Greer Family


Ed, Sam, Frank Greer.

Samuel W. Greer.
Death of a Valued Citizen.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Died at his residence in Winfield on Saturday morning, September 30th, of consumption, Samuel W. Greer, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. He had been suffering from this dread disease for twelve years or more and for the last year he has been so feeble as to scarcely be able to be out of doors but a short time. His death was not unexpected, indeed, he lived much longer than his friends had reason to hope for. He preserved his clear reason and intelligence to the last and made directions for the funeral and burial.
Samuel W. Greer was born in Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, near West Newton, June 2nd, 1826. In 1853 he moved to Oskaloosa, Iowa, where in 1855 he was married to Clotilda Hilton. He came to Leavenworth, Kansas, in October 1856. In October, 1858, he was elected Territorial Superintendent of Public Instructions. That campaign was the first free state triumph at the polls. This office he held for three years, till 1861, by reason of the time of election being altered by the legislature. During this time he made three reports. The recom-mendations of his second report are almost literally carried out in the formation of our present school system.
He entered the Army April 14th, 1861, in Washington City as a private in the Frontier Guard. He was armed, equipped, and drilled in the east room of the White House. He assisted in protecting the White House until other troops were transported, when he returned to Kansas and was enrolling officer at Ft. Leavenworth for a time, after which Gov. Carney gave him a commission of Second Lieutenant as a recruiting officer, and he recruited Com-pany I, 15th vol. Cav., after which he was unanimously elected captain and commissioned by the Governor, in which capacity he served until mustered out in October, 1865.
He was engaged in active business in Leavenworth until 1871. In January of that year he came to Cowley County and has permanently resided here since. He leaves a family consisting of a wife and six children, four boys and two girls.
Mr. Greer was a man of clear, strong mind, well balanced. In the days of his vigorous manhood, before the fatal disease had debilitated him and set its prohibition on excessive effort both physical and mental, he was one of the most active and influential men of the territory and young State of Kansas. He entered enthusiastically into the struggles of the early history of this young state and did noble work in helping to shape its future destinies. His active work and sound judgment were of great value and were recognized and honored. He was one of the men who have made Kansas what she is today. When the war of the rebellion broke out, he was one of those who volunteered early to fight or work in any place where he could do the most good and it was during the exposure and hardships of that war that he contracted pneumonia and it became so deeply seated that he was never able to recover but has declined until the end. His life was just as surely sacrificed on the altar of his country as were those who fell on the field of battle. He was a noble, generous, self-sacrificing man, cultured, and strong mentally, one whose usefulness was cut short in the days of middle life.

Written and Compiled by William E. Connelley.
    Volume II, 1928.
From the above source the story of the “Frontier Guard” is told. The first Governor of Kansas, Charles Robinson, called a session of the Legislature to meet on March 26, 1861.
On the 4th of April the Legislature proceeded to the election of United States Senators. It was an exciting election. General Lane had come to Kansas with the ambition to be its first United States Senator. He had been elected by the Topeka Legislature, but the failure of the Topeka movement to secure federal recognition, made that election an empty honor. It, however, was very favorable to Lane. He became associated in the minds of the people with that high office. With the beginning of the session of the Legislature, the candidates pushed their claims. The account of the campaign of the campaign of General Lane has been very humorously described by Nicholas Verres Smith. While his article was intended as a caricature, it contains much that is exactly true to life. There was but one ballot, and the vote continued two hours. The candidates were James H. Lane, S. C. Pomeroy, Marcus J. Parrott, F. P. Stanton, M. W. Delahay, S. B. Houston, S. A. Kingman, A. J. Isacks, and M. F. Conway. There was much changing of votes. During the balloting, Lane always had from forty-five to sixty-four votes. Pomeroy, between forty-five and fifty-seven, Parrott between forty-seven and sixty, Stanton between ten and thirty-two, Delahay between two and eleven, and Kingman between three and eighteen. The final vote stood: Lane, fifty-five; Pomeroy, fifty-two,—and they were declared elected.
The Frontier Guard.
Lane set out for Washington immediately after his election. There were then few troops in Washington. The Sixth Massachusetts was attacked by a mob in Baltimore on the 19th of April. A number of volunteer organizations were mustered to defend the Capital City. Senator Lane organized the Kansas men, then in Washington, into the “Frontier Guard.” Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, organized the “Clay Guards.” These two companies guarded the White House. The Frontier Guard occupied the East room and slept there. It is related that the Guard were under very strict orders. No one could be admitted to the White House without the countersign. President Lincoln was detained until a late hour one evening, and the sentinel refused to admit him. The prompt organization of the Frontier Guard for the protection of the person of the President and his official residence, was one of the causes of the strong friendship which existed between President Lincoln and General Lane. So far as it has been possible to secure the names, the following is the Roll of the Frontier Guard.
Captain: James H. Lane, Lawrence.
First Lieutenant: Mark W. Delahay, Leavenworth.
Second Lieutenant: J. B. Stockton, Leavenworth.
First Sergeant: D. S. Gordon, United States Army.
Second Sergeant: John T. Burris, Olathe.
Third Sergeant: L. Holtslander.
First Corporal: John P. Hatterscheidt, Leavenworth.
Second Corporal: J. W. Jenkins, Lawrence.
Henry J. Adams, Leavenworth Jeff L. Dugger
Daniel R. Anthony, Leavenworth Thos. Ewing, Jr., Leavenworth
D. H. Bailey, Leavenworth Henry C. Fields, Leavenworth

T. D. Bancroft, New York David Gardner, Fort Myer
John K. Bartlett, Leavenworth S. W. Greer, Topeka
George Bassett, Lawrence Clark J. Hanks, Leavenworth
G. F. Clark Cunningham Hazlett
Gen. John S. Clark James H. Holmes, Lawrence
Charles Howells, New York Samuel C. Pomeroy, Atchison
William Hutchinson, Lawrence W. W. Ross, Topeka
M. H. Insley, Leavenworth Turner Sampson, Lawrence
J. B. Irvin, Doniphan County Phillip C. Schuyler, Burlingame
George H. Keller, Leavenworth Thomas Shankland
Robert McBratney, Junction City J. S. Smith, Philadelphia
Marcus J. Parrott, Leavenworth T. A. Syphers, Virginia
Jared Phillips, Paola   Samuel F. Tappan, Lawrence
Sidney Clarke, Lawrence  Chester Thomas, Topeka
D. A. Clayton, Leavenworth John C. Vaughan, Leavenworth
J. A. Cody, Doniphan County G. F. Warren, Leavenworth
Edward Daniels A. A. Wheelock, New York
A. Danford, Paola A. Carter Wilder, Leavenworth
Charles F. De Vivaldi, Manhattan
Another source for information about the “Frontier Guard” was the following.
Kansas, A Cyclopedia of State History.
Edited by Frank W. Blackmar, A. M., Ph.D.
Volume I, 1912.
Frontier Guard.—Just before Abraham Lincoln started for Washington to assume the duties of the presidency in 1861, Gen. James H. Lane, then a United States senator from Kansas, offered him a body-guard of Kansas men. Lane’s plan was to have the men get on the train at various stations along the line as ordinary passengers. None was to carry arms, but arms were to be within easy reach if any emergency arose where they would be necessary. Mr. Lincoln declined Lane’s offer, saying he had not yet lost faith in the honor of the American people. Nevertheless, Lane’s men went on to Washington, where the organization of the company was completed, or at least made public. The company was known as the “Frontier Guard,” with headquarters at the Willard hotel. Speer, in his Life of Lane, says that on April 16, 1861, four days after Fort Sumter was fired upon by the Confederate batteries at Charleston, Maj. Hunter (afterward major-general) was sent to the Willard with a request from the secretary of war that Lane report with his company at the White House, and that within half an hour the company was quartered in the great room, with pickets thrown out in all directions.
Adjt.-Gen. R. C. Drum, when asked for information regarding the company, made the following statement: “After April 19, 1861, when the Sixth Massachusetts regiment was attacked by a mob in Baltimore, there being but few troops in the city of Washington, the government accepted the services of a number of organizations in the District of Columbia. All of these companies were mustered in except the ‘Clay Guards’ commanded by Cassius M. Clay of Kentucky and the ‘Frontier Guard’ commanded by Gen. James H. Lane of Kansas, United States senator.”

Clay’s company was assigned to the duty of guarding the long bridge, and Lane’s was stationed at the Executive Mansion, where it remained on duty for several weeks, the men never receiving or asking for compensation, though Lane, according to Speer, saw that they were honorably discharged. . . .
A complete list of those who served in the Frontier Guard will probably never be obtained. Speer says that the original company numbered 200 men, other authorities equally as reliable place the number at 120. But whatever the number, all were men who did not swerve from duty in the hour of the nation’s peril, and it is to be regretted that their names cannot be obtained, in order that a deserving tribute might be paid to their promptness and efficiency in defense of the nation’s capital in the opening days of the great Civil war.
An Interesting Reminiscence of That Historic Organization.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882. The Troy Chief notices the death of Hon. Samuel W. Greer, of Winfield, and alludes to the fact that “he was a member of the company formed in Washington in April, 1861, known as the ‘Frontier Guard,’ and which occupied the east rooms of the White House as a barrack.”
Hon. D. H. Bailey, late consul-general to China, who was a member of that famous company, happening to be in this city, we called his attention to the death of Mr. Greer and asked him for some reminiscence of that celebrated organization. He has kindly furnished us with the following.
A large number of Kansans were in Washington City at the time of the fall of Fort Sumpter. General James H. Lane, then recently elected United States Senator from Kansas, was, of course, the central figure of this group.
His rooms were at Williard’s hotel, and were constantly filled with excited and determined men who were gravely considering the events then taking place. On the 18th of April, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, the Sixth Massachusetts regiment was attacked by a rebel mob in Baltimore, the railway tracks were torn up, and all communication between Washington and the north—either by rail or telegraph—was cut off. The capital of the nation was completely environed and filled with secessionists everywhere—on the streets, in the hotels, in saloons, in private residences; and in the public offices, secession was rampant. It was a period of infinite danger to the beleaguered capital, and the excitement was more intense than can be described.
Little knots of Union men gathered here and there, and although hemmed in and scowled upon on all sides, moved quickly about, if with blanched cheeks, yet with steady purpose and firm resolve. On the day following the attack upon the 6th Massachusetts, Major David Hunter (then on Gen. Scott’s staff) called upon Gen. Lane and informed him that by direction of Gen. Scott and Secretary of War Cameron, he was instructed to inform Gen. Lane that owing to the turbulent condition of the populace and the very few troops then in the city, as well as from secret information, there were serious apprehensions of an attempt to seize the president and overturn the government; and therefore General Lane was asked to immediately form a company of Kansans for the especial protection of the president. He also said that as the men of Kansas had been tried “under fire,” and were known to be true and brave, that they, with Gen. Lane at their head, would be a tower of strength in the crisis then existing at the capital. Lane with his wonderful energy and fiery soul unhesitatingly assumed the task. Immediately runners were sent out in every direction requesting all Kansans to report at once at Gen. Lane’s rooms.
Within twelve hours one hundred and eighty names were enrolled and the Frontier Guard was organized with Lane as captain. That night at about 9 o’clock the company marched out of Williard’s hotel and proceeding direct to the White House, filed into the east room. In a few minutes case after case of Enfield rifles with sword bayonet, ammunition, and accoutrements were placed in the blue, red, and green rooms, and the work of arming commenced.

Many amusing incidents occurred. Senator Pomeroy, who was large of girth, was in great perturbation about a belt long enough to reach around his aldermanic proportions, and many a laugh was had at his expense until the writer came to his relief with a bit of leather, which enabled him to look as true a soldier as ever was Sir John Falstaff.
By 12 o’clock at night the company was fully equipped, and after surrounding the White House and its grounds with trusty sentinels, the men stacked arms in the east room, each member lying down with head to the wall, touching elbows, without covering, to dream of “war and rumors of war.” Sentinels were placed at each door.
The writer was stationed at the north door of the east room. At about 1 o’clock in the morning, there was a rap on the door. It was opened and President Lincoln and the Secretary of War walked in. Silence reigned; it was a weird scene. The lights turned down were dim, and shadows of gloom seemed to flit over that historic room. The men were asleep and breathing heavily; the glistening of the polished steel under the sombre light; the tramp of sentinels in the halls and on the outer flagstones, gave ominous token of the great drama of blood then coming on. Not a word was spoken for some minutes. The president was wrapt in his own thoughts and there passed across his face a sad, weary look, an expression of deep but troubled thought, as if he were trying to solve the great problem before him. He stood in the midst of a military camp in the Executive Mansion of the nation; but while there was dread portent in these surroundings, he seemed to feel a sense of security in the presence of these loyal Kansans on whom he had placed his reliance and confidence in calling them so near to his person.
The spell was broken by Gen. Lane coming forward. A short conversation was held by these three men, and the president and secretary withdrew. The next morning the company retired from the White House and in the afternoon was again marched to the east room, where the president made a short, felicitous address, and the company was formally recognized as in the military service for a temporary emergency.
That night we were assigned to the Winder building, opposite the war department, where we had our rendezvous until we were discharged.
A day or two after the organization of the Frontier Guard, Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, organized a similar company, nearly equal in numbers.

Our company was the first to capture a rebel flag. It came about in this way: A report came that the rebels would make an attempt to capture the bridge across the East Branch of the Potomac. We were ordered out one night in April. Marching down Pennsylvania Avenue, we were joined by Clay’s company and marched thence to the navy yard. After a short halt the Frontier Guard filed out of the east gate across a ravine, and soon came in sight of the bridge. The moon was shining brightly and in the distance could be plainly seen a brass cannon near the draw. The writer, happening to be in the front ranks, went forward with palpitating heart expecting every moment to be cut down with grape and canister, but pride kept us all in line, although our knees smote together. At last, coming full on the cannon, we discovered to our immense relief that it was a gun of Pennsylvania battery, and it was pointing toward the Maryland shore. This inspired us with courage. We urged Lane to have the draw lowered so that we might cross the river and scout for the enemy. Finally he assented and a detail of twelve or fifteen was sent across. Dividing the squad, we pushed out on different roads and scouted the country for three or four hours. No hostile foes were found. One squad (led, I think, by Harry Fields) discovered a rebel flag flying on a pole in front of a house. The owner was aroused and ordered to haul the flag down. This he refused to do, but doggedly gave them permission to take it down if they wanted to do so. The flag was immediately hauled down, brought back with considerable exultation, and the next day it was stretched across the avenue opposite Williard’s hotel, with a great placard inscribed: “Captured by the Frontier Guard.” The prowess was not great, but the thing captured was a trophy.
Soon after this Ben Butler arrived at Annapolis with the Eighth Massachusetts, and the work of opening up communication with the north via Annapolis, the Chesapeake Bay, and Perryville (at the mouth of the Susquehanna) went forward under his energetic management with extraor-dinary rapidity. Union troops came pouring into the Capital in an unbroken line and Washington resounded with the pageantry of war.
The exigency which had called the Frontier Guard into existence had happily passed away, and on the 3rd of May the “Guard” filed into the east room for the last time. It was received by the president, surrounded by a portion of his cabinet. Gen. Lane in a short speech said, in substance, that the crisis which led to the formation of the company having terminated by reason of the arrival of large bodies of troops in Washington, he requested permission to discharge the men in due form. Mr. Lincoln in very appropriate words, thanked the company for its excep-tional services, and expressed, with warmth of feeling, his deep sense of personal obligation for the prompt manner in which it had rallied to his support in an hour of great peril.
The discharges issued a few days afterward, dated “Headquarters Frontier Guard,” Exec-utive Mansion, Washington, D. C., signed by and containing the thanks of A. Lincoln, Simon Cameron, and Jas. H. Lane, are no doubt highly prized by those who hold them as mementoes of a period fraught with tremendous issues to the nation.
Among the names now remembered as on the roster were Senator Pomeroy, Judge Thos. Ewing, Marcus J. Parrott, A. C. Wilder, D. R. Anthony, Uncle George Keller, R. McBratney, Judge Burris, Job. B. Stockton, Col. John C. Vaughan, S. W. Greer, Maj. Dan McCook, father of the “fighting McCooks,” Harry Fields, Gordon, Wm. Tholen, Ed. McCook, and Geo. H. Weaver. These are a few of the names hastily recalled on the moment. Many others who sealed their devotion by giving their lives for the nation have a more enduring fame already written in brighter records. It is to be hoped that a full list of all the members will soon be published. Capt. Job. B. Stockton, who resides somewhere in Colorado, is supposed to have all the necessary data for a full history of the Guard.
It may be safely said that the members of the Frontier Guard were not actuated with selfish motives, for they neither asked nor received at that time or since, pay or rations for their service.
The dates here given may be in error two or three days, one way or the other, but they will not vary from the records of the company more than that.
Some of the members of the company belonged to other states than Kansas, but the prestige of the Frontier Guard, and it was very great at a critical time in Washington, was derived from its Kansas paternity.
It is to be hoped that the surviving members will soon take some action looking to a reunion, and to the preservation of the records of an organization which is destined to hold a place in history. Emporia News.

The Rock Township census of 1882 lists J. F. Greer, age 31, unmarried.
The Winfield census of 1874 lists Samuel W. Greer, 47, and Clotilda Greer, 38.
The Kansas State census of 1875 lists
S. W. Greer 47 m w Pennsyl. Iowa
Clotilda Greer   39 f w Ohio Iowa
Edisson Greer   16 m w   Kansas
Frank Greer 14 m w Kansas

Elbert R. Greer 11 m w Kansas
Mary L. Greer 4 f w Kansas
Sarah E. Greer 4 f w Kansas
Charles F. Greer 2 m w Kansas
The Winfield census of 1878 lists S. W. Greer, 50, and C. H. Greer, 42 as well as Ed Greer, age 23.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwith-standing the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell. The follow­ing named gentlemen were the delegates.
Richland Township: James Kelly and Frank Cox.
Windsor Township: S. Wilkins, B. H. Clover, and John Dudley.
Vernon Township: Geo. Easterly, T. A. Blanchard, and F. A. Schwantes.
Beaver Township: T. W. Morris, B. Y. Hunt, and L. M. Kennedy.
Tisdale Township: G. W. Foughty and A. B. Lemmon.
Pleasant Valley Township: W. E. Cook, D. Hostetter, and S. W. Greer.
Rock Township: John Irwin, A. V. Polk, W. H. Grow, and J. Funk.
Dexter Township: Jas. McDermott, J. H. Reynolds, and G. P. Wagner.
Winfield: E. S. Torrance, I. H. Coon, J. W. Hornbeak, C. A. Bliss, J. A. Myton, Capt. Tansey, D. A. Millington, and Jno. Stannard.
The convention was called to order by J. McDermott, Chairman of the Central Committee.
E. S. Torrance was chosen temporary Chairman and L. H. Coon, Secretary.
Representatives: E. C. Manning and S. M. Fall.
Sheriff: T. A. Blanchard, Warren Ablen, J. M. Pattison and E. M. Conklin.
Register of Deeds: John Irwin, F. A. Hunt, G. C. Swasey, and J. W. Tull.
Treasurer: A. H. Green, W. H. Grow, and G. W. Bullene.
Coroner: G. P. Wagner.
Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
County Clerk: J. W. Hornbeak and J. A. Myton.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Jno. Dudley and A. B. Lemmon.
Dexter township, James McDermott.
Creswell township, G. H. Norton.
Beaver township, L. M. Kennedy.
Rock township, John Irwin.
Winfield township, L. J. Webb.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.

The Convention held at Winfield, Wednesday, August 20, for the purpose of nominating county officers, etc., was organized by electing J. B. Parmlee temporary Chairman, and J. P. Short temporary Secretary. A committee of one delegate from each Township was appointed on credentials; during their absence the Convention call was read by the secretary, and speeches were made by the different candidates notable among which was that of Capt. McDermott. Committee on credentials reported the names of sixty-six delegates entitled to vote, and at being present, or repre­sented by proxy. Report received and committee dis-charged. J. B. Parmlee was then unanimously elected permanent President of the Convention and J. P. Short was elected permanent Secretary. On motion L. J. Webb was elected Assistant Secretary.
A committee of three on resolutions was appointed consisting of the following named delegates. P. G. Smith, Dexter, Chairman; C. A. Eaton, Windsor, Chairman; S. W. Greer, Winfield, Chairman.
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
Lot 40.
There were some very interesting specimens of Cowley County salt and coal, also gypsum, and some stalactites from a cave in Tisdale Township, exhibited by Mrs. Magness.
There were placed on exhibition, but no premiums awarded, a cane, a beautiful specimen of wood carving by Mr. Webb; two telescope rifles by Mr. Wigton, sewing machines by Mr. Boyer and Mr. Best, school desks by Mr. Boyer, Mr. Greer, Mr. Best, and Mr. Brower.
Winfield Messenger, October 25, 1872.
We understand that the contract for furnishing our new school building has been awarded Captain S. W. Greer, agent for the sale of the patent Gothic desk, manufacturered by the Western Publishing and School Furnishing Company, St. Louis. The school furniture coming into this county is mostly of their manufacture and is, we believe, giving general satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
Furniture. In passing by the old stand of Jackson & Myers we noticed a large load of Household Furniture being unloaded. Upon inquiry we found that Capt. Greer, who has formerly been selling school furniture in company with Mr. Boyer, has connected with his former business household and kitchen furniture, under the firm name of Close & Greer; where will be found a large and well selected assortment of Household and School House Furniture. Charts, globes, maps, books, and stationery are always kept on hand.
He is the sole agent in this county for the publishers of the Text Books, recommended to be used in our schools by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. School boards and others interested will do well to give him a call.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1873.
DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, in the school furniture, and other business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of this firm will be fixed up soon.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
A. B. Close of Independence was in town this week assisting Capt. Greer in the business at this end of the line.

Fresh Arrivals. Messrs. Close & Greer received large invoices of furniture this week and are stocking their handsome rooms on Main street with a well assorted supply for furniture for this market. A heavy shipment has been made them via Wichi­ta, and teams will start in a few days for that point to freight them over.
AD. CLOSE & GREER, Dealers in School and Household Furniture, Coffins and Under-taking. East Main St., one door south of Capt. Davis’ Livery Stable. Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1873.
Correspondence from “Resident” - Silver Creek.
SILVER CREEK, COWLEY CO., KANS., February 13th, 1873.
EDITOR COURIER: I take the liberty to drop you a few lines from this part of our county (Silver Creek), as your paper is the medium of news for Cowley County.
I read in your last issue a letter from the west part of our county, School District No. 61, telling us of the completion of a good school house in their district, which news I was glad to hear, and for the encouragement of others, I will state that, we too, in School District No. 40, have erected a commodious school house and furnished it with the Gothic School Desks, sold by Messrs. Close & Greer, of your place. We think that our house is the best in the county.
While on the subject, I say that I for one believe that the more bonds voted to erect school houses, the better for our county and country.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 20, 1873
Presbyterian Church. The following were elected, and duly inducted into office, as a Board of Trustees of the Presbyterian church in Winfield, to serve for one year and until successors shall have been appointed, viz: Capt. S. W. Greer; D. N. Egbert, M. D., S. Darrah, Enoch Maris, W. Johnston.
This church was organized on the 19th day of January, by Rev. A. R. Naylor of Indiana, and its membership has doubled already. It promises soon to become self-sustaining. They contemplate erecting a house of worship soon, in which improve­ment it is hoped the citizens of Winfield and vicinity will manifest an interest.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 6, 1873.
Removal. The furniture dealers, Close & Greer, are removing their large stock of school and household furniture to the magnificent room of A. A. Jackson, one door north of the old stand, where they will soon surprise the public agreeably with large invoices in addition to the full stock now on hand.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.
“Evening Star” is the very appropriate name given a new, neat, and tastily arranged billiard hall and saloon just opened by Manse Pickering in the store room on Main street formerly occupied by Close & Greer. It really has the appearance of as creditable an institution of the kind as we have seen west of Kansas City. “Manse” invites all of his friends to call and see him.
Teacher’s Institute.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 17, 1873.
The Teacher’s Institute of the 13th Judicial District, convened at the Academy in Winfield, on the evening of the 15th. Superintendent Wilkinson was chosen chairman, and Mr. Walton, secretary.

The room was quite full; most of whom were citizens of Winfield. The attendance of teachers was not very full on account of the inclemency of the weather. The chairman stated that Mr. Parmelee, who was expected to lecture to the meeting, was unable to do so.
Participants: Prof. Felter, author of Felter’s arithmetic, sent by State Superintendent McCarty; Major Durrow; Mr. Fairbank.
The following is a list of the names of Teachers present from abroad, who are in attendance at the Institute: David Coon, of Douglass, Butler County; J. C. Fetterman, of Eldorado, Butler County; S. A. Felter, Assistant State Superin­tendent of Public Instruction; Ida Myres, of Augusta, Butler County; H. C. Snyder of Augusta, Butler County; John Tucker, County Superintendent of Public Instruction of Sedgwick County; Mrs. S. E. Dunhan, of Sumner County; Maj. D. W. Durrow, of Junction City.
The following is a representation of our own county: Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Miss Tucker, Ira D. Kellogg, S. W. Greer, Effa Randle, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Graham, Miss Mollie Bryant, and Maj. J. B. Fairbank, of Winfield; T. A. Wilkinson, County Superintendent of Public Instruction of Cowley County; Misses Hawkins and Worden, of Vernon Township; Miss Ida Daggett, of Floral Township; Mrs. W. E. Bostwick, of Winfield Township.
Odd Fellows Giving Evening Entertainments.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
The members of the Fraternity of Odd Fellows will give a Sociable on Wednesday evening, November 5th, in the large room at the Courthouse. Evening entertainments will be of a social character. Supper will be provided at an early hour.
Soliciting Committee: Mrs. M. L. Mullen, Mrs. J. J. Todd, Mrs. S. W. Greer, Mrs. Braid-wood, Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. J. Bullene, Mrs. Jeffreys, L. J. Webb, T. A. Blanchard, A. S. Williams, G. W. Martin, Mrs. Fannie V. Curns, A. G. Jackson.
Cowley County District Court.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Proceedings of the Cowley County District Court, to Oct. 29th, 1873.
Disposed of on the Civil Docket: Haywood vs. Greer, attachment dissolved.
Changes to Close & Greer Building.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
J. B. Sweet, successor to Close & Greer, has removed his furniture and cabinet store to the room formerly occupied by Mr. Isaac Ring, opposite Hitchcock & Boyle’s. His many friends will find him there in future ready to sell them anything in his line.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
Mr. Lynn, of Johnson County, has rented the building formerly occupied by Close & Greer as a furniture store, and is going to put into it a big stock of dry goods and groceries. Mr. Lynn comes well recommended, and will be quite an addition to our city. Winfield is under obligation to the enterprising young firm of Curns & Manser, Real Estate Agents, for advertising our city and county so extensively.
District Court Docket.

The February 27, 1874, issue of Winfield Courier noted that on the third day of Civil Docket, the following cases would stand for trial at the March term A. D. 1874, of the Cowley County District Court: 26 and 27, Benj. Haywood vs. Samuel W. Greer.
The April 10, 1874, issue noted that judgment for plaintiff was granted in both cases.

Former Close & Greer Store Remodeled by Lynn.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
J. B. Lynn, formerly of Olathe, Johnson County, this state, has opened out a splendid stock of Dry goods and Groceries in the building formerly occupied by Close & Greer, opposite the Lagonda House. The store has lately been remodeled and repaint­ed, and presents a very neat appearance. Mr. Lynn seems to be a gentleman of enterprise who we have no doubt will do a good business. We welcome him to our midst.
County Commissioners Proceedings.
The May 22, 1874, issue of Winfield Courier noted the following among the list of bills allowed by the board of County Commissioners at meeting commencing May 18, 1874.
Road Viewers: G. W. Melville, $2.00; S. W. Greer, $2.00; D. W. Mumaw, $2.00.
Winfield Cemetery Association.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875. Notice. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Cemetery Association on Wednesday, March 31, 1875, at W. H. H. Maris’ store. All persons owning a lot in the Winfield Cemetery are stockholders, and entitled to vote at the meeting. A full attendance is requested. The following is a list of the said stock-holders. JOHN B. FAIRBANKS, Secretary.
John Lowrey, C. A. Bliss, Mrs. Clara Flint, Robert Hudson, W. L. Fortner, W. H. Dunn, Mallard, Dr. D. N. Egbert, J. H. Land, W. M. Boyer, A. Menor, S. J. Swanson, Mrs. Eliza Davis, M. L. Read. S. C. Smith, Kenton, Marshall, Henry Martin,  W. H. H. Maris, Mrs. K. Maris, E. Maris, J. Newman, L. J. Webb, J. W. Smiley, George W. Brown, John Rhoads, H. H. Lacy, L. T. Michner, George Gray, N. H. Holmes, John Mentch, M. Steward, J. J. Barrett, J. W. Johnson, J. Evans, Cutting, W. G. Graham, S. W. Greer, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, J. D. Cochran, C. C. Stephens, W. H. South, J. C. Weathers, Mrs. Joseph Foos, G. S. Manser, Mrs. Southworth, A. A. Jackson, J. F. Graham, Mrs. H. McMasters, S. H. Myton, S. H. Darrah, M. L. Robinson, D. H. Rodocker, R. H. Tucker, James Kelly, W. Dibble, D. F. Best, Z. T. Swigart, R. Rogers.
Daughter of S. W. Greer Swallows Lye.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
A daughter, aged five or six years, of S. W. Greer, who lives three miles south of town, on Monday ate some concentrated lye. As soon as possible Dr. Headrick was called, who adminis­tered remedies that relieved the little sufferer. The child is likely to recover. A good remedy in such cases is vinegar or oil. Vinegar will convert the lye into acetate of potash, and any of the oils will unite with it and form soap; and neither the acetate of potash nor soap will materially injure the stomach. The parents of children who are in the habit of eating lye, should keep oil and vinegar handy.
J. O. Wilkinson and Ed. Greer in Rubber Stamp Business.
Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
J. O. Wilkinson and Ed. Greer, are in the rubber stamp business.
S. W. Greer Participates in Republican Party Politics.

