Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
The “TRAVELER” is the Oldest Paper in the Arkansas Valley, In Kansas. It is strictly a Home Paper, devoting its space to communications from all parts of the county, and from residents temporarily absent in other States. It contains the News of the Territory, and of Indian Matters. Has the latest weekly Market Reports, Official County Proceedings, and everything of general interest to the reader. Among its correspondence, Lazette, Red Bud, Otto, Maple City, Silverdale, Dexter, Winfield, Nennescah, Oxford, Salt City, Guelph, South Haven, Caldwell, Kaw Agency, and several Ranches in the Territory, are represented. Every man should read his own county paper, and no family should be without one or more. The terms are reasonable, and within the reach of all—not costing one-half the price of your tobacco, extracts, and “other necessaries.”
Call on or address, C. M. SCOTT, Publisher, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
To Guelph: 18 Miles.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876. Front Page.
We have a daily mail from the railroad, except Monday of each week, via Oxford, Nennescah, and Winfield; a tri-weekly from Parsons, via Elgin, Hart’s Mill, Otto, Maple City, and Silverdale; a tri-weekly from Caldwell, via Alton, South Haven, and Guelph; and a weekly from Eldorado, via Baltimore, Tisdale, and Cabin Valley. The post offices at Arkansas City and Winfield are money order offices of the U. S. Winfield is the county seat. Arkansas City is an incorporated city of the third class, and has a population of about 500. The best schoolhouse in Southern Kansas is at Arkansas City, built of brick, with cut stone cornices. We have two grist and saw mills, one water power and one steam. On the Walnut and Grouse Creek are grist and saw mills within convenient distances for the country surrounding.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
Guelph Township comprises one of as many fertile square miles as any other municipal division of Sumner County. It is situated in the southeast corner of the county. It is surrounded on the south by the Indian Territory, on the west by South Haven Township, on the north by Walton Township, and on the east by Cowley County. The lands are exceedingly fertile, are well watered, and convenient to large bodies of timber. Some of the best lands in the township are yet subject to preemption, settlement and purchase at $1.25 per acre. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1877.
MESSRS. Loyd & Killingsworth have started a plaster factory near Guelph P. O., Sumner County.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
Wednesday, Jan. 24th, in company with Joseph H. Sherburne, we left Arkansas City at about noon and started for Fort Sill, in a light spring wagon; behind the team that so nearly caused the death of Mr. Hawkins, intending to reach Caldwell before sundown. The day was warm and pleasant, and roads in the very best condition. On our way we sped by Guelph, but stopped a few minutes at South Haven to converse with Col. Hunter and other friends. The road from South Haven to Caldwell is changed in many places since we first traveled over it, but is practically the same. On the west bank of Shoo Fly creek, J. W. Hamilton has erected a fine stone residence, two stories high, with windows and doors capped with cut stone, and generally improved his farm.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
“WILD CAT” writes us from Guelph, under date of February 18th, that there is a man in that vicinity who openly boasts that he “intends making it warm for someone about the TRAVELER Office,” and that “some fine day this week he is going down to put a head on the editor.” “Wild Cat” kindly gives us the name of the party, but out of charity we withhold it from the public.
Now, if the gentleman could realize how it shocks our mental and physical constitution, he surely would not speak so rashly. Ever since we first made our abode in the beautiful and verdant county of Cowley, we have had to undergo the tortures of threats of being shot, waylaid at midnight, and finally a new head is to be put on our person.
The thought of it is terrible! But what is, must be. Our fighting weight is just 127½ pounds; time for fracases, twenty-five minutes of 12, at noon, as that is the time we feel most hungry and savage.
