E. J. Hall


Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
New Salem. EDS. COURIER: Again I will drop you a few lines from this, “the garden spot of Cowley.” We have as good soil, as well posted farmers, as big babies, and the “reddest” headed women of any place in the county, and we are proud of all these. Farmers are all busy, and by the way, if this fine weather lasts much longer, you will hear of early planting of crops around New Salem. Our school is a success this winter under the above management of Mr. Hall.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
E. J. Hall, New Salem, District 55: $45.00 monthly salary.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882. Front Page.
Tin Wedding. One of the most complete and successful surprises that ever occurred in this vicinity took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Douglass on the evening of January 25th, it being their tenth wedding anniversary, and their friends gave them a surprise tin wedding. About seven o’clock in the evening, as Mr. Douglass and lady were entertaining a friend, and discussing the events of ten years ago, their home was surprised and taken by a company of twenty-two of their friends, and the bride and groom of ten years made prisoners in their own castle, and after the usual greetings, and the company had become seated, several packages were deposited on the center-table, and Mrs. Theodore Pixley addressed the bride and groom elect for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Douglass then stepped forward; and for the first time began to realize the object of the meeting, when Mrs. Pixley delivered her short address and presented the packages.  Mr. Douglass thanked their friends for so kindly remembering them on their tenth wedding anniversary. Prof. Hall then gave a toast on tin weddings, and Mrs. Pixley presented Mr. and Mrs. Douglass with a letter from friends in Illinois, which divulged the fact that a portion of the presents were from friends far away, and that they had taken an active part in this surprise through the instrumentality of Mrs. Bovee, and had sent a share of the presents that were then shining so brightly in the lamp light by her. The company after enjoying themselves for a couple of hours at games and different kinds of amusements, were invited by the ladies to take tea and cake, and their baskets were brought forth well filled, and the host and hostess were invited to sip with them. After supper the company dispersed, wishing the bride and groom of ten years many returns of their wedding anniversary. The following are the names of parties giving, and a list of the presents.
Mr. and Mrs. Thorp, of Kirkwood, Illinois, vegetable dipper and salt cup.
Miss Dora Thorp, of Kirkwood, Illinois, tin plate.
The following person sent presents from Bigwill, Illinois:
Miss M. C. Porter, coffee-strainer.
Miss Maggie Reil, cake cutter.
Mr. Earnest Gilmore, tin cup.

Mrs. Mattie Bell, small gem pans.
Miss Tabitha Jemison, match safe.
Mrs. E. Stean, nutmeg grater.
Miss Laura B. McGaw, pepper box.
The following presents were received from New Salem friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Johnson, fruit pan and cooky cutter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson, pudding pan and egg beater.
Miss Etta Johnson, set of gem pans.
Mr. and Mrs. Pixley, salt cup.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bovee, bridal wreath.
Miss Sarah Bovee, tin cup and tin comb.
Miss Julia Bovee, wash pan.
Mr. C. Gambs, pocket match safe and stamp case.
Mr. John Cox, wine-cup.
Mr. Ed. Hall, tin pan.
Mr. E. Daughmas, 4 tin fruit cans.