The editorial page of the August 10, 1876, Winfield Courier, covered at length a fight between opposing members of the Republican party. The 45 “Reformers” tried to control the meeting and get their candidates on the ticket. Among those aligned against the “reformers” were Prof. A. B. Lemmon, E. S. Torrance, L. J. Webb, Samuel Burger, and S. W. Greer.
The Cowley County Telegram issued on Monday morning, August 8, 1876, joined the outcry against the “Reformers” in an article dated August 4th.
More Contemptible Trickery.
Within the past few days Cowley County has been the scene of more of that contemptible trickery and political intrigue and corrupt practices which has made the leaders of the Republican party, in the county, so odious in the sight of an honest people. And especially was Winfield the ground on which one of the dirtiest of these jobs was put up. Knowing that if the masses of the party were present at the primary convention, called for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to the county and district conventions, to be held on the 12th of the present month, the delegates selected by them, and who would, without question, vote for their men, no matter how odious they were, or what their records were, would stand no show for election. So they hit upon a plan whereby their friends would be sure to be present while the opposition would be busily at work on their farms and in their shops.
The day set by the county central committee was the 8th—the call so read—the Republican organ so stated in an editorial, and urged that upon that day every voter should turn out. Right in the face of this they quietly send out their strikers to tell the “faithful” that they must come in four days earlier, as the convention would be held then and their presence was needed. On the morning of the earlier day determined upon, a few posters were posted up in out-of-the-way places calling a primary for that afternoon. So far their little plan worked well, but when the Republicans who were opposed to this way of transacting business saw this, they went to work and gathered together a force suffi­cient to scoop them, which they would undoubtedly have done, had not one of the ring-leaders of the corrupt gang rushed through a resolution requiring that each man who voted should subscribe a pledge to support the nominees on the National, State, and county ticket. The “gag” a hundred or more Republi­cans refused to swallow, and they had it all their own way, electing their ticket by a majority equal to the number of their friends present. The whole proceedings were corrupt, illegal, and scandalous, and engineered by a set of political tricksters of whom the people of the whole county entertain feelings of the greatest disgust. It is only a continuation of the corrupt practices they have been foisting upon the people as Republican­ism for years past—and such a job as will cause the honest voters of the county to repudiate their entire outfit at the polls next November.
The men who managed the affair are respectively candidates for State Senator, County Superintendent, Probate Judge, Repre­sentative, District Judge, and County Attorney. Let the voters spot them. . . .

On Tuesday, August 8, before 4 o’clock, Cliff Wood, A. H. Green, T. K. Johnston, John D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, Joe Mack, and 5 or 6 others who do not desire to have their names published, because they do not approve of the action taken, slipped over to the courthouse one at a time by different routes and pretended to hold a meeting. . . . A few minutes before 4 p.m., Mr. Manning went to the courthouse to have the bell rung and upon entering the courthouse found that C. M. Wood was occupying a chair at the table as chairman and John D. Pryor occupying another chair in the capacity of secretary. Mr. Manning took the floor and inquired if the meeting was organized, and to what style of proceedings it had arrived whereupon a “reformer” at once moved an adjournment, which was at once put and carried, and ten of the purifiers of Cowley County politics fled the room in such haste as to leave three or four others who had not fully comprehended the trick, sitting in wonder at the unseemly haste of those present, and expecting to have a chance to vote for delegates.
As soon as Mr. Manning entered the room a bystander rang the bell, whereupon nearly one hundred voters poured over to the courthouse. A meeting was organized by electing S. D. Klingman as chairman and B. F. Baldwin secretary. The action of the “reformers” was related to the meeting. A committee on resolu­tions was appointed, which soon reported the following, which was adopted by sections, with but one dissenting voice to the first resolution.
They passed more resolutions, which endorsed the previous action taken.
Manning and his group won again!
Capt. Greer’s Hedge Destroyed by Fire.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1876. The fire mentioned in last week’s issue destroyed over one mile of growing hedge for Capt. Greer.
Dr. Rothrock Purchases Capt. Greer’s Home Place.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1877.  Dr. Rothrock, of Fillmore, Center County, Pennsyl-vania, who has been spending a few days in this city, purchased Capt. Greer’s home place, three miles south of town on the State road, and will remove his family to his new home in the fall. He leaves his son to take charge of the enterprise alone until he is reinforced by another son, who will come out in July. The Doctor has one of the prettiest farms in Winfield Township, and we gladly welcome him, as Webb Wilder would say, as “one of our things.”
  Special Session, Board of County Commissioners.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Office of County Clerk, Winfield, Kansas, May 25th, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in special session. All the board present, with James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceed-ings had the following jury and election fees were presented and allowed.
LIST OF JURORS: L. B. Goodrich, $20.30; Daniel Grant, $21.50; A. D. Lee, $20.70; J. W. Meador, $20.50; H. S. Silver, $18.00; C. B. Pack, $4.60; Henry Baily, $20.30; E. A. Henthorn, $21.10; A. S. Williams, $19.10; N. E. Haight, $24.50; S. Maxwell, $21.20; Reuben Booth, $19.20; Dennis Harkins, $21.50; C. C. Pierce, $16.10; John Mentch, $16.30; P. F. Endicott, $19.00; Fred Brown, $17.50; J. M. Felton, $21.30; A. M. Whipple, $4.00; Adam Walck, $4.00; S. W. Greer, $6.00; Solomon Smith, $6.00; R. B. Pratt, $6.00; Hiram Fisk, $6.00; John C. Evans, $6.00; M. B. Hennan, $6.00; Isaac Tousley, $6.00; J. F. Williams, $6.00; W. J. Funk, $2.00; Drury Warren, $2.00; Solomon Nauman, $2.00; J. R. Armstrong, $2.00; S. F. Gould, $2.00; J. V. Evans, $2.00; Barney Shriver, $2.00; C. W. Hogue, $1.00; C. C. Harris, $2.00; and William Brown, $2.00.
 Greer’s Stock Killed by Hail.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1877. The hail killed a mare and a colt last Monday night in this township near Mr. Greer’s farm.
Greer Sustains Severe Injury to Head.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1877. Mr. S. W. Greer was knocked momentarily senseless last week by a stone falling from the hand of a son who was leading the same upon a wagon. He is recovering from a severe cut in the head.
Ed. P. Greer at Kate Millington Party.

Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
The coming winter bids fair to be the most pleasant, socially, that Winfieldians have ever experienced. Many changes have taken place in the circle of young folks since the good old frontier days. New and attractive young ladies and gentlemen have settled amongst us, giving to Winfield an air of city life and gaiety when they meet “in convention assembled.” The recent Thanksgiving ball was followed so closely by Miss Kate Millington’s “dancing party,” and both so largely attended, that the indications are that those “who look for pleasure can hope to find it here” this winter.
The last mentioned party, to use a stereotyped expression, was a “brilliant success.” Probably of all the gay and charming gatherings that have “tripped the fantastic,” etc., in our city, this was the most pleasant. The music was excellent, the refreshments good, and the polite and attentive demeanor of the fair hostess most agreeable.
The following persons were fortunate enough to be present at this party: Judge W. P. Campbell, of Wichita; W. W. Walton, of Topeka; Herman Kiper, of Atchison; Fred C. Hunt, W. C. Walker, Bert Crapster, Ed. P. Greer, Charley Harter, J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Miss Ina Daniels, S. Suss, Josephine E. Mansfield, G. E. Walker, Mary McGaughy, M. B. Wallis, Fannie Wallis, Wilbur Dever, Maggie J. Dever, W. C. Root, Jennie Hahn, W. Gillellen, Mattie Coldwell, J. N. Harter, Carrie Olds, T. C. Copeland, Katie McGaughy, O. M. Seward, Nora Coldwell, Dr. Strong, Amie Bartlett.
Of course, they one and all enjoyed themselves; wished the occasion might be often repeated, and voted (in their minds at least) Miss Kate to be the most “social campaign organizer” in the city.
Cowley County Agricultural Society Organized.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878. Pursuant to a call heretofore issued, a large assembly of representative men from different portions of Cowley County congregated at the court-house in Winfield at 2 p.m., Saturday. S. M. Fall, of Windsor, was chosen temporary chair-man of the meeting and W. M. Allison, of Winfield, was chosen temporary secretary.
The chairman having requested that some gentleman should state the object of the  meeting, Col. J. J. Alexander responded with impressive and well considered remarks. The scope and design of the organization was further discussed by Messrs. J. B. Callison, W. B. Nauman, P. M. Wait, E. E. Bacon, and Solomon Wise, and words of encouragement came from each.
On motion the chairman appointed the following committee on permanent organization: E. P. Kinne, A. Walck, Chas. McClung, S. Phenix, A. A. Wiley, and E. E. Bacon.
The committee having retired for duty, Capt. S. W. Greer, having been called upon, spoke warmly and interestingly in favor of the permanent organization of a Cowley County Agricul-tural Society.
The roll of townships was also called to ascertain how large a representation from the county was present. Richland, Maple, Ninnescah, Vernon, Tisdale, Silver Creek, Windsor, Sheridan, Liberty, Pleasant Valley, Beaver, Silverdale, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Winfield responded.
The committee on permanent organization having completed their labors reported as follows, which report was unanimously adopted.
Permanent Organization. Cowley County Agricultural Society.

President, J. W. Millspaugh; Vice President, S. M. Fall; Secretary, E. E. Bacon; Assistant Secretary, W. H. Grow; Corresponding Secretary, S. W. Greer; Treasurer, J. M. Alexander.
Executive Committee: E. P. Kinne, A. A. Wiley, R. F. Burden, Ed. Green, Dr. A. S. Capper, O. P. Darst, E. C. Manning.
Col. Alexander, Mr. Manning, and Mr. Millspaugh each asked to be excused from service in the organization; but the audience would accept no declinations.
Upon discussion it developed that the most satisfactory plan upon which to base the society was to incorporate it under the state law and issue shares of stock. On motion, after discussion, the shares will be 2,000 in number at five dollars each. The executive committee will meet at the courthouse next Thursday, at 1 p.m., to perfect the organization.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
[Note: Creswell and Bolton Townships not present.]
Ed. P. Greer Marries Lizzie Kinne, E. P. Kinne’s daughter.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878. MARRIED. GREER-KINNE. On Wednesday morning, October 30th, at the residence of E. P. Kinne, the bride’s father, in Winfield, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Ed. P. Greer and Miss Lizzie Kinne.
Ed. is one of our boys; intelligent, honest, industrious, and of unexceptionable habits. He is one of the most reliable young men you will meet, and has a future of promise before him. The bride is one of the most accomplished and beautiful of the Winfield ladies and would be a prize to any young man who should have the fortune to win her.
[Note: The Courier failed to note the birth of a son to Ed. P. and Lizzie Kinne Greer. Edwin Prentis Greer was born in 1879. He died in 1927, leaving two children: Elizabeth and Billy. RKW]
E. P. Greer and E. P. Kinne on Committee for July 4th Celebration.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879. The meeting to devise ways and means for celebrating the “Glorious Fourth,” met at the office of Chas. Payson and orga­nized by electing J. Conklin, chairman, and E. P. Greer, secre­tary. The following committees were appointed.
Arrangements: Messrs. Rogers, Manning, and Wm. Robinson.
Programme: Messrs. Kinne, Troup, and Jennings.
Invitations: Messrs. Allison, Conklin, and Millington.
Music: Messrs. Buckman, Crippen, and Wilkinson.
Let the different committees go to work and let us have a grand, old-fashioned time.
Frank Greer, Clerk for Baird Bros.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880. Mr. Frank Greer, one of the clerks at Baird Bros., starts for a visit in the north part of the State Thursday morning.
Capt. Greer and Others Will Represent Army at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880. The army is well represented at Topeka this week. Gen. Green, Captains Bacon aand Steuven, Lieutenants Finch, Friend, Hoenscheidt, Greer, and Crapster represent the troops stationed at Winfield. In case war is declared before they return, they will go right in and not wait for the consent of their wives and sweethearts.
Ed. P. Greer Becomes Part Owner of Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Notice. On and after May 1, 1880, Ed. P. Greer becomes a member of the Courier Company, with a third interest in the concern. He will still run the local and business department, and D. A. Millington will continue as editor in chief.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
By the Courier of last week, we see that Mr. Ed. Greer is now a partner in the joys and sorrows of that prosperous sheet. Ed. has been faithful, persevering, and deserving, and we con­gratulate him on his good fortune.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880. Ed. P. Greer, Local Editor.
[First appearance by Greer in COURIER paper as local editor.]
Arrested for Contempt: Winfield Editors.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Last Monday morning an attachment for contempt of court was issued by Judge Campbell against W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and D. A. Millington and Ed. P. Greer, of the Courier. A fine of two hundred dollars each was assessed gainst Messrs. Allison and Millington, and one dollar against Mr. Greer, parties to stand committed until paid. A stay of execution, without bond, for ten days was granted to allow the defendants to make a case for the Supreme Court. The alleged contempt was the publication of certain articles relating to a criminal case tried last week.
The Winfield Courier, commencing June 3, 1880, began to make comments about Judge Campbell, playing up the fact that he adjourned court at Winfield to go to Topeka to take part in a play. The local papers criticized him for it, thinking that it was not the proper thing to draw a big salary and make a show of himself.
Judge Campbell caused W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and D. A. Millington and Ed. Greer, of the Courier, to be arrested and brought before his honor, for contempt.
The Courier began to print comments about Judge Campbell from other papers. “I believe it is not denied that he went to Topeka as charged, the crime is in letting the people know what a fool he made of himself. The Judge has good talent as an actor, it runs in the family, some of his relations have acted on the stage, he should be encouraged, he will do less harm on the stage than anywhere else, his salary is the least part of the loss to the country. Eldorado Press.
“Oxford Reflex: Judge Campbell's District Court has been in session at Winfield during the past two weeks. One Payson was arraigned before the jury under the charge of obtaining property under false pretenses, and the court found him guilty and sen­tenced him to five years imprisonment in the penitentiary.”

Allison and Millington, in commenting upon the case, implied that Judge Campbell was over-zealous and took a great deal of the County Attorney's work upon his own hands. The opinions ex­pressed by the people after the trial were also published and Campbell took it as a little ‘game’ to injure his political standing, and on last Monday morning issued an attachment for contempt of court against Allison of the Telegram, and Millington and Greer of the COURIER. A fine of $200 each was assessed against Allison and Millington, and one dollar against Greer.A stay of execution for ten days was granted to allow defendants to prepare a case for the Supreme Court. The articles published contain nothing of a libelous character, and are opinions that in this free country would be considered mild. The trouble with Campbell is that he wants to be District Judge again, but is beginning to realize that the people don't want him any longer; and every little joke, slur, or insinuation cuts him to the quick, hence his action in arraigning the editors for contempt of court. ‘Billy,’ your ‘goose is cooked,’ and you might as well hang up your harp. The people of the 13th judicial district will heap contempt upon you this fall but you won't be able to fine them for it. You will take your stand among the ‘common horde’ and will not again be allowed to abuse the power placed in your hands.”

Arrested for Contempt: Winfield Editors.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Last Monday morning an attachment for contempt of court was issued by Judge Camp-bell against W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and D. A. Millington and Ed. P. Greer, of the COURIER.  A fine of two hundred dollars each was assessed against Messrs. Allison and Millington, and one dollar against Mr. Greer, parties to stand committed until paid. A stay of execution, without bond, for ten days was granted to allow the defendants to make a case for the Supreme Court. The alleged contempt was the publication of certain articles relating to a criminal case tried last week.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Eldorado Press: It appears that Judge Campbell adjourned court at Winfield to go to Topeka to take part in a play. The papers criticized him for it, thinking that it was not the proper thing to do, to draw a big salary and make a show of himself, and so intimated.
Judge Campbell caused W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, D. A. Millington, and Ed. Greer of the Courier, to be arrested and brought before his honor, for contempt. I believe it is not denied that he went to Topeka as charged, the crime is in letting the people know what a fool he made of himself.
The Judge has good talent as an actor, it runs in the family, some of his relations have acted on the stage, he should be encouraged, he will do less harm on the stage than anywhere else, his salary is the least part of the loss to the country.
Oxford Reflex: Judge Campbell’s District Court has been in session at Winfield during the past two weeks. One Payson was arraigned before the jury under the charge of obtaining property under false pretenses, and the court found him guilty and sen­tenced him to five years imprisonment in the penitentiary.
Allison and Millington, in commenting upon the case, implied that Judge Campbell was over-zealous and took a great deal of the County Attorney’s work upon his own hands. The opinions ex­pressed by the people after the trial were also published and Campbell took it as a little “game” to injure his political standing, and on last Monday morning issued an attachment for contempt of court against Allison of the Telegram, and Millington and Greer of the COURIER. A fine of $200 each was assessed against Allison and Millington, and one dollar against Greer.
A stay of execution for ten days was granted to allow defendants to prepare a case for the Supreme Court. The articles published contain nothing of a libelous character, and are opinions that in this free country would be considered mild. The trouble with Campbell is that he wants to be District Judge again, but is beginning to realize that the people don’t want him any longer; and every little joke, slur, or insinuation cuts him to the quick, hence his action in arraigning the editors for contempt of court. “Billy,” your “goose is cooked,” and you might as well hang up your harp. The people of the 13th judicial district will heap contempt upon you this fall but you won’t be able to fine them for it. You will take your stand among the “common horde” and will not again be allowed to abuse the power placed in your hands.
Caldwell Commercial: The newspapers all around are popping at his honor, Judge Camp-bell. Even papers outside the district condemn his course against the Winfield editors. The Atchison Champion, commenting on the case says: “If there is any law written or unwritten which allows a Kansas Judge to impose a fine or punishment for such a case, it is a relic of barbarism. Judges are, many of them, altogether too sensitive about criti­cism of court proceedings.”

The Eldorado Press suggests that he be encouraged to stick to the stage, as he would do less harm there than anywhere else. After all, Campbell has some good points in his general make-up, but they are not brought out while on the bench, in a manner calculated to impress the public with a feeling that he is a fair and impartial Judge. If he could sink W. P. Campbell in the Judge, he might succeed. That however, is impossible, and on or off the bench, he is simply Bill Campbell under every and all circumstances. This is a very necessary qualification in the mere politician or man of the world, but tacked on to a judge, it makes him an unsafe adjudicator of the rights of others.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Our associate and local, Ed. P. Greer, has gone to the Chicago convention.
Ed. P. Greer, Member, Young Men’s Republican Club.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880. A large number of the young Republicans of Winfield met in the COURIER office Monday, and completed the organization of a Young Men’s Republican club. Roland Conklin was elected presi­dent, D. L. Kretsinger and W. H. Wilson vice-presidents, W. A. Smith, secretary, and Taylor Fitzgerald, treasurer. Fred C. Hunt, Lovell H. Webb, and Ed. P. Greer were appointed as a committee to act with the officers of the club in the organiza­tion of township clubs. It is earnestly desired that the young Republicans throughout the county co-operate in the organization of these clubs, so that the county organization may be made perfect. The meeting adjourned until Thursday evening, when the committees on rules and resolutions will report.
  Blanchard & Greer Groves, July 4th Celebration.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880. The Winfield Fourth of July celebration will be held on the 3rd in Blanchard & Greer’s grove three and a half miles north of the town, on the Walnut River. The entertainments so far as known at present will consist of speaking, music, and dancing. Everybody is invited to participate. The steamer will ply between Bliss’ mill and the grounds every two hours of the day.
Items Concerning Ed. Greer and Wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Ed. Greer, of the Courier, with Messrs. Vance, Goldsmith, and Lee, of Winfield, was in town Monday. They were on their way home from Hunnewell.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Ed. Greer returned from Kansas City Sunday evening.
Mrs. Ed. P. Greer has gone on a few weeks visit to friends and relatives in Illinois.
Young Men’s Republican Club.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
One hundred and eleven young Republicans met in Representa­tive Hall in Topeka last week and organized a Young Men’s Repub­lican Club for the State of Kansas.
The Republican Club of Winfield was represented by Henry E. Asp, Fred C. Hunt, Will Wilson, and Ed. P. Greer. The contest over the chairmanship was spirited, and resulted in the election of Cowley’s bright young orator, Henry E. Asp. The candidates for the position were C. C. Baker, of Topeka; J. R. Burton, of Abilene; John Coulter, of Leavenworth; and Henry E. Asp, of Winfield. Mr. Asp was elected on the fourth ballot, receiving 62 votes, Burton 41, Baker 1.

Payment of Election Wagers.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880. The most fantastic and humorous performance that this city has ever witnessed took place last Saturday, at 2 o’clock p.m. The crowd of people assembled on the sidewalks, in the streets, in the windows of adjacent buildings, and on the awnings, was simply immense and the enthusiasm displayed was indescribable.
The procession was formed at the Brettun house in the following order:
1st. The Winfield Cornet Band.
2nd. The St. John Battery.
3rd. Hon. O. M. Seward, Chairman of the Republican Commit­tee, on a fiery steed that looked as though he had just had a race of a hundred miles and distanced his competitor, bearing the legend: “This is the Maud S. that won the race;” and Hon. S. L. Gilbert, chairman of the Democratic Committee, on a used up mule labeled, “This is the mule that beat us.”
4th. Hon. J. B. Lynn, Mayor of Winfield, bare-headed, in overalls and flannel shirt, wheeling a large load of rock.
5th. Hon. C. C. Black, editor of the Telegram, wheeling the editor of the COURIER.
6th. The working men on the Brettun House building, forty strong, with their trowels, hammers, saws, hods, and other implements of labor.
7th. The COURIER force with plug hats and canes, headed by Ed. P. Greer, each bearing an appropriate motto.
8th. Charles Kelly, representing the postal service, with the motto: “A clean sweep. No postoffices for rent.”
9th. The Telegram force, mounted on a huge dray with a large job press printing Telegram extras and passing them out to the crowd.
Arriving at the COURIER office, the procession halted, and D. A. Millington mounted the chair on the wheelbarrow and ad­dressed the crowd and prolonged cheers as follows.
Ladies and Gentlemen:  I usually shrink from a position too conspicuous before my fellow citizens, but at present there are two of my friends even more conspicuous than myself, and I will try to stand it. This is the first time I ever figured in a circus, but I have reason to be proud of my surroundings. I see around me the representative talent and gayety of my city and county.
I am escorted by the Cornet Band, the pride of Winfield; the chairmen of the committees of two great parties; the repre­senta­tives of the artisans who have built the proud structures around me, and the representatives of the press, the bulwark of liberty. I am following the first officer of our grand, young city, one of the merchant princes of Kansas, one who has done much to make our city what it is and whose fame for enterprise and honor is widely known.
My propelling power is the editor and proprietor of the best and neatest daily published in any Kansas city of the size of this, of the largest, most ably edited and most widely circulated weekly Democratic newspaper in the state, a man who has built the finest printing building and is every inch a man and a gentleman.
I have been told that if one does not “toot his own horn, it will not be tooted,” so I will add that I represent the WINFIELD COURIER, the newspaper which has the largest local circulation in the state, and is the best patronized by the people of its county and especially by the business-men of its city. This fact is the evidence that it is appreciated. For all this I thank you, my fellow citizens.

We claim that the two papers represented here today are the leading county papers of their respective parties in the state. They have by their enterprise beat all other papers in the state in collecting and announcing the returns of the late election. The full returns of Cowley County sent by these were the first to be received at Topeka. They united in the expense of having messengers at every poll in the county, who brought the returns to them as quickly as horse-flesh could carry them after the count was completed. They united in the expense of telegraph returns from all parts of the nation, and each kept bulletin boards to display the news to the anxious, surging crowds of citizens. And now they unite both the victor and the vanquished in pleasant, jolly humor in this celebration.
Charles C. Black then mounted the chair and addressed the people as follows.
Friends, countrymen, and lovers:  I came not here to talk. Ye know too well the story of our thraldom. I came with these brown arms and brawny hands to wheel 5,000 pounds (for I believe Mr. Millington weighs 5,000) of editorial wisdom and ability down Main street for your enter-tainment. I came in a spirit of conciliation. Many hard things have been said during the cam­paign, now closed. I came in a spirit of forgiveness. I forgive Bro. Millington for all the hard things I have said about him. I forgive him for putting this yoke upon me today. I even forgive him for compelling him to wear this thing (holding up a new silk hat) at my own expense.
I hope today’s celebration will heal all the animosities growing out of the late political campaign in the county. Let us have peace. I am glad to see so many present today, helping us ratify. I congratulate everybody upon the general good feeling which prevails, and now, in the language of 20,000 or more orators and candidates, spoken four or five hundred thousand times during the last thirty days, “Thanking you for your kind attendance and attention,” I will now step down and out.
The procession then moved on to the Williams House, halted, and Mr. Lafe Pence delivered a short and patriotic address, which we presume was on behalf of Mayor Lynn; after which the proces­sion moved forward another block, counter marched, and dispersed.
Ed. Greer, Local, Going on Trip.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
Ed. Greer started on Saturday afternoon for Illinois to bring home his wife and baby, leaving us without a local again. Mrs. Greer has been absent since July visiting an only sister.
Winfield Building and Loan Association.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881. CHARTERS FILED. The following charter was filed yesterday in the office of the secretary of State: “Winfield Building and Loan Asso-ciation,” capital stock $200,000. Board of Directors for the first year: J. E. Platter, R. E. Wallis, H. G. Fuller, J. F. McMullen, E. P. Greer, A. D. Hendricks, J. W. Connor, A. B. Steinberger, C. A. Bliss, J. A. McGuire, and I. W. Randall. Commonwealth.
S. W. Greer’s Well Fixed.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880. Dave Dix is the boss well digger of the county. Last Friday he pulled the wall out of S. W. Greer’s well, sunk it two feet in solid rock, and had the wall partly in again before dark. The family were deprived of the use of the well only twenty-four hours.
Editorial Convention, January 8, 1881, Wichita.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881. [From Wichita Daily Republican, Jan. 8, 1881.]
The editorial convention, which met in this city today, was held in the Beacon office, and presided over by Mr. Ashbaugh, president, of the Newton Kansan. The main reason the convention was not more largely attend­ed: the trains did not make connection at Newton by over three hours, and several went on to Topeka.

On motion it was agreed to hold the meetings semi-annually instead of quarterly, as now, and to meet on the second Friday in May and November of each year. The old officers were held over and re-elected for one year, with the exception of Loyd Shinn, of Dodge City, who was chosen secretary; H. C. Ashbaugh, president, T. L. Powers, of the Ellinwood Express, vice president; J. E. Conklin, Winfield Monitor, treasurer. But little business was transacted. The party were highly entertained and served a good dinner at the Occidental, and if they didn’t get enough to eat, the fault doesn’t lie with the hotel. Those who were present and embodied as members of the society, we believe were: H. C. Ashbaugh, Newton, Kansas; Judge Muse, Newton Republican; J. E. and R. Conklin, Winfield Monitor; Mr. Richards, Wellington Press; R. P. Murdock, Wichita Eagle; F. B. Smith and Captain White, Wichita Beacon; Chas. Black, Winfield Telegram; Ed. Greer, Winfield Courier; C. S. Finch, Harper Times; F. Meredith, Hutchinson News.
The next meeting of the society will be held in Dodge City in May.
The Kansas Legislature As We Saw It.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881. [Editorial by Ed. P. Greer.]
One week ago last Tuesday we for the first time looked in upon our law-makers in session. Having been born in Kansas, raised in Kansas, and taught to believe that the all-wise Creator had made but one Kansas, and that He was satisfied with the job, we naturally have a veneration for Kansas institutions.
It was then, with feelings of pride and pleasure, that we at last found ourself at Topeka, and turned our footsteps toward Capitol square. What Kansan has not seen on the first page of a long-winded public document the picture of the Capitol building? Did not your heart swell with pride as you looked at this beautiful structure with its broad steps and towering dome, which seemed to reach into the heavens? If this is a true statement of your case, take our advice and be satisfied with the picture. We were satisfied until an ill-fated desire to see the thing itself seized upon us. Now we feel like Mark Twain when he got his washing. The building is there, but without the dome. Then there is two of it, connected by a snow-shed. The main building is to be put up before many years, they told us. We hereby give notice that we will not be a candidate for governor until it is put up.
Equipped with a “complimentary” (our journalistic friends will know what that is) we climbed four flights of stairs, knocked at a door, and after an examination of our ticket, were admitted to the Hall of the House of Representatives. It is in the west wing and was being occupied that day for the first time. The walls and ceiling were unplastered and everything was “in the rough,” but when finished it will be a magnificent room. The members’ tables are placed in a semi-circle facing the Speaker’s desk, sloping downward, so that each row of seats is higher than the one in front of it. The Speaker’s desk is on a raised platform, and he’s got a cushioned chair to sit on. The members haven’t, consequently there is always a fight for the speakership.
Just in front of the Speaker’s desk and on a lower platform is the Chief Clerk’s desk, and here Wirt Walton reigns supreme. He is the best Chief Clerk we ever saw. At the other end of the desk sits Fred Hunt. Just below and in front of this is the reporter’s table, round which is congregated the jolliest set of fellows it has ever been our fortune to meet. Cowley County is represented here by C. M. Scott, whose comprehensive reports bring a smile to Father Baker’s face every day. Then there is Price of the Capital, Rowley of the K. C. Times, and John Coulter of the “leading daily.” Once in a while Noble L. Prentis occupies a seat among them.

But the Speaker’s gavel falls, the members take off their hats and give “attention to roll-call.” After the chief clerk has waded through the 137 names on the roll, he announces a quorum present, and business commences. It is now in order for the member from Cayote to introduce his little bill. He rises to his feet, gesticulates with his right hand (which should contain three or four documents), and says, “Mr. Speaker?” If he is recognized by the chair; a page takes the bill to the chief clerk. The Speaker announces, “The gentleman from Cayote introduces the following bill,” and the chief clerk reads, “A bill to change the name of Maria Jane Smith, etc.” This is the first reading of the bill. Next day it will be read again and referred to the committee on . The committee will report favorably, it will be passed upon, will go through the Senate, receive the governor’s signature, and sometime in the dim future Miss Maria Jane will be officially informed that she is not longer Smith, while the columns of the Cayote “Journal” fairly teem with the importance of their member.
The House is composed of 137 members. Such a large body must have a leader: one in whom the members have confidence, a good parliamentarian, a ready speaker, and possessed of suffi­cient discernment to see through a “job” as soon as it is pro­posed. The “leader” has not yet been settled upon, although there is some lively bidding among members for that position. Most of the talking is done by a half dozen members. When we first noticed this, we remarked to a meek-looking man on our left that unless a fellow “stood in” with the talkers he would eventu­ally get left. The meek-looking man smiled and said that after we had been around there several days, we would discover that legislative work was not done with the mouth.
The Senate now occupies the old representative Hall. It is a quiet, dignified body, and has none of the hair-pulling, scalp-lifting qualities of the House. The members have all seen service, and seem filled with a desire to watch over the inter­ests of the State and keep in check their brethren of the Lower House. It sits from three to five hours each day and is composed of forty members.
S. W. Greer Participates in Dedicatory Services, Presbyterian Church.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881. On Thursday evening the congregation of the Presby-terian church will celebrate the completion of their improvements in the basement of the church building. It has been divided into three rooms, viz: lecture-room, parlor, and kitchen, and it is admira­bly arranged for prayer meetings and social gatherings of the church.
The exercises will consist of music, addresses, and brief religious services. The special feature of the exercises will be addresses by various persons on topics of interest connected with the past history of this church. The following are the subjects.
How this church came to be organized: S. W. Greer.
The first service: John Swain.
The building of the church: J. W. Curns.
The debt; how it has been paid: John Service.
The Ladies’ Missionary Society: Miss Shields.
The Ladies’ Aid Society: Mrs. Platter.
The Revival of 1875: H. S. Silver.
The Revival of 1877: T. B. Myers.
The present improvement: Frank Williams.
These addresses are not to exceed five or ten minutes.
In order to aid in paying for this improvement of the basement, the Ladies’ Society will give an Oyster Supper at the conclusion of the services. All are cordially invited to be present.
Fire Demolishes Ed. Greer’s Fence.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
That “nice new fence” of Ed. Greer’s was badly demoralized by last Friday’s blaze in Winfield, which destroyed Mr. Kirkwood’s residence opposite the courthouse.