If the gentleman desires “deadly weapons,” we can furnish them, as we like to be accommodating. Our choice is shot guns, at long range. We will not quarrel about the distance. The bluff north of town and Dr. Leonard’s fence would suit us nicely for stations. Our second will be Jim Huey—he can’t run. Now if these arrangements are satisfactory, the gentleman can name the day, and we will endeavor to have a friend there to explain the cause of our absence; otherwise, he will have to take the perilous chances of standing in front of our accident shot gun, that goes off without provocation, or being demolished with a hair space.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
Mail service between Arkansas City and Caldwell has been increased to three times a week instead of two as heretofore. Time of arrival Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays at 12 m., and leave the same days one hour after arrival. The increase will prove very beneficial to the people of this place as well as Guelph, South Haven, Caldwell, and vicinity. Henry Schultz is the carrier and Mr. Draper, of St. Louis, the contractor.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1877.
Kansas State Militia. From the Military Signal published at Columbus, Ohio, we clip the following, which at this date is rather amusing:
Listed in this article was the following person: Lieut. Geo. Wagstaff, Guelph.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
MARE. Taken up by G. W. Horn, of Guelph Township, one sorrel mare, 13 hands high, about 5 years old; roached mane, both hind feet white, bald face, saddle marks; branded with letters “B H” posted before A. J. McManis.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
Caught at Last. For some time past there has been a nest of petty thieves roosting in the neighborhood of Guelph, in Sumner County. A number of articles of small value have been missing, but none could find out where they went, or who took them; but circumstances pointed to three young men who have been working around among the farmers.
On last Wednesday George Richey, Martin Richey, and Silas McQuiston were arrested and brought before Squire Gilmore on Friday, for stealing a wagon sheet and pair of check lines, the property of Alfred Hurst. George Richey was found guilty, and fined $5.00 and costs of suit, amounting to $54.00. In default of payment he was committed to jail and sent to Wellington.
His brother, Martin, and comrade, Silas McQuiston, asked a continuance for ten days, but failing to obtain bail for their appearance, they were sent up to Wellington to keep George company.
One of the principal witnesses against the Richey brothers (not the hotel keepers) was an old chum of the Richey’s, but he squealed on them. George Richey swears vengeance against him. He says that he did steal the articles, and others, but that the witness, Gordon, hid them; that he is as deep in the mud as they are in the mire. It is an old saying that when rogues fall out, honest people generally find their own. But Hurst did not find it true in this case. He did not find his wagon sheet.
Another young gentleman was also arrested, Maquis Kelso, for being a participant in the affair, but he slipped his head out of the noose of the law, and went to find his brother, the millionaire of Chicago, who used to sling hash at the Central Avenue and write sensational articles for this paper.
[Note: “Clear Dale” was later changed to one word: “Cleardale.”]...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
CLEAR DALE, Oct. 19, 1877.
Clear Dale is a post village located in Guelph Township on the head waters of Bitter Creek, five miles north of the Shoo Fly road. The place was located about nine months ago, and is in a prosperous condition.
Bigler & Thompson are doing a good business in groceries, drugs, and ready made clothing, have a large trade in their line, and sell as cheap as anybody in Southern Kansas. Mr. George Lloyd is the wagonmaker of this place, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, solicits the patronage of the farming community. He intends to enlarge his shop soon. Mr. A. Cumins is the proprietor of the Cumins house. Any person stopping here is sure of getting a good meal. He also has a good farm and knows how to farm it, having 140 acres in wheat this fall. He also boasts of having the best well in Sumner County. There is a blacksmith and shoemaker located here. This would be a good point for a live wide awake dry goods merchant, also a hardware store.
Last Monday, the 15th, a fearful storm passed over the country south of here, its course was southeast. It carried the Kincade schoolhouse some fifteen feet from its foundation. Thomas Butts’ house was moved eight feet from its foundation. It tore Mr. Carpenter’s house into fragments, also Charles Wentworth’s house was blown over. No lives lost by the storm.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
A communication from Guelph, Sumner County, informs us that Mr. Van Kelso, whom the Traveler has slandered and insulted, is a gentleman of good character, and that he and his friends feel outraged at the Traveler’s course toward him. The communication would be of no interest to our readers and we only give the main point in it.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.
