T. S. Green


Rock Township and Akron, Fairview Township.
Fairview Township 1882: T. S. Green, 56; spouse, N. C. Green, 48.
Post Office Address: Little Dutch.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Alfred F. Stanley to Thos. S. Green, w. ½ of n. w. 6 31 4 and n. e. 1 31 3, 120 acres, $2,000.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
A. L. Stanley and wife to T. S. Green, e. of n. w. 1, 31, 3; 80 acres, $125.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
On last Saturday, in company with S. L. Gilbert, our enter­prising loan agent, and, by the way, one of the jolliest fellows in Cowley County, our local took a flying trip up the Walnut valley into Rock township. After seeing the acres and acres of green wheat, the splendid orchards, fine farms, and large, commodious dwellings, one is astonished at the amount of improve­ment that has been done in such a short space of time.
About eleven miles north of Winfield, in the Walnut Valley, lies the farm of T. S. Green, comprising 880 acres of bottom land lying for a mile up and down on either side of the Walnut. One year ago last March, Mr. Green came to Cowley from McLean County, Illinois, purchased a section and a half of comparatively raw land, and went to work. Today he has 400 acres of fine wheat, on land that, ten months ago, was nothing but a sea of prairie grass; 150 acres of corn, 100 acres of white beans, 50 acres of oats, and 40 acres seeded in timothy and clover. Everything about Mr. Green’s farm has an air of thrift and enterprise. Nearly a hundred cords of wood, cut and corded in long rows, tell of the winter’s work of “clearing up” the 50 acres of timber land on the premises, ready to be sown with timothy and clover in the spring. A large two-story “Kansas barn,” 40 x 50 feet, with a mow capable of holding 10 tons of hay and affording stable room for 20 head of horses, is one of the features of this model farm.
After a ride of 11 miles we were in pretty good condition for supper, and the rapidity with which the tempting array of viands were disposed of would do credit to the appetite of any loan agent in Christendom, while our local mentally averred that the hospitality of Mr. Green and his estimable family was as broad as their acres.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
We were pleased to receive a call from Mr. T. S. Green, wife and daughter, of Rock, last Wednesday. Mr. Green brought the ladies in to see our new cylinder press in operation, and they expressed themselves as being highly pleased with the manner in which the machine received a blank sheet and delivered it, neatly printed, on a table, in less than one-nineteenth of a minute. Call again, ladies.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.

The county central committee was chosen as follows.
Rock Township: Member, T. S. Green. Post Office: Rock.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
Maple Tp., Jan. 23, 1880.
’Squire Norman had an interesting trial before his court this week, which occupied part of two days. The parties were  J. W. Lane and T. S. Green; verdict for plaintiff.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Any man or set of men who say that I was employed, or in any way influenced, by T. S. Green to help defeat the bonds for building a schoolhouse in District No. 26, are guilty of false­hood told for the purpose of carrying the bonds by false representation.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
The Central Committee of the 88th Representative District met in the COURIER office Saturday afternoon, May 15th, after the adjournment of the County Central Committee, and organized by electing W. O. Johnson, chairman, and S. E. Burger, secretary.
The following townships were represented.
Vernon: J. B. Evans.
Rock: T. S. Green.
Winfield, 1st ward: Fred C. Hunt.
Winfield, 2nd ward: W. O. Johnson.
Sheridan: C. S. Irwin.
Walnut: S. E. Burger.
Richland: D. C. Stevens.
Omnia: A. L. Crow.
The committee recommended that the townships and wards of the 88th representative district send the same delegates as those elected to the senatorial and congressional conventions, or elect new delegates as they may see fit, but in either case to hold the primaries on the same day, June 16th. It was decided to allow that part of Pleasant Valley township which was detached from old Winfield township, a representation of two delegates. The basis of representation fixed on was the same as that fixed by the County Central Committee: one delegate at large for each township, and ward of the city of Winfield, and one delegate for each 35 and fraction of 14 votes cast for James Harden at the last county election. W. O. JOHNSON, Ch. S. E. BURGER, Sec.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1880. Front Page.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. J. W. Lane vs. T. S. Green.
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
Curns & Manser sold the Lumpkins farm in Rock Township to  T. S. Green, who already owns considerable land adjoining.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