E. P. Greer Elected Delegate at Republican First Ward Meeting.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
The Republicans of the First Ward of the city met at the courthouse on Saturday evening, the 19th. Called to order by W. J. Wilson of the Ward committee: D. A. Millington was chosen chairman and S. M. Jarvis secretary. J. E. Platter was nominated for member of the school board by acclamation. A ballot was taken for councilman, resulting in E. P. Hickok 34, C. A. Bliss 12. Mr. Hickok was declared the nominee. The chairman being authorized by a vote of the meeting to appoint a ward committee of three, appointed M. G. Troup, W. J. Wilson, and R. R. Conklin such committee.
The following 13 delegates were elected to represent the ward in the city convention to meet on the 26th: D. A. Millington, W. P. Hackney, E. S. Bedilion, T. M. Bryan, Jacob Nixon, James Bethel, J. W. Crane, S. M. Jarvis, J. E. Conklin, J. L. M. Hill, H. D. Gans, E. P. Greer, W. J. Wilson.
E. P. Greer and J. C. McMullen, Winfield Republican City Convention.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881. Judge Soward and Ed Greer were appointed tellers. On motion of Hackney, delegates were requested to deposit the ballot on the call of the secretary. Nominations being in order, the following gentlemen were placed in nomination for mayor: T. R. Bryan, S. C. Smith, J. C. McMullen, and M. G. Troup. On the fourth ballot Mr. Troup was nominated.
D. A. Millington and E. P. Greer of Courier.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 7, 1881. The following is what Vinnie Beckett [former Winfield Courier journalist] writes of Winfield to his paper, the Norton County Advance.
DEAR ADVANCE: Down the Santa Fe road through Emporia, Newton, Wichita, and other nearly as important though not such well advertised hamlets, last Tuesday’s train brought us to Winfield, the capital city of Cowley County.
Six years, to a day, had passed into the unknown region where the dead lie, since I took a tearful farewell of this then bright and beautiful village and rambled east into Iowa. Those years as viewed by memory’s eyes and gauged “by what I had done,” seem hardly so long as that many days, but by Winfield’s growth, and development, we could readily believe it half a dozen de­cades.
From about 1,200 inhabitants in March, 1875, Winfield has risen to a city of the second class, with 3,500 population, and its then temporary and generally common buildings have given place to solid, substantial, and beautiful improvements. When we took our departure Wichita was the nearest railway point, forty-five miles distant. A lumbering stage coach drawn by four horses jerked us over the frozen ground and pounded the life nearly out of the solitary passenger upon the hard sides of the capacious inside. Now two railroads, the A. T. & S. F. from the north, and the Kansas City, Lawrence and Western road from the east, accom­modates the extensive travel and freight business. The ease with which the Wichita trip was made this time was not in the least noticeable among the improvements time has wrought.

Winfield is a brag town. We say this without prejudice, though it is true we have always loved the city and its people. It is a brag town in the matter of sidewalks. This is the first subject of remark by strangers. From center to circumference few are the streets that have not a four foot stone slab pavement on both sides of the road. An abundance of stone six and eight inches thick and of indefinite length and breadth is found handy to town and those are put in position in sizes to suit, at about fourteen cents per square foot.
It brags on its new hotel almost completed. The Brettun House is a magnificent three story and a basement structure built of the famous Cowley County stone, which is nearly identical with the white magnesia found in such quantities in Trego County and also in Grant township of Norton. The building is fitted with every appliance of modern invention and is complete in every part. No hotel in the state can distance it in any respect.
It brags on its fine and expensive residence buildings which are exceedingly numerous when the size of the town is considered. It has two magnificent churches, Presbyterian and Methodist; Episcopal and a Baptist, equally fine, in course of erection. These with the two school houses, the east and the west, are all that would be expected of a city of fifteen or twenty thousand inhabitants.
A ten thousand dollar opera house delights the traveling shows and the resident public.
Three newspapers, the Courier, Monitor, and Telegram, enjoy excellent support and are really model journals. The first two are Republican, issued weekly, the latter is Democratic, issued daily and weekly. The Courier is one of the best edited and handsomest typographically of the state papers and has a propor­tionately strong support. We venture to say that not another county weekly in the state has an equally large paying subscrip­tion list, which verges on to two thousand. This is in strong contrast with the days when I was one of the ruling spirits of the sheet, when the infant from 250 circulation crawled up to 600. Messrs. D. A. Millington and Ed Greer would not trade this property for a silver mine. Winfield is noted for its liberality with its newspapers. Its people in this show the strong common sense and business capacity which is apparent in all things that  made the town such a model.
The Telegram office cannot be equalled for beauty and completeness in this western country. A two-story stone edifice lighted by gas, heated by steam; the business office and editorial rooms on the ground floor in front finished with solid ash and black walnut, carpeted, and with all appointments in first class style, press room just behind, and engine room yet in the rear, with newspaper and job rooms above, with speaking tubes and elevators, not an item is wanting to make the establishment perfect in all details. Charlie Black, the editor and proprietor, is proud of his journal as well he may be.
The above are the chief points of which the average native boasts, we have mentioned, but there are others: for instance, the summer garden and greenhouse, which, even at this season shows neatness and rural beauty, the roads from which the spring mud dries in a day as it does in Norton. The delightful climate, which to me was always glorious, and the crowning, chiefest recommendation, the citizens whom we meet. There are doubtless just as pleasant, sociable, intellectual, hospitable, and gener­ous people elsewhere congregated together; but my fortune has never been cast with them.

When I came down here to take a look at the scenes and friends to memory dear, I really expected to be almost a stranger in a nearly strange land: The latter I find fully realized. I am in a strange land. The few land marks of ancient days are so changed by additions, fresh paint, or imposing surroundings, that with difficulty I recognize them, and had I been dropped here without warning or previous knowledge of my whereabouts, I should never have suspicioned that I had seen the place before. But the people have changed much less. Scores of old friends are here and strange to say, appear to be glad to see me, even though I was not indebted a cent to them when I departed hence six years. So kind have I found the old acquaintances and the new ones made, that I nearly spoiled and I linger loth to pass along upon my journey to the inhospitable land of the greaser. There is danger of my staying to wear out my welcome, but I’ll try and tear myself away tomorrow. A part of three of the young men of Winfield go my way and I shall join their party.
I look about me here upon the boys who were the companions and acquaintances of my Winfield days, and a great lesson im­press­es itself upon my mind. I find that with hardly an excep­tion these young men have become established in business for themselves. They are the sole proprietors of more or less pretentious residences which are occupied by sweet, affectionate helpers and blooming and not less helping children. They are prospering and happy as the world goes, and the ramblers who like myself have little to care for and care very little for that, gaze with envious eyes, and wish, with a heart that knows its needs yet hesitates to satisfy, that we were not such arrant idiots. We might live in this world to the age of the most ancient gentlemen mentioned in holy writ and be but an useless blot upon the face of nature. I have resolved to come back from New Mexico with a strong resolve to mend my ways.
In company with a couple of friends I made Howard, the capital of Elk County, just east of Cowley, a visit last Thurs­day, for a visit to one of my friends, Abe Steinberger, editor of the Howard Courant, the handsomest paper in the State. We make this boast authoritatively. Abe is postmaster and has other interests in this beautiful and prosperous town which places him in the list of soulless corporations. He has a heart large enough to cover all deficiencies there may be in soul, however. I am the only man in the United States, outside the family, whom Abe gives free leave to kiss his wife, and I flatter myself that I am the only one whom she would kiss, and am consequently puffed up with pride, and never fail to visit their house when within hailing distance. There is no family in the world that I would go further to see.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881. The following is from the Howard Courant, Abe Stein-berger’s paper. We take great pleasure in recording these little scraps of history of the early days and early boys of the COURIER.
We omitted last week to acknowledge a very pleasant call from three as welcome visitors as ever darkened the Courant door, viz: James Kelly, formerly proprietor of the Winfield Courier, V. B. Beckett, an associate editor with Mr. Kelly, and Ed. P. Greer, the present local of the same paper. The three came to Howard for no other purpose than to visit me and my family, and we were truly proud of the compliment and their well wishes.
We cannot account for having overlooked their call, unless it was because of accompanying them back to Winfield and having so much enjoyment basking in the sunshine of their company, that we forgot their having been to our town.
There is a little history concerning this family which has never been written, and we cannot refrain from giving a partial synopsis of it. In the summer of 1872, a boy in his 20th year, who had just finished his apprenticeship in a printing office at Independence, felt very strongly the injunction of the father of printers, to “go west,” and accordingly started across the then new and barren country for Winfield, a small town eighty miles towards the setting sun, where he hoped to find a change for the better. The journey was made on foot, he not having money enough to pay for a ride on the stage, which was then the only public conveyance between the towns.
The printers are characteristic for their walking propensi­ties, and this one was not an exception to the rule. The journey’s end was reached in two days and a half, and on a bright Saturday afternoon in the month of July, 1872, the pedestrian found himself again employed in a printing office in Winfield, happy with his success. He worked in all the printing offices in the town during the next year, at the end of which time he accepted a position in the Courier, edited by James Kelly, mentioned in the beginning of this sketch.

About the same time another boy started from the same Independence, and after walking on almost shoeless feet for three days, swimming all the streams, and soiling his good clothes, arrived at the same Courier office, and was so fortunate as to secure a situation. The two boys worked together a few weeks, and became attached to each other as brothers. They soon pro­posed to do the mechanical work in the office for the sum of $20 per week, each to receive an equal amount. This proposition was accepted, and they continued working in this manner for about a year, growing more and more attached, and thinking when one had a dollar both were millionaires. When this year was about expired, the older one married and started a boarding house, open only, however, to the associate printer who, alike with the landlord, tested his credit and exhausted his salary to keep up the board­ing house table. A few months after this, the married one purchased an office of his own (all on credit, of course), and started a paper, which, after being moved from town to town, for a couple of years, he finally succeeded in placing it upon a self-sustaining basis. The other boy seeing his old partner’s name at the head of a newspaper, soon tired of journeyman work, and he, too, started out to seek his fortune, and after traveling over two or three states and trying his hand in a dozen different towns, established a paper as his chum had done, and is today growing rich.
The elder boy referred to is the proud writer of this bit of history, and the office mate is V. B. Beckett, editor of the Norton Advance, one of the ablest conducted papers on the Courant exchange list. While in Winfield we dined together with our old “boss,” Mr. Kelly, and were made as welcome as though we were his own sons. The boys are proud of their old-time guardian, and Mr. Kelly says he is proud of his boys.
   Ed. P. Greer Sells Residence to W. P. Hackney.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
Ed. P. Greer has sold his residence property on Tenth avenue to W. P. Hackney.
Ed. P. Greer Part of Party Who Made a Trip to Territory.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881. The party consisting of F. S. Jennings, Ed. P. Greer, L. H. Webb, James Kelly, Will Stivers, T. H. Soward, Sol Burkhalter, Will Whitney, and J. H. Albro went last week to the Territory for fun, fish, and foolishness. All returned Tuesday evening except Ed., who returned the night before. They report lots of fun, fish, and squirrels. Grizzly’s and other large game were neglected. Most of them returned with their hair on.
“One of the Nine” Gives Report on Trip to the Territory.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881, and June 30, 1881.
ED. COURIER: It is now customary, I believe, when a party makes a trip anywhere, especially to the Indian Territory, for someone of the number to furnish an account of the same to the newspapers. As one of a squad of nine, who recently made a pilgrimage to the land of the Kaw, I will try to inform your readers of some of the matters and things connected therewith.
The party consisted of F. S. Jennings, Judge Tom Soward, W. R. Stivers, J. H. Albro, Will Whitney, L. H. Webb, E. P. Greer, James Kelly, and last but by no means least, Sol Burkhalter. The latter gentleman furnished the rigs and was of course wagon-master.
Grouse Creek was reached by noon of the first day, said day being, curiously enough, Thursday, June 9th, 1881, which should have been mentioned sooner.
Here a halt was called for dinner, and here also the verdancy of the party began to crop out. The temporary camp was made in a dense jungle on the lee side of a hill with a perpen­dicular front some twenty or thirty feet high. Underbrush, weeds, nettles, vines: pooh [?], but wasn’t it hot! Not a breath of air stirred a leaf in that miserable forest. Yes, it was hot, and some of us thought that spot would compare favorably with a modified hades according to the new version. But we had the shade.

While some of us built a fire and got dinner, Mr. Jennings, Judge Soward, and Will Stivers went in quest of game. Soon word was sent to send another gun and more ammunition, which request being speedily complied with, such a roar of musketing opened out as I’ll wager, the waters of the Grouse had not heard for many a day. Presently the mighty nimrods returned.
“Where’s your game?” chorused we of the bread and butter stay-at-home brigade.
“It crumbled in a hole,” mourned the Judge, “but I think it’s certainly wounded.”
“By the bones of my grandfather,” howled Webb (he never swears), “if those three big stout men with two double barreled shotguns and a rifle, haven’t been banging away at a poor little squirrel.
After dinner the company was formally organized by electing Mr. James Kelly to the office of . Brother Greer made the point that this being a civil company, the title should be “president.” This however was promptly rejected. “What?” said the Judge  “Suppose we have trouble with the redskins, which is more than likely, how would it sound to say our President marched us up the hill and then marched us down again. I move it be Captain.” But here the beneficiary declared that he would be no miserable captain and unless he be at once made Colonel, he would resign and leave the company to its fate. This settled it and the train moved out after dinner in the following order.
1. The elegant three-seated barouche containing the colo­nel, the major, the judge, Dr. Webb, Sergeant Whitney, and wagon-master Burkhalter, followed by the baggage wagon in which on the seat were Captain Albro and Chaplain Greer, with Will Stivers behind to look after things generally. Brother Greer drove the team, that is he drove it to the foot of the first hill, when the team stopped and would not be driven any further. We all got round the wagon, however, and pushed it up the hill notwithstand­ing the remonstrance of the team.
This Grouse Creek, I verily believe, is enchanted, or at least this company was, for all at once we couldn’t agree as to which side of the stream we were on. Of course, it made no difference, only it depended on a proper solution of this con­founding mystery whether we were going up or down, towards or away from the Territory. Finally we came to a standstill and waited for two gentlemen who were plowing in a field to come to the end of their rows, which were headed off by the road, or more properly cow-path, we were then on. But our consternation was only increased when on inquiring, we found those gentlemen seemed to be as much at a loss as we were ourselves. One said we were on this side of the Grouse and would have to cross over to arrive at our destination; the other said as he had been in the country but a short time and was, unfortunately, from Missouri, really knew nothing about it. Just here a bright intelligent looking girl with a hoe in her hand, cut the miserable knot, not with the hoe, however. She explained by saying that dame nature had, right there, succeeded in reversing the old order, and made the bed so crooked that for a full half mile the water actually ran up stream. But I think if we could have told these good people where we wanted to go lucidly and plainly, they could have told us how to get there. But we couldn’t.

The caravan here parted in the middle, Chaplain Greer believing as he could successively steer the local columns of the COURIER, he certainly ought to be able to steer a two-horse wagon to the mouth of Grouse Creek. So he left us and drove out of sight into the wilderness. We, that is the other rig, took the opposite course. We drove into a pasture fenced with brush; out of that into a cornfield fenced with stone, and traveled down a row of corn about two miles—so we thought—let down a pair of bars and brought up in a cowpen. We were, however, more fortu­nate here for we found a man who could and would not only tell us where to go, but could actually tell us where we at that moment ought to be, instead of driving over his corn and garden patch, as we had done. Will Whitney, however, very adroitly mentioned “that those were the finest hogs he had seen in a long time,” which somewhat mollified the old man, who then told us how to get out. Thus, you see, kind words never die; and a little taffy, which Mr. Whitney after told us, was cheap, applied to the slab sides and ungainly snouts of the old man’s hogs, and got us out of an embarrassing dilemma.
In a short time after bidding good bye to the old man of the good hogs, we arrived at the house of Drury Warren, a gentleman well and favorably known to some of our crowd. Mr. Warren, however, was absent in the territory at the big “round up,” he having some six hundred head of cattle on the range on Black Bear Creek.
Having heard Mr. Warren speak favorably of some of us, and representing ourselves as “some of our best citizens of Winfield, we soon got into the good graces of kindly Mrs. Warren: to about half a bushel of onions, and permission to drive through the field, thus cutting off some three miles of long, hilly road. Let me here remark that Mr. Warren has one of the most valuable farms in Cowley County, or I might say, in the state. He has 520 acres in a body. Two-thirds of it lies in the rich bottom at the very mouth of Grouse Creek, which is in corn, and such corn! The like of which is duly seen on the Illinois and Sangamon river bottoms, and there but seldom.
Here we passed out at the south gate of the state and entered the Territory when Messrs. Greer, Albro, and Stivers caught up with us and when your correspondent shot a squirrel, found a nice spring of water, and where we camped for the first night.
Nothing of any importance happened to us except the bites of some huge mosquitoes, which happened rather often.
The next morning we tried fishing in the raging Arkansas with but poor success. An old blood-thirsty villain of a fisher­man, who I have no doubt now was anxious to get us away from there, told us of a good place where he said we would find bass in abundance, well on toward the Kaw Agency. Here trouble commenced. Some wanted to pull up stakes and go at once, some wanted to send a scouting party first to spy out the land and report. But the goers-at-once being in the majority, carried the point, so strike the tent, hitch up, and pull out was the order.
Sometime that afternoon we overtook an Indian afoot, leading a dog. Someone of our party asked him some questions, which he wouldn’t answer. Then someone asked him what he intended doing with the dog. He then very politely told us to go to hades, saying, however, the old version pronunciation of that word.
We pitched our tents on the banks of the Arkansas River that night. Another meeting was held at noon to determine whether or not we would move again. The colonel, by virtue of his office, of course, presided. The debate was long, learned, and digni­fied. Greer, Webb, Stivers, Whitney, and Albro, for the move, ably presented their side of the case.
“You see, gentlemen,” said Webb, “that we are on the very verge of starvation. No water, nothing to eat.”
“That shows,” said Jennings, “that you do not know what you are talking about. Here we are on one of the most delightful spots the sun ever shone upon. Look at that mighty river and tell me that there is no water. Look at the countless turkey tracks, and tell me there is no game, nothing to eat. Why, we are here in the very bowels of plenty, and I, for one, won’t move a peg.”
The motion was, however, put and carried, so move it was. That same evening the company arrived at the mouth of Otter Creek, where it empties into the Grouse, and once more the tent was pitched. The next morning, it being Sunday, it was agreed that no fishing, hunting, or euchre be indulged in but that this Sabbath be spent quietly and reverently as became our best citizens.

After breakfast some of the boys thought they would have some fun at the expense of the others. Word was accordingly passed along that a meeting would be held to consider the propri­ety of returning to the camp vacated the day before. The presi­dent being in the seat of course, proclaimed and made known that a meeting would be held at once. Every member being present the trouble began.
“Now, may the devil take me,” said Chaplain Greer, “if this move don’t beat all the moves I ever heard of.”
“I opposed coming here in the first place, but now that we are here, I propose to stay,” said Jennings.
“Me too,” said Judge Soward, “let go who will, I shan’t.”
“Question! Question!” shouted the mob.
The motion being put, the chair declared it carried unani­mously. That was a straw too much.
“Give me my blanket,” groaned Greer, “I can hire a farmer to take me home.”
“Give me my things,” howled Jennings, “I can walk.”
“Don’t take my gun,” yellowed Judge Soward, “I won’t budge an inch.”
Seeing that the joke had gone far enough, the boys were informed of the “sell” and soon all was again serene.
Monday morning, Mr. Greer, having been really in bad health when he started, was found to be much worse. It was accordingly decided to send him home. He was taken by Mr. Burkhalter to Arkansas City, put aboard the train, and we saw him no more.
And, now to conclude, for every good writer must conclude, I have endeavored to chronicle events just as they transpired. If perchance there may be a few little things that didn’t happen exactly as I have said, I certainly cannot be held responsible. ONE OF THE NINE.
Infant Daughter of W. H. Harris Dies at E. P. Greer Residence.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881. Died at the residence of E. P. Greer in Winfield, Satur-day afternoon, little Dolly, infant daughter of W. H. Harris, of Arkansas City.
Only a few weeks ago, relatives and friends were called upon to follow the remains of Mrs. Harris to the cemetery, and now the destroying angel has again invaded the family circle and taken from its midst the youngest: baby Dolly. Certainly the ways of Providence are past finding out. Hardly had the husband become resigned to his first great loss before he was called upon to give up another of his family. The funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. Harris, Rev. Fleming officiating, and at five o’clock Sunday afternoon little Dolly was laid to rest beside her mother.
Ed P. Greer, Member, Winfield Archery Club.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881
The Winfield Archery Club met at Riverside Park Friday afternoon for their first shoot. The distance was 30 yards at four foot targets. For novices the shooting was excellent. Mr. Glass scored in fifty-two hits 135. It is the most exhilarating sport we have ever engaged in, and we do not remember of passing a pleasanter afternoon for years.
  Number of Subscribers Listed by Greer Disputed.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881. The “four hundred subscribers,” in whose interest Ed Greer of the Courier howled so piteously, by actual count, numbers 94. That’s about as near the truth as Ed ever gets, though.
  Tribute Paid by Greer to Late Mrs. James Kelly.

Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881. [By Ed. P. Greer.] Monday evening at nine o’clock Mrs. James Kelly breathed her last. Her illness was of short duration. I was beginning my career as “devil” in the COURIER office when Mr. Kelly was editor and proprietor, and knew Mrs. Kelly well. Her many accomplishments, coupled with a kind and considerate regard for the feelings of others, gathered about her a circle of warm friends. To the bereaved husband and two motherless little children we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
Gifts Given by Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Greer & Others to Hunts.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881. Wednesday at 12 o’clock, Mr. Fred C. Hunt and Miss Sarah Hodges were united in marriage at the residence of the bride’s father, in this city, Rev. Father Kelly officiating. The assem­blage was one of the largest ever gathered to witness a marriage ceremony in this city. The bridal party left on the afternoon train for a short trip in the east. The following is a list of presents from their friends.
Bedroom set, bride’s father, W. J. Hodges.
Silver spoons, Mrs. W. J. Hodges.
Silver fruit knife, May Hodges.
Silver knives and forks, Charley Hodges.
Large parlor lamp, Willie Hodges.
Handsome chair, Capt. and Mrs. Hunt.
Silver and cut glass berry dish, Miss Anna Hunt and Etta Robinson.
Oil paintings, from groom.
Silver cake stand, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson.
Set fruit plates, from Mr. and Mrs. Garvey and Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood.
Handsome clock, Mr. and Mrs. D. Severy.
Individual salt cellars, Allie Klingman.
Pair silver goblets, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller.
Majolica salad dish, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok.
Silver butter dish with plates, W. C. and Ivan Robinson.
Silver jewel case, Miss Ida McDonald, Anna Scothorn, Jennie Hane,
and Jessie Millington.
Silver and glass vase with hand painting, Dr. Wilson and Mrs. Bullock.
Silver and cut glass bouquet holder, Mr. and Mrs. Randall.
Silver napkin rings, W. J. Wilson and W. A. Smith.
Card receiver and bouquet holder, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bahntge.
Silver pickle dish, Mrs. C. A. Bliss.
Silver and cut glass fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson.
Silver butter knife and pickle fork, Miss A. and Nellie Aldrich.
Silver butter dish, Miss Bird Godfrey, of Wellington.
Individual castor, R. W. Dever.
Darned net apron, Miss Kate Millington, Las Vegas, N. M.
Handsome book, “Beautiful Ferns,” Henry Goldsmith.
Pair dining room pictures, Mr. and Mrs. Mann.
Panel picture, C. C. Harris.
Silver and cut glass flower vase, Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Greer.
From the Courier Company, a life subscription to the Winfield Courier, conditionally.
A handsome present from Miss McCoy.
Will Robinson couldn’t be present at the wedding, but sent his regrets; and hoped “if they
must encounter troubles, they be little ones.”

Ed Greer Enjoys Entertainment at Valley View Schoolhouse, Vernon Township.
The Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Last Thursday evening, in company with County Attorney Jennings, we attended an entertainment given by the Sabbath school at Valley View Schoolhouse in Vernon Township.
Mr. Jennings was invited to deliver an address, and we went along as a kind of an “amanuensis” to do the editing. The drive out through the bright moonlight with the crisp, cool air blowing in our faces was delightful. Arriving at the schoolhouse, we found it crowded with the best and happiest lot of people it has ever been our good fortune to meet. We have often heard of the generous hospitality of the folks up there, but are now ready to affirm that the half of it has never been told. Everybody seemed to have brought enough for themselves and five others, and as Jennings and I were the only ones who had not brought anything, the prospects for a bountiful feast were most flattering. There was pound cake and ten-pound cake embellished with frosting and confectionery, chickens and turkeys, fried and roasted, in about the ratio of one chicken and half a turkey for every person present, and pies and other edibles enough to have fed St. John’s battery. The exercises were opened with an organ solo, “St. Paul’s March,” by Miss E. Martin, followed by a song, “Young Pilgrims, by the school. Master Robert Craig declaimed “Our Country’s Flag,” and rendered it nicely for such a little boy. Master Lee Snyder recited “Mother Eve,” a beautiful selection, in a very creditable manner. Pearl Martin told about “Dropping Corn,” and drew from it many moral and social precepts that we would all be better by following. Next came a song, “Holy Trinity,” by the school, and then Miss Emma Martin read “A Noble Revenge,” and sang a beautiful and touching piece, “Home is Sad Without a Mother,” in a way that brought tears to the eyes of many. The sentiment contained in this song is very fine and was admirably brought out by Miss Martin. After the song T. A. Blanchard, master of ceremonies, introduced Mr. Jennings, who delivered a ten minute address. Just when we were beginning to console ourself with the idea that Jennings was about through and we would soon be able to assist in the destruction of the fowl and cake so temptingly displayed, he made the startling announcement that he did not intend to make a speech, but that “his friend, Mr. Greer, was fully prepared and he felt sure would do justice to the occasion.” In about a minute we discovered that we were being “led like a lamb to the slaughter,” and when Tom Blanchard got up with a smile all over his face and announced that “they would now listen to an address by the Hon., etc.” we felt that Mother Shipton’s prophecy couldn’t be fulfilled any too soon. We spoke—and we’ll give $2.50 for a comprehensive report of the speech. The tempting visions of fried chicken and frosted cake vanished away into thin air and our oratorical powers went with them. The audience discovered this at the same time we did, and we sat down amid impressive silence. We have charged Tom Blanchard and Frank Jennnings with this conspiracy and some day we’ll get a chance to get even. Elder Snyder then delivered a short address, congratulating the Sunday school on its success and cheering them up to renewed work and greater exertion. Mr. Snyder is putting his whole soul into the work and is meeting with abundant success. Messrs. Geo. Conner, C. F. Martin, and W. Millspaugh sang a laughable piece entitled “All the World’s a Barber Shop,” the last verse of which told about lawyers shaving their clients and giving them “the meanest shave of all.” It was our laugh then.

The feature of the evening, of course, was the supper and the kind ladies who served the plates filled them up till each one looked like the apex of Pikes Peak. It was an absolute shame the way Jennings ate, and were it not that his voracity on that occasion is likely to reflect upon the fair name and fame of our city, we would let it go unnoticed. The fact is he thought he was expected to eat all that was set before him, but if anybody should tell us that “the wish was father to the thought,” we wouldn’t try to refute it. After supper an hour was spent in greeting friends and just as we were about to depart, the house was called to order and the chairman, in behalf of the Sunday school, presented Mr. Jennings and the writer with two beautiful cakes. To say we were surprised would not express it. In behalf of Mr. Jennings and on our own account, we wish to extend to the school our hearty thanks for this kind token of their esteem. The generous, home-like hospitality of the people; the kindnesses showered upon us from every side; the many new acquaintances formed and old ones renewed; all tend toward making this one of the pleasantest evenings we have ever spent.
Ed. P. Greer Helps Organize Protective Association.
The Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882. [Article by E. P. Greer.]
The Businessmen Talk, Eat, and Prepare to Harvest Unpaid Bills.
Last Saturday evening a large number of the businessmen of Winfield met at the Brettun House and organized an association that will be of more practical benefit to businessmen and the trading public generally then anything that has yet been proposed. The matter has been talked of for some time, but recent events brought it to a focus, of which the “Merchants and Business Men’s Protective Association” is the outcome. The following gentlemen were present and assisted in the organization: A. H. Doane, R. E. Wallis, J. A. McGuire, Will Hudson, A. E. Baird, W. J. Hodges, H. Brotherton, J. M. Dever, J. P. Baden, J. L. Hodges, R. E. Sydall, Lou Harter, Ed. P. Greer, J. B. Lynn, A. B. Steinberger, C. A. Bliss, D. L. Kretsinger, A. T. Spotswood, S. W. Hughes, J. S. Mann, W. B. Pixley, W. R. McDonald, A. D. Hendricks, Col. Wm. Whiting, J. G. Shrieves, J. W. Bacheldor, J. L. Horning, T. R. Timme, J. L. Rinker, J. P. Short, B. F. Wood, J. A. Cooper.
A committee consisting of the officers and a committee of eight or ten members were appointed to draft constitution and by-laws to be presented at the next meeting to be held at A. H. Doane & Co.’s office Thursday evening. The object of the organization is for mutual protection against the class of men who obtain credit at one place as long as possible, then change to another, and so on around, and for heading off dead-beats of every kind. A list of all those who are in arrears at the different stores will be made out by each merchant and filed with the secretary, who will furnish each member with a complete list of all who obtain credit and the amount. Then, when a person desires to buy goods on time, the merchant can go to his list, find out how many other firms in town he owes, and how long the account has been running. If he finds that the person desiring credit owes every other merchant in town, he can safely make up his mind that he is a D. B. On the other hand, if he finds that the person asking for credit has paid his bill and is reckoned good by the other merchants in establishing his credit, he will find no trouble in getting all the advances he desires. It will weed out the dishonest fellows and protect those who pay their debts and show a disposition to deal honestly.
The above, as near as we can state it, is the object of the association. Here alone, good, honest, straightforward men all over the county have failed to get credit because there was no way to establish their standing while others who were no good have run annual bills all over town and never make an effort to pay. This will stop all that business and place them in a very unenviable light until their bills are paid.

