Hamilton Family
James Hamilton.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, September 6, 1872.
DIED. Mr. James Hamilton of Belle Plaine, but formerly of Arkansas City, died on the 3rd inst., with Intermittent Fever, after a long lingering illness. Mr. Hamilton leaves a wife and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.
W. J. Hamilton.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1874.
Two men after trying to steal corn out of the crib of W. J. Hamilton, near the mouth of Grouse creek, set it on fire. Mr. Denton, who was concealed under a wagon to watch for the thieves, fired two shots at them without effect. The fire burned four hundred bushels of corn, cultivators, hay fork, plows, and was quite a serious loss such a year as this. Parties are suspected, and will doubtless be brought to punishment.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Fort Sill, Wichita, Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Agencies.
Wednesday, Jan. 24th, in company with Joseph H. Sherburne, we left Arkansas City at about noon and started for Fort Sill, in a light spring wagon; behind the team that so nearly caused the death of Mr. Hawkins, intending to reach Caldwell before sundown. The day was warm and pleasant, and roads in the very best condition. On our way we sped by Guelph, but stopped a few minutes at South Haven to converse with Col. Hunter and other friends. The road from South Haven to Caldwell is changed in many places since we first traveled over it, but is practically the same. On the west bank of Sho Fly creek, J. W. Hamilton has erected a fine stone residence, two stories high, with windows and doors capped with cut stone, and generally improved his farm.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
EAST BOLTON, Dec. 7, 1877.
Thanksgiving Day, 1877, will long be remembered as a day passed with Mr. and Mrs. Denton at the residence of Mr. W. J. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton is one of the best and most successful farmers in this county. His pork sales for 1876 amounted to over fifteen hundred dollars, and this year he expects $2,000 from pork alone, besides the product of 150 acres of wheat. Past seventy-five years of age, he possesses more energy and life than most men at forty, making everybody about him at home and happy. At supper Mrs. Denton could have said, “Let me help you to everything you like.” Cold meats, the old-time turkey, delicious fruits, fresh oysters (raw, stewed, or fried), coffee, etc., formed a repast fit for a king, and was partaken of with a relish seldom equalled. At 6 p.m. the company repaired to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Weatherholt, where, after partaking of a lunch, followed by grapes as fresh as when first plucked from the vine, fruits, coffee, and tea, the tables were used for euchre parties, the only interruption in the games being a long drawn sigh and audible whisper by one of the party: “Oh! for Standley, the explorer.” But we all hope that when his explorations are made public, the sighing will cease. About midnight the party dispersed, with blessings on the day and evening entertainments.
The drawback of the day’s pleasure was the runaway of Mr. Skinner’s team in the dark, throwing Mrs. Skinner out, and the wheels passing over her body, though not seriously injuring her. A. B. C.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878
MR. DENTON, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Saline County, is visiting his brother, Frank Denton, in Bolton township.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
C. M. Scott, Editor, Traveler.
The Township board of Bolton Township have located a cemetery in East Bolton on the hill west of the spring side school house, known as the “Hamilton burying ground,” and appointed Wm. Stewart to take charge of the premises.
Also, a cemetery has been located in west Bolton, sec. 10, township 35, Range 3, 5 acres, n. w. corner, and have appointed J. M. Sample to take charge of the same.
Any person wishing a lot must apply to Wm. Stewart of East Bolton, or J. M. Sample of West Bolton. J. M. SAMPLE, Trustee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
And when one sees in so new a country as this the corn cribs of Wm. Kay, with his six thousand bushels of corn and about two hundred hogs, or W. J. Hamilton's eight thousand bushels, and hogs till you can't rest, one is led to inquire where did all this corn come from or are we in the land of Egypt. Nor have they neglected good stone barns and dwelling houses, fine, young orchards and hedges. All point to this as a good “hog and harmony” region, which is the only sure basis of successful farming.
Wm. Kay is now building a large, fine stone dwelling that would be a credit to a country fifty years old.
Many of the citizens are in debt, and good improved farms can be bought at, or about, ten dollars per acre.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
The cards made known that one of our partners was to be married. Charles W. Coombs and Miss Mae A. Hamilton are to be married this evening at the residence of Mrs. E. H. Denton. Mr. Coombs is a gentleman of excellent business qualifications and has no superior in his profession. Miss Hamilton is the granddaughter of the venerable W. J. Hamilton, so well and favorably known in this section. The remainder of THE REPUBLICAN force wish them all possible success in the voyage of life.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. E. H. Denton, in East Bolton Township, Cowley County, Kansas, on Sabbath evening, February 8, 1885, Logan S. Hamilton, Esq., in the forty-first year of his age.
