T. B. Hall
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.
Mr. Hall then took up the subject of spelling. His method is to have the lessons written on the pupils’ slates, assigning only as much as can be learned thoroughly. He would do away with the old method of oral spelling in the class.
The following teachers were present at this Institute: Lizzie Landis, Anna Mark, Justus Fisher, J. C. Armstrong, T. B. Hall, E. G. Water, Nellie M. Aldrich, Estella Thompson, Lillian Norton, Ida Daggett, Nettie Porter, E. J. Pepper, Wm. Lee, C. H. Eagin, Wm. E. Ketcham, N. S. Mounts, Ettie Fowler, S. Bucher, R. B. Corson, Mary Graham, Lizzie Graham, J. W. Tullis, Jennie Hawkins, E. W. Hulse, J. S. Stratford, E. A. Small, Gertie Davis, Thomas Maginnis, W. C. Robinson, T. J. Conner, S. E. Aldrich, Addie Hollister, Lizzie Ireton, Annie Melville, M. E. Dudley, E. A. Millard, W. H. H. McKinnon, H. J. Sandfort, E. J. Greenlee, E. A. Goodrich, Katie Fitzgerald, Carrie Morris, R. C. Maurer, Carrie Dixon, Libbie West, Lizzie Stine, E. C. Seward, Mary Huston, G. W. Melville, A. K. Stevenson.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Normal is now in fair running order, and the teachers are getting down to hard, solid work. Profs. Wheeler, Story, and Trimble, with their corps of assistants, are working like beavers, and there is a united feeling among teachers and pupils to make the time count. The teachers in attendance number 117, and seem as intelligent and as capable of training the young ideas as can be found anywhere.
Below we append a corrected list of those in attendance.
T. B. Hall included on list.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
RECEIVING PRESENTS: Miss Effie Kimmel, Miss Mary Parker, Miss Ruth Purdy, Mr. T. B. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spray.
TAKE PRESENTS FROM TREE: Mr. S. C. Murphy, Mr. J. B. Tucker, Mr. T. B. Hall.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
There will be a meeting of the teachers of the Fifth Association District, at the schoolhouse, Arkansas City, March 6th, at 1 o’clock p.m.
GRAMMAR. Principles and Infinitives: Charles Hutchins, T. B. Hall, and Mr. Marshall.