T. S. Green, of Rock Township, has added another quarter to his farm. He has purchased the Lumpkins place.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
Mr. T. S. Green brought in a sample of White rye Tuesday, raised on his farm ten miles north of here on the Walnut River, that beats any we ever saw for well filled heads and rankness of growth. The stalks are six feet ten inches high and as large as good sized pipe stems. He says it stands so thick on the ground that it will bear up a man’s hat anywhere in the twenty acre field. The estimated yield is sixty bushels to the acre. It will be ready for the reaper Friday. The field was pastured all winter and until prairie grass afforded good grazing for stock. Mr. Green has one of the best farms in the county, the greater part being bottom land, and he is a very extensive wheat, corn, and stock raiser. The sample of rye is on exhibition in the COURIER office.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
THE PREMIUM CORN. P. H. Albright & Co.’s $10.00 Premium for the First 10 Foot Corn Stalk Carried Off By Fairview Township.
The $10 reward of P. H. Albright & Co., was carried off last Thursday, June 29, by E. W. Donahue, residing ten miles up the Walnut, in Fairview Township, who produced two stalks of corn that filled the bill, measuring ten feet four inches from base to tip. It was taken from a three acre field on the Walnut bottom, which was planted March 20th, and only cultivated twice. The hill was not nurtured for the purpose nor selected as the largest in the field, for there were many the height desired. The farm on which it was raised joins that of Mr. T. S. Green, the gentleman who brought in the sample of white rye noticed in the last issue of the COURIER. There were a great many farmers looking toward securing this premium, and some of them would have carried it off on Wednesday, June 28th, if they had been able to get to town. Another stalk was brought in Saturday from Liberty Township that measured 10 feet six inches. Messrs. Albright & Co., immediately expressed it to Hartford, Connecticut. They also sent a sample of Col. Loomis’ volunteer wheat, which went 20 bushels to the acre.
The Premium stalk of corn is on exhibition at the COURIER office. Messrs. Albright & Co., have also offered a premium of $5 for the first loaf of bread made by a Cowley County farmer’s wife, from wheat grown this year.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
We are requested to announce a camp meeting to begin July 26th, 1882, in T. S. Green’s grove, on the Big Walnut River, twelve miles north of Winfield, and four miles northeast of Seeley. Rev. M. L. Haney, of Illinois, will have charge of the meeting.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
A large delegation from Winfield went up to Mr. Green’s grove last Sunday to attend the Holiness camp meeting. A young lady gave us a graphic and amusing account of the proceedings, which were of the “actively religious” order.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
A gentleman who has recently lost his wife wishes to find homes for his two little girls, aged 9 months and five years respectively. Any information desired will be furnished by T. S. Green, Akron post office.

Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
I notice that Mr. T. S. Green now rides to church in a fine two hundred dollar turn-out. Prosperity, my boy.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
T. S. GREEN AHEAD. The Chicago Swindlers Failed.
We clip the following relating to our friend, T. S. Green, who lives ten miles up the Walnut, from the Chicago Tribune of the 10th.
At least one Granger has got even with Flemming & Merriam. His name is T. S. Green, and he lives in Udall, Cowley County, Kansas. A few days before the Tribune exposed the methods of these men—or these alleged men—Green shipped to them direct twenty car loads of corn, exacting an advance of $100 on each car load, or $2,000 on the lot. Nine car loads had been disposed of before the exposure was made, but the remaining eleven were in storage in Armour, Dole & Co.’s, and Vincent & Co.’s warehouses. After reading the Tribune, the elevator men determined to protect the shipper from the sharks, if possible, and accordingly declined to give the receipts to Flemming & Merriam when they applied for them, on some pretext or another.
Meanwhile they telegraphed to Mr. Goddard, General Freight Agent of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, inquiring who T. S. Green was. Mr. Goddard replied that Green was a responsible farmer. The elevator men were afraid to telegraph to Green direct at first, not knowing him, lest it might transpire that he was merely an agent for Flemming & Merriam. On receipt of Mr. Goddard’s telegram they immediately mailed to Green a copy of the Tribune, and he took the first train for Chicago. Yesterday he arrived, and was overjoyed to find that his interests had been protected by men who were utter strangers to him. He brought suit by attachment, and the warehouse receipts were turned over to him. His eleven carloads of corn had been sold “on the bulge,” or for much more than it would bring today, and after figuring up he found that, including the $2,000 advanced before shipment, he was a little ahead on the deal. Farmer Green will return to Southwestern Kansas, on the border of the Indian Territory, with a full purse and a good opinion of Chicago elevators.
Flemming & Merriam were one of those firms lately “set down on” by the Post Office Department as swindlers. They had been in the commission business in Chicago for some years, and had achieved a good reputation in that line. Mr. Green, like many others, shipped his corn to them for sale. The P. O. D. discovered that they, with Kendall & Co., and other firms, had been sending out circulars all over the country inviting men to send them funds with which to operate in grain corners, and that these firms had in this manner received money from various farmers and others all over the country amounting to not less than $200,000, and were simply wholesale swindlers. The Department ordered that no money orders should be paid them and no registered packages delivered to them. This opened the eyes of those who had sent them money or shipped grain to them, and there was a rush to recover. The swindlers skipped out for Canada.