After the adjournment of the meeting all repaired to the dining room of the Brettun and ate oysters and celery, drank coffee and cream, told vigorous stories of dead-beats and bill-jumpers, and treated each other to little bits of business experience that furnished points for future action. The supper was nicely served and thirty-nine sat down to the long table and took two or more dishes of “Oysters-loonystyle,” with fruit and lighter refreshments thrown in. One of the most unfortunate features of the supper was that there were no toasts. Nothing is so delightful after a nice supper as to sit back in your chair and note the writhings of the poor mortal who has been selected to tell about “The great American eagle, who laves his bill in the Atlantic and dips his tail in the Pacific,” and to see him squirm when he finds that he has forgotten the piece and got the proud bird’s tail in the wrong pond. We were very anxious to see this duty performed and had about concluded to call out J. L. Horning or A. T. Spotswood, with W. J. Hodges and R. E. Wallis as possible substitutes, when the thought struck us that it might prove a boomerang and our desire for toasts immediately expired.
Among the ladies who graced the occasion were Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. J. L. Rinker, Mrs. J. B. Lynn, Miss Sadie French, Mrs. W. J. Hodges, Mrs. S. W. Hughes, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, and Mrs. W. B. Pixley.
Comments by Courant Editor About Ed. Greer, Charley McIntire, Others.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882. [Editorial by Steinberger.]
A COURANT item snatcher went to the train Tuesday at eleven o’clock to meet the other end of his household, and failing to find her there, jumped aboard and went to Arkansas City just for the fun of the thing. Not having been there for about eight years, we felt a lurking desire to once more get a little sand in our off ear, and see a number of the old-time Cowley County boys who were still swinging to the ragged edge. Some people sneer and snarl at Arkansas City, but usually it is someone like Ed. Greer, who don’t know any better.
There are not so many changes in that town as have been made here in eight years, perhaps, because there was not so much of it to change; but then it is a pretty good town for all, and we are glad it is located in Cowley County. If it does draw some trade from Winfield, and has enterprising businessmen who reach out for trade, and two newspapers which tend to weaken the 2,700 circulation of our esteemed contemporary, it is one benefit to Winfield, which, perhaps, some of our people have not discovered.
It is the trading point for the struggling Indians from the Territory just below, and being able to steal a little there occasionally, the yellow complected gentry are apparently satis­fied, and do not often frequent our city, as they undoubtedly would had Arkansas City been bursted up in the town business in an early day. The existence of this state of affairs cause our people to entertain a loving regard for their neighbors fourteen miles south.
John Pryor and T. H. Soward escorted us to the city, on account of our modesty, and strange as it may seem, we were met at the depot and conveyed uptown in one of the finest turnouts ever drawn by horses in Arkansas City. It was an elegant new bus, ordered, no doubt, for our special benefit, and whether it is believed or not, we were only charged twenty-five cents each for that magnificent ride. The band had intended to meet us, but some of the members had engagements with the dusky maidens of Kaw extraction, and failed to put in an appearance.
Soward and Pryor seemed very much disappointed on account of the non-arrival of the band, but we are used to disappointments, and passed the slight by without a word or thought. We never did like to ask anyone to give up fun for the purpose of contributing to our amusement.
Arriving at the hotel we were amply repaid for the trip by gentlemanly treatment and a splendid dinner, carried to us by a young lady so handsome that the sight of her black eyes almost took John Pryor’s breath away. There was another girl in the dining room, ugly enough to stop a clock, but then she is kept there for the purpose of waiting on Arkansas City fellows, like C. M. Scott, Henry Peter Standley, and Charley McIntire. That hotel man understands his business, and well knows it would never do to let a pretty girl carry eatables to these gentlemen. It would take away her charms and wear her out.

There is an opinion prevalent here in Winfield that Judge Soward is not very healthy from midship to the ground, but anyone who will go with him to Arkansas City and follow him over the hills and hollows, through the sand, and over the uneven side­walks two or three hours, as we did, will pronounce him possessed of more “buoyancy and intrepidity” than any professional gentleman in this section. Soward is modest, or we would tell something sweet on him.
On the train coming back, all the experiences of the day were made to appear small and insignificant, by the appearance on the train of a happy young couple coming up to Winfield after a Christmas present in the shape of a marriage license. When they stood up on the platform at the City about fifteen feet apart, their faces turned in opposite directions, and a far off expres­sion in their mild eyes, we knew at once there was something going to happen before the blue bird season could arrive, but not until H. S. Silver, who we also met there, nudged us under the short rib, did we think the affliction so near at hand. Conduc­tor Miller, who by the way is especially adapted to the task of caring for wedding excursion parties, seemed to take in the situation as soon as the young couple walked aboard the train, and beckoned them to a seat in the rear end of the car. We couldn’t imagine what he did this for, unless he thought the other passen­gers would have to turn around in their seats in order to see the performances of the happy, restless pair.
The train had only started when the young groom began to edge up, that is slide over a little, as it were, toward the window, between him and which was seated the blushing bride. Now, that girl was just as pretty as a peach, and her lips looked as though they had been bathed in a bottle of red ink.
It may not have been noticeable to everyone, but the amount of time Miller squandered in taking up the tickets from about half a dozen passengers, would lead any close observer to swear that he was looking at any moment for a cow to run into the train from the rear.
The groom had either bribed Miller, or else they were old friends, as the young couple had the most terrible time imagin­able keeping a light shawl over the bride’s shoulders, and when, finally the young man found the thing would slip down every minute, he actually fixed it close about the pearly neck and proceeded to hold it there with his arm.
It was really heart “rendering” to see the blush on Conduc­tor Miller’s face, and having been a widower for many days, yours truly slid down into a seat and slept until the fiendish brakeman yelled loud enough to be heard a mile, “Winfield.” The next time we go to Arkansas City, we intend to take second-class passage on the canal.
Steinberger Notes That Greer Got Cake.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
There was a social hop December 18th at the residence of Mr. T. A. Blanchard, at which we noticed the faces of several Winfieldites who seemed to enjoy the country dance most hugely, especially the supper prepared by Mrs. Blanchard, who has few equals in the culinary art. On the 28th Valley View Sunday school held a social for the purpose of raising money to purchase an organ. Miss Emma Martin presided at the organ. Near the close of the exercises Mr. Jennings and Greer of Winfield were each presented with a handsomely ornamented cake by Mr. Blanchard, in behalf of the Sunday school. The social was a financial success. Sufficient funds to purchase the organ were realized with a surplus in the treasury. Great praise is due Mr. Martin, the superintendent, as he is one of those energetic workers who spare neither time nor money to interest and benefit his school.
Suit Filed by Mary A. Loomis Against E. P. Greer.

Cowley County Courant, February 16, 1882. A suit has lately been commenced in Dis-trict Court by Mary A. Loomis vs. E. P. Greer, et al, foreclosure of mortgage.
Nora Greer.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882. We took occasion to visit Miss Melville’s room in the public school last Monday afternoon. The pupils had arranged some exercises in commemo-ration of the birth of Longfellow. The entertainment consisted of essays, recitations, and songs which were composed by that poet. We have not space to mention all, but some of the best recitations were given by Misses Ella Trezise, Nora Greer, Abbie Rowland, Cora Denning, and Master Charlie Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Greer.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882. Miss Alice Dunham, of Lincoln, Nebraska, a cousin of the writer, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Greer.
   Ed. P. Greer, Teller of Dry Jokes.
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
Our young friend, Ed. Greer, local editor of the Courier, is one of the driest jokers in the world; and he had just as soon play a joke on a member of his own family as not. Ed’s wife is a friend of his, and so she is subject to his jokes. She hates Indians, and always locks the doors when she sees the beggars who camp around Winfield coming towards the house. Ed knew this, so he hired an Indian to go up to the house and slip in, and beg a pair of Ed’s old pants of the good wife, which she would gladly give to get rid of him, and then offered the Indian half a dollar if he would go right into the parlor and put the pants on. Ed thought it would be a splendid joke on his wife, and he got a young man named John Hyden, a preacher’s son, to go with him and watch the fun from a distance. The Indian got in the house, and when he asked for a pair of old pants, the good lady saw through the joke, and she gave him Ed’s Sunday pants, and he went in the parlor and was going to put the pants on. This was too much for her, and she went to the kitchen and got a dipper of hot water. Nobody knows exactly what occurred, but Ed and John suddenly saw an Indian come out of the front door, with one leg in a pair of black doeskin pants, and the other pants leg dangling in the air, and the Indian yelled as though he was in pain, and he pulled out for the camp up on Dutch Creek. As he passed the two gentlemen, the Indian said: “Squaw heap spunky. Ugh! Hot water!” and he was gone. Ed went home and asked what the news was, and found that he was out a pair of Sunday pants, in the pocket of which was twelve dollars in money and a pass on the K. C. L. & S. road, and his wife says when he wants to send his friends up to the house to do so, by all means. She will be at home. Ed has got the conductors all fixed so they will spot the Indian and take up that pass the first time he presents it.
Mr. and Mrs. Colgate, E. P. Greer, Other Young Folks at Fuller Party.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.

On last Friday evening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of one of the merriest as well as the “toniest” parties ever given in Winfield. Mrs. Fuller has entertained her friends several times this winter without any of the young folks being present, but this time she honored them by giving this party, which was duly appreciated. Everyone invited, with but two exceptions, was present and never were guests more hospitably entertained. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while an elegant collation consisting of cakes and ice cream was served at eleven o’clock. At a late hour the guests dispersed, all thanking their kind host and hostess for the pleasant evening so happily spent. The costumes of the guests were elegant and worthy of mention. We give below a list which we hope will be satisfactory to the ladies mentioned.
Mrs. Fred C. Hunt wore a pale steel blue silk and brocaded satin dress with fine Spanish lace trimmings, white flowers.
Mrs. Colgate, white nuns veiling en train, white satin trimmings.
Mrs. George Robinson, pink brocade satin, underskirt of black silk velvet, point lace.
Mrs. Joe Harter, black silk velvet skirt, pink bunting over dress.
Mrs. W. C. Garvey, of Topeka, white Swiss muslin, red sash and natural flowers.
Mrs. Rhodes, silver gray silk, pink ribbons.
Mrs. Thorpe, very handsome costume of heliotrope silk and silk tissue.
Mrs. Steinberger, black brocade and gros grain silk, red flowers.
Mrs. Dr. Emerson, black satin dress, cashmere bead passementerie, diamond jewelry.
Miss Jennie Hane, fine white polka dot mull trimmed in Spanish lace, pink flowers.
Miss Clara Andrews, pink bunting polonaise, black skirt.
Miss Kelly, handsome black silk.
Miss McCoy, blue silk velvet skirt and blue and old gold brocaded polonaise, Honiton lace and flowers.
Miss Jackson, navy blue silk dress, lace sleeves and fichu.
The Misses Wallis were prettily attired in cream colored mull, Miss Lizzie with pale blue sash and Miss Margie in lavender.
Miss Ama Scothorn, cream colored cheese cloth, Spanish lace trimming.
Miss Alice Dunham, dainty dress of cream bunting.
Miss Julia Smith, beautifully flowered white silk polonaise, black silk velvet skirt, diamond jewelry.
Miss Ellis, elegant gray silk.
Miss Klingman, fine white Swiss, and wine colored silk.
Miss Bryant, brown silk dress, pink ribbons.
Miss Beeny, blue and gold changeable silk fine thread lace fichu, natural flowers.
Miss Cora Berkey, black silk skirt, pink satin pointed bodice.
Miss French, black gros grain silk, very elegant.
Miss Josie Mansfield, black silk and velvet, Spanish lace.
Mrs. Bullock, black silk trimmed in Spanish lace.
Miss Belle Roberts, light silk, with red flowers.
Miss Curry, striped silk, beautifully trimmed.
Miss Bee Carruthers, cream nuns veiling, aesthetic style.
Miss Kate Millington, peacock blue silk, Spanish lace sleeves and fichu.
Miss Jessie Millington, black silk velvet and gros grain.
The following gentlemen were in attendance. Their “costumes” were remarkable for subdued elegance and the absence of aesthetic adornment.
Messrs. Steinberger; J. N. Harter; G. A. Rhodes; E. E. Thorpe; George, Will, and Ivan Robinson; Fred and Will Whiting; Mr. Colgate; F. C. Hunt; C. E. Fuller; C. C. Harris; W. H. Smith; Will Smith; W. J. Wilson; Jos. O’Hare; Jas. Lorton; Frank and E. P. Greer; Eugene Wallis; Saml. E. Davis; L. H. Webb; Harry and Chas. F. Bahntge; Chas. Campbell; Ezra Nixon; L. D. Zenor; E. G. Cole; C. H. Connell; Mr. Ed. M. Clark of McPherson; and W. C. Garvey of Topeka.

War of Words: Abe Steinberger and Ed. Greer.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
We suggest that Steinberger and Ed. Greer stop this endless war of words between the Courant and Courier, and go off into some solitary place (taking a good supply of provi-sions) and fight it out, if it takes all summer. We would name for refer­ees, John Allen, for Abe, and—well, Ed. might send up to Newton and get Lemmon. Burden Enterprise.
That’s a lie. Frank James was born in Kentucky in 1811; Jesse in Clay County, Missouri, in 1815. Their father was the Rev. Robert James, a prominent and eloquent Baptist minister, a pleasant and courteous gentleman, possessed of more education than was common with the ministers of his church in the frontier days of 1843 in this state, when the James family moved from Kentucky to Clay County. He was one of the first Trustees of the William Jewell College, located at Liberty, and though a resident of that vicinity only from 1843 to 1849, he has left a kindly remembrance of himself among the old settlers. In the latter-named year, he went to California, and there died in 1851. The James boys’ mother is still alive and vigorous, and resides on a well-cultivated farm four miles east of Kearney, a station on the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad. She was a Miss Zerelda Cole, of Scott County, Kentucky, and, though she has attained the advanced age of 58, she wears the traces of what in her young womanhood must have
made her the famed beauty in all the country round about.
Civil Suit: Mary A. Loomis vs. E. P. Greer et al.
The April 20, 1882, issue of Winfield Courier listed cases that would stand trial at the April term of the District Court, commencing April 25, 1882: “81. Mary A. Loomis vs. E. P. Greer et al.”
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Listed among cases on Civil Docket that would stand trial at the April term of the District Court, commencing April 25: “81. Mary A. Loomis vs. E. P. Greer et al.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Greer Have a Daughter.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
BIRTH. Born Wednesday, May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Greer, a daughter.
E. P. Greer Head of Printing Committee for Upcoming Fair.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
About the Fair! The Board of Directors of the Cowley County Agricultural Association met at the COURIER editorial rooms Saturday afternoon for the purpose of organizing and getting into working order. Directors present: Messrs. J. C. Roberts. R. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, W. J. Hodges, S. W. Phoenix, and J. W. Millspaugh. The following officers were elected for the ensuing term: W. A. Tipton, President; Henry Harbaugh, Vice President; T. A. Blanchard, Secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer; W. J. Hodges, Superintendent.
The Treasurer was required to enter into a bond of $2,000 and to have the same ready for approval at the next meeting.
The following committees were appointed.
Finance: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, James Vance, J. L. Horning, James Schofield.
Printing: T. A. Blanchard, E. P. Greer, W. A. Tipton.
Grounds: W. S. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, J. W. Millspaugh.

By-Laws: W. A. Tipton, F. S. Jennings, Henry Asp.
Committee on grounds were directed to meet May 8th, 1882.
Committee on premium list, the board.
The Secretary was directed to procure a rubber stamp seal bearing the legend, “Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society Seal.” The Secretary was directed to publish the proceedings in all the county papers. Adjourned to meet May 26th, 1882.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Frank H. Greer, Recording Secretary, Good Templars.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882. Lodge Items—Communicated.
The Good Templars had one of the most pleasant meetings at their hall on last Saturday evening of any since their Lodge was organized. It was the evening for installation of officers, and they were regularly installed by Lodge Deputy, E. T. Trimble.
The officers for the ensuing quarter are:
W. C. T., Mrs. E. T. Trimble.
W. V. T., Frank W. Finch.
P. W. C. T., David C. Beach.
R. S., E. T. Trimble.
L. S., Forest V. Rowland.
R. Sec’y, Frank H. Greer.
Ass’t Sec’y, Miss May Halyard.
F. Sec’y, Miss Anna Rowland.
W. T., Mrs. L. Scheffhousen.
W. Chap., Rev. J. Cairns.
W. M., James Lorton.
W. D. M., Miss Alice Dunham.
W. G., Miss Lizzie Scheffhousen.
W. Sen., M. F. Higgans.
Organist, Miss Lola Silliman.
Chorister, Mrs. H. Rowland.
Violinist, W. W. Leffingwell.
Librarian, Mrs. A. Hamilton.
After the installation the members mingled in social intercourse for some time, and were entertained with music by the choir, literary exercises, etc. Quite a large delegation from the Oxford Lodge came over in answer to a special invitation. The members of Winfield Lodge passed a few very pleasant hours with their visitors, and dispersed at a late hour feeling that “there was strength in union.” The party from Oxford returned at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon. OBSERVER.
Steinberger Comments about Millington & Ed. Greer.

Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882. Some fears have been entertained as to the success of our esteemed contemporary, the Courier, and frequently the remark is made by a well wishing friend that it is going to be a hard pull for the publishers to make it through. We believe it is safe to disabuse such fears. With the post office, the county printing, the city printing, Papa Millington as city surveyor, and Ed. Greer as a committeeman on printing in the fair association, we can see no reason for our neighbors being unable to get there, if they will only practice a little economy and not spend too much money trying to make a good paper.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
The Solons Meet in Conclave and Elect Delegates to the District and State Conventions.
An Ovation to Senator Hackney.
The convention met promptly at 11 o’clock a.m., and was called to order by D. A. Millington, Chairman of the County Central Committee, who read the call under which the convention met. On motion of T. H. Soward, H. D. Gans was elected temporary chairman and J. V. Hines, temporary secretary. On motion committees were appointed as follows.
Credentials: G. H. Buckman, P. M. Waite, Harvey Smith, John Wallace, and Frank Akers.
Permanent Organization: S. Matlack, N. W. Dressie, R. M. Patten, S. Phoenix, and W. M. Sleeth.
To select delegates to conventions: D. A. Millington, Justus Fisher, Sam Burger, Oscar Wooley, and P. A. Lorry.
On motion convention adjourned, to 1:30 p.m. On reassembling committee on credentials reported as follows.
MR. CHAIRMAN: We, your committee on credentials, report the following delegates and alternates from the various townships as entitled to seats in this convention.
Winfield City, 1st Ward, Delegates: J. E. Conklin, G. H. Buckman, D. A. Millington, Geo. F. Corwin, H. D. Gans. Alternates: A. H. Johnson, A. T. Shenneman, E. P. Greer, Henry Paris, James Kelly.
Winfield City, 2nd Ward, Delegates: A. B. Whiting, L. H. Webb, J. H. Finch, T. H. Soward, John Swain, W. E. Tansey. Alternates: A. H. Green, M. L. Robinson, Jas. H. Bullen,  O. H. Herrington, J. L. Horning, M. B. Shields.
Sheridan Township,  Delegates: D. A. Pfrimmer, C. G. Graham, Levi Anier. No alternates.
Walnut Township, Delegates: S. Cure, J. L. King, H. W. Stubblefield, S. E. Burger, M. A. Graham. Alternates: C. Wilson, T. A. Blanchard, Geo. Youle, Joel Mack, C. Metzger.
Omnia Township, Delegates: J. C. Stratton, E. M. Henthorn. No alternates.
Silver Creek Township, Delegates: Harvey Smith, T. P. Carter, J. M. Clover, J. M. Hooker. No alternates.
Creswell Township, Delegates: G. S. Rorick, W. M. Sleeth, Theo. Fairclo, R. H. Reed, Uriah Spray, W. H. Speers, S. Matlack. Alternates: A. Dunn, O. J. Pickering, J. Barnett, RR. J. Maxwell, Chas. France, J. L. Huey, John Williams.
Dexter Township, Delegates: John Wallace, H. C. McDorman, J. V. Hines, S. McKibbens. Alternates: C. W. Barnes, C. A. Walker, A. J. Truesdell, R. C. Nicholson.
Maple Township, Delegates: S. F. Gould, G. C. Edgar. Alternates: W. B. Norman, S. L. Dougherty.
Cedar Township, Delegates: N. W. Dressie, Fisher. No alternates.
Harvey Township, Delegates: John Denton, James Hickman. No alternates.

Vernon Township, Delegates: P. M. Waite, Thos. Thompson, W. L. Homes, H. O. Wooley. No alternates.
Bolton Township, Delegates: P. A. Lorry, R. M. Hatton, A. A. Clark. Alternates: J. C. Coulter, S. F. Bowers, John Lunton.
Tisdale Township, Delegates: Tom Walker, John Ingraham, H. McKibben. No alternates.
Richland Township, Delegates: J. R. Thompson, C. F. McPherson, S. W. Phenix, Dan’l. Maher, L. B. Stone. No alternates.
No delegates having been elected in Rock Township, we recommend that W. H. Grow, Alex Limerick, and Frank Akers cast the vote of Rock Township in this convention.
We further recommend that J. B. Nipp cast the vote for R. H. Reed, that C. M. Scott cast the vote for U. Spray, and Calvin Swarts cast the vote for W. M. Speer for Creswell Town-ship in this convention, those delegates and their alternates being absent.
Pleasant Valley Township having elected no delegates, we recommend that Henry Forbes, S. A. Sparks, J. Camp, and H. Harbaugh cast the vote of that township in this convention.
Also, Liberty Township, having elected no delegates, we recommend that Justus Fisher, H. C. Catlin, and C. W. Frith cast the vote of Liberty Township in this convention.
We further find that B. H. Clover was authorized by Windsor Township to cast the full vote of Windsor Township in this convention.
G. H. BUCKMAN, Chairman.
The report was adopted.
The committee on permanent organization reported as follows.
For Chairman, P. M. Waite of Vernon. For Secretary, J. V. Hines of Dexter.
The report of the committee was adopted and Mr. Waite took the chair.
The committee to select and report the names of delegates and alternates to the District and State Conventions, reported as follows:
Delegates to the 3rd District Convention at Emporia, May 24th: D. A. Millington, Winfield; A. B. Elliott, Dexter; P. M. Waite, Vernon; C. L. Swarts, Creswell; H. W. Stubble-field, Walnut; Dan Maher, Richland; S. M. Fall, Windsor; Sampson Johnson, Prairie Valley. Alternates: S. P. Strong, Rock; Justus Fisher, Liberty; W. B. Norman, Maple; Wm. White, Fairview; S. W. Chase, Tisdale; H. H. Martin, Ninnescah; M. S. Teter, Beaver; J. M. Hooker, Omnia.
Delegates to State Convention at Topeka June 28th: C. R. Mitchell, M. G. Troup, C. M. Scott, M. L. Robinson, John Wallace, R. L. Walker, J. E. Conklin, H. D. Gans. Alternates: Henry E. Asp, J. B. Tucker, John M. Harcourt, J. B. Evans, R. F. Burden, N. W. Dressie, W. P. Heath, T. H. Soward, H. C. McDorman.

On motion the delegates to Emporia were instructed to cast their votes for Hon. Thos. Ryan, for Congress. The delegates to the State Congressional convention were instructed to cast the vote of the delegation for Hon. W. P. Hackney for congress at large, and to use all honorable means to secure his nomination. On motion of T. H. Soward a committee was appointed to inform Mr. Hackney of the action of the convention, and bring him to the hall. On motion a committee was appointed to inform Mr. Ryan of the action of the convention. There being a lull in business, John Wallace, Esq., of Dexter, was called upon to make a speech but declined. Speeches were made by T. H. Soward and T. H. Rude. The committee now appeared with Mr. Hackney, who was introduced, and made a short speech amid great enthusiasm, after which three rousing cheers were given for Hon. W. P. Hackney.
The Convention decided that the members of the County Central Committee should also be the committeemen for the representative districts in which they reside. Also that the central committee be instructed to call but one more convention for the selection of delegates to the State convention and selection of candidates for County officers.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Program. Following is the program of the literary and musical entertainment to be given in the Opera House on Thursday evening, June 1st, by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Winfield.
Prayer: Rev. Mr. Cairns.
Operative Medley: Miss McCoy and Mrs. Caton.
“Rescued”—Rec.: Mr. James Cairns.
Song: Little Mary Spotswood.
“The Aged Tramp”: Miss Dunham.
Vocal Duet: Miss McDonald and Mr. Connell.
“A Drunkard’s Deed”—Rec.: Mary Greer.
“Our Homes are What Our Husbands Make Them”: Scene.
“Dombey’s Death”—Reading: Prof. R. C. Story.
“The Sister’s Prayer”—Song: Lottie Caton.
“Scandal”—Sermon, with banjo music:
“Brudder Squash,” “Tramway Gallop”—Duet: Misses Spotswood and Bedilion.
“I Sue For Damages”—Character Rec.: Miss Baldwin.
Vocal Duet: Misses Bard and Newman.
“Garfield and Guiteau”—Rec.: Miss Ida Trezise.
“Mozoun Rosi”—Song: Mrs. R. C. Story.
“A Plea for Intemperance”: Mrs. W. B. Caton.
Grand Etude Gallop: Miss Haides Trezise.
Reading: Mr. Jillson.
“Save the Boy”—Vocal Duet: Misses McDonalds.
Benediction: Rev. P. F. Jones.
Other county papers please copy, as this is to be a temperance entertainment, and we very much desire a full attendance from the country. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
WINFIELD NEXT. Ed. Greer writes us from Lawrence that Winfield has been selected as the next place of meeting of the State Press Association. Wirt W. Walton was chosen orator for the occasion.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
S. W. Greer had two serious hemorrhages of the lungs last week. His condition this week is somewhat improved.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

“The Fort is a beautiful place—as nice as paint and flowers, government money, and second lieutenants can make it. We noticed squads of men under guard going about picking up the leaves that had rebelliously settled on the grass plats. After going about the grounds for some time, visiting the military prison and hearing the bands play Hail Columbia under the trees, the party returned to Leavenworth, where arrangements had been made to entertain them.”
LATER: “We tarried at Leavenworth a day while the procession moved on to Wyandotte, and through the courtesy of a friend, were taken again to the Fort to witness the Cavalry, Infantry, and Artillery drills.”
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Among other attractions for the Fourth at Arkansas City, one novel and interesting feature will be added. Three lemons will be floated in a barrel of Arkansas River water for the benefit of the crowd. This part of the program will take place at 12 o’clock sharp.   Courier.
And there being no celebration at Winfield, the “interesting feature” will be presided over by Ed. P. Greer dressed as Oscar Wilde.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Hon. Jas. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: We the undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, anxious that an able and faithful man represent us in the coming legislature, and ever mindful of the important legislation that will come before that body, unite in requesting you to become a candidate for the office of Representative from this district, July 11th, 1882.
Hackney, W. P.; Gridley, A.; Bethel, Jas.; Millington, D. A.; Greer, Ed. P.; Finch, Frank W.; Siverd, H. H.; Pryor, J. D.; Wilson, W. J.; Hunt, J. S.; Bryan, T. R.; Curns, J. W.; Harris,  T. J.; Arrowsmith, J. W.; Hendricks, A. D.; Soward, T. H.; Story, R. C.; Reynolds, E. M.; Buckman, G. H.; Haight, N. A.; Cook, S. A.; Webb, L. H.; Fuller, C. E.; Hudson, W.; Wood, B. F.; Kelly, James; Shot, J. P.; Platter, Jas. E.; Gridley, A., Jr.; Asp, Henry E.; Trimble, E. T.; Roberts, W. D.; Moore, Wm. H.; Hackney, J. F.; Waite, R. B.: McMullen, J. C.; Lee, W. A.; Holloway, S. S.; and others.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 17, 1882.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, T. H. Soward, D. A. Millington, and others:

GENTLEMEN: I have received your very flattering call to become a candidate for the legislature in this district, and after due consideration, have concluded to consent to the use of my name in that connection. At first I did not regard the proposition favorably, owing to  business interests which I thought might suffer thereby but upon the representations of friends that I might be able to assist to some extent in making the temperance laws more effective; in guarding the interests of Cowley County in the Congressional apportionment; and in securing any other advantages that may be desired for the county and which may be attainable; I have overcome my reluctance and hereby authorize my friends to use my name as a candidate before the Republican District Convention—and if nominated and elected I will hold myself bound to consider the interests of the people of Cowley County as of paramount importance to all other interests, and will give my best efforts to maintain and protect them. Respectfully yours, JAMES McDERMOTT.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Cal Swarts was up from the city Monday trying to negotiate for a position on the right-hand side of the elephant circus day. If he gets here early enough, he can get in by carrying hay to the camels. Courier.
Ed. Greer gains free entrance by officiating as pole for the monkeys to show their agility on.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Good Templar Items.
The Good Templars of this city on last Friday evening installed the officers for the term commencing August 1st as follows.
P. W. C. T.: Mrs. E. T. Trimble.
W. V. T.: Mrs. Riehl.
W. Sec.: James Lorton.
S. T.: Miss M. Page.
W. G.: Miss Lizzie Schaffhousen.
W. Sen.: S. B. Davis.
W. C.: John Rowland.
W. A. Sec: Miss May Halyard.
W. F. Sec.: D. C. Beach.
W. M.: Frank W. Finch.
W. D. M.: Miss Alice Dunham.
R. H. S.: Mrs. Clara T. Beach.
L. H. S.: Mrs. Kate M. Smedley.
W. C. T.: Frank H. Greer.
L. D.: E. T. Trimble.
Sec. Of Divisions: Miss Lizzie Gridley.
The Lodge has been formed into two literary divisions, furnishing exercises for the entertainment of the members alternately. The exercises consist of essays, recitations, music, debates, etc. They are now editing a semi-monthly paper called the Prohibitionist, which is always very interesting. The members are not only striving to forward in every way possible the temperance cause, but are making the lodge room a pleasant place to spend an evening. The lodge is weekly increasing in numbers, and the meetings are becoming very interesting and profitable. J. B.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 12, 1882.