Did you ever see an Indian Pawnee’s overcoat? Cincinnati Saturday Night.
Yes, and saw him Sioux for its recovery. Detroit Free Press.
And he had to get a Cheyenne of evidence to do it. Guelph Herald.
But, upon its being proved that it was a Sac coat, the case was of “Kaws” dismissed.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Through the persistent efforts of Hon. Thomas Ryan, four new mail routes have been established in this county and the lettings for mail services will be made with the general lettings of mail contracts for this spring. The routes alluded to are
1st. Winfield via. Tannehill, Salt City, Guelph, and South Haven to Caldwell, tri-weekly.
2nd. Winfield via. Silverdale and Maple City to Otto, tri-weekly.
3rd. Winfield via. Bushnell, Littleton, and El Paso to Wichita, daily.
4th. Winfield via. Floral to Polo, tri-weekly.
The last has been run for a while as a semi-weekly before being established by Congress. It will now be regularly let.
The Winfield to Wichita route will be direct and will supercede the route via Oxford and to Arkansas City. A separate daily mail will be established from Winfield to Arkansas City and probably another from Winfield via. Oxford to Wellington. The Wichita mail will probably be required to reach this place at 3 o’clock p.m. and leave at 9 o’clock a.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
ARKANSAS CITY POST OFFICE. Departure and Arrival of Mails.
WICHITA. Leaves Daily 7 A.M. Arrives 7 P.M.
SILVERDALE, OTTO, AND MAPLE CITY. Leaves Wednesday and Saturday, 7 A.M. Arrives Tuesday and Friday 6 P.M.
KITLEY, GUELPH, AND SOUTH HAVEN. Leaves Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 7 A.M. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 6 P.M.
EUREKA. Leaves Thursday, 4:30 P.M. Arrives 4 P.M.
SALT CITY AND CLEARDALE. Leaves Saturday 6 A.M. Arrives Friday 6 P.M.
Office hours—7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays from 12 to 1 P.M.
Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
NATHAN HUGHES, Postmaster.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
DIED. The child of Aaron Arnett, of Guelph, about one year old, was taken suddenly ill Monday morning just after he had left for Wichita, and died in about two hours.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
Notice has just been received from Washington, by the P. M. of this place, of the discontinuance of the post offices at Kitley and Guelph.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
Mr. J. H. Pickett, of Guelph Township, Sumner County, gave us a pleasant call last Friday. He reports everyone in that section of the country is hard at work planting corn or other farm work. He says most of their early wheat is looking first class, but the late sown is more or less winter killed.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
Many of the mail routes were somewhat changed on July 1st, and for the convenience of our patrons we subjoin a table of the time of arrival and departure of mails on our local routes.
Northern mail arrives at 12:30 and departs at 2:30 p.m. daily.
Ponca, Red Rock, and Pawnee arrives at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and departs at 6 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Kaw and Pawhuska arrives at 9 p.m. of Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and departs at 6 a.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Salt City and Wellington arrives Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4 p.m. Departs Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 7 a.m.
Bitter Creek, Guelph, and South Haven arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 p.m. Departs same days at 7 a.m.
Silverdale and Maple City arrives Tuesday and Friday 7 p.m. Departs Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
Coal has been found in Guelph Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
J. M. Semple recently sold the west half of his place in West Bolton to Messrs. Via & Spradling, of Guelph Township, Sumner Co. Both gentlemen have taken steps for the erection of houses and other improvements upon their new property.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents, at Guelph, Sumner County, Kansas, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, by Rev. J. S. Lundy, Mr. Wiley Robins to Miss Mary Work, and Mr. Chas. Pittitt to Miss Hattie Work. The happy couples have the best wishes of many friends for their enjoyment of long and happy lives.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
A drug store has been opened at Guelph post office.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 21, 1884.
Guelph, Sumner County, Kansas.
