

I could not find any family by the name of “Grinnell” in Cowley County.
All I have is the following from Americus, Kansas.
There was not even “Grinnell” mentioned in the census records that I have.
Watson Grinnell, Esq.
Emporia News, June 2, 1871.
AMERICUS, KANSAS, May 31st, 1871.
Having been notified that a delegation from Cottonwood Falls, consisting of Col. S. N. Wood, Judge W. R. Brown, W. A. Morgan, Esq., W. S. Smith, and C. A. Britton would visit Americus today to consult with her citizens in relation to a railroad from Americus, on the M., K. & T. railroad, via Toledo and Cottonwood Falls, to the Walnut Valley, and thence via Arkansas City to Texas, a meeting convened at the schoolhouse, comprising nearly all the businessmen and other citizens of the town, and a considerable number from the country.
J. W. Adair was called to the chair, and R. W. Randall chosen secretary.
The object of the meeting being stated, Col. S. N. Wood was called for, who stated that at a meeting held at Cottonwood Falls, Friday night, the committee of gentlemen who now accompanied him, had been delegated to meet and talk with the people of Americus on the subject of railroad as above outlined. The Colonel then proceeded to illustrate the practicability of its route, showing the connections that could be made, and also the franchises that could be secured to build the road. Col. Wood’s remarks were clear and practical, and were attentively listened to by the gentlemen composing the meeting.
Judge W. R. Brown, of Cottonwood Falls, was next called out. He stated that the people of the Falls, and of the Walnut Valley, were unanimously in favor of this route, and would aid, by township and county bonds, to the extent of their means, to build this road. He believed a proper effort now along the line would result in the immediate construction of this road.
Hon. J. W. Loy was next called for, and expressed his belief that the people of Americus and vicinity would willingly aid all in their power to build this road. He considered this route eminently practicable, and the road one of the utmost importance to this locality; would lend every effort in his power to help it along.
Rev. F. D. Loy, R. W. Randall, Watson Grinnell, Esq., J. W. Adair, and others followed, expressing entire confidence in the ability of the people to get this enterprise under way, and eventually secure the building of the road. They thought the people of Americus township would do their share.
A committee of five, consisting of R. W. Randall, J. W. Loy, J. W. Adair, L. A. Wood, and J. D. Gibson were appointed to meet the delegation present tomorrow, for the purpose of organizing a company to start this road, and also to appoint a committee to visit Hon. R. S. Stevens, General Manager of the M. K. & T. R. R., and endeavor to get that company interested in the building of this road.

On motion, the Secretary was instructed to furnish copies of the proceedings of this meeting to the publishers of the Cottonwood Falls, Emporia, Topeka, and Walnut Valley papers for publication. The meeting then adjourned. J. W. ADAIR, Chairman.
R. W. RANDALL, Secretary.