John H. Hall


  Tisdale Township.
[Handled Hogs and Cattle.]
Tisdale Township 1873: J. H. Hall, 46; spouse, E. J. Hall, 31.
Tisdale Township 1874: J. H. Hall, 47; spouse, Jennie, 33.
Kansas 1875 Census, Tisdale Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth   Where from
J. H. Hall 48  m w Ohio Illinois
J. Hall 34 f w Illinois Illinois
Willie Hall 1  m w Kansas
Tisdale Township 1878: J. H. Hall, 51; spouse, E. J., 37. P. O. Address Winfield.
Tisdale Township 1880: J. H. Hall, 53; spouse, E. J., 39.
John H. Hall...
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876. Editorial Page.
From Tisdale. TISDALE, SEPT. 1, 1876. EDITOR COURIER: Tisdale has long been on the quive vive for something sensational, and for want of facts to talk about, the gossipers have let their tongues loose, and talked about what might be, or according to their theory, what ought to be, and if they had the opportunity what actually would be, thus showing by their talk and scandal of others what they actually are them­selves. But we pass over the imaginary and come to the real. On Monday night last J. D. Newton and Mrs. Phil Hedges left for parts unknown. It seems that Newton left home on Monday night, stating to his wife that he was going to Winfield to buy groceries, as the threshers were expected to be at his place in a few days. He left and has not returned. Phil Hedges left on Monday morning to assist Hall and Handy with threshing, intending to be absent till Tuesday night. On Tuesday night he found no wife to welcome. Upon examination he found her trunk gone, and the cow had not been milked while he was gone. Let us imagine, for a moment, the painful position of Mr. Hedges. Not till morning did the dreadful fact come to his mind that his wife had gone. Mr. Hedges is one of the best citizens in this neighbor­hood. He is a man of undoubted honor, and has the greatest sympathy of the public. Newton leaves a wife and three children, almost unprovided for. Mrs. Newton is a quiet, inoffensive woman, and for a short time back has lived in continual fear of her life, her husband having threatened to kill her on several occasions. Newton is a man of no mind—of little knowledge of the world—and altogether the last man that the public would ever have thought would have gained the affection or the seduction of a woman like Mrs. Hedges. Strange things happen in this world. I wonder if our socials last winter did not help matters a little. BEECHER.
J. H. Hall...
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Election Fee: J. H. Hall, $3.80.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Tisdale—J. H. Hall, Trustee; O. P. West, Treasurer; A. J. Gay, Clerk; R. S. Morse, H. L. Thomas, Justices; No Constable.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The wheat crop looks splendid and bids fair to make glad the hearts of the farmers in Tisdale Township. First among those whose crop is in very fine stand are those of O. P. West and J. H. Hall. These gentlemen farm on the Southern Illinois plan, and all agree in saying that their plan is as good as the Michigan plan of Mr. Terrill.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
John Hall is building a neat addition to his house, notwithstanding the fact that our Lyceum has decided that Kansas farming does not pay.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
J. H. Hall is finding out how much the people of Tisdale Township are worth.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
TISDALE: Trustee, J. H. Hall; treasurer, I. D. Black; clerk, W. C. Bryant; Justice, Geo. Wilson.
J. H. Hall...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
I. E. Johnson, J. H. Hall, and Mr. Summerville all have relatives visiting them from Iowa and Illinois.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
John Hall can boast of the largest crop of oats about Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
The below named men have built for themselves corrals or pastures, and are trying to raise some stock. The rest of us live from hand to mouth and growl about hard times.
John Smith, Wm. Smith, John Hall, O. P. West, M. M. Mull, Levi Weimer, Arthur Emerson, Charlie Eastman, Levi Fluke, Wm. Summerville. Those few men have engaged themselves in raising hogs and cattle, and are all making some money out of the busi­ness.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.

