Hadicke Family
[Connected to Baird Family.]
The family name Hadicke does not show in the 1860, 1870 or Kansas 1875 census reports.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
MARRIED. By Elder Broadbent, December 20th, Mr. Squire Curry and Miss Mary McCoy. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. Hadicke. Good for squire.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
BOLTON, January 28, 1878.
At the regular meeting held by the Prospect Grange at Theaker’s school house Saturday evening, January 26, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year. J. A. Scott, Master. Wm. Hadicke, Overseer.
Walter Hadicke Baird.
Walter Hadicke Baird died Feb 23, 1996. His obituary stated he was the youngest child of Charles M. And Lenora S. (Hadicke) Baird. The obituary stated, “He lived his entire life in this area, being a part of the third generation to have resided here as his grandfather homesteaded here in May 1870, and his mother’s family homesteaded near here in the later part of 1870.”
A son of Thomas Baird was Charles Martin Baird. Charles Baird married Lenora S. Hadicke in 1903. One of their children was Walter Hadicke Baird.