J. A. Montgomery, of Lawrence, Grand Commander; H. J. Rodman, of Atchison, G. V. C.; F. C. Frederick, of Topeka, G. L. C.; F. Steen, of Ft. Scott, G. M.; E. M. Ford, of Emporia, G. R.; C. F. Canten, of Waterville, G. T.; W. S. Cassell, of Parsons, G. S. B.; C. F. Chase, Topeka, G. S. W.; A. H. McCleary, Parsons, G. G.; D. Kennedy, Lawrence, G. J. W.; Dr. J. B. Hibben, Topeka, G. M. E.; J. F. McMullen, Winfield; C. F. Smolt, Nickerson; and H. E. Cowdry, Topeka; representatives to the Supreme Legion to be held at St. Paul in August, 1887. Cowley Legion, Number 16, stands high in the Grand Legion, with a representation whose labors were honored and effective.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
At its regular meeting, Friday evening last, the A. O. U. W. Lodge of Winfield formed the following resolutions.
On Saturday, November 21, 1885, obedient to the summons of the Supreme Master Workman of the universe, Bro. Wm. Moore was taken from his place amongst us. We thus lose a valuable comrade and brother, his family a devoted father, and an affectionate husband.
Resolved, That in paying tribute to his memory, we commend the wisdom which induced him “while in health and strength of body,” to make provision for the time when he would be unable to protect those near and dear to him from the dangers incident to pecuniary want and distress.
Resolved, That we, in extending our fraternal sympathy to those whom by reason of family ties are left desolate, we commend them to the care of our All wise Father, a husband to the widow, a father to the fatherless.
Resolved, That while we cancel the pecuniary obligations into which we entered with our late brother, we will still guard with our “shield of protection” the interests of those whom he confided to our care.
C. C. Green, J. E. Snow, Louis Conrad, Committee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year at the meeting of Cowley Legion No. 16, S. K. of A. O. U. W., last night. P. S. C., J. E. Snow; S. C., W. G. Seaver; V. C., T. J. Harris; L. C., C. H. Cleaves; R., J. F. McMullen; R. T., A. B. Snow; T., C. A. Bliss; M., C. E. Steuven; S. B., Dr. C. C. Green; J. W., S. H. Crawford; S. W., E. F. Blair; G., David Dix. The installation will occur on the evening of the first meeting in January.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Chevalier Lodge No. 70, Knights of Pythias, installed its officers Tuesday for the ensuing six months, as follows: C. C., P. H. Albright; P. C., J. E. Snow; V. C., Bert Crapster; P. M., M. G. Troup; K. R. S., Frank H. Greer; M. A., C. C. Green; I. G., Geo. H. Dresser; O. G., S. Kleeman. After the installation, according to the semi-annual custom, the new Chancellor Commander “set ’em up,” in good shape, all raiding Axtell’s for oysters. This Lodge has a very clean membership of about fifty and is one of the most flourishing orders in the city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
The South-Kansas Medical College holds its spring meeting here Tuesday, April 20th, in Odd Fellows hall. Secretary, Dr. C. C. Green, has out programs showing topics of much interest to the medical fraternity. Physicians from all over South Kansas will be here. The meeting will wind up with a fine banquet at the Brettun.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Triumph Lodge K. of P. received a visit last night from a delegation of Chevalier lodge at Winfield. After spending a pleasant evening at the lodge room, the knights repaired to the Gladstone and indulged in an excellent repast. The following are the names of the visiting knights: Jas. A. Patton, Sam Kleeman, Ed. Pentecost, Isaac Martin, Geo. Dresser, W. H. Dawson, C. C. Green, and E. North.
[Note: Above was the last item found on Dr. C. C. Green.]