Twelve miles west of Arkansas City, on the head waters of Bitter Creek, lies Guelph; a fine prosperous village, with a slightly undulating and rich prairie country surrounding it. The businessmen are energetic and high spirited and are determined to make this flourishing village a fine city. The soil of this section is good and crops are looking well. Land can still be obtained at reasonable rates, and is rapidly advancing in value. The people are enterprising and cordial, and strangers find themselves at home. When they obtain a railroad, the country will become one of the best in southern Kansas. Persons desiring homes will find this section an inviting spot.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
W. R. Ryland, of Guelph, came into the office this week, laden with timothy heads. We measured one of them and found it to be eleven inches long. Mr. Ryland assures us that the stock upon which it grew is fully six feet high.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
Guelph Items.
Guelph is still on the boom. Another doctor has located here, C. W. Grimes, and we will soon have another blacksmith.
Still the Ryland Bros., continue to tear up calico and show their good boots and shoes.
Our boys have a challenge on the base ball. They say to tell the Arkansas City boys to come on, they are ready for them.
Mr. S. J. Huffington is having a well bored.
Most of the farmers have their wheat and oats in the stack. Some few have threshed their wheat. UNCLE DICK.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 26, 1884.
Guelph Items.
It is again getting very dry around and about Guelph although the farmers are plowing for wheat.
Since the farmers have begun threshing, they find the wheat crop is not as good as was thought.
Mr. Musgrove of Geuda Springs gave us a pleasant call Thursday on his way to South Haven.
W. K. Ryland has put quite an improvement on his dwelling by painting it up in good shape.
T. J. Plumes has his new house and gave a social dance the evening of the 18th.
C. M. Parker is repairing his house; he thinks the cost will be about six hundred dollars.
J. L. Huffington and W. K. Ryland have bought them each a new buggy and spend a good deal of time riding around.
Still we can hear the sound of our blacksmith’s hammer. Mr. Lansdale is competent to do all smith work.
E. R. Parker’s daughter, who was bitten by a snake, is getting along finely. Think she will get all right.
Persons wanting to buy some good farms must not forget that the Ryland Bros., have them for sale. Call and see them before you buy.
Carson & Huffington are still on hand. They can sell as many goods in one day as the next one.
T. J. Plumer is again clerking for Carson & Huffington.
C. B. Carson and W. K. Ryland are out prospecting today.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
J. L. Huffington was over from Guelph Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Church Dedication.
The Chanty Missionary Baptist Church will dedicate their new house of worship three miles south and half mile west of Cleardale in Guelph Township, Sumner County, on Sunday, Dec. 10, 1884. The services will be conducted by Elder W. W. Durham, of Kentucky, assisted by Elder J. W. Wood, of Anthony, Kansas. We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend these services.
R. McCandlist, A. H. Kincaid, R. Thorp, J. H. Long, Committee.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
LOST. Between Arkansas City and Guelph a morocco back day-book belonging to Frank Wallace. Finder will confer a favor on Mr. Wallace by returning the same to this office as the book is useless to anyone except the owner.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
We take the following account of the drowning of a Sumner County citizen at Rock Falls, July 4th, from the daily Wellingtonian.
Several families, instead of spending the Fourth in another way, went to Rock Falls, Indian Territory, and the men commenced seining above the Falls, and the current, which was very swift, washed them over the falls into the deep water, and they went (six in number) swiftly down the stream.
All the men, excepting Grooms, held to the seine, one end of which was fastened to the shore, and in this manner were swung around to the bank and felt no greater damage than a severe wetting. Grooms, letting loose, was carried down the current a distance of about fifty yards. Those on shore thought he was swimming all right and he was not farther than twenty feet from the north bank when someone spoke to him to swim out. This seemed to bewilder him, as he immediately turned and commenced swimming back into the current. At this time he cried for help, and Mr. William Brand stated at once to the rescue. He succeeded in reaching him without trouble, and taking him by the hand commenced making good headway for the shore. Brand came near being exhausted himself, and Grooms seeing this said: “Bill, let me go and swim yourself.” This Mr. Brand did and then swam around Grooms and tried to push him ashore. They both suddenly sank and their hats floated downstream together. Brand came up all right and those on the bank got a pole and pulled him out. Grooms never rose to the surface again, and his body, up to this time, has not been found, though all day Sunday there were more than fifty men looking for the remains.
