Roy Hackley
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1915.
(By Elwin Hunt)
God fashions man and puts him here, for one short minute bids him play, Death comes and claims him for his own, and heeds it not we say him nay. The only thing that man may do, is just to live the best he can, to shape and mould the days that fly, so he who runs may record scan.
Such a man was Roy Hackley, living faithful through the years, walking firmly down life’s pathway, finding sunshine through the tears. True was he to wife and baby, staunch to friends he made on earth, firm of hand and keen of vision, quick to see the true heart’s worth. Dead? Ah, no, such men can’t perish, though their bodies lie in dust, true as steel their works survive them, through the grime and through the rust. And though we grieve that he is gone, we have one cause for joy, we’ve known a man who was a MAN, our old time friend, LeRoy.