Capt. Samuel W. Greer, one of the early Free State men of Kansas, and an old settler of Cowley County, died at Winfield on the 20th ult., at the age of 57. Capt. Greer was a native of Allegany Co., Pa. In October 1856 he settled in Leavenworth. In 1858 he was elected Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction, at the first victory of the Free State men won at the polls in Kansas. In 1872 he raised Co. I of the 15th Kans. Cavalry, was mustered in as Captain, serving in that capacity until the close of the war. It was our good fortune to have a personal acquaintance with Capt. Greer in the early days, when such as he were struggling to make Kansas a free state, and knew him to be a man in every way worthy of the respect and confidence of his fellow man. A true man, he has gone to his rest after a life of usefulness to his fellow men.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Mrs. Prudence Kinne, of Table Grove, Illinois, mother of E. P. Kinne, our Ex-Register of deeds, is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Ed. P. Greer, this week. She was one of the early pioneers in Illinois, knows something of frontier life, and is surprised at the rapid advancement of our country in comparison with the early days of Illinois. Railroads make a wonderful difference in the development of a new country—and we had many of the Illinois folks to help us along.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
Ed. P. Greer was drawn on the grand jury for the United States court to be held in Leavenworth.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
T. A. Blanchard, Secretary of the Fair Association, was taken quite ill Sunday with billious fever, and his duties in settling up the premiums and awards of the fair have devolved upon the secretary pro tem, Ed. P. Greer.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
A happy crowd of very little folks met as per invitation at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Buckman Wednesday afternoon, to celebrate the third birthday of little Miss Stella Buckman. It was one of the few real jolly parties that have been held this season. The ceremony of introduction was dispensed with and each one present seemed imbued with unusual conversational power. In the matter of real, solid enjoyment, it was the model party of the age. Little Miss Stella was the recipient of many beautiful presents from her youthful friends. Those present were Misses Flora Moorehouse, Maud Miller, Mamie Pryor, Margie Pryor, Gracie Garey, Edna Glass, Inez Crippen, Blanche Troup, Nellie Harden, June and Bessie Schofield, and Mattie Marshall. Our future statesmen were represented by Masters Willie Nixon, Edgar Powers, Johnnie Crippen, Willie Troup, Ralph Brown, Eddie Greer, Harvey Harden, Baron Bahntge, Roy Robinson, Robbie Platter, and Royal Carver. As this was the first event in the social life of the little ones, it will be remembered with much pleasure.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
The Winfield Dramatic Club was organized at the Telegram office last Wednesday evening, D. L. Kretsinger, President; Will Robinson, Vice-president; Charlie Bahntge, Secretary; Richard M. Bowles, Stage Manager; and Will Wilson, Treasurer. The membership was limited to twenty and all admissions must be by unanimous vote. The charter members are A. T. Spotswood, W. C. Robinson, D. L. Kretsinger, W. J. Wilson, Sam E. Davis, L. D. Zenor, R. M. Bowles, C. F. Bahntge, L. H. Webb, Henry Goldsmith, E. E. Thorpe, and Ed. P. Greer.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Ed. P. Greer was drawn on the grand jury for the United States court to be held in Leavenworth.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
DIED. Capt. Samuel W. Greer, one of the early Free State men of Kansas, and an old settler of Cowley County, died at Winfield on the 30th ult., at the age of 57. Capt. Greer was a native of Alleghany Co., Pa. In October, 1856, he settled in Leavenworth. In 1858 he was elected Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction, the first victory of the Free State men at the polls in Kansas. In 1862 he raised Co. I of the 15th Kansas Cavalry, was mustered in as Captain, serving in that capacity until the close of the war. It was our good fortune to have a personal acquaintance with Captain Greer in the early days, when such as he were strug-gling to make Kansas a free State, and knew him to be a man in every way worthy of the respect and confidence of his fellowman. A true man, he has gone to his rest after a life of usefulness to his fellowmen. Caldwell Commercial.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Little Folks’ Party.
A large number of little folks gathered together at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor Monday afternoon to celebrate with little Mamie her third birthday. The crowd was the jolliest and liveliest we have seen and each of the little folks seemed to take in the full measure of enjoyment. A splendid repast was set for them which they attacked with a relish. Little Mamie received a large number of elegant presents from her young friends. The following is a list of the presents and of those present: 1 silver set knife, fork, and spoon; 2 Majolica plates; 2 gold sash pins; 1 gold ring; 1 child’s decorated china wash stand set; 1 child’s dinner castor; 1 hand painted mug; 1 porte-monnaie; 5 China cups and saucers; 2 China mugs; 1 glass mug; 1 doll’s parlor suite; 1 autograph album; 1 photograph album; 1 wood tea set combination table and cupboard; 1 Brittania tea set; 2 child’s glass sets; sugar bowl; butter dish, etc.; 3 dolls; 2 doll’s canopy top phaetons; 1 doll and carriage; 2 picture books; 1 flat iron and stand; 1 bell cart and span of goats; 1 bouquet; 1 basket of flowers; 1 satin puff box; 1 panorama egg; 6 elegant birthday cards; 1 little brown jug; 1 necklace of pearl beads; 1 shell box; 1 photograph with frame; 2 China match safes; 2 bottles perfumery; 1 card receiver (Kalo Meda); 2 handkerchiefs (embroidered); 1 collar; 1 tooth-pick holder.
Present: Misses Birdie Wright, Edna Glass, Blanche Bliss, Blanche Troup, Stella Buckman, Mamie Black, Frankie Black, Mary Spotswood, Maggie Pryor, Edna Pryor, Muriel Covert, Annie McDonald, Clara Austin, Pearl E. Snyder, Maggie Johnson, Emma Johnson, Bernice Bullen, Beryl Johnston, Nina Nelson, Nona Nelson, Luhe Myton, Josie Myton, Ethel Carruthers, Mary Brotherton, Bell Brotherton, Nina Harter, May Harter, Maud Miller, Gertie Lynn, Effie Lynn, Edna Short, Alma Miller, Mollie Trezise, Lillie Trezise, Fannie Bryan, Flossie Bullen, Ollie Newcomb, Edna Fitch, Maud Cooper, Daisy Clark.
Masters Eddie Greer, Eddie Thorp, Ralph Brown, Roy Robinson, Bertie Silliman, Vere Hollenbeck, Charles F. Green, Charlie Sydal, Henrion McDonald, Dolphi Green, Clare Bullen, Bruce Carruthers, Edgar Powers, Charlie Lynn, Paul Bedilion, Codie Waite, Zack Miller, Willie Trezise, Carl Farringer, Walter Baird, and Willis Young.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.

The Good Templars installed their officers on last Friday evening for the quarter com-mencing Nov. 1st as follows.
W. C. T. S.: S. B. Davis.
W. V. T.: Mrs. N. J. Lundy.
W. S.: Miss Ella Kelly.
W. C.: John Rowland.
W. F. S.: D. C. Beach.
W. M.: Wm. Lorton.
W. T.: Mrs. Anna Hamilton.
W. I G.: Miss Mary Cairns.
W. Sen.: John Conner.
P. W. C. T.: Frank H. Greer.
W. A. S.: Frank W. Finch.
W. D. M.: Miss Alice Carson.
W. R. S.: Miss Louie Morris.
W. L. S.: Miss Lizzie Schafhousen.
Captain of Division No. 1: F. W. Finch.
Captain of Division No. 2: James Cairns.
Organist: Miss Lola Silliman.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Sporting News. The Grand Annual hunt of the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club took place last Thursday. The club met at the Brettun House Monday evening and elected J. N. Harter and Fred Whitney captains. Each hunter, with the advice of his captain, selected his route, and most of them went out to the field the evening before. The following is the score.
J. N. Harter, Capt., 2,700; Jas. Vance, 1,400; Frank Clark, 1,140; Frank Manny, 200; Jacob Nixon, 1,780; Ezra Meech, 620; Sol Burkhalter, 610; Dr. Davis, 310; C. Trump, 150; Ed. P. Greer, 160; E. C. Sewart, 120; G. L. Rinker, 360. TOTAL: 9,550.
Fred Whitney, Capt., 110; G. W. Prater, 290; J. S. Hunt, 1,130; C. C. Black, 1,070; Jas. McLain, 1,000; A. S. Davis, 100; H. Saunders, 130; Q. A. Glass, 240; A. D. Speed, 240; Dr. Emerson, 190; J. S. Mann, 100; J. B. Lynn, 000. TOTAL: 4,660.
The gold medal was won by Mr. Harter. The tin medal will be won by J. B. Lynn. On next Wednesday evening the nimrods will banquet at the Brettun, at the expense of the losing side. The score made by Mr. Harter has never been equalled in this county.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The Musical Union held a very pleasant meeting in the audience room of the Presby-terian Church Thursday evening. There are now about 150 members, and under the leader-ship of Mr. Blair, the Union cannot fail to be a source of improvement to their musical talent. The officers for this month are Mr. Geo. Cairns, president; Mrs. H. E. Asp, vice president; and Frank Greer, secretary. There is a half hour’s social, and a concert of the same length, each evening. The remainder of the time is devoted to general practice. The Union will meet regularly on Thursday evening of each week in the basement of the church.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Musical Union.

About fifty members were present at the regular weekly meeting of the Union last week, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Mesdames Buckman, Shenneman, and Albro, and Misses McCoy, Beeny, Bard, Hane, Fahey, and Wallis will furnish the concert program this (Thursday) evening. The Union meets at 7:30 o’clock in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. F. H. GREER, Secretary.
[1882: There is no notice in newspapers of the birth of a daughter, Grace, who married M. A. Bangs and had two children: Tom and Charlotte. Grace died in 1954.]
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup in the chair. Present: Councilmen McMullen, Gary, and Wilson; absent, Read. Minutes of last regular meeting and of the adjourned and special sessions were read. A motion was carried to amend the minutes of the meeting of Dec. 26 so as to show the votes of the several Councilmen on the tie vote there recorded. Upon the motion to reconsider Sec. 1 of the proposed ordinance, the vote was as follows: Those voting aye were Councilmen McMullen and Gary; those voting no were Councilmen Wilson and Read. Upon the motion to amend Sec. 1 by the addition of the proviso, Councilmen McMullen and Gary voted aye and Councilmen Read and Wilson voted no. Upon the motion to adopt Sec. 1 as originally adopted, Councilmen Read and Wilson voted aye and Councilmen Gary and McMullen voted no. The minutes as amended were then adopted.
A petition from citizens of 1st ward to postpone definite action on the proposed water-works ordinance was read and ordered filed.
A communication from Councilman Read was read and ordered filed.
A proposition from C. H. Wooden to do all the work of removing nuisances in the city for the year 1883 for fifteen dollars, payable quarterly at the end of each quarter, was read, accepted by the Council, and ordered fixed.
The Finance Committee was given until the next regular meeting to report on matters referred to them.
The report of the street commissioner as to those who have paid road tax and those in default was referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
The following bills were presented and allowed and ordered paid.
Frank W. Finch, services as assistant marshal: $30.00.
A. H. Doane & Co., coal: $1.90.
C. H. Wooden, removing nuisances: $3.75.
Wm. Warren, repairing sewers: $1.25.
Beach & Denning, room rent: $5.75.
City officer’s salary, Dec.: $87.90.
Bill of Wm. Moore and sons for well stone was referred to Finance committee.
The following bills were approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.
A. H. Doane & Co., coal and wood for city poor: $35.25.

Wallis & Wallis, groceries, city poor: $17.65.
J. H. Land, digging grave for pauper child: $2.00.
J. B. Lynn, goods for city poor: $15.00.
J. B. Lynn, goods for city poor: $10.00.
A proposition from E. P. Greer in reference to water works, in the shape of a proposed ordinance, was presented and read, and Mr. Greer addressed the Council thereon. Several citizens then addressed the Council on the question of water works.
On motion the Council adjourned M. G. TROUP, Mayor.
Attest: L. H. WEBB, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
A New Water-Works Proposition.
At the session of the City Council, on Monday evening, a new water-works proposition and ordinance was presented by Ed. P. Greer. Before expressing our views on that document, we wish to state that we are not entitled to the least credit in connection with that proposi-tion. Without our assistance or instigation in any way, Ed. worked up his material, took it to Leavenworth, consulted with one of the best hydraulic engineers in the country, who knows as much about the business as Frank Barclay, consulted with the men who are putting in a $250,000 water-works in that city, found out what they would do and what he could do, got all the points and essential differences between his ordinance and Barclay’s in good shape and better expressed, came home, and with such assistance as he got from bright young law-yers here, perfected his ordinance without any of our assistance and advice.
It is, in our judgment, a better expressed document than the Barclay paper, except that certain sections relating to the plan of the works, the location of the mains on the streets, and the water rates, were copied from the Barclay ordinance.
So far as the works and the backing is concerned, there appears to be no difference. Neither Barclay nor Greer has the means of his own to build the works. Barclay says one Worthington, unknown here, will furnish the money, or build the works, on the security of his ordinance, if passed. Greer says he has similar assurance on the basis of his ordinance, from men as well known here. There is no doubt that either would get a plenty of money-backing. Either would be magnificent security for the investment.
The only points to determine are:

First, is either of the two propositions the best the city can get? If yea, then can the city afford to secure water-works at the expense in taxation which either of them would fasten on the city for at least twenty years? If yea, again, then which would burden the taxpayers of the city the least? On this point there can be no controversy. Barclay’s plan requires that the city shall pay a rental of $75 per year for 21, or perhaps 99 years, on every hydrant which the city council may require, in addition to the 40 hydrants at $75 yearly rent each, in the original plant. The city would have to pay $1,500 in rents for each and every hydrant which should run 20 years. Greer’s plan provides that the city may put in as many hydrants as it pleases, in addition to the 40 on the first plant, and one on each additional 600 feet of main at actual cost of putting in and keeping in repair, which could not certainly exceed $75 each for the whole 20 years, a saving to the city of at least $1,425 on each such hydrant.
Now we showed so conclusively last week that no one has attempted to point out an error in our calculations, that Barclay’s ordinance would compel the city to raise by taxation $6,000 a year after the first year, or two at most, to pay rents on eighty hydrants.
By Greer’s ordinance, probably thirty of such hydrants would not tax the city for rents. These, at $1,425 saving each, would save to the city the very large sum of $42,750 in twenty years, and would reduce the taxation for rents $2,137.50 per year, making the probable limit of taxation $3,862.50; instead of $6,000.00, as by the Barclay plan. This is a startling differ-ence, and worth looking into.
But if such were not the fact; if it did not reduce the taxation at all, the right it would give the city to have more than one hydrant to six hundred feet of pipe, without the $75 yearly tax each, would be an additional benefit to the city which is inestimable.
Competent engineers tell us that a force which would throw water sixty feet high, directly from the main, would not throw water ten feet high through three hundred feet of hose, and that the shorter the hose the higher it would throw. It is then of the greatest importance as a fire protection that the hydrants be near together, and that they be much oftener than six hun-dred feet apart along the mains. The right to put in two to every block along Main street, and one to every block where pipes are laid on other streets, might double the value of the works for fire purposes, yet not cost the city over $75 in all for each extra hydrant, instead of $1,500 each, as under the Barclay ordinance.
The Greer franchise expires in 21 years, but the Barclay franchise lives 99 years, and this is a very essential and important difference in favor of Greer’s plan.
Under the Barclay ordinance, the city could never buy the works, for as we showed last week it would cost the city a taxation of $8,000 to $12,000 a year for twenty years to do it and that would be impossible. Under the Greer ordinance, the city can buy the works at value at the end of 21 years without paying $100,000 or $50,000, or a cent for the franchise.
With these important differences in favor of the Greer ordinance, there is not a single point in it which is less favorable to the city than the Barclay ordinance.
Now we are not in favor of passing even this. Though we consider that it would tax the city at least 25 percent less than Barclay, it will yet tax us largely too much. Barclay’s may tax us 14 mills a year; Greer’s may tax us 9 mills. We are in favor of no ordinance that can possibly tax us more than 6 or 7 mills, and that is largely too much. In Leavenworth the tax for water purposes is limited to two mills a year. Here it should be limited to five mills at most.
Probably before the first meeting of the council in February, there will be other propo-sitions and perhaps much better, but not touching the real issue. The bulldozing style of argument has no terrors for us.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
The Water-Works Question.

It has been industriously reported around town that we have weakened on our figures in relation to the water-works question, and that we admit that Barclay’s statement of what the water-works would cost is substantially correct. We admit that we do not know what the actual cost would be and that Barclay had a better means of making the estimate than we had, and that our subsequent investigations tend to show that his estimates of from $46,000 to $52,000 for the first plant according to his ordinance are the limits, while our estimate of $30,000 was too low.
But this does not weaken our figures in the least, as will be seen by careful attention. The question of importance to the citizens is not what it will cost the contractor to put in the works, but what will it cost the city in taxes, etc. The city can no better afford to pay a yearly tax of 7 up to 14 mills for 21 or 99 years, or forever, for the service should the plant cost $100,000 than should it cost him only $30,000. The question is: can the city afford to pay an annual rental of $3,000 up to $6,000 for such service as Barclay’s ordinance proposes? If so, then can the city get more and better service for the same yearly rentals, and can she get such service at less yearly cost and to be bound for a shorter time?
Of course, the greater the cost of the works, the greater the objection to the city issuing bonds, and building and running the works, but the general repugnance to this course is so great that we do not consider further this method.
The real points of objection to the Barclay ordinance are: that it makes the city pay a yearly rental of $75 for each and every hydrant put in, that there must be forty hydrants on the first plant at a yearly cost of $3,000; that justice and actual need will immediately require as many as 40 additional hydrants, at an additional yearly cost to the city of $3,000, making the probable yearly tax to the city amount to $6,000; that the city cannot ever buy the works because it must buy back the franchise therewith at an appraised valuation, which would be so valuable that it would never be possible for the city to buy it; that the franchise lives for 99 years and is in its nature, and possibly by construction of law, exclusive, and that it is not the best proposition for the city that can be obtained. Our figures of two weeks ago and last week prove all this as conclusively as we can prove that the product of six by six is thirty-six. Should it appear that Greer cannot carry out his proposition, that would not prove that a proposition as good, or even better, for the city could not be obtained in a reasonable time.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Bank Rivalry.
It is getting fashionable to tirade about the rivalry between the two banks of this place and dignify it with the appellation of “bank fight.” At the council meeting the other night, Senator Hackney made a characteristic onslaught on the “bank fight.” Now we take no stock in the sentiment that leads to such speeches and remarks.
Nothing but good to this community has ever come out of this bank rivalry and it is one of the best and most valuable circumstances of our situation that we have two very strong and vigorous banks, so nearly equal in wealth and business ability that they are real rivals to each other.

In material improvements in the city, two splendid bank buildings and four of the best residences, grew out of bank rivalry. The grand Brettun House and the Stewart Hotel, the Telegram office, and several stone and brick stores and edifices were stimulated by the same rivalry. All we have in the line of the improvement of parks grew out of the same rivalry and much of the success in getting railroads and other improvements has been enhanced by it. Through such rivalry you can buy eastern exchange without the premium that is charged almost everywhere else, and the rates of interest are doubtless much lower than they other-wise would be, though a little brisker rivalry in the latter direction might be very desirable.
Whenever there has come up a public project of real merit for the welfare of the county or city, both banks have worked together for it. Banks, like other business, are apt to be hatching up schemes for their own profit and in this they serve as a check upon each other. Whenever a scheme is strenuously advocated by one bank and as strenuously opposed by the other, you may depend there is a job in it, at least, it is safe to keep out of it until you can see through it in all its ramifications. There has never yet been such a case in this city in which the opposing bank did not prove to be on the side of the people.
Competition in any kind of business is valuable to the community and especially so with the banking business. So long as these two banks are real rivals, and so long as the people refuse to go into any financial scheme while one of these banks opposes it, we are compara-tively safe.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
The annual election of officers of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union occurred at their meeting Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. B. Caton was elected president; Mrs. Cairns and Gibson, vice presidents; Miss A. Service, Secretary; and Mrs. C. H. Greer, Treasurer.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
The Presbyterian Sunday school of this city had an average attendance in 1882 of 184, and the collections amounted to about $150. The officers of 1882 were last Sunday re-elected for this year. They are: T. B. Myers, Superintendent; J. O. Taylor, Assistant Superintendent; Miss McCommon, Treasurer; Miss Mary Bryant, Organist; Perry Tucker, Librarian; and Frank Greer, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Water Works.
The tedious waterworks question was settled on Tuesday evening by the Council accepting the Barclay ordinance as amended, which amendments embodied substantially the self-same provisions contained in the proposition originally offered by Ed. P. Greer. While Mr. Greer’s ordinance was not accepted, it at least had the effect of giving to the city one of the best propositions under which waterworks have ever been put in by a private corporation in any town of like size in the country, and while he feels that his efforts in the matter might have demanded more consideration at the hands of the Council, the matter is a personal one with them alone. We have neither time nor space to treat the matter as it deserves this week, and will attend to certain points at another time.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
  Job Reduced But Still Big.

Last week we went over east with Joe. E. Conklin on business in the interest of Winfield and her citizens, and in our absence the water works question came up before the city council on Monday evening, and as we expected, was not concluded by the passage of an ordinance. We further expected that the matter would go over to the next regular meeting, by which time it could probably be determined whether a better proposition could be obtained than either of the two propositions before the council. Contrary to our expectations the council ad-journed to Tuesday and then to Wednesday evening and rushed the matter along, finally passing an ordinance substantially that offered by Ed. Greer with his amendments, but giving the contract to the originators of the Barclay ordinance, contrary to all rules of justice and fair dealing. Instead of giving the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, it was given to the highest bidder on the condition that he should accept the terms proposed by the lowest bidder.
This was an outrage which admits of no excuse, and we believe that no one pretends there was any excuse for it. Ed. had the backing of at least as much Winfield capital and character as had the parties to whom the job was awarded, and in addition he had the indorse-ment of one of the strongest water works builders in the country who promised to build the works if Greer’s proposition passed; while the parties to whom the award was made, had no outside backing at all, and now boast that their pretended backing, John Worthington, has been dead two years.

Such an outrage could not have been perpetrated by councilmen Read and Mayor Troup alone. One other councilman was necessary to complete the job. Councilmen Wilson and McMullen could never have been inveigled into such a measure. Councilman Gary was their only chance. He had been the most stubborn opponent to the Barclay job and held that the city could not afford to go into any plan of water works which had been presented or was likely to be presented. Wilson and McMullen were in favor of water works on the best terms the city could get. Read and Troup were as certainly in favor of giving as big a job as possible to Barclay’s assigns, viz., Read’s Bank. How they managed to win Gary to their side is a matter on which our citizens will all have an opinion, but we need not state ours. Some circumstances, however, will not be overlooked. In the first place, it seems that only Read’s Bank was in the scheme. It becoming necessary to have a good talker and a lawyer, Hackney was enlisted, either on a fee or with a share in the job. We have too much regard for his shrewdness to suppose he went in without either. The job did not rush through as suddenly as was expected and Hackney had to go to Topeka. Several outsiders tumbled to their racket, probably without pay or shares, but simply because their souls belonged to Read’s Bank. But they did not count for much. Greer had put in an ordinance that would favor the city at least $55,000 over the other ordinance and something had to be done or the original job would be beaten. They must have a lawyer and a shrewd talker. They selected J. Wade McDonald, probably on similar terms to those on which Hackney was engaged, and because it was claimed that Wade had Gary in his vest pocket. But somehow Gary did not tumble at once. He promised Ed. that he would vote for his ordinance unless the other fellows should present something a great deal better, that he would never vote to allow any other to take the job on Ed’s bid. There was still a hitch in the matter and other arguments had to be used on Gary. Other parties were taken into the ring to help out. We did not hear the new argument which was presented to Gary, but whatever it was it brought him down. On the first test vote, Gary went over to the enemy. He even refused to support Wilson’s motion to reduce the rents on additional hydrants from $75 to $65, according to Greer’s offer. This showed that Ed’s ordinance would certainly be passed and given to the other fellows, and Ed. wilted and gave up the fight. Believing that it was necessary to have water works and that the matter was reduced to the best terms the city could get, Ed. urged Wilson to vote for the measure with Read and Gary and thus settle the question. Had we been present we would have continued the fight for two weeks longer if possible, with the expectation of getting, within that time, a much better proposition for the city than that which is now saddled upon us.
We consider that Ed. has succeeded in his main point, that of saving the city a large sum of money by compelling Robinson & Co., to accept a franchise not worth one-half as much as that which they would have got but for his efforts.
Under the original ordinance, which would certainly have passed but for him, the City would have had to pay rents on at least eighty hydrants after two years at most at $75 per hydrant per year to the end of the 99 years, amounting to $6,000 a year, and if the City should require 20 more, or 100 hydrants in all, it would cost the city $7,500 a year.
Under the ordinance as passed, it will cost the city $3,000 a year for the first 40 hydrants, $65 each per year for perhaps 20 more, and the other 40 hydrants to make up 100 may be free of rent to the city, thus possibly costing the city only $4,300 a year rent for 100 hydrants, a possible saving to the city of $3,200 a year. As this sum is simply interest on the franchise, it reduces the value of the franchise by a sum which would produce $3,200 a year at 6 per-cent interest.
But we hold that this ordinance ought not to have passed, simply because the city cannot afford it, and because the city could have established and maintained the same kind of works with less than half of the expense, and possibly with no expense at all after two or three years; by issuing $50,000 six percent bonds and letting the individual water-rents pay the running expenses, repairs, and interest on the bonds and creating sinking fund to extinguish the bonds. Because too, as we are now informed, a proposition would soon have been made, on the same basis as the one passed, in all respects except that no hydrant should cost the city more than $60 per year, which would be a further saving to the city of about $700 a year.
But we have not got altogether a sure thing on the savings of $3,200 a year on the ordi-nance as passed, over the first ordinance as presented. It depends upon the structure of our future city governments. If the persons who own this franchise should be allowed to control the city legislation as in the past, they will make their stock pay, “you bet.”
The only way to preserve what we have gained is to always elect mayors and councilmen who are not interested in this stock. Even with the closest care we are liable to elect persons who are secretly stockholders or who may be bought.
The grand objection which was urged against the City building its own water works, was, that it would make a big hubbub and quarrel at every city election in the struggle between parties and individuals to get control of the water works offices. We have got the same troubles or worse ones fastened on us with this ordinance. At every city election there will be a struggle and bad blood to determine whether water works men or other citizens shall fill the city offices.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Ed. Greer is the butt of some rather keen jokes since his ordinance was passed and given to M. L. Robinson & Co. Ed. is pictured as Diogenes with a lantern looking for an honest man, and thinking he had found one, rested in security. The result was that he got left. Another is that John Worthington, the backing of the Barclay ordinance, died two years ago, and M. L. beat Ed. with a “stiff.” Ed. retorts on M. L. inquiring if he means to say that he fooled our worthy mayor so completely with a mere “stiff.” Another is that the Council passed Ed.’s ordinance and then beat him out of it by striking out his name and inserting those of Robinson et. al. Ed. consoles himself that his ordinance saves the city two thousand dollars a year for ninety-nine years over the original Barclay ordinance, and that is some glory, though others reap the harvest of profits and fortune which his ordinance still retained for the poor fellows who now get the benefits of it.
[Note: See McMullen ALSO for Greer/Water Works.]
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883. Editorial by Greer.
A Card.
My attention has several times been called to a card in the Telegram of last week from S. G. Gary to the effect that I had offered him ten thousand dollars worth of stock in a water company as a consideration for his vote and influence in support of my proposition. The statement is a Democratic lie, pure and unadulterated, without the usual embellishment given to utterances of like character.
As the gentleman has taken upon himself to draw so largely on his imagination for a question of fact, I may be pardoned for briefly referring to his official action in the water-works matter—a thing I have refrained from doing thus far only through the personal solicitation of his friends.
When the Barclay ordinance was first proposed, I thought it was a steal. When I learned its origin and studied its provisions, suspicion became conviction. Observation had taught me that faith without works accomplished little—especially when combated by wealth and the prestige of success. To defeat the proposition with three of the council pronounced in favor of water-works, was out of the question. A better proposition must be secured, and that speedily. On Tuesday evening the Barclay ordinance had been passed by sections, and adjournment was had until next Monday evening, when the question of final passage would come up. In the four succeeding days I traveled a thousand miles, secured the backing and necessary data for a proposition infinitely better for the city, and broke the Sabbath day getting the papers in shape to lay before the council. I did this at my own volition and at my own expense. When the council met on Monday evening and my banker friend had gathered himself there to carry away the spoils, my proposition was presented. It was received with derision and sneers by Mr. Robinson and his co-laborers—that gentleman going so far as to assert that it was simply a ruse to defeat, and that no man could build the works under such a proposition.
Up to this time Mr. Gary had been the sturdy defender of the city’s interests. Messrs. Wilson and McMullen declared themselves in favor of water-works on the best terms that could be had. Mr. Read’s position was conceded to be for it, regardless of the interests of the city, while Mr. Troup acted but at the beck and call of M. L. Robinson.

During the pendency of the question, I interviewed all of the council except Mr. Read. Councilmen McMullen and Wilson unhesitatingly said that my proposition was much the best and they would support it until a better one was offered. Mr. Gary said he wanted to “investigate,” and when I put the question squarely to him whether he would support my proposition until a better one was offered, he evaded it by saying he would “support the best one.” I had unbounded confidence in his integrity as a man and an officer, believed that he meant what he said, and did not question him farther. In this I erred. Others who had less confidence than I in integrity and official honor, were at work. Sunday evening a caucus was held and plans laid to “fix Gary.” What those plans were I do not know, but they were eminently successful, and the results were clearly apparent at the council meeting on the following evening. Mr. Robinson then appeared with his ordinance modified to cover some of the salient improvements in mine and Gary seemed to be supporting him.
On Tuesday evening Mr. Robinson had further modified his ordinance until it embraced exactly the same material provisions contained in mine. I then reduced my proposition, making the terms of the franchise sixty years instead of ninety-nine, and the price on extension hydrants sixty-five instead of seventy-five dollars, making a better proposition for the city than any that had been presented by possibly five thousand dollars.
In this shape the two propositions were placed before the council in committee of the whole.
Before a vote was taken, Mr. Gary rose up and said that he wished to “explain himself.” That he considered the two propositions about equal, but that the Robinson proposition had a little the best financial backing, and for that reason he should vote for it. I then told him that I would quiet his fears on that score and produced a paper signed by citizens representing probably two hundred thousand dollars of capital, guaranteeing the erection of the works under my ordinance if accepted by the council. In a rather confused manner Mr. Gary replied that “it was too late as he had indicated how he intended to vote.” I told him he was supposed to be acting in the interest of the city, had not yet voted, and would be expected to cast his vote for the best proposition regardless of any previous condition of mind.
The question was called, Messrs. Gary and Read voted for the Robinson ordinance and Messrs. Wilson and McMullen against. Mr. Troup, after a lengthy apology for so doing, cast the tie for Robinson, and the council adjourned.
On the next evening the council again met for the consideration and final passage of the ordinance. Mr. McMullen was absent. When they came to the section relating to extension hydrants, Mr. Wilson moved to amend by making the price sixty-five instead of seventy-five dollars each, and stated that while he did not wish to obtrude his ideas upon the council, he must insist upon this reduction, as Mr. Greer had offered to do it for that and a contract for a higher price would never receive his vote. Mr. Gary would not second the motion. Without Mr. Wilson’s vote, in the absence of Mr. McMullen, the ordinance could not pass, and after an hours’ wrangle, Robinson consented to allow the reduction; and then, and not till then, did Mr. Gary consent to vote in the interests of the people whom he pretended to represent, as against the man whom he evidently was doing his utmost to assist.
Mr. Wilson, by his firm and determined stand, forced Robinson & Co., to consent that Gary should vote for the reduction.