Deceased leaves a wife and three children and he was highly respected, both as a neighbor and a man, by all who knew him. His home was about halfway between Guelph and South Haven.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
A SNAKE STORY. Mr. J. H. Fortner, who resides near Guelph, on the Territory line, says the A. C. Democrat, took his wife, two daughters, and a son last Saturday, and went down on the Chicaspa river, about fifteen miles below the State line, to gather plums. After they had found a good prolific plum patch, they selected a shady nook and unhitched the horses, and proceeded to gather the luscious fruit. After the elapse of an hour or more, Mr. and Mrs. Fortner were startled by the screams of one of their daughters, and hastening in the direction, soon came upon a sickening sight. Rose, the oldest daughter, was seated upon the trunk of a log and a huge black snake was coiled up in her lap. She was so badly frightened that she dared not move; but the younger daughter stood off at a proper distance, making the woods ring to the full extent of her lungs. Mr. Fortner took in the situation at a glance; and placing his wife in front to attract the snake’s attention, stepped behind his daughter, and, taking her by the arms, quickly drew her from the log, and the snake rolled to the ground and was dispatched in short order. Rose said she had fallen asleep and when she woke up, the reptile was in her lap. The fright gave her such a shock that she has been confined to her bed ever since.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
Maj. Sleeth and N. T. Snyder visited Wellington Monday and Tuesday in the interest of the Ft. Smith & Wellington road. They met the president of the company, who assured them that the road would positively be built in the next 16 months. Messrs. Sleeth and Snyder were also informed that the railroad desired to come to Arkansas City; but since the defeat of their bonds in Walton Township, had had some notion of changing the route to go through Guelph Township. Surveyors are making this way from Ft. Smith through the territory. A survey will be run on the north side of the Arkansas first, and then on the south, in order to ascertain which is the most available route to Ft. Smith. In four townships in Sumner County bonds have already been voted and an election will occur in another on the 11th. The company asks for $4,000 per mile, from the county through which it passes. We should get this railroad connection. It is a trunk line, and since our citizens have ascertained that the road is a certainty, they will make a mighty strong pull to get it.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Last Tuesday evening A. A. Newman and H. E. Asp went over to Guelph Township and held a railroad meeting in the interest of the G. S. & C. Road. Quite a large number of Guelph Township’s voters were in attendance and expressed a willingness to aid in getting the road.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Neal A. Pickett was over from Guelph Wednesday and treated the REPUBLICAN to $1.50.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
N. T. Snyder and Will D. Mowry went over into the land of Guelph Wednesday evening and held a rousing meeting in the interest of the K. C. & S. W. Extension to Caldwell.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
G. W. Strange, of Guelph, while driving along the canal on Friday with a four-horse team, had the misfortune to get one of his leaders in the water. By prompt cutting of the harness, the struggling animal was extricated without injury except a strain in the hind leg.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
BONDS CARRIED. The bonds for the branch of the K. C. & S. W. railroad from Arkansas City to Caldwell were voted on Monday and carried by the following majorities.
South Haven township, 211; Caldwell township, 461; Walton township, 62; Falls township, 30; Guelph township, 10.
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
T. H. McLaughlin informs us that he never saw so many frozen faces of men in his life as he did Tuesday last over in Guelph Township. Nearly every voter who came to the polls had the skin peeling from his face, occasioned by their cheeks being frozen during the blizzard.
