D. F. Hall


[Became Hotel Owner at Geuda Springs.]
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A Geuda correspondent of the Arkansas City Democrat venti­lates himself to no small extent, and winds up his letter with the information that Mr. Mitchell has sold his property in Arkansas City, and is going to move to Geuda Springs.
That Foss is building a large store to be rented to F. L. Davis, who intends to fill it with groceries.
That Mart Bixler is about ready to move into his new store at Geuda.
That Wm. Berkey has a new awning in front of his store. Take notice ye loafers.
That Foss has gone to east St. Louis after thoroughbred cattle; also is going to bring a fine Percheron Norman stallion.
That Hall, Axley, Neer, and Walker have taken a trip to the Cherokee Nation, for the purpose of buying ponies.
That there is soon to be an I. O. O. F. Lodge instituted at Geuda Springs.
That the hotel is going up for a certainty.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Mrs. De Lesdernier has sold the McKechee house at Geuda Springs to Hall & Rath.
Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
GEUDA SPRINGS, October 11, 1883.
EDS. JOURNAL: Will you permit a reader of your paper to write a few lines from this part of the moral vineyard. Geuda Springs at present is lively, and our businessmen are doing a thriving business, and laying in stocks for the winter. There is a flattering prospect for a railroad through here in the spring, which, added to the present business boom, will make Geuda Springs the liveliest little town in the state. We have recently had a few business changes. J. R. Musgrove is putting up his large sale rooms and laying in a mammoth stock of clothing, as well as groceries, and will compare prices with any clothing house in the west. Mr. Hall is also a wide awake businessman, and is looking up the interest of his hotel which is doing a thriving business. Mr. Hall has had years of experience in the hotel business and is running a first class house in connection with the Springs. Our hack line is doing a lively business and comes in well laden with visitors to the Springs, who speak in flattering terms of our city. D. J.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
Messrs. C. G. Perry, Joseph White, and D. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, were in the city Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.

It was our pleasure to visit Geuda Springs, last Friday afternoon, with Rev. N. S. Buckner, who went over there to deliver a lecture on “Church Building in the West.” We found the town improving much more than we expected; several nice residences, a large hotel, a large store house, and a Methodist Church now being under construction. The merchants seemed to be doing a fair business, and the town generally, showed prosperity. John C. Holton has recently purchased the “City Drug Store,” and is doing a good business. He is a young man of pleasant address, attentive to business, and we think he is certain to succeed. We visited Messrs. Roney & White at their drug store and found them very agreeable gentlemen. They keep a full line of drugs, are well and favorably known in the community, and are doing a large business. Mr. Biggs, at the livery stable, is a pleasant and accommodating gentleman, and treats his customers well. We ate an excellent supper at the Grand Central Hotel, and found the proprietor, Mr. D. F. Hall, one of the kindest and most genial landlords with whom it has ever been our pleasure to stop. He is running two hotels there, and is doing an immense business. We shall certainly not fail to see him on our future visits there. We visited the sanctum of Mr. Furry, editor and proprietor of the Herald, and found him busy as it was publication day. The Herald has a good circulation for a paper published in a town the size of Geuda Springs. Revs. Rovine and Lundy will please accept our thanks for the kindness we received at their hands while in the town. We are sorry to say that Rev. Buckner failed to get an audience large enough to justify him in delivering his lecture. The lack of interest in church building was the most unfavorable indication that we noticed while in the town. Churches help to build up towns and all residents should be interested in their erection.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
D. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, was over Monday looking around Arkansas City with a view of moving here.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
B. F. Hall and wife, of Geuda Springs, arrived here Wednesday from a short trip to Eureka Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
B. F. Hall, of Geuda, registered at the Leland last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
B. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, made Arkansas City a short call last Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
Geuda Officers. The following officers were elected in Geuda Springs Monday.
Dr. L. W. B. Long, Mayor; L. M. Bixler. Police Judge; C. G. Furry, D. F. Hall, F. P. Sallade, H. C. Sproggs, and Wm. Trimble, Councilmen.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
B. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, was in the city Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
Steamboat Enterprise. In Geuda Springs a stock company has been formed to run a steamboat between that place and Arkansas City. The directors chosen are George Ferris, J. H. Noble, Will M. Berkey, and D. F. Hall, of that city, and C. L. Swarts, Amos Walton, and A. V. Alexander, of Arkansas City. An investigation of the Arkansas River between the two points named, shows a course in no place less than fifteen inches deep, the shallowest place being found just south of the large island below the ferry. A boat 20 by 75 feet is to be built, with a draft of 12 inches. It is expected the boat will be ready to make trips two months from date.