As soon as Mr. T. S. Green got wind of their character, he started for Chicago, with the above result. He expresses the warmest thanks and gratitude to Mr. H. K. Elkins, of the firm of Vincent & Co., St. Louis Elevator, and to the Commission firm of S. H. McCrea & Co., 169 Washington street, Chicago, for their noble, effective, and disinterested assistance rendered him, and recommends them as entitled to the highest esteem and confidence of shippers.
We congratulate our friend Green on his energy and success in beating Chicago swindlers.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
I will graze stock in my pasture this summer at 50 cent per month per head for cattle and 75 cents for horses. 600 acres, part timber. T. S. GREEN.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
I offer my farm, ten miles north of Winfield, on the Walnut River, for sale. The farm consists of twelve hundred and eighty acres in all; eight hundred acres bottom land, 700 in cultivation, 100 timber, five fenced lots well watered, balance of land is upland prairie, fenced with wire and joins timber land and feed lots. Five dwelling houses, granary with capacity for 10,000 bushels. As a stock farm it is not excelled in the state. The production of this farm during the year 1882 was as follows:
2,000 bushels of wheat: $1,500
10,000 bushels of corn, sold: $4,000
10,000 bushels of corn, fed: $4,000
200 bushels of oats: $70
300 bushels of rye: $170
80 head hogs sold: $1,000
59 head of cattle sold: $2,900
Increased stock on hand: $500
TOTAL: $14,640
10,000 fed: $4,000
Expenses, running farm, hired labor, etc.: $3,000
TOTAL: $7,000.
NET RESULT FOR YEAR 1882: +$7,640
The figures are exact and represent just what my farm has done during last year. Prospects this year as good, if not better, than that. Five hundred acres in growing corn, balance in oats, millet, and other crops. The price is $25 per acre. Call on me at the premises.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
The south Kansas Holiness Association will commence their third annual camp meeting July 26th, at T. S. Green’s grove. S. L. DAUGHERTY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
T. S. Green began husking and cribbing his corn last Monday. He pays huskers 4 cents per bushel, allowing 75 pounds to the bushel.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.

The Wichita Eagle says: “Didn’t we say a few months since that the farmers were the coming aristocracy, or privileged class of America? We did, and we meant it. The professions are crowded, the trades are crowded, the commercial and manufacturing interests are fast becoming so, and the supply of skilled and unskilled labor everywhere is greater than the demand. And we said in the same connection that the farmers of the Lower Arkansas Valley were more prosperous and were making more money as a class than were any other class. And we meant that too. A farmer and stock grower of this county informed us last Friday that the receipts from his farm during the past ten months foot up over six thousand dollars. He would not permit the use of his name, but he stands ready to satisfy any, who might be skeptical, with the facts and figures. This particular gentleman’s sources of profits have been from hogs, corn, and cattle.”
The Eagle talks as though six thousand dollars as the receipts yearly from one farm seems incredible, and it is an immense showing; but Cowley has a farmer who realized last year from corn, hogs, and cattle, seven thousand dollars, and the total receipts of his farm, $14,640. Mr. T. S. Green is the farmer, and he has an advertisement in this paper that verifies this statement.
[Same ad appeared in the paper a number of times.]
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Mr. T. S. Green cleared $7,640 net as the result of his farming on his Fairview Township farm in 1882. He will clear about $10,000 net in 1883, by the time he has disposed of his corn and marketed his fatted stock. His experience is a good example of what can be accomplished by an enterprising farmer in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Hessian Fly.
We are informed by Mr. G. L. Gale that the Hessian fly has made its appearance in his neighborhood, and is killing the wheat rapidly. It commenced on the fields of Mr. J. B. Holmes and has destroyed over a hundred acres for him, and is spreading in his and other neighboring fields. It is a fly about the size and appearance of a grain of chess. It deposits its egg on top of the leaf and it or the grub works down inside the stem into the roots and kills the roots. It is said that a heavy frost would arrest their ravages. Mr. R. J. Yeoman informs us that in the states east of here, when this fly appears, the farmers turn all the stock they can get upon the wheat fields and feed them down to the ground, so that the fly has no chance to deposit eggs where they will do hurt, and wait for frost. Mr. T. S. Green thinks that the damage was done before the rains set in and that since then no eggs have been deposited. He also thinks that only wheat sown very early will be affected.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
T. S. Green offers to keep 200 or 300 head of cattle from now till grass, or April 1st, for $1.00 per head.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
The millers of the county are getting very close run for wheat. Mr. T. S. Green was offered 95 cents for his last week, but refused to sell it for less than a dollar.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