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
Tuesday the election for voting aid to the G. S., C. & N. W. Road came off. The bonds were carried in all the townships between here and Caldwell. In Walton Township the bonds were carried by 62 majority; Guelph, by 10 majority; South Haven, 211; Falls, 30; and Caldwell, 401. The carrying of the bonds insures the building of the road west from Arkansas City to Caldwell.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
To Exchange Stock of notion, fancy goods, underwear, boot and shoes, etc., for land in Sumner or Cowley County, or property in Arkansas City; address CHARLES DILWORTH, Guelph, Sumner County, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
Bitter Creek.
Spring has come but not lamb-like altogether.
Our farmers commenced sowing oats the first of the week, but had to stop on account of rain.
Mr. Ward is moving to Cowley County this week.
Oren Johnson and J. W. Caslie were calling on the businessmen of Guelph Monday.
Peter Hollenbeck is getting sone cut for the foundation of a new house he expects to build this spring.
Rev. Brink preached his last sermon Sunday. It is the wish of the people that he will be sent back the coming year.
Albert Dean is having his house and barn painted anew. O. H. Marshall is doing the work.
F. Ellis and family were visiting at J. H. Caslie’s on last Sunday.
Chester Hib has purchased a fine blooded pony, from a western stock raiser.
Mr. Kelsoe was prospecting in these parts last week.
Mr. McMillin is moving to the city; we regret losing him.
Mr. Blackburn is trimming his hedge, which adds greatly to the looks of his farm.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
Dr. W. H. Roupe, of Gerlaw, Illinois, was in the city the first of the week. Dr. Roupe has located at Guelph.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
Bitter Creek.
Singing School has closed.
Farmers will finish sowing oats this week if another blizzard don’t come.
Miss Keown, of Guelph, was visiting her brother here last week.
Frank and George Crocker were visiting relatives in the city Monday and Tuesday.
Frank Sands made a business trip to Guelph Wednesday.
Chris Hollenbeck, a retired farmer, has moved to Arkansas City. We regret losing Mr. Hollenbeck.
MARRIED. Henry Bond has taken unto himself a wife. They have gone to housekeeping on his farm west of the Creek.
Sabbath school at the Johnson schoolhouse will be reorganized on next Sunday.
George Wright, of Cowley County, who bought a farm here last fall, is going to building and improving this spring.
Charles Hill has moved to a farm near the city.
Mr. Williams, who left here about three years ago and went to Oregon, has returned to his old home and expects to live here in the future.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
Bitter Creek.
Farmers are busy planting corn.
The rain Monday night gives the wheat a flourishing appearance. It is thought the acreage will be as good as last year.
Mrs. Crocker is very low with a complication of diseases.
George Harlan is suffering from an attack of rheumatism.
Mary Hill, of Cowley County, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Holton, Saturday and Sunday.
Addie Ellis was stopping in Guelph Monday.
Rev. Brink, of Geuda, has been sent to preach for another year. Preaching in the Johnson schoolhouse at 11 a.m., and at the Star at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
Johnson Brothers have purchased a traction engine for running their corn sheller and grist mill.
A base ball club was organized at Guelph, last Saturday, under the name of the Second Nine.
It is the report that Henry Bond came near losing a horse by theft Sunday night. The barking of the dog awakened him and on going out, he saw Mr. Thief taking his horse.
I. Sands, J. H. Caslie, and F. Coggins made a visit to Arkansas City Wednesday and report everything booming.
BIRTHS. Oren Johnson got April fooled. He says it is a girl instead of a boy. Frank Wentworth ditto.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.
Guelph Items.
Every farmer in this neighborhood is busy planting corn. A larger acreage than usual will be devoted to that cereal.
Dr. J. E. Bogart, of this place, is talking of removing his stock of drugs and medicines to the new town of Cale.
C. B. Carson and the Pickett Bros. report a fair trade, notwithstanding the prevailing dullness of times.
There is a man in this neighborhood who says he never has a minute’s time to read the papers. His neighbors say he frets himself nearly to death because he cannot make $100 a day. Such a man deprives himself of all enjoyment of life because of his anxiety to get rich.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
J. A. Weddle was in from Guelph today. He tells us that the hail storm extended over a strip of country about 6 x 14 miles.