The ordinance as finally passed is exactly the same in every material point as the one I proposed, with the exception of the term of franchise, which in mine was reduced thirty-nine years.
That some subtle influence guided Mr. Gary’s actions in the matter, no sensible man will deny. What that influence was, no one but Mr. Gary and those interested will ever know. The facts will remain, however, and he will be regarded with distrust that it will take years of penance to remove.
The result of the water-works was not a disappointment to me. Mr. Gary’s action was. I had always regarded him in the highest estimation and felt that his spirit of fairness, aside from his duty as an officer, would accord any citizen the common courtesy which a bidder at a street corner auction never fails to receive—namely, the precedence of bid until a better offer is made. When I found that he, too, could be suborned to act in the interests of a Shylock, regardless of every principle of justice, fairness, and his duty, I was painfully surprised and disgusted.
Mr. Gary claims to publish this card in order to refute certain “innuendoes” which have appeared in this paper against him. If any inuendoes appeared, it was at least five weeks ago. Since that time the assassin’s bullet has taken from our midst a true, noble, honest officer— one whose highest aim was to serve the people faithfully and well, and who would have scorned to do a questionable act. While his remains lay yet unburied, surrounded by weeping kindred and embalmed in the heartfelt grief of thousands of sympathizing friends, seventeen persons met at the call of men whom Mr. Gary’s action had most benefitted, and nine of them decided upon him as a fit and proper person to fill the dead sheriff’s place. One of the parties went immediately to Topeka, urged the appointment, and succeeded in having it made. The intelligence was conveyed by telegraph to M. L. Robinson, which telegram he exultingly displayed to me and industriously exhibited upon the streets.
Mr. Gary holds the office of sheriff of this county by virtue of his action in the water-works matter. Under such circumstances it is meet that he continue to do the master’s bidding. He seems to have treasured up his righteous indignation for five long weeks, during which time the changes above referred to have taken place, and during which time the COURIER, aided by the people of this city and county, have been making it exceedingly warm for his benefactor.
It is but consistent that he do all he can, even to the sacrifice of his little remaining character,  to assist in diverting public attention from a much abused subject. In the roll he has been following, this action is much more creditable to him than any he has yet attempted. I must at least accord him the one virtue of gratitude. If this seeming virtue proves but a cloak for avarice, then I know not where to turn for another. ED. P. GREER.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Meeting of the Fair Association.
The annual meeting of the Cowley County Fair Association met at the Courthouse Tuesday afternoon. W. A. Tipton called the meeting to order, and announced the first business in order to be the election of nine directors for the ensuing year.
The following persons were elected directors.
C. M. Scott, Creswell.
R. W. Stevens, Richland.
Jas. B. Scofield, Winfield.

J. L. Stewart, Ninnescah.
Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley.
R. B. Pratt, Fairview.
Jas. F. Martin, Vernon.
J. L. Hodges, Winfield.
B. F. Wood, Winfield.
An election for officers resulted as follows.
Henry Harbaugh, president.
B. F. Wood, vice-president.
Ed. P. Greer, secretary.
J. W. Millspaugh, treasurer.
The time for holding the Fair this year was fixed on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. Messrs. Wood, Hodges, and Greer were appointed a committee on purchase or lease of Fair Grounds. The directors were notified to meet at the COURIER editorial rooms on Saturday, April 28th, at 2 o’clock p.m.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
Program of the Kansas Press Association at Winfield, May 9th and 10th.
1. Wednesday, May 9th, 11:30 a.m. Meeting at Santa Fe depot with band and carriages. Guests carried to the places assigned to them.
2. 2 o’clock p.m. Meeting at the Opera House. Song by the Arion Quartette. Address of welcome by M. G. Troup. Response. Business of the Association.
3. 8 p.m. Ball at the Opera House.
4. Thursday 9 a.m. Excursion in carriages to parks, quarries, factories, and other places of supposed interest in and about Winfield.
5. 2 o’clock. Meeting at Opera House. Song. Business of the Association.
6. 8 o’clock p.m. Meeting at the Opera House. Song. Business of the Association. Addresses, toasts, etc.
Reception: Mayor, Geo. Emerson; Ex-Mayor, M. G. Troup; C. C. Black; Ed. P. Greer; Geo. Rembaugh; D. A. Millington.
Entertainment: J. P. Short, C. E. Fuller, S. L. Gilbert, R. C. Story, W. C. Robinson.
Excursion: H. E. Asp, P. H. Albright, J. B. Lynn, A. T. Spotswood.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Gun Club Shoot.
The Winfield Gun Club had their weekly glass ball shoot Tuesday. After the shooting a business meeting was held at which Chas. C. Black was elected Captain and Ed. P. Greer Secretary. A communication from the Arkansas City Club was considered and an invitation extended to that club to participate in a match shoot on next Tuesday as the guests of the Winfield Club. Members mentioned:  Manny, Harter, McLain, Whiting, Black, Lockwood, Greer, Clark.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society.

Winfield, Kansas, April 12, 1883. At the Annual meeting of the members of the Associa-tion, held at the Courthouse in this place Tuesday, the following persons were elected Directors for the ensuing year: R. B. Pratt, Fairview; Jas. F. Martin, Vernon; J. L. Hodges, Winfield; B. F. Wood, Winfield; C. M. Scott, Creswell; R. W. Stevens, Richland; Jas. B. Seinfield, Winfield; J. L. Stewart, Ninnescah; Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley. A quorum of the Board being present, the following officers were then elected: President, Henry Harbaugh; Vice President, B. F. Wood; Secretary, Ed. P. Greer; Treasurer, J. W. Millspaugh. A meeting of the Board of Directors was called for Saturday, April 28, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the Courier editorial rooms. It is important that every member of the new Board should be present and qualify. ED. P. GREER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
The following persons have been assigned berths in sleeping cars on the editorial excursion, which leaves Winfield Thursday night at 11 p.m., on a special train for Chihuahua, Old Mexico.
J. E. Watrous and wife, Burlington Independent.
W. P. Campbell and wife, an old member of the association at Wamego.
R. M. Chilcott, Louisville Republic.
A. B. Whiting and wife, North Topeka Times.
H. A. Perkins and wife, Iola Courant.
J. H. Downing and wife, Hays City Star-Sentinel.
W. T. McElroy and wife, Humboldt Union.
F. G. Adams and wife, historical secretary of the association.
Chas. M. Lucas and wife, Cherokee Sentinel.
H. S. Heap and wife, Neosho Republican.
A. N. Moyer, Wyandotte Gazette.
V. J. Lane, Wyandotte Herald.
Fletcher Meredith and daughter, Anthony Journal.
E. N. Morrill, M. C., and wife Hiawatha.
E. A. Henthorn and wife, Burden Enterprise.
E. P. Greer and wife, Winfield Courier.
H. P. Standley and wife, Arkansas City Traveler.
J. T. Highley, Paola Spirit.
W. D. Greason, Paola Republican.
C. C. Black and wife, Winfield Telegram.
J. W. Patrick and wife, Oswego Republican.
D. R. Anthony and wife, Leavenworth Times.
W. N. Allen and wife, Topeka Journal.
W. M. Allison and wife, Wellingtonian.
W. O. Graham and wife, Harper Times.
H. M. Young, Independence Star.
O. Leabhart and wife, Harper Sentinel.
T. C. Case and wife, Kansas City Review of Science.

C. S. Seller and wife, Kinsley Graphic.
Mr. Edwards and wife, Kinsley Graphic.
Mrs. E. F. Campbell and Mrs. Scott, old members.
J. Dillon and wife, Garden City Herald.
J. R. Homes and wife, Garden City Herald.
W. D. Wright and H. D. Gordon, Harper Leader.
W. B. Sweezey and wife, Halstead Independent.
A. L. Rives and daughter, Chanute Times.
F. Bacon and wife, old members of the association, Chanute.
G. W. Cooper and wife, Garnett Journal.
I. T. Goodnow and wife, Manhattan Republican.
O. S. Munsell and wife, Council Grove Republican.
S. O. Eversoll, Minneapolis Sentinel.
R. G. Ward and wife, Sedan Times.
R. S. Turner and wife, Sedan Journal.
E. W. Ward and wife, Lyons Democrat.
F. D. Moriarity, Council Grove Cosmos.
L. C. Brown and sister, Nickerson Argosy.
A. W. Bunker and wife, Western Newspaper Union.
G. A. McCarter, Neodesha Press.
N. R. Baker and wife, Topeka Commonwealth.
Mrs. Col. Prouty and son, old members.
Fred Glick, invited guest.
Webb McNall, Gaylord Herald.
Mr. Harman, Valley Falls Liberal.
G. D. Ingersoll and wife, Valley Falls New Era.
Jacob Stotler, wife and daughter, of Emporia News, and Miss Murdock of the Wichita Eagle.
H. Buckingham and sister-in-law, Miss Marshall, Concordia Empire.
H. B. Kelly, McPherson Freeman.
W. H. Morgan and wife, Peabody Gazette.
N. L. Prentis, Atchison Champion, and Mrs. C. D. Moore and Mrs. Carrie Anderson, his invited guests.
A. A. Richards, Wellington Press.
Clark Conklin and sister, Lyons Republican.
A. Griffin and wife, Manhattan Nationalist, and Mrs. C. F. Wilder, and Mrs. Ward, their invited guests.
E. M. Shelton, Manhattan Industrialist.
F. D. Coborn, Kansas City Indicator.
A. D. Brown, wife and sister, Burlington Patriot.
O. J. Cowles, wife and daughter, and their invited guest, Mrs. Chrisman, of the Kansas Methodist.
G. W. Sweezey and wife, of Halstead, Vice President of the association.

J. E. McArthur, of Kinsley, an old member of the Arkansas State Association.
G. W. Martin, wife and daughter, Junction City Union.
A. B. Wilder, Scandia Journal.
Mrs. Mary McGill, Oswego Independent.
Mrs. W. A. Morgan, Cottonwood Falls Leader.
F. P. Baker, president of the association.
The above includes every berth in the three sleepers ordered.
The following persons have asked to go and some or all of them probably will, riding in a good day coach.
W. L. Evans, Russell Record.
H. C. Root and wife, Atchison Champion.
C. C. Dart and lady, University paper at Lawrence.
Rev. Geo. Winterbourne, Kansas Methodist.
L. W. Robinson, Winchester Argus.
F. P. Richardson and sister, Wellington Democrat.
D. L. Grace and three others, Garnet Herald.
L. W. and J. W. Roberts, Oskaloosa Independent.
W. A. Morgan, Cottonwood Falls Leader.
E. O. Perkins, Oswego Independent.
Wm. Hollingsworth, Chieftain, Vinita, Indian Territory.
J. H. Gilkey, Greely News.
Geo. F. King, Oswego Democrat.
J. W. Tibbetts and wife, press agent at Halstead.
I. N. McDonald, Burlingame Herald.
C. M. Sheldon, Burlingame Chronicle.
J. A. Udden and Ed. Neilander, Lindsborg Swedish paper.
R. P. Rice, Ft. Scott Monitor.
If some of those who have been assigned berths should not go, their places will be filled first by those who applied for berths before April 30th. Of course, those who have no berths will not have to pay for them. The berths have all been assigned. When the cars get on the track at Winfield, they will be marked No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. Parties having at the hall in Winfield received from the president, or someone acting for him, a berth check, on which  is not only the number of his or her berth, but the number of the car to which they are assigned, will when they go to the depot get into the car corresponding with the number on the check. A porter will be at each car to assist in showing parties their proper places.
The excursion train consists of one baggage car, one day coach, and three Pullman sleepers. It will leave Winfield at 11 p.m., Thursday, May 10th.
Leave Newton at 2 a.m., Friday, the 11th, and arrive at Kinsley to breakfast at 7 a.m. Arrive at Garden City at 11 a.m., on the 11th. Stay there till 3 p.m., the excursionists being the guests of the citizens of that place. Dinner will be served at Jones’ hall.
Arrive at West Las Animas at 7:20 p.m., and leave at 8 p.m., Friday, the 11th.
Arrive at Las Vegas at 7 a.m., Saturday, the 12th of May, and stay there and at the Hot Springs until 7 a.m., Sunday, May 13th.

Arrive at Santa Fe at 12 m. Sunday, the 13th, and leave there at 6 p.m. and go direct to El Paso, where, it is expected, we will arrive at 9 a.m., Monday, the 14th.
Leave El Paso at 3 to 4 p.m., and arrive at Chihuahua some time before daylight Tuesday, the 15th.
Leave Chihuahua at such time Tuesday afternoon or night as to be able to reach El Paso to an early breakfast Wednesday, the 16th. After breakfast leave El Paso, and reach Albu-querque some time in the afternoon of that day. Leave Albuquerque at such time Thursday as to be able to reach Las Vegas to breakfast at 6 a.m., Friday, the 18th. Leave Las Vegas after breakfast and run to Trinidad, arriving about 1 to 2 p.m., and stay there, the guests of the city, three or four hours, leaving there in time to reach Kinsley to breakfast Saturday morning the 19th, and then home, reaching this city before night of that day.
At Albuquerque the people propose some “doings,” and as many of them are old acquaintances from Kansas, it will be agreeable.
The president desires to say again that it is best for the excursionists to provide them-selves with hampers of provisions and recruit them along the road. It was found to be impossible to be always at eating stations at reasonable hours, and at the same time fix the time table so as to go over the whole line by daylight and make the trip in ten days.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
As Ed. P. Greer is off to Mexico after Apache scalps, the senior editor has to try his hand in the local department this week.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Notes of the Arrangements.
The arrangements for receiving and entertaining the editorial fraternity were made in due season and were ample and complete as far as human foresight could make them; notwithstanding the work of preparation fell on a few and largely on us. C. C. Black of the Telegram was absent during the time the matter was worked and did not get back in time to share in the large amount of work of receiving and assigning the guests and providing for their pleasure and amusement. Geo. Rembaugh was left alone with all the work of getting up the Telegram on his shoulders, but he did it up well and got time to do much work on the preparation and entertainment.
Ed. P. Greer did a large amount of running around to help make the arrangements, but we felt that the main burden must rest on us, and spent our time in it under such cares and anxieties that it was a great relief to us when it was over.
We desire to specially notice the splendid day’s work put in by Messrs. W. P. Hackney, J. L. Horning, J. B. Lynn, and A. T. Spotswood in canvassing the city for money to pay the expenses of the affair. They raised the munificent sum of $265, a sum more than ample for all the expenses incurred. Each of them was enthusiastic and ready to help in any other way. Mr. Horning was situated so that he became an almost invaluable help in every way.

The committee on entertainment did not get at their work of canvassing for places of entertainment in season, but we scurried around a considerable in that work and then the Misses Millington got a team and C. C. Harris for driver and canvassed the whole city, securing entertainment with more than thirty of the best families in the city. C. C. Harris was helpful in various other ways.
J. P. Short has our thanks for valuable assistance in various work.
P. H. Albright took upon himself the work of procuring, sending out, and receiving the teams with which large numbers of visitors excurted about the city and vicinity. He was very helpful in various other ways and has our cordial thanks.
D. L. Kretsinger and W. J. Wilson managed the ball business, did a great amount of work, and secured a splendid success. We give them high credit and warm thanks.
Homer Fuller, W. H. Smith, and C. F. Bahntge are complimented for their many kind attentions to guests.
Those of our citizens mentioned elsewhere, who entertained guests at their houses, earned the high compliments which were lavished upon them by their guests, a great many of whom profusely thanked us for sending them to such good places. Each guest seemed to think that she or he had been specially favored by being sent to the best place. Many of these entertainers spent their time with their visitors, kept their teams ready, met them at the depot, drove them all about town whenever they would ride, and returned them to the depot when they wished to leave.
It is of course unfair to others to specially mention M. L. Read, J. S. Hunt, J. L. Horning, J. C. McMullen, in this connection, for others did the same thing, but these we happened to notice.
We had a better chance to observe J. D. Fuller than any other and he made us feel proud of our city by the many kind attentions he paid his guests, and his general helpfulness.
As a further sample we must mention one of our brightest, nicest young ladies—we do not give her name for fear of offending her—she was at the ball attended by her best young man and enjoying herself as only such bright natures can, when at midnight we introduced to her a gentleman and lady of the editorial fraternity and requested her to take them home with her and take care of them. “I will do it with pleasure,” said she, and she did. The next day we saw her in her father’s buggy with her guests on either side, she driving them all about the town, and chatting pleasantly with them, while they were enjoying the situation immensely. We are proud of that girl. We are proud of our citizens.
The program we had prepared for the convention was all broken up by the freight-train smash up near Carbondale, as were our arrangements for receiving and assigning guests. The main crowd, including the secretary, the orator of the day, the reader, and the band for the ball—which should have arrived before noon Wednesday—did not arrive until after 11 o’clock in the evening and the speeches and other business were put off from 2 p.m., Wednesday, to 11:00 a.m., Thursday morning. Then Prentis and the others were on hand and the meeting proceeded.

The great hit of the occasion was the song by the Arion Quartette, which we print in another place. This quartette consisted of E. F. Blair, G. I. Buckman, C. C. Black, and J. E. Snow. The song was composed by E. F. Blair. Their performance “brought down the house,” and they were twice so loudly and so long and persistently cheered and encored that they were compelled to come out again with a song. Then there was a great demand among the editors for a copy. It was with great difficulty that we induced Blair to give us a copy to be printed, he saying that “there was nothing to it but a little local trash which would be flat the moment that the occasion was past.” We printed and distributed 100 copies to the editors. A large number of the editorial party did not hear it and others wanted to hear it again, so we got up an informal social in the evening at the hall and there was a large crowd present when the Quartette was called out again, sang the song, and the plaudits and encores were greater than before. After singing two other songs, they retired. Mr. Buckman was the committee on music, and it must be said that he and his associates did themselves proud.
The address of Noble Prentis was a magnificent effort. Everyone was praising it. He told some truths which editors might do well to heed, but told them in his inimitable language and style, which is always appreciated. Perhaps no other editor in the state would have made so complete a success on so short a notice, only 2-1/2 hours. It was suggested that it might have been worse had he taken a whole year to prepare, but he never takes a whole year. He always writes off hand.
The ball on Wednesday evening was the finest affair ever held in Manning’s Hall. There were about 400 well dressed, good looking people in attendance. The music did not arrive from Wichita until after 11 o’clock on account of the delayed train, but Mr. Farringer had been doing what he could on the piano, and the dance had been proceeding for some time. When the band got in, they struck up and the music was superb. All seemed in good spirits and highly enjoying the occasion. The assembly broke up at about 2 o’clock, Thursday morning.
The general social at the hall Thursday evening was a very pleasant affair, but all were more or less tired and liked to sit, so that it was not so general a time for hand shakings and introductions as we had anticipated. We had hoped the editors and their ladies who were there would have been presented to our citizens more generally.
We were kept so very busy with the general matters to be attended to and the details of the entertainment that we did not have much chance to get acquainted with those to whom we had been strangers, but little time to enjoy the social phases of the occasion, and did not even meet to speak with many of our old editorial friends. While we regret this, we have our satisfaction in the belief that they were generally well cared for and that we did what we could to make their visit pleasant to them.
The assembly of editors which met at Winfield was an unusually well appearing, respectable, and intelligent body of men. There were a greater number of brainy men than are usually found in editorial conventions. The ladies were generally good looking, intelli-gent, social, and well dressed. As a body they made an excellent impression on our citizens. All of those who specially entertained editors and their ladies—so far as we have met them since—have expressed themselves as highly pleased with their guests, giving them credit for high qualities. Winfield people have usually been quite inclined to criticize, and when they approve, it is a high compliment.
Hon. F. P. Baker, the president of the Association, has done a very large amount of work in arranging for the annual meeting and the excursion and has done it well. His whole time was taken up while here in receiving applications and pay for berths, giving out tickets, figuring up the accounts, and much other business, and he was pretty well worked down when he left. The Association re-elected him president in recognition of his valuable services.

There were about twenty livery teams going during the afternoon of Thursday, carrying editors and their ladies about town and vicinity, besides many private teams.
Charles C. Black and wife and Ed. P. Greer are representing Winfield on the editorial excursion to Chihuahua. Rembaugh and ourself have no hair to spare to the Apaches, but Ed. and Charley being boys will, like Charley McComas, be tenderly cared for by Chief Chato.
Geo. Rembaugh is doing up the Telegram in good style. He is one of the really good newspaper men of the state. We think his paper the best got up Democratic Weekly in Kansas.
The excursion train started from here at 11 o’clock Thursday evening with about 160 on board. We hope they will have a good time.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Notes of the Convention.
The Millingtons entertained Col. S. S. Prouty, Mrs. Prouty, and Mrs. Anderson, of Topeka; Mrs. Conductor J. E. Miller, of Arkansas City; Noble L. Prentis of the Atchison Champion; A. B. Lemmon of the Newton Republican; Mrs. Lemmon and three boys.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning entertained Prof. I. T. Goodenow and Mrs. Goodenow, of Manhattan; H. B. Kelly of the McPherson Freeman, and Mrs Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller entertained Mrs. N. R. Baker of Topeka; Miss Marshall of Concordia; E. H. Snow of the Ottawa Journal & Triumph, Mrs. Snow, and their son.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen entertained Hon. Albert Griffin of the Manhattan National-ist, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Wilder, all of Manhattan.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read entertained C. M. Lucas of the Cherokee Sentinel and Mrs. Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Black entertained W. M. Allison and Mrs. Allison of the Wellingtonian.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert entertained Mr. Fred Glick, Private Secretary of the Governor, and Miss Hattie Coburn of Atchison.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Gary entertained W. D. Greason of the Paola Republican and J. T. Highly of the Paola Spirit.
Mrs. W. W. Andrews entertained Col. R. G. Ward of the Sedan Times; Mrs. Ward; I. W. Patrick of the Oswego Republican; and Mrs. Patrick.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis entertained J. S. Boughton of the Lawrence Monthly, and Mrs. Boughton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt entertained A. D. Brown of the Burlington Patriot, and Mrs. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Jennings entertained Miss Brown of Burlington, and to them was assigned Miss Hattie Pugh.
To Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger were assigned Mr. Moody of the Lawrence Spirit and Mrs. Moody.
To Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson were assigned A. Perkins of the Iola Courant, and Mrs. Perkins.
To Mr. and Mrs. Beeney were assigned G. D. Ingersoll and wife of the Valley Falls New Era.

To Mr. and Mrs. Tomlin were assigned H. S. Heap and wife of the Osage Mission Republican.
To Mr. and Mrs. George Crippen were assigned J. E. Watrous of the Burlington Indepen-dent and Mrs. Watrous.
To W. L. Morehouse were assigned O. O. Leabhart and wife of the Harper Sentinel.
To W. S. Mendenhall were assigned Louis Well and wife of the Leavenworth Pioneer.
To A. P. Johnson was assigned T. P. Fulton of the El Dorado Democrat.
To Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gibson were assigned J. W. Remington of the Leavenworth Workingmans’ Friend, and two Misses Remington.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Short entertained Miss McElroy of Humboldt and Miss Lane of Wyandotte.
Mr. and Mrs. Doane entertained V. J. Lane of the Wyandotte Gazette, and C. O. Perkins of the Oswego Republican.
Mr. and Mrs. Rembaugh entertained Miss Mary McGill of Oswego.
Mrs. Berkey entertained H. B. Kelly of the McPherson Freeman and Mrs. Kelly.
To Miss Graham were assigned W. A. Morgan and wife of the Cottonwood Falls Leader.
To Mr. and Mrs. Ordway were assigned I. T. Goodenow and wife of the Manhattan Republic.
To Mrs. Tucker were assigned O. S. Munsell and wife of the Council Grove Republican.
To Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman were assigned W. P. Campbell, wife and daughter, of the Wamego Reporter.
To Capt. and Mrs. John Lowry were assigned A. N. Moyer of the Wyandotte Gazette and G. F. King of the Oswego Democrat.
To Mrs. Noble was assigned G. W. Sweezey of Halstead.
To Mr. and Mrs. Sherrer were assigned J. H. Downing and wife of the Hays City Star Sentinel.
To Dr. and Mrs. Perry were assigned A. B. Wilder of the Scandia Journal, and H. A. Heath of the Kansas Farmer, Topeka.
To Geo. W. Miller were assigned F. Meredith, wife and daughter, and Mrs. McLaughlin of the Anthony Journal.
To Mr. and Mrs. Rinker were assigned C. A. Lewis of the Phillipsburg Herald and C. I. Eccles of the Border Star, Columbus.
To C. C. Harris was assigned Gen. J. H. Rice of the Fort Scott Monitor.
To Fred Blackman, operator, was assigned F. H. Roberts of the Oskaloosa Independent.
Lon W. Robinson of the Winchester Argus, Geo. N. Broadbere of the Tonganoxie Mirror, D. L. Grace and Mrs. Nelly Grace of the Girard Herald, J. T. Alexander and Miss Ida Roberts of the Girard Life Boat, J. H. Brady of the Enterprise Register, Alvah Shelden of the El Dorado Times, J. J. Burks of the Colony Free Pres, G. F. Kimball and daughter of the Lawrence Sun, S. P. Moore of the Cherryvale Globe News, J. R. Eastall of the Burlingame Chronicle, and others either failed to materialize or were assigned by Ed. to some of the places left blank above.

The committee entertained with Mrs. Olds, H. W. Young of the Independence Star, O. S. Bentley of the Kansas City Times, Ch’loost [?] of the Louisville Republican, J. A. Scott and son of the Osage Mission Journal, A. N. Moyer of the Wyandotte Gazette, H. A. Heath of the Kansas Farmer, Topeka, R. S. Turner of the Sedan Journal, J. H. Gilkey of the Greeley News, Will D. Wright and H. D. Gordan of the Hepler Leader.
At the Lindell, six whose names Ed. did not report before he left.
At the Commercial, three names not reported.
At Mrs. Trezise’s, five names not reported.
At Freeland’s, R. D. Bowes of the Smith Center Pioneer, R. M. Watson and Henry E. Timmons [?] of the Strong City Independent.
At the Brettun House, H. C. Ashbaugh of the Newton Kansan, Adrian Reynolds of the Howard Courant, Geo. W. Cooper and wife of the Garnet Journal, F. P. Baker, president of the Association, of the Topeka Commonwealth, Prof. E. M. Shelton of the Manhattan Industrialist, and the State Agricultural College, H. Buckingham of the Concordia Empire, J. A. Udden and Ed Neilander of the Lindsborg Posten, C. H. Van Fossen of the Kansas City, Kansas Globe, Wm. H. Cramer of the Neodesha Free Press, S. Kauffman of the Garnett Plaindealer, W. Hollingsworth of the Vinita paper, J. H. Downing and wife of the Hays City Star-Sentinel, and secretary of the Association, P. G. Prouty of the executive office, Topeka, Geo. Sweezey of Halstead, R. P. Murdock, wife and child of the Wichita Eagle, Jacob Stotler and daughter of the Emporia News, Miss Kate Murdock, daughter of M. M. Murdock of the Wichita Eagle, B. J. F. Hanna of Wakeeny, H. A. Perkins and wife of the Iola Courant, W. T. McElry and wife of the Humboldt Union, A. L. Rivers and daughter of the Chanute Times, W. O. Graham and wife of the Harper times, O. O. Leabhart and wife of the Harper Sentinel, Fletcher Meredith, wife, son, daughter, and Mrs. McLaughlin, of the Anthony Journal, A. B. Whiting and wife of the North Topeka Times, James Dillon of the Garden City Irrigator, V. J. Lane and daughter of the Wyandotte Herald, G. O. Perkins of the Oswego Independent, Miss Mary McGill of the Oswego Independent, J. F. Drake of the Emporia Republican, S. O. Ebersole and daughter of the Minneapolis Sentinel, G. D. Baker of the Topeka Commonwealth, Clark Conklin and sister of the Lyons Republican, Geo. W. Martin and wife of the Junction City Union, O. S. Hunsell and wife of the Council Grove Republican, H. B. Kelly and wife of the McPherson Freeman, J. S. Jennings of the Wichita Republic, H. P. Standley of the Arkansas City Traveler, W. P. Campbell, wife and daughter of the Wamego Reporter, F. D. Coburn of the Kansas City Indicator.
The following insisted upon it and paid their own bills at the Brettun: Theo. S. Case, of the Science Review and postmaster of Kansas City, with Mrs. Case, W. A. Bunker, and wife of the Newspaper Auxiliary, Kansas City, Mrs. Helen Moore of Topeka, Ben McGree of Newton, and G. B. Rogers of Newton, chief train dispatcher.
It is probable that there are many errors in the above lists growing out of the fact that Ed. Greer met at Wichita the large crowd from the north which arrived here after 11 o’clock, Wednesday evening, and assigned the guests to places; but has now gone to Chihuahua taking his memorandum with him, so we had to guess where he placed a large number of them.