Wheat in Kansas. In the quarterly report of the Kansas State Board of Agri­culture, for the third quarter of 1881, among the reports of the practical growers of wheat in Kansas, we find that Mr. J. H. Hall, of Tisdale, says in reference to this cereal: I have found, during eight years of experience in Kansas, that a rather dark and loamy soil is best adapted to raising winter wheat. It does not do as well on prairie soil not re-plowed as on old ground. In May and June I break new land with a 12-inch plow, two inches deep, and leave the furrows flat and smooth. I re-plow, pulverize thoroughly, and sow about one bushel of seed per acre with a drill. I prefer old ground plowed in July, and kept well harrowed until seeding time. California, May, and Blue Stem have yielded the largest crops and greatest profit. I drill east and west, to protect the wheat from north winds. I commence to harvest my wheat with a header when it is in a stiff dough. I do not consider it economical to thresh without stacking. As soon as it is cured, I put it into small round stacks, and thresh with best results about two months afterward. I prefer horse power for threshing. I market my grain at home, receiving from 60 cents to 95 cents per bushel. My average yield has been about 15 bushels, and not profitable. It has cost me 40 cents a bushel to raise. A yield of 15 bushels per acre at 75 cents will net $5 per acre for the use of land, which is a fair rental.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
TISDALE, Dec. 9th, 1881. To The City Council of Winfield: We, the members of the Tisdale Farmers Alliance, make the following resolutions:
Resolved, In justice to the farming community of the county, who are disposing of agricultural produce in your city, and who are justly indignant at the shameful manner by which they are swindled out of their just dues by fraudulent weights; and in justice to yourself and your city, that there be city scales.
Resolved, Further, Should such a measure be taken, that the farmers patronize it and give it their custom. M. ELLINGER, President. J. H. HALL, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Among other proceedings had by the Board the following claims were acted upon as follows.
J. H. Hall, Election Judge, Tisdale Township, $3.80.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Assessor’s Meeting. On Monday, March 6th, 1882, the assessors of Cowley County, Kansas, met at Winfield.
Present from Tisdale Township: Jno. Hall.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
We paid a hurried visit to Mr. J. H. Hall, one of the “Old Timers” of Tisdale. He has put in all his spare time building stone fence and now has a large pasture enclosed in the most substantial manner. He is doing considerable stock-raising on a small scale in connection with the farm.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Notice of Primary. There will be a meeting of the citizens of Tisdale Township at usual place of voting, Jan. 26, 1883, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of placing in nomination a township ticket. By order of Township trustee, J. H. Hall.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
WHEAT PROSPECTS. J. H. Hall, of Tisdale Township, is one of those farmers who do not get scared before they are hurt. He says he does not believe the wheat is killed or badly hurt to any extent, that the wheat, particularly the late sowed, is mostly killed down to the ground but the roots are all right and an excellent crop may be expected.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
The people of Tisdale and vicinity had a rare social treat on the evening of October 31. They gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chance to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the wedding of that worthy couple. The gathering being a surprise to the lady and gentleman of the house added greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion. The time having arrived for the ceremony, the bride and groom took their position on the floor, the bride on the right, the groom on the left. The bride affirmed that she would (using her own sweet pleasure) use the wooden ware that her friends presented to her, as instruments of warfare to maintain her rights; and the groom consented to submit. When the single ladies and gentlemen of the company beheld this “court”-ship which after a successful voyage of five years on the calm sea of matrimony, was now lying in the beautiful port of Tisdale, waiting for some coming breeze to unfold the wonderful possibilities of the future, we imagined we heard them sigh:
“Oh for a life on the ocean wave,
A Home on the peaceful deep.”
Mr. E. P. Young performed the ceremony. We had a doubt as to whether the right jovial gentleman could keep his face straight long enough to perform the office of a minister in any other emergency than that of doing his part at the table where chicken was the principal dish. We were, however, destined to be surprised; for had he served a long apprenticeship at the business, he could not have acted with more becoming solemnity.
The persons present and the gifts presented by each are as follows.
Mrs. Wycoff, hat rack.
Miss Ella Fray, shoe brush.
Mr. Bush, butter ladle.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, hat rack and match safe.
Mrs. Bartlow, hat rack.
Watts Young, box matches.
Mr. Davis, Mrs. Millhouse, and Mr. Huff, corner bracket.
Mrs. Burleston, clothes press.
M. D. Fluke, mouse trap.
Mr. Chandler, bread board.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Young, bracket and necklace.
Mr. F. P. Vaughan, faucet.
Mr. Ira Fry, wash board.
Mr. E. P. Young, rolling pin.
Mr. Ed. Young, potato masher.
Mr. and Mrs. Sellers, tub.
Miss Mamie Young, stove polish.
Mrs. Brush and Lorey, chromo.
Mrs. Milks, towel rack.
Miss Lorey, half bushel .
Miss Estella Fluke, bouquet of chrysanthemums.
Miss Edna Davis, tray.

Mr. Norman Sackett, matches.
After a few hours of merry-making, the company broke up, each one feeling that for the enjoyment of the occasion it had been one long to be remembered.   W. X. Y. Z.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Mrs. John Hall is enjoying a visit from her niece, Mrs. McDow and daughter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
John Hall meditates a new barn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The Mite Society had a very pleasant gathering last evening at Mrs. J. H. Hall’s—benefit two dollars.