A pleasant little party composed of Misses L. and M. Dawson, Leota Gary, and Mrs. Bishop, and Messrs. Frank Leland, Lacey Tomlin, and B. W. Matlack, took advantage of last Sunday’s balmy atmosphere, gathered up their baskets, Sunday school books, etc., and held a small Sunday school (?) picnic in the beautiful grove of Mr. T. S. Green, ten miles up the Walnut.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Notice. Persons are hereby warned not to buy any paper purporting to be a note from me, as any such note or contract is a fraud. T. S. GREEN.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
A camp meeting will be held under the management of the Episcopal Methodists, in the grove of T. S. Green, ten miles up the Walnut, beginning Friday, July 18th.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
The Southern Kansas Holiness Association commenced a camp meeting last Friday in T. S. Green’s grove up the Walnut. It is conducted by M. L. Haney, from Illinois. number of our young folks went out last Sunday. It holds over next Sunday.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
T. S. Green advertises his fine farm for sale in this issue for $38,400.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Farm for Sale. 1,280 acres, on Walnut River, in Fairview Township. 800 acres first-class bottom land, 140 acres of which is timber. 480 acres of pasture land, well watered. All under board, wire, and rail fence. Fine dwelling house, granary capacity for 10,000 bushels; corn cribs, capacity for 20,000 bushels. Price $38,400: one-fourth cash, one-fourth in four years, and balance on time as desired at 8 percent interest.
Address T. S. GREEN, Akron, Cowley County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
There is to be a Union Sunday School picnic in T. S. Green’s this Friday. Let all come and bring filled baskets for a good time is anticipated. Mr. Winner has recently emigrated to Grand Summit and the ostensible talk of this community is that they will be missed here. The well wishes of many friends follow them to their new home. DOLLY.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
The full township committee was made up as follows.
From Fairview Township: T. S. Green.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Cowley’s Farmer’s Institute is now a permanency. A good number of our wide-awake farmers met at the COURIER office Saturday last with Mr. J. S. Baker, of Tisdale, in the chair and Mr. F. A. A. Williams, of Winfield, Secretary.
The following board of township directors was elected, conditioned on their becoming members of the organization.

Bolton, Amos Walton; Beaver, F. H. Burton; Vernon, R. J. Yeoman; Ninnescah, L. Stout; Rock, E. J. Wilber; Fairview, T. S. Green; Walnut, R. T. Thirsk; Pleasant Valley, A. H. Broadwell; Silverdale, George B. Green; Tisdale, J. S. Baker; Winfield, Dr. Perry; Liberty, J. C. McCloy; Richland, D. C. Stevens; Omnia, W. R. Stolp; Silver Creek, John Stout; Harvey, R. S. Strother; Windsor, Samuel Fall; Dexter, W. E. Merydith; Cedar, J. H. Service; Otter, Mr. Mills; Sheridan, J. R. Smith; Maple, Mr. Fitzsimmons, Creswell, Ed. Green; Spring Creek, H. S. Libby.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Mr. T. S. Green, Fairview’s big farmer, was in town today. He has five thousand bushels of wheat and four thousand of corn and his pocket-book is growing with the daily market report. He will receive THE DAILY COURIER for supper by the Douglas mail route.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The case of T. S. Green against Joseph Wilson, suit to recover damages for the accidental burning by a prairie fire of five stacks of wheat, before Justice Buckman today.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Mr. Green, of Fairview township, met his daughter, Mrs. Lukens, and three children, at Winfield last Saturday. After making their visit, they will return to their home in Washington Territory. She seems very well pleased with their home, but thinks some things quite odd. For instance, harvesting is not done just as soon as wheat ripens, but when the farmers can best attend to it. They never hurry themselves about it, but when they have ample time to attend to it they take sacks and fill them just with the heads of wheat and leave them bunched up until threshing time and thus they finish up their wheat crop and do away with granaries.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Mrs. C. M. Lukens, daughter of Mr. T. S. Green, of Akron, has returned from Washington Territory, to live. Her husband will follow in a few weeks. She says that in Washington Territory people head their wheat, haul it right to the thresher, sack the grain, and let it lie in the field till they get ready to haul it in, not fearing rain or other damage. Their system is irrigation. Our Bethel reporter got “off” on this.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
State of Kansas vs. T. S. Green; dismissed by County Attorney.
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, September 30, 1891.
T. S. Green, a citizen of Fairview township, was before the probate judge today, on the charge of insanity. His son-in-law, a Mr. Gasway, was the complainant. The case was continued for two weeks.
[Note: Above was the last item found on Mr. T. S. Green.]