When Ed. started for Wichita at 3 p.m., Wednesday, we expected that he would return with the big crowd by 7 o’clock, at least, before the 10 o’clock arrived from the east, and taking as he did nearly the full list of places of entertainment with him, we could not know which he had filled until he returned. The train from the east came an hour earlier and we had to detain a large number of guests in the parlors of the Brettun and at the hall where the ball was progressing, until Ed returned and we could find out what places were not filled. In this way a considerable number of gentlemen and ladies were not assigned to places until about midnight and they utterly refused to intrude, as they called it, into the houses of private  citizens at that unreasonable hour, saying it would be an imposition to do so. They would sit up the rest of the night on the sidewalk first. We could not prevail upon them by the idea that it would be a still greater imposition on our citizens to keep them sitting up to that late hour expecting guests, prepared and anxious to entertain them. and then be disappointed. It was a fact that quite a number of our citizens came to us the next day, feeling grieved and disappointed because they were not supplied with guests as they were promised, and were thus deprived of a pleasure as well as the chance to help do honor to our visitors, and it was a hard job for us to pacify them with the facts.
There were one hundred and seventy-six guests of the citizens of Winfield here at the Editorial Convention, as nearly as we can figure it.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From.
The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
D. A. Millington, $20; C. C. Black, $20; McDonald & Miner, $5; W. P. Hackney, $5; A. T. Spotswood, $5; J. L. Horning, $5; J. B. Lynn, $5; A. B. Arment, $5; J. H. Bullene & Co., $5; J. S. Mann, $5; S. C. Smith, $5; Hudson Bros., $5; Curns & Manser, $5; Burnett & Clark, $5; J. P. Short, $5; Geo. Rembaugh, $5; J. P. Baden, $5; Robert Hudson, $5; C. L. Harter, $5; Bryan & Lynn, $5; Ed. P. Greer, $5; Pugsley & Zook, $5; Tomlin & Webb, $5; O’Mears & Randolph, $5; S. H. Myton, $5; M. Hahn & Co., $5; Henry Goldsmith, $5; Winfield Bank, $10; A. H. Doane & Co., $5; M. L. Read’s Bank, $10; Geo. W. Miller, $5; Chicago Lumber Co., $5; P. H. Albright & Co., $5; J. Wade McDonald, $5; Wm. Dawson, $2; W. S. Mendenhall, $2; J. L. Hodges, $1; D. Palmer & Co., $1; D. C. Beach, $1; J. D. Pryor, $2; S. D. Pryor, $1; M. G. Troup, $1.90; Geo. M. Miller, $1; John Wilson, $.50; Whiting Bros, $1; Hendrix & Wilson, $2; A. E. Baird, $2; W. H. Strahan, $1; Miller, Dix & Co., $1; Lovell H. Webb, $1; Charlie Fuller, $1; J. E. Conklin, $2; Geo. Emerson, $2; F. S. Jennings, $2; D. Berkey, $1; H. Paris, $1; A. C. Bangs, $1; G. H. Allen, $1; McRorey, $1; Johnson, $1; J. O’Hare, $1; Frazee Bros., $1; W. L. Hands, $2; J. F. McMullen, $1; F. J. Sydall, $1; Dr. Fleming, $1; Dr. McIntire, $1; Atkinson, $1; Capt. Myers, $1; R. B. Pratt, $1; V. R. Bartlett, $2; Nommsen & Steuven, $1; Albro, $2; D. Rodocker, $2; H. E. Silliman, $2;
W. J. Wilson, $2; E. H. Nixon, $1; C. C. Harris, $1; Lou Zenor, $1; W. H. Smith, $1; Brotherton & Silvers, $3.; Rinker & Cochran, $2; H. Brown & Son, $2; Q. A. Glass, $2; Holmes & Son, $2; Dan Mater, $1; E. S. Reynolds, $1; M. J. Stimson, $1; Rabb, $.50;
O. W. P. Mann, $1; Jim Connor, $1; Dr. Green, $2; E. J. Brown, $1; J. W. Johnson, $2;
Dr. Bull, $1; A. Herpich, $1; McGuire Bros., $3; Harter Bros., $1; H. G. Fuller, $2;
H. E. Asp, $1; C. M. Wood, $2.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.

Noble Prentis in Atchison Champion.
LAS VEGAS, May 12, 1883.
The number of all sorts of anniversaries is working up along toward twenty. The session of the Kansas Editorial Association, just held at Winfield, was the eighteenth. The associa-tion, like many of its members, is getting old.
It was a good thing, that “constitutional amendment,” which cut the Association loose from the duty of meeting on Franklin’s birthday. Franklin was an obliging person, and would have arranged it differently, if he had been consulted, but as it happened he was born in January, which in Kansas is devoted, at Topeka, to cold and the Legislature. Consequently, the meetings of the Association in the old times were overshadowed and oppressed, so to speak, by both. Now the Association has all the months of the year for its little tour and vacation, and a score of fine towns in Kansas to choose from as places of meeting.
Winfield, the town selected this year, is the Southernmost point in the State ever chosen, and with the exception of a sort of adjourned meeting held once at Emporia, is the only meeting in that region where the water flows to the southward. And yet that southeastern quarter of Kansas contains a large number of handsome and able newspapers, the editors and publishers of which count among the old and staunch members of the K. P. A.
Not only on account of the geographical position, but on its own merits, Winfield proved a fortunate selection. The time, also, was propitious. There are a few brief weeks, varying a few days in different seasons in their beginning, but always somewhere between the first of May and the last of June, when Kansas looks her prettiest. Before, there is an undeveloped rawness, and after, a fading like that of the beauty of a woman. Whoever sees Kansas in just the right time knows the perfection of earth and air. It was one of these days that the meeting was held at Winfield.
But, to go back a little, the important part railroads play in our daily life was curiously illustrated in connection with the meeting. The members were to assemble at Winfield on Wednesday, the 9th, but during Tuesday night the wind, which came with lightning, thunder, and rain, blew some box cars from the side track on the main track, a few hundred yards from Carbondale station. A freight and stock train in the darkness smashed into these, and the result was a locomotive suddenly converted into old scrap iron; freight cars piled up on top of each other in splintered and shapeless confusion; and pigs, dead and alive, scattered, stiff or squealing, through the mass. The great work of the regular dispatching of trains was for hours broken up. It might be said that the shock of the collision at Carbondale was felt at Guaymas and Chihuahua; it is certain that the convenience of hundreds and thousands of people was affected. The excursionists bound for Winfield waited till the wreck could be passed or cleared; the special at Newton waited from noon until evening; the musicians who were to play at the ball at Winfield waited at the Wichita depot; and the people at Winfield waited for the editors and fiddlers, who should have arrived at noon, until far into the night; and the first day’s proceedings of the Association were telescoped into the second. Still a delay of twelve hours did not chill the warm hospitality of the Winfielders. They were on hand at the depot, and went through the last half of their delayed ball.

The Association went ahead with a quorum present on Thursday forenoon, bright and early. The meeting was held in Manning’s Hall, or opera house. Manning was not there, but the hall was viewed with interest, by his old friends, as an evidence of his enterprise and public spirit. It was found to be a big, roomy place; and the one hundred and fifty men, women, and children who made up the Association, made but a small showing. It was one of the balmiest and brightest of May days; the wide outer doors of the hall stood wide open all the time, and the proceedings were quite breezy and informal. The newspaper men practice the rule they have so often urged upon others, “pay in advance,” and the first pro-ceeding was the payment of the annual dues and the hire of the sleeping cars, and such a pile of silver and greenbacks accumulated on the Secretary’s table as seldom greets the editorial vision.
The Arion Quartette, four young fellows of Winfield, who have been singing together for their own amusement and that of the Winfield public, for years, started the ball with a song, written for the occasion, which was hailed with an encore, it was so full of fun and spirit; and it wound up with:
“For corn, wheat, and babies, and sheep and cattle,
“Poor, thirsty, droughty Kansas leads the world.
Among the Arions was Charley Black, and right here is a good place to speak of the Winfield editors and their kindness to the brethren and sisters. They did not go around with rosettes on them as big as buckwheat cakes, doing nothing in particular, but were always to be found wherever there was opportunity to do a visitor a favor. Mr. Millington, as patriarch of the Winfield editors, set the example of unwearied kindness. He made a caravansary of his own house, in which hospitable endeavor he was aided and abetted by his wife and daughters; and never rested until he had not only welcomed the coming but speeded the parting guest. Charley Black worked, preached, sung, and would, doubtless, have prayed with the visitors had he been called on. The visiting newspaper folks were also placed under infinite obligations to Mr. Ed. Greer, of the COURIER, for favors. Mr. Greer is a native Kansan, born in Doniphan County, his father being one of the earliest Superintendents of Public Instruction, serving, I believe, even before the admission of the State. To the list should also be added the name of Mr. Rembaugh, of the Telegram.
To return to the proceedings of the Association. After the money and the music, came the address of welcome. Mayor Troup being busy in the District Court, the ever useful Black read the remarks that Mr. Troup had prepared; and President Baker read a brief response, calling Charley, “Mr. Troup,” to keep up the illusion. The annual address was then delivered by the associate editor of the Champion, the theme being the “Facts and Fallacies of Jour-nalism.” Judge Adams of the Historical Society, followed with a paper on the newspaper history of Kansas.

At the brief afternoon meeting the committee on nominations reported. The renomina-tion, and of course, re-election of Father Baker as President, was hailed with hearty applause. Maj. Jack Downing was continued as the efficient secretary. The committee made a good choice in the selection of Senator A. P. Riddle, of the Girard Press, as the orator for the next year. Mr. Riddle is a vigorous thinker, and will exercise the gray matter of his brain on an address which will be devoted to the solid truth about the newspaper business as distinguished from flapdoodle.
The Winfield people developed a new thing in the “drive around town,” a courtesy generally extended by Kansas municipalities to visiting bodies. The usual custom is to gather a lot of omnibuses and barouches and various other wheeled structures, and go around in a solemn and dusty procession “to the place of beginning.” At Winfield the people sent their carriages (public and private) around to the designated rendezvous, and handed the ribbons to their friends to drive themselves. Accordingly on all the streets, coming and going, might be seen the note-book fillers, picking up ideas and facts about Winfield at their own sweet will. They drove down to the Park, an enclosure of natural forest, mostly composed of wide spreading elms stretching along the Walnut, and affording a long and shadowy drive, if not “for whispering lovers made,” at least admirably adapted to their use. Then the explorers took in the creamery, and talked with the intelligent Mr. Howe in regard to the past history, present resources, and future prospects of that institution. From these points the routes were various, but everywhere the tourists saw tasteful residences; many of them covered with the bright green clinging masses of Virginia creeper or ampelopsis; and such tasteful yards, and spreading trees, and brightening flowers as are unknown in the May of colder climes. The main streets were “taken in,” with the lofty and spacious business houses; and the drive usually ended at what it is true was only a mill, a grist mill, if you please, but a mill five stories high, and with walls as smooth and white and fair as those we imagine that palaces have. We suppose the Winfielders pride themselves on the wealth, the business facilities, etc., of their town, but they trample the real glory of Winfield under their feet every day. It is their sidewalks. Certainly there never was a town so paved. There is everywhere accessible a sort of white stone, which can be split out in any thickness required. The most easy and accommodating of rocks, it seemed very light; at least two horses can haul what seems a great quantity of it. And on this royal material the people of Winfield walk about, calm and serene in the muddiest of weather. It is laid down not only on the main street but on all the streets, and miles more are being laid down. To dream that you live in marble halls is nothing to walking out in wakefulness and reality on the material of which marble halls are constructed.
At night the bright and fair of Winfield met the excursionists at the Opera House, the Arions sang again; good byes were said; and then the waiting train was filled, and as the party sped away under the narrow new moon and the twinkling stars for New Mexico, the booming guns of the Winfield battery thundered a brave good bye.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
J. F. Drake to Emporia Republican.
WINFIELD, May 10. The State Editorial Association, now in session in this place, and whose deliberations are noted in another place, could not have chosen a better place for its meeting. Right royally are we welcomed and right royally are we being entertained. To be sure, there is more or less of a hitch in things, caused by the trains being away off time. For instance, the entertainment last evening had to wait till midnight for its music, but it was good when it appeared.

Perhaps at this time a few items about Winfield will not be amiss, but they were hastily gathered and must necessarily be short. Cowley County, of which Winfield is the county seat, dates back to 1870, and I find that in its early history several Emporians figured quite prominently, notably among whom are P. B. Plumb, Jacob Stotler, C. V. Eskridge, and L. B. Kellogg. The county now has a population of over 22,000, and last year reported over 36,000 acres of wheat that averaged thirty bushels to the acre; 141,000 acres of corn, besides its other products. No better class of farmers can be found anywhere, and no better proof of this is needed than the fact that Cowley County is known throughout the length and breadth of the land as the banner prohibition county of the state.
Winfield was incorporated as a city of the third class February 23, 1873; has steadily increased, and was made a city of the second class in 1879, and the census just taken gives a population of over 3,000. Its better buildings, of which I might name the Brettun House, the Methodist and Baptist Churches, M. L. Robinson’s residence, and several others which we have not space to mention, with many of its best business blocks, are built from home quarries of fine magnesia limestone, the same as is being used for the government buildings at Topeka. J. C. McMullen and J. C. Fuller also have very fine residences of combination brick and stone. In sidewalks it boasts of fifteen miles laid out with fine flagging, which is also quarried nearby. Its two railroads—the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Kansas City & Southern—give it good shipping facilities. Three elevators handle the grain that is brought in. There are two flouring mills, both doing a good business, and we have had the pleasure of looking through hurriedly and gathered the following description of the Winfield Roller Mills, operated by Messrs. Bliss & Wood, who have been in the milling business about fourteen years. On the 18th of last August their old mill was burned, and believing that the best was none too good for their trade, they immediately started to rebuild on the most approved plans, and today no better mill or flour can be found in Kansas. The following brief description will give some idea of the work it is capable of doing. The building is of stone 40 x 60 feet, and five stories high. It has a double operating power—water and steam—and is so constructed that it can be run by either. The steam is of 125 horsepower. An elevator of 50,000 bushels capacity is within about a hundred feet and connected with iron tubes, the cleaning all being done in the elevator. Of the mill proper the basement is occupied by the shafting, pulleys, gear, elevator boats, etc. The first floor is used for the reduction of wheat to flour, there being thirty-four sets of rolls, 18  corrugated for wheat and 16 for middlings. Gray’s noiseless rollers and the packers, three for flour and one for bran, are also on this floor. The bolts and purifiers start in the second floor and run through the third, fourth, and fifth. To take care of and finish the work commenced on the first floor, are ten No. 2 Smith’s purifiers, twenty-six ordinary bolting reels, and four centrifugal reels. All the machinery above the first floor is run by a twenty-inch belt traveling from that floor to the top at the rate of 2,000 feet a minute. The mill has a capacity of 500 barrels per day and employs about twenty-three men. Their side-track privileges admit of loading four cars at a time, and many of these cars find their way east as far as Illinois.
Two banks, The Winfield and Read’s, have been largely instrumental in building up the town and county.

Of its hotels, the Brettun stands away ahead of any other in any town of its size in the state, and I have yet to see the city anywhere of its size that equals it. Every room is supplied with water and gas, and heated by steam. It is well furnished, with sample rooms, bath rooms, billiard hall, tonsorial rooms, etc., attached, and all under the management of C. L. Harter, who not only knows what his guests need, but supplies it. The traveler finds a home that is all he could desire.
The COURIER and Telegram are among the leading weeklies of the state, the former being under the management of D. A. Millington and Ed. P. Greer, with probably as large a circulation as any county paper in the state. The latter is now run by Messrs. Black and Rembaugh.
One thing has been lacking, that is soon to be supplied, to-wit: waterworks. The contract is now let, and in a short time six and a half miles of cast iron pipe will be laid, connecting with a reservoir of 2,000,000 gallons capacity, supplied by a Worthington pump. The reservoir is to be 108 feet above the level of Main Street, giving it all the pressure needed. The work is being done by a home company and will cost about $75,000.
There are other things that I would like to say about this town, but time forbids. Here is where the irrepressible Hon. W. P. Hackney lives, and near here, out on the railroad bridge, is shown the place where Cobb, the murderer of Sheriff Shenneman, dropped through the bridge and was only saved from falling into the water by the rope that was around his neck.
At the business meeting of the editors this afternoon the old officers were re-elected, except Hinkle, and Hon. D. A. Millington was elected in his place. Noble Prentis was elected as poet for the next annual meeting, and A. P. Riddle as orator. The excursion will leave this evening at 11 o’clock for Mexico.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Ed. P. Greer got home from his Mexican excursion on Monday evening.
   Fair Association.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
The organization of the Fair Association is now complete and at work. . . .
The undersigned do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a private corporation under the laws of the state of Kansas, and do hereby certify:

FIRST, That the name of this corporation shall be “The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.” SECOND, That the purposes for which this corporation is formed are to encourage and promote the agricultural, horticultural, mechanical, and live stock interest of Cowley County, Kansas, and the establishment and maintenance of a driving park and speed ring, and to acquire, hold, and control all real and personal property necessary, proper, and convenient for carrying out the purposes aforesaid. THIRD, That the place where its business is to be transacted is at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. FOURTH, That the term for which this corporation is to exist is ninety-nine years. FIFTH, That the number of directors or trustees of this corporation shall be seventeen (17), and the names and residences of those who are appointed for the first year are: A. H. Doane, Winfield; A. T. Spotswood, Winfield; D. L. Kretsinger, Winfield; J. B. Schofield, Winfield; C. C. Black, Winfield; W. J. Hodges, Winfield; E. P. Greer, Winfield;W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield; Sam Phoenix, Richland Township; S. S. Lynn, Vernon Township; G. L. Gale, Rock Township; Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley Township; R. F. Burden, Windsor Township; E. B. Nicholson, Dexter Township; J. W. Millspaugh, Vernon Township; J. B. Nipp, Creswell Township; J. F. Martin, Vernon Township. SIXTH, That the estimated value of the goods, chattels, lands, rights, and credits owned by the corporation is ten thousand ($10,000) dollars; that the amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, and shall be divided into two hundred (200) shares, of fifty ($50) dollars each, non-assessable above face value.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Minutes of Fair Meeting. May 10th, 1883. The directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met at the office of A. H. Doane & Co. Present, Directors Millspaugh, Martin, Gale, Burden, Leslie, Harbaugh, McDonald, Spotswood, Doane, Baden, and Nicholson.
J. W. Millspaugh was called to the chair and D. L. Kretsinger chosen secretary. On motion of Mr. Spotswood, the meeting proceeded to the election of officers as follows.
For president, J. F. Martin; for vice president, A. T. Spotswood; for secretary, E. P. Greer; for treasurer, A. H. Doane; for General Superintendent, D. L. Kretsinger.
On motion of Mr. Kretsinger, Messrs. Harbaugh, Martin, Millspaugh, Lynn, Spotswood, Doane, and Greer were appointed a committee on premium list, to report at the next meeting of the directors. On motion of Mr. Lynn, the superintendent was instructed to commence work on the speed ring and cleaning up the ground. On motion of Mr. Doane, the meeting adjourned until Saturday, May 26, at 1 p.m. D. L. KRETSINGER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The books of the old fair association have been balanced up, and several premiums here-tofore in dispute fixed up and orders drawn for their payment. The following persons are entitled to the amounts set opposite their names, and can get their money by calling upon the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.
W. E. Seaman, $10; J. A. Jackson, $2; Kellogg & Co., $4; J. L. Stewart, $2; Wm. Moore, $2; Wm. Sanborn, $2; J. W. Douglass, $1; Mrs. P. M. Waite, $1; B. F. Childers, $5; Albro & Co., $2; D. J. Bright, $1; Mrs. E. F. Nelson, $2; Mrs. S. D. Pryor, $1; Miss Curfman, $1; B. W. Sitter, $3; J. J. Tribbey, $11.50.
This winds up last year’s fair with every premium paid in full, and money still in the treasury.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
   An Enthusiastic Meeting and Gratifying Results.
By virtue of a previous call, the citizens met to devise ways and means for a 4th of July celebration at Winfield. Capt. J. S. Hunt was elected President, and O. M. Seward, Secretary.
Hon. C. C. Black stated the object of the meeting, and Col. Whiting moved to celebrate. Carried.
On motion Mayor Emerson was elected President of the day, and Col. Whiting, Marshal, with power to select his own aids, and have general charge of programme for the day.
On motion the following committees were appointed.
Finance: J. P. Baden, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson.
Grounds: S. C. Smith, D. L. Kretsinger, E. P. Greer.

Programme: J. C. McMullen, J. L. Horning, H. D. Gans.
Committee on Indians: J. W. Hodges, N. C. Myers, Col. Whiting.
Special Trains: Kennedy, Branham, H. E. Asp.
Amusements: C. C. Black, T. M. McGuire, John Keck, Jas. Vance, A. T. Spotswood, and J. Wade McDonald.
Fire Works: Henry Goldsmith, J. P. Baden, M. O’Hara.
Music: Crippen, Buckman, Snow.
Military Display: Capt. Haight, Dr. Wells, Col. Whiting.
Speakers: Rembaugh, Millington, Hackney.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at call of president, or chairman of committees.
J. S. HUNT, President.
O. M. SEWARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
  A Day in Chihuahua.
CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO, May 15th, 1883.
Standing in the centre of a crooked, narrow lane, walled up on either side with mud houses, a broiling hot sun scorching everything to cinders and making the sands in the adobe buildings glisten like specks of silver, I first realized fully that I was a stranger in a strange land. The excursion train carrying representatives of the Kansas Press, arrived here last evening after a lightning run of two hundred and forty miles over the magnificent line of the “Central Mexicano” railroad. It was ten o’clock in the evening when the train pulled into the depot. The night was beautiful, the air pure, and the moon shone with exceeding brilliancy, so the impatient crowd resolved to do the city by moonlight.
Under the leadership of Ex-Governor Anthony, the cavalcade filed out toward the city, which seemed to lie at the foot of the mountain a hundred yards off. The hundred yards lengthened into two miles, and as the weary tourists struggled along between the mud walls, without a light visible, they were intensely disgusted with Chihuahua. But suddenly the tone was changed to one of wonder and astonishment as the narrow lane opened into a beautiful square filled with trees and sweet scented flowers, and surrounded by a wide promenade. On both sides of this promenade were placed iron seats with high, roomy backs, and here the population of the city seemed to be congregated. It was the famous “plaza” of Mexican life— the social center and grand meeting place for everyone. Persons of high and low degree, rich and poor, large and small, all come here to walk and talk, sit and smoke, and enjoy to its fullest extent the glorious evenings of this favored clime. Fronting the Plaza on one side is the grand cathedral, whose spires reach up nearly to the mountains tops, and filled with curious old bells which clang out the hours and quarters in a dozen different keys. The cathedral has been in process of construction sixty years, and workmen are still hammering away at it. Its cost is already approaching a million dollars, which was raised by a twelve percent tax on the output of a mine nearby.

After the tired and weary crowd had rested on the benches under the trees, the return journey was undertaken and soon all were sleeping sweetly in the Pullman coaches. We wakened early and rose just as the sun began to purple the tops of distant mountains and threw a deep and sombre shadow over the valley that stretched away down through the distance we had come the day before. Climbing to the top of a freight car nearby, I watched the sunlight creep slowly up the mountain side until it burst in dazzling splendor over the city lying at its base.
With the rising of the sun came little groups of queer Mexican burros, carrying large earthen jars in wicker cradles strapped across their backs. I hailed one caravan and found that the jars contained goats’ milk for sale in the city. As the sun rose higher, the caravans came oftener, sometimes singly, sometimes in groups, ambling patiently along with their heavy burdens and carrying the master on the after-deck. Some carried piles of wood much larger than themselves, others carried only human freight, their capacity limited only to the number that could hang on.
At eight o’clock all the citizens came to the train with carriages and the party was con-veyed to the National Hotel, where breakfast was served. The writer preferred to see the sights alone, and seeing a sign “Senate Saloon and Lunch Counter,” stepped in and was soon served with an excellent beefsteak, cup of coffee, and bread and butter, for which he induced the proprietor to take a dollar of “American” money. (In Mexican currency it would have been a dollar and a quarter.)
Thus refreshed, the next thing in order was to visit the bank and exchange U. S. for Mexican currency. To a patriotic American this is a ceremony of much importance, and calculated to increase his respect for our institutions. Everyone was eager and anxious to exchange six dollars of their paper currency for five of ours, but in the evening when I tried to convert my surplus Mexican currency into Greenbacks, I could find no takers at thirty percent discount. The depreciation of their currency is perhaps due to the fact that every banker issues as much as he wishes to of it, merely giving the government a real estate mort-gage to secure its redemption. There is absolutely no such thing as credit here. Nobody keeps a slate, and the “mark it down ’til tomorrow” man is conspicuous for his absence. It’s a “pay as you go” country, and the old, familiar legends that first strike one’s eye in a Kansas store, find no lodgment here.

The very foundation of Mexican life, character, and well-being, social and financial, rests on the patient little burro. He is at once the hope and mainstay of the populace, and around him centers most that is interesting to me in the life of the common people of Mexico. He moves with the slow, ambling gait of his master, with his apparent lack of aim or ambition. He is a stoic, and cares nothing for tomorrow so that today brings forth a handful of corn and a cactus bush. I saw him in all his moods and in all the varied shades of light and shadow. On one of the narrow, crooked side streets of the city, I noticed one picture that should be transferred to canvas. It was the poorest quarter of the city and the door or “hole-in-a-mud-wall” opened directly on the street. Here one of the Mexican milk-carriers had stopped, evi-dently to talk to a “Senorita.” His burro, carrying the two wide-mouthed jars hung on either side in rude wicker baskets, stood with its head inside the door. Just opposite, on the dirt floor, sat a young girl, while in front of her, reclining gracefully with his head supported by his arm, was a bright-looking, swarthy young Mexican, his wide “sombrero” pushed back and his waist girded with a scarlet sash. As they talked in the low, musical language of that country, the burro’s long ears drooped forward and he seemed to be asleep. The trio formed a perfect picture of peace, happiness, and repose, although surrounded by evidences of squalid poverty.
Farther along on the same street I caught a glimpse of trees and flowers through an opening in the wall, and receiving a cordial invitation to come in from an old Mexican, I passed through the court into a beautiful “placita,” filled with flowers, vines, and foliage, with a fountain in the center. Opening off of this were the rooms of the family, neatly and tastily furnished, with lace curtains and Brussels carpets. Several young ladies were present, one of whom sang to guitar accompaniment, while another gathered a handsome bouquet of flowers. I spent an hour with this family most pleasantly, although I could not understand a word of their language nor they mine. It was but one of the many instances of kindness and hospitality shown the party.
We took dinner at the International Hotel, and a wonderful dinner it proved to be. The tables were set in the “placita,” which in this case was merely an open space in the center of the building, floored with stone flagging. For the occasion a temporary awning of canvas was drawn across to keep out the scorching sun. The tables were decorated with huge vases of flowers and looked very neat. The dinner was served by half a dozen greasy looking Mexi-cans, and consisted of a dozen dishes of horribly cooked stuff, seasoned with red pepper and olive oil, and brought on one at a time. The coffee, tea, and chocolate were excellent. The tea was carried around to each plate in a tea pot with a little bucket, some larger than a thimble, hung to the spout. This was perforated and the tea was strained through it. Our American housewives would lose nothing by adopting this contrivance. The kitchen was located on one side of the square, and the place where they kept the dishes on the opposite, and the waiters kept tearing back and forward without system or arrangement. In the kitchen a lot of women sat on the floor washing the dishes and piling them up all around. There are evidently no “high livers” in Chihuahua. The meal cost a dollar. At the same rate one of Charlie Harter’s meals would cost twenty.
After dinner I observed that all the stores and shops were closed, and on inquiry found that it was the custom to “close up” at one and not open again till three. The wisdom of this custom is apparent. It would take an able-bodied man three hours to get a square meal out of the menu provided, unless he had a cast iron stomach and a set of brass teeth.
At three o’clock we visited the rooms of the “Casino Club,” the fashionable club of Chihuahua, which was thrown open for the first time since its organization. It is nicely furnished, and is a very cool, airy, and attractive place. The reading room contains papers from all over the world. The reception room is a long, roomy place, carpeted with Brussels, and with wide windows reaching from floor to ceiling, opening on the “placita.” It contained a splendid piano. Several of the Spanish ladies were present and an afternoon dance was improvised for the occasion. The ladies of our party tried the Spanish dances, but only one succeeded in “catching the step.” They are slow and smooth, but lack the fire and life of the American waltz.

I should utterly fail in an attempt to describe Chihuahua did I not mention the “Alameda” or public drive. It is a wide street circling the city on the south and west. Along each side flows a small stream of clear water brought down through a stone aqueduct from a mountain spring. Along these little streams grow heavy foliaged cottonwoods under which stone seats are placed. In the evening everyone who can muster a horse or vehicle drives on this street, and those who can’t, sit on the stone seats and watch the more fortunate ones go by. I rode on the Alameda in the early morning, and all along were women washing dishes in the little stream or scooping up water in earthen vessels. An old Mexican was leading a hog down to water. It was the first hog I had seen (outside of several which accompanied the party) since leaving Colorado, and had it not been for the grunt, I certainly would not have entertained a suspicion of its belonging to that useful family. I feel sure that even Prentis, hailing from Atchison though he does, would have canvassed the subject thoroughly before pronouncing it really a hog. It was of the style known as “razor back,” or “rail-splitter.” A long chain was fastened to its neck and it darted here and there picking up every kind of trash. Its color was mottled gray with stripes on its legs like a zebra, and its nose was a tariff discussion, slightly abbreviated. Its tail was spiral but could unfold and spread around like a land grant. As I came up the animal raised its nose high in the air, curved its spine, and made off in a very hoggish manner. I am sorry Will Allison did not see it. He would have bought it as a companion for his burros.
At eight o’clock in the evening the train carried us away from Chihuahua, with most pleasant recollections of the place and the wonderful hospitality of its people. The sights and incidents of the visit were strange, quaint, and long-to-be-remembered. Should any of our friends desire to spend a vacation pleasantly, among sights and scenes equally interesting and instructive, they should visit this wonderful old city. E. P. G.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Emporia News: “. . . We had visited this city some twelve years ago when there were only a few houses, and the principal store was in a log building. . . . The residences of Read, McMullen, Robinson, Platter, Fuller, Rigby, and others would be a credit to a town fifty years old. . . .
Below the city a company of wealthy men have purchased a large tract of land for a park. It lies along the Walnut River bank and is most appropriately called “Riverside Park.” Little has been done in the way of art but nature has provided one of the handsomest groves we have seen in Kansas, and at no distant day “Riverside” will be the pride of Winfield. The famous Winfield white stone has done much for the town. . . . This stone is put into sidewalks at seven cents per square foot, and the city is consequently the best sidewalked town in the state. Mr. C. C. Black has a fine building of this material for his Telegram office, one of the best fitted printing offices in Southern Kansas.” Independence Star:
“ . . . At the first station east of Winfield, Father Millington, of the COURIER, boarded our train in quest of errant knights of the quill, and assigned all to their quarters. Mine were away up skyward in the third story, and though the strong breeze that prevailed at midnight rocked my bed like a cradle, I stuck to it, instead of dressing and going downstairs in antici-pation of a cyclone that failed to materialize.