Arkansas City Republican, July 3, 1886.
From the Herald we learn that arrangements have been made for Geuda Springs to have a grand Fourth of July celebration on the 3rd. One of the speakers will be Rev. Brink, of Wichita, father of Rev. V. H. Brink, pastor of the M. E. Church of that city. James Hill, of Arkansas City, will also be present. L. H. Northey, paymaster on the Border road, will run an excursion from Winfield and Arkansas City and one from Guelph or near South Haven, as the road will be almost completed to that point in that time. There is no doubt that there will be two or three thousand people who will go to Geuda on the trains. The fare will be thirty cents a round trip from Arkansas City. The Arkansas City Buckskin Band has been spoken for and is expected. The celebration will be held in Mitchell’s grove.
Arkansas City Republican, July 3, 1886.
Bitter Creek.
Harvesting is ended and farmers are busy stacking their grain.
Mr. Crocker is building a new house. It is said that it will be a very neat structure when completed.
It was thought that a great many of the chintz bugs were destroyed by the rain and storm. Had another generation come, they, in connection with those that were here before the rain, would have proved very destructive.
Miss Daisy Marshall was visiting friends in Arkansas City last week.
Mr. May, of Elkhart, Illinois, who came here two weeks ago to look at the country, has bought a farm near Guelph, paying for it $4,000.
I. Sands was in Winfield last week on business. He reports corn looking well in that vicinity.
A good many from the Creek expect to attend the celebration at Geuda Springs Saturday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The track on the Geuda Springs & Caldwell road is laid over into Guelph Township. The grading is done to within a few miles of Caldwell, and the surveyors have gotten as far west as Anthony. The depot at Geuda is almost completed. It will be done this week.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Geo. White and family, of Guelph, will leave next week for a six weeks’ visit up in Iowa.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.
W. D. Keown, of Guelph, was in town on Friday, and dropped into the TRAVELER office to pay the printer. He came here from Illinois two years ago, and is so pleased with his location that he also subscribed for three other copies, to be sent to friends in his former state. Mr. Keown believes in diffusing the light.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887.
Bitter Creek Clippings.
The farmers have laid aside their plows for a few days as the ground is frozen too hard.
MARRIAGES. Marrying seems to be the fashion now. John Dean, justice of the peace, performed two this week. On the 21st, James Wagner to Miss Mary McClaskey. They were united in matrimonial bonds at the residence of the bride’s parents near Guelph. On Feb. 1, Frank McClaskey was married to Miss Renie Crick. A small crowd assembled at John Dean’s on the date above mentioned, where the happy couple were united in marriage.
A hired hand of Albert Dean’s had a runaway a few days ago. He was walking and driving when his team became frightened and unmanageable. Not being able to disentangle himself from the lines, he was thrown under the wagon, receiving some severe bruises. He is getting along finely.
John R. Smith has gone out west to grow up with the country. IXL
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
J. A. Weddle, of Guelph, has removed to the city with his family. Mr. Weddle will make a good citizen and the REPUBLICAN welcomes him.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887.
Bitter Creek Clippings.
Wheat looks fine.
Some of the farmers are through sowing oats.
The lyceum at the Johnson schoolhouse is progressing finely.
Willis Feagin has moved on the McMillen farm.
A few of the country boys will meet at Guelph to practice playing base ball on next Saturday.
MARRIED. Ed. Gates and Miss Ella Randolph were united in marriage on Thursday, the 17th, by John Dean, J. P.
We sincerely regret the loss of one of our most intelligent farmers, Mr. Magnes Kelso, as he has moved to Guelph Township, but “what is one’s loss is another’s gain.” I. X. L.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Geuda Springs, February 25, 1887.
A. L. Huffington, of Guelph, attended the ball and stopped with his friend, Jake Willet.
[Above item was the last found which mentioned Guelph.]