Mr. Hamilton was the youngest son of Mr. W. J. Hamilton, who survives him, and Mrs. Abigail Hamilton, who departed this life October, 1875.
For several years past he has been prominent in railroad circles, having been connected with the construction of the Southern Kansas, Cherokee & Parsons, Narrow Gauge, and other roads.
At the time of his death he was engaged in the employ of the Missouri Pacific. He was an enterprising, energetic businessman, popular with his associates and public, and courteous and kind in all his relations with his fellowman.
In the early part of November last, not feeling real well, he took a brief vacation, and came down to spend a week or two with his father and sisters, Mrs. E. H. Denton and Mrs. Weatherholt, hoping that a few days rest and recreation would be all that was necessary to set him right. But such was not to be the case. He gradually declined until his friends became seriously alarmed, dispatching for his brother, Dr. W. J. Hamilton, a prominent physician of Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, who came about the beginning of the year and remained with him until his death. All that human skill could do was exhausted. His disease baffled all remedial agents; and thus in the midst of his years and usefulness, he passed away.
He leaves a wife and daughter, thus sadly and sorely bereaved, to mourn his loss.
The stroke falls heavily upon his aged father, now rapidly approaching four score years, and his estimable sisters.
We trust that by grace he was prepared for a happy meeting with that sainted mother, whose memory was so precious to him on his death bed, and with other loved ones gone before.
The deepest sympathies of their many friends are extended to all the members of this stricken family.
The funeral took place from the residence of Mrs. E. H. Denton, on Tuesday, February 10, at 12 m., Rev. S. B. Fleming officiating. After a brief service at the house, all that was mortal of L. S. Hamilton was laid to rest by the side of his mother in East Bolton Cemetery.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Logan S. Hamilton’s Death.
DIED. At the residence of his father, W. J. Hamilton, in Bolton Township, Sunday evening, the spirit of Logan S. Hamilton passed to the other shore. Mr. Hamilton, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Abbie, came here some three months ago on a visit in hope of improving his health. But, alas, it was of no avail. It failed until his condition was doubtful. He lingered along until last Sunday evening when the cold, silent hand of death fell upon him. About five weeks since, Dr. Hamilton, a brother, of Salt Lake City, Utah, came and had since attended him. The disease, malarial fever, baffled all skill, and the tired spirit winged its flight to the home of its Redeemer.
Mr. Hamilton was 40 years of age at the time of his demise. He was an energetic businessman, possessing good qualifications for the business circle in which he was connected. For years he has been connected with different railroad enterprises and up to the time of his coming here he was engaged in this capacity at Sedalia, Missouri.
The deceased was at one time superintendent of the Southern Kansas Railway, and in fact, was one of the originators and main spirits that prompted the building of it. He leaves a wife and one daughter with whom the whole community sympathizes. Mrs. Denton and Mrs. Weatherholt are his sisters. He also has a brother in Chicago. His remains were interred in East Bolton Township Cemetery last Monday. Rev. Fleming officiated at the funeral obsequities.
Family history as reported by William Stewart, October, 1996.
William J. Hamilton, born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Died in Arkansas City, Ks, 1887
Wife, Abigail E. Ferrand, born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Died in Arkansas City, Ks. 1875
James Milton Stewart, born November 23, 1829, In Salmonsville, NY
Died April 1, 1858, in Hebron, Ill.
Wife, Mary Hamilton, dtr of W. J. Hamilton, date of birth and death unknown at this time.
William Jesse Stewart, born August 2, 1855, In Hebron, Ill, died 6-27-1904, as a result of falling from windmill on his farm southeast of Arkansas. Brought to Cowley County by his grandfather W. J. Hamilton
Wife Dorcas Isabell Dixon, born April 14, 1860, in St. Joseph, MO., died October 6, 1930, in Ashton, KS. At home of son, Robert.
William Ballard Stewart, born Arkansas City, KS. 8-23-1878
Noah James Stewart, born Arkansas City, KSS, 4-4-1880
Mary Dixon Stewart, born Arkansas City, KS, 1882
Milton Stewart, apparently still born or died immediately after birth, 188?
Jesse Hamilton Stewart, born Arkansas City, Kansas, 8-14-1887
Robert Helmar Stewart, born Arkansas City, KS, 12-7-1894