“Morning dawned as bright and cheery as though the night had been without terrors, and for the next two days every train brought fresh accessions to the editorial mob. The writer, however, went down to Arkansas City by the noon train, and commenced the study of agri-cultural irrigation by observing its application to market gardening on a large scale along the canal built to furnish water power by diverting a portion of the waters of the Arkansas into the Walnut, the fall being more than twenty feet. The canal company obtain an annual rental of ten dollars per acre for these lands and the water to flood them, which looks like a wonder-ful income to obtain from lands that could a few years ago have been bought for much less than that sum. Two flouring mills have already been erected to utilize the water power; and a third has just been commenced. We took a hasty look through the “Canal Mills” of Mr. V. M. Ayres, which employ the gradual reduction process, and from which about a car load of flour and other mill products are shipped to Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas every day. Wheat was here selling at from 90 to 95 cents per bushel, and the prospect for another large crop this year was considered flattering. Arkansas City is growing very rapidly and expects to have a population of 2,000 before the end of the present year.
“Returning to Winfield Thursday afternoon, we found this “Gem City” of Southern Kansas looking its brightest and best under the genial spring sunshine; and overflowing with editors and hospitality. The annual meeting had been held, and the eminently sound and practical address of Noble Prentis was already printed in the COURIER.
“At the train we found a hundred and fifty-eight people trying to make themselves comfortable in quarters that had been provided for a hundred. Scarcely a berth but had two occupants; and a score or more of brave souls had the hardihood to start out on a trip of twenty-five hundred miles in an ordinary day coach, among them our friend, King, of the Oswego Democrat, accompanied by his better half. When our conductor passed through the train and found no less than seven people in two coaches who had not provided themselves with tickets, but were expecting to ride to Chihuahua and back on an order for a ticket, he spoke somewhat derisively of the intelligence of the average Kansas enlightener. With the booming of the cannon in a parting salute, our train retired out of the Winfield depot into the midnight darkness; the dancers of the previous night who had been for some time vainly essaying to woo the drowsy god, evidently failing to appreciate the compliment of that salute. On the road, however, the grinding of the wheels upon the rails, and the chug, chug of the ends of the rails upon the ties which is ever present, even on the smoothest and best laid steel track, go to make up the melody of the rail, which, with us, speedily brings oblivion to everything external—until I perhaps awake with the stopping of the train, to drop off again as the music recommences.
“At Kinsley we breakfasted; and as a portion of our crowd proceeded to interview their lunch baskets, loud and long are the lamentations over the havoc wrought by somebody during the night. It must indeed be a low-down hoodlum who would steal from an editor’s meagre lunch; but there is Standley, of the Arkansas City Traveler, who had fortified himself with a case of beer, wringing his hands because for the half of it only empty bottles remain; “Glick’s bad boy,” between a sweat and a cry, because the box of cookies from which he expected to feed his sweetheart had been broken into and rifled; and others too numerous to mention, bemoaning the loss of oranges, wine, and cake.”
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Committee Report of the Editorial Excursion.
“The Committee appointed at the eighteenth annual meeting of the Kansas State Editorial Association, held at Winfield, Kansas, May 9th and 10th, 1883, submit the following:

“Through the courtesy of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company, this body, with their wives, sisters, daughters, and invited guests, numbering in all 160 persons, was gathered at Winfield, and from thence transported to and from the ancient city of Chihuahua, a distance exceeding 3,000 miles, without accident, delay, or unnecessary stoppage, and always on time, the journey laying through portions of the state of Kansas, Colorado, and Texas, the territory of New Mexico, and into the land of the Montezumas in Old Mexico —than which a more magnificent excursion, both in scope and detail was never before offered by any corporation in the history of railroad management.
“By reason of this excursion we have been accorded the opportunity to witness the introduction of a system of irrigation at Garden City and adjacent points, which bids fair to transform the western portion of the great Arkansas valley into fertile and fruitful fields, gardens, and orchards. We have witnessed with our own eyes the vastness of the stock-growing regions of Kansas, eastern Colorado, and New Mexico, and we confess that every tradition and all published reports have so far failed to correctly mirror the grand possibilities of that region for maintaining its now countless herds of cattle, horses, and sheep, and which must for all time to come, furnish the meat products of the world.
“In Colorado, New and Old Mexico, we have seen the wealth of mines of gold, silver, iron, copper, and other precious ores and stones, the total wealth and extent of which seems past human belief.
“We have followed the steel rail over the tops of high mountains, almost into the regions of perpetual snow, and have threaded our circuitous way through gorge and canon and valley. We have witnessed a civilization quaint, curious, and more ancient than history, standing side by side with the growth and development of the nineteenth century.
“Enabled by one of the boldest efforts of modern railroad engineering to scale the mountains and descend into the plains of New Mexico, we have found in what was the lonely canon of the Gallinas, standing among the wonderful springs, a veritable palace—the Montezuma—raised as a home and resting place for the pleasure seeker, the tourist, and the invalid.
“We have visited the ancient city of Santa Fe, now about to celebrate the three hundred and thirty-third anniversary of its settlement, and have stood under the veritable roof of the oldest church in the United States, and have found the city of the Holy Faith an object of perpetual and fadeless interest.
“Journeying through New Mexico we have discovered a land of wonders; the remains of a people whose history dates back to the dawn of time exhibiting the triumphs and inven-tions of a new and intense civilization, the creation of yesterday. We have seen the Pueblo Indian standing amidst telegraphs, telephones, street cars, gas works, water-works and all the evidences of refinement and progress. We have seen not only gold, silver, and copper, but every rare and precious thing man has learned to dig from the earth, and have seen a house literally constructed of precious stones. We have seen flocks and herds such as exist nowhere else, the single county of Bernalillo containing two million sheep. We have seen the tri-umphs of the gardener and the agriculturalist along the banks of the Rio Grande to the vine-yards and orchards of Las Cruces. Entering the state of Texas, we have found the flourishing city of El Paso standing at the gate of Mexico, and destined as we believe, to be one of the greatest commercial cities of the country.

“Crossing into Mexico we have found an ancient country awakening from the sleep of centuries, possessing boundless resources in its mountains and in its plains—the former filled with mines as rich as those which awakened the enterprise of Cortez; the latter covered with sheep and cattle, which roam undisturbed through the year, knowing nothing of the cold and the storm of winter. We have visited the famous city of Chihuahua and have met a gallant, refined, orderly, and hospitable people, and have passed with them a day as bright as if spent in the gardens of Andalusia or the courts of the Alhambra. We have experienced in a foreign land a welcome as hearty as could have been expected from our own country-men, and a welcome which we can assure our friends is extended to every law-abiding American. We have been impressed as never before with the existence of a stable government, a delicious climate, great natural wealth, and a brilliant possible future for the republic of Mexico. On our homeward journey we were but the more thoroughly convinced of the correctness of the impressions which we formed on our journey southward. . . .
“Through the kindness of the officers of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, we were furnished a special train to visit the Grand Canon of Royal Gorge of the Arkansas, which furnishes Rocky Mountain scenery rarely equaled on the continent for beauty and grandeur; to pass through the narrow defile eleven miles in extent, where the waters of the Arkansas pour along at the foot of the mountains that rise perpendicularly above the river bed to the height of 2,500 feet; to pass at the base of mountain ranges, and look upon the lofty summit of Pike’s Peak in the distance affords a pleasure for which we tender our thanks to the Denver & Rio Grande railway, and especially to Capt. Tibbits, the very gentlemanly manager of the excursion on behalf of that road.” (Signed) H. B. KELLY, N. L. PRENTIS, R. S. TURNER, E. M. SHELTON, V. J. LANE, A. D. BROWN, G. W. SWEEZEY, G. W. GREASON, Committee.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The Albuquerque Democrat found among the Kansas editors who lately visited that place forty prohibitionists, twenty who answered no and eight on the ragged edge.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
“Glick’s bad boy” is along, and to the disgust of all but himself, is very soft on his girl who is also one of the company. They are like two sick kittens. Be it said to the credit of the Republican governors of Kansas, none of them ever appointed a silly son as a private secre-tary in order to keep the salary in the family. Glick’s boy has not as much sense as a twelve year old should have. But Glick is accidentally governor and knows he will never fill the place again, and hence is working to get every dollar that can be had out of the place for himself and family and a few strikers. We don’t believe there is a Democratic editor on the train who would support Glick again unless he promises to keep Fred out of office as “private secretary.” McPherson Freeman.”
The story of his behavior during that excursion, which the editors tell, show him to be a dirty little scoundrel.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883. [Editorial by Greer.]
The Two Albuquerques.

Albuquerque comprises two towns—the old and new. The new town is one of the prodigies of western growth. A little over two years ago it was a barren waste of mesa and sage brush. Today it is a fine city of five thousand population, with wide streets, lined with magnificent brick blocks, has three daily papers, water works, gas, and street cars. It is the best town on the Santa Fe road from Topeka to Chihuahua, and displays more hustle, life, and business activity than all the towns we passed through in New Mexico put together. We account for its remarkable growth and prosperity by the fact that it is a “Kansas town,” settled and largely populated by “formerly of Kansas” men. They hold the offices and do the business, and it is popularly supposed that the Justices of the Peace have to take an oath to support the Constitution of the State of Kansas.
It was a good deal like getting home when the train rolled into the depot and found a hundred carriages manned by two hundred Kansas fellows waiting to meet the excursionists. Everyone had friends there and in a few minutes were whirled away, leaving the Pullman coaches deserted, for the first time during the trip. We had hardly touched the platform before we were seized by Ex-Saint, taken to a carriage, and, together with W. M. Allison and wife, conveyed to his residence, where a splendid dinner was awaiting us. After eight days out, part of the time subsisting on the Mexican diet of red pepper and olive oil, it was like dropping into paradise as we feasted on strawberries and cream and all the delicacies provided. And last, but not least, were bright little golden haired Irene and Louise, the former questioning sorrowfully, “Why didn’t ’ou bwing my gwanpa?” Our short stay with Mr. and Mrs. Saint was one of the pleasantest events of the trip.
After dinner we were conducted through the wholesale and retail establishment of J. E. Saint & Co. It is a big institution and the firm does business on a scale that would lay most of our brag Kansas stores way in the shade. In the hour we were there, the senior member of the firm purchased two car loads of goods from a St. Louis drummer, loaded a lot of truck for shipment to Arizona, took in two car loads of potatoes, and had ten men buying and selling when we left. It takes life, energy, and business ability to keep at the head of the procession in Albuquerque, and Ex seems to have a surplus of all.
In the evening a grand ball and banquet was given in honor of the visitors, and here the youth and beauty of the city congregated. It was a delightful party and settled the question in our mind that Albuquerque, socially, is distinctively Kansas.
At no place in New Mexico is the contrast between the old and the new so noticeable as at Albuquerque. The new town is distinctively new, the old town distinctively old. The two are a mile apart and connected by a street car line. Here one can go from a two year old to a two hundred year old in ten minutes. The new town is all bustle and activity—the old is quiet, crooked, and lies low along the bank of the Rio Grande. Here as in all Mexican towns, the “cathedral” is the center around which everything seems to revolve. The oldest building is always a church, and the old churches are filled with the most hideous wooden images, supposed to represent the suffering of Christ on the cross. They are painfully distorted, these images, and we could hardly keep from turning away from them with a shudder. In one of the old churches at Santa Fe, in a niche in the wall, was a glass case, in which was enclosed a wax figure draped in burial robes. It was horribly real, and how these people can find consolation for the soul in looking at such things is more than we can tell.

When a person has seen one adobe town, he has seen them all. They look old when they go up, and grow no older in appearance after two or three centuries. Old Albuquerque has more of the pillared porches than Santa Fe, and the town looks cleaner. In one of these build-ings, the United States Court was in session. There was a mixed jury of Mexicans and whites, but the lawyers were all Americans. No Mexican can compete with the average Kansas lawyer, unless he has a jaw like a swordfish and a head like a Chihuahua gourd.
One of the most interesting features of the old town is the Indian school. Here are gathered together a hundred little Indian boys and girls, most of them Pueblos, but a few Apaches. The school is nominally under the control of the Presbyterian Board of Missions, but is also a Government boarding school for young Indians; the Government of the United States paying $125 per annum toward the maintenance and education of each pupil. They are taught Arithmetic, writing, and spelling, and are apt pupils. They sing well and rendered the chorus of “Sweet Bye and Bye,” with a good deal of force. They are swaddled up in breeches and petticoats and don’t resemble our youthful picture of the “little injun” running wild any more than a postage stamp resembles the moon. We had rather see them chasing dogs in their native garb of flour sacks than chasing ideas in a second-hand coat and a pair of “galluses.” The young lady teachers seem to take great interest in the work and in exhibiting their little copper-colored charges.
Water is a powerful factor in old Albuquerque. The brick-dust looking soil, when properly irrigated, produces luxuriantly, and so we find the ascequas running all over and around the town, carrying the muddy-looking water, taken from the Rio Grande miles above, and spreading it over the fields and vineyards at the owner’s will. In this country every farmer carries the rain in the hollow of his hand and floods his garden any time. All he needs is a hoe. The ascequas have a permanent and undisputed right of way. They will disappear under the wall of a house, reappear on the other side, and go flowing smoothly on to the next field.
We found so much that was strange and interesting in the old town that the afternoon and most of the evening passed by unheeded until the shrill whistle of a locomotive reminded us that it was the evening set for our departure, so we hurried back, and without time to hunt up the friends and bid them good-bye, were whirled away into the night toward home.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association have caused the books to be opened for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said Association at the office of the Secretary thereof, in the city of Win-field, Cowley County, Kansas, which books will be kept open until the whole amount of capital stock is subscribed. By order of the Board of Directors. E. P. GREER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Ed. Greer, of the Winfield COURIER, prepared the most readable “write up” we have seen of the editorial excursion to Mexico. He traveled with open eyes and told his readers what he saw in a manner that is most entertaining. We read his letters with much interest.
Newton Republican.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Business Men’s Meeting.

The business men and clerks of the city met at the COURIER office Wednesday evening and organized by electing Col. Whiting chairman and Ed. P. Greer Secretary. Mr. Brooking stated the object of the meeting to be to effect a mutual arrangement to close the stores at eight o’clock in the evening. Mr. Spotswood spoke in favor of the proposition, and was desirous that an arrangement be made by which both clerks and proprietors could get a little time for rest and social enjoyment. Mr. Mann accorded heartily with Mr. Spotswood in the matter, as also did Mr. Cooper. Mr. Webb desired to know how long the arrangement would hold, and after general discussion it was decided to make it between the 11th day of June and first of October. On motion of Mr. Hall a committee consisting of Messrs. Shields, Copeland, Hendricks, and Fleming were appointed to draw up an agreement to be presented all mer-chants in the city for their signatures. They reported the following.
We, the undersigned, hereby agree to close our respective places of business at 8 o’clock p.m., of each evening in the week, except Saturday, commencing June 11th, and continuing until October First, 1883. The time of closing to be indicated by the ringing of the city bell. This agreement made on the express conditions that all persons carrying conflicting lines of goods join in the arrangement.
On motion of Mr. O’Meara, duly carried, the chair appointed the following committee to wait on merchants not present with the agreement: Messrs. O’Meara, Cooper, Hendricks, Baird, and Fleming. On motion of Mr. Goodrich, Col. Whiting was added to the committee in behalf of the clerks. After discussion regarding the formation of a permanent organization, the meeting adjourned. It is to be hoped that the objects sought by the gathering will be accomplished, which can only be done by all uniting. It is understood that about every merchant in town with two exceptions, is in favor of closing. If there is any set of men in town who need rest and out-door exercise during the hot summer months, it is the over-worked clerks and merchants. In no other occupation is a man compelled to put in sixteen to eighteen hours per day—every minute of his time when awake. It is a matter of simple justice and humanity that everyone should recognize.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Notice. The clerks of Winfield, one and all, are earnestly requested to meet at the COURIER editorial rooms at eight o’clock p.m., this (Thursday) evening to transact business of importance.  Murdock, Brooking, Hyden, Committee.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
The clerks of the city, to the number of twenty-five or thirty, met at the COURIER office Monday evening after closing hours and unanimously adopted the following resolutions.
WHEREAS, It is the earnest desire of the clerks of this city to shorten the hours of business, and
WHEREAS, We think the interests of employers will be better benefitted by granting employees more time for rest and recreation than heretofore, therefore be it
Resolved, That we will use all honest endeavors to procure the closing of all places of business at 8 p.m., every evening except Saturdays during the months of June, July, August, and September, 1883.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.

Several of the merchants having declined to close up at eight o’clock in the evening, the whole business is “busted,” and the tired and weary clerks will still be compelled to put in eighteen hours a day during the hot summer months. Some of the merchants are exasperated at the failure of the movement, of which J. B. Lynn is one as will be seen by reading his nine o’clock proclamation in another column.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
To the trade of Winfield and Cowley Co.
ATTENTION: I wish to say to the trade that from this date I will keep my store open until twelve o’clock every night except on Sunday. I will give a ten percent discount on all Cash Bills sold after nine o’clock p.m., and will take it as a favor if my City trade will post-pone buying until after nine o’clock, thereby securing the discount. I mean just what I say.
June 13th, 1883. J. B. LYNN.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
Something About Santa Fe.
My first impressions of Santa Fe were anything but favorable. Winding around among sand hills and patches of soap weed, we came upon it suddenly; so suddenly as to almost startle me. Lying at the foot of giant mountains whose caps are eternal snow, the city in itself looks insignificant.
While the ladies and older persons in the party took carriages, the younger members started for town on foot. Here, as elsewhere in this country, they found that distances were “mighty deceivin’.” It took half an hour to walk a hundred yards.
Apart from its historic interest, Santa Fe is much like other Mexican towns. Here we met the same patient, ambling little burro, driven by the same stolid-faced “greaser” that first attracted our attention in Las Vegas. They seemed to have preceded us across the mountains and brought their mud houses and crooked streets along. It is a mystery to us how they preserve relationships and property interests in New Mexico. Everyone and everything looks alike, and apparently everyone is named “Jesus Maria.” It is the John Smith of the territory.
The San Franciscan chapel was first visited. It is very old—two hundred years or more, they say. It is an old adobe built in the form of a cross. Around it is being built a fine stone cathedral intended, we suppose, to protect it from the ravages of time. To insure this an adobe should be built around the cathedral. There is nothing so very remarkable in this old chapel. The high altars in the three wings of the building are gaudy with gilt and tinsel, against a background of carved figures, very ugly. All around on the walls were paintings and carvings in wood representing the crucifixion, some of them brought over from Spain hundreds of years ago. Age was their only virtue. In design and execution they would ruin the reputation of the artist who frescoes the barn yard fence with a bucket of paint and a broom. A niche in the wall was covered with a curtain. Some of the ladies, true to feminine curiosity, were bound to see what was behind that curtain, but started back when it was pulled aside. It contained a glass case in which was the wax figure of a man, full size, laid out in burial robes. As the remains were not labeled, we did not learn what saint the effigy was intended to represent, or why his memory was preserved in such strange form.

The old church of San Miguel is viewed with more interest perhaps than any other in America. Certain for three hundred years, and no one knows for how much longer, this church has stood “the altar of a people’s hope.” From the outside it looks like a big sod house with pebbles mixed up in the mud. From the inside it is long and narrow. It is supposed to have been built in 1640 and partially destroyed in the revolt of the Pueblo Indians in 1680, and rebuilt in 1710 by “The Admiral Don Jose Chacon Medina Salazar Villasenor, Knight of the Order of Santiago, Governor and Captain General of this Kingdom of New Mexico, etc. The building is supported by a beam on which is carved the date and several sections of his name.
When one starts to enter the old church, he is brought suddenly to the recollection that he is still in the United States by a young Mexican who stands at the door and collects toll at the rate of twenty-five cents per head. It was a new way of passing the contribution box, which was very successful.
Scrambling up an old ladder, we had a good view of the town from the top of the old church. The roof is of dirt and has a little belfry at one end in which hangs an old bell—twice as old as the bell which rang out tidings of the declaration of Independence.
Looking down from the roof just alongside the church, we see the oldest residence in America—a house in which human beings were living when this was an “undiscovered country.” In olden times the entrance was made by ladder to the roof, then the ladder was pulled up and let down by a hole in the roof, and the occupants were secure from all intru-sion. Its walls are thick and ceilings low, the upper one being scarcely high enough to stand up straight under. It has little mud fireplaces built in the corner of each room, mud floors, mud roof, mud walls, mud everything.
The long, low building on the north side of the plaza, painted white, is the “palace.” It has been the seat of government here continuously for two hundred years. It has earned its title and is by right a “palace.” Here Governor Lionel A. Shelden holds forth, and here are found piles of rusty old records containing the history of New Mexico through all its changes and vicissitudes. In the times to come they will prove a mine of wealth to the patient his-torian. After all, Santa Fe is a strange and interesting place, and I would fain have remained a week had circumstances permitted. With the railroad has come a change in the people, the customs, and manners, and those who would see Santa Fe as an old, quaint, and curious place, must see it soon.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
In Memoriam.
At a regular session of Winfield Lodge No. 20, I. O. G. T., held Friday evening, June 15th, 1883, the following resolutions were presented by the committee ‘In Memoriam’ and unanimously adopted:
“And they buried him in the City of David among the Kings, because he had done good in Israel, both toward God and toward his house.”
When a good man passes out from among his fellows to face the realities of the life beyond, it is meet and fitting that those left behind should pay tribute to his memory, not because of advantage to the dead, but to stimulate the living to an appreciation of those nobler qualities which gave him whose memory we cherish the high place he occupied in our esteem.

As members of Winfield Lodge No. 20, I. O. G. T., standing reverently and with uncovered heads before the memory of our beloved brother, REV. JAMES E. PLATTER, we point to the life of unswerving devotion to the right; of kindly sacrifices for the welfare of his fellow men; of leadership in the rugged paths of truth and duty, cut off in the very beginning of its usefulness; and while we drop a tear of affectionate remembrance upon his grave, rejoice that we can say to our membership, and the friends that knew him but to love, emulate his sterling qualities of mind and soul that your end may be like his, full of honor, but a loss which an entire community mourns as irreparable.
We mingle our tears with those who mourn—with the bereaved wife, children, and mother, and feeling words too feeble to express our sorrow or heal the gaping wounds of their affliction, tenderly commend them to Him who ruleth upon the land and upon the sea, and who has promised to be their Friend and Helper in their hour of need.
Resolved, That the Charter of the Lodge be draped in mourning, and a mourning badge be worn upon each regalia for a period of thirty days next after the adoption of these resolutions.
Resolved, That an engrossed copy of these resolutions be presented to the bereaved family, and that copies be furnished the Winfield papers for publication.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
We have to thank W. M. Allison of the Wellingtonian for the following kind notice of  our “children” at Albuquerque.
“Ninety-four miles run from Socorro brought us to Albuquerque, where was found the platform filled with formerly Kansas people, who were looking for acquaintances in the party whom they hoped to entertain. It was the lot of the writer and wife along with E. P. Greer, of Winfield, to be taken under the protecting care of Mr. J. E. Saint, an old Winfield boy, who was waiting with the carriage ready to convey us to his pleasant little home where his wife—daughter of Father Millington of the Winfield Courier—greeted us with hospitality beaming all over her face. Mr. Saint is engaged in the wholesale grocery business and has a large thriving trade. They carry a large stock and cash every pound of their goods every twenty days. They have been engaged in the business only some nine months and yet their sales had amounted to something like one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. And all the Kansans reported they were doing an excellent business in the various lines in which they are engaged, and we believe them because Albuquerque shows more ‘git up and git’ than any other town in the territory. It showed more stir and enterprise and was livelier than any other town we visited in the territory. Its growth has been marvelous.”
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Mrs. Ed. P. Greer left last Thursday for a month’s visit to friends in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association have caused the books to be opened for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said Association at the office of the Secretary thereof, in the city of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, which books will be kept open until the whole amount of capital stock is subscribed. By order of the Board of Directors. E. P. GREER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
M. L. Robinson, Gen. A. H. Green, and our contemporary, Mr. Ed. Greer, were in town Friday last.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
The weekly tournament of the Winfield Gun Club came off Thursday afternoon on the old fair grounds. The shooting was not so good as usual. The following is the score:
Jas. McLain 1-14; W. J. McLain, 1-12; J. N. Harter, 0-14; Frank Manny, 1-10; C. C. Black, 1-13; Ed. P. Greer, 1-10; C. E. Steuven, 1-10; Frank Lockwood, 1-9; T. H. Soward, 1-9.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
We publish this week entire the premium list for the first annual exhibition of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association. It is a matter of interest to everyone and should be carefully preserved. Every farmer and his lady in Cowley County should try to furnish something for competition and make the best fair ever held in Kansas. The premium lists are now ready for distribution and will be furnished upon application to the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
A Card.
EDS. COURIER: We desire through the columns of your paper, to most sincerely thank the many friends and neighbors who rendered such timely assistance in our late continued and fatal sickness, and especially are we placed under obligations we can never repay, to Mrs. Matty Simcox, Mrs. Sady Greer, Mrs. Strickland, and Mrs. Dow, who, at the sacrifice of their own interests, labored with us through the long weary days and nights. May kind Providence guard them from like affliction, and long spare them to minister to the sick and distressed, is our prayer. This is but a feeble expression of our gratitude, and we can only say, God protect and bless you. T. A. BLANCHARD, SARAH E. BLANCHARD.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
We’ll Go.
Ed. Greer, of the Winfield COURIER, is secretary of the Cowley county fair and driving park association. He sends us a complimentary ticket which says: “Admit Sinner Shelton and lady.” Now we are satisfied that we can’t get in on this ticket, but we’ll be there all the same. When the gatekeeper beholds our pious physiognomy, he will refuse to admit us on a sinner ticket. The fair and races will be held on September 25, 26, 27, and 28, and a big time is expected. Wichita Times.
The gatekeeper will be especially instructed in regard to Mr. Shelton, so we hope he will feel perfectly safe on that score. We cannot afford to have him miss attendance as he is advertised as one of the principal attractions in the natural curiosity department.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Mrs. Ed. P. Greer returned from a two months visit among friends in Illinois and Missouri, Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
At the last regular semi-annual election of Directors of the Ladies’ Library Association, the following were elected for the ensuing year.
Miss Lena Walrath, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mrs. M. J. Stimpson, Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mrs. J. B. Scofield, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. G. H. Allen, Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mrs. S. W. Greer, Mrs. Judge McDonald, Mrs. F. K. Raymond, Mrs. Will Strahan. Mrs. A. J. Lundy was elected Secretary to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Trimble. One hundred dollars worth of new and popular books have just been ordered. This is the time for you to secure your ticket for the year. Mrs. E. T. Trimble, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Mrs. S. W. Greer, with her sister, Mrs. Mason, started Monday for Marysville, Missouri, the former on a month’s visit to relatives, the latter to remain permanently.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
On last Thursday Mrs. E. D. Garlick, Mrs. John Lowry, and Mrs. S. W. Greer went down to Arkansas City as delegates for the State W. C. T. U., to organize a Union at that place. The organization was satisfactorily made. They speak very highly of the pleasant reception and hospitable entertainment tendered them.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
The price list of privileges for stands, etc., during the fair will be furnished on applica-tion to the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
I want forty bushels of good clean oats and will pay 2 cents higher than market price.
Ed. P. Greer.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Entries for the Fair.
The entry books of the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association are now open at the Secretary’s office in the COURIER editorial rooms. All who can should call and make their entries early and avoid the rush and hurry of the first day. There are no entry fees charged except in the speed ring. ED. P. GREER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Ed. Greer, of the Courier, and Lawyer Asp visited the city last Friday; the former was looking up matters in the interest of the Cowley County Fair.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
Make Your Entries Immediately.
The first day after the opening of the entry books for the Fair over two hundred entries were made. Parties desiring to make entries should call at the Secretary’s office in the COURIER editorial rooms and make them immediately. During the hurry and bustle of the first day of the Fair, it will be almost impossible to get this done satisfactorily.
Ed. P. Greer, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Mrs. S. W. Greer returned Saturday from a month’s visit with relatives in Missouri and Nebraska.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Peas! Peas!! Peas!!! Official count of Peas. A Jar Contains the Peas. Guess how many there are. Bryan & Lynn have the jar. BRYAN & LYNN, GROCERS, NORTH MAIN STREET. Have something new to offer. They have a glass jar that contains thousands, yet “there are millions in it”—peas they mean. Go and see it and make a guess how many there are.
Each one buying one dollar’s worth of goods, or more, and paying cash therefor, will be entitled to a guess. The one coming nearest to the number will be presented with a handsome bed-room set. The jar and set now on exhibition at their place of business, North Main Street, Winfield, Kansas. Official count to take place November 29th, 1883, at 7 P. M.
Committee to make count:  C. C. BLACK, E. P. GREER, W. A. TIPTON.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Notice. All persons to whom premiums were awarded by the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association at the late fair are hereby notified to call for the same on or before November 1st, 1883. On the second day of November the books will be closed and all premium checks remaining uncalled for will be covered back into the treasury of the Association. Ed. P. Greer, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 24, 1883.
S. G. Gary. Why is it that the moment the Republican party refuses to vote for a dirty Republican and kicks him out of the party, the Democrats at once take him up and nominate him for an office?
S. G. Gary was defeated in Mahaska County, Iowa, for treasurer, on the Republican ticket, when that party had 1,200 majority, and then he turns Democrat and comes to Kansas. Bill Hackney and his late relict, J. Wade McDonald, have him appointed sheriff upon the death of Shenneman. Then, desirous of propitiating these two worthies, he is forthwith nomi-nated by the Democrats for sheriff. Is he a Democrat, or is Bill running that party through Wade McDonald, as he always has done in this county? Or, mayhap, the office of sheriff is to be given him to pay him for refusing the bribe which Gary says Ed. Greer offered him in the water works row in Winfield, when Gary was councilman. When we remember that Bill and Wade, together with Read’s bank, put up that job, and that Gary voted it through the council, we can see more than one sow with its nose in the political swill trough of this county.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
DIED. Word was received in this city Monday of the death of Isaac Harris, grandfather of Mrs. E. P. Greer, at his home in Bushnell, Illinois. He was in his eighty-first year.


Frank Greer, Local Editor, Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1886. The Visitor tells its readers how Frank Greer, the local editor of the Courier, got his eyes blacked in a slugging match. He attempted to eject an objectionable person from his brother’s drug store, when the latter turned upon him and engaged him in a rough and tumble and free for all fight.


October 15, 1924, E. P. Greer retired. He was succeeded in the management by Mr. Anderson of the Winfield Free Press and Mrs. Anderson.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1924. The body of Edwin P. Greer, who died on board the steamer “City of Los Angeles” on Sunday December 7, is being carried to Honolulu, whither the ship was bound.
The “City of Los Angeles” will sail from Honolulu on December 20, arriving in Los Angeles December 26.  As near as can be figured the date of the arrival of Mr. Greer’s body in Winfield will be somewhere near the 29th of December.  No additional details of his death are known, but it is supposed that bronchitis from which he long had suffered complicated with heart trouble caused the end to come suddenly.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Edwin Patterson Greer was born in Leavenworth, Kansas, September 13, 1857. With his parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Greer, he came to Cowley County in 1871. Mr. and Mrs. Greer settled with their family on a claim southwest of Winfield.
In the spring of 1874, E. P. Greer, a seventeen year old boy, began work as an apprentice on the Winfield Courier and his connection with the paper lasted for 50 years. For forty years he was its editor and publisher, building the business from small beginnings into a large daily newspaper and job plant.
Three brothers and two sisters survive.
They are: Bert R. Greer, Ashland, Oregon; Charles Greer, San Francisco; Frank H. Greer, Tulsa; Mrs. Mary Greer Conklin, Washington, D. C.; Miss Nora Greer, Burbank, California.
Mr. Greer was married to Miss Lizzie Kinne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kinne, on October 30, 1878. Two children were born to them—Edwin Jr. and Grace, now the wife of M. A. Bangs of this city.
Mr. Greer was very fond of his grand children, Elizabeth and Billy Greer and Tom and Charlotte Bangs.